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03-24-2007, 11:44 PM
This is a series that diffrent parts would fit better in seperate sub- forums but then there would be no way to keep it all together so I'll just park it here.

Pull up a deck chair, grease up with suntan goop, pop a cool one, and enjoy.

The Lake's Heating Up
by Badlybent

The summer was heating up here in Dixie, the land of bass boats, ski, boats, NASCAR and the home of the Braves. I’m a year round live aboard resident at lake Hartwell. A man made lake that’s 100 sq. miles of southern paradise eight-five miles north-east of the Atlanta, up toward the South Carolina line.

The weekend crowd showed up right on schedule. The fish were biting and the tang of burning meat filled the air. I had also noticed that a thirty something babe and her teen-aged daughter had moved into one of the rental houseboats on my dock.

I’d seen them around during the week so it figured they were staying for the summer and a yuppie husband would make the drive up on weekends. When the weekend came though, no guy showed. Well now wasn’t that encouraging?

We howdy-ed passing on the dock and pretty soon I’d managed to “look after” a couple of things on their boat. Things were progressing nicely. I learned that she was divorced and the yuppie who didn’t show-up was "vacationing" in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary for a fiduciary indiscretion. That would mean embezzlement to the rest of us.

Her name was Veronica. She was waiting tables for the summer at Catfish John’s, an upscale tourist joint, to get out of the city heat, and to supplement a tiny divorce settlement. The little that remained after the courts got though skinning her scalawag husband.

Betty, the daughter, was fifteen, blond and as cute as a speckled pup. She was over developed for her age, a full C and well on her way toward Mama's fine DD chest. The imp looked more like Veronica’s younger sister than her daughter and she got more than her share of looks from the male crowd around the marina. The adult male crowd that is.

I’m a computer-commuter, a free-lance writer, so I’m here most days and can set my own hours. That's perfect because my real occupation, my bliss, is fishing. My motto is "I'd rather be fishing," and I can’t imagine ever going back to the suit and tie thing. Life on the lake is where it’s at. Praise be to IBM and Bill Gates. The Bass of the south salute you.

I was sitting on the deck working from my lap-top, catching the breeze before the day heated up, when Betty came over and asked to pet my cat. “Sure," I said, letting my eye wander toward her handsome features as she stroked my old tomcat Buckwheat. Lucky fucking cat.

Betty was decked out in normal lake attire, cut-off jeans we call Daisy Dukes after the old TV show Dukes of Hazard, and a skimpy faded red halter-top that she must have outgrown a couple of years ago for all it covered.

A real life, blond haired, blue eyed, picture of southern femininity. A pretty picture but I didn’t think past that.

I’m not sure who adopted who. Pretty soon I notice that Buckwheat was over at her place pretty much anytime she wasn’t over here which was a lot. She was lonely, bored, and sad about her Dad. He was her Daddy even if he was a polecat skunk.

Her mom worked all day so we chatted a lot. I figured that the cat was just a convenient excuse to hang around. Betty was a talker and there were no other kids her age to talk to. I learned all the about MySpace, I-Pods, the current heart throb, and all the latest teenager stuff. I guess she learned a little about me too.

One day I was getting ready to head out in chase of the wily Big Mouth Bass and she asked if she could go along too. I said we probably should ask her mom first but maybe later. She was disappointed but agreed and tugged good old Buckwheat off to keep her company.

Did I say lucky fucking cat? I thought so.

That evening I flagged Veronica down heading home from work. I invited her aboard and offered her a beer. Then told her the situation and asked permission to take her daughter fishing.

“Thank you kind sir.” she accepted and popped the top on her cold one, then blissfully rubbed the cold wet bottle across the top ofthe ample cleavage showing above her skimpy waitress outfit drinking in the coolness though deeply tanned skin. She flopped into a deck chair with a sigh and shooed away a couple of pesky flys.

“Hard day?” I asked as she took a fair sized gulp.

“Standings hard. I’d forgotten that," she kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes. "I waited tables and supported pecker-head while he finished college. It was hard then--it’s still hard. I was young and in love then so…well, now I’m not and that’s a big difference, and I'm not exactly getting younger." she said.

“Betty wants to become a fisherman Huh?” She changed the subject.

“It's what she says. She’s a good kid. Gets lonely though.”

“Yeah I know. I’m not sure Bass is exactly what she wants to catch though. You know she’s taken with you, don’t you?” She said.

“What?” You mean...like a crush..." I trailed off as the light came on.

I was startled and blushed because I really hadn’t noticed. I'd totally bought into the age difference thing and figured she wouldn’t be interested in an old fart like me. Now that Veronica mentioned it, the signs were obvious. “Well she hangs out over here a lot but hey nothings going on. I mean…well…”

“I know, I know.” she grinned at my discomfort and waved off my concern. “She’s growing up fast, too fast I think but what are you going to do. Parents can’t call time outs like referees. I was boy crazy even younger than her.

She looked out over he lake watching a boat go by hell bent for nowhere and drained her beer.

“She’s on the pill. I insisted on that. No mistakes like I made. Fishing sounds better than druggies, drunks, and losers, whatever mischief she gets in.

"You want to come over for dinner. Pork chops on the grill and Missy’s making potato salad which aught to be interesting since she’s never been known to boil water before. Could have something to do with her expecting me to ask you over. You think?"

I sat stunned watching her ass wiggle down the dock in an all too short waitress outfit. Well lord love a duck. What was that all about?


Next morning:

“Morning Dusty,” she said.

“And same to you Skeeter.”

I’d taken to calling Betty, “Skeeter,” cause she was cute as a bug. When you cross the Mason-Dixon line, nicknames start rolling off your tongue like rain off a metal roof and they’re as common as fried chicken, grits, and biscuits and gravy. Mines Dusty. My last name is Rhodes. Go figure.

“You on a mission or just visiting?” I asked.

She shrugged glancing at the door.

“Go ahead.“ I waved. “Coffee, donuts, and conversation are still free.”

As she went inside and I returned to reading “The Constitution,” the Atlanta daily. Eventually she came back toting a plate of donuts and a mug of coffee with cream and sugar. The breakfast of champions. She slumped in a deck chair with a loud sigh calculated to get me to put the down the paper and pay attention to her.

“Yes Skeeter and what can I do for you on this fine morning now that you‘ve finally dragged you cute butt out of bed to grace us with your presence? Isn't that right Buckwheat?"

She grinned that infectious girly grin that would drive men crazy the rest of her life.

As usual Buckwheat had presented himself front and center to be petted and had hopped on her lap, purring to beat all hell. Buckwheat may be old but he is a tomcat after all. He loves the ladies around the marina and the old fart knows a good thing when he sees it.

I folding the paper. It would keep. There was nothing but the same old bad news anyway.

“Mama said we could go fishing. If you still want to.” She had made her opening move and took a bite of donut and sipped at her coffee waiting for mine.

“Kinda late in the day. You gotta get up early for serious fishing. I’m afraid the early bird got the worm while some sleepy headed girl was in the land of dreams.”

“Well maybe you could just show me what to do. You know, like a test run or something. Besides we could just be out on the water. Can I drive some?”

That was a good move. The game was shaping up. The board was getting interesting.

“Well gee…Maybe…” I paused for effect with raised eyebrows. “Oh you mean now. Right now?” I asked.

“Could we?” She jumped at the opening. “Wow that would be great. I get so bored you know.”

“Yes you’ve said that a time or two.” I said dryly. “OK we’ll go out for a little while. Don’t expect to catch much but yeah we can at least go for a ride. Maybe stop at 'The Landing' for ice cream on the way back.”

I immediately found myself draped in a very excited teen-aged hug. "Yes, yes!" She exclaimed. "Thank you...Thank you so much." Then I got a big wet kiss on the cheek.

When I got unwrapped, not that I was complaining, we threw some beer and soda in the boat along with a bag of chips and the left-over donuts. Lake Hartwell isn’t exactly the wilderness. We could find places to eat if we got hungry.

When we reached open water I turned the helm over to my new fishing buddy and slowly increased the speed as she got used to steering. Pretty soon we were zipping along at a good clip enjoying the sun with the wind in our face feeling the 200 HP kick us in the ass.

Skeeter was having a blast handling the boat and I enjoyed watching her have fun. All right I admit it. I also enjoyed watching her boobs bounce up and down straining that little halter top way beyond design limits. It made a valiant effort to maintain control though and succeeded beyond all odds. Damn, don’t you just hate that.

When she tired of driving around aimlessly, I shut down a ways out so she could try her hand at casting a lure without any obstructions to get hung up on. We stood in the boat using a life ring I’d thrown overboard as a target. The object was to put her lure in the ring.

After awhile she got the hang of it. I stood behind guiding her arm and helping her stand in the rocking boat. Well Okay, I was checking her tits over her shoulder and thoroughly enjoying the way her body leaned back into mine while being serenaded with a chorus of girlish giggles and laughter. I felt a distinct tingle grow in my dingle.

After awhile she could hit the target more times than not. Then a speed boat came roaring out of nowhere. Our boat rocked wildly. She lost her footing and fell back into me knocking me down too. I grabbed her waist to keep her from falling overboard and ended up in a laughing giggling heap with her fecund body pinning me to the deck.

“Thank you Dusty. I think you saved my life,” she gave me a daughterly peck on the lips but she didn’t move.

In my head the instant replay guy was screaming foul. I realized that she just hadn’t lost her balance. She used the wake as leverage to do exactly what she intended. Smooth move I thought. Wonder how long she had that planned.

“Not likely." I said, "you swim like a mermaid Skeeter.”

“Well thank you anyway.” She kissed me again.

This one was less daughterly with a hint of pink tongue. She still made no effort to get up and I didn’t care a bit. Her tit’s pressing on my bare chest felt just fine and the rest of her jostling around by the boats motion worked wonders in my nether region. I was sure she could feel my stiffening cock and she didn’t seem to mind at all. Not at all.

The grey and blue where at war in my skull and those damned Yankee dogs won again. A true gentleman wouldn’t have pressed the attack. But then Ret Butler carried what’s her name off to the bedroom in Gone With The Wind didn’t he?

“Do you let the boys pay with your boobs Skeeter?

“Oh sometimes if I like them," she giggled. "I’m not like Shana Davis though. She's such a slut I don't know why she even bothers with clothes."

The little she devil wiggled her generous boobs against.

“You can play with them if you want to. I’d like that. It feels sooo good." She moved my hand to her firm young breast putting all her cards on the table. There was no doubt now where this scene was headed.

“Uh…I don’t know if this is a good idea Skeeter honey.” But I didn’t take my hand away. I felt her nipple hardening under it’s tiny covering.

“Mmmm…” she purred not unlike Buckwheat and moved to give me better access. “You can take my top off if you want to Dusty. I don’t mind. I want you to see me.”

I peeled back the cloth and brought her tender pink nipple to my eager mouth producing a healthy moan of lust from deep in her throat.

Her, oh so suck-able, perfect tittasted of salt and sun and girl, a heady combination for man or boy on any continent. She pulled my head tighter encouraging me to suckle more ardently. A task I could fully embrace.

My free hand made an exploratory journey and found itself massaging a perfectly flat belly just above her waste band eliciting more moans, groans and giggles of pure delight.

The girl was one hot mink for damned sure. My “little head” screamed to yank her pants off and fuck the very dog shit out of her right hot wet cunt then and there. I remembered she was probably still a virgin though and this time the good guys won. If only temporarily. Long live the grey.

“Do you touch the boys cocks when they play with your titties honey?”

“Uh hu, they all like that,” she took the hint and began to stroke me through my pants then thought better and I felt her soft hand pull my shorts down and re-engage my anxious member.

This young lady had obviously practiced the skill. She knew exactly what to do with no prompting from the peanut gallery. I wondered just how far she would go. Maybe she wasn’t a virgin after all. She wiggled, rubbing her crotch on my exploring fingers, which created a wet spot in her sexy little shorts.

Her eyes widened when I brought my moist fingers to my face and gloried in the smell and taste of her musky perfume. “Yum.” I said. “A little taste of heaven.”

“I’ve never let a boy fuck me Dusty. This is as far as I’ve gone.” she said, answering big question. “I want to but maybe not right now. Okay?”

“Whatever you want sweetheart. I don’t mind at all.” Well that wasn’t exactly the truth. I still wanted to fuck that sweet little pussy but I’m not greedy and I didn’t want to scare her. Sometimes things have to progress at their own pace.

“You’re sweet Dusty. A liar but a sweet one. I know exactly what you want to do silly man. I’m not a little girl and I didn’t say no. Just not yet."

Her long pink tongue flicked out and licked my lips, grinning with blue eyes sparkling like a little demon of light. “There’s something I would like to try though if you’ll let me.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“I’ve never done a BJ. Will you show me how? Please?”

Now that was a new one. A gorgeous young lady begging me to suck my humble cock. Are you shitting me? Where to this delightful creature come from. Atlanta isn’t that big is it?

"Well I don’t know. It would be a real sacrifice. How do I know you wouldn’t bite me?” I teased.

“Dusty....” she wailed punching my arm playfully.

“Alright I guess you could do it if you want to that bad.”

A prize winning smile was my first reward. “Okay, so what do I do first?”

“Skeeter honey you’re already off to a good start. I don’t believe I’ve ever been harder. Why don’t you just lick it like an ice cream cone for a little bit. That feels great.”

She bent to the task and her sexy pink tongue flicked out and swirled around my cock head. “Yummm, what’s the nice clear stuff? Tastes salty. Umm…”

“That’s precum honey. It helps keep the girl lubricated when the man shoves it up her pussy.”

“Tastes good.” She focused her lips on the piss slit and sucked my ooze through the straw getting an answering moan of pleasure from me for her efforts.

I could tell right off she was going to be a world class cock sucker. She was obviously enjoying herself to no end.

“Go ahead. Open your mouth and just take it in and suck on it. Watch your teeth that’s all.”

It was all I could do not to cum just watching my cock slide into her virgin teen-aged mouth. She took it out and grinned quite proud of her little self.

“It feels good. Do you like it when I suck your hard dick?” She plunged it back in and swirled her tongue under the crown while stroking the shaft with a velvet soft hand.

I strained at the bit to keep from ramming my hard-on straight down her throat.

The girl took it out again and licked all over up and down the shaft while stroking my balls with her free hand. “I love your balls, their so big. I’ll bet their brewing up a great big load of cum just for little old Skeeter.”

She appraised my cock again. " Can I see how much I can take in my mouth? Is that alright if I try?”

"Sure honey just lit it slide in. Use your hand to control how much you want. That’s it. Your doing great.”

My shaft disappeared farther and farther into the young girls mouth. One, two, three, four inches before I felt the head hit the back of her mouth. She bobbed her head taking it in several times, concentrating but couldn’t figure out how to get more inside.

She removed it again and asked. “Was I good. Did you like having you’re big cock in my mouth?”

“Everything you do is fantastic honey. You wouldn't believe how good it feels.”

“Does it make you want to cum Dusty? I really want to make you shoot a big load for me." She continued to stroke my saliva lubricated shaft. “I think some girls can take more than that can’t they. I can’t figure out how to get more of you‘re dick inside my mouth?”

“God Skeeter I don’t know if you want to try that. You have to swallow it down in you’re throat. Some women can do it but most won’t even try. It can be pretty uncomfortable getting past your gag reflex.”

She continued to stroke my dick and flicking it with her tongue every once in a while, keeping me on edge. My precum flowed profusely and she lapped it, with great pleasure, like a cat licks cream.

“Swallow it? Down my throat? Of course why I didn’t think of that? Wow.” she paused and considered the possibilities.

“Okay. I’m going to try it.” she took a deep breath and went down on my dick, her small hand stroking and guiding me into her eager mouth. When I hit bottom this time I could feel her guiding me into her throat’s opening.

Her swallowing muscles began to massage my cock-head but then she gagged and had to spit me out. Ropes of spit connected her mouth and my cock.

“It’s Okay Skeeter. Don’t hurt yourself you don’t have to do deep throat to give a great blow job. It’s more of a stunt than anything.”

“No, no, I’ll get it. I was almost there. Can I try again? It doesn’t hurt you does it?”

“Of course not silly girl. It feels fantastic. I can't believe you’re even trying it but go ahead. Don’t hurt yourself and don’t feel bad if you can’t do it right off."

This time she took me all the way to the back with no hesitation. Then she began to really concentrate, taking me just to the gag point then pulling back to try again. Each time she got a little further. Spit flooded out of her mouth further lubing my cock. Remaining focused she ignored the distraction. In and out, in and out. Finally, after considerable effort she crossed some line and gulped in a good three inches all at once. Her lips were suddenly tight against my pubic bone. Her emerald eyes flashed victory.

My eyes bugged out. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. It was my first deep throat experience and given by a fifteen year old girl doing her first blow job. Will wonders never cease. Skeeter held my member deep in her throat for three or four seconds then coughed me out.

“I did it. I did it. I swallowed the whole thing. Yeah! That’ so cool. I’ll bet not even Shana Davis can do that.”

She got a big hug from me for her accomplishment then went back to work with even more enthusiasm, if that were possible. I was so overheated that it didn’t take long until I was about to shoot the juice. Her eager mouth was fixing to milk the cow.

Skeeter…Ah… I… can’t last much longer. I’m gonna cum…gotta pull out…”

The girl gave her head a quick shake and narrowed her eyes daring me to even think about it. It was too late to think about anything by then anyway.

My orgasm hit and I went off like an overloaded transformer. Sparks flew in my brain as the currents flowed to and fro. Spunk erupted, splashing against the girls willing throat. I jerked and spasmed as though I'd been electrocuted. I came until was sure I would pass out.

My little fuck buddy lapped it up and swallowed like she'd sucked cock all her life. A more natural dick sucker had never been born than Betty (Skeeter) Davis.

“Ah woman you’ve kilt me…” I flopped around in the boat dramatically. “I’m a goner for sure. I’ll never have sex again. You blew every cell in my brain. Ah…God!” I hammed it up for the laughing girl.

She blushed, all proud of herself. “Oh stop silly." she punched at me again. "Was it really good?”

“Good? Good? She asks. No, it sucked. Sucked real good, you incredible little wench. Good god girl you’re a natural trip.”

She was so happy I thought she was going to pee herself.

We hugged and kissed and I found her ticklish spots and drove her crazy until we rolled in the boat laughing to tears.

“Hmm,” I said when we finally came to our senses. “What do you say we get back to that fishing lesson. You did want to learn how to catch fish or was I the only fish you had in mind?”

We hit a hot spot and she actually caught supper. She got so excited landing her first fish that I almost jumped overboard netting it. What a day? Skeeter was hooked on not one but two new hobbies and I figured this was going to be one hot summer at the lake.

Continued. It's going to be one fucking hot summer at the lake.


Thanks so much for taking your time to read my story. I hope you enjoyed it and will come back for more. I've gotten two Southern series going at once now which will be a challenge. The other is Southern Comfort. As always comments are appreciated. Don't be bashful. Y'all back come now.

03-25-2007, 12:58 AM
great....thanks :D

03-25-2007, 02:28 AM

And I mean that in the most respectful and complimentary way! :icon267:

Deputy Duffy
03-25-2007, 06:06 AM
I always feel like a dirty old man when I read these kinds of stories....

Thanks for making me feel dirty Badlybent....loved it.


03-25-2007, 03:58 PM
Excellent story Bent....thanks

03-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Being a fisher lady at heart....Heck I like the way you fish.....lol! And there is just something about sex and the swishing of the waves.....

03-26-2007, 04:47 PM

Deputy Duffy, I AM a dirty old man and I loved every second of it. Bent, please, please, please say that you are going to post the rest of this story.

03-28-2007, 04:11 PM
Excellent story,Bent.Love the laid back southern charm. I will be watching for the further adventures of Dusty,Skeeter,and her momma.Thanks!

03-28-2007, 09:02 PM
Yes theres more It's like boiled coffee. You have to let the ground settle before you drink it. I have to let stories sit for a few days before I re-write them or I can't see the mistakes.

06-15-2007, 12:51 AM
One from our Own BadlyBent.....enjoy

06-15-2007, 03:34 PM
Thanks DM I can use the advertising. There is a lot more of this story that is sort of half written. Then I went into a writing slup lately. Someday I'll get back to finish it. I have like 4-5 chapters written but not edited so far. If you like it, check back now and then and eventually you'll get the whole story.

08-14-2007, 03:08 PM
Sorry waiting time is over.. must have more!!!

08-14-2007, 06:01 PM
Thanks Cyn I'll look over what has been written so far. Maybe I can put mor together. I got too ambitious with it and hit a dead end but that is several chapters down the road so maybe if we just proceed one day at a time by the time I reach that point again I can go forward.

I started by editing what was here. God I had no idea I posted it with so many little errors. Sorry.

08-14-2007, 06:12 PM
Oh no no...Bent I wont let this big fish slip off the hook...get to writing dear! <Batting my eyelashes> Please.....with suga on top....lol!

08-15-2007, 11:50 AM
ok you cannot say no to suga on top

08-15-2007, 04:28 PM
This is true Cyn. SL completely leads me around by my thang. Her wish is my every command. I even buy knee pads by the gross. :tongue::lily::tongue:

08-16-2007, 06:06 PM
LOL....first time in days I have laughed...you are a darlin...

Hi Cyn so nice to see you!

08-16-2007, 10:14 PM
I'll dedicate this to Suthern Lady and those of you who asked for more. See it really does help to let authors know what you want otherwise I may never have gotten back to this. Also I figure If I'm going to keep harassing SL to write more of her wonderful tales I can at least dust off and post things I already have written. Thanks SL.

The Lake-Chapter 2
by Badlybent

On the lake, sun-up is the perfect time. The air is still and cool. The night’s pestilence of mosquitoes, moths and other winged monstrosities of the muggy southern night are safely grounded, and the speed boats haven’t hit the water, so the lake is calm and quiet. I get some of my best thinking done along about sunrise.

I leaned back in my favorite chair, bare feet up on the railing, and enjoyed my first strong cup of caffeine thinking about a story I was working on, or trying to. As important as the work was to my financial welfare, my thoughts repeatedly drifted back to yesterdays dramatic activities, replaying the events and potential consequences over and over, and I didn’t mean the fishing either.

Could I be falling in love with a fifteen year old girl for gods’ sake or was it just a handy rationalization for using her nubile body to sate my primitive sexual desire. How the hell would you know the difference anyway? Love or lust? God what a mess. Then there was the mother who “likes me?” What was that all about?

“Hi, I brought your cat back,” a small voice interrupted my circular ruminations.

“You bet." I said. "Damned cat just can’t seem to find his way home anymore. Sucker must be getting senile,” I teased. “Morning to you too Skeeter. I do believe you’re up awful early.”

She smiled shyly. Her body language indicated she was in little girl mode. That’s a teenager for you I reminded myself. Mood changes are the norm. Now what’s up I wondered? Is she getting cold feet about yesterday?

Oh shit…I realized this could be serious. “You eat yet?” I asked stalling for time to sort things out.

She shook her head, studying the floor, suddenly the most fascinating thing in the world.

“Well you know where it is.” I handed her my cup. “Fill me up while you’re at it.”

In a few minutes she was back with the pastry de-jour and coffee for two. Mine was perfect. Skeeter was a quick study at lots of things.

“Yes? Where’s the Chatty-Skeeter I know and love? Did the mother-ship come down and make a swap last night?”

“No…It’s just….about yesterday…well…I…”

“Oh Skeeter I don’t want you to feel bad…Shit…Uh….” I stammered.

“No, no. Wait! You don’t understand. Oh shit, I messed it all up,” she lamented. “I just wondered if you wanted to do…you know…do it…again. Uh, well like I thought that maybe you wouldn’t want to fool around with a stupid teenager. It was like lots of fun, but if you don’t…well…”

“Jesus Skeeter don’t give an old man a heart attack.” I grabbed my chest and panned. “Oh god it’s the big one,”

That got a laugh as delightful as the first birdsong of the sweet sunny morning.

I grabbed the surprised, squealing, girl in my arms. Packed her inside the houseboat and dumped her on my bunk.

“Now it’s my turn silly you goof.”

“Your turn? What…What are you doing?” she squealed. “Dusty! Oh my god! DUSTY!

I yanked her shorts and panties off with one move.

She gasped deeply as my mouth found her inviting little slit. “Oh God, what…?

Then she melted into the sensations: “Oh yes….Ah…Uh, Uh,” she was reduced to steady pants as my tongue attacked her pearl. Her small hands pinned my head to her hot-button. “Oh My God…that feels wonderful…Ahhhhh…Never felt so good…..”

My tongue parted the girl’s outer lips and licked round and round her labia. Then it delved deeper, boring into her opening hole. Skeeter’s body twitched as though she’d been shocked each time I expertly flicked her clit up and down like a light switch. When she was at the edge of her first climax, my tongue rapidly lashed her marvelously sensitive clitoris

She shuddered and twitched and came quickly. At fifteen it wasn’t her first ever orgasm but it was the hardest so far. That was about to change. She was so sensitive I figured she was capable of multiples, and I was bound and determined to teach her what passion, real passion, was about. I didn’t stop, but gently feathered her clit with my tongue and hot breath.

The girl barely paused between the end of her first cum and the beginnings of the next.

“Uh, Uh, Uh,” she huffed like an old-time steam engine getting up to speed. “Ahh…Oh Dusty…Ahh…Stop…it feels too good…NO DON’T. Oh god…Don’t stop…God NO…Don’t stop, don’t stop now…”She babbled. Her breath became ragged and shallow. “Dusty oh Dusty.”

I lapped and licked her labia; tongue probed her open sex hole and sucked her engorged clit, pushing her higher and higher toward the inevitable, knowing that when she came it would be spectacular. Swarms of small orgasms coursed through her highly flushed body. She was the most beautiful creature on earth.

I’m going to pee…no…gonna…Gonna…Ahhh….O..YES…CUM!” She squealed.

Then she gave a banshee wail of perfect pleasure, and came hard. Her spurting pussy flooded my mouth, ran down my naked chest, and soaked the bed sheets. I’ve had my share of pussy but I’d never been with a squirter. Never seen any woman cum so hard. It was like the teen had saved a lifetime worth of orgasms just for this very moment. She didn’t pee but I thought she might pass out.

I drank spurt after spurt of her sweet nectar until the orgasmic storm slowly passed through her body. Then, my job done, I gave up and let her collapse.

We gasped for breath and clutched each other as she came back to reality. My amazing little fuck buddy was overwhelmed. Her lithe young body continued to involuntarily twitch and shiver for several minutes. She babbled as her overheated brain tried to sort out the un-sort-able.

I was overjoyed with her pleasure. I was a man reborn. This lovely blue eyed, little blond, was the new wine, the new Jerusalem, the sparkling joy, of a once tired life.



“Yummy, gourmet food,” I said. You’re going to make somebody a hell of a wife. You fish, you fuck, and now you cook. What more could a guy ask for?”

“Excuse me,” she said primly. “I do not fuck. Not yet anyway. That’s just wishful thinking smarty.” She stuck out an adorable pink tongue and I waggled mine back in return.

We were eating canned tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches outdoors. Skeeter insisted on making lunch and that’s all I had that she knew how to make. I decided she had farther to go in the kitchen than the bedroom. It could have been worse though, nothing was burned, so it was a start. I held up my beer saluting her accomplishment.

We clinked cans. What he hell. What was a drinking a beer with lunch, compared to swallowing the cum she had nursed from my balls. Skeeter definitely liked oral sex. She loved to suck cock and have her pussy eaten. We’d established that much in the last two days. I decided 69 would make a nice lesson for tomorrow. The mental image sent a shiver through me.

“You know,” she started, around a mouth full of toasted cheese. Took a drink, swallowed, and continued. “Mama said it was alright for me to have sex with you?”

“Well no Skeeter honey. I didn’t exactly know that, now that you mention it. When did this happen?”

“Last night. She said she knew what I was up to, and I had to learn sometime. She told me you were safe and wouldn’t hurt me like some ass-holes she knew. I think she meant Daddy but she talked about boys who were into drugs and stuff like that. We had a good talk.”

So Veronica meant what she hinted at when I asked for permission to take her daughter out in my boat. I was surprised that she had come right out with it to Skeeter though. It said a lot about trust and caring in their relationship.

Well at least she wouldn’t be after my ass. We would still have to be cautious, but not paranoid about Veronica.

“You know Mom likes you don’t you?”

“Sure, you’re Moms a jewel. I like her too.”

“No dummy. I mean she really likes you. You know; like I like you silly man.” She glowered then continued, “I swear. Are all you guys are totally clueless?”

“Oh," I said. I was stunned. This was getting complicated, but still, Veronica was a hell of a beauty. Who wouldn’t want a shot at that? Naw…well maybe…Oh shit.

She persisted: “Well, who does she feed--Huh?” Who gets invited over for pork chops and hamburgers? Who does she call to fix things?”

All wound up, she gestured with her sandwich.

“You think she doesn’t notice the looks she gets around here? She could wiggle her ass and fourteen guys would fight over changing a stupid light-bulb. We could change a light-bulb ourselves but who does she call?

"You Dusty. Mom calls you.

"How come she calls you instead of Bob or Jim or one of the other pecker heads around here? She probably doesn’t even know it but she wants to get in your pants that’s how come.

"My Mom’s young and beautiful and she’s horny as a she cat in heat. She needs a steady cock to fuck.”

She paused to swallow again then went on reading me the riot act. “You know, she’s like totally horny cause she's not been laid since Daddy left last year.”

“And you would know this how, little Miss Nosey Know-it-all?” I asked, breaking into her tirade.

“Cause she doesn’t go out with guys. That makes it kinda hard to get laid, don’t you think? And--cause she’s got these toys she doesn’t think I know about, but I hear her using them. The boat is pretty small ya know.”

I sipped my beer feeling my dick tingle at the picture forming in my sun baked, sexually saturated, brain...Lordy, Lordy.

“She wouldn’t need a fucking dildo if you gave her a good fucking, that’s all I'm saying.”

Well I’ll be dipped in shit if this wasn’t turning into a hell of a summer in dear Ole Dixie.


Lake Hartwell is a real lake north of Atlanta which is the capital of Georgia for all you, geographically challenged, no account, Yankees. The characters are fictional although they undoubtedly spring from a highly neurotic desire to once again be young and wild with nothing more serious in life than catching a few fish, drinking a few beers, and banging some hot babes. You know. Perverse stuff like that.

There's more in the tank. I'll try to run more of it out in the next few days. Ya'll cum back now. Ya hear.

08-16-2007, 10:30 PM
Just as good as the first...Thanks Bent

08-17-2007, 02:12 AM
Nice! Very nice. . . . :male:

08-17-2007, 05:21 AM
Ok you ole buzzard...just as I get started here I am hanging again...and I dont mean like a guy.

Get busy...I can be a bossy lil thang if I have a mind to....lol!

Thanks for continuing...can't wait to read the rest.....hint hint. ;)

08-17-2007, 11:09 AM

As great as the first..

You got us started now take it on home..

08-17-2007, 11:29 AM
Thanks guys. We may have to do a group ending. I don't have one yet. I guess I'm in good company. Stephen King reports that he never knows how a story will end until he writes it. The problem is I'm not capable of keeping it going for 500 pages until I come up with something like he does.

08-17-2007, 10:50 PM
another great chapter Bent.Quit your whining and get off your ass and finish it.If SL can get the job done so can you.

08-27-2007, 06:07 PM
Pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pantpantpantpantpantpantpantpantpantpantpantpantpa ntpantflop........................................ ....................

08-27-2007, 06:43 PM
Great. Well written and definitely one of my fantasies. Beer, fishing (a little) and hot women (a lot) (both young and old). Thanks for writing the second part. More please, kind sir.

08-27-2007, 08:46 PM
Well since you asked Watcher. Check back tomorrow.

08-27-2007, 10:48 PM
The Lake is Heating Up-Part 3
By Badlybent

A few days later I was minding my own business working on a review for “Bass Pro Magazine.” Not much money in it but I got to keep the lures they sent to review; the ones Skeeter was learning with, and she was getting good results. For added interest I’d turned it into an article about teaching a teen-aged girl how to fish and was feeling pretty good about the piece.

The door slammed and her preciousness ran in all out of breath.

“Hi sweetie.” I said.

She kissed me on the cheek and I goosed her tight little ass, causing her to blush and giggle. “Dusty…,” she complained, “it’s important. Don’t fool around.”

“Sorry my-lady. I’ll behave.”

“That’ll be the day,” she replied. "There’s something wrong with our toilet. Mom wants you too come look at it.”

“Okay let me finish this and I’ll be right there. You can use mine if you’ve got to go.”

“Naw, I’m fine.” She took off, slamming the door again, like every kid since door’s were invented.

Veronica met me on her porch. “False alarm,” she said. “Missy said it wouldn’t flush but it works fine now. Here...for your trouble.” She handed me a cold beer. “Don’t know what us poor helpless females would do without a manly-man to fix stuff.” she laughed.

“No problem," I said. "I was due for a break. I’m writing an article about teaching a teenage-girl how to fish,” I added dryly, fleetingly wondering if I could sell the X-rated version to Playboy.

“Well sit and gossip for a spell.” She motioned me to the porch swing.

Veronica’s houseboat was more of a cabin on floats. It wasn’t for taking trips; so it had a tiny sitting porch with an antique porch swing.

“I don’t exactly have a life for you to take me away from.” she sighed and dropped in beside me.

“My grandma had a porch swing like this," she began. Grandma was a totally sweet and perfect southern lady and I was her favorite baby girl. I’d lie on her lap and watch the puffy clouds go by and swing back and forth, while grandma, rest her soul, sipped her special iced tea. I later learned that it contained more than a hint of bourbon. I finally understood why she wouldn’t share,” Veronica chuckled.

“Oh and, my God, the stories she would tell. Wonderful stories about the good-old days in the nearly mystical south she grew up in. She knew the bad days of the good-old south of course, but that wasn't for a little girls ears. On grandma’s lap, my young little world was perfect and complete,” she sighed.

Lost in a vision of better days, she absently rubbed the well worn wood. “It’s the reason I rented this particular boat. It feels homey.” She said.

With bare toes Veronica rocked us back and forth. She smelled of honeysuckle and blackberry blossoms and summer rain on red clover fields. The touch of her golden skin felt peaceful and easy...comfortable, yet exciting. She mindlessly stoked my bare thigh and I noticed tears form in her lovely blue eyes.

Without thinking I took her hand and kissed it softly.

“Thank you.” She dabbed at the tears; then considered the black marks on her hand. “Shit now look what I’ve done. I smeared it. I must look awful.”

“Shss…You look fine. Lovely in fact.” I kissed her cheek then turned her face and gently kissed her strawberry lips. She was tentative at first but didn’t pull away.

Then with a sigh of surrender she gave in to her burning need. The kiss hardened, we crushed together, our tongues passionately explored and tasted each other and savored the liked what they found. Unnoticed the swing continued to squeak; it’s rhythm created the musical score for our own universe.

It was deja-vu all over again. I was a kid making out on the pouch swing with the lovely Susan McReynolds after a high school sock hop. Back then I worried about her daddy turning on the porch light and catching us. This time I vaguely wondered what would happen if Skeeter caught us.

Coming up for air she gasped. “Damn Dusty where did that come from?”

“I’m sorry Veronica. I…I didn’t…I didn’t mean to upset you. I just…” I just stammered is what I did because I’d fucked up and I didn’t have a clue what to say.

“Upset? Are you kidding? I’m not upset. That was great." She paused, considering me. "Well…you aren’t upset are you big guy?" she asked.

“Not hardly,” I said. I grinned like a possum and gave her another peck on the lips. “You aren’t pissed or anything?”

“Well gee, it looks like Missy’s little trick worked,” she chuckled, shaking her head, and ignored my silly question.

“What? Where is Skeeter anyway?” I assumed she was inside, probably spying, and trying her best not to giggle her mischievous self to death.

“Oh she skedaddled. She took off with the kayak. I think we’ve been set up pardner. I suspect the, so called, broken bathroom was just a dirty little trick.

It’s my wedding anniversary you see and she knew I had the blues. She made an excuse to get you to come over…and…well I guess it worked.”

With my finger tip I softly traced the outline of those intoxicatingly kissable lips. “Good for her then. You deserve a friend too.”

She paused looking thoughtfully out over the darkening water. “This could get complicated couldn’t it Dusty?”

“It could.”

“Do you care?” she said.

“I do. About both of you.

I thought of Skeeter encouraging me to fuck her Mom. At the time it was merely a titillating thought but now….well hell....

Holy shit, it hit me, these southern belles play for keeps. Veronica decided I should teach her daughter about sex. Then the daughter up and decided I should "give her mother a good fucking."

When these two decided something they went out and made it happen. Why should I be surprised though. Strong, stubborn, women are as southern as bourbon and branch water.

“So what about you?” I asked.

Veronica sighed deeply. Her long, goose-bump-producing, nails slide up my naked thigh. “I don’t know what I think right now Dusty. I really don’t, but do you want to know what I do know my friend?"

I didn’t breath.

Her Carolina Blue eyes sparkled like fire-wrought diamonds. “What I know is I’m so fucking horny I can’t think straight. If you take me to bed and fuck me till I’m bow legged then we’ll figure it out together," pausing briefly. “Well that was straight ahead now wasn’t it,” she continued. "Have I shocked you? What do you say Mr. Rhodes--You want'ta fold or play this hand?"

08-27-2007, 11:35 PM
I love this story. Especially the southern warmth here and there. Dont leave us hanging forever....;)

08-28-2007, 04:54 PM
keep it going Bent,you're on a roll.

08-28-2007, 05:44 PM
Oh baby baby, melt my bubblegum...
More more more; keep it cumming my friend:D

08-28-2007, 08:08 PM
Hopefully he writing more as we speak...hehe!

08-28-2007, 08:16 PM
ahhaha looks like a hit...thanks Bent

08-29-2007, 01:27 PM
He'd better be writing more as we speak:) With any luck I'll get to preview the next chapter when he comes up here next week:D

08-29-2007, 06:22 PM
The Lake is Heating Up Part 4
By Badlybent

Veronica and I had screwed ourselves out and lay tangled in post-coietal bliss making love to each other with our eyes. The the screen door slammed startling us back to reality.


“In here Missy."

“Whoa,” Skeeter said, confronting her naked Mom and me cuddle up like kittens in a shoe box. "Uh…I didn’t know….” she backed away.

“Oh stop it.” Veronica said. “Don’t act shocked like this wasn’t your idea in the first place.”

“Mom!…” she wailed, blushing a rosy shade of red.

Veronica patted the bed. “Sit down Missy. We need to talk.”

Skeeter glanced at me then sat as instructed. “Am I, like, in trouble or something? I just wanted you to be happy Mom.”

“Well let’s see. You did lie to Dusty about the bathroom, now didn't you?”


“But?...But what young lady?”

“But Mom!” Skeeter squirmed.

It was all I could do to smother a laugh. I must have made a noise because Veronica glared at me. Seeing her obviously fake, stern look, I totally lost it and burst out laughing.

Skeeter looked on in total confusion. We were sending such mixed signals she didn’t know what to think or do.

Then Veronica caught the laugh bug and we rolled on the bed our eyes streaming tears.

“Mom! Dusty! ” Skeeter exclaimed, now in genuine distress. “It’s not funny.”

“Oh baby.” Veronica said wiping tears and trying to suppress a fit of the giggles. “We aren’t laughing at you. I don’t even know why we’re laughing but it all just seems so damned funny.

“Alright,” she continued after catching her breath. “I guess your intentions were good.” Turning to me she asked. “Is she in trouble with you Dusty?”

“Who me?” I asked innocently.

“You still deserve spanking little girl. Your still not too old to get your butt blistered you know....but....Oh alright. It looks like you’re off the hook young lady.”

Skeeter didn’t look very happy though. She looked like she had just lost her best hound dog and was about to cry. The impact of our being in bed naked had begun to sink in. “Well I’ll leave you lovebirds alone then…I guess.”

“For someone who is trying to make her Mom happy, you don’t look so happy yourself honey.” I offered.

“Well…Oh nothing. I hope you two are happy together,” she said on the verge of flight.

“Veronica turned to me. “I think somebody could use a kiss don’t you?”

“Come here Skeeter.” I said motioning her to my side of the bed.

A contradiction of misery and beauty, with a tear running down her cheek, the girl slumped to me and was taken completely by surprise.

“Wha…” she gasped as I grabbed her arm and pulled her on top of me; crushing the young beauty in a massive hug; smothering her in wild wet kisses and giving her tight little rump a stinging swat.

“Dusty! Ouch that hurt! Dusty stop!….” she protested.

“You little schemer you. You can’t just pawn me off on you’re mother and get rid of me like a left-over biscuit. Oh no you don’t. Sorry honey but you’re stuck. Like it or not your stuck with this old fart.”

She glanced at Veronica, then tears streaming, she eagerly returned my kisses.

Veronica giggled and slapped her daughter playfully on her upturned butt as well. “You know, I think somebody's overdressed.” she said and began to untie her daughter’s halter-top.

As we had tussled I became separated from the sheet I grabbed as a covering. Skeeter was the only one left maintaining her modesty. That was about to change.

“Mom, what are you doing?” She squealed as the covering was yanked from between our chests leaving her naked tits pressed against my bare skin. “Mom…mom! No…mom you can’t!”

“Oh yes I can young lady.” Veronica laughed, tugging the girls shorts down. “If you’re going to play adult games then you’ve got to play like an adult. No more prick teasing young lady.” When Skeeter's shorts and panties were finally off the wiggling girls feet, she concluded the undressing with another smartly laid swat. “There now, she’s properly undressed for the part don’t you think Dusty?”

We dissolved into more peals of laughter. Veronica kissed her daughter’s blushing cheek then lightly tickled her sides. The girl giggled and squirmed delightfully against my nakedness.

Veronica said. “I love you honey. I guess were just going to have to share this bad boy. There’s no point in having secrets between the three of us. We’ll be more comfortable if we just face it and figure out what works as we go along.

“I’m a mess," she concluded, "so I’m going to take a shower and start supper. Dusty make be tuckered out but why don’t you two stay here and get into whatever you can. I’ll holler when it’s ready.” :female:


More to cum. ;flash;

08-29-2007, 06:36 PM
HOLY FUCK BATMAN!!! Pant pant pant. Moremoremoremoremore...........
A VERY very good chapter. Please tell me you're gonna have the next one up soon. (I might even be willing to preread it for ya next week:D )

08-29-2007, 06:46 PM
The next part is short and should, lords willing and the creek don't rise, be up tommorrow and will be the last until after vacation. Thanks FN.

08-29-2007, 06:53 PM
great chapter Bent.what's this shit about vacation?you can't just up and leave in the middle of this.

08-29-2007, 06:54 PM
Dog it all....good stuff Bent....so another short chapter before you set sail? Fair enough...I'll be looking for sure!

08-29-2007, 07:01 PM
Great work Bent...dont rush on the next.....you deserve a break....:)

08-30-2007, 01:15 PM
Extremely good stories =)

08-30-2007, 08:26 PM
Just For Fun

Skeeter's real name is Betty. I quickly switched to Skeeter because in the South were I grew up they had a thing for nicknames. Her mother is Veronica. Later I realized that I'd inadvertently given them the name of two other characters. Do you know who Veronica and Betty were?

Please just take the poll but don't blurt the answer out in a reply. Give everyone a chance to have some fun.

The Lake is Heating Up Part-5
by Badlybent

Skeeter rolled over facing me in the vacated space.

“I love you Dusty. Thank you for being in our lives.”

“I love you too sweetheart.” I said.

Uh oh. Where did that come from? I didn’t realize it until I said it but as soon as the words were out I knew it was true. Life would never be the same without her.

“I wish you had been my Daddy. You wouldn’t be in jail if you were.”

There it was. I was a father figure and she was a daughter figure that I loved but she was also a lover. Did she love me like a daughter? Did I love her as a lover or as a daughter. Did I know? Did it matter?

“Honey if I were you’re Daddy I don’t think I would be naked in bed with you.” I temporized in confusion.

“I don’t know,” she said, “Maybe I wouldn’t care as long as I knew you really loved me. Maybe I’ll start calling you Daddy.”

“Uh…I don’t think that would be a good idea honey.”

“Teasing,” she said, “got you.”

I wasn’t convinced.

I’m glad you and Mama got together. That’s way cool. Now we can be a family.”

“Pretty weird family huh? I’m not sure what we are. We have some important things to figure out.”

Shaking my limp dick she said. “I figure mom must be pretty good; that‘s what I figured out.”

Doesn’t mean a thing I said waggling my tongue. “Some little smarty pants can still get what’s coming too her.” I suddenly grabbed the girl and pulled her thighs apart. Get those legs spread girl. Now you’re in for it.”

Her giggle became a gasp when my mouth found the target. “Oh God Dusty that feels so good. I love what you do. I love you so much.”

“I love you too sweetie. Now give me you‘re tongue. Stick it out. Our tongues met and I sucked hers into my mouth transferring a nice little present.

“Oooooo…That’s my pussy. It’s what I taste like isn’t it? That’s so cool.”

I laughed and went back to work. Orgasmic tension grew, her breath became increasingly ragged and the girls body glowed with sexual heat. She gasped and moaned as her hips bucked again and again, thrusting her sex into my exploring mouth.

“Oh god Dusty I’m going to cum…. Ah, uh….Ohhhh…”

“You better little girl. You better cum really good.” I pushed her legs back to her head giving me total access and slapped her exposed ass.

“Yesssss,” she hissed. “Oh yes, spank me Dusty. Spank my butt and eat my cunt. Oh god yes make me cummm…Ahhhhhh.”

I sucked her clit hard. My hand slashed again leaving glowing splotches on her butt. She shuddered, squealed and climaxed.

“Harder,” I demanded. “Cum harder Skeeter. Again Skeeter. You can cum again. I slapped her upturned ass again and sucked her clit hard. I’m sure it stung but her passion over-rode the hurt and the added stimulation pulled her trigger. She detonated.

“Ahhh…Oh GOD! Cumming…..Ahhh.

She was young, strong and every sensitive. I knew she wasn't finished yet. “Harder I said HARDER! One more time Skeeter you can do it. One more time. Cum HARD!” I strummed her pussy furiously.

She gasped signaling another orgasm was imminent and I shoved a finger up her tight little rectum.

“AHHH…OH JESUS GOD!” she came unglued. “Eeeeee, Ahh,” she screamed, she bucked like a horse gone wild. She wiggled on my impaling finger like a hooked fish until the colossal climax passed. She collapsed, gasping desperately for breath, in a heap on the bed.

“Well, wasn’t that special.” I said dryly. I held her closely as she dozed off. “I think you’re a keeper young lady.” I gently kissing her angelic face and whispered, “I really do.”


Skeeter's Song

We drowsed and cuddled after Dusty ate me to multiple orgasms and we were finally awakened by the smell of food. Real food. Sex is hungry work, in more ways than one I'd just discovered. With two horny women to satisfy, our poor boy would have to have to keep his strength up.

Despite the heat, Mama had gone all out. Getting laid had put her in a creative mood. We settled at the table for a heart-attack in the making, Southern gastronomic orgy. She’d made fried chicken and gravy, mashed potatoes, fried green tomatoes, stewed okra, and a gallon of sweet iced tea. As we say, enough food to feed an army.

“Damn woman I think we’ve found something else you’re good at.” Dusty teased. “Mighty fine supper, mighty fine.”

Mom beamed at the praise. It had been a long time since anyone had made a fuss over her like that. A long time since she’s had a man to fuss over too.

“There’s seconds,” she said, “Peach Ice Cream for desert. Save room.”

“Lord you’re killing me woman.” Dusty played his part in the ancient hospitality ritual. He took another piece of chicken just like proper manners required. He looked like he could handle too. Did I say sex is hard work?

After dinner settled, Mama insisted we have a family meeting. I liked the family part.

“That was a pretty strange thing we did today and we need to decide where were going from here,” she said. Are we actually going to continue having sex together? I mean are we all comfortable with that? There are risks involved you know.

I nodded yes but asked, “Risks?”

“Yes love, “Dusty answered. “There’s always a risk you’ll get hurt in any relationship. Trust me. It hurts when they blow up and fall apart.”

“Yep,” Mom continued, “and when it goes wrong in a family it’s even worse. You can’t divorce your family. Then of course there’s the legal thing.”

“Oh Mother…I’m not stupid. I know that nobody can find out or we’re in deep shit.”

Dusty sipped his iced tea and continued. “Nobody said you were Skeeter but we all sort of live in each other’s hip-pocket here in the marina. It would be real easy to slip up. Older guy---young girl. People gossip. Seems to be the one of their favorite pass times. I’d say right up there with drink’en, fish’en and screw’en.

“I’ve been thinking about that,” Mom said. “It worries me. We could end up roommates with you’re father, Missy. Wouldn’t that be ducky? He’d just love to get a hold of something like this to make trouble.”

“But Mom, he’s in jail,” I said.

“That's the point.” Mom said.

Dusty sighed. “So I guess the safe thing would be to call this whole thing off before it goes south. Maybe we can just be frien…”

“No!” I cried. “Please...we can’t. I love you Dusty. Please don’t go. Mom tell him. Please Mom.”

Mom looked at Dusty. It wasn’t a comforting look. It was an end of my fucking world look. “Honey…”

“Wait,” I cut her off. “Nobody would mind if you and Dusty were going together, right? So you could, like, hold hands and stuff and they would just figure it out. Then we could be together and it wouldn't seem strange for Dusty to spend the night here. We would just act like a normal family. They’ll see Dusty and me as pals just like we’ve already been and nobody will know the difference.”

“It’s a dangerous game Betty,” Mom said. “Very dangerous.”

I slumped, tearing up.

“Veronica," Dusty said, he cradled my hand in his. “I told this girl I love her and I mean it. Hell, I don’t have it all figured out yet but there it is. You can’t tell me you’re not interested either or we wouldn’t have ended up in bed together. Can we really give up and just be friends after today?”

“I don’t know.” she answered. “ Skeeter, it‘s just…..well I’m not saying no. I need time to think. Okay?”

What could I say. I excused myself and went to my room. I few minutes later I heard Dusty say good-night and the screen door slam. Shit, how could things go wrong so quickly? I curled up and cried myself to sleep.


Continued…Things are definitely heating up on the lake. Did you remember to take the Veronica and Betty poll? Thanks and y’all come back to Georgia for the next episode. The beer’s cold and the fish are biting. Who knows, you might just catch your own fillies like Skeeter and Veronica.

08-30-2007, 09:19 PM
Great fun and a great story....thanks Bent...:)

08-30-2007, 10:00 PM
Ah suga suga....I like the twist....very interesting....and I KNOW the answer to your poll....haha!

08-31-2007, 11:59 AM
No breaks! This is to damn good!

*goes to find DM's whip*

08-31-2007, 12:13 PM

Must have more!

I too also know the answer..

08-31-2007, 02:41 PM
Old man, you gonna give me a coranary...:)

*puts on best pitiful face*
"Please sir, can I have some more."

08-31-2007, 05:13 PM
Well you'll just have to save it until after I see you. Hahaha.

08-31-2007, 05:53 PM
:) See ya wensday. I'll be the one holding up a sign saying "SSP.COM reunion tour meets here". :)

08-31-2007, 07:11 PM
We get in around 7 and I'll need to eat. I don't know whether we'll be at the dock or have to ferry in on the little boats. If you could call after 7 I'll know when to meet ya. I guess we can tell my friend SSP means Social Support Program or something. hahaha.

09-04-2007, 07:56 PM
Social Support my ass! HAHAHAHA.....

03-06-2011, 01:57 AM
great story,,,,,thanks

03-19-2011, 06:37 PM
Excellent story