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View Full Version : Perfect 4some living together-11th Installment

08-17-2007, 11:40 AM
I was 21 years old, right out of 2 years college in Los Angeles and had just
started to settle myself down, looking for a job and place to live......

Well, to start, I checked the rental ads of the local papers, found out
renting an appartment would not be possible at that point, so I decided
to rent a room for the time being and work my way up from there....

making the long story short, I ended up living in a nice house in Simi Valley
owned by a nice middle age couple, Margie, 40 something and Al, in his
30ish, younger than Margie. They both were nice looking, fit, fun lover,
open minded and extremely welcoming people, they made me feel real right
and accepted as a member of the household from the 1st moment we met.
the best landlords ever.

Giving you all a short preview of what happend since then; berifely:

Today, Myself, Al, Margie and Al's niece, Cindy are perfect 4some, living
together, sharing a nice house, having the best possible sex life and even
occasionally entertaining other couples who share our idea of living life to the

:icon067: I'll write the rest asap....... have a great day

08-17-2007, 11:44 AM
Thanks Apple good prolog.

08-17-2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the intro in to the story....look forward to the rest....:)

08-17-2007, 12:01 PM
great start to the story look forward to the rest

08-17-2007, 05:12 PM
Margie: a knock out gal, about 5' 7". at the time about 150 lb. brunett with auborne hilighted hair, nice shapely breasts just right size for any pair of hands and willing mouth to play and suck on her brownish botton size nipples...
roundish beautiful ass and a pair of beautiful legs and shapely thighs ....
her dark green eyes were amazingly telling of her inner desires and thoughts
and from the 1st glance when we met for the first time.... i knew this would
be something different..... I felt that in my heart, my lustful mind and felt it
so much that I could not help not getting excited, an instant tingle inside me
rushing towards my ..... you know where....lol
and on top of all that, her bright and beautiful smile and easy going, playful
attitude.....to the point of carelessness without being intentionally exhibitionist.... a teaser without being teaser.... if you know what I mean...
Al was a lucky guy for having her and now we all are, him, myself and Cindy...for having her in our life.

cont. asap :icon067:

08-17-2007, 05:27 PM
Thanks for the next addition

08-19-2007, 02:47 PM
:icon067:Al: 6 feet tall, about 180 lb, with greek heritage written all over him, dark hair
raised cheeck bones, nice tan, kind and yet commanding eyes, nicely built
with good sense of humor, easy guy to talk to, yet having a tense passion in
expressing himself and getting what he wanted, when he wanted.....
all around a buddy type guy that one could trust him without any second thought.....

And I, from the first eye contact with him, felt something strange, like some
sort of submission to what his eyes were telling me, yet I could not read his
eyes nor could hear the voices inside me as to how translate those feelings. My instincts were failing me.....

The House: A 4 bedroom, well designed house at the edge of a shallow canyon with nice view, kind of secluded from other houses of the cul de sac
which gave it some privacy.

A large master bedroom, furnished with a large california king size bed and other nice pieces of furniture. In a portion of enclosed patio an over the ground hot tub was installed sorounded by tropical plans and colored lightings, a sliding glass door connected the area to the bedroom facing the
bed. All that gave the bedroom a nice, warm, romantic and exotic feel.

There were three abstract paintings on the wall, one showing 2 nude female
bodies tangled to each other, one two male bodies and the 3rd one, showing
3 bodies on the floor in a triangle shape performing oral sex on each other and a 4th female body standing in the middle of triangle.
the art work was extremely exotic.
All together, an environment created for hot, passionate and long love making and purely out of this world sex,

The room next to the bedroom was turned to a gym with a few pieces of
excersize equipments. Another room was Marge's office space the room
acorss the hallway was mine. furnished nicely and a television set.

Since Al worked for audio visual service company, the entire house was
wired for the best possible sound system, security cameras, and close circuit
video monitoring system.

Living room, comfy and cozy, large kitchen and a well stocked wet bar in next
to the stone fire place.
In short; a dream place to live.

:smile::icon067: well sorry if i am boring you.....one promiss tho.
follow me, i'll get to the hot parts asap,

one hint: remember the video monitoring system?
well, i watched my 1st live sex show
in my rented room laying down on my bed.
starring? who else. Al & Marge..... and
later on Al's younger sister......

just bear with me..... cont. asap

08-19-2007, 03:15 PM
Thanks Apple....see ya soon.

08-19-2007, 03:59 PM
thanks for the new stuff

08-19-2007, 05:27 PM
Build up in a story is like foreplay in sex. Your doing good. Thanks.

08-21-2007, 01:03 PM
I think so far I have set the scene for the rest of the story. I introduced you to Margie and Al, their personalities at the first glance and described the house we lived in, in some detali, as a reflection of their life style and

How I got the room? well I responded to an ad in one of those community
or area news papers that you find at the stands near the 7 eleven stores or
liquor stores, kind of far from the actual location of the house.

" Housemate wanted, a nice room, in a nice house, ready for a pleasant, friendly, fun, energetic, employed or student, tenant.
Sharing the house chores in exchange for break in the monthly rent...."

Ideal for me. I am very neat, love to keep my surroundings clean and well decorated, love doing flower arrangements, and I am very good in cooking
dishes with nice, pretty and sexy presentation. and as for the rest of the
requirements..... always been liked by others and been welcomed to gatherings and parties ....

Well, I got the room and things started to move in a right direction....

In my second week of moving in, I was perfectly settled from all aspects..
I felt right at home and obviously Margie and Al were perfectly comfortable
with me...... we were like a nice family.....me being like a son to them.... kind of...

I got a job as customer relations and advertising person in a nice upscale shopping mall.... paid ok and was fun.... with flexible schedule.... some times had to work late at night

I was happy, optimistic, full of positive energy and all around felt good about
everything, Margie and Al loved it and we got closer and closer as days went by.....

Al and Margie worked kind of 9 to 5 jobs and would prefer relax times after
work at home, drinking some nice wine, light cooking, BBQing some times,
listening to music, watching some T.V and easy conversation...

2 or 3 times a week, I had a chance to be home before them, so, I usually
tried to impress them with nice dishes ....steak medalions with baby veggie
trimings, scalop and scampie plates with clam sauce and colorful trimmings....
They loved it and my prize usually was a nice, tight, hug from Margie
and sometimes from Al.... and gratually as we got closer, a group hug.....
three of us....hugging briefly..... but we all could read something more
in our growing homey relationship..... but none of us would go further....
just having a good time and appreciating each other, on the surface of course.
It was more than normal for me, being 21, to want a lot more out of this
relationship...... however, i could not reconcile my feelings, like I was
confused... deep down, I could not imagine Al and Margie as seperate
individuals, for me they were components of one being..
I felt attracted to both of them together.... not separated.....

cont. asap..... follow me.......:jump3:

08-21-2007, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the new installment Apple. Were still with you.

08-21-2007, 03:41 PM
Good story...I'm following....

08-21-2007, 04:32 PM
I was home early toda.
Last night while watchin tv with Al and Margie, chatting and drinking some wine, our conversation from talking about movies, fashion, wine ..... and so
forth turned to relationship.......and sex life....

Al passionately argued that any solid and long lasting relationship, by nature,
can not be all based on 100% honesty. There always will be certain amount
of secrets, untold stories, hidden feelings and desires, unsatisfied fantacies
and so on, sex life of partners in such relationship, naturally carries some or
may be all of these with it..... in other words, less than perfect sex life within so called perfect relationship is more of a norm than exception.
However, relationship based on an honest, open and dynamic sex life has more of a chance to grow to perfection.
And Margie wholeheartedly agreed with him.... while drinking her 4th glass
of wine, being a bit tippsy....slowly got closer to Al, seating on the sofa, and
put her head on his shoulder.... slowly nibbled on his ear lobe, gave him a
nice and light kiss on the lips and cuddled with him.....

I was sitting on the other side, trying to engage in that conversation, but a bit drunk myself.....

Watching Margie in Al's arms cuddling and enjoying themselves tingled me
inside and just imagined them in their bedroom and their private moments....

It was late already, we got up almost simultanousely to call it a night.
Margie came towards me, hugged me, gave a little kiss on my neck and
pressed her body to mine a little, looked into my eyes kind of provocative
way, said good night and headed for the bedroom..... Al, Likewise gave a pad
on the back, and asked: what do you think of our conversation tonight?
I just dedged the question, and said.... tomorrow night I'll make dinner and we will talk more..... he smiled.... good night, have a nice dream man...enjoy your night Brad... and walked down the hall to the bedroom.

I finished my glass of wine, drank what was left in Margies glass... and looked at her red lips mark on the edge of the glass .... and went to my room.....
I was certainly turned on and could not wait to lay down on my bed, close my eyes and take care of my increasingly horny feelings by masturbating
to Margie and Al's image of making love ...... i felt my dick dripping a bit of
precum in anticipation... the feeling was incredible.....

cont. asap be with me

08-21-2007, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the next installment

08-21-2007, 06:48 PM
Thanks apple.

08-21-2007, 10:18 PM
Yes thanks....will be watching for more!

08-22-2007, 07:17 AM
Well somehow I double posted to this...hmmmm.

08-22-2007, 02:17 PM
I could not stop thinking about Margie and Al since last night. I had never
felt like that in my life and never been so turned on by the image of two
people making love with so much passion and intensity.
The image in my mind was not merely watching a couple fucking each other,
rather, it was two people merging to become one soul and spirit.
I could feel the tremendous heat of passion, lust, desires of two naked bodies, showering each other with their drops of sweats, massaging each other with their wet hands, lips and tongues, and with every inch of their
heated skin.....with their eyes closed, like wanting nothing of their surroundings distract them from their deep feelings for each other and concentrating on giving each other pleasure to no end.
I could smell the air in the room, strange aroma, I could not even describe
the scent, but my senses did not fail me and sent a wave of collected heat
to my entire body.
With my eyes closed, my mind took me to their bedroom. I was there with them, breathing the same air, smelling the same scent, feeling the same heat
and sharing the same feelings of extreme love and lust...

My hand were burning, I started to feel my body, massaging my entire body,
spreading the sweat on my skin, reached to my inner thighs, slowly massaging my soft skin there, my swellen balls and my throbbing shaft....

And I masturbated with my entire being .....employing all my senses to the
fullest..... slowly, gently, lovingly.
I did not want to finish at all, so, I kept expanding the images in my mind
to prolong those beautiful moments. And finally, when my body could not resist it any longer, I had the most intense and beautiful orgasm.
I was breathing hard, my chest was pounding, my entire body was shaking
and I felt being in space, feeling light, satisfied and liberated.....
I ran my hands over my body..... spread my erupted orgasm sperm all over
my shaft, my balls, my belly, my chest..... and then I started to lick my
sperm covered hands....... willingly, lovingly, and with so much pleasure... It tasted so incredibly good, out of this world...

I had never done this before, but this tim, like some uncontrolable force
easily led my hands towards my mouth..... I licked my hands, licked again
and then ran my hands all over my face..... making it wet, sticky and ....
I could smell my own sperm...strangly... that turned me on again.......

I ran my hands over my body again, reached to my now half erect shaft
and began to enjoy myself .......

:tongue: cont. asap

08-22-2007, 03:19 PM
Thanks apple...another interesting chapter....:)

Zee Gal
08-22-2007, 03:37 PM
Okay Apple!

You got me Hooked!

Can't wait to read what's happening next!



08-22-2007, 09:07 PM
Thanks Apple for continuing....you are doing just fine.

08-24-2007, 04:21 PM
:icon067: It was early Friday afternoon, I was off for the day and looking
forward to a relax weekend ahead. Margie and Al would normally come home
around 6 pm.
As i'd promised Al, the night before, to fix a nice dinner, I brought home a few
beef medalion, some Oysters with oyster sauce, wild mushrooms, and a few more items. I always loved cooking and considered it a beautiful and exotic art, and during my collage years, worked as an assitant, with a very talented chef and learned alot.
I seasoned the beef medalions and rested them in the Oyster sauce and wine
to marinate, made some spinach salad topped with baby shrimps and mixed
a salad dressing with Oyster sauce, white wine, mustard, olive oil and light
vinegar....everything was ready,,,, opened a bottle of beer and went to my
room to relax a bit .....

Phone rang, there was Margie, :
-Hi Brad, how are you sweety....... Fine, yourself? good baby, good...
listen, would you do me a favor......
-sure Margie, I said.
-I need a phone number that I wrote down in a note pad, it should be on
top of my night stand... will you get it for me please.... she said.
- No problem, hang on, I'll be right back...

And I ran to her bedroom..... the first step into the room, I stopped to look
around, the entire bedroom was filled with a very special, very pretty, and
amazingly exotic aroma..... I inhaled a lungful of the air, closed my eyes for
a second and felt that I was floating in the air...
well, there was the night stand and the note pad.... and I noticed a remote
control and a bottle of exotic body massage oil there too.

I ran into my room, picked up the phone, here it is, I said
-thank you Brad..... I gave her the number and told her about the dinner
I had prepared.

- Ohhhh Brad. we're gonna luvvv it......... you are so sweet..... she said.

I still had the air from Margie's bedroom in my lungs,,,, and wanted more.
Hasitantly and slowly, I walked back their bedroom.
This time, i wanted to feel the room, I wanted to be a part of it.....so I looked around more closely while enjoying the nice, beautiful exotic aroma.

I sat on the edge of the bed and felt the nice feeling of it, then laid down
and closed my eyes, imagining being there with Margie, but, Al was also in
the picture, I could see him there and feel his presence, like him and Margie
were components of one whole being.
I looked at the night stand and the bottle of massage oil.... and then noticed
the remote control......
I looked closely at it, besides the commom bottons, it had some other bottons
labled as rooms, hall way, yard, .......
Something inside my head alarmed me to check it out. I turned the TV on
and pressed one of the rooms bottons...... sure there was picture of living room on screen ........ and pressing another botton...... wow, there was
my room on the screen, showing my entire bed
Ran to my room and turned my tv on.....normal channels.... started flipping
channels..... and there it was number 101 was showing Margie's
bedroom......wow wow.....

I was kind of scared and uncomfortable, first thing in my mind was what I
did last night. Oh My God, they've been watching me masterbating.....
I felt ashamed, yet, the thought of being watched doing it, was a great turn on..... I felt it deep down
But, being only 21, my bad thoughts quickly were taken over by my raging
sexual desires. WOW... what a fucking discovery..... now I can watch
Margie and Al sleeping together.... making love.... fucking each other.....

And then I recalled earlier in the morning when we were all in the kitchen
drinking coffee befor going off to work......
Margie dressed business like, but sexy, smelling pretty and as usual with a
million dollar smile. and Al, dressed casual, which was normal for his work.
I did not see anything in their attitude showing signs of disapproval of me,
as a matter of fact margie gave me a big hug and whispperd in my ear :
" we realy love having you Brad " she said and Al: as usual gave a pad on
the back, and this time went futher and as we were standing and talking, he
slowly rubbed my back..... of course, then I could not translate that to anything.
Now, I convinced myself that even if I've been watched..... they must've
liked it... or did not care.... the best thing is that now I can watch them.

The anticipation of watching a real sex act, a real fuck, just a few steps from my bedroom drove a huge wave of sexual heat in my body, my mind and my soul.... I could not wait for the night to arrive...... my heart was already
pumping more blood to my body and my dick felt hot and stiff.

:icon067: A very HOT, KINKY, night is about to cum our way.
And: why am I writing this story in INCEST section ?

Cont. ASAP :icon067:

08-24-2007, 04:35 PM
Thanks for the addition apple...:)

Zee Gal
08-24-2007, 05:49 PM
Thank you Apple!

Loving what I'm reading and looking forward to the next installment with my fingers doing some walkin!



08-24-2007, 07:13 PM
Thanks for the new addition Apple. Going good.

08-25-2007, 10:44 AM
Hi apple...glad to see you busy writing and sharing!

08-25-2007, 12:18 PM
Thank you Apple!

Loving what I'm reading and looking forward to the next installment with my fingers doing some walkin!


Hi Steph, Zee...!!!

mmmm loving it ...? I would luvd to have my fingers travel with yours
reaching to that destination, where the warm air is filled with steaming erotic moisture, the land is pleasantly wet, a stream of steaming love juice
is running down the valley of desire, .... all and all, inviting my thirsty mouth
to land my dry lips on it's hot spring of lust and drink what is flowing out of
it......wash my face with it ..... and .....and all along just imagining Margie,
right there with us, sharing the moments of joy liberation.....

mmmmm are you with me?

08-25-2007, 07:19 PM

The word "horny" did not seem to be strong enough to describe my feelings
of excitement and anticipation of having an extra ordinary night. Like I was
preparing myself for a journey to an unknown territory.

I walked back to the master bedroom once again, I wanted to feel it again,
wanted to get more intimate with its surroundings.........
what I noticed, which was kind of unusual, I had not seen any wedding pictures of Al and Margie on display any where in the house.
Instead, there were a few pictures of them with another nice looking woman.
The woman looked younger than them and in some of the pictures, she and
Margie were posing in a very close and lovingly way, specially, in one picture
they were looking at each other so erotically that made me wonder .....
and there was a picture of 3 of them in the hot tub...... sitting very closely
with Al between them.....and his head towards the other woman kissing her
on the side of her neck and ear lobe...... and margie's hand stretched towards the woman's breast.....
I just wondered about all this, but, could not think of anything specific and
walked back to the kitchen and started to prepare some stuff for the dinner.
Opened another beer, turned the music on and got busy......

Shortly after, Margie arrived.

Cont. asap

08-25-2007, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the new addition

08-27-2007, 04:24 PM
Margie walked in, looked around a little and noticed my in the kitchen....
I was by the counter and stove, making Oyster sauce and chopping mushrooms. She walked over behnd me,
hugged me from behind lightly, ummmmm smells good ..... umm, yummy.
she said.
I felt the warmth of her body..... and smelled her perfume.... so sweet and
warm. she smiled and said: I bet we're gonna have a delicious time....
and as walking towards her bedroom.....said: Al will be home soon, I better take a quick shower......

Why don't you make us some Martini.... Brad..... I feel kind of frisky today...
she said laughingly and went to her room.

Al arrived shortly after...... Hey Brad.... how you doing man? he said

good good, I said.............. Hey, I can't wait for the dinner you promised...

noticing me mixing Martini...... wow , thats exactly what I nees right now..... then he grabbed a glass of Martini..... and went to the bedroom to

Margie and Al walked out of bedroom together....... she had a sexy pair of
shorts on which were kind of loose on her boddy and would show her soft
and beautiful legs and thighs and a loose top showing some cleavage....
wow.... so beautiful and sexy....... Al wore his shorts and a t-shirt....
both fresh, smelling eroticaly nice and happy....

Margie tasted her Martini and loved it..... while drinking, we listend to jazz music, we chatted, joked and laughed.... enjoying ourselves......

I had already broiled the beef medalions, served them in plates and poured
Oyster sauce on them and placed Oysters in a separate dish along with
spinach and shrimp salad and place the plates on the breakfast conter of the
kitchen..... made 3 more glass of Martini and we started to eat, chat, and
laugh..... standing very closely to each other, able to feel each other's body
heat.......smelling each other's and .......sharing a very nice and erotic time.
We were almost drunk and feeling pretty loose by now.

Deep down, as horny as I was, I could not imagine myself fucking Margie,
instead, I was imagining myself watching them making love,....

The phone rang, Al picked up the phone and by hearing the caller's voice, he
turned towards Margie and wink at her as a big smile poured all ovr his face.

It's Amy baby... he said, and I noticed the same reaction in Margie's face
winking at Al and showing sudden excitement.....

Al walked away with the phone talking........ Margie looked at me and said:
Amy is Al sister....... that's cool, I said.

Margie seemingly, had enjoyed her dinner and 4 glass of Martini took its
effect on her, as well as on me.
She dropped herself on the couch in the living room, laughingly and provocatively, showing me a magnificent view of her tits and legs all the way
to her beautiful upper legs and thighs..... unconciensly opened her legs a bit
and for the first time I could see the dark shadowy area between her legs
and the curvy shape of her ass cheecks showing under the loose dark red
shorts she was wearing.....
A thunder storm of desire hit me so hard that shook me to my core.....
I was speechless, in heat, lust, I wanted to see more, and wanted to feel
what my eyes were witnessing.... wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss
her passionately, and feel her body.......
Her eyes were closed, her face glowing, a beautiful smile spread over her face
and her lips moving without saying anything..... like she was dreaming ....

A little bit later Al walked in, he looked at Margie on the couch...... then looked at me.......
He was drunk too.... slowly sat next to Margie, put his hand on her bare
thigh.... kissed her on the lips and said: Amy is gonna call us back later

Margie looked him in the eyes, kissed him softly on his lips and said: mmmm
looking forward to it.... gonna love it.....

Al looked at me again... with a smile and a little wink, then reached to his
pocket and took out a joint.......
You don't mind this for a night cap? do you?

I said: not at all.... lets have it. he lit up the joint, took a big hit and then
gave it to Margie.... she took a hit and passed it to me.....and again....

for the next half an hour, we just sat there.... listening to music, mostly with our eyes closed,

Al got up the couch, helped Margie to get up and hugged her from behind...
very tightly.... with his hands wraping around her belly.... lightly kissed her
on the back of the neck while playing with her belly botton with his fingers

He looked at me again.... like he wanted to see how excited I was......
Hey Brad.... thanks for the great everything man..... one of my best nights
ever.... lots of fun and .... more to come too.
Margie with her drunk eyes looked at me and said: we love you ....
now.... I like one more sip of that Martini befor going to bed.... she said.

I picked up the hrt glass to hand it to her.... but, she grabbed my hand
and along with the glass brought it to her mouth....and while looking into
my eyes...drank a sip of martini, ran her lips around the rim of the glass,
and then ran her tongue over her glossy lips.....
She was very close to my body, as Al still holding her by her waist.....
She turned her head to Al, behind her.... smiled very warmly and said:
Take me to bed now..... Amy is gonna call......

And off they went to the bedroom. drunk, stoned, ....horny....

I thought to myself, wow...... what a night..... and what a night it is gonna
be..... not over yet...
I rubbed my hand over my now excited dick and went to my room.....

Cont. asap.......be with us

08-27-2007, 04:31 PM
Thanks apple

Zee Gal
08-27-2007, 11:57 PM
Cum On! Apple!

Don't leave us hanging in suspense too long! (Yeah! I know! Look who's talking! I've got a story to finish too...)



08-28-2007, 06:55 PM
Once in my room. I slowly closed the door behind me.
Went towards my bed, throw away the bed spread on the floor, took my t-shirt off, dimed out the lights and crashed on the bed with my eyes closed.

I was drunk, stoned, and extremely horny....reached down to my shorts and
rubbed my now semi erect dick over the material... and felt some wetness.
from the side of my short slid my hand inside my short and held my dick...
it was hot... I felt the blood running through the veins of my dick, making it
harder and hotter...... put a finger over the slit of my dick and felt my
my precum wetting the tip of my dick. spread the wetness over the hot
and sensetive gland and then held the entire shaft in my hand feeling my
swellen dick with all my senses.......
I still could hear the soft jazz music from the living room, playing the kind
of music played for strip tease acts ..... warm and erotic...

And, there was the image of Margie and Al in my head, in each other's arms,
moving their bodies to the rythem of the music, exploring each other's
body with their hands, lips and mouth.

I turned my attention to the TV monitor right in front of my bed...
I wanted to turn it on and watch them... but, what if they would activate
the monitoring camera in my room to watch me?
Then I said to myself: what the hell, lets try it .....
Turned the TV on and flipped it to channel 103..... and there it was....

The light in the room was dim and redish, I could tell a few candles and
the light in the hot tub area were source of the light....

Al and Margie were laying down of the bed facing up like looking at the ceiling.
with their eyes closed;
Al's hand was between Margie's legs massaging the soft skin of her inner
thighs making her moan very softly, I could hear the sound of her breathing.
I had almost the full view of the bed, and could clearly see everything, even
in detail......and could tell that the TV monitor was off, since there was no
silverish reflection of TV screen light. I sighed and while rubbing my heated and almost shaking hands over my chest, belly and between my legs,
zoomed my attention to what was happening in that room.

Margie moved a little, spread her legs a little, providing some more room
for Al's hand to move between her legs and he did...
his hand went inside Margie's loose short, and I could see it's gentle moves
...... Margie moaned and arched her back off the bed responding to Al's
fingers between legs, surely playing with her pussy lips...... and then slowly
moved her body on top of Al's and started to kiss him deep and .....
she moved her head to Al's neck and towards his ears and while nibbling and
kissing him whispering in his ear.... saying something I could not hear...
Al's hands moved to Margie's round ass cheeks.... cupping them and massaging them. Then both hands moved under her shorts and lifted the
loose satinish fabric, exposing the most beautiful, roundish, feeling soft and
yet firm flesh of her ass, spreading the cheeks a little and inserting his fingers
deep between them, going further inside towards her pussy.......

Margie moaned and spread her legs a bit more.... then closed them around
Al's hands, like she was squeezing them right there with the power of her

I was watching all this with disbelief. My mind and all my senses zoomed
right in that room in such a way that I was not watching them on the TV
screen, rather, I was there with them, hearing them, feeling the heat of
their bodies, inhaling the same air and smelling the same scent and aroma
mixed mixed with the oder of their bodies.....I could smell that special scent
of pussy cum..... ummmm ummmm so fucking strong, yet so sweet and

Margie lifted her body, still in her shorts and top, with one of her breasts
out, and sat on Al's chest.... lifted her ass a bit and started to rub
his chest with her upper thighs, reaching her hand behind her to Al's crotch
rubbing him there slowly and whispering something to him....
Then she gently got off him and off the bed..... standing there looking so
excited, extremely turned on, and sweaty......
She smiled at Al, leaned over him, kissed him on the lips and walked away
leaving Al, laying down on the bed ..... I could see him also excited and
turned on....

Then, he got out of the bed, took off his shirt, and then his shorts.....
nice body, and a nice looking, shapely cock hanging half erect...
he held his cock with one hand and with the other hand cupped his balls,
they looked full and excited, ran his hands over them gently...... and erotically for a short while and then reached over to the night stand,
picked up the phone...dialed a number, pressed the speaker botton
and layed down naked on the bed. phone rang a few times and then
the voice from the other side;

Hello Al. Hi Amy, how are you baby?

I am good, not as much as you two tho.
you guys are so fucking lucky,,,,,,

I know baby, we miss you here
a lot, specially, like tonight ....

Ummm, I know, I am already in a mood
so fucking hot and horny....we're gonna have a hot time ....baby right?

Oh yea Amy.... you wanna taste
my fingers?

Ummm, I bet they taste like her pussy.... don't they/

Oh ya baby.... you want me
lick em for you? do you?

Oh ya Al.... ummm ummm so fucking sweet...... where is she?

in the bathroom... doing whatever
you girls do befor fucking.....!!!

I know, she is making her pussy nice and delish for you.... wish I could be
there right now......omg.... I am so wet.......

Al is clearly enjoying himself talking dirty to his sister.....

And I am; WOW.... I cant believe what I am witnessing......
Al, Margie and Amy..... wow...... wow ,,,,,,,
Is there anything hotter than this..... what a fucking relationship.....
Brother, sister and wife... fucking each other openly.....

My heart is pounding hard..... my dick never been so hard, yes, I am drunk
and high,,,, but I am not dreaming, this is not a fantacy..... it is reality

Then, Margie walks in towards the bed....... naked and wet.... holding a
towel ..... what a woman....... beautiful body....so beautiful and hot
round , perky, right size breasts.... beautiful nipples, gorgeous ass
flat belly, shapely legs reaching together where the a patch of triangle
shape dark hair points out to her pussy.......

She stands next to the bed, reaches out to Al's cock and with a beautiful
smile on her face, showing the high level of lustful excitement says:

- Hello Amy. - Hi Marge baby, how are you lover ?

- Ummm good baby...... so hot and horny, wishing you were here to
make me .......

- I know baby, me too, i want you so bad
what are you doing now Margie?

- I am standing here holding your brother's hard cock... so hot and hard...

- Ummmm Margie. you want my mouth kissing your hot pussy... don't you?
and you want to watch Al eating me out don't ya?

- Oh ya Amy..... I want you make love to me, we want you here with
us baby ......

Al just closed his eyes, holding Marge's hand stroking his cock, listening to
his wife and his sister Amy talking.......and his other hand reaching to
her breast, softly and gently squeezing her nipple....

Al told me about your guy, Brad..... I hear Amy saying.

- Oh ya....? I bet you already want him...... Margie says.... erotically

- well, wouldn't you?

And I am stunned. wow wow......wow.....this is just unbelieveable

How far this is gonna go? My head is heavy, my mind going in all
directions, my heart is pounding hard and fast and my hands are
busy between my legs comforting my balls and my hard cock.

Cont. ASAP........ BE WITH ME

08-28-2007, 07:08 PM
Hot Apple Pie for sure. The hit just keeps on cumming. Thanks.

08-28-2007, 08:11 PM
Thanks apple...another good addition

08-29-2007, 04:18 PM
My mind was confused, in state of being shocked and disbelief.

I had never spotted any sign of perversion in Al's personlity, behavior, and
demeanor. A perfectly everyday, normal, married guy. pleasant, positive, unassuming, home buddy type, .......
And, the same for Margie.

Then, how could that be ? such a people having such a secret ?

and, who is Amy? how is she look like? where is she? is she for real?

With all my attention to the screen, caressing my balls with one hand
and rubbing my dick with the other, I watch Al and Margie playing with each
others body, and hearing Amy on the speaker phone, moaning softly, sighing
deeply, making small laughs implying her state of ecstacy and horniness,
and calling Margie's name with such a passion and love.....

- Ohhhhhh Margie, I love you..... i can smell your sweet body
I can feel your soft skin....... I can hear your breaths whispering
in my ears, warming my neck, I can feel your erect nipples pressing
against mine.......... omg omg I want you so badly...... now now

Al raises his body and presses his face on Margie's tommy, licking it a bit
and goes up to her breasts..... kissing one and crassing the other, pinchhing her erect nipple.....

Margie is so hot, I can see the steam and heat radiating off her body.
for a 40 years old woman, she is just magnificent, toned, in shape, and
simply breath taking....

- Uhhhhh Amy, Amy, Amy, I love you, I love making love to you....
I want you too baby........omg omg omg ... Al.... Al .... Al....
I'm so fucking horny.....so fucking horny, so fucking horny,.....

- OHHHHh Margie, you fucking bitch, ... you fucking bitch. bitch, ....

I hear the moaning and heavy breathing filling the room.... now in my head,
I find myself where Amy is.
A naked body on a bed, hands crassing the body filled with lustful tension,
pearls of sweats rolling on the hot and burning skin, boiling and evaporating
a cloud of steam all around the body, like a halo.
Her hands moving down the body , touching a patch of glistering hair on top
a most beautiful pair of pussy lips, swellen and wet....
her fingers run along the lips and between them, softly opening them and
putting the entire length of her middle finger onto the wet slit, moving
her hand up and down, massaging the slit and the top of her pussy, where
her swellen clit is, and then inserting, one, two, three fingers into her pussy.

The sight is amazingly erotic, I step forward to see her face......Amy's face.
OMG beautiful...... beautiful, she opens her eyes, looks into my eyes and
smiles , a little soft moan pours out of her mouth, then I see her hand slowly
glides out of her pussy, running her wet fingers on her clit, her belly, up to
her breasts, to her neck and chin and then onto her lips......spreading the
glistering wet pussy cum over her lips...... then licking her lips with her
tongue, and licking her fingers.... while her other hand still playing with her

I shake my head, snap out of my visual dream and find myself back in the real world.
Margie still standing, one leg on the bed, her head thrown back, her
hands tensely grabbing Al's shoulders as his head buried between her legs
eating her pussy with such hunger and intensity....... and his hands
having a tight grip on her ass, forcing her to push her middle body more and
more to his face......I hear them moaning, groaning, breathing heavily....and
all of a sudden, moans turns to screams....

- OMG .... OMG ... OMG.... I am fucking cuming cummmming...

and I hear Amy's voice ..... OMG OMG..... cum baby .... cum baby.

Margie starts shaking,,, a tense convulsion captures her body.....
grabs Al's hair and pulls his head away from her pussy.

- ....Omg...I came .... I came so hard baby..... I love you ... I love

then I hear Amy screaming...... and then starts laughing hysterically.
Marge and Al laugh with her........Al's face is shining with glistering pussy
cum..... licking his lips, looking into Marge's eyes.... drops his body on
the bed..... holding his cock, caressing his balls

Amy's voice is weak and implies that she just had an intense orgasm ...

- OMG Margie..... I loved it baby.... now lick his face.... like you
lick him when he eats me out...... come on baby..... go on ....

And I see Margie droping her body over Al's ..... kissing him on his
moist lips and starts licking his face..... her tongue going all over
his face, eating her own pussy cum off his face.... moaning and loving it.


Zee Gal
08-29-2007, 04:45 PM

You got me going!

Can't wait till I read the part where you get to join them!




08-31-2007, 05:03 PM

I had never witnessed something like this, even in my wildest dreams.
I am so consumed by uncontrolable tension inside me.....my muscles
are jumping under my skin, shaking my entire body.....
and my dick is so hard, I can feel the blood flowing fast through it's
veins, generating burning heat....
however, my mind still under control of the weed I smoked and all those
Martini glasses I drank earlier, prevents my body to reach to the point of
explosion. I feel my balls, the sack is hard and hot, full of my young
sperms waiting for the right moment to shoot out of my hard, burning dick.

I zoom my eyes and mind back on the monitor screen and inside the room.
Margie's face is filled with joy, a smile clearly showing her highest level of
satisfaction, like she is floating in the air, defying the power of gravity,

and the same goes for Al...... however, he has not had orgasm yet.

Margie looks into Al's eyes and whispers...... I love you..... I love you...
as she cups his balls with her hand and slowly moves her body down his,
kissing and licking his wet skin, from his lips, chin, neck, down to his
belly and then grabs his cock and extends her tongue to lick the head..

and there she goes....... licking, sucking, kissing. making love to his cock
with all her senses......

I hear Amy's voice in the background, mumbling, moaning, crying, and
laughing all at the same time, like she is right there in the room.

All of a sudden, Al bucked his back up, grabed Margies hair with his hands
and pulled her head, closed his eyes and his entire body convulted, and
along with a pleasure filled noise coming out of his throat... ...he shot
out his load of sperm.......up on Margie's face, .......

OMG OMG...... Amy screamed ...... Margie screamed......ummmm love it
love it .... love it.....

And I screamed.......

My body and soul could not take it any longer. I shot my cum high in the
air, drops of hot cum landed on my skin and splashed, burning and steaming...
I just kept coming and coming, like I was in state of permanant orgasm...
and I fainted......I felt so light, so free, so joyful, so in heaven......

My sticky hands and arms, drops on the side of my body, my shaking body
started to relax, my breathings lifted the pressure off my lungs, my eyes
closed under heavy weight of my eyelids........

Was I dreaming? my mind turned back to the early evening, in a fast
forward motion, I revisited all that had happend.
Unbelieveable, out of this world, unreal, unimaginable, un.... un .... un...

I was sobering up and facing the reality. What am I suppose to do now?
how am I suppose to face them tomorrow? how can I look them in the eyes
pretending nothing had happend? I got worried, thinking to myself:
now, I have a secret too, my secret is knowing their secret.... and I laughed.

Looking at the monitor, all that hot action in the room was quieted down.
Two naked bodies, wet, glowing in flickering lights of candles, consumed with pleasure, showered with each other's love, desire, forbidden lust....
Magie's fingers spreading the white fluid over her lips, and licking her lips...
extending her hand towards Al's mouth and having him to lick her sticky
fingers....... all very quietly, gently, lovingly,.......
Amy's voice still moaning is the only sound ....... then, that too, stops,
like she did not have any more energy to even say good night, just a click
of phone being hung up.

I feel hungry now, my stomach growls, I get off the bed, go to the bathroom
and step into shower.... luke warm water feels good on my body...
I have full bladder, so, without touching my penis, I pee as the water runs
over my body..... the feeling is incredible..... relaxing, refreshing, clean,
energizing, revitalizing.
I wash myself, take the soap between my legs to wash my now semi erect
penis, and I think to myself: two nights in a row, masturbating... wow
wow, how would it feel if I actually make love to Margie and Amy, yet,
in the back of my mind, I still see Al's presence.

I got out of shower, dry myself a bit, put on my shorts and head for the
kitchen. I am so hungry.....

The dinner plates with some left over food are still on the counter top...
I get myself a soda and go for the food.... the first two bites make me
even more sober, and a big sip of sods takes my thirst away.
the music is still on, playing soft jazz.
Then, I hear a noise down the hall way, and .......Margie and Al, in their robes, walking towards the kitchen.....holding each others hands.

- Hey Brad, you must be hungry too....... Al says laughingly

Margie's satin robbe is short, showing her legs, thighs, and exposing her
beautiful cleavage.....her eyes sleepy, her blushing face glowing....
she looks relax, and yet I sense some uneasiness in her.
They both walk towards me..... I could smell her bodies... a strange
aroma of sweet perfume, sweat, and muskyness... all mixed together.

- Hey Brad, you look fresh..... did you shower? she says.

I couldn't even speak....couldn't have any eye contact with them.
My eyes fixed into the plate, i said "yes' and continued eating.....
Half an hour ago, I was watching them making love and now.....

They both reached for the left over food and started eating.

- Hey Brad, whatever you put in that food,,,,,, it was great....
never enjoyed any food as much ..... Al said laughingly.

- Oh ya..... may be Oyster sauce did the magic..... Margie said

We ate all the left over food. Gradually I snapped out of my worried
thoughts, regained my confidence to look into their eyes......

Margie sat on the couch relaxing, Al looked at me and said: how did you
like that smoke? It did the trick didn't it?

I agreed with him... how about one more? he asked
I said: well, if you want to..... he lit up another one, took a big hit,
handed me the joint and walked towards his bedroom without saying
anything more....... leaving me and Margie alone.

Cont. asap.....

08-31-2007, 07:01 PM
Thanks apple for the new installment

09-03-2007, 03:11 PM


As Al walked towards the master bedroom, he turned his head very briefly
to Margie and sent her a lillte kiss in the air......

Margie still sitting on the couch, relax with a nice smile on her lovely face.
She sent a kiss back for Al, and ran her fingers through her hair in a very
suggestive way, like she was not in any hurry to join him.....

I was standing there quietly, not knowing what to think, what ot say or
what to do.
- how about a shot of Irish creme..? Margie said

- realy? now? I asked

- yea, why not? I feel like having one now...... she said

I poured a shot of Irish creme and went to her side to hand it to her.
She pulled herself a bit off the couch and grabbed the shot, exposing her
beautiful breasts ......and when she sat again, her short robe moved on her
silky skin, exposing a beautiful view of her upper thighs and between them.

A surge of heat ran all over me. I was being teased, stimulated, turned on.

- don't you want to go to bed? I asked

- Oh no, no.... I am so wound up Brad she said. actually, I think
I need to shower......

She drank a sip of Irish creme and got off the couch and walked down the
hall way and entered my room.

She was obviously drunk and stoned. I walked behind her to the room, but
before being able to say anything, found her naked, her robe on the floor,
going to the bathroom......

I sat on the edge of my bed thinking. what if Al finds out?, what is she
up to? should I go and get Al ? ......

then I heard the running water of shower.......hearing her singing something
with a mumbling sound.......

I entered into the bathroom; hey, Margie, are you ok? are you ok?

- oh yes, yes.......she says

- I'm gonna get Al .... I said

- oh no no leave him alone.... it's alright baby it's alright... she says

and then she walks off the shower.......OMG OMG... what a body..!
she looks so beautiful, so hot.....

I lose control of myself and grab her by her waist and pull her towards me
and put my lips on hers and kiss her deeply and she responds alike....
our tongues licking each other deep inside of our mouth....
I move my hands to her butt cheeks and grab them, squeez them and
push then onto my body.... my dick is as hard as it has ever been.....

She pushes me back and seperates her wet body from mine, looking
into my eyes, grabs my both hands and put them on her beautiful breasts.
I cup her boobs firmly, squeez her erect nipples between my finger as
my hard cock pushing its way out of leg side of my shorts,,,,,

She goes for my cock and pull it out furthermore, hold its entire lenght
firmly and goes for my lips for another deep kiss.....
We are both trembling, shaking, breathing heavy, and completely out of
our mind.
We pull each other bodies out of the bathroom to the bed... and both
drop on the bed, she on top of me..... rolling and I on top of her and.....

Less than an hour ago, I was watching Margie making love tenderly to her
husband in the other room, and now she is in my arms...... I am about to
fuck the woman who I masturbated to ..... who is almost twice as old as
I am and yet the best thing that happend to me in my entire life....

She is hot, horny, and want to be fucked hard and long..... and I am gonna
fuck her hard and long.......

All of a sudden she jumps off the bed, reaches for the half full shot glass
of Irish creme.... laughingly and happily...... pushes me back on the bed,
pours the Irish creme on my chest, belly, and my cock...... and begins to lick
my body..... then reaches to my hard cock and takes it all in her mouth..
while holding the base between her squeezing fingers.... and I am bucking
and arching my back forcing my hard cock deeper in her mouth

She moves her body on top of me and place her pussy right on my lips and press it hard into my hungry mouth. I am about to feel sophicated.... then
she loosen up a little and let me eat her out.
It is incredibly moist, wet, dripping and amazingly deliscious.....
I spread her ass cheeks and lick the sking between her pussy and asshole
and that drives her even more wild, sucking and eating my cock even harder.

It is the time for real fuck now..... I push her off me, get on my back and
she straddles me... sitting on my standing cock. the head of my cock
touches her pussy lips, goes up and down on her pussy slit and then with one
sudden surge I enter her all the way to my balls and she screams hard and
loud........and we fuck, fuck fuck fuck......

She drops her body on me, holds my face between her hands, blows onto my
face cooling off my heated sweaty face, I feel drips of her sweat on my face
and then her lips on mine.......kissing passionately and deep.....
My cock is deep inside her tight pussy, feeling her vaginal muscles gripping
and releasing. I feel her entire being, like our bodies and souls are being
merged. I want to melt inside her, but not until I touch the very far end of
heaven. I want this journy to go on and on and on.......

My hands spreading her butt cheeks, my two fingers exploring her butt hole
giving her endless pleasure ..... we are at the pick of our ecstacy......

And then I hear her wishpering .......

- ummm ummm are you enjoying watching us fucking Al?
- don't you love this baby? you wanna get closer and touch us?
- come on baby, come on baby...... come closer.... touch me. mmmm

My eyes are closed, but I feel presence of a soul here in the room....
I sense a shadow getting closer to us and then I feel Margies body

And I hear Al's soft voice: Oh baby I love it..... I love to watch
you enjoying yourself........ so fucking hot.... so fucking unreal.....

OMG ... OMG .... I try to move and free myself from Margies grip.

- that's ok Brad, that's Ok Brad.... just enjoy it baby.... we love you

Margie's voice is soothing and somehow puts me at ease a little......

With my eyes closed, afriad of openning them, I hear Al's voice.

- Oh Brad, thats ok buddy..... lets give her pleasure.... lets give her
great time......

I am just stunned. cant believe what is happening, .....

Then I feel Al's hands massaging Margie's back, my cock still inside her
and my hands spreading her ass cheeks....
Al's hands slowly move mine from her ass and I feel his face there instead
licking her butt hole and the skin between there and her pussy, where my
cock still going in and out......

Margie pressing her face on mine, kissing me deep and whispering:

- mmmm don't you love this Brad? tell me you love it ... tell me Brad

and I moan; yes yes yes I love it.... I love it.....

- You love fucking me? yes yes yes Margie......

Then Margie gets off me and drops her back on the bed .... I get up too
and see Al's hard on...... he is realy realy excited, smiling, laughing hysterically, ...
He holds his hard cock and pulls Margie closer to the edge of the bed and
shoves his hard cock into her.......
She moans, screams, and reacts with her entire body,,,,,,

Al looks at me and says: now fuck her in the mouth Brad.... she wants
it..... I know..... come on Brad..... lets give her the best pleasure.....

Margie screams and crys.......I put my cock on her face and she begins
to suck me......

Al was fucking his wife with no mercy on her, and she loved every moment
of it.....and then he screamed and exploded inside her....
she quickly turned around and opend her legs for my hard cock just out of
her mouth, grabbed my cock and pulled me inside her just creamed pussy.
Al's cock was in her face, spent, but still semi hard. She licked his cock
as I was pumping her pussy until I added my cum to her already cum filled
pussy.... and our simultanouse scream of orgasm made Al to cum again
on her face.....

Three bodies, spent, wet, sore, tired ..... three souls, satisfied, happy
but unsure of the consequences of what just had happend. closely
hugging each other .....rubbing each other's wet skins......trying to
assure each other that everything was going to be ok.....

Cont. ASAP

09-03-2007, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the addition apple

09-04-2007, 05:03 PM
Adding pics always helps....thanks for the addition....keep up the good work!

09-06-2007, 09:44 AM
Hi Steph.

mmmm and I love to keep ya going....
part 10 & 11 are already posted..... and yes; we finally got together...
only a prelude to what is cumming up.....

luv to read your feedback & suggestions.....

lol....seems to me you're the only one following my story .... thanks for that.

Hugggggs & kissessssss; Apple

10-24-2007, 03:43 AM
HOLY SHIT APPLE!!! :wow:wowSmoking fucking hott story.

Sitting here holding my....breath and my dick ;jerk;;jerk;waiting to see what happens next.

Keep up the great work man.:clap:clap

ot defore
04-04-2009, 03:02 PM
A really good story can hardly wait for #12.

04-09-2009, 02:31 PM

10-23-2009, 01:48 AM
thanks for the great story, now i have to find the reat of it