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View Full Version : Collection of peoms

10-02-2007, 06:53 PM
The first one is dedicated and titled after a former lover. I wont paste the title because of that but here is the peom any way.

Grain of sand fallen from hour’s hand
Settles softly on bosom the lady land
Given form from petals fair
Sun tanned silk be given hair
The pages script be given mind
The sculptors hand the form behind
The breast filled with unmade milk
The womb given finest ilk
Thy soul and heart made from angels wing
Thy lust unbound untamed thing
For one to take from fairest lake
And clay so red from the earths bed
To fill thy body loves passion
Waiting to be filled by eternal bastion.

the second peom is -The edgeless shore
Long have I waited on edgeless shore
For a name to claim, evermore,
To take with heart and soul along times lonely road
To spend my nights both warm and cold,
I scrawl your name into the sand
Dreaming ever of forgotten lands,
Tear stained eyes searching for distant coast
Of the one I love the most.

any way those are both orriginal peoms that i wrote a while ago and fealt like posting, i got a fw others but im nto sure whether i want to post them or not.

10-02-2007, 09:35 PM
Well thank you for those...very nice.

10-02-2007, 09:39 PM
Thanks for sharing those :)

10-02-2007, 09:44 PM
no problem.

10-02-2007, 11:57 PM
A fine addition with your work Serrith.

Very nice!