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10-05-2007, 06:03 AM
Little Mel

I was 28 or so when I met Melanie while visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered, car used in local parades. Though it was a modern piece, the car resembled an antique from the late 19th century. I had made some repairs to the car, and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner.

I saw a small boy and what I thought was his teenaged sister watching me from their yard. Their hair got my attention. They both had the same bright red hair. Every time I passed their home, the boy would jump up and down with excitement.

I stopped in front of them, introduced myself, and offered them a ride. The little boy didn’t wait for his sister to give her OK. His eyes lit up, and he instantly began trying to climb aboard.

Though it was not very fast, driving this little car took both hands; one to steer with the tiller and the other to operate the spring returned throttle. So, I looked at the excited kid’s sister and said, “You come too. You’ll need to hold Jr. here down so he doesn’t fall out.”

With a bright smile, she put the boy in the seat between us and climbed aboard. Melanie introduced herself, her son, Bobby, and thanked me for the ride. Though she looked to be about 14, as it turned out, Melanie was a 22-year-old mother. Her son, Bobby, was quite young.

When they were safely seated, off we went. We drove around the neighborhood for twenty or thirty minutes. Bobby never stopped talking. As most young children do, he asked a million questions. Most of his questions were good ones. All of which, I answered as best I could to the satisfaction of a young boy. Melanie didn’t say much. She just sat there with a wide smile, staring at me, and intently listening to my every word.

If not for the fact that I was driving, I may have returned the favor and not taken my eyes off of Melanie. Even though she looked like a young girl, there was just something about her that piqued my interest.

Melanie was a petite young thing. At 22-years-old, she stood only 4’11” tall and weighed about 85 to 90 pounds. Little Mel, as I later came to call her, was as cute as they come. Her rounded, lightly freckled, face was surrounded by an abundance of well kept bright red hair. Bobby had the same hair. They also shared light green eyes. Her eyes were set over a button of a nose and full lips.

As the ride came to an end, I handed Melanie my card and asked, “May I call you some time?

Her smile quickly turned to a frown. She lowered her head, and, with a hint of sadness, said, “He’s not around much, but I’m married.”

“That’s too bad.” I replied. “If you need anything, or change your mind, give me a call. The number’s on the card.” When I offered her my hand, she reached out and gently squeezed it. Melanie then turned and led Bobby into their house.

Bobby was a polite kid. Before going into his house, he turned at his door, waved, and yelled, “Thank you.”

Several weeks passed, and I had let the memory of Melanie and her boy fade from my mind. Then, late one afternoon, out of the blue, the phone rang. It was Melanie, and she sounded upset.

With a voice just above a whisper, she asked, “Can Bobby and I meet you somewhere to talk?”

Remembering the cute girl and her little boy whom I had given a ride, I quickly agreed to meet with them. “Where would you like to meet?”

“Some place private and quite, please.” With a bit of hesitation, she asked, “Can we, maybe, come to your place? Please.” She softly asked.

“Well, sure, I suppose that’ll be OK. Is something wrong?” I asked.

“We just need to get out of here for a while. How do I get to your house?”

I gave her the directions to my home, and told her, “It should only take you about 20 minutes to get here.”

She said, “OK” and hung up.

About 30 minutes later, Melanie and Bobby pulled into my drive. I went out to meet them, and as I approached, Melanie had her back to me. She was helping Bobby out of his car seat in the back of her car.

With a broad grin, I cheerfully said, “Hi guys. How ya doing?”

As she let Bobby climb out of the car, Melanie stood, turned, and said, “Not too well.”

I was shocked! Her cute face looked terrible. She had a blackened left eye, her right cheek was bruised, her lower lip was badly swollen, and her eyes were red from crying.

“What the hell happened to you? Are you alright?”

She began crying and said, “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be here. I hardly know you, but I had no one else I could call. My family is back east, and the few friends I have here can’t help.”

I put my arm around her shoulders, and told her, “Come inside, tell me what happened, and I’ll do what I can to help.” I then guided her into my living room, sat her on the couch, and brought her a cup of tea and Bobby a glass of milk. I then got her an icepack for her bruised face.

As she sipped the tea, with tears flowing down her cheeks, Melanie went into a story of abuse at the hands of her husband, Rob. Bobby sat quietly beside his mother sipping the milk.

Melanie told me, “Rob drinks too much. He used to just cuss at me, but he’d do that sober. Lately, when he’d come home drunk, he’d hit me. Until today, he just slapped my face. Then, after slapping me around, he expected me to make love to him that night. Today, when he came home, drunk as usual, he started hitting me with his fist. Bobby started crying and yelled at Rob to stop hitting me. Rob then slapped Bobby and knocked him down. That’s when I knew we had to get out. You’re the only one I know around here that Rob doesn’t know. I hid your card the day you gave it to me, and he has no idea who or where you are.”

“Damn, girl! No one should take that kind of crap. You and Bobby can stay here for a while, if you like. I have an extra room you can use. Or, I can help you get a room someplace. I have a friend who owns a motel. It’s not in the best part of town, but it’s cheap, and it’ll be safer than your place. But first, have you two had dinner?”

“No. We left as soon as Rob fell asleep.” She replied.

“Then you two relax and let me fix you something.” About 20 minutes later, I served them cheeseburgers and fries.

Shortly after dinner, I turned on some TV cartoons for Bobby while Melanie and I talked about her short and long-term options. She said she knew she could never go back to Rob.

Bobby was soon fast asleep on my living room floor.

“It looks like Bobby has decided to stay here. How about you?” I asked.

“I’d like to stay here a little while, if you don’t mind.” She said.

“You can stay s long as you need to.” I then gathered sheets, blankets, and pillows to make them a place to sleep in my spare bedroom. There was no bed in the room, but with several blankets and a carpeted floor under them, Bobby and Melanie soon had a fairly comfortable ‘bed’ to sleep on.

Melanie carried Bobby to their room while I moved her car to the back yard. That way, it could not be seen from the street. Melanie didn’t want Rob, or any of his friends, spotting it. After moving her car, I brought their small suitcases with me when I went inside.

Melanie and I then sat on opposite ends of the couch, sipped tea, and talked for several hours. Her tears had dried, and she was beginning to relax. However, the stress of her day had taken its toll. She was exhausted. She apologized when she started yawning. She agreed when I suggested she take a hot shower and go to bed. We could continue our talk in the morning.

As I cleaned the kitchen, Melanie disappeared into the bathroom. A short time later, she went to her room.

When Melanie left the bathroom, I took a quick shower and went to bed as well. I didn’t sleep easily. In my mind’s eye, I kept seeing the cute girl, and her son, I had given a ride to. Then that picture would be quickly replaced by one of the bruised little gal that had shown up in my drive a few hours ago.

I heard Melanie get up several times that night. I guess she couldn’t sleep very well either. The stress she was under apparently wouldn’t let her relax.
The next day, Mel went to the police and filed a domestic violence complaint against Rob. Then she went to the courthouse and had a temporary restraining order placed on him. When she returned from court late that afternoon, she found I had made room for her car next to mine in the garage.

I ordered a pizza and popped a cartoon movie into the VCR for Bobby. Melanie and I shared part of a bottle of wine and chatted as we ate the pizza.

Bobby must have been starving. He ate nearly half the pizza by himself. He sure was cute with his face covered in pizza sauce. The sauce made his face a match for his red hair. Bobby giggled when I teased him about his wearing more pizza than he had eaten.

After Melanie gave him a bath, Bobby settled in to finish watching his movie. Like the previous night, he dozed off on the living room floor. Mel carried him to bed.

After talking for an hour, or so, Mel and I were getting tired as well. She took her shower and joined Bobby. Then I took a shower and went to bed.
Just as I was about to doze off, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. It slowly opened. I looked up to see Melanie standing in the doorway. She was using a long, white, T-shirt as a nightgown. It came down several inches past her hips, so she was well covered. Lucky for me, the hallway light behind her was silhouetting her oh so petite body through her nightshirt.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“I’ve tried, but I can’t go to sleep. Would you mind holding me for just a little while?

How could I refuse such a pitiful, but enticing, young girl? Without saying a word, I flipped my bed sheet back and held out my arms to her.

Melanie softly walked across my room and climbed into bed between my arms. Facing me, she cuddled up close, and I firmly, but gently, pulled her to my chest. She put her head on my shoulder and snuggled into my neck. Her left arm was draped over my chest and her right arm folded between us.
I placed my left arm under her head and neck and held her close. With my right hand, I caressed the back of her head.

“Thank you so much. I don’t know what we’d have done if you hadn’t helped.” She then kissed my neck.

“Shhhhhh. It’s OK. You’re safe here. No one will hurt you. Go to sleep now.” I whispered, as I softly kissed her forehead.

Melanie still didn’t go to sleep. She quietly sobbed into my shoulder and continued to kiss my neck while she let her left hand come around and begin rubbing my chest.

I continued telling her she’d be all right and stroked the back of her head. I gently kissed her bruised eye and cheek.

Slowly, Mel turned her face up toward mine. Our lips met in the most tender of kisses I have ever enjoyed. As our kiss lingered, it became more and more passionate. When I probed her lips with my tongue, she opened her mouth and sucked it in. Our tongues fought a mock duel.

I moved my hand that had been stroking her head slowly down her back. I messaged her back while moving my hand lower and lower until I had a hand full of Mel’s cute little ass. Given her petite size, my hand nearly covered her entire left cheek. A firm squeeze brought a deep sigh from Melanie.
Melanie let her left hand slide from my chest, down my belly, and tentatively wrapped her fingers around my semi-erect cock.

I then moved my hand from her ass, up under her shirt, and slowly moved it toward her chest.

Suddenly, Melanie tensed, leaned her chest into me, and said, “Please don’t! Rob says I don’t have any tits.”

“That’s OK, Mel. I think you’re beautiful whether you have tits or not.” I told her.

"Really? You really think I’m beautiful? Even if I don’t have tits, you think I’m beautiful?” Melanie seemed surprise a man could find her attractive, let alone beautiful.

Holding her firmly to me again, I softly told her, “Mel, you have a great little body. I don’t care if you have tits or not.”

“You really think I have a good body?”

“Yes! Would you do me a favor?” I asked.

“Of course, anything, what do you want?” She asked.

“Get up, take off your shirt and panties, and let me have a look at you.”

With just a brief hesitation, Mel took her hand off my cock, and slowly got out of bed.

I turned a small bedside light on. I wanted a good look at the sweet little body that had come to my bed. I could tell Mel was nervous. So, to encourage her, quietly, I told her, “It’ll be OK, Honey. Take your time. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Slowly, Mel pushed her white panties off her hips and let them fall to the floor. She was more embarrassed by her extremely small breasts than she was of showing her pussy. She then took the bottom of her shirt and began pulling it up her slender body. She quickly proved the hair on her head was natural. Her pubic hair was just a little darker shade of red than the hair above. As she continued to pull her top up, she revealed smoothly rounded hips and a flat belly. Again, she briefly hesitated, before pulling her top completely over her head and throwing it into the corner of the room.
Mel then looked like a little doll standing before me, completely naked, her arms hanging to her sides. Melanie was truly a beautiful girl, and she would only get better as her bruises healed.

It was also true she had very little in the way of tits. Her breasts were of the fried egg variety. They created only a slight rise above her ribs. She did have an absolutely fantastic set of nipples, though. Her areolas were over an inch and a half in diameter, and her nipples stood out from her chest like pencil erasers. They were at least a quarter inch long.

“Turn for me, Baby.” I requested.

She slowly turned completely around. Her ass was small, tight, and very nicely rounded.

“Wow! Baby, you really are beautiful. I can’t wait to suck on those nipples and squeeze that ass.” I told her. “Now, get back in here.”

Through the pain of her swollen lip, Mel began smiling broadly as she nearly jumped back into my bed. “You really think I’m beautiful?

Yes, Baby! I sure do. Rob is a blind idiot if he can’t see how pretty you are.”
Mel scooted tightly up to me and, without the least hesitation, grabbed my cock and started slowly stroking it to a full erection. She carefully kissed my mouth as passionately as she could without hurting her lip.

I grabbed her ass, squeezed firmly, and pulled her to me. Using her ass as a handle, I pulled Mel up to where I could get my mouth on her left nipple. As short as she was, she couldn’t continue to reach my cock when I pulled her up. So, she used her hands to pull my mouth to her chest. She was moaning as she pulled me tightly to her nipple.

As I sucked harder and harder on her nipples, they grew larger. In no time, they were nearly half an inch long and hard as a little rocks. I rolled her onto her back and continued to divide my attention between her nipples. They both remained standing hard and proud.

Mel was rocking her head back and forth while she held my head to her chest. Softly she said, “Oh yes! Suck my tits. Suck ‘em hard.”
I was more than happy to comply with her request.

While sucking one nipple, and pinching the other, I let my free hand slide down her flat belly to her pussy. I gave her pubic bush a few gentle strokes before letting my hand trail down between her slightly spread legs. With my finger, I gave her one slow, pussy-lip parting stroke that stopped with an ever so light brush of her clit.

Mel’s legs practically flew apart. “Oh God!” She gasped. A few more strokes like that, and Mel was breathing rapidly, arching her back, and lifting her ass off the bed.

As she lowered her hips, I left her nipples and kissed my way down her body. She immediately began twisting and pinching her nipples herself. I ended my journey down Mel’s body when I was laying between her widely spread legs.

In a short time, I had replaced the finger stroking her pussy with my tongue. A pussy-lip parting lick again brought her hips off the bed again. After several more licks like that, I settled my lips on her clit and began gently licking and sucking that sensitive little morsel. I slowly increased the suction, while watching Mel’s face and hands.

Mel was loudly moaning, and her head was rolling back and forth. She was pinching her nipples very hard and pulling them outward from her chest. Her pussy was dripping wet. I released her clit and inserted my tongue into her love hole as deeply as I could.

Mel released her nipples, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my face as tightly as she could into her pussy. As she ground her pussy on my face, she said with a desperate gasp, “Will you please fuck me? Now!”

“No! I’m not going to fuck you. I’m going to make love to you.” I replied.

“Oh yes, Honey. Do what ever you want to me.” She sounded as if she was near tears again.

Kissing my way up her little body, I found it somewhat difficult to put my cock into Mel’s pussy and still be able to kiss her lips. I’m not that tall, but she was so tiny. Sucking a nipple while my cock stayed in her pussy was impossible in the male dominant missionary position.

Wrapping my arms around her, I told her, “Come here, Baby.” I then rolled us over so she was prone on top of me. I took her under her arms and lifted her to a sitting position over my hips. As I lifted her, Mel folded her legs so her knees were alongside my body. She reached between her legs and held my cock. As I lowered her, she aimed my cock into her pussy.

Mel then took control. Kneeling over me, she took my hands from her sides and placed them on her little tits. I quickly began pinching, pulling, and rolling her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

After making a few minor adjustments to her position, Mel sat down until she had my cock’s head in her tight pussy. “Pinch my tits, Honey.” She told.

When I pinched her nipples and firmly squeezed her small breasts, Mel sat down. She had fully impaled her hungry pussy on my cock. She had one of the tightest pussies I’d ever been in.

From that point on, I was just along for the ride. She rode me hard and fast. In rapid succession, Mel repeatedly lifted her pussy up and slammed it back down hard on my cock.

In a short time, I was about ready to cum. Though I knew it was hopeless, I did my best to hold off the inevitable. I wanted Mel to get all she could from our night together. I also wanted to stay in that tight little pussy and enjoy the ride as long as I could. Damn, that little gal could fuck.

Then, just as I began to lose control, and felt the undeniable urges of my balls to let go, Mel pitched forward, to lay on my chest, and cried, “I’m cuuummmmmming!” She quickly bounced back to her sitting position, raised up, slammed her pussy down on my cock, and ground her clit onto my pelvis.

I reached down, grabbed her by her hips, and held her cunt down on my cock as tightly as I could. I told her, “Me too, Baby.” I held her tightly as I lifted my hips and pumped my load of cum deep into her hungry hole.

As our orgasms subsided, Mel fell forward onto my chest again. I wrapped my arms around her and held her snugly to me. “Oh Baby, you are one hell of a fuck. You’ve about worn me out.”

“Me too.” Mel said breathlessly. “ It’s been years since I’ve gotten off like that. I hope we can do that again real soon.”

“So do I.”

As Mel lay on my chest, my softening cock still in her leaking pussy, she started to doze off. I asked, “Honey, do you think you ought to go back in with Bobby? We don’t want him to wake up and wonder where Mommy is.”
“It’ll be OK.” Mel said. “He sleeps by himself, and he may have to get used to it. If you don’t mind, can we stay here for a while?”

“Mind? Why would I mind having a beautiful girl like you and a cute kid like Bobby staying with me? I have just one question.”
“What’s that?” She asked.

“Do I need to buy a twin or double bed for the spare room?”

As a broad smile spread over Little Mel’s face, she kissed me, hugged me and snuggled close to my neck. She kissed my neck and whispered into my ear, “Just a twin, I think.”

We both slept soundly through the rest of night.

The next day, accompanied by a police officer, Melanie retrieved the rest of her and Bobby’s clothes from her old home. As she returned to my place and pulled into the drive, I met her with a hug, a kiss, and said, “Welcome home, Honey.”

Little Mel smiled broadly and returned the hug and kiss. As Bobby ran into the house, she whispered, “Are you up for another round tonight?”

I pulled her close, discreetly gave a nipple a little tweak, and said, “Silly girl, what do you think?”

10-05-2007, 01:19 PM
Good story. I used to do DV counseling. Would that all cases ended in a postive way like this. Thanks a lot. I enjoyed it.

10-07-2007, 09:46 AM
Little Mel II:
The Cheerleader

It had been several weeks since 22-year-old Melanie (Little Mel), along with her son Bobby, had left her abusive husband. They had sought refuge with me in my home. I, of course, agreed to let them stay in my spare room.

It was so depressing to see a cute little doll like Mel hurting both physically and mentally. In addition to her face, Mel’s husband, Rob, had badly damaged her self-esteem. She told me Rob had repeatedly said to her, “No other man would want a titless little bitch like you!”

Her black eye, bruised cheek, and swollen lip healed quickly. Mel was soon back to looking like the cute, 4’11”, 90 pound, red-haired, little sweetheart I remembered meeting not long ago.

Her self-esteem took a bit more time and TLC to recover. I frequently reminded Mel how pretty, cute, sweet, and desirable she was. She always giggled when I’d tell her she looked good enough to eat. Occasionally, without warning or reason, I’d take her in my arms and give her an extended hug.

Gradually, Melanie began to show a much happier side of her self. She would greet me as I came in from work by running to me, leaping into the air, and wrapping her arms around my neck. Her feet, dangling nearly a foot off the floor, would be swinging in the air, as she passionately kissed me.
When I thought she felt safe and comfortable with me, I began gently teasing her about her size. I’d tell her she reminded me of a cute, little, 14-year-old, high school girl. I’d then give her a gentle swat on her round, denim covered, ass. She always wore jeans that snugly hugged her hips.
Bobby, in the mean time, had settled in nicely. When he wasn’t running through the house, he was in the back yard wearing out Dog, my 1-year-old, male, German shepherd. In the past few weeks, Bobby and Dog had bonded to each other. They were nearly inseparable, except when Mel made Bobby come inside to eat or prepare for bed. I guess Dog enjoyed romping with an active child more than chasing the sticks I’d occasionally throw for him.

After a while, Mel and I decided to let Dog in the house at night. He would go to bed when Bobby did and sleep on the floor next to his new friend. It looked like I had lost my dog to Bobby. It was also looking like I had acquired an instant family.

One Friday evening, I had called to let Mel know I’d be working late. It was well past Bobby’s bedtime when I got home, so the house was quiet when I came in.

Instead of running to me and jumping into my arms as she usually did, Little Mel called out to me from the bathroom. She told me, “Make yourself a drink and relax on the couch. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“OK!” I called back. It had been a long, hard, day, and I could use a tall, cold, CC & Coke and a few minutes to unwind.

I had downed about half my drink when Mel came into the living room. I nearly choked on my drink when I saw her.

Little Mel didn’t just walk in. She came somersaulting into the living room wearing a cheerleader’s outfit. She bounced to her feet just a couple of feet in front of me, and held her hands tightly to her sides as if standing at attention. Grinning from ear to ear, Mel proclaimed, “We’ll win tonight!”
I told this little doll standing in front of me, “Turn around slowly so I can admire my little cheerleader.”

Little Mel practically beamed as she rotated in front of me. She had her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her knit top was royal blue with a gold “P” on her chest. Mel seldom wore a bra. She didn’t need one, and she hadn’t worn one that night. Her nipples, however, were making noticeable bumps on either side of the “P”. Her short skirt was also royal blue with gold trim around the waist and hem. From my point of view on the couch, I could see a pair of gold panties under her little skirt. She wore gold socks that had a blue “P” on the outside of each ankle and white deck shoes.

I was grinning like a high school quarterback who had just thrown the game winning touchdown pass. Although I knew she was twenty-two years old, given her small size, and nearly flat chest, Melanie looked just like a 14-year-old high school cheerleader. I finished my drink and told her, “Little girl, you look good enough to eat.”

“Oh, I sure hope so.” She seductively replied. “I’ll bet you didn’t know I used to be a cheerleader. Did you?”

“Well, hurray for our side! Let the games begin.” I replied, as I reached out to take her hands.

Mel said, “Not yet! This is going to be our Friday night date. The ball game is over, and we’re going to the dance. When the dance is over, you just might get lucky.”

She had already stacked up several of my old classic rock and roll LPs on the player. While she started the music, I made us a couple of drinks. We danced to tunes from the 50s and 60s. Like a typical high school boy, I copped a feel at every opportunity. Though Mel had tits like fried eggs, her nipples were fantastic. My caresses and gentle pinching had brought them to life. They were soon trying to drill holes in her knit top. Little Mel emitted cooing sounds each time I squeezed her ass and pulled her tightly to me.
Mel, in the mean time, had been stroking the cock growing in my pants. Her caressing hands soon had me nearly ready to explode.

She cooed and groaned each time I nibbled her neck and pinched a nipple. I’m sure our dance floor antics would have caused the principle to throw us out of any high school home-coming dance.

After about an hour or so of drinking and dancing, I held her tight and whispered in her ear, “Why don’t we go some place where I can see if you really are good enough to eat.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” She replied.

I reached down, grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, and pulled Mel up my body until her head rested on my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I held her ass as I carried her to our bedroom. When we got to the bedroom, she let her legs drop. I lowered her to the floor to stand in front of me.

“Let me undress you. I’ve never dated a cheerleader, and I’d like to strip my little girlfriend to see what you’re hiding under that little uniform.”

“OK, but I want to do something first.” With that, she dropped to her knees, lowered my zipper, and pulled my ridged cock from my pants. Holding my cock against my belly, Mel started licking my cock’s underside and balls. She sucked each ball, in turn, into her mouth and thoroughly swabbed them with her tongue. Then she slowly licked and kissed every inch of my shaft on her way to my cock’s head. Little Mel took a brief look at the drop of precum that had seeped out of my cock, quickly lapped it up, and took my cock’s head into her mouth.

I couldn’t believe the pleasure I felt from watching my cock slowly disappear into the mouth of the most petite and beautiful little gal I had ever been with. Hasn’t every guy, at one time or another, wanted a cheerleader on her knees in front of him?

Mel never let her tongue rest. It constantly danced around my cock’s shaft and head as she slid her mouth up and down its length. She was sucking like she was trying to get the first sip of an extra thick malt through a small straw.

It wasn’t long before I was ready to cum. I gently cupped her cheeks with my hands, and reluctantly pulled her mouth off my cock. As she looked up with her beautiful green eyes, I told her, “Honey, if you do much more of that, I’m going to cum.”

She smiled up at me, and said, “You’ve tasted me before, now I want to taste you.” Mel then went back to work on my cock. In no time, her powerful sucking and rapid tongue action had me on the brink again. I grabbed her ponytail and helped her set a pace that took me over the edge.
As the first surge of cum rushed from my cock, Mel stopped bobbing up and down and held my cock deep in her mouth. She seemed to suck even harder, if that was possible. She swallowed every drop of my cum. Slowly, she slid her mouth off my cock and gently licked me clean. Smiling up at me, she said, “A little salty, but I can get used to it.”

“Haven’t you ever sucked a cock before?” I asked.

Still on her knees, she said, “I’ve sucked Rob a few times, but I never let him cum in my mouth. With him, it just seemed disgusting, especially when he tried to push it down my throat. With you, it was nice.”

Helping her stand, I hugged her, and said, “Thanks, Baby! That was a great blow-job and a special gift.”

I then reached for the waist of her top and began pulling it up. “OK, my sweet, young, cheerleader, let’s see what you’re hiding under that little outfit.”

Mel held her arms over her head, and the knit top came off easily. Her nipples were already rather firm. I wasted no time dropping to my knees and sucking one into my mouth. I pinched, pulled, and rolled the other nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Alternating between nipples, I soon had them both rock hard again and standing out at least half an inch from her puffy areolas.

Mel was holding the back of my head and pulling my mouth tightly to her chest. She liked having her tits worked hard, and was moaning her approval.

Mel had kicked her shoes off as I had helped her stand. As my mouth continued to work on her nipples, I put a thumb in each side of her little skirt and pushed down. As the skirt and gold panties came down together, I kissed my way down her slender body.

Mel stepped out of her skirt.

Then, I kissed my way toward Mel’s pussy. As I knelt in front of her, I got another surprise. Little Mel, to maintain the young cheerleader fantasy, had shaved her red pubic hair. Her pussy was completely bald and smooth.
“Oh, Baby, that’s beautiful. Now, let’s see if you’re good enough to eat.” I firmly grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and pulled Mel’s freshly shaved pussy to my mouth. I kissed her pubic mound, and worked my tongue as far as I could into her slit.

Mel, still holding the back of my head, began quivering as I licked her. With a shakey voice, she said, “Oh God! That’s wonderful!”

I stood, and cradled my little cheerleader in my arms. I carried her to the bed and gently placed her on it. I stood beside the bed, admiring little Mel, as I finished undressing. She lay quietly before my gaze with nothing on but her gold socks with the blue “P” at each ankle. The sight of her nearly flat chest, those fantastic nipples, slender body, and now bald pussy was the stuff that caused high school boys to have wet dreams.

I dropped my pants and my cock begun to recover from Mel's blowjob.

With a smile on her lips, Mel gave a mock gasp, and said, “Oh my! I don’t know if I can take all of that. I’ve never done this before, you know.” She held her arms out inviting me to join her on the bed.

“Don’t worry, Baby. I’m sure you can handle it.” I told her. With a grin covering my face, I climbed into bed next to little Mel.

Continuing our fantasy, I slowly prepared my little cheerleader for what was to come. I very slowly and gently began caressing Mel’s chest while nibbling her ears and neck. Though she had very small breasts, she did not have a completely flat chest.

Over the past few weeks, I had learned Mel liked having her tits firmly handled. So, as I nuzzled her neck and ears, and she began responding, I used more and more pressure to squeeze her tits.

Mel was soon moaning and rubbing the back of my head. She guided my head and mouth to her nipples. I again alternated between her tits. I let my free hand wander down her soft, smooth, belly. When I reached her recently shaved pubic mound, I gently stroked the area as if stroking a favorite pet.
I then let my hand slide between Mel’s partially open legs. The gap between her legs widened as I stroked a finger up and down her juicy slit. She was already very wet. Her pussy juices were running down toward her asshole. When I inserted a finger into her pussy, Mel spread her legs wide and said, “I think you found the right spot.”

After a few finger strokes in her pussy, I inserted another finger and began kissing my way down her belly from her tits. Mel kept rubbing the back of my head. When I reached her pussy with my mouth, I, oh so gently, flicked my tongue over her clit.

Mel seemed to give up on the fantasy of being a young, virginal, cheerleader. Loudly, she cried, “Oh shit! Eat my pussy. Please, suck my clit.”

I was only too happy to comply with her request. While I continued to stroke two fingers in her hole, I softly wrapped my lips around her erect clit.
With Mel holding my head tightly to her pussy, I continued to flick my tongue over and around her clit. When I firmly sucked her clit into my mouth, Mel lost it. She lifted her ass off the bed, raising her pussy up to meet my mouth. I sucked her clit as hard as I could, and she yelled. “Oh shit! Suck me! Suck my pussy hard! Oh God, yes! I’m cuming! Don’t stop!”

I had no intention of stopping. I pulled my fingers out of her pussy, put her legs over my shoulders, and grabbed her hips. I then attacked her clit and pussy with a fury. My mouth and tongue were all over Mel’s drenched cunt.

As I firmly pulled Mel’s pussy toward my hungry mouth, she moved her hands to her tits. She forcefully twisted, pinched, and pulled her nipples. She came several times before lowering her ass back to the bed as she calmed down a bit.

I continued to lick and suck her pussy, but at a more leisurely pace. When Mel began to approach another orgasm, I teased her asshole with a finger.

Mel gasped, and said, “You can have my ass if you want, but I’ve never taken it there before. Please be careful.”

“We can save that for another night, Baby.” I told her. “Tonight I want to wear this pussy out.”

Mel, still breathing hard, said, “I don’t know how much more I can take. I’ve already cum at least four times, and you haven’t even put your cock in my pussy yet.”

Still holding Mel’s legs over my shoulders, I pushed them even higher. When her knees were near her shoulders, I lined my up cock to enter her pussy.

As the head of my cock started to enter her pussy, Mel moaned and firmly squeezed her breasts.

Mmmmmm. Give it to me hard and fast, Honey. I want my pussy to feel well-used tonight.”

“Ok, little girl. Here it comes.” Without another word, I used her thighs for leverage and slammed my cock fully into Mel’s tight, hot, cunt.

Mel sharply inhaled before letting a long deep groan escape her lips.
If she wanted it hard and fast tonight, that’s how she’d get it. I pounded her cunt as hard as I could until I was about to cum, again. I then dropped her legs from my shoulders and fell on top of her torso.

Mel quickly wrapped her legs around my hips. We tightly hugged as I pumped my load of cum deep into her core.

We cuddled a short time before dozing off to sleep, my slowly softening cock still soaking in Mel’s pussy. My last thought, as I drifted off, was of the possibility of fucking little Mel’s virgin ass in the near future.

11-15-2008, 10:38 AM
damn that was sexy. gotta love a red head.

03-05-2009, 05:11 PM
good job.. thanks...

03-07-2009, 05:36 AM
Thanks. That was nice.

12-15-2009, 03:00 AM
great love story, enjoyed it, thanks

12-15-2009, 10:14 AM
great story cheers

12-15-2009, 10:44 AM
cool story

12-05-2010, 09:41 PM
Very nice story! I hope that all will consider donations to shelters for women and children not lucky enough to have their story be like this one.