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View Full Version : Attitude Adjustment: Part III

02-23-2008, 08:20 PM
OK, the final part. It's a long one so take it in stages, but do persevere, it nearly killed me getting it all down!


After we’d agreed to go through with it, I was plunged into ignorance for over a month while Stuart got in contact with Linda about the idea. Thankfully he told me that she’d agreed, and they started up an email correspondence which I was obviously forbidden from viewing. While he was on the computer I found myself wondering what they were cooking up for me; judging by how long he took, they were having some fairly detailed conversations. A couple of times he came out and looked at me oddly, as if he was seeing me differently in the light of what was going to happen in the dungeon. I hoped he could make the adjustment while recognising that it was still the same old me underneath.

Those discussions had their effect, I was sure, as he gradually became more strict with me, until we were almost back at the level we’d had before, where I was either taken unexpectedly around the house or else tied up in preparation for being fucked. How many of those exercises in light bondage were trial runs for the dungeon, I wondered in anticipation… I was glad of Stuart’s control and direction because I had started to develop tunnel vision about the visit, unable to think of much else. On more than one occasion he had to remind me to do something after I’d gotten lost in my own little world.

I loved getting those reminders of my position, when we were in the middle of doing something any normal couple would do and suddenly he’d give me the overpowering thrill of making me submit to him. One time he ordered me to give him a blowjob, then he made a joke that had us both laughing helplessly for over thirty seconds, so much so that I temporarily forgot about what had come before it. Then his face slowly cleared of humour, and he said to me quietly but firmly, “Now do as you’re told, Ellie.” I was breathing so hard as I got down on my knees and carried out my instructions.

We were both nervous the night before the big day, wondering whether we could actually do it, but Stuart was the one who calmed my nerves. That was a strong gesture, considering that he was the one who had to make the real change in his persona, not me; he was the one who was acceding to my wishes, which I knew was not how it should work. My plan, my hope, was that after we came out the next day he’d never be uncomfortable dominating me again.

The first requirement for the day was that I dress like a slut. Stuart had told me that, but he’d left the interpretation of that order completely up to me, so that every item of clothing I wore was my choice, and my choice alone. I put on some tight, skimpy black underwear, followed by a see-through negligee that just reached down to the top of my thighs; then proper fishnet tights, the kind you charged money to take off, and below those a pair of gleaming silver platform shoes that made walking a positive hazard. I should mention that I had to go out and find these things, they weren’t hiding somewhere in my wardrobe - the platforms in particular made my high heels feel like a nice sensible shoe.

After I’d trowled so much make-up on my face that I started to look like a victim of battery, I somehow got downstairs and out to the car, panicking inwardly at the realisation that I had far too little on to be going outdoors. The cold whipped through me while I quickly scanned both ends of the street to see if anyone was coming. Fortunately after a few seconds of exposure I was safely inside the car, though I knew we’d be heading through a busy area with plenty of traffic. Stuart was dressed sharply in a dark suit and tie, his shoes neatly polished; the contrast between us was obvious, and embarrassing, not that I should have been worrying about that.

He could see me breathing hard as we set off, closing my legs together and placing my hands in my lap, and instantly told me to spread them apart properly. I sat staring at the wide expanse of black leather between my outstretched thighs, determined not to let the fear overwhelm me and force me to chicken out at the last moment. After all the effort he’d made to arrange this, to satisfy my wishes, he would have been rightfully disgusted at my cowardice. I looked forward to the sanctuary of the dungeon, before realising what a bizarre sentiment that was to express. But at least it was private.

“Are you still a bit frightened, Ellie?” Stuart asked with a kindly glance over at me.

“Yeah, a bit,” I muttered, still looking down.

“Don’t worry about it. If you’re really nervous, you can always calm yourself down.”


“Well, do what you normally do to relax at home.” I knew exactly what he was talking about, and another knot tied itself in my stomach. Gulping, I clutched at the hem of my negligee uncertainly, my eyes now staring ahead of me. Stuart concentrated hard on the next turning, then added severely, “That’s not a suggestion, by the way.”

“OK…” I said slowly, forcing myself to overcome my reluctance. I instantly looked away from the windshield, praying that he wouldn’t want me to keep my gaze straight ahead, and thankfully he didn’t. Instead I rested my head back against the seat and swivelled to look at him, and only at him. Slumping down, I slipped my hand inside the waistband of my panties and played with myself all the way, not once averting my eyes to acknowledge the passing cars, the occasional sound of a horn, the pedestrians who walked by while we were in a slow stretch and got the briefest of looks at what I was doing. It felt as if I was straining against new bonds; our clothes, the gear-box between us, the openness of our surroundings. They were all obstacles to me converting the feverish work of my fingers into solid, passionate reality.

This was no kind of relaxation technique, of course; this was just warming me up for the big event, and as we pulled up opposite Linda’s place with my cum oozing between the knuckles of my clenched fist, I realised that the humiliation and spectacle of the drive had been worth getting me in the mood. I was still uncertain about what lay ahead, but I was now so eager to get on with it. Stuart, naturally, had other ideas.

“I’m going to go in first and meet Linda,” he informed me. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s just that we have a lot of important things to discuss and we need to do it like two adults, without you getting in the way. OK?” Being patronised like that was a new experience, but it definitely struck a chord with me. I nodded. “Here’s your phone,” he said, taking it out and handing it to me. “I’ll send for you when you’re required.” I’d never previously had the privilege of being sent for, except by my boss at work when he was in one of his megalomaniacal phases. This was going to be a lot more enjoyable.

He crossed the road and went down the steps to the front door, which was out of sight from my position. I settled down to wait, anxious that I should get into the building safely without anyone seeing me. Hanging around in this neighbourhood with this outfit on would get me either solicited or arrested before too long, I was sure. I didn’t have a watch on so I couldn’t tell the time, and it felt like an eternity before the phone rang and I got my marching orders. Walking over the pavement in these shoes was about as tough as a forced march, anyway. I carried my phone and the car keys in my hands as I made my way to the entrance, as there was certainly nowhere on my person I could put them.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I shut the door behind me, but there was still a new challenge in front, and after a short walk down the corridor I tramped noisily into the same kitchen where I’d talked with Linda all those months ago. She was sitting on the far side of the table from me, Stuart on the near side, and she was already dressed to dominate. Her booted feet stuck casually out behind the table leg, and she was clad in a tight PVC dress that clung to her hips and emphasised her cleavage. It was a little less showy than her outfit the last time I was in here, but she was still an imposing presence.

She clapped enthusiastically as I came in. “There she is, the birthday girl in person,” she announced grandiosely. “Looking the part already, I see.” That proved to be the first of many barbs she flung my way, and we were barely ten seconds in. I gave both my phone and the keys to Stuart, and looked around for where I could sit, as there were only two chairs.

Stuart patted his lap. “Right here, sweetie.” I sat down awkwardly over his knees, and before I had time to even adjust to my surroundings I was pulled back towards him and kissed roughly, my negligee pulled open as he helped himself to a feel of my breasts and pussy. This was much more extreme than the light touching he’d done in front of my friends, and even if Linda wasn’t surprised by it, it was still a shock to my system to have my body exposed like this. My legs were parted so she could see me getting fingered as I moaned helplessly in his grasp, clutching at his arms to try and feel safe and secure again. I quivered all over as my second orgasm of the day was forced out of me in front of her unremitting gaze.

“Thank you, sir,” I whispered breathlessly as I rested my head on Stuart’s shoulder; Linda was impressed.

“You’ve done a pretty good job with her,” she commented approvingly. “Let’s see how good. Stand up,” she instructed me, and before I had recovered properly I was back on my feet and standing in front of the table. She could see me still breathing heavily. “You don’t have to be afraid, you know. What are you afraid of?”

“It’s not that Mistress, it’s just… my orgasm…” I mumbled guiltily, having to get used to addressing her by her proper title, or so I thought.

“Try again, Ellie,” she said in a beguiling tone. “You just called your boyfriend sir, so you can address me as ma’am. If there’s one thing I hate from my submissives, it’s inconsistency. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Her demeanour was so sweet and agreeable I knew something harsh was coming up to underscore it, and I shifted uneasily on my feet.

“Take off your clothes,” she ordered, and I began to strip awkwardly in front of her and Stuart, having to step down out of my platform shoes and then roll off my fishnets. I was fine up until my underwear, but as I bent over and slipped off my panties I was gripped by a sudden desire to curl up and protect myself, away from the humiliation of their prying eyes, and placed one arm awkwardly across my breasts and the other one strategically over my crotch.

“You’re hiding your body, Ellie,” Linda reminded me patiently, her tone still calm and level.

“I know ma’am,” I stuttered feebly, “I just… I feel a bit shy about doing it so soon…”

“I see I’m not getting my point across,” she observed with a shake of the head, and it was with good reason that I flinched as she stood up and walked over to face me. “You don’t walk into my establishment dressed the way you are and then complain that you’re ‘a bit shy’,” she said to me in a voice dripping with contempt. “You’re long past the stage where you have any right to be coy and modest about your appearance. Now put your hands against the far wall, bend over, and spread your legs wide. I want to get a good look at your pussy and your asshole before we proceed any further.”

I swallowed heavily in front of her steely glare, and placed my arms by my sides, exposing my naked body. I turned to face the wall, heart pounding and blood rushing to my head, and bent over, showing them everything. She was right of course, it was completely wrong of me to deny them a full view, but that didn’t change my knowledge of how intensely vulnerable I was in this position, my genitals clearly on display. As I tried to come to terms with it Linda’s hands suddenly touched my backside, and I twitched in shock.

“You’re going to have to be less jumpy, dear. This is hardly the last time you’re going to feel my hand on your ass. And what a pale ass it is too,” she noted with disdain. “Never mind, we’ll put some colour into those cheeks by the time we’re finished.” I shuddered inwardly. As she proceeded to inspect my body, Stuart walked over and positioned himself on the either side of me, so they could both examine their property up close.

Linda knelt down and spread my buttocks open. “Pretty good. That asshole could be a little cleaner, but you can’t have everything I suppose.” I was so grateful that she couldn’t see my face burn red with shame, but the knowledge that my boyfriend had just heard that comment made it very hard to bear. Next she spread my pussy, ignoring my little yelp of protest as she touched the spots that were still sensitive from my climax. “I see you made sure she’s clean-shaven.”

“Yes, I did. She has a tendency to fall back into bad habits though, I guess she likes being sloppy and dishevelled,” Stuart declared scathingly.

“Yeah, she looks the type, if that asshole is anything to go by. Well, I think we’re almost done here - I didn’t say you could move, did I?” Linda snapped suddenly as I tried to straighten up. “You’ll stay there until we’re finished with you. I have something very important for you.” I heard her go over and pick something up from the table. “Now, stand up, and turn around.”

I turned to find Linda holding what I knew was a slave collar, only with some writing inscribed on it that I couldn’t quite make out at this distance. She brought it closer, turning it around in her hands so I could read. It said in stark capitals, ‘BIRTHDAY GIRL.’ “Think of this as your party hat for today,” she suggested as she fastened the collar around my neck, tight enough for me to feel it constricting my skin. “Aw, you look so cute,” she laughed as she stepped back to admire her handiwork. “I had that specially made in preparation for today, so I hope you’re grateful.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” I said instantly.

“You don’t even know what you look like yet, you little suck-up!” she pointed out mockingly. “Save the ass licking for when we get downstairs, OK?” I murmured my apologies, and she nodded impatiently. “Sure, sure. Go back over there and put your clothes on.” She sent me back to the table with a demeaning slap on my rear, and I wondered why on earth I was getting dressed again now that they’d got me naked.

I hurriedly got back into my clothes, which wasn’t easy considering how impractical they were, but I could feel Stuart and Linda’s impatient eyes on me and I didn’t want to anger them. When I was finished Linda gestured to Stuart to lead the way through the door, and down into the dungeon. He must have been shown around the place more recently since his first visit, as he stepped onto the staircase confidently and disappeared into the darkness. Linda beckoned me forwards with a single index finger, then grabbed me by my collar and pulled me through the doorway behind her.

I was led awkwardly down the staircase, trying not to trip over my absurdly pointed shoes, until we reached the dungeon floor and I recognised a few changes to the place. Chief among them was a large raised wooden platform at the far end of the room, with what looked like a lever beside it; at the back of the platform, a thick central post extended upwards to the ceiling, flanked by parallel wooden bars on either side that terminated in much smaller posts. “That’s going to come in very useful later on,” Linda whispered in my ear. “But first, I think you need to have your freedom deprived a bit more, don’t you agree?”

“Yes ma’am, I do,” I replied, perhaps a little more forcefully than she was expecting. She walked me over to a pair of chains hanging from the ceiling, and I knew that my arms were going inside them. I was so eager that I actually moved towards them before she had told me to.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I… I…”

“You’re very keen on this all of a sudden, aren’t you?” Linda said to me in an accusatory tone, staring me closely in the face. “You understand what’s going to happening to you?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You want to have your freedom taken away from you, you want to be restrained and objectified and humiliated and dominated and used, is that it? By me and by your boyfriend?” Her eyes searched mine, and all I could think to do was nod my assent as calmly as possible. “Fine,” she said eventually, backing away. “Just so that’s clearly understood.” With a smile she ordered, “In you go.” I placed my arms in the manacles and once they snapped shut, I was their helpless prisoner.

Linda walked slowly around me, surveying me, as Stuart watched from a short distance with a confident smile on his face that made me melt. “Did you have any say in this streetwalker’s ensemble, Stuart?” she asked him.

“Nope, I pointed her in the right direction but this is all her own work,” he said proudly, showing me off as if I was the product of a successful experiment. How I wished that I were.

“I see. Well, she certainly knows how to cheapen herself, I’ll give her that,” Linda noted as she looked me up and down. “But this is all just a smokescreen, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean, ma’am?” I queried in puzzlement, as she once again thrust her face into mine.

“I mean that this beautifully manufactured look of yours is just that, a look. It’s what you wear to show the world that you’re slutty, a convenient visual shorthand. But I want to get deeper than the outside shell,” she breathed seductively. “I want to find the real slut inside you. The one who just gave up every right to the freedom and independence of her body with a single nod. The one who wants to sacrifice her self-control and her dignity so she can end up being treated like the lowliest, dirtiest slave just for the sake of her own selfish sexual pleasure. That’s the girl I’m interested in.”

My mind reeling at the thought of this psychological test, I tried to explain my position in simple terms. “I just want to serve sir and you, ma’am.”

“That’s a given from the moment you enter my domain,” Linda said curtly, strolling away from me. “I know you’re going to serve; I expect nothing less from any of my slaves, so don’t act like you’re something special because you ‘consent’ to it. It’s only in the process of serving me - of serving us,” she corrected herself, as Stuart stood beside her, “that we get to find out something about you.” She walked up to me and pulled my head down towards her. “Now that’s what scares you more than the whips and chains, isn’t it?” she murmured silkily. This time I couldn’t muster a response of any kind, except to blink nervously back at her. “I thought so.”

“With that in mind,” she continued, “these tarty rags of yours are just an impediment, so off they come.” She brutally ripped my negligee open, causing me to gasp in shock, and ran her hands up my torso. “Pass me the scissors, Stuart.” He pulled out a very large pair of dress scissors from his jacket pocket and handed them to her; and keeping a close eye on me, she snipped first one bra strap, then the other, before unhooking it at the back and tossing it to the floor. Then she bent over and hooked my panties down to my knees, leaving me half-clothed and disarrayed with my private parts completely open… completely available.

Stuart moved up to me and took both my breasts in his hands, massaging them tenderly but firmly, letting me know that like the rest of me, they were his. “Are you enjoying yourself, honey?” he asked me quietly.

“Yes, sir…” I whispered, transfixed by him.

“You certainly should be,” Linda added as she stood up, placing her hand on my pussy and rubbing it gently. “Now you’re going to serve us,” she informed me gently, “and not a single one of your holes is going to be wasted. I hope you realise that you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.” She walked over to the platform and I could see her starting to gather up some lengths of rope, but I was distracted by Stuart slipping off my shoes; there was suddenly a gap between my feet and the floor, and I had to balance myself painfully on my toes. Then he slipped my panties off and rolled down my tights, leaving me with just the torn remnants of my negligee on my shoulders.

“Uncuff her and bring her over here, would you?” I was released from my chains, my last bit of clothing removed before I could say anything, and marched over to the platform with my hands held behind my back. Linda pointed to the main post at the far end, holding the rope in her other hand. “Sit down.” I sat awkwardly on the floorboards, expecting to be bound to the post, but instead it was just support for my back while my arms were placed through the bars on either side and tied firmly in place.

“For the last time, keep your damned legs apart,” Linda snapped at me, pushing them open with her feet. “You can try and hide your inner slut from us, but that’s one thing you’re certainly not hiding, not down here.” I worked hard to control my breathing as I displayed my crotch to the pair of them, already feeling it starting to moisten. I had to work even harder after what Linda said next.

“Now, so that we can find out a little more about you, I want you to look your master right in the eye while you tell him what really gets you wet down there.”

My mind went totally blank - I couldn’t just think of some convenient image on the spot. “Ma’am, I… I don’t understand…”

Linda sighed. “It’s quite simple. You tell him what you’ve been using as cunt fodder recently. I don’t want an entire script, just a few succinct details about what you would most like to have done to you by your master.” She knelt down beside me. “This is a great opportunity for you,” she whispered to me. “I know you’d never dare ask him for these things, so you can tell him about them instead, and we’ll see how he takes it. Let’s hope he’s not put off by what a filthy mind you have, huh?”

I recalled the thoughts I’d kept buried deep inside me, the most illicit fantasies that I’d never felt comfortable disclosing to Stuart. They weren’t so terrible… were they? No, they weren’t, but I knew that the reason I’d kept them hidden was because I thought they were too much for him. I was filled with fear at the thought of him reacting with disgust as I confessed them. But now I had no choice.

I focused on his face as he stood at the edge of the platform and the words gradually stumbled out of me. How I wanted him to leave me outdoors in public, blindfolded and tied to a tree, at the helpless whim of any passer-by, until finally I felt his reassuring touch on my body and he pressed me firmly against the trunk, using me for his pleasure until he was completely satisfied. How I wished we could repeat that afternoon-long exercise in humiliation I’d had in front of my friends, only with his friends this time, with me being made to kneel in front of him and openly acknowledge his authority as they watched. How I fantasised about him finding me in a bar dressed as the most wanton slut, getting hit on by guys all around me, and then dragging me out to the car, putting me over his knee and giving me such a bare bottomed spanking that I would learn to never, ever disobey him again. And afterwards I would be made to show that I was his slut, and no-one else’s.

I watched Stuart’s face cloud over with subtle emotions as he realised that my feelings went much deeper than a mere kink, that I badly needed to be dominated and I wanted to be dominated by him above all others. There was surprise, there was caution, there was faint amusement, but thankfully there was never contempt. He understood what I was saying and why I was saying it. Perhaps, maybe, there was real hunger for me in his eyes too… I twitched uncontrollably at the thought of it, and Linda noticed immediately.

“Yep, that’s got her cunt dripping all right,” she remarked bluntly, leaving Stuart in no doubt over how turned on I was. “I think we’d better start putting those energies to good use…” He stepped forward and unbuttoned his pants, pulling out his cock; then with a wonderful lack of regard for my dignity he crammed it roughly into my mouth, forcing me to stop dwelling on the shamefulness of my fantasies and get down to some proper work at last. “You sounded desperate to me,” declared Linda as I struggled to accommodate his length and girth on my slobbering tongue. “You sound desperate now,” she added, commenting on the spluttering noises I was making. “I don’t think you really know what you’re doing.”

I gave a muffled squeak of dissent, to which she turned and patted my cock-filled cheek. “Don’t try and bite off more than you can suck, darling. I’m speaking, so shut up and do your job, no matter how poorly. As I was saying,” she carried on, stalking slowly round the platform while gobs of saliva started to run down my chin, “you don’t really know what you’re doing, because you’re an over-eager girl. You know that you want to serve your master, but you don’t know how to serve him. Proper submission demands skill as well as enthusiasm; you’re not giving out a cheap backstreet blowjob here, no matter how much you wish otherwise.”

Even as I fought for breath I got the most incredible thrill from Stuart’s hands gripping my head firmly, keeping me exactly where he wanted me. I knew inside that Linda was right, that I was failing to meet their expectations of service, but the crushing disappointment of that was off-set by the realisation that he did want to see me struggle on his dick. He could be cruelly controlling, he could take what he wanted while denying me relaxation and safety, and that made me feel I was serving him in some small way, albeit far below what was required of me. When he finally pulled out of my mouth I coughed a great heap of saliva onto the floor and gasped frantically for breath, but my eyes were wide open and shining with excitement. He tilted my head up and looked at me long enough for me to be sure that he had registered it clearly.

“You need to be taught by example,” Linda announced, and disappeared into the far corner of the room, out of my sight. Stuart ran the head of his penis over my lips and chin as I crouched subserviently in front of him, my bonds keeping me both restrained and displayed. I flexed my arm muscles against the bars, aware that they wouldn’t yield but desperate for an outlet for my submissive desires.

When Linda returned she was hefting a long tube mounted on a rack with tripod struts at both ends, only as she drew nearer I realised the tube was something more complex. There was a large circular head at the front, and a wire trailing away at the back. I knew what it was; I’d even thought of buying one in the past, but I didn’t want to encounter it here… “I’m sure you recognise every girl’s best friend,” Linda smiled as she mounted the ‘magic wand’ on the platform in front of me. “Not necessarily every slut’s, though.” Once it was set up, she untied my ropes and hauled me to my feet, but before I had a chance to stretch my wrists my arms were grabbed and lifted above my head, tied tightly to the central post that extended upwards. With my armpits fully exposed Linda tickled up the sides of my stomach, making me flinch awkwardly, but stopped before she got to the most sensitive part and sent me into helpless shrieks of laughter.

“Now you’re going to demonstrate to us how keen you really are, only this demonstration ends when I say so, and not before. You’re going to get yourself off on the wand, but you’ll have to make an effort, because I’m putting it right… here.” She moved it forward until it was positioned just a couple of inches in front of my crotch. “I could just put it right up against you, but that would be too easy; you could say you had no choice. I’m not going to force you to come; you’re going to make yourself come, over and over again, and you won’t stop because of pain or exhaustion, you’ll stop because I tell you to stop. Is that perfectly clear?”

“Yes… yes, ma’am,” I said hurriedly, feeling the dread rise in me as I viewed the wand. That thing was powerful, I knew that, and I didn’t think I could stand it for very long. Linda switched it on and the buzzing sound grew louder, ringing in my ears, as she and Stuart stepped off the platform, leaving me there to make a spectacle of myself.

“Now I know it isn’t easy to masturbate to order, particularly when you have to really strain your hips to do it as you’re going to have to,” Linda said sympathetically. “So I’m going to give you some inspiration.” My face creased in horror and disbelief as she knelt down in front of Stuart and took hold of his outstretched penis. “As you can imagine, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been in this position,” she observed wryly as she looked up at him, though she was addressing me as well. “Enjoy it, won’t you?” Stuart nodded simply, and she took his shaft into her mouth and began to suck on it. I gave a little despairing moan as I tugged at my wrists, but I could do absolutely nothing, and she knew it.

02-23-2008, 08:21 PM

She may have been sucking cock on her knees, but Linda’s efforts bore no resemblance whatsoever to my humble servitude. She confidently worked her mouth around the head like an expert, tickling and teasing his balls at the same time, and as her tongue lapped at the sensitive spot on his glans she shot him an upwards glance as if to check how her captive subject was doing. That was the aura of dominance she radiated. As she stroked him powerfully in both her hands she commented, “It must feel good to have your cock sucked by someone who knows what she’s doing, hmm?”

“That’s not fair on Ellie,” Stuart declared firmly, and my spirits leapt at the sound of his voice. “She’s not a bad cock-sucker.”

“Oh really?” Linda queried in an acidic tone, his shaft poised in her grasp.

“No.” He turned his head very slowly to look at me, giving me an encouraging smile. “In fact, she’s almost as good as you.” Linda laughed as she saw my face fall.

“You see Ellie, here I am being forced to take on a role that’s beneath me as a superior woman and I can still do your job better than you,” she observed with another chuckle. “Get going and stop wasting the power. Maybe you can learn something from watching a professional at work.” She resumed her blowjob with twice as much vigour as before, and with bitterness and jealousy coursing through me I angled my hips forward and began to grind myself against the vibrator, trying to exorcise my frustration. I felt genuinely angry at having to watch the man I loved be pleasured by someone else while I was powerless to intervene.

When the first orgasm coursed through me, after I’d asked for permission like a proper slave, I knew how weakly, pathetically submissive I looked, getting myself off to the sight of my own boyfriend being given head by a woman who was mocking me. I also knew that was exactly what was intended. I was caught right in the middle of Linda’s game, and I had to play it by her rules. She watched my face shudder with uncontrollable ecstasy as the vibrations caught me in just the right spot, and commented, “Someone’s getting excited.” With a little giggle she licked up Stuart’s balls and shaft to his head, and then took the whole thing down her throat in a smooth manoeuvre I could only dream of. The humiliation wasn’t just from what I was watching, it was from the sheer effort I had to put in to get that wand hitting my clit properly, stretching myself backwards at a near 45-degree angle.

Linda’s blowjob was a service performed by one equal to another, that was clear, so Stuart didn’t try to force her head down on his cock as he had done with me, but at the same time he did nothing whatsoever to disguise his enjoyment. Helplessly, I watched him throw back his head and moan his utter contentment at the feeling of Linda’s lips engulfing him, and knew I would have to raise my game somehow if I was to really serve him. I was going to do whatever it took to give him that same level of pleasure, so that even Linda couldn’t find fault in me. That was what motivated me as the constant tingling started to become unbearably painful, but despite my best efforts the pain gradually beat out my desires.

“Please ma’am… please…” I whimpered, loudly enough that Linda slid her mouth off Stuart’s cock, leaving a long trail of saliva between its slick veined surface and her lips.

“What is it?” she demanded in irritation as she stepped onto the dais and walked over to me.

“Please… stop,” I begged her, wincing as the buzz of the vibrator cut unceasingly into my genitals.


“It… it hurts so badly, ma’am.”

“What, it - it hurts?” Linda exclaimed in horror. “Really? I had no idea. Well I’m so sorry, Ellie. Please accept my apologies.” She moved the wand away out of my reach, turned and strolled down to the far end of the platform. Then, before I could even register what was happening, she whirled round like lightning and brought her bare hand down right between my legs, slap bang on my sore, throbbing clit.

The reaction in me was delayed; my mouth dropped open in shock at what she had done, a split second before the crippling, agonising, unbelievable pain flooded through me and I dropped my head down between my legs, shaking my chains as I screamed frantically at the floor in an attempt to release the burning sensation in my crotch. In the midst of the pain I actually recognised another orgasm emanating outwards from there, only without an ounce of pleasure attached to it. I would have let myself be overwhelmed by tears if Linda hadn’t grabbed my head and forced it up to hers, holding me tightly in her grasp as I tried desperately to regain my composure and fight the pain.

“Use it,” she hissed urgently at me. “Control it, in the same way I control you. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. So don’t you dare try and give me instructions again, is that clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I mewled plaintively. “Yes, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again…”

“Too right you won’t.” As I sucked in breath I saw Stuart looking at me and I could see the doubt and sympathy on his face. However, he didn’t do anything more than look; he didn’t try to intervene, and I told myself that I had to go on. Linda had pulled the wand back up in front of me, and I realised that my ordeal wasn’t over. “That wasn’t a punishment, that was just a warning,” she informed me, as if reading my mind. “This is your punishment. For disobeying me you can stand right there and take the wand directly on your clit for ten whole seconds, and I want you to count them down for me. Will you do that?”

I hesitated for a moment, and she held her palm threateningly against my crotch, making me flinch. “Will you do as I say, or do you want to feel my hand on you again?”

“No, no… I’ll do as you say, ma’am.” I placed my hips either side of the vibrating head, and braced myself as the power surged through me again. It hurt, but the pain came in waves rather than the sharp burst of agony that had come from being smacked across my clit. Linda watched me imperiously from a short distance, her arms folded, as I counted down. “Ten… nine… eight… seven… oh, God…” I bucked suddenly as I felt another climax coming on, and tried to back away.

“Stay right where you are,” Linda ordered sharply. “No coming until you’re done. You were at seven.”

“Seven… six…” I was trying to prevent myself welling up again. “Five… four… three… two… one… Ohhhhhh!” The tingling centred itself between my legs, and I was right on the verge of embracing it when Linda hauled me back into reality.

“What are the magic words, Ellie?”

“Please may I come ma’am, please, please!!” Linda strolled over to face me as I clung right on the brink, my eyes bulging in desperation, my feet scraping at the floor to try and distract myself. Her eyes took all that in, letting me suffer while I waited for her permission, before finally, casually, she shrugged, “OK.” I clenched my thighs as my chest and stomach heaved and I had yet another orgasm; when I slumped back against the post, sweat mingling on my brow and my cheeks flushed, I could see my clitoris pulsing out of its hood, red-raw and erect.

“I wanted to have you ride it the other way round while I got a crack at your ass, but I guess you can overdo the good things,” Linda said with a trace of disappointment. “Still, never mind. Maybe now you’ve hogged all those orgasms to yourself you can start giving some out, you greedy pig.” She dismantled the tripod and put the wand down on the floor, where Stuart picked it up. Then she reached up and untied my bonds, and my trepidation proved to be justified. My knees buckled underneath me the moment I was free, and I collapsed headlong into Linda’s arms, unable to stand up on my own. She quickly laid me down flat on the dais, where I continued to breathe in heavily while combating the cramp I could feel setting in throughout my limbs.

I didn’t enjoy much recovery time. Linda took hold of my arms and tied them with the same lengths of rope to the smaller posts at the corners of the platform, so I was now restrained once more. There was a kind of hopeless despair that spread over me at the familiar feeling of being held in place, yet there was also something strangely comforting about it, about the certainty that I couldn’t escape. It made my duties so much simpler in my head.

She bent over the side of the platform and produced a small whip, running its flails through her fingers. “It’s time for you to give me the satisfaction you didn’t give me last time you were here,” she whispered. “But, call me demanding - and I’d hate to think that you ever saw me as such - I like to get my pleasure in more than just the obvious ways. Here’s what you’ll be focusing on…” She stood over me and rolled up her tight skirt to reveal her pussy, which she lowered steadily onto my face. But just before I could extend my tongue to start licking, I felt the sharp sting of her whip on my stomach and jolted underneath her. “…and here’s what you’ll have to endure. Now, get to work…” Her voice was loaded with anticipation.

I had never even given oral sex to a woman before, I realised as I stared at her large labia, inches from my mouth. My first few laps at her pussy were uncertain, as I tried to acquaint myself with the smell, the taste, the sensation, but when the whip landed on my torso once more I jerked uncontrollably upwards into her crotch, and she moaned heavily. I understood what was happening here. I might not be able to get Linda off just with my tongue, but the combination of watching me twitch beneath her blows and then feeling my mouth press against her was what turned her on. I began to lick a little faster around her sloppy wet opening, allowing the tender flesh to fill my mouth, and as I increased the pace she matched it with her whip, a series of strikes on my breasts making me scream into her genitals.

“Oh, that’s so fucking good…” she murmured pleasurably, and whipped harder at my exposed nipples, causing my whole body to rise off the floor in suppressed agony. I attacked her pussy even harder with my mouth to try and block out the pain spreading through me, and so the whole dance proceeded, Linda’s overt sadism steadily arousing me as well as her, even in spite of myself. The lashes kept on coming all over my thin frame, causing me to twist and turn and suck yet more of Linda’s pussy into my mouth, which only prompted yet more torture from her; it was a cycle I knew I couldn’t break, and that feeling of being trapped started to make my own pussy moist once again.

Then suddenly I heard a familiar buzz and the wand was back on my clit, adding another source of stimulation which threatened to overwhelm me. “Ha ha, you didn’t think I’d forget your master, did you Ellie?” Linda said in between gasps, her breathing becoming steadily more ragged. “No, he’s applying that wand to you very firmly, and rest assured, it’s not coming off until I get off. You know he’s really desperate to fuck the shit out of your wet little cunt, are you looking forward to that?” I moaned my assent, and she chuckled, “Yeah, I thought so… keep going, you slut.” She was starting to grind her pussy against my face as I tried to push my mouth and cheeks as far inside her as I could. The fluid was pouring freely out of her vagina now, swamping my nose and lips, but still I kept going. “Oh, you pain sluts are the best…”

The sound and feel of her suffocating me, and the intoxicating blend of short lashes to my body and a steady electrical flow to my clit, tipped me over the edge first and I started to thrash about wildly beneath her. “Oh no you don’t,” she snarled, pressing her thighs tightly around my head as she bent low over my body, her whipping reaching a frenzy. “This is mine, all mine… oh, fuck. Fuck!” Her legs quivered against me, threatening to crush my skull, and as she dropped the whip she used my stomach to steady herself while she enjoyed her orgasm on top of me. When I came a few seconds later my climax was lost underneath her constricting presence, swallowed up by someone stronger, more determined, more powerful than me.

I blinked as Linda climbed off me and I could see the light again; then I caught a glimpse of her red, sweating face gazing down at me and realised I must look roughly the same. “That’s a good sign,” she said in a low voice, getting her breath back. “You were able to multi-task pretty well. Remember we discussed a woman’s superior pain threshold on your last visit? Well, the ability to multi-task is another supposedly unique feminine virtue, one I’m very interested in exploring right now.”

While she undid the knots around my wrists and I came down off my orgasmic high, I was dimly aware of the sound of Stuart throwing off his jacket and then unzipping his pants. By the time I was propped up on the platform he was almost completely naked. “Not quite what you think it is, dear,” Linda confided to me. “I know that you’re gagging to be taken in your holes, but that’s a privilege you’re going to have to earn. I want to see you put some of those skills you’ve learnt in your high-flying career to good use. Off you come.” She dragged me to my feet and made me step down to the main floor of the dungeon, while Stuart took my place on the dais. Then Linda walked round to the lever and turned it, raising the platform until it was three times its previous height.

“Now, bend over and touch your toes,” she instructed me. “You can bend your knees if necessary.” It certainly was necessary. Awkwardly I got into position, hunched over right in front of the raised level. Stuart sat down and shuffled forward to the edge, and I wondered why on earth we were going to all this trouble just for me to give another blowjob. Then he lay back, raised his legs and rested them heavily on my shoulders; I was staring right between his ass cheeks. With great glee Linda spelt out to me what I already understood.

“I told you upstairs to save the ass licking for when we got down here, and this is basically what I had in mind. She hasn’t performed this service for you before, has she Stuart?”

“It didn’t seem to occur her to ask,” he noted breezily, placing his hands behind his head. Well, you never said, I thought inwardly, fully aware that I couldn’t say that out loud. I swallowed nervously as I contemplated my task; Linda could see how hesitant I was, and for what reason.

“Ellie, are you…” She paused and walked round me so she was to my right. “Do you seriously think your master would demand this of you and not be fully clean for the occasion? We don’t all have your low standards of cleanliness, you know.”

“No, ma’am,” I murmured, my face going red with embarrassment once more, and this time they could both see it. My eyes met Stuart’s, and I realised that if he had prepared for this, then he’d agreed with Linda about doing it all those weeks ago when they were in contact… I’d severely underestimated him. Something like this would never have occurred to me, for all my talk of serving him. Now it was up to me to rise to the occasion and actually fulfil his wishes.

“I should think not,” said Linda, who had fetched a couple of items over from a nearby table. “Now, keeping your hands on your feet, spread your legs apart.” With difficulty I managed it, leaving my anus even more open and exposed, and I soon found out why. I felt her slip something smooth and cold up there, passing through the taut rings round my asshole without any trouble. “Just a little butt plug in preparation for what’s coming up later,” I was informed. “Now your challenge is to keep that inside your own ass while you get to work on your master’s. It won’t be as easy as you think when you have your legs spread, particularly when I’ll be using this on you.”

Linda’s arm fell into view in front of me, holding a stiff wooden cane. “A little bit of discipline never hurt anyone, especially when they’re trying to balance as many responsibilities as you do. Stuart was right when he told me you had quite a high-placed, demanding job, wasn’t he?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I couldn’t figure out how on earth this related to what I was about to do.

“Well, as I said, this is a true multi-tasking activity you’ve got in front of you. Two tasks, two distractions, it’ll be interesting to see how you handle them. Off you go.” I took a deep breath and leant forward, pressing my tongue between Stuart’s buttocks. With his balls right beside my nose all I could smell was the musky tang of arousal hanging over his penis, which was hardly unpleasant, so I grew bolder and started to lick properly around the stretched skin of his asshole. And then, just as before, the first blow from Linda struck my naked skin and everything became so much more complicated.

“Stuart tells me that you can be quite a bossy boots at work; that you used to be one in your relationship, too. Is that true?” Linda asked as she delivered another hard swat across my backside. Frantically I squeezed my cheeks together, trying to stop the plug from falling out.

“Yes, ma’am,” I admitted as I came up for air, shuddering at the stinging pain.

“A bit deeper, you really need to get all of your tongue into his asshole.” It sounded like the practical advice of a concerned parent, rather than the order that it actually was. Stuart helpfully spread his cheeks wider and I dived in, licking with more intensity, straining to fit my tongue inside his tiny opening. Mine, I was acutely aware, was becoming bigger by the second with the plug inside it.

“Would you say you’ve had to do a lot of this sort of thing to get where you are today, Ellie?” enquired Linda, running the cane teasingly over my sore behind. She’d deliberately chosen a moment where I had my tongue buried deep in Stuart’s ass so all I could do was murmur a denial, which she ignored. “Get up close to a guy’s ass while opening up your own, I mean? I can’t believe it’d be the biggest stretch for you - morally or physically,” she snickered, finding her joke hilarious.

I kept quiet, trying to control the submissive feelings that were flooding through me while I calmly got on with my job, but Linda was in no mood to let me off the hook that easily. Suddenly she grabbed my hair and pulled me up roughly, causing me to squeal; I just about managed to keep the butt plug stable. “I hope you understand that all your qualifications, all of your achievements, your nice big pay packet, they don’t mean shit in here,” she snarled in my ear. “You’re just a desperate little slut-girl trying to serve her superiors, do you understand?”

“Yes ma’am, I understand,” I whispered back, and after holding me tightly in her grip for a few seconds, she released me and let me go back to what I was doing. I felt like telling her that the pay packet wasn’t as big as I’d hoped anyway, but somehow I didn’t think back-chat would be tolerated very much. I held tightly onto my toes and licked steadily away, starting as I took the cane on my ass every few seconds; every time it struck me I lurched forward, my face pressing heavily into Stuart’s asshole, and he moaned his appreciation. It was all worthwhile once I knew that my suffering was contributing to his pleasure.

As I grew more accustomed to being down there I brought my mouth and nose into play, kissing as well as licking his bud, until I finally began to eat it properly, sucking around the rim while I inhaled deeply. I had to work harder to get my face between his cheeks because he now had one hand wrapped round his dick, stroking it firmly. I couldn’t resist giving his balls a little lick every time I came up for air, smiling at him as I did so. “Hold me,” I mouthed silently to him, and with a grin he used his other hand to hold my head in position every time I dived between his cheeks, meaning that I had to force my way in there all by myself. Forcing my way in to get the privilege of licking his asshole. I couldn’t believe how dumb I’d been not to think of this before. This was proper service, and my legs quivered at the thought of it in between the bouts of trembling brought on by the cane.

I became so absorbed in it that I managed not to let the blows distract me too much, even when Linda pulled my cheeks apart and gave me a final parting shot right over my crack, which made me squeal in agony as I dug my fingers into my toes. But I didn’t pull up, and eventually it was she who brought me up; I could have kept going indefinitely, at least until the stimulation became too much for Stuart and he erupted over my face, which he was well on his way to doing. As I straightened I did another little dance to keep the butt plug inside me, as it had slipped more than halfway out, and I managed that too. “You enjoyed that, hmm?” she interrogated me.

“Yes ma’am, I did,” I replied, licking my lips openly while the biggest grin spread across my face.

“Dirty slut,” she replied with manufactured disgust, and I knew it was manufactured because she was the one who’d reminded me how perfectly clean and safe a task it was. I was performing well, perhaps a little too well for her liking. “How was that, Stuart?”

“Not bad,” he observed as he sat up, though I could see from the precum oozing out of the tip of his dick that it had been better than that. “I think it's time to use her body properly now.”

“Are your fuck holes up to the challenge, Ellie?” Linda addressed me directly, a querying expression on her face.

“Yes they are, ma’am.” I’d been waiting for this all day, all month even; I certainly wasn’t going to shirk my responsibilities now. Linda gestured for me to get onto the platform, and I knew instinctively that I was required to get on all fours, to make myself receptive. The adrenaline surged through me as I took up a very familiar position, at the mercy of my boyfriend’s controlling and uncontrollable desires.

“You know this isn’t going to be a gentle afternoon workout, don’t you?” Linda said as she tied my legs firmly to the sides of the platform.

“Yes, ma’am.” My hands were already gripping the wood in front of me, my fingers nervously bunched together in anticipation of what was going to happen to me. Then my arms were grabbed and stretched in front of me, my wrists bound to the central post I was facing, so I had a little leverage on my bonds. I was expecting to sense Stuart kneeling behind me, but instead Linda raised the platform even higher until I was a long way off the ground, at waist-height.

“No need to have your master wear out his knees fucking your cunt, is there?” she observed. “Now you’re at the perfect height for him.” I braced myself for his entry, and despite all that I had done already it still took my breath away to feel him ease himself inside me, claiming me as his own. I was so wet by now that the only resistance he met with was me tugging at my ropes, to provide reassurance more than anything. I was bound, and I was going to be taken.

Stuart took a firm hold of my hips and began to thrust deeply into me, pushing me back and forth between the two sets of knots as I squirmed helplessly; the give in them was all the freedom I had. The stinging of the rope on my shins was excruciating, and as he picked up the pace my wrists were jerked to and fro taking my arms with them. I could feel Linda’s eyes on my sopping wet pussy, watching it dilate and contract, dilate and contract, and moaned at the lustful thought of what an exhibition I was making of myself.

I lowered my head to the floor and started to lose myself in my own private world again, but Linda grabbed me and pulled me up, dropping a familiar object over my mouth. “You remember this, don’t you?” she said as she fastened the ball gag in place, making me stretch my jaw to accommodate it. “Mmm,” I grunted indiscernibly, and she chuckled. “I had to use that as volume control on you the last time you were here.” She leant towards my ear and whispered, “I had to give you a little helping hand between your legs as well, I recall. I won’t have to do that this time, will I?” I shook my head forcefully. “No, I thought not.”

She climbed up onto the platform and sat down against the bars, her knees up, casually watching me get fucked senseless just like she had before. But the knowledge that it was my own boyfriend fucking me, that this was the fulfilment of something he’d spent weeks planning, made the experience so much more intense. Oh, I so hoped that he was enjoying himself; that he was enjoying me. Being unable to tell, bent over in this position while I was ruthlessly, facelessly used, was both frustrating and exciting at the same time. “Give yourself to him,” Linda murmured quietly, so that only I could hear, and just for an instant she sounded like a real, concerned confidante, trying to do the best for me. “Give yourself to your master. You’re not a person anymore, not now. You know what you are? You’re his little fuck-toy. That makes you happy, doesn’t it?” I nodded, and my eyes couldn’t disguise how heartfelt my agreement was.

I pressed my elbows and breasts into the floor and pushed my ass up slightly, so Stuart could see how utterly available I was to him. He responded to me, gripping my thighs to balance himself while he really angled his penis up and into me, his balls slapping me as he penetrated to the deepest, most delicate tissues around my cervix that he hardly ever explored. When he hit that wall right inside me I felt so sensitive, yet so beautifully full, that my head slumped against my tethered wrists and I let out a long sigh of contentment, shivers erupting over the entire length of my body. It wasn’t a proper orgasm as such, but it was just the best feeling… and fluid dripped out of me in an unending stream, all over his cock, my legs, the floor, everything within reach. I was so, so disappointed when I heard a strangled groan from Stuart and realised he’d had to contain his orgasm, as nothing would have made me happier than to feel him coming relentlessly inside me.

He had to slowly pull out of me, his dick twitching against my vaginal walls, and as I lay there I wondered what he looked like. Linda took her time in untying me, and she didn’t need to remind me about what was happening next, as we all knew it. I knew I was taking his cock in my ass, and I was eager to get on with it. When I sat up I saw Stuart staring at me, breathing in heavily, the sweat pouring off him, and as I was caught in his predatorial gaze, I realised: he understood. It probably helped that I was literally foaming at the mouth at the sight of him, my chin a drooling mess by now because of the gag, but even without that my hair was in complete disarray, I had a sheen of perspiration stuck to me, and my sore, twisted body was blazing red from a multitude of lashes and canings. And still I wanted him. I wanted him desperately.

“Don’t tie her down,” he suddenly instructed Linda sharply, as she prepared to rearrange the knots binding me. “Tie her arms to her legs. I want to be able to move her.” Linda didn’t object; in fact, I caught a little smile on her face as she looked down at her handiwork, realising that his attitude was shifting. “Take off her gag,” he added, and more pent-up saliva congealed on my chin and dripped onto my breasts as I was at last able to breathe freely. I raised my legs slightly at Linda’s command and my wrists were tied to my ankles, with additional knots just below my knees and elbows binding my limbs firmly together. All the while I kept my eyes fixed on his, hypnotised by him and his burning desire for me.

When she was finished, slipping the plug out of my ass, I was the perfect gift-wrapped package for him, and he knew it. He took hold of my feet and pulled me forwards until I was balanced over the edge, my legs either side of his hips. I looked up at him submissively, but without a shred of innocence in my features. “Please fuck my shit hole, sir,” I requested politely. “Please fuck it hard.”

“That’s what you want, is it?” he muttered back at me, pumping his dick in preparation. “You want to be fucked hard in the ass?”

“I want it in all my holes, sir. All my fuck holes.”

“Good, because I’m going to use all of them until I’m satisfied. I hope it won’t be too difficult for you.”

“That doesn’t matter, sir. I’m your little bitch, so you can do what you want with me.” He stared at me for several seconds, absorbing the meaning behind my words, and then positioned his dick over the little opening in my ass created by the butt plug. Before I could say anything he rammed it roughly inside me, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut and shriek with pain. And to my eternal gratitude, he didn’t stop. He saw my toes flex frantically, my fingers clench and unclench as the pain gripped me, and he carried right on inside my ass, his dick feeling like it was going to split me in two.

“God, your ass feels fucking amazing,” he muttered, pure uninhibited pleasure all over his face.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, sir,” I replied through gritted teeth, which had everything to do with the pain and nothing to do with my words. “Take my ass, sir. Take it and use it for whatever you want, please…” He no longer needed my encouragement to do anything, though. He moved further up my anus, giving no regard to my comfort, my privacy, my sanctity, because none of it mattered. Through my half-open eyes I watched him take what he wanted with single-minded determination, and wished I could yell out to him how wonderful it made me feel, knowing that his pleasure was more important than mine; that his pleasure was mine. That was the only thing that made the pain bearable.

“You would have let me come in your cunt, wouldn’t you?” Stuart snarled at me, grabbing my head as I threatened to sink back onto the platform and pulling it up so I was directly in front of him. “It doesn’t make any difference to you, does it?”

“No, sir,” I whispered to him, inches from his face. “I’ll take your cum wherever you want me to, and whenever you want me to. I’m yours to command.” That would have sounded hackneyed and fake in another context, but here, bound in front of him with his eyes forcing me to look at him while he was balls deep in my ass, it was so utterly real. “I am your bitch, sir,” I repeated, with such conviction that he nodded his agreement instantly.

“That’s right, you are. And now your ass is going to take such a pounding…” He took hold of my shoulders and started to slam in and out of me at frantic speed, burning the walls of my anus as he went. My arms and legs shuddered either side of his heaving torso, unable to offer me any protection from his invading presence, and I meekly, obediently submitted. Pain etched itself across my face at regular intervals, but I never stopped encouraging him with my eyes and my mumbling lips to do what he wished with me. I could see the feeling of release spreading through him, the freedom to indulge himself completely in my body and satisfy both him and me in the process. The minutes that followed weren’t just beautiful, they were blissful.

02-23-2008, 08:23 PM

I had totally forgotten that Linda was even there, until all of a sudden I saw her hands descending over me, carrying a series of clothespins. Before I could say anything two had been clamped over my nipples, and then with a feeling of dawning horror I watched her move down to my pussy, and clip them over both my labia. The horror wasn’t from the feeling of having them attached, it was the sight of all four of them leading up to her hand by a series of trailing wires, which I knew were going to be removed all at once. That, combined with the hard anal fucking I was enduring, could tip me right over my pain threshold.

“Have you been enjoying her, Stuart?” Linda asked, choosing her words very carefully.

“Yeah, I have,” he grunted tersely in response. “She may not suck cock very well, but she knows how to give up her ass, that’s for sure.”

Linda smiled and knelt by my ear. “Don’t know how to do everything yet, do you?” She suddenly flicked hard at my right nipple. “Do you?”

“No, ma’am,” I gasped, the sudden shard of pain disrupting the regular rhythm in my ass that I’d almost gotten used to. The disruption became permanent when Linda slipped a couple of fingers down my body onto my clit and began fingering it.

“You haven’t been selfish enough to come in front of your master while he enjoys you, have you Ellie?” she queried gently.

“No, ma’am.”

“Well you’re going to be selfish very soon, I can assure you of that. Let me know when you can’t contain your greedy appetite any longer, you little pig.” She started to increase the motion on my clit and I moaned feebly, my lip curling in disappointment; I was in such a yielding mood that I didn’t want to have another orgasm forced out of me, not when I should be giving myself to Stuart. My bound arms and legs started to twitch against his hips, my ass pinching around his dick as the climax built up inside me.

Finally, crushingly, my body betrayed me; and simply wanting to get it over with, I yelped, “Oh please ma’am, please may I come, please…”

Linda looked down at me, running her hand through my hair with an adoring glance. “Of course,” she replied softly, pulling the clothespins off my breasts and pussy just as my brain gave permission to my body to come.

The intermingling of pain and pleasure at that instant was such a devastating shock to my system that I bolted upwards in Stuart’s arms, my mouth gaping wide in sheer, utter disbelief at the intensity of my climax. There was no protection to be found from my outstretched limbs, still tied firmly together, and the whole twisted bundle of feelings surged up inside me until I had to release it somehow. Quaking from head to toe, I leant forward and screamed in their cold, impassive faces, “Thank you!!! Thank you… Master! Mistress… ” All I could think to do to alleviate the pain was thank them, for making me suffer in front of them so they could take pleasure from it, for pushing me way beyond the limits I thought I had. I knew I’d broken the rules by addressing them with different titles, but they were the only ones that felt right to me now. They had complete mastery over me, and I was deluded to believe otherwise.

I sagged limply in Stuart’s grasp, all the stuffing knocked out of me, so that he had to work hard to hold me up. “You should be punished for changing our titles like that, but I don’t think that’s such a bad change, do you Stuart?” Linda commented.

“I think it’s very appropriate,” he agreed, and focused his attention back on me. “I hope you’re ready for your master’s load now.” I was aware of his pace decreasing inside me, and with one final thrust deep in my ass that caused my mouth to drop open, he withdrew. I was left with an agonisingly sore behind that made me wince as I was laid down on the platform, my arms and legs stuck awkwardly up in the air. Then with astonishing speed, my bonds were sliced open with a knife and I was pulled upright, Stuart stroking his cock in front of me.

“You don’t get to laze around just because you’ve had your kicks, you selfish slut,” Linda snapped at me. She quickly lowered the platform so that I was at the perfect height to kneel and take him in my mouth. “You’re going to do this yourself. Take hold of your master’s dick and jerk him off, and I want you to cover your face in his sperm, is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said, secretly excited at being able to fulfil a fantasy I’d harboured for a long time. I knew it was going to be a large load, I could feel it as I took hold of Stuart’s red, throbbing shaft, the veins glistening all over its head as precum seeped out onto my delicate fingers. I added it to my own saliva and mixed it together as one sloppy lubricant, coating him in anticipation of his release while I looked up at him adoringly. He grasped handfuls of my hair, almost unconsciously trying to fuck my mouth, and I solved that problem for him by gulping down his cock, my hands funnelling him inside me. I licked and sucked at his opening, seeing it begin to palpitate, and held my head back in anticipation while his moans grew louder in my ears.

Breathless seconds later, I felt the first few spurts hit my mouth and chin, then they began landing even higher, across my eyelids and cheekbones and even onto my forehead. I didn’t stop pumping him until my face was saturated in semen, hanging off my chin, my nose and my eyebrows. I’d sensed some warmth splashing over my chest, and when I managed to half-open my eyes I could see trails of cum dripping down my neck and accumulating between my breasts. The overpowering smell of the stuff hung heavy in the air, the smell of him. He was still trying to control his breathing, his chest pounding noticeably, when I gazed up at him, my smile showing even through the thick wad clinging to me, and said emphatically, “Thank you so much for your cum, Master.”

While I sucked him clean Linda came up behind me and smeared the cum on my cheeks and forehead back over my hair, rubbing it in thoroughly until it was stuck firmly in my roots. I knew she was trying to test me, to make me snap, but I was far beyond that point now and I wasn’t at all distracted. When she held out her dripping fingers I instantly licked them dry as well, recognising my function as semen disposal. Most of it was not disposed of, however, remaining adhered to my face. Stuart bent down and cupped my cheeks in his hands, announcing, “I’m going off now, but I’ll be back soon. I think Linda can take care of you in the meantime. OK?”

“Yes… Master,” I replied in a faltering voice, sorry to see him leave but knowing, in the back of my mind, that he must want to prepare himself for another round with me. I couldn’t resent him for wanting, and expecting, more from me. Instead it was apprehension at being left in Linda’s care that threatened to consume me. She stood up, surveying my drenched features and aching body with disdain.

“Stay right there, and don’t move. I have some arrangements to make.” Her tone was so commanding that I did exactly as she asked while she went off to the other end of the room, fiddling around with some equipment that I couldn’t see. I sat huddled over at the edge of the platform, contemplating all that I had done, grimacing occasionally as feeling slowly returned to the parts of my body that had been tied up. I did have to make an effort to psyche myself up for whatever was coming next, because it was tempting to simply shut down both mentally and physically, to say that I’d had enough for today and I’d do it again when I felt like it. Which would have been completely and utterly against the point.

Finally Linda came back over and beckoned me up with a single finger, leading me over to a distant corner where a very complex series of ropes hung from the ceiling. I had my hands placed behind my back and tied together with one length of rope, then two more tied around my thighs, and yet another around my waist. It was only when Linda moved over to a nearby pillar and winched me up into the air, my legs forced open, that I realised it was her turn to have me. She bent over, slipped on her strap-on and walked slowly up to me, running her fingers over my pale skin and bringing it out in goosepimples. “You didn’t think I was going to miss the chance to take you from in front, did you?” she asked me.

“No, Mistress,” I whispered, still trying to adjust to the feeling of being suspended above the ground, hanging there with only her to guarantee my safety. And my protection came a strict second to her pleasure, I knew that. She had no lube on the dildo, but she didn’t really need any as I was providing more than enough of it on my own, and with a slight upwards angle she slipped it neatly inside me.

“I hope you enjoy this, because I know I will,” she said smoothly, her eyes dancing as she looked straight at me and began to thrust into me. The sight and the thought of penetrating me never failed to turn her on even though she couldn’t feel my pussy at all, and her obvious excitement transmitted itself to me as well. It was actually a blessed relief to be fucked vaginally after taking it hard up my ass, almost relaxing in a way, but I made sure I never lost respect for Linda and maintained eye contact throughout. She grasped me below my shoulders and started to slam harder and faster into me, strands of hair falling across her face. “I like being able to watch you take my cock,” she muttered in a husky voice. “It’s nice to watch me taking you, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied honestly. “Yes, it is.” My body was tuned in completely by now, the dildo hitting just the right spot inside me, and soon I was able to ask with a pleasurable groan, “Please may I come Mistress, please…”

Linda looked down at her dildo working its way remorselessly in and out of my pussy, stretching it wide to accommodate its girth, and giggled. “Girls just aren’t supposed to do this sort of thing, are they?” she observed with delight. “Yes, of course you can sweetie. Come all over my hard dick.” So I did, and she took a distinctly masculine satisfaction in watching me do so. When I was finished she carried on inside me at a gentler pace, as if she just didn’t want to give up my cunt. “Oh, I wish I could make both you and your master my bitches for today…”

In a sudden outburst of lip that I justified as loyalty to my master, I murmured audibly, “I like his cock better, Mistress.” A dark look passed across Linda’s face, but she used my insult to her advantage.

“Oh, you’re good,” she grinned at me. “You’ve got spirit. But you’ve been asking for this for a very long time.” I took the slap across my face that followed as calmly as possible, knowing I deserved it. “We’ll see whether you’re still insolent by the time I’m finished with you.” Almost on cue, Stuart came back down the stairs, looking refreshed and ready to test me once more. “You really need to keep this little bitch of yours under control, you know,” Linda commented acidly.

“She been causing you any trouble?”

“Opening her big fat mouth when she shouldn’t, that’s all.” At last she withdrew from me and ran her fingers along her soaking wet phallus in disgust. “God, her fucking cunt juice gets everywhere. Does she actually squirt?”

“I don’t honestly know. Let’s find out, shall we?” He smiled across at me as he gave me something else both to look forward to and to worry about.

“Good idea. I know just how to do it, too.” Linda untied my bonds and lowered me slowly to the floor, then led me back over to the platform, where she had me lie flat on my back in front of the post while she bound my wrists to the smaller corner posts. Then with a jolt of alarm I had my legs lifted and swung over my head, where they were secured by my ankles to the bars. It was the most awkward position I’d been in all day, and that was saying something. My crotch stuck out above my buttocks, and I could just see my swollen red asshole on the other side of it, fringed by bruises where I’d been roughly penetrated.

“Do you think you can ejaculate properly, Ellie?” Linda asked as she knelt beside me, the wand in her hand once more.

“I… I don’t know, Mistress.” It wasn’t something I’d ever wanted to try or even thought possible, but I’d had plenty of very wet orgasms before the ones today… I just never thought of it as projectile ‘squirting’ like you got in porn movies. They seemed totally ridiculous to me.

“Well better hope you don’t succeed, otherwise you’re going to get very, very wet,” she laughed, and switched on the vibrator. Stuart knelt in front of my open holes and this time inserted a couple of his fingers into my pussy, probing inside me until he found my G-spot; he did the beckoning motion, the one that I’d read about but never actually tried to implement in the bedroom, and I started to feel full as my glands swelled with fluid. It wasn’t a nice feeling to be manipulated towards orgasm in this way, but then I wasn’t here to be comfortable. The wand on my clit was a competing sensation, making it difficult to concentrate on one.

“Are you getting ready to spurt, Ellie?” Linda inquired as Stuart’s fingers became slower and more deliberate in their motion, insistently coaxing my orgasm out of me. I moaned as the folds of my pussy grew wetter and wetter, trying to suck his digits further inside; my ankles tugged desperately at their restraints, but I was trapped here in this demeaning, humiliating stance until they wanted me out of it.

“Yes Mistress, yes I am,” I wailed frantically.

“Then open your mouth wide and accept your cum gratefully, like a good little girl. Do it.” Reluctantly I gaped my mouth open as Stuart pushed my ass a little further forward, bringing my cunt even closer to my face. “Now don’t ask me for permission, just wait for my command…” My cries grew faster and faster as I felt the burning need to pee, to release that fullness somehow; Linda saw the folds of my pussy twitch and contract and yelled out triumphantly, “Now, blow your fucking load!”

The fluid burst upwards out of me in a small, concentrated stream and came cascading down on my waiting face as I screamed in the throes of my orgasm. I swallowed a lot of it instantly, the rest landed all over my cheeks and jaw, seeping into the drying remnants of semen still there. For a few moments I could hardly breathe as it rained on me, then it stopped and I lay still, convulsing frantically in the sticky puddle around my head and shoulders that I’d created for myself. Stuart removed his fingers delicately, but he couldn’t avoid brushing against my vaginal wall as he did so and it hurt like hell, I was so sensitive in there. The one consolation that occurred to me as I slumped against the post, hyperventilating while the pain gathered in my neck and shoulders where my weight was concentrated, was that I couldn’t possibly come again. They’d drained my body of fluid, and they’d drained it of orgasmic potential as well.

“That’s a lovely little mixture you’ve got going on your face, you know,” Linda informed me. “You should try and make it at home.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied deliriously, and she laughed, beginning to untie my knots once more. If this whole experience had confirmed anything to me it was her skill as a domme, because not only had she planned things out meticulously, she’d even made sudden changes on the spot and still been able to tie me down in prompt fashion in a variety of positions. It felt so humbling to be in someone’s hands to that degree, to the extent that I’d become a piece of furniture to be shifted around the room and placed where I looked best.

“You may have had your fill, but you’ve worn out your master’s cock with the grasping demands of your fuck holes, you know that?” she reminded me, pointing at Stuart’s penis which was semi-erect at best. “That’s your doing, so you can put in the work to get him hard again.” She led me forward on my knees until I was in front of him, right in the middle of the platform, and once more took away the use of my hands by securing them behind me. “Let’s see whether you’ve learnt anything, shall we?”

I moved my face forwards a little too eagerly over his limp erection, and he stopped me and pulled my head up. “I want your mouth only, not any of that mess you’ve got on your face. Is that clear?”

“Yes Master, I’m sorry.” Carefully I reached out with my tongue and drew him into my mouth, sensing him swell already the moment he was inside me. This time I was fortunate enough to be able to start from scratch, to feel his penis growing in my mouth as a result of my efforts rather than have a rock-hard dick shoved between my lips, and it made all the difference. I spread my knees a little and settled down into my job, finding it relaxing, peaceful almost. All sense of time deserted me while I sucked steadily away, using all the saliva I could muster to make him wet and slippery on my tongue. I was smart enough to reach all the way down his shaft while he was still fairly flaccid, so that I had time to cope with his steadily expanding length and girth, with the veins and ridges I could now feel pressing against the sides of my cheeks.

Flexing my tied hands at the thought of how naughty I was, I took him down into my throat in slow, measured stages, this time controlling my breathing so that there was none of the panicked gagging and slobbering that Linda had upbraided me for earlier. I had my eyes closed all the time while I concentrated on what I was doing, leaving myself enough air in my throat that I could hold him there for several seconds; when I felt my lips press against his balls my heart leapt at the knowledge that I had taken all of him, and that I could do it again if necessary. I withdrew my mouth very slowly, sucking and licking him all the way, until I popped his cock out of my lips and smiled up at him. His eyes were so full of lust for me.

I was about to deep throat him again when he suddenly stepped away from me, and I was visibly upset at being denied the chance for more oral service. “You’ve played your part. Back you come, Ellie,” said Linda, dragging me towards the post, where my arms were tied above my head and both my ankles tied down, leaving me crouched with my body completely open. She put the ball gag in place over me as I started to utter a protest, more through confusion than anything else. “I don’t want to hear your complaints, and the chances are you might have some now.”

Stuart knelt down on the platform as Linda walked over to him, and my eyes widened in horror as she crouched over his cock, lifting her skirt so she could slide her pussy neatly down onto his erection. “You see, your master wants to enjoy sex with a real woman, not a snivelling cum slut like you,” she insulted me, while I pulled uselessly at my restraints, a faint whimper audible behind my gag. She wrapped her arms around Stuart’s neck and clung onto him, with firmness rather than desperation, as he began to thrust into her. “Have fun watching us, Ellie, because that’s all you can do. You can’t even get off at watching another woman give your man proper satisfaction, that must be so frustrating for you!”

“God Linda, your pussy feels incredible,” Stuart gasped, twisting the knife in a little further. “It’s so much smoother than hers…” I moaned again through my gag, my eyes starting to moisten, and Linda turned to regard me contemptuously as she ground herself without inhibition on Stuart’s dick.

“Look at you,” she sneered. “You’re such a baby. Sitting there sucking on that pacifier, dribbling all over yourself, unable to even speak properly. Can’t let you free, who knows what harm you could do to yourself? No cock for you, baby. You get to watch the grown-ups do it instead.” I was having to fight hard to keep the tears at bay now as her words cut right through me, striking at my very soul, making me feel that all that I’d done up to now had been inadequate. Another hopeless tug at my bonds, and another realisation of my place as a slave in their dominant world.

They weren’t exactly holding back for my benefit, either. Stuart started to pound his hips harder against Linda and she responded in kind, the two of them enacting a battle for supremacy as they savoured the feel of each other’s bodies, their genitals tightly entwined. Linda never quite managed to lose her air of being in control, but the pleasure she was deriving from his dick showed itself on her face, and she made sure that I saw every moment of it. Finally she lunged forward with a deep moan and pressed Stuart’s head against her neck as she was gripped by an orgasm. Her own head twisted towards mine, flushed crimson and shaking. “Oh fuck, your master’s cock feels so good,” she declared shamelessly, taking in deep breaths. She leaned a little closer towards me and dropped her voice. “It feels even better when you can come without begging for permission, but I guess you’ll never know that feeling again. Too bad, huh?”

I slumped back, defeated and despondent, while Linda recovered from her climax and got slowly to her feet, leaving behind a cock glistening all over with her juices. Breathing heavily, Stuart got up and walked over to stand in front of me, jerking it in preparation for his release. His release in me. I came as close as I ever did that whole afternoon to disobeying him, because I resisted as much as I possibly could in my position, shrinking back against the post as his dick drew nearer. Linda whipped the gag off my mouth, and as I sucked in air he slid his penis inside, resting it on my tongue. I looked up at him with resentment visible in my eyes; I felt ashamed and angry at the prospect of finishing off what he had started and enjoyed with another woman, at being allowed only to clean up the results of his arousal rather than cause it myself.

“Are you ready to swallow my load like a good, obedient girl, Ellie?” he asked me quietly but firmly, and I tried to remind myself that this was the controlling man I wanted, the man who would love and protect me while teaching me to serve and obey him. My lips moved, as if words were trying to reach them, but I couldn’t form anything coherent.

“You want to make your master happy, don’t you?” I nodded slowly. “Then do as I say, and swallow.” He stroked the head of his cock inches from my rolled-out tongue. As I heard him groan in the last few seconds before he erupted, something shut down in me and I closed my eyes to carry out my task quietly and anonymously. Then at the last instant I found the strength to open them again, and I focused squarely on my boyfriend’s face as I gulped the cum that another woman had built up in him steadily down my throat, spurt by spurt and then drop by drop. Once he had finished, we shared a moment in which he seemed so deeply contented, far beyond the simple physical pleasure he’d enjoyed when he came over my face.

“Good girl,” he said in a low murmur, brushing strands of hair off my forehead.

“Thank you, Master,” I whispered back, in a voice so hushed that we were the only ones who heard it.

Stuart stepped off the platform, now as drained as I was, and Linda sat down in front of me, picking the wand up off the floor. “I have a little unfinished business with you, Ellie,” she informed me coolly. I recoiled at the sight of the vibrator, since it had brought me as much pain as pleasure throughout the numerous times it had been used on me. But I felt safe, because I was so numb between my legs that nothing could arouse me now. She switched it on and placed it over my crotch, and the buzzing was little more than an irritant.

“Boy, you look a mess,” Linda marvelled, shaking her head as she examined me. “You have whip and cane marks all over your body, your pussy and ass look red and sore, your nipples are inflamed. Your hair’s stuck together in bunches from all the cum that’s been rubbed into it, and that’s not to mention the cum you’ve still got dripping off your face, both yours and your master’s. I can see a little bit of it hanging from your nose. And that make-up, that beautifully classy make-up you spent so long shovelling onto your face this morning, that’s closer to your chin than your eyes now. You’re a total state, you really are.

“But the thing is, despite all of that, you still want another one, don’t you?” she observed, pointing towards my pussy. “You still want another orgasm, even after all you’ve been through: the humiliation, the degradation, the suffering, the pain.” I shook my head confidently, defiantly. “No? Are you sure? I think you’re fibbing, Ellie. Your body certainly is, even if your mind isn’t. I just want to know why, that’s all.”

Linda shifted her weight so she was directly in front of me, forcing me to look at her. “Why are you such an orgasm slut, Ellie?” I was about to issue another defiant statement when I felt the stirrings of something in my clit and realised, with an inward shudder, that my desire was still there. It crippled me to admit that she was right, that my appetite hadn’t been sated, but I knew my body would make the confession eventually if I didn’t. I refused to say anything to her; after all, it wasn’t a pleasurable feeling. It was as if my libido had been forcibly woken and dragged out into the open, screaming all the way.

“Come on, you can tell me,” Linda cooed delicately. “It’s just us girls now, just the two of us.” That was funny of her, pretending that we had anything in common other than our anatomy. I started to shift around from one side to the other, trying to escape the persistent touch of the vibrator, but Linda matched my movements effortlessly, keeping it pressed firmly to my clit. “Oh, this is fun,” she chuckled. “You know you can’t possibly escape from me, you know there’s absolutely no way you can stop me doing this to you, but still you struggle. I like that. Keep struggling.” Determined not to play into her hands, I stopped still and just breathed in deeply, trying to ignore the sore, burning climax building up inside me.

“It’s just a simple question, Ellie: why are you such an orgasm slut? Hmm? Why is that?” Her words seemed to chime with the sound of the wand, both boring incessantly into me, never giving me any peace or privacy. I couldn’t bear either for much longer, and the mental elastic that I’d been stretching for the entire session began to fray. “Why is it that you’re a slut for orgasms, Ellie? Why? Why?”

Unable to break free from the imprisonment of my physical restraints, my mental ones finally snapped and I leaned forward and screamed in her face, “Because I’m a FUCKING WHORE!!! That’s what you wanted to hear, isn’t it??!! Because I’m a fucking dirty whore and I so badly want to come…” My legs tried to squeeze together around the vibrator, highlighting how utterly futile all my denials had been.

“Now that’s the girl I’ve been looking for,” Linda declared with relish, and jammed the wand even tighter against me.

That was my cue to let go, and I did so with an abandon that had me almost screaming the place down. I shook desperately at the ropes on my wrists and ankles, but there was no give to them, no way of curling myself up into a protective ball and hiding my orgasm from Linda and Stuart’s pervading gaze. I came right in front of them, my body twisting and turning as I writhed on the floor, my mouth open in a constant shriek that echoed around the walls. Out of me flooded all the pent-up feelings that they’d instilled in me: the anger, the embarrassment, the shame, the longing, the submission, and they saw it all. I felt stripped bare, every physical and mental layer peeled away until they could see me totally, everything that I ever was or ever could be. Finally my head dropped onto my shoulder and I lay there, moaning, my entire body jolting unstoppably while my orgasm gradually died away.

Linda watched me impassively as I slumped over, trying to find sanctuary in my own undulating skin. I’d held my emotions back before, but now I couldn’t, and I started to cry. Large tears formed in my eye ducts, slipping inexorably down my cheeks, and I didn’t know exactly where they were coming from. The only thing I knew for certain was that they weren’t tears of sadness. Far from it.

Suddenly I was aware of the ropes around my wrists being cut, and then Stuart was in front of me, holding me in his arms. I had just enough energy to embrace him and bury my head in his shoulder. “I love you,” I whispered gently to him. “I love you so much…”

“I love you too, Ellie,” he replied, holding onto me softly, making me feel safe. As my eyes focused beyond his collarbone I saw Linda stretched out a few feet away, propped up on her arms. She simply raised her eyebrows questioningly, and I gave her a thumbs-up and a grin, knowing that I could relax at last.

“Thank you,” I mouthed silently: a more low-key gesture than the many thanks I’d given to her and Stuart throughout the day, but an equally honest one.

We took a long, long time cleaning each other in the shower afterwards, and that was where the delayed impact of all I’d undergone really started to make itself felt. I ached all over, every movement painful, and the marks and bruises on my body looked disturbingly big. I was going to have to rest and heal them for many days afterwards, but it had all been worth it. I just had to look into Stuart’s eyes to know that, to see that here was a man who at last felt truly comfortable dominating me. His words and gestures were subtle and understated, but underscoring them all was the expectation that he should lead and I should follow.

While he washed my hair I knelt in front of him and gave him very calm, restrained head, with no intention that it should lead to anything; it just felt nice doing it, that was all. He kissed all around my hips and crotch as he knelt underneath the water, and together we washed and dried each other’s bodies. It was only after I had my towel wrapped around me that I pondered how exactly I was going to leave with my clothes either in shreds or scattered over the dungeon floor. Stuart explained to me that he had a change of clothes in the trunk of the car, another little birthday surprise for me. “And don’t worry, there’s a pair of proper flat-heeled shoes in there for you too,” he added, which reassured me no end.

The conversation we had with Linda afterwards felt even stranger than the first one I’d had with her, as it seemed that she knew more about me now than my closest relatives and friends; more, in fact, than anyone except the man beside me. Dressed once more in civilian clothes, a calm and fairly benign figure, she leant over the table and said to me, “You know, I’d better be careful. If I get any more girls like you in here I’ll have to start dropping male clients, and then I really will be pissed at you.” We all laughed, and she ruminated further on what we’d done together. “Seriously, that was incredible stuff. I’ve done a few three-way sessions before, but not many as good as this one, I guarantee you.”

“Well, it was her idea,” Stuart pointed out.

“So it was.” Linda looked more closely at him. “I take it any more visits here will be entirely your idea.”

“For sure. And only if she’s particularly good. She can be quite a handful at times,” he added as he put his arm round me and squeezed my waist, enthralling me inside.

“What about you, Ellie? Are you happy with how it went?”

Was I happy? “I… I can’t even say,” I said, shrugging my shoulders in astonishment. “I know I’ve got more to thank you for than just today, though. If I’d never gone to see you in the first place I’d have carried on making the greatest mistake of my life.”

“That was your decision, not mine,” Linda reminded me. “Be proud of yourself.” I realised that it had been my decision, and that was a happy thought to take with me as I strolled out to the car with Stuart on my arm in the late afternoon sunshine. I was, however, struck by a sudden unhappy one as I got in.

“Oh God, I just remembered… my mom.” Stuart’s face fell. “You know she always calls me on my birthday in the afternoon. Gives me a lot of advice about things that I’m already doing. She’s going to be so mad at me for not being there today, I know she will.” A familiar panic about being organised and on top of the situation was starting to spread through me.

“You can always call her back later,” he pointed out to me as he got in and started the engine.

“Later?” I said, a sinking feeling in my stomach as I contemplated an hour-long apology that night.

“Yeah. Later next week - and yes, that is an order.”

I laughed, and leant over to kiss him. “Yes, Master.” As we pulled away I wondered how many times I was going to be saying that in future, realising with a little squeal of joy that it was all up to the man sitting beside me.

02-24-2008, 06:58 PM
This was an extremely well written tale, a pleasure to read from start to finish.

Thanks for taking the time to write it and share it with us.

April xxx

03-05-2008, 08:47 PM
Hey, I really enjoyed this, it was very well written, plenty of detail and it was a good read from start to finish. You had my complete bonded attention for the whole time.

07-26-2008, 12:02 PM
I enjoyed reading all this it was a very good story.

06-18-2011, 10:39 PM
that was great

01-14-2012, 01:02 PM
I loved it