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View Full Version : They Stand

09-09-2008, 09:51 AM
First off am a vetean i didn`t go to Iraq
but i did serve.
So if you see any service men or women just tell them Thanks

They stand at the gate, facing the darkness, not knowing what`s out there.
They stand proud , without fear they stand for all men , women childern too.

It doesn`t matter what they believe for all they believe is Freedom for ALL
freedom from opression, freedom of speech and the freedm just to live.

They Stand for all that is good , tho people may call them names , even spit on them they stand for them .

They Stand waiting so we may sleep peacfuly at nite, knowing no one will come in the darkness, take us away.

They Stand giving their all Fathers Mothers Brothers Sisters, Aunts and Uncles

So lets Stand and to say Thank YOU

09-09-2008, 04:07 PM
Also very nice


09-09-2008, 05:45 PM
I liked this one as well Stargazer, quite true and very well said.