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The Lone Ranger
10-26-2008, 09:32 PM
I leaned against the wheel of the airship, staring down at a rare delicacy for a skysailor, the half-eaten apple rested lightly in my hand. The noonday sun beat down on the back of my neck, causing me to rub it every now and then. My name’s Eric Vernin, and I’m the youngest airship pilot in history, only sixteen years of age but I can outfly half the Great Society pilots with my eyes closed.

Of course that means jack squat when I’m stuck taking orders from Captain Valencia, the dumb bitch couldn’t fly her way out of a paper bag, but she insists on ordering me around like some lowly servant. It’s embarrassing is what it is, the entire crew hates her guts, though more than half of us would like to take a swing at her.

I guess it’s not her fault though, the immortals are usually a little soft in the head, more dependent on their looks than they are their brains. She’s young too, only three hundred years, I know it sounds like a lot, but immortals are, well, immortal. She’s not too bad to look at, silver hair, down to her waist, angular features, green eyes and a slim figure. People think the immortals are elves, but that’s just not true, they share none of that free will wishy-washy emotion that makes the elves completely unbearable. If she wasn’t my superior, Valencia and I would probably get on really well.

But she is, and we absolutely loathe eachother, I’ve rambled on and kept you distracted from the story for long enough. I was resting for a time, enjoying a meal for the first time in ages, we had been flying hard for nearly a week now and I was exhausted when Valencia stormed out of her cabin, she gets and entire cabin to herself of course, and marched right up to me, striking me across the face with the flat of her hand, shouting about the skyliner being off course when I had taken painstaking care to keep our beloved ship perfectly in line.

Something snapped in me then, I had been putting up with her for months now and I was sick and tired of it. Balling my free hand into a fist I struck back, knocking the frail captain off of her feet. Her legs spread, giving me a good view of the space between her legs, she wasn’t wearing undergarments, and there was a slightly wet spot on the back of her uniform, reinforcing my idea that she got off on tormenting her crew.

Well, I thought to myself, if she wants to get off so bad, maybe I can help her along a little bit. I stepped down from the helm, loosening my belt as I walked over to our beloved captain, my shaft straining more against the fabric of my trousers with each step. I dropped my pants and stepped out of them, my erect shaft now out in the daylight.

Seeing my engorged penis, the captain’s eyes widened and she began to crawl backwards, away from me. I was too fast for her though, catching her by the ankle and pulling her so that my heavier body loomed over her. She tried to scream for help, but I crammed the apple into her mouth as soon as it opened. It was a shame to waste the fruit, but this revenge was sweeter than any fruit could ever be. I tore away the front of her uniform, her milky white skin making my young shaft throb with excitement.

A moan of fear echoed in Valencia’s throat as my rough hands played over her silky skin, finding their way to her nipples, a pink so light it may as well have been the same color as her skin. I leered into the captain’s eyes as I pinched and twisted them hard, making her scream into the apple. This sense of power emboldened me and I leaned down pressing my cheek next to hers, whispering into her ear, “it’s so nice when the tables are turned isn’t it?” She glared and screamed again at me, but I ignored it, my focus now on more important things.

While one hand remained cupped to Valencia’s breast, my other hand moved down her body, feeling her taut stomach and briefly tugging at her silver pubic hair, eliciting another scream of pain. I chuckled and shook my head at her, finally flicking my finger over her clitoris. The captain froze and shuddered, and involuntary spasm of pleasure rocking her body. It was then that I realized the captain was soaking wet, she was enjoying this as much as I was!

I laughed, “well, well, I see you’re having more fun than you let on my sweet.” Finally giving into the demands of my swollen penis I knelt between Valencia’s legs, pulling my captain’s hips up onto my lap. Biting my lip in anticipation, I thrust deep inside her, bringing forth another deep moan of pleasure, from both of us. Her vagina was amazing! Tight, wet, and hot, just like all the crew said a good pussy should be. Another moan escaped my lips as I began to thrust deeply into her.

After a time Valencia began to whimper, I had pounded her slit mercilessly, but until now she had made every indication that she was enjoying it. I realized what was happening when a warm liquid began spraying all over me, she was rocking with an orgasm, squirting her juice onto my crotch and thighs. Her legs began to shake violently as she finished, and her vagina squeezed my cock, tightening around it and throwing me into an orgasm of my own. I tossed my head back and let out a silent gasp as more seed than I had ever let go before sprayed into her waiting pussy.

I pulled out then, slightly unsteady on my feet and reached over, pulling the apple from Valencia’s mouth and ordering her to lick my cock and thighs clean before I returned to the helm. This she did, weakly, all of her energy had been taken by her orgasm. I patted her on the head as I rose and made my way back to the helm, vaguely aware that the other members of the crew were now gathering around our captain.

10-26-2008, 10:01 PM
Thanks for that hot little tale to help me through my very very long afternoon !bchss

10-27-2008, 12:16 AM
Thanks for the new addition

The Lone Ranger
10-27-2008, 01:27 PM
Thanks to you both, glad to see my work is appreciated.

10-27-2008, 01:30 PM
That had a fine touch to it in setting the scene
for the characters.

Nicely laid out and makes for an enjoyable read.

A solid piece of writing.

10-27-2008, 08:33 PM
I enjoyed that piece very much. A hot story

10-27-2008, 09:41 PM
nice story, wish it was a little longer!

The Lone Ranger
10-28-2008, 01:26 PM
Long stories are difficult for me, I end up having to stop to attend to certain things :wink_2:

11-01-2008, 02:48 AM
i really loved it. Is there any chance of another installment as I wonder what the rest of the crew would do?:ponder:

The Lone Ranger
11-22-2008, 11:02 PM
No chance of anything from the rest of the crew, I don't do the gangbang thing, but I'm writing a sequel that I hope is longer.

03-04-2009, 07:59 PM
I like it could be longer though

03-09-2009, 09:40 AM
Good stuff here

03-12-2009, 01:32 PM
Nice story.

No chance of anything from the rest of the crew, I don't do the gangbang thing, but I'm writing a sequel that I hope is longer.

Good; a whole world is implied and a lot of story that can be told.