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03-25-2009, 04:34 AM
"Then come with me," she said. "Put all of this behind and come with me."

"I can't do that," I said.

"And I can't stay," she answered. She leaned in closely, crushing her bosom against my chest, and kissed my cheek softly. "I knew you wouldn't come, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. Goodbye, Lover, until we meet again."

"Will we meet again?" I asked with a hint of anger. "Or were you only coming back because of the casket? Because it had a grip on you like it did me?"

I noticed a solitary red tear rolling down her pale cheek. "Don't say that to me Darien. It did have a grip on me, but it was the longing to be close to you that always drew me. You know I'll be back."

She leaned close again and this time our lips met. We kissed slowly and passionately. My hands felt out the ripe body concealed by her tight velvet dress. I rubbed her ass and felt the thong beneath her dress. I could feel my penis stirring, and part of me longed to strip her down and make love on the floor, but I knew it would not be right. Our kiss ended, and we embraced, and then we said farewell. Sophie turned and left. I didn't know when I would see her again, but I felt positive that I would.


Several hours later I hid in the woods of a small farm outside the city. It was less than 50 miles from downtown, yet there were no signs of urban life. The land was covered by rolling hills-the first signs of the Appalachian Mountains. The next house was almost a mile away.

I knew this was Thornbird's place. He had left his home in south Alabama several years early in hopes of find more support for his cause in the big city. I had been cautiously aware of his movement for years, all though I had never had an encounter with him. I had retained the services of a ambitious lawyer several years earlier who managed my ample wealth. Mr. Tiller had been keeping track of the reverend and a few other people I was concerned with for several years. He never asked any questions, as long as he was paid, although I'm sure he had his suspicions.

There were several guards on the property. Obviously the preacher had feared some sort of retaliation. I easily walked among the men without being detected. They would never notice me in the shadows unless I wanted them to.

Dawn was approaching rapidly, and I knew sunrise wasn't far away. I would have to find a place to sleep soon, but there was something I wanted to see first. There was a bedroom on the back of the house with a large window. I knew this room belonged to young Rosemary Thornbird. Fortunately I had been able to contact my friend Mortimer shortly after Sophie's departure. Through him, I had learned a lot about the hunter's daughter, including her name. She was finishing her senior year at a prestigious religious high school in the city. Apparently the head master was a friend of Thornbird's and had waved the tuition fees for Rosemary. It took nearly an hour to commute to the school, so I knew she would have to get up early to prepare.

The first hints of light had started to fill the night sky when the bedroom light flicked on. I got as close to the window as I could without putting myself in risk. I watched through the window as the girl began her morning routing.

In our conversation, Mortimer had called her a striking beauty, and I noticed he had not been lying. Rosemary was wearing a loose white poet's shirt, but even so I could see that her eighteen year old body was very fit. Her hair was a sexy mess of shoulder length dirty blonde spiral curls. She had large almond shaped eyes and a striking figure. As I watched, she walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. The angle I was at prevented me from seeing in, but she came back out a minute later. I was pleasantly surprised to see she had discarded her sleeping shirt. Rosemary stood looking in her closet wearing nothing but a small pair a pale blue cotton panties. Her body was phenomenal. She was tall and waif thin, with very perky tits that bounced around happily as she walked. My cock grew hard as I fantasized about ravaging her body and then feasting. For a moment, I considered casting my plan aside and smashing in her window. I wanted to feel her tight young body rubbing against my own.

Fortunately, my brain took over and held my animal instincts in check. The sun was rising, and once it did I would be virtually powerless. I stood watching for a few more minutes as Rosemary took her school uniform out of the closet and gathered some accessories. Then she returned to the bathroom and closed the door. The sun was now peeking over the horizon, and I knew I needed to get some rest. I fled through the woods and returned to my car. I had pulled it off the side of the road and concealed it in a grove of trees. I popped the trunk and climbed in. Seconds later I drifted to sleep with pleasant dreams of vengeance.


With a monumental effort, I aroused myself from sleep in the late afternoon. The winter sun was just starting to set and I had to fight the urge to hide in my trunk until nightfall. If my plan were to succeed it was crucial to get moving. I climbed from the car and went around to the backdoor. I removed a garment bag and quickly changed clothes, then slid behind the wheel, pausing only for a second to smooth away a few wrinkles in the black button down shirt and dress slacks. I ran a comb through my long dark hair and pulled it back in a pony tail before setting off towards the city.

Almost an hour later I pulled into the parking lot of the ritzy religious academy. My timing was almost perfect. The grounds were almost abandoned except for a few scattered cars. The majority of the students would have departed hours ago, but not Rosemary. I had learned from my research that she stayed late for choir practice two nights a week. Thursday was one of those nights. I had only been waiting for a few minutes when a group of three girls exited the building. Right away I recognized my prey.

Rosemary was walking on the far left, next to a petite, attractive brunette and a somewhat chubby blonde girl. The brunette seemed to be the leader of the clique. Rosemary seemed almost like a stereotype-the preacher's daughter in her neat school girl uniform staying after school for choir practice, but as I looked her up and down my thoughts were anything but pure. She was wearing a white blouse beneath a navy blue V-neck sweater. Dirty blond curls hung loosely around her face. Her long, slender legs made her pleated gray skirt seem miniscule by comparison. Once again, I felt my manhood grow hard, but I didn't know if it was caused by lust for her sex, or for the revenge I would have when I destroyed her.

As the girls started in the direction of the parking lot I strode confidently towards them. "Excuse me ladies," I called. The three girls stopped and looked at me. I noticed the petite brunette admiring my body. It was hard not to notice the lust in her eyes. My hypersensitive nose quickly caught a whiff of her moistening sex, and I could feel the heat emanating from her body. I recognized her right away as the vixen that she was-the same type of girl I has spent most of my evening feasting on for the last ten years.

She took a step towards me and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Hannah," she said. "Can I help you?". She exuded the confidence of a girl who knew her power over men, along with the naiveté of a spoiled rich girl who thought she had nothing to fear in life. I contemplated inviting Hannah for a ride so I could teach her a little lesson about talking to strangers, but I realized I had no time for that.

"Yes," I answered. "Do any of you ladies know Rosemary Thornbird?"

Rosemary looked up. "That's me," she said.

"Rosemary, my name is Darien," I said. "Your father sent me here to give you a ride home. He's worried about your safety."

"But Candy usually gives me a ride home after choir practice" she protested. I glanced over at the Candy, the chubby blonde. Like Hannah she was also gazing at me with lustily. It was as obvious to me that she was a virgin as it was that Hannah wasn't. I was a little surprised that Rosemary didn't share the same obvious attraction to me as her friends.

"Look Rosemary," I said with a worried expression. "I don't know what the normal routine is. All I know is that I'm new, and this is the first thing your father has asked me to do, and it seemed pretty urgent. He seemed really worried."

"Yes, that sounds like Daddy," she said. She paused for a second to think over the situation.

"I have a cell phone right here," I said reaching for my pocket. "You can call him if you want."

That seemed to convince her.

"No, that won't be necessary," she said. "Which one is your car?" I pointed to the Mercedes. Rosemary quickly said goodbye to her friends and accompanied me to my car.

"You know," she said as we pulled out of the parking lot, "Sometimes I get tired of all this."

"All of what?" I asked.

"All of the stuff my father puts me through. You don't have to pretend for my benefit," she said. "I know you think my father is crazy, but he pays his people real well and it seems like a good job since there isn't any danger."

"Crazy? Why do you say that?" I asked.

Rosemary paused long enough to cause me to glance over. Her hazel eyes had grown were large and filled with frustration. "You don't have to pretend I said. All this vampire stuff that he's goes on about. All the times he thinks I'm in danger. The way he's never been able to accept my mother's death, so he blames it on mythical creatures. I love my father, but it's all insane". Her words were harsh, but they were spoken in a loving tone, not a critical one.

"I don't think your father is crazy," I said seriously.

"Fine." she said bitterly. "You can continue to patronize me if you want." I was surprised at how quickly her mood had changed. I hadn't realized she possessed such a temper. The anger faded as quickly as it had come. "Now I'll go home and he'll go on for hours about some danger he thinks we're in, and how I need to be more careful, and how he'll be sending a body guard everywhere with me. Is that what you are? My new bodyguard."

"I suppose," I responded. I had been worried that my scheme may not work, but everything was working according to plan.

"And you're to take me straight home to receive my lecture?"

"No," I said, seeing my opening. "He said nothing about bringing you straight home. He just said I was to pick you up and take you to school. I'm also to accompany you anytime you go out. I wasn't told to take you directly home, so if you would rather go someplace else we can, as long as I'm with you." I paused for a second before continuing. "You don't mind spending time with me, do you?" I asked softly.

For the first time I noticed a glimmer of lust in Rosemary's eyes. Now that she wasn't thinking of her father, she was seeing me for the first time. Most women found me attractive based on my physical characteristics, but even the few who didn't were powerless once I turned on my charm. It was the most crucial element of the Gift Alana had given to me. Without my charm, I would have starved.

Rosemary smiled cautiously. I could tell her feelings were causing an internal dilemma. The desire she was feeling was contradictory to the wholesome lifestyle she had always lived. "No," she answered slowly. "I think I enjoy your company."

"And I enjoy yours," I said with a wink. My plan was working excellently. In a short while I would be feasting on the nectar flowing through her veins, and then leaving her on the steps of her fathers house with two glaring holes in her jugular. The sun was completely set and I felt at full strength. "What do you say we get some dinner?" I asked.

Rosemary quickly agreed. I could still sense the internal struggle and she tried to comprehend her emotions.

"Good," I said. "I just have to stop by my place and pick up something."

I started driving towards my townhouse. It was a quiet drive. I could read most of the girl's emotions. She felt like she had a silly crush on me, but she's never felt such womanly yearnings with any previous crush. Her pious upbringing was telling her that her reaction was wrong, and her mind was telling her that she shouldn't trust me. But in the end, she was powerless to resist-just like the hundreds that had gone before her, although she was definitely one of the purest I had ever encountered. The majority of her victims were more like her friend Hannah. Even innocent young Sophie had explored her sexuality a little, even though she had been a virgin before meeting me. Rosemary, on the other hand, was a fresh, untouched lump of clay, waiting for the artist's first touches.

We pulled up in front of my home. I invited Rosemary in, telling her it would take a few minutes. She accepted the invitation without so much as asking what I had to do. I knew she was under my spell. We stepped into the large living room and I turned on a light. Rosemary gasped as she took in the exquisite décor.

"Do you like?" I asked from behind her. She nodded. "I have something else you may like," I said. I leaned over her shoulder and nipped her earlobe gently. She snapper her head around. Her eyes were filled with a mix of shock, confusion and desire. I grasped Rosemary's hips and turned her to face me, then leaned in for a kiss. She tried to step back but found herself trapped against the wall. I stepped closer, placing my hard body firmly against her. I took her lips in my own and kissed her again. Her body was rigid at first, but I felt her resistance slowly melt away. Her muscles relaxed and I slipped my arm around her waist. Her lips parted and I slipped my tongue inside. I could tell it was the first serious kiss she had ever received. She was undoubtedly the most innocent eighteen year old I had ever encountered. The thought of desiccating that purity made me rock hard.

I started grinding my hips into hers, letting her feel my stiff cock. Her body responded and she moved in time with me. She was kissing back enthusiastically now. I could smell the musky scent of her arousal. More importantly, I could feel her heart pounding fiercely and feel the heat of her life-sustaining nectar. I grabbed the bottom of her navy sweater and quickly removed it. The white button down blouse she wore was thin and silky. I could see the outline of her light pink bra. I could also see her hardening nipples.

"I'm going downstairs," I whispered in her ear. "Why don't you come?" Rosemary just nodded. She was in a zombie-like state as she followed my downstairs to the small sitting room in the cellar. The room was barren except for a floor lamp, a small bookshelf, and an overstuffed chair. The secret door had been re-concealed. I stood in the center of the room and quickly removed my black shirt, baring my rigid torso. I removed the band from my hair, letting my dark hair cascade freely about my face. Then I went to the corner and sat in the chair.

Rosemary followed and climbed onto my lap. She sat on her knees, straddling my legs and causing the short pleated skirt to ride up and reveal her creamy white thighs. She pressed herself against me, crushing her breast to my chest. Her blouse felt cool and slippery against my bare flesh. I let her kiss my softly before giving her a gently nudge. She wasn't expecting the push and it knocked her off my lap and onto the floor. Her skirt flew up revealing pastel pink panties.

She looked up at me with a hurt puppy dog look, confused by my gesture. Then she shook it off and started crawling back towards me. I was amazed by the transformation she had undergone in the last hour. The young ingénue had become a wanton, lust-crazed vixen. I had known she would give in to my wishes once I started charming her, but I had expected some underlying fear and confusion. The earlier confusion had dissipated, and I hadn't sensed any fear all evening.

She started to climb up into my lap again, but I placed a hand on my shoulder to stop her. She gave me the puppy dog look again. I nodded at the obvious bulge in my black slacks. "I want you to touch my cock," I said.

Now I sensed a bit of nervousness. "But," she started to say. "But I never..."

I knew what she was trying to say, but I wanted to hear the words. "But you never what?" I asked sharply.

"I've never done that," she said meekly. "I'm a virgin." She was blushing slightly with embarrassment. An hour ago she had been proud of her morality, but in my presence she was ashamed.

"You won't be much longer," I stated. "Now take it out."

Rosemary kneeled on the floor and slowly unbuckled my belt. Her hands were trembling slightly as she opened my pants. The soft material fell aside and my rock hard cock sprung free. She gazed at it with a mixture of fascination and shock. I placed a hand on the back of her head and guided her towards it. She seemed confused at first, but then she hesitantly opened her lips, allowing me to slip my engorged member in her mouth.

Without words, I slowly guided her head down my shaft and back up. She left a trail of red lipstick on my penis. I placed a hand on each side of her head and started her bobbing up and down, gulping my shaft. Rosemary wasn't sure of what she was doing, but she managed to perform well nonetheless. Her hot little mouth was just the release my hard dick needed. My hips rose up out of the chair as I started fucking her face. She managed to time my rhythm and keep up with me. Her tongue started swirling around my prick. She seemed to be a natural. In no time at all I was near the brink. With one final thrust my cock exploded, filling her with my load.

Her shock was evident as she jerked away. She started coughing and my pinking cum bubbled from her lips, even as my cock continued to act like a geyser, dribbling my juices on her chin and down her blouse. When it was over, I sat back contentedly. Rosemary tried to apologize by saying she hadn't been prepared.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. The previews were over. It was not time for the main event. "I seemed to have messed up your blouse," I said.

"Yes," she answered. "I don't know how I'll explain this to my father." She still had no clue that she would never see her father again.

I told her we could wash it if she took it off. She nodded and asked if I had something she could wear while it washed. I laughed at her naiveté. "You'll not be wearing anything for a while," I said. "Now take off her your blouse!"

She jumped a little and started to fumble with the buttons. "Not like that," I said. "Stand up in the center of the room." She obeyed. "Now face me, and slowly take it off." She was nervous once again, but she listened without much hesitation. I told her to remove her shoes and socks first, and she did so. Then, facing me, she slowly unbuttoned the stained white blouse. Her bra was the same pink color of her panties and was covered with simple lace. As the blouse slid off her shoulders and hit the floor I told her not to stop. Rosemary was blushing sincerely now as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It slid off easily, revealing her full, ripe breast. They were surprisingly large for such an amazingly thin girl. Her brown nipples were rock hard.

The skirt came next, and right behind it went her panties. Her pubic hair was light brown and neatly trimmed. I sat their gazing at the nervous girl, knowing I was the first man to ever take in the magnificent sight of her adult body. It was even more perfect than I had previously thought. She was slender, with just the right amount of muscle, full breasts, and shapely legs and ass. Her face and hair were both flawless. I was rock hard again as I thought about what was going to happen next.

10-06-2009, 08:09 AM
very good