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Tom Jones
04-12-2009, 08:08 PM
Here’s a little boy / boy story. It was interesting to write and explore the idea of people having sexual tendencies more along a continuum than cut and dried gay / straight / or both. I believe in the right situation most people could be at least a little bi, and the more they protest the more they may actually lean toward being gay. I hope you enjoy!

I was a pretty average guy growing up. We lived in a nice suburban house, with nice neighbors. I played a few sports at school, and was pretty damn good at them. I never seemed to lack attention from the ladies and I was always willing to return that attention. I had my first sexual experience way before most and continued to enjoy it on a regular basis ever after. I always thought I was pretty normal, until one day about a year ago when my world was turned upside down and I walked through a door that opened up a whole lot of new possibilities.

Our house had neighbors behind us, but we couldn’t see into their windows from the main house. I did discover I had a nice view of the back of their house from the game room over our separate garage. The people who had lived there for years had a daughter, Mary Ann, who liked to walk around naked or nearly so almost all the time. I would go into our game room and sit with the lights off just watching and jacking off, sometimes for hours. Mary Ann was a cutie, but she wouldn’t give me the time of day, so I had to satisfy my urges myself. Well, one day Mary Ann and her family moved away and a new family moved in. Much to my disappointment I discovered there was only the parents and one child, a son, Mark, who was 18 like me.

I would still go the game room to listen to music and study, but it wasn’t the same without Mary Ann. One afternoon while I was sitting and reading I glanced up and saw someone moving around the neighbor’s house. Out of curiosity I kept looking to see who it was, maybe I would get a chance to see the mom naked, since she was kind of cute, but what to my surprise did I see, but a young girl in a little school girl skirt and a crisp white blouse tied to expose her midriff. I reached for my binoculars that I had used to spy on Mary Ann and got a closer look. She was a slim little thing with light blond hair straight and shoulder length with straight bangs. She was dancing to music I couldn’t hear, moving all around Mark’s room and then she was down stairs and dancing in the family room. I figured a young relative must be staying with them. I couldn’t clearly see her face, but her face wasn’t what I was interested in. She had slender legs and was flat chested, but she moved with a sensual grace.

I quickly undid my pants and pulled out my hardening cock. I reached into the drawer next to me and pulled out the hand lotion I kept there for when I watched Mary Ann, and after putting a large dollop in my palm I began gently and slowly stroking myself. This little girl was quite a dancer and I kept wishing she would strip a little. Her hair flew around as she moved, and her hips shook and swayed. It wasn’t long before I felt the familiar pleasant feeling of my rising orgasm. My stroking firmed up, but stayed slow as I wanted to luxuriate in this feeling and bring myself up and off slowly and intensely. I felt the warmth of my cum as it coated my chest and belly, spurt after spurt flying from my twitching cock as I slowly worked myself. The young woman filled my eyes and imagination as I then scooped up my cum and absentmindedly began to feed upon my own emissions as I had done ever since I had experienced my first productive orgasm.

Who was this girl I wondered and how long was she was going to be around I wanted to know. I continued to sit in the semi-darkness stroking my limp dick watching this girl dance when she finally stopped moving and walked over to her kitchen, and as she reached for what looked like a glass of water the unexpected happened. This vision of my lust grabbed her hair and pulled it from her head and I realized I had been jacking off to my neighbor Mark prancing around in a skirt.

I sat stunned for minutes confused and frightened. “I’m a guy” I thought and guys don’t fantasize about other guys and we sure don’t jack off as we watch them dance, unless of course the guy is a queer. I continued to watch Mark as he wiped the sweat from his brow and then as he walked over to a mirror and replaced the wig, his ass cocked to one side like some little girl. He flipped his hair and brushed it from his face and was soon dancing around the room again. I then realized I was still holding my now semi hard cock so I stood and walked to the bathroom where I cleaned myself up.

I began to laugh to myself. “Hell” I thought “I’m a straight guy who was just fooled by this guy, no harm and heck, no one knew what I had done but me. I finished cleaning up and grabbed some gum to cover my cum breath and I went back to the main house and my room to finish my homework. The problem was I kept thinking about Mark in that sexy little skirt, and soon I realized my home work wasn’t happening. After dinner I tried again, but with the same lack of results, I just couldn’t stop thinking about what I had seen and done, or more importantly how damn good it had felt.

I didn’t sleep at all well that night, tossing and turning with a woody all night long, thinking about how it might feel to be with my neighbor. I had seen Mark walking to school a few times so I knew when he left, and when I got in my car the next morning to drive myself I found myself waiting an extra ten minutes before starting my trip intending so I could give Mark a ride.

I couldn’t believe what I was doing, or what I wanted to happen and I figured the closer I got the more I would realize I really didn’t want it. I started my journey and soon saw Mark walking down the street. I rolled up next to him and rolled down my window “Hey Mark, you want a lift”?

“No Thanks” he answered softly, shyly.

“Come on” I insisted “It's time we got to know each other being neighbors and all”.

Mark looked at me more closely and smiled “Oh, you live behind me don’t you”?

“Names Bobby Brown” I said. “My mom’s met your mom but I haven’t had a chance to meet you” and I reached over and opened the car door. Mark slid into the seat looking like nothing more than a typical teen aged boy, not exactly the typical object of my desire. I began to feel relieved I wasn’t going to start drooling over him.

“What classes do you have” I asked? Mark told me his schedule, most of the same classes I had, just not the same schedule. When we got to school we went our separate ways and while I initially felt better about myself as I wasn’t lusting after this guy, I soon found I still couldn’t get rid of the vision of him dancing around in that sexy little outfit.

At lunch I left my girlfriend for a few minutes while I looked to see where Mark was eating lunch. I found him sitting alone on a sunny patch of grass behind one of the buildings. “Oh, Hi Mark” I said cheerily, “This looks like a nice spot to eat”.

Mark closed the book and kind of covered it with his hand. He smiled brightly at me as he did and said “Yeah, it’s a nice quiet spot so I can hear my thoughts”.

“Hey” I said “If you want I’ll give you a ride home after school, just meet me at my car”.

“OK Bobby” Mark said with a smile.

“See ya” I said as I ducked back around the corner and went back to my girl. The rest of the day I kept thinking about Mark, a lost and confused mess. When I went to my car after school I found Mark waiting looking happy.

“Hey Bobby” he said, “How’d your day go”?

“Pretty good” I replied “How about yours”.

“Considering its school, not too bad” he chuckled.

We both climbed in and began our drive home. “So Mark what do you like to do”?

“What do you mean” he asked?

“”You know…do… do you play sports” I asked?

Mark laughed and said “Do I look like a jock”?

I laughed too and said “Looks can be deceiving, besides you don’t have to be a jock to like sports”.

“I suppose not” Mark said looking over at me a slight smile on his face, “but, no, I don’t play sports”.

After a few moments of silence I asked “Well… what do you like to do when you’re not in school”?

Mark regarded me a moment and then said quietly “Oh… this and that”.

“That narrows it down” I laughed. “I play some sports like football, wrestling and track. I’m even pretty good at them all, but I’m not all about sports, for instance I love physics and I’m pretty good with charcoal on paper. Do you like art”?

Mark brightened at that and said “Water color is my art of choice… I like sci-fi and my art reflects that” and now he seemed to blush.

“Really” I said “That’s cool, you’ll have to show me your work sometime”.

“OK” he said then after a few awkward moments he added “I’m also a pretty good dancer. My last school had dance classes and I really miss them here. I’ll probably start private lessons soon”.

“Ballet” I asked?

“No” Mark answered with a chuckle “I’m not that good. Dance is a fun hobby, not my life”.

“Well I have two left feet” I began “and I could sure use a few lessons if you can find the time”.

Mark regarded me with a smile and finally said “Sure… I’ll give it a try”.

We reached his house and he thanked me for the ride and got out. I watched him for a few seconds confused about how he could transform himself so convincingly. I then quickly drove home and took up my position in the game room. I grabbed the binoculars and the hand cream and before I sat down I stripped naked ready for a good and slow jerk.

When I saw Mark through the window this time his outfit was different, this time he was in hot pants and a fuzzy sweater. Mark seemed even more animated than the day before, happier. His dancing was more free spirited and more sensual or so it seemed. His hips swiveled and his hands roamed over his body. My hand went straight for my cock gliding up and down the shaft easily with the lotion. I kept my eyes glued on this vision and enjoyed the feel of my veiny shaft, full wood and slick from the lotion, the feel of my hand so wonderful as I changed the grip from tight to loose and back again and as I ran my hand over the bulbous head and back down the shaft. Marks ass looked good at least from where I sat and I wondered how it would feel to stick my cock deep inside and could I do it from the front, my belly rubbing against his erection? Mark’s dancing became more and more intense, his moves faster and my excitement increased with his intensity until finally I blew like a thundering volcano, the strength of my orgasm was as strong as any female driven orgasm, the first spurt even reached my face. I began licking my cum from my hand and then I began scooping my cum from my chest and belly and licking it from my fingers but now I wondered if Mark’s cum would taste as good, and I wanted to find out!

That weekend I spent a lot of time with my girlfriend, I wanted to be sure I still liked girls, and I was normal. I sure enjoyed her company as Mitsy was a cheerleader, a cute and petite brunette with firm B-Cup tits and an insatiable sexual appetite, we were a good fit. Each night that weekend we snuck into the game room and fucked like rabbits, each of us animals full of sexual tension and desires, but this time I have to admit I kept thinking of Mark in a skirt and that blond wig. As I ate my cum from Mitsy’s ass I imagined it was Marks, and as I tasted Mitsy’s wonderful pussy, I wondered what it would feel like to taste another man’s cum. By the end of the weekend I had decided I needed to sample this forbidden fruit or I would forever be a sexual basket case.

That next week I discovered Mark was worried about his next Physics test and so I offered him help in exchange for dancing lessons. We spent every day after school that week studying for his midterm exam which was the next Friday. I didn’t get to see Mark in a skirt all week, and I have to admit my sexual tension was through the roof. Friday finally arrived and I when I drove Mark to school I reminded him of our deal, and her told me with a laugh that he would keep up his end of the bargain if he passed, but I would be out of luck if it didn’t work out.

After school I waited anxiously at my car for Mark to show and when he did the grin on his face spoke volumes. “Well” I asked?

“I think I aced it” Mark said. He gave a little hop (skip?) and was standing in front of me. “Thanks Bobby, I couldn’t have done it without you”.

“No problem” I said with a smile, “Now you get to help me”.

“OK” Mark said “When do we start”?

“How about today” I asked?

“OK” Mark said with a smile, “Let’s go”.

We drove home but this time I didn’t drop Mark off, I stayed with him and we walked inside. I was nervous as hell, unsure how he would receive my advances, and unsure how I would react if he accepted them. I watched Mark and he seemed a little nervous, not as chatty as usual, but he still seemed happy.

“I’m thirsty, how about you” Mark asked?

“Sure” I replied, my mouth both sticky and dry “I’ll have whatever you do”.

Mark pulled a couple of sodas from the fridge and handed me one and then said “My parents are out of town this weekend, so we won’t be interrupted, I’d hate to have to explain to them why I’m dancing with a dude” and he laughed then he continued “I’ve never given lessons to a guy before, so forgive me if this isn’t smooth”.

“I’m sure it will be just fine” I said. “How should we start”?

Mark then spent the next hour showing me different moves. Being athletic I took to them fairly easily and we were having a real good time. Mark complimenting me on my quick study and me commenting that I would never move as well as Mark did. At the end of that first hour we collapsed on the sofa, sweat had soaked my loose t-shirt and dripping down my forehead so I was glad I was wearing my basketball shorts.

“Do you feel goofy dancing with a guy” Mark asked with a little laugh?

“Yeah” I laughed nervously in return “Usually I’m making out with my dance partner by now” and we both laughed nervously. After a short pause I said “This would probably be a lot smother if you were wearing a skirt”.

We both laughed a little nervously and Mark said “I’ll be right back after I put one on”.

When he didn’t get up to leave I looked him right in the eye and asked “Well… are you going to change or not”?

Now Mark looked a little worried and he asked “What are you talking about”?

“You said you were going to change… well when you do, I kinda liked that short grey skirt you have and the white blouse that you tie to show off your belly” and I continued to look Mark in the eyes.

Mark swallowed hard and he looked a little pale then he spoke quietly “What have you seen”?

I’ve seen you dancing around your house a few times… dressed up” I said seriously.

“You’ve been spying on me” Mark asked?

“No” I answered, “I was just sitting and looking out my window when I saw you dancing the first time… hell… I thought you were a family friend or a young relative, all I knew was I liked what I saw”.

Mark perked up when I said that last bit, but then he looked out the window and asked “Where were you sitting”?

I pointed to the window over the garage and said “In the game room”.

“That’s not a store room” Mark asked shaken?

I smiled and said “Not for about the last ten years”.

Mark put his head in his hands and said a quiet “Shit”.

“I’ll show it to you if you want… do you play pool” I asked?

Mark looked up at me and asked “Have you told anyone”?

“No” I smiled “I would be embarrassed to admit I thought I was spying on a hot young girl”.

“Really” Mark brightened “I had you fooled”?

“Even with binoculars” I answered.

Mark seemed pleased with what I said so I asked again “So… are you going to change so we can continue the lessons”?

Mark regarded me for a few moments then said “OK… give me a half hour to get ready”.

“Take all the time you need” I answered suddenly nervous, like a virgin waiting for my prom date.

Mark stood up and as he walked away I watched him and thought I saw a little more swing to his ass. When he reached to stairs he turned back to me and said “There are more sodas in the fridge if you want… it takes a while to do this right”.

I smiled and said “I’ll be here”. And I watched him walk up the stairs. As I waited I listened to him move around upstairs, water running, closets opening and closing, footsteps (was he dancing?), and all the time I was getting more and more nervous. My palms were sweating and I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. What the hell was I doing I asked myself. This was a dude I was thinking of getting freaky with, a dude I wanted to get freaky with.

I had almost talked myself into getting the hell out and pretending this never happened when I heard footsteps on the stairs, and now I went from merely nervous to terrified. As I looked to the stairs I saw his feet and legs appear first, the black leather shoes clicking on the wood stairs, and the smooth legs leading up into the grey skirt that came down to his middle thigh, then I saw his bare belly framed by the skirt below and his white blouse tied above. When Mark was at the bottom of the stairs he looked over at me, nervously wringing his hand in front of his flat chest, but I found myself frozen in my seat when I saw his face. This was not the guy who left me over half an hour ago, this was a vision of loveliness, and of sexual beauty, shoulder length blond hair, blood red lips, just a hint of rouge to his cheeks, and not a sign of stubble. Never would I have imagined he could make this kind of transformation, so complete and so convincing.

I must have been staring for a while because Mark began to look concerned when he finally spoke “Should I go change back”?

“Hunh” I grunted in question? “Oh, uh, no… no… I’m just in shock… you’re beautiful”.

“You really think so” Mark asked, looking even more like a happy school girl? I have to say he nailed the voice and the mannerisms of a young girl, he was the complete package.

I then asked “What do I call you now”?

Mark looked confused and asked “What do you mean by that”?

I laughed realizing he might have thought I was insulting him and I replied “What name should I use because calling someone as beautiful as you would just be wrong”.

“Oh” Mark looked relieved “I don’t know… but… I’ve always liked the name Georgia”.

“Georgia peach huh” I replied “Sounds good to me… sounds appropriate”. I then stood and walked up to this gorgeous creature and got a close look at him and I was even more amazed. “How about you teach me to slow dance” I asked?

Mark looked at me and smiled “OK Bobby”, and after putting on some slow romantic music he walked over to me took my hands in his and stepped close to me. “Put this arm around my waist” he said as he guided one hand and then as he held tight to the other one he added “now hold my hand with this one” and I found myself looking into his smiling eyes, a sexy light blue.

We began to move and sway with the music, and I found this boy really moved with a feminine grace, he would toss his hair with just the slightest flip of his head, and he would look at me with a flirty glance, and I soon realized the transformation was more than just physical, and he became a she in a very real and deep sense. Mark soon had me spinning her, and moving around his family room with a grace I never knew I had, and in a way I never would have said was possible with another guy.

“You know, Mark … you are an incredibly sexy woman” I said as I began to lose myself in this sensual fantasy, and as I gazed into his face I became entranced by his lips, wet looking and slightly parted as his breathing heaved his breast. I could feel his breath warm and moist on my face and my arm that was around his waist pulled him closer and suddenly I saw worry descend like a cloud on his face and then that worry turned to panic as I bent in to kiss his full and red lips.

“Bobby” Mark said almost in a panic, “Stop… please”.

I quickly pulled back at his sudden panic, but I still held him tight.

“Bobby, I… I really think maybe we should stop before this gets out of hand” Mark said worried, but at the same time I noticed he didn’t pull away and seemed relaxed in my arms.

“Mark” I began with a smile, “If anyone had told me a month ago I would want to have any kind of… physical… relationship with another guy, I would have either laughed in their face, or I would have kicked their ass… but you are so very different. Hell, I don’t even consider you a guy… your more woman that a lot of girls I’ve dated.

Mark smiled and looked down “But I’m still a guy, Bobby, and you can’t change that”.

I reached under Mark chin and lifted his face up and said “I know that… but I still want you…. Do you find me attractive” I asked hopefully?

“Yes” Mark giggled, but then added in a serious tone “but I don’t want this to end in disappointment for either of us”.

I replied with a smile “The only disappointment I can imagine is if nothing happens”, then I leaned in again to kiss his luscious lips, but this time he didn’t speak or pull away. Mark closed his eyes and let me kiss his lips both soft and moist. Mark’s body yielded to me and allowed me to pull him tight to mine. My lips tugged and sucked on his lips as my hands explored his waist and when our lips opened I slipped my tongue gently into his mouth and then I let my hands fall to his ass and give a gentle squeeze. I was becoming very aroused now and I found my cock in the silky shroud of my shorts was suddenly hard as a rock so I used the opportunity to pull him even tighter to my body and let him know in no uncertain terms my level of desire. Mark initially seemed hesitant to press against my erection, but that quickly passed and soon he was pressing himself hard against me. I brought both hands down to his ass and felt the firm flesh that lay beneath the skirt, sliding first down to his upper thigh then back up his back to his shoulders. Mark took both of his hands and wrapped them around my head and I felt him pull my face tight to his as his tongue darted and explored the deepest recesses of my mouth.

Mark finally broke the kiss and breathlessly looked into my eyes “Am I dreaming” he asked?

“Not unless I am too” I replied with a smile.

Mark smiled again and said softly asked “Are you sure you want to do this Bobby? It just seems so out of character for the captain of the football team to be gay”.

“You know Mark … I still like girls, so maybe I’m bi, but I’m not gay. When I found out I had been jacking off to a guy in a dress, man was I embarrassed, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I was worried I might be turning gay, but since I still liked girls I relaxed and realized I just might be a little bi when the guy is a babe, and, hell, I can live with that”.

“I don’t know if I can be considered a babe” Mark began.

“Oh I think you can” I said with a laugh.

Mark laughed too and with a shy look he said softly “Thanks Bobby”.

I then led him over to the couch and we sat down side by side, he with his hands in his lap and me with one arm around his shoulders and one on his thigh. “I get the idea that this is all new to you”.

Mark smiled nervously and said “Every time I’ve met a guy I liked and things started to happen something comes up and they bolt… I figured I was doomed to be a gay virgin”.

“Well you can relax, I think, I don’t have any plans to bolt” I said gently as I rubbed his soft thigh. Then I continued “I think most girls would be jealous of your skin… I don’t know too many without a least some razor stubble”.

Mark smiled and said “I waxed last night”.

“All over” I asked hopefully?

Mark giggled again “Yes”.

“Did you have some plans for me” I asked?

Mark turned bright red “No… well… I hoped, but I didn’t know”.

Then I knew this boy wanted me as much as I did him, so I slipped off my shoes and stood up facing his now nervous face. I gave him a smile as I peeled off my t-shirt, and I saw his eyes on my crotch and my obvious erection. “I have plans for you, baby”.

Mark reached out to my crotch and gently began sliding his hands along my shaft, “What did you have in mind”.

“Take my shorts off and I’ll show you” I said in my best bedroom voice.

Mark put her fingers in my waist band and slowly began to lower them, and as I studied his face I saw the look of a child on Christmas morning filled with excitement and anticipation. I felt my cock spring free and Mark smiled and whispered “Wow, it’s finally happening”.

“You like” I asked?

Mark looked up at me and nodded his head, and then he helped me step out of my shorts, his face so close to my erection. He sat up straight and ran his hands up my thighs to my belly. Mark just studied my cock, and the nicely trimmed pubic hair that I always kept short, the banana shaped curve of my shaft and the bulbous circumcised head, pink and fat. I watched as he wrapped his fingers around my shaft and gently began stroking me, gently squeezing the pre-cum from my cock head. When I saw him get that dreamy look in his eyes and bend forward to take me into his mouth I gently pulled back and said to him with a little grin, “Oh no… my mom always taught me ladies first”.

I squatted down in front of him, my eyes locked on his beautiful blue eyes. I ran my hands slowly up his thighs until they disappeared into his skirt, and then I teasingly brought them back out, not touching any of his most sensitive flesh. I smiled up at his smiling face, and I thought to myself, “My fucking God, this isn’t happening”, but the smile never left my face, and my hard on never faltered. I then lifted the skirt up and looked upon his pink cotton panties. I saw he was barely contained within its thin fabric, his balls peaking out between his legs and his head by the waist band. Like I was in a dream I reached up and grabbed the waistband and slowly pulled the panties down, his magnificent cock popping free. After I pulled the panties from his feet I moved his skirt back off his cock and took a good hard look at him. Georgia had a beautiful cock, hairless and ram rod straight, perhaps seven inches, maybe more and he was uncut, his pink head just poking from beneath its hood, and the fat purple veins were popping from his thick shaft. I had always wished I could suck myself, but I never was able to do more than get my tongue on my tip, but now I had the opportunity to really suck a wonderful looking cock.

I grasped his ridged shaft and gently squeezed him, his pre-cum oozing from his pee hole, and then I half closed my eyes and opened my mouth and I took him past my lips. As I drew my mouth back I felt every vein of his shaft as they ran under my lips, the faintly salty taste of his pre-cum on my tongue. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, I was actually pleasuring another man, and my overly sensitive cock was telling me how exciting this whole experience was. I sat back a little and looked at the first cock I had ever tasted, and I found myself smiling as I looked it over. His long straight shaft and his beautifully shaped head partly hidden by his uncut foreskin. I was awed by this incredible sight.

Mark sighed “That feel so good Bobby”.

I looked at his beautiful face and then back at his wonderful hard cock and I again took him into my mouth. This time I didn’t stop. I felt his shaft move in and out of my mouth, my lips running and sliding the length of his straight shaft. I pulled his foreskin back from his head and ran my tongue around that most sensitive area. I felt his cock begin to twitch as I teased him with my tongue.

“Oh God, Oh God yes… Oh Bobby, that feels so damn good” Mark said as I felt his body stiffen, his hands in my hair, and his hips grinding into the couch as he shifted around. I heard his breathing quicken and he let out a high pitched moan as I felt his cock begin to jerk in my mouth. Knowing he was about to cum, I latched onto his cock head with my lips and sucked hard as I stroked his shaft. “I’m cumming Bobby” I heard him say, and then I felt the warm rush of his orgasm pouring deep into my mouth, as squirt after squirt he coated the back of my throat with his slick and musky seed. I sucked hard as I milked him, my tongue running over his cock, spreading his slick fluid over his member, until I decided he was spent and I cleaned all his cum from his cock and after swallowing some of his delicious nectar I moved back up to his face and looking at his smiling face I leaned in and kissed him, his cum still in my mouth as I used my tongue to feed him his own juices. I felt Mark suck greedily on my tongue as he tried to get every last drop of his semen from me, and I gladly let him.

Marks erection faded has we kissed, but his cock remained thick in my hand. Mark pushed me away and with a sly smile he said “Your turn” and he stood up and took my hands guiding me to the couch. I sat down and spread my legs in anticipation. Mark slid in between my legs and with a twinkle in his eyes he grasped my cock and squeezed some pre cum from me and with a quick flick of his tongue he tasted me, “Mmmm” he said and then he took all of me in his mouth, the warm and wet feeling sending a thrill up my spine.

“Oh God, Mark, that’s so nice” I said as I watched his beautiful face impaling itself on me, up and down, his face framed by his blond wig. I looked him over, the crisp white blouse looking cool on his skin, and his ass looking very feminine in the skirt. I didn’t want to touch his hair, afraid I would knock off his wig and ruin the moment, so I limited my touching to his shoulders and back, but eventually my hands grasped the edge of the couch and with white knuckles I began thrusting up to meet Marks lovely lips and mouth, fucking his face as he sucked me. I felt my excitement building more and more, until, like Old Faithful, I burst forth, and like he did to me, I began spraying my lustful fluids deep into my man’s mouth, each thrust matched by another burst, until I was spent. Mark sat back and with a mouth full of my cum he smiled at me as then I watched him swallow. He brought his face to mine and for a moment I smelled my cum on his breath and I closed my eyes as we kissed, our tongues slowly searching each other’s mouths, and I enjoyed the taste of our combined cum.

Mark pulled back and smiling he said “That was incredible Bobby, I never imagined it would feel so good to have a guy cum in my mouth”.

I smiled back at Mark and asked “How long are your parents gone for”?

Mark with a devilish look in his eyes answered “All weekend, why”?

I said “Let's get something to eat and then go for round two”.

Mark looked surprised and said “OK… I’m game”.

We went out and picked up some burgers, and all the time I watched the reaction of the guys as they saw Mark in drag. No one recognized him, and as time went on he got more and more comfortable in this new role, and as he became more comfortable I became hornier and hornier. When we went back to his place I knew what I wanted and when we walked into his house I spun Mark around and planted a strong wet kiss on his lips, quickly plunging my tongue deep into his mouth. Mark responded in kind, his hands reaching for my head and cradling my face we played tonsil hockey and my hands began exploring his body below the waist. I wanted more of his magnificent cock, as well as the forbidden fruit of another man’s ass. I broke off the kiss and I said breathlessly “Let’s go to your bed baby”.

Mark now looked both excited and worried as he took my hand and led me up the stairs. When we got to his room I peeled off my shirt and shorts and then slipped off my shoes. Mark smiled at the sight of a naked man in his room, a naked man with an erection. I took him in my arms again and we kissed slowly and deeply, our passion building as I felt Mark’s erection pushing out from his skirt.

I pulled back again and gazing into his eyes I asked him “Do you want to… I mean… I want you inside me… would you like that”?

Mark really brightened up when I asked that and he nodded his head vigorously, so I kissed him again and as I did I unfastened his skirt, the zipper going down so easy, I was curious if seeing him completely naked would ruin the moment, so next I untied his blouse and then began to slowly unbutton it and slide it off his shoulders and when I stepped back to look at him, I found I was really turned on seeing his cock pushing out from his panties. I took his hand and led him to the bed where I got on my hands and knees and turned back to look at him and said “You got any lube for that thing”?

Mark said “Oops” and he ran out of the room, returning a few seconds later with a tube of KY, a grin and an erection, everything I wanted.

“Hurry up” I said with my ass in the air.

Mark smiled at me and said “You can count on it”. After he said that I watched as Mark peeled off his pink panties, exposing his beautiful cock, the long and straight shaft aimed straight for me. I had jacked off many times with a brush handle buried deep in my ass to experience how it felt to a girl to have a guy inside her, and now I was about to find out for real.

Mark removed the cap to the KY and I watched as he put some in his palm and began stroking his cock, watching me while I watched him, a smile alwayse on his lips. Then he moved into position and I watched him take hold of his cock and press it to my ass. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. Suddenly I felt my ass cleaved wide open, his cock feeling more like a closed fist pushing deep inside me. I heard him sigh as he slipped in and I grunted in welcome. The pain was exquisite, the pleasure beyond description. I bent lower a supplicant to the altar of this man’s beautiful cock. My excitement built with each of his powerful strokes, and with each I drifted closer to another orgasm each time. As his cock slid in my bowel and massaged my prostate I reached for and began to stroke my own cock with my face on his pillow and my eyes closed in exstasty. I felt Mark put his chest on my back and then I felt his hand push mine away as he reached in to grasp my erect meat and then I felt him stroking me as if he wanted to milk me, but soon things came to a head as the situation began to overwhelmed the horney young man with his dick in my ass and I began to feel his cock begin twitching and then jerking in earnest as he deposited his seed in the ass of his first lover. Mark was breathing hard and as I felt his body spasm with pleasure I heard him moaning my name. I couldn’t believe how wonderful this man felt but I never imagined I would nearly cum just from a man fucking my ass.

I straightened up and looked back at Marks sweaty face and I said “My turn baby”. Mark was quickly on all fours a smile on his pretty face and his ass poking up into the air. I felt his cum begin leaking from my butt as I gazed at his ass hole and I bent in and planted a kiss on his little star and then out came my tongue as I buried it deep in his anus. Mark let out a little squeal as he felt me inside him for the first time. Again and again I probed his anus, his ass tasting nothing like the shit I thought it would, but instead it had an earthy taste, subtle with hints of the lavender soap he had last used to clean himself.

After a few minutes of this I sat up and reached for the tube of KY and applied it to my cock, watching Marks smiling face. I positioned myself at Mark’s ass and I felt more cum drip down my leg and as I placed my cock head at Marks hole and I asked “Ready baby”?

“Yes” Mark whispered.

I slid inside, my head popping past his tight opening and easing deep into his shitter. Mark closed his eyes and let out a slightly pained moan as I buried myself as deep as I could go. I then bent down putting my chest on his back and reached around to find Mark’s nipples, the hard little buttons telling me Mark was really enjoying himself also. I began rocking my hips and sliding in and out as Mark grunted. From this angle Mark could have been a girl, with his bra strap across his back and his slender hips and ass thrust out to welcome me. My hands drifted over his chest and belly then finally down to his cock, limp but still heavy with his desires. My thoughts soon ran to the idea of tasting my cum as it drained from this man’s nice ass and I felt my excitement building to unbearable levels, closer and close I got, each thrust building my kinky lusts, my hands exploring the flesh of this male slut and I enjoyed the warmth of his ass around my cock and finally I exploded, having another orgasm just as powerful as my first one just a short time ago. Each thrust I made as I came was accompanied by another burst of semen and my head was spinning at the idea of coating another man’s colon with my cum.

When I was through I withdrew and quickly had my face at Marks ass once again. I saw him glance back at me but he didn’t move or say anything as he understood the possibilities. I watched his butt hole pucker out and in as he tried to force my cum from his ass, then to my surprise the air I had pushed into his ass exploded and I got a face full of cum so I began to greedily lap up my white nectar from Mark’s little red pucker hole. I dug my tongue deep, probing and searching, I plugged my lips to his ass and sucked down every last drop of my seed from his creamy white rear end and then I ran my tongue down to his nut sack, hanging low and loose, I took in each hairless nut with a sucking pop, and then I pulled his fat cock down and back to once again take it in my mouth and clean off his cum. I realized at that point that I was enjoying this as much as any sex I’ve had with the girls in my life, and I planned to keep enjoying it.

When I stopped Mark glanced back to see me getting up, he smiled and rolled over to lay down and stretch out his slender body, hands over his head and his toes pointed, he squealed. I lay next to him and my fingers began to play with his nipples and I asked “How was that”?

“That was fucking amazing” he purred.

“It was, wasn’t it” I asked? “I never would have thought I would enjoy this as much as I did”.

Mark smiled sweetly at me and looking deep into my eyes he said “You really did, didn’t you”?

“I’m not gay” I said “But I can say without a doubt I’m definitely bi”.

Still smiling Mark said “Well I can say without a doubt I don’t want to fuck the cheerleader, and I don’t want to be a quarterback, but I do want to be a cheerleader and I love fucking the quarterback”.

04-12-2009, 10:24 PM
Very well-written! I loved the slow increase in tension toward the inevitable coupling between these two as they gradually learned to trust each other. Tender and gentle all the way through from beginning to end with just enough humor to make it sound realistic. A nice job all the way to the sexy ending!!

04-13-2009, 09:28 AM
Great story. very well written.is there going to be a part 2.

05-26-2009, 02:50 PM
nice story

06-03-2009, 12:55 PM
That was a great story.

06-03-2009, 01:37 PM
now that was a story worth reading,kept me hot . Now when will we see part 2

06-28-2009, 01:59 PM
great got sexy story

Wanting More
08-01-2009, 01:00 PM
This is an incredibly sexy story! Thanks for the addition!


08-02-2009, 09:57 PM
Very good story! Thank you for writing it. It kept me wet till the very end and the I finally let myself cum. Very intense.

08-14-2009, 08:17 AM
wow such a good story, and so sexy, all one could ask for without the real thing

04-11-2010, 04:16 AM
Nice story

05-03-2010, 07:40 PM
I LOVE this story. The details you added made it one of my favorite m/m stories.

05-06-2010, 09:34 PM
Great Story....

05-16-2010, 07:35 AM
nice story

05-17-2010, 05:19 PM
...i just read it again...still amazing!

06-09-2010, 11:52 PM
This story was written really well. Good Job!

06-10-2010, 07:43 AM
This is a great story. The only thing missing is part 2. Thanks

06-11-2010, 02:57 PM
wonderfully done, I would love to have been in either Mark or Bobby's shoes;)