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05-12-2009, 02:04 AM

When I first discovered written erotica online, I started writing stories to post. I write stories to entertain my wife and use her fantasies as fodder for my tales. When I first started, I didn't know anything at all about the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or computers in general. My naivete is now apparent in that when I first started posting I made a horrible mistake - I allowed someone else to post them under his pen name.

Why did I do that? To be blunt, I did it to get them read. I had thought that since I was new to the genre I would be ignored. Letting someone else post them under his more established pen name would let me write, and eventually get me "accepted" into the writer's clique. That never happened. About a year after I allowed my stories to be posted under this other author's pen name, his stories took a turn into subjects I hadn't considered. He even went so far as to use my characters, placing them in situations that I would never have considered for them.

That made me back away from him quickly. I haven't had any contact with him, other than to e-mail him to voice my displeasure with him for taking me along with him on his journey into subjects better left alone. I'm not a prude, but some things just don't interest us. He has since disappeared completely under that pen name.

Why am I adding this preface? Basically, it's a test. I want to see if the stories I allowed him to post under his name are inextricably connected with his works, or if they can stand alone based on their own merits. Are they forever connected with his works, or can I ever separate them from his stories and allow them to be read and enjoyed by people who otherwise never read them?

That's your decision to make. I have revised the stories in an attempt to separate them from this other author. I've changed character names, places, and situations where I could. Your response to these stories will tell me if I was successful or not.

Having gotten all of this off of my chest, on with the story. Thanks for indulging me.

The RV

Mike was on the computer when Lacy got home from work. In fact, he was usually on the computer whenever he wasn't sleeping or working.

He turned his chair toward her as she walked in the door. "Hi," he said. "How was your day?"

"Same old stuff," she replied, settling into the chair beside him. "Nothing but paperwork."

"Well, I have some news," he announced with a grin. "The motor home is ours. We can pick it up next week."

"Great!" Lacy exclaimed. "Where should we go first?"

"Let's decide that after we get it home," he giggled.

"I can hardly wait," was her reply.

"Remember your RV fantasy?" He teased. "We're one step closer to making it a reality."

"Yeah, all we need are five more guys," she teased back.

Mike got up from his chair and walked around behind her. He reached down and began unbuttoning her top as he gently kissed the top of her head. His hands soon found her full breasts, still neatly tucked inside a black lace bra.

"You know this makes me crazy," she moaned.

"I'm counting on it," he said.

His fingers worked the clasp of her bra, and her breasts were freed. His palms gently grazed her rapidly stiffening nipples. Another quiet moan escaped her lips as he cupped her inviting breasts. He let go just long enough to move around to the front of her chair. Then he got down on his knees and took a nipple between his lips. Lacy's hands played through his hair, as she gently pulled his face closer.

Mike's hands found the button of her skirt as he released the nipple from his mouth, only to move to the other and quickly suck it between his lips.

Suddenly, she pushed him away and stood up. Giving him an evil grin, she said, "Hurry up and take me to bed, I want you to fuck me good."

With that, she ran down the hall giggling, he was not far behind her.

The following Monday found them at the RV lot, picking up the title, registration, and most importantly, the keys to their new 28-foot motor home. They were soon on their way back home. Lacy explored the RV as Mike drove down the freeway. She found the bathroom surprisingly roomy. The galley was laid out to her liking. Her favorite part of the entire thing, however, was a pillow-soft queen-sized bed all the way to the rear.

A pair of captain's chairs sat behind the passenger seat and a small sofa sat behind the driver's. Lacy slid into the passenger seat beside Mike.

"I can't believe they fit a queen-sized bed into that bedroom," she said to him.

"That's why we picked this one, remember?"

"I still don't believe it though. I can't wait to get it home and add our personal touches to it." She said. She reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse. "We need to christen it properly," she added with a smile.

Her blouse flew toward the back of the RV. Her brassiere soon followed. Lacy slid out of her shorts and her seat at the same time, and made her way over to Mike. Placing her hand at his now bulging crotch, she asked, "Hasn't this prisoner served enough time in solitary confinement?"

"He's about due for an early release," Mike replied.

"Let me get him out of his cell, then we'll see just how early of a release we get."

As soon as she had his zipper down, her mouth covered his swollen erection. She took him deep into her throat, as he continued to try to concentrate on the road.

He was failing miserably.

"You better save this for later," he said with a laugh, "I don't want to have an accident on the first day."

Reluctantly, Lacy released her hold on his throbbing cock. She kissed it before tucking it back into Mike's pants. "Ok, but you owe me," she giggled, returning to her seat.

Lacy made no move to retrieve her clothes, preferring instead to lay back in the seat completely naked, enjoying the sun on her lithe body. She placed her feet up on the dash, and closed her eyes.

Lacy awoke to Mike's voice, "Time to get dressed, unless you want to give the neighbors a show."

Lacy stretched, catlike, in her chair, then went to retrieve her clothes. "Nope, it's time to collect," was her sleepy reply. She pushed Mike back into the driver's seat, and unzipped him again. "Now, where was I?" she said just before she again swallowed his growing erection…

Two weeks later, Mike was hanging up the phone, as Lacy sleepily made her way, nude, from their bedroom. "Who was that?" she asked between yawns.

"That was John, he wanted to know if we were ready to break in the motor home," Mike said. "It seems our little discussion with him last week planted a seed in his evil brain."

Lacy's eyes flew open immediately. "That John?"

"That John," he replied, "It seems a few of his buddies from the neighborhood would love to take a trip to the Grand Canyon."

Lacy stood in the living room, hands on her hips. "How many buddies are we talking about?"

"Six," Mike said, moving to take her in his arms, "Aged 17 to 35. The youngest is his neighbor's boy."

"That cute blond kid?" asked Lacy, as Mike's hand cupped her breast.

"That's the one," Mike replied just before he moved his head down to take a nipple between his lips.

Lacy moaned at the sensation. "Seventeen," she breathed. "Sounds like I'll be breaking him in too."

"Sounds like it, and he'll be 18 in September." Mike said as Lacy led him back down the hall to the bedroom.

"Let's get this show on the road!" said John, as they all piled into the motor home.

The last few weeks had been spent getting everyone's schedule arranged. A two-week vacation isn't an easy thing to plan, and it's especially tough if you're talking about seven different work schedules.

Mike drove, with Marty beside him, navigating. Lacy made herself comfortable on the sofa with John. Doug and Bob took the galley table, while Joe, the 17-year-old, and David, his 20-year-old brother, occupied the captain's chairs.

Everyone had finally settled down by the time they had gotten on the freeway. Quiet conversations soon replaced the raucous cheering that had begun when they finally got rolling.

Mike and Marty concentrated on the road ahead and chatted, while Lacy set about entertaining the passengers in the back. Drinks were soon passed around, while Lacy got up to put a movie in the VCR and turn on the overhead TV. Mike felt Lacy brush against him as she reached up to turn on the TV. He turned to see if she could reach, and saw that somehow, since they had gotten in the RV, her bra had disappeared. She smiled down at him as she turned to go back to the sofa.

It was a beautiful day to travel. The sun shown brightly, and traffic was minimal. It was going to be another warm, glorious day in Nevada. Mike soon heard the sound of the air conditioning being turned on above and behind him.

The sound of the air conditioner tended to drown out most of the conversation behind him, so he chatted with Marty as he drove.

About two hours into the trip, the air conditioner was turned off. Mike could then hear everything once again. What he heard were the unmistakable sounds of heavy breathing, coming from the sofa behind him. Marty heard it at about the same time, and turned around in his chair to see what was happening.

There was Lacy, on the sofa in a deep kiss with John. Her top was opened to reveal her heavy breasts to everyone. Her denim cut-offs were unbuttoned, and Doug was in the process of sliding them down over her hips. The shorts soon found themselves on the floor.

Marty looked over at Mike for his reaction. Mike was grinning from ear to ear.
"Do you know what's going on back there?" Marty asked.

"I have a pretty good idea," Mike replied.

"You don't seem to be surprised," commented Marty.

"The only thing that surprises me is that she waited this long," Mike laughed. "I guess John didn't warn you, but she plans on fucking her way to the Grand Canyon."

Marty turned again to see what was going on behind them. Doug's face was buried between Lacy's spread thighs, while Lacy was busily taking John's pants down to get to his erection. Her lips parted, and she soon engulfed his cock, as Doug continued his assault on her pussy.

Mike glanced over his shoulder to see Joe and David staring in amazement. Joe looked to be on the verge of panic. David looked to be on the verge of orgasm. His eyes were riveted on Lacy. He watched her slowly draw John's erection out from between her lips.

Her tongue flicked the rubbery head, lapping at the pre-cum drooling from the tip. She then swallowed it again, taking John deep into her mouth. All the while, Doug lapped hungrily at her soaked pussy.

Mike returned his attention to driving. He looked over at Marty with a smile. "It's going to be a wild trip," Mike commented. "We haven't gone 200 miles, and we still have 400 more to go."

Marty glanced over at Mike, but his mind was elsewhere. He turned again and openly stared at the writhing threesome on the sofa. "She's really going to fuck us all, and you don't mind?"

"She's a big girl and can take care of herself," Mike replied. "You certainly don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but you'll never get another chance if you turn her down now."

"Who said anything about turning her down?" Marty asked with a hint of panic in his voice. "This is all just a bit surprising, that's all." He again turned the captain's chair toward the rear to watch what was going on.

Lacy was stroking John's erection rapidly between her lips. His hips were thrusting back and forth. Suddenly he erupted in Lacy's mouth. Lacy drew his cock deep into her mouth and greedily swallowed everything he had to offer. Her throat muscles worked visibly to control the flood of John's ejaculation.

Marty unzipped his pants, and withdrew his erect cock. He openly stroked its length as he watched Lacy remove the now flaccid cock from between her lips. She kissed it gently, and looked up at Marty. She smiled sweetly, then looked over at the youngsters watching from their chairs.

"It's ok to touch me," she said, "I won't bite you . . . unless that's what you like." She added with a giggle.

That was all the encouragement David needed. He quickly got up and knelt in front of Lacy. He slowly reached out and cupped her breast. It felt soft and warm to his touch. He bent forward and took the nipple between his lips. Lacy was obviously enjoying the feel of the firm hands on her body.

The combined sensations of the lips tugging her ripe nipple and Doug's tireless tongue strumming her clitoris were sending her higher and higher. She felt the tongue slide deep into her soaked opening, only to pull out rapidly and return to her swollen clitoris. Her labia were heavy and distended. Doug took them between his lips as his tongue again buried itself deep within her.

John got up and, after re-buttoning his pants, motioned for Marty to give him his seat. Marty quickly complied, and took the seat David had just left. John looked over at Mike and smiled. "She's got her work cut out for her. Doug's been waiting for this for a long time."

"Lacy can handle him," Mike replied confidently. "We've got two whole weeks."

"Even she won't be able to handle all of us for two weeks nonstop," John said, shaking his head.

"Maybe not," replied Mike. He turned his head to look at the scene unfolding behind him, then looked back to John with a wide grin. "But she'll wear as many of us out as she can in the attempt."

David released Lacy's stiff nipple from the gentle grasp of his lips. He looked up at Lacy, leaned forward, and kissed her deeply. Their tongues chased each other, as his hands explored her full breasts.

Doug pulled away from Lacy's drenched pussy. He stood up long enough to drop his pants, then crawl back in between her widespread legs. His erection pressed gently against her throbbing clitoris. Lacy's hips began an involuntary undulation when she felt the warm, firm cock slip between her lips. The head slid back and forth across the tip of her clitoris, sending tiny jolts of electricity through her sex.

Lacy broke the kiss with David. "Give me your cocks, both of you," she said in a husky voice.

David almost jumped up and ripped his pants off in his eagerness to comply. Doug used a little more finesse. He slowly guided the head of his erection to the entrance of her fiery pussy and allowed the tip to tease her opening in tiny circles. Lacy's hips twitched beneath him. Finally, he eased himself inside her. In one long, smooth stroke, he gently, yet firmly, fed his entire length into her.

Lacy moaned deeply as she felt him fill her completely. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the erection deep within her as she waited for David. Her pelvis lifted as she pressed herself firmly against Doug's abdomen in an attempt to get even more of him inside her.

Doug held perfectly still, his body pressed firmly against hers. He flexed his pelvic muscles slowly, causing his penis to throb deep within her. He began to slowly withdraw from her, eliciting a hiss from between her clenched teeth. Her labia gripped his shaft as it slipped between them, sending warm sensations through the length of his shaft. He pressed forward once more, once again driving it into her to the hilt.

David stroked his own hard erection while he watched Doug slowly fuck Lacy's obviously willing pussy. Gradually he moved forward, as Doug and Lacy began a slow, steady fuck. David's hard cock gently grazed her cheek, causing her to open her eyes. Seeing his erection just inches from her face, she reached out with her tongue and brushed it over the head. Pre-cum drooled from the tip of the young man's hard cock, which Lacy relished.

David's enthusiasm got the better of him, and he pressed his erection against her lips. Lacy smiled a bit, then formed her lips into an inviting oval to receive him. David didn't hesitate. He slipped his erection into her hot mouth, groaning as he did.

Doug's hips rocked forward into her repeatedly, never taking his hardness more than halfway out of her. The tip of his penis stayed in firm contact with the upper wall of her vagina and glanced off of her cervix at the end of each stroke, sending thrills up her spine. Doug watched David slipping his hard cock into Lacy's mouth and smiled to himself at the young man's impatience.

David thrust into Lacy's mouth rapidly. Lacy held his erection with one hand to keep him from plunging too deep. She felt his erection grow and knew he was close to cumming. She knew that his youthful enthusiasm would carry him over the top quickly, so she didn't even try to stop him.

As expected, David exploded quickly. His load of cum gushed down Lacy's throat with surprising force. She took everything he gave her, however, swallowing quickly to keep up with the salty ropes of cum that flooded her mouth. Her nostrils flared as she gulped what must have been six months worth of his pent up semen. With a final groan, David seemed to simply collapse in front of Lacy. He rolled onto his back, spread eagle, in the middle of the floor, eliciting some quiet laughter from the other men.

Doug increased his tempo. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, David's rather quick blow job had excited him. His cock delved deeper within Lacy's slippery pussy, causing her to moan beneath him. Lacy's hips rocked to match his increasing rhythm. She reached for his buttocks and took firm hold of them. Feeling his muscles flexing as he thrust forward sent a thrill through her.

Lacy's eyes closed as she concentrated on the feelings Doug's throbbing cock sent through her. The thick shaft rubbed her stiff clitoris firmly, lubricated by their combined juices. Her breathing became irregular and her face flushed as she ground her crotch into his. Suddenly she exploded.

Lacy cried out as Doug drove his cock into her. Her pelvic muscles convulsed and her pussy gripped and milked at Doug's cock as he continued to fuck the writhing woman climaxing beneath him. Her entire body was wracked by spasms and she cried out as she came on his stiff cock.

Lacy's gut wrenching orgasm quickly sent Doug over the top as well. He began rapidly thrusting his cock in and out of her convulsing pussy as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching. Suddenly he exploded deep within her still spasming vagina. Doug froze above Lacy, his cock buried inside her, as his orgasm overtook him. His erection throbbed deep within her, pumping his load deep inside her as she thrashed beneath him, savoring the sensation of being filled with cum.

Lacy thrilled at the pulsing erection filling her with hot semen. Her own orgasm was subsiding, but the feeling of his shaft throbbing within the tight muscles at her entrance sent tiny electric shocks through her still shuddering body.

Rather than collapsing, Doug slowly lowered his body on top of hers. His buttocks twitched as the last vestiges of his orgasm washed through him. Lying on the sofa entwined in each other's arms, they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Lacy awoke minutes later with a slight whimper as she felt Doug's flaccid cock pull out of her, and cool air replaced the warm sensation of his cock inside her.

"That felt so good," she commented as she sat up.

Doug sat down beside her and put his arm around her as she leaned against him. He instinctively cupped one breast when she turned and lay back against his chest. Her hand covered his, holding it firmly against her as he gently manipulated her nipple in his palm. She briefly ran the fingers of her other hand through her now matted pubic hair.

"Looks like I need a shower," she commented. She looked directly into Joe's eyes with a bright, sexy smile on her lips. "Would you like to wash my back?"

Joe sat in stunned silence. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Lacy was counting on that.

"Sure," he finally croaked, staring at her drenched and matted pussy as her fingers toyed with her pubic hair.

Lacy stood up and moved over directly in front of him, steadying herself by spreading her legs slightly. She took both of Joe's hands in hers and pulled him out of his chair. She briefly looked down at the huge bulge in his shorts and smiled. Gently grasping his erection through the material, she looked up and into his eyes. "I want to feel this inside me," she softly said. "Let's go get me cleaned up for you."

They slowly made their way to the small bathroom toward the rear of the motor home. Mike smiled to himself as he pulled the motor home off the highway and into a rest area. "That's funny," he said. "I got a full bathroom here, and I still have to pull into a rest area to pee." The other men laughed with him.

Mike wheeled the RV into a parking space, and turned off the engine. He climbed out of his chair and headed for the side door. He stopped and listened to the water running in the tiny shower.

"Can they both fit in the shower?" Marty asked.

"She'll find a way," Mike grinned.

The water shut off just before Mike, John, Doug, and Bob re-entered the motor home. They returned just in time to see Lacy lead a now nude Joe into the bedroom, her hand wrapped around his rigid cock. Mike hesitated only a second before following them. He stopped in the doorway and watched the action unfold before him.

Lacy was lying on her back in the center of the bed. Joe was propped up on one elbow, lying on his side with his back to the door. His hand was slowly traveling down Lacy's flat tummy, gently stroking it.

"That's right," Lacy was softly saying, "nice and slow."

Joe's fingertips brushed her pubic hair, causing her hips to lift slightly. His hands then traveled up her body toward her full bosom.

"Gently," Lacy told him. "Don't pinch the nipple too hard. They're very sensitive, and too much pressure can be very painful."

He held her breast in his hand, then leaned forward to take the firm nipple into his mouth.

"That's it, nice and gentle," Lacy cooed.

She looked up at Mike and smiled. A quick wink from her told him that she was indeed enjoying the opportunity to teach the teenager how she liked to be made love to. The fact that Mike was standing there watching the whole thing added an extra amount of excitement to the situation.

Joe rolled forward and climbed between Lacy's thighs, not letting go of the nipple he still held between his lips. He felt Lacy's soft, still damp bush pressing against his stomach.

"Kiss my tummy," Lacy directed.

Reluctantly, Joe released her nipple from his mouth. Lacy ran her fingers through his wet hair as he looked up at her. She looked into his deep blue eyes and guided his head to her flat stomach.

Her tummy muscles quivered at the first gentle contact of his lips. His tongue flicked out from between them as he kissed around her navel. Her hips lifted again, rubbing her pubic mound against the flat of his young, almost hairless chest.

"A little lower," she gently directed as she guided his head with her hands.
Joe shifted his body a bit lower on the bed and brought his lips to her tummy just below her navel. His erection throbbed almost painfully. He felt the silky patch of pubic hair brushing against the base of his neck. He could faintly smell the scent of her excited sex and inhaled deeply as he again leaned forward to kiss her tummy. His cock throbbed even more in his growing excitement. His lips slowly traced a trail down toward her curly patch. He shifted his body once more, and suddenly her sex was completely revealed to him. He looked up and gazed deep into her eyes, hesitating to do anything on his own.

"Kiss it," Lacy whispered. "Kiss my pussy."

Joe looked at her dripping wet pussy in fascination. Never in his young life had he been this close to the real thing. Her scent was pungent, but exciting. He breathed it in deeply. He looked uncertain, briefly, then slowly lowered his lips to her excited pussy.

Lacy let out a slight gasp as his lips made hesitant contact with her engorged labia. The feel of his hairless, baby soft cheeks against her thighs was a new feeling for her as well. She was used to the slight stubble all men who shaved seem to have. The slick, soft feeling of his skin against hers thrilled her even more than she had imagined.

His kisses seemed reluctant at first, then, as he relaxed, more confident. He slowly touched the labia with his tongue, tasting a woman for the first time. He marveled at the tangy sweet flavor of her sex and began to slowly explore her with his tongue.

"Ohhh, yesss." Lacy breathed. "Nice and slow at first. Just like that…"
Her fingers ran through his hair as she cradled his head in her hands, her hips slowly moving back and forth.

She began to slowly guide his head to where she wanted his tongue.

"Lick upward just a little bit. Feel that bump right there toward the top?" She didn't give him a chance to answer. "Lick right there." He followed her request, finding her clitoris. "Oh yeah… right there…"

Joe was building confidence. Lacy's gentle direction was a big help. To be honest, he had been scared to death when she had led him into the cramped bathroom. He was well past the fear now; he was ready to become a man.

Lacy's hips rocked from side to side in a gentle tempo, keeping time with Joe's tongue. The boy was a fast learner, she thought to herself. She shuddered as Joe slipped a little bit off target, and his tongue briefly slid past her entrance. That was enough for her, it was time for the next lesson.

"Come up here," she breathed, guiding his head away from her excited pussy. "I want you to fuck me now."

Joe looked into her eyes as he climbed back up her body, kissing her nipple as his mouth move past it. She reached down and took his erection in her hand as he moved into position between her widespread legs. He felt the tip of his cock part her labia, and indescribable warmth suddenly enveloped him as she guided his virgin cock into her slippery, wet pussy.

Joe kept stone still, as his throbbing cock firmly made its way inside of a woman for the first time. He dared not move for fear he would lose his load immediately. Lacy looked deep into his eyes and seemed to read his mind.

"It's ok if you cum. We'll have plenty of time for seconds, and I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon."

Lacy's hips began to slowly grind against his pelvis. His cock stirred within her, which caused him to moan. He began to slowly pump his hips, keeping time with her undulations. Lacy moved her hips faster and faster, eager to make him cum deep inside her for the first time so they might be able to relax and enjoy their second coupling. Soon he was plunging deep inside her, frantically thrusting his erection in to the hilt.

He suddenly groaned and drove his cock into her deep, then exploded. A guttural cry came from him as he unleashed his load deep inside her. She pulled him down to her and kissed him deeply as he emptied himself into her tight pussy. She grabbed his buttocks and ground her pelvis into him, searching for her own orgasm.

His cock stayed rock hard as she wriggled her hips beneath him. His still erupting cock pulsed and throbbed deep within her. Her breathing became more ragged with each stroke. Suddenly he felt her pussy clamp down hard on his erection as she erupted in orgasm beneath him. Her hips bucked wildly and her face and chest turned a deep crimson as she came. He quickly recovered from his own orgasm, and started thrusting his hips as he had seen Doug do earlier.

Lacy was wailing at the top of her lungs, repeatedly begging for Joe to fuck her harder. Her hips thrashed around the bed as he pounded his cock into her hungry pussy. His excitement rose again. He soon joined her in the throes of orgasm, filling her cunt with a second load of cum that was astonishingly bigger than the first.

Slowly they both came back down from their sexual high. They kissed deeply as they lie still in the center of the bed. He slowly regained a bit of his senses, and raised himself up onto his elbows, looking her deep in the eyes. A wide grin slowly appeared on both of their faces as the bedroom doorway suddenly erupted in applause.

Joe rolled off of Lacy and lay down beside her. He reached over and held her hand in his. They both drifted off to sleep as the felt the engine start and the RV begin moving once again.

Hours later, the group had found a campsite for the night. The guys had voted, deciding that Lacy would remain nude for the remainder of the trip, unless she had to get out of the RV in a place where someone might object. Lacy had not objected to this revelation at all. In fact, she had planned it that way all along. She hummed to herself in the galley as she got some dinner together for everyone. The guys carried on conversation in the living/dining area.

Mike came into the galley and wrapped his arms around her. "Need any help?" he asked as he pressed his crotch into the cleft of her buttocks.

"Hmmm," she said. "Feels like someone needs some help."

Mike reached up and held her pendulous breasts. Lacy bent forward a bit, pushing herself firmer against his growing erection. "This is only day one, remember?" he asked.

Reaching down to unzip his pants, Lacy said, "Shut up and fuck me."

Grinning, Mike pushed Lacy forward. She grabbed hold of the counter as Mike slid his erection deep into her from behind. Conversations stopped in mid sentence as Lacy hissed between her teeth.

Mike held her hips and thrust deep into her repeatedly. Watching her with Joe earlier had excited him more than he had expected.

Lacy's knees quivered under Mike's pounding thrusts. She seldom orgasmed in this position, but she loved the feel of his thrusts deep into her pussy. He was really working her over good this time, she thought.

"Bring her over here." Marty said.

Mike looked toward the voice to see that the rest of the guys had dropped the dinette table down to make a bed. He slowed to a stop, and withdrew.
Lacy almost ran over to the dinette bed and got on all fours near the edge. Mike was right behind her, and quickly plunged his hard cock back into his wife.

Bob moved into position in front of Lacy and dropped his shorts. Lacy quickly took his growing erection into her mouth.

Mike pumped his cock deep into Lacy one last time and exploded. He held her hips tight and leaned into her as he filled her with his pent up load. A loud satisfied groan escaped his lips as he finally found release. Slowly, he let up his pressure on her hips and withdrew his cock.

Lacy rolled over onto her back; releasing Bob's now raging erection as she turned. "Ok guys, fuck me good now," she said looking at the crowd around her, "All of you, fuck me."

Bob was first to comply. He got up on the makeshift bed and drove his hard cock into her to the hilt with one thrust. She moaned loudly as Bob pumped himself into her soaked pussy. She opened her eyes to see Marty's cock in close range.

Lacy opened her mouth and took Marty's hardening cock deep into her throat. The rhythm of Bob's thrusts did all the work for her. She simply held it between her lips and let the thrusts do the rest.

She felt another erection being pressed into her hand. She wrapped her fist around it and began stroking it. This was what she had been hoping for; a total gang-bang. She wanted all seven men to fuck her until they came deep inside her pussy, then fuck her some more.

Bob's thrusts quickened. Suddenly Lacy felt him throb deep within her as he shot his load deep inside her. Bob's penis throbbed and shuddered within her clutching pussy as he growled out his orgasm. He quickly withdrew and made room for whoever wanted to be next.

Marty took this as his cue. He pulled his hard cock out of Lacy's mouth and crawled over her. He too plunged deep into her cum-filled pussy on the first stroke. His thrusts were short and rapid. His thick cock stretched Lacy's vaginal opening wide as he wildly fucked into her.

The RV rocked wildly as the group repeatedly pounded their cocks into her. Lacy was in an almost constant state of orgasm. Marty filled her with his semen. Doug rolled her over onto all fours and took her doggy style again. This only heightened her excitement. David thrust into her mouth as Doug added his load of cum to her sodden pussy.

Lacy rolled back over after Doug withdrew, and took David into her pussy for the first time. His penis was long and a bit thinner than Marty's, but it reached places the others hadn't touched. His thrusts were slower, but filled with power. The lust-filled woman came hard as he pounded his cock in and out of her. David lasted a surprisingly long time, but soon he too added his load to Lacy's overflowing vagina. Joe held back, still a bit unsure of himself. His cock was as hard as steel.

Lacy looked up at him. "Come on Joe, finish me off, please? I want you to fuck me again."

That seemed to be what he was waiting for. Joe quickly mounted her and fucked her hard and fast. Mike came closer and put his recovering cock into her mouth.

Lacy was in heaven. Joe's smooth, hard cock filled her cunt nicely. His shaft stayed in constant contact with her clitoris. The added stimulation of Mike's erection between her lips was too much for her. She came fast and hard. Spasms wracked her tortured body. Her thrashing was all Mike could take. He thrust forward and emptied his second load deep into her throat.

Joe kept plunging his erect cock deep into Lacy's spasming cunt. Her muscles gripped his shaft as he kept his steady rhythm, his face a mask of concentration. Soon, he too couldn't hold back any longer, and exploded deep inside her still quivering pussy.

Mike's softening penis fell out of Lacy's mouth as she wailed out loud. Her orgasm seemed never ending. Her body convulsed beneath Joe's heaving abdomen until they both seemed to collapse together. Silence suddenly filled the motor home. The only audible sound was that of Lacy's heavy breathing.

Mike sat down next to Lacy's inert body. He reached out to softly stroke her tortured body. She stirred and softly moaned.

"Are you ok?" he asked with a grin, knowing what her answer would be.

"Mmmm," she replied, "I'm melted." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the group gathered around her. "Are you guys ready for round two?" she asked with a tired, impish grin.

"Relax baby," Mike chuckled, "We have two whole weeks yet."

"Yeahhhhhh," was Lacy's reply as she drifted off to sleep. "Two whole weeks."

To be continued . . .

05-12-2009, 03:27 PM
Thank you for another hot and sexy addition... I'm off now to read part two.

Thanks you for writing and sharing these great stories with us all.

10-22-2009, 01:45 AM
very nice story, thanks

10-22-2009, 11:37 AM
what a good girl

10-22-2009, 01:59 PM
great story, hope you will post more of your work in the future!!!

10-13-2010, 12:31 AM
very yum