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View Full Version : How To Post Your Story

06-04-2009, 08:39 AM
Instructions On Posting A Story/Poem

Need To Knows

The minimum age for characters within a story submitted to the main story side or to the forum is fourteen.

If in a non sexual context, then back story younger than that is OK.

Characters can be no younger than eighteen in stories that use Dolcett based themes such as torture, cannibalism, mutilation or result in death.

Admins and moderators reserve the right to remove any story they deem as questionable or unfit for posting within the forum environment.

Decisions to remove a story or to ask for it to be revised and reposted by the author are final. This is a nonegotiable point.

The decisions to remove or ask for a story to be revised are not made haphazardly and we ask that you respect that as a guest of this site and comply with what is asked by the admins and or moderators.

Getting Ready To Post

It is possible to write your entire story in the post body itself but many people prefer using a word processor program so they can edit and spell check before submission.

For the best fit on our site page we recommend that you set you’re margins at 6.5 inches instead of the standard. For some reason our software will sometimes loose your formatting when you post with standard margins.

Please add line breaks between paragraphs to make for easier viewing by readers. Spell checking your story will go a long way toward making it more enjoyable by all.

To Post

1)Select an appropriate sub-forum, Incest, Fetish & Taboo, Non consent etc.

2) Copy the story from the word processor. Don’t cut it out, just copy it so you will still have it available on your computer.

3) Click on New Thread.

4) Enter a title then paste you’re story into the submission form.

5) If you used any parenthesize or bold lettering in the original you will need to re-add those using the edit features at the top of the form.

When you get the story in the form and have made any edits click on Preview Post. The story will come back just like it will look when it is posted and you will still have the ability to edit it. If you read the final version you will be surprised at how often you will find typos and such that you missed, especially if you use the larger type.

6) Click on Submit.

When it downloads the screen will clear then come back with the story as it was submitted. To double check you can go to the top
of the page (in the red area below the pictures) click New Posts and your story should be close to the top. If on the very odd chance that it isn’t wait a few minutes, start a another new thread and paste the story in and re-submit.

Caution: Once the story is finally submitted there will be an edit button at the bottom of the page. This is for last minute changes. It is only available for 15 minutes from the time of your post submission. All changes have to be completed within 15 minutes or the
server will not accept any editing after this time frame.
If you use the feature be sure to hit Save as soon as you finish your editing.

You’ve done it. There is no pre-approval. Your story has been published on the site. Congratulations you’re a published author.

If you have any problems or other questions please contact an admin or moderator.

We are here to help you have fun and we thank you for posting your story with us.

We are sure that many people will enjoy it as much as you enjoyed writing it.

Please feel free to participate in other areas of the site while you are writing another story.

Members are welcome to submit their stories to either or both the forums and main story side of the site.