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08-15-2009, 10:51 PM
The Mounting
by BarondeSade

/Copyright © 2009, BarondeSade. ALL Rights Reserved.

No portion of this story may be reproduced for profit without the
express, written permission of the author . . .

This story is a work of fiction. The characters, places, and incidents
are either products of the author's imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental . . .

All fictional characters in the story who are involved in sexual
situations and incidents are above the age of eighteen . . .

An erotic fantasy from the pen of BarondeSade . . ./

Bobby had positioned himself on the couch in the living room where he
could watch his mother as she cleaned the kitchen. You're sick, Bobby
told himself as he sat pretending to watch TV but kept sneaking quick,
furtive glances at her as she moved around in the kitchen. She's your
mother, for Christ's sake. Your mother, you sick asshole! How can you
think about her like that?

How could he not, the dark side of his psyche shot back. Look at her for
God's sake!

As usual, she was wearing a skimpy string bikini. He rarely saw her in
anything else when she was home. He couldn't really blame her what with
the heat of the summer. And besides, with a pool out back, all she had
to do to cool off was step outside and dive in. While this was
convenient for her, it made things extremely hard on her teenage son in
more ways than one.

Bobby had even stopped inviting his friends over because of the way she
dressed. One day, at school, he had stepped out of the shower and was
walking back over to his locker when he overheard two of his friends

". . . in her string bikinis, better than going to a strip club . . .
God, what a bod . . . I'd give my left nut to . . . uh, hi, Bobby . . .
how bout we go over to your house and shoot a little pool . . ."

Bobby had somehow been able to contain the surge of rage that had welled
up inside him on that day. But it only made him even more self-conscious
of his mother. But knowing that he wasn't the only one that thought
about her like somehow made it all seem a little less crazy. But she was
still his mother.

Following her with his eyes, he could see the cups of the bikini were
straining to contain her mountainous, pink melons as she moved around
the kitchen. The little triangles of cloth barely covered her areolas.
And down below, the triangle of black cloth barely covered the very tip
of her soft, vulnerable underbelly. The string attached to the bottom
point of the triangle disappeared down between her creamy, white thighs
then swooped up between the bare, perfect, round cheeks of her
delectable ass only to reappear in the middle of her back where it was
attached to the band of cloth that encircled her tiny waist. On the
swell of her rounded hips, there were two, little, black bows holding
the band together as Bobby gawked on in a testosterone-induced daze.

How could he be blamed for finding her attractive in That way? Any man
would find her sexually attractive. Any man that is who possessed a pair
of balls. And Bobby definitely fit into that category. He couldn't help
it if his fucking balls were pouring testosterone into his brain by the
gallon. He had no control over that. Not in the least. And the only
thing capable of reining his overworked id was his struggling super-ego
which definitely had its hands full trying to keep everything under
control and in check.

Daphne could feel the heavy tug of her big breasts on her chest as she
moved around pushing the Swifter across the kitchen floor. Glancing
over, she saw that Bobby was watching her as he sat on the couch
pretending to watch TV. She felt a strange sense of self-consciousness
as she felt his eyes on her breasts. Maybe she ought to start wearing a
little more around the house. Bobby, after all, was no longer a child.
Knowing that he was watching her like he was, was more than a little
discomforting. She didn't really know how to feel about it. But even as
she tried to sort out her feelings on the subject, she suddenly became
aware that her nipples were swollen and hard, jutting out against the
material of her bikini. And they were super-sensitive.

What? What was going on, she asked herself? Why were her nipples
reacting that way? Bobby? No, no, there had to be some other reason.
Maybe it was just the way her bikini was rubbing against them as she
swept the floor. Yes, yes, that was it, she franticly thought. Lying to
herself couldn't stop the flush of heat that spread out over her cheeks.

Look! Look at her nipples, Bobby woozily thought as he could easily see
that her big nipples were jutting out, peaking the little cups of cloth.
What's making her nipples so hard, he wondered? Then he saw her glance
in his direction and he darted his eyes back over to the TV. What had
just happened, he feverishly wondered?

Seeing and feeling that her nipples were so swollen and sensitive only
made Daphne that much more aware of them which in turn only made them
more sensitive. And by now, they were already so hard they were aching.

Leaning the Swifter against the wall, Daphne slowly padded across the
cool kitchen floor in her bare feet. Stepping out onto the carpeted
living room floor, she glanced over at Bobby again and saw that he was
intently staring at the TV screen. Seeing that he wasn't watching her,
she took a quick peek down at his crotch to see if what she suspected
were true.

She was right, she dejectedly thought. He had an erection! His bathing
trunks were tented and by the size of the tent, he had obviously
inherited his father's oversized physical attributes.

Glancing over at his mother to see if she was watching him, Bobby saw
her eyes dart away from his crotch as she made her way over toward the
bar. Looking down at his lap, he saw that his big, hard cock was tenting
his bathing trunks and she couldn't have helped noticing it. Shit, he
thought, now she knows I have a boner! And she knows that she was the
cause of it. Now what, he franticly wondered, reaching down and
repositioning his peter so that it wasn't so damned obvious.

Pulling down a glass and a bottle of bourbon, Daphne clinked a couple of
ice cubes into the glass and quickly splashed three fingers of the amber
liquor into it. Her son had an erection, she queasily thought! But that
wasn't so hard to imagine. He was a teenage boy after all. But the
disgusting part of it all was the fact that she had caused it.

He'd gotten his boner from watching her. Well what did she expect,
running around in front of him almost naked. Looking down at herself,
she saw that the three tiny triangles of cloth barely covered anything
and her big, knobby nipples were still sticking out proud and defiant.
And she could feel juice beginning to seep out and dampen the other
little triangle of black cloth. What was happening to her, she dizzily
asked herself? Knowing that she had made her own son hard was very
disquieting. Very, very disturbing, but sickly, it was somehow strangely
stirring also. She couldn't explain it. There had never been anything
between them. She had never thought of Bobby in any way remotely
associated with sex. But, that was evidently not the case on his part,
she told herself as she glanced over at him again.

As she did, she saw that he had repositioned his penis so that his
erection was not so plainly visible, but also saw that he was still

Looking over at his mother, Bobby watched her tip her head back and take
a quick gulp of her drink. Good, Mom, go, he grinned to himself watching
her big, beautiful tits jiggle and bob as she moved the glass away from
her thin, red lips.

Maybe something might happen, he hopefully thought, knowing how lovey,
dovey she got around his father after she had two or three drinks.

I wonder what she's thinking. She knows that I have a boner. Well, she
hadn't said anything about it, had she?

Well, stupid, what in the hell could she say about it? Bobby, you be a
good, little boy now and put that disgusting thing away!

What was he thinking, she asked herself as the booze hit the bottom of
her stomach and the warm, fuzzy glow of the alcohol began to spread out
over her body? Was he thinking about her, about them, about them . . .
No, no, she couldn't even bring herself to say the word.

What was she thinking, Bobby wondered, his mind racing? Is she thinking
about my peter? Is she wondering what it looks like? Wondering how big
it is? Is she wondering how it would feel up inside her hot, little pussy?

There was so much testosterone pouring into Bobby's fevered brain, his
imagination was running wild and unchecked. What does her pussy look
like? Does it have hair around it? Does she shave it? Is the hair around
it red like the long, red hair hanging all the way down to her
magnificent tits? What color are her pussy lips? Are they dark? Are they
pink? What does her asshole look like? Is it dark? Or is it pink like
some of the girls in his porn books?

Oh, goody, Bobby sickly thought as he watched his mother freshen her
drink with another three fingers of booze. Keep going, Mom, keep going.

Hey, speaking of booze, I think I'll have a beer, he grinned to himself.

Pushing up to his feet, Bobby reached down and moved his cock so that it
wasn't so obvious and walked across the room to where his mother sat
sipping on her drink. Stepping around behind the bar, he popped open the
fridge and pulled out a beer.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Bobby heard his mother ask as he
flipped the top off his beer.

"Don't have any . . . I just thought I'd hang around the house with you
. . . doesn't seem like we get to spend any time together anymore . . ."
he grinned, tipping her beer and taking a long gulp.

"Uh, really . . . uh, that's nice, uh, of you. I think I'm going to go
out and work on my tan a little bit . . ." Daphne told him, wondering if
it was a good idea for the two of them to be in such close proximity
based on the tension that seemed to be swirling around them. But he was
her son. He wouldn't do anything.

"Cool," Bobby said, watching her big, beautiful tits bobble as she
freshened her drink for a second time. "I think I'll swim a few laps to
cool off . . ."

That was a good idea, she told herself, thinking that maybe the water
might cool his jets. And speaking of cooling it, Better cool it with the
booze, she woozily told herself as she dropped a couple more ice cubes
in her glass before picking it up. Then, as she pushed away from the
bar, she felt her son's eyes brush across her breasts as she started out
to the patio. Go put some clothes on and cover yourself up, one part of
her brain warned her. But she tipsily ignored the warning and stepped
across the living room.

Bobby felt his cock twitch as he watched the perfect, round cheeks of
his mother's beautiful ass twitch from side to side, rippling and
jiggling with each mincing step. When he saw her step out through the
back door, he quickly followed her out to the patio. Then, as his mother
spread out a blanket on the grass, Bobby set his beer down and dove into
the pool.

Spreading a film of sun screen on over her quivering breasts and down
the front of her body, Daphne sat watching Bobby as he slowly paddled up
and down the pool several time. He was a young Adonis, she told herself
admiring his muscular physique.

The air around her reeked of coconuts as she finally put the bottle of
lotion down and finished off her drink before she laying down on her back.

As she lay soaking up the rays of sunlight, she heard Bobby splash up
out of the pool. Turning her head to the side, she shielded her eyes and
watched him pad over to the table. Then as he stood polishing off his
beer, she studied his muscular physique. The water on his chest
glistened brightly in the morning sunlight, highlighting and emphasizing
every impressive muscle. Then as her eyes swept down over his swim
trunks, she saw that they were wetly clinging to the outline of his big,
hard penis.

Oh, my, lord, she shamefully thought. He's still hard! What was she
going to do, she franticly asked herself, turning her head and closing
her eyes again?

Then she felt a shadow fall across her face. Opening her eyes, she
looked up to see that Bobby was standing looking down at her with a big,
happy smile on his lips.

"Mom, you're so bad . . ." he grinned, flinging a few drops of water
down on her firm, flat belly.

"What? So bad? What do you mean?" she asked, guiltily wondering if he
knew that she had been thinking about his penis.

"Bad . . . you know . . . good . . . pretty . . . beautiful . . ." he
smiled, dropping down onto his knees on the blanket.

"Oh—uh—I—I thought that you—uh—" she stammered, her face flushing into a
bright red.

"Want me to do your back," Bobby grinned, picking her the bottle of sun

Oh, no, she anxiously thought. No, she couldn't let him do that. Not
touch her. That was just too risky. . .

But what could she tell him? Tell him no, because she was afraid he
might get fresh with her? She couldn't tell him that.

"Uh, I, I suppose," she timidly said, slowly rolling over onto her belly.

She felt so exposed and vulnerable as she lay on her belly waiting for
his touch. Then she felt his fingers touch her as he gently, almost
reverently began to spread the coconut-smelling lotion on her back.
Making tiny circles with the tips of his fingers, he slowly moved down
off her shoulders to the middle of her back. But as he did, she suddenly
felt the back of her bikini go slack.

"Bobby, what are you doing?" she whimpered, blindly reaching back to
fasten her bikini but Bobby's hands brushed her hands aside.

"You don't want to have a white line across your back do you?" he asked
her, spreading the ends of the strap out on the blanket beside the swell
of her big tits that were protruding out from under her on the blanket.
Then she felt a soft touch as he brushed his fingers over the obtruding
tit flesh.

"Bobby—No—" she fussed. "Please don't do that . . ."

"Sorry, Mom, it was accident—I didn't mean to touch you there," he
murmured as he began to softly massage her back again and rub the lotion
into her smooth, soft skin. She didn't answer him as she tried to relax.
His quietly probing fingers slowly circled their way down her back until
their tips were brushing against the waistband of her bikini bottom.

Oh, no, she franticly thought when she felt her son's fingers on the
little bows that rested on her hips and held her bikini bottom tied
around her narrow waist. Then there was a soft tug and both of the
little bows came untied.

"Bobby—Don't—don't do that—" she fumed. But before she could stop him,
he dropped the ends of the strap down onto the blanket beside her hips.

Then she felt the thong being tugged up out of the crack of her ass.

"Bobby, stop it, right now, stop it," she squealed, thrusting her arms
down behind herself but was again too late to stop him. Just then she
felt him stuff her bikini bottom down between her legs.

"It's okay, Mom, everything is covered up and I can't see anything,"
Bobby told her as he began to softly massage the firm, yet soft flesh of
her pliant ass cheeks.

"Bobby, this has gone too far. Now stop it . . ." she complained.

"But you don't want to get a burn . . . and I haven't done your legs
yet," Bobby told her continuing on with defiant determination.

Oh, what the hell, Daphne tipsily thought. Let him alone so he can
finish, and then you can go in the house, put some clothes on and end
this farcical charade. Fighting to relax as Bobby softly kneaded the
flesh of her ass cheeks, Daphne finally gave in and let him work. He was
just putting on suntan lotion and massaging her, she told herself as his
fingers slowly moved down off her ass cheeks and onto her thighs.

She didn't know what it was but she finally felt herself relax enough to
enjoy it as Bobby's magic fingers did their thing. Maybe it was the sun,
or the alcohol, or just a combination of everything, but she felt
herself relaxing more and more as Bobby's fingers slowly worked their
way down her long, shapely legs. As her son's fingers massaged their way
down her thighs, Daphne's legs unconsciously began to spread apart.

Oh, Shit, would you look at that, Bobby declared to himself as he saw
her tiny, wadded bikini bottom unfold and spread out on the blanket
between his mother's legs. As it did, it revealed her pretty, pink
pussy. Hoping to keep from letting on that her pussy was now exposed,
Bobby kept rubbing as he stared down at the wondrous sight. The thick,
fleshy lips wetly clung together and he could see a few wispy curls of
copper-colored hair bordering the gorged lips. But just about the
sexiest thing he had ever seen was the little stream of clear juice that
oozed out of her pussy and ran down over her clit. She was wet . . .

Bobby's peter was so hard it was aching as he moved lower and lower down
her legs. Down over the backs of her knees, over the perfect rounded
swell of her beautifully proportioned calves, finally down onto her
ankles, Bobby gently massaged wishing it could go on forever. At last,
he tickled his finger down over the soft, wrinkled skin of the soles of
her feet.

"Oh, that tickles," she sleepily murmured when Bobby leaned back up. But
as he did, Daphne felt a breeze brush across her exposed pussy and
realized that her son had an obstructed view of her pussy.

Franticly reaching around behind her butt, Daphne fumbled with the
bottom on her bikini until she finally managed to get it pulled back up
over her pussy.

"Uh, I'm going to get a beer . . . want me to bring you back another
drink?" Bobby asked, trying to act as if nothing had happened as he
pushed up to his feet.

"Uh, yeah, uh, just a little one though, don't want to get drunk . . ."
she told him hoping to use the opportunity to see if she could get her
bikini secured once again before he got back.

Bobby's cock was so hard, he could barely walk as he stumbled back
across the patio and into the house.

The moment Bobby disappeared inside the house, Daphne rolled over onto
her back, sat up and grabbed at her dangling bikini top. Pulling the
little cups back over the darkened tips of her big, jiggling breasts,
she wrapped the strap back around her body. Fumbling with the clasp, it
took her a few seconds before she got it secured once again. Then
reaching down, she quickly pulled the ends of the strings on her biking
bottom together and tied them. Then a few quick tugs and pulls here and
there and she had everything back in place.

Inside the house, Bobby splashed more bourbon into his mother's glass,
dropped some more ice cubes in and then pulled a beer out of the fridge
for himself. Twisting the cap off the beer, he lifted it up to his mouth
and took a long gulp on it. Then he set it down on the bar and grabbed
up a bottle of tequila. Tipping the bottle up, he filled his beer bottle
up to the top with the clear liquor. Putting the tequila back in its
place, he looked over at the back door then reached down and pulled out
the stretchy waist band of his bathing trunks. Then with his other hand,
he dug down inside them and pulled out his big, semi-hard cock. He
quickly began to jerk his hand up and down his cock to bring it back to
full erection. He wanted his mother to know he was still hard. Hard
because of her.

Once his cock was jutting out at full hardness, he let go of the
waistband of his trunks and grabbed up her drink and his beer. Looking
down, he could see that his cock was once again tenting his bathing
trunks as he hurried over to the back door. Pushing it open, he stepped
out into the bright sunlight and started across the patio. He was
disappointed to see that his mother had returned her bikini to its
rightful place as she sat on the blanket watching him. As he stepped
across the warm cement, he saw her eyes dart down to his tented trunks,
linger there for a moment then move away as a faint blush colored her

"Here you go," Bobby said, reaching down and handing her, her drink.

"Thank you," she murmured, taking her drink from him.

"You certainly didn't get much sun on your back," Bobby grinned, easing
down on the blanket beside her.

"Uh, I, I felt a little self-conscious lying there like that," she
mumbled, taking another sip on her drink.

"Why? No one can see you," Bobby grinned, reaching over and running a
fingertip down the creamy, smooth skin of her thigh.

"You can," she said, nervously moving her leg away from him.

"I can almost see everything any way," he said, following her leg with
his hand and slowly running his fingertip down her thigh again. "And I
love what I can see . . ."

"Bobby, stop it," Daphne whined. "This is getting a little uncomfortable."

"Why? It's just the two of us, Mom. No one can see us. No one will ever
know," Bobby said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Know? Know what? What are you, what are you suggesting?" she asked, her
voice quavering.

"I'm not suggesting anything, Mother," Bobby grinned, giving her thigh a
gentle squeeze. "I just want to spend the afternoon with you. That's all
. . ."

Everything was getting a little fuzzy around the edges, Daphne tipsily
thought, feeling the heavy tug of her breasts at her chest as she lifted
her glass and took another sip of bourbon. It was strange, she found
herself thinking. What difference would it make if he saw her breasts
anyway? As a child, he had them in his hands all the time. But now, not
only could he not touch them, he couldn't even look at them. So went the
mores of man.

Emboldened by the alcohol and the close intimacy he and his mother
seemed to be sharing, Bobby decided to reach further . . .

"You have beautiful breasts, Mother . . ." he softly whispered, looking
down at her big, conical-shaped breasts.

Following her son's eyes down to her breasts, Daphne saw that the sharp
contrast between the black bikini and the pink, almost white skin of her
breasts made them seem even more exposed and vulnerable than they
already were. What could she say, she franticly asked herself? They were
her breasts he was talking about. Her breasts!

Then, almost as if on cue, she felt her nipples begin to tingle and
swell as they thrust themselves out against the thin cups of her bikini.
No, no, please, don't, she begged as the protrusions jutting out against
her bikini top continued to swell and expand. She couldn't stop them nor
could she explain the sudden surge of arousal that had caused them to
harden and swell.

Looking up, Daphne saw Bobby's eyes widen as he shamelessly stared down
at the cups of her tiny bikini.

"Uh, I, I think maybe you're right," she mumbled, quickly rolling over
onto her belly to hide the evidence of her arousal, "Maybe my back does
need a little more sun . . ."

But as she lay on her belly with her breasts hidden from his probing
stare, she felt Bobby's fingers on the clasp of her bikini for a second

"Bobby, please . . ." she whimpered, but futilely knew that she couldn't
stop him, so made no effort to try.

Seeing that his mother wasn't trying to stop him, Bobby quickly
unfastened the clasp and laid the ends of the straps on the blanket.

"Bobby, don't . . ." she whispered as she once again felt his fingers on
her hips. "Please . . ."

Then she felt a slight tug as he pulled on the knots and untied them.
This time she made a conscious effort to keep her legs pressed together
and hide her pussy from his leering stare as she felt him tug the thong
of her bikini out from between the cheeks of her clenched ass.

Wadding the little wisp of black cloth into a ball, Bobby forcibly
pushed it down between his mother's legs.

Then, reaching up, Bobby brushed his mother's long, copper-colored hair
off her back. He could see and feel that the muscles in her back were
clenched and tight as he slowly, gently tickled the backs of his
fingernails down over them. Keeping his fingers moving, he slowly ran
them up and down her back and finally saw her muscles begin to relax and

Moving his fingers in an ever-widening loop, he ever-so-slowly moved his
wandering fingers lower and lower until they were just brushing the tops
of the cheeks of her now-soft ass cheeks.

Before moving out onto the soft, smooth skin of her delightful ass,
Bobby wanted to see if she would let him touch the rounded rolls of tit
flesh extruding out from under her. Slowly, he widened the circle until
his fingers crept down onto her sides.

"Ohhhhhh, that tickles . . ." she sleepily murmured, moving away from
his fingers.

"Sorry . . ." he mumbled, returning his fingers to her back.

"That feels good . . ." she softly mumbled as he softly caressed her back.

Pausing for a moment, Bobby reached over and took a long swig of liquid
bravery. As he did, much to his amazement, his mother pushed up and
reached for her drink. When she did, Bobby got a brief, but
heart-stopping glimpse of a bare breast and the big, pink nipple tipping
its pointed tip. A spasm of electric excitement tore through his
rock-hard cock making it lurch down inside his trunks. At last he had
seen a nipple, he feverishly told himself. Now if he could only get it
in his mouth, he deviously thought.

Bobby's mind was in a fevered rage, partially induced by the alcohol,
but mostly attributable to the gush of testosterone his aching balls
were pumping into his blood stream. Staring down at his mother's
beautiful, naked backside, he had to have more . . . he had to have *HER!*

She seemed to be asleep, Bobby told himself as he watched the even,
steady rhythm of her breathing.

Bobby was reaching a point where control was becoming an issue. He
wanted to fuck her so bad his whole body was aching. Throwing caution to
the wind, he reached down and shoved his trunks down off his aching,
throbbing cock. Slipping his trunks off over his feet, he pitched them
down on the blanket, leaned down over his mother and gently, lovingly
kissed the nape of her neck just below her hairline.

He has such soft fingers, Daphne drowsily thought as she felt his
fingers on her neck. Then she felt his fingers slowly crawl across the
nape of her neck to her ear. What is he doing, she tipsily wondered as a
finger circled her ear lobe? His finger is wet, she sleepily thought.
There was something wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it until
she felt his hot breath on her ear when he whispered "I love you," into it.

Alarm bells began to clang in her frantic brain, but her alcohol-fogged
mind refused to work. What was going on, she woozily asked herself? What
was he doing? Why was he kissing her ear? Then she felt his hand on her
buttock, squeezing and gently fondling it as it crept lower and lower
down toward her hot, throbbing womanhood.

No! No! No, her delirious brain railed, but her body acted as if it had
a mind of its own and refused to respond to her frantic commands.

Opening her eyes, she looked over at Bobby and what she saw made the
alarm bells inside her head clang even louder. He was *NAKED!* He was
naked and his hard, stiff cock was jutting up out of his hairy crotch.
He was her son and he was going to fuck her! It was wrong! He couldn't
do that! Everyone would know what a horrible son she had. But no, no
they wouldn't know, unless she told them. No one else would know! Only
they would know. Just the two of them. It would be their deep, dark secret!

As her mind roiled over these thoughts, she felt Bobby's hand slip down
between her legs, searching for the secrecy that lay between them.

Could she stop him, she deliriously wondered? Then, from somewhere deep
down inside her psyche, there came the stark realization that maybe she
didn't want to stop him. Maybe she wanted him to take her this way.
Maybe she wanted to feel him inside her once again. Feel him inside her
and be one with her as they had once been.

She was paralyzed with fear and indecision. She couldn't make up her
mind. Did she want to stop him . . . or not? She could see that there
was no indecision on his part as he pushed her legs further apart and
gently probed the soft flesh between her legs.

Then he found her and his finger eased up inside her. The ease with
which he had entered her bespoke of her own wetness and arousal as her
legs instinctively spread wider apart. Her heart was pounding, her
vagina throbbing with heat and need as Bobby slipped a second finger up
into her wetness.

Then she felt Bobby's knees brush against her inner thighs as he moved
up over her. This was it! It was really happening! She was about to be
fucked! She was about to be fucked by her own *SON!*

"Mother . . ." she heard Bobby groan as his lips brushed across the nape
of her neck again.

Bobby's penis was harder and stiffer than it had ever been as it evilly
arched up from his groin. Its back was bowed with anticipation and
readiness as he moved over his mother's back. Her beautiful, long legs
were splayed out to the side opening herself to him as he moved up
between them. Her soft, smooth ass cheeks rubbed against his belly as he
gently poked and probed the softness between her legs searching for the
forbidden entrance to her womanhood. A shiver of excitement ran through
his body as he felt his mother move under him and he felt the tips of
her fingers touching his manhood. Touching it, guiding it to the weeping
opening of her femininity. Then he felt the tip of his probing penis
find wetness. Inching higher, he seated the tip of his cockhead into the
tight, moist opening. Pushing with his hips, he felt resistance as he
tried to force his cock into her. Was he too big for her, he franticly
wondered as he strained harder?

Then like a rose blossom unfurling, he felt the opening begin to stretch
and slowly spread itself open to take him. A soft murmur escaped from
his mother's lips and out into the blanket her head rested on.

Pushing harder, he eased his cock deeper into her. As he did, the
tapered barb of his cockhead spread the channel of her vagina. But after
its passage, the tight chamber quickly collapsed back down around the
shaft of his penis, clutching it tightly in its grasp. Sinking his cock
deeper and deeper into the clutching heat of her vagina, he continued
until he felt its head nudge up against something deep inside the channel.

He heard a little whimper of pain from his mother, but then the
obstruction shrank back away from his cock.

There was a momentary pinch of pain as the head of her son's penis
nudged up against the opening of her cervix, but her body quickly
responded. She felt her vaginal chamber stretching, lengthening to
accept her son's oversized manhood. At the same moment, she felt the
bristly hairs encircling the base of his cock scrape against the cheeks
of her ass and his big, dangling balls gently brush across her
sensitive, throbbing clitoris. It was done! He was inside her! Totally
and completely immersed back inside her where he had once grown and
developed. But now he filled in such a different, unspeakable way. And
it could never be undone!

He was inside her, Bobby feverishly thought as he ground himself against
the firm softness of her giving ass cheeks. Covering her, resting his
weight on his elbows, he thrust up into her almost afraid to breathe and
break the fiery passion of the moment. He had taken her as a stallion
would mount his mare. His alpha mare! She was his now and he would never
let another man have her. She was his, he deliriously thought!

Burying his nose in her soft, swirling hair, he drank in her fragrance.
The same sweet fragrance that he known as a child and he was transported
back to those days when that fragrance had filled his nose as he suckled
at her beautiful breasts. Now those breasts were his once again, he
giddily thought.

Running his hands along the blanket, he tried to ease them under her so
he could feel her soft, warm breasts in his hands. As he did, his mother
pushed up slightly, just enough to allow him to move his hands under her.

Still thrusting himself deep inside her, he clutched and groped at her
big, soft, giving tits.

Then he felt her lift her hips, thrusting her ass cheeks back against
him then pull away from him. It was as if she were asking him to fuck
her, he dizzily thought. Then she did it again, and again. Yes, he
feverishly thought as he slowly, deliberately backed his big penis back
down the tight constricting channel of her womanhood. Stopping with just
the head of his penis still lodged down inside the moist warmth, he gave
out a soft grunt and pushed back into her sliding himself into her all
the way to the hilt for a second time. The rush of passion he felt was
almost enough to trigger a massive eruption, but he was somehow able to
contain it as he began to slowly fuck her, stroking his big cock in and
out of the hot furnace between her widely splayed legs.

Their bodies, slippery and lubricated by sun block and sweat, rubbed
together as they moved together in carnal harmony.

He was doing it, Bobby deliriously told himself. He was fucking his mother!

He was fucking her, Daphne thought, her mind in a muddled daze. Her son
was fucking her. Not her husband—Her son! How could they betray John in
such a despicable way? How could *SHE*betray her husband this way? How
could she cuckold her husband with his own son? But it hadn't been her
fault, she tried to reason. Bobby had started it. It was his fault.

And like you really tried to stop it, didn't you, SLUT . . .

Bobby's hands slid off her tits and down under her hips. Then clutching
her hips in his hands, he jerked her up against his pounding assault
every time he drove his penis down into the seeping, throbbing wound
between her legs. Replacing his hands with hers, she groped and clawed
at her breasts as Bobby concentrated his total attention on her pussy.

Reeling in the sick depravity of what he was doing, Bobby continued to
slowly rock back and forth on his knees as he held onto his mother's
hips and slowly slid his penis in and out of the clutching socket of her

Slowly working his ass back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of
the hot, clutching channel of his mother's pussy, Bobby saw that his
mother's long, graceful back was glistening wetly with its coating of
sun block and sweat.

His mother's long, coppery hair lay in a shimmering swirl as Bobby
continued to slowly, methodically work his cock in and out of her hot
pussy. Then his mother's hands came out from under her as she snaked her
arms back at him. Digging her nails into his waist, she began to push
and pull on him, guiding him, controlling the speed and depth of his
thrusts as they slowly fucked. He could feel her pulling on him with her
hands, pulling him deeper inside her on every thrusting lunge.

"Mmmmmmmm . . ." she murmured out, milking him and nipping at his
plunging penis with her pussy as it slowly slithered in and out of her.

Looking down below her beautiful ass, Bobby could see that his cock was
glistening wetly as it slowly pistoned in and out of the juice-filled
channel of her vagina.

The time for gentleness had passed, Bobby deliriously thought as their
bodies slippery slid together.

Bobby began to rock back and forth at a furious pace, pummeling her
pussy with his cock. As he fucked her with wild abandon, he watched the
round cheeks of her beautiful ass ripple and heave from the force of the
blows every time their bodies slapped together.

Bobby's muddled mind was in a fog. While his mother had initially been
more than reluctant to join in their sick, incestuous affair, she had
quickly capitulated. Almost too quickly, he dizzily thought. Whatever.
But did it really matter now, he sickly thought as he continued to hump
away at the hot, soft wetness between her splayed legs? What did it
matter as long as he had the key to the wondrous treasure buried down
between his mother's beautiful, long legs?

His mother's whole body was now working with him, pulling him into her
with her hands as she thrust herself back against him and he ripped his
penis in and out of the hot, sucking hole between her legs.

Their fucking had been silent to that point, almost as if neither of
them wanted to break the incestuous spell they had woven. But the
silence was finally broken.

"Yes—Yes—Fuck your mother—Fuck your mother and make her come. . . "
Daphne blathered out working herself back against her son's frenzied
attack on her pussy.

But this was more than fucking, Bobby deliriously thought. This was more
than something physical. It was an almost mystical joining of their
bodies, their souls in an almost spiritual union of mind and spirit. At
first, he had felt guilty about his feeling toward his mother, but now
the slate was wiped clean. There was no more guilt as she was returning
his passion with a passion of her own. He didn't feel an iota of guilt
or shame. All he felt was love. Love for the beautiful woman he was
making love to.

Daphne couldn't explain the tumultuous feelings swirling through her
head as Bobby continued to pound away at her pussy. This was her son
fucking her! Her son! Bobby! Her little baby, Bobby. How could he do
this to her, she deliriously asked herself? And how could she let him?

Let him, she maniacally thought? She wasn't just letting him fuck her.
She was fucking her pussy back on his plunging cock with just as much
energy and vigor as he was.

But it was a new and exciting feeling. Sex with John was just that. Sex.
But with Bobby, it was different. She was sharing herself with the one
person in the whole world she felt the closest to. He had once been a
part of her and now he was again. But it is a sick and twisted way to
share yourself with him, the other side of her psyche fired back. How
can you let your son take you this way? It's sick . . .

What did that matter, she fought back? He loved her and she loved him.
What else mattered? They weren't hurting anyone. They were just sharing
their bodies like any two other people who were in love. It was just
between the two of them . . .

The air reeked of coconuts and the pungent, cloying smell of her estrous
as it hung in the air around them.

They had been going at it for the longest time and she could sense that
Bobby was about to erupt inside her. He was making the same grunting,
groaning sounds his father made just before he came. The thought of her
son coming inside her, filling her womb with his own sweet essence, sent
her mind tumbling into a twisting, spiraling, uncontrollable spin as
gushes of pure, hot pleasure rushed up from her pussy.

She's coming—his mother was coming, Bobby's overloaded brain joyously
railed. While he couldn't see her face, he could almost picture her
frowning with effort as she thrust herself back against him and clamped
down around his pistoning penis with her tight pussy. The muscles in her
back were rigid and trembling as she came. Seeing his mother come was
too much as a rush of jubilation and triumph filled his brain,
triggering a massive explosion of pleasure down inside his penis.

Thrusting forward, he viciously curled his hips upward in a savage,
driving thrust that drove his penis up into his mother's spasming cunt
as deep as it could possibly go. And at that very instant, his cock
heaved and spewed out a gigantic spume of hot, gummy cum into the
hungry, sucking depths of her cunt. The force of the eruption was such
that Bobby feared it had blown the head off his cock and now the gooey
gushes of cum was pouring out of the gaping hole where once his cockhead
had been.

"Mother—Mother—" Bobby cried out, grinding himself against her and
letting his penis fill her vagina and womb with his thick, potent,
seed-laden cream.

"Bobby—my son—" Daphne groaned out, clawing at him, keeping him pulled
against her as her pussy clutched and clasped itself around his spewing
cock . . .

Bobby feared that he was going to pass out as the pleasure pouring
through his body was so intense it took his breath away.

His mother's back was glistening wetly in the now-afternoon sunlight as
streams of sweat slowly trickled and ran down off her back and dripped
down onto the blanket below.

Wishing he could stay buried down inside the moist warmth of his
mother's womb forever, David sadly felt his limp, lifeless penis slither
out of her and drop back down onto the blanket between her legs.

Leaning down, Bobby gently kissed one of the perfect, round cheeks of
his mother's sweat-drenched ass.

Savoring the salty taste of her sweat on his tongue, David eased his
lips up off the smooth skin and leaned back.

What could he say? What could he tell her that would make what he had
done to her right? There was nothing! Nothing he could say . . . or do
that would make it right. It was wrong and it would forever be wrong.
Then as he searched for the words to say to her, he watched as she
pulled her legs up and slowly rolled over onto her back.

Oh, God, there they were. Her beautiful tits lay before him bare and
exposed to his leering, gawking eyes. They were beautiful; gorgeous;
stupendous; unbelievable!

Looking down into his mother's eyes, David leaned back down and pressed
his lips against hers. The kiss began soft and loving, but within
moments it had grown into a demanding, open-mouthed kiss of passion and
emotion. David felt his mother's arms snake around him and pull him to
her as she thrust her sweat-slickened breasts against his slippery
chest. Their bodies, wet with sweat and sun screen, ground against each
other as they franticly kissed, each of them expressing their feelings
in a fiery meshing of lips, tongues, mouths and bodies.

As they kissed, David felt a stirring resurgence down in his dangling
cock. Finally breaking their passionate entanglement, David leaned back
and ran his eyes down over her quivering breasts. He marveled at her
beauty as he let his eyes wander down over her glistening, sweat-smeared
belly and the little triangle of coppery curls topping the open wound
that lay between her splayed legs. Staring at the pink slit, he saw that
it was slowly oozing out the load of creamy cum he had just deposited

Unable to believe that he had just defiled such beauty, he felt like he
was going to cry.

"I'm sorry, Mother, I'm sorry," he blubbered, still trying to find the
words that would make it right, but knowing that he never would . . .

"I, I forgive you," she whispered, reaching up and wiping away his tears
with the backs of her fingers.

Pushing up onto his knees, Bobby looked down to see that his cum-coated
penis was sticking out of his groin, pulsing up and down in beat with
his heart as it struggled to raise itself into the air once again.

Then he watched his mother pull her legs up and roll over onto her hands
and knees. Pushing up onto her knees, she slowly struggled up to her
feet as her breasts rolled and flounced about wildly.

"Come with me . . ." she whispered, reaching down, taking hold of his
hand and pulling him to his feet. Then like a mother leading her
toddler, she pulled him across the patio and back into the house.

Wondering where she was leading him to, Bobby followed along like a
happy, little puppy dog. As she walked along, her long, red hair was
wetly clinging to her back, plastered there by sweat and sun block.
Stepping into the bedroom she shared with her husband, Daphne padded
across the carpeted floor to the bathroom. Stepping onto the cool,
marble floor, she flicked the light on and let go of Bobby's hand.
Leaning into the shower, she turned it on and a stream of water came
streaming out of the shower head.

Turning back to Bobby, she stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around
him. Then pressing herself against him, she felt his arms snake around
her as their lips touched. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but
soon their mouths were open and their tongues twisting, intertwining in
a sensuous dance of passion.

Pulling his mother to him, he could feel her thrusting her pubis against
him, grinding it against his hardening cock. As her big, rubbery nipples
rubbed against his chest, he felt her hand curl around his almost fully
recharged cock as she clutched and pulled at it.

Finally, gasping for breath, Daphne stepped back breaking the kiss and
hug. Not knowing what to say, neither of them spoke as Daphne leaned
into the shower to test the warmth of the water. Finding it just right,
she stepped inside pulling Bobby in with her. Taking a washcloth, she
quickly lathered it up and began slowly running it over Bobby's
shoulders. Slowly, methodically, she worked her way down his body until
she reached his hard, jutting penis.

Draping the cloth around the swollen cylinder of hard, throbbing
cock-meat, she washed it, gently caressing it as she washed. Moving down
the thick shaft, she lovingly cupped his big balls in her soapy hand and
gave them a gentle squeeze. Then, staring deep into his eyes, she found
his lips with hers once again. She continued to fondle and wash his cock
and balls and they kissed for the longest time.

Finally, as if waking from a dream, she stepped back away from him,
knelt down and quickly ran the cloth over his legs and feet. Finished,
she stood back up and handed him the washcloth.

Re-lathering the cloth, Bobby started at her sloping shoulders as he
reverently ran the cloth over her smooth skin leaving a frothy coating
of bubbles behind. Her wet hair was hanging down her back in long,
coppery strands as Bobby slowly worked his way down onto her soft,
quivering breasts. Slowly, almost worshipfully, he worked the cloth over
the dangling treasures, gently cupping and squeezing them as he washed.
As he did, he could see that her swollen nipples were sticking out like
erasers on the end of a pencil. Hard and rubbery, they proudly
proclaimed his mother's evident arousal as he rubbed the cloth back and
forth across them making them even harder and more swollen.

At long last he moved away from her dangling breasts and slowly ran the
cloth down over her firm, flat belly, pausing for a few seconds at the
indentation of her belly button. The he moved away from her navel and
proceeded down over the tiny tangle of coppery curls above her pussy.
Finally, he ran the soapy cloth over the nub of her clitoris as it
protruded out of its fleshy, little sheath.

"Mmmmmmmm . . ." his mother murmured, pressing herself against his hand
and the cloth. Then as Bobby's hand dropped lower, he felt her legs
part. Holding the soapy cloth in his cupped hand, Bobby eased it down
between her legs and cupped the mound of her pussy in his hand. Slowly,
gently, he rubbed the cloth over and between the soft folds of satin
flesh for a few long seconds.

Easing down off her pussy, Bobby quickly lathered up her long legs and
feet before pushing her around until he was facing her back. Starting at
her shoulders, he slowly washed his way down over the slope of her back
until the cloth was brushing against the top swell of her perfect, round
ass. Holding onto the slippery skin, he gently spread the cheeks of her
ass and slowly ran the cloth up and down the crack of her ass several
times, pausing to pay particular to her little, pink asshole.

As he teased and tickled her clenched asshole with the tip of the
washcloth, he heard his mother give out a soft, gurgling murmur.
Finally, after a few more swipes at her firm, round ass cheeks, Bobby
moved away down the backs of her long, curving legs.

Standing up again, Bobby draped the washcloth over its holder and pulled
the handheld shower head out of its socket. Directing the spray at his
mother, he quickly rinsed the bubbles off her smooth skin leaving a
glistening sheen of water behind. She was so beautiful he told himself
as the rivulets of water coursed down her curvaceous body. Turning the
water on himself, he washed away the soap. Then, reaching down to the
tip of her underbelly, Bobby used his thumb to peel back the hood of her
clitoris to expose the jutting tip of pink flesh.

His mother spread her legs ever so slightly and thrust her hips forward.
Reaching out, she grasped hold of his shoulders and leaned back against
the cool, tiled wall of the shower. With her shoulders and the back of
her head resting against the wall, she watched as Bobby raised the
showerhead. The spray of water slowly traversed up her leg until it
brushed across her exposed, jutting clit.

"Uuuuummmmm . . ." she groaned out, her eyes fluttering shut as Bobby
kept the stream of water spraying at her clit.

Bobby could feel his mother's long, sharp fingernails digging into his
skin as she held onto his shoulders while he sprayed her clit with the
streams of water.

As he kept the water directed down at her clit, he could see the muscles
in her belly and legs tightening, straining. He wanted to bring her to
orgasm, he told himself. But with his mouth, not the water. Moving the
water away from her clit, he turned the water off and returned the
showerhead to its mount.

Kneeling down on his knees, Bobby pushed his mother's legs apart even
wider as he dropped his mouth down onto the mound of her pussy. Reaching
up between her legs, he cupped the clenched flesh of ass cheeks in his
hands and pulled her to him.

As she stood on her tiptoes, hips thrust forward, legs spread, and the
back of her head and shoulders resting against the wall, Daphne felt her
son's tongue lapping up and down the furrow between her pussy lips.

As he covered her womanhood with his mouth, his tongue darting all over
it, he found the opening of her vagina and thrust his tongue inside her.
Pushing into her as deep as he could, he twirled his tongue around
inside the warm, wet channel as his mother groaned and ground herself
against him.

"Clit . . . my clit . . ." she muttered, her hands dropping off his
shoulders and onto his head. Digging her fingernails into his scalp, she
guided his mouth and tongue back up to her throbbing clit.

"Yesssssssssssssssss . . ." she hissed out as his tongue finally brushed
across her supersensitive clit. Sucking, Bobby licked his tongue back
and forth across the little nub of hard, swollen flesh as his mother
humped herself against him and rubbed her clit against his lapping,
flicking tongue.

Digging his fingers into the tightly clenched muscles of her ass, Bobby
pulled her against his mouth as he eagerly attacked her clit. As he did,
he could feel her legs trembling as she strained against him. Was she
going to have another orgasm, he giddily wondered? Another one, so
quick? Why he'd only been eating her for a couple of minutes.

Looking up over the little swathe of red curls, up over taut belly,
between her mountainous tits, Bobby saw that she had her eyes tightly
clenched and a grimace covered her pretty face.

"Yes—yes—yes—yes—" she hissed out, her clawed fingers holding him
pressed against her as she roughly humped herself against him.

Licking her faster and faster, he tried his best to bring her to
fruition with his slashing, flicking tongue.

Standing on her tiptoes, straining up against him, Daphne could feel the
muscles in her legs growing tighter as she drew closer and closer to
release. Her whole body was tingling, struggling for that one moment
when that exquisite rush of pleasure took over her body and filled her
mind with its purity. That feeling was like a drug and she needed
another fix in the worst way. And her son was going to give it to her.
He was going to shoot her up and give her that moment of pure indulgence
and fulfillment that she so craved.

Suddenly it washed over her like a shock wave. Every fiber of her body
was spasming, crying out for more, more, more as the overpowering rush
of pleasure filled her mind and body with its addictive energy. She
didn't want it to ever end as her stiffened body trembled and quivered.
Waves of red, yellow, and orange washed through her fevered brain as she
wallowed in the sheer decadence of the act.

It was Bobby! It was her son, Bobby that was bringing her such pleasure.
Her son! And the knowledge that it was him eating her out made it all so
much more intense and forceful.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the colors began to pale as the
waves began to weaken and diminish. It was over, but it had been one of
the most mind-boggling orgasms she had ever experienced. Never had it
been like that with John. Bobby had ruined that for her. And now he
would have to provide her with that addictive rush she so craved. She
would be his junkie and would do anything to satisfy that need.

As Bobby felt the muscles in his mother's ass begin to soften and relax,
he lifted his mouth off her juice-drenched pussy.

"Bobby . . ." Daphne groaned, trying not to fall as the strength had
gone out of her legs.

Bracing himself against the wall with his hands, Bobby slowly pushed up
between her spread legs. As he did, the head of his cock rubbed along
her inner thigh. When his face came even with her big, jutting breasts,
Bobby paused and ran his tongue over one of the big, rubbery nipples
that stuck out of the breast's darkened tip. Pursing his lips around the
soft nub of resilient flesh, he gently nipped it and felt it begin to
harden once again. Crouched between her legs, Bobby teased and toyed
with her nipples until he had them both swollen and hard. Letting her
spit-coated nipple slip out of his mouth, he pushed higher and felt the
rounded tip of his cockhead brush against the soft folds of flesh
guarding her most precious of treasures.

Moving higher, Bobby felt the moist warmth of his mother's vagina close
down around the head of his penis. Looking into her lust-glazed eyes,
Bobby grunted and thrust up into her pushing his cock up into the tight
heat of her pussy. Curling his hips upward, he drove his peter up into
the moist heat until it was completely immersed inside her.

As he thrust up into her, Daphne ran her arms under his and pulled him
to her, crushing her breasts against him as she found his lips with
hers. As they kissed, Bobby could feel her big, rubbery nipples rubbing
against his chest while his mother ground herself against him.

Holding his mother pinned against the wall, Bobby reached down and
grasped hold of her legs. Lifting them, he wrapped them around his waist
and felt his mother lock them behind his back as she tightly squeezed
them around him. Nipping at his mother's quivering lower lip, Bobby
began to work his hips back and forth as he fucked her with deep,
penetrating thrusts.

As his ass swung back and forth like a pendulum, bobby pumped into his
mother and could feel her soft, round heels bumping into his ass on
every backward swing. Their warring tongues clashed and twisted as they
fought for supremacy while they consummated their incestuous communion.
The air in the shower reeked with the pungent scent of her pussy juice
as it leaked out around the shaft of Bobby's plunging peter and was
splattered everywhere by Bobby's big, flopping balls. Daphne's ass
cheeks were covered with a coating of her juice as they rippled from the
force of the blows Bobby was raining down on her pussy.

"Bed . . . take me to my bed . . ." Daphne whispered when their lips
momentarily parted for them to catch their breath.

Wrapping his arms around her as she held onto him with her arms and
legs, Bobby staggered across the marble floor of the bath and out onto
the carpeted floor of her bedroom. Stumbling across the room, he somehow
made it to her bed without falling or dislodging his embedded cock.
Keeping his peter thrust up inside the tight clutch of her pussy, he
eased her down on the bed. Pushing her, he scooted her up until she was
lying on her back in the middle of the bed with him on top of her still
buried deep inside her.

Then he began to fuck her again, driving his cock into her all the way
to its hairy hilt on every lunging thrust. As he did, she clutched his
waist with her legs while her tiny feet waved in the air above his back.

Her back was arched, lifting her ass off the bed as she took him deep
inside her on every downward lunge. Her head was thrown back, eyes
closed and a deep frown etched her sweaty forehead as she fucked herself
back at her son's ravaging attack. The bedspring beneath her back was
squeaking and groaning as their bodies meshed in carnal combat.

Then Bobby felt her hot, little hands wrap themselves around his waist.
As their groins wetly slapped together, Bobby felt his mother's fingers
dig down into his waist. He felt her pushing and pulling on him, guiding
him, controlling the rhythm of their fucking. She slowed the pace of
their fucking until he was fucking her with slow, measured strokes,
sending his penis down into the hot, clutching hole all the way to the
hilt on every deep, penetrating thrust.

As he lazily fucked her, her big, gravity-flattened breasts flounced
down, only to slowly undulate up again when he slowly withdrew his cock.

He could feel his mother's heels pulling him into her as her hands were
working back and forth on his waist.

"Faster now, Baby, faster . . . please, faster now . . ." she panted
out, using her hands to make him move faster.

Couldn't she make up her mind, Bobby muddily wondered. First she made
him slow down and now she wanted him to speed up again.

Bobby began to work his hips back and forth at a quicker pace as he
drove his peter in and out of the gooey hole between his mother's raised
legs. As he did, he felt his mother's legs squeeze tighter around his

It felt so God damned good, he giddily told himself. He hadn't thought
it would ever happen. Never in a million years, but look at him now.
Here he was up between her long legs pounding his big cock in and out of
her hot, sucking cunt like he was her husband. Fucking her like she was
his queen. His woman.

"Yes, Baby, yes . . . like that . . . want to come . . . want to come
again . . . " she wheezed, her hands moving down onto his bounding ass.
He felt a sharp prickle of pain as she dug her long, pointy fingernails
down into his skin to urge him on.

Maybe if John were around more often, none of this would have happened,
she sickly thought. A woman had needs, too. And he'd been here today,
well, none of this would have happened. But he wasn't! And it did happen!

Bobby could feel the fireball down inside his flopping balls growing
hotter and hotter with each thrusting stroke as he fucked her harder and
harder. Her heels were pounding against his jerking, bounding ass as it
worked up and down at a feverish rate. Her face was contorted into an
agonized frown as she fought on. Her big tits were heavily floundering
up and down in uncontrolled chaos being jolted every which way by their
frenzied fucking.

Bobby knew that he wasn't going to last much longer as he fought to hold
it back until she came.

"Come—Mother—come—can't hold it—" he whispered, working his penis in and
out of her hot pussy at a feverish pace.

"Almost—almost--unnhhhhh . . ." she groaned out, arching her back and
thrusting herself up at him. At the same time she thrust up at him, he
felt her body stiffen and her pussy lock down around his pistoning
penis. Her long nails dug in deeper and pulled him down into the
velvet-lined sheath of her vagina as it clutched at him in a frenzy of
possessive selfishness.

That did it for Bobby and he felt an electric jolt of pleasure rip
through his cock making it lurch down deep inside the hot, clutching
core of her spasming cunt. As it did, it began to spurt, squirting out
huge, thick gushes of hot cum that immediately filled his mother's
hungry cunt to the point of overflowing. His mother's heels were digging
into his clenched ass pushing him even deeper into the hot socket of her
pussy as their bodies ground against one another. His cock continued to
buck and squirt while his mother's hot cunt sucked and pulled on the
spewing giant, coaxing out more and more of his thick, creamy cum.

Bobby floated in a euphoric fog as he emptied his balls down into his
mother's sweet, silky pussy. Keeping himself crushed against her, he
leaned down and gave her a long, open-mouthed, probing kiss.

At last it was over. They had sealed their fate yet another time. They
had stepped over the line and entered into an incestuous covenant
between the two of them. Mother and son, now bound to each other as man
and woman, too. It was exhilarating to Bobby to know that he had at last
been able to share his love with his mother in that most intimate of
ways. They had made love . . .

And she had given herself to him willingly and without reservation. In
fact, she had almost been the aggressor for the most part, urging him
on, even coaxing him to go faster. That was the most thrilling part of
the whole thing. She could have just laid there and taken it, but she
hadn't. She had been a willing partner in the destruction of the
innocence that had once existed between them. But now what? What would
happen between them now? Now that the first fiery conflagration was
over, what would take its place?

While she had protested at first, she had slowly given in to his
insistence and then became the aggressor.

As he lay atop her, resting his weight on his elbows to keep from
crushing her, he could feel his softening cock slowly retreating back
down the cum-coated channel of her vagina . . .


08-16-2009, 07:39 PM
bloody long but good

08-29-2009, 02:05 AM
very good a bit long and you did use the mane david 2 or 3 times in the story but well writen and good.

08-30-2010, 12:17 PM
Did you write that yourself? If you did, then let me compliment you on a job well done because this is probably the best story of this type that I've ever read (and I've read a few, trust me on that). It really has everything ... a nice build-up of the tension (but not too drawn out), a well fleshed out, passionate description of the (HOT!!!) action, and it doesn't have any of that calling her a bitch or a slut nonsense that so many other stories contain (I'm really not into that at all).

Sorry, I'm talking too much again ... :D *both thumbs up*

08-31-2010, 11:23 AM