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View Full Version : 5 Poems -- Love, Lost, Alone, Angel, Gone...

09-15-2011, 12:58 AM
A few poems wrote, not my best probably but enjoy.

Why are we here, people often say...
Is it to seek knowledge or forgiveness...
Or to cause pain and suffering...
To watch people pass you by...
As you stand and stare...
To see those you love fade away...
In the memory of your mind...
Sticks, stones, even words can be so hateful...
When one word stands above all...
A word that is so powerful and forgiving...


Laying awake, in the dead of the night...
Love burning inside, as it begins to ignite...
The flames of passion, deep down inside...
Then she walked away, and I softly cried...


As I stand and stare, looking out at you all...
People passing by, hand in hand...
Smiles on the faces, hearts beating fast...
Passionate embraces, lips locked together tight...
As I stand and watch, those in love all around...
I realize to myself, I feel so alone?


My eyes softly awaken, opening gently to see...
Turning my head, to see you laying next to me...
Soft skin, upon your body, and a soul to match...
Scars on my body, of where last night you scratched...
Watching you sleep at my side, peaceful and sound...
A face of beauty, an Angel, this amazing person I found...


Thump, thump, my heart beats, when I still see your name...
That knowing inside, that we were never the same...
You were too beautiful, a mind that no one could understand...
So God took your soul, your body, and walked you to the promised land.

Brigit Astar
09-15-2011, 02:51 PM
lovely, heartfelt, touching poems

09-15-2011, 06:37 PM
Oh hun :(