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11-09-2011, 11:25 PM
Breeding Marlene

Copyright Marlene Wilkins


The following is a work of fiction.
It is not an Autobiography.

It is not for readers under the age of legal adulthood depending on the reader's jurisdiction of residence.
Names of places and people have been changed or completely made up for Identity Protection in accordance with Law, although I am retaining use of my own Christian/Personal name with alterations as legally-appropriate to my Surname & Married name.

Any similarity to persons, places, situations or incidents living or deceased is purely coincidental and unintentional.


When you're a 6'3 woman, you sometimes make errors in judgement because of your size and how you've become accustomed to people seeing and treating you.
It'd been a miserable day at work, month-end reports needing to be finalized and then vetted according to company policy.
Trying to do a week's worth of work in a day.
Throw in a skipped lunch, and un-paid overtime, you end up too tired to think.
You don't pay attention to your surroundings.
You don't think about being careful.
I'd just put the key into the lock to open my car because the remote wasn't working, and then out of nowhere hands were on me.
Strong hands, that grabbed hold and held them while I was pressed hard against the side of my car. I was too stunned from exhaustion and shock to cry out immediately, and felt the collar of my coat grabbed, jerked brutally down and something pressed hard against the base of my neck and beside my spine. A leather-gloved hand came up and covered my mouth as what felt like a sustained lightning-strike went through me.
My throat locked, everything in my body locked-up, hot-flashing agony everywhere and every muscle was rigid as steel cable. I couldn't even breathe.
I thought of piano-strings quivering...

When my brain came back to being useful, I couldn't figure out what had happened and my whole body hurt, especially the spot at the base of my neck where something horrible had been done to me. My entire body, everywhere felt like it' all been through a single immense cramp.

I was laying face down on the cold concrete with my arms folded under me with kept my large breasts from being really squashed by my weight into the cold hardness, smelling dust and exhaust traces. I turned my head to try to see who and what was going on, adrenaline starting to rise.

Men, big and dressed all in non-descript clothing you could find anywhere. Jeans, workboots, sweaters, cheap-looking leather jackets...nothing that stood out and ski-masks over their faces.

One crouched down beside me with something he held between his hands, and it took an instant for me to recognize it...

A ball-gag.

I started trying to get up, fight back, hoping blindly in panic to get away...and got a knee pressed into the small of my back and a hand over my mouth as I tried to get my arms out from underneath me.

..and couldn't.

I struggled and could feel something like a band tight around me at midway down my upper arms, keeping me from moving them outward and a similar feeling around my wrists.


I kept struggling, in a real panic now and feeling a band around my ankles and thighs, as the gag was slip-forced into my mouth just as the hand was moved, feeling it go in deep, then even deeper as the strap was tightened around my head. I tried screaming as loud as I could, and even to my ears I could tell the gag was too effective for me to get much noise past.

Belatedly I thought I'd missed the chance to bite the hand that'd been covering my mouth, make the owner yell for me...then realized that the gloves meant no fingerprints and they were expecting to be bitten-at.

They hauled me to my feet, and I realized they'd taken my shoes as my feet met cold concrete through the material of my stockings. I saw a waiting van, greyish-white, with it's side-door open and more men inside, feeling my heart start to really hammer as I was turned and dragged towards it backwards, keeping me from being able to brace my legs despite my best, panicked efforts.

I was furious, terrified and gave in to the adrenaline to make it as hard as I possibly could for them to take me, screaming as powerfully as I could through the gag filling my mouth.

In abduction stories, the victim always mentions the 'taste' of the gag...all I could taste was that sickening 'brass' taste of genuine fear I'd experienced once in a corner-store robbery.

The men never said a word, which I found frightening as I realized that it meant they'd done this before.

They had no trouble handling me, and from a couple of nasty-sounding chuckles I could tell they were enjoying this!!

Inside the van, a curtain separated the back from the driver's area, no back windows, and heavy cargo-padding on the walls. There was a section of thick foam on the floor they dumped me on, face-down, and held me at my legs and shoulders as I kept trying to fight.

I wasn't sure how many of them there were, but more than I knew I had a chance against. As the van started to move, which flooded me with even more panic as it meant things so frightening and immense in implication that my mind stalled, they started speaking.

One was going through my purse, found my cellphone, and tossed it to another. I heard it being disassembled. "No tracking this now." He said.

Another was making a call, speaking to someone about my car and collecting it, I heard the words; 'chop-shop' and like anyone knew they'd make it vanish.

Like me.

Another spoke up.

"Boss, knock her out?" He rasped, sounding like he'd been punched in the throat.

"Nah, let her fight, she'll wear herself out. I hate the way that knockout shit smells, open the bottle and it's everywhere, gives me a fuckin' headache." The one going through my purse said. He sounded like the type to knock you through a wall if you stood up to him, no-nonsense, brutal.

"Got her phone cracked...nothing on her schedule we need to worry about for a week, easy." One of them said, one I couldn't see down by my feet.

"Damn, she's big...I love tall women." One said above me, the one holding me down by my shoulders. The leering tone in his voice made me very glad that the 'boss' didn't sound like the type to let his guys 'play' with captives.

"Let's see...Marlene Collins, six-three...blood type..." The Boss said, looking over my Driver's License and some other personal papers.

Hmmm...no pills aside from Midol, one rubber...ribbed. Well, aren't we the clean-living bitch." He said half-addressing me.

I snarled something that I hoped would translate through the rubber ball filling my mouth, glaring at him.

"Nice attitude, bitch. Where you're going that'll get fixed for sure." The Boss said, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I don't know how long we drove for, but it felt like an eternity, and finally after a jouncing trip down what I presumed was some kind of road, the van came to a lurching stop.

I got a solid slap on my rear, along with;

"Wake up, we're not gonna carry you more'n we have to." From one who hadn't said anything yet.

The door was opened and I was hauled out unceremoniously, set on my feet, and dragged towards a large prefab industrial steel building. I looked down, I was secured with duct tape in a manner that said my captors knew very well what they were doing. I could squirm, but that was all. My jacket and coat were gone, I was left in blouse, skirt and stockings.

At the door, the Boss tapped in a code into a keypad, a light went out and the door started sliding upwards. I tried, reflexively, to step back but with the duct tape binding my legs and the two men holding my arms it was enough that I didn't fall over.

I looked around, but aside from the van, a short road between building and a gate set into a chain link, barbed-wire-topped fence that extended off into the darkness there wasn't anything else to see.

No sound of traffic.

One of the men started working at my gag.

"Leave it, last thing I wanna hear is her yowling while I'm trying to do business."

The Boss said.

They started taking me inside, and I started fighting, being dragged along with minimal difficulty by them as I tried everything I could think of to get free. Adrenaline spiked my system again, and I screamed through the gag, over and over, thrashing like a madwoman. I caught sight of the building interior, and it looked like an auction space with a small stage, rows of chairs, a podium on the stage and lots of open side-space.

I started thinking about the tales of modern-day white slavery and began to wonder...and fight even harder, feeling a sharp strain in my shoulder joint as I desperately tried to yank my arm free of my bindings.

The Boss, maybe having had enough, turned and grabbed my jaw hard enough to hurt--holding a taser close enough for me to smell the plastic it was made of.

"stop it, or I'll stop you." He said, triggering the horrid little weapon so I could smell the ozone an hear the crackle of angry power looking for a ground.

I felt my eyes go wide as he jerked my blouse out of m skirt and pressed it to my lower belly, looking me in the eyes.

I made a sound of agreement, nodding assent, not wanting another experience with it, remembering the way it'd been used earlier to stun me nearly unconscious.

"Good." he said with a nasty satisfaction, and turned away, then we continued on.

I was taken behind a curtain on the back of the small stage at the far end from the door, and into an elevator designed plainly for cargo.

The sliding gate was brought down and we soon started descending while my heart hammered against my ribs and I felt like I wasn't able to get enough air.

After some minutes, and my ears popping, I realized we were far down. Shortly after my ears popped the ride ended and one of my captors opened the gates revealing a plain, white hospital-type corridor. with a barricade and a door set into it.

Ten feet in and we were at the barricade, a small intercom set by the door and a large button the Boss pushed.

I noticed security cameras had been tracking us since we left the elevator and looked through the wire-reinforced security glass panels set into the barricade's steel frame.

Another stretch of corridor, doors, and a person in a white one piece came into view from a side passage as I watched.

It was a small, but stoutly-built woman in her middle age, humorless face, light brown hair cut short in a straightforward 'efficiency' style. No name tag, but she wore a stethoscope and a small device clipped into a breast pocket.

She opened the door, and it closed behind her.

"Well, let's see what we have here..." She said to my captors, setting up her stethoscope and listening to my heart, then my lungs. She looked me over like a trained professional, felt the glandular areas of my neck, used the small penlight from her pocket to have a look at my eyes. She lifted my loose blouse-front and felt my belly, getting some complaints from me that she ignored.

The Boss handed her my ID and a bunch of other personal papers I'd had with me and from inside my car.

She looked over some papers I'd gotten from my most recent checkup, then tapped the page.

"Ah, yes...excellent. Thank-you for being so quick about acquisition." She said to the men, leaving me to wonder about what she knew about me and why the test results from my Dr. mattered...then it clicked.

My Dr. was acting as some kind of 'spotter' for whoever the people were.

"She seems pretty docile, did she give you any trouble??" The woman asked.

"A good bit, yeah. Told her to shut-it upstairs, told her I'd tase that soft belly." the Boss said, chuckling.

The woman nodded, looking me over, plainly considering something.

She moved to the intercom, pressed a control and spoke crisply into it, issuing a single order.

" Five handlers."

I tried to ask; 'What does that mean?', which was utterly stifled by the gag--but I didn't like the sound of 'handlers'.

In less than a minute, five large men came through the door dressed in the same kind of uniform-one piece the woman wore. I was taller than any of them, but they were all built like Kodiak bears. They stepped in, taking hold of my arms and wrists. One on either side, three behind along with the woman and started taking me through the door.


By the time I snapped out of it, the sense of surreality, and started fighting the handlers--it was too late. They had me through the door and it had closed with a solid, heavy-sounding 'click-thunk' of a serious lock.

One of the others came up, grabbed my legs and they carried me, thrashing and screaming into the gag, down the corridor and around a smooth-walled corner into another. I saw a duty-station as we passed it, then down to a room with a door that one of the handlers opened and they took me inside.

Plain white walls, non-slip floor, cabinets along the walls and an examination table in the middle of the space, with open and waiting restraints.

They forced me down and surrounded me, holding me and the woman used medical scissors to cut away the tape binding me.

Despite my best, most desperate efforts and thrashing at them, they got me secured with a sickening ease. My arms secured so my hands were level with my head, heavy padded restraint cuffs at wrists and upper arms. My legs were cut free, and my ankles quickly locked snugly into the restraints waiting for them.

They kept hold of me, minimizing my struggles as the woman came near my face after lowering the table slightly.

They all seemed to know what they were doing from habit, not needing to say anything to each other.

My head was grabbed, held still, and the woman slipped a red, flat plastic thing in beside the ball gag then turned it so it was solidly between my molars. She cut the strap holding the ball gag in my mouth, removed it, then brought something 'U' shaped up that looked like a very heavy, thick mouthguard with a short, wide cylinder sticking out from the outside-bottom curve.

She brought it to my mouth, and the stick kept me from closing my teeth, the handler kept me from moving my head despite my efforts to avoid what I could tell was coming.

The woman deftly forced the thing into my mouth, between my teeth over my loudest complaints.

Firm-soft, mouth-filling rubbery material. I could breathe through the tube-projection, and tried to get it out of my mouth with my tongue--quickly learning that some part of it trapped my tongue down. I could swallow, but that was all.

She brought a round-cornered foam-padded square with straps up, and the breathing tube went through a hole in it as she pressed it firmly down over my mouth. The handler lifted and held my head as she fastened the straps snug behind it, oddly taking care to keep my hair free, accomplishing the task easily despite my uncooperative squirming.

That done, she made a slight dismissive motion with her hand, and my head was released, the other handlers let go as well but stayed around the table I was secured to.

She picked up a clipboard from under the table, took a short pen from her pocket, and started making notations while speaking to me.

"Marlene, this is the reality of your new life. We own you now, and based on everything we have in our files you're going to be a very busy girl." I made my feelings clear by glaring at her with every bit of hatred and anger I had, and trying to make appropriate-sounding noises through the 'gag'.

The woman smiled down at me, tapped my nose with the pen lightly, making me blink and snort in reflex.

"Spirited, good. Now, according to what we have on file, you're lactating, and heavily....hmmm. I'm guessing about now you're probably starting to get pretty engorged, don't worry."

She made some notes on the clipboard, then continued.

"As I was saying, you can cooperate and make it much easier on yourself...or you can fight us for as long as your will to resist holds out. You can't escape. Even if you got outside, you have no idea where you are and there's no way you'll survive long enough to get to civilization. We know what we're doing here, you're not the first Mare I've dealt with, and you won't be the last."

She stopped, put the clipboard down and opened my blouse, despite my angry squirming and struggles at being undressed.

"Oh dear, well we can't have that." She said and then spoke to one of the handlers.

"Get a dairy technician in here, stat." The man nodded then left, and I looked down to see the front of my bra cups suffering soak-through. Then things caught up to me and the pain signals my breasts were sending cut through the rest of everything else cluttering my mind.

I groaned, arching my back as my nervous system took-up the long-ignored warnings. My breasts felt like there were balls of needles in them and an intolerable pressure just behind my nipples, too big for them to pass.

I whimpered in sudden pain, tears started from my eyes and I writhed in the restraints, helpless to do anything for myself to ease the pain of my milk-engorged breasts.

I had my eyes crushed closed as a wave of pain swept through them, biting and sobbing into the gag filling and covering my mouth, feeling a hand stroking my hair gently.

"There, there...it's alright, not much longer, just hold on, help's coming." The woman was saying, showing completely unexpected and un-looked for empathy.

I found myself nodding helplessly, the pain wasn't overwhelmingly terrible by itself, but it reminded me of my husband, the relationship we had that formed something so special in our marriage.

I suddenly missed him with a feeling like something was being torn loose out of me. I'd induced my milk for him, to show him my unconditional and overarching love. He'd accepted it, and given it back in dedication to keeping my breasts from becoming engorged or my ever feeling neglected.

I wanted to die at the thought of losing him, my marriage, and my life that I'd had.

In what seemed an agony-filled eternity later, I'd been half-released from the restraints, sat up, while the handlers held my arms crossed and immobile behind me, one with his arm around my neck loosely but able to tighten into a controlling hold instantly.

Another woman, taller and slightly younger, had come in and opened my bra cups with sympathetic 'tsk'-ing sounds.

She'd used warm, absorbent pads on my nipples and lightly trailed her fingers under my breasts and up towards my nipples, provoking a painful but nonetheless relieving let-down.

When the let-down surge had faded, she'd applied breast pumps to both nipples, connected to a primary machine.

I looked myself over, not really being able to avoid doing so.

I looked like a wreck. My skirt was stained, dust-dirty, hiked up far enough to show my panties and that I wore a garter belt. My stockings worn, running and torn. My blouse had seen better days, and although fully open and hanging off to the sides of my bust, it was pretty plain that even a top-line dry-cleaner couldn't save it. My hair felt about what I expected to see if I'd had a mirror handy.

I was tired, hungry, thirsty, angry, heartbroken, sore in half a dozen places aside from my breasts and plain miserable. The additional fact that I'd been hooked up by a complete stranger to a breast-pump annoyed me even more, it felt like a straightforward violation of my choice without even so much as a by-your-leave, or even a recognition my will regarding it was being ignored.

It was pretty clear that no one here--wherever 'here' was--gave a ghost-faint damn about my choices and desires. The wide canvas belt secured tight around the table that the restraint cuffs holding my legs were attached to was ample proof of that. Heavy tan leather with a soft cream-colored padding, a belt-like stiff leather tongue through solid-looking narrow rectangular metal hasps holding them securely closed.

They looked like they could hold a grizzly bear, and I knew they'd hold me until my captors removed them.

Too thoroughly miserable to even cry, I just sat there staring straight ahead, letting the strange woman--the 'Dairy Technician'--minister to me without causing a fuss.

There was no point, it wouldn't even make me feel better.

So lost in the depths of a black inconsolably-deep hell of depression I didn't notice the needle until it punctured my shoulder with a sharp sting just after the breast-pump's cups were removed from me.

I whipped my head around, seeing the shorter woman holding the hypodermic, and smoothly depressing the plunger, feeling the handlers tighten their grips against any struggling I made. She finished injecting me, jerked the needle smoothly out of my shoulder and fixed me with her eyes. I heard myself make a questioning sound, then 'down' suddenly became 'sideways' and blackness like a hammer blow fell.


When things began to come back, it took a while for it all to make sense. Nothing wanted to work or respond correctly--like being really drunk, but not intoxicated.

The side-spill of whatever they'd shot me up with kept me from panicking, or even much of an adrenalin-rise beyond a slight 'lift'.

The world was blurry, and I immediately realized my glasses were gone, and as memory came back, I stopped thinking about where they were.

Then, things snapped-back...mostly. I looked around at blurred whiteness, realizing I was laying on something like a 'mattress-floor', which made no sense.

I closed my eyes again, waiting for my system to finish getting over whatever it was they'd screwed me over with, and after a time where I think I dozed-off again, I gave exploring another try.

Better response from my body, but eyesight was still blurred. I tried to get up, stumbled over myself and hit the soft mattress-like floor solidly. My arms weren't working, and neither were my legs...

I rolled onto my back, getting mostly there until my legs got in my way, feeling myself wearing something snug around my entire body from neck to crotch, and something was foiling my legs.

I looked myself over, and despite the high-tech appearance, it was a straitjacket, and a wide padded black nylon belt around my waist served to anchor the padded restraint cuffs on my ankles, keeping my legs bent just enough to make kicking or standing entirely useless.

My mouth was still full, and I remembered the mouthguard-like gag.

Not a dream.

Not a nightmare.

My temper exploded as I started trying to be methodical and detached in testing my restraints.

The straitjacket was lightweight, made of something like nylon in a windbreaker, but thicker, with cuffs built-in at wrists and upper arms. It fit closely, snug through the crotch and around my shoulders, waist. I could feel a heavy 'line' down my back, and it seemed 'smooth' as I couldn't feel or hear any traces of buckles scraping on the flooring. The tether-belts from the waist belt were black web-nylon and the cuffs heavy padded leather.

My temper crept up, and ambushed me, exploding in a rage a rabid lioness would be able to appreciate.

I thrashed, kicked, screamed and bit into the gag, scrubbing my face on the padded floor trying to dislodge it. I discovered there was a tether between my upper arm cuffs in front, that would keep me from being able to pull at the sleeves with any real force--and the clear determination that showed to frustrate me sent me off into an even hotter rage. I lost it, going completely incoherent with fury and hatred, pushed my muscles to the limits of small tearing sensations in trying desperately to get loose!!

After a while, shorter than I'd have liked, I wore myself out. I laid on my side, tears running from my eyes as I tried to keep silent, the occasional sob escaping audibly. I guessed that the walls were padded also, it seemed to make sense.

They wanted me, and wouldn't likely let me have anything convenient to hurt or kill myself with.

I'd been called a 'Mare'...and that left a hollow and unpleasant feeling down deep.

It occurred to me then that I'd been handled not like a person or a patient...but like a possession, property, an animal.

That gave me pause to wonder what kind of people these were, what kind of place had I been brought to?

...what was going to happen to me?

The woman who'd 'admitted' me had made it very clear that what was happening to me was normal around this place--just another day, just another woman stolen from her life and involuntarily committed to...


What were they going to do to me??

I kept coming back to that question, and didn't like any of the thoughts running through my head.

Something that one of the van-men had said...but I couldn't quite catch hold of it in my memory.

I took some desperate reassurance in the fact that they hadn't treated me like something 'disposable'...but instead had made an effort in keeping me unharmed, even from the slightest bruising.

Then that reassurance turned on itself and became a dread...as it implied they wanted me in perfect condition, and for whatever possibility it didn't seem good.

More time passed, and a door opened. A female figure and five definitively male figures entered, all dressed in the same white uniform I was learning to expect seeing. My vision was blurry enough that until they got closer I couldn't make out facial details clearly.

The woman was easily my own height, but much heavier muscled and broader, looking built more like a man but still genuinely feminine. The men themselves were big, sleekly-muscled, and moved like athletes. All-business.

They surrounded me as I tried to keep them all in view, squirming in my restraints reflexively, trying to get away from them. Two men knelt down, and pinned me by my shoulders to the floor on my back, two more held my legs.

I was left helplessly glaring angrily up at the woman and the remaining male 'handler' standing beside her, my heart pounding in mixed apprehension and sheer hatred, as she smiled down at me.

"Hello, Marlene. I'd ask how you're doing today, but I can see quite clearly with my own eyes how you are on the security recordings. You don't know how long you've been here, do you? You're not supposed to, not for the first stretch, we can't have our Mares knowing more than they're supposed to. I'm here to answer the more predictable questions rattling around inside your head, and ensure that the answers you most want do not get revealed." She consulted a small notepad-sized dataslate for a minute, raising her eyebrows in mild surprise, then continued on in a cheerful manner of speaking to me that made me want to strangle her.

"You're one of the most energetically-resistant Mares we've had lately, I'm impressed!! You can be assured you'll be very well treated, managed and controlled here. You'll have the absolute best medical and health care imaginable, and you'll have absolutely minimal freedom. We protect our property here, even from itself.

Now, you're probably feeling angry, de-Humanized, and generally pretty upset.

These will pass, as you'll see...and you'll have plenty of help in coming to terms with, and accepting your new place." She tapped the screen of the device she held, consulting information I could only guess at.

"Hmmm, 'Extended Acclimatization Period' ordered...sorry to tell you this, but you'd better get used to being in those restraints. Until the acclimatization Period is assessed as complete, you cannot be downgraded to even basic self-mobility. It's actually up to you, really. Once you begin to accept things and stop stage-one resistance, you'll be downgraded. Now, I know what you're thinking, and there's no lying or playing-possum. There's a soft collar around your neck with some very sophisticated monitoring devices in it. When your brainwave patterns and EEG shows you've ceased stage-one, we'll know. In the meantime, go ahead and get it out of your system. Every new Mare has to be broken, and it's completely safe here for you, so thrash around as much as you like. There'll be regular visits from myself and other staff to ensure you're safe, healthy and uninjured--and we are keeping you on the pump every three hours. Don't concern yourself needlessly about your breasts engorging, that doesn't happen here...you'll be very well cared for."

I guess days passed, and they knocked me out regularly, coming in and holding me on my back, forcing something into my system using a nasal spray. Quick, painless, and whatever it was usually took me out in seconds.

It allowed them to care for me, as I was completely helpless physically, and also messed up my time-sense, not even really allowing me to track the passage of time by pumping sessions.

I could only guess at how many days were slipping away.

One time, I woke up, alone as usual, and when I tried moving immediately became aware of something inside me, in my vagina. Large enough to be unignorable and uncomfortable but not painful, it sent a fresh wave of anger through me.

I didn't care what it was, I wanted it out!!

Looking myself over after a failed and prolonged attempt at forcing it out using my muscles, I realized it was in to stay. I could see a web of straps around my hips,converging down to my crotch.

Whatever it was, they weren't going to allow it's expulsion, and I drove my teeth deep into the 'muzzle' as I could, the only real outlet I had for the galling frustration I felt.

I tried yelling and screaming through the air passage in the muzzle, wondering if I could provoke any actions. The infuriating frustration of the restraints and the imposition of whatever was nestled inside me lended a great deal of true impetus to my efforts.

In what seemed to me a pretty short time, the door opened, I was surrounded and pinned.

A different woman this time, slender, sleek-looking, with a perfectly vicious mouth and cruel eyes.

"That'll be enough, Marlene. Now, what's got you in such a tizzy?" She asked then crouched down to have a closer look at me.

She checked my restraints, felt my breasts through the front of the straitjacket's material, held my chin firmly to look at my eyes.

"Hmm...let's see..." She said, and started using a cellphone-sized device, and whatever it showed her put an amused smile on her face.

"Well, well...coming into heat, are we??"

I made my feelings about what she'd just said very clear through my muzzle., twisting angrily against the hold the handlers had on me.

This got a chuckle from her.

"Frustrated? Poor girl...well, you'll just have to be patient and work it off, you're not scheduled yet."

I yelled angrily, really pissed-off now, through the muzzle--fighting and thrashing against the handlers.

"Marlene, you're going to be a handful and then some, aren't you? No matter, there's always room for a spirited young Mare...with appropriate controls on her, of course."

She playfully tapped my nose, making me reflexively shake and toss my head at the unwanted contact.

"Yes, Marlene, controls...can't have you running wild can we? No, of course not. You understand, don't you?" She asked rhetorically while I glared at her, blinking hair from my eyes, snorting and making angrily inarticulate sounds through the muzzle, trying to make it clear what I thought of her, her parentage, and what she could do with herself.

She smiled, and I hated her for it as she started stroking my hair, moving it from my eyes.

"I can imagine what you must want to be able to say to me, but that guard has to say in. Harsh words and screaming fits don't hurt a thing, but we can't have you trying to bite staff, and judging from what I've seen in the past and what I'm seeing right now, I'd have to bet you're the kind of Mare to bite, and bite deep."

I snarled through the 'guard' as she'd called it and tried turning my face away, only to have my jaw clamped firmly by fingers like steel.

"You're going to learn one way or another, sooner or later, who's in control Marlene--and it isn't you. Your life isn't yours any longer, and hasn't been since our contractors picked you up. We can do whatever we like to you, whenever we like...and have. That uncomfortable sensation in your coochie? Where do you think that came from? The restraints...how much has your struggling helped you? Zip, exactly zip-nada. You're producing a great deal of milk, girl, and who do you think is making sure you're kept comfortable? That's right, all those facts of life and many more aren't yours to concern yourself with. In time you'll realize this because of the ultimate truth, and do you know what that is?" She squeezed on my jawbone, making me hurt and cry into the guard-muzzle.

"The mind adapts. Whether you want it to or not, it adapts. It's a survival trait from evolution. All we have to do is wait, apply the right stimuli or corrections and controls, and soon enough you belong to us--completely."


The next time I saw the cruel-mouthed woman, she came in with a pushcart and the usual number of handlers. She addressed me directly, conversationally.

"You'll be pleased to know that we'll be knocking you out far less often now. It's time you became acquainted with how things are done here. Now, we'll still be knocking you slightly out, to make you easier to handle, but you'll still be awake enough to understand what's going on."

She made a casual hand-motion and the handlers descended on me, pinning me easily and helplessly. This time, one had my head trapped between his knees and I was left looking up at his impassive, uncaring face and the woman as I scanned with my blurred vision.

She crouched down, inserting the nozzle of the nasal-spray I'd become accustomed to seeing, waiting for me to stop snorting in defiance, then fired the jet into my skull,

It wasn't entirely unpleasant, a spreading cold-warmth that you could feel sinking into tissues and spreading.

It was more about not having any say in the matter that rankled so badly.

I couldn't see what was happening with the cart, but after firing the spray up my nostril, the woman had gone back to it--I could hear things being done, sounds of plastic and activity.

The drug swept my system, slowing my muscles, nerves, making me feel doped and slow-witted. I could hear, see...but it all seemed distant a bit. Movement took an effort.

The woman was back beside me, holding something, wearing medical gloves. She'd moved the cart closer, I could see it behind-beside her.

The thing she held was a rounded type of fitting with a square-ish part and a curved plate above, and a long, grey tube with a slant-cut end, about the same diameter as my pinkie finger...glistening wetly with some kind of lubricant gel.

Even through the drug-haze, I had a bad feeling and deepening apprehension about what was going to happen. I started trying to struggle, but the drug kept my best efforts damped down and sluggish as she brought the slant-cut end of the horrible-looking tube to my face, then started putting it through the tube-like projection of my guard-muzzle.

I arched my back in horrified protest, trying desperately to get my tongue free enough to try to stop the invasion, feeling it coming through and over the back of my tongue,slick with gel, as I yelled and screamed in frightened, utterly inarticulate and helpless desperation for her to stop...feeling it at the back of my throat and starting smoothly down.

I could hear my screams choked off into vocalized-gurgling, whimpering and gagging around it as my throat was blocked, feeling the tube sliding down my throat like a fat worm, retching slightly as my body tried to save itself from the horrid intrusion.

I writhed and fought with what I could get from my drug-impaired system, feeling as helpless as a fish on a line, able only to struggle uselessly against powers holding my fate out of my hands and volition. Involuntarily, my mind flicked to the ALIEN movies, the facehugger-creatures, and how they forced a tube down people's throats also while they screamed helplessly.

The tube stopped moving down, and I could feel it in my throat as she held the plate-like end, reaching easily up to the cart and bringing a large syringe into view, connecting it to the fitting with a twist-connector.

It occurred to me then what was happening as I saw the contents in the transparent horse-sized syringe.


Tears leaked from the sides of my eyes and down the sides of my head as I unconsciously whimpered as best I could with a partially-blocked throat, in abject misery and residual horror at what had been done to me, and how easily.

"Welcome to your new life, Marlene. See what I was saying last time? You're a lucky girl, you don't have to taste this. It's good for you, nutritious and just loaded with all kinds of herbals, too...but the taste would leave something to be desired I imagine from the way it smells." The woman said to me, fitting a squeeze-grip handle to the syringe and adjusting it before squeezing it until it 'clicked' and I watched as the plunger moved in the cylinder, and again, and again....

"You'll feel it in your belly pretty soon. But I'm sorry to say that you'll have to accept having the feeding tube down your throat for the next little while. It seems you're diet needs some slight modification, so smaller but more frequent feedings to ensure best absorption. So, we're going to save ourselves some trouble and leave the feeding tube in for the next little while." My eyes went wide-blown at what she was saying.

I could barely tolerate it now!!

"Before you start getting upset, it saves you a lot of trouble also, or would you prefer to have it put down your throat and removed much more frequently??" She said, responding to the look I was giving her, and I made a small sound of defeat.

"Good girl, you're learning...I decide what happens to you, when, and how much misery you have to endure. This is a luxury cell compared to what some Mares have to endure while they're learning to adapt and be settled down. But, if you test my patience too far, you'll find out how good you've got it right now in hindsight. Fair warning given, now settle down, relax so you can breathe easier around the tube, and let me finish feeding you."

I did as I was told, having options about it...and dreading what they sounded like. She'd called my present situation a 'luxury cell'...which made me wonder how bad 'bad' could actually get, and very determined not to find out.

I tried to relax, to give in to the drug they'd laced me with, and tried very hard to ignore the pulsing sensation of the feeding tube down my throat as the woman pumped the yellowish-white, oily-looking feed into my stomach while I tried not to think about the facehugger-creatures from ALIEN again and realized that I spent too much time watching sci-fi/horror movies.

I woke up later, in pain.

The pain was familiar, and made me groan in knowing what I was in for. Cramps, it felt like a man's hand was cruelly squeezing my womb like a stress-relief ball. I doubled-up on my side as they crescendo-d, waiting for them to begin to recede like the tide coming in and going out.

Then it occurred to me about the timing of the object that had been lodged in my vagina, and the device the woman had been using.

It must have been some kind of medical sensor and monitor, tracking...my fertile time of my cycle.

I squirmed a bit, squeezing my thighs together, noting the absence of the suspected device and the harness that had forced me to retain it, feeling something smaller and much more commonly-familiar lodged within me...but somewhat larger than I normally bought and used.

The sudden sense of desolation was like a nuclear bomb going off for me.

This, more than anything else, told me exactly and precisely how absolutely helpless I was in the hands of my captors. I was allowed to do nothing...not even the most basic personal needs, even those small things had been taken completely out of my control.

I suddenly, again, missed my husband like a knife twisting through my chest. I didn't have much chance to consider him between kept unconscious or in desperate and one-sided battles against various things being done to me.

I would cheerfully have sold my soul right then and there had Satan popped up in a burst of flame just to spend an hour with him...but there was no flame, and no diabolical bargain-maker to deal with.

Just me. Alone, frightened, and feeling 'stolen'.

I tried to think what my husband would do when he found me missing.

I knew him, very well, better than anyone else--including his mother. We had that kind of communication between us, the kind when two people of the right-type for the other are lucky enough to happen across each other.

He'd know I hadn't 'just left'. I'd never do such a thing, having no sane reason for it.

But how could he possibly find me??

And, if he managed that miracle, how could he save me??

I cried myself to sleep again, retching helplessly and uselessly on the still-present feeding tube, trying to hide from reality.

I woke up to a tap on my nose, seeing shoes.

...the same kind of shoes I'd been seeing on all the staff members of the hospital-esque hell I was trapped in.

I heard the cruel-mouthed woman's voice, decided to keep staring at her shoes.

"Marlene, I have some good news!! If you'll cooperate, I'll have the handlers free your legs and I can downgrade you. Instead of wallowing around on the floor, you'll be allowed to walk, not fully free of course, but you'll have much more mobility than you do now."

I nodded, making the motion clear and distinct. the feeding tube was still down my throat, and it was miserable enough to breathe past it--trying to talk led to horrible sensations, choking and gagging.

The cramps were making me miserable enough without my adding to things.

I felt myself surrounded, pinned as usual, but this time on my side, as my legs were held and freed from the anchor straps, something soft was slipped over each foot, then I heard some metallic clicks and my legs were released.

"Want to try standing up?" The woman cajoled me, even as two handlers took my arms and lifted me with no noticeable effort.

I got my feet under me, looking down, I saw snug-fitting ankle-socks in white. My ankle cuffs had been attached to each other with a double-layered stiff leather strap a little over a foot long.

There was no way I'd be able to kick, run, or fight...but I did have the ability to move around now.

The woman was about six-inches shorter than myself, and she'd looked like a giant from the floor...in my mind I still found her 'gigantic', unassailable.

She smoothed hair from my eyes, checked my restraints and muzzle as she spoke to me.

"I know you're cramping, but analgesics are strictly for genuine need, and women have been dealing with their monthly cramps for millenia without them. Now that you're more mobile, you'll be seeing more of the facility outside your cell. There are some rules you need to know, first." She said, taking and holding my jaw so I couldn't look away.

"You're always being watched, remember that. If you're left alone, for any reason, you stay where you are or you find the nearest Staffing station, you'll learn the way around. No one here is expecting you to be cooperative, so don't think you can fool us by trying to appear such--even the most docile Mare goes off the rails once in a while. Your diet will be monitored and adjusted as needed on a regular basis. You have a long, busy and very productive life ahead of you here and you'll be well cared for whether you want it or not."

She told me this as she felt my breasts, then pressed a flat-palmed, gentle hand to my lower abdomen.

"We won't hurt you, this isn't a place where you'll be abused and tortured. There will be much you'll find embarrassing, humiliating, uncomfortable and outright painful on occasion but that is not the purpose. You have no rights essentially, we have the power of life and death over you, and we will be exercising our rights in keeping you in the best of shape."

She felt my breasts again through the material of the straitjacket as I shifted my arms helplessly.

Seeming to read my mind, she told me something about how I'd been restrained.

"You've noticed this isn't canvas, it's lighter and thinner as well as much smoother. It's a blend of Kevlar and Spectra, the same materials used in military body armor. Canvas has a certain amount of stretch or 'give' due to it's nature and the weaving commonly used in it's manufacture. This doesn't, it has almost zero 'give' or slack so there's nothing for you to use. I'm simplifying the details, but the next time you're awake and being put in one, you'll see all the design improvements yourself. To finish, for the comfort of our Mares and our own convenience, there are two flaps in the front so we can milk you regularly. Yes, hard to see from your angle, but they're there. Don't worry Marlene, you're in good hands here."

She smiled up at me, stroking my hair in a manner I guessed she meant to be comforting, and I found so humiliatingly demeaning I would have bit her arm down to the bone if I hadn't been muzzled.


The 'tour' was informative...and frightening.

I figured out quickly that the socks had traction grips in the soles so I wouldn't slip on the polished floors. The handlers never let go of me, but I was otherwise as free to look around and learn as much as was possible. The cruel-mouthed woman kept up with information.

The hallways were very wide, greyish-black gleamingly-polished floors, and the walls were slightly elliptical with evenly-spaced wide doorways slightly recessed into the walls, and as we passed I noticed each had a bar code and a console beside the door with a small screen.

Even having only the same rough level of engineering knowledge as any other ordinary person I knew just from looking this wasn't some slapped-together place.

The doors looked heavy, with steel kick plates and very solid-looking grab-handles and latches using a squeeze-mechanism instead of a thumb-lever.

I was taken past a Staffing station, set into a rounded corner of an intersection, with five tough-looking woman behind it and a couple of handlers discussing something about other Mares...and 'Bulls'.

I also heard the term 'Studs' and wondered at the differentiation...but from what I heard about 'Bulls' I didn't want any part of them.

"Marlene, you're going to be scheduled for insemination soon, and you need to know that there's a difference between 'Studs' and 'Bulls'. You'll never have to worry about a Bull on you, they're too dangerous to let near any woman. Studs, they still have a decent sense of self-control, and that's what you'll be matched to." She said, plainly reading the look on my face.

"Now, Studs are restrained also, and some are fairly aggressive, but don't worry. You won't be alone when your Stud mounts and takes you. Now, the Stud will have more physical freedom than you will, obviously...we can't let you be capable of any meaningful resistance tactics. If you cooperate, you can make it much nicer for yourself, but if you really make it difficult, you'll be locked and held in a breeding frame."

I grunted as sharp cramps made themselves known again, doubling me slightly and being steadied by the handlers, reflexively trying to reach for my lower abdomen and stopped utterly by the straitjacket's hold.

She stroked my hair, speaking comfortingly.

"Bad, hmmm? I can't give you painkillers, but how's about a heat-pack to take the edge off??"

I nodded, willing to accept that much help, she patted me on the shoulder and walked around the Staffing station's counter and came back, unwrapping a heat-pack belt. She squeezed the activator stud then wrapped it around me, settling it and adjusting it so it was positioned to warm and soothe the area most in need.

It warmed up quick, and the heat penetrated the straitjacket easily, flooding comfortingly into my lower belly. I felt begin to relax somewhat as the heat spread, the woman stroking my hair comfortingly, and although it was a hated touch from a thoroughly despicable person, but when pain is suddenly lessened we're all vulnerable emotionally for a short time.

"Better, hmmm? See, we're not monsters here. There's a reason all this is happening, and has been happening for a long time. How did you think we came by our experience in handling you so well? In knowing how you'd react to various things even before you yourself knew?"

The woman said to me, letting me luxuriate in the relief from the gut-pulling cramps for a minute before continuing.

"Now, my tender-haunched Mare, it's time you were shod." She said and the handlers began guiding me along again as she took the lead. I was curious about the others she'd referred to, and as to why I hadn't seen any yet. Every time I moved my head, the tube down my throat reminded me of it's loathsome, unwanted presence...it also discouraged any efforts at issuing soundings that served me as the closest I had to speech.

I knew they were caring for my teeth, and very well, but the only times they could seemed to be after knocking me out with a nasal spray. I'd wake up, feeling an incredibly 'clean; taste and sensation in my mouth--with the guard-muzzle in place.

Trips to the toilet were matter-of-fact, and I'd learned that a concealed door in the wall of my cell held a very utilitarian-designed facility complete with a shower stall.

The fuzzy memories I had seemed very dreamlike, but I distinctly recalled being held spread-eagle, standing, in restraints while being lathered and washed down.

As much as I loathed and hated my captors, there was no shortage of care.

But that was because I was something valuable to them.

As the woman had mentioned...I was going to be scheduled for insemination, I was going to be forcibly impregnated against my will and despite any protests or resistance I could put up.

The thoughts of that swirled in my mind and I kept shoving them away, feeling a helpless apprehensive horror about it.

Thoughts of being thrown into a padded cell, still locked in the straitjacket, but my intimate regions left open and available to a leering, sexually-starved male with a horse-like penis crowded my thoughts.

I'd be able to resist, but no more than providing some entertainment for the 'Stud' before being caught, mounted and feeling unwanted ejaculate flooding inside me despite my screams and struggles.

I followed along numbly, walking as best I could with my ankles tethered.

A few doors down and she opened one, the handlers taking me inside. Looking around I could see chairs, with obstetrics-table like braces positioned for the thighs and restraining belt-wraps at hip-waist level, canted slightly backward.

They were against a wall, and the other wall was home to cubbyhole style receptacles with objects in them I couldn't readily identify in milky-white plastic.

I was taken to a seat, made to sit, and the soft but strong restraining wrap secured with Velcro was snugged around my lower waist and hips while the handlers held me from getting up.

Each handler then took hold of a leg as the woman released my ankles, lifting them up a short ways and into the cold plastic-coated braces where she locked them in with a snug-fitting restraint-wrap like that holding me in the chair.

"Now, be a good girl, and we'll get you fitted with some more appropriate footwear." The woman said to me as she unlocked and removed the restraint cuffs from my ankles, then peeled off the socks.

Tossing them aside into a bin, she went to a cubby hold and removed what immediately became apparent as a set of boots and small electric screwdriver-like device.

As she came back, I could easily see the boots, and didn't like the looks one bit.

High-heeled, high enough for make walking slightly difficult and running almost impossible. They were built like medical devices, loaded with holes throughout the foot-covering stirrup for ventilation, and two shaped risers came up from the stirrup and the back of the sole to ride along the front and back of the leg.

Regularly-spaced half-inch wide circlets were attached to the risers, each having a small round metal eye with some kind of lock. I could see heavily-built, sturdy-looking attachment points like the ones on the restraining cuffs built into the inside and outside of the ankle-area circlets.

I behaved myself, letting her slip the boots on me, noting they came up to just below my knees, and watched as she used the power-driver in the side of the sole, adjusting the tautness of the stirrup and in the eyes of the circlets to snug them down inescapably, a tongue of unused length appearing from the hard-to-see locking mechanisms. A clipper on the end of the driver-tool clipped the heavy plastic tongues away with loud 'snap!' sounds.

The boots felt odd, but weren't uncomfortable in any genuinely physical manner. I looked them over with morbid curiosity and dread as she removed the cellphone-like device from her pocket and worked with it's screen.

"Okay Marlene, these are hot boots. They're not called that from the fetish-y appearance but because of the devices built into them that can stop you in your tracks if you try to run, fight, or try wandering into areas where good girls shouldn't. Each boot can discharge a taser, at variable discharge settings and conditions into the soles of your feet. Now, the lowest setting will have you hopping around like someone's holding a lit match to your feet, and the full-power setting, well...it's ten thousand volts. If I set them to keep you from certain areas, you'll get a warning tingle if you get near them and a suitably corrective shock if you persist. I can also set them to keep you from getting out of a chair, weight-sensitive, if they detect a percentage of your weight that I specify, they can discharge whatever I deem necessary as suitable to dissuade you from being disobedient." She touched her control's screen and a small LED flashed once blue, then red on the inside edge of the sole.

"They're armed now, and set for default Mare Training. In short, you'll be allowed some additional freedoms to wander as you can now be brought down with the press of a button. For the next little while, they're set low, which means you'll be given warnings, and be able to appreciate by extrapolation what the corrective and incapacitation settings will do." The woman told me in a very direct, no-nonsense manner, held my eyes for a bit, then after I looked away in defeat the handlers freed my legs, leaving my ankles untethered.

"Take it easy for a while, you'll have to learn how to get around in those, and the handlers will keep you from falling." The handlers unfastened my hips and got me standing, and I staggered a bit unsteadily on the new heels, the floor seeming rather distant due to my sudden, abrupt change in height perspective. I noticed immediately the non-slip traction on the soles, but even with that, trying to run in the disablingly high-heeled footwear was a bad idea..

"Walk around, try them out." The woman ordered me, and the handlers began semi-leading, but more 'spotting' me against a fall. They were as bad as I'd expected, and while I was long-accustomed to wearing high heeled footwear, these things were something else entirely. They weren't meant for fashion, they were meant to allow but simultaneously restrict mobility...and did that quite well. I staggered, stumbled, and learned how to walk in them, catching sight of myself in a full-length mirror I hadn't noticed before.

The woman came over standing behind me and smiling as I stared at myself in shock.

"Yes, that's you, our newest Mare. We've found that letting the Mares discover a mirror on their own so they can see themselves freshly-shod and becoming more compliant mentally really helps boost the acclimatization process alone nicely." She explained to me, toying with my hair.

It was me, but in a way I didn't want to believe, to see, to accept.

The straitjacket fit perfectly--so perfectly that it had to have been made and tailored specifically. White, with a very soft gleam to the synthetic fiber materials that it was composed of. My forearms were trapped in two separate tube-like loops and I could plainly see the restraint cuffs with their cream-colored padding secured at my upper arms near the elbows riding in their wide belt-loop like holders...and feel similar ones snug around my wrists.

Even if I could get my arms loose, I wouldn't be able to get my arms out of the sleeves, they'd still be trapped inside, where I'd be hampered by the loose jacket and unable to use my hands. Looking down, I could see the flaps they could open to expose my breasts to pump me. I'd missed them earlier thinking they'd only been fitted cups set into the material after it's main construction. But from the feel, there was definite support for my breasts--a built-in Nursing bra.

Between the upper arm cuffs was a tether strap, a permanent part of the jacket that the cuffs were attached to, preventing me from moving my arms outward, pulling at the sleeves. The sleeves themselves, like a typical straitjacket, had straps on the ends that met and secured at your back. I turned slightly, trying to see the back of the restraining device that seemed I'd been wearing forever...

The high, firm, collar fit close but not snug around my neck, From there, was a four-inch wide fold open fabric panel running down my spine with an evenly-spaced number of bulges under it that I could only assume to be locking devices, keeping it secured around me.

The snug crotch-piece fit like a wide thong-style bikini bottom and the bottom edge of the jacket had been scoop-cut at the hips slightly in an ergonomic design.

From the back, I could see how the back of the crotch piece secured smoothly, and a wide length from it went up and under the fold-open panel along my back.

The lack of obvious buckles made me think 'velcro'.

Not a 'one-size-fits-all' article, definitely.

Perfectly-sized, snug-fitting, and designed to be inescapable while preventing any ability to injure myself by dislocating a joint like a stage magician.

There I was, looking at myself in fascinated horror.

The tube-like projection of the guard-muzzle sticking out of the reinforced hole in the soft, wide canvas strap secured around my head to ensure I couldn't expel it, and at it's end the fastening-connector for the feeding tube still lodged down my throat. The straitjacket, with it's cup-flaps containing my FF breasts, waist narrowing smoothly to my round and full childbearing hips, and tapering into my long legs...and my lower legs now locked in the most fiendishly-conceived restraints.

I was close enough to the mirror that the lack of my glasses wasn't much of an impairment, and I could make out all the details in stark clarity under the merciless lighting in the room.

The cruel-mouthed woman smiled and patted me on my left ass-cheek, the unwanted semi-intimate contact making me shift my stance and footing reflexively.

"Now do you see how it is? Yes, this was made expressly for you and there are more aside from this one, including ones you can wear when your belly's getting big and round. You're here to stay, Marlene so you're going to have to accept it. You've had a good chance to look yourself over now, how would you possibly escape?? You can't. Soon, you're going to be pregnant as well, and believe me when I tell you that pregnant Mares are under minute-to-minute observation in case they have difficulties or get into mischief."

I looked at her, tears starting again, not wanting to admit defeat and wanting to scream such into her face. I tried to speak, choked on the tube and gave up.

"Still defiant, hmmm? Good. I enjoy working with Mares that are hard to break. But eventually, Marlene, you're going to wake up in your cell with a beautifully rounded belly, and realize you have lost--that you lost this battle the moment we spotted you and tagged you for acquisition."


The new freedom was gradual in coming.

They wouldn't let me go far until I learned how to maneuver in the hot boots. Once I learned that, they had me wander through a maze-like room that had 'warning' zones.

I learned quickly that even the very low-level tingler-setting was unpleasant enough to get your full attention...and quash your curiosity about a given area quite effectively.

I was fitted with knee pads that fit snugly, and once set in position had a skin-gripping interior that along with the sports-type stretch fabric kept them from slipping down.

I had no idea why until I strayed into a Restricted Zone, and the boots zapped me with enough power to drop me right to me knees immediately.

From that point on, I was much more careful about areas marked with red and black stripe-bordered sign plates with a big red 'R' on the floor at the entryways.

The cruel-mouthed woman became a completely-regular fixture in my life, and as much as I hated her, loathed her and kept as much distance as possible between us...so long as I was in restraints, I needed her.

Handlers were just that, handlers. They weren't allowed to do anything with a Mare except restrain, protect and assist Supervisors in dealing with uncooperative Mares. Little by little I was learning more about how things worked, and also how vanishingly slim my chances of escape or rescue were.

The nasal sprays were less and less powerful, now only being strong enough to take the edge off my resistance and anger, slow me down, and give them a definite edge over me...as if they still needed such.

I wasn't ready to capitulate and submit, and never would be, but as I became more accustomed to things, they were of course less frightening.

And, less resistance, or less strenuous resistance, had benefits in being treated less harshly.

Once you've had a feeding tube lodged down your throat, interfering with your breathing, strangling any efforts at even inarticulate soundings for a week or longer...having it removed and being fed through a dispenser that pumped the feed into your mouth for you to swallow more-or-less voluntarily was a real sense of liberation.

I learned that the level I was on was the Acquisition-Intake level, and as I saw more and more of it, I started seeing other Mares.

I'd arrived during a relatively quiet period, and had been the only new Mare taken in a while I'd learned.

One thing every Mare had in common was a figure appropriate to having children. I'd heard years ago about the 'Optimum Hip-Waist Ratio', and seriously doubted the ones who called the shots here would miss something like that in their criteria.

The first new Mare I saw was a woman who looked eighteen to nineteen, taking her own unsteady steps in a pair of hot boots with a handler on either side as she was forced to learn how to walk in them as I had been. She was muzzled, the same as myself, eyes wide and terror-stricken, tear stains visible down the sides of her face. East Indian, I guessed from her looks, but quite fair-skinned. The straitjacket she wore was the same design as my own, and very obviously made-to-order also.

I saw others, of various Ethnicities...and that translator apps were being used by some of the Supervisors on their controllers, I guessed this hellish place had a global reach.

I woke up in my cell once to the cruel-mouthed woman's shoes by my head, feeling the aftereffects of a powerful nasal-spray knockout.

"Marlene, you've been approved for free-range exercise. But, there are some things you need to know about first." She said as the handlers got me to my feet, standing unsteadily on the padded floor in the high-heeled boots.

Something felt different, but I was still too half-stunned to work it out.

"Free-range exercise means being allowed to get out of that control jacket regularly and get some proper exercise. Yes, we have a nicely equipped fitness area, but we can't have our Mares causing trouble. You'll remain muzzled, and you'll soon discover a device that's been fitted around and behind your ears and bonded to the skin over the mastoid bone and local area. It's sort of like a cellphone earpiece, but it allows us to monitor everything you try to say and hear, also it's a correctional device. You can examine it with your fingers, and it's not coming off without the right solvents, or surgery. If you try tampering with it too much, you'll encounter it's defense systems, and while completely harmless, it certainly won't feel that way."

She held up a small, plastic-wrapped package of some kind of clothing.

"Thong panty, half-top and adhesive supports for those impressive breasts of yours. We'll take you the exercise area and you can change there." She told me.

It took a little while to shake off the after-effects of the knock-out spray they'd shot me up with earlier. It was a good thing the handlers were there, as the heels of the boots combined with the narcotic after-effects made things awkward for me to say the least, staggering around and kept from falling over mainly due the attention and holds of my handlers.

There was a good amount of walking, and an elevator ride, about ten minutes I guessed to get there.

Access was a large, wide solid-looking door opened by hand-scan using a console by the door.

By the time we arrived, I'd shaken-out the aftereffects and could walk as normally as the boots allowed.

I was really starting to hate them, the way they hampered and handicapped me--true to their design-intentions. But I'd have to learn how to deal with them as best I could, it'd been made very clear that Mares were not allowed to run around unshod.

More and more, it was becoming apparent that escape wasn't likely.

Maximum-security Prisons had less security.

That's what this facility was, it occurred to me, a prison of sorts, and if you'd been found 'guilty' by reason of being desirable based on certain criteria, it was a Life Sentence.

Inside the Exercise Area was an immensely cavernous space, complete with a running track. A full athletics field and a small ocean of exercise equipment, under a reinforced roof structure and openly lit in a way that seemed to perfectly replicate sunlight. There was greenery, the smell of plants and such...

A completely disheartening scale of construction and permanency.

I also noticed a total lack on any enclosures, any locations to use to hide.

I looked around, seeing other women, Mares, working out on machines, doing aerobics--albeit modified to account for the incapacitating footwear. Well over a dozen, and all dressed alike.

Every woman wore a thong-style panty, hot boots, a greyish half-top and from the minimized jiggling of their busts I could only presume they all had the same kind of breast supports the woman had mentioned.

The woman, my Supervisor, started opening the clothing package as the handlers began releasing me from the straitjacket. I heard a lot of heavy Velcro-sounds, especially when the arm strap was released, felt the back-panel opened to a Velcro-sound and heard several metallic solid-sounding 'click' sounds, then a zipper opening. My arm cuffs were unlocked and they helped me shrug out of the loathsome thing.

I stood there, naked aside from the boots, trying reflexively to cover myself and feeling something around my neck.

I reached up, feeling smooth fabric, metal and plastic riding my neck snugly but nowhere enough to threaten breathing or circulation.

"Vital signs monitor, remember my telling you how we were monitoring your brain activity? Also you're heartrate, pulse-strength, respiratory cycle and blood oxygenation. It's like those finger-clip things in hospitals, less primitive though, and it's cells are charged through body heat on a repetitive cycle, so no down-time"

I listening to the cruel-mouthed woman, feeling her eyes on me, looking me over appraisingly as if I belonged to her.

I felt around my ears...

Thin, sculpted metal and ceramic, riding the skin around my ears. I experimentally tried moving one, and discovered it might as well have been an inherently natural part of my body, it was bonded so well.

The woman held out the thong-panty to me and the handlers took my shoulders to steady me as I slid it on and up, grateful for the minimal covering, then accepted the loose-fitting half-top.

"These breast supports are a bit tricky, You hold those gorgeous breasts up and I'll place them." The woman said, lifting the top to expose my breasts.

I did as told, lifting them, with some milk drops forming on my nipples, which got a smile from the woman.

"Before you ask, these are designed so we can make sure you're looked after." She said, positioning the soft silicone-like sculpted material under my breasts, made some slight adjustments then motioned for me to let my breasts settle.

"Wiggle, side-to-side, that'll get things settled. As you can feel, there's varying degrees of firmness in them, some areas are just like skin, others like cartilage. In a minute or so, you'll forget you're wearing them." I did, again, as told, feeling slightly ridiculous--but she knew what she was talking about and my breasts settled perfectly into the soft cups when I straightened back up.

I still felt horribly exposed, squirming my thighs together self-consciously and keeping an arm across my breasts.

At least the straitjacket gave the feeling of better coverage.

The heat pack was re-secured around me, bringing what relief it could.

"Go ahead, you're pretty much off-leash here. You will receive instructions from the Fitness Supervisor and you are to obey those without question or hesitation. Aside from that, walk around, get some exercise, try out some of machines..." The cruel-mouthed woman said to me.

At a sudden thought I reached up and behind my head where the fastenings for the security strap holding my guard-muzzle in place would be.

I could feel smoothness, as if things had almost been welded together.

"Sorry, Marlene. We can't have our Mares removing their muzzles, can we? It's Velcro, a new type that uses an electrostatic molecular-adhesion process to prevent unauthorized removal." The woman said, coming closer as I tried to find a way to remove it, and realized quickly how pointless my efforts were.

"Now go on, meet some of the other Mares." She said encouragingly, lightly slapping my rump to send me off, bringing a mild flush of embarrassed anger to my face, but I did as instructed and started walking unsteadily across the short grass towards a nearby cluster of women.

Blondes, Brunettes, Asians, Blacks, Caucasians...there was no discrimination evident even in just this small group, and I could see more in the distance.

Women from the Middle East, the Slavic countries also, at a guess...

All dressed as I was. All young, beautiful, evidently healthy and with the right physique as I'd suspected, being pretty good at measuring things accurately by eye.

All of them had the same hip-waist ratio, or extremely close it.

All of us were muzzled, unable to communicate in more than inarticulate soundings and non-vocal means.

I was shyly keeping my distance, but welcomed with warm eyes and nods, hands touching my shoulders gently as they seemingly tried to give me some comfort in shared camaraderie. One blond placed her hand gently on my lower abdomen, looking at me questioningly.

I figured she was asking if I was pregnant, and shook my head. She in turn held her own belly, and nodded. As did all but two of them in the small group I was with, and noticed that some were starting to show slightly, the first gentle roundness of pregnancy.

I felt slightly dizzy when it hit like a hammer to the top of my head that I was looking at my own immediate future.

I looked around, slightly startled to see a couple of models I'd seen in magazine ads for perfumes and such, and a few porn stars who'd been reported dead in a boating accident recently, also some fetish and non-nude models I'd seen around on the web and on the covers of men's magazines.

The reach of whoever operated this facility was comprehensive, intimidatingly so.

No woman was safe from them if they wanted her. They had the impunity to reach out like a dark claw and simply pluck whoever they wanted from the world.

The small group took me around the area, showing me things I needed to know.

Something of a more direct dumb-show method of demonstration as none of us could speak because of our muzzles.

The watering stations mounted on poles that were evenly spaced around the area, as example.

Easy to operate, you held onto the grab-bars sticking off the sides, put the guard-muzzle's projecting tube into a hole, there was a 'click' as it was locked and held, and a tube was put through it into your mouth, allowing you to suck as much water as you wanted. Getting away from it was easy, all you had to do was take your hands off the grab-bars mounted beside it. Your muzzle-tube was unlocked from it and you were free to go back to whatever you'd been doing.

I decided that I needed more practice on the handicapping boots locked onto me and stepped onto a treadmill. One thing I noticed immediately was that it was surrounded with a wide area of soft padding, and the control pedestal was not just padded but would collapse and bounce back like an oversize flexible runner car antenna. All the machines were modified towards ensuring the safety of those of us using them...and there was absolutely nothing around you could use as a weapon.

Not even a suggestion of free-weights of any kind.

The closest I saw was one Mare, young-twenties, brunette and being followed by two handlers. I noticed the weights locked around her ankles and wrists, but her hands encased in things that looked like overstuffed boxing gloves but without thumbs or the ability to open the hand.

Restraining devices combined with exercise I guessed. There was no way imaginable she could use her hands, even as effective fists from the soft-foam look of the heavy padding, and the weights seriously slowed her and made it more than a bit of effort to raise her arms.

I and the rest of my little group watched them pass, then looked around at each other with the same sentiment clear to each other in our faces and eyes...determined not to end up on the receiving end of such.

After a while of being allowed to roam around, get to know each other in a limited fashion, and get some exercise I heard a voice in my head, as if someone had suddenly turned my skull into an opera theatre.

It was only conversationally loud, but impossible to ignore...and from the startled looks on some of the other girls I could tell they were hearing the same.

"Exercise period has expired. You will stop activity, stand clear of all machines and equipment, and seat yourselves on the grass. You will be under Warning until your Supervisors come to re-secure you and escort you back to your cells."

I noticed that the girls who didn't look all that surprised wasted no time in complying and followed their example, also noticing that none of the ones seemingly 'in-the-know' allowed the soles of their boots to take any weight at all after sitting down, straight-legged, arms behind them for support as if on a beach somewhere else.

My suspicions were confirmed as soon as the first girl sat down and took the weight off her boots. There was a 'chirp' and an amber-colored flashing LED started pulsing at each side and the toe of each boot.

I took the warning at face-value, but one new arrival either didn't think it applied to her or forgot...

The instant she put enough weight on one foot, she yelped sharply through her guard-muzzle and fell over onto her side from the crouch she'd gotten half-into as a way of standing up, continuing to yell and moan while clutching uselessly at the foot that'd been shocked. The rest of us stayed where we were, as she hadn't been injured, the voice had specified 'Warning' level, more-or-less and none of us were interested in getting our own feet zapped from either accidentally putting weight on our boots or finding out what kind of remote activations would be employed.

None of us were happy about it, especially as we all began realizing then how our behaviour was being forcibly modified into docility or at least apprehensive compliance.

In due course, our respective Supervisors came for us, and Handlers got us quickly and expertly back into the straitjackets after each of us was given a mildly-incapacitating nasal-spray. One of the new girls fought, was seized, held down on her belly, and her Supervisor dialled the spray unit up before straddling her, locking her chin into her elbow in a headlock and forcing the soft- rubbery nipple-like spray heads into her nostrils over her angrily-shrilling yells of defiance. Within seconds, she was quiet, semi-conscious, and an example had been made.

The cruel-mouthed woman checked my restraints over, especially the strap holding my guard-muzzle in place while speaking to me.

"There's my good girl! No trouble from you now, eh?" She patted my rump cheek in a manner that was more than slightly possessive, and slightly caressing. I squirmed under the touch, blinking at her in slightly-surprised mild outrage, but kept quiet as she moved some hair from my eyes.

"Such a beautiful Mare, but I can see what you're thinking Marlene, it's in the backs of your eyes. Well, you'll have an opportunity to work all that recalcitrance and obstinacy out of your system pretty soon. Now, come along, you've got an appointment for a checkup." She said, as the handlers started guiding me along.



Something in the way her eyes looked at me gave me a sinking feeling, and a feeling that I'd soon come to dread those words more than anyone living in the normal world had cause to.

I noticed the handlers had hold of me only enough to suddenly grab me if, say, I stumbled on the footwear I'd been locked into. They were 'spotting' me, not actively controlling me.

I soon found out why.

Back out in the main corridor, there was a voice in my head, as like earlier.

Quiet, solid-sounding, the voice on Unquestionable Authority, it made me think of bedrock, mountains, and other eternal and unyielding things.

"Proceed down the corridor until you reach the fourth intersection." The voice said. I did as I was told, and managed a decent pace given my unfamiliarity with the boots. I noticed cameras, small ones, all over the ceiling of the corridor, and a few were tracking me smoothly. I listened, hearing the 'Tap-Tap-Tap' of my own heels on the polished floor, and distant sounds I couldn't readily identify.

The soft-soled shoes of the handlers and the woman made so little sound I had the sense they were there, that there was a 'sound', but nothing I could consciously detect.

The place smelled, for lack of a better word, 'clean', with a slight tang of ozone in the air. I noticed that along the ceiling were massive air cleaners, silently working, judging from the indicator streamers from their outlets.

Whatever this place was, it hadn't been built cheaply or without a great deal of detailed planning. I couldn't imagine the money, power and influence behind something like this. It didn't have a 'government' feel, but I was just guessing based on precious little real info and gut-instinct.

For all I knew, it could be the government's best-kept secret.



There were just over seven billion people on the planet already, and whoever had built this place wanted more??

This wasn't some sick pervert's lair, nothing this scale could have been done without an uncountable billions of dollars worth of resources, and things were too...clinical for it to be some twisted game.

There was a reason and a will behind this place, it's conception and construction. There was no doubt in my mind about it.

I arrived at the intersection, and was so lost in thought I would have kept going if The Voice hadn't chimed in.

"Stop. Turn and proceed down the corridor to your left until you come to the next intersection." I was surprised, and stumbled slightly, caught from falling by the handlers, and once I was reasonably sure-footed again, they loosened their grips.

I felt grateful to them, and just barely managed to stop myself from giving them a look that would communicate such.

They were my captors, more or less. They were the ones who'd held me down, struggling and screaming, while things had been done to me that I never would have agreed to. They weren't helpers to me, they were living instruments of forceful coercion.

They were alert-enough looking for me to know they weren't lobotomized or drugged...probably 'just doing their jobs'.

Same excuse people throughout history had used in defense of their willing service to cruelty and torture.

The voice spoke again, with a slight tone of urgency.

"Stop. Submit to your handlers." I heard, then the handlers were dragging me against the wall and shielding me just as I came to a halt. The cruel-mouthed woman was checking her device, and the handlers looked ready for a fight, and displayed combat stances that had nothing to do with Martial Arts even to my untrained eyes.

Each had pulled a short, black rod from under their uniform tops, and with a loud 'crack' sound each telescoped out into a nasty-looking weapon.

Okay, I was being protected, but from what??

What did they have running around down here that could get that kind of response??

I found out soon enough when an animalistic roar of what I guessed was a mix of rage and something worse.

I could hear sounds of conflict, the sounds of bodies being slammed, hard, into solid surfaces and was suddenly very glad the handlers were there.

At the intersection, I saw a handler come flying through air, obviously having been thrown. His white uniform was drenched in blood, and I could see a hole in the side of his neck even without my glasses, and the motion of pumping blood escaping him.

Another roar, and a woman whom I presumed to be in the same job-description as the cruel-mouthed woman came flying after the handler, screaming and one arm flopping around in a way plainly having nothing to do with natural design and function.

Something was taking people apart, and I was too close for comfort.

A man came into view, and I just wanted to run in a blind panic, but some tiny part of my mind realized that would be suicide.

Huge, easily close to seven feet tall, and his musculature was unbelievable. Massive bone structure, and eyes that were like recessed vision slits in an armored vehicle. He moved like something wild, born to the wildlands where nothing approaching Human culture, civilization or mannerisms existed.

He looked in my direction, and what I saw burning in those eyes as they flared at seeing me was something that iced my heart over and froze the breath in my throat. There was nothing even close to sanity there.

There was nothing Human in them, just a hideous sexual desire, not even animal but darker and dreadful.

Naked, I could all-too-easily see his half-erect cock start rapidly growing hard as fleshy steel, the length at least ten inches and too thick to be something I wanted ramming into me.

I couldn't run--a couple of shifting-steps reminded me clearly of that, and started struggling against my restraints, desperate to get free so I'd have some ghost of a chance at trying to defend myself. I had a galling realization of exactly how helpless I was.

The cruel-mouthed woman stepped smoothly around me, and I saw her reach under her uniform top and remove something.

She stepped between the handlers, and I could see her levelling a small handgun, sleekly designed and purely functional.

All I could do was watch as the Human-looking monster came for me at gathering speed, actually drooling in anticipation of raping me, and things seemed to go slow-motion, and I heard a short, sharp 'Crack!' as a hole appeared right between the oncoming giant's eyes and he dropped like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

I blinked in shock, breathing like a bellows, adrenaline flashing through my system like energy looking for a grounding-point. I'd just watched a man get shot down in cold blood, with every element of deliberacy to the incident.

Other staff came from everywhere, as did medical personnel and started looked after the two injured staff from only a minute earlier. The cruel-mouthed woman turned to me, smiling reassuringly and stroking my hair fondly with her free hand.

"Poor girl, not the most calming thing to be part of." She dug out a nasal sprayer, and I watched her dial it right down to a minimal setting.

"Here, this'll help, hold still." She said, and I did so as she gently put the rounded, soft spray heads into my nostrils, then I felt the low spray-blast spread through my nasal passages. I started feeling a lot calmer from the minimal dosing as it sunk in and spread quickly.

"Now, on your knees." She said, pointing down. I looked at her and she repeated herself, making it an unmistakable command this time.

"Down! On your knees, right now." She said with a definite edge in her tone, and the handlers steadied me as I obeyed, and went down to my knees, glad of the knee pads considering the floor.

I stayed like that, watching the goings on as the two staff were seen to, the woman taken away on a gurney and the handler zipped into a black bag that was also taken away on a gurney.

It 'clicked' then, that I recalled seeing blood on the giant's mouth, and realized then that he'd bitten out the chunk from the handler's neck.

The realization made me shiver, shudder and I realized I was drawing in to myself in a delayed fear reaction, and just went with it. The light tranquilizer dose had smoothed out my adrenaline, but there were still ghosts of my nearly blind-panic in those horrifying moments of terror when he'd been coming for me.

I overheard the term 'Bull' in regards to the man who'd been shot dead, and remembered such being mentioned before to me, and being told that they weren't allowed near Mares.

It was pretty easy to understand 'why', from what I'd seen so recently.

After what felt like maybe half an hour, I was tapped on the head.

"Stand up, on your feet." The woman said, and again I was steadied as I worked around the boot's intentional handicapping of my agility.

I made my way to the intersection I'd been directed to, and the clean-up had been so thorough there was no trace of any disturbance whatsoever.

There was a Staff Station in the corner of the intersection and a woman who could have been a sister to my present 'minder' came out from behind the counter. There were a few others in the station, and a small group of handlers comparing notes about something out of my earshot.

The new woman smiled at the cruel-mouthed woman, took hold of my shoulders.

"I've got her from here. Will you be collecting her or should I get a detail to get her back to her cell?" She asked my usual tormentor.

"I can't say, but you might want to have the detail ready just in case I get hung up with the inquiry. There's going to be hell to pay for that Bull getting loose like that. I'm guessing no one bothered reading my memo about unqualified staffers handling them during transport??" The cruel-mouthed woman said.

"Didn't look like it. What were they thinking? Amateurs have no business handling the Bulls!!" The new woman agreed with the cruel-mouthed woman.

"Well, there's two that have learned their lesson." My semi-constant companion said. "Marlene's all yours, she's slated for a full workup and examinatory inspection. She's pretty well-behaved, but keep an eye on her." The cruel-mouthed woman said, made a casual gesture of departure to the new woman and left with the handlers.

"Marlene. Pretty name and a gorgeous Mare. You're going to be very popular here and very busy, too!" The new woman said cheerfully, walking beside me and guiding me by my shoulders.

I didn't like the implications of what she said, and snorted to express such, tossing my head to once-again get some hair away from my face, and also as a gesture of protest at what she'd said.

All my responses got was an indulgent chuckle.

"You new Mares are all the same. You all think you're going to be the exception to the rule, hold out, resist, and evade what's been planned for you. No, that's not how it's going to be, not at all. Think it over and through for a bit. You don't have any idea where you are, any exits are going to be secure and require ID clearance to get through. You're kept in restraints for the majority of the time, the boots keep you from physically running, additionally they can bring you down anywhere at any time. You're constantly being monitored, and those sleekly discrete devices mounted behind your ears will start modifying your thinking patterns and behaviour very soon once they've finished gathering operational data. They can deliver a form of correctional stimulus that you will find makes it effectively impossible to escape." She said conversationally, as if discussing the weather. She patted my arm, a gesture I guessed was meant to be comforting and consoling.

"Marlene, you'll just have to accept that the reality is that you're old life is over and done with. There's no going back to it, ever, because we won't allow it. You belong here now, to the facility, and you are in service to it. It could have been worse, you know." She said, letting me wonder about that.

In due course we arrived at a set of automatic doors that slid open and she she led me through. I could see a kind of 'reception area' that I didn't like the looks of, and about a dozen other women all restrained as I was with other uniformed minders keeping a watch and talking amongst themselves.

There were no chairs except for staff. Mares had small 'stalls' along the walls. You stayed on your knees with a metal bar attached to the wall that had a padded steel clamp locked around your neck, with you facing the wall. I could see various Mares trying to look around, but the wall panels of each stall's sides prevented any contact with a neighbour and head mobility was quite restricted. More than a few of them were squirming, trying in vain to shift position, and I could easily hear guard-muzzle stifled sobbing and moans of helplessness and despair in apprehension of what was to come.

I watched one young Blonde Mare as she was unlocked and lifted to her feet by her minder.

Her face was extremely pretty, although heavily tear-streaked. Her eyes were wide, scared, and she kept shaking her head in protest while sounding strenuously through the guard-muzzle blocking her mouth. She tried bracing her feet in protesting resistance, and then gave a sticky-sounding squeal of agony and started writhing her head as she was driven to her knees by some force I couldn't readily see.

"That's one of the things I was telling you about." My minder said. "Those devices around your ears can generate something of a sensation that I'm told is impossible to describe, but unbelievably horrible." She finished telling me as she guided me to a waiting stall as I looked on with mounting dread at the blonde.

She quickly stopped shrieking, and sagged physically, seemed to relax as if something had just loosened it's grip on her, in a sense that's just what had happened. She was sobbing, but no longer giving out the nerve-peeling screams.

"Lesson learned." My minder said, smirking as I was in the stall and she told me to kneel.

I did so, unhesitatingly, and faced the wall, swallowing nervously.

The clamp was snug, but not uncomfortably tight, with the bar's mounting locked, it was as solid as if welded to the wall. I thought about what I'd just seen and heard, and couldn't recall ever even hearing of a person being able to make as awful-sounding a series of shrieks and squeals as the blonde girl had.

I had loads of questions and no answers, and the questions themselves were terrifying just by themselves;

What kind of science could be behind the control devices that could do that to a person?

When would I get my own personal taste of the unique sensation spoken of?

What were the Bulls kept for, and why didn't they have control devices fitted to them?

What kind of horrors awaited me for this examination, and why was the blonde so scared?

11-10-2011, 10:36 PM
You are a good writer, Marlene. I only voted the way I did because the theme of the story is not really my cup of tea. And truth be told, I'd read the next chapter as willingly as I read the last.

You asked for truthful feedback, so I hope you are not offended and continue to write away! I assure you that many (including those who haven't voted) will enjoy how this story progresses.

11-10-2011, 11:15 PM
You are a good writer, Marlene. I only voted the way I did because the theme of the story is not really my cup of tea. And truth be told, I'd read the next chapter as willingly as I read the last.

You asked for truthful feedback, so I hope you are not offended and continue to write away! I assure you that many (including those who haven't voted) will enjoy how this story progresses.

Thank-You for the compliments, they are appreciated!! :)

So, just to see if I understand properly.

Disclaimer:This isn't ranting or such, I'm just trying to figure it out, as I'm a bit confused, so please don't be mad at me??

You liked the story and are looking forward to the next, but disliked the theme?
So, basically, you like the way I write, it's only that the subject matter wasn't to your taste.
If so, no problems. :) It's easy to understand that. I'm just seeking clarity.

I have to ask, because it's kinda confusing, a bit, getting a reply like that which is 'mixed'...so I want to seperate out what's praise and what's critique so I know which is which, and what to follow-up on.

Praise, easy, that's stuff to not-fix.
Critique-stuff, that's what guides me towards bettering my skills.
I don't write stuff expecting people to find it 'perfect', I'm an Amateur, and I know it.
Praise motivates one to continue.
Critque is the 'diagnostics' saying 'what's wrong'.
That's how I see it, anyways. :)

So, I hope I haven't upset you with this, I'm just trying to sort things out to be sure of my understanding is all.

But, Thank-You nonetheless for reading, and looking forward to the next chapter as well as the words of support & encouragement!! :)
My next work will be quite different from this one, and I hope you give it a look-through also.
Just started it, so it'll be a bit of a few tics before there's something to post-up...


11-11-2011, 02:49 AM
You write well but with far to much detail you risk losing the readers interest. I left the story on screen for some friends all had the same reaction . As one said why do I need to know about massive air handlers get on.

sorry to be so negative

11-11-2011, 03:41 AM
You write well but with far to much detail you risk losing the readers interest. I left the story on screen for some friends all had the same reaction . As one said why do I need to know about massive air handlers get on.

sorry to be so negative

No problems. :)
I asked for honest, and that's fine.
I'm trying to learn from experience how to get better--and ignoring constructive advice and proper critique isn't the way to do that. Right??

Too much and too little detail...I've asked a LOT of writer's about the 'perfect' amount and I got the same answer all the time;
Whatever the writer's comfortable with.
Some folks love all the detail you can cram in and others hate it...so, it's a balancing act that a writer will never be able to pull off perfectly.
At least I got that much warning from my Literary Seniors.

You're last sentence I can't quite figure out so I have to take the risk of sounding like a brainless ditz and asking you, if you wouldn't mind, to please explain it to me??
It sounds like there's a critique in there I can use also, but can't quite find it.
So, help please???


11-11-2011, 04:21 PM
No problem, Marlene. You interpreted my mixed message (sorry about that) correctly. To answer your questions...

"You liked the story and are looking forward to the next, but disliked the theme?" Yes, exactly.
"So, basically, you like the way I write, it's only that the subject matter wasn't to your taste. Yes??" Again. Yes, exactly.
"If so, no problems. :) It's easy to understand that. I'm just seeking clarity." Whew! No problem from me either.

11-12-2011, 04:18 PM
It is a good story. I liked it. It's A bit long for a start but it is stillgood. There are many good writers here on the forum and they will provide you with a good analisis of the story.
Thanks for adding the story. I look forward to reading more of your work.

11-12-2011, 04:41 PM
Thank-You for the encouragement.
I realized the day after I posted it up that maybe I should have chopped it into it's seperate chapters...so your comments confirm my thinking. :)

Future works will be more 'conveniently' laid-out/posted.


11-12-2011, 05:22 PM
This is an well thought through readable story with an unusual theme, its a good read. Thanks for sharing

11-12-2011, 05:56 PM
This is an well thought through readable story with an unusual theme, its a good read. Thanks for sharing

Thank-You very, very much for complimenting my efforts and for your time in reading it. :)
I try desperately to avoid loopholes and technological or technically-implausible elements. It's scarier/sexier if the reader knows that some of the fantasy-elements can exist in reality.


11-13-2011, 01:55 AM
Your story is very well written. It has a fine attention to detail and succeeds at building a convincing world that the protagonist finds herself in. I hope there are many more chapters to come.

11-13-2011, 02:53 AM
Your story is very well written. It has a fine attention to detail and succeeds at building a convincing world that the protagonist finds herself in. I hope there are many more chapters to come.

Thank-You very much for your compliments!!! :)
Critique helps me find the flaws and praise helps me continue on.
I do appreciate them quite a bit as I do all the others as they're a big help in staying motivated in continuing, which can be annoyingly-challenging at times...like having an idea and testing eighteen different ways of describing it, phrasing, etc..
And still having that feeling it's 'just not right' yet.
But even the Giants of Literature have days like that, too. :)
The Real-World has been interfering with my being able to put in some writing-time on Ch. 8, but the gears in my head are working away on refining some details and elements for it, so more is coming. How many more?? I'm not sure, actually. I know the plot and points and such, but it's largely taken something of a life of it's own.
I'm kind of along for the ride, like being the rider on a runaway horse. :)

I did want a world that was detailed and realistic enough to be chilling a bit, a little horror to mix with fetishy-eroticism so the reader gets a 'you-are-there' feel and can select mentally either as a 'fly-on-the-wall' or 'first-person'. ;)


11-15-2011, 08:43 AM
This is a long story with a lot of detail, but it's so well written, it's easy to keep the story flowing across the screen. Maybe, as you said, breaking it up into chapters would be an idea. I'll definately keep reading your stuff. It would be interesting to see you tackle other subject matter after this long project wraps up. The really great writers all have range.

11-15-2011, 12:17 PM
This is a long story with a lot of detail, but it's so well written, it's easy to keep the story flowing across the screen. Maybe, as you said, breaking it up into chapters would be an idea. I'll definately keep reading your stuff. It would be interesting to see you tackle other subject matter after this long project wraps up. The really great writers all have range.

I agree, range is vital for a writer.
Thank-You for your compliments, much appreciated!! I'm glad you find it easy to stay with and read. :)
If I'd been thinking, I'd have posted it up chapter-by-chapter.
But I was really new here, trying to remember the posting instructions, etc, etc.. Totally lost track of the posting-seperate-chapters idea.
But, live-and-learn. :)
Speaking of range, I'm sketching ideas out for the next works, think 'Idea wardrobe' as it were...characters, places and eras, etc..

And trying not to let being Research Assistant to hubby drive me crazy. LoL :D


11-16-2011, 08:39 PM

I had to wait a while, but was regularly let loose and walked around the octagonal reception area to keep my legs in good shape despite the prolonged kneeling.

Water was given, with an odd and light flavour vaguely like grape, and 'vitamin-y' tasting. I was taken to the bathroom and generally cared for.

During an 'excercise walk' one Mare was brought in that I would always remember from her angrily flashing and incredibly beautiful green eyes.

Almost my height, she wasn't making it easy for the handlers. A tousled mane of black-black hair, and absolutely gorgeous, she seemed to know how to fight.

Despite being in the same restraints we all were, she was actually managing surprisingly well.

Her minder looked nervous, and more than a little pissed-off. The woman would scream through her guard-muzzle when the boots went off, indicated by a flashing alert-LED, her long legs trembling and the muscles standing out sharply then as soon as the shock stopped, she just seemed to be freshly-enraged.

If they'd tried using the skull-mounted devices, I had no way of knowing.

She lunged, head-butting one handler in the middle of his face, smashing his nose and breaking teeth while also splitting his lip then let herself fall back, the handlers grabbing her to keep her from falling.

Then she followed up in a brutal display of sheer cunning.

Using the handler's grips on her, she kicked up, out, and across with her right leg, using the high-heel of the boot as a weapon and drove it into the split-lip handler's temple a good inch at least, killing him instantly.

The remaining handlers took her down to the floor, pinned her completely, two of them wrapping their arms around her legs while the other two pressed her body down and pinned her by the back of the neck.

She was laughing.

The minder in charge of her was ghostly-pale, obviously never having seen or dealt with something like this before. The staff at the reception area's alcove moved in quick, checking to see about the state of the fallen handler, and a sad head-shake confirmed it.

The minder took out her nasal-sprayer, adjusted it, and brought it to the black-haired woman's face even as she writhed in the handler's grips, yelling and raging through the guard-muzzle as the spray unit approached. The handler's pinned her neck with uncaring force, and she slipped the nozzles up the violently struggling woman's nose, firing the spray. Within twenty seconds, the black-haired woman had ceased struggling, and aside from breathing heavily, looked like she was dead.

She was put onto a gurney, face down, and secured with soft but very strong-looking restraint-wraps that would immobilize anyone almost totally aside from minimal wriggling at best. They wheeled her into the same doors I'd seen other reluctant and apprehensive Mares go through when it was their turn for examination.

Sooner than I would have liked, my minder unlocked the retention clamp and swung the arm up, then helped me stand.

"Your turn, my dear. Now, let's behave ourself, shall we? That's a good girl." She said to me, patted my rear, and led me to and through the doors the blonde had been so scared of.

The first thing I noticed was that there was another set of doors ahead, and through them I could hear dim sounds of female distress and my stomach knotted as I very much didn't want any part of what I was hearing.

"Now, don't be difficult, last warning." She said to me in a no-nonsense tone. I looked at her, then the doors, and tried to steel myself as best I could and let her lead me through.

Past the doors the sounds were easily recognizable as the guard-muzzle stifled sounds of many women in varying states of distress and discomfort. Moans, groans, cries, yells and sobbing were all thick in the air.

The whole area was made up of sub-areas curtained off by heavy isolation drapes running on overhead rails, I quickly counted about twenty sub-areas.

"C'mon, let's not keep them waiting." I was told and she nudged me to get me moving again and I went along, unwillingly, but having no choice but compliance, one way or another.

Soon enough, I was at a curtained area, and the curtains were drawn aside to show a thing any woman would have nightmares about.

Steel, sleekly-made, equipped with padded clamps that looked like they'd hold an enraged grizzly bear shot up with a PCP overdose. It had a soft, glossy-metal shine under the lighting that seemed menacing somehow.

What happened next was a slight surprise.

My minder used her cellphone-like device and something new silently slid up out of the floor.

It was basically a solid steel pole that came up to about my crotch, but I could see an adjustment device set into it and a 'stepped' look that told me there was a telescoping feature involved.

I didn't like the looks of it one bit and took a hesitant step backward...

...and my boots lit the soles of my feet on fire, sending me to my knees, screaming in surprise and shocked pain through my guard-muzzle.

"That'll be quite enough out of you, missy. You behave yourself, or things will get a lot worse." My minder warned me sternly, tapping my nose to emphasize the points. I moaned through the muzzle set between my teeth, shaking from the adrenaline the shock had produced and staring up at her angrily, but subdued.

"On your feet, now." She ordered, and I obeyed, numbly, hating it.

"Good girl, now hold still while I get the examination stand set for you...." There was a 'chirp' from her device, and a flash of amber from the boot's LEDs.

"Don't move, Marlene. One step, and you get a full charge." She told me, smiling as if doing me a favor.

I had to watch the stand being set for me, I didn't dare even shift my stance. The pole was topped by something shaped somewhat, but slightly different from a bicycle seat, with a harness of straps with shaped, body-fitted pads on them. Cuffs were attached at two points on either side above the middle of it, and strong-looking metal clips like climbing-equipment carabiners near the bottom.

The minder finished attaching the cuffs and carabiners, checking the straps, then used her device again.

Another 'chirp' and I figured I was free to move, but didn't.

"It's okay, you can come here, don't be afraid. But I've locked them to perimeter-mode, if you try running, you won't get much beyond the curtains before you're on the floor screaming in agony. Understand?" She said with a sickeningly friendly smile.

I nodded, face heating in anger I couldn't express, my breasts beginning to twinge slightly as I started feeling the first signs of engorgement. My cramps were digging into my womb like an Eagle's talons into a salmon and I just wanted to go home.

That's when I got my second unpleasant surprise of the day.

Thinking of home, my husband, and I was suddenly hit with this screeching noise in my head that I figured would saw through my sanity like a chainsaw through wet cardboard if it kept up too long. I writhed and tossed my head, trying to escape it, yelling helplessly and uselessly through my guard-muzzle and saw the minder approach me.

"I'm sure you've been told that the Cerebral Restraints would be mapping your brainwaves, thought patterns and such? Well, now you know 'why'. It's easier if you're not allowed to think of your previous life. Every time you try, they will correct you. The signal isn't actually sound, it is your own brainwaves and biorhythms, modified, inverted and fed back into your auditory nerves. There's no risk of any form of physical damage whatsoever, but there can be some psychological damage if you try fighting them too much, too strenuously, too often, or for too long." She motioned me over to the stand, and I complied, my eyes streaming tears from the effect of the Cerebral Restraints.

"Good girl, now, stand over it, with your crotch on the saddle....that's right! Such a smart Mare!" She said as I did as told. The devices had ceased torturing me as soon as I stopped thinking of home and such, and left behind a horrible feeling of being continually monitored and minded, and a mild headache.

My ankles were locked to the lowermost carabiners using the reinforced rings on my boots.

Then the padded restraining cuffs were done up snugly around my mid-thighs.

Next came the harness for my hips.

There was a front and back strap, with a strap that went around my waist just above my hips, Velcro fastened and when done, I could barely move.

I tested the restraining stand, and gave up pretty quickly. I had no leverage of any kind to work with, to even hope for a chance at escape.

"Marlene, you're going to be very popular with the Studs with hips like those! Good, rounded childbearing hips...you're quite a prize, with your height and health record. No allergies, no real problems that couldn't be easily corrected, that you likely didn't even know you had. Haven't you noticed your sinuses haven't bothered you? All you needed was some contaminants flushed out, we did it while you were tranqued-out, took five minutes and you barely snuffled."

"Mmmpph....Nnnggh-MMMMPH!" I tried through my guard-muzzle.

My minder removed the heat-pack belt, and pressed on my lower abdomen, eyeing me as she did so, watching my reaction. I cringed at the pressure, tossing my head and mewling pleadingly through the muzzle.

"Hmmm...well, given what I know about you personally, you can hold on for a while longer and having a full bladder will help with the ultrasound anyways." She said, denying me relief. I jerked at my restraints in angry frustration at the discomfort in my breasts, bladder, womb and the residual headache from learning firsthand about the things glued to my skull.

All too soon, we were joined by a tall male in a labcoat. He wore glasses, and was as non-descript-looking as possible, and I noticed slight tell-tale signs of plastic surgery...

That was a puzzle-piece I'd wondered about, why all these people were so 'blandly generic' in appearance. If I managed to escape, any description I gave would be useless.

"Well, well, a new Mare! Marlene, is it? Okay, first thing you need to understand is that I don't tolerate any misbehaviour from Mares, that's not my job. My job is to inspect, examine and prep you for breeding. Do you understand?"

He said the last piece sternly, a no-nonsense warning it was obvious I was to take seriously. He stared me right in the eyes, and I nodded, having exactly no choice and feeling intimidated.

"Good." He said, then checked a clipboard with an ipad-like display attached to the side.

"Lactating already...two-hundred and eighty-five millilitres as of the last milking. Hmmm, you must be getting uncomfortable, given the time and your schedule. Minder, open her flaps, and crotchpiece, and cut that thong off will you?" he instructed.

My minder immediately nodded and started opening the flaps that would expose my breasts and folded down the fronts of the breast supports. Then she undid the back of my crotchpiece, and lifted a securing flap in front, a loud Velcro-ripping noise, and dropped the front of my straitjacket's crotchpiece, leaving it to drape over the seat-like rest between my legs.

She used bandage scissors to cut away the thong I'd worn in the exercise area, and slipped it's semi-shredded remains out from under me.

I was naked in all the ways that mattered, and squirmed helplessly in embarrassment at the involuntary exposure.

The examination started, and I squirmed in open defiance, but if the man in the labcoat cared, he didn't give a sign of it--he seemed to be expecting it, seemingly knowing what I'd do before I did it.

My breasts were felt, squeezed, milk samples taken. My nipples were measured in diameter and length, photographed with a small, seemingly specially-made camera, and my areolae measured.

The truly awful part was the probing of my milk ducts, a sensation that made me scream and writhe in the restraints as firm-soft, thin spaghetti-like silicone probes were inserted up them.

Seemingly satisfied with whatever results they'd gotten, the probes were removed, which was just as horrible as them going in to begin with.

The cups for a milking pump were set to work on me, these had fabric borders that used the Velcro that secured the breast flaps so they didn't have to be held in place.

Because of the slight, but building engorgement, I felt a massive sense of relief mentally as my let-down started and the machine suckled me, saving me from an experience I'd do much to avoid. My temperature was taken at both ears, and my nose with a similar instrument, orally with a thermometer that 'plugged-in' to my guard-muzzle's access tube and airway projection.

My belly was felt, professionally, for an examination. My neck, my eyes were checked, ears looked into, and my nose. A slender, unpleasantly intrusive device was inserted through the access-airway tube of my muzzle and my throat was checked, swabbed, making me choke and gag. My legs were felt, checked, reflexes tested, and my buttocks felt appraisingly but professionally.

He made notes on the clipboard after peeling off the examination gloves, then tapped a switch under a flip-up guard.

In less than a minute, six powerfully-built identical-looking handlers arrived.

Still working on the clipboard the man in the labcoat gestured at me over his shoulder without turning around.

"Get that Mare stripped and locked into the inspection frame."

I whimpered reflexively at the thought of being locked into the horrible-looking, sleekly-menacing piece of medical-engineering-gone-wrong.

I was held by two handlers as the restraints holding me to the examination stand were removed and I was allowed to move off and away from it.

Then, they continued to hold me as I was quickly stripped completely naked aside from the boots, guard-muzzle and it's retention strap, the monitoring collar, and the devices glued to the areas behind my ears and held with my arms folded, up behind my back in a restraining hold.

I was quickly taken hold of by others , and led, then lifted onto the 'Inspection Frame'...a skeletal version of a Gynecological Examination table and chair combination. They held me down, and the padded metal clamps closed on my ankles, thighs, upper arms and wrists.

11-17-2011, 02:32 AM
Another well written and interesting chapter. Thanks.

11-17-2011, 02:41 AM
Another well written and interesting chapter. Thanks.

Thank-YOU for reading!! And the compliments, of course! :)
very appreciated. :)


11-17-2011, 01:13 PM
I hope you continue on this story Marlene, it is quite a riveting read and I look forward to the rest of the story.

11-17-2011, 01:40 PM
I hope you continue on this story Marlene, it is quite a riveting read and I look forward to the rest of the story.

I will be, no worries on that point.
Working on Ch. 9 right now. ;)


11-17-2011, 02:06 PM
another great chapter, cannot wait for the next! I admire your commitment to detail. I really feel like I'm there in the scene. I was wondering if there were any stories out there that inspired you to write your own. I'd like to read more stories like this but I doubt any would be as thoroughly entertaining as this one. You've got the goods.

11-17-2011, 02:35 PM
another great chapter, cannot wait for the next! I admire your commitment to detail. I really feel like I'm there in the scene. I was wondering if there were any stories out there that inspired you to write your own. I'd like to read more stories like this but I doubt any would be as thoroughly entertaining as this one. You've got the goods.

Thank-You very much for the compliments!!
I'm glad you're enjoying it, and Ch. 9 will be along as soon as possible...it should come along a little faster than 8 as things are more 'settled' now in the story and somewhat in my life. :)
I was trying for a 'you are there' feel but leaving final perspective-choice up to the reader as character or as 'fly-on-the-wall'.
The detail, well, it's a fictional place, and i don't have a Hollywood Sfx budget, soooo.... ;)
They also help me capture the mood of the scene, as then the reader has a good idea why the character's reacting the way they are and what to.
Mainly, if someone's going to invest time in reading it, I feel i owe it to them to make it as immersive a read as possible, out of respect for the reader's time and attention.
There are other stories out there, but most were just a couple of paragraphs. I guess they got things going, but it was some dreams i had that really lit the fire.
I haven't seen any longer works yet--heard of some, and trying to track them down. If I luck out, I'll post them here, in adherence to guidelines of course, as there's a space for works by exterior writers posted here by members.

Thank-You again for your time, compliments and praise. :)


11-17-2011, 04:21 PM
Absolutly. Marelene you are my light my reminder of litary greatness

11-17-2011, 04:36 PM
Absolutly. Marelene you are my light my reminder of litary greatness

Okay, THAT's a compliment-and-then-some!!
To say the least.
'Thank-You' seems very inadequate to say in return for it, but please accept and understand the depths that compliment reaches.
And, despite it seeming inadequate, nonetheless, Thank-You!! :)

11-17-2011, 06:48 PM
great story

11-17-2011, 07:02 PM
great story

Thank-You for saying. :)

11-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Most interesting ... Kinky and actually it's hot... I am not much of a Bondage Kind of guy, I don't want to hurt "her goodies... they are too much fun to play with... " ... but this a good series.
Good going Marlene... well presented... well done...

11-17-2011, 08:41 PM
Most interesting ... Kinky and actually it's hot... I am not much of a Bondage Kind of guy, I don't want to hurt "her goodies... they are too much fun to play with... " ... but this a good series.
Good going Marlene... well presented... well done...

Thank-You!! It's always nice to hear I'm on-track with reader's tastes, and encourages me to continue. :)
I know i cannot realistically please everybody, but compliments I appreciate and do not merely take as something expected.
I'm an amateur, so they're really special!!

I wanted to give a good 'blend' to appeal to as broad a readership as i could, but tried to avoid 'crowding' it and letting it get too 'busy'.
Regarding intentional-injuries and mutilations in Breeding stories, that's just never made any sense as physiological trauma can be really bad for fertility, pregnancy, lead to disastrous infections and such.
Also, it's not my thing, and I can't write that kind of story element. It's not a judgement, it's just outside my tastes and my skillsets.
I wanted kinky, realistic, slightly fantastical, and such-like...and minimal blood so that when it comes along, it's a bit of a shock. I wanted the bondage to be 'necessary' not just for fun or such, but to have a genuine reason...and a place like this, with frightened young women, it's logical to keep them from self-harm, or attempting to harm the staff. ;)


12-01-2011, 09:16 PM
Hi Marlene! Wow, I don't know how I missed this! Nonconsent stories really aren't my cup of tea, but I have really enjoyed reading this story! I was back late from lunch today because of it, but who cares, my boss is gone this week! Again, nice story, and I'm looking forward to more!

12-01-2011, 09:31 PM
Hi Marlene! Wow, I don't know how I missed this! Nonconsent stories really aren't my cup of tea, but I have really enjoyed reading this story! I was back late from lunch today because of it, but who cares, my boss is gone this week! Again, nice story, and I'm looking forward to more!

But I cannot help but take that as an incredible compliment!!
Thank-You for telling me about it.:)
Still--sorry for waylaying you, glad you enjoyed it though.
Ch. 9 is being steadily worked on, but it's a very detail-rich environment so that's slowing things down, and then there's all Life's little hassles to contend with.
...and the Muse wanders in and out of my head unpredictably.
But it should be done and ready by this Saturday, maybe before, Sunday at the very latest.

12-01-2011, 09:34 PM
To all of you who have voted, either Like or Dislike.

12-12-2011, 02:32 PM

(Part One)

The clamps held me inescapably.

The padding they were lined with keeping me safe from too much pressure being applied, but also making it impossible to move more than a slight bit in any manner. A neck restraint was fitted snugly, with a padded, rounded cut-out area for my chin. I tried experimentally to turn my head and except for minimal ability nothing was possible. The handlers cleared out, and I was alone with the man in the labcoat and my minder who was now skillfully acting as his assistant.

The steel against my back was lined with the same soft padding as inside the clamps, nothing even remotely like a rough edge or exposed bolt had I been able to find when I'd been able to look the thing over before being locked down in it's restraint clamps.

Machines, sleekly made and far more advanced than you'd see even in a top-level hospital were wheeled into position, powerful surgery-theatre style lights were switched on, forcing tears from my eyes as they fought to adapt to the starkly-crisp light. I couldn't look down, but a mirror was positioned by the minder-now-assistant so I could easily see myself.

My arms were held straight, out a ways from my sides, and my legs up and spread uncomfortably wide apart, leaving me completely and vulnerably exposed to whatever was going to be done to me.

The final restraint was a metal band the minder fastened over me, lined, that was brought up and across my hips just above hip joints, snugly keeping me from moving much at all.

The man in the labcoat I had heard the minder refer to as 'Vet', walked over to a small sink area surrounded by cabinets and shelving units and handed the clipboard to the minder as he wahed his hands under a strong-smelling liquid and small UV light banks flooded the sink with germicidal light, similar to ones I'd seen advertised that were battery-powered and portable.

He moved out of my sight-line, and I heard the sounds of something being torn-open and then the unmistakable sounds of examination gloves being put on. I felt my vagina and bottom clench in protest at the invasion of my body inferred by the gloves and my positioning.

When he came back into my sight-line, I saw the light gleam off something metallic in his hand as he took a seat between my open legs. In the mirror I saw, then felt, his fingers examine my vulva briefly, parting me, then his hand with the metallic thing moved in.

I felt something cold put on me, and slightly inside me just between my inner lips, there was a 'click' and I gasped at the sensation of being suddenly opened. I could feel the device, but couldn't make it out in the mirror very well except the dim sight of metal and the odd gleam now and then. I tried raising my head as I yelped in protest, the sensation wasn't painful, but it was unpleasant.

I squirmed as much as I could in the padded clamps holding me, then felt the hood stripped ungently back from my clitoris, and watched helplessly in the mirror as that tiny bud with it's eight-thousand extremely sensitive nerve endings was probed by the insistent fingertip of a vaguely threatening man I didn't know, didn't want near me and very much wanted to get away from.

I felt outrage replace the fear, apprehension and shame of being held so open to stranger's eyes and started actively struggling in the clamps, the neck restraint being the main point of frustration and felt myself sliding into an incoherent rage as the 'Vet' continued probing me, examining the sensitive urethral opening and earning some angry yelling from me through my guard-muzzle.

I was in such a rage I nearly dislocated my left shoulder when I felt his finger slowly enter me, feeling the interior lining of my intimate tunnel, taking his time and feeling around in a circular motion as he moved in deeper and deeper until his knuckles were pressed to my buttock cheeks.

I'm not a violent person by nature, but right then if the clamps had opened, I'd have done my level-best to get my hands around his neck and squeeze the life out of him.

No miracle of sudden release occured, except for the retention strap and guard-muzzle being removed from my mouth by the minder, wearing heavy gloves that looked pretty resistant to biting.

I didn't get a chance to try.

As the guard-muzzle was removed something else was slipped in, between my forward molars and a ratchetting sound accompanied my jaws being opened as wide as they'd go.

In the mirror it looked like a medical-stainless-steel scissor handle at the side of my mouth and a soft gleam of metal inside my mouth.

I pried at the points where the padded arms were pressuring against my teeth as the minder set another of the devices at the opposite side of my mouth.

She disappeared from my sight-line and returned, and I watched as she deftly used a long forceps with silicone-padded tips to grab hold of my tongue and stretch it out as she brought another, unpleasant-looking appliance towards my face.

Flat, and with a deeply ridged inner silicone-plastic surface, I couldn't think what it might be until she let me draw my tongue back in until it was just behind my lower teeth...

She pressed it in and I could see how the long handle portion clipped to the restraint collar. The way the steel was curved and the ridged surface was pressed firmly down on my tongue kept me from moving it in any direction at all.

A sensation so annoying and deeply, aggravatedly-frustrating there's no words to describe it.

I hadn't even had a chance to try forming even a single word while the switchout was done.

I choked and gagged as I fought to free my tongue while tears of angry-frustration running from the corners of my eyes and down, ticklingly, the sides of my head to where the control devices were fixed to my scalp over and behind my ears.

I was acutely aware of how full my bladder was as the Vet pushed 'Up' inside me and down from outside. I squealed in the sudden intense discomfort, my toes curling to the point where I felt cramping in the soles of my feet...and he did it again, two fingers inside me, palpating my womb as a cramp hit and forced a high-pitched and sobbingly-pleading squeal from me which choked off into gagged-coughing and retching as my own saliva flowed down my windpipe from my imposed inability to swallow properly. I tried reflexively to sit up, move and do all the normal things one did without thinking about them when one was having a caughing fit from something going down the wrong way--and the restraints checked every attempt, leaving me squirming helplessly as I fought my body's reflexes to breathe past the defensive reactions happening in my larynx.

I heard him speaking, dictating notes, but my eyes were so blurred with tears I couldn't wipe away I couldn't see much.

"Tag her; R, Class A, Series One, Point-six-seven." He said like he was talking about a cow or other farm animal. I heard some electronic beeping, and something moved in the mirror through my blurred vision and I was aware peripherally of the minder doing something, moving close to my head. Then I felt a sharp sting in my right ear, just above the lobe, through the cartilage. The sting died away quickly as a 'cool' sensation washed over the spot even before I could yelp in reaction.

I blinked furiously, trying to clear my sight as the minder put the tagging device down and I was again aware of her doing something, then watched as she brought a dental mirror and an odd-looking tool to my face and felt the mirror inside my mouth. The tool was used to probe my teeth, and the non-sharp end was used to tap each tooth a small number of times. At first, it was only midly annoying, became intolerable quickly and soon started giving me a headache.

I was so distracted by that I only just barely noticed the Vet doing something with a slender, white cylindrical object he'd taken from a nearby tool tray. He adjusted what seemed to be a dial from the twisting motion and brought it towards my exposed sex...

I wasn't really sure what to expect, but the needle-sharp sensation at my episium between vagina and anus was enough to make me jump and shriek in sudden, shocked surprise and pain...which got worse as the needle was slowly pushed into me. I screamed as the sharp-penetrating sensation continued on, finding it hard to breathe as I tensed from the pain, staring into the minder's eyes and pleading by way of sounds and eye contact.

She tapped the back of my right incisor as she commented.

"It's a broad-sprectrum immunization, for best effect it has to be injected directly into the aorta, and the aortic branch is nicely available during Breeding prep, so this is when it gets done. Think of it as a preliminary to what's coming next because that's going to hurt a lot more." She said casually, continuing to explore and examine my mouth as I whimpered and sobbed at the pain, which suddenly lessened, then 'reversed' as the needle was smoothly removed from me and the vet swabbed the injection point and I felt the sharp chemical sting of whatever the swab was soaked in.

I watched in wide-eyef, forror-stricken fascination as he set the injection device down on a tray and selected a slightly smaller one, adjusted it, and brought it towards me as I tried squirming in building desperation against the steel locking me inescapably captive to his attentions.

I watched in the mirror as he put his hand on me and felt the hood of my clitoris moved back, the injection device closing on me.

The first thing I felt wasn't pain...it was stark-screaming terror blended with horror and felt like my brain was trying to find a way to leap out of my skull to escape what was coming, like a rat trapped in a burning box.

Then, the unmistakable sensation of a needle slowly penetrating my flesh deeply just above my clitoris but under the hood.

The pain was so intense, so hideous and all-encompassing as it blasted out into my nervouse system from that point that I couldn't believe I was actually experiencing that level of mortal agony, that it could exist.

That bizarre and surreal moment of instrospection blew away like a ghost of pipe-smoke on the wind. I crushed my eyes closed so tight I could see flashes behind my eyelids as if watching a battlefield from a distance at night, and feel my body locked so rigid I could barely breathe beyond a shallow gasping and there was a roaring in my ears like a tidal wave about to smash down on top of me as the needle pushed into sensitive areas never intended to be violated in such a way and having no defenses against such.

12-13-2011, 02:15 AM
another great chapter, can't wait for the next part. Little bit surprised at how dark you're willing to allow the story to be. Don't find many female authors willing to take the scenario to the extremes. You are clearly unique in this area.

12-13-2011, 02:36 AM
another great chapter, can't wait for the next part. Little bit surprised at how dark you're willing to allow the story to be. Don't find many female authors willing to take the scenario to the extremes. You are clearly unique in this area.

Thanks very much for saying so!! Glad you liked it!!
Part two is well underway, and actually almost complete. It's a little short, but a serious transitional-point.
I had a series of nightmares, so this is kinda excorcising them, and testing my range also.
I've always wanted to see how far i could reach, so I figured this would be a good time and subject to give it a shot with because I'm doing it first-person (I don't usually do that...like ever) and it's Myself, which is surreal as you can imagine.
I wanted to do something thatt I kept noticing was missing in Breeding fiction, and give people into that a really good read so they can almost smell the sweat, desperation and the slight odor of the flooring material. ;)
There is a limit to how dark I'm willing to go, but I don't think folks enjoying things to this point would really want a detour down those avenues of thought.
Also, they don't fit the established 'world' and such any better than a rubik's cube fits into a jigsaw puzzle.

12-13-2011, 12:21 PM

(Part Two)

I'd black-out, I think, or at least there were points where my mind decided to make itself 'unavailable for comment'. The needle was inserted, then left in me, as the Vet began using a small, white, rounded and kind of pistol-shaped device. I could barely make things out in the mirror but it looked, and felt, like Acupuncture needles were being set into the most delicately sensitive nerve clusters in my body.

Set deep.

Six agonisingly slow insertions of thin slivers of metal into and under the hood around my clitoris and then six more to each side of my delicate inner labia. I kept hoping the pain would at least hit a plateau and stop building, but it always seemed to be just beyond my ability to grasp and try to wrestle under control, adapt to and try to deal with.

They knew I was in agony, and I could see the minder smiling down at me, as if my nerve-shrilling shrieks and squeals were merely 'interesting'.

My whole body was trembling from the agony driving my muscles rigid as the animal-part of my brain kept trying to get my body to leap up and escape the hideous agony sliding poisonously along my nerves and setting off cascades of sparks in my brain. What made it so much worse was I didn't know 'why' they were putting me through this. It was too careful and precise to be randomised cruelty, there had to be some reason, however twisted, behind it. If I knew it, then I could handle it better--but being left in ignorance, and howling in agony made it a blind stroll right through Hell.

The minder started working at one of the nearby stand-mounted machines, and I saw a display come up that looked like multiple heartbeat EKG lines, all moving rapidly and I realised dimly that one line matched my own heartbeat perfectly.

In the mirror, I watched in terror as the vet's hand moved towards my labia...

He started manipulating the needles, freshening the pain, and making it far, far worse. The minder finished working with and adjusting the machine, turned it so the Vet could see it, then I watched her in my peripheral vision as she came down along my side and then pressed something that looked like a smoother, white and grey plastic version of a man's electric shaver to my lower abdomen, then pressed sharply down as the Vet did something particularly horrible with the needles and I couldn't breathe from the shattering pain that I could feel was testing the limits of of my mental resilience.

I was literally frozen by the overwhelming pain flooding my system, my breath locked in my throat, it even felt as if the muscles that steered my eyes were quivering.

A monitor on another stand-mounted machine came on, and I could see a high-resolution sonogram of a uterus, ovaries, and other internal structures and realised the device pressing very uncomfortably down into my lover abdomen was the scanner. Despite the waves of pain flashing like raw electricity through my nerves I was still somewhat amazed at the level of resolution. Long minutes were spent scanning my reproductive area and organs, while I quivered in the intense discomfort of pressure on my bladder, womb and abdominal muscles while the Vet kept the pain tuned to a finely-honed edge and I battled just to gasp air.

Once they were set to his liking, he stopped adjusting them, no longer needing to and left me to struggle with it crushing me as I felt my rosebud being lubed, his finger working between my buttocks, the cold slime coating my tightened orifice as I remembered my ex-Bf who'd forcibly 'introduced' me to Anal penetration and had left with such an apprehension for ever being penetrated anally again, I wouldn't even submit to once a year cancer-checks by my Dr..

Here, it wasn't my choice, and there was nothing I could do to stop from being invaded in a manner that hit me on a deep and personal level. Even the pain didn't block the apprehensive outrage I felt as cold, slimy lubricating gel was applied heavily, excessively between my buttocks and I felt the pressure of his finger increase, becoming insistent, then forceful and finally overwhelm my ability to keep myself clenched against the unwanted intrusion.

It was horrible, intimately-disturbing and extraordinarily uncomfortable, feeling the Vet's finger inside me checking the smooth interior lining with even more care and slow thoroughness than he had my vagina.

My bladder was adding it's own complaints as the pressure of being scanned rolled over it again and again, and my toes were curled so tight I thought I could almost feel my own toenails dig into the soles of my feet.

The Vet finished examining me, removed his finger and stripped off his gloves before making some notations on his board. He pulled a fresh pack of gloves from his pocket, tore it open and pulled them on while I sweated, strained to breathe, and tried to bolster what reserves of mental endurance I had left that were being eaten away like hot salt water dripping against an ice sheet.

The needles stayed in, exactly where he'd set them, steadily inflicting a type and level of pain I doubt there are actually words to describe. I tried to writhe, and even that was prevented by the clamps holding me still, exposed and openly-vulnerable to the torments being inflicted on me. I could hear other women screaming all around me from the other examination areas, most likely experiencing the same thing I was.

What happened next was absolutely terrifying on the deepest and most mortal level.

The minder went up and stood 'above' my head, making soothing sounds and trying to calm me down. I started to actually feel vaguely better from the Human contact.


She brought something like a bed sheet over my head very quickly in a single deft motion, but elastic, that clung like food wrap, and she did it just as I was starting to inhale.

The white odourless film of plastic-rubber sealed off air and sight!! I was trapped under it, unable to fill my empty lungs and my body went wild on reflex, the genetic need to breathe drove me hard against the clamps as I felt the scrambling terror of death by asphyxiation start coming over me as it sunk it;

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't free my head or hands, and I was going to die horribly, frightened to the point of feeling my sanity start to fray as a roaring began in my ears, the body trying to suck in air trapped away from me on the other side of a thin membrane, my lungs were locked, trying to breathe in, getting nothing. I jerked at the clamps, fighting them to get free like a maddened animal feeling Death's footsetps approach, and my vision started closing in with a haze of sparkliness from the edges of my vision field.

The sense of fear, the agony from the needles and everything else started drifting away and I felt, dimly, something invade my urethra...I realized it should hurt, and did a bit.

But, it didn't matter, nothing mattered anymore...I was too sweetly-exhausted to care.

I could hear voices, far away, too distant to understand them and the sensation of floating distracted me from the slight annoyance of not being able to breathe, relaxing...

The only thing that marred the perfect pace and calm was the annoying 'jerking' somewhere inside me, I sluggishly realized it was my heart, and I just wanted it to stop and leave me unbothered in the silken darkness.

The silken darkness was detonated and shredded like black cobwebs as I watched a nuclear warhead explode...and the explosion resolved into a face.

One that on a level I was actually apprehensively glad to see. On the other, it meant I was still trapped in Hell.

"That's my good girl, keep those beautiful eyes open, breathe and just relax. You're fine, and back in your homecell safe and sound."

The cruel-mouthed woman said to me as she knelt over while I lay on my back, biting into the new guard-muzzle in frustration. I tried moving my arms, and learned immediately I was back in the straitjacket, and moved my feet, and noted the boots back on me from knees to soles, secured at the ankles.

She patted my lower abdomen through the straitjacket's material, pointedly over my womb.

"Congratulations, Marlene. You're a Breeder Mare, all nicely official now. That's what that tag in your ear means. You're really going to be a busy girl!! "

She said cheerfully, smiling proudly down at me as if I were a prized pet. I felt her hand start caressing my belly through the stronger-than-steel fabric, then slide under using the high-cut leg areas and she began massaging my uterus in a way that felt insanely wonderful and relaxed me like butter melting on a hot day.

I 'Mmmmph'ed through my guard-muzzle, hoping she'd move her hand down slightly, but not too far as I figured if she did, I find out how raw my labia felt even though nothing was bothering me.

She slid her fingers down under the material covering my sensitive lips...

12-13-2011, 09:41 PM
Chapter 9, aka, "Make jreezy33 squirm in his chair as he reads it." I can't say I enjoyed the content of the chapter, but your execution (words, description, etc) made it all too realistic. Good job.

12-13-2011, 10:03 PM
Chapter 9, aka, "Make jreezy33 squirm in his chair as he reads it." I can't say I enjoyed the content of the chapter, but your execution (words, description, etc) made it all too realistic. Good job.

Thank-You for the praise even though it was obviously a section not to your tastes--that makes such mean even more!! :HUG:
I'll admit up-front, it's NOT to everyone's tastes, but there are some out there who do enjoy such things, as well as this is something of an experiment for me in 'range and reach'.
I promised long ago I wouldn't pull any punches, and I'm not....but even as a writer, some of those punches are hard to even throw.
Because, I'm torturing Myself, in First-Person...there's a damned slight margin of seperation for me to stay comfy in. :D
But, I wanted to experiment. ;)
The torture sequence actually has a valid reason for it, a disturbing one, but straightforward valid.
Part 3 is 'safe', and actually reveals some things I've been DYING to reveal, and is more Erotic than anything else.
I won't ask my readers to walk through Hell and not hand them ice packs when they finish. :D

12-14-2011, 12:54 AM

(Part Three)

I gasped, expecting pain, but it didn't happen...only the soft pleasure of her fingers gently stroking my tingling labia, and lightly touching my hardening clitoris. I could feel myself getting moist, then wet and she chuckled as she stroked my face with her other hand.

"Such a sweet, beautiful Mare. You need to relax, you're still too tense, and that's not good. You're not going anywhere, so just enjoy my attentions."

I did as I was told, helpless to do anything but squirm my thighs together in building arousal and desire. I'd never really had any genuinely sexual encounters with women, aside from some very tame and mostly-clothed experimentation with a friend of mine when I was in my teens.

Laying helpless in highly-secure restraints, and after having gone through an experience so horrible my mind was diluting the memories of it down to manageable levels, I accepted the pleasure with a gratefulness I didn't want to feel.

She stroked, teased a little, paid enough but not too much attention to my clitoris and probed just inside my lips, but didn't actually penetrate me.

I moaned, arching my back in response, enjoying the soft and gentle exploration and having my face stroked comfortingly. It occurred to me that for some reason I 'mattered' to this woman.

She always referred to me as 'Her' Mare and such...

...had I been sold, or awarded as a possession to her??

She brought me slowly up to almost-orgasm, and stopped. I mewled and whimpered through the guard-muzzle as she removed her hand, and patted me gently on the belly, then helped me sit up.

"Now, I'll unfasten your ankles and give you a tether strap, behave yourself and I'll remove the guard-muzzle so you can talk. Understand?"

I was stunned at this turn of events and nodded vigorously, letting her unclasp my boot-ankles and put in a tether strap that would allow me to hobble-walk and find more comfortable positions when seated. When she was done, I folded my legs comfortably and she opened the retention strap and removed the guard-muzzle.

"Oh, GOD!! THANK-you so much!!" I gasped in exclamation, overcome with gratitude for having the restraint removed from my mouth and being permitted to speak again. She stood, folding the strap, smiling down at me.

I worked my jaws and she spoke to me, crouching and holding my chin to make sure she held my attention.

"Now, I'm going to tell you a few things to make your acclimatization a bit easier. You might not like what you hear, but you keep quiet, or I'll have handlers in here holding you down and put the muzzle back in." I nodded, keeping silent.

"Good girl. Okay, what you went through tests your metabolism under extreme stress conditions. Pain and suffocation do a good job of that. You were never in any jeopardy of dying, but we couldn't let you know that. You'll be receiving physical exams, with a full pelvic exam, every month. Weekly when we get you actively Breeding. That's coming up very soon, so get all the rest you can. The stud selected is very capable, and on average will be inseminating you roughly three to four times per day until you test positive, then you'll be under Gestational Supervision. If you cooperate in Breeding sessions, you'll have an easier time of it. If not you'll still be inseminated, but held, struggling and screaming in a Breeding Pillory." She stopped, cocked her head and looked me over as I sat helpless and looking up at her feeling exactly as powerless as I was.

She crouched down again, tapped my nose gently, affectionately.

"Marlene, you're MY Mare. I'm responsible for you and for your care. I insist you obey me, and I don't expect docility, but push my patience too far and I will begin correcting your behaviour, painfully and slowly. You know how braces straighten teeth?" I nodded, a feeling of dread in my stomach.

"These can do the exact same thing to your brain, your mind. Slowly. Painfully, and irresistibly. The miracle of advanced neural feedback." She said, gently stroking hair back from over my ear where one of the control devices was concealed.

I wanted to yell, scream and tell her to tell whomever was behind all this to go fuck themselves to death with a logging chainsaw.

What I did was keep my mouth shut as I dealt with all I'd been told.

"I can imagine how hard it must be, taken from your life and re-purposed without any say in things. But, that's the way it is. Resistance, beyond providing you with exercise, is largely irrelevant as you're learning. We hold all the cards, and the sooner you settle down to fully submitting to me and what the demands on you are, the better off you'll be. More privileges, freedom, all kinds of good things that you used to take for granted in the old life you had. You can speak now." She said.

It took me a moment to sort my thoughts and questions.

"What is this place? Why are you doing this to us??" I asked, hearing my voice tremble.

"It's got no name that you're allowed to know. The 'why' is actually very simple. It's a Safeguard Facility." She said as if that explained everything.

"Safeguard...?" I asked, repeating the name.

"Ever notice all the bits in the news about toxins in plastics, falling Fertility rates, and all that?? Think of this as an Ark, or a living gene bank. You know how Heirloom seed stocks are preserved??"

She asked, and I nodded, starting to see where this was going.

"Same thing, but for Human genes." She said. "That's what gives us the authority to take you, or anyone else, from the world and bring them here. The survival and preservation of the genetic integrity of the Human species is more important than anything else. If we left it to a voluntary basis it wouldn't work, that was tried once and turned out to be a dismal failure. So, you're here to submit to compulsory service in the name of your species, alongside former models of all walks and types, porn stars, housewives, businesspeople, students from Colleges and Universities...we don't care what the former occupation was because it doesn't matter if that person's health and fertility are sound. We collect from all around the world."

"But, people would notice them missing..." I started to say.

"You'd think, and that's the thing about a Fiat Secure Society...everybody thinks it can't happen. How many porn stars and Internet models retired last year, or just stopped doing work, no explanation given??" She asked, a definitely rhetorical question if I'd ever heard one.

"I could name them, but you're not a Lesbian or a fan so I seriously doubt you'd have followed their work."

She smiled easily, stroking my face again.

"Big bust models, from Poland, the Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Russia. Some had made things easier for us by relocating to the USA. If they don't retire, we kill them, we slip in a body that's been cloned so a DNA test will confirm things and then they 'die' in a horrible accident that barely leaves even a few tissue traces and bone fragments while the acquisition is brought to us. College and University students, they just make it too easy for us with all the drinking. We've gone into more than a few parties, raves and such...simply walked the people right out without even a harsh word from them."

I was thinking about this, and thinking about hot internet models that suddenly just slipped off the radar after having been so omnipresent you couldn't really not be aware of them on some level. I had collected pics off the net I figured my Husband would enjoy, so I knew some faces, but the names were just out of reach mentally-speaking.

Anyone and everyone could be taken at whim.

A badly chilling thought, that prompted another.

"Uhm, how long has this been happening for??" I asked.

"Since long before you were born." She said, and that was that.

"Are you hungry? Need the bathroom?" She asked, moving my hair so it would stay out of my eyes.

"Can I actually eat something that I get to chew?" I asked.

"No, but the nutritional drinks are quite tasty. No solid food for you until after your Breeding sessions." She said.

I didn't have to mull it over long, being able to drink normally instead of having something semi-forced down my throat sounded like a dream.

I nodded. "That sounds pretty good." I said, and actually smiled slightly.

"You don't have General privileges yet, and in any case you're under Breeding Confinement so I'll be right back. You're probably going to be a little dizzy still from the tranquilizers, so don't try to stand up." She said, and I nodded as she stood, straightened her top and left.

Left alone, I started testing the restraints, figuring it was pointless but heeding the gut-level need to try.

The cruel-mouthed woman was back sooner than I expected, and smirked at me as she closed the cell door and came over holding couple of small bottles and a wrapped straw.

"Having fun?" She asked teasingly and crouched down.

I gave the straitjacket's hold on me one last yank, then settled down.

"Has anyone ever gotten out of one of these??" I asked as she set one small, squatly-wide bottle down and started shaking the other to mix it.

"No. No one's ever even come close." She told me conversationally, tearing the wrapper off the straw and twisting the cap off the bottle. I smelled...chocolate.

She noticed the look on my face, chuckled.

"Been a while, hmmm??" She said, setting the straw in and holding it still for me, the straw bent to make it easier.

It was rich, slightly creamy, a bit frothy, thick, warm and delicious. I sucked it down as fast as I could, starved for sheer taste rather than nutrition and finished it quickly.

"I'm thinking; 'chrome off a trailer hitch', girl." She said, and started shaking the other after setting the empty aside.

"Yeah? Well, the usual way you feed us, there's not much taste even when it does hit the tongue. You bring in something chocolate-flavoured after who-knows-how-long and expect a woman NOT to snarf it straight down??" I said, managing some humor.

"Mmm...good point. Take it easy with this one, I'll hold it and you can drink normally." She said and I didn't argue, managing it pretty well.

When 'dinner' was over with, she stayed and entertained my curiosity some more.

"Why are you being nice to me? I'm just a womb with legs, right?" I asked.

She looked a bit surprised at that.

"No, you're a woman who's been selected to do something very important for her species. We have to be harsh in the beginning, as new acquisitions need to be broken to discipline." She shifted position, behind me now, and her hand was caressing my throat and her other hand was slowly heading downward, I froze in surprise, squirmed against the restraints and tried to look over my shoulder.

"Uh, I'm not...MMMMMPPH!!" Her mouth was on mine, insistent, but not dominating, her tongue teased at my lips then she broke the kiss.

"Shhhh. I know, and it's alright. You're not a Lesbian if you enjoy it, just openly-sexual. We know from monitoring you on the internet that you're quite solidly Hetero, but also very flexible sexually within certain limits." She said in my ear coaxingly and knowingly, caressing my throat again as her hand began rubbing me through the material of the crotchpiece.

I leaned back, relaxing against her, and felt myself opening my legs as best I could.

her fingers again slipped under the fabric, finding my pussy lips and started using her fingers expertly and gently. I moaned, leaned my head back and closed my eyes as her mouth sealed over mine, open, and her tongue entering my mouth narrow and pointed, finding mine and teasing at my tongue's tip. I took the invitation and our tongues began caressing each other, the only way I could reciprocate what her hand was doing for me.

She built me, slowly, and when I was cresting she began stroking my clit downward over the hood with a fingertip. I exploded in a long-denied 'O' that felt like ecstasy and the heart of a nuclear detonation together.
When I started coming down, she still stroked me, casually and calmingly...in a way that left it as my choice if I wanted to go after another climax as I shuddered and trembled against her. I felt her gently open the flaps on my straitjacket, and carefully squeeze my breasts....

12-14-2011, 10:06 PM
Yes - some background as to why it's happening!
Sure, this isn't my cup of tea, but no one is forcing me to read it. I want to push through, because it's been a good story. Good job, keep it up!

12-14-2011, 10:11 PM
Yes - some background as to why it's happening!
Sure, this isn't my cup of tea, but no one is forcing me to read it. I want to push through, because it's been a good story. Good job, keep it up!

I've been dying to reveal something about the background on the place, because there HAS to be some kind of logical reason for a place like that to exist. :)
Thank-You for staying with me as I forge ahead in this workpiece!!
Thank-You also to the rest of my readers also!!!

12-15-2011, 03:28 AM

(Finale` for Ch. 9)

I woke to a light slap on my right rump cheek, enough to wake but not hurt. I tried to speak, and immediately noticed the guard-muzzle back in my mouth and the weirdly super-fresh sensation in my mouth I'd become used to.

I looked up dazedly, feeling the after-effects of a tranquiliser and realised that my dinner had been drugged. I wasn't pleased about that, but recalled the cruel-mouthed woman saying something about 'rest'...before using her fingers to guarantee I'd sleep like a stone.

She stood over me, working on her cellphone-device.

"I'm re-setting the permissions on your boots. Guess what's happening today?" She asked cheerfully.

I groaned inwardly, laying on my side, and tested my legs. Not locked together, and not even a tether-strap.

The handlers were behind me, and I only became aware of them when they lifted me to my feet, holding me steady against falling as they did a thorough check on my restraints.

The cruel-mouthed woman held up a small bottle, slipped the device into her pocket and twisted the cap off, the handlers pushed me to my knees.

"A little herbal wakey-wakey. Tilt your head back so I can pour it down." She said, and I obeyed, rather enjoying the fruit flavouring. That done, the handlers helped me stand again.

I made a querying sound through the muzzle and she stroked my hair fondly, seeming a bit excited.

"Time to meet your Stud, Marlene. There's something about him that's actually a funny little anecdote, but I'll tell you when we've gotten there." She said.

I froze, eyes wide, apprehension flooding my system with adrenalin as fear started in the face of the inevitable that had finally arrived. I whimpered through my muzzle, unconsciously bracing against being moved and she stroked my face, speaking comfortingly.

"Now, you knew this was coming. Settle down, ssshhhh...that's my good girl." I pressed the side of my face into her hand, sobbing against fate closing around me.

"It's alright, Marlene, it's perfectly normal and expected for a Mare to be nervous on her first session. Are you going to behave?" She said.

I nodded, without opening my eyes, tears burning under my eyelids.

The handlers loosened their holds, only keeping enough grip to save me if I fell.

"Okay, let's get you ready then." She said and put an arm around me to guide me by holding my upper arms as I opened my eyes to navigate the way to the bathroom in my cell.

She took what seemed to be some extra time, and was unusually gentle with me, but never allowed me a chance at escape. In relatively quick fashion I was ready for the day; showered, hair dried and styled, a light touch of cosmetics...all the usual.

The handlers stayed outside while she attended to my necessities, allowing me some privacy. When she had me in the shower stall restraints, spread-eagled, she made the wash down something sensuous, and had me squirming from the almost-touches at my tingling lips below the narrow triangle of pubic hair I had and they'd maintained.
When she ran her hand down the inside of my thigh rinsing soap away I thought I might actually 'O' if she did it a few more times.

My arousal didn't go un-noticed.

"Well, well. Let's get you dried off and done-up then." She said chuckling as I moaned at not being able to get my hands to my pussy that was so hot, wet and ready it 'ached' in a way that I'd never experienced before...a desperate and hungry feeling that I'd do nearly anything to satisfy. Even the feel of the towel on my mainly non-erogenous zones was a pleasure and she called the handlers in to hold me from touching myself while she finished drying me, checking where the cuffs had been on my wrists and ankles in the shower-stall restraints, and then started putting me back into a fresh straitjacket.
I unintentionally resisted because of my squirming and the maddening arousal, got a slight smack on the nose and told to 'Behave!' as my boots were put back on. I stamped my right foot in sheer sexual frustration, needing the ache satisfied by a Man, and tried rubbing against one of the handlers as a desperate effort at ad-hoc seduction.

It didn't work well, but for the first time I heard one speak.

"What's with her? She's usually pretty easy to handle." He asked in general, holding me by my shoulders out and away from him.

"You know the enhancer we give the Breeding Mares? Newest formulation, completely organic, and I was told much more effective--but I think we're going to have to readjust the dosage charts."
She said, as I squirmed and struggled against my restraints, wanting to be mounted and filled by a man inside my pink waterslide, to feel the aggressive pumping and pounding, the slapping of heavy, sperm-full balls against my clit.

I wanted, needed to present myself for being mounted to a man.

With a nearly single-minded obsession. I could feel my soaking wet pussy, vaginal muscles starting to work and ripple to draw in any male organ that might come to visit. I sobbed in my desperation, the need overwhelming my rationality like a flood as I bit deeply into the muzzle, and screamed as I stamped my foot again, hard enough to actually feel the hardness under the heavy padding.

The next thing I knew, I was on my belly, in a headlock, and a tranquiliser spray was being fired up my nostrils as I snorted violently against the intrusion, trying to thrash in a fury of sexual desperation but pinned totally by the handlers.
I screamed again, like an animal, as I fought restraints and handlers, the tranq slowly working into my brain's overworked synapses and shutting me down. I managed one last enraged and furious bellow before succumbing as my head was stroked to help calm me as I slid under the narcotic.

When I came back from out of a dreamless dark, it was to a room I'd never seen before.

My pussy still 'ached' and was hotly-wet with desperation and a hungry need, but nowhere as sanity-endangering as before...just bad enough to make me moan, sob and squirm my thighs together in a hopeless effort to find some relief.

The cruel-mouthed woman was there, as were five handlers.

"Poor girl. Sorry about that, it's a new arousal enhancer and we're still doing the fine calibrations for metabolics and body-mass. Touchy stuff, even diluted heavily it still boomerangs nastily every now and then. We gave you a stabiliser and let you sleep off the worst. Feeling better??" She said, stroking my hair affectionately, feeling the muscles in the back of my thighs as I rolled off my back, onto my side to face her.

I nodded, and made an affirming noise through my muzzle.

"Okay, good. Now just take it easy and don't try to get up yet." She told me, and I nuzzled at her hand, feeling needful and wanting the comforting.

"Now, this is your first session, so you're going to be restrained for it. if you're reasonably cooperative, you'll only have to endure positional restraints. Give us too much trouble and you get locked into this..."

I watched as she turned to follow my sight line as a gleaming steel pillory slid silently out of the floor, there was a series of 'click' sounds as a short, thinly-padded rectangular table swung up and locked below the hole in the middle between two slightly smaller ones. The end was smoothly curved downward, padded also. A brace swung down from it and locked, it had a short cross piece close to the floor, about ankle height if you were wearing the boots and was visibly telescoped into a contracted form. There were two clips and a heavily padded area they projected from at the ends, and I could tell just at a glance what it was for.

I could see myself; Ankles clipped to the extended length of steel so it held my legs open and my sex exposed, bent forward at the hips and probably strapped to the short table with my neck in the restraining hole for it while some man I didn't know forcibly mounted and bred me completely against my will.

Here it was then; The nightmare they'd promised me...and diabolically mixed with a Devil's Choice.

12-16-2011, 07:09 PM
thoroughly enjoyed the story it is well written and now i am wondering where is the next bit but thank you marlene for an excellent addition

12-16-2011, 07:57 PM
thoroughly enjoyed the story it is well written and now i am wondering where is the next bit but thank you marlene for an excellent addition

You're welcome and TY for the compliments!!
Ch. 10 is in the works. :)

04-06-2012, 12:27 AM
Interesting story, and very involving. I need to read each chapter, just to see what's going to happen, that the mark of a writer who knows what she's doing, good job!

04-06-2012, 02:44 AM
Interesting story, and very involving. I need to read each chapter, just to see what's going to happen, that the mark of a writer who knows what she's doing, good job!

Thank-You very much for those compliments!! I've been dealing with Life's demands for a while, but will be continuing this story to it's conclusion. I'm looking forward to getting back to creative writing, as business proposals and such, those are strictly practical and dry as dustbunnies in the Sahara at summertime. :)
To all of you who have been waiting for it to be finished, I offer my apologies for keeping you waiting, and appreciate your patience more than words can say!!


04-06-2012, 08:30 AM
nice story

04-06-2012, 11:29 AM
I love the expressions "pink waterslide" and "draw in any male organ that might come to visit." Perfect, can't wait for the next chapter, and I'm not that big a fan of non-consent, but your writing has a skill, and a "pull" that draws me in, and keeps me reading.

04-06-2012, 12:14 PM
Thank-You for the compliments guys!! I'm glad you're enjoying it!! I wanted to try a different angle of approach to a non-consent storyline, break with convention and see how it was recieved. It's nice to know my experiment worked, and again Thank-You for saying!!!
The terminology is because, again, I wanted to stray away from 'the usual', so I use my own 'fun' terminology--and "draw in any male organ that might come to visit." reflects my own sex drive and cravings after hubby's been away for about three days or more without giving me permission for 'self-service'. ;)
Write what ya know, isn't that what they say? :D

Read more: http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/30542-Breeding-marlene#ixzz1rHzCcGk9
@ Sex Stories Post

...and I'll have an update ready sometime tonite. It's nice getting back to writing Creatively again!!


04-07-2012, 02:19 PM
The update i wanted to do last night got side-lined by hubby---it's impossible to type when you've been very snugly strapped in to a straitjacket, gagged, blindfolded and dragged off for Breeding.
Hubby allowed me some time out of restraints so i could keep-up on things, but pretty soon I'll be locked up snug-tight again and screaming into a gag while hubby inseminates me 'against my will'. (Oh, poor and pitiable me). :D
On the bright side, hubby does make a very specific allowance to be certain of not effing-up my creative-writing, he knows it's important to me and makes accomodations for it.
That aside, this Bitch-Mare is going to be securely restrained for Breeding this weekend. I want to be a mommy. Hubby wants me pregnant (the sooner the better), so....
We're working on it...in our own way. :D
To all of you who have had the pleasures of pregnancy and Motherhood, I envy you (in a GOOD way), and am looking forward to joining your ranks. Ladies, you're the cradle of the future, don't forget that. :D


04-08-2012, 12:51 AM
Marlene's update is going to be delayed.
My apologies but my beautiful Mare made something of a challenge, and lost. Suffice to say, she's in Secure restraints, gagged and being watched over by yours truly (Martin).
I might allow her some, supervised, freedom when she settles down and shows me some contrition--right now, she's fighting the restraints like a tiger and screaming into the gag I forced on her.
That's what she gets for saying; 'Fuck you' to me.
She knows the rules, so she made the call, don't waste any time feeling sorry for her. She knew what she was saying, and the consequences of such.
She's snugly straitjacketted and muzzled--and fought like a tigress while I was locking her down, but she's in caring hands...meaning I won't be sleeping until she smartens up.
I won't leave her restrained and unsupervised, ever.
That said, it's up to her as-and-when I allow her out of restraints, but she's pretty quick-witted, so a day or such and she'll have earned back her freedom, albeit under my watching eye.
This is a Breeding weekend though, so I have first-claim on her, despite her recalcitrance and obstinance, as she needs to be knocked-up as soon as possible.
(She likes to fight back, that's what gets her really wet-heated, but it's all consensual despite how it sounds, she REALLY wants to be a mother, and I want it for her as well as myself, but her mainly, and she deserves a child to love and cuddle.)


04-11-2012, 08:08 PM
I'll have a small update to the story done in a bit, I just need to double-check where I left-off so I don't overlap/re-post.

04-11-2012, 08:19 PM

"Let's get you standing and walked around a bit, it'll help you feel better." The Cruel-Mouthed woman said, and the handlers helped me stand, letting me do the work as they steadied me against falling, as usual. She used her device, and the steel pillory refolded itself and slid back down into the floor, a stark-white caution-labelled floorplate closing over where it came from.

"Let her go boys, if she's stable enough, but stay close as she might be a tad wobbly-kneed still." I heard her tell my handlers and she'd called it right, my legs felt shaky. I took a few hesitant steps as I tested my legs and it wasn't that bad so I took her advice and walked around a bit. I went over to the cage, looking in through the cell-foam padded bars. The bench was smooth white plastic, and secured to the floor with what looking like bathtub caulk. It had a layer of plastic-sealed cell-foam as a cushion on it's top in a soft biege. I could see the attachment points built into it along the sides and didn't have to guess what they were for. There were drawers along it's lower area close to the floor which could hold any one of a thousand possibilities, but I felt safe in assuming there was a variety of restraints in them.

I sensed the presence of the Cruel-Mouthed woman, and felt her hand pat my rump affectionately, casually, then run her hand over the fullest part of my left cheek and give me a possessive squeeze.

"That, my lovely Mare, is a rest-cell. After you've been inseminated, you'll have a chance to recover for a few hours before you're inseminated again. You're listed as being scheduled at four inseminations per day, Marlene. Now, it looks scary, but it's meant to be a quiet place, safe and sound for you. In time you might even learn to enjoy breeding sessions, but until then, we're going to be careful with you."

I turned and looked at her, pleading with my eyes even though I knew it was pointless and my tears were just a waste of water and salt.
She motioned and the handlers tightened their grips on me, and my stomach dropped in apprehension.

"Again, Marlene, cooperate and it won't be so bad for you. Fight us, and you know where that leads." She told me sternly.

I managed a small-sounding whimpering in reply as she motioned again and the handlers began leading me back to the foam pad I'd awakened on. As I watched, it sank into the floor slightly, then some machinery flipped it, and reset it back up flush with the floor. The new pad was medium biege, and equipped with a variety of recessed fastening points for purposes I had a good idea about.

They took me to the middle and made me kneel, holding me from getting up again as my heart started beating in my throat.

I looked up at the Cruel-Mouthed woman, shaking my head in a desperate 'No' of protest. She sighed, motioned again, and I heard her say; "Pin her.".

Suddenly bent foward, I yelped in surprise as the side of my face was pressed firmly to the mat, my ass in the air, and a powerful hand holding the back of my neck. I squirmed on reflex, complaining through my muzzle and uncomfortable in the position I was being held in, felt my ankles being pulled away from each other, then hearing metallic 'click' sounds. When they were let go, I tried them, and found them fastened down to some of the attachment points I'd seen moments earlier.

I felt something put between my knees, and heard metallic sounds, quickly learning it was some kind of spreading-bar now connected to my kneepads, eliminating my ability to even try closing my thighs despite my ankles being locked down also. I watched, helpless, as a carabiner was clipped to a small but strong-looking loop on the shoulder of the straitjacket, feeling the same being done to the other side also. Short, black nylon tethers with metal rings at their ends were used to connect my shoulders to attachment points set into the floor under the mat, making certain I couldn't change from the sexually-presentational position they'd forced me into.

I tried and tested the newly applied bonds, and found I could squirm somewhat, but not enough to really matter in any real way. I strained my neck, chin on the mat, trying to look up, and the cruel-Mouthed woman crouched down, patting my head.

"Much better. Go ahead and struggle, it's alright now. Some Mares find it helps them cope with the inevitable when it's only minutes away."

I strained at the shoulder tethers holding me face down, twisting and arching my back as I tried to get real leverage behind my efforts, but because of the position, physics wasn't able to side with me. I tried shifting my legs, reminding myself again how little freedom I actually had, and how helplessly exposed I was, also towards what intent on the part of my captors and keepers.

Minutes away...

In mere minutes, my life would truly change forever, no going back, no do-over, no choice.

I saw the door open, and a strongly-built man escorted in by two female Keepers. His wrists were locked in cuffs a little ways back from being directly at his sides so there was no way he could fight.

What held my attention was his cock...

It wasn't enormous, maybe a little longer than average, but gorgeously made, solidly erect and throbbing even as it swayed while he was walked into the room. I could see precum glistening at the bulbous head, drooling down the shaft and dripping in long strings to the floor, his bollocks looked overloaded, but in a good way--almost bursting with potential life.

Then it 'clicked' in my head--this was the stud that would be mounting and inseminating me despite my best efforts to evade my fate.

That cock effectively had my name on it.

04-12-2012, 07:24 PM
So glad this series is starting up again, can't wait to see more.

04-12-2012, 07:56 PM
So glad this series is starting up again, can't wait to see more.

Thank-You for saying, I appreciate it and I know she will, most definitely!!

Speaking as a reader and her Husband, neither can I...I don't get sneak-peeks, I read her lastest the same time as everyone else. I assist with technical info and she bounces ideas off me, but she's usually pursuing three or four possible directions at once, so it's impossible to guess what she's going to put down after deciding the course.
She was working on it earlier, then her sinuses went off really badly and she's snoozing off the sinus meds right now...got her awake enough, for long enough to drink an Ensure but she's pretty out of it.

04-12-2012, 09:07 PM
So glad this series is starting up again, can't wait to see more.

More IS on it's way...once I get out of the sinus med after-effects...
I should have a longer addition sometime tomorrow, or Saturday.

04-12-2012, 09:36 PM
I really enjoy the premise, it's very realistic to have a living Gene bank, and how many people vanish with never a trace found, every year?
You got me eager for every little bit of story you're dreaming up!

04-12-2012, 10:02 PM
I really enjoy the premise, it's very realistic to have a living Gene bank, and how many people vanish with never a trace found, every year?
You got me eager for every little bit of story you're dreaming up!

Thanks for the compliments and also for noticing the real-world tie-ins!!

The living gene bank makes a lot more sense than cryo-freezing sperm and ova, as the longer they're frozen, more and more damage piles up, plus the initial freeze does a lot of kill-off too.
Also, as you mention, so many people just vanish every year...and that's here, in the surveillance-happy Western World, too!! Maybe all those cameras that are supposed to be there to ensure national security and cut down on crime are being used for another purpose, hmmm??
These days, with an internet-connected world and such, finding out info regarding someone's health and such isn't too hard, and easy enough to re-jigger a medical test schedule in a computer to include a DNA analysis along with routine physical exam work-up tests.

I'm not a Conspiracy Theorist, but a lot of that stuff makes REALLY good Muse-fodder for writing. :D
So does the news... ;)

Tomorrow's gonna be weird, so I might/might not get some writing done, but I'll have something Posted Saturday evening at the latest. I've been wanting to get back to writing for a good while, just had to wait for the schedules and such around here to settle.

04-16-2012, 04:11 AM
Marlene extends her apologies for the missing update, but the weekend was one I had planned for, and as Husband, I have 'dibs'. ;)
Kidding aside, she's working on it, but has a low-level Flu.On the happier side, it's not turning into the same nightmare she fought last year--Flu vaccine, never again. I nearly lost her because of that.
She's basically fine, just a bit 'off' normal for a bit and working a tad slower due to it.

04-17-2012, 02:13 PM
Sorry for the trouble/nuisance and such folks, but I don't like afflicting readers with bad spelling and run-on sentences.
Thank-You again for reading my works!!


"Let's get you standing and walked around a bit, it'll help you feel better." The Cruel-Mouthed woman said, and the handlers helped me stand, letting me do the work as they steadied me against falling, as usual. She used her device, and the steel pillory refolded itself and slid back down into the floor, a stark-white caution-labelled floorplate closing over where it came from.

"Let her go boys, if she's stable enough, but stay close as she might be a tad wobbly-kneed still." I heard her tell my handlers and she'd called it right, my legs felt shaky. I took a few hesitant steps as I tested my legs and it wasn't that bad so I took her advice and walked around a bit. I went over to the cage, looking in through the cell-foam padded bars. The bench was smooth white plastic, and secured to the floor with what looking like bathtub caulk. It had a layer of plastic-sealed cell-foam as a cushion on it's top in a soft biege. I could see the attachment points built into it along the sides and didn't have to guess what they were for. There were drawers along it's lower area close to the floor which could hold any one of a thousand possibilities, but I felt safe in assuming there was a variety of restraints in them.

I sensed the presence of the Cruel-Mouthed woman, and felt her hand pat my rump affectionately, casually, then run her hand over the fullest part of my left cheek and give me a possessive squeeze.

"That, my lovely Mare, is a rest-cell. After you've been inseminated, you'll have a chance to recover for a few hours before you're inseminated again. You're listed as being scheduled at four inseminations per day, Marlene. Now, it looks scary, but it's meant to be a quiet place, safe and sound for you. In time you might even learn to enjoy breeding sessions, but until then, we're going to be careful with you."

I turned and looked at her, pleading with my eyes even though I knew it was pointless and my tears were just a waste of water and salt.

She motioned and the handlers tightened their grips on me, and my stomach dropped in apprehension.

"Again, Marlene, cooperate and it won't be so bad for you. Fight us, and you know where that leads." She told me sternly.

I managed a small-sounding whimpering in reply as she motioned again and the handlers began leading me back to the foam pad I'd awakened on. As I watched, it sank into the floor slightly, then some machinery flipped it, and reset it back up flush with the floor. The new pad was medium biege, and equipped with a variety of recessed fastening points for purposes I had a good idea about.

They took me to the middle and made me kneel, holding me from getting up again as my heart started beating in my throat.

I looked up at the Cruel-Mouthed woman, shaking my head in a desperate 'No' of protest. She sighed, motioned again, and I heard her say; "Pin her.".

Suddenly bent foward, I yelped in surprise as the side of my face was pressed firmly to the mat, my ass in the air, and a powerful hand holding the back of my neck. I squirmed on reflex, complaining through my muzzle and uncomfortable in the position I was being held in, felt my ankles being pulled away from each other, then hearing metallic 'click' sounds. When they were let go, I tried them, and found them fastened down to some of the attachment points I'd seen moments earlier.

I felt something put between my knees, and heard metallic sounds, quickly learning it was some kind of spreading-bar now connected to my kneepads, eliminating my ability to even try closing my thighs despite my ankles being locked down also. I watched, helpless, as a carabiner was clipped to a small but strong-looking loop on the shoulder of the straitjacket, feeling the same being done to the other side also. Short, black nylon tethers with metal rings at their ends were used to connect my shoulders to attachment points set into the floor under the mat, making certain I couldn't change from the sexually-presentational position they'd forced me into.

I tried and tested the newly applied bonds, and found I could squirm somewhat, but not enough to really matter in any real way. I strained my neck, chin on the mat, trying to look up, and the cruel-Mouthed woman crouched down, patting my head.

"Much better. Go ahead and struggle, it's alright now. Some Mares find it helps them cope with the inevitable when it's only minutes away."

I strained at the shoulder tethers holding me face down, twisting and arching my back as I tried to get real leverage behind my efforts, but because of the position, physics wasn't able to side with me. I tried shifting my legs, reminding myself again how little freedom I actually had, and how helplessly exposed I was, also towards what intent on the part of my captors and keepers.

Minutes away...

In mere minutes, my life would truly change forever, no going back, no do-over, no choice.

I saw the door open, and a strongly-built man escorted in by two big female handlers. His wrists were locked in cuffs a little ways back from being directly at his sides so there was no way he could fight.

What held my attention was his cock...

It wasn't enormous, maybe a little longer than average, but gorgeously made, solidly erect and throbbing even as it swayed while he was walked into the room. I could see precum glistening at the bulbous head, drooling down the shaft and dripping in long strings to the floor, his bollocks looked overloaded.

Then it 'clicked' in my head--this was the stud that would be mounting and insminating me despite my best efforts to evade my fate.

That cock effectively had my name on it.

I jerked violently at the restraints holding me positioned for him to mount me, feeling the keepers opening the straitjacket's crotch to allow access to me, to the reason I was here. After the velcro's tearing-sounds, the crotchpiece hung down from my lower belly and I felt the coolness of the air on my latheringly-soaked sex, so wet, hot, horny and desperate to be taken by a male it almost challenged the terror and apprehension successfully.

But not quite. My heart thundered, I could feel a pressure in my head, adrenaline was surging through my system and I screamed into the muzzle in protest, continuing to jerk desperately and savagely at the restraints and the anchors keeping me down.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman patted my upturned rump, squeezing my right cheek affectionately.

"Marlene, settle down. There's no point in histrionics now. If you relax, you might be able to find some small pleasure in it." She told me as I yowled angrily into the muzzle again, sinking my teeth into the rubbery material as deep as I could.

They released the man's hands, on tethers from his cuffs to some device in the rear of the belt, allowing his arms some freedom of movement and I heard the cruel-Mouthed woman speaking to him out of my sight-line behind me....

"Here she is, your acquaintance from the internet. Now, don't bother holding-back, remember that. Take your time and enjoy, you have all day here with her. Judging from the feel of your bollocks, you're more than ready, yes?"

"I-I'll do my best." I heard him say, voice labored under the naked 'Need' I heard in it. He could easily pick my scent out of the air. I yelled again in protest, yanking and twisting at the anchors holding my shoulders pinned to the mat, tried shifting my legs in a useless effort at finding some way to protect myself from the inevitable.

"All yours, then. Look at those hips,, that ass...and she's aching for you, literally. See ow wetly ready she is?"

If the man was listening, or replied I didn't know, all I could tell was the settling of his weight, the sense of proximity behind me and a fresh wave of panic tore through me. I could feel the warmth of his body on the backs of my thighs, and 'feel' his eyes looking me over appreciatively and hungrily.

Tears of fury, desperation and defeat were flooding my eyes as I growled like an angry animal in a trap, yanking again at the tethers, straining my back in an arch as I tried all I could to get loose as I felt the man's cock brush heavily over my bottom, leaving precum on me. I whimpered, knowing what was coming and helpless to prevent it.

Hands on my hips, the thick cockhead prodding, probing at my wetness-slickened lips. I tensed my muscles, reflexive defense against being penetrated as the pressure at me built up. I tried shaking my hips, writhing in the restraints, a last-ditch effort at evasion and hoping they'd decided to at least postpone things.

No such luck.

The man rode out my struggles, and got his cockhead seated between my inner lips, then smoothly forced himself inside me as I howled in outrage and frustrated anger at the violation, despite feeling my vaginal muscles working against my will to draw him in.

My body knew what it wanted, billions of years of evolution and natural selection working against me, trapped inside my own skull as I was mounted completely against my will and desire by a man I didn't know...

His first stroke in went right to the hilt, and I gasped at the size and momentary discomfort, feeling his heavily-loaded bollocks slapping against my clit as the cockhead nearly brushed my cervix. My depths opened and welcomed him in while I drove my teeth even deeper into the muzzle blocking my mouth, keening in the back of my throat as a sense of desolation and loss mingled nastily with the hormone-driven lust ruling my body...and the balance tipped slightly in my mind.

The purely physical lust snaked up and coiled around my brain, tempering what I felt and thought about the situation I was in, tugging at me to give in, accept, submit.

He ground deep inside me, hands clamped onto my hips so tight they almost hurt, then started a rhythmic pumping with long, slow and steady strokes as he tried to pace himself even as I kept twisting and struggling against the restraints.

He didn't last long, but given how 'overloaded' he looked, it didn't surprise me. A quick job to 'take the pressure off' and after he recuperated he'd likely last a good deal longer. I was guessing, but based on some of my experiences with men who hadn't gotten any in a good while, it seemed likely.

When he started to come, I felt, or more sensed, him tensing. The unwanted cock buried inside me drove in again, bollocks-deep and I felt the twitching then the stronger pulsing as he unloaded inside me. I heard his strained grunting at the release and stress of climax as I whimpered, pleading inarticulately like an animal through the guard-muzzle and let my shoulders drop in an overwhelming sense of defeat and hating my own body as my pussy milked at his cock. Feeling it working to get all it could despite my total lack of anything close to a climax of my own.

Tears ran down my face, from a wild mix of emotions, foremost being a deep-seated fury at being inseminated like this.

I sensed him moving away, hearing the sounds of motion and activity behind me. I began to relax a bit now that it was over...

"Deep breath, Marlene." I heard the Cruel-Mouthed woman say, and felt a sense of apprehension and dread at the tone.

Something was pressed to me, just between my inner lips, at the vaginal gateway and I tensed, grunting in surprise. Then the pressing became insistent, and I felt something thick and hard, textured in a disturbingly-pleasant way. It entered me, going up deeply inside me.

Some kind of device, I guessed...for what??

I felt the hardness slip back out of me, and something left behind, deep inside me, and I could feel it expanding to an unpleasant and uncomfortable fullness. I tried shifting my hips, trying to find a way to be comfortable but there was no help for it.

"Good girl!" I heard the Cruel-Mouthed woman say, patting my right cheek affectionately, and hated her for it. I felt something being put on me, and when it was fastened at the sides, realized it was a panty-thong, snug-fitting, with something in the crotch that intruded slightly at my sex. I didn't like the sensation, but again, there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

Minutes later. I'd been released, brought up to stand on shaking legs, glaring at the Cruel-Mouthed woman after she stepped back around from behind me where she'd re-fastened the crotchpiece snugly under me again. I felt something brushing my legs now and then just a bit above my knees...

I looked down, and saw what looked like a thin piece of lightweight fishing line and a large, triangular tag at it's end about an inch or so on each of it's sides.

I looked up in alarm and puzzlement at the cruel-mouthed woman.

"Marlene, you didn't really think we were just going to have the Stud load you up and let it leak out, or permit you to try expelling it?? No, my girl, Stud semen is useless on the floor. What you're feeling is a Retention or 'Breeding' Plug, it'll keep everything where it's supposed to stay. The tag has a barcode, I scan it, enter your name, and it sets a three-hour timer so it doesn't remain in longer than safe and necessary. The thong ensures you can't push it out, no matter how hard you try."

I snorted, snuffled and tried to deal with a runny nose from crying, but managed a couple of decent angrily-horrified glares at her.

"Hold still..." She said, taking a tissue from a pocket and relieving me of the nuisance my nose was dealing me.

"Come along, time to put you in your cell so you can settle down and rest while all those busy little things work their way inside you." She said cheerfully, and the handlers made me follow her, holding me at my arms as always. I gave a token effort at resistance, but I knew the score.

I paced my cell, trying and failing at ignoring the uncomfortable plug nestled inside me, walking made me more aware of it, but pacing was all I could do to work off the gnawing restlessness.
Even more aggravating, was the plug that'd been imposed on me was positioned either accidentally or unavoidably in just the right spot to pressure my bladder.

Given the general lacking of maliciousness, I decided it was likely unavoidable, and that the best spot for it probably just Murphy's-Lawed into being in a spot to make me increasing desperate for a trip to the facilities.
I'd tried expelling it, and as I'd been told, I had no luck. They knew exactly what they were doing, and the plug was coming out only when they removed it.

I wandered towards the bars, leaning my forhead between them, letting the foam padding sheathing them take part of my weight, unable to keep from squirming my hips in discomfort. No clocks visible, and i'd lost total track of time I'd been in the cell. There was a wide band of mirror set into the solid wall my cage-like cell extended out from, and I guessed it was an observational window to keep an eye on me.

I tried laying down on the bench, but couldn't rest, and struggled back off it and onto my feet again, every movement reminding me of the plug and what it was purposed for.
I was still aroused, and pretty highly, from the concoction they'd given me earlier, and that wasn't helping. I tried lifting my arms, trying to move the straitjacket so it would give me some pleasure. I quickly learned it was designed to avoid un-due tension and strain in the crotch area, so all my efforts ended up useless.

Which just annoyed me even more.

I tossed my head, getting hair out of my eyes, fought down the urgency of my bladder again with a whimper of desperation, and started kicking the high heel of my right boot across the bars to try signalling for attention.

Which also made me feel a bit better at having an outlet for my frustrations as the heel tore up the foam padding on the bars, little-by-little.

The cruel-Mouthed woman came into the room, and directly my cell with a pair of handlers. She carried something under her arm, wrapped in white plastic. She gave me a stern look when I came to the bars, facing her, pleading with my eyes and inarticulate noises of urgency through my muzzle.

"Are you going to behave yourself?" She asked, her tone implying punishment awaited me if I gave her trouble.

I nodded a definite assent, 'Mmmppph-ing' my assent clearly through the muzzle again.

She held up the controller as a visible warning and stepped back, the handlers opened the door and stepping in to take me by the arms and forcing me to my knees.

She unwrapped something smooth, rounded, oval-shaped when viewed from above after she set it on the floor. The top was slightly curved with the ends higher than the middle, saddle-like in a vague-way with the 'front' end higher than the other. It was filled with what looked like some kind of small glass-like beads. She nudged it between my thinghs, and slightly behind me then stepped behind me herself.

The handlers undid the back of the crotchpiece and one lifted it and held it out of the way at my front, then she unfastened the heavy snaps at the hips of the thong and removed it, bringing the thin line holding my tag up to the hand holding the straitjacket's crotchpiece up and out of the way.

"Down, Marlene. It'll take your weight. Lean forward too." She said in my ear instructively.

I did as I was told, and the handlers made me lean forward more than what I guessed was needed, and felt her pat my lower belly. I wanted to relieve myself, but couldn't...

"Go ahead." She said coaxingly, pressing right on the spot to pressure my very uncomfortably-full bladder. I yelped and groaned at the sensation as she forced me to start, feeling control slipping as she manually overwhelmed me regarding it, my face flushed and burning as I peed into the receptacle.

"I know it's undignified and embarrassing, but you'd better get used to it." She told me, and tears started burning my eyes again.

After I finished, and still held by the handlers, a moist wipe felt like bliss on my overheated, arousal-engorged and over-lubed sex. I moaned in pleasure at the sense of cooling freshness.

"Feeling better? Good. We'll get you secured again and put you down to rest for a bit before your next session." She told me, already fitting a fresh, clean thong to me.

Minutes later, I was secured to the bench. A large version of a hospital restraint cuff for wrists was around my waist, ensuring I couldn't get up, or roll off the bench. The wide canvas belt it was attached to had been locked into fitting points in the sides and my chances of fighting free were exactly zero.

Alone, I made the mistake of thinking about Home and Husband, the skull devices detected this and my punishment was instantaneous, leaving me screaming and writhing helplessly as they gave me a powerful dis-incentive to accessing those memories.

04-17-2012, 02:42 PM
I've been almost breathless waiting for the new chapter, although I can understand how other things could have you "tied up!" Thanks for letting me get my breath back! :)

04-17-2012, 02:50 PM
I've been almost breathless waiting for the new chapter, although I can understand how other things could have you "tied up!" Thanks for letting me get my breath back! :)

You're welcome. :)
Yeah, hubby does keep me...'unavailable' at times, but he's very understanding and supportive of my writing.
With a bit of luck, I'll have another addition for later tonight...

04-18-2012, 12:36 PM
I settled down after running afoul of the control device's inflictions of discipline, literally a prisoner inside my own head. I couldn't even think about what I wanted to, and wondered how tightly they could control a woman through that technology. It seemed to me that if they really wanted to, they set parameters that would establish a very narrow range of permissible thought.

As I lay there thinking gloomily about the potential of this horrible technology, the Cruel-Mouthed woman returned.

She and the handlers entered my cage, one handler holding me down as I was released from the waist-cuff and sat up.

"Marlene, I'm going to give you a chance to cooperate. You have to learn your place, and now's a good time for a refresher in that. The plug needs to come out now, then I'll inspect you and take you out for another insemination. The handlers will stay here, but hands off unless you stumble or fight. If you resist in any serious manner, I'm putting you in the breeding frame and you won't be out of it until the end of the sessions scheduled for you. Understand?" She said, standing in front of me. I nodded, knowing I was beaten, there was nothing I could really do aside from annoy them into correcting me.

"Smart girl. Now, stand up and belly down on the bench." She ordered, using the crisp tone that got inside your head.

I obeyed, trying to look back over my shoulder as she begain opening the crotchpiece, then removing the thong.
The plug was removed with care, but was still quite uncomfortable coming out. I couldn't help but squirm and grunt a bit, and recieving a comforting pat on my bottom.
"That's my good Mare! You're doing very well. Now, the handlers are going to help you onto the bench and support your legs while I have a look. No fighting, remember." She said, and I let the handlers help me lay on my back, my legs up up and wide open to expose me.

She pulled on a pair of disposable exam gloves from a tear-open pack, and leaned forward, gently parting my labia, and carefully examining me, her finger softly probing inside me as I squirmed despite trying to hold still.

"Almost done, it's alright. You're doing fine, Marlene. Relax, let the handlers hold your legs." She advised, and I did, feeling a slight bit better at being spoken to like a patient, rather than an animal. She teased my clitoris, observing me intensely, professionally, and watched me start squirming at the stimulation, tugging against the handlers keeping my legs open and whimpering for an orgasm.

"Mmmm...still really keyed-up aren't you? Sorry girl, Mares don't get to have orgasms when being inseminated. It does happen on occasion, but unintentionally. We have to keep that wet treasure hungry and ready, right?" She said, peeling off the gloves. She removed the crotchpiece entirely from the lower front of the straitjacket, smiling at me.
"I think we can let you 'breathe' until your Stud arrives." She said, and motioned for the handlers to get me on my feet and led me out of the cage.

The door out in the room opened and another Stud was brought in, so big I first thought they'd messed up and a Bull had been brought in. Tall, powerful-looking, and true African heritage, looking like he owned the place. My hormones picked up what my eyes saw and I swore I could hear them kick-in, pure female-animal desire for a strong male to ensure strong offspring.

His cock was half-erect but ready-looking, solid and thickly-heavy, uncut, and gorgeously large bollocks at it's base. I realized I'd taken an unconscious step forward when the handlers stopped me, forcing me to my knees again.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman checked her device, snorted and shook her head, then spoke to the handlers.

"No, wrong room. She's not ready for him yet, not for a while. He's slated for...ah, here we are...Lindsay." She told them, and saw them out. "Good luck, those Hollywood types make a lot of noise until they get it straight in their heads." I heard her say as they left, the man still holding the attitude that this was all his place.

Coming back to me and standing above me, she gave the order to have me locked.
Meaning; Ankles of my boots connected and a wide, padded strap going from one, over and across my thighs to the other so I couldn't stand up.
"Horny little Mare, aren't you? Yes, he's one of our absolute best. He actually enjoys it here, hardly surprising. He's one of the few Alpha-Plus males we have, and you'll be seeing him again, but not until you're ready, Marlene."

I felt a twinge in my breasts, and she noticed my discomfort, crouching and opening one of the milking flaps to expose my breast.
"Getting full? After we cage you, I'll see to it you're milked, don't worry." She said, putting her hand to the side of my face.
"Be a good time to feed you, too. It's been a while, and a mommy-in-the-making needs to eat properly." She said, patting my shoulder, then reclosing the flap after examining my left breast gently.

Some minutes later, the Stud arrived, the same man as before, in the company of two different but just as large as the previous handlers. When the door opened to admit them, I distinctly heard a woman's terrified and angry screaming through a guard-muzzle and the sounds of a struggle, the sounds of booted feet, hard on the flooring.

I felt a surge of arousal again, and tried to get up, the locking strap keeping me down. I was dribbingly wet, and my sex hot enough to steam-cook shrimp, it felt. The hungry aching need to have a cock inside me was crowding out my other thoughts and I couldn't stop myself from squirming and testing the locking-strap.

"Settle down, Marlene." The cruel-Mouthed woman said, and checked my forehead with the back of her hand, then pulled a small, cylindrical device from inside her uniform top. I realized then that what I'd been assuming was the blouse of a two-piece uniform or the top of a one-piece was actually a close-fitting jacket-type garment.

The cylindrical device was held close to my ear for a short span, until it beeped and she held it close to her hand-device.

"Hmm. You're running a teeny bit of a fever, can't say that's much of a shock given how well that enhancer worked. Ready for another go?" She asked. I nodded, feeling so horny I could barely think, but hating myself.

I was trapped.

Physically restrained and controlled, the behavioural control devices affixed to my skull around my ears, and even my own sex drive turned against me and used to control me by being revved to it‘s starkly-full potential...
Outward, inward…both avenues of escape and bolstering one’s reserves to keep struggling were not under my control.
I knew I was beginning to give in, but still tried to hold on to my will to resist, fight them with everything I had.
The problem with that theory was they were experts in removing and neutralizing whatever you had and used to resist them.
For me, it was thoughts of Home, Husband and my life…that was core to who I considered myself to be. Without that touchstone, I was like a boat having it’s anchor line cut and compass smashed--adrift and increasingly more lost.
The temptation to give in, surrender, to be a ‘Good Mare’, was whispering up from the dark cellar of my mind, louder and louder with every passing day, albeit those were subjective.
Part of me did wonder if it wasn’t some clever electronic trick, using the same bone-conduction way of transmitting sound that instructions were given on.
If they could give me clearly-understandable orders, then setting up a recording to whisper at me on a subliminal level wouldn’t be a real hard trick for them.

I couldn’t stop staring at the man’s cock. Heavily erect, it bobbed slightly with his pulse, pre-cum shining like dew at the eye of of the solid, large, rounded head. The skin of the cockhead was shining from tension, and his bollocks looked as full as they had earlier.
Like all Studs, he’d been shaven smooth, I’d been allowed to retain my decorative narrow triangle on my pubis, it’d even been maintained whereas I was hairless everywhere else but eyebrows and head--then again, they’d also done my makeup, too.
I guessed they paid attention to the fact if a man likes what he sees…
I heard the Cruel-Mouthed woman speaking, but was only half-paying attention.
“Boys, take her to the presentational mat. I think she might just be trying to play us.”
I was picked up under my arms and by my bound legs, carried to the same mat I’d been pinned and bound-down to earlier. I realized I kept trying to stand up, against the locking-strap, but couldn’t stop myself. I craned my neck around to watch, fascinated, at the snake-like swaying and hypnotizing motion of the velvet-skinned pendulum as the Stud was escorted over. I wasn’t so mesemerized that I failed to notice the look of nakedly sexual hunger and desire on his face.
My lips were tulip-ing out in desire, I could feel it, and the hungry ache deep in my sex was screaming in my brain, I was nearly cramping with sheer animal Need.
I was in Heat. I'd always heard Humans didn't really go into Heat, but this sure felt like it proved the experts wrong.

04-18-2012, 02:05 PM
Great chapter. I like the reference to Lindsay and Hollywood types.

04-18-2012, 02:43 PM
Great chapter. I like the reference to Lindsay and Hollywood types.

Been wanting to add that 'flavour' in for a while, couldn't think of the 'right' way to do it thought until now...then I realized;
'Duh, refer to Hollywood and throw the first name in. People will figure it out easily.'
I say 'Hollywood' and 'Megan'...most folks are gonna think Megan Fox, for example. :)

So simple, so obvious--so of course it took a while to figure out. :D

Thanks for the compliments and for saying about Lindsay...at least in this 'universe' she'll no longer be helling-around and making a total ass and tabloid spectacle of herself. ;)

04-18-2012, 04:49 PM
Like everyone else, Gorgeous, I'm quite eager to see the next addition!!
And no, I'll still keep turning down the 'sneak-peeks'. :)
I like reading them at the same time everyone else does.

04-18-2012, 06:37 PM
I was bound-down to the mat as I had been earlier, struggling this time because I felt a need to approach the Stud and Present myself to him. But, the way I wanted to do it was almost exactly as I was being secured, and my struggles were from excitement and anticipation rather than defiance and outrage.

I looked off and to the side, catching his eyes with my own and mewled hungrily as loud as I could through the guard-muzzle.

He noticed, and the cock holding my attention twtiched and rose a little higher, precum oozing from the eye of the cockhead and staring to run deliciously down the shaft. I was aware of the Cruel-Mouthed woman behind me, cursorily examining my sex, and heard her comment.

"She's serious, and in a full Heat." Then; "Let him loose, she's as ready as a woman can get."

I cocked my hips up a bit, trying to present my arousal-swollen lips to the best angle, making myself as inviting as I knew how, following and driven hard by sheer female instinct.
I mewled again, calling to hime, and flt him settle his weight behind me, his hands on my hips again as i trembled in desperation.

He wasted no time, mounting me fully in a single, smooth stroke all way in, as I pressed back as much as the restraints allowed to meet him. My wet-velvet tunnel clasped and pulled, sucking at him and insisting he not merely stay but go in to his bollocks.

His start was slow, measured, than faster and more confident as he fucked me without any trace of holding back, his heavy bollocks slapping and slamming against my clit now and then as he pumped away at me, driven by his own instincts, grunting away at me, even growling a bit in his animalistic frenzy to impregnate me.
I surrendered to my body, losing totally any sense of time and going entirely into the pleasure of th heavy cock moving purposefully and powerfully inside me as my muscles grasped and drew at it on their own, sending ripples of delight through me like waves on a beach.

Eventually, he tensed, growled like an animal about to pounce and drove in deep as I felt a more powerful and sharper pulsing in his cock this time as he braced, then exploded inside me. It was like nothing I'd ever felt from a man's cock before, stronger, and somehow deeper as if the ejaculation was drawing from his deepest reserves. I felt myself reacting to it, my vagina drawing wetly and strongly at him like powerful and painfully-pleasurable cramps or spasms.

I didn't manage a true orgasm, but what I got was good enough.

I was drained, worn-out, and sensed the same from the way the Stud regained his feet and moved off. By spine sagged as I let myself slump, supported really only by the restraining tethers and leg brace holding my knees apart. I was covered in sweat, and only twitched slightly, breathing like a race-horse run nearly to death as I felt myself being subjected to the indignity and discomfort of another Breeding plug.

I felt the hand on my hair, but didn't raise my head, feeling my legs trembling as I felt the thong being put on me.

"That's a very good girl!! I think you nearly drained him dry, Marlene! We'll know in a few hours. Right now, my beautiful Mare, you need your rest. See you in a few hours." I heard the Cruel-Mouthed woman say and heard a soft 'click' sound...
She lifted my head slightly and the soft nozzles entered my nostrils followed by the familiar sensation of the knock-out spray and I went with it, letting myself fall into a creamy-warm darkness and afterglow feeling.

04-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Been wanting to add that 'flavour' in for a while, couldn't think of the 'right' way to do it thought until now...then I realized;
'Duh, refer to Hollywood and throw the first name in. People will figure it out easily.'
I say 'Hollywood' and 'Megan'...most folks are gonna think Megan Fox, for example. :)

So simple, so obvious--so of course it took a while to figure out. :D

Thanks for the compliments and for saying about Lindsay...at least in this 'universe' she'll no longer be helling-around and making a total ass and tabloid spectacle of herself. ;)

I can think of no better place for her to end up, being restrainted and bred forcefully!

04-18-2012, 10:52 PM
I can think of no better place for her to end up, being restrainted and bred forcefully!

Given the way she's behaved, I have to agree. Safest place for her too, before she ends up another 'Celebri-statistic' and maybe takes out someone else with her via motorvehicle.
On the beneficial-side, she'd undergo a 'de-tox' program that's going to stay.
On the downside, the tabloids would lose a percentage of sales as would the celebrity de-tox clinics.
Hollywood's be quieter and the cops'd be able to relax a tiny bit. ;)

Marlene's take on it is that some of her readers are going to probably like or want the idea of some notable names and faces in the facility.

04-20-2012, 06:14 PM

I came awake with a violent start, struggling with my restraints, yelling into my guard-muzzle and trying to get my legs to work--quickly learning my ankles had been linked to keep me from wandering around.
I was back in my cell, on the floor, and could tell I'd recently been washed-down while I'd been unconscious.
My stomach was full, and my throat vaguely sore, so I guessed they'd force-fed me also.
I was on my side, and looked myself over, noting the crotchpiece back in place. The collar around my neck that I'd long since become accustomed to felt...different, somehow.

Then I remembered...

It felt like my brain convulsed inside my skull as I realized what I'd done, what had happened to me.
I heard myself whimper in apprehension and some fear of what the future held, dreading the next appearance of the Cruel-Mouthed woman.

I wasn't kept waiting long.

"Good morning, Marlene!" The Cruel-Mouthed woman said as the door of my cell opened and she came in, along with the usual pair of handlers, holding a flat, plastic-wrapped package and restraints. If they were always the same or different men, I couldn't tell.
I struggled to get to my knees, keeping them apart for stability as my ankles were linked closely together.

"Well, you're certainly learning how to maneuver well enough. How about some time out in the exercise area?" She offered, getting a vigorous nod from me in reply.

She chuckled and crouched down to my level.

"Alright, that's a 'yes'. Now, if you're willing to behave, I'll step you down to less restrictive physical controls. Waist-belt and cuffs. But, no trouble, yes?" She tapped my nose gently so I got the point.

I did, having been in the place long enough to know they weren't fooling around, ever.

I nodded, and waited to be told what to do next.

"Boys, let her out." She said, and the handlers began peeling open the velcro keeping me confined, and soon enough the straitjacket was being folded up by one of them as the Cruel-Mouthed woman put the belt around my waist, snugged it, then locked it before tearing open the plastic pack and handing me the silicone breast supports first, then helping me with them. Next, the greyish half-top, then the black spandex thong before my wrists were snugly and securely locked into the leather cuffs at the sides of the belt.

She reached behind me, and I heard the metallic sounds of the carabiner being released, freeing my ankles. The handlers steadied me as I got to my feet.

I 'Mmmpph'-ed a querying tone, and she seemed to know what I was asking about.

"No, the guard-muzzle stays." She said, and that-was-that.

I was disappointed, but had expected such.

The trip to the exercise area was educational, and disturbing.

We took a different route that took longer and exposed me to more of the goings-on while the Cruel-Mouthed woman kept an eye on me watching my reactions.

For the first time, I saw guards. So heavily-armored that if it hadn't been for the casual chit-chat I'd have thought they were machines. The main weapons were on the scale of .50 calibre machine guns you saw mounted on Humvees and tanks. I knew guns because of my interest in writing and my Husband had taken me often to the firing range.

The sidearms were massive as well, plainly designed for someone in armor to use. Given what I'd heard and seen about the US Military's recent experiments with field-usable exoskeletons, full-scale powered armor didn't seem a stretch, especially considering the advanced technology I'd been seeing so far.

What did they need that kind of security for?!?

I had a lot of questions, and only the answers given me by the Cruel-Mouthed woman.

The armored 'heads' followed me as we went past, and the Cruel-Mouthed woman gave them a casual 'Hello' gesture. I heard heavy servos whir as they returned the gesture.

The new corridors I was seeing for the first time had more people in them, aside from handlers and Keepers.

Maintenance personnel, who barely glanced at me, and then usually to make sure I wasn't near whatever they were working on. More guards, and a group of Vets discussing various Mares like myself who didn't even glance at me. A group of handlers and Keepers dealing with a group of eight extremely unhappy, struggling and screaming Mares. I could tell they were new as they weren't wearing the boots yet, like the ones I wore, and when their hair moved while they struggled and fought, I could see they hadn't been fitted with the horrid, sleek-fitting devices on the skin around their ears yet.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman noticed my attention, sighed, then answered my unspoken question.

"Acquisitions have been stepped-up, a lot. Nothing we can't handle easily, but it's going to be a little noisier than usual for a while. Something's shaping up in statistical patterns, and that means we're going to be busy. Wait here, I'll be right back." She said, and the handlers took me to the wall, facing it, then down on my knees, and I was glad once again for the omnipresent kneepads I wore.

I could overhear things quite well, though.

"You! You're the Section Keeper?! Why are you wasting time and personnel on eight Mares like this? They're newly-acquired, scared out of their minds and thrashing...tranq them out, immediately!" She ordered in a voice only slightly louder than conversational, but it cut like a knifeblade. I heard the screams of increased desperation and fear, I knew each girl was getting the nozzles in her nostrils, and one by one would be sedated near-instantly.

"I'm calling for the transport gurneys you obviously forgot. One more incident like this, and I'll demote you to Services." She said, then I sensed her approach, and the handlers got me up and facing her.

The girls were mostly out. One blonde I recognized as a fetish model from a few years back was fighting the effects, but her eyes were crossing and I could almost hear the curtain the spray was drawing over her mind. I looked the girls over, and stopped, frozen.

There'd been a few internet models who'd retired or just stopped working lately--and here they were. I knew some of their names; Jana, Veronica, Adele...the rest were on the tip of my brain, and while I couldn't recall the names, I knew of these women!!

The others were more shocking and made little sense given the age-bracket I'd come to expect seeing.

All in their forties, and names like Christy, Brittany, Summer and Nikki...vintage-era pornstars from the 80's that Husband was quite fond of!!

I must have seemed like my curiosity was threatening me in some way, as the Cruel-Mouthed woman glanced the girls over, and chuckled at me.

"Their ages, right? That's what's twisting your tail? Well, you can know, as it's been done to you too. The technology and science we have is at least a good many decades cleanly ahead of the outer-world. They're playing with life-extension in the surface-world by working on enhancing or re-building the telomeres in DNA. Here, that's a common thing. It was done to you just before you woke up. You're twenty-nine chronologically, but soon you're body will be settling into the 'ideal year' for it and you'll remain that way for a long time to come, you'll be twenty-four for the next few decades before aging begins again, but very slowly. It's not immortality, but it does eliminate many genetic problems and damage as well as extending lifespan extraordinarily. Age is really just wear and damage, fix the telomeres, and repair the damage, youth is restored. We also remove any implants not necessary for health, and even those are removed after a while when they're no longer relevant. All those girls, whoever among them is bearing an enhanced bust is going to wake up tomorrow pretty sore, with no loss in size, and fully healed in a week and a half without even a scar. Cultivated neutral-type tissues and advanced sub-micro surgical methods."

I stared at her in shock, both from being told so much, and the stark reality of the kind of technology she was discussing so casually.

People discussed cold and flu medicines with more passion and seriousness.

I 'Mmmpph'-ed a query, looking her over. She chuckled again, tapping my nose gently.

"Nosey Mare. Yes, I had it done. Fixed the Lupus I would have had otherwise. I'm, let's see...ninety-plus years old, and my body's still in it's 'ideal year', for me that's in my mid-thirties."

She chuckled at my wide-eyed amazement.

"Welcome to your world, Marlene." She said.

Once at the exercise area, I was let loose from my restraints, and made good use of the chance to move around and work off some stress, and restlessness. I was working on the theory that they were using some kind of muscle simulators when I was out to keep me in good physical shape.

I preferred roaming loose, of course.

04-20-2012, 10:24 PM
Excellent. I love the scientific side, I can understand the science of repairing the telomeres in DNA. I know what they are, and how the idea of repairing them could hold out much longer lifespans.

04-20-2012, 10:34 PM
Excellent. I love the scientific side, I can understand the science of repairing the telomeres in DNA. I know what they are, and how the idea of repairing them could hold out much longer lifespans.

Thank-You for noticing that!!
I read an article a while back about serious research being done in that direction and other Genetic sciences, so...I ran with it.
I try to stick as closely as possible with Real-World science, or Plausible-Extrapolation from real science and both Husband and John get a LOT of the credit for assisting me with technical info and such.
I'm pretty good, but they're older and just know more. :)

04-21-2012, 01:48 AM
I know i wouldn't mind reading more about famous starlets being held at the facility.

04-21-2012, 01:54 AM
I know i wouldn't mind reading more about famous starlets being held at the facility.

Looks like I was right in my estimation. ;)
Nice to know. Thank-You for saying. :D
Well, the latest installment had a few notable names...and I think I should be able to fit a few more in without disrupting the credibility of the overall storyline.

Any requests?
By the way, girls...the powers-that-be that mastermind this also take Men too. So feel free to toss in your requests/suggestions also!! :)

04-21-2012, 08:12 AM
great chapter. Can't wait for the next one!

04-21-2012, 11:18 AM
great chapter. Can't wait for the next one!

More's in the works. ;)

04-22-2012, 11:50 PM
Thank-You for noticing that!!
I read an article a while back about serious research being done in that direction and other Genetic sciences, so...I ran with it.
I try to stick as closely as possible with Real-World science, or Plausible-Extrapolation from real science and both Husband and John get a LOT of the credit for assisting me with technical info and such.
I'm pretty good, but they're older and just know more. :)

I like to go with science in sci-fi, my Lust in Space story describes a start system that actually does exsit, Epsilon Eridani, at 10.5 light years distance, with one confirmed and one possible second planet.
And with the "Heavenly Bodies" story line, Van Maanen's star, a white dwarf star located 14.1 light years from the sun is also a real star.
After that, the idea of other planets is of course fiction, but I like to have a solid basis for the hypotheticals.

04-23-2012, 11:04 AM
I like to go with science in sci-fi, my Lust in Space story describes a start system that actually does exsit, Epsilon Eridani, at 10.5 light years distance, with one confirmed and one possible second planet.
And with the "Heavenly Bodies" story line, Van Maanen's star, a white dwarf star located 14.1 light years from the sun is also a real star.
After that, the idea of other planets is of course fiction, but I like to have a solid basis for the hypotheticals.

I noticed that in your story, the use of a real star system. I like that. :)
I forget if I commented on it, but it was good story and the creature's biology regarding mating makes solid, valid logical sense.
I'll be looking up 'Heavenly Bodies', too.

I'm also re-working the ALIENs so they're more genuine lifeform rather than bioweapon...of course this means its worse for hosts as there's no longer chestbursting and loss of a useful resource.
The world I'm tossing them into is one where Magick is based on quantum and unified field effects manipulated by the brain and nervous system's own electrical and magnetic fields...smaller weaker fields 'leveraging' larger and more powerful forces. It's a world where a lot of technology was lost in the most destructive war the world's seen where Nuclear-scale Magick was used offensively...so, swords 'n' sorcery with remnant tech. Humans, Elves (Warcraft-inspired type Elves) and ALIENs, and a good amount of sex and dark-ages type stuff.

04-23-2012, 11:52 AM
I look forward to reading that story, and you did comment on Lust In Space, thank you for the thumbs up! When I was growing up, I read every book I could get my hands on about the solar system, the universe, the manned and unmanned exploration of space (very thrilling to me!). After the lunar landings, I fully expected a manned landing on Mars by the year 2000. But now with the way NASA has been sliced of funding, I wonder if that will happen in my lifetime. Very disappointing.

04-23-2012, 12:29 PM
I look forward to reading that story, and you did comment on Lust In Space, thank you for the thumbs up! When I was growing up, I read every book I could get my hands on about the solar system, the universe, the manned and unmanned exploration of space (very thrilling to me!). After the lunar landings, I fully expected a manned landing on Mars by the year 2000. But now with the way NASA has been sliced of funding, I wonder if that will happen in my lifetime. Very disappointing.

I was kinda sure I did, just not fully certain, and you're quite welcome!!
I'm a pretty-complete NerdGirl and read a lot of science books and stuff growing up too. :)
You looking fwd to seeing PROMETHEUS this June??

There seems to be some kind of real push suddenly on about going to Mars, even with the slashed funding--but they can always claim slashed funding and do the opposite to look like heroes in terms of the budget.
They 'cancelled' the drone projects back in the 80's remember...and here they are, taking out insurgents in the middle east.
Not bad for a 'cancelled' project.

Here's the 'starter' on that story...it's a test piece to see what some of the ideas would look like on paper...it's rough, incomplete, and all that, but it's a held-together-with-tape-and-gum 'prototype'...
http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/30569-Marlene-s-Testing-Grounds?p=468616&highlight=#post468616 (http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/30569-Marlene-s-Testing-Grounds?p=468616&highlight=#post468616)

04-23-2012, 10:42 PM
Alas, as I am not yet at 50 posts, I can't access it.

04-23-2012, 11:54 PM
Alas, as I am not yet at 50 posts, I can't access it.
According to the data on the left of your posting you have 52 posts. Did they move the goal posts?

04-23-2012, 11:58 PM
Jeez, 50 already? I thought I was way below that! Better apply for my upgrade.

04-30-2012, 01:38 PM
And I had a lot to think about and climbed into a nautilus machine.

These people were part of something immense, global in scope and with power undreamt of in the 'outer world'. They took anyone they pleased, I'd just seen fresh evidence of that. Right now, somewhere, a certain troublesome young Hollywood actress was learning that her Hollywood status meant absolutely nothing down here...and sooner or later would be having her first baby, whether she wanted to or not.

I thought about that grand African Stud. I thought about the Stud they'd bred me to. They didn't seem to give a damn about race, just health.
Made sense to me, Humanity was one species after all. No one race was any more 'special' than another and skin color meant nothing aside from someone carrying a slight bit more mass in the form of pigmentation.

The Bulls...

I shuddered thinking about them. I had no idea what they were for, and didn't really want to find out. It was enough to know that I wouldn't be dealing with one.

I spent time thinking, and learned with a shock I'd learned how to 'watch' my thoughts, to be certain I didn't think about anything 'forbidden' by the controllers on my head. Not exactly mind-control the way the Conspiracy Theorists claimed, but effective nonetheless.
The technology I'd seen was advanced enough to back the claims the Cruel-Mouthed woman had made, and I wondered about that. Life-Extension. Genetic surgery to eliminate genetic illness like cystic fibrosis, lupus, and a host of others. I wondered about the power systems of the facility, and the armor the guards wore.

The guards, each of them looked capable of slaughtering a military base alone and unassisted. Anyone trying to breach this facility wouldn't live vey long.

Technology decades to centuries ahead of the Outer World...

The sci-fi writer in me really wanted to start asking questions and writing, but the guard-muzzle kept me 'animal-dumb' and I had very serious doubts they'd let me write anything.

I lost track of time, and was working on a stair-climber when I heard the Cruel-Mouthed woman's voice.

"That's enough for today, Marlene. Come along now, it's feeding time."
I obeyed, having learned long ago I had no choice unless I wanted to be forced down, or subjected to pain that would bend even the strongest-willed woman to their instructions.

The handlers held my arms as she gave me a quick, professional inspection.

"Had some water?" She asked, and I nodded as she inspected my eyes, guard-muzzle and the controllers set close to my ears.
"Good girl. Now it's time to go back to your cell. If you're a well-behaved Mare, I'll hand-feed you there before settling you down for rest. Sound good?" She asked, the handlers securing me snugly in the straitjacket this time, no waist-belt for this trip.
I nodded, as it meant a chance to have something with some genuine taste, and maybe be able to speak.

"Okay, that's a 'Yes'." She said, chuckling at my eager agreement. She gently moved hair from my eyes that was annoying me.
"Better, yes? I must say, you're learning quickly and as you can see, the better behaved you are the better things are for you." She said, gently feeling my breasts through the front of the straitjacket.
"Mmmm...we'll have you milked soon, don't worry." She said, stroking my face as the crotchpiece was brought up between my legs, snug-tight, and I was led out with the handlers steadying me against falling as I still had some trouble with the boots.

In the corridors, things were busy.

Newly-acquired women were struggling and fighting, screaming desperately into their guard-muzzles and throwing their heads around in a panic to free themselves. The handlers dealt with them easily, as did the Keepers.If a girl got too worked up, she was given a nasal-spray that brought her down to a more forcibly-reduced level of agitation.
I new very well how effective the nasal-spray was, and quick also with no risk of a needle being broken off inside flesh.
The new girls were all being secured belly-down on gurneys, side by side in twos.
Padded straps around their waists and ankles kept them controlled and they were wheeled off to their fates screaming their heads off and wasting a lot of energy fighting restraints they had no hope of escaping.

I also saw a group of five Mares, all in waist-restraint belts, with a small group of handlers and a single Keeper.
They were all as well-behaved as I tried to be, wearing the boots, and wearing white, snug-fitting, long-sleeved tops and white thongs.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman noticed my curiosity.

"Those Mares have been here long enough to have brought their behaviour to our standards, so they're allowed a bit more freedom, and limited socialization. Keep yourself in check, and you'll have the same privileges soon." She said, patting and squeezing my left buttock, making me squirm at the semi-sexual contact.

She let me observe for a bit before we got moving again, and I had many questions I couldn't ask.

Back in my cell, she took me to the bathroom for a quick bit of relief from all the water I'd had, then I was put down on my side, and my ankles linked. The Cruel-Mouthed woman took a small bottle out of her jacket-top and began massaging something that smelled like aloe into my legs.

"You put a lot of time in on the stair-climber, don't want you cramping up, do we?" She said in reply to my unasked question.
I didn't resist, and let her care for me as if I was a Mare in it's stall...helpless and subject to the control of others.

The rub-down done, she helped me sit up, felt my breasts again and then left.

When she returned, she was pushing a trolley-cart, and I smelled something that I first thought was an olfactory hallucination.

Real food.

She smiled as I tried to rise, falling back on my rump.

"Settle, Marlene. I know you're hungry, it's coming so just relax and find a comfortable position." She said.

I managed to find enough room in the ankle-link on my boots to get my legs crossed at the ankles, sitting up and against the wall for support.


04-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Loving this series!

04-30-2012, 02:43 PM
Loving this series!

Thank-You for saying!!
As always, work is on-going. :)

04-30-2012, 06:12 PM
In a way, I hated myself for feeling like an animal that was eagerly awaiting it's owner's attention. In another way, I didn't care as I finally had a chance at something other than the nutritional paste.

She set the covered tray down beside me, seated herself on a small very solidly-firm foam block and reached behind my head to unlock and remove the guard-muzzle's retention strap from under my hair.
The strap loose, she worked the mouthpiece out from between my teeth, holding a tissue undeer my mouth to catch the slight bit of unavoidable drool.

She folded it and put it aside, lifting my head slightly with fingertips under my chin.
"There now. You can speak, but remember the rules and use a properly respectful tone and no cursing." She said, gently tapping my nose to ensure I got the point.

I nodded, having no interest in creating a problem.

I knew what would happen if I did--I'd lose any fight I started, plain and simple. The handlers she'd call in would pin me down, I'd be helpless and have the guard-muzzle forced back in my mouth, and likely sedated afterward.

"Good girl." She said pleasantly, and took the cover off the tray.
It was larger than a normal tray, and aside from the loaded plate in the center there were holders for sealed cups and small bottle of various relative sizes and small bowls.

Roast beef, gravy, turkey stuffing along with it and mashed potatoes with a mix of carrots, broccoli, peas and corn. The side salad was a blend of things I didn't fully recognize, but it smelled tantalizingly tangy.

She picked up a small bottle, shook it while speaking to me.
"This isn't going to taste good, but it should console you that everyone here drinks it and that means staff also, and we all hate the taste. Best way to deal with it is to slam it back with an orange juice chaser, then eat." She advised. I listened to her voice, and decided she knew th score well enough to heed her advice.

She opened the bottle and tipped the shot-glass amount contents into my mouth, I caught a whiff and it didn't smell too bad--like a medicine-y kind of harsh herbal smell.

The taste, though...

Literally toe-curlingly hideous.
The kind of taste that makes you shudder in revulsion afterwards and squint your eyes and hang your tongue out.

"Sorry, sweetie. Now, the chaser." She said, and I eagerly drank the orange juice as she held the container for me.
I pulled back after a bit, and she stroked my hair.
"Get used to it, every day from now on...and no, it doesn't get any better with time." She said.
"What is it?" I asked, savoring the aftertaste of the orange juice that had scoured the horrible taste away.
"It's an herbal compound, a variety of extracts and such. It's extremely good for people, but the taste isn't something they can fix without destroying it's effectiveness. Now, eat--talk later, your food's getting cold."

I was fed, patiently, by her. plastic utensils and the food had been pre-cut up which was fine with me as it meant no time wasted in cutting portions.
The first real food I'd had in...I didn't know how long.
Long enough that I'd forgotten the pleasures of eating.
The Cruel-Mouthed woman took her time, seeming to be in no rush and allowed me time to savor this or that.
The finish was Tapioca pudding, vanilla, and I nearly had an orgasm when the creamy vanilla desert hit my tongue.

Feeding was eventually done, and there'd been more than I could handle, but she encouraged me to finish and I did my best, but couldn't manage the last few mouthfuls of pudding.

She finished it for me, then wiped my mouth a final time with a wet-wipe.

"You did very well considering you haven't had anything but nutripaste for so long. If you keep well-behaved, you'll only have to deal with nutripaste now and then as a supplement or when you're in your final weeks of pregnancy. It makes it easier on your intestinal tract and better nutrional absorption." She said, collecting things and tidying up.
"Uhm...pregnancy..." I asked, hesitantly.
"No, you're not yet. The Breeding you just had was because of a potential window in your ovulation cycle, and worth trying for. You have another Breeding coming up, though. How do you feel about that?" She asked, looking at me appraisingly.
I felt smaller, but answered.
"Do I have to be restrained for it, bred like an uncooperative animal?" I asked.
She smiled understandingly.

"Yes, you do. We tried it with even our most well-behaved Mares, and still had problems when they were put into Breeding without restraints. There's always the unconscious mind, looking for a chance at escape, resistance...and we cannot have that. So, either we lobotomize the Mares, or we keep them restrained during their Breedings."
The word 'Lobotomy' filled me with horror, which she noticed.
"No, Marlene, relax, we don't do that. I was merely making a point. We do have Mares here who are somewhat brain-damaged, but they came in that way. Still, they have responded well to therapy, and are much better off here than the Outer World."
"How so?"
"We have technology that can ameliorate a lot of brain damage on a structural level, and while the new tissue is 'blank' they can learn and are free from the effects of the damage there was. But, in cases where the intellect is harmed, that seems permanent for some reason, and there's only so much we can do about that."

She said this after tidying up and unlinking my ankles, helping me stand.

"You can walk around your cell while we talk, you still need some skill with those boots." She said.

I did, pacing around the cell, feeling helpless and controlled.

"Am I ever going to be out of restraints?" I asked point-blank.
"No, Marlene. Mares are kept restrained in any of a variety of ways all the time. Now, there are less severe forms of restraints, and you'll likely progress to them soon. But you will always be in restraints."
"What about when I'm pregnant?" I asked curiously.

She came over to me, standing with her arms folded, amused by my curiosity.

"Okay, this one last question, then I'm settling you down for your milking and rest. We have a progressive series of restraints used on pregnant Mares during the stages of pregnancy that are completely safe, and also act to protect Mare and child from harm if she has a fall or such. Now, open your mouth so I can do your teeth." She said, holding up a white mouthguard-type thing.

I did as told, and she slid it in, a tab projecting out past my closed lips, I felt a seriously aggresive 'fizzing all through my mouth and could 'feel' things being cleaned.

"This is how we do your teeth when you're out of it. It's a combination of herbal-laced peroxide gel and some specialized friendly bacteria. Cleans out debris, cleans everything on a microscopic level. I've always considered it to be a real perk of working here myself, far easier and superior to normal brushing."

The fizzing disappeared, and I became aware of the herbal 'freshness'.

She removed the mouthcleaner, and put it in a case, then held up a new guard-muzzle and strap in a sealed back that she tore open.

I whimpered unconsciously at being muzzled again, pressed back to the wall as she brought the mouthpiece up to my lips.

I didn't fight as she forced me to take the guard-muzzle into my mouth, again locking my jaws open, the tension of my own jaw muscles and tendons driving my teeth slightly into the firm-rubberlike material and securely enough I had no hope of spitting it out. The strap was placed, she brought my hair out from under it, and snugged it down.
"Mmmmff!" I sounded behind it, a small protest I simply had to make.
"I know you don't like it, no Mare does. Now, lets see about your milking, hmm?" She said, guiding me compassionately by my shoulders back to the cart and helping me sit without a crash-landing. She linked my ankles, and opened my straitjacket's access flaps for my breasts before taking the breast pump from the trolley cart got me hooked up and milk flowed.

I next woke up to a toe prodding my ribs roughly.
I came awake instantly as that kind of treatement wasn't the norm by which I was treated, and neither was the voice.
"Wake up, bitch. It's party time now." I heard.
Male and aggressive--hungry for sex, and was going to have it no matter what.

I was confused, and rolled over onto my other side to look up at him. A handler, one of the slightly heavier ones, but the same surgically-similar face as the rest.
His eyes though gleamed with a lust I could feel burning from his gaze as he looked me over.
I tried to get up, and found my ankles linked, then tried screaming for help--realizing the guard-muzzle stifled my cries as effectively as always.

He crouched down as I began trembling in fear, twisting my arms against the straitjacket's hold, feeling my eyes as wide as they could be...feeling more helpless and vulnerable than I ever had before.
He looked me over again, running his hand over my hip and thigh...


05-01-2012, 12:10 AM
I've got a start in on it of roughly four paragraphs, with more coming--soon as I've had some sleep and my sinuses aren't effing around with my head.
I had to take the things after dinner, and that's like throwing a bucket of sand into a bonfire--doesn't put it out, but sure slows things down for a bit.

I'm gearing up to start that new story...and trying to figure out a title for it, but I'll likely go with something nice and simple.
Also need a decent name for the main character...have some ideas, but nothing I really like.
So, minor hassles that'll get sorted out soon enough. :idea: :thumb:

05-03-2012, 07:23 PM
I love this story Marlene.
I'm not generally a fan of non-consent stories but you write well and really draw the reader into the story with your descriptions and level of detail.

I really like the way that your mare has developed and is being shaped and controlled by the combination of restraints, neural correction, and stimulants etc. She seemed to have started to change her perception of her keeper, similar to Stockholm syndrome, though she still refers to her as the 'cruel mouthed woman' which doesn't seem right.

I can't wait to read the next chapter and find out what happens to our mare and this new threatening handler. Does he get away with it, or does he get caught? How swiftly and severely does he get punished for his actions, which I can only see as being taken very seriously by the administration.

There are so many open questions I hope you develop in further chapters. What are the bulls for? What do they do with the babies? Are the studs restrained and controlled to the same extent as the mares, or are they partially there of there own volition, hence the reference to Marlene's stud having met her on the internet?

And who is Lindsay? (My lack of knowledge about anything to do with celebs)

05-03-2012, 08:12 PM
I love this story Marlene.
I'm not generally a fan of non-consent stories but you write well and really draw the reader into the story with your descriptions and level of detail.

I really like the way that your mare has developed and is being shaped and controlled by the combination of restraints, neural correction, and stimulants etc. She seemed to have started to change her perception of her keeper, similar to Stockholm syndrome, though she still refers to her as the 'cruel mouthed woman' which doesn't seem right.

I can't wait to read the next chapter and find out what happens to our mare and this new threatening handler. Does he get away with it, or does he get caught? How swiftly and severely does he get punished for his actions, which I can only see as being taken very seriously by the administration.

There are so many open questions I hope you develop in further chapters. What are the bulls for? What do they do with the babies? Are the studs restrained and controlled to the same extent as the mares, or are they partially there of there own volition, hence the reference to Marlene's stud having met her on the internet?

And who is Lindsay? (My lack of knowledge about anything to do with celebs)

Thank-You very much for saying and the compliments!!
Always appreciated and never taken for granted!!

The term 'Cruel-Mouthed-Woman' is because there's no names given by the staff, security right? So, from the perspective of the Mare, like anyone else, she's going to pick an identifying characteristic as a 'name'. Also--she's based off a teacher i had in high school, who although attractive and a nice person had a mouth suitable for any of the truly evil female villains of all-time. Just one of those times when appearance is counter to personality. She'd smile, and male students would 'shrink', it was interesting to note at the time how much we all rely on the cues given by the mouth region even when nothing's being said.

The adaptation is going to happen--no way around it. Human's and Human psychology is very adaptive, and the Powers-That-Be that are behind this place know that. Thus, apply the right pressure, and the mind adapts as it would to a new culture. Add in neural-responsive inhibitors that effectively keep a person from thinking along certain avenues and...
Restraints, physical helplessness and forced dependency, again pressurs that bend a psychology especially when there's not 'intentional harm' involved.
The mind is forcd to adapt and accept.
I'm really glad people like yourself noticed this aspect!! :D
Eternal resistance isn't possible--sooner or later, everyone adapts to their circumstances, whether they want to or not. ;)

I'm working on it, so it's coming out maybe this weekend. :) Suffice to say, regarding that handler, things will not go well...
The Bulls, will have their purpose revealed.
The babies, again, they'll be addressed.
I do need to develop things a bit more with the Studs for clarity, and that's in the works, no worries. :D

Lindsay Lohan. Little miss Hollywood hellion.
I won't use Celebritie's last names in the story, but I'll answer identity questions here in the thread. ;)

Thank-You again very sincerely for your comments and queries!!!
I hope I've given you enough to tide you over until I get the necessary elements published/posted.

05-04-2012, 02:36 AM

I jerked my legs away, tried to, handicapped by restraints as I was. I kept trying to yell for help, and also at him.
I was furious, frightened and desperate to get away from this man that wanted only one thing from me--and could easily have it without any trouble as I'd essentially and unintentionally been gift-wrapped for him.

"I love it when girls fight. Makes things special! Now, enough foreplay, cunt! C'mere!!" He said, almost drooling with the anticipation of raping me. He grabbed my legs, turned me over and sat on them, holding me on my belly, and started unfastening the rear of the crotchpiece.

"This place is all about making babies--well, all I'm doing is helping out, off-shift. See how generous I am bitch? You're gonna have my kid in that baby cradle between your legs." He chuckled and I heard the tearing sounds of velcro as I tried twisting and thrashing under his weight, howling into the guard-muzzle.
"You must really want this, eh pussy? The way you're twisting around, all hungry for cock! Hold on, you'll get it when I'm ready!" He told me, chuckling, and I snarled an obscenity into my muzzle.

The crotchpiece yielded quickly, and he tore the back of the thong away from the waistband, and yanked it out from between my legs. Then I felt his fingers exploring un-gently and possessively between my thighs as I clamped them together.

"You gotta great-looking ass, bitch." He said, slapping my left buttock hard enough to hurt and make me really yell.
"Yeah, you're all hot to be mommied-up, ain't-cha...well, here it comes!!" He leered, and looped his arms under my hips, forcing me into an ass-up position on my knees. He came over top of me and I could feel his half-erect cock slithering across my buttocks as he grabbed the back of my neck and forcefully slammed the side of my head into the floor's padding, stunning me momentarily.

I howled into my muzzle again, screaming desperately inside my head for someone to come and save me!!

He started pressing into me as I tightened my intimate tunnel as much as I could, hysterical strength giving me a momentary, but futile, advantage. I drove my teeth into the material of the guard-muzzle right to the hilt, knowing that there was only one way this battle was going to end.

The door opened with so much force that the air swept past me and caught my attention away from my rapist.


Twelve of them, and not looking happy.

They launched into the room like an angry offensive line in American Football, one tackling him off of me like a runaway truck as the others moved in, and two came for me, shielding me from the attacker who was hopelessly outnumbered, standing in a way I knew even with my limited knowledge to be combat stances.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman entered, came directly to me as the handlers kept my assailant pinned, face-down and raging uselessly.

<'Welcome to MY world, fucker.'> I thought, glaring at him through tear-filled eyes.

"Oh, Marlene...I'm so sorry!! She said, crouching down as I struggled to sit up, helping me gently and caringly.
"You're safe now, my beauty, don't worry--this walking genetic defect isn't going to harm anyone ever again." She said, looking over to where my assailant was still fighting, as protective over me as a pet owner would be--that's how it felt.

I was hoping she was going to shoot him right there, the hatred in my chest making it hard to breathe. I'd put up with enough--but this was too much, and I wanted to see him suffer!!

She stood, walked over casually to the handlers holding him down.

"You're one of our new handlers. I can also tell that you've plainly skipped a few days worth of work-shift suppressors, otherwise you wouldn't be in here trying to rape my Mare."

'My' Mare...I realized I'd just heard a definitive and official-sounding possessive about me.

"Go fuck yourself up your dusty cunt with a running chainsaw, you self-righteous hag!!" The pinned man yelled.

"That's about the level of communication I was expecting. Boys, take him to Security. If he resists, you can do as you need to--short of killing him. Have Security take his mind apart to learn what, if anything, he might've told the Outer World." She said, and the handlers left with their new captive, handcuffed and carried facedown like a slung load of potatoes and screaming obscenities in naked rage and fear after hearing his fate pronounced.

Despite the adrenaline driving my heart like a jackhammer and feeling like it was going to blow me apart, I wondered what could be so bad that it'd get that kind of reaction--hearing his desperation and pleading start just as they slipped out of earshot.

She came back to me, and a couple of Nurses arrived, carrying small kits that they opened, and began gently examining me for injuries, unlinking my ankles.
"Marlene, I'm going to give a little nasal-spray to help you calm down, alright?" The Cruel-Mouthed woman asked, seeking not permission but awareness.

I nodded and held still as she adjusted the spray and sent a wave of tranquilizer across my nasal membranes. It helped, taking the edge of jagged-broken-glass adrenaline off.
The nurses had my knees up, and legs open, checking gently but thoroughly to see if he'd injured me genitally.

"If it's any consolation, this hasn't happened before. There had to be a first time, of course. I'm sorry it was you." She said compassionately, smoothing my hair as I started to cry, then hugging me close as if I was daughter.

Or a pet.

I looked up, and had my tears dried, and she seemed to know what I wanted to ask.

"All Mares are constantly supervised and bio-monitored. Remember that collar around your neck? When your life signs went berserk for no reason, the system activated the surveillance system in your cell. So, we knew to come in-force. Micro cameras, thermal and auditory sensors and microphones--they're all in the ceiling. Too small to see from here, but they're there and the system watches over you every moment via your collar. We don't directly watch you unless there's a valid reason as it's a waste of time. But, in cases like this, it can be a lifesaver."

I sniffled, nodding in agreement.

"Do you want to know what we're going to do to him for this?" She asked as the Nurses finished, then secured the crotchpiece again after replacing my thong, re-linking my ankles.

I nodded after moment's hesitation.

"He's going to be having his limbs removed, as he'll never need them again and it makes aggressive resistance impossible. From there he goes to Cerebral Deconstructive Analytics. They'll be very literally dismantling his brain surgically, isolating the various subsections, and all the memory patterns stored in the various areas with be scanned and recorded, then sifted through by a very powerful computer system. He'll be alive the entire time, he has to be, and wide awake as anaesthesia has a blanking effect on the scan and recording functions. He's going to spend his final twelve hours having his brain taken apart and it's various memory sectors force-scanned and erased during the process--he'll feel himself slipping away piece by misogynistic piece. We'll be reviewing security procedures also, and this will never happen again."

I listened numbly, with a sense of primal satisfaction that the Human-looking monster wasn't ever going to be able to harm me again, he literally wouldn't even exist in a day or so. I started crying again, and the Cruel-Mouthed woman stayed with me until I fell asleep, curled on my side with my head in her lap having my hair stroked comfortingly.

When I woke up, my ankles were still linked, and I immediately became aware of something unpleasantly large inside me. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't the nicest sensation to awaken to.
I groaned, and worked at trying to sit up, learning quickly that I'd been tethered at the waist to the floor. I could roll onto either side with some effort, but that was it.

I laid out on my back, trying to ignore the hair tickling my nose and in my eyes, and chided myself mentally for trying to use my hands while bound up in the straitjacket that frustrated everything I tried to do.

So, I had a chance to think.

Imperfections in The System. I'd nearly been raped, in my cell and helpless to do anything to defend myself. If the surveillance hadn't been in place, he'd have gotten away with it and then probably gone after how many others??
I chuckled at that thought.


I considered how funny it was that while I considered what the rogue handler wanted to do as something monstrous, the Breeding I'd been subjected to against my will previously was something my mind seemed to be 'OK' with in relative perspective.

Then I started wondering what was happening inside my head.

I had a moment, one of those 'Uber-Moments' when you have a perspective-shift and you can 'see' something really big in it's totality. I considered that all along the corridor outside, above and below for countless levels, were other women in the same position as myself.

Men also. Studs.

All of us kept helpless, controlled and put to use in something we had no say or volition in.

I recalled the Studs I'd seen, only two, but I figured they were pretty representative of things. They'd been restrained to keep their arms and hands under control and keep them from any kind of violent action. My Keeper, the Cruel-Mouthed woman had addressed my Stud in the same tone she used with me.

What I recalled meshed with what I realized I'd been suspecting all along--that they were keeping men and women as captive breeding stock.

There was an enormity that made me feel very small, like a mouse in it's burrow as dinosaurs thundered around. More and more, I was getting a better 'picture' of things as I had plenty of time to think and chew over what info I did have.

They'd managed to pull this off for decades at the minimum and no one knew. The reach and influence they had, whoever was behind this, would have to be awe-inspiring and pretty chilling. People went on and on about Alien Conspiracies and hidden bases in the deserts of the USA. I was pretty sure I was still in, or under Canada, but I realized it wouldn't surprise me to learn that this facility was expansive enough to be under parts of Canada and the US.

But, they could be lying and for all I knew I was on Mars.

Just as I started working on what I'd been told and seen regarding technology that my captors had access too, the thing nestled snugly and unwantedly in my vagina vibrated.

Just a short, but deeply-powerful vibration I felt in my pelvis, enough to surprise me a good deal and yelp in response, then nothing.

I worked at trying to curl forward enough to see my crotch, natural curiosity, and completely pointless as I wouldn't be able to see through the fabric of the crotchpiece and thong.

That was when my Keeper entered, seeing me and chuckling.

I felt really stupid, and blushed accordingly.

"Y'know, most Mares have lost much of their natural curiosity and nosey-ness by this point. Nice to see you're not one of them." She said and came over, crouching beside me as I relaxed and lay on my back.

"It's a fertility assessment probe, Marlene. The vibration is just a way of testing circulatory response and nerve function. It's harmless, and you won't be having to deal with it for much longer, but for the final part you need to be walked around. Roll onto your side so I can release your tether." She said, and I obeyed, hearing the 'click' then feeling the tension of the thing disappear.

"Okay, let me get your ankles and help you stand up." She unlinked my ankles, and held my shoulders as I got my feet and legs under me, then got the hair out of my face.

Holding me by a small loop at the front of the straijacket's collar, she pulled out her hand-device, and selected functions, then it chirped.

"Okay, now we're ready to go." She told me, stroking the back of my hair after letting go of the loop.

"The handlers are just outside, and they're just to spot you in case you start to fall, okay?" She said, and I nodded, understanding why they hadn't come into my cell after the last incident.

I 'Mmmph'-ed a query and got a smile, and a head shake.

"No, you stay muzzled and you'll be fed later. You can have water for the next few hours, but that's all, and only a certain amount. The biochemistry testing is pretty touchy." I listened, nodded my understanding and let her guide me to the door, and turn me over to the handlers. At the first step, I felt a very disconcerting sensation at the opening of my urethra, something pressing against it, and slipped just a bit inside. Not painful but an extremely distracting and unpleasant sensation. I felt a shudder go up my spine from it, and decided it was likely part of the probe they'd inserted into me while asleep.

"Okay, take it easy with her. She's got a probe working and last shift wasn't a great experience for her." She told them, and got definitive nods in reply. They held my arms securely, but not security-tight, enough to let me feel safe against stumbling, but not enough to feel threatening.

Corridors, as always. Staff, and sister Mares, in various states of compliance. I recalled some time ago, seeing Mares like myself, calm and compliant as I fought and battled uselessly, held in tight security-grips by the handlers and given not the slightest chance for any attempt at escape, screaming like an animal.

One young Mare, looking to be at most in her very early twenties was being pinned belly-down and given a nasal spray to put her struggles to an end. Her shrieks pealed even past the guard-muzzle, and her eyes were wide-open in sheer panic and terror as the nozzles slid up her nostrils and the device fired the mist into her nasal passages.

She'd learn, in time, as I was still doing. Resistance here was pointless. Even if you got loose from the restraints, you'd get lost pretty quick, and I had to believe they had a full security-surveillace system in the corridors. you'd be totally outnumbered, and these people knew how to handle people in a panic state. Also, you'd likely be naked.

Even if, stretching the theory, you got outside, the last I saw of the surface wasn't a place where being naked at night wouldn't be smart, and maybe even fatal depending on the weather and time of year. True, it'd just been normal countryside, but away from the cities and their waste heat, it gets pretty chilly at night.

Worse still, you be trying to run in the boots they fitted us with, and even the most dedicatedly athletic girl would have serious problems running in them, and the built in shockers would take you down feeling like your feet had been touched with a branding iron.


Going back to the life you'd been stolen from?

Not much chance of that.

One of the main reasons was the devices fixed to our skulls behind and partially around the ears.

Take a maze for a mouse, now let the mouse make it into a home. Then, start blocking off areas with electrically-charged flooring. That's going to force the mouse to avoid those areas, no matter how badly it wants in them. The devices did the same to your brain. Think along a forbidden line of thought and you got hit with something that was hideous, indescribable and beyond mere 'pain'.

Take the boots off and remove the skull-devices?

The boots needed a special powerdriver to open the retention bands keeping them on your legs and feet.

The skull devices I'd been told had anti-tamper safeguards, and I believed it after a short experiment once in the exercise area that left me on the ground drowning mentally in the effect they generated as punishment.

I'd rather chew my own hands off than try removing them again.


05-05-2012, 09:48 AM
A decidedly wicked, but well earned punishment for that guard! GREAT series!

05-05-2012, 11:15 AM
A decidedly wicked, but well earned punishment for that guard! GREAT series!

Thank-You for saying and the compliments!!!
Part of the pleasure of being a writer is knowing that people enjoy reading your works. It's like being a cook, I guess, you work hard and present the dish, and when people dig in and enjoy it--there's the reward.
I'm glad you and the others I've heard from are enjoying this little tale. :D

The handler, well...seriously, you eff-up that majorly in that kind of place, they're not gonna say "aw, shucks. Guess you're fired old boy." Think 'Area 51' type security...then multiply by five.
Can you imagine the screening process to even be considered for an interview regarding employment???
But, he gets to be my guinea pig regarding what kind of spooky-tech the powers behind this facility have access too, and how far they'll go to maintain proper security. ;)
And the best part is, i don't have to deal with flak from his agent about it being a 'bit part'. :D LoL

05-14-2012, 03:32 AM
I totally enjoyed this story. Very well written, detailed, and twisted. It is quite unlike most breeding stories-and that is a good thing. However, I think it is more of a science fiction story than a sex story. It interested me, but didn't really elicit any arousal. I am not trying to put it down, please understand. I think it is a great story, and the world you built was very real. I think, with some extension it could be a great novel. You would have to get rid of dead end, what one of my writing teachers called the man stuck in the bathtub syndrome. The system you have in place is too good. There is no room for error, or hope for escape, so there is little room for any story beyond what is going to happen to Marlene. But the world is wonderful. I think if you meditated on the ramifications on the world if that facility actually existed, you might find you have a book. Anyway, great read.

05-14-2012, 10:10 AM
I totally enjoyed this story. Very well written, detailed, and twisted. It is quite unlike most breeding stories-and that is a good thing. However, I think it is more of a science fiction story than a sex story. It interested me, but didn't really elicit any arousal. I am not trying to put it down, please understand. I think it is a great story, and the world you built was very real. I think, with some extension it could be a great novel. You would have to get rid of dead end, what one of my writing teachers called the man stuck in the bathtub syndrome. The system you have in place is too good. There is no room for error, or hope for escape, so there is little room for any story beyond what is going to happen to Marlene. But the world is wonderful. I think if you meditated on the ramifications on the world if that facility actually existed, you might find you have a book. Anyway, great read.

No worries, I appreciate the comments and I like honest, detailed feedback. :)
I do very much like and appreciate the excellent manners with which you made you statements though, very much!! :D

I'm glad you like it!!
I do agree (mostly) that it's actually more of a sci-fi/horror work--it just went that way on it's own...the original conception was quite different, but it did serve it's main purpose, which was to be as you say, quite unlike the majority of works on this topic.
It does need more sex/arousal factor/spice, and I still have room to run before it's conclusion, so I'm gonna see what I can put in without making it feel 'crammed'.

The system in the facility, despite how it seems, isn't perfect and has a serious inherent flaw--it's run by people. With that, there's always the chance for slip-ups and errors, possibly snowballing into something significant. :)
I tipped hints that way with the Bull getting loose, the new Keeper mismanaging transport of some new acquisitions, and with the rogue handler.
Little hints, because I felt I couldn't be too heavy handed in such.
Husband and I discuss this world and it's extensions quite a bit, and I won't say there definitely will be a sequel, but it's definitely possible because of the information we've accumulated for ourselves in our idea-tossing. He helped me a lot with all the tech, the Facility's structure, organization, etc..

I've got the Epilogue already written--had a good idea I couldn't let slip away, and it reveals a lot more about 'behind the scenes', and the Facility's place in the world.
As for it being a book...I'll wrap it into a PDF when it's complete, so it's easier for folks to read, but I know Amazon and others wouldn't have it on their shelves, even electronically.
I'm happy having it published here, and will put it on the main SSP site when the PDF is ready also. I think that's as close as it'll ever get to actual publishing though.

05-16-2012, 04:39 PM
I was taken around the facility. Corridors and staff, more Mares, and some Studs. Some of the Studs, from their calm behaviour seemed to me to have come to terms with the turn their lives had taken.
Some were fighting like the newly-arrived Mares, and having about the same luck. I noticed that different restraints were used on them than for us Mares. A stout, padded leather waistbelt that held their cuffed wrists back, just behind their hip-sides and close to the belt. The belt was part of a harness that went over the upper body and supported cuffs for the upper arms to further immobilize the limbs.

Rather than boots, they were all hobbled, but blinking indicators told me that there was a good chance each ankle cuff could do the same as the boots Mares wore.

Clothing for Studs was limited to a 'speedo' type brief, with a velcro-sealed flap in front for access to the Stud's genitals. The guard-muzzles were the same from what I could tell, as were the skull-devices and monitoring collars.

One relatively well-behaved Stud noticed me and started pulling against his handlers, his eyes running over me and clearly stating there was only one thing on his mind..evidenced by the rapidly-expanding bulge of his penis.

What bothered me was that even with the probe up inside me, I was still getting aroused, feeling myself getting wet and heating up. I turned my head as we passed, feeling a definite and very strong desire, but my handlers hept me moving and the Cruel-Mouthed woman tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Keep moving, Mare. You'll just have to wait." She said, sounding a bit amused. I heard the Stud start struggling with the handlers, and decided I was probably better off with the way things were going, but I still heard myself groan in frustration because my pussy was throbbing and despite everything I was getting really aroused, even with the annoyance tickling at my urethra, which actually added to my problem.

I started whimpering, the sheer 'need' was overwheming me, and the probe a constant reminder that there were countless, healthy virile men around.

"Poor girl, you're really coming into a strong heat, aren't you?" The Cruel-Mouthed woman asked over my shoulder. I nodded, biting into the muzzle, and whimpering a response.
I started twisting my arms against the straitjacket, feeling the fluttering in my lower belly, and the ache that only a thick cock could take away.

"Keep walking, Marlene. Tests's not done yet." She said, a crisp, commanding tone in her voice. Tears started from my eyes as my system cranked things up a notch, and I whimpered, desperate for relief.

At one of the corner Staff stations, I was watered, not a lot but enough to keep my throat from drying out. The Cruel-Mouthed woman held a sports-bottle thing with the tube in through the hole of my muzzle, stroking my hair as she fed me water slowly and patiently, chatting with other staff.

I was also getting a lot of unwanted, but complimentary attention.

One female Keeper felt my buttocks as I stood, ankles linked, being fed water. Helpless and on-display.

"I'm sorry I missed the bidding on this one! Is she always this well-behaved?" She asked, feeling down the backs of my legs and I tried not to squirm.

"Generally she's pretty well-behaved, but she has her moments. She's not fully tamed yet, but she's coming along." The Cruel-Mouthed woman said in reply.

"She's got a gorgeous set of hips, I'm assuming she's already on the Breeding rotation?" Another asked, looking me over and walking around me. I felt like what I was to them; A prized Mare.

"She is. Pardon her squirminess, she has an assessment probe inside her, and it's her first time for a full test." My Keeper said, patting my right buttock.

I turned my head, looking at her and 'Mmmmph'-ed a query through my muzzle.

"Not much longer, girl. We'll get you walked, then the probe comes out." The Cruel-Mouthed woman said to me, running the backs of her fingers comfortingly down the side of my face.

I'd actually been more curious about food, a milking, and such but with my limited communication abilities it was impressive that she usually managed to guess what I was curious and querying about.

...but inevitable that she'd miss once in a while.

My breasts were starting to give me pins-and-needles under and behind my areolae as milk built up and I started edging into engorgement.

With my ankles linked and thighs close together, I was really aware of the probe inside me, feeling it buzz again, the same deep bone-thrumming pulse as before and just as surprising. I startled slightly, and the Cruel-Mouthed woman patted my left rump cheek comfortingly, noting with a smile and nod my widened eyes.

"Yes, it'll do that a few more times as the testing cycle completes. It isn't hurting you, is it?" She asked, and I shook my head 'No'.

"Good." She said, then gave me a more intense look, and felt my breasts through the straitjacket, squeezing gently and making me groan.

"Pretty full, hmm? Not much longer, Marlene. It's alright." She said, comfortingly. For some reason I couldn't understand, I felt emotion welling up, and my eyes started tearing-up as i nodded acknowledgement.

"Easy girl, what's wrong?" She asked, dabbing my eyes with a tissue carefully and gently.

I didn't know, so I just shook my head.

"Just one of those things, right?" She said, seeming to 'get' it, as she was a woman also, it didn't surprise me.

"Okay, lets get moving again, get the test done and you back to your cell." She told me, stroking the back of my neck. Someone unlinked my ankles and we started off again, the Cruel-Mouthed woman bidding her co-staffers goodbye.

The teasing inside my labia at the opening of my urethra was maddening, annoying and incredibly distracting. The kind of sensation you just cannot tune out. That sparked off my arousal, which had only stabilized when we'd stopped rather than waning, and I could feel my crotch getting soaked from my own lube. Walking became a bit tricky as my knees started going a bit rubbery, and the handlers held my arms a bit more firmly against a fall or stumble.

Corridors, walking, more Mares and Studs...the Studs holding my attention and I their's, my handlers forcing me to keep walking. I was taken to places i'd suspected existed but hadn't even heard mentioned--such as the Staffer Lounge.

Keepers and Handlers had this little oasis, and it looked like a cafeteria crossed with a waiting room, but with sofas, comfy-looking chairs, and televisions.

The televisions got my attention immediately, but I realized very quickly that whatever programs they were watching, I was totally unfamiliar with. The televisions themselves were seemingly nothing but wall-mounted panes of glass, sophistication and picture quality that made a cutted-edge flatscreen from a major manufacturer look like an old thing from the 1970's.

Two handlers were playing a sit-down game of what looked like Chess, but the board was rectangular, longer, and had pieces I didn't recognize. The food smells made my stomach growl, and the Cruel-Mouthed woman noticed with a smirk.

"Okay, I'm just going to grab a couple of things, then we're done except for one more stop." She said.

After being straw-fed something like a liquid meal replacement with a nice Vanilla flavour, we went to the end of a corridor, and got into an elevator, easily big enough to handle a large care, but plainly not designed for straight cargo-use.

We went down, a long ways. I wasn't allowed to see the floor-counter, but I could feel descent and it was a long one. My ears didn't pop, and I figured that had something to do with the overall air system keeping the place alive.

The new corridors were pastel, softly off-white, and the lighting less harsh. There were also more of the heavily-armored guards, four of them watching the elevator.

The Cruel-Mouthed woman gave them a casual gesture and a 'Hello', and such was casually returned, no problems.

I kept looking around, trying to ignore the probe, and the handlers kept me from stumbling once or twice as things were driving me crazy from frustrated arousal.

Along the walls, I noticed deeply inset slots, and labels warning of Blast Door operation and listing specs in print too small for me to read quickly. That made me wonder,especially as the sense of 'quiet' on this level was pervasive.

I soon learned why.

We passed three Blast Door wall-slots and then made a right turn down a wider corridor with one wall as a solid pane of thick and near-perfectly transparent material.

"Here's what you'll be working for, Marlene." The Cruel-Mouthed woman said, and the handlers let me go so I could get closer to the glasswall.

Babies, a Nursery. Dozens of tiny, perfect babies and all nearly glowing with health. each transparent 'crib' was loaded with electronics and some kind of sensors I presumed had to do with monitoring health. The ceiling over them was also loaded with cameras and sensors.

Attendants moved steadily among them, no masks, though. I watched as here and there covers were slightly adjusted, a sleeping newborn was scanned without knowing, and some had small self-adhesive tabs applied to their cheeks with incredible gentleness.

I looked wide-eyed at the Cruel-Mouthed woman as she came to stand beside me, desperately wanting to ask a ream of questions running through my head.

"The tabs are calibrated biochemical sensors. They monitor for certain things that can show up in the surface chemistry of an infant's skin. Excess salt, and we know that baby has active CF, for example. An easy fix, but the sooner it's caught, the easier on the baby." She patted my shoulder, and I could feel a deeply Maternal 'ache' going through me.

"Your babies will be here, too, Marlene. Safe and sound. You will be permitted to see them, based on your behaviour, and they'll all be fed with your milk, even with our technology there's no duplicating breastmilk. If, and very much stress 'IF', you achieve a certain degree of self-controlled behaviour you'll be permitted to actually Nurse your children. We're not monsters, Marlene. We're very aware of the benefits to the child, and Mare, that come from bonding during Nursing."


I had a lot to think about, and intellect warred versus arousal all the way back to my cell.

I also had no way to ask the storm of questions running through my head.

In my cell, I was put down on my rump, sitting and looking up as she dismissed the handlers. A trolleycart was close by, having been brought in while we were away.

"Want the probe out now?" She asked, and I nodded, 'Mmmpphh!'-ing my agreement about it, opening my legs.

She chuckled, and crouched down, started to work at opening the crotchpiece of my straijacket. The thongs was released at the side snaps, and she gently removed the probe from me.

It was ten inches long, thick, smooth white silicone-like material with a distinctly phallic head. I quirked an eyebrow at it as she cleaned it of my lube and fitted it into a plastic case.

"The reason it looks like that is the sensors clustered in the end, used to image your cervix, uterus, ovaries and other elements of your internal anatomy. Nanometric-resolution thermography and passive RF mapping. The same technology in the outer-world would occupy a full room." She said, then looked down at me, collecting some wet-wipes.

"Yes, you're definitely coming onto a strong heat, my girl." She said, gently cleaning my lube-soaked crotch...and slipped a finger inside me, pressing gently up on my G-spot. I gasped, my hips bucked reflexively, and she stroked the spot as I mewled, wide-eyed at the almost-orgasm.

She removed her finger, then continued cleaning me up, pressing gently on my lower belly.

I'd nearly climaxed, and she knew it from the smirk on her face. The wet-wipe on my skin as she worked around the hood of my clit made me squirm, and lube up even more, I whimpered in my need for a good, bone-shuddering orgasm, biting into my muzzle until my jaw muscles felt like wires.

She gently pushed me back, making me lay flat, and raised my legs as she kept working, as I tried not to squirm in the hellish arousal I was cresting with.

"Poor girl, this is as good as it's going to get for you right now. Otherwise, I'd take the edge off things for you, but you have another Breeding soon, and we want you wet, ready and if possible, willing." She said to me, and i slammed the back of my head into the floor padding in sanity-eating frustration.

After she got me cleaned up, a quick trip to the bathroom, and dressed in a fresh thong and the crotchpiece re-secured, it was dinner time.

I sat, crosslegged, frustrated and trying to forget about my hungrily-aching waterslide of a pussy as I waited for her to return with food.

My breasts ached, but the arousal made the pins and needles into something...different, and I figured the milking I needed could wait if it kept feeling this good.

When the Cruel-Mouthed woman came back, she also arrived with a younger woman, who seemed unsure of herself and paid close attention to her.

"Marlene, this is my trainee. She's new, and is learning, so don't give her too hard of a time, alright?" She said, and I nodded.

"This is my prize Mare, Marlene. Once you're on Senior status, you'll be bidding on Mares and Studs yourself as you've been told. Now, Marlene's half-tamed, still a bit troublesome now and then, and she put upa good long fight before we started managing her behaviour successfully. Don't let her fool you, and if she asks you a question, THINK about the answer first. Understand?" The Cruel-Mouthed woman said to the Trainee.

"Yes, Instructor." The Trainee said.

"Okay. Marlene's coming into heat, and a strong one, so she might be a little brattish. That's normal for any Mare. I want you to link her ankles, and then we'll get her started on dinner, after that I'll show you how to milk her." She told the Trainee.

"Milk her?" Trainee asked.

"Yes. Marlene is already lactating, owing to outer-world events. She produces quite a lot, and needs milking every three hours otherwise she starts engorging. See the flaps on the control-jacket over her breasts?" The Cruel-Mouthed woman said, setting the tray down as Trainee linked my ankles as I sat crosslegged.

I smelled something Italian, and waited patiently as the Cruel-mouthed woman removed my muzzle.

"The muzzles are rarely removed. Marlene's well-behaved enough to be hand-fed. Otherwise, a Mare gets a tube put through the accessway and are fed nutripaste. Sometimes, a Mare is extremely resistant, and has have a feeding tube put down their throat. That requires handlers to assist with, never try it alone. A panicked woman can deliver a bite serious enough to cost you fingers. It's happened before, and the only reason for it is stupidity, so don't be stupid." She told Trainee.

Dinner went well enough, and I made it easy on Trainee by keeping quiet as the cruel-mouthed woman instructed her on things regarding tending Mares--like myself. I barely had enough stomach capacity to finish dinner, and laid back afterwards, feeling overfull.

I was helped to sit back up, my straitjacket's flaps opened and the milking machine set to work on me, pulling milk from my nipples in long draws as Trainee was kept up to speed. In due course, I was fit with a teeth cleaner, then re-muzzled, the cruel-mouthed woman stressing the use of fresh mouthpieces.

By that point, I was feeling overfull, somewhat tired, and laid on my side. The Cruel-Mouthed woman showed the Trainee how to do a cursory physical exam, and I relaxed under the hands of my Keeper as she gently felt my belly, my neck and legs then the Trainee repeating the exam and without intending to, feel asleep.


05-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Ah thank you, I've been waiting with bated breath for each new chapter!

05-16-2012, 11:25 PM
Ah thank you, I've been waiting with bated breath for each new chapter!

You're welcome!!
Thank-You for saying and for reading!!!
I'm trying to keep the story and this one section a friend of mine and I wrote synchronized so that when I'm finished editting it from a roleplay into prose, it's gonna 'click' right in.
Once this story is done, I'll be really focussing on THE RANCH and a couple of other works that are off to good starts. The others are Cyberpunk in flavour, but I'll be keeping a decent amount of Eroticism in them. :)
By that I mean MORE than what mainstream authors put in their works!! Erotipunk??? :D

05-19-2012, 03:40 PM
Glad you took the comments the way I meant them. I like that kind of feedback myself. I usually know what is GOOD in my stories, I want to know what DIDN'T work for people, so I don't mind constructive criticism. Loving the continuation btw. :>

05-21-2012, 12:36 AM
here's hoping this post works...
Glad you're enjoying the continuation and once SSP is bck on all cylinders, I'll be adding more. :)
I like to know what folks like and dislike about what I write, then I have complete information from objective sources. I'm still working on my skills, so getting objective feedback on both sides helps a lot and eliminates guesswork.
Truly constructive critiques I'll always make time for! And Appreciate! :D

05-26-2012, 07:58 PM
Now that SSP is back, I'll be continuing, as soon as I manage to find a 'clear spot' regarding my effing sinuses--damn meds mess up my brain.

06-24-2012, 11:02 AM
great story cant wait for more

06-25-2012, 06:41 AM
great story cant wait for more

Once I get my brain scraped off the floor and back working, I'll be picking up where i left off--I haven't gotten this far with it just to quit now and cheat folks out of a proper ending.
Thank-You for the encouraging comment!! MUCH appreciated!!

06-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Once I get my brain scraped off the floor and back working, I'll be picking up where i left off--I haven't gotten this far with it just to quit now and cheat folks out of a proper ending.
Thank-You for the encouraging comment!! MUCH appreciated!!

Looking forward, VERY eagerly to the continuation. Every time I log on, this is the thread I come to first!

07-11-2012, 09:28 AM
This was a nice story well written and held my interest. It may have been a little long for some....but you cannot please everyone! Thanks for a nice read!

07-12-2012, 12:32 PM
This was a nice story well written and held my interest. It may have been a little long for some....but you cannot please everyone! Thanks for a nice read!

Your welcome, and it isn't done yet.
The plan is to finish it, do Final edit, then convert it to PDF. :-)
PDF will make it much easier for folks to read.

07-25-2012, 10:21 PM
Marlene does want to get back to writing, she's just having a bad spell right now and can't think all that good.
But, I've been around her a lot lately and discussing notes and this (and other) stories with her--she'll be back with more, dunno when though, but I'm hoping soon!!
She's thinking of throwing me into it, too...which is really cool with me, whatta you guys think??

Oh yeah, that would be great! Love to see you in the story!!

07-25-2012, 10:27 PM
Oh yeah, that would be great! Love to see you in the story!!

Consider it done. :smiley::pcheers1:

---once I have both paws operational again that is. :icon131: :smileJap:thmb

Soooo many ideas...

07-25-2012, 11:24 PM
I noticed that in your story, the use of a real star system. I like that. :)
I forget if I commented on it, but it was good story and the creature's biology regarding mating makes solid, valid logical sense.
I'll be looking up 'Heavenly Bodies', too.

I'm also re-working the ALIENs so they're more genuine lifeform rather than bioweapon...of course this means its worse for hosts as there's no longer chestbursting and loss of a useful resource.
The world I'm tossing them into is one where Magick is based on quantum and unified field effects manipulated by the brain and nervous system's own electrical and magnetic fields...smaller weaker fields 'leveraging' larger and more powerful forces. It's a world where a lot of technology was lost in the most destructive war the world's seen where Nuclear-scale Magick was used offensively...so, swords 'n' sorcery with remnant tech. Humans, Elves (Warcraft-inspired type Elves) and ALIENs, and a good amount of sex and dark-ages type stuff.

interesting this train of thought is right up my alley as I have played a table top roleplaying game that is both futuristic and magical with wizards and elves coupled together with cyborgs mutants and guys in giant robots
funny enough vampires have taken over the mexico panama area the game is called rifts made by palladium games its the only place you'll see a super hero team with a techno wizard and a dragon hatchling to fight aliens and dinosaurs
but I digress your story is very nice I will have to read it a few more times to absorb it into my memory the science really piqued the mad scientist in me

07-26-2012, 12:32 AM
interesting this train of thought is right up my alley as I have played a table top roleplaying game that is both futuristic and magical with wizards and elves coupled together with cyborgs mutants and guys in giant robots
funny enough vampires have taken over the mexico panama area the game is called rifts made by palladium games its the only place you'll see a super hero team with a techno wizard and a dragon hatchling to fight aliens and dinosaurs
but I digress your story is very nice I will have to read it a few more times to absorb it into my memory the science really piqued the mad scientist in me

I posted the XENOCULT rough-draft here somewhere...


It's my catch-all and 'messing-around' thread, there's a good selection of pics, so it's worth the scroll-down to Xenocult. :icon131:
I'm actually fmiliar with Rifts, Husband bought some of the books because he liked the art--and they're handy to inspire ideas in writing, but you'll notice in my works there's NOTHING visibly Rifts, but the books do get the ignition in the brain firing nicely. :icon095:

What really gave me a good grip on re-imagining the Xenomorphs was the art of someone named Sharue.

20212420212520212620212720212820212920213020213120 2134202132202133

As weapons, Xenomorphs work great, but as they're adaptable, you can bet that once they get introduced to a new environment, they'd adapt to become part of the natural order of things. I scaled back the acidity of their blood, and made them more biologically viable--and added some different castes. The Soldiers that guard the Queen and the captive hosts...really bad news, make the average Warrior look like a nuisance. But most importantly--the hosts no longer die, thus they can expand their population beyond 1:1, and like any smart/intelligent animals they've actually been 'befriended' by a certain cult, and understand that if they don't go rmpaging around, there are benefits...

07-26-2012, 02:57 AM
wow I've never been turned on by the facehugger before but wow and it was made more exotic by the high elves getting latched onto

09-10-2012, 06:11 PM
I need to read more of this story,, when is the next chapter due?
I'm hooked
you should make this into a actural novel and have it published! And I'd love to see the book go movie!

09-16-2012, 11:58 PM
I need to read more of this story,, when is the next chapter due?
I'm hooked
you should make this into a actural novel and have it published! And I'd love to see the book go movie!

I'm TRYING to get back to work on it...Life keeps throwing all kinds of things in the way that cannot be ignored and must take priority.
I really want to get some good solid work in on it!!
That said...
It's Fall, and I get a lot more productive in the Fall, so it'll be come back to soon...because when the Muse wakes up, that's it, everything else takes a backseat to writing. :thumb:

Thank-You very much and sincerely for the compliments!! Once it's done I'll be putting it to pdf. format for easier reading, and making it available as an e-book.
A movie?? Thank-You for the thought...but I have NO idea who'd have the ballsiness to touch something like this. Also the budget for props and effects... !cool

09-17-2012, 12:13 AM
yeah I'm looking forward to your new stories my life seems to be picking up I love have a greater purpose anyways its good to see you back and if your story ever becomes a movie let me know I would love to play any part in helping it aong

09-23-2012, 02:08 AM
If people can make twisted movies like the human centerpeid I'm pretty sure someone would produce this! It'd be a science fiction smash hit! And the sexyness of it would just increase sales. There are plenty of twisted movies out there go online and look up the top ten most perverse movies you'd be supprised what messed up stuff u can get at the vidio store it's quite disturbing,,
This isn't realy a ballsy movie to make it's probably a very likely concept in the distant future!

09-24-2012, 03:39 PM
yeah I'm looking forward to your new stories my life seems to be picking up I love have a greater purpose anyways its good to see you back and if your story ever becomes a movie let me know I would love to play any part in helping it aong

The Muse is starting to wake up finally, so we'll see what kind of cock-eyed work/writing schedule it comes up with this year! LOL
Got some ideas, inspired by Gary Roberts 'Dragonsabre'...and will be returning to work on this story and others I've been wanting to get too for a while. :thumb:

09-24-2012, 03:40 PM
If people can make twisted movies like the human centerpeid I'm pretty sure someone would produce this! It'd be a science fiction smash hit! And the sexyness of it would just increase sales. There are plenty of twisted movies out there go online and look up the top ten most perverse movies you'd be supprised what messed up stuff u can get at the vidio store it's quite disturbing,,
This isn't realy a ballsy movie to make it's probably a very likely concept in the distant future!

Good points and Thank-You for saying!!
I'll bounce the idea off some friends of mine who know more about film/vids and such that I do. :thumb:

10-09-2012, 08:40 PM
Well written story. It's looking to be an epic length by the time you're finished. :)

10-10-2012, 01:20 PM
Well written story. It's looking to be an epic length by the time you're finished. :)

If I can ever get the time I need to get some writing done...
Life just gets too busy at times.
Ty for saying though--I do appreciate it!! :luxhello: