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View Full Version : Peach and Daisy's Day Out

12-04-2011, 11:32 PM
Note: I didn't see a section for video games so I stuck it here since these character are kinda famous celebrities

It was a normal summer day in the Mushroom Kingdom, things were quiet on the political front and Princess Peach was spending the day with her cousin Princess Daisy on a private beach. It had been close to a month since they had been able to visit each other so this was a welcome respite for the both of them. On the beach of golden sand and salty sea air Peach took in a deep breath enjoying the sound of the crashing waves, she smiled broadly before a beach towel smacked her in the side of the head knocking her crown off. Quickly pulling it away from her face Peach looked over to see Daisy grinning at her, “You just gonna stand there or are you gonna help me?” Daisy had already set up the umbrella for shade along with towels to lay on, at the moment she was setting up a small cooler filled with a variety of drinks. With a smirk Peach picked her crown up dusting it off as she walk over to where her cousin was. Once their little lounge area was arranged they both placed their crown in the picnic basket for safe keeping and decided to go for a swim. On this particular beach there was a small cliff off to the west about thirty feet up that made for a great diving spot.

Both princesses looked to the path leading to the top and Daisy took off running, “Last one to the top's a rotten egg!” Followed closely behind by Peach they both raced up the smooth rock path coming to a stop at the top. Having made it to the top first Daisy walked to the edge and prepared herself for a dive. She straightened her back, then held her arms out to the side, slowly moving them in front of her she was about to jump when she heard the pitter-patter of feet behind her. Instead of a smooth, graceful dive Daisy ended up flipping head over heels in a tangle of limbs thanks to Peach who had just shoved her. Hitting the water with a loud splash she quickly surfaced giving her cousin a dirty look. As Peach giggled and waved Daisy shook her fist, “Oh it's on now blondy!” Daisy had just swam to shore when they both heard the familiar sound of a warp pipe surfacing which was odd as there weren't suppose to be any around here, hence this being a private beach.

Peach was the first to locate the errant warp pipe which had appear on the side of the diving cliff she was standing on pointed at an upward angle. It wasn't unheard of for random warp pipes to appear from time to time then disappear never to be seen in the same spot again, but it was a pretty rare occurrence. She was about to dismiss this as such when a noise caught her attention, by now Daisy was standing below it looking up as well. It was hard to tell what the sound was at first, but as it got closer they realized it was a voice. “sssssssshhhHHHHHIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiittttt!!!!!!!! !” the voice said. As it turned out a young man was ejected from the pipe at relatively high speed, almost like a piece of skeet. It was fortunate that he flew over the umbrella landing on the beach with an audible 'BOMPH!' that kicked up a cloud of sand. With considerable interest Daisy watched the young man as he stood up and began to dust himself off, he was standing in profile to her as well as Peach who had just walked up next to her cousin without seemingly noticing either of them yet.

“Who said random warp pipes were a bad thing,” Daisy said.

“What do you mean?” Peach asked.

“Just the two of us, on a private beach, and a pipe hand delivers such a fine piece of man-cake.”

“Man-cake?” Peach asked, looking over at Daisy.

Glancing over Daisy casually slapped a hand at her cousin whispering, “Oh come on, even you can't tell me you don't think he's... rowr. I don't know about you but I plan on getting a slice of that man-cake. Come on, it'll be fun.”

“Fun?!” Peach said in an almost excited whisper, “Daisy I couldn't possibly do... that!”

“Why not, where the only ones here, it's not like anyone's gonna see us.”

“It's not that... I just... well... er... heh... I've never...”

It took a moment for it to sink into Daisy's head exactly what Peach meant, “You've never... not even with a vibrator?”

“What's a vibrator?”

After a picture perfect face-palm Daisy grabbed Peach by the arm and started to drag her along with her, “It looks like I've still got a lot to teach you dear cousin.”

“Hi, I'm Daisy!” The introduction caused the young man to look up slightly dusting his legs off. He seemed to be taken aback and looked at the two women for a moment before nodding, “Good afternoon, my name's Brian.”

“You okay? That was quite a spill you took there,” Daisy said.

“So far as I can tell nothing's seriously damaged,” Brain said, glancing around he seems slightly confused, “okay, who the hell leaves an open pipe on a beach... and where am I?”

It was at this point that Daisy approached the young man walking around him in a complete circle before coming to a stop to his left with a sly smile, “You're on a private beach sweety.” Daisy's attitude and expression were enough to get Brian's attention, looking around a little more he returned his gaze to the princess, “Private beach? You rich or something?”

“Something like that,” Daisy said. Placing one hand on his shoulder she began to massage it slightly leaning even closer with her lips nearly touching his ear, “Are you sure you're okay, maybe you should lie down and let me check... just to be sure.” How forward Daisy was being seemed to catch Brian off-guard for a moment, them with a broad smile he placed one hand on his chest, “Ouch... I think I might have pulled a muscle after all.” Princess Peach sat down and watched intently as Brain and Daisy took a seat as well. Her cousin began to slowly massage the young man's shoulders, then moved carefully down his arms. It was obvious to see that she was really just enjoying the opportunity to run her hands over his body. Not but a minutes later Brian turned his upper body and placed an arm around Daisy, pulling her closer he wasted no time in kissing her deeply and she in turn wrapped her arms around him. Peach was surprised by how readily the two of them were making out considering they were almost complete strangers, but they both seemed to be really be going at it.

Brain laid Daisy down on the sand and moving over top of her at an slight angle he began kissing and sucking the her ear and the side of neck causing her to smile and moan softly. They continued to kiss passionately as Brian started massaging Daisy's breast and nipple through the top of her bikini, and he even growled lightly as she bite him on the neck playfully. Several deep breaths later Daisy pushed Brain onto his back and sat up, with a smile she slid her hand down his bare chest and into his pants, pulling his rock hard dick out, then with a wink began to jack him off slowly. He closed his eyes and sighed slightly letting the princess have her way with him. Even though Peach was embarrassed to watch two people having sex she was also fascinated as she had never seen something like this before. After jacking him off for a bit Daisy leaned down and began to lick the head of Brain's dick with her tongue swirling it around his at first, then flicking her tongue back and forth. She eventually lowered her head sinking him into her mouth Daisy slowly bobbed her head up and down, making small sucking sounds as she went Brain seemed to be loving every minute of it. From time to time he would raise his hips slightly and rested one of his hands on the back of her head. This continued for a few minutes and Peach watch both Daisy and Brain as this went on.

Dipping her head down far enough to take Brain's dick all the way into her mouth several times Daisy finally sat up and wiped her mouth. Once again with a sly smile she looked over at Peach and motioned for her come closer with her finger. She did and Daisy looked down, “Brain, this is my... friend Peach. She's still rather new to all of this, mind if I use you for practice?”

“What do you think?”

“Okay Peaches, why don't you try now, do what I just did.” Peach blinked a few times in surprise and seemed as if she didn't know how to react to what Daisy had just said. Her face flushed visibly giving her cheeks a pink coloration, she looked around as if to make sure no one was looking then hesitantly started to lower her head. Using one hand to hold the base of Brian's dick Peach carefully slid the head into her mouth, brushing her golden blond hair out of her face she started to move her head up and down trying to mimic Daisy. The young man let out another small sigh indicating that he was still enjoying himself considerably, and Daisy took the opportunity to stand up.

“While you practice with that, I know what I want,” Daisy said.

Brain watched as she untied the sides of her bikini bottom and let it fall to the ground revealing that she was shaved before she kneeling down over his face. Without hesitation Brain placed his hands on Daisy's hips and pulled her down onto his face pressing her plump lips against his mouth. As Peach continued to suck on his dick now making the same slurping sounds that Daisy had he began to run his tongue around the inside of her lips. He used a steady circular motion tracing the outline of her pussy before slowly inserting his tongue, moving up and down gently he would teasingly flick the tip of his tongue across her clit from time to time causing the princess to gasp and shift her hips with pleasure. Peach was starting to pick up a little speed with her sucking which caused Brain to do the same with Daisy, before long he was thrusting his tongue in and out of her as her wet pussy began to soak his chin. He flicked his tongue across her clit a few more times before she finally let out a loud grunt and sat up.

“Peach, move,” Daisy said.

Peach lifted her head, stopping her sucking and looked at Daisy for a moment, then sat up wondering what she was up to now. That became obvious fairly quickly as Daisy pulled her top off and sat down on Brain's lap sliding his dick into her as she went. Already digging her nails into his chest the princess looked down at the young man as she began to grind her hips back forth, riding him with an incredibly lustful look in her eyes she it was easy to see how horny she was now. Daisy continued to jerk her hips back and forth and Brain grabbed her breasts making her rhythm with his thrusts steady, tilting her head back she groaned loudly, “Come on big boy, fuck me!” Gritting her teeth as she spoke the princess continued to grind her hips with considerable forth.

“Fuck you huh?” Brain said. Pulling Daisy off his lap Brain placed her on her hands and knees, then removing his shorts the rest of the way he positioned himself behind her. Hands on her hips he thrusted back into the princess wasting no time in outright drilling her doggy style. His balls made small slapping sounds as he went and Daisy began to moan louder and louder. “Pull my hair,” she said.

“Like it rough do we?” Brain said, reaching up he grabbed the back of Daisy's head by the hair and pulled hard, she let out another long groan as her breathing began more and more labored. By now Brain was thrusting into Daisy so hard that her breasts were moving back and forth, it was only a matter of seconds before her entire body stiffened. Her loud moans turned to short, high-pitched squeaks and Peach watched as her eyes rolled back into her head, the orgasm last for several seconds before Daisy finally collapsed onto the sand panting and heaving.

“Okay,” Daisy said, having finally caught her breath after a few moments, “your turn Peachy.”

Having seen everything that Peach seemed a little nervous and looked between Daisy and Brian.

“Take it easy Brian, it's her first time so make it count.”

With a shocked look on his face the young man looked to Peach, “You're... a virgin?” In response Peach blushed again and nodded. Brian left the quite satisfied Daisy laying in the sand making his way toward Peach, instead of the rough treatment he had just handed out he smiled warmly to Peach. Starting out slowly he massaged her shoulders much the same way that Daisy had done for him while kissing her neck. Because this was her first time he knew it best to take things slow and to be gentle with her, he was also determined to leave one hell of an impression on the gorgeous young blond. The princess smiled and tilted her head away from him enjoying the feeling that was starting to flow through her, though Peach may not have known what to do her body did. She couldn't deny the fact that watching Brian fuck Daisy had been one hell of a turn-on for her, now that it was her turn she was slowly starting to lose herself in the moment and looking forward to what was soon to come.

Several moments later she turned around straddling Brian's lap and began to passionately kiss him, while they were lips locked she also reached around untying and removing her top. Peach had been turned on and attracted to young men before, but nothing like this. Things had never gone this far and the arousal she was feeling was unlike anything she had experienced before. Any reservations she may have had before had completely melted away by now, she ran her hands through Brian's hair breathing deeply as he kissed his way down her neck and chest. The moment he cupped her breast in his hand sucking on the nipple Peach jumped ever so slightly letting out a small squeak of excitement. To further the experience Brain took one finger and brushed it down Peach's spine causing her to arch her back which also shoved her nipple further into his mouth. By now the princess was so turned on she was already grinding her hips against his lap.

Seeing how turned on she was Brain leaned her back laying her down on the sand softly pulled the bottom of her bikini down. He slid his hand between her legs feeling the soft hair, glancing down he saw that she was not only natural, but that the carpet also matched the drapes. He smiled at the princess and she in turn bite her lip in anticipation, positioning himself properly he didn't immediately thrust into Peach. Instead he pushed his head into her tight, wet pussy, feeling a small break as he popped her cherry, and began to pick up a slow rhythm as he pushed in a little bit at a time. It wasn't easy for him due in part to the fact she was a virgin, she was so tight he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hold out after two blow jobs and fucking Daisy. Peach let out a small gasp and arched her back, relaxing after a moment she looked him right in the eyes watching as he had his way with her. This was the first time the princess had ever let a man inside of her like this and to her it felt absolutely wonderful, the pleasure flowing through her body was enough for her to wrap her legs around Brian, wanting him as deep inside of her as possible.

“See, I knew you'd enjoy yourself,” Daisy said. So wrapped up in the pleasure of being fucked Peach hadn't seen Daisy sit down beside her. Her breathing was already deepening as she moved her hips in time to Brian wanting to feel him thrusting into her more and more. She was so lost in the moment in fact that she didn't offer any resistance when her cousin leaned down kissing her on the mouth. With small moans and gasps Peach wrapped one arm around Daisy, grabbed the back of her head, and kissed her with immense passion and lust. Now that she was feeling this kind of pleasure all she wanted was more. “Mmmm, harder,” Peach said. Not one to let a woman down Brian picked up speed thrusting into her harder, he was about to begin massaging one of her breasts when Daisy moved her head down, sliding her tongue over Peach's left nipple she started to suck on it with her mouth leaving Brian to tease and massage the right. Unable to contain herself anymore it was only a matter of minutes before the princess arched her back again, she began to pant rapidly tightening her legs around Brian to the point it almost hurt him. Her hips began to quiver, her fingers dug into the sand and Peach tilted her head back letting out a long, gentle gasp.

By the time Peach cam Daisy could see that Brain was getting so close to cumming himself he had already lost control, he was trying not to blow his load inside of her, but it was only a matter of seconds before he cut loose. Since he had gotten both of them off Daisy decided to make this worth Brian's time, when he pulled out of Peach she leaned down taking his cock in one hand. Again she slid her mouth over his dick quickly slurping as she bobbed her head. Now it was Brian's turn, teeth bared he let out a loud growl and shoved Daisy's head down as he blew his load, it was also nice to hear her gulp as few times as she swallowed. Now that it was all over Brian fell backwards onto the sand with an ear to ear grin on his face. Peach, having come back to her senses sat up, glancing over at Daisy she blushed again remembering what had happened. Brain wasn't the only one smiling right now either, Daisy leaned over flicking Peach's earlobe with her tongue whispering, “Don't worry, it'll be our little secret. We can continue that... conversation... later.”

12-05-2011, 02:11 AM
Thanks for adding this story, please note all images must be uploaded to the site. You will find a tutorial about uploading images by following the link below.

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12-05-2011, 04:27 AM
Don't bother, in the future I'll just leave images out of my stories altogether. Problem solved.

12-05-2011, 04:32 AM
Your choice but uploading is easy enough.

12-05-2011, 04:47 AM
When the kingdom was running smoothly Princess Peach had more time to herself than most people thought. On this day in particular she was in her room, seated on her bed she had on open magazine on her lap, a ball of blue yarn next to her and was trying to teach herself how to crochet. With a crocheting hooks in each hand she was working on making a simple square though she had only succeeded in creating a lopsided rectangle. Looking at her work she made a small 'hmph' setting the yarn and hooks down beside her. Picking up the crafting magazine she read over the instructions again mumbling to herself as she went, trying to figure out where she went wrong. Her reading was interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. “Come in,” Peach said. The door swung open and Princess Daisy was standing in the doorway smiling broadly with a small bag made of orange cloth on her arm.

“Hey cuz,” Daisy said with a smile and wave. Peach smiled and waved back motioning her over to the bed. Plopping down next to Peach, Daisy starting reading over her shoulder, “Whatcha doin?”

“I was trying to learn how to crochet,” she said, holding up her work, “but it looks like I still have a ways to go. I don't suppose you know how to crochet.” Daisy merely looked at Peach with an 'as if' expression.

“Oh well, try try again huh?” Peach said. She started to unravel what her work when Daisy reached over taking the yarn out of her hands and tossed it onto the floor.

“Let's talk cuz.”

“About what?”

“About the other day on the beach, I did say we'd save our little 'conversation' for later. It's later sweety.”

At the mention of letting Brian fuck her as well as Daisy kiss her on the mouth and breast, Peach immediately flushed a bright shade of pink and she looked away shyly. Daisy smirked deviously placing her hand under her cousin's chin she turned her head to face her, “Come on Peach, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it.”

“Of course I did, Brain was just... wow. But as to the rest... I...”

“You mean between us?”

“Yeah... I mean it not that I don't like you or anything, it's just...”

“Is it because I'm a woman or your first cousin?”

“Both actually. Daisy, I love you, no no I don't mean I love you, I do but...”

“Oh shoosh Peaches, I know what you mean. I love you too honey, so what's so wrong with showing it and enjoying one another at the same time. It's not like we can get each other knocked up, besides, who better to express your love for than family right?”


“Tell you what,” Daisy said, kissing Peach on the neck, “give it a shot this once, and if you don't like it I won't bring it up anymore, for me?”

Peach smiled glancing over at Daisy and nodded, “Okay, for you.”

“Wonderful, cause I bought a few toys with me this time.”


“You'll see.”

Carefully unzipped the back of Peach's dress Daisy slid the garment down to her waist and began to playfully kiss her on the neck. Now that the dress was out of the way she unhooked Peach's bra, pulling it off she began to gently massage her breasts in her hands. Pushing them up then slowly brushing the nipples as she pulled down. Peach's creamy white complexion and subtle scent of her lilac perfume already had Daisy quite aroused. She pushed her cousin down onto the bed pulling her dress the rest of the way off, taking the time to remove her own dress Daisy laid down on top of her and began to kiss her deeply. As their tongues twisted around Daisy slowly pressed her leg between Peach's, moving it back and forth she gently teased her cousin. “Let's see what kind of toys I brought with me.”

There was a considerable amount of interest on Peach's part as she watched Daisy pick the cloth bag up off the floor and set it on the bed next to them. Unzipping the top she rummaged around inside for a moment removing a small pink dildo, clicking a button on the bottom it started to vibrate. Peach seemed rather surprised that it vibrated but it didn't take her long to figure out why. She felt the tip slide into the top of her pussy and the vibrations illicted an immediate response. Letting out a gasp Peach arched her back in surprise, the vibrator sending small rapid pulses through her body. Daisy smirked to herself watching her cousin writhe with pleasure as she rubbed the toy up and down her pussy, stopping from time to time to tease her clit. After nearly causing Peach to have an orgasm Daisy stopped, setting the vibrator on the floor next to the bag. She removed another toy from said bag after that, it looked like a pair of latex panties until Peach saw a dildo attached to the front. “What's that for?”

“What do you think it's for? I'm gonna fuck you.”

Being told that she was going to be fucked by her cousin was a rather odd experience for Peach, though it started to feel a lot less odd when Daisy leaned down sliding the dildo into her. She started with a slow thrusting motion and to Peach it felt just like it had when Brian had fucked her. With a broad smile and a small laugh she started to grind her hips in rhythm along with Daisy finally giving herself up to the moment. Her cousin took great pleasure in listening to the beautiful blond under her moan and gasp as she continued to fuck her, leaning down she kissed her again Daisy was nearly being attacked by a passionate Peach who had already trying to pin her down with her legs. “Come on Peaches, cum for me, cum for your Daisy,” she whispered into her ear. The one thing that Daisy hadn't counted on was how loud Peach would get, when Brian had fucked her she had been so quiet, but now her moaning was getting to the point people might overhear them. Clamping hand down on her mouth with one hand Daisy managed to keep her cousin quiet as she cam so hard it almost looked like she was having convulsions.

“So how was it?” Daisy asked, once Peach had finally relaxed.

It took Peach several seconds to catch her breath, “Oh wow.” with a giggle she pulled Daisy down kissing her on the lips playfully, “What about you, you haven't... you know.”

“I know, it's your turn. I want you to fuck me now.”

“Um okay, I can try. I've never used one of those before.”

“I know, but I want you to fuck me... in the ass.”

“In the ass? You like that?”

“Oh you have no idea.”

The idea of fucking someone in the ass was strange to Peach, but after putting on the strap-on she looked over at her cousin for a moment. Her smooth skin, round butt, and inviting smile as she laid on the bed made the whole situation easier. Still not entirely sure what to do Peach climbed on top of Daisy who reached back spreading her ass with her hands, then she positioned the wet dildo carefully pushing it in. With a low moan she could feel Daisy's body tighten up, laying down on top of her she began to thrust her hips back and forth. Peach started with a slow pace trying to get the hang of this, then Daisy pushed back against her several times trying to drive the dildo deeper into her ass. Thinking back to their experience on the beach she reached down pulling Daisy's hair remembering that she liked that sort of thing. Letting out a low groan and wrapping her legs around Peach's from behind, Daisy pushed back hard enough to nearly force her cousin into a doggy style position.

She was no doubt already quite horny from fucking Peach which made it easier for her cousin to do her job. When she reached around front to rub Daisy's pussy she found that it wasn't wet, it was outright dipping. Peach didn't know much about fingering as she hadn't so much as played with herself before, but she wanted to make sure Daisy got off too so she began to slide two of her fingers in and out while picking up speed with the strap-on. This time when Daisy began to cum she buried her face in one of the pillows the muffle her moans of pleasure, tearing into the sheet with her fingernails as she clawed at the bed. Pulling out Peach laid down on top of a very satisfied Daisy, “I guess I got it right huh?”

“Peaches dear, you were great. Tell me something, have you fucked Mario yet?”

“Uh... no, not yet.”

“Why not?”

“I don't know...”

“Oh for crying out loud, how many times has he saved you and your kingdom over the years?”

“A lot.”

“Exactly,” Daisy said, reaching into the bag for a third time she pulled out a box of condoms holding them back for Peach to take, “honey, I think you owe him a little more than a thank you and a cake by now.”

02-01-2012, 08:30 PM
good story. mario deserves a good reward for all his efforts :)

The Sandman
01-06-2013, 11:13 PM
good job