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02-12-2012, 04:03 AM
Take off your dress
by Adrian Errik

Chapter One

Mindy Ferguson's heart was pounding as she drove along the freeway. The blue sun dress she was wearing revealed the tanned expanse of her incredible body. Her long slender legs with the creamy smooth thighs were the object of fascination to every male she met. Her long honey colored blonde hair was whipping in the breeze as she smoothly shifted in her restored 1966 Mustang Convertible her father had given her as a wedding present.

Mindy's sky blue eyes were filled with unshed tears as she fought to retain her composure. Her mind returned to the day she had been openly flirting with Raymond, the good looking hunk of a construction worker who had been putting a patio cover on the back of her house. He had spent several days there, and Mindy had noticed that he took advantage of every opportunity to run his eyes over Mindy's body. She had been amused at first, then slightly flattered. But then her imagination had begun to work, and the night before she had dreamt of being stripped naked and savagely fucked by an unending series of muscular bronzed men.

Mindy was not happy, for she had married Larry Ferguson after her first year at the local Junior College. To her disappointment, the beautiful lovemaking she had saved herself for never materialized. Larry had fallen into the habit of a five minute on and off experience. He didn't seem to care that she went unfulfilled. Mindy had learned that she was highly sexual, and she had become quite adept at using a vibrator to pleasure herself.

When Raymond had knocked on the patio door, she had let him in, feeling small and vulnerable next to his muscular bulk. But he had smiled at her, and she had felt the tickle between her legs as she looked into his dark face with the white teeth and big brown eyes.

"I should be finishing up tomorrow, Mrs. Ferguson" Raymond had said.

Mindy offered him some ice water and as she moved around the kitchen getting glasses and getting the ice and water, she felt his eyes on her body. It made her conscious of the short shorts and midriff halter she had put on that morning. Guiltily, she remembered that she had deliberately not put on a bra, knowing that Raymond would be watching her as he had the other mornings. And sure enough, he had looked at her as she moved around inside her house. She turned her head and saw that he was looking at her. She flushed, her body feeling hot, itchy and swollen. Damn! She could feel her nipples crinkling up, lengthening as she felt Raymond's hot gaze on her.

She brought him a large glass of water. His eyes were glued to the tanned cleavage and the button protrusions of her hardened nipples behind her halter.
Taking the glass, he took a long swallow. And then he looked at her, softly saying "You know, Mrs. Ferguson, you are a very attractive woman."

Mindy felt her heart jump into her throat. She tried not to respond, but he body was quaking slightly as she stammered "Well...T-Thank you, Raymond." She could feel a throbbing tick as her pussy lips began swelling with blood, and her pussy began to moisten. Damn! She needed to go upstairs and use her vibrator.

Raymond set down his glass and looking into her lovely blue eyes stepped forwards. She felt his hands on her waist.

Stop Him!! her mind screamed to her. But she couldn't stop his hands as they moved slowly across her belly and then inched upwards. Mindy gasped as his hands moved under her halter and then cupped her naked breasts.

Instinctively, her hands went to his wrists, but he was too strong, and she was far too weak with desire to keep him from gently squeezing her breasts. His fingers began plucking, pinching and pulling on the highly sensitive nubs of her nipples as she loudly moaned. Unconsciously, Mindy leaned into his hands, giving him access to her throbbing tits as she moaned softly from the throbbing pleasure that radiated from her tits to her quivering cunt.

"Let's go to your bedroom, Mrs. Ferguson. I'll strip you naked and fuck your wet little pussy for the next three hours. You'll like it!" Raymond said.

What he thought would help in the seduction instead stopped it cold. Mindy had been raised through her teen years by her father, and theirs had been a home free from vulgarities. She had actually been a virgin when she married Larry, and hearing the coarse obscenities was like throwing cold water on her.

With a violent backward lunge, Mindy pulled herself back from Raymond and his fondling hands. Looking at him in horror of what she had allowed, she stifled a sob and ran from the room. She had run upstairs, locking her bedroom door and throwing herself on the bed, had cried for a half hour. She had heard Raymond's truck leave.

That night she had been extra nice to Larry. But he hadn't noticed and she was miserable. She vowed that she would never lose control like that again.

The next day, she had stayed mostly out of sight while Raymond finished the patio cover project. She had answered the door when he had knocked to hand her the bill.

Stumbling with his words, Raymond had said "Mrs. Ferguson...I'm really sorry for what I said yesterday. I didn't mean to do and say those things. P-Please forgive me."

Almost immediately, Mindy's compassionate nature forgave him, believing that he was genuinely sorry. If she could have seen in his mind, she would have realized that he was simply afraid of losing his job if she complained to the company. Mindy relaxed and they chatted for a few minutes.

Finally, Raymond said "Well, I guess I better be going. Mrs. Ferguson. You know, if you REALLY forgive me, would you please have a drink with me this Saturday? Meet me at Ted's bar. Just one drink, just to prove that you really don't hate me."

Mindy was torn. She knew that it was a bad idea. It was best to just drop it and she'd probably never see Raymond again. But she didn't want him to think that she hated him. And though she didn't admit it to herself, she DID enjoy being around the ruggedly handsome worker.

"Well, I guess one drink wouldn't hurt." she said, smiling at him.

She had gone about her business the rest of the week, but her mind kept drifting towards her upcoming encounter with Raymond. And try as hard as she could, she could not ignore the memory of what it had felt like to have his large hands squeezing her breasts. She would remember what it felt like and her nipples would harden and she would become horny. Mindy used her vibrator several times a day as she would dream about how wonderful it felt to have Raymond's hands on her tits.

Saturday morning, she puttered around the house. Larry was playing golf. An hour before she was to meet Raymond, Mindy took a long shower. She carefully scrubbed herself, and then dried her naked body with a large towel as she scrutinized her body in the mirror. She admitted that she looked very good. She lifted her breasts in her hands, testing their weight, and closing her eyes, she pretended that it was Raymond's hands caressing her flesh. Mindy carefully applied her make up, curled her hair and put on a light blue sun dress that she knew she looked very good in.

As she drove to Ted's bar, she sternly told herself that she would just go in, have one drink and then leave. She ignored the tingle of excitement in her belly as she pulled up to the bar. When she entered, it was nice and cool, but rather dark. In a few moments her eyes adjusted and she saw Raymond sitting in a rounded booth in the corner. She walked to the booth and slid in. They made small talk and she relaxed.

After she had drank her beer, Raymond ordered another one for her. She thought about telling him "no", but she enjoyed talking and it wasn't hurting anything. The second beer was some kind of import and much stronger. But Raymond was a clever conversationalist and she laughed at his jokes, and before she knew it, she felt extremely relaxed and slightly dizzy.

Raymond was telling her a story, whispering it conspiratorially as he leaned towards her. When she felt his hand on her knee, she sighed in pleasure. It felt very nice as he slowly stroked the inside of her knee. Mindy felt herself floating as she listened to Raymond's voice and enjoyed his large hand caressing the inside flesh of her thigh. She knew she should stop him, but it felt good and she was also so very tired! She would stop him soon. She didn't realize that her thighs were falling open as she slouched down in her seat. Raymond was whispering softly in her ear, telling her how beautiful she was. Larry never told her that, she thought.

And then she felt Raymond's fingers brushing across the front of her panties, and she softly moaned. It felt so good, she wanted to push her hips against his fingers. But warning bells were going off in her mind. Weakly, she opened her eyes and looked into Raymond's dark eyes and smiling face.

"Ohhhh, Raymond. Please...OH, please d-don't touch me there." she whispered up.

But Raymond's fingers began moving up and down the front of her panties, caressing her swollen pussy lips through the thin material.

"Mrs. Ferguson, it's not hurting anyone. And you know it feels good. Doesn't my hand feel good, Mrs. Ferguson? If it doesn't feel good, tell me and I'll stop. But I don't think you lie, Mrs. Ferguson, and I think that we both know it feels good."

His voice was almost hypnotic. The combination of the alcohol, the darkness, Raymond's soft voice and his probing fingers overwhelmed her. She whimpered when she felt Raymond pull her panties to the side. Her eyes were closed, and she was focused upon the unbelievable feeling as Raymond put a rough callused finger just inside her pussy lips and slowly dragged it up and down, wildly stimulating the nerves in her pussy.

She groaned loudly when she felt more and more of his finger pressing along the slick, sticky tunnel of her pussy. She pushed her hips against his finger, impaling her wet cunt on his probing, worming finger. Mindy lost track of time and place as she whimpered and softly sobbed as Raymond finger fucked her spasming pussy.

And then, he whispered "Mrs. Ferguson, lets leave here and go someplace. Somewhere we can be alone."

Mindy was almost helpless. She knew what Raymond would do to her if she went with him. He would FUCK her! Her mind savored that obscene word. FUCK her! That's right, because her jerk husband didn't want to. Maybe she should just do that. DAMMMMNNNNN, his finger felt great sawing in and out of her cunt. She was so hot and horny she could hardly stand it.

Mindy opened her eyes and was going to whisper to Raymond that she would go with him. However, her body froze in shock! For virtually every guy in the bar had turned and was watching them. And they all were looking under the table. Mindy shrieked as she realized that they all had a clear view of Raymond's hand between her leg and his finger probing her wetness.

"Oh god, noooooooo!" she wailed, beginning to cry hysterically as she grabbed her purse and pulled from Raymond. She hung her head in shame as she headed quickly for the door. She looked up at the grey haired bar tender who was standing by the door. She heard the exclaimed whispers of "Hot assed bitch" and "Damn that was some hot cunt!" but the bartender didn't say anything, just looked at her.

The young housewife had climbed into her car and peeled from the lot. She had cried for the first five minutes, humiliated beyond belief. This is IT she thought. She would never let herself get in that situation again. She felt so cheap and dirty she couldn't wait to get home to shower and wash off the filth that she felt was clinging to her body. And then her cell phone rang.

Chapter Two

"Hello, Daddy" she said as she saw that the call was from her father.

"Mindy, I need you to come over here right away," her father said into her ear.

"Daddy, I can't right now. I'm on my way home. Can it wait until later. I really do need to get cleaned up!" she said. She just wanted to go home, shower and curl up in bed for a while and lick her wounds.

Her father sounded a bit put out with her, "No it can't wait. Now get over here as soon as you can. This is important!" He said. Mindy was shocked. He was talking to her like she was still a teenager, telling her what she would do.

Almost automatically, Mindy said "Yes Daddy. I'll be there within five minutes!" She knew not to argue with her father when he used that tone of voice. She didn't know what was up, but she knew that her father wanted her there. She began to worry a bit. What did he have to tell her that was so important.

And then, the worst possible scenarios invaded her mind. Was he sick? Did his business go under? And then she remembered her mother dying of cancer, and fear clutched her throat. Could her sweet daddy be dying? She unconsciously speeded up as she neared her father's house.

Her father lived at the end of a cul de sac, set back from the street and hidden by trees, shrubs, and a huge lawn. Mindy drove into the circle in front of the house. She walked into the house, having her own key.

"Daddy?" she called out.

"I'm in the den" she heard him answer. She walked down the hallway and into his den. Her father had on a tank top and gym shorts. He owned a major constructions company and had built it with his own hands. He was still very muscular, and though a bit of grey had crept into his hair, he was still very handsome. He was standing looking out a window as she entered.

Mindy walked across the room to stand beside her father, who continued looking out over the pool and grounds. Putting her hand on his arm, Mindy softly asked in a scared voice "Daddy, what's wrong?"

Her father turned to face her. He reached out and took her shoulders and then her upper arms in his rough hands, gently holding her. His face was sober as he looked into the beautiful eyes of his daughter.

Now Mindy was really frightened. Her father was acting strange. "Oh PLEASE Daddy...Tell me what's wrong!! Please"

"Mindy, are you and Larry having troubles?" her father softly asked her.

Mindy paused for a moment. She didn't want to lie to her father. She had tried a few times, but she had always confessed, and she had learned to simply tell him the truth.

"Well Daddy, I guess we are having troubles. But all marriages go through troubled times. We'll get through it." She said. "Why are you asking me about my marriage?" she said.

"Let me make a guess...I'm guessing that Larry isn't...satisfying you. Am I right?" He was looking into her eyes, and Mindy felt like a bug pinned to a mat.

She blushed, wondering if he was referring to sex. "Oh, well...you mean...uh, you mean like...physically?"

"Yes Mindy. I'm talking about sex. Larry doesn't satisfy you sexually, does he?" her father said, almost sadly.

Mindy REALLY blushed now. Sex had always been a kind of taboo subject. Though her father had raised Mindy since her mom died when she was 11, they had not discussed sex. She had found out through school programs and the girls' locker room.

Dropping her eyes, which suddenly felt very moist, she whispered "No. No Daddy, he doesn't." She felt a pain shoot through her heart, for she realized for the first time that she was NOT happy with Larry, especially sexually.

"Well Mindy, I'm worried about you." her father said. Mindy lifted her face and looked him in the eyes, love on her face. "Oh Daddy, don't worry about me, I'll be OK" she said bravely. It was so sweet of him to worry about her.

"No Mindy, you won't be OK. Larry isn't taking care of your needs, and I'm afraid that you are going to get yourself in a great deal of trouble because of it." her father said, almost harshly.

She felt a stab of fear as she said "W-What do you m-mean, Daddy?"

"Today I got a phone call from an old friend, a guy I was in the army with. You've met him a couple of times, but you probably don't' remember him. His name is Ted Baxter."

Mindy was confused. Why was her father mentioning an old army buddy. She was perplexed for approximately five seconds. And then she realized who Ted Baxter was. He owned Ted's bar, and he had been the one she had seen just before she left the bar.

Mindy looked at her father with wide eyes, shamed beyond belief. Her father continued to hold her upper arms as he stared at his daughter.

"Ted said that you just put on a show for his customers. Mindy, he said that YOU WERE LETTING SOME ASSHOLE FINGER FUCK YOU WHILE THE WHOLE DAMN BAR WATCHED!!!" her father's voice had gradually become a shout. He was enraged.

Mindy felt herself grow dizzy. She was humiliated beyond belief. Her father knew about her afternoon! She was shocked at his language, for he had always talked and behaved without every using vulgarity. Huge tears welled up in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh Daddy...I...I'm so sorry for hurting you!" And with a start she realized that she cared much more for what her Daddy thought than what Larry thought. She felt tears streak down her cheek as she stood before him.

"Mindy, I've been trying to decide what to do. I should tell Larry what happened. He is your husband, after all."

"Oh Daddy, please don't tell Larry." she said. She was not happy with Larry, but she was not prepared to end her marriage, and she knew Larry well enough to know that his pride would never accept that another man was more attractive to her than him.

"Please Daddy, don't tell Larry. It wouldn't help anything, it would just make him divorce me."

Though her eyes were red, she looked so vulnerable and beautiful to her father.

"I know it wouldn't help anything. But I've got to do something. Mindy, do you know how bad this could have been? You could have gotten pregnant, or even contracted a disease! What were you thinking?!!" he somberly said to her, gently shaking her as he talked.

Mindy sobbed "I wasn't thinking Daddy. I've just been so...so lonely, and so frustrated!! Larry doesn't touch me anymore, and sometimes I want to be touched and held so badly...I...I just don't know." She was pouring out her heart to her father.

Sighing deeply, he said "I do understand. You see Mindy, when your mother died, I knew that I had to raise you and give you a chance to have what you wanted. I always thought what you needed was to have one man to love and who you could be happy with. But I guess you are more like your mother than I had thought!"

Mindy felt confused. What did her father mean? "Mother? Daddy, what do you mean? You did a wonderful job of raising me. What does Mom have to do with it?"

"I loved your mother very much, honey, but your mother was a hot assed slut who wanted to be fucked all the time. Hell, I think that I fucked her every single day of our married life, sometimes three or four times. And I just thought that you were different than her."

Mindy was shocked! Her mother...a slut? "Oh Daddy...I didn't know that about Mom."

Her father seemed to shake himself and come to a decision. Looking at her with piercing eyes, he said "Mindy, I can't let you go on allowing strange men to use your body. It's too dangerous. But I can't tell Larry either. I agree that he would probably divorce you. So I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. If I promise not to tell Larry, I want your word that you will do what I tell you to do. It will be for your own good. Do you agree?"

Mindy couldn't think of anything her father could do that would make a difference. She cringed inside figuring that he was going to enroll her in some kind of psycho therapy BS. But she knew that she'd agree to it. She really didn't have any choice. And she reluctantly admitted that letting her father take control gave her a feeling that everything would turn out OK.

Mindy nodded her head and said "OK Daddy. I'll do what you want if you'll not tell Larry."

Her father looked at her for several moments and then said, "Very well, Mindy. Now, I'm going to call Ted and make sure that none of this gets out. He's going to have a little chat with your asshole friend and you'll never see him again. While I'm talking to Ted I want you to go upstairs to my bedroom and wait for me."

Mindy was puzzled why her father was sending her to his room, but she was so immersed in her relief that Larry wouldn't find out about her meeting with Raymond that she didn't question him. She climbed the stairs and walked to her father's room. Of course, it was immaculate. Her father had always been somewhat anal, and he always made his bed the first thing after getting up in the morning.

While she waited, Mindy examined the books in the library shelf along one wall. There were all kinds of classics. But Mindy was shocked to see that there were some pornographic books as well. She was surprised. Her father had not had any of these when she was at home. She wondered if he had just hid them very well. She opened the cabinet under the big TV, and again she was surprised to see that there were several pornographic videos showing semi naked women on the front. WOW! Her Daddy certainly seemed to had not lost his libido over the years.

When she heard him coming, she closed the cabinet door and stood waiting. Her father entered the room and then turned and closed the door. She felt a tingle of apprehension when she saw him turn the lock. He turned back around to face her, leaning against the door.

Mindy didn't say anything, but just stood thee. Her eyes grew wide when she saw that her father was not looking her in the eye, but rather he was examining her body!!! She couldn't believe it. Her father was checking her out!!!! She blushed a bright red from his frank examination. She was ashamed when she felt her body reacting to his gaze. She felt warmer and her boobs began to ache. She felt the moistness developing between her legs. This was unbelievable.

Finally, her father said "Mindy, take off your dress!"

She was stunned!!! "W-What did you say? Take my DRESS off?????" Mindy stammered as she tried to understand if she heard him correctly.

Almost irritably, he said "Yes, I told you to take your dress off. Now hurry up!"

Mindy stood looking at her father, her mouth open, her beautiful blue eyes wide open in shock. "Daddy, I-I don't understand." she began to say.

"Our agreement was that you would obey me. And I expect you to do that very thing. I am not going to tell Larry what you did. But I'm not going to have my daughter being pawed over and put at risk by men who only want to get in your panties. I know you need to be fucked, and I'm going to take care of that need. Now get your dress off!" Mindy could now clearly see the desire behind her father's stare.

A shudder of fear caused her to shake. Or was it fear? She was so confused. This wasn't like her strict father, the one who had preached morality to her as she grew up.

"Daddy, you...you mean that you...you want to...to have SEX with me?" she asked him incredulously.

Almost to himself, her father said "If I'd only known you were like your mother. All those years, Damn, I should have got in your panties ten years ago!"

Mindy, still numb from shock said "Daddy, I was only 14 ten years ago!"

"That's right, fourteen and primed for a solid fucking, no doubt. Shit, I thought you were scared of sex. If I'd known what a hot-assed nature you had, I'd have taught you all about it." Sighing, he said "Mindy, this is the last time I'm going to tell you. Get out of the damn dress or I'm going to call Larry."

Mindy knew that she had no choice. She was absolutely stunned at the revelation that her father not only wanted to have sex with her, but that he would have done so during her High School years if he'd known about it!

She felt incredibly shameful as she meekly said "Uh...OK, Daddy. I-I'll do what you say!"

She looked at the floor to avoid having to look in her father's eyes as she reached behind her back. She was so nervous that she had trouble getting the fastener undone. She fumbled for several seconds before the catch released.

"Stop!" she heard her father say. She looked up at him, thinking that she had been given a reprieve.

"I see that I'm going to have to train you, Mindy. Whenever you are alone with a man, you will look into his face. Don't look at the floor or turn your face away. Look at his eyes. Now, continue to take your dress off, but you look at my face." Her father's voice was deadly serious.

Mindy felt humiliated, but she obediently looked into her daddy's handsome face as she pulled the zipper behind her down to the top of the swell of her bottom. She took the thin straps of her sun dress and slowly pushed them down off her shoulders, holding onto them for an instant before whimpering and letting the top of her dress fall down to her waist.

Her dress hung around her waist, but her bra covered breasts were exposed to her father's eyes. She had on a teal strapless bra that fastened in the front between the very full twin cups. She saw that her father's eyes glittered as he looked at the full mounds of her breasts behind her bra. Her cleavage was deep, and her tanned skin looked wonderful to him. Though she was supposed to look into her father's eyes, she couldn't help glancing at the bulge that was growing between his legs. She felt a wave of dizziness and a shameful thrill of liscensous pleasure. There was little doubt that her father was aroused. But it was WRONG! She loved her father, and she would do anything for him. She shouldn't be doing this, and she REALLY shouldn't be getting any pleasure from being forced to undress for him.

Knowing she had to continue, Mindy pushed the blue material of her dress off her hips, and with a whisper it fell in a pool to the floor. Mindy had never felt so embarrassed before in her life. Her father was looking at her long beautiful legs and the matching bikini teal panties.

"I see that you've wet your panties" her father said, humiliating her and making her blush a deep red. Her father walked over to his bed and sat on the edge. "Come over here and stand between my legs!" he ordered her.

Taking a deep breath, Mindy obeyed her daddy. She felt sick with shame for her father's eyes were bright as he examined her semi-naked body. She knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"Take off your bra and show daddy your titties, little girl!"

Mindy quivered at his words. No longer was she a married housewife. Instead she was once again in her daddy's home, a teenager full of the yearnings of a highly developed sexual being. And her daddy wanted to look at her titties. And with a sob of humiliation, she knew that she was going to enjoy it!

Slowly, her hands moved to her bra. She took the two sides and unclasped the holder. She looked into her father's eyes and then let the ends go. Her bra snapped apart falling to the floor behind her. And Mindy was now standing in front of her father exposing her naked breasts to him.

Her Daddy couldn't believe how gorgeous her breasts were. They were perfectly rounded, and her nipples were a dark pink color in the middle of light brown areolas. Damn, she was gorgeous!!

She held her breath as her father reached forward with his hands, and then loudly groaned when he lifted and cupped her tit flesh, his fingers playing with her nipples in the same way that Raymond had. Mindy could barely stand to be touched, her nipples were so hotly sensitive. She put her hands on her father's shoulders as his hands began working on her breasts.

Her mouth was open, and she sobbed "Ohhhh Daddy...noooooooo, d-don't do this!!!" But of course, her father ignored her pleas. She shouldn't be enjoying this, but she couldn't keep back the wave of lust that wracked her body as her daddy pinched and pulled on her throbbing nipples, rolling them between his fingers and stirring the pot of liquid heat that was building between her legs.

Mindy held her breath as she watched her father lean forward, his mouth opening. A loud sob of humiliation and pleasure erupted when she felt her nipple being surrounded by her father wet, hot mouth. Immediately, she felt him suckling her and it was like an electric wire had been shoved deep into her pussy.

She was barely aware when her father's hands moved behind her. His fingers slowly moved under her panty line and he cupped her two ass cheeks, squeezing them as he suckled his daughter's breast. Mindy's sexual experience was limited to Larry's fumbling and Raymond's few minutes of arousing her. She had no idea that having her ass squeezed and played with could feel so good. And of course, she was experiencing for the first time the joy of having a man lick, suck on and gently nibble the throbbing hardness of her aroused nipple.

For several minutes Mindy's father enjoyed sucking first one and then the other of her beautiful breasts as he massaged the incredible firmness of her ass.

Mindy was feeling dizzy and weak as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, growing stronger by the second.

Her father closed his teeth on the long nub of a nipple, holding an inch of it inside his mouth. He began lashing it with the rough surface of his tongue over and over, round and round. As he did that, his fingers moved together and delved inside the deep crevice separating her ass cheeks.

When Mindy felt a probing finger arrive at the pucker of her anus, she almost screamed from the combination of pleasures that were assaulting her young flesh. She had no idea that her asshole was so sensitive, and when she felt the tip of one of her father's fingers beginning to worm inside, her mouth opened and she loudly screamed as an absolutely incredible orgasm captured her body.

Mindy would have fallen to the floor if her father had not had hold of her. As it was, she cried, sobbed and writhed as her father continued sucking her tit and fingering her asshole. Her orgasm lasted thirty seconds, and then she weakly collapsed forward into her father's arms in a semi swoon.

When she became aware of her surroundings again, she felt her panties being pulled down her thighs. She was flat on her back, and her father was stripping the last protection from her body.

"Roll over and get on your knees." her father said.

Mindy's body was still pulsing with flashes of pleasure as she turned over and pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. She was immediately flooded with a feeling of humiliation. This was the most obscene position she had ever been in. Her father was standing behind her looking at her wide spread body. She knew that he could see the wet slit of her pussy as well as the tight pucker of her anus. And she was simply kneeing there, mutely offering him her body.

When she felt the bed shake, she knew her father was climbing on the bed behind her. She felt his hands on her hips and mentally prepared herself to be entered. She had heard about sex in the "doggie" position, but Larry had refused to do anything other than the straight missionary position. No foreplay, just get on and pump for a few minutes, cum and get off.
And so Mindy couldn't help but be excited even as she felt degraded by the position she was in. She held herself ready to be mounted. Yes, that was it, she was going to be mounted like she had seen male dogs do to their bitches!! The thought made her groan with shame.

Mindy almost shrieked, however, when she felt a warm wetness directly on her wetly swollen pussy lips. It was then that she noticed the dresser mirror and the reflection of the bed. She could see herself kneeling slavishly, her bottom high in the air and her breasts hanging onto the bed. Her hair was spread out on the bed, but what drew her attention was the sight of her widespread ass and her father's face buried between her cheeks. He was LICKING HER!!! She knew of oral sex, but Larry had said it was dirty, and refused to give or receive it.

"Ohhhhhhhh my gooooooddd, Daddddddddyyyyyyyyyy!" she whined as she began waving her ass, pushing her hips back as her Daddy's thick tongue licked up and down, stabbing in and out of her. It was thrilling! He began rubbing his thumb back and forth across her clit, making her moan and groan. A minute later, she felt him push two of his fingers deep inside her and begin sawing in and out, fingering her sopping wet pussy as he continued diddling her clit. Mindy was shaking with lust, her body reacting naturally to her father's ministrations.

Her whole crotch felt like ants were crawling over it, and she was sobbing out incoherent pleas. And that was when her Daddy's mouth moved upwards and she felt his tongue beginning to rim round and round the winking little pucker of her asshole. Mindy's hands were spasmodically gripping the covers of the bed, her teeth ground together as she cried and sobbed over and over as her father made her anal crevice very wet while continuing to finger her cunt.

When her father stiffened his tongue and pushed it inside of her asshole, Mindy's orgasm peaked and crested. Her writhing almost pulled her father's fingers and mouth from her, but he held on as she bucked and writhed in a pleasure she hadn't known she was capable of, his fingers and mouth continuing to assault her tender young flesh.

Mindy's sobs lessened, and her father pulled his fingers from her cunt, and gave her tender asshole a final deep sucking kiss. She was tired but felt incredible satisfied. So THIS was what sex was supposed to be like.

Her father's hands were on her shoulders and he was pulling her up so that she was once again on her hands and knees, only turned sideways on the bed. Mindy opened her eyes and saw that her father had pulled off his tee shirt. Then he pushed his gym shorts down off his hips, and his prick sprung forward as they fell to the floor.

Mindy's eyes were huge as she whispered, "Oh Daddy! You are so BIG!" She blushed, realizing how wanton she sounded. After all, she was being FORCED into doing these things...wasn't she? At the moment, she decided it didn't matter, because her father stepped forward and his prick was within an inch of her mouth as her Daddy reached out and took her hair in his hands.

"Open your mouth, little girl. You're gonna suck your daddy's prick!" he said to her. Mindy realized that her father was remembering her as a teenager and fantasizing about her. And knowing that made her want to please him. She had to admit that being forced to do these lewd things with her father was arousing to her.

"Yes Daddy. I-I'll suck your prick for you." Mindy said as she opened her mouth and moved her head forward.

She wasn't sure what to expect. The taste was not gross, nor was it as strong as she thought it would be. Actually, it was a little musky but only for a few seconds. Her saliva was flowing and soon there was little taste. But she immediately loved the softness, the silky sensation of licking the head of her daddy's cock.

When her Daddy groaned, it made Mindy excited. She loved the thought of pleasing him. She pushed more of her mouth forward, and her lips moved down his shaft until the head of his cock was at the back of her mouth and the beginning of her throat. Mindy kept it there for several seconds and licked up and down the underside of his shaft. She could feel the large vein there.

Her father pulled her head almost off his prick, using her hair as handles. He slid back inside her mouth, and his moans continued as he slowly fucked her mouth.

"Damnnnn, your mouth feels good baby. Yeah, lick it like that. Ohhhh, damn. You are a sweet little cocksucker. Suck Daddy's cock, you little slut. Suck it and get me ready...OHHHHH, shit that feels good. Get me good and hard, Mindy, so that I can shove it up your pussy. MMMMMMMMMMM, Damn!!!!"

Her father's words should have disgusted her, for they were degrading and insulting to her. But instead they made her hot. He was fucking her mouth more quickly now. As she knelt sucking his prick, her tits were swinging, brushing the bed spread, making her nipples throb.

Mindy reached between her father's legs and cupped his hanging balls. They were large and her hand could hardly contain them. She played with them, making him groan even more loudly, calling her his private pussy, his own little cock sucking whore. She loved listening to him, knowing that he was so excited.

He must have been close to coming, for almost violently, he pulled away from her mouth. He grabbed her and roughly, threw her back on the bed, climbing between her legs. He grabbed her ankles, lifting them straight up in the air, and then bending them back over her, putting them on her shoulders.

Mindy felt his throbbing prick pressed against her belly. It was lying lengthwise along her sopping pussy furrow as her Daddy bent her body double. He was looking into her face, and she had never seen such naked lust before.

"Put your hand around my cock and guide me in, Mindy. Daddy's going to fuck his little girl!" he hoarsely said to her.

Mindy felt ashamed for only an instant. Her Daddy wanted to fuck her! And she wanted him to!!! Her hand reached between them and she took the huge head and pulled it between her pussy lips and into the socket of the entrance to her cunt. She looked up into her father's eyes, her mouth opening as she felt her pussy stretching as he slowly pushed inside her.

"Oh my god, Daddy. It's so huge...OHHHHHHHHH" she cried out. She saw a fierce grin of pride and lust as he continued boring into his little girl's body, impaling her soft liquid core with his hard, throbbing shaft.

Mindy's body was going wild as she felt his huge cock sliding inside her. An orgasm exploded within her and she bucked underneath him, almost throwing him off as his prick finally thundered inside her, his heavy balls resting against the split of her ass. Mindy hadn't realized how good it could be to have a cock fucking her.

Looking into her face with lust and love, her father said "Baby, you're going to find out what it means to get fucked!"

He slowly began to power his huge pole in and out of her tightly stretched cunt, the wet sounds of his fucking loud as she groaned and moaned, pinned to the bed but repeatedly pushing her hips up to get all of his prick inside her body. Five minutes later, she had another orgasm and cried out, clinging to her father as her body spasmed and clenched around him. But he didn't slow down or stop, continuing to slam into her even as her orgasm was wracking her flesh.

Mindy was completely focused upon fucking. Her father pressed his mouth to hers and she hungrily kissed him, whimpering as she sucked on his tongue. He was the most awesome man she had ever known, and she willingly fucked him even as another orgasm broke her rhythm and made her sob up into his mouth as she trembled uncontrollably under his pistoning weight.

She felt the liquid from her orgasms slowly trickling out of her pussy hole, dribbling down between her ass cheeks and over her pulsating asshole. Her breasts were constantly being scraped by the wiry hair of her daddy's chest, adding pleasure as her stimulated nipples throbbed powerfully.

And her Father continued whispering and grunting into her ear, telling her what a hot ass bitch she was, encouraging her to fuck him back, telling her that he was going to fill her up with his cum. And she loved it all. She had descended into a state in which she was nothing more than a female bitch who wanted nothing but to be mounted and fucked.

Her Daddy must be getting close to cumming for his strokes were faster, and he was slamming himself inside her, holding nothing back. He took Mindy's hands and held them over her head, pinned to the bed as he fucked down into her wet, open body. As Mindy felt her father restraining her, her ankles locked on his shoulders and her hands pinned above her making her titties press up into her father's chest, she loved being dominated. She was openly crying, tears streaming down her cheeks even as her father's mouth was ravaging hers. Nothing in the world had ever felt so good as having her father force her into being his sexual slave. She was a receptacle for him, a warm and wet place for him to shove his prick, and she would willingly allow him to shoot his white hot sperm inside of her. She wished that she could drink his cum as well, and the thought of doing so pushed her over the edge once again.

But this time as she came, she felt her Daddy's prick swell even bigger inside of her and he ripped his mouth from hers, groaning "I'm cumming, you gorgeous cunt. I'm creaming your sweet pussy. Take my cream, bitch. FUCK IT!!!!"

Mindy had the most powerful orgasm of all as she felt the bullets of her father’s cum splatter inside of her, making her feel warm and wet even as her pussy muscles contracted wildly, attempting to suck every bit of her father's hot sperm inside her cunt.

Again and again his deeply buried prick spurted bolts of sperm into the lewdly violated young housewife. It seemed like ten minutes, but in reality was not more than thirty seconds that the two naked bodies were fused together, one emptying his balls, and the other greedily accepting his liquid homage.

Her father continued to hold Mindy, pinned by his body with his prick still inside her, and holding her hands over her head against the bed as he kissed her. She could hardly breathe, but she didn't really care. She luxuriated in being so completely filled and sated by this man she loved so much.

But the longer she lay under his naked body, the more aware she became of what she had done. She had lost control! And it didn't matter how much he had enjoyed it, her father had forced her to have sex with him. She pictured the outrage on Larry's face if he ever found out.

Finally, Mindy's father released her, and she groaned as overused muscles flexed. She lowered her legs and rolled out from under her father. She went to the bathroom. And when she looked in the mirror and saw how disheveled she looked, noticing the white liquid that was leaking from her thoroughly fucked pussy, she cried out in dismay.

Overwhelming feelings of shame and humiliation descended upon the young housewife. She had to leave right now!! She came back into her father's room, and quickly slipped her clothes back on. Her father didn't stop her, but gently said "Bye Honey. I'll see you tomorrow!" She refused to acknowledge him but left the house.

She drove around for a half hour, thinking about what she was going to do. She was so deeply ashamed at having lost control with her father. But every time she thought about it, her body started becoming aroused and she forced herself to think of other things.

That night she was everything the perfect wife could be. She had Larry's favorite meal, she was dressed in a way she knew he liked, and she catered to his every need. But Larry barely seemed to notice. After supper, he went to the living room, got in his recliner and read the paper.

Mindy came in and tried to talk to him, but he mostly ignored her, giving her one syllable grunts in response to her questions. She was depressed and flipped through the channels, not really paying attention. The phone rang.

Larry picked it up. "Hey Jack, you son of a bitch you! How are you doing? Great...yeah, she's here!" Without looking at her, he handed the phone to Mindy. Jack was her father's name. If Larry had looked at her, he would not have failed to see how white she was.

"H-Hello Daddy" Mindy softly said.

"Hi Baby. I'm sorry you left to quick today. I know you are upset, but don't worry, things will get better." He sounded gentle but upbeat.

"If you say so, Daddy." Mindy said softly.

"I want you to be here at noon tomorrow. Oh, and bring an overnight bag. I'm going to be coming down with something tomorrow evening and you're going to need to nurse me overnight. We'll call Larry tomorrow afternoon to tell him," her father softly told her.

"Uhh, I'm not sure if I can make it!" she said woodenly, feeling fear creep up her back.

Her father paused for a second and then said "Well, if you don't want to come, Mindy, I guess I can’t make you. Of course, I am going to need to talk to Larry. Why don't you put him on?"

There was a long pause, and then Mindy said "I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I'll come over tomorrow around noon."

She heard her father say "That's a good girl, Mindy. And come to think of it, you don't need to bring a bag. You won't be wearing anything anyway. See you tomorrow. I can't wait to get into you again!"

Mindy held the phone to her ear a minute after her father hung up. This was ridiculous!! She was not going to let herself be used again. She would just have to tell her father that he couldn't do that to her again. And if he threatened to tell Larry, why she could threaten to tell Larry that he had forced her into having sex!

Mindy loved her father, but she felt she had no choice. She was not going to become her father's plaything. Having decided that she was going to take a stand, Mindy felt better. She went to bed early that night.

Chapter Three

However, all night long she tossed and turned as she dreamt of being fucked over and over by an endless succession of men. She woke up feeling worn out.

All morning long she rehearsed how she would explain things to her father. When it was time to get ready, she dressed in a conservative dress which buttoned down the front and which came to just above her knees. She didn't wear makeup, although she did brush through her hair. She didn't want to look bad, she just didn't want to appear attractive to her father. But even then, it was hard for her, for she had always done things to please her daddy, whether it was getting straight A's or being a cheerleader or basketball player. And she still loved him and wanted to please him. But he shouldn't be forcing her into having sex. Even if it was the best sex she'd ever had! For several moments she relived the incredible pleasure of being pinned and fucked by her father's body. But she realized that she was being aroused again and she ruthlessly stopped her mind from remembering.

There was no answer at the door, so Mindy let herself in to her father's place. "Daddy?" she called out. There was no response. She climbed the stair and started down the hallway to his room. "Daddy?" she called out again.

As she passed a darkened room she screamed as a figure leaped out and grabbed her. She recognized her father's voice as he held her and laughed. "Boo!" he said.

"That's not funny, Daddy, why I..." and then Mindy paled. She could tell that her father was naked! And without another word, he pulled her mouth to his and began kissing her.

Mindy struggled, turning her head away, "Daddy, Stop! We...we need to TALK!"

But her father wasn't paying any attention. He gripped the back of her neck more tightly, and brought her mouth back to his. She stopped struggling, but she kept her lips together. She could feel her father's prick pressing against her belly. She tried to ignore it, but she could feel that her body was heating up. Her breasts seemed to be swelling, her nipples tingling.

When her father's hand reached down and grabbed one of her asscheeks through her dress, she gasped. When she opened her mouth, her father’s tongue entered it and she moaned as he began frenching her. Several minutes later, Mindy had relaxed and though she wasn't aggressively kissing him back, she wasn't resisting him either.

When her daddy's hand grabbed a breast and began squeezing it, she moaned into his mouth. She had been without the touch of a man for such a long time. Yesterday had been incredible, making her realize how much she needed and wanted to be touched like this. But it was her FATHER...it was WRONG, she said to herself.

Mindy didn't resist when her father took one of her hands and pulled it between his legs. She felt the hot flesh of his prick and she simply couldn't resist wrapping her fingers around it and softly squeezing it.

Her father responded by groaning into her mouth, kissing her more deeply. Mindy forgot that she was going to talk to her father. His cock was so beautiful in her hand. It was soft, but underneath the muscle was very hard. Images of her sucking on his beautiful prick and being impaled by its length flashed before her.

"Oh no, its happening again!" she thought. Could it be true? Was she a cock hungry whore, like her father had said. Was she just like her mother? Just asking the question in her mind made her begin stroking her father’s prick as she willingly kissed him back.

Still kissing and holding her as she stroked his hot cock, Jack moved his daughter down the hall to his bedroom. He had thought that scaring her would be fun. But just seeing her reminded him of what a spectacular piece of ass she was, and he could hardly wait to fuck his prick deep inside her tight little pussy.

His hands were fumbling with the buttons of her dress. There were so many, he was getting frustrated. "Fuck it! I'll get you a new dress." he said as he took the front and savagely pulled it down, buttons popping off.

Mindy was shocked at the tremendous hunger her father was showing for her. Having him rip her dress off should have angered her, but instead it made her feel a weak kneed pleasure at his unstoppable desire for her body. His huge hands made short work of her slip as well, ripping it off her body as she stood before him.

Her father dropped to his knees and within seconds he had pulled her white panties down to her knees. "Get out of that fucking bra!" he growled and then leaned forward and plastered his lips to her wet pussy lips. His hands began roughly playing with her naked ass cheeks as he licked her sticky cunt.

The quickness and the ferocity of her father's actions was arousing her immensely. He had stripped her almost naked and was sucking on her pussy within minutes of her coming into his house. His sheer force of desire have overwhelmed the protests she had so carefully constructed in her mind, and reduced her once again to that naked little girl who submissively accepted everything her Daddy did to her.

Mindy quickly peeled off her bra as she closed her eyes and moved her legs farther apart to give her daddy access to her throbbing wet pussy. His tongue was stabbing in and out of her wet cunt, licking up and down the sticky wetness of her twat, teasing her clit.

She felt him pushing her panties further down her legs to pool around her ankles. She sobbed as she stepped out of them, temporarily lifting her leg, giving him open access to her pussy.

He stabbed deep inside her pussy with his tongue as she groaned loudly.

He pulled back from her and as he stood, reason returned for an instant, and she said "No Daddy. We can't do this. Please let me go. We need to talk!"

But then she was in his arms and his huge hands were caressing her naked ass and he was bending down to kiss her again. With a weak sob of surrender, Mindy opened her mouth and accepted the ravaging kiss of her father.

He pulled her over to the bed, and turning, fell back on it, pulling the naked body of his daughter down on top of him. His prick was wedged between her thighs, pressing on the bottom of her ass cheeks as her titties pressed once again against his chest. Her father put his hands on either side of her face and gently and sweetly kissed her.

She responded to his tenderness by kissing him back, and their tongues dueled as she squirmed all over the hardness of his muscular body.

Breaking the kiss for a second, her Daddy said "Sit down on my cock, baby. I want to feel your hot little cunt riding up and down my prick!"

Mindy shivered in lust from his words, but dutifully reached down and grasped his shaft, lifting it straight up. She lifted her hips and centered her wide spread pussy over the top of her father's cock.

Her father took her hanging tits in his hands and stripped them, milking her thickening nipples and giving her hot bolts of pleasure as she lowered her wet cuntal plane until her wide spread pussy lips came into wet contact with his cockhead.

Together, Father and daughter groaned as Mindy impaled her body on her father's rampant cock. Her pussy muscles were rippling up and down his cock shaft as she felt his huge prick head move up her pussy tunnel, finally butting against her cervix as she settled down on him, completely filled with his thickness.

Mindy's objections were gone as she lifted her hips off of her daddy's cock, then sat back down taking it all deep within her belly.

"Come on baby, fuck your daddy's prick. YEAH, use your sweet little cunt. Shit, that feels good!!!"

Her father continued chanting lewd encouragement to her as she moaned and sobbed while she was bouncing up and down on his cock. A light film of sweat appeared on her body, for she was doing all the work. All of the desire and lust that had been building up inside her over the years was finally beginning to come out. When her father reached a hand behind her squirming buttocks and probed between her asscheeks, she gasped and moaned "Ohh YES, Daddy! Yes, put your finger inside my bottom. Oh, it's so nasty. Do it to me, Daddy. DO IT TO ME!!"

Jack was reminded of his late wife as his beautiful daughter went wild fucking his prick and shoving her ass back to impale herself on his probing finger as well. He pulled her down and slurped a thick, distended nipple into his mouth, gently chewing on her flesh as she cried out and began cumming around his finger and prick.

When Mindy collapsed on her father, he rolled out from under her. Getting behind her, he lifted her hips and fit his cockhead in the socket of her pussy and thrust all the way inside her wet pussy channel. Slowly he fucked her doggie as he rested her head on her crossed forearms, her back arched as she titled her hips up to get as much of her Daddy's hard prick inside her as possible.

For the next thirty minutes, Mindy's father thrust in and out of her pussy, adjusting his strokes between long and short as well as changing the angle of his thrusting. From time to time he would lean over, reach underneath her and pinch and pull on her nipples, making her groan beneath him.

She was the most incredibly sexy creature he'd ever fucked. He felt proud that she was his daughter, and as he fucked her, draining her lust and driving her to orgasm after orgasm, he knew that he truly did love her. He wanted to protect her, and he knew that if he didn't fuck her, she would be vulnerable to guys like that asshole who had publicly shamed her.

Mindy was not thinking. She was simply moving her pussy forward and back in rhythm with the incredible prick that was plumbing her depths. She loved having his thick prick head bang into her cervix. When his hands squeezed her tits it just made her hotter. She reveled in being fucked like this, in kneeling with her ass in the air and being plundered by her Daddy's wonderful prick.

Before she was aware, her father had pulled from her pussy and rolled her onto her back. She reached for him, wanting to have her empty pussy filled with his prick again, and she sighed and groaned with pleasure as he again plugged her. She was writhing and squirming underneath him as he held her pinned to the bed.

He reached for the phone and Mindy became aware of what he was doing. He dialed as he looked down on her naked body. He held the phone with one hand and played with one of her nipples with the other.

He leaned down over his daughter, covering her with his body and holding the received to her ear and mouth.

"Tell him you're staying the night to take care of me." he whispered in her other ear as he pulled his cock from her cunt and then slammed inside of her, making her softly groan.

And then...
"Oh...uh, Hi L-Larry...yeah, it’s me. Daddy...Daddy isn't doing real well. He n-needs me to stay the night!"

Mindy was trying to keep her voice as steady as possible. But it was difficult! Her father's prick was fucking her slowly, driving her crazy with lust. But he was also whispering in her other ear.

"Don't tell him that your daddy is fucking your pussy, Mindy. Don't let him know that you love feeling my cock fucking you, or that your pussy has creamed all around it. You're my hot ass slut baby and I'm gonna pour my cream inside your tight little pussy. Maybe I should do it right now. Want me to cum up your cunt while you're talking to Larry?"

Larry was babbling on about something at work as Mindy tried to ignore her father's words and his prick which was sawing in and out of her spasming pussy, pushing her towards another orgasm.

And then she froze for her father was reaching behind her and she knew what was coming.

She was able to cover the mouthpiece just as her father’s finger began diddling the pucker of her asshole, making Mindy deeply groan from the pleasure.

"Dadeeeeyyyy, pplease d-don't do that. Larry will heaaaaarrrrrrrr...OHHHHHHHHH!" she moaned as her father's finger slipped into her rectum and massaged his own prick through the thin membrane separating her rectum from her pussy.

"You are a hot piece of ass baby. When you get off the phone, I'm going to fuck your sweet little ass!" her father crudely exclaimed as he played with her body.

Mindy summoned all her strength and gasped into the phone, "Larry, I need to go for now. Daddy is calling me!"

Her father whispered "Cum for me, Baby, cum for me!"

"Ohhhhh, he's really sick, Larry. I-I gotta go!" Mindy put the phone in the cradle and then allowed the orgasm that she'd been suppressing to burst through her body. She screamed out as she felt her father’s prick begin hosing her cunt with thick ropes of his sperm. He covered her open mouth with his, delighting in the screams she continued making even as she began sucking his tongue while her cunt sucked all the white hot sperm out of her Daddy's erupting prick.

Five minutes later, Mindy was again on her hands and knees and her father had been licking her anus over and over. He had thrust his tongue inside her clenching anus, loosening it until he finally slipped a finger inside her. She had gradually become used to the finger and then he had added a second finger. From time to time, he'd pull his fingers out and wriggle his tongue deep inside her.

She wanted this. It was the most degrading act her father could do to her, and the wickedness of having her own Daddy licking her bottom thrilled the beautiful blonde. When she felt her father's thick cockhead pressing against the gaping hole of her ass, she loudly moaned. It was so big, it hurt her as it popped inside her sphincter.

Jack ground his teeth together as he slowly burrowed his cock inside the dry hot depths of Mindy's asshole. "Damn baby, your ass is tight!" he exclaimed.

Mindy willed herself to relax, and her rectum gradually did just that as her father's hanging balls slapped against her swollen pussy lips.

Jack stopped with his cock completely buried inside his daughter. He looked down and saw the tightly stretched skin of her asshole clasped around his prick. He flexed his cock, eliciting a groan from Mindy and a responsive clench of her ass muscles. For the next few minutes her Daddy and Mindy traded flexes and clenching as she adjusted to the incredible pressure of having his cock up her ass.

By the time he pulled out and slipped back in, Mindy had adjusted and to her wonder, she felt sparks of sexual pleasure shoot through her crotch. She reached underneath her and played with her own clit and her Daddy began to fuck her.

"Shake your ass, you cock hungry whore! Oh Damn, I love your asshole. Yeah baby, fuck your sweet little ass back against me!" her father hoarsely encouraged her.

Mindy responsively fucked her ass back on his cock, feeling him fill her up over and over. She was so tight that after barely five minutes had passed her father was grunting and gasping like a steam engine gone out of control.

"Take it, Mindy. Here it comes. Here comes my sperm, baby. FUCK IT! FUCK IT! FUCK IT!!" he shouted as his prick began bucking inside of her, spewing its liquid in her tight dry rectum. Mindy could feel the wetness seeping in her bowels, and she loved the feeling of being so filled.

Her father had pulled out of her and they lay together, exhausted. Mindy fell asleep with her father’s finger in her pussy and her hand wrapped around his prick. An hour later, she woke up as her father stirred.

He pulled her from the bed and hugged her naked body. She was no longer shy, but eagerly kissed him as his hands touched and probed her voluptuous body. He led her to the shower and after adjusting the warm spray, used soap and thoroughly cleaned her body. She loved being the object of his adoration. She felt so sexy being soaped up and when his fingers slipped up and down between her bottom cheeks, she leaned against the shower wall, parting her legs and letting her father enjoy playing with her asshole and pussy.

She in turn washed him thoroughly, enjoying stroking his prick with her sudsy hands. She cupped and squeezed his balls as she stroked his long, hard prick, and she didn't stop until her father shot his white streams of cum all over her belly. It was wicked and nasty, but Mindy scooped up a strand of his sperm, and looking into his eyes placed it in her mouth and swallowed.

They went out to dinner. As they drove Mindy sat next to her father and he kept his hand on the inside of her thighs, rubbing her panties as she patted his prick. During dinner he sat beside her and as they talked, he touched her wet pussy, fingering her and loving the soft sounds of her excitement.

When they got back home, they stripped one another's clothes off immediately and fucked in the living room. They made it halfway up the stairs before her father bent her over and mounted her from behind. They made it down the hallway slowly as he fucked her forwards.

Mindy had never had anything close to the experience she had with her father that evening. He was insatiable, fucking her in every position, using her mouth and pussy as well as her sore but eager asshole. She fell asleep around 1am, but woke at 3am, her legs spread wide apart and her father eating her out. He made her cum and then she returned the favor, sucking his prick until he gave her a mouthful of his hot cum.

When they awoke the next morning, her father pulled her on top of him and she dutifully settled down on his prick and began riding him slowly. It was a long, slow fuck that was very satisfying. Her father was beginning to learn about her body and just as she began to cum around his deep thrust prick, he shoved a finger up her asshole and making her orgasm double in intensity.

As she drove home later that morning, the pleasures of the previous 24 hours faded, and she found that she was depressed and feeling incredibly guilty. She had willingly played the part of the whore for her father. There was no excuse for the way that she had behaved. She was afraid that she would go insane. The guilt and humiliation were assaulting her conscious and she was almost paralyzed with depression.

In an act of desperation, Mindy called Pastor Gee and set up an appointment with him for the afternoon. Mindy didn't go to church too often, but she liked Pastor Gee, and she knew that she needed to talk to someone.

Chapter Four

Pastor Gee had a very nice office. He led her to a soft couch, and got her a cup of coffee. Sitting down at the other end he made small talk and helped her to relax. Finally, he said with a smile "Well Mindy, I must say that having such a pretty woman visit me is good for my ego, but I would imagine that there are some things that you wanted to tell me about. Is that right?"

He smiled warmly at her, and Mindy relaxed, responding to this holy man. She stammered around for a bit. Finally, she said "Pastor Gee, Larry and I are having troubles. He-well, he just doesn't really care about...about making love any more. And I-well, I'm feeling...I'm feeling frustrated!"

Pastor Gee said "Well Mindy, why don't you call me Tom. I'm your friend and I'll help however I can. Have you talked to Larry about this problem?"

"Oh I've tried, believe me. But he is always watching TV or reading the paper. He just doesn't care about me anymore. I-I began to think that maybe I'm just not...not good enough for him..." Mindy said sadly.

"Oh, my dear, don't think that. You are a wonderful woman, and if your husband isn't taking advantage of his conjugal privileges, well then...well, he is just crazy!" he said to her. And then he stopped and blushed, realizing he might have gone too far. Mindy saw his blush and was warmly affected by it. Why, Pastor Tom was attracted to her!

When that thought went through her mind, it immediately set fire to her sexual nature. She tried to fight it, but her newly awakened sexual identity clamored to be released. As she looked at him, she felt the blood beginning to pound throughout her body, and she squeezed her thighs together to relieve the itch that was growing between her legs.

Slowly she said "Well Tom...you see, I'm afraid that I've done something...something that is sinful. You see, I've needed to be held and encouraged and loved for such a long time...well, the reason I'm here is because...because I've fallen into sin!"

Pastor Tom was nodding his head. He had heard it before, of course. His heart went out to the gorgeous young housewife. Her husband WAS an idiot. If he had the chance, he would make sure that she was fucked every night! He felt slightly guilty thinking such things about this married woman, but he had no intention of acting on it, so he rationalized that is was harmless to fantasize about her.

"Well Mindy, though it isn't right, I can certainly understand. But you know that it's not the answer. You need to find some other way to deal with your...your frustration." he softly said.

"Yes Tom, I know that. But you see, I'm concerned about this because I have learned something about myself. Pastor Tom, this man had his way with me." Mindy felt a thrill as she prepared to tell her story of seduction. "And it wasn't just a quick affair. You...well, you wouldn't believe that things that he did to me; things that I had never even imagined could be done. And all he said was 'Take off your dress!' That's all! And I couldn't help myself. I did what he told me to do. Pastor Tom, I was really scared, but I did it. And then he began doing things to me, you know...things to my body. Things that had never been done. And I'm so afraid that I'm a slut; that I won't be able to say 'No' to men who want me. And if that is true, then any man who knows my secret will be able to make me do anything that he tells me."

Mindy felt a thrill of lust as she deliberately presented how easy she was and she knew that she was affecting the young minister.

"Pastor Tom, I don't WANT to be a slut. Any man who wants me, though, just uses my body. And do you know what this man did to me?" She asked as she looked at him with wide eyed expression. She didn't glance directly at it, but she saw a stirring in Pastor Tom's slacks.

The man shook his head mutely.

"Well, after he made me take my dress off, he ripped off my bra and my panties. And he made me naked. Can you imagine? I was standing NAKED in front of this man! Does that make me a whore, Pastor Tom?" she asked him.

He stammered for a second and then said "Well, no Mindy. Of course you aren't a whore. You are just, well just a very sexual person."

Mindy had gradually been turning towards the young minister, her dress riding higher on her thighs. Mindy sighed loudly.

"Oh I'm so glad you said that. Because when this man made me get on my knees, he forced me to take his penis into my mouth. He used all kinds of nasty words and made me lick and suck him. I don't want to offend you, Pastor Tom, but do you know what he made me do next? He made me get on the bed on all fours and he got behind me, and...Oh Pastor Tom, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I need to. Can I tell you, Pastor Tom? Can I tell you what he did to me then?"

Mindy knew that he was caught. She saw him swallow nervously as she looked at him with innocent wide set eyes.

"Y-Yes, Mindy. You...well you should t-tell me...tell me everything that he did to you," he said. His voice was throaty and she noticed he had trouble swallowing as he looked at the full figured blonde housewife sitting so close to him.

"I was naked and on all fours on the bed, and he got behind me. He put his hands on my bottom, Pastor Tom, and he pulled my bottom cheeks apart, and...oh, it’s so nasty to even talk about...but he put his face between my bottom cheeks and he kissed and licked me right on my bottom hole!!! Isn't that horrible?"

Mindy was so aroused from talking like this; she could feel her panties becoming wet. She was slowly squirming on the couch, her dress hem rising rapidly. She knew that Pastor Tom was able to see her white panties flashing him.

"Well, I thought that would be a terrible thing, but Pastor Tom, it wasn't! I mean, I expected to be grossed out, but when I felt his tongue licking me and then even pushing inside of my bottom, I was so excited...well, I was so excited I came! But he didn't stop for a long time, and he made me cum at least three more times that way. Then he turned me over and we had sex."

Mindy wanted to be naked! Damn she was hot. And Pastor Tom's prick was rock hard in his slacks. He had tried to hide it, but had gradually relaxed, focusing on her story.

"And he made me come back the next day, and we had sex again. Lots of it. And the worst thing was that he made me get on all fours and he licked my bottom hole again, and before I knew what he was doing, he was pushing himself inside my bottom hole!!! It hurt at first, but after a while I liked it, and so he did it to me there. Then he made me open my mouth and he did it to my mouth before doing it a last time in my vagina. And he did ALL of that just because that one sentence made me his to do with what he wanted. And Pastor Tom, I think that probably whenever a man says that to me, ANY MAN, that I am going to be unable to resist him. Do you know what those words are, Pastor Tom? Do you know the words that make me turn into a slut that a man can do anything to? Do you?"

She was setting a trap, and she figured that he would fall right in. And he did.

Shaking his head 'no', the numb and horny young minister mumbled "No I don't know!"

The words are "Take your dress off!" Mindy whispered.

"Take your dress off?" he repeated.

In his counseling he often repeated what his clients said in order to confirm the information. But when he said that, Mindy stood up. She walked over to the door and locked it and returned to the couch.

"OK Pastor Tom. You said to, so here goes!" She watched him as she reached behind herself and unsnapped her dress, pulling the zipper down.

Pastor Tom's eyes were huge as he watched Mindy unzipping her dress. His mind was shocked. He realized that she had mistakenly thought that he was told her to take her dress off. He opened his mouth to tell her that she had misunderstood, but at that instant Mindy pulled her dress down until it was around her hips, and his words died on his lips.

"See, Pastor Tom" Mindy whispered. "Every time a man tells me to take my dress off, I can't help but do it. Even with a pastor." She was pushing her dress down off her hips, and within seconds, Mindy was standing in front of the pastor with just her translucent panties and bra on.

"Oh pastor Tom, are you going to do nasty things to me? I-I want you to now. The other man made me come and stand between his legs and he started touching me. He made me take my bra and panties off too!" Mindy could hardly wait to see the Pastor's prick

"Y-Yes, please come stand over here," Pastor Tom said. When she had obeyed him, he touched her on her hips. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the silky skin of her flat tummy.

"Pastor Tom, do you wanna take off my bra, or do you want me to...or do you want to rip it off?" Mindy asked him innocently.

Tom's prick lurched in his slacks. She was a fantasy come true to him. He took the middle of her bra and ripped it off, exposing her luscious tits. Leaning forward he sucked her throbbing nipples between his lips, making Mindy groan.

"Oh Pastor Tom, are you sure you should be sucking my titties like that. OhHHHH, isn't it...isn't it a s-sin?" she attempted to tease him as he roughly suckled her. Though he wasn't rough, she was very turned on by him. When he took her panties and ripped them off her hips, she felt even more excited. He wasn't asking. This mild mannered man of God wanted her...BAD!!!

She was gasping and moaning as she stammered "Oh Pastor Tom, your fingers...Oooooo, they are feeling my bottom. AHHHHHH, that feels really good, and...EEK!!!! Pastor Tom, I can feel your finger playing with my little asshole. You should...ARGHHHHHHHHH!! Not too rough, please. OHHHHH, go slower, Pastor Tom, it hurt...DAMMMMMMNNNNNNNN!!!!"

Mindy was not prepared for the savagery of his actions. He bit her nipple, causing pain but also a deep pleasure and then quickly stood. Within ten seconds he was completely naked. His prick was very long, though not as thick as her father's. She could see it visibly throbbing, and there was a streak of white pre-cum which was dribbling down the head of his prick. He pushed Mindy down to the floor on her knees and grabbed her hair.

"Open your mouth, Mrs. Ferguson, you're going to suck my prick!" he said with as much lustful desire as she had ever heard. She opened her mouth and Pastor Tom pushed his prick inside her mouth, immediately beginning to thrust in and out of her mouth. He was very rough and hurting her hair, but she was definitely responding to the degradation. For five minutes he fucked her mouth, his hands pulling her head off and onto his prick. He was ordering her to lick him, to play with his balls, to suck his cock as he fucked her oral cavity. Finally he pulled out of her licking mouth and had her stand. Grabbing her, he turned her and pushed her towards his desk and then bent her over the heavy oak wood.

Her tits were squashed onto the cool top of his desk, and Mindy knew that the Pastor was gazing at her widely spread pussy lips.

Mindy relaxed as she felt him fumbling between her legs. Then his prickhead was pressing against her thickly swollen pussy lips, and she felt inch after inch slipping inside her.

"Fuck me, Mrs. Ferguson. Fuck your sweet little married pussy on my prick. Fuck me like the slut that you are!" Pastor Tom grunted down at her as he began slamming his long cock up the tunnel of her cunt.

He was really getting into it, and Mindy couldn't help enjoying the rough fucking he was giving her.

"Yes, Pastor. Ohhh, fuck me with your big dick. Ram it up my little cunt. Oh don't stop fucking me until you shoot your hot sperm inside my married little pussy." She was moaning as she enjoying being shafted. She admitted that she was beginning to love this position. She loved being bent over and offering her naked cunt to a man, to be fingered, or sucked, or fucked or anything that he wanted to do.

"That's right you hot assed bitch. I'm going to cum in your married little cunt." Pastor Tom was completely out of control as he fucked the gorgeous married woman bent over his desk. His hot eyes traveled from her long blonde hair that was spread all over his desk, down her naked back, her back muscles prominent as was the hollow of her spine. And then there were those incredibly glorious ass bubbles that were churning. He could see his prick slip out and then slide back into her greasy pussy.

As he fucked her, he watched his prick slipping in and out of her tight pussy hole. He also noticed the pucker of her asshole winking at him. Wetting his finger, he reached down and pressed it against her pucker.

Mindy groaned and then erupted in orgasm as she felt Pastor Tom's finger pushing into the heated depths of her bowels, stirring her flesh.

He completely buried his finger inside her rectum and then quickly slammed in and out of her pussy over and over until with a hoarse shout, his cock erupted inside her sucking cunt.

"Take it, Mrs. Ferguson. Take my white hot sperm up your married cunt. Squeeze my prick with your pussy, you sweet whore. Fuck me!!"

Mindy erupted again in orgasm as Pastor Tom emptied the last of his sperm inside her willing cunt. As his prick softened, he released her, allowing her to stand up on weak legs. Turning her, Pastor Tom pulled her into his arms, kissing her mouth.

Mindy kissed him back, reveling in being held in his naked arms as his hands touched her all over. Continuing to press her breasts against his chest and her belly against his semi hard prick, she smiled and said "So I guess that I really do have a problem. Pastor Tom, do you think that I should tell my husband about my problem?"

The virile leader of her church grabbed her ass, and quickly searching, he found her asshole. He pushed his finger inside her ass as he grinned, looking into her eyes and making her gasp. Smiling, he said "No, Mrs. Ferguson. I don't think you should tell your husband. Actually, I think that you need some in-depth counseling. I want to see you here next week and we'll see if we can get to the BOTTOM of your problem." He had deliberately shoved extra hard with his finger in her rectum as he said the word "bottom."

"Ohhhh," Mindy groaned. "If you say so, Pastor Tom. Is our session over for the day?"

He grinned and then pulled her over to his couch. Pulling his finger from her ass, he sat on the couch, spread his legs and leaned back. "One more thing, Mrs. Ferguson. Get on your knees and lick my nuts. Suck them and wash them in your mouth while you masturbate me. And when I tell you, wrap those sweet lips of yours around my prick because I want to send you home with a bellyful of my cum as well as a pussy full!”

And that's exactly what happened. After drinking down the thick syrup of Pastor Tom's sperm, Mindy dressed and left. She expected to feel very guilty, but she found herself humming a tune. She realized that she had finally accepted what her father had said. She WAS a slut!

Chapter Five

Two days later, Mindy's father called her in the morning and told her to be at his house at noon. She didn't argue with him. She knew that he was going to fuck her, but Larry had continued to ignore her, and two days without a prick was making her very horny. It seemed the more sex she had, the more she craved being fucked and sucked.

She showered, shaved, and made herself very beautiful, taking care with her makeup and brushing her hair until it shone with a lustrous quality. At the last moment, she left her bra and panties in the drawer, simply slipping on her dress and a pair of sandals. She felt very naked not wearing any underwear. It made her pussy feel moist and her nipples were hard from the friction of her dress rubbing against them.

By the time she arrived at her father's, she was well on her way to being in the mood to take on her father. When her father opened the door, she gasped. He was NAKED! Quickly he pulled her in and slammed the door shut.

Mindy giggled "Wow Daddy, that's some kind of greeting!" But she didn't have a chance to say anything else, for he grabbed her, crushing her to him as his mouth covered hers and he ravaged it, forcing her lips apart and rudely shoving his tongue into her mouth. She groaned but then surrendered. Her Daddy's hands were unzipping her dress, and as he pulled it off, he backed up and grinned as her naked body was revealed.

"Damn baby, now you're talking. You got your hot little body all warmed up and ready for daddy to suck and fuck!" He pulled her against him and her hand went to his prick, stroking him as they kissed and played with one another's body.

Her father moved her to the foot of the stairs and they gradually made their way up the stairs, continuing to kiss and try to touch one another.

With a groan, her father pushed her on the stairs and moved behind her. Mindy lowered her head, arched her back and lifted her ass up high as she felt her Daddy's hands pushing her thighs apart to expose her pussy.

Mindy closed her eyes and moaned, her head thrown back as her father immediately began to eat out her cunt, licking and sucking her pussy lips, stabbing his tongue as deep inside her as possible. He slipped two fingers inside her pussy when his mouth moved up between her cheeks and he licked and sucked on her asshole.

Mindy knelt submissively before her father, enjoying the wicked things he was doing to her. She realized that he was planning on fucking her up her ass again, for he was stabbing his tongue inside her asshole and then wormed a couple of fingers inside her dry rectum, spreading his spittle inside her and widening her.

And then his mouth and hands were gone and he was lifting her up, copping a feel of her swollen tits as he pushed her forward.

"Come on Baby, I want to get you to the bedroom so you can get fucked good and proper!" He said.

Mindy enjoyed feeling her Daddy's cock pressing into the firm flesh of her ass and his hands kept playing with her nipples. They reached the door to his bedroom and they were three steps into the room before Mindy froze and then screamed, trying to get away.

For on the bed was a man. A NAKED MAN! Her father was holding her as she tried to get away. But it was useless. Gasping, she said "Daddy, let me GO!"

But her father only chuckled. "Mindy baby, don't you recognize my old friend?"

She was still ineffectively struggling, but she glanced at the bed. She noticed that the man had a prick almost as thick and long as her father's. Then she looked at his face. He looked somewhat familiar.

"No, I don't. Oh please Daddy...let me go!" she whimpered in his arms.

"Why, that's Ted. You remember...from Ted's bar?" Her father said. Mindy glanced at the man and realized that it was true.

"Hell baby, he's already see your little pussy, there's no need to be upset. Besides, you owe him for taking care of that little problem. He's talked to everyone, including Raymond, and no one will ever say anything. You should be grateful to him."

Mindy realized what was going on. She was going to have to have sex with Ted! She rebelled at being forced to had sex against her will. But then, her father had already forced her. And it wasn't like Ted was ugly or anything. And so she relaxed. Her father continued to hold her back against him.

"Ted, this is Mindy, my daughter. You've already met her, of course. But she is one hot piece of ass!"

Mindy blushed furiously. "Daddy, please don't talk like that in front of your friend!"

He laughed. "Baby, we both know it's the truth. Look at these titties, Ted. Aren't they fine?" Her father said as he lifted and played with her tits, twirling her nipples and making Mindy groan.

"They are beautiful, just like the rest of her!" Ted said. He had put his hand around his prick and was slowly stroking himself. Mindy couldn't resist the pleasure that his compliment made.

"Baby, look at Ted. He really wants you; he really needs you. So as a thank you, why don't you go over and lick his prick a little and then ride him. You can do it, Baby!"

Mindy's father was nudging her towards the bed. Feeling numb inside, she slowly allowed herself to be manipulated. When they got to the bed, her father pushed her forward, making her crawl on the bed between the man's legs.

"OK Baby, now you suck Ted really good. And since you're being such a good sport, I'm going to lick your hot little pussy and tender little asshole!"

Mindy gasped as she felt the wetness of her father's tongue moving down her anal crevice, licking the insides of her asscheeks and then rimming the pucker of her asshole as she spread her legs.

Trembling, she leaned forward and wrapped her hand around Ted's cock even as she moaned from the obscene licking of her trembling cunt and anus. Mindy closed her mouth around Ted's cock and began moving her head up and down, taking it into her mouth and licking all over his prick head.

Soon there were moans and groans loudly echoing in the bedroom as the three people lost themselves in the sexual experience. Ted had grabbed Mindy's hair and was holding on as she sucked his prick.

Finally, Mindy's father moved up behind her. Grabbing her tits he lifted her mouth off of Ted's prick. He moved her up Ted's body until she was straddling the older man.

"OK Baby, time to fuck Ted. Sit down on his prick and start riding him!"

He continued playing with Mindy's titties as she centered Ted's cock between her pussy lips and slowly sat down, impaling herself on his prick, squealing from the pleasure of his entry. Hungrily, Mindy began bouncing up and down on the older man, squeezing her pussy muscles, milking his stout prick and loving the pleasure he was causing.

"See, didn't I tell you that my daughter was a hot ass fuck!" Mindy vaguely heard her father, but she was unable to really make sense.

"Damn, you were right, Jack. She's beautiful! Damn, I could fuck her all night long!"

Jack laughed, "Well old buddy, that's the idea! We'll wear the little bitch out and fuck her so much she won't be able to walk for three days!!!"

Jack released Mindy's tits, and she fell forward on Ted's chest. She opened her eyes as Ted brought her mouth to his, but closed them as he began frenching her open, gasping mouth. It was then that Mindy froze, for she felt her asscheeks being forced apart, and a round rubbery object was pressing against her asshole.

"MNNNNNNNFFFFFF" she groaned into Ted's mouth as she felt her asshole being invaded. Her father was going to FUCK HER ASS WHILE TED HAD HIS PRICK UP HER CUNT!!!

Mindy was in a panic. She bucked and writhed, squirming to avoid the painful impalement. But the two men were much too strong for her, and she could only sob into Ted's mouth as she felt her father’s prick worming up her rectum. To the beautiful naked woman, it was like both pricks were crammed together inside her.

Never had she felt such pain as her father finally lunged into her, his prick completely buried in her rectum.

She lay between them in a semi swoon. The two pricks began flexing inside her, making her moan from the ache. But after a minute, Mindy began to detect sparks of pleasure leaping through her cuntal area. She tentatively moved her hips, and was rewarded with a stab of pleasure.

The two men felt her begin to stir, and they slowly began to fuck her naked body, buffeting her between them, one fucking into her as the other withdrew. Mindy began helping them, pushing her hips up and down, first to take Ted's prick deep inside her pussy and then back to impale her hotly throbbing asshole on her Daddy.

Mindy began to moan and groan, to cry and sob. She no longer felt any pain, just an incredible filling sensation. And then as she realized that two men were using her body, and fucking her, the masochistic joys enveloped her mind. It was the most degrading thing that she had ever had happen to her. These two men were fucking her two holes, intent upon spewing the white hot sperm into her body. And she loved it! She loved the attention, the touching, the naked desire of their pistoning cocks. No matter that they were only intent on emptying their liquid inside her body. She had aroused them to this uncontrollable pitch! A feeling of pride washed over her as she was pinched, pulled and penetrated by the two older men.

"OHHHHHHHHH, YEsssssssss!" she whined. "Fuck me...both of you. FUCK ME.... Ohhhh SHIT I-I'm going to CUMMMMMMM...OOOOHHHHHHHHHH" And the beautiful blonde housewife began cumming around the pricks of her father and his friend as they fucked her wet, clenching holes.

"Damn Jack, can you feel her pussy going nuts on my prick?" Ted said, grinning over Mindy's shoulder at his long time friend.

Mindy's father groaned, saying "Shit yes. She's one hell of a hot piece of assmeat, isn't she?"

Jack said "Hell yes, she's the best piece of fuckstuff I've ever shoved my cock into!"

Two more times Mindy screamed out her cum as the two pricks continued slamming into her wetly receiving body. And then the two men were spewing obscenities, urging one another on and finally beginning to spurt their hot ropes of white cum inside every fold and crevice of her pussy and deep within the darkness of her rectum.

Mindy lay between them, finally feeling their pricks pulling from her body. She was covered up, exhausted and spent. Thirty minutes later, she was awakened as Jack rolled her over on her back and climbed between her legs.

Mindy thought she was exhausted, but it was nothing like the weariness she felt the next morning. The two men had taken turns fucking her throughout the night. One of them had fucked her until he was ready to cum and then turned her over to the other man. They fucked her on her hands and knees, they fucked her on her back, they made her ride them over and over. They even pulled out vibrators and used them on her extremely wet sore holes, one fucking her pussy with a thick ribbed dildo and the other with a slender anal dildo.

Mindy had never been so exhausted as she lay semi conscious, weakly moving her hips up as Ted slammed in and out of her as the dawn light made its way through the window. Looking into her eyes, Ted said "Mrs. Ferguson, thanks for a night I won't soon forget. I'm gonna hose you now and then go home. But anytime you need old Ted's prick to fit inside your sweet little pussy, you just give me a call."

And then he was slamming inside of her without mercy, driving his thick prick deep inside her wetness making her hoarsely scream from the sore ecstasy he was giving her. Mindy looked up at his handsome face, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his waist.

"Oh Ted...w-would you...would you please...please put a finger inside...in my bottom?" She asked him meekly, embarrassed at being so crude, but wanting that extra stimulation.

Ted grinned at her, reaching underneath her and probing for her raw asshole. "Damn Mrs. Ferguson, you sure like getting it up the ass!"

And then his finger had wormed inside her rectum and his prick was slamming into her, and Mindy was off on another orgasm of the night, her voice hoarse from screaming as she wildly bucked under the older man, causing him to splash inside her grasping pussy once again with his sperm. They lay there for long minutes until Ted finally rolled off her, leaving her ravished raw body lewdly sprawled. He looked at her as he dressed and smiling, gave Jack a salute before leaving.

Mindy's Daddy slipped into bed, turning her on her side. He lifted her top thigh, and placed the head of his prick in her sopping wet pussy and slowly slid up her until he was completely spooned to her body, his prickhead buried deep up his daughter's cunt. Whispering in her ear, he cupped a breast and said "I love you, Mindy."

She sleepily said "I love you too, Daddy" as she squeezed his prick with her cunt muscles even as she drifted off to sleep.


Mindy walked down the church hallway to see Pastor Tom. She had informed him that this was the last "counseling" session she would be involved in. She felt happy with life. She had grown to the point where she could admit that her marriage was dead. Larry had been shocked when she told him, but then he hadn't really been all that upset. She had moved in with her Daddy a week ago. For two days she had her own room, but she had decided that it was silly to do that.

And so she had moved her things into the bedroom with her father. Some of her mother's things were in her closet, and it was appropriate, for Mindy felt like she was taking her mother's place. She did the laundry and made the meals, straightening up the house.

But she felt like that mostly because everytime her father was around, he had his hands all over her. And usually when he got home from work, he'd make her suck him off until she drank his cum, or he'd bend her over the sink or a chair, lift her dress and pull down her panties and fuck her from behind in her pussy or in her asshole.

And every night without fail, her father had spent no less than two hours sucking and licking her titties, her pussy and asshole, and then fucking all three of her holes. And she loved it!

So she was there to say goodbye Pastor Tom. She knocked on the door and entered. She smiled at him, and he said the words that he said every time they got together. It was almost a joke to them.

"Hi Mrs. Ferguson. Take off your dress!"

Mindy didn't wear a bra, but she always wore panties because pastor Tom loved stripping them off of her. She lifted her dress up off her head and stood before the man almost naked. He always marveled at how beautiful she looked.

Within a minute, he had stripped her panties off, and had her flat on her back on his desk. His gorgeous prick was slamming in and out of her pussy. Her legs were up in the air as he held them wide apart.

Mindy didn't hear the door open, but suddenly a gargantuan prick slapped against her cheek.

"W-WHAT?" she said as she tried to focus past the huge slab of dark cockmeat.

"Mrs. Ferguson, this is Tony, my Youth Minister. I've been telling him about your problem and he wanted to give you some therapy as well." All the time he was talking to her in a normal tone of voice, his big dick was slicing in and out of her wet cunt.

Mindy was amazed at the sight of Tony's horse prick. She had never thought about taking on a black man, but she reached for his prick and balls, pulling the head to her mouth and taking it inside, her tongue immediately washing all over the huge head. Tony reached for one of her nipples and played with it as he started fucking her mouth.

The two men fucked her for ten minutes, and then Pastor Tom blew his nuts inside the squirming housewife. They helped Mindy off the desk. Tony sat in a armless chair and they maneuvered Mindy over his lap to straddle him. She held his prick upright. WOW! It was huge. She pressed her pussy lips against his cockhead, and moaned as it stretched her cuntal opening wider than it ever had been before in her life. It felt like a baseball bat was being shoved up her cunt to the beautiful woman. Little by little Mindy slid down the huge pole, her body being impaled and drilled more deeply than ever before.

She felt Pastor Tom's finger find her asshole and as she struggled to take all of Tony's cock up her cunt, Pastor Tom was diddling her anus.

Tony slurped her titties as she began bouncing up and down.

"Oh My god!!!!! You're killing me with your prick. OHHHH, it's so HUGE!!!!" she wailed as she fucked herself silly. She was out of control, relishing being a woman, relishing the huge prick that she was riding and the probing finger inside her rectum. She really had become a slut.

And even as she felt the first load of sperm spewing inside her for the afternoon, she knew that she was going to be back for many sessions. Daddy was right. Mindy was a cock hungry bitch, and she planned to let these men do any damn thing they wanted to her. She loved prick, and from now on, she was going to take on anyone who wanted to know what it felt like to hose her gorgeous body.

And then Mindy began screaming out her own orgasm as Tony continued pumping white hot sperm deep inside her. The first of many loads of his cum she would take inside her body.

The End

02-13-2012, 03:02 PM
very good story

02-14-2012, 11:19 AM
Good story

03-09-2012, 03:30 AM
Besides this story, Take Off Your Dress, there are several others here by the same author.



Shannon gets Shafted


Private School Degradation,

Pillar's Descent


and my favorite,

Kristi's Family


Adrian Errik also wrote 2 other stories under the name of Adrian Errickson: "The Preachers Wife" and "Lois". This may have been his real name.

I also beleive he later wrote four other stories under another name, TomGee. I beleive this because this name is the same as the Mr. Gee that is a character in some of his stories above and who appears in two of these stories. But mainly the themes and the writing is in my mind virtually the same. These are: Crystals Realization, Chrystinas Revalation, Della and Wifely Secret.

I will be posting these 4 stories over the next few weeks so you, can decide for yourselves if its the same guy. I'd be interested to here from you readers if you think its the same guy or not.

05-14-2012, 11:47 AM
this is an incredibly intense story. thanks

09-19-2013, 12:55 PM
TomGee, who may also be an alt of Adrian Errik, wrote these 4 stories also, posted on this site here in the stories from the Net site.

Della - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31595-Della?p=467335&highlight=#post467335

Chrystinas Revalation - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31594-Chrystina-s-Revelation

Crystals Realization - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31440-Crystal-s-Realization

Wifely Secret - http://www.sexstoriespost.com/forums/showthread.php/31778-Wifely-Secret?p=469066&highlight=#post469066

10-29-2015, 11:45 PM
Another super hot story! Damn these are great!