View Full Version : (oldkingclancy) Somebody I Used To Know 4

11-17-2012, 12:05 AM
hey this is the next chapter in the series by oldkingclancy he is by far one of the nicest writers on literotica he even left me a kind email thanking me for my comment this story was so dramatic it made me dizzy my heart was fluttering I haven't felt like this since I first read Jessy story just one kiss



The colour literally drained from Ray's face, he looked into Lexi's eyes and that's when it hit him, Alex covered her mouth in shock. The words her mother said yelled in her ears.

"Who is my father?"

"An old work friend, Ray Henderson, he was promoted years ago and now works in Berlin, he doesn't know about you."

"Look at her eyes, mine are brown, so are yours, hers are green. She takes after her father."

And she did, looking into Ray's eyes she saw the same dark green eyes that she had. There was no denying it.

This man was her father.

Adam needed to keep things calm so he took Ray and Alex into an empty room and sat them down.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked both of them, looking for one of them to give them an answer.

Alexandra was in tears at the shock of it all, she couldn't say anything. Ray answered Adam in a soft voice.

"I think, I think your cousin is my daughter."

"What? That's impossible."

"I don't think so, I do come from Britain Adam."

"And, that's no proof."

"What about the name, Jane Buchannan? I had a one night stand with a woman called Jane Buchannan from my work, years ago."

"And she had one with a man from her work called Ray Henderson."

Lexi's voice was so quiet and timid it almost went unnoticed by the two men. She was still crying but she forced herself to look up at Ray.

"But I know he's my father because of his eyes. I have my father's eyes Adam you remember, you were there."

Adam did remember, Jane's words were in his ears as well. He looked at the two of them, he could see it, Lexi's dark green eyes, magnified by her tears, were a near perfect match for Ray's kind green ones.

Ray took a deep breath, he took Alexandra's hands in his and look into her eyes, into her soul.

"Your mother's name was Jane Buchannan, yes?"

She nodded.

"She had a sister called Claire."

She nodded again. "Adam's mum."

"I should've recognized the name, fuck. Jane was married to a man called Craig right?"

Alexandra nodded a third time.

"And Craig use to beat her."

She nodded one final time. Ray let go of Lexi's hands and sat back in his chair.

"Fuck. Anyone mind if I smoke?"

Lighting up a cigarette, Ray told his story, Alexandra listened with held breath and soaked eyes while Adam stood in the corner, listening almost as intensely as her.

"I knew your mother from work, I knew about Craig and what he was doing to her but I stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved because I liked your mother and I didn't want to offend her. Anyway one night we were working late, just the two of us and by the time we'd finished up it was after one in the morning. Jane didn't want to go home because she knew it would be locked since Craig was out drinking and would be drunk when he got home. I offered her back to my house for the day, we sat, talked, drunk some wine and before we knew it we were tearing our clothes off. It was a one-time thing and we never spoke of it, the only other person that knew about it was my sister, she was a friend of Jane's so we had to ask her to take her back home, have Jane says she spent the night at hers so Craig wouldn't kill her. I assume he bought it because she came in the next day with only a small black eye. A couple weeks later I was transferred to Berlin before your mother could tell me she was pregnant and I never saw her again."

Alex said nothing, she was still crying, mostly from the shock. It was Adam that spoke.

"Are you sure that you two are related I mean you don't know for certain."

"No, I'm sure. The timing is spot on for me working with Jane, there's too many variables to be a coincidence, we have the exact same eyes. And call it fatherly intuition or whatever but I just know that this is my daughter."

As soon as the words had left Ray's mouth Alex got up and ran away, Adam went to go after her but let her leave, considering it was for the best. He returned to his wife, catching Alex crying into his mother's shoulder. The look on his face was evident to everyone.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kanani asked.

Adam sat down next to his wife, grabbing a half empty bottle of beer, not his but he didn't care. "We had a family reunion of sorts. Turns out Ray and my cousin Alex. Father and daughter."

Kanani's jaw dropped. "No way, oh God I thought she didn't know her father."

"She didn't, but when she and Ray got to talking she figured it out. It's not definite but they're both convinced they're related."

"My god. How are they taking it?"

"Ray's pretty numb about the whole thing, I don't think he ever expected a kid in his life and Alex, well Alex is pretty upset about it all, she's never had a father figure in her life before."

"I hope they're Ok."

"Me too."

The husband and wife hugged and returned to their guests. A couple hours passed, Adam alternating between the two houses before he found Alex standing alone outside with a cigarette.

"Hey, how you doing?" He asked her with genuine concern.

"I've been better."

"I'm so sorry Lexi I had no idea."

"I didn't either and neither did Ray or your parents. They were almost as surprised as I was."

"Sorry you had to find out this way."

"Don't give me any sympathy. I fuckin hate sympathy, always so fake and condescending."

Alex's voice had venom in it but she couldn't hide the sadness that she really felt.

"You still upset about it?"

Alex dropped her cigarette. "You know I was, I kept thinking there was no-way this man was my father but the more I thought about it the more I realised he was and then it finally came to me. I have a father, for the first time in my life I have a father, a dad and I swear to God I started shaking with excitement. I have a dad Adam, I know I shouldn't be this excited but I am, a dad. Oh my God."

With a surprising smile Alex darted back inside the house, searching everywhere until she found Ray alone, sitting on one of the armchairs. She stood in front of him, very nervous in her actions.

"My name is Alexandra Buchannan, I grew up being molested by my father, I was turned into a bastard at 15, I lost my virginity one drunken night to five guys I never met and never saw again, I've slept with my cousin twice, no three times actually, I was a daughter then I lost my mother and I was almost a mother then I lost my daughter, I've been addicted to heroin, I might be addicted to sex, and I am 29 years old and I've been nothing but a lying, cheating slut for the past 13 years."

The pain in Ray's face was evident, he was convinced Alex was his daughter so to hear her say these things was obviously hurting him.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Alexandra gave a shy, half smile. "Can a dumb slutty girl dance with her father at a wedding?"

The colour that had drained from Ray's face came back and he smiled at her as he stood up. "Only if a dumb slutty guy can dance with his daughter."

The two of them, both with huge smiles on their faces, took to the floor just as Eric Clapton's 'Wonderful Tonight' started playing. They held each other close as they slow-danced, Alex's head resting on Ray's shoulder. Adam saw that Alex had tears in her eyes again but he knew they were tears of joy.

She finally had a father.

Adam saw his own father stand beside him as he watched the dad and daughter dance together.

"It's nice that Alex finally has a father in her life." Kieran spoke after a short silence.

"She had Damian."

"A real father Adam, Damien was only a step-father and he kicked her out after he found out about you and her."

"You kicked her out as well if I remember what Liam told me."

"She's not my daughter."

"But she is your niece."

"Look it wasn't my proudest moment Adam, your mother wouldn't talk to me for days, she agreed with me but still hated the fact that I did it. But I couldn't move past the fact that not only had she slept with you again after all the pain it caused her the first time around but her audacity in thinking we would help her, after what she done to you."

"She didn't do anything to me dad, I started this whole thing, I was the one who approached her."

"That's not what she told us. She told us she was the one who kissed you first."

"But dad I was the one who wanted her, I'd been in love with Lexi for so long that I wanted nothing more than to have her. We didn't work out and we've fallen out of love, why can't you accept that."

"Because as a father and an uncle I have to deal with the knowledge that two people that I love most in the world committed an act against the laws and man and god, not once but three times. Adam she was pregnant with another man's child and you still slept with her."

"Yeah and God saw that she was punished. Look dad I don't regret anything I did with Lexi, I just want you and everyone else to stop making a big deal out of it. We've put it behind us."

"I know son, but I can't put this behind me, I just can't. I'll always love you because you're my son, but what you did with Alex, it's unforgivable."

Kieran left his son before he said anything else. Surprisingly Adam wasn't mad at his father, he knew that it took a lot of courage to say that and he appreciated his father's honesty. Still though, Adam needed to find Kay and dance with her, if only to hold her close.

The reception went on into the early hours of the morning, a lot of people left around about midnight and then for the next hour everyone else just started heading off. At about 1:15 am Alexandra headed down to the beach, she wanted a little quiet time. However when she walked out onto the soft sand she saw Kanani sitting alone on a reclining chair.

"Oh, sorry I'll leave you alone."

"No, stay, I could use the company, besides we've never really talked."

Alexandra sat down on the second chair next to Kanani, she took out another cigarette and lit it up.
"I think there's a good reason for that Kay. I don't think it'll be good for us to compare notes on how Adam is in the sack."

"Well you're a little more open than I thought. But I agree with you it would be a little awkward given our shared history."


A moment of silence passed between the two women. Kanani couldn't think of anything to say, she barely knew Alex but she was a big part of her husband life, she felt like she knew her already.

Alexandra on the other hand knew exactly what to say.

"Adam is pretty good in the sack though isn't he?"

Surprisingly Kanani started laughing, it was just rude enough to break the ice.

"Ha, it's strange I never thought I'd be comparing sex notes on my husband with his cousin. How did I end up here?"

"You married the cousin-fuckin junkie, you're stuck with him now."

"I guess I am, but you're the one that fucked your cousin."

"I did and I don't regret it. I regret people knowing but we had a good time while it lasted."

"Adam told me how you two broke up."

"Broke up? You make it sound like we were together. I guess we were. Don't tell Adam but he was right, I did cheat on him. I tried to ignore the fact that we were in a relationship but I thought about it in rehab, and he was right we were in a relationship."

"You sound regretful."

"Sorry Kay, I try not to regret anything but I need to get some things off my chest, things I can't tell a lot of people. I've gotten a lot of hate from people I love because of who I love."

"I know, Adam told me about you and your mom."

"Christ is there anything that cousinfucker didn't tell you? Yes I was referring to my problems with my mother, there were others but that hurt me the most."

"Seems a little strange, that she would just disown you like that. I mean yes you slept with your cousin but it's a bit extreme to ignore you."

"I committed incest, I don't know how that goes down here but back home it's frowned upon."

"But no-one was hurt, surely she could've forgiven you."

Alexandra sighed. "There's no getting round you is there. Yeah there was something else that tore us apart. You have to promise not to tell Adam. Please."

"I promise." Kanani was a little worried where this story would go.

Alexandra took a drag of her cigarette, she hadn't told this story to anyone but she felt like she'd said it a million times.

"I trust Adam told you about my pregnancy with Evan."

Kanani just nodded.

"Well it wasn't my first baby. Years ago, back when I was still with Adam, I got pregnant with his kid. He was gone and we didn't have mobiles back then so I couldn't tell him. Truth is I didn't want to, I only told my mum and even with her I never told her who the father was. We got an appointment and aborted the baby as soon as we could, I was far too young and stupid to care for a kid. I felt like shit for months afterwards, blamed Adam which is why I cheated on him. That bit me in the ass, when Adam told my mum about us she put two and two together and realised who the father of my first kid was, she was sickened, hated me, didn't want to talk to me again. And the only thing that brought her back to me was the cancer that killed her, she never told anyone about the pregnancy and until you neither did I."

Alexandra dropped her cigarette, it was only half done but she dropped it anyway and put her head in her hands. "I'm almost 29 years old Kay, I've lost two children and only one of them by choice. I want kids, I really do, but I don't think they're in my future. Please, please do not tell Adam any of what I told you. And don't tell dad either."

Kanani was stunned, she wasn't expecting to hear that. She simply nodded and quietly said 'Ok'.

Alexandra didn't look at Kay, she knew that their relationship, small and insignificant as it was, had turned a major corner. She could only pray that Adam never found out.

After what felt like eons of silence Kanani started chuckling.

"You've gotten use to the whole Dad thing pretty quickly haven't you?"

Alexandra smiled, happy in the knowledge that a friendship between the two of them was still possible. "Yeah, I guess I have. I don't know much about my dad but at least I have one and he seems to be good friends with Adam so I think I'll like him."

"I think you will, Ray's a good guy, he's almost like an uncle to me. I don't know how well he'll react to this Ray's never been one to hold on to a relationship for long. Don't get me wrong he'll love you but he's never been a father before so don't get mad at him if he says or does the wrong thing."

"I won't, thanks for the advice."

"No problem, you're Ray's kid so we're practically family."

"You both are family now." A voice behind them startled the two of them. They turned round to see Adam smiling at them.

"How long have you been there?" Alexandra asked, a little worry in her voice that only Kanani caught.

"I just got here. Wondered where you two got to. Been getting along?"

"Just comparing notes on how you are in bed."

To everyone's surprise it was Kanani that said that instead of Alexandra. It raised a laugh out of everyone.

The three of them headed back the hill to the house, a few people were past out on sofas and floors, most of the people had left. Kieran and Claire were waiting by their car for Alexandra so they could go to their hotel.

"Right Adam I better go before your parents start shouting at me. It's been nice seeing you again, I'm happy you found someone."

Before Adam could respond Lexi hugged him tightly. "I've missed you." She whispered in his ear.

They stayed in a hug for just a little too long before Alexandra reluctantly let go and left, stopping only to hug her father goodbye, before leaving with Adam's parents.

Ray joined the married couple. "She's a good girl Adam, for all the shit we went through when you first got here I'm glad I was able to meet my daughter."

"I'm glad you two are getting along, I swear I never knew."

"It's Ok Adam, it's a happy accident."

"Where are we going to sleep?" Asked Kay. "Our house is pretty full at the moment."

Ray smiled. "Funny you should asked that. About an hour ago I cleared everyone out of my house and into yours. My place is empty right now."

Kanani kissed Ray on the cheek. "Thank you."

Adam and Kanani practically ran across to Ray's house, the lust in their hears at knowing they were going to spend their first night as man and wife together fuelled their excitement. Ray's bed was surprisingly bigger than they anticipated, more than enough to fit both of them.

Kay went on first, sitting at the bottom of the bed with her legs dangling off the side. She wished she was still wearing her wedding dress but she had made her choice.

"So husband. See anything you like?"

"I do, but it's hidden under those clothes."

Kay put on a naughty smile as she took the hem of her shirt by both hands and lifted it up and over her head. Adam followed suit and unbuttoned his own shirt, he reached down to unbuckle his trousers only to find that Kay had beaten him to it.

With his trousers loose Kay reached in and fished out her husband's dick, stroking him to full hardness like she had done so many times before. Adam let out a moan of pleasure, he loved the softness of his wife's hand.

"Jesus. Fuck I love you babe."

"I love you too. Let me give you a kiss."

Not getting off the bed, Kanani leaned forward and gave Adam's dick a soft kiss on his tip. Involuntary he shuddered, she kissed his tip again, another shudder. She kissed him another three times, each time the shudders got more and more intense. Adam thought the teasing was over but he underestimated his wife, she blew cool air onto his dick, the sudden cold was strange but amazing to Adam, Kay had done something similar a few times before but this, this was different, it was slow, methodical. She wanted to make him suffer.

She repeated this for several minutes, kissing Adam's cock to get it a little wet then blowing cool air. By about five minutes in Adam was getting weak at the knees, the only think stopping him from falling was Kay's hands on his ass. Despite the cold air Adam was sweating like a madman, he was preying he wouldn't give into his wife's teasing.

He looked down, Kanani's light brown eyes were hiding their mischievous ways, she wasn't giving up, not for a long time. She gave her husband a dirty smile and blew a little harder. Adam tried to hold back but after 15 minutes of teasing his resolve had dissolved.

"Please, I can't take anymore. Please, just, just..."

"Just what honey?" Her unknowing, 'who me?' voice was a dirty trick.
"Just, just... Just fuckin blow me."

No sooner had the pleading words left Adam's mouth that his dick entered his wife's. She didn't have to put much effort into it, Adam was so wired and so desperate that even the lightest of pressure was enough for him and he shot into Kanani's mouth. Kay's love of his jizz was a personal secret amongst the two of them, neither of them mentioned it but when it came down to their lovemaking he never denied her the taste.

Kanani swallowed every drop, a little dribbled out the side of her mouth but she didn't move. Once Adam had stopped shooting into her mouth she licked him clean and looked up, smiling at him. Adam wiped the running cum from the corner of her mouth, leaned down and kissed her, tasting the remnants of himself on her,

"I love you." He said, almost in a whisper.

"I love you too."

Kay kept the dirty smile as she lifted her long skirt, showing Adam she had no panties on, Adam didn't know when she took them off, probably when she got changed, but he didn't care, the image of her bare pussy took over him and he dove in, kissing her thighs and drinking in the scent of her.

Going down on his lover, his head under her skirt, Adam was reminded of when he did this to Alexandra three years ago. God was it really not that long, it felt like a lifetime. Was it really only three years since he believed Lexi was the one he would marry, since he last loved her.

No, he always loved her, she was family, but he wasn't in love with her, not anymore. So why was he thinking about her?

Kay could sense something in her husband's actions. "You okay hun?"

"Huh what?" The spectacle of watching Adam pull his head out from under her skirt issued a giggle from Kanani.

"I said are you alright? You seem distracted is all."

"No, I fine, just thinking about some stuff."


Adam looked up at Kay surprised, was she a mind-reader. He nodded. "Yeah, I was."

Kay sat up and cradled her husband's head. "Adam, your cousin went through a lot, she told me on the beach, and you went through a lot with her, it's only natural that you'd still feel a connection to her beyond the obvious cousin one. I like her, I want her to be part of our lives."

"So, you're not jealous?"

"A little but that's the past, we're together now."

Adam gave a non-committal grunt, he loved Kanani but the ghost of his relationship with Lexi was still with him and would stay with him for the rest of his life, it pained him but no matter how much of his heart he gave to Kay he could never give her all because there would always be that one bit that belonged to Lexi.

"She still loves you y'know."

For the second time in minutes, Adam looked up surprised. "What?"

"Alexandra, she still loves you."
"No, she hates me, she told me so."

"She told you three years ago, why would she come to your wedding if she hated you? Talk to her tomorrow before she leaves, she's grown up, she's had time to think."

"Ok, I'll do that." Adam's voice had gone quiet, the news that his cousin still loved him had made him weak. Whether it was from fear or excitement he couldn't tell. "Sorry for ruining this night."

"It's fine my love, we're together forever, I should get use to the odd disappointing night."

Kanani kissed Adam's head, she might have been joking but Adam had an entirely different thought pattern, the doubts in his mind had just intensified with that talk. Talking to Lexi tomorrow would just make them worse.


The next morning Adam and Kanani woke in each others arms, Adam woke first, still not able to get his body clock use to Hawaiian time despite having lived there for nearly two years. He saw Kanani stir awake and kissed her neck.

"Mm, good morning husband."

"Good morning wife. God it feels so weird to say that."

"I know what you mean, but doesn't it just feel right."

"It does, it really does. Come on, let's get up and join the others."

Kanani reluctantly sat up while Adam went through to the living room, he didn't realise he was buck naked as he walked past the window and he didn't care when he noticed, he was quite happy to have his dick swing between his legs. Adam found a note on the table, it had been written by Ray and left sometime in the morning.

'Me, Alexandra and Adam's parents are heading down to the beach, we're grabbing a boat ride at 12 so if you want to join us come on down, we'll be at the bar.'

Adam turned and saw the clock read 10am, turning round and seeing his bare naked wife head towards the shower gave him naughty ideas. He followed her in, deciding it was time he made up for last night.

It was just after 11:30 when Adam and Kay found the others, they were all seated at a table next to water, each with a drink in hand, all laughing away. As Adam got closer to them he saw that Ray was sitting next to Lexi, both very comfortable around each other, he was surprised at how quickly they had managed to become friends but he figured it must be natural given their shared genetics.

Ray was the first to spot the couple. "Adam, Kay. Over here."

Kay sat down next to Claire while Adam sat at the head of the table, Kay on one side, Ray on the other.

"So we miss anything?" Adam asked no-one in particular.

"Just swapping stories about you, your parents were telling me how you got that scar, two years and didn't even tell me. I told them about the boating trip, the one we went on with Kale. I swear he went on healthy then after three days he cut his weight in half."

The group was laughing, even Adam raised a smile even though it was at his expense. The group had a couple more drinks before 12 rolled around, when the time came around Ray and Kieran went off to grab the boat, Kanani and Claire went to the little girl's room leaving Adam and Lexi on their own.

"Not joining the girls, I though you women all went to the bathroom at the same time."
Lexi stood up and walked slowly round the table to the edge of the pier, lighting a cigarette as she did. "They do, I don't see the point, it would just be awkward if I was there."

Lexi sat on the edge on the pier, her bare feet just grazing the water. "Besides, I don't think your mother's ever really gotten over the fact that we fucked."

Adam sat down beside his cousin. "I know what you mean, my dad flat out told me he was disappointed about us."

"Ha, who would've thought a little harmless incest could fuck up our lives so much."

Adam found himself laughing with Alexandra. Almost by instinct, he put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I don't regret anything I did with you." He whispered in her ear.

"Me either."

Adam and Lexi looked at each other and for the briefest of seconds Adam believed what Kanani told him last night, that Alexandra still loved him. In her eyes Adam swore he saw hope, hope that this wasn't just cousinly affection, it was something more. Adam was sure it was hope, Lexi's eyes never held any hope which made this feeling all the more obvious, but maybe it was just his own reflection, maybe it was his own hope.

All these thoughts rushed through his head in barely a second before he turned away.

Lexi smiled, then she turned back to look at the ocean.

"Do you still have nightmares?" Adam asked her. Lexi looked up at him confused. "About Craig." he explained.

"Oh right, no, not for a while now. When I was with you they bugged me for a bit but when I lost the baby they were gone, replaced."

"With what?"

"Nightmares about the baby, people blaming me for it's death. I can't believe you remembered that, I must've told you that damn near ten years ago."

"I had a sorta nightmare last night, reminded me of you."

"I'm honoured."

Adam smirked. "I'm suppose to look out for you."

"Careful, last time you said that we ended up fucking. And unless you're a sadistic cunt I recommend dropping the subject."

Adam smiled and Lexi's unashamed blue humour just a gust of wind blew through the palm trees.

Alexandra looked up at the tree as she spoke. "You've struck good here Adam, nice little place. So when you running away?"

"I'm not Lexi, I'm here to stay."

She turned to her cousin. "Please. I know you Adam, I know you better than you know yourself. Sooner or later you're going to pack up and run away because that's what you do, that's who you are."

"Not this time."

Lexi gave a smirk, telling Adam she didn't believe him, then she threw her cigarette in the sea, stood up and walked to the boat. Adam watched her leave, Kay was wrong, Lexi didn't love him, they had just matured and their friendship improved. He would take a friend over hate any day, but would he take a lover over a friend? He didn't know.


The boat trip went better than Adam expected, his parents had accepted Kanani into their family easily, even Alexandra was getting along with her. Ray wasn't given the exact same courtesy - since he had just came into their lives so suddenly - but he wasn't ignored and once Kieran found that he and Ray shared an interest in Glasgow Rangers they hit it off immediately.

Being on the boat Adam could see the extent of the damage Alexandra's heroin addiction had given her. She was wearing a bikini top and a sarong dress, both a light blue, and it almost shocked Adam how skinny she looked. Lexi wasn't horrible skinny but Adam could still remember how she looked only 10 years ago and the change was incredible. He remembered the day he opened his door to a 19 year old Lexi and seeing her for the first time after so many years, her smooth curves, her long, flowing dirty blonde hair, her golden skin. All of that was gone now, her skin was white, slightly pasty but nothing a good, long shower couldn't help, her hair was much shorter now, reaching just to her ears and her curves had all but disappeared, Adam could see she wasn't all skin and bones but it was still a jarring change. It was like Lexi was two different people, if it wasn't for her eyes Adam might not have recognized her and even they looked different slightly. Adam would never say it to her face but Alexandra looked a lot older than her 29 years.

While looking at his cousin Adam spotted a new tattoo on her shoulder, he knew about the Welsh dragon on her hip but he'd never seen this one before. It was a bright red rose, the petals blooming on her shoulder then a stem running half-way down her arm with sharp thorns all over. It was very well made and had an air of danger and beauty, sorta like Lexi herself.

"You checking out the new art?"

Lexi took Adam out of his trance. "Sorry, yeah. When'd you get that?"

"I got in in rehab, there was a tattoo artist there who gave me it. I figured it was a good warning, you know 'Every Rose Has It's Thorns' and that shit. With everything I went through I need to remember that."

"It's looks good, I like it."

Alexandra gave a smile, it was small but it was enough.

Kanani jumped into the conversation. "You planning to get anymore?"

"Not planning to, I might get another couple. Nothing as big as the Rose obviously but I'm not ruling out anything just yet."

"I almost got a tattoo once." Ray joined in as well. "I was going to get this big sort of demon dragon thing, all over my back. Would've been expensive as hell but I was sure it was worth it."

"What stopped you?" Lexi was the one who asked, wanting to know more about her father's life.

"I got divorced. That set me back a pretty penny. Once it was all over I looked back and realised I made a good decision in not being that silly. Not that you're silly baby you're tats are nice."

"I'm so glad you said my TATS."

The off-brand humour raised a laugh from everyone, even Claire. After driving for a few minutes Ray stopped the boat, they were in the middle of the ocean but could still see the mainland in the distance.

Ray cleared his throat and gave his best 'I-Know-What-I'm-Talking-About' voice. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are now about to embark on a journey under the sea, I am Raymond Henderson and I do NOT have a licence to teach this stuff but I'm close enough. Ok before we start we are short two oxygen tanks so two of us are going to have to stay behind."

"I'll stay behind." Said Claire. "I get claustrophobic at times and the mask won't help."

"I'll stay with mum." Offered Adam.

"You sure hun?"

"Yeah Kay. I haven't had a good chat with mum in a long time, it'll be nice to catch-up."

Ray smiled at how easy that had went. "Alright with that sorted let's get suited up."

It took only a few minutes to get Kieran, Alexandra and Kanani ready for diving, since Kay had done it before she helped out before readying herself. When everyone had got suited and booted they went into the sea, Kieran and Lexi were a little hesitant but they had come this far and weren't backing out now.

Soon all four of them were in the ocean leaving Adam with his mother. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked him, reading her only son like a book.

"It's nothing just, I never really asked you how you felt. You know, about me and Lexi."

"The fact that my son and my niece slept together?"

Adam nodded, for the first time he was feeling slightly ashamed about his affair with his cousin.

"Well I didn't like it, I thought I raised you better than that. I blamed Alexandra for a while, believing my sister and her pig of a husband had made her into a sexual freak. When I found out it was you that came onto her I blamed myself, thinking I was a bad mother, that you did what you did because of something I'd done. It wasn't until much later, later than I'd like, that I saw it, you fell in love with Alexandra the moment you saw here and there was nothing I or anyone else could've done to stop you."

"So... are you mad at me?"

Claire put her arm around her son as she had done many times before but not for several years now. "No Adam, I'm not mad at you, I'm not even ashamed of you, or Alexandra. I love you both and what's happened had happened. You've both moved on and we managed to survive without this ripping our family apart. You have moved on haven't you son?"

Adam tried to look his mother in the eye but he couldn't. He could lie to anyone, his best friend, his cousin, his father, his wife, even himself. But he had never been able to lie to his mother, whenever he couldn't look her in the eye she knew he was lying.

"Jesus Adam, you're married for God sake."

"I know mum it's just, dad talked to me yesterday, then Kay brought up some memories last night and then I talked to Lexi a couple hours ago and everything's making me think that Lexi is a bigger part of my life than I realise. I love her but I don't know how much I love her."

Claire's voice changed slightly, it was a subtle change but not lost on Adam. "Adam Brandon McAllister. You listen to me right now. You love Alexandra because she is your cousin and even though you've both been closer than cousins should be, you will always love her as a cousin. Do not confused that love with the love you have for your wife. Don't confuse yourself and mess up your life again. Please son."

Adam hugged his mother, holding back tears as he did. "I won't mum, I'm sorry."
"It's ok Adam, god you're a man grown and yet I still see you as my baby." A small tear rolled down Claire's cheek.

The mother and son let each other go, glad they got all that out of the way. "Oh mum before I forget, talk to Lexi if you can, she thinks you hate her or something."

"Hate her? I don't hate her, why would she think that?"

"Lexi's weird mum, just talk to her when we get to shore."

"Sure thing. Thanks."

The divers were gone for about an hour but it felt a lot less, Adam and Claire talked through the full hour, reconnecting after so many years apart, not just the years Adam was in Hawaii but Vegas and California as well. Back at shore Claire kept her promise and talked to Lexi, the conversation brought them both to tears but it strengthened their relationship.

Afterwards the six of them ordered a take-away for a late lunch, huddled around a table in the living room Adam noticed the strong bond between the six of them and where it was strongest. Kieran and Claire sat side-by-side, laughing together as they played with some chicken pieces, their love as strong as it was when they met over 40 years ago. Adam sat with Kanani's hand in his the whole time, their love was new but just as strong as his parents, she had saved him and for that he would love her forever. And then there was Ray and Alexandra, strangers until mere hours ago they had connected so strongly is such a short amount of time, whether Ray was her real father or not didn't matter, to them they were father and daughter and just happy to meet each other.

That evening Kieran, Claire and Alexandra took the flight home back to Britain, as Adam watched his family leave he and Alexandra caught eyes and smiled to each other. Whatever else happened he was glad that he and Alex were finally friends again.

A few months past and Adam settled into married life with more ease than he expected. He and Kanani kept their routine of both working then whoever was home first cooked dinner and it worked, neither of them felt burdened to do all the work and there was very few arguments, certainly no big ones.

Of course the frequent amount of sex didn't hurt.

When you're married to someone suddenly everything becomes clearer and the sex changes, it becomes more about being together than just getting off. Oh they still got each other hot and heavy but more often than not they ended up just holding each other as they fell asleep.

It wasn't until about May/June that Adam felt like there wasn't something missing, he couldn't put his finger on what it was but there was something in his life that didn't feel right. At first he thought it was kids, he hadn't talked to Kay about children but Adam always wanted to be a father, he remembered how he felt when he found out about Lexi's pregnancy, it wasn't his but the hope was still there.

But that wasn't it, the thought of children just didn't add up to what Adam was feeling. The answer came as a surprise to Adam, it was Sunday, his day off from work, that was until he was called in to cover a co-worker. That's when Adam realised that he hated his job, it had done him well these past two years but it wasn't suppose to turn into a career. His whole teenage life Adam had trained to be a lawyer until he ran away to California and never picked it up again.

That night, coming home from work he talked to Kay about taking a night course.

"I think you should do it."

"Really, you won't see a lot of me, I'll be working less hours so I won't earn as much."

"Adam, I love you. And if this is what you want to do then I support you. Besides once you're a big lawyer man you'll be making plenty."

Adam smiled and kissed his wife, once again feeling lucky he met her. They made love that night, it was one of the most tender, emotional moments of their marriage. Over the next few months Adam worked out a deal with Ray to keep his job but also go to night school, Kanani put in a couple more hours at the hospital, even Kale helped Adam, calling in a favour with one of the professors to make sure Adam got a good spot on the course.

The whole arrangement was perfect for Adam, he was finally back on track to his dream profession, he had a loving wife and was living in paradise. But, as Adam had come to realise, paradise doesn't last.

In the middle of November Adam got a phone call that changed everything.


"Adam? It's Lexi." Adam could tell she had been crying and was struggling to stop long enough to talk on the phone.

"Lexi? What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's, it's your dad. Adam he was driving home and, and, and... he got in a car accident. Adam he didn't make it."

Adam fell back, thankfully there was a chair behind him. He couldn't believe it, his father, dead.

"Where's mum, is she ok?"

"She's fine, I think. God Adam."

"Ok Lexi, let me, let me call you in the morning. I need to process this."

"Sure, bye."


Adam hung up and dropped the phone, the noise brought Kanani through.

"Adam? What's wrong?"

Adam turned to his wife, he looked on the verge of crying.

"My dad's dead." Was all he could say.

Kanani quickly sat beside her husband and held him as he burst into tears. A grown man crying, he would've felt embarrassed if his soul hadn't been crushed.


Adam got off the plane, he hadn't even felt the flight he was still numbed.

"You ok?"

Ray's voice took Adam back in, just a little but it was enough. "Yeah, yeah. Just never thought I'd be back here."

It had been just over a month since Adam had been told his father had died. He was driving home when another driver, high on cocaine at the time, crashed into his car, Kieran died instantly while the other driver went flying out his car and broke his back, permanently paralysed from the waist down.

Claire had scheduled the funeral for December 31st, that way the whole family could be together when the New Year came around. Adam was on Christmas break so he was coming but Kanani couldn't make it out, she was doing overtime at the hospital and wouldn't be able to come. She was pissed she would miss her first New Years as a married woman but Adam had to go, Ray decided to come with him, he wanted to meet Alexandra again and introduce himself to the family. And so the two men took the long flight from sunny and warm Hawaii to dark and cold UK.

It's good to be home.

Adam hadn't seriously thought he'd never return to Britain but he never thought he'd be back like this. God it hadn't really been that long since Aunt Jane had died. Adam and Ray got in a taxi outside the terminal and Adam gave the address to his parents house, secretly he hoped the house had changed from the last time, he didn't want anything to remind him of his dad.

Thankfully Adam was given that small mercy, the house has been done up a little in the past few years, mould removed, windows replaced, new coat of paint and wallpapers inside. When Adam and Ray arrived the house was already surrounded by cars but Adam knew more would come, his dad had many friends and the family was pretty big. The door was open so the two of them walked through to the living room where everyone seemed to be, Adam saw from the doorway that his mother was sitting on a large armchair, surrounded by grievers and sympathisers, all of them crying with her, including Alexandra who had her arm around her aunt's shoulder.

Adam knocked on the wall, letting everyone know he was there. Immediately Claire jumped up and hugged her son, she held on to him and he held to her, both reminding themselves that they had each other. Out of the corner of his tear-stained eye Adam saw Alexandra hug her father.

After a few minutes Claire let go of Adam, she had cried into his shoulder without either of them realising.

"You ok mum?"

"Yeah, no... I don't know, I can't believe he's actually gone, just like that. I didn't even say goodbye."

"I miss him too mum."

The mother and son hugged again before they brought Adam inside and introduced him to everyone. Adam hadn't seen any of these people since Jane's funeral three years ago, some even longer. Of course everyone knew he had slept with his cousin and gave him dirty looks until they found out he was married and living in Hawaii.

Adam felt sorry for Lexi, she had to deal with these dirty looks on a daily basis, but he could see her on the other side of the room happily introducing Ray as her father. He smiled, Lexi was thick-skinned and could take a few dirty looks but she reverted back to a child trying to please her daddy when she was with Ray.

"I was wondering when I'd see you again you cousin fuckin pansy."

Adam turned round and saw someone he practically thought was a ghost.

Liam Nelson.

The two friends hugged tightly, not having seen each other since Vegas. "Jesus Liam what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, it's your dad's funeral, you're a friend..."

"No I mean... I don't know what I mean. God it's been too long."

"It has, do you mind if we go outside, I need a smoke."

"No problem."

The two of them took a slow walk outside, Liam lit a cigarette while they strolled around the armada of cars.

"So what happened to you?" Adam asked his former best friend.

"I got lucky for one. After I phoned you I found your hotel room key in my pocket, no idea how it got there, so I went back up. Those two fine ladies had nicked most of your stuff but left quite a bit. I'm sorry to say this but I sold what was left, bought a boat ticket back home."

"No worries, I'm just glad you're safe."

"I'm better than safe, I'm clean. Got home and went into rehab. Got out six months ago and haven't even seen the stuff."

"That's good man."

"Thanks. Hey listen Adam, about what I said in Vegas. About loving Alexandra."

"Look don't worry about that, you were going through some shit, I don't deny your love for my cousin. Hell you should go for her, she needs someone good in her life and you obviously have a connection."

"Cheers man, I might do that. I guess I should give you your present early."


"Yeah, I was saving this for later but I feel like now's a good time."

Liam walked to a dark blue car which Adam guessed was his own. Liam opened the passenger side door and took out a large book. Looking at it Adam felt his heart jump.

His scrapbook, the one that he kept all his letters and postcards from Alexandra when they were younger. He had taken it with him to California then again to Vegas where he must've left it. He had forgotten all about it and the sight almost brought a tear to his eye.

"I found this amongst your stuff." Explained Liam through the silence. "I couldn't sell it and I thought if I ever saw you again you'd like to have it back."

"I do, thank you."

"It's good man."

Adam and Liam hugged once more, Adam missed being friends with Liam, both had made bad choices in their lives and they drifted apart. Hopefully now they could patch things up.

The two of them made their way back to the house. "So I hear you got married, and not to Alexandra."

"Yeah, this girl Kanani saved me from her dad when I landed in Hawaii. One thing led to another, we ended up dating and the rest is history."

"Kanani? Native I guess."

Adam nodded.

"Right. Well I'm glad you settled down. When I was told I didn't believe it. I still don't know how you ended up on that boat."

"Maybe it's best we don't know, leave that dark night in the dark."

"Good plan."

"You heard anything from Maggie?"

"Fuck man, she's not letting me see my kids, they're growing up without me and I haven't seen them in years. I tried sending them birthday and Christmas cards but Maggie took them, she said I can't write 'From Dad', it has to be 'From Liam'. Fuckin mess."

"I'm sorry man."

"Fuck it Adam, it's your family's day, enough about me."

Just then the front door opened and Lexi appeared. "Adam, there you are. Hey Liam."


"Listen we're heading out to the church now, you wanna ride with your mum or Liam or what?"

"I'll go with mum, seems right that way."

"Ok." Alexandra's voice went quiet, Adam put his hand on her shoulder.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. It's just... God I wasn't even like this at my mum's funeral."

"It's fine, nobody's judging you."

"Please, stop with the sympathy Adam. I fuckin hate it."

Movement behind Alexandra caught Adam's attention, Ray was waiting for his daughter as other guests and family members started leaving the house to head to the church.


As people gathered to their seats Adam waited outside by the hearse. There was him, Liam and a selection of uncles and cousins, 6 of them in total, all of them were going to carry to coffin inside. Adam was in two minds, on one hand he wanted to get out of there, he wanted to just stay outside the church and watch the funeral from the door. On the other he wanted to stay, just to prove he didn't run away from everything.

Sooner than he expected it was time to carry the coffin inside, it wasn't a heavy lift but it felt like the weight of the worlds on his shoulders. It was so hard to think that this was his father's body inside, it hit him hard to hear about his death on the phone but to be this close, the death this evident, it hurt him. When they put the coffin down Adam couldn't step away fast enough, he turned away and sat down next to his mother, trying hard not to let his emotions get the better of him.

The priest stood beside the coffin, she looked out across the sad faces and smiled politely.

"Thank you all for coming. We are all here today to mourn the loss of Kieran McAllister, husband, father, brother, uncle, friend. I knew Kieran in passing but I knew him to be a good man, a loving partner to his wife of nearly 40 years Claire and a wonderful father to his only son Adam."

At the mention of his name Adam looked up, he had been staring at a spot on the floor for the last few minutes. He wasn't ignoring the ceremony, he was just trying to distance himself from it. Christ, even when he wasn't running he was running away. The next 20, 30 minutes consisted of the priest recounting stories from Kieran's life that she'd gathered from the family, how he met Claire in high school, starting in his job, the birth of Adam. They were all happy memories which Adam was happy about, no mention of him and Alexandra. The ceremony ended with a hymn and the coffin was lowered, even though the coffin had been closed Adam suddenly felt strange, as if finally knowing he would never see his father again.

Adam and Claire stood up first so they could stand by the door and have everyone offer their condolences. Adam knew he didn't look sad like his mother but nobody said anything, at least not to him. When Alexandra came up to Adam she gave him and long hug and a kiss on the cheek, for the first time in so long Adam didn't want to let her go, reluctantly he did though and kept shaking hands and hugging relatives and saying thank you to their pity.

Pretty soon it was just him and his mother leaving the church, heading to their car, Adam heard his mother hold back tears and put his arm around her.

"How you doing?"

"What? Oh, I'm fine. Just hard to think that I won't see him again."

"I know how you feel, I felt the same way just now."

"I'm still trying to get over this, I mean, I didn't even get to say goodbye..."

Claire hugged her son quickly and cried into his shoulder. He stroked her head softly and spoke quietly. "It's ok mum, I hadn't spoken to dad in so long, I can't even remember what the last thing we talked about."

That was a half-lie, Adam was certain the last thing he and his dad had talked about was Kieran being disappointed in Adam for sleeping with Alexandra. There was surely something after that but that's what Adam remembered the most.

The two of them got in their car, aside from the driver it was just the two of them, after their heart-to-heart on the boat they had a much better connection as mother and son and could easily talk to each other. Truthfully they both wanted to ignore the gravity of today.

"So how's Kay?"

"She's good, she's sorry she couldn't make it but she's needed at the hospital."

"I know, you told me earlier."

"Did I? Sorry."

"It's ok."

"You know, Kay and I have been discussing children."

"Really? Children? Isn't it a bit soon?"

"We've been together a couple of years and we're only talking about it. We won't be doing anything until I finish school which won't be for a couple years."

"You gotta be careful Adam, you've made some bad choices in the past."

"Don't remind me."

Claire smiled and kissed her son on the cheek, despite the depressing nature of the past couple of weeks she was happy to have Adam with her.

Back at the house Adam walked inside, still next to Claire, walking in he saw Alexandra and Liam talking to each other. Despite encouraging it, the thought that Liam was asking Lexi out on a date made Adam jealous for some reason. He ignored it and followed his mother inside.

The house was lively but respectfully so, it was a sad day but everyone kept their spirits up, talking and laughing with each other. Not many people talked to Adam, he didn't blame them, he was a cousin fucking runaway. A few people did ask him about Hawaii and his new wife but the conversations never lasted long. For the most part Adam stood at the back and listened to stories, Ray was a big hit, his stories about how he ended up stuck in Hawaii made people laugh and his kind persona made him instantly likeable.

The gathering lasted a few hours, a couple people with younger children left early but most of the people stayed, wanting to be together as one big family when the New Years came around. At about 11:30 at night Alexandra found Adam.


"Hey, you ok?"

"You have no idea how many times I've been asked that. I'm good thanks."

"Good, listen I need to buy a pack of ciggies, can you run down with me?"

"Are you sure you can't wait, I mean mum wants us to stay for New Years."

"Come on it'll only be ten minutes, we'll be back in plenty of time."

"Uh, fine. Let's be quick though."

Adam quickly told his mum where they were going and headed out with Alexandra. Adam ignored the cold and followed the path through the snow.

"So why didn't you ask Liam to go down with you."

"Ah, you saw that did you? Look Liam's a nice guy but we just arranged our first date, I don't want one right now. Besides I wanted to talk to you."

"A date huh. Well good luck to you two, you're both suited for each other. I mean that in a good way."

"I know. You aren't jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous, we had our chance and it never worked out. I love you Lexi but I'm not in love with you."

"Snap." Lexi said with a small smile.

"So what about you? What's going on in your life?"

"Not much, I'm doing some shit receptionist job at a bank. Thinking I might quit and go to school, actually get something out of it this time."

"And do what?"

"I don't know, I've never had a future career in mind, never saw the point."

"Well I hope you find something, I'm back at school myself."

"I know, your mum told me. I'm happy for you Adam, really I am. It's about time you stopped running and got on with your life."

"Oh so you believe I'm gonna stay with Kanani now."


And that was all Alexandra said before she slipped into the corner shop. Adam smiled at her tenacity, she was never one to back down and he admired that about her.

In the shop Alexandra had a browse, looking for something to eat, a chocolate bar, a packet of crisps, anything. She settled on a bag of Doritos, chilli flavour and went to the till to pay for it. Waiting behind a fat woman buying bags of chocolate for herself Lexi felt a cold air as some strange man stood behind her.

"Well, well." Came a chilling and unforgettable voice. "You look familiar."

Alexandra turned round, dreading what she would see behind her.

It was Cyril Moreno, the drug dealer that had supplied her and Liam during their heroin days and even forced Lexi to have sex with him when she couldn't pay for her addiction.

"Hello Cyril." She said as politely as she could towards this rotten sack of revulsion.

"Hello? After all we've been through together and all you can say is Hello?"

"What the fuck else do you want me to say? You raped me."

"I rather think not, you went in willingly."

"You forced me, you told me I had to fuck you to pay for, you know."

"I think you'll find I merely offered that as an alternative means of payment, you're the one that accepted the agreement."

As much as his poisonous words made Alexandra gag she knew he was right. The fat woman stepped away and Alexandra took her place.

"10 Regal King Size." She said, trying hard to ignore Cyril's sickening breath on her neck.

"I've still got some candy if you're interested, or maybe you just want to fuck again."

"Go away Cyril."

"Come one, admit it, I'm still on your mind."

"Go away Cyril." Alexandra's voice was much firmer this time.

Cyril got so close to Lexi his snake tongue was sliding into her ear. "Deny it all you want, you still want my cock in your ass."

One of Cyril's claws grasped Alexandra on her pussy, feeling her through her jeans. He thrust forward, letting his hard cock push against her ass. Suddenly and instinctively Lexi kicked Cyril in the shin, the sudden pain floored him, Alexandra spun round and kicked him in the stomach to make sure he stayed down. Looking down at the monster gasping for breath Alexandra ran as fast as she could, out the shop, past Adam and kept going.

When Adam saw Lexi rush past him he was confused, he looked in the shop and saw Cyril stagger to his feet, still curious as to what happened Adam followed his cousin, not an easy task since she was running to escape and wouldn't tire easily whereas Adam would and did.

Eventually Adam caught up with Alexandra, she was at the pond, their pond. She'd climbed through the hedge and was sitting by the water, looking at the moonlit reflection on the water. She was crying, Adam couldn't believe it, nobody had ever hurt Lexi enough to make her cry. A rustle of leaves alerted Lexi to his presence as he sat beside her."

"I come here sometimes." She explained to an unspoken question. "It helps me forget some things, reminds me of a happier time."

"Who was that?"

"I don't have many happy times, even this pond isn't the best, but right now it's all I have."

"Lexi. Who was that man?"

"His name's Cyril, he's a drug dealer. He supplied me and Liam. One week, when we couldn't pay, he made me... he made me fuck him."

"Jesus Lexi."

"I thought he was nothing, but he's not, he's just another mistake. One in my endless amount."


"No Adam, all I do is make mistakes. Everything I do fucks up myself or someone I love."

"I know."

A silence passed between them, it felt like the whole world had suddenly gone tense, waiting for the next word from Adam. There was no wind, no birds, no fireworks or cheering.

"Kanani told me about the baby."

Lexi smiled. "I thought she would."

"Is that why you told her?"

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why bother? I was killing the damn thing anyway, didn't need to bother you with the problems of the dead."

"But Lexi, you were pregnant. With my child."

"So? Adam it was a mistake, we weren't careful and shit happened. I took care of it, it's the past now."

"The past... Jesus Lexi what the fuck?"

Adam turned away from Alexandra, he resorted back to the mindset of a grumpy teenager and refused to look at her.

"All this time Lexi I thought you hated me, I thought I did something wrong. All those years and it wasn't even me."

Alexandra put her hand on Adam's shoulder. "Adam, I did hate you. But I never said I stopped loving you."

Adam looked up, he didn't believe he had heard her right. "What did you..."

"Adam the reason I hated you was because I loved you. You were the first man that loved me and that I loved back, every other time it was one or the other. You cared about me, genuinely cared, and I loved you for it. But we were cousins, I could never get past that like you could but I could never stop loving you and I hated that. My feelings were so fucked up that I took it out on you and I've regretted it ever since."

Alexandra hand reached up and stroked Adam's face.

"I love you Adam."

To this day it's hard to tell who made the first move but before either of them knew it they were kissing. It had been far too long since Adam kissed Alexandra's lip, her soft lips, a warm kiss, their love was strong, even after so many years, so much hate. They still loved each other. Adam pushed Lexi gently down onto the ground, it was cold and wet but she didn't notice. With Adam straddling her he took off his shirt while she lifted her own up and over her head, her bra was a simple one but Adam took pleasure in groping her breasts over the cups. Now shirtless, Adam reached underneath Lexi and unhooked her bra, throwing the damn thing away afterwards. Adam dove in and kissed and sucked and bit Lexi's breasts, it had been too long sine he held them in his mouth and he missed them, they held a slight sag to them and weren't as big or firm as in her youth but Adam didn't care, he could still stick his head between her breasts in inhale her scent, he loved it still.

For her part Alexandra ran her hand along Adam's arms and stomach, he was strong, and tanned. Hawaii had been good to him and she was reaping the benefits, she missed his facial hair from California but her mind was too crazy with lust to keep that thought. How long had it been, for a self-proclaimed whore she hadn't had sex in a long time, now here was a man that wanted her and loved her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him closer.

Adam moved his body up to kiss Alexandra on her lips, years of love and passion erupted from them and they couldn't let each other go. Adam's hand danced on Lexi's stomach before slipping under her waistband of her jeans and under her panties to cup her pussy. The very same pussy that just moment ago Cyril had also cupped, Alexandra had an inward smile at the sheer difference of the two situations, her cunt flooded when Adam put two of his fingers inside her.

The scalding feel of her juices went unnoticed by Adam, he was finally with her again, a wish he never admitted to having, not even to himself, and here it was in front of him. With his free hand Adam unbuttoned Lexi's jeans so he had better access, she obviously appreciated the extra attention as she squirmed from his touch. Adam was so engrossed with her it took him a minute to register her hand was grasping his cock.

Lexi couldn't wait any longer. There was no time for foreplay, they had been dancing to that tune for three years. She needed him now. Adam picked up her signals and pulled her jeans and underwear down, leaving her now naked on the cold ground, the heat from her body seemed to melt the ground around her. Adam pulled his own trousers down, revealing Lexi's hand still holding onto his dick, pre-cum sat on the head, dribbling down his shaft and running over her hand.

The sudden warmth of his cum nearly sent Alexandra to her first orgasm. She relented, holding the feeling just that little bit longer before guiding his cock to her pussy, she pushed up and Adam pushed down until finally, they were together again. Alexandra wasn't joking, Adam was the best lover she ever had and to be with him like this again, even if she didn't cum she wouldn't care.

It wasn't until he was fucking her that Adam realised how much he missed his cousin's body, it was a mile away from her ten, or even three years ago but she was still stunning. Adam leaned down, his hand groped her breasts, twisting her nipple lightly, and his mouth kissed the rose on her shoulder. He began to rock slowly, he was aware they were outside and even though people were at home for New Years he was still careful.

Alexandra didn't share his concern, she grabbed her cousin and rolled him, flipping over so she was on top. Overcome with love and lust, Lexi grounded her pussy against Adam, rocking his cock in her pussy, her breathing got ragged and deep, sweat ran down her chest despite the cold weather.
"A... Ah, Ah." Lexi tried to talk but the feelings running through her were controlling her mouth.

Recognizing the signs, Adam sat up, grabbed Lexi's head and kissed her hard just as her orgasm hit, this kiss silenced her moans as a massive cum coursed through her, the feeling of her cunt pulsing set Adam off and he shot his cum deep into her pussy. Feeling his cum set Alexandra on a second orgasm, she moaned slightly but no-one would be able to hear her over the sounds of the fireworks.

"Happy New Year." She whispered in Adam's ear.


The cousins got dressed and went home, they were greeted by a furious Claire at the front door.

"Where have you two been? Midnight was ten minutes ago."

"Sorry mum, we just popped out to buy some cigarettes and..."

"And I ran into someone." Interrupted Alexandra. "Cyril Moreno."

"Fuck." Liam's voice was heard in the background, he remembered Cyril well.

"Who's Cyril?" Ray spoke up.

"He's a mistake I made in the past, reminded me of when I fucked up. I had a moment and Adam helped me. Sorry we missed New Years."

Ray took his daughter in his arms and hugged her. "No worries, I'm just glad you're safe."

"Thanks dad."

Adam hugged his mother, letting her know that he was just as sorry. Holding their parents Adam and Lexi caught each others eyes, they smiled at each other and stayed quiet. Walking inside Adam saw an acoustic guitar places against the wall. He recognized as his own from college.

Liam saw Adam's expression, a mix of terror and confusion and laughed. "Your mum found that in your room, wondering if you could give us a play."

Adam looked round the room at the expecting faces, he smiled and shook his head. "Sorry, that was a lifetime ago, I was a different person back then. I can't play anymore."

There was a series of groans but people went back to talking. Adam and Alexandra looked at each other once more, no-one could understand what he meant better than her.

The New Years party at the McAllister house was quite jovial despite the sadness of yesterday, it still ended pretty early for a party but it was a nice affair. By the end of the night Adam, Ray, Claire and Lexi were saying goodnight to Liam and going to bed, Adam slept in his old room, barely changed since he left when he was 23, he hadn't been in this room in 9 years when he thought about it, it looked the same; the Taxi Driver poster on the wall, the framed picture of him and Alexandra at the carnival as children, the picture on the bedside table of him, his mum and his dad when Adam passed his driving test.

Everything was the same, but it felt strange, it hadn't changed but Adam had. He was a different person than he was as a teenager. This room was just the echo of a lost child Adam didn't remember.

In the morning Ray woke up early to catch a plane back to Hawaii, he needed to get back early for business. Adam was catching an afternoon flight so he got to spend a little more time with Alexandra and his mum, they all missed Kieran but none of them let his memory sully a good day. Adam was sure his face was give away his affair with Lexi but his mother didn't notice, more surprisingly Lexi's face showed no evidence of their union.

In a time too short Claire was once again saying goodbye to her son, watching him be driven off by Alexandra for the airport. The journey there was quiet, not silent, the radio was on, but neither of them were saying anything, Adam wanted to say something about last night but he couldn't think of anything to say and Lexi was staying quiet for some reason. They got to the airport where Lexi stopped at the drop-off point.

Alexandra spoke her first words in a the whole trip. "Well Adam, it's been nice meeting you again, just wish it was under better circumstances. I'll see you some other day."

"Is that it? Lexi what the fuck? Last night you told me you loved me, we had sex and today it's like it never happened."

"It was nothing Adam, just another mistake."

"What about when you said you loved me?"

"I do Adam but you're married now, and we're still cousins, we don't have a chance. Just forget it."

"Forget it huh? That's just so fuckin typical of you Lexi, you won't let yourself get any emotion from anyone, whoever gets too close you blow them off. Fuck this."

Adam stormed out of the car, grabbing his bags out the truck and leaving. He passed straight by the car, ignoring Alexandra and heading right for the airport door.

"Adam wait."

Adam froze, he turned round and saw Lexi, she had gotten out of the car and was standing by the door, she had a million things to say but she couldn't think of anything. Adam, however, could.

"I loved you you cunt."

And that was all he said before he turn away. Alexandra got back in the car, in a rare moment of weakness she let her emotions burst out of her and she wept in the steering wheel. She had made another mistake, she let Adam get away, passing off last night as just a moment where two friends needed companionship she failed to see that she and Adam were both in love with each other and her stupidity drove him away. This wasn't the first time this happened, for the past ten years it had been this way, one of them never noticing that the other was in love, but now that she was older and actually knew what love was, losing the love of her life hurt all the more.

In the airport Adam went straight for the bathroom, he rushed in and with a mountain of anger surging through him he punched one of the mirrors. He had fucked up, he had pushed Lexi away, a moment of rage and he lost her, he didn't care if he was just another mistake, so long as he was her only mistake. Why did he push her away like that, why when all he wanted in this world was her? Was it Kanani? Doubtful, Adam had cheated on her no problem and she wasn't the first.

God, he had cheated on his wife, he had made a vow and broken it for one more night with his cousin, what's worse he was willing to leave Kay for Lexi. Adam thought of Alexandra with nothing but hate, he hated that she told him she loved him, he hated that she didn't stop them fucking. He hated that he didn't stop them, he hated that he loved her.

Finally he understood how Lexi felt all those years.

Adam bough a first aid kit from a shop in the airport and bandaged his hand as best he could, he got on the plane and returned home to Hawaii, leaving Britain once more. It was shit that it was on such a low note. Once home Adam settles back into life, he returned to night school to be a lawyer, he cooked dinner for his wife, he had sex with her on a regular basis. But there was something off about him, Lexi had ruined him once again, now he was doubting his love for Kay.

For her part Kanani noticed there was something off about her husband, she kept quiet but she gave him a few extras cuddles and kisses through the day, letting him know she loved him. Adam did appreciate the extra attention.

He especially liked it when Valentines day came along. He had stayed behind class a little bit longer to do some research, it wasn't too late but he definitely came home later than usual. When he walked through the front door the house was in darkness, a faint glow came from the bedroom, Adam left his bags by the front door and walked cautiously to the bedroom door, he pushed it open and his heart and dick shot up at the sight.

Kanani was sitting on the bed, she was wearing a very small, very tight pink bikini which did nothing to hide her very hard nipples, she had on a grass skirt that looked more like a grass belt it was so small, Adam couldn't tell just yet but he was sure she wasn't wearing any panties. Her deep black hair was the sleekest Adam had ever seen it, it was longer than normal and curled slightly. The candles burning around them gave off an amber light that shone off Kay's bronze skin, making her look almost like a dream. To top the outfit off she had a red flower in her hair. The same red flower she had when they first met.

"You messed up our first night married, then you missed New Years. You've got some making up to do."

"If this is what I need to do to make up with you I'll fuck up more often."

Kay giggled, she stood up, wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him deeply. Adam's hands skimmed down her toned body, he gently stroked her bare thighs and slowly crept his hands under her grass skirt, he confirmed his suspicions, Kanani definitely wasn't wearing any underwear as Adam groped her firm, bare arse cheek. With his other hand Adam got a surprise when cupping his wife's cunt.

"You've shaved, you're bald."

Kay had a nervous smile. "Well, it is Valentines, so I decided to be a little dirty, make it a surprise for you. Why, don't you like it?"

Adam answered by slipping two finger between her folds and into her cunny. "All the better to eat you with my dear." He basically growled in her ear.

The best part about Kanani being a doctor was that she was able to teach Adam techniques for pleasuring a woman. In their two years together as a couple Adam could get Kay off without taking any of his clothes off. Tonight was no different, he arched his fingers inside her and stoked her sweet spot. The G-Spot.

Adam had hit G-Spots before, but always by accident, now that he knew where to look he got it every time. Kanani's arms around him tightened as her pussy got wetter and her body shivered.

"Oh. Oh god." Her voice was barely a whisper, it was like her body was being softly electrocuted, the feeling was soft but intense, she loved the feeling each and every time her husband gave her it.

"I'm almost there, baby I'm so fucking close."

Adam said nothing, focussing all his energy onto his fingers inside Kay's pussy, he moved them in every direction he could think of, in and out, up and down, side-to-side, open and closed, round and round, over and over he thought of new directions but he never stopped tickling her G-Spot.

Pretty soon Kay let out a yelp and whimpered as she melted in Adam's arms, she had cum, with only fingers and his knowledge he had made her cum. Her juices ran down his hand and her thighs, leaving a gorgeous trail behind it. Adam removed his fingers and put them to his mouth, relishing in the taste of his wife's pussy, tangy, musky, distinctive, Adam couldn't wait to go down on her later.

Obviously Kay was even more pent up than Adam as she grabbed him in a hard kiss, her juices still on his lips.

"Fuck me Adam. Throw me to this bed and fuck me hard."

Never one to ignore the request of a beautiful woman Adam grasped her grass skirt and ripped it off, it was even more useless as a skirt than it was on her. With Kay wearing nothing but a bikini Adam decided to join her and took off his own clothes, he unbuttoned his shirt while Kanani took care of his trousers, taking off the belt, unzipping them, she could feel her husband's hardness through the trousers, the urge to take him in her mouth was killing her, she wanted that so bad but she wanted him in her pussy even more.
Regardless she still kissed his cock-head through the boxers, the moan Adam gave convinced her to return to that later. The boxers followed the trousers and hit the floor, Adam stepped out of them, then he took her shirt off, throwing that haphazardly to the side. He lay down on the bed, on top of Kay who lent back, they kissed as they drifted down, Adam squeezed her breasts softly, cupping them and pinching the nipple through the fabric. Kanani reached behind her and undid the bikini, throwing it away in some general direction, now both were completely naked. Kay moved round so she was on top of Adam, she spun round so that her cunt was staring Adam in the face and she could see his dick in front of her. Kay made the first move, leaning forward and taking Adam's dick in her mouth, she had succumbed to her base urges and had to make her cum with her mouth.

Adam was selfish for a few seconds, letting Kay suck him off while he enjoyed it for a short time. But he wasn't a total asshole, he pushed his tongue forward and lapped at his wife's pussy, the sudden vibrations of her moaning with her mouth around his cock made Adam shiver. This shared pleasure loop continued for a while, Adam licked at Kanani's pussy, Kanani would moan in pleasure around Adam's dick, Adam would lick harder with each moan. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Fucking her pussy with his tongue was almost enough for Cay but when Adam started sucking her clit she exploded, her second orgasm of the night and not her last. She let Adam's cock out of her mouth to scream in pleasure.

"Fuck, fuck, God, fuck. AAAAHHHHHH!!! Fuckin God Jesus. Fuck that feels so good. God fuck Adam, I can't, ugh... I can't' stop cumming."

Adam ignored her, he continued lapping at her cunny, drinking her down and eating her out. He could feel her body try to escape but he held her close and kept licking. Pushing his tongue further and further into her pussy, her juices were pouring out of her and into his mouth. Adam didn't care what anyone said, he loved going down on his wife, she tasted a strange mix of tangy but sweet. He could never give it justice in a description but he loved it.


Kanani wasn't usually a screamer which made it all the better when Adam brought her to that ecstatic feeling. Sensing she'd had enough Adam let her go, a thin sheen of sweat covered her body, her hair was a mess and she was struggling to catch her breath. She looked back at her husband, a grin plastered to his face.

"Fuck Adam, that was amazing. God I love you so much."

"I love you too, but we're not done yet."

Kay knew what Adam meant and wasted no time, she spun round so she was on her back, her cunny's thin stripe of hair shone with her juices, Adam's face shared the sheen. Adam lay on top of his wife, lining his cock up with her pussy he pushed forward, she groaned in pleasure at the feeling of being filled once more.

The couple started with a slow rhythm, grinding back and forth against each other as they began their coupling. The feeling was slow building, gradually getting stronger, more intense. Adam's hands roamed over Kanani's body as he started to thrust into her, the little growl she gave whenever his flesh slapped against hers was one of the sexiest things Adam had ever heard.

"Come on Adam, give it to me. Come on you fuck."

Adam smiled at his wife, if she wanted more she'd get more. Without saying anything, Adam slipped out of Kay, stood up at the foot of the bed, rolled her onto her knees and slammed himself into her cunt to the hilt. Kanani let out an incredible moan that hit a peak of pain before sliding into intense pleasure just as quickly.

"You fucker. God, fuck yes."

Adam was now pounding into Kay, the sound of his cock pushing in and out of her wet cunt while the skin on his legs slapped against her ass filled the room, only bettered by Kay's orgasmic cries.

Kanani's deep pleasure was so incredible that she had a laugh hidden in her groans of ecstasy, she couldn't hide it very well but it didn't matter, she was having so much fun with her husband fucking her doggy style.

With each passing second Adam got faster and faster, putting all his energy into fucking Kay as hard as he could. Whenever he pushed himself forward he would pull her back, creating a back and forth where he would be literally balls-deep in her every few seconds, Kay's moans and cries of bliss were getting louder, thankfully hiding Adam's own grunts of exertion.

Suddenly, and without any warning to Adam who had been too invested in fucking Kay as hard as he could, Kanani gripped the covers tight, so tight her knuckles turned white, and she let out a scream that was so intense it scared Adam a little, but he knew she had cum. Adam held onto her a little while longer as he felt himself getting closer before finally, he came, shooting his cum into her hot, waiting pussy.

The two of them lay together in bed, both panting, both sweating, both laughing.

"That... was incredible. Jesus Adam I swear I've never came that hard before, ever."

"Thought you'd like that, happy valentine's day my love."

Kanani kissed Adam, a much more gentle kiss that was so different to what they just did. Adam preferred the kiss.

After valentine's day Adam and Kay settled back into their normal lives, jobs, school, dinner, sex. It was a happy marriage, they were both madly in love and wanted to make each other happy. Kale still had his problems with Adam but he kept quiet for the most part. Ray and Adam became much closer friends, especially since finding out they were technically family thanks to Alexandra. It wasn't unusually for the two of them to meet up and go out for a drink and a talk, their chats ranged from their relationships with women and family to the football, neither could call it soccer and paid close attention to the results back home. It was one such drinking time about 2 months after valentine's that things changed forever.

The two of them had been talking about fathers, how Ray was never close to his own and how Adam wished his had seen past what Adam did with Alexandra, when Adam asked Ray an important question that had been bugging him.

"Why haven't you had a test yet?"

"A what?"

"You know, a D.N.A. test, to see if Lexi is really your daughter."

"Don't need one, I know she is."

"Yeah but, don't you want to be sure."

"Adam, I don't need one Ok? Yes, even with all the proof there is a chance Alexandra is not my daughter. But I believe she is and she believes I'm her father and that's what matter. If some test takes that away from us, we'd both be worse off than before we found out. I love Alexandra, and I want to treat her right. Like a good father should because god knows she needs one."

"Alright, makes sense."

Adam's mobile rang in his pocket, he finished his drink quickly and answered it.

"Yeah. Oh, is she alright? It's nothing serious is it? Alright, thank you."

He hung up and put down some money for his drinks. "That was the hospital. Kay's been sick so they've sent her home."

"Jesus, it's nothing bad is it?"

"No, just a stomach bug, she's been down the past few days but this is the first time she's thrown up. I'm gonna head home and she to her."

"Alright man I'll catch you later."

"See ya."

Adam wasn't drunk but he decided not to risk getting in the car. It was only a 20 minute walk home and he could pick the car up tomorrow, besides he'd come to love the gentle sea breeze in the evenings, the red and orange glow of the sun reflecting off the water as it slowly set on the horizon, despite feeling worried for Kanani Adam felt contented.

Adam walked straight inside when he got home and called out. "Kay, you here babe?"

"Bathroom." There was something in Kay's voice Adam couldn't place.

"Oh. How do you feel, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine. In fact I'm more than fine."

As if on cue Kanani stepped out of the bathroom and came face to face with Adam, he looked at the smile on her face, the tears in her eyes. And the little white stick in her hands. Adam stepped forward, he knew what the stick was but he still went in closer. On the stick was a little screen and in the screen was a + sign.

Adam looked up into Kanani's eyes who was trying and failing not to burst.

"I'm pregnant."

It was as if saying it out loud made everything more real, they both burst into tears, held tightly to each other and kissed, a difficult task when trying not to laugh.

"Oh my God. Kay this is incredible."

"I know Adam, I can't believe we did it."

"I know I should be worried because it's so soon and we can't afford a kid but I'm so happy I don't care."

"I don't care either, I'm just so happy. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"So when do we start telling people."

"In a couple of hours."

Adam took Kanani's hand and pulled her through to the bedroom, she lay down and he lay on top of her, both kissing softly as they slowly undressed themselves.

"So, you ever had sex with a pregnant woman before?"

Adam grinned sheepishly. "Once."

Kay was genuinely surprised. "Oh, well that's a shame. I guess I can settle for being the best."

After Kanani set her place as the best pregnant sex Adam had ever had they decided to tell their families about the pregnancy, they started by bringing Kale and Ray - seeing him as close enough - round to their house.

"What's going on, why'd you bring us round here?" Ray was a barrel of questions. Kale, unsurprisingly, was sitting silently, watching Adam's every move like a hawk. Adam tried not to make eye contact with Kale, even with only one eye that was difficult. Adam never said it out loud but Kale still scared him.

"Dad, Ray. Me and Adam have some big news. I'm pregnant."

The look on Kale's face couldn't have been worse if Adam had punched Kay in the stomach right in front of him, he had a fury that was unrecognizable. Standing up - Adam forgot how tall the hulking brute really was - Kale loomed over Adam and stared at his son-in-law, even his dead eye seemed to be looking into Adam's soul.

"I warned you not to hurt my daughter."

"Dad he didn't..."

"I warned you that if you ever hurt her I would blind you."

"Kale don't you think this is a little..."

"He disobeyed me Ray. He's putting my daughter through nine months of pain and agony. I need to teach him a lesson."

Kale reached behind his back, Adam thought back to all those times he'd heard that when in danger a human does one of two things, fight or flee. He found a third option: Freeze.

Kale gripped something behind his back and snapped it in front of Adam, Adam closed his eyes, waiting to lose them. When nothing came he opened them and looked at what Kale held in front of him.

His hand, waiting for a handshake.

Kale laughed at Adam, a strange sound for the normally sullen thug. "I can't believe you fell for that one."

Adam looked around the room, Ray was laughing nervously, Kay was hitting her dad in the shoulder. Obviously Kale didn't break many jokes. Adam composed himself and shook Kale's hand.

"You look after her, you hear me. Both of them."

"I will, I promise."

Ray stood up. "Well, now we're past that embarrassing moment it's time to celebrate. I'll get something to drink."

"Don't bother, I can't have any champagne and I know you boys would prefer beers. We've got some in the fridge, you go get them Ray, I'll get something to eat."

Kanani and Ray went into the kitchen leaving Adam and Kale alone, despite the friendliness Adam was still scared.

"Sorry about scaring you like that, I don't normally pull jokes like that and I wanted to fuck around with you a little bit."

"Well considered myself fucked around. I'm just glad you're happy."
"Well happy might not be the optimum word, I'm happy for you but you do know this is earlier than you be having kids."

"I know, but we can worry about that later."

Kale gave a non-committal grunt, indicating he neither agreed nor disagreed with Adam.

"Can I ask you something Kale? Why do you say 'I'll blind you', not 'I'll kill you'?"

"Most people are smart enough to know I won't kill them. But if I say blind then there's the possibility I could and would still do it. Plus there's always that imagery of losing your sight. Kanani's mother was a psychologist, she taught some ways to keep our daughter safe."

"Well it's working. Listen I'm gonna call my mum real quick, tell Kay I won't be long."

Adam left Kale and the house to the back garden. He pulled out his mobile and called his mother, hoping she would still be awake.


"Mum, it's Adam. I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, no. I was just about to get ready for bed. What's going on?"

"Well mum, me and Kay have some news. She's pregnant."

"Pregnant. Jesus I just got over the first one now you kids are giving me another heart attack."

"First? Who else is pregnant?"

"Oh just some friend of mine, young girl. You don't know her. I thought you said you weren't having any kids yet."

"Things happen mum, this wasn't planned but we're happy."

"Well I'm glad to hear that son. Just make sure you know what you're doing in time for the baby."

"I will mum, thanks. See you later."

"Bye son."

Adam hung up and went back inside to join the small party. The next few months went by in a flash, with Kanani off on maternity leave and Adam having college money was tight, Adam took an extra shift at the car company but it wasn't enough to cover the difference. Adam suggested leaving college but Kanani refused, saying he needed to finish so he could get his law degree.

Thankfully there was small mercy, Kale still had the baby stuff for Kay and her brother, it was old and falling apart but Kale put some spit and polish on the stuff to make it suitable for a child. Back at home Claire sent over some equipment from her end and a few books to help Adam and Kanani prepare. He even got a letter from Alexandra.

I fail twice to be a parent, you get there on the first shot. Damn you.
I kid, I'm happy for you, really, you deserve it.
I'm with Liam now, I wanted you to know that, we've gotten quite serious and I'll be moving into his house at the end of August.
Also I've caved and I'm going back to school, an art course. God it's been too long since I held a brush.
Hope you're having a good time, give me a call when you run off again.

It was good to hear from Lexi again, despite how they left each other last time Adam still loved her and missed her, he was happy to hear she was back into art, her paintings were good when she was younger but she hadn't painted in years, if she was taking it up again she would be great.

Adam had his first hand experience with pregnancy, it was terrifying. He couldn't tell if when he walked into a room if Kanani was going to jump his bones or try to break them. Admittedly when telling this to Ray and Kale he exaggerated but he was still clueless. Thankfully the two fathers helped Adam as best they could, even Ray who missed the first 29 years of his daughter's life gave good advice. He told Adam something he would never forget.

"Always admit defeat. Even when you've won."

That line basically saved the marriage of the young couple because it helped avoid a lot of pointless arguments and before anyone could realise it the nine months had just flew by. Adam was rushing to the hospital when it suddenly hit him how fast the time had gone by.

Following the directions from the receptionist Adam found Ray in the waiting room.

"Where is she, is she ok, what can I..?"

Adam's questions were cut short by a loud scream from across the hall. Adam looked terrified but Ray smiled.

"Don't worry, that wasn't her. She isn't fully dilated yet so she's in her room waiting, I'll take you to her."

Ray led Adam into a room not far from the screaming woman, Kanani was inside, she was wearing a hospital robe, little make-up and a look on her face that mixed peaceful contentment with exhausted 'finally this is over'. She still looked beautiful to Adam.

"I'll go pick up Kale, see he gets here ok."

Ray left the couple as Adam walked over and sat on a chair next to his wife's bed.



"Ray says you're not dilated enough yet."

"Yeah, need to be at 10, I'm only at 6 but that's not too long. You nervous?"

"A little, how could you tell?"

"You're talking about how dilated I am."

"I guess I am. Sorry, it's just this is going by so fast, it seems like yesterday we couldn't decide what crib to get."

"Don't worry so much Adam, you'll make a great father, I know you... Oh, oh Jesus."

"What is it, what's wrong."

"Nothing, just a contraction, they hurt like a bitch but I can't do anything about them. Just, just give me a sec."

Adam watched helplessly as his wife braced herself through the pain, she didn't let out a sound but the pain was evident on her face. Once it was over she looked at the clock on the wall and wrote down on a piece of paper by her table.

"The doctor says to time them, they've been getting longer so hopefully I won't be here too long."

"Hopefully yeah. Can I get you anything?"

"See if there's any ice chips, I could use some about now."

"Ice chips, sure."

Adam found the ice chips, eventually, he got himself in a fluster for a few minutes beforehand but he bought himself a coffee and funnily enough that calmed his nerves down. Ray and Kale arrived about an hour after Ray had left, Adam never thought he'd be so happy to see the giant, Kale took charge like a general leading his troops into battle, he knew exactly what he needed to do and what everyone else needed to be doing. It took a lot of pressure off Adam.

Kanani had arrived at around 4 in the afternoon, by the time she was fully dilated it was pushing 5 in the morning. The only things keeping Adam awake were the billions of cups of coffees he'd pounded down like whiskey shots and the hard, leathery back-hand of Kale. It just further convinced Adam that Kale wasn't normal, he didn't sleep, he didn't rest, as far as Adam could tell he didn't eat or drink either.

The doctors offered to let Adam join his wife in the delivery room but both agreed in that caffeine fuelled state he was in that wasn't a good idea so Adam stayed back with Ray and Kale took his place.

Sitting in the hospital at 6 in the morning, Adam was surprised by how quiet it was, even with the early time he expected some activity but for the longest time it felt like just him and Ray.

Ray sensed his friend's worry. "Don't worry, she'll be fine, it's almost over now."

"I'll stay worried if that's alright with you. Any number of things could happen." Adam was thinking about Alexandra and her miscarriage, how that had come out of nowhere.

Ray had a warm smile on his face "I always pegged you for someone that didn't worry, you did what you felt like and ignored the consequences."

Adam had to smile, even in their short time as friends Ray had him down. "That was the old me, the me before I had responsibility."

"Good to see you're growing."

The two men talked through the early hours of the morning, any subject that came up bided their time for a few minutes before moving onto the next one. It helped past the time a lot quicker.

After a couple of hours, with Ray asleep on the chair and Adam on his 29th cup of coffee Kale came through smiling.

"Adam, come on through."

Despite the smile on Kale's face Adam still held his stomach in a knot, he didn't know what to expect when he entered the room, he held his breath and followed Kale round to Kanani's room.

When Adam walked in and saw his wife in bed all his worries melted away and he felt a smile on his face. He couldn't ask for a better scene, Kay's bed was sitting in front of a window, the morning sun shone through lighting her from the back, she looked so much like an angel Adam almost believed she was. In her arms was a little bundle, wrapped tightly in soft, white blankets, Adam walked slowly towards them and sat beside Kay on the bed, from here he could easily see the tears in her eyes, he looked down at the bundle in her arms and felt a small tear roll off his cheek.

"It's a boy." She whispered to him.

A boy, Adam had a son. God he felt a million emotions going through him, happiness, fear, joy, worry. But most of all love, Adam looked at his son, his fat cheeks, thin hair on his head, confused look in his eyes and immediately he loved him. Adam thought back to when he first met Alexandra and how quickly he fell in love with her, it was the same thing here.

"So what do we call him?" He asked his wife.

"I don't know, you have any ideas?"

"A couple, do we want an English or Hawaiian name?"

"English I think, he looks just like his daddy."

"Hmm, what about Kevin?"

"Kevin, where'd that come from?"

"Well I was thinking of naming him Kieran after my dad but then I figured I didn't want to reminder. But my mind stuck with K and I came up with Kevin."

Kanani looked down at their offspring. "Kevin McAllister. It fits. Hi Kevin, I'm your mummy, I love you so much."

Kay kissed Kevin in the forehead then turned to Adam. "But he's still only the number 2 man in my life."

Adam and Kanani kissed once more before inviting Kale and Ray in to meet Kevin.

That afternoon while Kevin and Kay slept Adam snuck outside to make a quick phone call, he had wanted to do this all day but didn't want to leave Kay's side.

The phone rung three times before it was answered.


"Mum? It's Adam. I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, no. I was just getting ready for bed. So tell me, why did you call me at this ungodly hour."

"Sorry mum but I have big news. Kay gave birth this morning."

"What? Oh my god Adam that's amazing, what sex is the baby, how big is it, what's their name, when can I see my grandchild?"

"Calm down mum, it's a boy, his name is Kevin and you can see him whenever you like."

"Oh Adam, I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to meet Kevin. I'll get some time off work and come visit some time this week."

"I'd like that mum, I'll see if Ray can spare a room. You can bring Lexi with you."

Adam could almost hear the lump in his mother's throat at the mention of his cousin's name. "Adam that's probably not such a good idea."

"Why? Does she still hate me for something she did?"

"No. Adam trust me if she could make it she would but Alexandra's going through some... stuff right now and needs to sort that out before anything else."

"What stuff?"

"I can't say."


"No Adam, it's her business, she's got me and Liam to help her but that's it. I'll ask her if she wants to come but I'm not promising anything."

Adam knew better than to argue with his mother. "Ok mum, I'll see you later in the week then, goodnight."

"Goodnight Adam, don't worry, you'll make a great father."


Adam hung up the phone and went back inside.




Surprisingly Adam found being a father easier than expected, it was still difficult at times to understand why Kevin was screaming and the late nights didn't help his college work but for the most part he had a good relationship with his son.

Claire visited as often as she could, forming a bond with her grandson immediately and treating him like royalty. She loved him instantly and it wasn't uncommon for her to take him for long walks in his pram while his parents were busy.

One such occasion helped the young couple immensely. Neither of them had had sex in a long time, there was the two month wait after Kevin's birth then career's and work and education and basically life got in the way. Both were getting crankier and snapped easier than before, it wasn't until valentine's day, one year since Kevin was conceived that Claire saved them, she took Kevin out for a couple hours and left a bottle of wine and box of chocolates for her son and daughter-in-law.

Kanani was the first to rip her clothes off with Adam not far behind, they were pouncing on each other in a matter of seconds and giving each other some of the hottest, most passionate sex they'd had as a couple. Adam slammed each Kay against the wall, then she pushed him down to the floor and rode him. When both came - which only took a few minutes they were so desperate - they held each other for a short while before putting on dressing gowns, opening the wine and throwing on a cheesy movie.

It was the best valentine's day they'd ever had.

There wasn't always peace in the McAllister house, the biggest argument the couple ever had was at the end of summer, 2001. They had to decide who'd stay home with Kevin and who'd go back to work. Adam thought Kanani should go back to work since she earned more than him but Kay wanted Adam to go back since he needed his education and once he became a lawyer he would earn more than enough.

The argument lasted for a good three days before they reached an agreement, Ray and Kale would take turns watching Kevin while Adam and Kay worked, then in the evenings Kay would take him back and Adam would take a night course. It meant they didn't see each other as much as they used but it helped.




Kevin's first birthday came and went, then his second, even his third and still no sign of Alexandra. She stayed in touch through birthdays and Christmas cards but she never even came to see Kevin, Ray talked to her on the phone from time to time but she told him never to visit her. Being a dutiful father he reluctantly agreed.

It was nearing Christmas time, Adam was on holiday, although still working, he was on his final year of school, in the summer of 2004 he would get his law degree, depending on whether he passed his course. While doing some studying Adam saw Kevin stumbling around the floor, he'd taken to walking about a year ago but still hadn't mastered it, Adam was thankful he hadn't figured out how to open doors yet.

Deciding it was time for a break Adam put down his pencil and knelt down in front of his son, Kevin seemed almost oblivious to his father's presence, Adam smiled softly.

"You're a little idiot aren't you? Ah but you're my little idiot. If only you knew how much I loved you."

Kevin stumbled around a little more before picking up a Santa doll and showing it to his father proudly.

Adam laughed quietly. "You know who that is? That's Santa, you know who Santa is right?"

Kevin nodded slowly, Santa's foot stuck in his mouth to be chewed on."

"Santa's the man who brings you presents at Christmas. What do you want for Christmas this year?"


Adam did a double-take, Kevin hadn't said his first word yet but he just might have. "What did you say?"


A smile plastered its way across Adam's face. "Again."



Inspired by his father's happy face Kevin practically burst. "Juice, juice, juice, juice."

Adam picked Kevin off the floor and held him in his arms, both laughing like the children only one of them actually was.

In that most perfect of moments, Kanani arrived home just seconds later, Adam heard the door shut and rushed to see his wife, he was so fast that when he kissed her she was caught off-guard.

"Whoa, what was that for?"

"It's Kevin, hey Kev, tell mummy what you want from Santa this year."

"Juice." Kevin chirped triumphantly.

The same mile wide smile on Adam's face now made it's way onto Kay's as she took Kevin from Adam and held him.

"Oh my baby boy. I'm so proud of you. Oh Adam I was starting to get worried, he should've been speaking months ago. God I'm so happy."

"Me too Kay, me too."

The husband and wife kissed again, a longer, more loving kiss than the last one, but Kevin didn't notice, his mind was still on juice.




The years went by quickly, Kevin grew up and before Adam or Kay realised it he was getting ready to start school. They discussed having more children but they agreed that should wait until Adam got a steady career, he was in the law industry but was basically at intern level, the pay was low but it got the three of them by.

There was the occasional argument or disagreement, mostly to do with Kevin who was at that age where he didn't know any better but couldn't get away with what he did, it led to Adam and Kay arguing over how to discipline him. It was an ongoing argument and did reach shouting levels at points but once things calmed down they were back to normal.

In the March of 2006 Adam got a letter form his mother, at the ripe old age of 68 she was retiring from her work and the company was throwing a going away party for her. Adam, Kanani and Kevin were invited to the party and all three decided to go, Adam even asked Ray and Kale if they wanted to come as well and they agreed.

Adam had to admit it was a sight seeing five very tanned people getting off the plane in the middle of March. Only Adam and Ray knew how bad the British springs could be so Kay, Kevin and Kale took a shock to the system with the cold. Kevin gave his father a look that said 'I know now why you left.'

Claire had worked for the same company since she left school at 18, for 50 years she gave her time and dedication to her work, she was rewarded of course with promotions and pay rises. Best of all she met her husband at the company and that was a lifetime of rewards. Despite this Adam wasn't sure what his mother did, he could never give her job a title, he had heard his father once call her an 'ultra-secretary' and when Adam met his mother's boss once before he had said that wasn't far off but he admitted that Claire kept the company afloat a lot more than he ever did.

With everything she'd done it didn't surprise Adam that the send-off was a big one. The company had rented out an entire ballroom to fit everyone, there was a platoon of business types walking around talking, drinking and stealing small bites of food, there was over 100 people, maybe even over 150 and yet still there was room for a lot more.

Swimming their way through the crowd Adam and Kanani found Claire surrounded by businessmen, she was laughing and joking around with them but as soon as she saw her son she jumped up and left them.

"I'm so glad you made it Adam."

"Me too mum."

Claire stopped hugging Adam and hugged Kay as well. "You as well Kanani."

"Thanks Claire."

"And how about my favourite grandson? How's he doing?"

"Grandma, I'm your only grandson."

"All the more reason to make you my favourite. Would you like a mint?"

Ever the good boy Kevin looked up at his father, Adam nodded and Kevin stuck out his hand. Claire laughed and took out a bag of imperial mints from her pocket.

"I figured since I'm a granny now I need to act like one. I'm not getting any younger."

Adam chuckled slightly. "You're still young and beautiful mum."

"Mummy's boy." Claire smiled at Adam.

"I got to say mum this whole thing is bigger than I expected."

"I know, it is a little much. I told John not to do anything too extravagant, a simple coffee and cake with a few people round the office would've been enough."

A voice came from behind them "Ah but that would never have been enough to show how much you mean to this company."

Adam turned to see Jonathan Burton, John, Claire's boss. Adam liked John, they had met a few times and Adam got the impression he was someone who would bend over backwards to help his employees. He was slightly rounder in the stomach since last time Adam saw him and his hair was greying but he still looked in good health and his face had that permanent smile. John shook Claire's hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well it's still too much John. I mean I hardly know anyone here, I can recognize only half the people here and only half of them I actually know the name of."

"I know I know and I apologise but we couldn't well give you a 'how-you-do' and send you on your way. You're an important member of this company and it won't be the same without you."

You're too kind John, grow a backbone. Oh John, you remember my son Adam?"

"Of course, looks just like his father, good man."

"Thanks sir. This is my wife Kanani and my son Kevin."

"Kanani? Of course yeah, you were in Hawaii. Nice to meet you Kanani."

"Please call me Kay, nice to meet you as well."

"And that must make you Kevin. You know we've got an American branch opening in a couple years, you say the word I can get a scholarship for him."

Adam couldn't believe what he'd heard/ "Really? You would do that."

"Of course, your mother's saved this company so much money I can afford to help him out."

"We'll talk it over but thank you."

"No problem, least I could do. Come on Claire, time to address the masses."

"Feed the sharks more like. I'll see you in a moment Adam."

"Adam, I'm going to take Kevin to the loo, I'll see you in a minute."

"Ok, I'll find Kale and Ray, see you both later."

All three went off in their own directions, Adam found Kale and Ray by the open bar, both were pounding back their drinks and laughing with a few businessmen.

"Adam, there you are. What can I get you?"

"Just whatever's on tap Ray. You two having a good time?"

Kale burped. "Schuse me. Yeah, the cold's getting better but it's still bad. Thankfully this stuff's keeping me warm. I need to keep this stuff at home."

At the stage John tapped on the microphone. "Hello, yes hello."

Everyone quietened down and faced the stage, John looked out over the crowd.

"Well first let my say how happy I am to see so many of you here today. I just wish it was under better circumstances but unfortunately I'm losing one of my best workers and closest friends, Claire McAllister, come up here please."

Claire gave John a dirty look but stood up and walked to the stage, John helped her climb the steps which brought a smile to Adam, he knew that John had a crush on his mother but didn't do anything because she was married.

Claire stood at the microphone. "You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a speech prepared, John sprung this on me after I told him not to. But he's always been like that, never knowing what to do when I'm not there. I've been at this company for 50 years I came here in the mid 50s a shy wee girl just out of school looking for a job, I never once thought a part-time receptionist could turn into a full-time career but it did and I wouldn't have it any other way. They say you get what you put in and I can say that is the truth, I put all my time, effort and dedication into this company and in return I got lifelong friends, a whole range of opportunities, I found and lost my husband while working here and he gave me my son Adam. Who's given me nothing but bloody pain for nearly 40 years. I'm not one for tears so I'll stop now before I burst, let me just say thank you. Thank you to everyone for the best 50 years of my life, now you're on your own so don't come calling when you fuck up."

That last bout of blue humour ending things on a high note as everyone laughed and applauded while Claire left the stage, dabbing tears from her eyes. Adam walked over to her, through the crowd he saw his mum and John have a quick chat and exchange cards before John left quickly, his face bright red.

"What was that about?"

Claire blushed. "John asked me out on a date."

"What? Really? Wow."

"You don't sound very surprised."

"Well, no. I've kinda known about John liking you for a while now. He didn't do anything because you were happy with dad."

Claire smiled. "He told me he had a thing for me, I guess with your dad gone and him no longer my boss it seemed like a good as time as any. Think I should take him up on it."

"Absolutely mum. I like John, I know he'll treat you well and you deserve someone good, move on from dad."

"Thanks son, it means a lot to..."

Claire froze, her eyes fixed on the entrance. Adam turned to se what had her so spooked and he felt his own blood freeze.

It was Alexandra.

Adam looked at his cousin, the shock on his face evident from miles away. She had changed quite a bit since they last seen each other, for one thing she looked the most mature Adam had ever seen, her hair was it's natural dirty blonde colour and cut into a short ponytail, she had put a good amount of weight on as well, not a disgusting amount but she had her curves back, nothing was as sharp or stick-like from her heroin days, here she was rounder, smoother, curvier, much like she was 16 years ago but with an added sense of contentment making her look great. She was wearing a red and white floral pattern dress that reached to just above her knees, quite a conservative choice given some of the things Adam had seen her wear.

Adam was so engrossed in his cousin he didn't even see who she was with, standing on her left was Liam. Adam knew they were a couple but seeing them together made it all the more real, and all the more difficult to understand. Liam looked the best he had in years, he had the beginnings of a beard on his face, little specks of grey popped in and out on his hair, his eyes had a sparkle to them, he was happy.

But it wasn't Liam Adam was interested in, it was the little girl to her right.

The little girl, she couldn't have been more than 5 or 6, she stuck close to Alexandra, holding her hand and skipping alongside her. She was a very cute little girl, her face round, fresh and full of innocent wonderment. She had the same colour hair as Alexandra, a little lighter perhaps but still very similar.

Adam didn't need to be told anything, he knew that the girl was Lexi's daughter.

"Dammit John." Adam heard his mother speak softly beside him. "He must've invited her, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Why don't you want Lexi here mum?"

"Trust me Adam it's a bad idea, just keep your distance from her."

Adam was confused but he followed Claire to meet his cousin once more. Alexandra saw Claire first, she and her daughter walked quickly up to her, Claire knelt down to hug her grand-niece then got back up again to share a kiss on the cheek with Lexi.

"Sorry we're late, Liam was working late and..."

Now it was Alexandra's turn to freeze, she spotted Adam behind his mother, smiling at her.


"Adam? Hey. God I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"You weren't expecting me at my own mother's retirement party?"

"No it's just, you know what I mean. It's just been a long time."

"I know Lexi. So Liam, gave me one good reason not to kick your ass for sleeping with my cousin."

"Cause then you'd have to kick your own. Good to see you man."

"You too."

The two friends hugged, it had been too long the first time they left each other, now it was even longer.

Adam looked down at the little girl hiding behind Lexi. "So who's gonna introduce me to this cute, little thing."

Liam's smile grew wider. "Adam, this is Nicola. This is our daughter."

Daughter, he knew it. He couldn't believe it though, two failed pregnancies and now here Alexandra stood before him a mother. Why she never told him anything he couldn't understand.

"Hey Nicola, I'm your Uncle Adam. Don't worry, I won't bite."

Liam lightly pushed his daughter forward. "Go on honey, he's a good guy. Mostly."

Still hesitant, Nicola edged forward, her young eyes never leaving Adam's. As she got closer she opened her arms and hugged Adam.

"Hey, there we go. It's great to finally meet you Nicola. I think they're still in the bathroom but would you like to meet your Aunt Kay and your cousin Kevin?"

Nicola nodded, Adam smiled and handed her back to Alexandra. "She's a good kid, she has your eyes."

"Thanks. I'm proud of her."

From out of the corner of their eyes, Ray and Kale arrived, slightly drunk but not wasted. Ray put his arm around Lexi. "I thought I recognized your voice. Good to see you again honey."

"You too dad. Oh dad, this is Nicola, your granddaughter."

Ray's face lit up with shock, then immediately afterwards joy. He looked down at Nicola and smiled. "Hello Nikki, my aren't you beautiful."

Still nervous but smiling Nicola looked away bashfully. "Thank you."

"I can't believe you never said anything to me, I would've been here in a minute if I knew I had a grandchild."

"I know dad it's just... I had my reasons ok."

"It's fine honey, I'm just glad to meet her."

Liam coughed. "I'm gonna get a drink, anyone want anything?"

There was a chorus of no's throughout before Liam went to the bar, Adam followed him.

"Pint of Carling please."

The bartender smiled at them. "Sure, anything for you sir?" She asked Adam.

"Uh just a coke please."

"You paying together?"

Liam spoke up quickly. "Yes."

"Ok, that'll be £4.70."

Liam handed over a fiver. "Keep the change."

As the bartender got their drinks Adam decided to get some things off his chest.

"So you and Lexi have a daughter."

"I know, I was so surprised when she told me. I thought with all the drugs I did my boys weren't the strongest swimmers. But all it took was one roll in the hey and 9 months later, Nicola."

"Does Maggie know?"

"Yes, but she doesn't care, she told me she wasn't telling T.J. or Kate. And as much as it hurts I don't care, I'm happy with Nicola, and I'm very happy with Alexandra. Thinking of marrying her."

"Really? Congrats man, tell me if you do alright, I don't want another surprise."

"Ha, sorry about that, I guess we should've said something."

"I can't understand why you didn't. Did my mum know?"

"Of course, she was there at the birth, helped Alexandra through it all."

"So obviously Lexi told her not to say anything, because there's no reason mum wouldn't tell me. Hell she didn't even tell her father, she didn't want me to know. Why?"

The bartender handed the men their drinks. "Look Adam I don't know. Alex's always been a little overprotective of Nicola. What with the miscarriage beforehand, then we had a little trouble at the start, Nikki was a couple weeks premature."

"Jesus, how bad?"

"She was scheduled for around the 15th, 20th October, that week. She was born on the 1st."

"Fuck, that must've been tough on Lexi. Well Nicola looks healthy."

"We got lucky I guess. I don't understand her Adam, but Alex adores Nicola, if she has her reasons they're her reasons. I'm not questioning them."

"Good plan, alright Liam thanks."

Liam took his drink back to the group while Adam stayed at the bar. Something didn't sit right with Liam's story, there was no reason why Lexi didn't tell him about Nicola, if his mother and best friend knew as well but didn't tell him she told them not to.

He thought about Nicola, she looked decidedly healthy for a premature baby. Adam wasn't cruel but he didn't believe someone with Lexi's luck could get by that easy. Liam said she was born at the start of October, that must mean she was conceived on...

Oh fuck.

Adam dropped his glass in shock, no-way, he didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it. There was no possibility that it was so. In a fury of rage and confusion Adam stormed over to the table his group had settled at, he couldn't see who was there, just Lexi. He stopped in front of her, his face struggling to contain his anger.

"Who's her father?" He asked, his fists clenched so tight his nails were almost piercing his own skin.

Alexandra was understandably confused, everyone else was as well but Adam only saw her.


"You know damn well who. Nicola, who's her father?"

"Adam is this some kind of joke? It's not funny."

"I'm not joking, tell me."

"It's Liam, you know that."

"Bullshit, he's not the father."

Liam stood up and yelled something at Adam but it fell on deaf ears. The cries and protests of everyone around him went unnoticed by the man determined to find out the truth.

"Adam sit down." Alexandra refused to look at her crazed cousin.

"No, tell me."

Lexi wiped a tear away from her eye. "Adam you're crazy. Just sit down, we'll talk about this later."

"We'll talk now. Tell me who her father really is?"

Alexandra opened her mouth but no words came out, what could she say to this mad-man.

Adam's patience had ran out ages ago. "TELL ME!"

That outburst got everyone's attention, not just at the table but around the room. The whole room fell into silence as they stared at this event unfold.

Not bothering to wipe away the rest of her tears, Alexandra looked up at Adam, her voice full of disgust and hatred.

"It's you Adam. You're her father alright. That's your daughter. You happy now?"

Adam's face dropped, for the first time since he started his tirade he realised what he had done.

He'd fucked up.


11-19-2013, 05:47 AM
Good story