View Full Version : (Peter Pan) harper valley postscript

03-25-2013, 04:01 AM
...one of the best writers out there...although he doesnt answer any of his old email addresses

Over Larissa? Like Hell I was!
Certainly, ‘passing the baton’ as it were, had seemed smooth enough.
I was delighted that she and Chris had developed the bond they had at the
very end of the “Harper interlude.” Not only was I comfortable in the
knowledge that like us, she and her father had seceded from the group but
by forming an attachment with my son – I saw more of her now than at
any time during the frenetic partying.
They seemed both compatible and emotionally linked – I have never
once seen or heard them arguing and she became as regular a fixture at
our dinner table as any of my four. We still talked as we always had, she
never failed to give me a goodnight kiss before Chris would take her
home or George, pick her up. Speaking of George, he and I would often
go to the local tavern for many pleasant hours of two-way vocalised
indulgence. On much the same wavelength, we were never short of a
subject for conversation let’s say.
Whenever the subject of Harper Valley came up – and that actually
was very rarely – he would freely admit to missing the physical side of
things with my three – little Jenna especially, for whom I know he still
carries a flame, one of glowing intensity if the truth be known. One has
only to watch his reactions when around her, just the little things – how
he looks into her eyes when she is talking. The occasional contact with
her hand or shoulder – all the quintessential gentlemanly quirks. I, of all
people should recognize the symptoms, being thus afflicted in Larissa’s
I must openly confess, nothing would have given me greater pleasure
than to see Jenna form a deeper attachment for him, despite the
uncompromising age difference. She will never find anyone who loves
her more and who would forever treat her with George’s unconditional
respect and kindness. No-one ever likely to fuck her more intensely
either. He really had her number and she – his! If George wanted to take
her to bed three nights a week, it would be wholly with my blessing. Well
- so long as I could watch!
So yeah, Larissa was on site more often than not. Sometimes she
would even come here direct from school and make a start on her
assignments whilst waiting for Chris to get home from work. That of
course gave she and I time together – especially when I was enlisted to
source web-sites, relative to whatever she was researching.

Funny thing, I never regarded the relationship at that stage as any
more than that of father/potential stepdaughter, despite what we had
shared so intimately in our previous co-existence. I’m sure it would have
stayed this way too, had not we been left in the house alone one Tuesday
afternoon when Jenna, Kylie and Natalie were all elsewhere and Chris
had called to say he’d be an hour or so late.
These facts alone had actually nothing to do with what happened..
The wheels fell off over nothing more significant than Larissa
inadvertently dislodging a reference book that fell on the floor between
us, at the table we keep in the dining room specifically for school-work.
Leaning down, I picked the thing up and in the process of returning it
to the small pile of other books, I discovered Larissa’s face only inches
from my own. It was a beautiful face….a face I realised I still loved
desperately. She kissed me every bit as intentionally as a young girl on a
first date. This of course put paid to any further homework.
“I so love you Noel,” she whispered, almost in justification of her lips
being locked now, firmly on to my own.
“Well sweetheart,” I said, disentangling our mouths momentarily. “I
seem to remember us addressing this problem months back. Kind of a
“High Noon” as I recall, with me riding off into a nuclear holocaust. You
hooked up with Chris – I was happy for you both…..and now we’re doing
our best to betray everyone we both love. Makes a lot of sense!”
“But since you mention it,” I added, “I love you too sweetheart.
Beyond family ties, common sense or even biological credibility. What
the Hell are we going to do about it?”
Larissa glanced towards the hallway and the far staircase.
“My thoughts exactly,” I smiled, taking her hand.
At the point I had her lying on my quilt in just her matching blue bra
and panties, I could do no more than just stare at her unutterable beauty.
Well I suppose that is radically understating the situation.. So much could
I have done – it’s doubtful she would ever have recovered. I don’t even
recall with any distinct clarity the order in which I proceeded.
Her bra must have been an early casualty because I can still taste the
milky softness of those beautiful breasts and hear the soft girlish sounds
of silence, as I suckled her to the very edge of reason. Her urgency grew
with my own and I do remember that no sooner had I pulled her panties
down, than she kicked them off and spread her legs wide, inviting
somewhat more than a six-monthly gynaecological check-up.
I sank into the depths. I was home – protected by her arms and
befuddled by her kisses. Nothing else mattered. When you love a girl on
an empirical level like this – cause and effect no longer registers. I had all

those months of separatist diplomacy to make-up for. I wanted nothing
less than to impregnate her – to place my seed in the receptacle that had
always been mine to usurp. George I knew, would understand.
Larissa moaned as I took her….transported her, far beyond
Neverland to a place that only I had residency. The tears she was
shedding were anything but those of pain…it was in fact the worst agony
of all….understanding!
Even our joint orgasmic bliss was but an interruption in what
followed. I made love to her on her knees, kneeling upright, astride me –
and finally on her back with her legs over my shoulders. Long emptied
of anything vaguely procreative, I was driven by such repressed love for
the girl, I feared for my emotional well-being.
“Don’t pull out,” she pleaded at one stage…..”Don’t ever pull out!”
Truth is, I hadn’t planned to.
A little later however, having by necessity to get dressed, I watched
as she wriggled back in to her panties, more than happy to allow the soft
cotton to stem the seeping tide from between her legs, having expressed
her preference to stay ‘squishy,’ rather than take a shower and lose the
ultimate focus of my affection.
How can I ever forget either, her kneeling there on my bed, breasts
jutting out proudly as, handing me her bra, she just whispered in wideeyed
girlish tease, “You put it on for me!”
So pleasantly arousing a task did that prove, packing those soft and
delicate little orbs back into their padded creche, it was all I could do not
to push her backwards, tug those skimpy little panties back down and
take up where I left off. But for now – kissing her was what I needed and
no lips ever to cross my line of vision, were better suited to such a task. I
held her to me and let passion run it’s course.
With still a good half an hour before Chris or anyone else was due
home, we just sat and talked. Far from my bedroom too – that definitely
not being conducive to rational thinking.
“Do you love my son?” I then cruelly asked, having no right to put
Larissa in so desperately pressured a situation, but equally – needing to
The poor kid lost out either way. Had she said “Yes,” it challenged
then her own loyalties and morality. A “No,” would question her very
motives for being with him, classifying her additionally as a “user,”
simply hanging around until Mr Right reined in his steed in the coming
months. She certainly didn’t rush her answer.

“Yes,” she finally said, “I do love Chris – but it’s just so different. I
know he’s your son Noel, but he’s not you…he never can be. I don’t
know what it is with you….you make me feel like both your daughter and
your lover. When you make love to me I just feel so close to you
emotionally – it’s like I always was part of you. Things we share – she
glanced back towards the stairs – Chris and I never can…and that’s not
his fault…not anyone’s fault. Does all this make any sense?”
I smiled at her, “Luckily no,” I lied.
I knew of course exactly what she was trying to say and my heart
ached for her as she spoke. Nothing though could ever bridge that getting
on for forty-year age difference and however much I loved her, it was an
inescapable fact now that our relationship was doomed to be one of
fleeting coexistence. 60-20….70-30…the most basic of math ruled out
the possibility of this game ever going into extra time.
“Well sweetheart,” I grinned, “You’re just going to have to get used to
being raped by an old man from time to time. Perhaps your father-in-law
if things pan out right? Think you can live with that?”
She hugged me to her, “At least once a week?” she giggled, “Think
you can manage that?”
“More like twice a day, you silly little girl,” I replied, kissing once
more those wonderfully soft lips.
The lock turning in the front door, signified one of the brood had
“Now what else do you need to know about Ramses III?” I enquired.


03-25-2013, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the addition

03-25-2013, 08:03 PM
chapter 2 of the harper valley postscript

note if anyne knows the current email addy of peter pan....i would be grateful for a heads up

Pray have no fear, Harper Valley is not taking the route trodden
(usually so unsuccessfully) by those myriad movie horror-sequels: “The
Final Chapter,” invariably followed by “A New Beginning,” etc, etc. As
far as the family was concerned, Harper Valley ended for Natalie, Kylie
and Jenna (Chris too of course) with the concluding events that were
recalled in seminal detail in “Farewell to Zion.” For those of you without
the opportunity to have read “The Complete Harper Valley,” such
knowledge is unfortunately denied you, but be assured, the decision was
taken as a family to wholly withdraw from the ‘arena of dreams.’
Regrettable in hindsight then, that in a moment of abject weakness I
was to re-indulge my overwrought need-for-seed but one last time, and
fully without the awareness of the other four.
True, Jer had bombarded me with requests for a re-think, or more
specifically a complete back-down on our decision. In desperation, he
had even text-messaged Natalie, Kylie and Jenna, pleading for their reinvolvement,
fuelled I suspect, by the exhortations of the majority of the
other participating males.
Only threats of bodily harm finally caused him to back-off. We still
talked once in a while of course, even had a cappuccino occasionally at
the local shopping mall when he would take great delight in regaling me
with many a sexual tale of deviant behavior at some recent party – but the
subject of my daughters was clearly understood to be off the agenda.
I made casual enquiry about Rhiannon, hoping in fact to hear little
that might sadden me and it was a source of great pleasure admittedly
when I heard Jerry comment that she had hardly attended since we left.
Obviously, I was not over my personal crisis regarding that wondrously
brief relationship. Jer was never to be privy to such knowledge.
Larissa, being now Chris’ full-time girlfriend, was, as I have said, a
regular fixture at our home and was pretty much slotted-in as my fourth
daughter. She and her father no longer attended the parties either, having
taken the decision to leave, the same week we did. George and I became
ultimately close friends and spent many a long and pleasantly alkified
night in each other’s company. Why the Hell then couldn’t I just have let
sleeping dogs lie?
It wasn’t a “party” as such, Jerry knew he had less chance of securing
my presence at another of those little gatherings than he did of coercing
Jenna to model a new range of swimwear for him in his own bathroom.

“Just an informal gathering of a few friends at his place,” was how he
initially described it to me, that night he called last week. And so it
proved to be. He simply omitted to mention that the “couple of ladies”
coming as well, were actually still in tenth grade.
Having first to drop Kylie off at a girlfriend’s sleepover that night, I
arrived at Jerry’s place a good hour and a half after everyone else. Many
familiar faces on site. Connor, Warwick, Brad, Graham…a shifty-looking
guy called Lenny who you wouldn’t buy a used toothpick off, let alone a
car, and another friend of Jer’s whose name I’ve forgotten.
Ahead of anything though, I noticed Virginia chatting animatedly in
one corner and Caitlin sitting on Warwick’s lap. Both appeared to be sans
their own fathers, which might have been considered risky in the
attending circumstances. While Jerry and I were talking, I noticed a
couple of men quite unfamiliar to me, enter the lounge-room from the far
hallway, which appeared to be some sort of cue for Brad and Graham to
get up and leave the room. Given their evident self-satisfied expressions I
asked Jer what was going on?
He just smiled his “I’m so debauched I can’t believe it” look and
informed me there was “another girl or two” upstairs somewhere. “Well
at least it’s none of my three I was thinking,” somewhat smugly.
At that point, Caitlin walked over and sat herself down on my knee –
much to Warwick’s chagrin I noted.
“Hello Noel,” she whispered, cuddling up against me. “We’ve soo
missed you and the girls. Are you ever going to come to another party?”
“No sweetheart,” I told her, gently kissing her forehead. “We all made
the decision to pull-out and we can’t go back on it now. To be honest, I
didn’t even know any of you poppets would be here tonight.”
She smiled that wonderfully warm and inviting little smile she is so
good at and despite myself, I then wanted to take her somewhere private
and recall some of the magic I had missed so much.
She wasn’t making it any easier for me and at the point Jer got up and
went across to say something to Connor, I was finding my hands
remembering old habits as they inched their way beneath Caitlin’s rather
prominent and eminently desirable young breasts. That low-cut blouse
she had on was doing little to dissuade my interest in that general area
either and didn’t she know it? The slightest of sighs betrayed her needs
and if those little lips weren’t suddenly and intentionally within kissable
range, then my understanding of the feminine art is sadly lacking.
No-one could kiss lips like that, attached to a youthful body such as
they were, and not experience majorly high-voltage arousal. Slipping a
hand beneath her top, the coolest and smoothest of female curves on site
liquified whatever resolutions I might have set for myself.

Glazed and wriggling now, Caitlin’s kisses became more passionate,
mine more daring. Caressing those wonderfully taut and erect nipples
inside her skimpy bra, there is no way she could have been unaware of
the system-reboot taking place right beneath her hot little bottom. I was
back in the fold alright!
The designer of that particular skirt Caitlin had on, should have won
the “Procreational Award” for 2005 A central zip, of all brilliantly
conceived fashion innovations, meant that not only could she flaunt her
hot little red briefs without either bending over or even spreading her
legs, but that in the event she found herself seated astride a gentleman of
such questionably deviate intentions as myself, instant access for both
fingers and other appendages, was but a zzzzzzzzzzzzz away!
Let’s just say I put the thing to a thorough road-test!
Observing standard operational procedure, I first allowed my hand to
inch its entirely paedophilic way due west, beneath the skirt.
Approaching the tropics, Caitlin’s milky-soft skin betrayed the heat
build-up between her slim legs. That first gentle brush down the front of
her panties brought forth a small gasp of pleasure. It wasn’t the ‘”small”
gasps I was looking to promote though!
Leaning into me, both breasts pretty much visible to nipple level
down her bra, I set-up camp digitally speaking, alongside her central
printer-port. The material there was wet and the outlook for “more
My vocalised “You OK with this sweetie?” was of course quite
unnecessary but gave her at least the opportunity to pull back from her
on-going lip activity and to acknowledge her assent to my continued
vaginal therapy, albeit at this stage through her panties. Feels so damn
naughty that, it’s to die for!
In terms of being “erect,” I was suffering penile claustrophobia. At
the point however that I was able to shuffle that hot little body
temporarily sideways, I was in a position to free-up access to both my
own and Caitlin’s zip. It worked well.
In as big a hurry to divest herself of her panties as myself, she
wriggled out of those confining but Oh, so arousing little undies, at much
the same time I drew out my own plug-in. Swiftly flipping her over on to
her tummy, fully astride me now, she lost no time in making the
necessary adjustments. The view ahead from my perspective was not half
bad. Both breasts and nipples completely visible and in continuous
motion whichever of us moved and however slightly.
Once fully inside her, it was simply a case of finding new angles of
incidence and a compatible rhythm. Far from quiet now, she was
contributing greatly to our joint pleasure by alternately pleading for

deeper penetration whilst kissing me passionately. Life does not get any
better than this – trust me on this point!
I have made mention of the fact before, but to make love to a young
girl while she is for the most part fully dressed, is just the hottest thing.
From any rearward voyeurs’ POV all that could be seen would be a hot
young girl face down on some guy’s lap, her wriggling rear-end fully
covered still with perhaps the occasional peak of various naughty areas,
as the pace hots up.
You can always tell when a girl is nearing her own orgasm. She
begins to kiss so intensely and the urgency throughout her body can be
felt. As it happened, I was there in the same ball-park. This was a 9.5 on
the Richter Scale!
Even as I pumped-in the last of my white magic, Caitlin was
murmuring unintelligibly and clutching me to her. I just hugged her and
covered her beautiful face with kisses. We lay there for quite a while,
completely sated but more importantly having touched on a higher
plateau for those all-important seconds. As always, I was having thoughts
already as to how much I would have preferred she not consummate any
similar act with another man there – As if I had that right!
Perhaps divining my thoughts, Caitlin gave Warwick a thinly
disguised if not incontrovertibly abrupt brush-off when he sidled over,
intent quite obviously on furthering her orgasmic cause. He has always
reminded me of the Coyote when it comes to his bedside manner so far as
young girls are concerned. Beep beep!
Virginia was up to her old tricks. Anyone, any place…anytime!
Connor was availing himself of her charms, spread there as she was on
the far lounge with another of Jerry’s friends rudely assaulting her fully
exposed breasts. So grateful was I at that juncture, that Rhiannon was not
a party to this little session.
Caitlin sat with me…..on me actually, for quite a while and we talked
of many things. School, Jenna and just who in fact cares if Brittany is
pregnant? By the time she wandered off, Jerry was organising a few latenight
drinks and nibblies. Lucky I would only have those three or four
back-streets to navigate en-route home. No need to traverse any major
highway, thereby risking a random police breath-testing unit.
By eleven-ish I was feeling not half bad. Spent some quality time with
a few of my other friends, the girls having taken themselves off
somewhere – upstairs I think. I did notice guys filtering themselves out
from various conversational groups at intervals and heading in the
direction of the hallway, presumably for a few moments passion on the
upper floor.
I mentioned that I should be “getting home soon” to Jerry at one
“You can’t go ‘till you’ve been upstairs Noel,” he responded, winking
maniacally like John Cleese.
“Yeah?” I asked. “Doubt there’s much going on up there I haven’t seen
before Jer.” I added.
“No, maybe not,” he replied, “But it’s never hard to watch is it Noel?”
I looked at him. Sometimes he could be such a sleazebag!
Principally to shut him up, I took myself up the stair-well not ten
minutes later. More than familiar with the layout of the house I first
looked-in on Michelle’s bedroom – one that held especially fond
memories for me. Virginia was playing to a full-house - Graham and two
other guys I neither knew or cared that much about getting acquainted
One thing I have to admire about Virginia – she’s a stayer! Put her in
the most outrageous sexual predicament and she’ll work it to her best
advantage. Of course, caring little where she is being penetrated or by
whom at any given moment, does make it a tad easier!
On this occasion they had her performing the awesome feat of lying
spreadeagled face down on Graham’s lap, butt tight-up against his lower
abdomen – obviously getting fucked, as her torso draped off the edge of
the bed, down between Graham’s knees somewhere, sucking noisily on
one of the other guys as he knelt there on the floor, making all sorts of
disparaging remarks as to her sexual prediliction. As if to back-up his
assertions, he appeared to be groping the girl’s breasts with a fervor not
seen since the days of Caligula.
The third guy was the far side of the activated trio, attending to his
own problems. Even as I watched, he managed to extract a healthy stream
from his tortured erection, which he managed to spurt directionally all the
way from the girl’s lower back to her hairline. I wouldn’t be surprised if
he even caught her on the side of her face in places.
Graham motioned for me to take some imminently active role in
Virginia’s further debasement, but in all honesty she has never appealed
to me. As a sexual athlete, she is to be admired. As an object of
desirability, I find her as alluring as Mae West after the autopsy!
The master bedroom was interesting.
Trust Brad to be ‘in the zone,’ when it comes to hot under-age
defilement. Center quilt, he and Len (or Lenny as he seemed to prefer)
were taking their time doing some very bad things to a rather slim and
apparently compliant young Miss, that I took to be Caitlin. The reason I
couldn’t immediately identify the owner of the legs, is that they had her
face-down, tied-up and hooded. From the muffled sounds she was

making in response to the indignities being heaped upon her – gagged
While Brad was attempting his usual party trick – the rear-entry
tango, Len was kneeling alongside her prostrate body, his hands beneath
her, mauling her young breasts every which way. Dragging her butt
higher and spreading her legs further, even allowing for the fact that I
was to one side of the action and was denied a view of the girl’s outright
sodomy, I figured Brad was well inside…so to speak. What really
anchored my attention though was the fact that despite her predicament
and limitation of movement…she was inarguably pushing her hot little
ass backwards on to Brad just as hard as she was able. As for Lenny, I
was thinking just how much skin-cream she would be needing on those
sore and abused little breasts by the time this session was ended. Then
again, God-knows what they had been doing with her earlier?
Brad of course made complete his day and left his calling card way up
her forbidden channel. His second or third for all I knew. Lenny too I
could see now, had been attending to his own grotty pleasures
concurrently and had spurted a copious amount of semen over her bound
wrists and lower back. The girl was a mess.
“Take her yourself Noel,” Brad muttered, “Fuck her any way you
like….she loves it.” He sat down on the edge of the coverlet and gave
her a bottom a spank, which drew forth another muffled yelp.
Having no wish to do anything with a girl in that bound and helpless
condition, I approached her prostrate body feet first. Untying her wrists,
the girl wriggled momentarily and I thought I caught sight of a hint of
dark curls between her legs. Hurriedly I removed the hood.
Reflecting on the moment now….I truly believe I would have
preferred it to have been Jenna even (although I would have recognised
that curvy little bottom from fifty feet away) I had no need to even turn
her over and remove the gag – the flared reddish hair was all I needed to
I’m no street vigilante but I dropped Brad right where he sat, with just
one punch. Len saw or sensed my aura I guess and took off. I would have
killed him and even that wouldn’t have been enough!
I was crying by then, and ripping away the gag, I just held Rhiannon
to me.
Sobbing uncontrollably herself as I cuddled her, all I could think was
“Why?” “Why?” I wanted to believe that she would never willingly
submit to what I had just witnessed and yet I had seen what I had seen.
Her total complicity and consensuality in her own degradation. Never
would this have happened, I told myself futilely, if I had continued to

attend the parties…I would never have allowed it. She would never have
wanted it….permitted it even.
Brushing her hair back off her forehead and kissing her, I could see
her clothes across the far chair. I brought them to her and once she had
dressed. I just wanted to hold her there on the bed until time ran out.
Brad was still out cold but breathing…unfortunately. Jerry and a few
others came up but seeing my expression, sensibly remained outside the
When the red cloud had dissipated and the adrenaline returned home,
I began to wonder if I had even learned my lesson over what had gone
before so far as Larissa was concerned. Some overly protective aspect of
my genetic make-up cannot accept it seems, the rights of certain young
girls…..even Rhiannon’s age, to choose for themselves what they are
comfortable with.
As the images came flooding back I just sank into a morass of
desolation. My beautiful and innocent little Rhiannon – agreeing to being
used like a cheap slut. I couldn’t bear it. But of course that’s the whole
thing – she isn’t mine is she?
Suffice to say, I have never seen her again and if nothing else, that
night achieved two things. It completely vindicated my/our decision to
withdraw from the parties themselves and it gave me complete and utter
closure as to the period of my life that once was known as Harper Valley.
It hasn’t cured me though of looking at young girls and wishing!

03-25-2013, 08:12 PM
Despite so many emails from readers - some quite impassioned
actually, "Harper Valley" ended for us, under the circumstances outlined
in the earlier stories months ago. It simply was never going to be possible
to re-visit those times. I replied to many disappointed readers, pointing
out that it wasn't a case of not wanting to continue the “series” - I simply
couldn’t, there being nothing to continue! Had not circumstances then
provoked a chance meeting just recently, this 'account' could never have
existed. It was a fully unplanned and one-off occurrence - a secret
indulgence known only to my daughter and myself. Events that afternoon
quite obviously extended somewhat beyond the closing line here, but
whether or not I want to make such knowledge public, I have yet to
At least four and a bit months since we had quit the group, much to
the chagrin of at least a dozen fathers I could name, Jenna and I had
found ourselves at home one weekend recently with some time to kill –
the other kids all following their various pursuits. Chris and Larissa were
over with her in-laws, Kylie had her friends upstairs while Natalie was
interstate playing hockey.
Although winter still, it was unseasonably warm – sunny and in the
high twenties. I asked Jenna if she would like to take a brief stroll with
me in the nearby park. Giving me a little hug and a "Sure dad, just hold
on a sec," she was off to her room from which she emerged shortly
afterwards in a rather fetching ultra-short denim skirt, teamed with a tight
but most attractive little grey-ribbed top with Foxy Princess emblazoned
in pink lettering across an area of her chest that really didn’t need any
further advertising.
Holding my hand and looking as pretty and desirable as all Hell, we
walked the couple of blocks to the park’s entrance. Despite the warmth,
the paths were still strewn with fallen leaves and the trees awaiting their
Springtime renaissance. A couple of young boys on bicycles crossed the
path just ahead of us. Judging by the look the elder of the two gave Jenna,
it didn’t need a clinical psychologist to figure out what he was thinking.
Areas of his anatomy I feel sure, were reacting much as nature intended.
Taking stock of the bed of soft brown leaves just across the way, I was
having trouble dismissing a few somewhat lurid fantasies myself.
Just two minutes later we were stopped in our tracks by a familiar
"Hey, Noel…Jenna…… wait up!"

Turning around, no less a duo than Connor and Jerry were hotfooting
it in our direction.
"You two don’t look much like nature lovers," I said, "What are you
doing here?"
"Just driving past the entrance gates," replied Connor, inclining his
head back down the path.
"We saw you and Jenna heading-up this way."
"Yeah, well don’t get any ideas Connor," I muttered. "We’re not
rejoining the fold – just in case you were wondering."
"Nah, its fine," Jer put in. "Mind if we just walk with you for a while?
Nice and relaxing in here isn’t it?" he exchanged glances with Connor,
the meaning of which weren’t immediately obvious.
I could hardly fail to notice Connor’s eyes as they alighted
momentarily on Jenna’s hot little rear end as she leaned over to brush a
couple of leaves off her shoe. Hardly in a position to judge any such
action myself anyway, having been glancing at that same prominent set
of curves at every opportunity. Seeing her breasts jiggle slightly as she
dislodged the leaves was something less than a hardship also.
"You look very pretty Jenna," said Jer, his words carrying a meaning
far beyond their immediate implication. The hot little smile she tossed
him was a bonus! Even though she was now sixteen, girlishness had yet
to be replaced with womanhood and hallelujah for that!
We had come now to the kids’ playground, completely deserted but
for an older couple crossing the far side of the grassy knoll just behind
the swings. I remembered back to the hours I had spent pushing the four
of them in tandem when they were yet to hit double figures, in hot
summers past.
"Want a swing Jen?" I asked her. "Let’s see how high you can go
these days?"
"Oh sure dad," she replied. "In this skirt – you could see my panties."
"Well don’t mind us," Connor quipped, "I think we’ve seen more than
that before." He actually got a blush out of her.
"Well keep your legs together sweetie," I suggested. "Just a quick
swing….Jer can give you a push."
I never thought she’d do it.
Nestling her bottom on the small wooden seat, it was indeed a
privileged view momentarily. She gave a little gasp of girlish tease as a
flash of white undies lit up the retinas of Connor and myself. Jerry was
sharing an equally good aspect however, standing directly behind her, his
hands on her hips as he pushed her higher. With each successive push it
was obvious he was making contact far lower than was necessary and at
the point Jenna giggled and turning, said

"That’s enough I think, I can do it myself now," his hands were fully
encasing her butt with each push.
Despite the down-draught of each swing, which caused the hem of
her skirt to flare out, so tight did she keep her legs together and by
continuously holding her skirt down with one hand, we were denied the
view we all cherished. Even Jer had walked around to the front in the
expectation I’d imagine of seeing right up her tight skirt.
"Such a spoilsport," he muttered, as Jenna slowed to a halt, after
which she alighted from the swing and stood there, smoothing the denim
down over her hips. I had this sneaking suspicion the exhibitionist in my
daughter had yet to run its course. I so hoped I was right.
"Hey Jenna," Connor called out, "Come and park yourself down thisa-
way on the slippery dip here." He patted the shiny plastic at the base of
the slide. "Let me take a couple of pictures of you…if that’s OK with
your dad?" He looked across at me.
I just shrugged…didn’t bother me.
Jenna flashed one of those devastating smiles she can produce on cue
and sat her curvy little rear down on the slide while the three of us
watched. Connor took out his camera phone and moved in closer.
Looking around momentarily he opted for the naughty approach.
"Look, there’s no-one around sweetheart," he said to her, "Just give us a
flash of those cute little undies – just once huh?"
With but a second’s hesitation, glancing first at me, Jenna wriggled
her hips fractionally which had the effect of causing the skirt to inch up
her thighs. Parting her legs just slightly, completed the tease, as the clear
triangle of her white cotton undies was openly displayed. Connor took
way more than one picture if the truth be known. What this was doing to
me best not be admitted, but my resolve lets say, was decidedly on the
wane. Parts of Jerry’s lower anatomy I have reason to believe, were
anything but!
"God, that is so sexy Jenna," Connor muttered and glancing around
once more to confirm the group’s continuing solitude, added in little
more than a whisper, "C’mon, lets see all of them sweetie. Make your
Uncle Connor a happy man"
My mouth was drying up rapidly as Jenna, evidently willing to
"play," rocked back on her bottom, tugging her skirt right up to her hips
and exposing her panties in totality. The effect was cruelly heightened by
her parting her legs wide, now allowing us all the luxury of seeing that
amazingly feminine indentation for its full depth. I knew she was
enjoying this. What girl doesn’t like to be the center of attention, even

allowing for being in the company of three irascible old deviates like
"Now that’s all," she said, tugging her skirt down once more and
sitting demurely on the end of the slide, hands in her lap. Connor almost
dropped his cell-phone in shock.
"You can’t leave us like this Jenna," Jerry pleaded. I don’t think he
even realised his hand was idly caressing something it shouldn’t be.
Jenna realised. She giggled and looking directly at his groin area, smiled
"Can’t trust you two," she replied, glancing then across at me…."you
three, I mean."
I was hurt!
"I didn’t start this Jen," I told her…"Don’t be blaming me."
"C’mon dad," she teased, "You didn’t stop it either!"
She had a point there.
"Look sweetheart," Connor was cajoling pitifully, "There’s no
audience. How about you just give us a quick look at those sexy little tits
you’ve got hiding under that top?…just to remind us of what we’ve
missed all these months. We really have missed you Jenna…incredibly."
It was the most emotionally charged statement I ever heard Connor
make. Might have brought a lump to my throat had not one already been
forming elsewhere.
"Nooooo," she replied softly, folding her arms across her chest in an
unconscious show of girlish innocence. "I’m not going to expose myself
in a public park."
"Well come home with us then," said Jer, quick as a flash. Had to pay
that one.
To be honest, the image of Jenna getting stripped - even down to just
her undies – right there in that playground, especially with the potential to
be caught out, was playing havoc with my sense of acceptable social
Connor had moved over meanwhile to where she was sitting. As she
looked up at him almost inquisitively, he lowered his hand and cupping
her left breast smiled at her.
"Sexy as ever Jenna. Look around, there’s no one in sight sweetie –
just a quick flash for us?" He looked up at me, "You don’t mind do you
"Jenna’s call," I answered him.
I couldn’t believe what I was saying. Not yet five months since we
had all agreed to take ourselves completely out of the loop at Harpers and
having totally ceased any and all inter-family by-play, here I was now

acquiescing to Jenna’s imminent sexual re-exploitation. Talk about "Just
one more for the road."
Glancing around, and also back down the pathway along which we
had just strolled, Jenna did what she does best – she giggled. Then with
the most sensual of hand movements she took a hold of her top and
pulled it up quickly. Hooking her fingers en route, beneath what must
have been the skimpiest little bra in her underwear drawer, she tugged
both articles up to collar-bone level.
I hadn’t realised what even a few months of teenage development
could achieve. Rounded and filled-out now to unprecedented levels of
desirable young femininity, her beautiful breasts shook momentarily as
they were freed-up in the warm early-afternoon sun.
"God Jenna," muttered Jerry. "You are just so lovely."
Indeed, looking at those lightly tanned slim legs as they disappeared
up beneath the denim – short enough that Jerry and I at least, could
clearly see her panties once more. Her wonderfully flared hips and the
concavity of her abdominal area as it curved up towards her upper chest –
"lovely" seemed a sadly inapt word for what we were seeing.
Wholly exposed for the ultimately short time that she was, Jenna sat
there proud and smiling prettily. Connor could hardly be blamed for
dropping to his knees, leaning forwards and suckling her left breast as she
looked down at him with seeming fascination. I saw her eyes close
momentarily as he drew down on her nipple and the softest of sighs was
audible. One hand cupping her other breast now, he sucked her right
nipple. Barely ten seconds would have elapsed before she tugged the
material back down and the magic was hidden from us.
No one spoke. There was nothing to say – least nothing that could
adequately address how we were all feeling.
I knew even then that there was no way Jenna would be leaving that
play area without at least one of them fucking her. I think she would have
known it too…..wanted it most likely!
I watched as one suffering temporary paralysis, as Jerry moved over
to join Connor – a man either side of her now. She put up but the most
token of resistance as they laid her back on that slide, legs draping off the
end of it at the knees. Connor bent over and began kissing those hot,
lightly glossed lips, his hands starting now to fondle her barely-covered
breasts. Jerry was taking the southern flank and pushing her skirt even
higher than it had naturally slid already. Those tempting white panties
were almost completely exposed now as she wriggled beneath her
assailants’ ministrations. Jerry joined his friend in openly caressing and
abusing the young girl’s breasts. I knew just how hot this must be making
her, given the several months sexual abstinence especially. I watched, as

with his right hand he began then to rub the outside of her panties at
precisely the point her clitoral fold would have been located. Between
Connor’s kisses she was beginning to moan slightly.
There was still no-one around, yet seeing what was happening right
here in broad daylight was hotter than anything I had ever experienced at
any of the parties. Watching my youngest daughter being sexually
molested in public pretty much, could only be described as the ultimate
Grabbing her around the waist, Connor pulled Jenna down until her
hips were right at the very end of the slippery-dip, Jerry’s hand still up
between her now freely spread legs, rubbing her pussy through the thin
cotton material with unfettered glee.
At the point Connor muttered "Take her panties off Jer," Jenna tried
to sit up.
"Nooo, not here…please," she protested between kisses, making a
grab for them with her free hand as Jerry tugged them down marginally,
displaying the first dark wisps of some obvious re-growth.
The problem was solved with a minimum of fuss. Jer moved himself
to a vantage point between her well spaced-apart legs, whilst Connor
somewhat indelicately took a hold of her panties at their narrowest point
and simply tugged them to one side. Her moist and intriguing little
ingress, framed once more by her natural dark curls was displayed in all
its youthful glory to the three of us – my having to move up and to one
side to compensate for Jerry’s torso blocking my earlier view of
There was nothing reticent or even vaguely restrained about what
followed. Extricating what must have been as solid an erection as ever
Jerry had managed, he placed his penile head right at the entrance to her
fully exposed slit and just pushed right inside her. I heard her gasp but
this was stifled by further kisses from Connor who had set himself the
highly pleasant task of working her shapely little breasts free once more
from her top. These he was now rubbing and fondling rather lewdly. I
could hardly fail to notice how incredibly erect her nipples were also, in
response to what was being done to her.
With Jerry basically raping her with unhinged abandon I doubt Jenna
noticed or even cared what Connor was doing. Certainly no-one had to
encourage her to spread her legs wider – she was overseeing that little
requirement all by herself. Connor even was able to let go of her panties
completely. So spread was she at that juncture, her pussy remained fully
visible and Jerry able to drive his erection up into her at will.

Watching her being so forcefully taken, her skirt pushed up around
her hips, yet still in her school knickers, was one of the hotter sights that
life has to offer.
It was over in record time. Jerry, obviously gripped by orgasmic
forces beyond his control, held Jenna tightly around the hips and for what
seemed like ten seconds or so pumped everything he had and more up
inside her. Judging by her own upward pelvic thrustings, Jenna herself
was little more than a committed female on heat.
As Jerry withdrew from her inner sanctum, breathing irregularly but
flushed obviously with post coital pleasure, a torrent of milky-whiteness
leaked out and ran visibly down the inside of Jenna’s thigh. Connor even,
appeared awed by the sight and stood back looking down at my daughter
as she lay there gasping for breath, one hand idly caressing her left breast.
It really wasn’t a moment for conversation.
In all the sessions I had ever witnessed during the Harper period,
nothing approached the erotic sensuality of what I had just observed. The
ultimate intimacy being transacted in so public a place. Once more I
glanced around, simply to reassure myself we were all in no immediate
danger of unwanted disclosure.
Speaking of disclosure, Jenna appeared to be in no hurry to close up
those increasingly sticky thighs, which may have accounted for Connor’s
decision to take up the slack left by Jerry’s vacating the starting block.
Manouvering himself between her legs and having taken out his own
vitally interested erection, he leaned down and whispered something to
Jenna I could not hear. Her swift reaction of a giggly "Nooooo" would
suggest an initial reluctance to comply. With Jerry’s prompting and
further persuasion however, I could but stare as they got her to turn
completely over and straddle the very end of the slide, bending over in
such a way as to suggest she was about to be soundly spanked.
With her curvy little rear-end displayed to the max now, and with
Jerry, after glancing around nervously to ensure their continued privacy,
beginning to grope her breasts freely – an activity unfortunately quite
obscured, by virtue of her back being to us, Connor parted her legs again
while with his free hand he was obviously pulling her panties aside once
Jenna gave the loudest of gasps as he penetrated her. Her legs
appeared to buckle momentarily but by supporting herself with both
hands grasping the edge of the slide, she was able to maintain the status
quo. Holding her hips tightly, Connor spared no energy in his quest for
seminal finality. Thrusting up hard into her, his labored breathing was
matched by Jenna’s cries of passion. I actually walked around in front of
the tableau and the view I have to report – Connor fucking her tail lights

out and Jerry rubbing and pulling on her fully exposed breasts - was not
exactly a visual hardship.
Jenna was in extremis. Public place or not, nothing could have eased
her fully wanton pleasures at that moment short of a high-pressure watercannon.
At the moment Connor shot his bolt…..the analogy with the
water cannon was not that far off the mark.
"For God’s sake Jenna," Connor was muttering between his
respiratory distress. "You are so the hottest little tease on the planet."
There was no-one up for an argument there.
As Jenna slid to a sitting position on the edge of the grass, right
alongside the slippery-dip, she tugged her skirt and top back down. Her
hair was a mess! The three of us sat around her in a near semi-circle. As
she raised her eyes to me, questioning……..I just shook my head.
"Don’t even think about it Jenna." I said. "Of course I want to, "want"
is a slight understatement sweetheart…but we made a decision. I have to
stick with it."
"Are you sure dad?" she pouted, parting her legs sufficiently to show
me the foolhardiness of my attempt to take so high a moral standpoint.
"C’mon Noel," Jerry piped up. "You knocking back your own
daughter’s charms. Never thought I’d live to see it!"
Connor put his arm around her waist and whispered something to her
softly. Next instant Jenna was letting him kiss her passionately again,
quite as if there were no tomorrow. This ‘walk-in-the-park’ idea had
definitely been ill-timed I was thinking.
Connor’s wandering hands were once again on the move. I watched
bemused, as he began once more pushing that short little skirt towards its
northern horizons. At the point Jerry’s hand began inching its way up
between her legs also, she gave a little yelp of surprise (and
encouragement) as they both continued dexterously exploring her most
intimate bodily attractions.
I definitely wasn’t needed to come-on as a substitute - not the way
this game was panning out.
On her back and giggling uncontrollably, both men were kissing
Jenna in turn while teasing her motor-sensory freeway from nipple to
vulva. She was fully hotwired. One could only describe the paedophilic
scenario as "deliciously decadent."
In hindsight I suppose it had been the "piece-de-resistance" all three
of us were thinking about but not admitting to. The thrill of stripping
Jenna in public. Whilst I could never have brought myself to do this to her
– I certainly wasn’t averse to seeing someone else do it.

With both shoes already gone, there was no lower impediment to their
pulling her panties right down. With a hand each either side beneath the
elastic, it was the work of but two seconds to tug those sexy little cotton
briefs down to her ankles. Jer oversaw their removal while Jenna gasped
and spluttered. "God, not my panties guys!"
She tried desperately to cover her now fully exposed triangle of dark
curls – which given her wriggling and general struggles, was causing
even more semen to run out of her delightfully sexy little cleft.
"Hold her waist Jer," Connor instructed, and on the instant this was
accomplished, he yanked her "Foxy Princess" top right off, leaving her
squirming on her back clad only in that skimpy bra and with her skirt
bunched up around her waist. The view up between her legs was murder.
"Dad…Dad," she pleaded. "Please don’t let them strip me – not out
here! That is soo embarrassing"
My paternal instincts were long departed. The more embarrassing the
better! At the moment Jerry unzipped her skirt, Connor had the bra straps
right down her arms. Both were tossed away on the instant. Seeing her
lying there fully naked now and oh! so vulnerable, I think I felt a
coronary coming on. It was definitely worth it.
Sitting up and trying to cover her breasts, she made a lunge for her
clothes. Connor, ever alert to the devious ways of a naked young girl
however, grabbed her wrists and pulled her to him. She fell across his
body lengthways, her breasts squashed up rather nattily against his shirt.
He should be so lucky! Jerry kneeling beside the struggling and slimhipped
form, delivered a pretty decent smack flush upon those jiggling
cheeks. Jenna let out an audible yelp as one small hand was suddenly
relegated to bottom-protecting duty.
As before, the more she struggled whilst lying on Connor, the more
hard-core the view appeared up between her thighs. It is only when you
get to see a very young girl fully naked (struggling and pleading also, is
just icing on the cake) that the utter beauty and perfection of all those
curves becomes apparent. Jerry seemed intent on working his digital way
across all of them that afternoon it would appear.
Finding it next to impossible all this time, to keep my own erection
from indulging its biological preferences, I had been forced to take things
into my own hands as it were – albeit within the confines of my own
three-quarter-zipped privacy.
With Jenna still struggling futilely to reach her clothes, having both
taken turns at spanking that hot naked little backside just for the Hell of
it, they had her now fully on her back, wedged between them as they lay
on their sides, doing one imagines, pretty much whatever they felt like to

her. Her overall nudity was temporarily less obvious being shielded by
the two male bodies either side of her prostrate body.
Virtually kneeling there, my hand continued to apply its frictionalised
requirements to an area thus in need. Concentrating on nothing else, I
suffered instant apoplectic shock on hearing not more than a few feet
behind me.
"What are they doing to that girl Mister? Why’s she naked like that?"
Turning round fully mortified, I saw the two young cyclists we had
passed earlier, on the way in to the park.
Karma had most assuredly caught up with us!

03-25-2013, 08:30 PM
“We hadn’t planned on telling you dad.” Kylie broke off all eye
contact, staring instead at the carpet.
“It’s just that we’re worried she’s going to get hurt,” Jenna added
almost shyly, taking a hold of her sister’s hand as she spoke.
When you’ve just been told your eldest daughter of only twenty, has
been voluntarily spending time in the company of at least two, if not God
knows how many middle aged men, none of whom would consider
Scrabble the most entertaining way of passing a couple of hours, the
possibilities are on the worrying side.
“How many times has she been to Warwick’s place?” I asked them in
semi-desperation and thinking back now to all the occasions recently
Natalie had just glided out the front door, giving me a quick peck on the
cheek in passing with the usual “Just going out with some friends
dad…won’t be that long.”
True, she had usually been back at a reasonable time – It never
occurred to me to check on it. Certainly a few nights I recalled, it had
been well into the early hours when I awoke, hearing her car pulling back
into the driveway. I never thought twice about it. Just four months shy of
her twenty-first birthday now, she was hardly a child any longer.
Curiously, I wouldn’t even have minded particularly if it had been
George she was seeing – but Warwick and Brad? Hardly the two I would
nominate for newly inducted members of the local Neighborhood Watch.
“Twice a week dad – at least….” Kylie answered factually. “She made
us promise not to tell you.!” That much I could understand!
So ironic I was thinking! Was not it Natalie herself who had been so
hypercritical of my involving her sisters in the Harper gatherings,
suggesting as I recall, the potential for long-term emotional damage
resulting from my exposing them to such sexually unrestricted playing
More than nine months had now passed since we seceded from the
group, along with George and Larissa. If there was any negative and
lingering influence afflicting either Kylie or Jenna – then all I can say is,
their lives appear to be a masterpiece of contrived happiness!
But for Jenna’s wholly unplanned and one-time-only “re-union” let’s
say, with Connor and Jerry in the park that day last July, that I made
oblique reference to in the last chapter and for which I hasten to add,

Kylie was never subsequently on a need-to-know basis….nothing in the
way of a trip down memory lane has ever been undertaken by any of us.
Up until Natalie’s bizzarely declared nocturnal adventures that is.
“Just out of interest girls,” I asked, “How did you find out? I can’t
imagine Natalie just came out and told you off the cuff.?”
Jenna looked sheepish. “Well actually dad, Brianna mentioned it at
school. She had no idea that I didn’t know….that we didn’t know!”
That made sense admittedly. Being Warwick’s daughter, she would
have to be privy to Natalie’s comings and goings, as it were, especially
the former I’d say!. All I was wondering right about then however, was
whether she too had been roped-in as an integral participant in the
evenings’ entertainment. God-damn, the thought of Natalie and Brianna
“in concert” together was murderously hot. I think I may have gulped!
“So you confronted Natalie with this, or what Jen?” I asked her. Kylie
answered for her.
“She just suspected that we “knew” I think dad. Was weeks ago now,
she just said one night “You two know don’t you? That’s when she made
us promise never to tell you.”
“So what made you?” I asked them.
“Well she’s just going there so often now and she’s tired all the time.
It’s going to affect her Uni work and like Jenna said, we think she could
end up getting hurt.”
“You mean physically?” I said.
“Well maybe that too,” Jenna put in.
They were both silent for a few moments. “We had to say something
dad!” Kylie muttered.
“No, you did the right thing sweetie,” I answered. “I’m just going to
have to be very careful how I handle this.” I kissed them both goodnight
and went back to my own room.
Whilst I had certainly noticed she was seemingly tired a lot these
days, I had just put it down to either boyfriends or her University workload.
Definitely not from being on her back for hours at a time! I knew
she had loved all the attention and I was wondering now if this was some
sort of back-lash from my insistence that she and I could no longer
perpetuate what we had gotten so used to at home nights. Perhaps
emotionally and physically she had simply been unable to quit the Harper
circus cold turkey!
Other than the tiredness however I have to say there was no skerrick
of evidence that she was in any way unhappy or even “distracted” by the
newly disclosed events at hand. She was still my happy and supremely
well-adjusted little Natalie. I had to put a stop to it though!

Tuesday and Thursday evenings by general consensus were the two
main nights that Natalie dropped out of polite society. It was rumored that
Saturday evenings also had seen action of sorts but in the upshot, I saw
Tuesday as my best chance to reel in the slack.
Figuring to tail Nat after her traditional kiss and the inevitable “don’t
wait up for me dad,” trailing on the wind, as she closed the front door
behind her, I wasn’t expecting the other two to pounce.
“Can we come with you?” both asked hopefully, as I pulled on my
coat in the hallway.
“No, you certainly cannot,” I fired back, then seeing their bitter
disappointment, added, “It’s not that I don’t trust you guys but think
about it – the last thing we need is the three of you back under that same
roof. It’s them I don’t trust, besides this is something strictly between Nat
and me – I have to go alone!”
They accepted my words – but they sure as hell didn’t like it!
Still vaguely hoping I suppose that I wouldn’t see her car outside
Warwick’s place, I was in for a major disappointment. Nearby was
Brad’s 4- X 4 I noted. I parked in a side-street, still having no real idea
what I might find or how I was going to handle this. I guess I knew of
course that she hadn’t gone there for a séance.
Atop Warwick’s driveway I could see lights on in the upper rooms.
Except for the kitchen, downstairs seemed to be in near darkness. Having
paced up and down trying most likely to engender some inspiration of
sorts, there was nothing for it but to knock at the front door.
The last thing I was expecting to see was Brianna’s animated little
“Ohh, Mr Baker – what are you doing here? she smiled prettily. I was
almost lost before I got started. Dismissing every notion that her
imminent presence was suddenly calling to mind - and that micro skirt
and tight top really were not friends to my cause let me freely admit – I
just took her hand and pulled her outside gently.
“Brianna, look, I’ve come to get Natalie. I have to take her home,” I
hesitated, not really knowing what to say to her. “Kylie and Jenna told me
what’s been going on – none of us knew sweetheart….I can’t let this go,
you understand? ”
Now she was holding my hand tightly.
“You’re going to get a real shock when you go up there you know,”
she whispered.
“Why Brianna?” I asked her in a semi rising panic, “How many are
up there with her?’

“No, it’s not that Mr Baker, there’s only dad, Mr Archer and Mr
Clarke…it’s just……” she angled a glance towards the front garden. “it’s
just that well, Natalie is like mega uninhibited now – she kinda lets them
do whatever they want with her.”
I was wondering right then whether I should be thankful for small
mercies, there being “only “ three men with her tonight….I was going to
ask if there were ever more, but I didn’t figure I’d want to hear the
“And you Brianna,” I asked softly, “Do they make you do all sorts of
stuff with them too?.…with Natalie? ” I added as an intentional
She looked trapped but just nodded.
“With Natalie?” I repeated. She nodded again! I had to steady myself
against the porch.
“So the two of you er, “mess around with each other” right?…while
they watch I’m guessing?”
‘They do more than watch sometimes.” she giggled unexpectedly. My
education was sadly lacking I realised. The images that admission alone
was bringing to my mind do not bear expanding upon.
“How come you’re not up there with them now sweetheart?” I asked
“Oh, I don’t go up every time,” she replied, “Just when dad and the
others want me to, besides I’m just taking up some beer for them, I had
just gone to the kitchen when you knocked.”
The perfect opportunity I realised – I could play drink-waiter for the
As it happened, the tray gave me something to hang on to. At the
point I walked into Warwick’s bedroom a few minutes later, I was in
need of it. All that I am about to describe, was imprinted on my retinas in
the second or so before my presence in the room became public
Given that Natalie had only arrived at the house some ten minutes or
so before me – they hadn’t wasted much time.
Still in the tasteful little light-blue outfit she was wearing when she
kissed me goodnight not twenty minutes ago, my eldest daughter was
now straddling Warwick, who, given my near side-on view, had both his
hands down her top, groping the life out of her. Whether or not she still
had her bra on….or indeed if she was even wearing one, I could not
What I could see though, was her dress pushed right up over her hips,
those sexy black panties tugged down to her thighs and Brad’s cock

taking some extreme liberties with her rather (from my viewpoint at least)
well delineated pussy. Put plainly, he was fucking her tail-lights out!
Pleasurable as that quite obviously was for her, to judge by her
wriggling bottom thrust upwards as far as she could get it, I imagine the
fact that she was sucking Warwick’s anything but limp appendage with
extreme vigor concurrently, was providing the host with his own unique
thrills. Jerry meanwhile had positioned himself in the ‘queue’’ and was
kneeling alongside the sinful trio, wanking himself with unrestrained
glee, pausing now and again to partake of a handful of Natalie’s barely
covered breasts.
With her hair flopping completely across her face, keeping
Warwick’s groin warm I imagine, she was technically, the last to see me.
Jer was the first, his expression was priceless.
“Jesus Christ Brad,” he managed to get out, stuffing his dick back into
his underpants. Brad, seeing me, simply turned grey and as if in slow
motion replay, retrieved his sticky and inflamed phallus from my
daughter’s gaping vaginal slit. Even now, I can see that shaft sliding out
of her so slowly, the sound it made at the point of exit, and the sight of
her hot but obviously sopping wet lips as they closed across the suddenly
vacated ingress. For a second or two Warwick’s hands continued to ply
their digitised assault down Natalie’s top – about the same length of time
as my daughter continued to lewdly suck on his rampant erection.
Warwick’s look of abject horror preceded hers but momentarily.
Her mortified “Dad????” was almost drowned out by Brad’s “Fuck
“Anyone for a beer?” I asked.
“Now look, don’t do anything stupid,” Warwick muttered, obviously
expecting me to pull out my Smith & Wesson any moment…. “Please,
just listen to me for a second.”
I was listening!
“Natalie came here of her own free will – none of us have ever made
her do anything, it’s the truth.” Jer was nodding like one of those
European dilly dally ducks.
“I know how this must look,” Brad added, “But we’re not raping her –
just having a bit of fun.”
“A bit of fun Brad???” I looked at him disparagingly, an
overwhelming urge to punch him out again came over me. “Looks like a
lot of fun if you ask me?”
Natalie had started sobbing – uncontrollably. I indicated to Brad to
pull her panties up if he wouldn’t mind. Then I went over to her – the
others withdrawing warily to the far side of the bed. Jerry was already
making moves towards the bedroom door.

She clung to me. “It was my fault dad,” she sniffled, “You probably
know now, I’ve been coming over for quite a while?” I nodded mutely.
“I don’t know what made me do it. I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t
stop….” She collapsed in another paroxysm of distress and self-guilt.
After a few moments I just lifted her pretty tear-stained face. “Look
sweetheart, I didn’t come here tonight to embarrass or criticise you in any
way – I just wanted to take you home, let you know its finished now and
we can just get on with our lives. C’mon Natalie just go to the bathroom,
fix yourself up and we’ll be on our way. Giving me the biggest hug, she
got off the bed, retrieved her things and headed for the en-suite.
As the door closed, I turned to Warwick, “I’ll have the tape too
please?” He looked at me dumbfounded. “What tape Noel?” I glanced
up towards the cluster of lights over the bed.
“Just give me the tape or tapes Warwick…OK?” He considered
proclaiming his innocence but then thought better of it. Walking across to
the built-in, he pulled open a drawer and handed me a plain box. I put it
in my inside pocket.
“She doesn’t know about this does she???….Brianna either?” His
silence confirmed my suspicions.
“You shouldn’t have done it guys,” I told them. “It’s not your fault
she came here – that was her decision…right or wrong, but taping it all?
Way wrong!” If you got any copies – destroy them, you understand me?
They emphatically denied having any, but I would bet my life three more
tapes were dumped in the trash-can that night…after they made further
copies most likely!.
Natalie emerged from the en-suite moments later, still red-eyed and
emotionally drained but looking more like my happy little daughter. Said
goodbye to Brianna and let ourselves out the front-door.
I think she must have apologised another dozen times after we got
home. I just told her I loved her stupid and I didn’t want to hear another
thing about it – the episode was ended and the credits long since finished
running. Both of us however wanted closure of a different type. Her eyes
craved it and my will-power was sorely tested. I think even Jenna and
Kylie would have understood!
The impasse passed and I left the three of them upstairs to talk about
whatever they needed to resolve between themselves. My role was ended
and the status-quo returned to normal, hopefully for ever and a day.
Everyone had been asleep for a while when I finished some
consulting work for a couple of clients and toddled off downstairs for a
chilled OJ. On my way back, I paused at the den. It was no use kidding
myself, I had to know!

Slipping the cassette into the player, I was ready for anything…..well
except for what I saw I suppose.
Somewhat crudely edited, I figured the tape had been cut and spliced
to give the committed viewer a kind of “Natalie’s greatest performances”
feel to it. All I can say in hindsight is that if this ever reaches the general
net-surfing public, we are all going to have to change our names and
leave the country, no questions asked. Brianna, Michelle and Louise are
also going to be shy one father each.
Compiled I would say in vague chronological order, Natalie’s
somewhat shorter hairstyle in those first few “scenes” shall we say?
confirmed a ‘location shoot’ of at least five to six months back, making it
that much bigger a worry.
Bereft of sound, the images told the story. Ushered into Warwick’s
bedroom, only Brad was there in the early stages. Relieved of her coat,
she had on just a normal skirt and top – nothing vaguely slutty or
suggestive. They wasted no time in kissing her and seemingly coercing
her to sit on the bed. Brad – all hands as usual, taking early liberties
allowing his hands to caress her shoulders and after she had sat down on
the edge of the coverlet – her thighs. Filmed from overhead, any views
they may have had of her panties in that short skirt, were not visible, but
her breasts and cleavage were shown up in glorious undulating
technicolor. I noticed Brad glancing down her top surreptitiously,
whenever she wasn’t looking at him.
Barely five minutes had elapsed and Warwick said something and
then tentatively reached forward in order to fondle her right breast.
Natalie seemed to push his hand away but was then kissed hard by Brad
whose palm slid under her arm and across her other breast. They had her
on her back in moments.
Between them they had her skirt pushed up indecently high soon after
and now you could clearly see the lower half of her panties…hot little red
ones. As both their hands slid up beneath her skirt, it was quite obvious
they were rubbing her pussy and judging by Natalie’s wriggling body
language – she was in this for the long haul.
With their spare hands, both now began groping my daughter’s chest,
slipping their fingers imminently down her top where they began to do
seriously naughty things with her nipples by the look of it. Whatever
other emotion was coursing through me at that stage – self-arousal was
inevitable. My mouth was dry long before they spread her legs apart and
began masturbating her in earnest – each taking turns holding her panties
aside while the other fingered her dexterously. Any question as to Natalie
being a willing and complicit participant here was fully evidenced by the
fact she could be seen to voluntarily raise her arms over her head and

willingly let them kiss her as they touched her up every which way. That
they drove her to orgasm is beyond question. She was over the line!
I hadn’t even realised I had my own hand in my crotch at that
juncture. It was to be there a long time.
They stripped her of course and watching on that small screen as my
daughter’s panties were tugged down and her bra torn off in a fully
undignified manner, was somehow hotter than having seen her fondled
into submission in the real time at Harpers.
Once Natalie was naked, they shucked off their own clothes and both
took turns climbing on top of her, after which it appears they fucked her
hard a couple of times each – just in the missionary position admittedly
but with her legs so far apart, it almost hurt to watch. Afterwards, the
camera showed her sitting up, apparently speaking whilst patting her
pussy while the other two watched intently. In the absence of audible
dialog, one can only suppose she was making light of the fact excess cum
was seeping out of her.
Confirming that this was obviously an “early performance,” they
allowed Natalie to dress almost straight afterwards. What shocked me is
that she was prepared to kneel up there on the bed between them fully
naked still, while she retrieved her bra and knickers before wriggling
back teasingly into both. Twice they tugged her bra down for a last
fondle before letting her gather up her skirt and top.
No more than teasing her one supposes, but before leaving, she was
put across both their knees and given a few hot little spanks. Brad of
course had to avail himself of the opportunity and could clearly be seen
groping her breasts once more as she squirmed around on his lap fully
enjoying the attention.
God, was I hard?
Not three edited seconds later and the camera showed Natalie once
more entering the room. Removing her coat I could see she had on her
really nice (and expensive – I should know, I bought it!) blue dress. How
much later this was after the earlier ‘performance’ I couldn’t say – but
there was far less time wasted here on social niceties. Quite obviously
being asked to do something by the other two, she seemed reluctant to
comply. More unclear dialog, followed by a sight that plain blew me
Standing between the two of them she just raised her arms up over her
head suddenly and simply allowed them free license to her body. Both
began squeezing her breasts lewdly whilst feeling her up from neck to
knee. As Brad, standing behind her, slid a hand down across her bottom,
smoothing across her rearward curves, Warwick knelt down in front of

her and slipped both hands up her dress, pushing her hem up towards her
waist as he did so. This was awesome.
Whilst not particularly clear from an overhead viewpoint, Natalie’s
hot black panties were exposed and sufficiently so for Warwick to
unexpectedly incline his head and begin kissing her right flush on her
pussy. Even the rape-cam showed her whole body trembling beneath the
dual assault. Unzipping the dress from her neck to her lower back,
revealed a sexy little matching strapless bra. Brad had his fingers inside
those skimpy cups in seconds clearly manipulating her nipples which
courtesy of spy-cam were openly erect now.
Having it seemed some pre-ordained plan, Warwick simply tugged
her panties down her legs as Brad pulled the dress up over her beautiful
shoulders. Being only five-three, they both towered over her. Standing
there shivering slightly it appeared, only that little bra stood between her
and total nakedness. It wasn’t to be a long-term prospect and at the point
Brad unhooked the tiny clasp her last vestige of modesty fell to the floor.
Whether a planned initiative or not I couldn’t say – more like a spur
of the moment decision, but Brad simply then grabbed Natalie’s arms and
pinioned them behind her. This of course caused her breasts to jut further
out, an opportunity not lost on Warwick, who having now stood up,
began pulling her nipples in earnest. It looked at least that Natalie was
genuinely struggling.
Unzipping himself with one hand, Warwick freed up his not
inconsiderably sized member and having aligned the point of entry,
thrust hard up into her. Natalie’s legs appeared to buckle, but Brad held
on tight and watched then over her shoulder, with doubtless much
pleasure as Warwick simply took her front-on. Whilst not being able to
hear, it was obvious Natalie was crying out words of some sort. Her
breasts were free agents and arousingly in motion as Warwick continued
to fuck her in a standing position.
No sooner had he quite clearly ejaculated a truck load of sticky stuff
up inside her than Brad turned her round and indicated for Warwick to
hold her there for his turn. Now this time she was clearly being raped. I
could make out Natalie’s mouth open in a mixture of shock and surprise.
She was struggling less though and arching her hips more, suggesting
they had hit on a winning template. Brad needed less time to accomplish
his mission – perhaps on account of the incredibly arousing sight of a
young girl being restrained whilst being raped at the same time. The
temperature in my den was certainly on the increase if the truth be

No sooner had he spurted something interesting deep inside my
daughter’s most illicit receptacle and God, I knew how good that felt,
than Warwick released her arms and Natalie just collapsed on the nearby
bed, drawing her knees up and unknowingly presenting the overhead
camera with a gilt-edged shot of her curvy hips and well-rounded bottom.
She wasn’t to have much of a respite.
Further dialog could be seen to ensue and as I slumped deeper into the
recliner, something beneath my own zipper was desperately calling out
“Sanctuary,” as I saw, but could scarce credit, little Nat kneeling now on
the coverlet, as her head bobbed up and down in Brad’s lap. Not even
Warwick misbehaving badly with a few fingers up between her own legs,
could distract her from her task.
I watched those twenty-year old breasts dance unchecked across her
chest, stilled only once in a while by Brad’s hand as he too groped her
without shame. I saw him cum for the second time that session, almost
jerking like a mechanical doll as he filled her sweet and undeniably sexy
mouth. The smile she gave him as she looked up, just blew me away.
Repeating the performance for Warwick’s benefit was almost too hot
to watch. So unhinged was his denouement that Natalie had no hope in
Hell of swallowing it. Jerked free of her mouth, he simply spurted a
stream of milky white cum all over her face. She even rocked back on her
hips – her legs wide apart for his viewing pleasure, inviting him to
redecorate her breasts and pussy, which with a few more filmy whitish
strings, he managed to accomplish.
I was wondering where the script-writers planned on going from
Warwick left the room and Brad, fully naked himself, lay down on
the bed and drew Natalie atop him. From what I could determine they
were just kissing. Exactly how she could bring herself to kiss that loser
beats me but I should make allowances for a young girl on heat.
Something surely must have been stirring between her legs…..it certainly
was between mine!
The first of the mega-shocks was about to kick-in.
Warwick returned but he wasn’t alone. Ushered-in ahead of her
father, Brianna was shepherded towards the bed – to the obvious full-on
shock to Natalie’s system. Immediately covering her upper chest with her
arms in clear embarrassment and drawing her knees up to preclude any
possible views up between her legs not that she had anything of course
that Brianna had never seen before. I could see her talking animatedly to
Brad and Warwick. There seemed to be a lot of giggling and headshaking
and thus the possibilities were endless.

Brianna I should add was still in her school uniform which wasn’t
exactly hard on the visuals either. Nice short skirt, slim legs and lurking
unseen rearwards, a cute little bottom that I knew and remembered only
too well! I needed to see this more than anything.
Whilst obviously resisting all attempts to get cosy with Jenna’s best
friend, I knew of course that Natalie was far from opposed to same-sex
involvement, having observed her and her two sisters going at it in
Kylie’s bedroom like there was no tomorrow. I have my suspicions also
that she and Larissa have in the past shared more than a diplomatic
goodnight kiss.
As for Brianna herself – having witnessed her genital defilement at
close range, by man, woman….even pre-teen, I knew she needed little
encouragement to play the game
“I’m no lip-reader but I’m sure I could make out Brad mouth the
words “Kiss each other girls.” There were more but I couldn’t pick them
up. By now though, Brianna had knelt up on the covers and had taken
Natalie’s hand, leaving her right breast exposed and vulnerable. Leaning
inwards, she kissed Natalie on the lips and if that wasn’t pre-cum
suddenly leaking down my leg it must have been dust mites on the move.
Warwick obviously figured he would get in on the action and I saw
him encircle his daughter’s rib-cage with an arm before giving her right
breast a thorough going-over. She glanced back at her father in fake
shock, pushing his hand away.
She didn’t push Natalie’s away though and I could but unzip as my
daughter put her delicate hand on Brianna’s other breast and begin
squeezing it. More words were exchanged and I suspect somewhat along
the lines of “Undress her Natalie.”
. God, watching Natalie stripping Brianna on that bed almost brought
on cardiac arrest. With one girl already fully naked, to see them pulling
each other’s nipples and watching then as Natalie pushed her hand well
up beneath Brianna’s school outfit was definitely not a sight for sane
eyes. The fact that the younger girl began to spread her legs to give
Natalie better access and knowing that she must be rubbing Brianna’s
panties right the way down her wet slit, was driving me to distraction. I
had completely forgotten about the other two.
Not that Warwick and Brad were bit players in this little drama. Brad
knelt himself down behind Brianna and began fondling the two hot little
breasts that Natalie had thoughtfully extricated from the girl’s blouse.
Warwick had gotten himself up close and personal with Nat and was busy
fingering her deeply – well, up until the time Brianna’s digits began to
slide into my daughter’s pussy also. I think she reacted with surprise at

what she was finding in there….not her father’s fingers so much as the
quantity of sticky cum on site.
The picture blanked-out suddenly and after a few seconds, refocussed
on a sequence the editor had understandably left in. Natalie lay on her
back, knees raised slightly but otherwise arousingly open and naked.
Brianna, presumably at the men’s urging, fully nude herself now, was
actually climbing on top of my daughter in the naughtiest possible
position – top and tailed. In other words, with her blonde curls well up
between Natalie’s legs.
In compensation for pretty much having Natalie’s body obstructed,
the viewer was treated now to a close-up of Brianna’s slim hips and
curvy bottom as she wriggled atop my daughter’s chest and abdomen. It
was only then I realised I had never really had the opportunity to watch
two girls 69ing as such. I should be so unfortunate.
Whether they had done this before or were just running on instinct I
had no way of knowing, but as Brianna spread her legs to facilitate
Natalie’s tongue, whilst delivering a similar service herself, both girls
appeared to let go of all inhibitions and were literally crushing their
pussies up against their partner’s mouth. Brianna looked as though she
was crying out in ecstasy. While Natalie was clutching Brianna’s bottom
tightly and licking her from port to stern.
I wasn’t the only one maintaining a grip on themselves as it were. The
picture now showed both Brad and Warwick having moved right
alongside the girls, masturbating themselves furiously, aiding their cause
when the urge took them, by groping either girl’s tits…whose-ever were
the nearest. A short time later, twin spurts of what I would imagine to be
super-heated cum, spiralled across Nat’s shocked face and Brianna’s
wiggling backside. This was the stuff of dreams!
I cannot recall a greater release and there must have been many
candidates for the honor
Presumably at the edited end of that session, a brief period of
blackness heralded the onset of quite another evening. My guess would
be several weeks later. Dear God, what had passed by necessity in the
It was a few moments before I could make out the full company – at
least six people that I could see. Brad, Graham, Warwick, Connor, Jerry
and Wayne. The only thing missing was – a girl! Not twenty seconds
later however, a rotated shot showed the bedroom door open, ushering in
Natalie in her long winter coat. Understandably I suppose, the center of
attention immediately, she was the recipient of several hugs and kisses. I
didn’t see anything worse than that.

Without audible dialog it is interesting to speculate on what was being
said or orchestrated but the six men suddenly formed a small circle
around Natalie just a few feet this side of Warwick’s huge bed. It was at
the point she removed her coat that I almost slipped from the recliner in
total shock.
Standing there in one of the skimpiest and most revealing of bikinis
that any entrenched paedophile could wish to lay eyes on, I was struck
dumb. She had quite obviously to have put that on in her bedroom here
before she left and simply covered it up with her coat. What must she
have been thinking when she said “Bye dad, try not to be home too late,”
as she flitted out that night, lnowing what she had on underneath?
Whether she knew ahead of time there were going to be six men at
Warwick’s that night, I can’t ever know, but the tape offered little
suggestion that either she was surprised by the numbers or even
intimidated by them.
Standing there giggling by all appearances and completely at the
mercy of six adult male’s fantasies, they appeared to close ranks around
her and I could see clearly hands beginning to fondle her breasts, arms
slipping around her fully naked waist, hands dropping lower to cup her
sex greedily. Brad I could see was slipping his fingers down the back of
her bikini pants quite obviously having a comprehensive feel of her bum.
Others were kissing her passionately – she must have been so hot!
The circle backed off and some of them were clearly talking to her –
asking something. I watched as my daughter submissively got down on
the carpet on all fours, her breasts in that position just about hanging free
from the bikini I would imagine and those skimpy red pants stretched
taut across her now well elevated bottom. Connor was the first to break
the circle and moving up behind her, knelt down and just began rubbing
her backside softly–feeling his way around the curves, one hand slipping
suddenly between her legs as she knelt there. I wished I could have seen
her face clearly.
I watched mesmerised as he undid the little bows holding her top
together before pulling it free and letting it fall to the floor. Several men
then moved in and began fondling her breasts wantonly – others kneeling
down and kissing her again. Connor just crouched behind her, tugged her
bikini pants right down and pulling out his not inconsiderable erection,
pushed hard into her. Still on her knees, she let him fuck her like that,
clearly pushing her hips back to accommodate his thrusts. He had a hand
on either hip and was getting maximum penetration as could be seen.
Even without sound, it was evident at the point he came in her, His
repeated thrusts had caused her to kneel there now right down on her
forearms – as complicit a sexual partner as one could wish for. No sooner

had he finished than Brad replaced him and he took her down the hard
road, holding her around the waist whilst thrusting into her big time.
One after the other – she had no respite. By the time Jerry was up, she
was just kneeling there, legs way apart, bottom suitably elevated and
giving every appearance of begging for it. Those having completed their
tour of duty earlier, were either wanking themselves to nirvana, or pulling
her nipples with unchecked abandon.
After all six had taken her, they pulled her to her feet and tossed her
on the bed. Brad retrieved her bikini pants and had her pull them back on.
They left her topless however, more than likely because all then took
turns sucking her breasts and molesting whatever they were of a mind to
molest. Nat certainly didn’t seem to care a whole lot.
That appeared to change though at the point Connor, I think it was,
began asking her to do something that was not immediately obvious. A
couple of them began rubbing her pussy through that tiny bikini and it
dawned on me what they were trying to get her to do – masturbate herself
in front of them all.
Can’t say what logic or persuasive powers they used, but I was
beyond awestruck when she just suddenly stood up on the quilt, teasingly
eased her pants down, revealing to her vitally interested audience a fully
shaved pussy (which I had never known her to have…..talk about coming
prepared!) which she then began rubbing softly. Using both hands she
slipped two fingers inside her vagina and began frigging herself in
awesome wide-screen color. The whole assembly was riveted by the
performance and most extricated their erections and wanked along with
her, myself included. What else could you do?
That she brought herself off cannot be in doubt. Her whole body
shook as the orgasm took its toll of her vaginal area. She was even
pulling her own nipples in ecstasy as the pleasured waves washed over
her. There was quite a deal of airborne cum also, so I would be estimating
Warwick had a fair bit of dry cleaning to attend to later.
I would have thought this might have lessened the group’s ardor for
all things debauched but in fact it seemed to catalyse the assembly into
yet more practical applications. Natalie was obviously there to be fucked
and that reluctantly is the truth of the matter. Sitting neatly on the bed
now after her strenuous and highly visible work-out,, both arms around
her knees, Natalie was pulled across first one lap and then another,
allowing herself to be openly kissed and fondled by some, fully
penetrated by others. Some tableaux were quite inventive.
Whilst seated on Wayne’s lap for instance – her back to him, both his
hands clearly rubbing and squeezing her breasts and nipples rather
obscenely while she wriggled about, her bottom doing wonders for his

dick one assumes, Connor knelt down right in front of her on the quilt
and extricating his still actively interested seven inches or so, managed to
get it in her front on, proceeding then to fuck her hard up against
Wayne’s chest. What I would have given for a Dolby soundtrack!
Having been passed around and fucked yet again by most everyone,
including a session on the coverlet when she just got down on her knees
and elbows again, bottom high in the air, clearly encouraging anyone of a
mind to, to fuck her for as long or as hard as they wished, the party began
to break up. Not a man there could possibly have had more than a
thimbleful of cum left in reserve, the majority of it either inside Nat’s hot
and stretched little pussy or adorning her face, breasts, bottom or thighs
somewhere. The last scene on that session showed Natalie sliding off the
bed having retrieved her bikini remnants and heading for the bathroom.
Simply knowing that she must have come home that night stockpiled
with cum and just clad in a skimpy (and slippery) little bikini beneath her
winter coat, completely fractured my sanity. I would be betting her
fingers had free license that night after she went to bed.
It was way past 2.30.a.m. by this time – I wasn’t sure how much more
of Natalie’s sexual debasement I could take. Besides I had already come
twice myself, which in many ways branded me as an accessory to my
daughter’s ultimate humiliation. – however much she was a willing party
to it.
I figured I’d watch one more “session” before turning in.
Suddenly assaulted audibly by a cacophony of sounds – rustles and
people murmuring, I realised that Warwick must have upgraded his spycam.
Jesus Christ, what was I going to hear?
I could make out five people this time, but aside from Warwick and
Jerry, I didn’t recognise anyone. They weren’t Harper fathers as far as I
could tell. The scene broke up and was restored at the point I saw Natalie
arrive. Dressed in tight jeans and a loose top – this was definitely a new
look for her. She looked so small though in the company of those men,
most of whom were well over six foot. I have to say with her hair a little
longer, a hint of mascara and lipstick, some pretty earrings and glossed
nails – she was every man’s dream.
I heard one of the men introduced to Natalie as “Bill,” another
“Jim,”…couldn’t get the third name.
“Anyone got any special “requests,” Warwick asked the group.
“Yeah,” replied the one I heard referred to as “Bill,” “I’d like to put
her over my knee and spank her butt.” I saw Natalie shaking her head.

“C’mon little lady,” Bill was saying, “Park yourself across my knee
here,” he sat down in a nearby chair grinning. “All little girls your age
like a spanking – just through your jeans love,” He patted his knee.
Coerced by the other four, I watched as Nat caved-in to public
demand and draped herself rather prettily across the man’s knee. He
rested a hand on the seat of her pants. “That’s one hot little tushy,” he
laughed, patting her there exploratorily.
The first couple of smacks were lightweight, although Natalie yelped
and wriggled. The third was way harder and Natalie’s “Owwww” was no
exaggeration I suspect. He definitely liked paddling young girls!
Watching her taut little bottom bouncing around beneath his hand was
doing wonders for most every one I imagine.
“That’s enough,” Nat cried, “It’s hurting me.” Grabbing her shoulders
suddenly, Bill called out to his audience, “One of you guys - pull her
jeans down would you? I want to spank her on the panties.”
There were no shortage of takers and loosening her belt beneath her,
Jerry and the other guy, managed to tug her jeans down below her bottom
while she wriggled frenetically on Bill’s lap.
“That’s better – sexier too,” he grinned, leering now at her tight little
black panties as they clung to her in all the right places. He delivered two
impressive spanks to her firm cheeks.
“C’mon that’s really stinging,” Nat yelped, fully aware of course that
every eye in the place was zeroed-in on her sexy little backside. Bill
delivered three more hard spanks before letting her up. She pulled her
jeans up, rubbing her bottom furiously. If I knew Natalie – it had turned
her on unbearably.
“Strip to your panties love,” asked Jim hopefully.
I could hardly believe it…he didn’t even have to ask her twice.
Standing near the bed, she undid the buckle once more, tugged her zip
down and wriggled out of her jeans right there in front of them. “
“Your top too sweetheart,” added Warwick. At the point she discarded
that also, she was just standing there in her matching bra and knickers
swaying slightly – five pairs of eyes stripping her completely no doubt, if
not worse.
Let’s see your tits honey,” muttered Jim, one hand already idly
caressing his crotch area. The fact hadn’t escaped Natalie I would
With noticeable hesitation, she undid the clasp behind her back,
slipped the straps down her arm and teasing everyone unmercifully,
gradually exposed her breasts and nipples. As the tiny bra fell to the floor
she held her hands across her chest.

“None of that sexy,” called out Bill from across the room, “We want
to see your nipples girl.
As she dropped her arms, a collective gasp went up around the room.
With good reason I can vouch!
“Turn around for us love,” someone said. I couldn’t make out who.
As she turned around slowly, obviously quite comfortable with her
risky predicament, the full arousing beauty of her feminine shape was
displayed for all to see. Beautiful curved waist, flared hips, tight little ass
and most beguiling of all, her proud, though quite small breasts and semierect
dark brown nipples. Someone whistled. I would have to have fucked
her myself if I had been there.
“Let’s get her panties off,” suggested Jerry - I think it was!
“She got as far as mouthing the word “Nooo” but by then, they had
seized her around the waist, someone was holding her arms while Jim and
the other un-named guest began tugging her panties down to her ankles.
In a moment she was completely naked.
There was to be no more orderly behavior.
Dropping to their knees, Jerry began kissing her flush on the pussy,
while Bill was lovingly caressing her backside and slipping a finger up
into some place I don’t think he should have! Warwick was kissing her
lips, one hand groping her left breast while, from what I could see, Mr
Whatever-his-name-was, was kneading her right breast and feeling his
way down the flat of her abdomen to some seriously interesting features.
Jim meanwhile, obviously a legs man, was feeling his way up the inside
of her thighs in no great hurry. I was interested to see what might happen
when they all arrived at her pussy at the same moment – including Jerry’s
If you have the slightest idea how aroused this was making me – well
no, you couldn’t have. We’re talking total loss of speech here, catatonia,
early Alzheimers! No one could watch their daughter being so crudely
fondled and molested, without totally losing it.
Easing her on to the bed – well they had to really, Bill was in no
condition to take things slow and easy. “Hold her legs wide,” he said to
no-one in particular, before shucking off his pants and kneeling between
her splayed opening, that as it happened, Jim and Warwick were now in
charge of. Pushing himself hard into her, the other four watched
mesmerised. Natalie simply made a noise like “Ohhh” before settling
back and letting the man have his turbo-charged way with her. He fucked
her with a capital “F.” It looked to me almost as if she were crying
although even then I suspect it would have been in ecstasy rather than

Both breasts were bouncing around freely as he pumped her, well up
to the point two of them leaned forward and began suckling her at the
same time. I would be prepared to swear I heard her give several little
gasps of pleasure right at that juncture.
Speaking of pleasure, Bill most assuredly had his.
“God what an awesome fuck,” I heard him enunciate, as he began
donating his seed to the four winds inside her. Even as he withdrew,
Natalie made no pretense at closing up her legs. Well you can understand
that I suppose - under the attending circumstances!
Warwick ditched his nipple-sucking activities and having extricated
his penile instrument, knelt between my daughter’s legs looking for the
exact right entry-window. The sexy smile Natalie gave him at that
moment made me sick. Warwick of all low-lifes. Still, as I said earlier, I
suppose when you’re a young girl on heat, getting yourself routinely
fucked by an appreciative audience, a cock’s a cock – whosoever the
Although having obviously fucked Natalie many times before,
Warwick showed no hint of boredom. In fact – if the truth be known, he
had her crying out in passionate appreciation of what he was doing to her.
Oblivious I would say to all the other hands caressing her hips, her tits
..even her hair, she left no one in any doubt – Warwick especially, at the
point she began literally screaming…”Fuck me harder…harder!!” I
splattered the arm of the recliner for the third time that night!
Incredible as I found it…no one yet had wanked over her. More than
likely, they were all saving it for their own big moment.
Jerry was about to have his.
Now I know Jer had always harbored extremely hot fantasies about
Natalie – even before he met her. During our closing weeks of Harper
Valley, somehow he never had much in the way of opportunity to indulge
his dreams with her. Tonight was to be pay back!
With cum leaking freely out of her pussy now – an aspect well
covered by the overhead spy-cam incidentally, she looked mildly
surprised when after replacing Warwick, Jerry took a hold of her wrists
and pulled her up to a sitting position (Did that highlight her cleavage or
what??) before coercing her to get on her hands and knees for him right
in the middle of the bed. Can you grasp how hot that looked and what
that must have been doing in terms of the men’s testosterone.
All of them took turns at smoothing their hands over her bottom while
she wriggled there, wholly submissive and utterly compliant. Jim and
Warwick took the opportunity to cup her breasts and to knead both
nipples as they must have been hanging down there in visual splendor.

Jerry spread her legs but a fraction more, then just slipped in to her
with all the ease one would imagine a sopping wet, stretched and threequarters-
filled pussy must offer. I could see Natalie tossing her head back
in acute pleasure as she was taken to the heights. Gripping her tightly
around the bottom, he literally rammed it hard up inside her. His own
grunts were clearly audible as were Natalie’s cries of unhinged pleasure.
I was expecting her to pass-out at any moment.
“Fuck Natalie, you and your sisters re the sexiest little girls on the
planet” he mumbled, not ten seconds before he blew his every last sperm
deep inside her. Natalie herself was just bucking with pleasure and
thrusting back now fully uncontrollably…despite the fact Jer had long
since finished. Gripped by her own orgasm she tossed her head from side
to side and cried out for him to keep going. Just as well there were still
two more sperm-banks- in-waiting queued up.
Mr-Whatever-his-name, had his own preferences, and I have to say
from the “complete voyeur’s” viewpoint they weren’t half bad.. Kissing
Natalie as he manipulated her once again on to her back she was hot for it
even before he penetrated her. Completely willing to be fucked in any
position now, she just lay there breathing heavily as he grasped her legs
beneath her thighs, pushing them up and backwards until her knees were
almost pressing against her breasts, her bottom sat there unprotected and
vulnerable while her pussy was now a gaping chasm…..even from
“I’m going to soo fuck you sweetie,” I heard him say as he moved in,
holding his engorged cock like a battering ram – one that would
inarguably have brought the walls of Troy to their knees.
In hindsight, I don’t think she had been fucked like that before. Many
girls say that it makes them enormously sensitive and that it feels more
submissive than any other position. Judging by the cries of unadulterated
pleasure from both of them -–that belief may have some credence. With
her hair dripping wet from the exertion, I could see just how far he was
entering her…you could actually hear it too. Forcing her legs back even
further, her breasts and cleavage slick with sweat now, she was just a ragdoll
as he fucked her almost into unconsciousness. The other four sat
there almost speechless watching the spectacle unfold. I wasn’t sure
whether I should be crying or wanking at the sight. In the upshot, I did
neither, choosing simply to watch my daughter receive the fucking of her
young life.
If the volume of cum is directly proportionate to the time expended
delivering it – then I think he pumped some one hundred litres into her!
Letting her legs down gently and withdrawing his cock from her

procreative channel, no-one said anything much. I think everyone could
count though and Jim was up whatever way you cut it!
Well, Jimbo likes fucking girls in their panties – nothing wrong with
that either, I find it ultimately rewarding myself. Panties mind, not a gstring.
Having been tossed a towel by some thoughtful onlooker, she
wiped her face and breasts to remove the excess dampness before
wriggling back into her panties for her last partner. After a re-think, he
wanted her bra on too. so she hooked that up for him as well.. How hot
did her tits look just partially encased in those skimpy little cups.
Seeking no more than the conventional missionary position, he
seemed to take inordinate delight in playing with her panties. Firstly
having her lie on her tummy so he could pull her knickers down
marginally and just stare at her sexy little cleft. He then allowed his
fingers to inch their way beneath the legs of her panties and feel up that
rather delicate area just slightly south of her pussy and the other place. I
could swear this was doing wonders for Natalie’s libido also.
Flipping her over, Jim began rubbing her pussy hard through the sheer
material encouraged by her hip movements and tendency to move her
legs apart slightly. He began fondling her breasts which made Natalie
gasp and squirm.
“For God’s sake fuck the girl Jim,” Bill called out to him.
Holding his erection, which was not huge by any means so far as I
could see, he then knelt down, placed a cushion beneath her bottom to
elevate her pussy, and taking a hold of her panties, drew the material to
one side which gave everyone a somewhat arousing view of Natalie’s
very naughty ingress. Already she was moaning like an entrenched slut
and was more than hot for it. Pushing into her, he released her panties
which made no difference to his continuing penetrations. Fucking her
gently but consistently, he began pulling her bra straps down her arms
slowly un-encasing her hot little globes. I could see her watching his
every move with pleasured appreciation. As both nipples were exposed,
she let out a small yelp of fake-shock which only encouraged him further.
Tugging her bra right down now, he exposed her breasts in their entirety
as he began fucking her harder, while squeezing and rubbing her tits with
I couldn’t hear what he was muttering as he worked his mission, but I
caught the odd words “dirty slut,” “hot little cunt,’……You get the
general idea I think!
At peak revs now, he had her shivering and pleading. Just how full of
cum that hot little pussy must already have been, I was thinking. He
aimed to fill the thing to overflowing it appeared. Driving himself hard

into her. Natalie’s hands were up over her head now as she approached
her own release once again.
It was a doozie – for both of them. Not content with filling her “hot
little cunt” as he so eloquently put it, he managed to squirt such residual
cum as he possessed all across the front of her panties. It looked quite
sexy too as I recall.
It was now only a matter of an hour or so before daylight. I had to
get some sleep so reluctantly I ejected the cassette pending its further
evaluation. How much was I tempted to find my way to Natalie’s
bedroom? You have no idea!
Fact is, I did run the rest of the tape a couple of nights later. I need to
reflect at this stage though whether or not should I ever divulge its
contents. To say she was introduced to “the dark side” is to graphically
understate the unrelentingly grim sexual exploits she was subjected to in
those coming weeks.