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View Full Version : Star Whores Episode One: The Penis Menace

05-11-2013, 05:59 PM
Chapter One: Fucking Droids and Sucking Cock

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, or any characters from it.

A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away…

The Republic Cruiser Radiant Breast streaked across the dark sky towards the Porn Federation ships. The Captain of the ship, Maoi Madak, was a veteran of several one night stands and military campaigns. On board her vessel were two ambassadors, sent directly by the Supreme Chancellor. To her right is her lover and co-pilot, Antidar Williams.
"How long do you figure the ambassadors will be on board?" Williams asked her.
Madak shrugged. "You know Neimoidians. It will probably be a few hours."
"Enough for a couple quickies, at least then?" Williams asked her, while reaching over and placing a hand on her thigh.
A noise behind them caused him to jerk it back quickly.
"Yes sir?" Madak asked.
"Tell them we wish to board at once," The elder ambassador told her.
Madak nodded immediately, and reached for the comm switch. She tried not to notice his smell, or to think about the night before when they were fucking each other.
"With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately."
The response was quick.
"Yes, of course. As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we would be happy to receive the ambassadors." The Viceroy of the Porn Federation said. Madak received docking instructions, and the Radiant Breast docked in the larger Porn Federation battleship. Madak watched the two ambassadors leave before engaging the mag locks on the ships hatches.
"Are they gone?" Williams asked her. Madak nodded and smiled. She threw off her uniform shirt and bra, revealing two small breasts with large nipples. Williams threw off his shirt as well, and rushed over towards her. Their mouth met, and his tongue thrust into her mouth. He began to run it around her teeth, licking each one. His hands groped her breasts and pulled at her nipples. She used her hands to unfasten his pants, which fell to his ankles. She pulled away from his mouth, and smiled.
He was almost as good as the Jedi was.
Williams bowed his head slightly, and cupped one of her breasts in his hand. He extended his tongue to it, and began flicking it up and down the dark nipple. Madak moaned in pleasure.
"Oh, yeah baby… That's good. Suck that nipple…"
Madak could see Williams cock begin to slowly rise as he became more aroused.


Obi-Wan Kenobi followed his master Qui-Gon Jinn away from the Radiant Breast and towards the room the Viceroy would meet them. One of the massive doors leading away from the docking bays opened, and a droid walked out to meet them.
But this was no ordinary droid.
This one was built with both an artificial pouch type flap of synthesized skin at its crotch, and two breasts on its chest.
Obi-Wan smiled slightly as he recognized it as a Porn Federation sex droid, and his thoughts drifted to the various porn holovids he knew they stared in. It wasn't his thing, but he knew many people that enjoyed it.
"I'm TC-14, at your service." The droid motioned to her left. "This way, please." She said, and began to walk towards the direction it motioned earlier. Obi-Wan wasn't sure how, but it managed to shake its ass in a seductive manner, as well. He glanced over at his Master quickly. Obi-Wan knew that Qui-Gon had a weakness for kinky things like droid sex, and hoped we would be able to contain himself this time.
The droid lead them to an empty room, and turned to face them.
"We are greatly honored by your visit, ambassadors. Make yourselves comfortable, and my master will be with you shortly." The droid said seductively. Obi-Wan wondered how they managed to make a droid sound seductive, but they did.
"Wait, TC-14." Qui-Gon said. "Your master wants us comfortable, correct?"
The droid seemed to nod.
"In that case, stay." Qui-Gon said, removing his hood and cloak, and setting them on a table. "If we are to be really comfortable, then come here."
The droid walked up to him, and the door closed behind her.
"Master, we should-" Obi-Wan tried.
"Obi-Wan shut up," His master warned, before using his hands to pull off his leggings, revealing an already large and erected cock.
"Come here, droid." He said, taking his penis in his hand, and guiding it towards the droid.
Obi-Wan shyly looked away, but as Qui-Gon inserted his cock into the droid and began to slowly hump it, Obi-Wan glanced over. Qui-Gon grabbed onto one of the Droids breasts, and used it as a handle to push and pull himself into it. Soon, he was breathing heavily.
"Obi-Wan! Don't just stand there!" The droid urged. "Fuck my ass!"
Obi-Wan was momentarily started by the droid, and wondered what else was included in its programing.
At first repulsed by the idea, Obi-Wan soon found himself with his own pants on the floor and his cock in his hands…


Williams pulled away from Madak's breasts, and placed a hand on his now fully erected cock. He slowly ran his hand up and down the shaft. Madak licked her lips as she watched. She went down onto her knees, and pulled Williams hand away.
"You want me to suck it?" She asked seductively.
"Yes. I want you to suck it. Suck my cock. Put it all in your mouth, baby."
Madak used her tongue to flick up and down the penis head, and she saw it throbbing with anticipation. She used her hand to run his shaft towards her, causing a small amount of pre-cum to appear. She used the tip of her tongue to lick it up. She was so hungry for his cum, and wasted no more time to get it. She opened her mouth wide, and thrust her whole face forward towards him, taking his entire cock inside her mouth. She gagged, and quickly pulled away, giving herself a moment to breath. When she caught her breath she pushed her head forward again, taking half the cock into her mouth. She thrust in and out, while using her free hand to massage his balls. Williams moaned loudly.
"Fuck, yeah… Oh yeah, suck that cock. Suck it! Make me cum!"
Madak pulled away, and tilted her head to the side and used her mouth to grab onto his balls. Her hand continued to stroke his cock faster as she sucked his balls. Soon, she could feel his cock getting harder, and his breather became deeper.
"Oh shit, I'm going to cum! Fuck, let me cum in your mouth! Take my cum in your mouth! Swallow it!"
Madak pulled away from his balls, and began to suck only the penis head. She could feel him getting harder and harder, and slowed her movements to force him to hold off as long as possible. However, it was still too much for him, and, with a grunt, he jerked slightly, and hot, sticky cum shot out of his penis and into Madak's mouth. The cum shot back into her throat, and shot after shot followed her. Williams body jerked slightly with each shot of cum entering her mouth. Madak pulled away as soon as he was done, and swished the cum around in her mouth before swallowing it. Williams stumbled back towards the navigation console, still breathing heavily.
Madak stood up, her pussy dripping slightly with arousal.
"You think you're done, hotshot?" She teased, before pulling him close to her. She leaned against another control panel, and, using her hand, guided his still erected cock into her pussy.
Hundreds of penis's and her own juices made Williams entry into her quick and painless, and soon he was thrusting his body towards and then away from her own. Madak moaned slightly as the friction of his cock rubbed against her vagina walls. Williams quickly changed tempo, slamming his hips towards her, causing her to moan in pleasure. As her continued, he used his hand to pinch her erected nipple. She began to moan louder as he once again increased his speed.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````````````

Obi-Wan inserted his cock into the droids oddly human looking ass, and slowly pushed inwards. The pressure against his penis was wonderful, and he slowly began to push his hips in further, inserting his cock all the way into the artificial ass. Meanwhile, his Master on the other side began to moan slightly as he came closer to climaxing. Obi-Wan could hear his moans, and soon they meshed with Obi-Wans own.
Soon both men were thrusting their hips into the droid, moaning and groping various metallic body parts. With a quick groan, Qui-Gon climaxed, and shot his seed into the droids pussy. Obi-Wan could see his Master's body shake with the orgasm, and Obi-Wan increased his own tempo. Qui-Gon pulled his wet cock out of the droid, and used his robe to wipe it off, before turning to watch Obi-Wan.
His master's gaze made Obi-Wan slightly nervous, but not enough to shake off the feeling of wonder that he received after his own orgasm. He could feel himself shooting cum into the droid, and slowed down his tempo. After two more shots of cum, Obi-Wan too pulled out of the droid and wiped his cock off.
Qui-Gon pulled his pants back onto himself, and smiled. "Well done, my young padawan."
Obi-Wan said nothing as he re-clothed himself.
"How do you think this Porn Viceroy will deal with the Chancellors demands?" Obi-Wan asked his master after they both were clothed and the droid had left.
"These Federation types are cowards," Qui-Gon advised. "Negotiations will be short."


Madak could feel herself getting closer to orgasm as Williams continued to slam his hips into hers, thrusting his cock balls deep into her pussy. She groaned loudly as with each slam, and could tell that William's was ready to cum, too. A few more thrusts and Madak's whole body jerked with orgasm. She threw her head back, and a loud moan exited her mouth. Her whole body shook with pleasure as Williams hot cum shot into her body as well. As they both settled down from the pleasure, Williams glanced outside the viewport. He shot up, pulling himself off of her.
"Captain, look!" He screamed, pointing to the Porn Federation turbolaser that shifted aim to point to them.
"Shields up!" Madak yelled, but it was too late. The Radiant Breast erupted into a massive fire ball.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````

Obi-Wan silently climbed aboard the Federation transport ship, clipping his lightsaber onto his belt. After surviving a gas attack, dozens of droids, two destroyer droids, and having their own cruiser destroyed, Obi-Wan's master was right about one thing: Negotiations were short. So, settling down with the latest copy of Jedi Slut, Obi-Wan began the long ride down to the planet below with an army of horny droids (seriously, who's in charge of the programing around here?) and cover girl Aayla Secura.

05-11-2013, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the new addition

05-12-2013, 12:16 AM
This is great stuff!
Just what the Star Wars saga needed, a hot porn slant!
Please, write more of this great series!

05-15-2013, 12:56 PM
Queen Padme Amidala of Naboo entered her throne room. She was flanked on both sides by her handmaidens and bodyguards. She nodded slightly to her various advisers before taking her seat in the royal throne. She wore a large red dress that covered her entire body. Her face was painted completely white except for her top lip and portion of her bottom lip, and two red dots on her cheeks. She wore an elaborate hair style and large crown on top.

"My lady," an adviser began. "We have opened a communications channel with the Porn Federation battleship. By now, the Chancellors ambassadors must have convinced them to disengage this blockade."

"Very good." Padme deadpanned. "Open a channel."

There was a moment of nothing, and then a slight blur in the holodisplay in front of her.

In another moment, she was face to face to Viceroy Nute Gunray.

"Again you come before us, your highness." The Viceroy said, bowing his head.

"You'll not be so pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy." Padme told him. "Your porn boycott of our planet has ended."

"I was not aware of such failure," The viceroy said, looking over the bridge as he did so.

"I am aware that the Chancellors ambassadors are with you now, and that you have been commanded to reach a settlement."

"I know nothing of any ambassadors," The Viceroy told her. "You must be mistaken."

"Beware, Viceroy. The Federation's gone too far this time."

"I would never do anything without the approval of the Senate. You assume too much."

"We will see," Padme said, before cutting off the transmission.

"That went nowhere," she said after the transmission was cutoff.

"We must continue negotiations, and wait for the ambassadors!" Someone told her.

Padme knew that Naboo wouldn't last during this blockade, and she knew she must do something.

Hell, it had only been a few days, and already Padme was dying from lack of porn to watch. She had been forced to settle with the Nature Channel documentaries, and those were getting old fast.

"Thank you, advisers." She said. "That will be all."

All the advisers exited the room, talking among themselves. When they were gone, Padme turned to her handmaidens. "You too, may leave." She told them. They too, left her.

When she was completely alone in the room, she re-engaged the transmission to the Federation.

"My Queen!" Gunray said. "Have you found your ambassadors?" He mocked.

"Viceroy, I am here to make a bargain with you."

"What kind of bargain?" He asked, skeptical. "What do you have to offer us?"

"If you break the blockade, and end the taxation of porn vids, I offer you an entire people for your productions."

Gunray raised what passed for an eyebrow. "The entire people? Including you?"

Padme was afraid he would ask her, but prepared anyway.

"Yes Viceroy. Including me. Just allow my people to purchase their porn. We can't survive without it."

Gunray rubbed his hands together. "We must first have a demonstration, my Queen. A kind of examination of the merchandise, if you know what I mean."

"I do, Viceroy." Padme said.

She bent over in her chair, and gathered up her dress in her hands. She pulled it all the way up towards her stomach, revealing her tight panties. With her left hand she held up her dress, and used her right hand to play with herself.

She took her finger and used it to run small circles around the middle of her panties. After doing this for a few moments, she inserted her whole hand into her panties. When she pulled her hand out, she brought it to her mouth, and licked each finger, all the while staring at Gunray. She slowly grabbed one edge of her panties, and slowly began to pull them down. Inch by inch, she began to reveal her perfect teenage body. Soon she had them pulled down towards her knees. She shifted in her seat, showing her tight ass to the holocam, and pulled the panties the rest of the way off. She dropped her legs, then spread them wide, showing off her pussy. Her pussy was rather small and tight, and completely shaved. It glimmered slightly with her juices.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````

Meanwhile, on the Porn Federation Battleship…

Viceroy Nute Gunray had seen pussy before. Hell, he owned a porn company. His livelihood was pussy. But there was something about this that was so… so… sexy. And Gunray didn't even like human women that much. Soon however, he found himself reaching down to his crotch and feeling his bulging penis. As he watched Queen Amidala fingering herself, he began to feel his cock grow larger and larger inside of his pants. He couldn't believe how turned on he was of this human, but the evidence lay before him, or rather beneath him. As he watched Amidala run her tongue all over her own finger, collecting her juices and savoring them, Gunray imagined her doing the same to his cock. He imagined her tongue running up and down it, her saliva covering it…

When she took her finger out of her mouth, Amidala brought it back down to her crotch. Only this time, instead of just rubbing it around her pussy, she actually shoved it in, all the way to the knuckle. She moaned slightly, and began to pull it out and reinsert it.

Gunray, never taking his eyes off the royal beauty, unclipped his belt, and allowed his trousers to fall to the ground. He grabbed his cock in his hand, and began to rub its shaft up and down, trying to match the rhythm that Amidala had created. When she started to moan, he did as well. As she increased speed, he did so as well, careful not to cum just yet.

He wanted to cum with Amidala.


Padme was surprised when she saw Gunray drop his pants in front of his entire bridge crew, but decided that on a porn ship like that, it was probably standard procedure. As he began to stroke his cock to her, she was slightly turned on. Not that she was attracted to the creep, she just liked knowing that someone was turned on by her body. It made her hot making other people hot, she decided. Maybe she wouldn't hate the porn industry, after all…

She increased her speed, thrusting her finger in her wet pussy and out again. She loved the feeling it created, and was trying to get as aroused as possible before reaching for her clit. When she judged herself aroused enough, she reached over for her clit, and began to run it between her fingers. She moaned out loud in pleasure, and bit her bottom lip. She increased the speed, and continued to masturbate. She began to twist in pleasure, her body arcing in pleasure. Padme used her left hand to pull her dress up even higher, revealing her tight stomach and belly button. Her breasts begged to be played with, and she considered pulling the dress off completely.

She jumped slightly as her body neared orgasm.

"Oh fuck! I'm going to cum," She moaned. As she did so, Gunray exploded.

He quickened his pace to match hers, she assumed, and she could almost make out a slight throbbing. She saw his body jerk, and his penis head opened slightly, and she saw milky cum shoot out of it. It shot straight forward, landing on the display in front of him. Multiple other shots of cum followed, and Gunray shook as he came.

At the sight of it, along with her own tempo and work on her clit, Padme came as well. Her body arced forward, thrusting her hips toward the hologram. She threw her head back, and screamed out in orgasmic glee. Her body trembled as she felt the joyous feeling spread from her pussy to every inch of her body. She continued twisting until the orgasm died down.

Once she gathered her thoughts together, she pulled her dress back down over her pussy, and turned to face a still half-naked Gunray.

"By the look on your face, your still erected cock and the cum on your holo-projector, I take it we have a deal, Viceroy?" She said.

Gunray quickly pulled his pants back up to his waist.

"You were magnificent, my Queen. I believe we can-"

He was interrupted when the feed went dead.

"What?! What is happening?!" He demanded.

"You ordered us to jam all transmissions, sir. We were only obeying your orders," A droid informed him.

"Blast! Commence the ground invasion! I want Queen Amidala now! And someone clean up that cum!"


Obi-Wan listened intently as the Porn Federation transport slowed its decent. He could feel it slowly turning in a circle, and then felt as it touched the ground. He pushed himself further into the corner he was hiding in, and waited for the Porn Federation battle droids to exit the transport. When he judged it safe to exit, he threw his Jedi Slut magazine in a corner, and, careful not to make a noise, climbed out of the large transport ship.

"Have you received your orders, private?" Obi-Wan heard a metallic voice ask. He dropped to the ground behind a box of munitions.

"Roger Roger." The reply came. "Find hot Queen. Don't fuck hot Queen. Bring hot Queen to my commanders."

"Roger Roger, Private."

The first droid, whom Obi-Wan guessed was a sergeant, held up a holo-display. The droid pressed a button, and a hologram of Queen Amidala appeared, much to the joy of the other droids around him.

"I'd do her!"

"Roger Roger!"

"I'd love to feel my metallic piece in her flesh!"

"You are not to fuck Hot Queen!" The sergeant ordered. "Understood?"

"Roger Roger!"

Obi-Wan waited for them to leave before cautiously standing back up.

"Hey! You there! What's your identification code?" A droid yelled out to him.

Obi-Wan pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it.

"It's the Jedi!" The droid screamed. "Fuck!"

Obi-Wan used the force to push the droid down on the ground, but more began to surround him. He used his lightsaber to slash through the droid ranks, but decided it was useless. Using the force, he pushed the massing droid away from him, and began to run. He could hear several STAPs gearing up for the chase…

05-15-2013, 02:00 PM
Oh yeah, this is great! Keep it going!

06-01-2013, 10:40 PM
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, or any characters from it.

Obi-Wan disengaged his lightsaber, and ran for his life. Surprisingly, he decided not to Force-run like he and his Master did on the Porn Federation ship, or to simply turn around and use his lightsaber to destroy the droid vehicles… When he spotted Qui-Gon, he ran towards him. His Master saw the STAPs, and used his lightsaber to block any incoming blaster shots and then to destroy the things themselves.

"You saved my again!" Obi-Wan looked to his left to see a hideous create standing next to him and Qui-Gon. It was tall, amphibian, had floppy ears and large eyes that sat on top of its head.

Obi-Wan prayed to the Force that Qui-Gon wouldn't try to fuck it. He knew that STD clinics on Naboo weren't the best in the galaxy…

"What's this?" Obi-Wan asked.

"A local," Qui-Gon told him. The creature turned to Obi-Wan and smiled.

Please don't let that be flirting, Obi-Wan prayed.

"Let's get out of here before more droids show up," Qui-Gon said.

"More? More did you spek?" The creature asked before hurrying after them. "Ex-squeeze me!" It yelled. Obi-Wan cringed at the mental picture. "But the safest place would be Gunga city! Is where I grew up! It is a hidden city!"

Please don't let that be it inviting us to its place for the night,

Qui-Gon turned to face it. "A city?" The creature nodded its head. "Can you take us there?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Uh, on second thought, no. Not really, no."

Obi-Wan sighed in relief.

"No?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Is embarrassing, but my afraid my have been banished. My forgotten! The bosses would do terrible thing to me! Terrible things to me if my going back there!"

Obi-Wan suddenly had the over powering urge to get to this Gunga city.

And to take this creature with him.

"Do you hear that?" Qui-Gon asked after another Porn Federation transport landed. "That is the sound of a thousand terrible things headed this way."

"If they find us," Obi-Wan began, "They will find us, tie us up, and fuck us into oblivion."

"Ah," The creature said. "Yousa point is, well said. Dis way!" It said before almost slapping Obi-Wan in the face with its ear. "Hurry!"

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon followed the creature through the forest before reaching a large lake. The creature urged them on, before jumping into it. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both grabbed some sort of tubular article that apparently drew air from water and allowed the Jedi to breathe. Obi-Wan hadn't realized that there was air in the water to breathe, but he didn't want argue with the script writers.

After placing the scuba wanabe's in their mouths, the two Jedi walked into the lake. They followed the creature, and swam down until they were able to see a large city; or rather several large cities completely encased and connected by large bubbles.

Obi-Wan wondered how in the world nobody had noticed it before, it being only about 100 feet under water and glowed like Coruscant on lifeday. But again, Obi-Wan didn't argue with the script writers.

The two Jedi followed the creature to one of the larger bubble cities. The creature swam up to one, and climbed through the bubble into the city itself. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon followed. After walking through the bubble, which reminded Obi-Wan suspiciously of some kind of lube, the Jedi found himself completely dry. This was obviously not surprising to his Master, who didn't bother to bat an eye at the odd occurrence.

It took Obi-Wan a minute to realize why. As he looked around, he saw off in the not to far distance a massive orgy of creatures much like the one with them now.

"So good bein' home!" The creature shouted. Obi-Wan looked over at his Master, who was intently watching the action going on.

"Master, perhaps we should-"

"Shut up, Obi-Wan." His Master warned him.

Obi-Wan watched as Qui-Gon took a seat, and then took one next to him.

The creatures were completely naked, and Obi-Wan noticed that they appeared quite human like. There were six of them; four males, and two females. One male lay on his back, with one of the females on top of him, with his cock inside of her ass. Another one of the creatures stood on his knees, his large cock deep up her pussy. The second female sucked the balls of this male while having her own pussy licked out by the long tongue of one of the male creatures. The remaining ones all stood around, masturbating and cumming large amounts over the breasts and faces of the females. Obi-Wan could feel himself getting aroused by the sight of the gangbang, and considered doing something about it when he saw Qui-Gon throw his shirt and leggings off, and run over towards them.

Qui-Gon's cock was already erected, and he jumped in between the female sucking the balls of the male. She readjusted her head, and took his entire cock in her mouth. Obi-Wan hung back, but rubbed his own erected cock. Qui-Gon groped the breasts of the female sucking him off, twisting and pulling at her scaly nipples. The whole city seemed to echo with the moans of pleasure, and the slapping of skin hitting skin. Several of the males climaxed, and shot huge loads of cum onto the women. Soon the two women were completely covered head to toe in sticky cum. Qui-Gon readied climax, and he too shot his seed onto the woman sucking him off. He turned her around, and pushed her onto her hands and knees, and, guiding his penis with his hand, began to fuck the woman in her ass. Qui-Gon slapped her as he did so, causing moans of pain and pleasure.

Obi-Wan pulled his pants down to his knees, and began to masturbate, pumping his shaft harder as the action in front of him began to heat up.

Qui-Gon pulled at the ears of the female, forcing her head up. He slapped her ass hard again, and unclipped his lighsaber. He shoved it, bottom first, into her pussy, causing her to jump as the large, cold weapon entered her. She screamed out as she reached an orgasm and Qui-Gon cummed inside of her ass. Obi-Wan increased his tempo, and he too cummed as he watched the female Qui-Gon was fucking climax.

Qui-Gon inserted his cock into her mouth to clean it off, then walked back to Obi-Wan, and began to put his clothes back on.

"Getting to know the locals?" Obi-Wan smirked.

"Hey yusa! Stopa there!" Someone yelled.

The creature who yelled that seemed to be some officer as he rode some sort of animal, as opposed to walking like the rest of the creatures did. The officer and the creature that brought them here began a conversation in some strange conversation that Obi-Wan couldn't understand. Soon however, the officer led the two Jedi and the creature away…

After what seemed like hours of negotiating in a totally alien language and a few Jedi mind tricks, the large creature that seemed to be in charge of the creatures (called Gungans, Obi-Wan remembered) finally agreed to send the two Jedi on their way in something called a "Bango." Despite its pleasurable name, Obi-Wan had no idea what it was, but assumed that Qui-Gon knew what he was doing.

He would later learn that Qui-Gon never knew what he was doing, but hell; it's still early in the movie.

However, he got his first glimpse into this realization when his Master asked the Gungan leader, named Boss Nass, to let him bring the creature (Called Jar Jar… Obi-Wan figured that the script writers were getting tired of having to name all these new characers with creative names…) with them.

"Master, we're short on time." Obi-Wan said after he saw the look in Qui-Gon's eye.

"We need a navigator to get us through the planets core," Qui-Gon explained. "Plus, have you seen their tongues Obi-Wan? Imagine what something like that could do during a blow-job!"

Obi-Wan cringed slightly. He really didn't want to imagine it.

"Haven't you had enough for one day?" He asked his Master.

"A Jedi Master never has enough, Obi-Wan. His libido is constantly growing." Qui-Gon turned to face Boss Nass. "What is to become of Jar Jar here?" He asked him.

Boss Nass smiled. "Hesum to be poonished,"

Obi-Wan figured that the Gungan said something along the lines of "We're going to castrate him," Or maybe "We're going to fuck him to death." Either way, Obi-Wan was glad to see the last of him.

Only his Master wouldn't have it. "I've saved his life. He owes me what you call a life debt."

Obi-Wan scoured his memory for any instance of Boss Nass or even Jar Jar mentioning the words "life debt," and couldn't find any…

With another wave of his hand and some help from the Force, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and the completely worthless Jar Jar Binks were inside the Bango, heading towards the planet core (which was incidentally all water… Obi-Wan thought it awful nice of the script writers to include that for them) and thus Theed, capital city of Naboo.

After a few minutes in the Bango, and discovering absolutely nothing to bang inside of it, Obi-Wan decided to engage Jar Jar in conversation, simply to kill time.

"Why were you banished, Jar Jar?" He asked.

"Itsa longa tella, buta, a small parta it would be mesa uh, clumsy..."

"You were banished because you were clumsy?" Obi-Wan asked him. Of all the reasons Obi-Wan could think of to banish the creature, clumsiness wasn't one of them.

"Uh, yusa might bein sayin that. Mesa causin one or two little accidents. Mesa no puttin the condom on rightsa, and shesa saying mesa a dad, and mesa no wana be, and boom! Mesa banished."

Jar Jar's frightfully terrible story was interrupted as a giant fish appeared out of nowhere to swallow the Bango. Obi-Wan engaged evasive maneuvers, leading the sea creature to chase them. After a momentary panic that the hero's had no way to defeat the beast, a larger creature exited its underwater cave and devoured the first. Obi-Wan thanked the script writers for this action before hearing Qui-Gon utter these pearls of wisdom:

"There's always a bigger fish."

A/N Incidentally, I'm the same matterd that began this story. In case you were wondering...

06-01-2013, 10:48 PM
Enjoying the story very much!

06-10-2013, 01:45 PM
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or and Characters from it.

Meanwhile, on the Porn Federation Battleship…

Nute Gunray and a Neimoidian adviser who wasn't important enough to warrant a name in this parody stood on the bridge of the Porn Federation battleship. In front of them was a large holographic display.

"Oh yeah! Cum for me! Cum for me, my Queen!" Gunray shouted as he watched the holo recording he had made of Amidala's masturbating session. "That's right, finger-fuck yourself, you sexy bitch!"

Suddenly, the display of Amidala disappeared, and was replaced with the form of a man wearing dark robes, and a hood that covered his face except for the greater part of his chin.

Gunray, however, was too immersed in his video to bother noticing the change in scenery.

"Fuck that tight cunt! Fuck it! Cum for me!" He yelled, before being jabbed in the rib by No-name.

"What are you doing, you fool?" The chin asked him.

"Uh, nothing my lord. I was only-"

"Were you watching that stupid porn video again!?" The chin demanded. "Stop it!"

"Of course." Gunray tried to remember what it was he was supposed to tell the chin next time it called. He snapped his long fingers when he remembered it. "The invasion is on schedule, my lord."

"I have the Senate bogged down in Twi'leck slave girls. By the time they are done, they will have no choice but to accept your control of the adult productions of the system."

"The Queen has great faith that the Senate will side with her," Gunray warned. The very thought of her brought his mind back to her pussy…

"Queen Amidala is young and naive," The chin said. And hot and tight and horny, Gunray mentally added. "You will find controlling her will not be difficult."

The Neimoidian popped his head up, and grinned stupidly.

"Not like that, you nerf-herder!" The chin yelled. "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

"Yes, my lord." Gunray said as the image of the chin disappeared.

"You didn't tell him about the missing Jedi," Nameless pointed out. Gunray sighed, and remembered why this particular character didn't warrant so much as a name.

"No need to report that to him until we have something to report." He said. "Now put the Queen back on."

In another moment, Amidala appeared back, her hand knuckle deep inside of her wet pussy, moaning and groaning as she worked.


Meanwhile, on the planet below…

Gunray stepped out of the transport ship and onto the freshly conquered Nabooian ground.

"Viceroy, we have captured the Hot Queen, and we did not fuck her." A droid reported to him.

"Ah, victory!" Gunray declared to no one in particular, and certainly not to Nameless who may or may not have been standing beside him at the time. He then followed the droid to where the hot Queen was being held.

After somehow climbing up several flights of stairs only to then climb down them again, Gunray finally found himself face-to-face with the hot Queen.

And dozens of chaperones. Gunray tried to not let that discourage him. After all, he did own the planet, after all.

"How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?" A chaperone asked him.

Gunray tried not to roll his eyes. He couldn't care less about the chaperone, but figured he should probably be nice, in case he was related to the Queen somehow.

He would hate to insult family.

"The Queen and I will sign a contract, stating that the planet belongs to me, and that she will become my newest star and give me personal dances whenever I ask for them. And by dances I mean sex, in case you were wondering."

"Say what?" Some random handmaiden asked.

"I will not cooperate," The Queen told him.

"Really? After you masturbated in front of me, you change your mind?"

"I did WHAT?" The Queen shouted, flipping around to a random handmaiden, who seemed to blush slightly.

"Now now your Highness. In time my good looks and charm will persuade you to see our point of view. Oh, did I mention the suffering of your people?"

"You wouldn't," The Queen warned.

"That's right! I will cut off all Nature Documentary's, and confiscate all dildos and vibrators, as well!"

Before the Queen could say anything else, Gunray ordered a droid to "process them." Whatever the hell that meant he didn't care; it simply sounded cool to say "process them."


After another attack by a sea creature that did absolutely nothing to advance the plot in any way, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Jar Jar reached the capital city of Theed: Home of the cheap prostitutes and teenage monarchs.

After placing themselves on top of a wall that conveniently looked down upon the Queen and her entourage, Qui-Gon leapt into action. Bending over just enough to barely be seen by the droids but still look cool, Qui-Gon, his padawan and Jar Jar, followed as the droids continued to escort the Queen.

On a prearranged signal that neither man discussed, the Jedi jumped off the wall and down towards the droid captors below.

Jar Jar simply fell on his ass.

Obi-Wan used a cool jump move, pushing both his legs in separate locations in a completely wasted attempt to knock over two droids that could have just as easily been pushed over with the force. Qui-Gon opted for the more traditional "chop them up with your lightsaber while they hardly even attempt to shoot at you but miss the few times they do because you're the hero and they're simply here because we thought it would look cool to have battling robots" move. Less cool, but Qui-Gon had the long hair and pony tail. That was enough cool for one Jedi.

Jar Jar sat on his ass.

After all the droids were dead, Qui-Gon motioned to a motel.

"We should get a room, your Highness."

"Excuse me?" The Queen asked.

"I said we should leave the streets."


After a boring conversation with characters that also don't merit names, the two Jedi and Jar Jar were led to the royal hangers.

"There are too many of them!" One of the nameless characters complained after the group reached the hanger.

"Won't be a problem," Qui-Gon said, looking over at the group of human shield conveniently acting as handmaidens for the Queen.

"Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest we fuck now." Qui-Gon advised.

"Excuse me?"

"I said you should come to Coruscant with us."

"Thank you Ambassador, but my place is with my sex toy-people."

"They will kill you if you stay," Qui-Gon warned. Obi-Wan wondered slightly why they hadn't bothered to decide whether or not the Queen was going anywhere before they got to the hanger…

"They wouldn't dare," Nameless Three said.

"They need her to sign a contract to fuck on camera-"

"Again, apparently!" The Queen interrupted, glancing back for absolutely no reason at a handmaiden.

"And so can't afford to kill her." Nameless Two continued.

"There's something else going on behind this here. There's no logic in the Federations move here!"

"Uh, have you seen her body? Smokin!" Obi-Wan found himself saying. He received strange looks, but Qui-Gon continued.

After Nameless Four said something that this author couldn't care less about repeating, the Queen mentioned that either choice presents great danger to them all, and Obi-Wan wondered why she looked at her handmaidens when she was obviously talking to him.

After a completely random and non-essential handmaiden said something that Obi-Wan toned out because it wasn't coming from the supple lips of the Queen, the group decided it was Coruscant or Bust.

Qui-Gon decided that their best move of action was surprise, which made a lot of sense to Obi-Wan. After all, they only were two humans wearing dark drown, flowing robes, a Queen with a hat that stood just under ten feet tall, half the Nabooian military and dozens of human shield handmaidens, the battle droids would never see them coming.

Oh, and Jar Jar.

"We'll need to free those pilots," Nameless Two pointed to a large group of pilots conveniently placed next to the only escape aircraft on the entire planet. Obi-Wan thanked the script writers.

After a completely unnecessary and time consuming conversation with a battle droid, the two Jedi destroyed the captors and freed the pilots, incidentally without having to use a single human shield.

After destroying all of the droids and freeing the pilots, Qui-Gon viewed the hanger.

"As I see it, we have two options: We can take the smaller, faster, more maneuverable star ships equipped with larger shields and weapons. Option two is the huge, bulky, senatorial Mirror-ship. Any thoughts?"

"The Mirror-ship has a Jacuzzi and built in vibrators," A completely ransom handmaiden pointed out.

"Mirror-ship!" Both the Queen and Obi-Wan at the same time.


Authors Note: Sorry guys, no sex in this chapter, but I promise the next one will be better, with lots of action!

06-10-2013, 11:25 PM
Looking forward to the next chapter. Great parody!!

06-17-2013, 11:55 AM
After locking Jar Jar in a storage closet, Obi-Wan rushed to the bridge (After of course looking for an empty closet just in case he and the Queen needed it) where Qui-Gon and Nameless Two and Three were. Or was it Nameless One and Three? One and Two? Obi-Wan was starting to lose count, but truthfully it didn’t matter.

“There’s the blockade,” Nameless Three stated, earning a promotion to Captain Obvious.

The Porn Federation ships, obviously surprised at seeing a giant mirror flying towards their blockade, began firing at it.

Several Federation turbolasers hit the mirror, causing it to rumble and a loud screech to emanate from inside the cabin.

Obi-Wan, running out of breath, stopped screaming. Both Qui-Gon and Nameless Three held their hands over their ears. A blinking red button caused Nameless to jump in his seat.

“Vibrator Generator’s been hit!” He yelled.

“What?” Both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon asked, straining their ears.


“Oh,” They both said.

“What?” Nameless asked.

After Nameless pressed a blue flashing button, Obi-Wan watched several astromech droids climb out onto the ship’s hull in order to repair the vibrator generator.

One by one they were shot off by precision the Porn Federation had never, nor never would again, be able to replicate.

“We’re losing droids fast,” Obi-Wan commented.

“What?” Nameless and Qui-Gon said.

“If we can’t get the vibrator generator fixed the Queen will go mad,” Nameless Two said, holding on as the ship shook again.

“Mad like angry, or mad like crazy with hornieness?” Obi-Wan asked.

“What?” Qui-Gon and Nameless Three asked.

“The Vibrators gone,” Nameless Three commented as yet another droid was blaster into oblivion.

An ominous scream could be heard from the Queens quarters.

After a few moments of working, an R2 unit stuck its rod into the hole of an outlit and created some sparks, igniting the generators combustion process and bringing it back on line. Or, something like that.

“Power’s back on line!” Nameless remarked. “That little droid did it!” He pressed another button. “Powers up at maximum.” Obi-Wan could feel as the vibrations from the ship intensified.

As soon as the R2 unit was inside again, the Mirror blaster off.

“There’s not enough power to get us to Cosuscant,” Nameless Three remarked. “Without her vibrator, the Queen goes insane with lust.”

“We’ll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship,” Qui-Gon remarked, but Obi-Wan wasn’t paying attention. He had already pulled up the Federation Porn homepage, and was typing something in.

Young Naboo Queen fucks herself with vibrator

The search results came back to him:

Young woman gets fucked like a Queen

Fucking with Queen Vibrator

Young Tatooine slut fucks herself with vibrator

Young Naboo Queen masturbates to orgasm

As Obi-Wan was about to click on the last link, Qui-Gon appeared behind him.

“Good thinking, my Padawon. Tatooine would be perfect.”

A conversation ensued between Qui-Gon and one of the Namelessness’, but Obi-Wan wasn’t paying attention. He had already clicked on the last link.

You have ordered 1 (one) copy of Young Naboo Queen masturbates to orgasm.Unfortunately, this item is unavailable to stream, and all DVD copies are sold out. The Porn Federation will contact you when a copy becomes available.

The Porn Federation thanks you for your business.


Meanwhile, on the Porn Federation Battleship:

Thank you for your purchase of 381 (three hundred and eighty one) copies of Young Naboo Queen masturbates to orgasm. These will be shipped to the following address in one to two business days.

The Porn Federation thanks you for your business.

Naboo Blockade, Naboo

Battleship #4

Nute Gunray rubbed his fingers together and smiled.

“You do realize that you only have to buy one copy, and just watch that one over and over, right? As opposed to buying hundreds at a time?” Nameless One asked.

Gunray sighed. “If you’re so smart, then how come the author didn’t think to give you a name, hmm?”

“Fucking author,” Nameless muttered.

Before Gunray could begin a video, the Chin appeared again.

“Queen Amidala, has she signed the contract?” The Chin asked them.

“She has disappeared, my lord.” Gunray told him. “One Naboo mirror got past the blockade.”

“I want that contract signed! Without it, all your videos of her are illegal. And you know how I hate to break the law.”

“My lord, it’s impossible to locate the ship. It’s a fucking mirror!”

“Not for a Sith,” The chin said, and another figure came into view. He was large, he was imposing, and he was completely naked. “This is my apprentice, Darth Maul.” The Chin said, turning to face him-

And coming face to dick his the others erected cock.

“What the- Maul! Put some clothes on when you go on camera, you perv!”

“But I thought you said not to wear clothes when I was with you?” The other asked.

“Wha-? What was then, idiot! Just, go back to the bed.”

The other figure walked off.

“Where was I?” The Chin asked.

“Apprentice Darth Maul,” Gunray answered.

“Oh yes! He will find your lost ship.”

The Chin pressed a button which Gunray assumed he thought was the “off” switch.

It wasn’t.

“Okay now, Maul! Let me see that cock and I’ll show you how to do it. First you get your mouth real wet, then you put the other man’s stiff cock in your mouth and-“

Gunray severed the connection and popped in a DVD.

“Oh,” Queen Amidala groaned as she pulled her dress up to reveal her tight panties.

“Ug, do we have to watch with again?” Nameless complained.

“Shut up. This is art.”


“An extremely well put together little droid your highness,” Nameless Two began, motioning to the R2 unit that saved the vibrator.

But Obi-Wan wasn’t looking at Nameless or R2.

He was looking at the Queen and her peculiar dress choice.

She was wearing a large feather that stood two feet tall and three feet long, and scarf like material that covered her cheeks and throat, and a long flowing black dress that unfortunately covered both all her arms and all her chest.

But waist down she was stark naked.

She propped herself up on her chair by grabbing onto the arms of the chair with her hands and spread her legs to the sides. She lowered herself down onto and back off of a small rod-like object that was spinning ferociously. All the while she moaned in pleasure.

“Without a doubt, it saved your vibrator, as well as Obi-Wan’s virginity.”

“Hey!” Obi-Wan said, all the while without taking his eyes off the Queen.

“And what do you want me- Oh, that’s it right there! Mm, that’s good!- me to do about it?”

“I was thinking a commendation, maybe a medal and a street named after it in Naboo.”

“Huh? Fine, sure. What is- Uh god that’s nice! That’s it! Right there! Oh, oh oh! Yes! Oh yes!-Uh, what is it’s-Mmm, yeah- Number?”

“R2D2, my lady.” Nameless said. Obi-Wan wondered why he cared about the droid so much, but as long as it let Obi-Wan leer he was okay with it.

“Whatever. Padme,” She said to a completely random and unimportant handmaiden. “Clean the droid up and-Fuck it, I’m about it cum! God it’s nice!-give it a medal.”

“What? Why the fuck should I do it?” The handmaiden asked, but was drown out by the groaning of the Queen as she climaxed.

“Come Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon said as he turned to leave.

“Aw, But I wanted to watc-“


“Fine,” He reluctantly agreed, stealing one last look (and a pair of moist panties) at the naked, climaxing Queen.


Padme Amidala, rightful Queen of Naboo and deserving of the all the honor and vibrators that came with said title begrudgingly grabbed a small bucket of water and a rag and headed over with the droid to clean it. After finding some closet thing where the droids were kept, she positioned it in a corner. Dipping the rag in the water, Padme wrung out the extra water and began to rub the cloth on the R2 units dome. She quickly moved from that to its front panels, where its gadgets and what not were located. She didn’t pay attention to what she was doing, and soon activated a door that swung open and revealed a small tool.

It was a cylindrical rod of around six inches in length, with a smooth head and a chromium finish. Padme cocked her head to the side wondering what it was when it began spinning. Then it hit her.

“That dirty slut that owns this droid attached a probic arm!” She remarked to herself, before realizing that she, in fact, was the owner of the droid.

Feeling horny (after all, the day had been far too hectic to get in her days number of masturbating), Padme jerked up her orange dress to just over her pussy. She pulled her panties to the side, revealing her moist snatch. With one hand she held her dress up and with the other she guided herself in towards the droids attachment. She was just about it thrust her hips forward, pushing the attachment into the pussy when she heard a noise. She yelped and jumped up, throwing her dress down over her pussy and pushing the droid away from her. In the process she spilled the water all over her chest and crotch, drenching her dress.

“What th- Oh, it’s you.” She said as she tried to contain herself in front of the creature that had been watching her.

“Hello!” It said cheerfully. “Who’sa are yousa?” it asked.

“I’m Padme,” She told it.

“Mesa Jar Jar Binks!” It proclaimed, stepping out from the door way it seemed to have been hiding behind.

With Jar Jar in full sight, Padme let her eyes wander on its body. He was tall and lanky, with big floppy ears, eyes on rods on the top of his head, and large bulge in his pants. It was this that Padme’s eyes stopped on.

She had heard stories of Gungan cocks, but had never experienced a full grown Gungan cock before. She was told that they could grow to be almost a foot long, and could be as thick as a human forearm. Their balls too were large, growing to be fist sized in many males. Padme wondered if this was true…

“How’d you end up here with us?” She asked him, but could tell he wasn’t exactly paying attention to her.

To her words, that is. His eyes remained glued on her chest, where the water she had spilled caused the dress to stick to her skin, revealing her braless tits and her panties outline.

“Would you care to help me, Mister Binks?” Padme asked, taking the Gungan by a hand and leading him to the droid. She squatted down in front of it, and positioned Jar Jar just behind her, his cock bulging in his pants touching her backside. As Padme cleaned, she slowly rubbed her ass against his cock, and heard the Gungan groan quietly.

“Well Mister Binks, it looks like I'm finished polishing up this R2 unit, so how about I polish that knob of yours now?" Padme asked casually.

“Hmm?” Jar Jar asked, whether from disbelief or naivety.

Padme turned around, helped the Gungan to his feet and then pushed him back a little bit.

She walked on her knees over to him and grabbed his pants with her hands. She undid the knot holding his pants up, and pulled them down to his ankles.

The massive Gungan cock throbbed as Padme pulled the pants off of it. It was every bit as large as Padme had heard; well at least a foot long, and as thick as a man’s forearm. The Gungan’s balls were two large fists and hung low on his body.

Padme grew wet just looking at them.

Wiping her hands off on her dress first, Padme reached up and touched his large cock. Rather than being scaly and dry like the rest of the Gungan’s skin, it was warm, moist and rubbery. Padme slowly and gently, barely using any pressure, ran her hands all the way from the tip of the head to Jar Jar’s body, feeling the entire cock. She continued doing this, switching between holding her hands on the top or bottom of the cock. Jar Jar grew harder as she worked, and urged her on.

“Muy muy! Thatsa feeling good, Padme!”

Despite the language barrier between her and Jar Jar, Padme assumed that meant he was enjoying it.

Padme gripped his cock harder, and pulled her hands towards her, rubbing them against the flesh of his dick. When she reached the penis head, a small amount of cum escaped from his cock and ran onto the floor.

Padme frowned. “Was that it?” She asked. With a cock and balls the size they were, she had expected more cum than that.

“Nosa! Thatsa just the pre-cum!” He said.

Padme felt bad for him, trying so hard to communicate when they both knew he couldn’t speak basic. Thankfully, Padme understood what he seemed to be saying.

She leaned forward, puckered up, and kissed the head of his cock, sucking out the pre cum.

“Mmm, Jar Jar! That tastes good. Do you want to let me taste your real cum now?”

The Gungan nodded his head enthusiastically.

Padme opened her mouth as wide as she could, and pushed her head forward. She could taste as she pushed the Gungan cock deeper into her mouth. She used her tongue to swirl around it, and continued stroking it with her hands. The Gungan sighed as she increased her tempo, jerking her head forward and back on Jar Jar’s meat. Padme began jerking with her hands harder and faster, and continued swirling her tongue around. Jar Jar began secreting pre cum at a faster rate, and Padme swallowed it all. When she began to run out of breath, she pulled away, revealing the Gungan cock wet with her saliva. Padme continue jerking it with both her hands.

As she did so, she puckered up her lips again and passionately kissed his cock. She began at the penis head, sucking out any pre cum that was left. She continued down, kissing and sucking the rod until she reached his body, where she lightly kissed the Gungan’s thighs and balls.

Unlike various human balls, Jar Jar’s were completely naked. They hung low on his body, and were rubbery like his cock. Padme, while still jerking the cock with her hands, tilted her head to the side and began sucking on one of the balls. Opening her mouth wide again, Padme put as much testicle into her mouth as she could. She swirled it around in her mouth with her tongue, and pulled her head back, pulling the ball with her. Jar Jar muttered something else, but Padme ignored him. After all, it wasn’t like she was doing this for him!

Moving back to the cock, Padme began sucking on the penis head. She jerked her head back and forth again, while working equally fast with her hands.

“Oh! Mesa gonna cum, Padme!” Jar Jar shouted.

“Yes! Cum for me, Jar Jar! Cum for me! Cover me in your cum. I want it all! Give it to me! I want it in my mouth!”

Padme hurried her pace, as the Gungan’s grunts grew louder. Padme’s sucked on the rubbery cock, rubbing her moist tongue on the sensitive flesh.

“Muy muy! Mesa gonna blow!”

Padme sucked harder as Jar Jar’s cock grew stiff. His whole body shook, and he arched as back and exploded his load.

Padme felt a surge of hot liquid shoot against the back of her throat and fill her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but it came to quickly for her. She pulled her head back of the cock, choking on the amount of cum in her mouth. As soon as she pulled out, Jar Jar came again, sending hot, milky Gungan seed hitting her in the face. Padme turned her head, and Jar Jar’s third shot landed in her hair. The fourth and fifth hit her face again, and soon her whole face was covered in spunk.

But the Gungan wasn’t done. He clenched his penis, and a sixth shot of sticky cum shot into Padme’s hair again. Padme stuck her mouth on his cock, and took the last shot of cum there. Pulling away, she swirled it around in her mouth before swallowing it.

Jar Jar collapsed on the floor, and stupid grin on his face. Padme used her hand to gather up the cum on her face and sucked it off her hands and fingers. She giggled as she did so, and felt her hair.

“I’m a mess!” She giggled.

“Mesa so sorry, Padme. Gungan’s cum a lotsa!”

Padme smiled at him. “No reason to apologize, Jar Jar! I loved it!” She crawled to where Jar Jar had collapsed on the floor and licked his cock clean of any other cum.

“I need a shower now before anyone sees me like this.”

“Someone already has,” A voice from behind a wall said.

“Oh, fuck me.” Padme groaned.

06-24-2013, 06:19 PM
“Oh, fuck me.” Padme groaned.

“I have every intention of doing so, my handmaiden.”

Padme jerked her head up to see Sabe, her decoy Queen, walking up to her and Jar Jar.

“Mister Binks, I believe you are needed on the bridge.” Sabe told him.

“Uh, okeyday.” He said, skirting away from Sabe and pulling his pants back over his still partially erected cock.

“Bye-bye Padme!” He said, running from the room.

Padme sighed. “Thanks for blowing my chance to get laid, Sabe.”

“You will address me as Queen Amidala, slut.” Sabe said sharply.

Padme raised an eyebrow. “Um, what’s going on here?” She asked.

“I came to check on your work,” she said, motioning to Artoo. “Is he all clean?” Sabe asked her.

“Sure, I was just-“

“I saw what you were doing, slut. Did you clean all of it?”

“Yes, can’t you see its clean?”

“Did you clean the inside of it? Everything, including the probic arm?”

Padme turned to see the arm still sticking out of the R2 unit’s front panel.

“No, my lady.” Padme said, slowly catching on. “I’ll do so immediately.”

Padme picked up her rag, and began to rub it on the droids rod.

“Stop.” Sabe ordered.

“What is it, my Queen?”

“"This part requires special attention which no mere rag can achieve."

"Then what may I use, Your Majesty?" Padme asked innocently.

"Your tongue... your lips. And nothing else."

Padme smiled and, instead of squatting down, bent over to face the rod, revealing her tight ass to Sabe.

Padme, much like she did moments ago with Jar Jar, began to rub her lips, tongue and mouth over the rod, sucking on it like it was a cock.

“Enough,” Sabe demanded.

Padme pulled her mouth away from it, leaving it coated in saliva.

“Was my work unsatisfactory, my Queen?” Padme asked her.

“Yes Padme, it was. I’m afraid that saliva will not do the job that is needed.”

“And what will?”

“Your other juices, Padme. Coat it with your other juices.”

Padme grinned slightly. “Yes, my lady.”

Padme pulled her orange dress up over her waist, again revealing her tight panties that were now soaked with her own juices. Holding the dress up with one hand, Padme used the other to slowly play with herself before washing the probe with her sex juices. After a few moments of play, Padme slowly pulled her panties off and threw them to the side. She rubbed her free hand over her legs, thighs and ass.

Grabbing the droids dome to steady herself and getting onto her knees, Padme slowly pushed her hips forward towards the droids probe, until her pussy lips just touched the cold rod.

“Wait,” Sabe ordered. “From behind. Take it Kaadu style.”

Padme diligently obeyed, turning around and resting on her arms. She pulled her dress up, revealing her tight ass and shaved pussy. Placing a hand on the probe to help guide R2, Padme spread her legs out wide and let the droid push its rod into her.

Padme winced as the cold of the rod met with the warmth of her body. She reached a hand back and began to run her pussy as the droid finished pushing his rod into her. Padme Pushed her ass back, taking the whole rod in and pushing her ass against the droid. Once the whole probe was inside of her, Padme slowly pulled her ass forward, creating a thrusting sensation.

“There is no need for that, Padme.” Sabe said, holding up a small square shaped box.

“What’s tha-“ Padme began to ask, but was silenced as the shock of vibrations shot into her pussy. The rod inside of her began to pulsate quickly, causing Padme to grunt in pleasant surprise. Padme continued rubbing herself as well, causing her to groan loudly. Sabe slowly lowered the speed of the vibrator until it was barely moving.

“My Queen! Please! Let me cum!” Padme begged her.

Sabe, instead of answering her, simply laid down on her back in front of Padme. She spread her legs out to the side, causing her black dress to fall back off her legs and set at her waist.

“Eat me out, Padme. If you do well, I will increase the spead.”

Padme wasted no time, and began gently nibbling on the Queens black, lacy panties. When she judged the Queen aroused enough, Padme pulled the panties down before taking them off and throwing them over in the general direction of her own. Using a finger to run the pussy lips, Padme used her other hand to continue working on herself at the same time. Running her finger though her mouth, Padme inserted it slowly into Sabe’s moist pussy, at the same time bending low and kissing the small strip of pubic hair just above the decoy Queens tight snatch.

“Mmm, yes. Lick it now. Lick my pussy, you slut. You know you want to-do it. Eat me out. Make me cum, slut.” Sabe encouraged.

Padme ran her wet tongue over Sabe’s pussy lips, and sped the tempo of her finger.

“Oh, yes. That’s good, Padme. You will be rewarded.”

The reward came as the vibrator still in Padme’s pussy began to speed up, albeit only a little bit. Padme understood the relationship between the two, and starting sucking on the exposed portions of Sabe’s pussy. Sabe grew wetter and wetter as Padme worked, as Padme licked up all the juices that she could.

As Sabe’s groans increased, so did the vibrations. Padme began groaning herself as she felt the vibrator bringing her close.

Padme sucked the vagina lips one more time before spreading them with her fingers and inserting her tongue into the pussy. Sabe arched her hips forward into Padme’s face, who continued shooting her tongue into and outside of the others pussy. When Padme felt the vibrator slow again, she paused.

“Faster, Padme! Harder! Make me cum!” Sabe shouted at her. Padme reinserted her tongue and began swirling it around Sabe’s clit, pausing occasionally to suck on it. Sabe moaned in pleasure, and pushed Padme’s face in deeper into her snatch. Sabe’s body twitched as she came closer to climaxing. Padme worked ferociously, and could feel Sabe’s approval as the vibrator began to pulsate viciously. Padme began to lose control of herself as the vibrator shook her entire body and sent sparks flying towards her brain. Shooting her fingers into Sabe’s pussy and ass, Padme tried desperately to send her friend into climax before herself. Sabe let out a cry, and her body trembled. Padme could feel as she came, and her sex juices flowed from her. The feeling, sound and taste of her friend’s orgasm brought Padme to her own. Her body trembled, her toes curled and she cried out. As she slowly returned to normal, she could feel Sabe turn the vibrator off. Padme pushed herself away from the droid, and collapsed on the floor.

“That was fucking awesome,” She sighed.

“Even better than blowing the Gungan?” Sabe asked her, collapsed next to her.

Padme smiled, and began rubbing her pussy again.

“You were right about the size of their cocks. But you should have seen the amount of cum they shoot out!”

Sabe looked at Padme’s hair. “I think I have,”

Padme giggled. “What happened to your other vibrator?” She asked.

“It died just as I was about to cum. I was still horny, and figured I would find you for help.”

“Anytime,” Padme said, smiling. “I should probably wash my hair,” She suggested.

“And your pussy. You’re still dripping.” Sabe looked at her own vagina, and laughed. “But then again, so am I!”

Padme rolled onto her side, and licked Sabe’s pussy clean before standing up and adjusting her dress.

“Join me in the Jacuzzi?” She asked Sabe, shaking her ass seductively.


Padme stepped out of the Jacuzzi and wrapped a towel around her wet, naked body. She grabbed another one for her hair, and walked out of the ‘fresher to the throne room.

“You know, you left just as things got interesting. Corte got the hose head working, and shot the water from it up her puss-“ Padme stopped mid-sentence as she saw the younger Jedi (the cute one, not the old creepy one) talking with Sabe.

“Uh, what’s going on here?” She asked as the Jedi began leering in her direction.

“Obi-Wan was just showing me what size battery’s my vibrator used,”Sabe said, and looking into Obi-Wan’s eyes.

“AA, I think. Listen can we talk?” She said, readjusting her towel over her breasts.

“One second, Padme. I’m talking with Obi-Wan.” Sabe reached out and stroked his braid.

The poor padawan was so turned on by the whole thing his pants bulged where his cock erected.

“Yeah, it’s AA. Can we talk now?”

“There should be a screw or something here,” He mumbled, looking at the vibrator carefully.

“I said it’s AA,” Padme repeated.

“What was that? You said you wanted to screw?” Sabe asked, and giggled.

“Yes-No! A screw, is what I said.”

“You don’t need either, I told you it was AA!”

“Maybe if I do this,” Sabe asked, bending down and rubbing her lips and tongue around the vibrator. Obi-Wan swallowed hard, and brushed his hand against his bulge.

“Mm, this tastes good. You want to try it, Obi-Wan?” Sabe asked, pulling her head slowly away from the vibrator.

Obi-Wan mumbled something.

“AA, okay? It’s AA!”

“It’s okay,” Sabe said, leaning in close to him. “You can do it.” As she leaned in, she gently grabbed his head and guided it over, giving the star-struck padawan a full shot of her cleavage.

Obi-Wan was stopped suddenly as the door behind them opened and Qui-Gon Jinn walked in. Obi-Wan jumped up suddenly, causing the Sabe to lose her balance and start to fall. Obi-Wan reached out to catch her, but ended up grabbing her breasts instead. Sabe cried out in surprise, causing Obi-Wan to let go and for Sabe to crash onto the floor.

“Obi-Wan, what’s going on here?” Qui-Gon asked sternly.

Obi-Wan took a moment to collect himself before replying: “Iwastryingtofindoutwhatkindofbatterythevibratorus edandtheQueenwashelpingmeandshethoughtthatifwesuck edinitwecouldseesoshedidandIwasogingtobutyouwalked inandIjumpedupandtheQueenfellandItriedtocatchherba utIgrabbedherbreastinsteadandshescreamedandsoIletg oandshefell.”

Qui-Gon nodded slowly. “And what kind of battery’s does it use?”

“DOUBLE FUCKING A, OKAY?” Padme screamed.

Qui-Gon turned to her. “We important characters are trying to have a discussion, human shield. Obi-Wan?”

“AA?” Obi-Wan hesitantly answered. Qui-Gon stroked his beard.

“A rare battery, to be sure. I’ll take Jar Jar and the droid with me.”

“Why them?” Padme asked.

“I asked you not to bother us,” Qui-Gon admonished.

“Why them?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Both are well adapted to desert survival, and have experience in Adult merchandise.”


“No, but I get lonely by myself. Unless you wanted to come?” he asked hopefully. Obi-Wan turned back to face Sabe.

“I think I should stay, and keep them from sending transmissions. And stuff.”

Qui-Gon nodded. “Good thinking, my padawan. I sense a disturbance in the force. Be warry.”

“Uh-hu,” Obi-Wan said, visually stripping the Queen of her clothes.

“What a fucking idiot,” Padme complained after they left.

“I think I’ll fuck the younger one,” Sabe told her.

Padme grimaced. “Don’t do it as me is all I ask.”

Sabe raised an eyebrow. “You masturbated in front of a Niemodian that held your planet hostage and gave a Gungan a blow job, and you’re really worried about a reputation?”

“Whatever. Listen, I’m going in to town with them, so continue playing Queen for a while longer, okay?”

“What? What is so important that would cause you to go into a town with sexually starved pirates, smugglers, slavers and that crazy Jedi master for?”

Padme sighed. “Cosmo’s released their latest issue, and because of the blockade I haven’t gotten to read it yet. Their running an issue on the art of self-pleasure!”

“Ha! Like you need any help!”

Padme stuck her tongue out before leaving the room.

Padme was half way outside the ramp before Nameless Two spotted her.

“Hey, stop! No Handmaidens are allowed to exit the vessel!”

Padme sighed, and turned around. “It’s me, the Queen, nerf-brain.”

“Oh, my Queen! I had no idea!”

“Shh! You’ll blow my cover, yelling out the fact that I’m the Queen like that!”

“Oh. Where are you going, *wink wink* Padme *wink wink*?”

Padme sighed. If he wasn’t so damned good in bed… “I’m going into town to pick up a Cosmo about masturbating.”

“Absolutely not! It’s far too dangerous! You could be kidnapped, killed-“

“I’ll let you watch me practice the techniques,” Padme told him.


Nameless led her outside into the blistering sun and towards the Jedi. It took some convincing, but he finally agreed.

“I need to go into town to pick up a Cosmo about masturbating.” She told him.

“Absolutely not. It’s too dangerous. You could be kidnapped, killed-“

“I’ll let you watch me practice,” She told him.

“A Jedi master would never steep so low as to watching a young woman touch herself.”

“I’ll let you help?” She offered hopefully.


06-26-2013, 05:43 PM
Hahah, this is awesome. Padme is such a nympho.

06-30-2013, 02:15 PM
What a fucking dump-waste of a planet, Padme thought as she walked into Moss Espa. All around her was waste, garbage, and poor, dirty people.

“Cum farmers, for the most part. A few indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like these are havens for those that love to fuck.” Qui-Gon told her.

“Like us,” Padme agreed.

The four of them continued walking until reaching the doors of a Galactic-Mart building. Qui-Gon paused in front of it, before looking to both the left and the right.

“We’ll try one of the smaller dealers first,” He asserted for no reason what so ever. Padme opened her mouth to say something, but was silenced when she saw the building that he was heading to:

Watto’s Adult (and child) Entertainment and Pleasure

Padme quickened the pace to catch up with Qui-Gon, who just set foot into the store.

Padme stepped in only to be severely disappointed. The place was filled with old, dirty junk, and no Cosmo’s at all.

A blue flying alien greeted them in Huttese, to which Qui-Gon responded to in Basic:

“We need AA batteries for a vibrator that ran out.” Qui-Gon told it.

“Ah, yes! The vibrator’s for you, no?” The alien asked Padme.

“No, the girl doesn’t masturbate." Qui-Gon told him. "She’s here looking for a magazine to teach her how.”

Padme opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted by the blue alien.

“I could teach her! Ha! I’ll bet she had a real tight cunt, don’t you girl?”

“You’ll have to explain to her what that is. She’s very dense,” Qui-Gon told him.

“Qui-Gon, shut the fuck up!” Padme yelled at him.

The alien laughed. “We have plenty of batteries.” He shouted something in Huttese again, and a small boy with an ugly bowl-cut came running out.

“So, let me take you back, huh? We’ll find what we need.”

Qui-Gon followed the alien back, leaving Padme with Jar Jar, Artoo and the bowl-cut kid.

Padme looked around the place for anything like looked like Cosmo when the bowl-cut asked her:

“Are you a slut?”

Padme was rather taken aback by the kids bluntness.


“You know, a slut. I hear the deep space pilots talk about them. They’re the most beautiful creatures in the universe. Well, maybe not the most beautiful but the most fun, anyways.”

“You’re a funny little boy. A little creepy, but funny. How do you know so much?”

“I listen to all the traders and starpilots who come through here. They call my mom a slut when she fucks them on the counter here,” He said motioning to the counter he was sitting on. “I’m a stud too, you know. And some day I’m actually going to lose my virginity.”

“Wait, you’re a stud, but still a virgin?” Padme asked him.

“Mmhm. All my life.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Since I was very little- three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardolla the Hutt, but she lost us betting on the pod races.”

“You’re a slave?”

“I’m a person, and my name is Anakin. But yeah, my mom’s a sex slave.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t really care, anyway. Do you know where I can buy the latest Cosmo magazine?”

“Oh, my mom has one. You could borrow it!”

“Your sex slave mom owns a Cosmo magazine?”

“Watto likes her to stay up to date with different techniques.”


“AA batteries, huh? You’re in luck. I’ma the only one hereabouts that has one. But, you might as well buy a new vibrator. It would be cheaper, I think. We sell those, too. Speaking of which, how are you planning on paying for all this?”

Qui-Gon could hardly contain his glee. He, on his first guess, picked the only store on the entire planet that sold AA batteries. He couldn’t wait to tell Obi-Wan--he would be so jealous.

“I have 20,000 Republic Dacteries.”

“Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real.”

“I don’t have anything else, but credits will do fine.” Qui-Gon waved his hand, shooing away a fly.

“No, they won’t!” Watto insisted.

“Credits will do fine,” Qui-Gon repeated, swatting away the same fly.

“No, they won’t! What, you think you’re some kind of Jedi, waving around your hand like that? I’m a Toydarian! Mind tricks don’t work on me, only money! No money, no batteries, no deal.”

Qui-Gon snapped his fingers. He should have tried a mind trick!

“Unless,” Watto said grinning, “You want to trade your woman for it.”

Qui-Gon sighed. “I have no woman, but if I did, I would gladly give her to you.”

“The girl inside, idiot! What do you say?”

“What would you do with her?” Qui-Gon asked. “She doesn’t have batteries. Trust me, I've checked.”

“What? Are you dense! I want her for her body!” Seeing that Qui-Gon still didn’t quite understand, Watto went on. “To fuck!”

“Oh! Well I’m afraid I don’t think she even can. She’s not a very major character, you know.”

“Then no batteries!”


“I wouldn’t have lasted long anyways if Watto didn’t like to fuck my mom,” Anakin, the kid with the stupid bowl cut, continued on with his life story. “Watto likes to make her suck him off, and shoots his cum on her breasts and face. He lets customers fuck her too, if they pay. But he doesn’t let them do the ass, only he can do that. But lots of people suck her tits, and-“

After going on about his mother for what seemed like hours, Padme was slowly losing patience. She tried telling the kid that she didn’t care, she just wanted to borrow the woman’s Cosmo, but the stupid kid just wouldn’t shut up.

“We’re leaving,” Qui-Gon pouted as he left the building.

“Thank god!” Padme blurted. “I mean, I’m glad to have met you.”

“Leaving already? But we haven’t even fucked yet!”

Padme hurried out the door.


“And you’re sure there’s nothing left on board,” Qui-Gon asked Obi-Wan over the ships comm system.

“A few containers of supplies. All the Queens clothes maybe, but not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amount your talking about.”

“Obi-Wan, if we sold all the Queens clothes she would be naked."

“Yes, so?”

“Alright. I’m sure another solution will present itself. I’ll check back later.” Qui-Gon said, hurriedly signing off.

Obi-Wan shut the comm down, and thought about the Queen naked. He could imagine her body glistening in the light; her pussy wet with anticipation, her tits firm and erect. As he fantasized, he could feel his cock slowly rising in his pants. He brought his hand down and began to rub it, but that only intensified his sexual desire. Obi-Wan quickly signed into his account on Federation Porn to check on the status of his video, but it was still back ordered. Clicking on another link sent him to the free streaming videos. He quickly found one and set it up. After watching a few minutes of bad acting foreplay, the two actors began stripping each other and the man started to suck the tits of the woman.

Obi-wan pulled his pants down and reached over to his cock. He began stroking it, while only paying half attention to the video playing before him.

“You know you don’t need to do that,” A voice said. Obi-Wan jumped in his seat, shut the console off and pulled his pants back up before turning to face the person who spoke.

And to his utter shock saw that it was Queen Amidala.

“Duh, uh, um, uh-“

“If you need some help getting off, all you had to do was ask. I thought I made that perfectly clear to you, Obi.” She said, walking seductively up to him.

“Yeah, um, but I uh, thought, uh that, um, uh-“

“I would love to help you.” Amidala stood just in front of him. She spread her legs out and climbed onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. She leaned in close, and whispered in his ear.

“What was that, Obi?” She whispered.

“I think I love you,” He whispered back.

“Prove it.”

Obi-Wan pushed her back slightly, until they were face to face. Obi-Wan leaned in close to her, opened his mouth, and kissed her. He sucked on her top lip, tasting the red lipstick she used. Amidala opened her mouth wide and extended her tongue, which Obi-Wan gladly accepted in his mouth. Obi-Wan sucked on Amidala’s tongue before flicking his own into her mouth, and began to rub it on her teeth, her gums and the inside of her cheek. He pulled out and began to suck on her nose, and gently on her eyelids. Amidala moaned pleasantly, and began to grind her waist into Obi-Wans bulge. Obi-Wan shifted his hands lower, placing them on her ass and cradling it.

Amidala pushed away from Obi-Wan’s kisses long enough to catch her breath and give some kisses of her own. Running her tongue across his lips, nose and finally ending on the ears, which she sucked and gently nibbled. Obi-Wan began to grip her ass tighter, and slowly rub it. He pushed her hips out further, rubbing his bulge against her body. Amidala threw her head up and smiled. She moved her hands from around his neck and to his chest, rubbing her hands against his toned body.

“God Obi!" Amidala moaned. “Take me!”

Obi-Wan gripped her harder and stood up. Amidala cried out in surprise, and gripped the back of his neck with one hand and stroked his face with the other. Obi-Wan carried her like this through the ship towards her quarters (bigger bed, after all) while she continued kissing and stroking his face. After activating the door, Obi-Wan carried Amidala to the bed, where he gently dropped her. Her dress flew open, revealing her tight ass and naked pussy.

Obi-Wan stood back to admire her, But Amidala pushed him backwards and into a lounge chair. She pushed her hips up against his knee, and tore open his shirt with her hands. She ran her hands across his chest, and twirled her fingers in the curly hair. She followed the hair down to his pants, where she slowly, deliberately, undid his pants and pulled them down to reveal his erected, throbbing cock.

“Obi, it’s beautiful!” She told him. She gently pulled at his pubic hair before moving further south. She gripped his cock with her hand and, bending over, began to suck it.

It was the most wonderful sensation Obi-Wan had even felt as Amidala’s lips and warm tongue covered his cock in salvia. She moved quickly, thrusting her head back and forth on it. Obi-Wan moaned as she worked, feeling his pre-cum slowly shooting out inside her eager mouth.

Reaching for her back dress with his hand, Obi-Wan hiked it up over her ass, revealing her tight black lace stockings that went all the way up her leg. He moved his hand over to her ass and began to rub it, carefully spanking and even pinching it.

“Oh yes, Obi! That’s feels so good when you rub my ass,” Amidala said when she pulled away for air. Careful to not be outdone, she quickly pushed her head back again, this time deep throating him. She pushed her head all the way down, taking his whole 6.5” in her mouth. She gagged at the amount of meat, and quickly pulled back up, leaving a long line of saliva from her mouth to his cock.

Obi-Wan reached forward and began to finger her ass hole and bottom of her pussy, which was wet with anticipation. Amidala moaned as he did so, and Obi-Wan could feel himself close to cumming.

“God Amidala, I’m going to cum! You’re so fucking good at this,” he told her. She smiled, and quickened her pace. As Obi-Wan neared, his fingering grew quicker as well, causing Amidala to pause occasionaly to let a groan escape her cum stained lips. When Obi-Wan would hold it no longer, he shouted out.

“Ah Fuck! I’m cumming!”

“Yes! Do it! Cum for me, Obi! Cum in my slutty mouth!”

Obi-Wan did as she requested, shooting his hot load into her mouth. He squirted three times, filling Amidala’s mouth with his sticky seed.

Amidala swished it around in her mouth, splashing it around the edges of her mouth before swallowing it all.

“You taste delicious, Obi!” She told him. Obi-Wan grinned at her, and, using both arms, grabbed her ass tightly and pushed her back onto his lap. Amidala gripped his cock with one hand and used it to guide the still erect cock towards her pussy. She pushed the penis head inside of her, and Obi-Wan slowly thrust his hips forward, pushing, inch by inch, the rest of the penis into her tight snatch.

“Ohh…Yeah.” Amidala quietly groaned as he pushed in. Once it was firmly in place, Amidala began rocking back and forth, rubbing his large cock against the walls of her moist, tight pussy.

“Ah, yeah! Ah, yeah… That’s right. Fuck that cock! Fuck it!” Obi-Wan groaned as Amidala’ ass jiggled as she pound his cock inside of her. Obi-Wan, pulling her close to him, began to suck her erect tits. Amidala groaned in his ear, and Obi-Wan began to thrust his own hips, the both of them working in tandem for orgasm. Amidala’s groans quickly turned to cries as she neared climax, the sounds of her panting and the sounds of their flesh slapping against each other melting together. Obi-Wans’ cock grew stiff and he gave a shout as he blew his load inside of her.

“Arg-fuck!” He shouted as hot semen flew from his body into hers. With the feeling of the hot substance shooting into her, Amidala climaxed as well, her pussy clenching around his cock and her body trembling. She shouted out in joy as her finger dug into his back and her toes curled. When both their orgasm’s declined, Obi-Wan lifted her off of him and sat her into the throne. Climbing down onto his knees, and began to passionately kiss the insides of her thighs. Amidala moaned with the sensation, and-

And gave a small “erp” as the door in front of them slid open to reveal another of her handmaidens.

“My Queen, I heard you- My Queen?!”

“Eirtae, don’t just stand there!” Amidala shouted out. “Come and fuck!”

Obi-Wan glanced over at the young girl as she stood hesitantly in the doorway. She glanced at the half naked Queen, and at the mostly half naked Jedi licking her thighs.

The handmaiden shut the door behind her and, still keeping her eyes on Obi-Wan and Amidala, reached down to the bottom hem of her orange dress and slowly pulled it up over her head of threw it off. She was completely naked under the dress, and her body glistened in the light. She brought her hand down to her pussy and began to absently rub it. Obi-Wan, still sucking on Amidala’s inner thigh and pussy lips, began to stroke his cock. Eirtae quickly and quietly walked up to them and got onto her knees. She pushed Obi-Wan’s hand away, and began using her own. She opened her mouth wide and began to suck his cock, savoring the flavors of both him and Amidala. With her free hands, Eirtae rubbed and pulled his balls. Amidala reached down and pulled Eirtae’s head from Obi-Wans privates to her own. Eirtae began eagerly lapping up her juices, both her and Obi-Wan taking turns gently nibbling her vagina lips and sucking her clit. Eirtae, without moving her head from Amidala, slowly climbed on top of Obi-Wan, using her hand to direct his cock to her dripping pussy. Obi-Wan entered her without trouble, being well lubricated by both women’s saliva and juices.

“Mm, yes.” Obi-Wan muttered as his cock slid balls deep into the snatch of the handmaiden. Eirtae pulled herself up, pushing her breasts in front of Obi-Wan’s face and to get a better leverage on the Queens twat. Amidala spread her legs out wide, gripping her thighs with trembling hands. Obi-Wan slowly ran his tongue between her toes as Eirtae began to push herself and down on his cock. Obi-Wan moved from the Queen’s toes to her handmaidens breasts and began to suck her perky tits. He supported her back with one hand, and the other he gripped her ass, pushing her harder and faster on top of him.

Soon he could hear the Queen crying again, and felt as her legs trembled as she came again. Her juices ran from Eirtae’s mouth to her breasts, which Obi-Wan gladly licked up. Soon he too got ready to climax, and shot his cum into Eirtae’s throbbing pussy. She moaned as she felt him shoot into her, coating his rod with her own juices mixed with his cum. She began to pump faster, her ass slapping into his thighs as she threw her head back and moaned.

Soon he felt her pussy clench around his cock, and could feel her shudder. He pulled her close to him, and held her chest-to-chest, sucking her ear as she came. He pulled out of her, continuing to stroke his member. Both women, together on their knees, gathered around him and began to lick off his own and each other’s juices off of it. While Amidala sucked on it, Eirtae licked her Queen’s face and fondled her tits. As soon as Amidala pulled away for a breath, Eirtae jumped in, deep throating his cock the whole way. Amidala, tilting her head to the side, began to suck and play with his low hanging balls. Obi-Wan was quick to cum again, plastering each woman in the face and mouth with his seed. The two women took turns licking it off of each other as Obi-Wan fondled their breasts. Leading them to the giant bed, Obi-Wan and Eirtae worked together stripping the Queen and then himself. The three of them lay together, completely naked, coated in sweat and cum, limbs entwined, licking and sucking each other to orgasm the rest of the night.

07-01-2013, 02:28 PM
This should be on film! The Queen is such a raging nympho, love it!

07-02-2013, 02:06 PM
Wow... why didn't George Lucas make it like this? This is way better.

07-06-2013, 04:05 PM
“Seven Wupiupi?” Jar Jar said, his mouth full of whatever frog-thing it was that he caught with his tongue. The Gungan, obviously surprised at the high price, spat the thing out, causing it to break the line that held it in place and fall into the bowl of one of the patrons at the “restaurant” that the four had been passing.

“Fucking idiot,” Padme mumbled as Jar Jar attempted to walk away, whistling inconspicuously.

“Achuba,” The alien who’s dinner Jar Jar had interrupted swore, jumping from his seat and chasing after the Gungan. With a single kick from its back legs, Jar Jar fell to the ground. The alien, frog-thing in hand, demanded to know if it was Jar Jar’s.

“Who, mesa?” The idiot Gungan asked. The alien clutched Jar Jar’s throat with his leg, and began to threaten to hit him in the face when the idiot kid with the bowl cut appeared.

“Careful, Sebulba.” The kid told him. “He’s a big-time outlander.” The kid laughed a little. “I’d hate to see you diced before we race again.”

“Next time we race, boy, it will be the end of you.” Sebulba threatened, gripping the frog menacingly. “If you weren’t a slave, I’d squash you now.”

“Yeah, it’d be a pity if you had to pay for me.” The kid teased as Sebulba walked off.

Padme couldn’t help but be a little impressed by the little perv.

“Hi,” he said as Padme and Qui-Gon approached him. “Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Doug-an especially dangerous Doug named Sebulba.”

“Mesa hatin’-“

“Jar Jar, shut up.” Qui-Gon told him.


“Thanks, my young friend.” Qui-Gon said, desperately trying to run away from the kid.

“Hey, can we fuck now?” He asked Padme, who hurried her pace away from him and towards Qui-Gon.


“This storm will slow them down,” Obi-Wan said, looking out into the slowly approaching sand storm.

“Looks pretty bad.” Nameless two agreed. “Why are you out here, though?”

“Just waiting for the Jacuzzi to warm up.”

Nameless's pocket buzzed, and he pulled out a small box.

“(This name has been deemed unnecessary for the plot, and has thus been omitted)”

“We’re receiving a message from home,” The voice on the other end told him. “They say: Visit for the holidays. Get it? Visit home for the holidays? Funny, right?”

Nameless and Obi-Wan shared a glance.

“Seriously though, we’ve got a message.” The box told them.

“We’ll be right there.” Nameless said, and put the box back in his pocket.

“Home for the holidays?” Obi-Wan asked, and Nameless simply shrugged.


“Here, you’ll like these pallies.” The bowl cut kid said, pushing some fruit in the face of Padme. “They increase sex drive.”

“Kid, you don’t need to increase my sex drive, you need to decrease my vision.”

Anakin turned back to the old woman that sold him the first berries. “Wanda, what’ve we got for that?”

“Fuck off,” Padme told him.

“Oh, my bones are aching. Arthritis is kicking in, Ani.” Wanda informed him.

“Do you have shelter?” Stupid bowl cut asked them.

“Why? All she said was her arthri- wait, people call you Annie?” Padme asked.

“Not Annie, Ani. And she said a storm was coming. Sandstorms are very, very, very, very, very, very-wait, where was I going with this?”

“She said nothing about a sandstorm! And Annie and Ani sound the same, they're just spelled differently.” Padme pointed out.

“Yeah, so is Anakin and Padme! Does that mean that Padme is a boy’s name? Huh?”

Padme looked at the idiot that asked her the question. “Qui-Gon, shut up!”

Qui-Gon stuck his tongue out at her. “The boy is right. We should head to his shelter. You said your mother was a sex slave?”


“We should definitely head to his shelter.”

Stupid bowl cut led them through the city, covering his face and making weird blowing noises, stopping occasionally to ask “Isn’t this storm terrible?” before heading on again.

Finally they reached the kids house, which really wasn’t much to look at.

“Mom! Mom, I’m home!” Bowl cut yelled out.

An older woman stepped out from a doorway, a scowl on her face.

“Fuck it all, Ani, I told you to stop pimping for me!”

Bowl cuts mother was not unattractive. Her dark hair flowed down across her back, with curls streaming down from the sides of her head. She wore dark red lipstick and blue eyeliner that brought out the color of her eyes. Her grayish-brown shirt was cut in a large V neck, and she wore the sleeves on her biceps, further revealing her large breasts. Her green skirt was cut in a large slit that went from her ankle all the way to her hip, revealing her naked ass or pussy depending on how she stood.

“Good god, man!” Qui-Gon shouted.

“Relax, mom. These are my friends,” Bowl cut said, motioning to Jar Jar and Qui-Gon. “And this is my fuck buddy,” He said, motioning to Padme.

“I’m Qui-Gon Jinn,” Qui-Gon said, bowing before her, and getting a nice shot of up-skirt. “Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter.”

“From?” Shmi, Bowl cut’s mother, asked.

“Flash flooding? Tornado? Justin Beiber fans?” Qui-Gon offered.

“Whatever. But only because your cute,” Shmi accepted as Bowl Cut grabbed Padme by the hand and began to drag her to his bedroom.


“Isn’t he great?” Bowl Cut asked her, throwing a sheet halfway off from a mostly build 3PO protocol droid. “He’s not finished yet.”

“No shit,” Padme said, looking at the mess of wires and other components.

“You really like him? He’s a protocol droid to help mom. Watch,” he said, throwing the rest of the sheet off the droid and revealing a large golden rod sticking out of the droids pubic area.

“Is that?” Padme asked.

“Yup. It vibrates, it grows larger, smaller, inflates, and deflates, all for your particular mood. I told you I’m good with building things.”

“Wow. I’m actually impressed,” Padme admitted.

“So can we fuck now?”

“How ‘bout you just fuck off?”

“Will you watch?” Bowl Cut asked hopefully.



Obi-Wan sat naked in the Jacuzzi, Queen Amidala on one side of him and one of her handmaidens on the other. His arms were around each one, playing with their hair. All three of them intertwined each other’s feat together.

In front of them was a hologram of some advisor that Amidala left on the planet.

“The Federation has outlawed all sexual activities, including masturbating and even deep throat tongue kissing. The people can’t handle it! You must sign the contract! You must contact me!” The Nameless advisor said before disappearing.

“It’s a trick,” Obi-Wan said, gently nibbling on Amidala’s ear. “Send no reply.”

“I really feel bad for those people, though. No sex?”

“Yeah.” Obi-Wan turned his body to place it on top of Amidala’s. “I guess we’ll just have to fuck enough for everyone.”

“There’s billions of people on Naboo,” Amidala told him as he guided his cock into her twat.

“We should get started then. We've got a lot of work to do.”

Any further conversation was drown out by the moans of pleasure.


Meanwhile, on the Republic Capital of Coruscant…

Darth Sidious, known to the Republic as Senator Palpatine and to the Porn Federation as The Chin, walked out in the moon light with his dark apprentice, Darth Maul.

“Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the trace was correct, I will find them quickly Master. Now repeat:”

Maul scratched his head. “Titty Wee is spazly?” He said, trying to repeat after his master.

“That’s close, my Apprentice. But not quite…”

“Aw, pooey.”

“That’s alright, Maul. Let’s try it again, hmm?”

“TittyWee is spazly popped?” Maul tried again.

“Good enough. Move against the Jedi first. You will then have no trouble in forcing the Queen to sign the contract.”

“Good Nouhg. Move the Jedi’s fist. You will-“

“No, you idiot! You don’t repeat that, I’m telling you to do that!”

“Oh… I'm confused.”

Sidious sighed. His plan was so close to being complete…

“Fine-Get to Tatooine and kill the men with laser swords, and take the Queen to me, okay?”


“Good. Now, help me undo these pants, and give Uncle Sid a nice blow job, okay?”

Maul quickly moved to his knees, pulling his Masters pants to his ankles and placing the man’s still falcate member into his mouth.

“That’s it, Maul! Suck it! Make me cum!”

Maul spat the cock out.

“Daz it, Mall! Stuck it! Making meat come!”

“Shut up and stop repeating everything I say!”



“All slaves have a transmitter placed inside their body somewhere,” Shmi told them as she poured glasses of Force know what. “Any attempt to escape-“

“And they blow you up!” Bowl Cut interrupted, slamming his fist on the table to further tell his point.

“I can’t believe there’s still slavery out here. The Republics anti-slavery law-“ Padme began, but was quickly interrupted by Shmi.

“The Republic doesn’t exist out here. Neither does Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or Tax Season. We must-“

Jar Jar shot his tongue out, catching a piece of fruit before sending it into his mouth.

“Ye gods!” Shmi muttered. “Did you see that thing? Imagine what that could do while eating you out!”

“Trust me, I’ve imagined.” Padme told her, sliding one hand from her plate down to her crotch. Bowl Cut shoved his head under the table to watch.

“Has anybody ever seen a podrace?” Bowl Cut asked when he saw Padme pull her hand away from her crotch quickly.

“Oh, for the love of- No talking about pod racing!” Shmi ordered.

“What’s a pod race?” Padme asked.

“It’s simply a 10 minute CGI scene written in order to sell a video game or two.”

“Damned tricky script writers,” Padme agreed.

08-02-2013, 04:09 PM
Padme sat on top of a rusted metal drum, wondering how in the world Qui-Gon was able to convince her that the only way to get her vibrator batteries was to let Bowl Cut race in the pod race. But he did, and so here she was, sitting on a rusted metal drum, wondering how in the world Qui-Gon was able to convince her that the-whoa. That felt oddly familiar…

“Hey sexy, I need a new part.” Bowl Cut shouted out. “Hey, sexy! Sexy did you hear me? Hello! Padme!”

“Huh? You say something, Bowl Cut?”

“I need a new cooling line for my pod. Can you run by Watto’s and pick it up for me?”

“An adult merchandise shop has pod racer cooling lines?”

“He uses them as dildos.”


Padme begrudgingly jumped off her drum and made the long (well, it might not have been that long, but it certainly felt long, dammit!) walk to Watto’s Adult Merchandise shop.

Opening the door, she was relieved to see Watto was nowhere in sight. Picking up the coolant line in a pile of rusted objects, Padme began walking back into the hot sun.

“Huh, it really does look like cock.” She marveled.

“Eh, you want to see cock, huh?”

Padme spun around to see Watto floating above a dirty counter.

“You gonna’ pay for that?” He asked her, motioning to the part in her hand.

“What, this?”

“Yeah, four Wuppui.” He told her.

Padme sighed. “I don’t have any money right now, but-“

“No money, part!”

“Listen,” She said, walking up to the blue alien. “I need this part. I mean really need it, okay? Please?” There was no way she was going to let her lack of cash get in the way of getting new batteries for her vibrator.

“Well, I suppose we could come to a sort of arrangement.” Watto said, chuckling lightly.

Padme was right in front of him now, there faces separated by only a few inches.

“What do you have in mind?” She innocently asked. The Toydarian dropped down to the counter.

“How far are you willing to go to get this part?”

Padme sighed. She really needed that vibrator back on line… “All the way,” She whispered to him, stroking his disgusting face.

The Toydarian smiled, and reached his greasy hand up to grope her right breast. Padme smiled, pretending to enjoy the feeling as he squeezed and pulled at her tit. Watto pulled her closer to him, and began sucking on the fabric covering her breasts. Pulling his mouth away, Watto gripped her shirt with both hands at the neck and began to pull downwards and to the sides, ripping it in half. Padme pulled back, but the damage was done. Her shirt was ripped cleanly in half, exposing her simple push-up bra. In a hope to save what little shirt she had left, Padme took it off, throwing it up over her head and laying it on the counter next to where Watto sat. Watto pulled her back to him, and began to suck, lick and nibble on her bra. Padme gripped his head as he played with her sensitive breasts. Gripping the middle of the bra with his teeth, Watto bid down hard, snapping the bra in half and sending it falling to the floor, exposing Padme’s bare breasts.

Padme attempted to shield her naked tits, but her hands her gripped by Watto and pushed out of the way. He ferociously attacker her dark nipples, sucking on them and running his teeth across the sensitive tit. Padme moaned aloud, and pushed his head harder into her. As Watto bit the tip of her tit, Padme cried out in pain. She looked down at the Toydarian to see his cock slowly growing from out of his phallic sheath inside his body.

Watto noticed it too, and slapped Padme’s breast sharply before ordering her to strip for him.

“Nice and slow, too, human. I want to take it all in. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a young human naked. It’s usually that old slut Shmi, so I want to enjoy this.”

Padme ran her hands over her breasts and stomach, shaking her body slowly, before moving further south. She dug her thumbs into the top of her loose black pants, and began to slowly push down, continuing to seductively shake her body. Watto’s cock grew larger as she did so, slowly pushing its way from his body and into the open.

Soon Padme’s pants were past her knees, and she let them fall naturally to the ground before kicking them off with her feat. Her black boots that went up to her calves she kept on, however.

Watto viewed her naked body with almost child-like fascination. He was stroking his fully erect member with one hand, and used the second to help prop him up on the counter.

Padme stood seductively, all her weight on one foot, spreading her legs fractionally and pushing her shoulders back, accentuating her breasts.

“Well?” She asked him.

“You’re such a sexy bitch,” He told her. “Let’s get this started, though. Come here and suck my cock, bitch.”

“Wait, that wasn’t the deal. The deal was-“

“You wanna your part, huh? Then you act like my bitch.”

Padme begrudgingly walked over to where the Toydarian sat. The counter was just slightly too short for her to reach to reach his cock standing, so she bent down, pushing her round ass into the air.

Padme gripped Watto’s cock with her hand and guided it into her mouth. She almost gagged on the taste of the foul rod, but contained herself and began to thrust her head back and forth on it. Watto grabbed her braided hair with a hand, and pushed her head in deeper, causing her to take the entire cock in her mouth. While Watto’s manhood was by no means giant, it wasn’t tiny either, and Padme chocked as it reached the back of her throat. She tried pulling away, bit Watto held her firmly in place. Padme gagged and chocked on it, desperately trying to pull away in order to breath, but Watto wouldn’t budge. Finally, as Padme used her arms to hit the Toydarians legs, Watto let go and allowed her to catch her breath, but only for a minute. As soon as she stopped chocking, Watto gripped her hair again, and slammed his hips forwards, shooting the cock deep into her throat again. Instead of holding it in place again, Watto pushed his hips back, and slammed them forward again. He grunted as he did so, his dirty hands digging deep in Padme’s scalp. Padme soon felt as the Toydarian cock stiffened, and felt Watto pull out of her mouth. He pumped his cock ferociously, and grunted as he shot his semen out, plastering Padme in the face and hair. She closed her eyes and tried to turn her head, but Watto’s second hand held her in place. As he finished, he let go of her hair. Padme opened her eyes again, and ran her hand across her face, trying to clean the cum from it.

“Suck it up, bitch.” Watto ordered her, and Padme did so. She ran her hand all around her face, and brought it down to her mouth where she licked up and swallowed the nasty Toydarian seed.

“Lean against the counter,” He ordered, flying above and then behind her.

“Watto, I already sucked you off! What more do you-“

“Do as I say, bitch!” He ordered. Padme reluctantly leaned against the bar, her forearms and elbows resting on the dirty counter and her ass pointing up. Watto flew behind her before setting down just behind her ass.

“What a perfect ass,” He remarked.

“God, no! Not the ass, Watto! Please!” Padme begged, and started to move away.

Watto slapped her harshly. “Shut up, bitch! You’ll take what I give you, and you’ll like it!”

“Watto, no! I don’t need the cooling line that badly! I’ll leave! Just not the ass!”

“I said shut it, bitch!” She said, slapping her again. “If you leave, I’ll tell everyone what a little slut and bitch you are. I’ll tell them that you begged me to let you suck me off. You hear me, bitch?”

Padme forced back her tears and nodded, letting her pride get the better of her.

Watto spread her cheeks away and pushed his head in, extending his tongue and shooting it up the Queen in disguises ass hole. He flicked it in and out again, stimulating the nerve endings there.

“You taste pretty good, bitch.” He commented, running his tongue from the tip of her pussy all the way through her ass crack. Once he judged her ass sufficiently lubricated, Watto shoved a finger all the way up to the knuckle. Padme groaned quietly and tensed her ass slightly. Watto ran his finger around in her ass before pulled it out and sucking it off. He brought his head back down to her, and began to nibble on the cheek while he continued fingering her ass hole. In between nibbling, he would suck or lick, and would pull his finger out and re-insert his tongue into her. Finally he pulled away, and slapped her ass again. He used his right hand to grip his cock and guided it towards the teenage ass. Pushing the tip of his rod in, Watto gripped her hips and quickly pushed his own hips forward, pushing his cock into the small hole.

Padme cried out in pain, and begged him to slow down, but Watto ignored her. Instead, he pushed his hips back and just as quickly slammed them in again.

“You’re fucking tight, bitch. You ever been ass fucked before?”

“No! Ouch, god no! Please slow down! You’re hurting me!” Padme cried.

Watto laughed and slapped her ass again. He pushed in harder this time, sending his entire cock into her ass hole. Padme dropped her head onto the counter and began to cry in pain, but Watto savagely continued to pound her ass. Watto reached over and grabbed her hair, pushing her head forward as he savagely sucked her. Padme cried out each time that he slammed into her, but it did not good. Watto continued slamming into her, grunting as he did so until he came, and shot more hot seed into her poor ass. He pulled out quickly, leaving her spilling cum out of her ass crack and in tears.

“Pleasure doing business with you, bitch.” He told her. “If you ever need another part, you know where to find me.” Watto laughed as he left her.

Padme wiped away her tears and gingerly rubbed her ass hole, wiping away the cum that slowly poured out. She gathered her pants and torn shirt, and departed the building, carrying the part with her.

“Hey, what took so long?” Bowl Cut asked her as she approached the Skywalker hovel.

“Fuck off,” She told him, throwing the cooling line towards him, carefully rubbing her aching ass.

“I could help you with that,” he offered.

“Don’t you have to install that cooling line?” She asked him.

“Nah, I found one while you were gone.”

08-19-2013, 09:05 PM
Padme waddled across the Skywalker hovel, careful not to injure her ass any more than it already had been. She ignored the odd looks and questions directed at her and her torn blouse, and locked herself in her room. She gingerly rubbed her ass again, and winced. She dropped her pants, kicking them off with her feet towards a corner somewhere. She propped up a pillow as a cushion, and carefully sat down next to it on the ground. Padme spread her legs out wide, feet touching the ground. She leaned back until she was resting on her back, where she could reach her ass hole. She delicately ran her fingers over it, applying steady pressure. It seemed to help, and some of the soreness went away. She brought her hand back to her face and slowly licked each finger, and brought it back down.

She gradually began to push her finger in side her ass, and grimaced as she began to ache again. Nevertheless, she continued fingering herself, and gradually the ache began to diminish. As she did so, Padme began to moisten in her vagina. She realized that, had Watto not been so brutal, the ass fucking may have been rather enjoyable. She closed her eyes, and began to imagine what it may have been like, with her being able to take his cock easier into her ass. As she fantasized, she began thrusting her fingers harder and faster, the pain from earlier all but gone. She could feel her pussy moistening, and she brought her other hand to finger that, as well.

She worked quickly with both her hands, ramming both her holes at once. The feeling exhilarated Padme, and she thought about what it would feel like to have two cocks inside of her at the same time. Her juices ran freely from her snatch, soaking her hand. Padme pulled her hand from her dripping pussy and brought it to her mouth, while bringer her hand that was fingering her ass to do the same to her pussy. Padme slowly sucked on her hand, relishing her own flavor. She closed her eyes and imagined her hand was a hard cock, and quickly shoved three fingers into her pussy, squirting more juices out and dripping onto her hand. Padme worked ferociously, hanging on the edge of climax. She lifted her shredded shirt up over her naked breast and began to rub her erected nipple as well. Padme moaned and panted loudly.


She threw her head back and bit her bottom lip as she could feel her body nearing climax…

“Padme? Yousa there?” The sounds of Jar Jar’s voice and a knocking on her door brought her back to reality. The climax slowly dispersed, leaving her sexually charged and horny.

“Yeah, Jar Jar. One second.”

Padme pulled herself up from the ground and ran over to the door. She opened it quickly to find Jar Jar mouth agape having come face to face with the half-naked Padme. Padme quickly grabbed onto Jar Jar’s vest and shirt, pulling him into the room. She locked the door behind him, before turning around.

“Muy muy, Padme!” The excited Gungan muttered. “Yousa looking sexy!”

Padme smiled. Her pussy was so wet she could feel drips running down her naked, toned thighs.

“Jar Jar, I need your help. And the help of your tongue,”

Jar Jar grinned at her, his eyes following her hand as she brought it down to her run her pussy. Jar Jar grabbed Padme, placing each hand on her side, and picked her up. Padme cried out in surprise, and giggled. Jar Jar carried her over to a table in the room before carefully setting her down on it. He tore the rest of her shirt off, throwing it on the floor next to her pants. Jar Jar gripped her thighs and held them up, resting Padme on her upper back, shoulders and neck. The Gungan gripped her thighs and spread her legs apart, revealing her tight, dripping, naked pussy. Padme beamed as Jar Jar extended his long, dexterous tongue and shot it towards her. She squealed as the wet tongue parted through her lips and went straight inside of her. Padme’s eyes rolled into their sockets as Jar Jar expertly ran his tongue around her eager pussy, shooting wonderful sensations to Padme’s brain. She gripped her tits as he worked, and began to rub, twist and pull at her erect nipples.

Jar Jar’s tongue snaked its way in and out, pushing across the sensitive vagina walls. Padme began to pant hard, and Jar Jar gripped her thighs even tighter, digging his fingers into her tender flesh.

“Ooh, Muy muy! Yousa tasten good, Padme!” Jar Jar told her, in between digging his tongue deep inside her womanhood. His face and tongue was wet with her juices.

“Fuck it Jar Jar, you’re a god! Fuck me good!” Padme shouted to him, as he dug his tongue deep inside her body. She could feel the wet tongue digging deeper and deeper inside of her, only to pull back quickly and begin to suck on her clit. Padme arched her back, forcing his tongue deeper. Jar Jar did as she wanted, wrapping his tongue around her clit and sucking it, before pulling away and flicking it harshly. Padme cried out in ecstasy, her body twisted as pleasure coursed through her veins.

“That’s it, Jar! Oh gods, that’s it! You’re fucking wonderful!” She wailed.

Jar Jar sucked his tongue back and moved his hands from Padme’s thighs to her hips. He grabbed her naked hips backwards, with his right hand on her left hip. With his arms like this, Jar Jar picked her up and stepped back, flipping Padme upside down and facing his large bulge in his pants.

Padme giggled as he did this, and gladly undid his pants and let them fall to the ground. She grabbed his foot long dick and guided it over to her eager mouth. Jar Jar hugged her tightly as she spread her legs apart, resting one on each one of Jar Jar’s shoulders. Jar Jar dug his face deep in Padme’s ass as his tongue continued its assault on her succulent teenaged snatch.

Padme returned the favor by going down hard on Jar Jar’s large meat. She placed one hand on his thigh to balance herself, and the other hand just below his ass cheek. She thrust her head back and forward, her saliva coating the hard cock. Jar Jar ran a hand from her back up to her ass, and began to finger the young girls’ ass hole. Padme gladly allowed this, and spread her own arms to behind the Gungan’s back and began to finger his own ass hole. Jar Jar intensified his work as Padme did this, and she could feel herself close to cumming again. She began to suck him harder, and, combined with his deep arousal while eating her out, caused him to cum and shoot his seed deep inside her mouth. Padme clamped down on his cock hard, and felt tons of cum shoot deep down her throat and fill her mouth. Cum shot out of her mouth and spilled down on his cock and trickled down Padme’s face. Padme pulled away from the cock, and allowed Jar Jar to continue shooting it in her mouth. However, the huge amount of cum kept spilling out of her eager mouth and pour over her upside own face. Padme was forced to close her eyes as hot cum poured over her, and trickled into her hair where it mostly remained. Feeling the hot cum on her face brought Padme even closer to orgasm. Jar Jar too could feel her getting closer, as her pussy began to contract and tremble. He began to viciously work her over, shooting his tongue as deep into her pussy as he could. His tongue shot in over a foot deep, causing Padme to cry in shout as joy as she orgasmed. She covered Jar Jar’s face in juices as she did, and trembled in his arms.

Jar Jar carefully set her back on her feet, where she finished cleaning her own face off and sucked the rest of the cum from his cock. She moved her hand down to her pussy and continued rubbing it absently. Jar Jar collapsed onto her floor and fell into a deep slumber from such a wonderful blowjob.


Qui-Gon Jinn placed the communicator back in his accessory belt. Bowl Cut had an abnormally high midichlorain count, higher than even Master Yoda. Qui-Gon knew that this would lead the boy to have an almost unquenchable sex drive without training from the Jedi Council. He pondered this thought, staring up at the Tatooine night sky.

“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” A voice asked, startling him. Qui-Gon turned to face Shmi Skywalker, Bowl Cuts mother, as she walked out to stand with him. She wore the same revealing outfit that she did earlier, even though Qui-Gon knew that she didn’t have to work now.

“Ani told me that you took his blood,” She said. “Why?”

“Didn’t he tell you I was checking for infections?”

“Yes. But why would a Jedi Master like you worry about a slave boy having an infection?”

Qui-Gon smiled. “Don’t you think I care about all people?” He asked her.

She walked up close to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, lying her head against his back.

“Yes, I believe you care about people. But I also believe that my son is somehow special.”

Qui-Gon turned his face to Shmi’s. “I believe both of you are special. Your son and you.”

Shmi pulled away from him just enough to see his face. They locked eyes, and Qui-Gon stared deeply into her dark brown eyes. He slowly shifted his glanced downwards, until he met with her supple, red lips… Qui-Gon slowly turned around, and reached a hand for Shmi’s face. He caressed her face, and leaned in. Their lips met, and Shmi wrapped her arms around Qui-Gon’s neck. He held her face in his hands, and began to kiss her passionately, sucking on her top lip. Shmi ran her hands through his long hair, and each took turns sucking each-others lips. Qui-Gon quickly moved his hands to her waist, and tore off the cord that acted as a belt. Her shirt jacket spread open easily, revealing a tight gray tank top. Shmi gladly let him do so, and continued to suck on the Jedi master’s lips and tongue.

“Oh Qui,” Shmi muttered in between having her tongue sucked, “I want you. I want you so badly. I wanted you the moment you came through that door.”

Qui-Gon pulled his head away. “Then take me,” He said breathlessly, and began to nibble her ear. Shmi moved her hands down to Qui-Gon’s crotch, and groped the bulge in his pants. “Mmm, you feel so hard for me.” Shmi muttered, and undid the cord keeping his pants up. They fell down to his knees, revealing his large erected cock. Shmi began to stroke it with her hand, and Qui-Gon pulled his mouth from her face. He bent down slightly and tilted his head to the side, until her breasts were right in front of him. Qui-Gon puckered his lips and slowly began to suck on the tank top fabric covering her breast. Shmi moaned quietly as he did so, and continued to slowly stroke his shaft. Qui-Gon continued his work, and began to gently nibble as well. Shmi’s nipples grew erect and pressed against the tight fabric.

“Take me, Qui! Fuck me right here, right now!” Shmi breathlessly ordered as sensations of joy coursed through her veins as Qui-Gon sucked her nipples. Qui-Gon did so, gripping her tank top with his strong hands and ripping it down the middle, exposing her naked breasts. Shmi exhaled as he did so. Qui-Gon turned the woman to her side, and grabbed her leg with his hand. He lifted her leg in the air, pushing her skirt down off her leg and to rest at her hips, revealing her tight twat. Qui-Gon turned his head to view it. It was already moist, with small drops escaping down her thigh. A single strip of hair ran from the tip of her pussy to two inches up.

Qui-Gon gripped his cock with his free hand, and used it to guide himself towards her body. Qui-Gon pushed the tip of his penis past her pussy lips, and pushed in the rest of the way with his hips. Shmi easily took his 7”, and Qui-Gon placed his now free hand on the back of Shmi’s head, gripping her graying black hair as he thrust his hips forward again, sending his cock back inside of her wet pussy. Shmi groaned inside his mouth, and Qui-Gon took her tongue around his again, mixing saliva between the two. Shmi reciprocated, slowly sucking the Jedi Master’s tongue, gently thrusting her head towards and away from his mouth.

Qui-Gon increased his tempo as she did so, slamming his thighs against the back of her legs and her ass. Shmi groaned loudly as he did so, and jerked her hand from his face to her crotch, rubbing her clit for extra stimulation as Qui-Gon continued thrusting powerfully into her eager pussy.

“Oh yeah, baby. Fuck that pussy. Oh! Oh, yeah. Oh yeah… Come on… Mmmm, yeah…”

Qui-Gon, moving his hand from her hair to her breast, began groping and pulling at her naked tit. Shmi bit her lip, and threw her head up in the air, moaning loudly as pleasure coursed through her veins. She could feel as the Master quickened again, the noise of naked flesh slapping naked flesh echoing across the empty night.

“Oh, fuck! I’m going to cum, Shmi!” Qui-Gon grunted as he slammed his cock balls deep into the slave’s pussy.

“Do it! Cum inside of me! Fill me with your seed! Drench me in you cum, baby! Cover me in spunk like the whore that I am! Fuck it, I need your cum, Qui!”

Qui-Gon wasted no time in obeying Shmi’s pleas. He slapped into her harder, twisting her nipple harder as he felt himself nearing. He felt his cock grow stiff, and, three humps later, climaxed.

The Jedi Master grunted as he shot, sending a hot stream of cum shooting into Shmi’s pussy. Qui-Gon continued to hump, sending shot after shot of Jedi seed into her womb. Qui-Gon grunted each time he shot, and Shmi threw her head back and screamed in joy as she felt his warm, sticky cum shoot into her. Qui-Gon shuddered as his orgasm dissipated, and pulled out of Shmi, who eagerly fell to her knees to suck his cock clean.

Qui-Gon pulled her to her feat, and picked her up. She clamped her legs around his waist and laughed as he carried her that way inside into the kitchen. He set her down on the kitchen table, and shoved the rest of the dishes that sat on the table onto the floor with a loud shatter. Shmi lie on her back, and spread her legs apart for him, placing one hand on each naked thigh. Qui-Gon gripped his cock in his hand, and began to stroke it quickly. He moved it close to Shmi’s throbbing pussy, and used his cock to slap it.

“You want it? Hmm? You want my cock?” Qui-Gon asked, jerking it just above her twat.

“Yes! God, yes! I want it! Give it to me, Master! Stick me with it, honorable Jedi! Make me cum!” Shmi begged.

Qui-Gon pushed the tip in past her lips, and used his hips to slam the rest in. Shmi gasped as he did so, and laid her head on the table. Qui-Gon pushed her hands away from her thighs, and gripped them tightly. Shmi moved her hands over to her chest, where she began to fondle her tits. Qui-Gon slammed his hips forward, shoving his whole 7” balls deep inside of her. Shmi gasped as he did so, twisting on her nipples even harder. Qui-Gon continued to thrust deep inside of her, grunting each time he did so.

Shmi reached her hand from her tit back to her pussy, ferociously rubbing her clit as Qui-Gon thrust into her. Qui-Gon gripped her thighs tight, and pushed her calves up onto his shoulders. Qui-Gon licked her foot and sucked her toes, drawing heavier moans from the receiving end.

As Qui-Gon thrust and sucked, Shmi felt herself slowly dropping over the edge. She twisted her head and body, arching as pleasure slowly surrounded her. She felt her pussy grow warmer, then tense up around Qui’s cock. Her toes curled around his wet tongue, and her whole body shook as orgasmic bliss took her. She screamed aloud, and thrust her stomach forward and her pussy out. Her body trembled and she felt joy shoot to every nerve ending in her body. Qui-Gon continued thrusting viciously, sending her into a double orgasm. She shook the table as she came again, and clenched onto the ends with her sweaty palms. She cried out again, and felt her body tremble once more. As she came to and her vision cleared, she saw Qui-Gon dutifully licking up her juices. Shmi’s pussy throbbed as he did so, and Shmi relished the feeling of his tongue.

“Qui,” She said softly. “You are a god.”

Qui-Gon, pulling his face from her twat, smiled at her. “And you a goddess.”

The two stared into each other’s eyes, nothing but love and joy on their faces.

“Shmi?” A quiet voice called out from the shadows. “Qui-Gon?”

Both turned to face Padme standing before them. In her hand sat some kind of data magazine, and she held a stupefied expression.

And she was, from head to toe, ass naked.

“What are you guy’s doing?”

12-25-2013, 09:46 PM
Padme grinned, and rushed over towards the table. Shmi immediately grabbed her head, and pulled it close to her own. Padme gladly accepted the invitation, and opened her mouth, taking Shmi’s tongue and gently sucking on it. Shmi took her right hand and placed it on Padme’s perky tit. Padme moaned as Shmi began to gently rub it. Shmi leaned back on the table, forcing Padme forward with her, pushing her tight teenage ass into the air.

As Qui-Gon watched the two women, he began to feel his cock begin to grow hard again, growing to just under five inches and drooping just slightly. His balls hung low on his body as well, due to both the Tatooine heat and the wild romp he had only moments ago. His eyes moved slowly from the two beautiful sluts tonguing to Padme’s sweat ass. It was tight and perfectly round, and shook slightly as Padme ran her mouth and tongue around Shmi’s face. Qui-Gon moved right in front of her, and placed a hand on each ass cheek. He grabbed them firmly, squeezing them in his hands. He ran his hands around them, rubbing them carefully. Then, swinging hard, slapped a hand down onto her right ass cheek hard. Padme jumped as he did so, and tried to turn back to face him, but Shmi held her face tightly in her hands. Qui-Gon spanked her again and again, each time drawing moans from the girl and forming a red splotch on her ass.

“Oh, yes! Slap that ass!” Padme groaned in between.

Qui-Gon gladly obliged. “You've been a bad girl, Padme.” He told her firmly. “You need to be punished.”

He brought his hand down again-harder this time. Her whole ass shook as he did so, and Padme cried out. Qui-Gon bent down and gently kissed the red mark on her, before moving to the left cheek and slowly sucking and kissing it. Padme reached back behind her to move his face towards her sensitive ass hole and pussy, which Qui-Gon gladly began to work on.

Shmi continued to grop Padme’s pert breasts, gently pinching the erected tits, as Qui-Gon slapped her tight ass. The girl moaned loudly each time he did so, and Shmi had to work to get Padme to concentrate solely on her. Shmi caught Padme’s tongue in her mouth, and began to run her own tongue around it, first in circles, then began to suck on it with her lips. Shmi thrust her head forward and back, acting as if the wet tongue was a cock. Padme’s eyes rolled over into her head, and it took a slap from Qui-Gon to bring her back. Padme cried out as he did so, pulled from Shmi’s mouth. Shmi stroked her creamy face, and pushed her head further to the side and let Padme’s long black hair flow down her naked back and chest. Padme pulled a hand from Shmi and used it to guide Qui-Gon’s face somewhere else on her, and Shmi, taking advantage of it, pushed Padme's face towards her chest. Padme smiled, and brushed a strand of hair from her face. She cupped one of Shmi’s large breasts in her hand, squeezing it tightly as she felt it. Extracting her tongue, Padme gently flicked the tip of the dark nipple up and down, just touching it enough to send the pleasure to Shmi’s brain. Padme continued to grope Shmi’s firm breast as she did so, but tightened suddenly as Qui-Gon went back to work on her body.

Qui-Gon stopped at Padme’s tight ass hole, stretched only slightly by Watto’s fierce ass fucking earlier that day. Qui-Gon gripped her cheeks in both hands and spread them apart, revealing her, until lately, virgin hole. Qui-Gon pushed his head forward, until his nose was setting inside her ass cheeks and his mouth was right on top of her hole. He puckered up, and began to kiss the tip of her ass hole. Padme shook her ass slightly as he did so, begging him to continue. Qui-Gon did so- pushing his head back a fraction of an inch, he shot his tongue out as far as it would go, thrusting it deep inside her ass. Padme tightened suddenly by the sudden insertion, but quickly relaxed as Qui-Gon ran his tongue around in circles inside of her. He pulled out slowly, and began to lick her ass from top to bottom, stopping just before her quickly dampening pussy.

Despite the sudden and fierce tongue fucking in her ass, Padme diligently continued with Shmi’s breasts, pausing often to moan in pleasure. Pushing her head closer to the other woman’s chest, Padme inserted as much of the breast into her mouth as she could. She pushed her head away then, stopping just as she got to the nipple, which she sucked hard and gently nibbled. She then pushed her head forward as far as she could, then repeated the process for several minutes until Shmi was begging her to eat her out. But Shmi wasn't the only begging for the brilliant explosion of an orgasm. Padme begged Qui-Gon to move his tongue south towards her own wet snatch.

“God, Qui-Gon! Fuck me! Take me! Ravage me! Fuck my tight, whore cunt! Please!” She screamed as he continued to ram his tongue suddenly into her ass. When he made no move to, Padme jerked a hand down to her crotch to relieve herself, only to have it quickly jerked back up by Shmi, who held both Padme's hands in her own, high above Padme’s head.

“You want to fuck like adults? Then take it like adults! You don’t get to orgasm until we say! Now make me cum, you dirty slut.” Shmi ordered, her strong hands easily holding Padme’s in place. Padme tried to rub her thighs together in a hope to cum, but Shmi quickly shoved both their hands down, forcing Padme lower, her face just above Shmi’s single strip of hair just above her twat.

Padme dutifully began to lick Shmi’s pussy lips, generating moans from the older woman. Shmi pushed Padme’s arms lower, until she was forced to have her face completely shoved in Shmi’s pussy. Her warm breath, along with her tongue and saliva, turned Shmi on incredibly. Padme worked hard, sucking Shmi’s erected clit fiercely. Shmi began to groan harder as the young girl did so, and began to thrust her hips about, moving Padme’s lips and tongue to her more sensitive spots. When Padme hit one, Shmi stiffened up and thrust her hips forward into Padme’s face. Her whole body rocked with the orgasm, choking Padme with her juices. Shmi loosened her grip, and Padme pulled up, coughing as she did so.

“Lick it up, beautiful.” Shmi whispered. Padme dutifully licked the juices from her own face and from the other’s pussy.

Qui-Gon, still deciding to hold off on Padme’s orgasm, moved from her ass to her face, his seven inches pointing straight at her.

“Mmmm,” Padme said, and licked her lips. Pussy was one thing, but nothing beats a good cock…

Shmi slid off the table she was sitting on; she hadn’t had a chance to taste Qui’s manhood yet, and was looking forward to it.

Qui-Gon began to stroke it gently, using the force to replenish the cum her had lost in Shmi’s body before stepping forward and allowing the two naked women to have at him.

The two eagerly went after it, Shmi gripping his cock in her hand and licking the shaft up and down, while Padme, her hands again held away from her, bobbed her head forward and backward on the first inch and a half of the Jedi cock. The two women took turns, switching duties and watching each other as one or the other deep throated the seven inches. Padme ground her pussy against Qui-Gon’s shin, who moved his leg up until his foot was in front of her twat. He began to run her gently with his big toe, rubbing it in circles around her and occasionally, slowly, inserting the tip inside of her. Padme groaned and nearly came before he pulled away again and set his foot down. Before Padme could begin grinding him again, Qui-Gon gripped her head in his hands, holding her still, and thrust her hips forward suddenly, shoving all seven inches into her mouth. Before she had a moment to react, he pushed away, giving her time to breath, but only for a second before he continued. Padme held her breath as best as she could as he face fucked her, feeling his course pubic hair slam into her lips. After a minute of thrusting, Padme could feel his cock grow harder. Qui-Gon quickly pulled out of her, and began to stroke himself quickly. Both women opened their mouths expectantly, hoping to catch some Jedi seed.

Qui-Gon continued stroking before he finally came. He shot a string of cum straight towards the women, hitting Shmi just below the nose, a long stream that hung over her mouth and ended at the tip of her chin. The next shot, equally as large, hit Padme this time, landing right on her left cheek bone and running down. Qui-Qon gripped Padme’s face, pulling her closer to him as the final three shots hit her below her eye, on her top lip and on her button nose. Qui-Gon fell backward with the orgasm, leaving the two women to clean each other up. They took turns extending their cum soaked tongues and running them across each other’s faces, licking up all the Jedi cum they could taste.

“Well kitten,” Qui-Gon said, looking as Shmi’s grinning face, “Do you suppose our student has earned her reward?”

Padme looked expectantly over at Shmi.

“I think she has, Master. She was very obedient, and hasn't came since we started.”

“Very well,” Qui-Gon said, standing straight, and gripping his cock. “Where-and how-does the student want it?”

Padme grinned. Finally her moment had come!

She ran towards the still hard Jedi Master, wrapping her arms around his muscular neck, sucking his lips. Qui-Gon understood immediately, moving his arms to her ass, gripping it tight, and pulling up. Padme cried out and giggled as she was brought into the air, her pussy just above his hard on. She moved a hand from his neck, and placed a hand on the cock, guiding it in as he slowly let her down, pushing the cock half-way inside of her. Qui-Gon quickly moved a hand from her ass to her back as he began to bounce her on top of him, each time pushing further and further inside of him until he was balls deep inside of her. Padme groaned loudly as she bounced, sucking Qui-Gon’s lip in a vain effort to silence her pleasure. Qui-Gon moved faster, their naked bodies slapping together and their moans melting into one. Each thrust from Qui-Gon was heaven to Padme, her desperate pussy finally getting the penetration she had been so desperately searching for. And finally it was too much for the young monarch- After one to many thrusts from the Jedi, Padme cried out, her body shook and her already tight pussy clenched Qui-Gon’s still thrusting cock. Feeling the extra warmth and pressure on his rod, Qui-Gon too, came, shooting more seed into the tight teenage pussy he was inside. They remain together like that, their mixed cum slowly seeping from her pussy, his cock still inside of her, until a voice interrupted them.

“Okay, you got your orgasm. Now go to bed-we’we've got an important day tomorrow.” Shmi told her. Padme reluctantly climbed off Qui-Gon’s cock, and walked, still naked, but this time drenched in cum, sweat and vaginal juices, towards her room.

“Tomorrow night, if we win, could we celebrate like this?”

Shmi smiled. “You’ll have to bring your long tongued friend, too.”

Padme grinned mischievously. If Jar Jar was awake, his cock would no doubt be ready for some more fucking… Padme knew she just had to fuck that giant thing! She rubbed her pussy expectantly as she made her way towards the room, the subtle noises of licking growing in the background.

01-27-2014, 07:31 PM
Unfortunately for Padme, Jar Jar was still sleeping when she got back to her room, his large flat cock resting against his muscular, naked body. Satisfied with Qui-Gon’s cock for the time being, Padme decided to let the Gungan sleep and crawled up next to him, entwining her naked legs with his, and resting her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, and dreamed of having his foot long cock thrust into her tight pussy…

When she awoke in the morning, Jar Jar was gone, and the sun was already high up in the sky. She rubbed her blurry eyes, and rolled over onto her back. She stretched out, rubbing her hands against her warm body. She smiled as she felt the dried cum from Qui-Gon around her pubic area. After finding another pair of clothes, Padme walked out from her room and into the main building to find everyone already gone, no doubt to the podrace. She grabbed a cup of blue milk and a plate of leftovers from last night, and after eating hurried off to where she knew the main hanger was.

Padme poked around a bit, hoping to spot a familiar face. Instead, she found herself deep in the private hangers where the big shot podracers stored their pods. She wandered aimlessly, wondering how the hell she got herself this lost when she found an opened door. Praying that it was a way out, Padme slowly pushed it open. It wasn't a way out.

It was so much better.

The Dug that attacked Jar Jar (Sebulba, Bowl Cut had told her,) was inside, along with two beautiful Twi’lek slaves. The room was essentially bare; a table with some tools off to the side, a metal seat in the middle, but nothing much else. So naturally it didn't take Padme long to let her eyes wander from the room to the people in the room.

Sebulba sat in the chair while one of the slave girls rubbed his shoulder, her long lekku running from over her shoulders to his. The second girl, identical to the first, stood in front and rubbed the Dug’s feat.

Sebulba sat back, his eyes closed, apparently enjoying the two girls when suddenly he barked something in Huttese. Padme quickly stepped back into the shadows, but he hadn't seen her. He said something else to the girl in front of him, who quickly moved from his feet and stood up. She bowed slightly at him.

She, like the other Twi’lek Padme guessed was probably her twin, wore a gold fishnet suit that left little to the imagination. It was cut in a large slit down the middle of her chest, covering both her breasts and traveled down almost to her belly button. Her shoulders down to her elbows were naked, but the netting covered her elbows down to her wrists. It went down all the way to her feat, where it stopped. Padme could just make out the Twi’lek’s dark blue skin from under the revealing suit.

As she continued to watch, the Twi’lek began to slowly dance for him, rubbing her hands seductively on her body. She shook her lekku and her ass, bending over and shaking it and rubbing it as she did so. With her other hand, she took her right lekku and began sucking it like it was a cock.

Sebulba laughed, and said something to the other twin, who quickly moved from his back and crouched in front of him. She slowly undid the zipper at his crotch, and slowly pulled out his cock. Padme knew that Dug’s had phallic sheaths, and wondered how aroused he would have to become before he grew to his full length.

Meanwhile, the dancing girl continued, rubbing her large breasts and continuing to suck on her own lekku. At another order from Sebulba, the girl pulled her gown up over herself, slipping her head through the large opening in the back. She let the fishnet fall down to her knees, and hang limp at her stomach. She cradled a naked breast in her hand and, pushing it up to her mouth, began to suck her own tit. With her other hand, she began to finger her pussy, quickly jerking in and out a finger.

Padme became so entranced by the Twi’lek that she forgot about Sebulba. When she looked back over at him, he was fully aroused and his cock was at full erection. It was incredibly long; it looked to be almost a foot and a half to two feet long. It was gray and matched the texture of his skin. However, despite its great length, it didn't look very thick at all; Padme guessed it was as wide as an average humans.

However, this didn't stop the twin Twi’lek’s from going after it. After his cock was fully erected, the dancing Twi’lek dropped next to her sister, who helped her to strip the rest of her gown, leaving her completely naked. The naked one swiftly placed the Dug cock into her mouth, bobbing up and down on it while she stroked the massive member with her hand. The clothed Twi’lek sucked him as well, running her wet tongue from Sebulba’s body to where her sister was working. Both women moaned as they worked; the sounds of their sucking echoing off the empty walls. Sebulba grinned as they sucked, and urged them on in Huttese.

As they worked them over, Padme found herself slowly rubbing her warm crotch. She wondered what the long cock tasted like; wondered what the twins tasted like. She slowly pushed her hand inside of her pants, and began to run her panties harder.

Sebulba, oblivious to Padme’s leering, began to moan louder as he came closer to orgasm. He watched as the twin twi’lek heads bobbed in rhythm, felt as the warm saliva coated his long member. The pressure of Ann, the naked Twi’lek, felt heavenly on his penis head while Tann, the second, continued stroking the rest of his cock. Soon, it was too much. Sebulba grunted, and shouted something in Huttese. Both women pulled away from him, and opened their mouths wide. Sebulba grabbed his cock towards the head and began to stroke it quickly, grunting louder before he came. He shout a single, long steady stream of cum as opposed to several smaller shots like a human. He moved his cock back and forth, pasting both girls in the mouth, breasts and face. His hot cum slowly ran down from their faces into their mouths, which both eagerly swallowed.

Impressed by the Dug, Padme got ready to leave to find Qui-Gon and the rest when she heard Sebulba shout something again.

Ann smiled as she watched Sebulba lie down on the dirty ground. She helped her sister Tann with her suit, until both of them were naked. Both walked over to Sebulba, where she squatted down onto his face, her feet resting on either side of his neck and her pussy inches from his mouth. Tann meanwhile had walked over to his waist, where she climbed onto him, laying her legs underneath his. She reached backwards and guided his long cock towards her pussy, where she gently, slowly, began to sit back, taking it inside of her. She was only able to fit about half before having to stop and began to rock on it.

Sebulba reached over placed one hand on Tann’s thigh, and the other on Ann’s knee. He opened his mouth, and began to suck on Ann’s wet cunt, drawing a slight sigh from the girl. Ann wrapped her blue lekku around her sister’s neck, while the twins shared a passionate open mouth kiss, their tongues wrapping together, a bead of saliva slowly falling to the ground.

Padme continued fingering herself as she watched, fascinated by the sight before her. She watched in earnest as Tann continued rocking speedily on the large Dug cock, keeping her hand to insure it remained inside of her while her pumped feverishly. She moaned loudly, the squishy sounds of their juices mixing filling the room. Her moans were soon joined by her sisters, who was being both fingered in the ass and having her cunt eaten out at the same time. Padme was so mesmerized that she forgot all about meeting up with the group. All her thoughts were on Sebulba and his sex twins.

Ann pulled from her sisters mouth and took her lekku in her hand. Padme knew that Twi’lek lekku were huge erogenous zones for the Twi’lek, and almost immediately her sister gave another cry. Ann began to suck the tip of it, and her sister’s eyes rolled into her sockets. With both sensations shooting to her brain, Tann couldn’t take it. She shouted out as she came, her body shaking wildly and then stiffening before returning to normal. Sebulba, with his cock suddenly flooded by Tann’s juices and clenching, throbbing cunt, came as well, shooting a steady stream of Dug seed into his slave’s twat. The excess slowly oozed from her onto the ground.

As Sebulba came, he shot his tongue as deep into Ann as he could. This, along with seeing Tann’s orgasm as Sebulba’s cum drip from her cunt, sent her into orgasm as well. She contained herself better, only groaning before squirting all over Sebulba’s open mouth, coating his face in her juice. Padme watched in complete amazement as all three came within seconds of each other. In order not to be seen, she quickly fled the area, her pussy dripping from arousal.

“God I need a cock,” She muttered to herself as she finally found a way out.

“I’m afraid that we don’t stand much of a chance,” Qui-Gon said bitterly as he viewed Bowl Cut’s racer as compared to the rest. Bowl Cut sat in his, making weird engine noises.

“No fuck,” Padme said sarcastically, her eyes wandering to Qui-Gon’s crotch.

Dammit, no bulge… I may have to do this the old fashioned way…

“But we have no choice. We need him to win.” Qui-Gon continued.

“Any idea’s, sexy?” She said with a seductive grin that Qui-Gon was either too dense to recognize, or else simply ignored.

“We could talk to the other podracers,” He suggested.

“Bribe them to lose? That’s wonderful!” Padme cried out, hugging Qui-Gon, and not so subtly grinding against him.

“What?!” He barked, pushing her away from him. “A Jedi Master would never cheat! Padme, I want you to find the rest of the racers and politely ask them to lose for us. Okay?”

Padme’s jaw hung loose for a second. Was he actually serious?

“Understand?” He asked her.

She sighed. “Whatever,” She said before walking off. This way, at least she could jerk off before the big race.

She found the rest of the racers where Sebulba was earlier. The twins were gone, but he was there, along with five or six other racers of various species. None of them were human.

“Hey there sexy!” Padme heard someone call out to her. Several other men whistled loudly.

“You guy’s the podracers?” She asked them, carefully eyeing the room.

“Why, you lookin’ for a holograph?” Another called out, bringing laughs from the rest.

“Ha! From you?” Padme mocked.

“Yeah! Why not from me?” The alien, a Xexto Padme knew, took a step towards her.

“I only take holographs from real men.” She eyed him up and down. “Real men.”

The Xexto seemed angry, but everyone else in the room laughed.

“Oh? And who say’s I’m not a real man?”

“You? Ha!” Padme said, sliding up to the short and skinny alien. “You’re no man. I’ll bet you couldn’t even make me cum.” Padme told him before caressing his blue face, all the way down his long, slender neck.

The room erupted in gaudy laughing.

“Oh yeah, bitch?” The Xexto challenged. “I’d break you if I fucked you.”

Padme laughed. “Please,” She said, moving from him towards the next podracer, a Toong only a bit taller than the Xexto. “How about you?” She asked, running a finger over his large lips. “Would you break me, too?”

The Toong only gulped, but Padme could already feel a bulge in his pants.

Padme moved on until she got to the Dug Sebulba. “And you? Would you fuck me so hard I cry? Hmm?” She leaned in close, her lips touching his ear. “I saw you fuck those two slave girls. Will you do that to me?”

She pulled back before he could say anything, and walked over to the middle of the room. With one flowing movement, she threw off her blue shirt, revealing a simple white bra. Before any of the racers could react, she did the same with her black trousers, throwing them off to the side with her shirt. She stood there, wearing only a pair of black boots, a white bra and panties to match.

Everyone in the room let their jaws drop before moving.

And all moved at once.

Padme could feel rough hands grab her bra and tear it off, then groping her erected tits. Other hands tore at her panties, tearing them off, as well. She could feel fingers and tongues inserted into her pussy and her ass, and could feel the wet tongues of men sucking her tits. She sighed in perfect bliss, allowing the men to overwhelm her. Finally she pushed them away, and dropped to her knees. She ripped open the first pair of pants she saw, a large brown cock bouncing out. Padme eagerly grabbed onto it and began to bob her head back and forth. Soon more cocks were shoved into her face, including Sebulba’s. His was by far the largest of the group, and Padme quickly switched over to suck that one while she gave hand jobs to two others. The thrust and jerked as fast as she could, and moaning and sighing as she did. As soon as she grew tired of one cock, she spat it out and moved onto the next. Each racer’s cock had the pleasure of Padme’s mouth, and soon she could tell they were ready to cum. She grabbed back onto Sebulba’s and thrust her mouth as far into it as she could, while continuing to stroke the other two. The Dug swore something and grunted, and Padme pulled away quickly as a single, long stream of cum shot at her in the face. Padme opened her mouth eagerly to catch it, but was suddenly bombarded as she received a massive facial from three different men. Her face was covered in cum, and she had to wipe it from her eyes to see. Her breasts and hair, too, was coated in the sticky substance.

“Racers! Get ready!” Padme heard the announcer say.

“Ah, yes! I love your cum! Now put it in my pussy! Fuck my little bitch cunt until I cry!” She cried out, in part to cover the announcers voice. The men were only to eager to do so.

Padme fell upon the Xexto, guiding its little cock into her wet snatch. She could feel as someone, Sebulba she guessed, climbed on top of her and inserted his cock into her ass hole. She timed her own thrusts to match those of Sebulba’s, so both her ass and her pussy received cock the same instant.

She could feel as the Xexto held her up and sucked her tit as she thrust her hips, taking his cock all the way. Her cum stained face was gripped by more hands and another cock was shoved into her mouth. The hands held her tight as he thrust his hips, face-fucking her. She reached down next to her to jerk off yet another man, stroking with all her strength.

“All racers: the race begins in five minutes.”

“Ah yeah! Fuck me like the whore that I am! Treat me like some slutty whore! Tear apart my pussy and my ass with your big cocks! Mm, yes!” Padme groaned in between having her mouth filled with alien cock. She started choking as another alien forced in her, and she tried to suck both cocks in her mouth.

He cried out as she felt Sebulba move from her ass and double-penetrate her pussy. Another cock replaced his as soon as he pulled out, filling the teen completely with cocks.

She screamed as she came, her body simply unable to continue after so much cock. The whole group seemed to tremble as she climaxed, but their fucking didn’t stop.

“And the race is on!” The announcer screamed.

“Oh fuck! That’s right, make me cum again. Fill me with your cum-I want it so badly.”

The double cocks in her pussy hurt like hell, but the more they thrust, the better it got.

Soon, one of the two cocks in her mouth exploded in cum, filling her mouth and spilling out, adding more cum to her already stained face. He quickly pulled out, however, leaving Padme more room to take the first cock, which came shortly after. Padme easily swallowed all his cum, swishing it around in her mouth first. The alien on the ground came a few minutes afterwards, coating her hand in his seed. Padme thrust her hand to her pussy, wiping the cum inside of her as best as she could.

Then whomever was inside of her ass came. She yelped as she felt the warm jizz shoot through her ass and into her body, warming her as it went. When that alien exited, Padme felt her ass to feel more cum slowly drizzling out.

When the alien below her came, Sebulba did as well. Both aliens climaxed at the same exact time, both shooting tons of hot spunk deep inside her fertile womb. They filled her so much that cum poured out of her pussy and onto the floor, still leaving enough inside of her. She came again, this time with a double orgasm, shaking and crying out as she felt herself tremble. With all the podracers out of her, she fell onto her back, hot cum still spilling out of her stretched pussy and ass, her hair highlighted with cum and her face almost unrecognizable.

“What a woman,” She heard someone say, and they all agreed.

Padme grinned, and tried the best she could to clean herself up before putting on her clothes, leaving her panties off. She began to leave the hanger when the announcer came back on:

“And Anakin “Bowl Cut” Skywalker wins the race! Uncontested!”

Padme grinned as she heard this, but the racers fell into an uproar.

“What the fuck!”

“That bitch tricked us!”

“I’m going to kill her!”

Padme shook her ass a little as she walked out, throwing her pair of wet panties over her should at them as she left.

“Here you go, boys. Here’s a real prize to fight over.”

She could hear them fighting for her panties well after she left the room.

01-27-2014, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the great new chapter matterd1 - I have to admit that I had never seen your tale until today, so after I finish work tonight I'm going to read this one from the start :)

02-03-2014, 09:44 PM
Padme Amidala drug her feet across the hot sand of Tatooine once again, shielding her eyes from the burning suns. Jar Jar hung in the very back of the group, practically dragging himself along, his skin dry and cracking. Padme wondered again for the hundredth time why the fuck Qui-Gon thought it was be a good idea for the Gungan to come along.
And speaking of Qui-Gon, the idiot was in the front of the group, singing something about a Bantha in the desert with no name. Resting on his shoulder, feet and hands bound with rope, was that idiot Bowl Cut kid, his voice muffled with a gag. After winning the AA batteries from the creeper Watto, Qui-Gon had returned to Shmi for a celebratory fucking, but she told him that she’d only do so if he took Bowl Cut with them.
“You want a better life for your son? To be trained as a Jedi and help people and learn to control his sexual urges?” Qui-Gon asked her.
“You kidding me? Have you seen how much he eats? But hey, the whole helping people thing works too.”
And so after a rough 20 minute fuck (to which Padme not only wasn’t invited, but was forced to babysit the idiot kid too!) they made off for the Mirror Ship.
All and all though, it wasn’t a bad trip, Padme reminded herself, letting her hand rub against her still sore crotch. She glanced back at Jar Jar, already fantasizing about his giant cock deep inside of her-
Ew. Maybe she’d wait until his skin got some moisture back to it first.
“Hey, look! Some one’s come to visit us!” Qui-Gon shouted, pointing to a solitary figure standing next to the Mirror.

Obi-Wan lay on his stomach, his left hand cupped around Queen Amidala’s breast, his right hand pulling at her clit as he continued tonguing deep inside her wet snatch. She twisted her body as he did so, moaning loudly as she did. He quickened his pace, and could tell by the Queens quickening breath that she was close to climax. She pushed his head in further to her cunt, and he was enjoying every minute of it when-
The door flung open (Hey, if it’s locked no one can come in for three sums, right?) and some random and inconsequential handmaiden ran in screaming “HOLY FUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
Obi-Wan jumped up, throwing silk sheets over himself to cover his hard cock. Amidala did nothing to conceal herself, but jerked her hand to her crotch as soon as Obi-Wan moved, rubbing her snatch in exceedingly faster circles until, moaning loudly, she came, cum oozing from her throbbing pussy.
“Fuck you, Padme.”
“Fuck yourself,” Padme replied, glaring at the naked woman, who simply smiled.
“I just did. Have you met Obi-Wan yet?” She said, motioning to the ever reddening Padawan.
“Who? Oh, fuck! Kid, Qui-Gon’s outside. He’s fighting some dumb ass Sith, or something.”
Obi-Wan rushed out of the room, still clinging the sheets to his naked body.
“Cute, right?” Sabe asked as he left.
Padme flipped her off. “Get me a drink.”

Obi-Wan rushed out the boarding ramp just as Qui-Gon’s lightsaber crashed with the crimson red of the Sith’s.
“Obi-Wan!”Qui-Gon said, turning to face him. “Have you met our new friend? Whoa! Where are your clothes?”
Obi-Wan looked down, realized that he lost his sheet somewhere while running down. He stood stark naked before them, his cock still semi-erect.
“Didn’t you hear? It’s casual Friday.”
“But its not Friday.”
“Casual Monday?”
“Great Scott!” Qui-Gon shouted. “I hadn’t heard!” And in a single motion tore his Jedi uniform off his own body.
“Master! The Sith!” Obi-Wan shouted, deciding not to mention that the Jedi Masters had ordered him to cease with his tear-off uniforms.
“Obi-Wan! Don’t be offensive! Calling someone a Sith is derogatory, bigoted, and just plain wrong! Besides, what proof do you have that this man is a “sith?””
Obi-Wan looked over at the large Zabrak, who was eyeing Obi-Wan’s cock and licking his lips.
“His lighsaber, for one!”
Qui-Gon sighed, and gripped his own cock. “Yes Obi-Wan, all boys have this. I thought even you knew that. Now come on,”
“The Red Lightsaber, Master!” Obi-Wan shouted, moving a hand to conceal himself from the Sith.
“Obi-Wan, he’s red. Now your being rude!”
“Well!” Obi-Wan stammered. “He’s got tattoos and horns!”
“Obi-Wan, do I make fun of your fetishes? I thought not! Now, if this man likes tattoos and horns, who are we to say it’s wrong?”
By this time Qui-Gon’s manhood had grown rather large himself, with his gripping and rubbing it, letting it swing in the breeze… Soon Darth Maul could take it no longer. He de-activated his saber and dropped his pants, revealing a huge, thick red cock. Maul began stroking it quickly, grunting as he did so.
“Master, now! Let’s go!”
“Obi-Wan, don’t be rude! The least we could do is join him!” Qui-Gon said, beginning to stroke his own member. Obi-Wan grabbed his Masters arms and pulled him into the ship just as it took off, kicking up dust and sand as it floated to the sky.
“NO! STOP! SOMEONE HELP! I’M BEING KIDNAPPED!” An annoying voice underneath Obi-Wan shouted. Obi-Wan turned to Qui-Gon.
“Master, do you hear something?”
“Oh, I forgot. I got you a stupid Bowl Cut in town.”
Obi-Wan stood up to see a small child hog tied and curled in the fetal position.
“Happy Birthday,” Qui-Gon said emotionlessly as he walked to the bridge.
“What do I need with a Bowl Cut?” Obi-Wan grumbled.
“Hey! I’m a person, and my name is- oh, screw it. Where’s that hot chick whaz-her-face?”

The flight to Coruscant, jewel of the Republic, home of the Jedi Temple and only world large enough for the combined egos of the Senate was uneventful. With the AA batteries in place, the Queen had no more pressing issues. Unfortunately for Obi-Wan, it also meant that her needs were being met elsewhere, which led to repeated viewings of his new favorite vid from PornFederation.com.
When the little perv wasn’t around, that is. He somehow hacked into Obi-Wan’s account and cluttered his search history with weird tentacle hentai shit.
Ugh. Obi-Wan hated that stuff.
That being said, he was even more disappointed after they landed and Amidala and her handmaidens were shuttled off to see the Senator from Naboo, and he was forced to go to the Temple.
“C’mon, Obi-Wan. Let’s go to the Jedi Temple.” Qui-Gon told him as the Queen climbed into another speeder.
“I thought I would go with the Queen to protect her. And stuff.”
“I’m afraid we need to talk to the Master’s about your insensitivity about people different from you.”
“You’re kidding?” Obi-Wan said, hopefully.
“Bring your Bowl Cut,” Qui-Gon shouted out after him.
“C’mon, Bowl Cut.” Obi-Wan grumbled.

Padme, finally appearing as Queen Amidala instead of the stupid ass handmaiden, sat in Senator Palpatine’s luxurious office. After being told by various Senators that there was nothing they could do to help her without speaking first to Palpatine, she decided it was time to come face to face with the Senator she had incidentally never met in person before, but from the holographs of him, she could tell there wasn’t much to look at.
She lay sprawled over his deep burgundy couch, wearing a gray silk dress held together by a cloth cord at her waist. Her face had the typical white and red Queen makeup, and she wore a large headdress that held her hair out of her face. Palpatine was saying something about corruption in the Senate, the current Supreme Chancellor being on the Porn Federation payroll, no help for the planet. Padme kinda toned him out, wondering how long this would take.
Evidently, pretty long.
“Senator, anything you could do to help our cause would in debt me to you,” She told him after what seemed like hours of boring politics and shit. She had to get things fixed back on Naboo. Having your planet conquered and people enslaved was bad press, and Padme hated bad press. “And I can repay those debts in certain unorthodox ways.” She told him, standing up from the couch and slowly undoing the cord at her waist, letting the dress slowly swing open, revealing her hot, naked teen body.
“I suppose I could do something to help speed along the process,” Palpatine told her, (or told her breasts, rather) licking his lips.
“I would greatly appreciate it, Senator.” Padme said seductively, rubbing her hands on her covered breasts. The dress pulled back as she did so, showing more skin. She led her hands up to her headdress, taking it off her head and shaking her hair loose. It sprawled over her neck and back. She slumped her shoulders then, letting the silk dress fall off her slender shoulders and onto her biceps, giving the Senator a nice view of her perky tits before turning her back to him. Looking over her shoulder, the Queen let the rest of her gown fall to the ground, showing off her smooth naked skin and tight ass.
Senator Palpatine seemed to inhale sharply as the dress fell, but remain where he was. Padme continued tossing her hair in her hands, smiling seductively at the older Senator as she did. Moving her hands down she slapped her own ass, the cheeks shaking as she did so. Turning ever so slowly, she let the other view her perfect body: Firm breasts with large sensitive nipples, a tight stomach and her shaved, tight teen snatch right above long shapely legs.
She walked up to Palpatine, careful to highlight her pussy and curves with each step. “Well Senator?” She whispered. “Is this enough incentive?” When she was right in front of him, she pushed him backwards. He let himself fall on the couch that Padme occupied earlier. Padme climbed up on top of him, and leaned in close, rubbing her naked cunt against his Senatorial garb. She began grinding against him, and whispered in his ear.
“Anything you could do to help our people. These politicians respond well to you, and I would owe you one,” She said before sucking on his ear. The Senator mumbled something, and Padme could feel his cock growing as she ground against it. She climbed off of his lap for a moment, and bent over, giving him a better view of her ass and pussy. Palpatine reached out and stroked her ass cheek, before moving over and fingering her twat.
“Oh yeah,” Padme moaned aloud. “Finger that pussy. Mmmm.”
Palpatine continued doing so, digging his finger deeper and deeper in her cunt. Padme pulled his hand from her vag and started sucking it, closing her eyes and savoring her own juices. She slowly pulled her head away, and sat on his lap. His cock was now bulging in his pants, and Padme was careful to rub her ass right on it. She continued thrusting on it like that, guiding the Senators hands to her round breasts. He cupped them firmly before pinching and rubbing her nipples.
From his panting and moaning Padme knew he was close to cumming. She climbed off his lap again and pulled his pants down next to his ankles. She gripped his cock in her hands and began bobbing her head up and down on it, taking it in her mouth and rubbing her tongue around it. Soon the Senator could take it no longer. With a grunt and several jerks of his body, Palpatine came. Padme pulled the cock from her mouth quickly, catching his cum on her face, splattering her on the mouth, nose and eye.
“Mmm,” Padme said, licking the cum off her lips.
“Well my dear,” Palpatine said putting his pants back on, obviously out of breath. “Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement.”
“Thank you, Senator.” Padme said, wiping the rest of the cum off her face.
"Perhaps not Senator for long," Palpatine said, rearranging his shrinking cock in his pants. "If someone were to move for a no confidence vote in Chancellor Valorum, I could possibly become the next Supreme Chancellor... And of course I promise not to declare martial law, wipe out the Jedi order, create a militaristic society and murder billions of innocents. Oh yeah, Naboo. I could help there too."
Palpatine tossed Padme a button.
Padme winked at him before pinning it inside her robe, closing it afterwards and hiding her naked teen body.

11-12-2014, 10:11 PM
Weird but interesting story.