View Full Version : My Argument With the Universe

Brigit Astar
07-23-2013, 02:53 PM
Be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual,
everybody knows there is no escape
from experiencing living life;
for life is made up of both pleasure and pain.
Just as we enjoy pleasure when it comes,
we must endure the pain.
For some the bad outweighs the good
and misery ensues, but for most of us,
the pain and pleasure is equal in their intensity.
I have no answer to the question of why
the good suffer and the wicked prosper;
all I can say is that everyone experiences
pain and pleasure. But it seems that some suffer
for no reason. And that is my argument
with the universe.

07-24-2013, 12:15 AM
Too true Brigit

11-02-2014, 05:37 PM
In order to experience true happiness, one must first decide to be happy.
The wicked only prosper because others step back and give them leave.
Nobody suffers for no reason. No matter the extremes we must first allow ourselves to be victims.
The fault with the human condition is that invariably expediency wins out over true courage.