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View Full Version : Pheromone Testing

12-09-2013, 07:38 PM
Stephanie walked up to the front desk. She couldn't believe that she was doing this, she hardly believed in this type of weird dorky science stuff, but she could definitely use a bit of cash. She arrived at the counter and smiled at the receptionist. 'Typical', she thought. She brushed a few strands of blonde hair out of her eyes.

"I'm here to volunteer as a test subject", she said matter of factly.
"Oh, please come on in", said the receptionist. "Here are some materials for you to read, and also a waiver."
"A waiver?"
"Yes. It says that the doctors will not be held responsible for any frenzy you may go into."
Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Ok. I guess". She signed the forms and sat down.


John surveyed the new girl as she walked into his office. Her hair was blonde, she had blue eyes, was in very good shape, had large breasts and had a nice pair of legs, and presumably a nice ass as well. He loved this job. He stood up to shake her hand.

"Hi. I am Dr. Watkins, but you can call me John", said the young doctor.
"First, I would like to get to know you a bit."

The handsome, young doctor questioned her about her health, her hobbies, what she did for a living when she wasn't in school, etc.

"Now, Stephanie. Did you read over the forms? Are you familiar with pheromones?"
"Yes", she replied.
"Very good. Well, there is nothing to be worried about. The pheromones that you will be exposed to today are intentionally diluted to very, very low levels. There will be feelings of arousal, a decrease in your natural inhibitions and a decrease in control of your reaction to stimulus, however, at no time will you be impaired. You will be completely in control. Is that understood?"
Stephanie nodded her head.

"Very good." John took some notes.

"Well, then, let's start. Will you please take off your bra, Stephanie?"
Stephanie's face reddened. "Ummm, why?"
John looked at her sternly. "In order to verify the abilities of the pheromones we must be able to observe all physiological responses, including hardening of the nipples. Take your bra off, please", John repeated.

Stephanie did as she was told, unfastening her bra from underneath her shirt and awkwardly slipping it off from underneath. John took note of the more natural position of her breasts, as well as a slight hardness of her nipples. It happened sometimes. Although the team did their best to keep the rooms at a moderate seventy six degrees farenheight, test subjects were usually quite nervous.

John then rose from his seat. He approached Stephanie with a collection of instruments and attached them to her body. One instrument was on her wrist and took her pulse, another measured oxygen intake and outtake and yet another measured brain activity.

When Stephanie was all set, John took the samples out of his pocket. They resembled cologne bottles. He sprayed a few times around his neck and on his chest, before straightening up his suit. He then approached his subject and knelt before her. He moved close to her face and instructed her to inhale through her nose. She did so, and said that she did not smell anything. She kept on sniffing. At that moment her face relaxed. A few sniffs later and a light smile formed on her lips.

"I am feeling a difference. I feel happier and light hearted", she said. She giggled and immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"No need to worry, it is a side effect. Now stand up", he instructed.

Stephanie stood and walked towards the doctor who had stood and walked to the other side of the room. When she arrived she approached within a foot or so, as instructed.

"I feel the same", she said. "Happy and a bit giddy, but no pull or anything."

John sprayed some more of the sample on. This time Stephanie's signs were more conspicuous. She began smiling and laughing more, and made more eye contact, as well as letting John catch her checking him out. John took notes.

"Looks good. It seems that the product is doing well. You are free to go."


John closed up the office and headed toward his car. He sat down in the drivers seat and relaxed into it. A Friday night, but Janet would be tired tonight. He understood. Being a nurse was tough and she was always exhausted when he got home. He loved her and showed great compassion. But still, it had been a month since they had had sex, and was now almost two months. He was starting to go crazy. He looked over to the glove compartment.

'Should I', he thought. 'It isn't that unethical. She is my wife after all and we already have a sex life, even if we have been on hiatus for a while. Oh why the hell not.' John grabbed the bottle and sprayed his neck, his chest as well as underneath the shirt he wore. He sniffed, and then sprayed some more. 'Might as well finish the bottle', he reasoned as he sprayed the rest of it on.


John pulled onto the driveway and into the garage. He checked himself in the mirror one more time before walking into the house. He called out his wife's name.

"Janet?", he said. He heard no response and walked up the stairs. Arriving at the bedroom he finally saw the beautiful brown hair of his wife as she lay in bed, wrapped up in the covers and deep in sleep.

He smiled and undressed down to his undershirt and his white, silk boxers. He slipped underneath the covers and scooted close to his wife. He wondered what would happen next. It didn't take long to find out. Janet was facing him, breathing the shallow, clear breaths of sleep. A smile began to form on her lips, and John smiled in response. He had never tested the product on someone who was asleep before. Janet scooted closer and her smile grew.

12-09-2013, 08:34 PM
Looks like the sneaky Dr. John is about to get himself some ;)

Thanks for posting...

01-29-2014, 05:35 PM
Where Can I get some of that Colon... Looks Like it's going to be a Hot time between the sheets tonight...

11-07-2015, 02:12 PM
you cant stop there thats not fair more