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View Full Version : Garden of Eden

03-02-2014, 07:01 AM
As Adam wandered around the Garden of Eden, he noticed two birds up in a tree. They were snuggled up together, billing and cooing.

Adam called to the Lord, "What are the two birds doing in the trees?"

The Lord said, "They are making love, Adam."

A little while later he wandered into the fields and saw a bull and a cow going at it hot and heavy. He called to the Lord, "Lord, what is going on with that bull and cow?"

And the Lord said, "They are making love, Adam."

Adam said, "How come I do not have anyone to make love with?"

So the Lord said, "We will change that. When you awake tomorrow things will be different."

So Adam lay down beneath the olive tree and fell asleep. When he awoke, there was Eve next to him. Adam jumped up, grabbed her hand, and said, "Come with me. Lets go into the bushes." And so they went.

But a few moments later Adam stumbled out, looking very dejected, and called to the Lord, "Lord, what is a headache?"

03-02-2014, 03:53 PM
Poor Adam... :biggrin:

03-26-2014, 02:55 PM
Really funny