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03-29-2014, 02:48 AM
Learning from the master.
©copyright 2014 Niteowluk2003.

Chapter 1. Experience is invaluable.

George Blane was in his early sixties, being a widower for the last ten years, he decided upon the death of his wife that he did not want to get into any more relationships and as such his sex life took a rapid nose dive. He spent his time developing a story writing technique; most of his stories involved a dominant male and a submissive female but occasion he would role reverse this.

He posted his stories on an adult website called sexstoriespost.com under a pseudonym, which protected his privacy and he was able to uncover his private details to those he chose to trust. For the last five years, he had used his stories to contact similar people mostly single females but occasionally he would take on exceptional single males. After each episode he would update his personal records with exact details of the people he dealt with but never attributed the real names anywhere with any of the other details.

Once more he had just completed writing a story concerning the last female he had trained and published with the last few lines inviting people interested in expanding their own limits to get in touch via private messaging system built into the SSP site. He did not really expect to get any replies let alone any soon.

Then three days after posting his latest story, he turned on his computer; logging into his email account and it immediately told him that he had a new private message on SSP. Eagerly he logged into SSP and went to notifications and called up the new email. It read; Hi Master Zero, Mt wife and I have been talking about trying bondage but cannot agree on the path to take! Should we just take turns at tying each other up? Or should we expand and have a third person to join us either as a master or as our joint submissive? What would you recommend? Blond bondage couple AKA The BBC.

Immediately he hit the reply button and began to type; Blond Bondage Couple, I would need to find out much more before I could make a proper recommendation.

1. Who is the main instigator of any sexual action between you and your wife?
2. When you make love who takes the alpha role?
3. How serious are you about travelling down the road of bondage?
4. Finally what are your ultimate ambitions in regard to bondage?


Master Zero.

Sending this email he thought he may just drive them away but if they were serious then they would respond.

Three days he waited and had just about given up when he received the following email.

Hi Master Zero,

Here are our honest answers and we apologise for the delay in responding but we did not want to just jump in with the answers and both my wife and I have considered these questions separately and her are our combined answers.
1. We do not have a main instigator my wife will tell me when she is horny and likewise I tell her when I am feeling randy and we take it from there.
2. I suppose I take the alpha role as you put it because it is always me that has to try to keep from coming too quickly.
3. I am serious about bondage to the point where I would agree to do just about anything, whilst my wife is a little more reserved and would want a get out clause in any bondage play.
4. I have pondered this question very seriously but cannot give a definitive answer, My wife says she sees the ambition of the bondage would be to enhance our sexual stimulations and experiences.


The BBC.

Whilst the old man considered their answers he sent a simple email by return; it read.

Hi Blond Bondage Couple,

I think it time we came out of the shadows and become much more honest, and in order to begin this process I request separate photographs of you and your wife and individual names would help solve any misunderstandings.


AKA Master Zero.

Again there was a delay in receiving the response but it gave him time to go over the previous emails. He deduced from the responses that both the husband and the wife were quite submissive and therefore needed a stronger hand to guide them. He reasoned that as neither seemed to be the main instigator then they had not been married long and were still struggling to define their roles in the new partnership of marriage. This was evident by the fact that neither adopted the lead role and the husband was still so enamoured by her body that he found it difficult to avoid cumming too quickly; he also deduced that his wife was the more realistic of the pair and if he was to become their master he would have to overpower her first. Not physically overpower her but to mentally become top dog in her mind and therefore she would be more agreeable to the things they may do.

This he reasoned was borne out by the fact that he had no definitive ideas about where the bondage should lead; whilst she had already thought the things through and wanted to experience new things and experience new sensations too.

The Email response finally arrived.

Roger opened the email excitedly and suddenly became disappointed as the attached photographs were head and shoulder shots of two fully dressed people; it did however tell him the husband’s name was Leslie and the wife was Mary; he could also work out from the pictures they seemed to be pretty athletic in builds with very little puppy fat.

Deciding to test the water Roger wrote back to them.

Leslie and Mary,
These photographs you have sent me are not acceptable, what I require is a full bodied shot of each of you standing alone and undraped. Then you should also include a close up photograph of Leslie’s prick fully erect. Mary should provide two additional photographs on showing a close up of her breast with her nipples fully erect and then a between the legs shot showing her cunt already excited and her cunt lips open ready to accept a fucking cock.

If I do not receive these photographs with in the next seven days I will assume that this has been a waste of time and that you are no longer interested in going forward with this adventure.



Roger began to worry after he had sent the email that maybe he had been too forceful and would scare them off. But the following day he had his answer for they had quickly responded and had not only included the photographs as he stipulated but also a very long apologetic paragraph explaining that they we so new to this they did not think about the pictures until it was pointed out.

Roger now looked closer at the pictures starting with Mary’s breast shot; he gauged them to be 36 C and the nipples stood out about a quarter of an inch and seemed about a quarter inch thick. Leslie’s cock photo showed him to be slightly under average size and surprising thin looking cock that Roger thought was about five inches long and less than an inch in diameter.

Mary’s cunt photo also caused him a little concern for she was a true blonde what with her collar and cuffs did match. But he had hoped to find that like most women who secretly wanted to be sluts; she would have shaved her cunt hair, but she had not although it looked like she did have a large clit when aroused.

He carefully crafted the response to this photo email;

Hi Leslie and Mary,

I viewed your photographs with much interest; there were one of two things though which I as master would not tolerate; both of you show a lack of respect for the roles you wish to occupy; Leslie, you should shave your cock and balls twice a day to keep them cue ball smooth and Mary if you want to keep your cunt hair then go join a church because if you want to be my slut then like Leslie I would require you to shave your cunt twice a day and three times on the eve of one of our meets. You see that for Fuck sluts, male or female, the act of shaving their genitals is to remind them of their pre-puberty, that period of complete innocence which is stark contrast to the lewd disgraceful acts they now willing submit to. If this is agreeable then I suggest that you carry out the tasks and resubmit your photographs. The second intolerable thing we will discuss later if you wish to continue along this course

By Order of

Master Zero.

Again a long wait seemed to take place before the email arrived; Roger was tentative about opening this one because he half expected them to have rejected his advice and orders, but he need not have worried for the email read.

Master Zero,

Many, many thousands of apologies but as we pointed out to you we are novices at this and want so much to get things right to fully enjoy the experiences we know your skills can bring us.

‘He opened the first attachment and there was Mary’s cunt shaved like a baby’s bum and to add extra spice she had a bright red vibrator sticking out of her cunt lips. The second email attachment soon followed and this one showed Leslie’s cock and balls naked of pubic hair and a bright blue plastic stick was taped along its underside making it appear stretched and thinner.’

He continued to read their email, As you see Mary got so turned on as I wet shaved her cunt that she could not wait to slide her favourite toy up her and in my photograph, master I thought it the safest way for Mary’s trembling hand to avoid cutting my precious manhood.

Hope these meet with your full approval,

The BBC.

Immediately Roger wrote back not even taking the time to compose the email before writing it.

Blond Bondage Couple,

How dare you carry out any additions to my orders, when I give an order it is expected to be carried word for word and nothing to be left out or most importantly added to. If we had reached the point of meeting in real life your indiscretions would result in both of you being severely punished and made to abstain from sexual involvement for three months. I am so shocked and annoyed that I should end this correspondence now as you are clearly not fit to be trained by such a master as myself.

However I will give you the benefit this once of innocence; any further discrepancies and you can say that the arrangement would be terminated forthwith. Is that clear?

Now to make up for your errors I want you both to write to me separately, you may use the same email address but you must not see one another’s emails. In these emails I want you to describe to me your ultimate Bondage fantasy and I will be able to tell if you have conversed in any way in completing this task.

You should not include any names of people you may know, nor any place names where it may happen but you will describe in detail the action and try to imagine what you would feel like as it unfolds and DO NOT PLAY WITH YOURSELVES EITHER WHILST WRITING THIS OR AFTERWARDS.

Your Master,

Master Zero.

Roger now looked at the new photographs and the older ones as he planned for the next stage of their so far correspondence relationship. He decided that soon would be time to meet in person but first he had to know what they had in their mind as to what they expected from this fun.

For the first time in five years Roger began to feel his old self. He felt recharged with sexual energy and now began to have stiff cocks as he thought about his new charges.

03-29-2014, 07:47 AM
Chapter 2. Mary’s desires.
It was two weeks since he had blasted off the email chastising the new couple and he had honestly thought he had blown it. For the longest gap between their emails had been four days and now two weeks had passed and no response from either of the couple not even an apology for misbehaving previously.
On the fifteenth day just before retiring for the night he checked his emails one more time and he said to himself as the computer booted up that if there was no reply today then that was it he had overstepped the mark in chastising them so fully.
There in his in box was an email from their email address, he quickly double clicked it and say that it was from Mary. Now he began to read it more closer;
Dear Master Zero,
I am writing this with allowing Leslie to read it and I ask that you do not allow him to see it either for I would not like to hurt him in any way but I am hoping for some rather specific things from our relationship with you and also so real experiences too.
Firstly let me say how sorry I was to learn I had caused you such annoyance with the picture of my favourite toy sticking from my cunt, but the act of shaving my cunt using Leslie’s badger shaving brush tickled my cunt lips and seemed to always catch my clit and since talking to you I know this may sound silly but I swear my clit has become even more sensitive. I personally promise not to exceed your demands without express permission to do so.
Now about my dark secret fantasy; it is really easy to describe what I want from it, but less easy to describe how I would go about achieving it. I want a real life orgasm, I love Leslie to bits but he has never managed to give me a real orgasm, oh I know he has tried and often has held off his own orgasm waiting for me to erupt so to speak but it just does not push me over that final edge.
He can fuck my cunt for an hour and after forty minutes I begin to build to what I hope will be the big orgasm but it reaches fever pitch and suddenly it just begins to get sore and I feel less likely to climax as he goes on so I fake an orgasm so he can at least spunk me, which he invariably seems to do almost straight after my fake orgasm.
I know this is my problem and not Leslie’s but I have heard on my hen night of women having several orgasms in succession and I can’t even manage one, please help me. As I said I do not know how this could be achieved and I am open to suggestions.
In my fantasy I am tied to a bed and John fucks me hard and fast but just when I should experience the joy of that orgasm it seems my clit gets sore and retreats into its shell and the feelings just simply die away. I have tried fantasising about being fucked by more than one man but it’s always the same. So close and yet so far! What am I to Do? Master, should I seek medical help? is it something physically wrong or mentally wrong? Oh god I am working myself up to being upset again! Please tell me you can help me and cure this problem.
Your servant,
Roger examined the email over and over and soon began to feel sorry for this woman but he had a plan if she would go through with it. He reasoned that she would go through with it because she accepts that she has a problem and has pleaded with him to help her sort the issue out.
He emailed back to Mary.
Subject line. For Mary’s Eyes only.
Inside he wrote that he applauded her for being so honest and caring about her husband’s feelings but he thought he could help her but she would have to do exactly what he said.
He would need to know a little about her background in order to work on this problem. She should write to him answering the following questions honestly.

1. What sort of upbringing did she have?
2. Could she hear her mother and father when they made love?
3. Had she ever had a boyfriend sleep over at her house and sneak into her bed?
4. What type of sex has she tried? You know like BJ’s; having her cunt licked; anal sex; rimming; tit fucks etc.
5. Write down explicitly what you consider to be your fantasy scenario! Remember this is a fantasy so it may or may not be possible to do everything in your fantasy.
He added that he expected her replies to be full and totally honest as this may shed some light on her current problem.
Master Zero.
No sooner had He sent the email then he saw a new email from the same email address and he assumed this would be from Leslie; So he moved it to safety and wrote a quick note back saying he had received both their emails and he would take a few days to look them over so they should expect separate relies in about a week or so.
He quickly read Leslie’s email and mused to himself just as he had suspected it contained a few things he would have bet his shirt on. But that is for the next chapter to display.
Quicker than he expected by next morning another new email had arrived overnight and he eagerly opened this one.
Dear Master Zero,
I have to confess some of your probing questions caused me to blush but here are my answers as promised totally honest in their content.
1. What sort of upbringing did she have?
1. My upbringing was quite strict, any misdemeanours usually ended up with my father spanking my backside. Up to the age of 12 he always spanked me through my dresses and panties but suddenly at the age of twelve he began spanking my bare arse but always with mother present.

2. Could she hear her mother and father when they made love?
2. I often her mum and dad having sex but come to think of it this seemed to increase after the age of twelve also. Before that it was often a case of hearing mother cry out as if in pain and Father’s voice telling her to be quiet. After twelve it just seemed that the noises from their bedroom seemed more frequent and louder without mum being told to shut up now. Also at this time I noticed on a few occasions when I would get up to go to the toilet I would see their bedroom door would not be properly closed. I was tempted to go peep but I never did.
3. Had she ever had a boyfriend sleep over at her house and sneak into her bed?
3. When she was sixteen her boyfriend Jack persuaded her to leave her bedroom window open and he would visit me; when he did we laid on top of the bed and he began kissing me before he slid his hand up under my nightdress and he touched my private parts. Just then Dad knocked on the door and told me he wanted to see me in the living room right away!
Jack slipped out the window and I rushed to the living room where dad and mother waited.
They showed me a letter from Jack which I had no knowledge of so obviously they intercepted the mail before I received it and that night I was soundly spanked but I had to be stark naked before dad made me lay across his lap. I swear I could feel this large solid thing pressing into my soft stomach as I received six slaps and each slap seemed to make me rub against this hard object inside dad’s trousers.
4. What type of sex has she tried? You know like BJ’s; having her cunt licked; anal sex; rimming; tit fucks etc.
4. I can proudly say that I was a virgin on my wedding day and less proud to say that I was not broken in by my husband. Dad called me to his study just after the marriage and before the reception. He ordered me to remove my underwear and I assumed I had done something wrong and was about to be spanked again, but this time when I went over to where he was sitting I noticed his thingy was out and pointing at the ceiling. He made me raise the front hem on my wedding gown and slid his fingers up my legs. I knew it was wrong but it was so exciting and then he had me sit on the edge of his desk and he stepped between my legs; Then the strangest thing of all he pushed a rolled up handkerchief into my mouth lined up his thingy and pushed hard. HE started to push against what I now know was my cunt and suddenly there was a great deal of pain and the handkerchief stopped me form screaming out as his last few inches of his cock disappeared between my legs. He thrust for a few minutes and then pulled out taking the handkerchief from my mouth he wanked his thingy until it spewed its white cream into the hankie and then Dad told me to put my underwear back on and go to my husband. Since then I have tried most things but never tried anal.
Master Zero, am I an unworthy woman because my father took my virginity or is it the way of the world?
5. Write down explicitly what you consider to be your fantasy scenario! Remember this is a fantasy so it may or may not be possible to do everything in your fantasy.
5. Master I do not know if I can do this! I will write what I feel rather than what I want, if that is ok with you? I am always left feeling left out when my husband and I make love! No that is wrong I do not feel left out I mean I feel or rather don’t feel satisfied. No matter how careful and how considerate Leslie is when making love to me I always feel something is missing and to hear him roll over and go contented to sleep really vexes me. Could there be something medically wrong with me that I cannot get passed a certain point of excitement and achieve that orgasm I would love to experience. Have I already experienced it and do not know what it is? Ok let me try to explain.

As I have already said there reaches a point in our lovemaking where Leslie is trying so hard not to cum and to make it last for me but all that seems to happen is that I get sore and lose interest. So much that there reaches a point where I simply grunt a few monosyllables and pant like a dog on heat and then as if by magic Leslie cums, rolls over on to his back and goes to sleep. But my body is still crying out for that magical moment. I know this may sound stupid but I have heard from girls I work with about this perfect climax and a place called a woman’s g-spot, but I am beginning to think I do not have one and therefore I am incomplete and unable to achieve this perfect climax they all talk about!

So for me my ultimate fantasy would be to find this g-spot and experience that missing sensation of an orgasm and I am so desperate I do not care how I got there but just want to be normal and have experienced the thrill of such an actual orgasm.

Your obedient servant,
Believe it or not by the time Roger had got to the end of her email, he had tears in his eyes; wiping them away he re-read the email looking this time for clues as to what could be wrong for her to reach the last but one stage of a female orgasm. Quickly rechecking Leslie’s nude pictures it suddenly hit him or at least a reasonable assumption hit him.
Leslie’s was the wrong shape for Mary; now he did not mean body shape but penis wise his cock seemed to taper to a thinner end than its root and now he could see that there was no clear bell end on Leslie’s cock so no edge to push against her g-spot. He thought about telling her to buy a strap-on cock about the same size as Leslie’s cock but then thought this may cause Leslie so mental problems.

Finally he decided what he must do and he wrote back to Mary
Subject line. For Mary’s eyes only.
My poor Mary,
Firstly of course you have a g-spot and it is in the general area of every other woman’s g-spot! Your problem is technique rather than equipment but I will demonstrate this to you properly when we meet.
I am interested to learn that you were punished semi clothed as a child but naked as a teenager; how did you feel about this. I would like to know the following; 1. How long after being told you were going to be spanked did it happen? 2. What did you feel waiting for the spanking? 3. Did you have to undress yourself or did someone else undress you for the spanking? 4. What did you feel if you had to undress yourself knowing your father was about to see your naked body and spank it? 5. How did you feel whilst being spanked? 6. Finally how did you feel afterwards as you dressed knowing you had been naked for your own father and had actually felt his hard cock against your midriff?
How did you feel knowing that your mother and father deliberately left the door open for you to watch them having sex? How close did you come to actually going to watch them and what did you hear from inside their room?
I will leave this at this point because the rest will come after I have read and responded to Leslie’s email; I will give you three days to email me back and remember punishments will be given for tardiness.

Master Zero.
He clicked the send button and then cursed, he had wanted to cover the matter of her father taking her virginity on her wedding day but had hurriedly drafted the email and forgot to include this bit. Knowing it would lower their expectations if they saw their prospective Master being flawed he decided to act as if it was no big deal and need not have been responded to.
He now turned to Leslie’s email.

03-30-2014, 02:52 AM
Chapter 3. Leslies insight.

He clicked to open the email from Leslie and made a mental note that he would order them to create two separate email accounts for the correspondence between them so he could really open up to one without the other being aware.

Master Zero,

Can I be honest with you? You have put me on the spot, for my fantasy is strange to say the least.

Let me try to explain.

Mary was not a virgin when I wed her; she told me she was a virgin at the ceremony and that her own father took that virginity after the wedding service had finished. I do believe my wife but it haunts my dreams that her own father would do that to her and this is where it is really weird for it haunts my dreams but not in a nightmare sort of way. No it haunts my dreams as an erotic dream and I find myself wishing I had been there to see it and that’s not all.

I find myself in those dreams being tied up and unable to stop what is happening and I am forced to watch as my wife services not only her father but her uncles as well. I just said that I was tied up and that is only half the story for I am bound naked so everyone can see my cock and they often make comments about how hard and erect it is so I must be turned on by having my wife used as an unpaid whore.

Then as if a different dream I am suddenly surrounded by Mary’s mother and aunts and they begin to tickle me with feathers but not on my chest to make me laugh no they stroke them lightly over my cock and balls until I suddenly spew forth my semen and they all try to catch it in their hands before licking their hands clean.

Am I going insane, Master, that I would want to see my wife used by other men and to then shoot my spunk openly as if by acceptance of the things happening.

I am rather red faced to admit to myself let alone another male but the thought of having to eat her cunt after such a debacle really turns me on.

My ideal fantasy would be that we were home one night and suddenly we are disturbed by armed burglars. Then they force us to undress each other after discovering that there was nothing worth stealing in the house. They laugh about the fact that Mary and I are undressing each other in a manner where they say we were giving each other’s nude bodies away. Once we are both naked they march us up to our bedroom and literally throw Mary onto our marriage bed.

Then the leader of these three guys orders that I be tied up with my hands behind my back, but strangely he orders that my ankles be fastened to the chair legs. He then has them lift the chair and placed it close to the side of the bed. Slowly the three burglars undress taking off everything except their rubber face masks. Mary’s Eyes suddenly betrays her fears as she sees the size of the three guys. They would have about three times the size of my own cock ; laughing two of the guys grab Mary and holding her in the middle of our matrimonial bed they manage to tie her hands to the bed head and her ankles to the foot of the bed. Now they come and stand in front of me and tell me that they are going to fuck the slut on the bed and that I will have a special job to do until they have sated their lusts.

I cannot help but wonder what they mean; when suddenly the leader began to show me my chores as he gripped my jaw and told me to open wide. With the pain shooting through my jaw as he gripped it I could do nothing but obey and the dirty cunt spat into my mouth before forcing his cock into my mouth. God I was disgusted and yet voluntarily I began sucking his cock; my first cock oral I may add. I must have done something right for I felt his hot cock begin to harden and lengthen; he soon let go of my jaw correctly assuming that I would now continue sucking him.

I find it hard to explain but even in my fantasy I can feel the disgust and yet the lust to swallow his load. He suddenly gave a laugh as he pulled his cock from my mouth and speedily mounted the bed and rubbed the head of his cock between Mary’s legs. I knew she was resisting him but soon he bucked down burying his cock into my wife and together they began to ride the emotions of pure animal sex.

Suddenly the guy had to clamp his hand over Mary’s mouth as her screams of passion filled the room and I saw her suddenly arch her back stiffly as her orgasm crashed over her defenceless body. Strange thing though I had never seen her arch back like that for me. As soon as the guy had spunked her cunt he climbed off the bed and slid his slimy cock into my willing mouth and I lovingly cleaned it.

This was then repeated with each of the other two guys and I just about thought they were ready to leave when the three of them crowded round me. I expected them to warn me about reporting this rape and burglary but they did not; instead with a nod of the leaders head the chair I was in was tipped forward throwing me face first to the floor. No standing the chair back up the leader stepped between my trapped legs and knelt down.

Grabbing my hair he lift my head and said loud enough for Mary to hear, You are now going to find out just what your wife has just gone through. With that I felt his hot cock head slowly being dragged along my anal crack and when he found my anal ring he stopped and began pressing with some force. He then declared that my arse was as tight as the bitches cunt.

The pain was unbearable but it suddenly abated and a feeling of just being totally full invaded my arse. How long they used me I cannot say but I took three separate male loads up my arse before they left after releasing Mary’s hands.

I wrote this as if actually happened even although it has not but I found it easier to write this way.

Do you think I am weird; Master to imagine being fucked by other males?

Your submissive male slut

Roger laughed as he read the email. He knew that he could do anything with this couple and they would accept everything as being his will.

Sending the following Email to Leslie he set the next steps in motion.

Subject matter… For Leslie’s eyes only.

Slut Leslie,
I am not surprised by your fantasy it is common for men to want to see their partners fucked by others; however where your fantasy differs is that; then want to take her place and service the same cocks for yourself. I do not find you to be weird many men who consider being cuckolded also consider being sissified and made to take the role of a female.

I really think we are nearing the point where we will need to meet to take this forward and explore the full limits of these desires.

I am waiting for a private response from Mary which will be between her and me, when I have read this and if need be responded then I will contact you as a couple and you can arrange to come to town for a few days. During which we will meet face to face as a couple or as individuals as I see fit.

Master Zero.

Sending the email he rubbed his hands and began to plan the actual meeting. He knew a couple of guys who would be willing to help no questions asked.

AS he waited for Mary’s response he took the opportunity to draft out a plan of the meeting between the couple and himself.

03-30-2014, 02:52 AM
Chapter 4 Mary’s latest Response.

Roger finally received Mary’s latest response, he eagerly clicked to open the email.

Dear benevolent Master,

You as so kind to reassure me, someone you have not actually met, that I do have a G-spot but maybe mine is not working as it should, I am confused how a change of technique can alter my feelings surely sex is sex.
Master I fail to see what difference when I was told I was to be punished would make, I was still spanked. Anyway as best as I can remember, when I was spanked semi clothed I was told just before it would happen and I suppose because of my age I was allowed to be partially clothed so they could not be prosecuted as being paedophiles or child abusers.
When I was a teenager though, the risk of being labelled and prosecuted as child abusers faded, so off came the remainder of the clothes and strangely I do recall that there was a longer period between being told I was to be spanked and it actually happening. By now it was usually at least five or six hours before; does that make a difference.
In answer to your exact questions, I will try my very best to be honest about the answers.
1. As I said it was initially minutes before and when I was a teenager it was up to six hours before!
2. When I was a child I felt frightened that because they were spanking me that they did not love me anymore but as a teenager I felt totally different. I feel really embarrassed to admit this but I began to become turned on not just by the fact that I would be naked but also the fact that the sensation of my stinging buttocks seemed to affect my clit and often I was near to orgasm by the time I was told to go to my room and get dressed. I must confess I did sometimes, if I thought I could get away with it, I would play with my clit before getting dressed but usually mum would come to my room on the pretext of making sure I was ok. Several times she would insist on inspecting my red cheeks by having me lay across her lap and her fingers would open my arse cheeks as she inspected the colour difference. Sometimes she even allowed her fingers to touch my cunt or anal ring.
3. When I was a teenager I had to undress myself but under instruction from my dad; he would say things like remove your blouse and I would have to remove it, fold it up and then place it at his feet.
4. As I already mentioned towards my teenage years I became more excited sexually knowing I was going to be spanked naked and as dad ordered me to remove each item of clothing he often took his time in naming the next item to be removed and that added to my discomfort and sexual tension.
5. Dad used the same method of spanking me he would make me lay across his lap with my legs kept straight but my feet spread apart by about eighteen inches. Then he placed his hand in the small of my back and he always seemed to adjust his position at this point, obviously this led to me feeling his cock begin to harden. Next he would slid the hand from the small of my back down over my arse cheeks and bring it back up between the cheeks at this point he would normally say something to mum. What he normally said was something along the lines of her thigh muscles are very taut and mum would respond by kneeling behind me and begin massaging the thigh muscles always making sure her fingers touched my cunt lips. Finally he would now deliver the first spank and always allowed his hand to remain in contact until he felt the heat of the slap and I always had to count them and thank him for loving me enough to correct my ways.
6. Afterwards Dad would sometimes make me stand in a corner facing the corner of the room, he would adjust my position by handling me until I was far enough away from the corner and then making me spread my ankles to about eighteen inches apart I was told to lean forward each hand being beside the corner and my forehead pressed into the crease of the corner. Sometimes I had to stay like this for ten or fifteen minutes knowing that from where my dad sat he had a clear view of my already overheated cunt and he was probably aware of the juices trying to run down my legs. Other times especially if friends were due to arrive he would send me to my room straight away. As for feeling my dad’s cock against my body, I did not really think of it as being strange as it seemed so natural and it was not like he ever took it out of his trousers in front of me.
I never really thought about the door being open as being a deliberate act but I was tempted to peek inside sometimes to see what was happening. When I was seventeen I did finally give in to the desire to see what was happening and as I watched mum and dad were both naked. Mum was in a similar position to the one I would have been in when being spanked and she took at least one spank before looking up to him and mumbling something. Then she slid to the floor and crawled up to his open legs and he mumbled something which led to her taking his cock into her mouth and sucking him. Usually at this point my itch between my legs got too much and I would skip off to my room and try to rub my cunt to make me cum. But I never managed to get over that edge and experience a full climax.
I hope never to give you the need to spank me Master and as for prompt replies I will always try to respond within the time slot allotted by you.
Your obedient Slut,


Roger sat an composed himself, his cock aching to be released and stroked but he was determined to answer the email and arrange a date for them to come to town before he took care of the matter in hand.
Subject line: For Mary’s eyes only.
Dear Mary,
Firstly thank you for being so honest and open in your responses.
Starting at the beginning, people often tell that they are going to issue a punishment so that the expectation can kick in and increase the heightened sensations involved. You are probably right in the assumption that as a child they were concerned about being reported but it is more likely from what you have told me that they were just grooming you for the teenage years.
You admit to sexual excitement as the years progressed and the fact that your dad must have been aware of the effect; I bet the words you say were mumbled went along the lines of.
Your mother crawled up to your father’s naked legs and I would have a guess she said something like, “Daddy, sorry you had to spank me but I can see that I have affected you!”, “please allow me to take care of this for you!” at which point your father would have replied, “Why Yes Mary take it into your mouth and suck your daddy off!”
This may have come as a surprise to you but I secretly think you knew this was the case in the back of your mind. Furthermore your mother coming to your bedroom and inspecting his handy work was just an excuse for her to try to test you as to if you would go all the way with your father. The point being proved on your wedding day when he was going to lose that close contact with you he just had to complete the thing he spent years trying to bring about.
Master Zero

Subject line: for the pair of you.
Hi Bondage Blond Couple,
You will book a week end away at this hotel to stay there in three weeks time. The Hotel Is the cedar’s just outside Epping, Essex book a double room. You will only use this room when we have finished getting to know each other better.
When you arrive you will call my number and tell me you have arrived, I will give you more details then. Remember that failure to comply with every single part of that order will result in punishment and the cancellation of any further meetings.
In the build up to the weekend, you must not indulge in any sexual play whether on your own body or on each other’s body for the full week leading up to that weekend. However there are a couple of preparations I will expect you to do right up to the time you leave home.
Mary you will shave your cunt area three times a day for the last ten days before the weekend, you will also purchase if you do not have on a medium sized butt plug and oil it every night before going to bed and insert it up your arse til morning. Do this for the last week before the weekend away.
Leslie, you will shave your own cock and balls twice a day – morning and night. You will need to buy a similar butt plug only you will wear this during the day and at night you may have it removed. Again you will do this for seven complete days before the weekend away.
Until we actually meet, good hunting.
Master Zero.
He then clicked the send button and sat back, slowly unzipped his trousers and slowly stroked his cock as he thought of what was to come. When he felt the tell-tale twitch in his balls he just managed to grab a tissue to spunk into.

04-06-2014, 10:34 AM
Chapter 5. Afternoon delights.

Early Friday afternoon Leslie and Mary enter the lounge of the Cedar’s Inn in Epping Forest. Leslie wanted a drink but Mary wanted to freshen up as her nerves were getting the better of her; they chose to compromise and Leslie got his drink but from room service while Mary was in the shower. Not expecting the service to be so quick, Mary had gone into the shower and left the door open so she could continue talking to Leslie.

When the knock came on the hotel door Leslie suddenly had a wicked Idea and opened the door without closing the Bathroom sliding door. A young fresh faced guy entered the room and as he followed Leslie back towards the bed he had ample opportunity to have a good look at the woman now showering behind the clear shower screen. The room service clerk even managed to stop just short of losing sight of the woman, who with a head full of soap and her eyes tightly closed was un-aware of the sexual scene she was displaying as she soaped up her generous boobs.

Leslie turned to sign the chit and give the lad a tip when he caught him looking. Instantly Leslie began to get a hard on jut at the thought of where this scenario could lead but unfortunately the instructions from the master prevented him and Mary from indulging until after their first meet with Master Zero. Leslie coughed and the fresh faced kid blushed and hurriedly took the signed chit and turned to leave. It seems he did not register the broad grin on Leslie’s face or even the tip still in Leslie’s hand.

After closing the hotel door, Leslie leaned against the jamb of the bathroom door and sipped his whisky as he said to himself but loud enough for Mary to hear, “I am one lucky son of a Bitch to be married to such a sexy woman!”
Just then Mary rinsed her hair and face and opened her eyes smiling at Leslie as she imagined him having been stood there watching her shower. It wasn’t until she saw him swig down the last of his whiskey when it hit her. “Where did you get that whisky, Leslie?” she asked.

“From room service!” he replied.

“When did they deliver?” a now nervous Mary enquired.

“About two minutes ago and he was rather taken by a sexy nymphet taking a shower!” he teased.

“You mean he caught a glimpse of me showering?” she tentatively asked.

“OH I would say it was much more than a glimpse; in fact I bet he is in one of the service cupboards right now, on this very floor having a ham shandy (Wank)!” he mused.

Mary wrapped herself as best she could in the poor excuse hotels use for bath sheets and had to squeeze passed Leslie in the doorway. She walked over towards the bed just as the towel finally gave up trying to hide her assets. Before the towel hit the floor Leslie was there behind her and trying his very best to get his hands around her and on to her bouncing boobs.

“Stop it!” she called out “you know we must not get into any of that until we meet with the master!” she continued and then looking down at the empty tray she asked “what happened to my drink?”

“If you promise to stay exactly as you are now I will order some more drinks and let’s see if it is the same fresh faced kid, who delivered earlier?” Leslie teased.

Mary seriously considered doing just that but then she smiled and said “and if it led to something happening would you agree to take all the punishment from the master!”

Leslie threw his hands in the air and cursed under his breath but he knew Mary was right. So Mary got herself dressed and lay on the bed to rest as she thought about what could have happened. Leslie ordered another whisky for himself and a Bacardi and coke for Mary.

An hour later they thought it was as good a time as any to try to phone the master. His mobile phone rang twice and he immediately answered, “Is that you my little slut!”

Mary nearly dropped the phone as she was not expecting him to answer so directly and he could not say it was the number he recognised, because she was using the hotel room phone. “Yes Master!” She managed to stammer.
“I take then that you are at the hotel?” he asked.

“Yes Master, what are your orders?” she managed to say now in a calmer manner.

“No orders just yet!” he replied “But be by this phone at 4.30 pm!” he added.

“Yes master by this phone at 4.30pm!” she repeated as much for Leslie’s benefit as her own.

With that the phone went dead as the master had hung up. Leslie looked at the clock on the side of the bed and whistled, “What are we going to do for the next two hours!”

“I don’t know about you but I am going to going into Epping Town and have a look at some of those clothes shops we passed!” she laughed.

“Good job then that I have all the cash!” he teased.

“Oh yeah it is a good job but tell me this when we get home how long can you go without sex?” she said in an intimidating tone.

“You would not dare?” he countered.

“Do you want to risk it for a measly £50.00!” she pressed.

With that Leslie opened his wallet and pulled out two twenty pound notes and one ten pound note and said so long as that is the limit. He handed the money to Mary, great that covers the appearance fee for your dirty little ploy earlier and now where is my £50.00 for shopping with! Leslie gave a scorned look but knew better than to press it so he said can we not barter for the rest!

“You know like when we are able, you give me a blow job for £10.00 and full sex for £15.00 and anal for £25.00?” he protested.

Leslie barely dodged the hotel pillow as Mary launched it towards his head. “I take it that’s a no then!” he laughed.

Ten minutes later, arm in arm Mary and Leslie walked down Town Street in Epping Town, looking in most of the shop windows. Leslie spotted a few shops away a plain fronted shop with blacked out glass and he teased Mary about going into a sex shop. She responded by asking “Do you think that they would sell special Essex girl toys here?”

Leslie was curious, ”What Essex girl toys?” he puzzled.

“Oh you know like ankle warmers in the style of panties; penis shaped lipstick, that sort of thing!” she mused.

Leslie started to laugh and asked “how does a girl from Lancashire know about Essex girls toys?”

“By watching TV of course!” she stated.

By now they had reached the entrance to the sex shop and Leslie was about to walk straight by when he was dragged by his arm into the shop by Mary. Inside it was an Aladdin’s cave of sexual gear; there were DVD’s, books, fancy uniform wear and then Mary’s eyes lit up when she saw the vibrator and Butt plug display. Dragging Leslie over towards it she reminded him that they needed new toys. She immediately picked up a flesh coloured double ended dildo and clutched it to her chest as if to say this is mine and no one is taking it from me.

By the time they had finally left the shop they had bought six different sized and facilities of vibrator including two which when filled would shoot water as if ejaculating and one which not only vibrated but twisted and pulsed. Along with this they had two DVD’s and four Butt plugs ranging from small to OMG how did I get in there!

Looking at the time Leslie reminded Mary of the impeding Phone call which was now due in only fifteen minutes time. So they did not exactly rush back to the hotel but neither did they dawdle their way back.

They made it back with literally seconds to spare as Leslie was just locking the hotel room door when the phone rang. Mary pointed for Leslie to answer it.

Picking up the phone he answered, “Hello!” The voice he had become to know as the master answered back “Is that wimp or slut on the phone?” Leslie swallowed hard and almost whispered “Wimp.” The master made out he could hear him and once more louder this time Leslie announced “Wimp.” Good then listen carefully I have ordered a mini cab for you at seven pm sharp; you and slut will get into the cab in the back seat. You will be wearing exactly what I tell you to wear nothing more nothing less! Slut will do her utmost to show off her cunt to the driver without making it obvious. Finally you will follow the driver’s directions to the letter! Then the Master described what each of them should be wearing and repeated nothing more nothing less.

Ending the call with a brief thank you master; Leslie then turned to Mary and said are you ready for this. There will be a minicab at the front door for seven pm prompt. We are to wear exactly what he later described and nothing more nothing less. You are to wear a short flared skirt and a button up the front blouse no underwear is allowed; I am to wear a suspender belt and stockings, ladies lacy panties underneath my trousers and a tee shirt. But that’s not the worst of it, he added you are to flash your cunt to the minicab driver as much as possible but not make it too obvious and when we arrive we are to follow the driver’s directions exactly.

Leslie added that he was beginning to have serious doubts about whether this was such a good idea. I mean imagine if we were in an accident and ended up at a hospital with me wearing such undergarments. Mary smiled and added you should worry what about me being naked apart from two items of clothing. Let’s go with the flow for this weekend and we can always walk away after that.

Leslie finally managed to get himself to treat this as the adventure it was and as he began to relax he suddenly thought; shit I don’t have any panties ladies type and lacy that would fit me. When he mentioned this to Mary she laughed and said look you have an hour yet; there was a ladies fashion accessories shop in town. Let’s shoot down there and get a pair quickly.

They entered the shop and the assistant asked what they were they looking for. Mary spoke as she told her that she wanted the sexiest lacy female panties she could find. The woman looked at her and said Oh yes we have some really fine almost transparent lacy flowered panties and I would say you would be a size 36. Leslie suddenly gulped hard as Mary leaned towards the woman and said actually they are not for me! Oh right do you know the size of the woman they are for then. Taking her to one side she whispered that actually they were for her husband to win a bet with a good friend that he could not find a sexy pair of panties and get them in his size and to prove it he had to wear them to a party tonight.

The shop girl suddenly looked at Leslie and said Oh dear I don’t think the shop owner would be too happy about this. Mary suggested that if it was their little secret she would be given a generous tip. Suddenly the girl smiled and said ok but on one condition. Mary jumped in without thinking and suddenly regretted it as the shop girl said that she had always had this secret fantasy of a couple coming into the shop and the husband offering her the wife for a special service and discount.

The shop-girl said she would serve them if the pair of them would agree to go into the back room to try them on and that Mary should try them first and finding them too large then Leslie should try them on and we would take it from there but the shop-girl’s word was final. So estimating Leslie to be a 42 she took several different pairs of panties from display before closing and locking the shop door.

Leading the couple next door into the stock room she turned and showed them the designs she had selected. Mary immediately chose one and stood waiting. The shop girl then ordered them both to undress. Mary explained that they had to be back at the hotel by six forty five pm in order to be ready for the cab due at seven and the shop girl merely smiled and said well you better not delay then had you.

Quickly both Mary and Leslie undressed; then the girl gave Mary the chosen panties and whilst she stepped into them the girl moved beside Leslie and took a firm hold of his cock and began to stroke it. God thought Leslie, if I cum then I am in trouble with the master and if I don’t I am in trouble here. Mary shot the pair a glance and began to explain that the bet also covered the fact that neither of them was allowed to play around sexually and most certainly they should not actually cum.

The girl said well what they won’t know won’t hurt them will it. And as if to emphasise this she now knelt and took Leslie’s cock in her mouth. Mary gave up and pulled up the panties before saying these are too big for me. While still sucking on Leslie’s cock she then reached forward and began to adjust the panties around Mary’s groin, making sure to get her fingers into her cunt as she did so.

Suddenly Leslie’s cock twitch seemed to swell and then promptly delivered its week long load directly into the eager waiting mouth of this unknown girl. The force was such that it took the girl by surprise and caused her to baulk bringing traces of spunk flooding from her mouth and nose.

At that exact same moment Mary experienced something she had never felt before a sudden electrical shock beginning in her clit and ending somewhere deep inside her cunt. Now they expected to simply dress and pay for the goods and be on their way but that was not what the girl had in mind, she told Leslie to try the panties on and as they changed places she put her hand behind Mary’s head and pulled it towards her own waist. Mary knew what was going to happen and so she allowed herself to sink down on to her knees. Then the girl hitched her skirt up and pointed to her panty covered cunt telling Mary to lick her through her panties and make it good.

For only the second time in her life Mary prepared to lick another woman’s cunt. The first time had been a disaster and she had sworn never to repeat it and yet her she was breaking that promise almost eagerly now. She lapped at the woman’s cunt until she found the girl reacted better if she concentrated on that little bulge in the panties at the front of her cunt. Without realising it Mary began sucking and licking on the girls extremely excited clit. And soon the girl was groaning like crazy and at one stage it looked like she was going to collapse onto the floor.

Suddenly the girl screamed out, oh yes! She then told them to get dressed; shocked they both hurried to get their clothes back on and the girl stood watching as she slowly rubbed her soaking panties and she genuinely said that she had enjoyed this sale but it would have been better to have not been in such a rush as she would have loved to have Mary eat her cunt whilst Leslie fucked her rear hole.

As promised Mary paid in full for the panties and gave the girl a generous tip and their personal phone number just in case she was ever in their part of the country.

AS they hurried back to the Hotel they both agreed that they had to be totally honest with the master and if necessary they would endure whatever punishment he would deem as fit. They only just made it back to the room and getting changed before at seven pm exactly the reception phoned to tell them the car was here for them. Nervously they began down to the front door of the hotel.

For Mary the worry was that her flared skirt may billow and show her lack of undergarments and she also worried that if she got too excited then the tell-tale signs of her arousal would be evident by the hard nipples trying to burst from the blouse. She carefully took each step down the stairway, gently, as she did not want to go flying and embarrass herself at the bottom.

For Leslie he had less to worry about except the fact that he was wearing ladies lacy panties and stockings with suspenders was having an arousing effect on his cock. He just hoped he was not involved in an accident and being exposed in Ladies underwear, because he just would not be able to live through the embarrassment.

Both Mary and Leslie breathed a sigh of relief when they final slid into the back seats of the waiting minicab. Mary sat in the middle which was a little strange as there was plenty of room for her to move behind the front passenger seat. Leslie snuggled in beside her and the warmth from her thigh seemed to be a searing heat. He watched as the driver adjusted his interior mirror and then started the car. Leslie did not need to tell the driver the address because Master had booked the car and given all the details needed. It was a good job really because Leslie did not know the final address.

Mary cautiously adjusted her right leg a little and the slight draft which hit her cunt-lips told her that she must be showing a fair amount to the driver. With a slow deliberate movement she slid her hand down her thigh and the into the inner thigh area. Now she slowly began to pull her fingers lightly across her tender skin as she quietly began to move them towards her cunt. She quickly glanced up and clearly saw the driver looking and smiling. She licked her lips almost at the exact same moment that she opened her cunt-lips by spreading her index and second fingers. To Mary her cunt felt on fire and for the driver he had to slightly adjust himself in his seat as his own hard cock began to be a problem.

Suddenly Leslie’s heart skipped a beat for out of nowhere a police car with blues and twos set alight shot passed their car. Even Mary flinched and dropped her hand away from her cunt. The driver moved the car to the left to allow the police a free play to pass them and then he indicated a right turn and slowly turned into the new road and within a few hundred yards he again indicated a right turn as he entered a housing estate. He drove to the address and pulled up, he turned to Mary and Leslie but his eyes never left her crotch area.

He mumbled that the address they wanted was number 22. He watched with glee as Mary began to move to follow Leslie out his car door and for the driver there was a crystal clear view of her soaking swollen cunt. Leslie went to pay the driver and was told it had all been taken care of. Now arm in arm they began to head to the door marked 22. The driver sat watching them and thinking what a luck bastard to be with that hot little slut. Just then a gust of wind whipped up the back of Mary’s skirt and the driver was left with a wonderful view of her heart shaped rear end, reluctantly the driver turn and drove away.

Now Mary and Leslie had just reached the door and it mysteriously opened without them even knocking; inside the found instructions taped to the wall telling them to take the next door on the left and to enter the room but not to do anything in that room as they would soon be fetched to meet the master. Nervously both Leslie and Mary stood looking around the room whilst they waited.

Just as they were about to say something about the décor of the room the door opened again; a coloured woman entered and she was wearing just a apron and a bikini top, her already erect nipples seemed to extend the material of the top a good inch and looked bullet like as far as Leslie could tell. She indicated that Mary should follow her and as Mary walked towards the door she half turned and blew Leslie a kiss. She could not reason why she had done that but it seemed important for some reason.

Now standing alone in the room, Leslie began to look at some of the wall mounted art and although he was no expert he was sure he would not give any of these pictures garage room let alone having them in the house. Mary followed the woman until they reached a double set of doors; here she was blindfolded and led into the room. She was guided to a chair and as she felt its arms and seat she was about to turn round and sit. From what sounded quite a distance away a voice told her to stop; she was then told to remove her blouse. Her fingers trembled as she struggled with the buttons, the woman with her suddenly stepped closer and took over undoing the buttons as she whispered that she was not going to get a spanking because of her.

Once the blouse was gone Mary was told to remove the skirt and then turn 180 degrees before sitting in the chair. She was told that when she sat down she should spread her legs until they were against the chair sides. Now totally naked she sat down and breathing heavily her breasts rose and fell like heavy sea swell. She almost groan in fear as she felt something touch her left leg and then she realised it was a strap of some sort and now her left leg was unable to move away from the chair leg. She then felt the same thing against her right leg too.

Mary then felt a broad band of about six inches wide press against her stomach and under her breasts as it tightened she felt it harder to take a deep breath. All the time whilst blindfold Mary had this eerie feeling of being watched not only was it eerie but also she found it strangely sensual and exciting. Just when she thought she had figured out that there two people other than herself in the room; another sound would tell her she was wrong.

Eventually she stopped trying to work out who may be present because the sensation rising now through her stomach seemed to be getting ever stronger. Suddenly the blindfold was gone and the bright light of the room hurt her eyes until they adjusted and now she opened them and looked around. There were four men other than the master she knew and the first thing she noticed they were all naked with varying sized penises.

Beside the Master and these four men she saw the woman she had followed and she too was now naked and on her hands and knees between Mary’s legs. Close enough for her breath to have been part of the rising excitement she had felt in her stomach.

As if conducted by a bandmaster suddenly the four men began stroking their cocks and as they did so they seemed to be rocking back and forth getting closer to her in small degrees. Mary then saw her husband Leslie almost carried into the room naked except for the ladies underwear, his cock straining against the lacy fabric of the panties and his legs seeming to shine in the gossamer stockings. He was fastened to a horizontal bar being supported by two strong looking men and his feet barely touched the floor.

He was then put into a yoke type stand just a few feet from her naked body; facing her he immediately scanned the activity of the four males surrounding his wife and the hot horny backside of the woman between her legs.

Turning his head to the side he saw the master walking slowly towards him and without thinking he bowed his head in reverence. The master approached and said “Aagh, Leslie the wimp with a passion for ladies underwear!” he then turned his head and clicked his fingers and suddenly one of the men had left the circle around Mary and came over.

The master then spoke again, “Maybe my little sissy of a wimp likes more than just dressing as a woman; maybe she also likes to suck cocks too or maybe even take a good hard cock up her boy pussy!”

Leslie’s eyes shot wide open at this, surely this man was not going to make him take a cock up his arse. It suddenly dawned on him that his first thought was on taking a cock up his arse and not as first mentioned sucking cock.

He quickly tried to mentally sort himself out. Which would be worse he thought a cock in my mouth or one up my arse. Just as he was trying to make his mind up the guy now close enough began to gently rub Leslie’s cock through his lacy female panties and the master’s voice again broke the silence as he said, that’s one hell of a clit you got their Leslie!

Leslie could not help himself; he found his hips betrayed him as they began rocking with the motion of this guy stroking his cock. Just then Leslie nearly had a heart attack because he saw the flash of a sharp bladed knife in the master’s hand. Pulling the panties away from Leslie’s body the master cut a vertical slot in the panties from two inches from the front band and ending two inches from the same band at the back. Now his cock was pulled through this hole and Leslie was well aware that not only was his cock available but the slit was long enough that his arse was equally available.

Another click of the master’s fingers had the single guy stop stroking Leslie’s cock and he returned to the place he vacated only minutes ago. The master now went behind Leslie and sliding his hand around the front he grasped Leslie’s cock in a firm but not too tight a grip. As he formed an oval between his fingers he whispered into Leslie’s ear that he wanted him to fuck the oval just like he wanted each of these men to fuck his wife.

As he did so Leslie seemed hypnotised as he began thrusting his cock through this oval of fingers as if it were an imaginary cunt; as he did so Master continued to whisper, yes just like that you want to help your wife to be fucked by these guys don’t you. Leslie found himself nodding but eh master said I can’t hear you so he whispered yes; again the master said I can’t hear you and suddenly in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear he said yes. Now the master said yes what? Leslie repeated yes I want to help my wife to get fucked by all these cocks!

The master said, well but the only way you can help is to suck them clean after they have fucked her, you don’t want to be left out do you! He again said loudly no I don’t want to be left out and he even added without prompting that he would of course willing to suck clean their cocks.

Suddenly the two strong men lifted the pole he was fastened to and laid him between his wife’s legs his feet being passed to the back of his wife and his head close enough to not only see all the action about to unfurl but also smell the aroused cunt of his beloved Mary.

So it was that the first man climbed above Leslie and he could actually smell the manly odour of the man’s balls mixed with the unmistakeable odour of aroused cunt. He tilted his head and he saw the tip of this impressive cock begin to part his wife’s cunt. He took a big breath as he saw the hard cock slide into the aroused juicy cunt. He began breathing almost in tune with the thrusting of the all-powerful cock.

Mesmerised he watched his talented wife take all of this cock and he suddenly realised he actually felt a bit jealous as he knew she was going to be fucked full of cum and his would not be amongst it.
Suddenly the cock in his wife’s cunt trembled and unloaded its potent spunk inside her cunt and as the guy pulled fully out the smell of cunt juice mixed with semen scents invaded Leslie’s nostrils; before he had chance to adjust to it the slimy cock was pressed against his lips and he realised that was his cue to clean the cock. He instantly opened his mouth and let his tongue run riot over the still hard member.

Mary lost count of the number of fucks she had that night but the last one proved to be the very best. By the time the sixth cock entered her cunt her g-spot had took such a battering and yet she was feeling something strange; it was like a floating surreal feeling. The last cock had deposited its load and vacated her cunt, she swore she could actually hear the spunk sloshing around inside her cunt but then the feeling of a rock hard staff sliding into her now tender cunt channel.

This last cock had a massive crown and that pressed against her g-spot and it began to caress the area as it moved in and out. For the first time in Mary’s life she had been fucked long enough and hard enough to reach that high plateau of enlightenment and this last cock sent her into a heavenly spin where every nerve in her body screamed at her and she lost the control of her legs as they thrashed around as if in a world of their own but also she lost control over her bladder and discharged a pool of spunk mixed piss all over her husband’s face.

Leslie did not know what was happening all he really knew was that he needed to swallow it or drowned in the melee that followed. Thinking the night was over now Leslie began looking forward being alone with Mary and discussing what had happened but instead of being released he was turned over and raised up over the same chair his wife was fastened into. Suddenly Leslie realised what was about to happen when he felt a red hot cock crown pressing against his anal ring.

The master told him it was his choice he could hold his anal ring tight and suffer much more pain or he could relax and get it over with. Sensibly Leslie tried to relax although it helped when the unknown black woman from earlier slid under the chair and began sucking and literally chewing on his cock. He had never experienced such an aggressive blow job but every time he thought he was going to shoot she would stop and squeeze his balls tightly. She kept this up until he felt the cock in his arse suddenly throb and he felt the hot sticky semen coating the walls of his arse, this seemed to trigger his own eruption which the ebony woman took into her mouth without swallowing and now she stood over the married couple and literally allowed the spunk in her mouth to slide out and all over Mary and Leslie.

Master declared they had passed their initiation and now he would arrange a strict training scheme for them and he added menacingly that whoa be tide them if they wandered from the rules he set.

And that is another story