View Full Version : (Lyssa) Dark Mistress (Lesbian BDSM)

09-28-2015, 08:51 AM
This is a story that I found on a old site that is not around anymore. This story is based on the show Xena Warrior Princess. But in this world Xena is more of a Dominatrix and Gabrielle is her Sub. I have more stories like this. If you enjoy this kind of story, let me know and I'll post more.


Dark Mistress
Lyssa (latest revision July 28, 1999)

PART I - A Promise Remembered The late afternoon was drifting lazily to the horizon when they stopped to set up camp. Gabrielle began unpacking their gear, with Xena's strangely somber but efficient help, until Xena announced she needed to exercise Argo. The next thing Gabrielle knew Xena was gone without further explanation, promising to be back before dark.
Gabrielle mulled over Xena's strange behavior. She hadn't a clue as to why Xena had decided to call it quits earlier then they usually did; other then the fact she was glad they had, for she was sure, she couldn't have gone another mile with Xena's brooding silence. She didn't have it all figured out yet, but she was sure something must have happened in that last village they visited that caused this awful moodiness to settle over her partner. She knew Xena wouldn't talk about it until she was ready, so there was no point in trying to pry anything out of her. Come what may she had other things to do right now like collecting fire wood so she could cook.
She grunted when she rose, stretching her arms above her head to ease some of the kinks from her constricted muscles. Then she turned her attention to the rabbit stew, whose delicious aroma filled her nostrils, making her mouth water with hunger. She wished they would take the time to eat like this more often, but they seldom did, not with Xena always pushing to get somewhere all the time. There was nothing she could do to change the way things were, other then taking advantage of every opportunity afforded her to sneak in a good meal here and there.
Chores done she decided to take a swim in the nearby creek. It was funny how Xena always seemed to find a camp site near water. She guessed it was one those legendary skills Xena was known for. Right now though the cold water offered a distraction from her worry over Xena's sullenness the last few hours. She wondered if the day would ever come when she would have Xena all figured out. Even as she thought it, she knew it would never happen, Xena would always remain an enigma to her until the day she died.
Gabrielle walked slowly up the embankment twisting her wet hair to remove the excess water. As she came up over the crest of the steep incline, she found herself taking a really good look at the camp site for the first time. The area was perfect, not only was it secluded, but it had so many natural embellishments to go with it. There was the fallen log over to her right, and the stump from which the tree had fallen. Xena would like that. She could imagine Xena sitting there contentedly sharpening her sword, while she spun a tale or two for entertainment. She make sure it was a saucy tale of love and desire too, because she had a lot more in mind for tonight then just listening to Xena striking stone against steel until she went to sleep.
She let her eyes feast on the lush canvas of sunlit greens, splashed with tiny bits of blue sky here and there, while the dusky charcoal shadows began to deepen to near black before her eyes everywhere she looked. She knew by the change in the shadows that sun was low in the sky. The last of its brilliance sparked both darkness and light in the overall tapestry of greenery that surrounded her. She was impressed by the majestic fur trees standing like tall and proud sentinels around their grassy glade. They allowed only the impish evening breezes to ruffle their stately branches, then gave mournful sighs at their passing. She closed her eyes inhaled the sweet clean smell of the woods, almost imperceptibly her head cocked toward the sky, listening to the hum of life all around her. Later she would tell Xena that she even heard the sound of small wings beating high in the canopy, even though she never saw the birds. The beauty and serenity of the forest had touched her soul with wonder.
Things around camp were peaceful and quiet, there was nothing much to do but sit on one of the flat gray boulders and to wait for Xena's return. She smiled to herself, when she recognized the nervousness fluttering in her abdomen. It was the familiar feel of sexual desire rising in her belly that made her very needy for the warmth of Xena's arms. So lost was she in her thoughts about the warrior that she was actually startled by Xena's sudden appearance on the outskirts of their camp. As always, when viewing Xena's incredible beauty, an involuntary shiver ran through her straight to her toes.
She sat transfixed by her best friend, a friend who had also become her deepest love, watching every minute move Xena made while walking through their campsite. She was again surprised by the subtle urgency of her desire for her mate. This feeling was never diminished by the passage of time. She felt it as strongly now as ever she did, but beneath her desire, was another more fierce need. It rose from some deep unknowable place inside her. It was a hunger she couldn't describe yet she desired it nonetheless.
How she longed to feel, to re experience the darkness that lived inside her lover. Once she had tasted Xena's raw power, it changed her forever. She helpless to stop the flood of images that entered her mind now. Images of that wild, out of control, animalistic love that had happened between them. The encounter had followed a lengthy battle Xena had fought for a neighboring king. Oh Xena had claimed it was a simple case of battle lust, and that it overruled her common sense. Never realizing how much she had loved her fierce passion. So when Xena indicated that there might be other times when she would need her again in that special way. It had become a hope her heart clung to, even when her mind said it was impossible for to want this kind of thing.
She remembered how Xena scared and delighted with her with her fanatical intent to ravish her that day. How she'd felt so alive, so special, so needed by her lover. In fact, she was happy knowing that only she could satisfy Xena's thirst for sexual conquest. She didn't want Xena to find that peace with anyone else. Right or wrong, she was glad that the battle lust had been so strong, Xena couldn't stop herself from acting on it with her. It had been the most exciting thing she had ever experienced. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't deny that her own dark desires existed nor could she stop thinking about what happened between them that night. She relived it a thousand times in her mind since then. No one, not even Xena, knew how desperately she yearned for Xena's raw dark power to claim her again.
Shame over her feelings caused her to drop her gaze. She looked dismally at the ground, her foot nervously pushing a pebble around. It was crazy, she knew it was, to want such things with Xena. It was a dangerous idea to seek out the very thing that could destroy you, just as easily as it thrilled you. Even now when she needed Xena's love so much, she wanted the dark passion of her more. She was positive that until this desire, this awful hunger, was satisfied it would haunt her dreams until the end of time.
How could she convince Xena that she was ready to receive her special attention? When would Xena deliver on her promise? So many questions and never any answers, it was as though the Gods wanted to tease her with impossible dreams.
It was already three months since they had their talk. And every night since, she fantasized about her warlord, her own true "Dark Mistress," as she had coined it not so long ago. These thoughts brought another unexpected wave of desire. She felt it pulsing through her blood in direct response to her thoughts. It told her that she had to find a way to make Xena take her the way she wanted to be taken. The pure force of her desire wrenched a desperate plea from her throat, "Xena . . . ? My heart cries out to you, yet you never hear it. Hear me now and know my need for you. My darkness exists. It is the same as yours. You are my one true Mistress, my own dark twin. Claim me, beloved one. Teach me your power. Enslave me to your will. Love me in all the ways we spoke of. Ohhh, Xena, please . . . please . . ." Her voice choked in her throat from her overwhelming emotions.
It always surprised her how much she really wanted this with Xena. The knowledge humbled her instantly and she whispered a thank you to Artemis that Xena was not close enough to have heard her. She vowed to be more careful in the future, even as she wondered how much longer she could wait for Xena to make her move.
The suddeness of the look caught her off guard, she let out a gasp of surprise and her hand jumped instinctively to cover her heart when it lurched within her. The way Xena had just caught her eyes with her own, was almost as if she knew what she had been thinking. It was the most unnerving thing to ever happen, and yet it so like Xena to do. You would think she would be use to it by now, but she wasn't, no not at all.
As Xena drew nearer to her, Gabrielle's alert panther green eyes noted subtle changes in Xena's demeanor, from the warrior's hard, lip less, straight line mouth and the solemn features of her tanned face, to the way Xena carried her body, in that ultra stiff, ramrod, straight posture of hers. But there was something more in the way Xena's stern eyes looked back at her that really gave Xena's mood meaning. Those hooded brooding blues told her more then anything else that the other was there. It was as if a Warlord had just walked into their camp. Only now did the understanding of what had been bothering Xena for most of the day trickle through her awarness. She had the distinct feeling that Xena was finally going to deliver on her promise to her. Which meant she would claim her at long last. She knew it. All she had do now was to wait and see what happened.
Xena dropped her saddle near the fallen tree in a casual offhanded manner and then walked over to the fire pit. She squatted adding a few more sticks to the low flames, before tasting the stew.
"Gabrielle? When'll this be ready?"
"Oh, about the time you finish washing up, princess." Gabrielle replied sweetly, loving the way her words had caused Xena to flash her a warm smile.
"Well in that case, I'll be right back."
Gabrielle watched Xena disappear down the incline to the brook, before rising to check on their meal. While she stirred the softly bubbling stew, she daydreamed about the night of the promise, remembering all the important details as if it happened only yesterday.
* * * *
Xena was always a superb warrior in every way. But that night she was so majestic, so beautiful, so strong that her mere presence took her breath away. She had nearly swooned when Xena pulled her into a close intimate embrace, holding her tightly for a long breathless magical moment. She had asked her then, when she would feel the strength her warlord's passion again. Only to feel the pangs of disappointment seconds later when Xena refrained from answering. It was only after she admitted how much she liked the feeling of being owned by her that she saw an almost feral smile pass over Xena's face, as her strong arms tightened around her, to hold her captive within a fierce embrace.
Xena's voice, when she finally spoke, had been low, and so seductive, it sent chills through her. Xena said, "Not now my anxious one, you're too new, too vulnerable. This is a slow process and I don't want to rush it. You must understand that I want a faithful submissive, one who is mentally ready to be owned. You need to be sure that this is what you really want, for I'll expect you to deliver your whole self to me, nothing less will do. Is that understood?" She had simply nodded her head in understanding. Then Xena said, "Be patient, Gabrielle. Your time's not yet come."
Xena's strong firm hand had stroked her hair, while she had cuddled into her shoulder. She could tell from Xena's sighs that she pleasured in the feel of her in her arms, right down to her silken copper blonde hair next to her face. Moments later Xena kissed her slowly, warmly, and thoroughly. And she . . . she was all but spellbound by it until she realized Xena had stopped and was now gazing steadily into her adoring eyes. Before she could speak, Xena's sensuous mouth was speaking to her again. "Gabrielle, let me ask you somethin'. Do you know why it is that I make people tremble when I enter a room?"
She had shaken her head in reply, not at all sure she knew the answer.
"Well, when you do," Xena said, "We'll have moved a step closer to my claiming you." With those promising words, Xena had kissed her again more deeply then before and the fire in her soul leapt with renewed hope. She had all but melted into Xena's arms with that kiss. When her heart finally slowed, she opened her eyes into a sapphire ocean.
Xena's voice conveyed the certainty of knowledge when she spoke again, "Do you realize, I can strip you with my eyes alone? That I can command your body to respond to me without touching it?"
The next moment she felt Xena's eyes raking over her body until she blushed and her legs felt like flaccid hemp. Then when you added that slow all knowing grin, Xena had on her face, she knew she was in trouble.
"See? I don't need to touch you, Gabrielle, to make you feel all kinds of emotions. One day I will accept you, and not only will I take your body, I'll take your mind, your heart, and your soul. Only then will you truly understand the truth of who I am. You see it's not about claiming you, it's about owning you."
It was true what she said. Xena's presence could indeed make her feel things. Things she never felt before. There were even times when Xena made her feel like a favored pet or a plaything. Sometimes it seemed she was there not only to please Xena's whims but her vanity as well.'She still has that effect on me.' Gabrielle mused. 'Yet to this day, I can still feel the loneliness that filled me when she left my side that night. Not another word was spoken. There were no more kisses. Xena's face had resumed it's stoical mask and that was that. She gave no hint of even recognizing what she had done to me in a mere few seconds of time. And ohh . . . , how I had wanted her to take me then, but she wouldn't allow it no matter how I had begged and pleaded that it be otherwise.'
The hardest part about tonight -- if what she suspected was true-- would be resisting Xena. She knew it was the ultimate key to unlocking Xena's passion. Besides standing up to Xena's demands was something she normally did with ease, but this time it was different. This was something she wanted so much she could taste it. But to meet Xena's needs, she would have to fight against being taken too soon.
* * * *
Xena's hand fell suddenly on Gabrielle shoulder, startling her out her fantasies. Gabrielle lifted her head with an inquiring look at her mate.
Without a single word of explanation, Xena pulled Gabrielle roughly to her feet, kissed her fiercely, and just as abruptly let her go.
Gabrielle stood were she was in open mouth astonishment, her mind still trying to puzzle out what had just happened.
But Xena would have none of her wide eyed wonder. She asked bluntly, "What are you doing? Daydreaming? I thought our food was ready? How about getting your act together will ya?"
Feeling a bit chastised, Gabrielle hurried to serve their meal. There was no way she wanted to keep Xena waiting, at least not right now.
"You know there won't be a moon tonight, Gabrielle. We'll need to build a good fire after we eat, because I will need your complete attention later on."
Gabrielle dropped her head in sudden shy submissivness, readily accepting-- albeit with concealed excitement-- the veiled signals Xena was giving her. She answered with exceptional politeness, "Yes, Xena. I'll see to the fire as soon as you have eaten."
"That's my girl." Xena' said with great affection. Her hand glided gently through Gabrielle's hair, as she stroked it from the top of Gabrielle's head down to her shoulders, before taking the cup she offered her.

PART II - What love demands, love surrenders
Xena eyed Gabrielle once more as she rose. Gabrielle looked properly submissive, but for that secretive smile that flitted across her subdued features for a second. It made her wonder what her slave was thinking about.
"After you add another two or three good sized logs onto the fire, I want you to get undressed and sit down on the blankets over there." Xena's instructed, her tone leaving no doubt that she expected to be obeyed.
"As you wish, Xena." Gabrielle replied quickly, another strange enigmatic smile flitting across her face, as she went about her assignment.
Amused, but not allowing Gabrielle to see it, Xena stepped away and walked over to her saddlebags. Gabrielle's second smile had predatory quality about it that Xena found endearing and annoying at the same time. She knew Gabrielle, those smiles must have been a natural anticipatory reaction to what Gabrielle thought was going to happen tonight. Xena's own smile turned into a grin, as she thought about that, because right now she was changing the game plan. It was time to stretch the edges of their relationship, a little, well maybe a lot. After all she had decided to claim Gabrielle as her pleasure slave.
Ever since that day a few months ago, when she had unleashed her lust on her beautiful mate, there had been an ever growing need to dominate and possess Gabrielle as her very own. The feeling was becoming unendurable and she had a pretty good idea that this was something they both wanted. There was no point in stalling any longer. Not after Gabrielle had figured out the answer to the question she had asked during their long talk about this subject.
One day, out of the clear blue, Gabrielle had blurted out, in her usual capacity for drama, "Xena. I think I know why so many people are shaken by you when you walk into a room. I think it's because people sense who you are and how easily you could rip them apart if provoked. You instill this kind of grudging respect and fear about who you are. And because these people sense this awesome danger about you, that most will give you a wide berth. It's all in the way that you dress and carry yourself, I think. You give off this aura of command that people just naturally respond to. I mean, I see how you size up a room or even a town when you walk into the place. I think you give certain people cause to tremble just by how you look at them, your very presence says that you are a warrior and they had better be aware of that fact or you will take issue with their lack of respect."
She had laughed and agreed with Gabrielle's assessment. But more than that it was the insight and maturity Gabrielle had shown with her words that pleased her so much. Gabrielle had conveyed that she understood the real essence of whom she was in this world, and in doing so she also implied that she understood what she could expect from her warrior. This was not discounting the fact that Gabrielle never missed an opportunity to show her how much she wanted, no needed her to take her, own her. While she had made it quite clear that she needed Gabrielle to surrender her will, her life to her.
They both knew she was no stranger to ways of a warlord with his slaves. It was not a life most people would choose to live willingly, but she knew Gabrielle was caught up in the romance of being owned by a powerful love force. It required a commitment on her part to live up to Gabrielle's expectations, but the odd thing was she felt qualified for the task ahead. If this worked out, they would experience one of the most lovingly bizarre and extraordinary relationship ever known.
Now here they were, and she knew no matter how Gabrielle thought she felt, it didn't alter the fact that it was going to take a lot of seductive persuasion to get Gabrielle to accept the challenges she would ask of her. She also knew that with this next step Gabrielle would finally understand the true relationship between a Warlord and her obedient personal slave.
Seconds passed as she rummaged through her things, searching for the small item she'd hidden from Gabrielle's ever curious eyes. Her mouth pursed with effort until she finally felt the object of her search with her fingers. Of course it was resting on the bottom of the bag, what else was new. When she pulled it into view, it was very satisfying feeling. She held up the little beauty with an almost reverent respect, simply enjoying the fact that the small whip was in her hands again.
The black whip was truly exciting to the eye. It was a stroke of sheer fate that she had found this sweet gem at all, in fact it was one of those truly exceptional and thrilling finds. She toyed with the perfectly tooled hand-crafted flail, turning it around in her hand, and pleasuring in its feel. The sting it delivered was delightful, she discovered when she tested it against her hand. She twirled the half sized whip swiftly between her fingers, making its multiple lashes flare out. It was a beauty all right. A fine a piece of workmanship as she had seen anywhere. The leather was soft, supple and smooth. Its small size did not diminish its power, although she doubted, she would ever use this particular whip to inflict any sort of cruel punishment. This wasn't because she wasn't capable of a more sadistic application of this little beauty. After all, she had -- in her turbulent past -- been much harsher with the use of it's much larger sisters. But this unpretentious taskmaster was going to be used to stimulate the body, not destroy it, arousing the fires of rapture to their fullest potential.
Xena paused in her enjoyment of her purchase to cast a coveted look at her lover's unclothed beauty. She was surprised to find Gabrielle's lying flat on her back, instead of sitting on the blanket like she had been told. Xena's eyes narrowed with bewilderment, when she noticed Gabrielle's hand drifting slowly over her thighs. There was no doubting where the hand going, it was tantalizingly close to the curly aperture between Gabrielle's legs. She couldn't believe Gabrielle's audacity. This could only be taken as a challenge her authority, because Gabrielle knew that touching herself like that was forbidden at all times. She took great pride in knowing only she could excite Gabrielle to nirvana. She looked down at the whip in her hands and shook her head. This couldn't be happening. Yet it was. Gabrielle was deliberately taunting her by disobeying a long standing request. She had no choice but to deal with her deliberate defiance swiftly. This act would not go unnoticed or unpunished.
Xena's smile turned deceptively sweet, as she thought over her options. The gods knew, she was never one to shirk a duty or a challenge thrown her way. It was evident that Gabrielle didn't believe she would make good on her threat of punishment, if she ever caught Gabrielle pleasuring herself. She wondered if Gabrielle would have risked taunting her like this, had she known about this little beauty? Her devilish grin widened, as she played with the whip in her hands, she knew exactly how to teach her new slave the lesson she so evidently craved.
Mindful of the angle of the nearly set sun, Xena was careful not to let her shadow fall across Gabrielle's face. She approached her lover silently, from the left, and within the space of a few heartbeats, she was kneeling close to Gabrielle without touching her. Xena was in absolute control of her movements. So much so that not even her breathing, betrayed her presence to the one laying before her. The one whose beautiful green eyes were now closed to her in sensuous self pleasure.
Xena licked her lips, knowing her quarry was within easy reach of her hands. Intense blue eyes watched Gabrielle's hand, as it stroked the velvety crevice between her thighs. She could see that Gabrielle's fingers were sparkling with her own juices. Still Xena waited. After a few minutes, she could tell that Gabrielle was building to a climax, and she held her breath. The moment for action came when Gabrielle's fingers slid over her pleasure point in a slow backward stroke that illicted a low intense guttural moan of pleasure. Xena made her move grabbing Gabrielle's hand away quicker then the eye could see. She was instantly gratified by the gasp of surprise and the look of pure shock on Gabrielle's face.
She secured the offending hand under Gabrielle's back and pulled the other behind as well, holding both easily with one hand. She stood quickly, pulling Gabrielle up with her, and another swift pull forward forced Gabrielle's nude body against her armor hard one.
"What d'ya think you were you doing? Eh?"
Gabrielle kept her face impassive, but her eyes held a challenging glint, "What do you care?"
"What do I care? What's that supposed to mean? What have I told you about touching what is mine?" Xena asked indignantly, applying more pressure to Gabrielle's wrists. "You better answer me or things could get a lot worse very quickly."
"You said . . . ah (gasp), not to . . . Xena. You're hurting me." Gabrielle whined, as she fought against Xena's hold on her. The only thing her effort gained her was more pain where the edges of Xena's breastplate scratched her sensitive skin. She was helpless against Xena's strength and they both knew it.
"Well, you should've thought about that before you decided to disobey me." Xena said tersely.
Gabrielle could hardly breathe from the excitement of Xena's roughness with her, not to mention the actual death grip the woman had on her.
"Do you know what happens when one of my slaves disobeys me?"
"Yeah, you've told me enough times," Gabrielle replied arching into Xena's breast plate as if begging for more of the rough treatment. "But you wouldn't punish me, Xena." She crooned seductively. "We both know that you won't do this. Let me go, please."
"You're not very attractive when you whine like a little girl, Gabrielle." Xena informed her captive, smiling imperiously when Gabrielle renewed her efforts to break free. For a split second, she thought she detected a hint of fear in Gabrielle's voice. 'Well,' she thought, 'when you play with fire, you have ta expect to get burned once in awhile.'
Xena gave Gabrielle an imperious look, accompanied by a slow shake of her head. "Ahhh, you just keep digging this hole deeper. Don't ya?"
For the time being, Xena wasn't going to challenge Gabrielle's lack of respect when addressing her. She would later, but for now she wanted to see just how far Gabrielle was going to push this disobedience issue with her. She was far more interested in pursuing her advantage, by backing Gabrielle against a large tree, thereby pinning her and cutting off any real chance Gabrielle had of escape.
"Ow-Aw-ch!" Gabrielle squealed when Xena brought her thigh up a bit harder then was necessary between her legs. "Xena! What is your problem? Are you trying to hurt me?" Gabrielle countered, real anger lacing her words.
"I'm not the one with a problem around here, Gabrielle, you are. You seem to have forgotten who I am and how to obey rules. You wanted my attention. Now you've got it. This is what you wanted from me isn't it?" Xena demanded, leaning into Gabrielle rubbing her thigh almost cruelly against her lover's groin, yet seeming to know just how much Gabrielle could handle.

* * * *

Gabrielle closed her eyes, unable to speak while she absorbed the relentless pressure she was being subjected to by her mate. She couldn't decide if she liked it or not. She only knew that this was very uncomfortable position to be in. Yet, the excitement was there too. The thrill of being held against her will by Xena was lighting all kinds of fires inside her. There was no denying that, none at all.
She had always respected Xena's wishes. Tonight though, she had decided to find out what Xena would do if she crossed this unseen line between them. What she hadn't expected was this strong a reaction from her. She was learning that deliberate defiance was risky business with someone like Xena, because one never knew what might happen when the warrior was challenged directly. If Xena's present reaction was any indication of things to come, perhaps this wasn't working out quite the way she had hoped. Honestly, she was beginning to feel more than just a little fearful.'Maybe it wasn't a good idea to tease your Mistress like this', Gabrielle thought, feeling Xena's hand snake through her hair, gathering it in her hand. She wasn't surprised when Xena yanked back on it, hard.
Her head hit the back of the tree, yet she didn't feel it. She was too caught up in the drama of the moment. It was frightening and exciting at the same time. When all was said and done, she knew had meant to drive Xena crazy with her defiance and that's exactly what she had accomplished. The best was yet to come, for she knew when Xena was all charged like this, their lovemaking would be hot and fierce. There was another odd but an added bonus to all this too, for her there was a wonderful feeling of being truly overpowered by someone whom you loved and knowing they loved you just as much.
* * * *
"Answer me, slave or perhaps you would prefer that I tie you between these two trees over there and let my long whip discuss this act of disobedience with your fair skin, Huh? Is that what you want?" Xena growled dangerously, her eyes daring, almost pleading with Gabrielle to disobey her just one more time.
"No Xena. I would not like that. Please . . . I beg forgiveness." Gabrielle replied lowering her eyes even though her head was forced into this awkward position.
"Well, thank the gods. You do have some sense after all." Xena sneered, easing up a mite by freeing Gabrielle's hair. "Tell me, what were you thinking when you decided to go against me like that? Did you think I wouldn't notice or what?"
Gabrielle answered fighting the tears glistening in her eyes and her trembling voice. "No, I knew you would notice. I was hoping to entice you to my side when I touched what belongs to you. I do know that it's forbidden."
"Why is it you seem to forget that I am in charge here, not you?" Xena demanded without expecting an answer. Then with the next breath she softened her voice, yet kept her pose intimidating as she spoke, "Understand one thing, Gabrielle, you will wait as long as I see fit to keep you waiting. Is that clear?"
Gabrielle nodded, her lower lip quivering with her uncertainty.
Xena saw the trembling lip and felt the corresponding tremors in Gabrielle's body. Now she knew she was sending a clear message to Gabrielle that the balance of power had changed drastically between them. All she had to do was work on Gabrielle's new born kernel of seductive fear, in order to prove herself to her slave, thus claim her power over her. "You are mine, Gabrielle. And from this moment on you don't have the right to demand anything from me. Is that understood?"
Again there was only a slight nod from Gabrielle.
"I will tell you when you can eat, where and when you will sleep and even when you are allowed to touch me."
Xena was in her element now, fully enjoying her role as Gabrielle's mistress. She still held Gabrielle's hands behind her back, but her free hand which had rested on Gabrielle's hip, now moved randomly to explore Gabrielle's beautiful silky bottom.
"Now we have to deal with the fact that you broke our agreement, don't we. You see, it seems I have to decide on a proper punishment for this utterly willful act of yours." Xena said, jerking Gabrielle's hips forward until her fanny rested fully on her thigh.
Gabrielle couldn't look at Xena, finally realizing, albeit belatedly, that she had really overstepped her bounds with Xena this time. She didn't like the implication in Xena's voice, even though the prospect of punishment made her wet with desire for it. She also didn't want Xena to feel her excitement, so she tried to ease away from direct contact with Xena's skin, but Xena's leg was positioned so tightly against her that there was no way around it. It was a terrible feeling to know Xena would notice her condition any second now.
"Stop fidgeting, and where is your bardly sense of wit? Hmm? I can't have my slave speechless after all, now can I?" Xena taunted her.
Gabrielle swallowed hard and tried again to move, unsuccessfully, away from Xena's thigh. Bad move on her part, judging by that peculiar look on Xena's face. It doomed her to defeat in an instant.
Xena dropped her thigh from between Gabrielle's legs, quickly replacing it with her fingers, reaching deep between Gabrielle's thighs to probe her, before Gabrielle could utter a protest against the invasion.
"What is this about Gabrielle? Does the idea of punishment excite you? Why you are sooo wet, I could take you right here and this would be over in a second, wouldn't it? Why is that, do you suppose?" Xena bantered with a delighted laugh, even as she continued to tease and excite her slave, making her squirm against the tree. She even managed to penetrate Gabrielle fully, pumping her fingers inside her several times, before withdrawing to cup Gabrielle's mound possessively with her hand.
Gabrielle's green eyes were closed in sweet surrender to what was happening. Xena waited continuing to hold Gabrielle firmly, waiting for her beautiful slave to open her eyes. As she waited, she felt Gabrielle take hold of herself again, and her eyes snapped open with startling intensity. She almost laughed outright from the look Gabrielle was now giving her now. She knew then that Gabrielle was playing the game to the hilt, by giving every indication of not liking her treatment of her one bit, especially when she knew the exact opposite was true. Still the sight of those haunting green eyes daring to glare at her so openly, was food for her old warrior's heart.
"Ooh, we're getting lil' testy. Aren't we? I'll have to see what I can do to break this defiant streak in you, won't I?"
Gabrielle refused to answer.
"You know what? I'm not gonna worry about disciplining you right this minute. But don't worry, Gabrielle. I'll figure out a proper punishment for you by tomorrow. You can count on that."
Xena had to chuckle at the worried looked that crossed Gabrielle's face when those words sunk in. It made her want to steal a kiss from her disgruntled captive. But she didn't give into the urge, knowing that control was paramount to her plans. Instead she said, "I suggest you think twice before pulling a stunt like this again, Gabrielle. Next time you'll feel my displeasure instantly. I won't spend time talking about it." Xena had spoken with a deceptive softness that belied the seriousness of her words. She clucked Gabrielle under the chin saying brightly. "No questions asked, no quarter given. Is that understood?"
Gabrielle tried in vain to answer in her sweetest voice but she couldn't quite keep the sarcasm out of it. "Yes, Xena, I understand. Don't worry. I won't touch myself there again. I learned my lesson."
"I'm sure you believe that, Gabrielle." Xena said smugly, reclaiming Gabrielle's mouth with a fierce kiss of desire, wanting, no needing to feel the heat of Gabrielle's lips against her own. It was a few minutes before she could think again. Gabrielle's kisses always did a mental number on her. It was a narcotic she would die for.
Xena watched the silent war that raged on Gabrielle's face, as she struggled with conflicting emotions. It was strange that she should feel almost maternal in her thinking when it came to the question of disciplining Gabrielle. The Xena of the past knew how to be cold and cruel in meting out her discipline. Her methods had always worked well whenever she trained troops or personal slaves.
It was true that discipline was most effective when one knew the psychology of it. She understood that, she understood the ritual of fear and anticipation when correcting unruly behavior. She had always favored giving only the most painful remedial actions when they were warranted. But right now that option was not the best one, especially when the receiver wanted the punishment, as badly as Gabrielle did now. Sometimes worry over a worse punishment had far more of an impact then the actual delivery of it. The fact that Gabrielle wanted to be punished was very evident by the satiny wetness her fingers had been drenched in seconds ago. Gabrielle's true punishment was having to wait for it.
All things considered, it was good that Gabrielle hadn't forced her hand earlier. The use of the long whip to curb her rebellious slave would have been miserably counter productive to her goals this time. Even knowing this, she toyed with the idea of extending the mental punishment to include something more physical. But in the end she let it go, opting for a milder approach that would continue to frustrate her new slave to no end.
She knew exactly what Gabrielle needed from her, after all part of being a good warrior mistress was knowing your submissive inside and out. She knew Gabrielle. She always had. The worse thing she could do to her slave right now would be to end the session. But that wasn't going to happen tonight. There was something more she wanted Gabrielle to experience, and she saw no sense in frustrating them both at this point.
Part III - Sealed with a kiss
"Kneel." Xena commanded sharply without warning, watching with a critical eye as Gabrielle complied, looking for any reason to correct her. "Spread those knees wider. Wider I said." She walked around her new slave, like a commanding general inspecting her troops. When she was at last satisfied that Gabrielle was in the proper position, she automatically took a superior stance in front of her, totally overshadowing her consort.
"I think it's time you learned some of the disciplines of pain and pleasure." Xena said, her eyes never leaving Gabrielle's body for an instant. She noted that Gabrielle was trembling and reached down with a gentle hand to lift Gabrielle's face to meet her gaze. "Does the idea of pain and pleasure frighten you?"
"Yes, Xena, it does. I want this but I'm frightened too. You frighten me. I'm . . . I'm just not so . . . not so sure anymore."
"Is that all?" Xena asked as she moved behind Gabrielle, and fell to her knees. Slowly she pulled Gabrielle against her until she was sitting back on her heels. She couldn't resist covering Gabrielle's neck in a shower of kisses while her hands massaged Gabrielle's taut abdomen lovingly. Xena nuzzled Gabrielle's ear, whispering. "I love you very much, so very much. I promise you that in the end you'll experience only the rapture of sweet ecstasy beyond anything you could ever imagine."
"Will I?"
"Uh-huh you will. I promise we won't do anything you really don't want to. Don't you trust me?"
"Yes! I trust you . . . with my life." Gabrielle answered passionately, before relaxing in Xena's seductive embrace, and for a moment, they were suspended in time.
When Xena rose, she rested her hand on Gabrielle's shoulder to reassure her of her love. Xena was rewarded by Gabrielle's confident smile as she circled to stand in front of her again.
"You see Gabrielle, there's a special passion that exists between a Warlord and her pleasure slave that goes beyond the normal ideals existing in most relationships. You will come to understand that our needs will serve us in different yet in similar ways. For me there will be the gratification of total conquest over your will. For you, it is in the gratification of total surrender to me. I am well aware of your need to be possessed by me. I know you want this as much as I do. So let's make an agreement between us. An agreement that says we will serve each other to the best of our ability, in every way possible. Once we agree there is no escape for you. Is this understood?"
Gabrielle nodded saying in a solemn voice, "I know Xena. But what if . . . ?"
"No buts or what ifs Gabrielle, either we agree on this or we don't?"
"Yes. I agree. But . . ."
Gabrielle was about to add a last request only Xena stopped her by placing a finger on her lips. "No more words. I have your agreement. Do you remember I told you once that I expected much from my slaves? Remember I told you, I would own you?" Gabrielle nodded. "Isn't this what you wanted from me, to be owned?"
"Yes." Gabrielle answered quickly, her insides churning. She was excited, scared, yet glowing with expectation for what lay ahead. This is exactly what she had waited to hear for so long. She couldn't believe it was really happening.
"Xena, may I please speak?" This time Xena nodded her agreement.
"I would be lying if I told you, you didn't excite me with that dangerous dark passion of yours. Every time I think about us, about you possessing me, I know that I want you so much I could scream." Gabrielle spoke boldly, passionately, excited by her words, by Xena, and by the way she was feeling. Her voice grew louder, more ardent, as she expressed deeper feelings. "I want to experience all of you. Don't you know that?" Gabrielle asked eyes closed, not expecting Xena to answer, just letting the words flow out of her. "Yes I 'm scared. I'm frightened because I don't know what to expect. I don't even know if I can handle it. I don't even know how far I will go. All I know is I need this Xena. I need to give myself to you in a way I never have before. I need you to bow my will to yours in helpless surrender. Please help me to do that."
Xena listened mutely, understanding how important it was for Gabrielle's mental health to tell her these things. She had no intention of stemming the flow of words that continued to pour from Gabrielle's heart.
"Somehow I understand you, Xena. I see the love in you and I feel the passion too. Many, many times I fear the danger you are to me. I fear that some day you will overwhelm me so much that I will no longer be me."
Xena looked away for a second in disbelief, a million second thoughts coursed through her mind at Gabrielle's words.
"No! Wait! . . . Please don't turn away." Gabrielle pleaded, reaching out to touch Xena's thigh with gentle reassurance.
"Gabrielle, perhaps this is wrong for us. Perhaps, I should listen to my practical side and not force something you are not ready for. I thought you were, but now I'm not so sure."
Gabrielle looked up into Xena's troubled face and understood what love was, and acknowledged it. Here she was on her knees in front of the most famous warrior in the land, about to enter a world, she had no way of knowing. Yet she knew she wanted to go there and most of all she wanted Xena to show her the way.
"Wait. Don't judge me too soon. It's true what I'm saying Xena. There is something inside me that cries out to hold you, to stay beside you no matter what may come. You know I can never leave you." Xena nodded wordlessly. Gabrielle pressed on, "I can't explain the depths that my love takes me or even why I must know this dark side of you. I just know that I want to find that part inside you that you still hide from me, that part of you that you would protect me from, even now. Wouldn't you?"
"You are right, Gabrielle, and perhaps I should be thinking about that a lot harder right now."
"No. You still don't understand. Xena I know you can kill a man without a second of hesitation or indecision, yet you can hold me so gently in the next moment. You are like a wild storm brewing in the mountain, an energy I can never tame. I can only surrender to you. You are a dynamic force in my life that I can't live without. Can't you understand how much I want to belong to you? Really belong to you in a way no one else ever could?" Gabrielle's voice cracked with her last words. The strength of her feelings was overwhelming her with its intensity. She hadn't planned on saying so much, hadn't known just how important this was to her. But it was a relief to finally say these things to Xena.
Xena's hand coursed through her hair, as she considered Gabrielle's words carefully. She was so in love with Gabrielle her heart was bursting, yet there was no way she could let Gabrielle see this . . . not now, not if they were going to live this new lifestyle earnestly. So she assumed an air of disdain to reassert her authority, saying "Is there anything else you wish to say? Because in a few seconds, I'll be the only one talking around here."
"Just promise me one thing Xena?"
"What's that?"
"Promise that everything you do with me, will be done with love and I am yours."
Xena knelt to put both her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders. "Gabrielle you are already mine that should be obvious by now. But I will promise you that everything will be done with love, because I do love you. You don't have to ever question that fact."
Gabrielle acquiesced with a slight nod of her head, "Then I willingly accept your training and all that it means to be your slave, with one tiny condition?"
Xena stood in exasperation retorting loudly, "What? You want a condition on our agreement? I don't think so. Slaves don't make conditions." Gabrielle's presumptuous behavior really knew no bounds. But beneath all her blustering, she liked Gabrielle's style and since she was also curious about what Gabrielle had hatched that brain of hers, she decided the play along. "And another thing, I usually don't accept conditions from my slaves! You listen to me and you better listen well. I will make an exception only this once. Don't push your luck with me again. You're quickly running out of favors."
Gabrielle was quick to explain, before Xena got more upset. "It's only this. I ask that I be allowed to kiss you to seal our pact."
Xena had to laugh at the outrageousness of the idea. Then crouching quickly, she pushed her new slave against the ground, and followed Gabrielle's recline with her upper body, until she partially covered it as she spoke to her. "Gabrielle, what am I going to do with you? I will say this one last time. Everything between us now and in the future will always be in love. You have to understand that no matter what it sounds like or feels like to you that I love you. I know how to blend pleasure with pain. You will not suffer without reward. I can promise you that."
They looked long and hard into each other's eyes, as if trying to see into their souls. Xena felt the rising rhythm of Gabrielle's heart now. She didn't have to wonder what Gabrielle was feeling, she knew. It was not unlike the first time she experienced her first battle. Gabrielle was both excited and scared. She found her love deepened immeasurably with that knowing.
"Gabrielle, don't think I don't know how much you must trust me, in order to do this. But the fact that you are willing tells me how much you love me, how much you honor all of me. You are always safe in my arms." She kissed Gabrielle's neck, cheeks and eyelids with kisses as she whispered, "Remember I love you."
* * * *
Misty green eyes looked up at her fire lit Warrior Mistress. Seeing Xena this way, reminded her of some of lessons she had learned from her first experience with Xena, who had been in the throes of battle lust at the time. The situation had been so incredibly intense that day. She remembered how she couldn't bear to look at Xena's eyes for fear she would see the fearsome Warlord looking back at her. That fear had kept her eyes completely closed and no amount of coaxing could entice her to open them, until Xena instilled a greater fear in her. She shivered unconsciously, remembering that peculiar sound in Xena's voice, when she uttered her final command and demanded she open her eyes. It had all the elements of a true threat, one she believed Xena capable of delivering no matter how much she loved her. That's when she knew Xena had reverted to the Warlord of her past and it was exactly that element of risk that had excited her almost as much as it frightened her. Xena meant what she said. She understood then and now that there were limits to Xena's patience and sometimes it was safer to obey then to refuse. They were lessons she would never forget.
Now she was learning another subtle lesson about the battle existed between them. She knew for instance that Xena needed to feel deprived of something she wanted. When Xena was not obeyed quickly enough, it incited her need to overpower what was resisting her. Xena had to win no matter what.
She couldn't believe, she was actually on the threshold of accepting her Warrior as her Mistress Warlord once and for all. She was deeply moved by all that was happening. Gabrielle knew in her heart that she would risk everything to be with Xena like this no matter where, no matter what the circumstance. Mind, heart, and soul were in agreement about this one thing.
* * * *
"Gabrielle? Are you with me here?" Xena asked tweaking one of Gabrielle's nipples to get her attention.
"Agreed." Gabrielle answered, her eyes gazing dreamily into Xena's.
"OK. Now kiss me. After the kiss you'll not touch me again, unless I ask for it. I remind you to pay close attention to what I ask you, how I ask you and when I ask you to do something. I'll give an instruction or command to you only once. So I would listen very carefully, if I were you. Any more disrespect from you will cost you. Is that understood?"
"Yes Xena."
Xena sighed, she knew there would be mistakes and there would be punishments as she trained Gabrielle. But today, just for today, she could be tolerant and forgiving. She knelt over Gabrielle, so she could maintain a little distance between them, pausing to gaze longingly at her lover. She never tired of Gabrielle's beauty, there was no one in the world who could hold a candle to her. Her eyes roved freely down the full length of well toned body beneath her. There was no question in her mind that she was lucky to have Gabrielle in her life, very lucky indeed. Never had anyone taken the time to know her as well as Gabrielle had. No one had ever wanted her for herself, the way this golden beauty did. Only Gabrielle had the grace and the intelligence to meet her on common ground with such amazing trust like this. She knew that she would spend the rest of her life making sure Gabrielle was happy and well loved.
She held out her hand to her slave. "Come, Gabrielle. The kiss. When it is done, you are mine."
"Is the kiss on my terms, Xena?" Gabrielle asked grinning while she allowed Xena to pull her up into a sitting position.
"Yes, except I'd like you to keep your eyes closed during and after the kiss. Other then that, it is acceptable for the kiss to be given however you would wish it, my young slave." Xena instructed her affectionately.
Gabrielle closed her eyes and whispered a soft command. "Come then into my arms, my Mistress that I may kiss you and seal my commitment to you."
Xena, smiled to herself, this was one command she was happy to comply with. Besides Gabrielle had asked her so nicely and with her eyes closed too. How could she refuse her? She circled Gabrielle's waist with her arms and felt Gabrielle's arms go around her shoulders. Then she brushed Gabrielle's lips with her own to let her know she was close to her lips.
The kiss was possessive, demanding, and thorough. Gabrielle felt Xena responding to her, almost as if she was answering her call for more passion. She felt her own excitement rising another notch in response.
As if sensing where this was going, Xena chose exactly that moment to end their kiss. Then held Gabrielle close to her whispering seductively, "Now you are mine."
Part IV - Dark Passion

"I bought a special gift for you tonight. And oh yeah . . . ," Xena said sheepishly. "you can open your eyes."
Gabrielle's eyes flashed yellow green in the firelight, as she excitedly asked, "You did? You really bought me something? Where is it?" She looked all around her blanket and in the immediate area of the campsite for anything unusual that might be laying around for her to discover, and her face clouded over disappointed when she couldn't find anything.
Watching Gabrielle efforts to discover the source of her gift, brought out a chuckle from Xena, as she detached the hand whip from the hook beneath her Chakram. Then held it up for Gabrielle to see. "Isn't this glorious Gabrielle? You are going to love what I can do with it."
Gabrielle burst out with a surprised gasp that made her almost choke on her own words.
"That's a whip Xena."
"Of course it a whip, silly. This is the most wonderful, most perfect little whip I have ever seen." Xena said with pride.
"What are you talking about? That thing can do real damage and you know it. How could you even think about using it on me?" Gabrielle asked. Her breath grew more rapid, as anger and fear worked together in her. She tried to bolt but Xena's arm snaked out and prevented her from even rising to get her footing. So she turned her back to the warrior.
Xena had to physically turn Gabrielle around to face her. "Just where do you think you are going? Don't you know I would never cause you that kind of pain? What d'ya takes me for, anyway?"
"Then why, Xena? Why did you bring it with you if you didn't intend to use it?"
"I do intend to use it, just not in the way you think." Xena replied calmly.
Gabrielle didn't like the sound of that answer. It was forcing the question she really didn't want to know. "Xena?"
"Out with it Gabrielle? What's bothering you?"
"How . . . ? When . . . ? No, I don't want to know. I can't know."
Xena embraced Gabrielle warmly stroking her back, and kissing Gabrielle's soft cheek.
Gabrielle's hands caressed the back of Xena's neck and drifted through her long ebony hair. Their eyes met first and then their lips. When their kiss ended, Xena placed a hand over Gabrielle's left breast. Then she looked into Gabrielle's eyes again. "You're frightened."
"Well . . . yeah, a little I guess, but I'm excited too. This is all so new to me and now I have to deal with that whip thingee you have." She shrugged her shoulders, "Then there's you being you and all, it sort of plays some with the mind, I guess."
"Well I'd guess you are very frightened and maybe more than just a little excited." Xena teased. "Look, if you don't calm down, you are going to faint. Go over and sit by the fire. I'll be there in a moment."
After Gabrielle left, Xena turned around to drop the whip on top of her saddlebag, then she headed back to fire, and Gabrielle.
Gabrielle sat on the fallen log poking a stick into the molten lined white coals listlessly. All the while hoping and praying that this was going to be everything Xena said it could be. She had to trust and that's all there was to it.
"Gabrielle?" Xena said, as she came up to her
"Yes?" Gabrielle replied her eyes downcast.
"Look. I really didn't think the whip would frighten you this bad, if I had known you would react like this, I would've left it where I found it."
"I know Xena. Really I do. Just where'd you pick it up anyway?"
"You know that town we passed through earlier today, where I got Argo's bridle repaired?"
"Yes. But it's hard to believe, a little place like that having something weird like . . . You know . . . who'd have thought it possible?"
"You got me there. I couldn't believe myself." Xena chuckled.
Gabrielle looked up at the sound of Xena's chortling. "You do find the strangest things sometimes.
You know that?"
"Yep. I guess I do at that. Some things never change."
"Got that right." Gabrielle agreed with a wide toothy grin.
"Come stand before me, my slave, my love. I want to look at you." Xena commanded with an easy smile.
In a flash, Gabrielle was standing in front of Xena, who was now sitting on the fallen log.
Xena pulled Gabrielle between her legs. "Feeling better?"
Gabrielle nodded smiling.
"Good. Rules are back on. I'm not done with you yet."
Gabrielle's bright, fire lit, green eyes closed immediately and somehow she assumed a meeker pose in front of Xena.
Gabrielle's willing attitude pleased Xena. She removed her armor and then slipped the top of her leathers down a tad, just enough that her breasts were exposed. "I would like to reward you for your compliance, Gabrielle. So I'm giving you permission to kiss my breasts, dear one."
From her current angle, Xena could watch every expression that crossed Gabrielle's face. She decided she liked the way Gabrielle's cheeks pinked up at her suggestion. Now as long as Gabrielle answered correctly, this was going to be very nice.
"Oh, Xena could I? I would like that very much. Thank you."
Xena lifted her head and closed her eyes. "I said you have my permission to kiss and love my breasts, just be sure you do it the way I like it. OK?"
"Oh I promise Xena. It'll be everything you're expecting." Gabrielle replied, dropping to her knees to eagerly embracing her Mistress.
True to her word, there was no hesitation or fumbling, as Gabrielle's lips firmly attached themselves to one of Xena's perfectly formed breasts. After a few moments, she switched to other one, her hands taking over where her mouth had left off. Gabrielle sucked, kneaded, tongued, and played with Xena's breasts until Xena had to tell her stop before she swooned. Slowly Gabrielle drew back covertly watching Xena's face from beneath her eyelashes. She knew she had done well when she caught the look of pure bliss on Xena's face.
"That was wonderful, Gabrielle. Thank you." Xena said breathlessly as she slipped to the ground, using the log for back support. "Now bring our bedrolls over here. I want to sleep closer to the fire tonight." When Gabrielle seemed to hesitate Xena amended her demand. "Hurry. You don't want to keep me waiting now do you?"
"No. . . . I mean . . . Yes, Xena." Gabrielle replied, hurrying to do Xena's bidding. When she returned, she stood uncertainly before Xena, blankets in hand. The hard look Xena shot her sent a message saying that she hadn't done something right. Gabrielle shivered without understanding why or how she had displeased Xena.
Xena stood quickly, pointing to the ground by the log. "What are you waiting for? I said set up our beds here, and be quick about it. We are really going to have to work on your response time, my pet. I expect my orders obeyed, immediately." Xena pushed Gabrielle slightly toward the log. "And make sure there aren't any wrinkles in those blankets. You know how I hate wrinkles."
Gabrielle glanced anxiously at Xena, her voice had sounded angry. The way Xena was scowling did nothing to alleviate Gabrielle's worry. She hurried to do what Xena had instructed, by dropping to her knees and spreading the blankets out, still wondering what did that was wrong. She had moved as fast as was humanly possible. Yet it seemed that wasn't good enough for Xena. A small finger of fear centered in her consciousness, and it was making her feel uneasy.
Xena paced as she waited for Gabrielle to finish her task, until her attention was caught by the way Gabrielle was laying out the blankets. She stopped dead still to watch, fascinated by the way Gabrielle was bent over her hands, smoothing the coverings, it really placed her tempting backside in such a delightful pose. Xena's eyes grew wide as she took in all of Gabrielle's charms now exposed to her view, her breathing grew more rapid and she felt a growing wetness between her legs. When Gabrielle stretched even further across the blanket to straighten the other side, her hips naturally pushed up higher exposing more of herself to Xena's eyes. That's when Xena lost all sense of decorum. All she knew was that she had to touch that sweet butt.
* * * *
Gabrielle nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt Xena's cool fingers touching her ever so intimately. She started to fall forward onto the blankets, but Xena easily prevented that from happening, by slipping her arm around Gabrielle's waist and pulling her back into the position she wanted her in, simultaneously, her other hand firmly caressed Gabrielle's fully exposed bottom.
Those soft caresses soon had Gabrielle whimpering softly with delight. She loved the attention she was getting now. And she could tell by the way Xena was breathing that she was very aroused too. Even though it was a bit unusual for Xena to lavish so much attention on her backside like this, it was glorious kind of intimacy, especially now Xena that was alternating between kissing, nipping, rubbing and nail dragging across her bottom with increasing fervor.
It shouldn't have been a surprise to Gabrielle, when Xena's tongue started licking along the cleft of her bottom, yet she was astonished. This was truly decadent pleasure to be sure, but she quickly decided she loved it. Xena's assault on her backside soon had her squirming for more. Her delight increased tenfold when another totally new sensation rushed through her, a direct result of Xena's expert tongue play over a hereto forbidden area of her anatomy.
Who would have dreamed, anyone would want to touch her there let alone taste her. On top of all this, Xena penetrated her wetness with two of her fingers, continuing to excite her with ever deepening thrusts. All the while, Xena never stopped licking the other dark opening. Gabrielle didn't know what to think, all she knew was that she was really enjoying this. She couldn't stop moaning in pleasure, nor was she aware that she was rocking against Xena's arm. Right now it was no problem in keeping her eyes closed. It was the only way to enjoy all the tantalizing sensations Xena was creating with her fingers and her tongue. She almost cried out with frustration, when Xena abruptly withdrew her fingers and began drawing her slickness back over the tight puckered orifice that had so captured her Warrior's attentions.
* * * *
Xena continued to bathe Gabrielle's dark opening with gentle strokes, then she leaned into her, forcing her to fall forward on her stomach. Breathing rapidly, Xena couldn't account for the weird excitement racing through her as she kneeled behind and over Gabrielle's buttocks and back. The leather tongs of her skirt flared interestingly across the soft skin beneath her, tempting her with strange desirous thoughts. Groaning, she slid over Gabrielle to lie on her side, and pulled Gabrielle along with her, until they lay spoon fashion on the blankets. Xena's long fingers never seemed to miss a stroke, she was still drawing Gabrielle's fluids back over that secret dark opening. She also got caught up in the feelings that here was something new to conquer. She didn't know why she had never thought of it before tonight. But be that as it may she could have her now. Xena bent her head down to speak next to Gabrielle's ear, "I am going to make love to you Gabrielle. I'm going to claim every part of you. I want you to know that I have loved you in places that even you have never thought of touching."
Gabrielle felt herself growing wetter just listening to Xena's sultry voice laying claim to her. She ground her hips slowly against the blankets in response to Xena's words, knowing that if Xena kept this up, she was going right over the edge without anything else needing to be touched.
All of a sudden, without any warning at all, Gabrielle felt alone. She no longer felt Xena near her and wondered briefly if they were under attack. But before she could sit up to check, she felt Xena's hand on her back holding in place.
Xena had taken a moment to coat her hand in the heavy lard they used for cooking, and now she coated Gabrielle's dark tight virgin orifice with more of the same. Gabrielle was mewling and writhing softly beneath her hands. When Xena lay down beside her lover, she slipped her left arm under Gabrielle's chest and pulled her next to her. Xena continued to caress Gabrielle's hips to relax her, while her other hand did just the opposite, it teased and pinched a hardened nipple teasing Gabrielle with pleasure everywhere at once.
Xena spoke in heavy seductive tones, "I want you, my sweet. Give yourself to me and we will be one." Xena's teeth nipped at Gabrielle's earlobe enticing her, daring her to cry out. Again Xena announced her intentions, "I am going take your virgin ass, right here, right now."
Xena didn't rush things though. She wanted Gabrielle to enjoy this, so that in the future she could take her the way she had wanted to a few seconds ago. But as with all firsts, she took her time, and with pervasive slowness she tenderly yet steadily breached the tight ringed opening with her index finger.
Gabrielle's groaned softly, as Xena penetrated her slowly. She had never felt anything like this in her life. Her entire being seemed centered in one spot, absorbing new sensations. The feelings defied description. Xena paused and allowed her time to adjust to the incredible tightness she was experiencing. Just when she thought she couldn't bear it another second, Xena started talking to her, coaxing her with honeyed tones and soft loving encouragement.
"Relax Gabrielle. Just let it happen. Enjoy the feeling. Don't fight it. Embrace it. Move back into me, when you tense up too much, you make it more uncomfortable. Relax. I really think you will like this once you stop fighting the sensation."
Gabrielle tried to relax, as Xena slowly penetrated her again in a slow rhythmic thrusting motion.
She felt a sort of giving away and with that came relaxation and acceptance. A short time later, Gabrielle found herself actually beginning to like what Xena was doing to her. She had adjusted to the gentle penetration of Xena's finger. The more she relaxed the more tight ring of muscle gave way allowing Xena complete entry there.
Never in her wildest imagination, would she have believed Xena would touch her in such a way. Yet here Xena was deep inside her and it was the most incredible feeling in the world. When Xena slipped a second finger beside the first, and it caused her to moan in ever deepening pleasure. She was really into this now. Then, somehow, Xena managed to slip her other hand around her hips in front of her and slipped two fingers into her as well. Gabrielle could feel Xena's fingers touching each other through her skin. It was a very odd sensation, but a really titillating one too. She felt like she was going to scream in ecstasy any second, so lost was she in a sea of a million sensations. In moments the dual sensations had completely locked her into a heady vortex that spun her over the edge into nirvana.
Xena had gone into deep passion when Gabrielle began her spiral upward. She curled into the heaving body of her totally out of control, lover. Yet she never stopping what she was doing, she only had this strong need to experience it with her. She held everything Gabrielle was tightly between her working hands. She bit down on Gabrielle's shoulder, wanting her, needing every volcanic move Gabrielle made against her. This was a strong climax, the kind that pleased the one who is doing the giving. Xena was lost in the battle throes of Gabrielle's rapture. Then just as suddenly as it started, it was over. Gabrielle was curled up, and whimpering softly, beside her. She appeared to be in total surrender to her own passion. When Xena felt Gabrielle relax a bit more she gently removed her fingers, releasing Gabrielle to the after glow of love.
Part V - All the colors of the night
Xena took advantage of the moments respite, to wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water. Before resting her back against the fallen log after a few minutes of relaxation, she reached out to pull Gabrielle over to her.
Gabrielle lay with her head on Xena's thighs, while Xena rubbed Gabrielle's still tense bottom gently. "Relax Lover. It's over. Are you, Ok?"
"I think I'll survive, Xena. That is going to take some getting use to I guess. But I actually liked it a lot." Gabrielle said breathlessly, relaxing more and more under Xena's soft caress.
"So you liked it, huh?" Xena asked, bending over to cover Gabrielle's back with tiny kisses.
"Oh yes, I liked it very much. Couldn't you tell what you were doing to me?"
"Well sort of." Xena said with an impish grin. "Zeus, Gabrielle, your body was so hot it drove me nearly insane. But other than a lot of groaning you didn't have too much say about it."
Xena chuckled, settling back a bit more against her log with her eyes closed.
Gabrielle remained laying on her side with her head resting comfortably in Xena's lap. She realized that she was very aware of a certain area on her body. So much so that she began to wonder if the sensation would ever stop, She flinched in surprise when she suddenly felt Xena's hand rubbing her hips and lower back again.
"If you'd relax, I think you would feel a whole lot better." Xena said firmly, feeling the tension in
Gabrielle hips. "I said . . . , relax those cheeks, Gabrielle." Xena said unable to resist giving Gabrielle's bottom a friendly little slap with the flat of her hand for added emphasis.
Gabrielle winced then relaxed her hips. She could appreciate for the first time how tightly she had been holding them. "Thanks, Xena. I needed that. I didn't know I was clenching my hips so hard. You were right and I do feel better."
Xena, smiled down at her, "You really can be so stubborn sometimes, my pet." She said, as her hand resumed its soft leisurely caress of Gabrielle's firm butt.
"Gabrielle, do you love me enough to talk about the whip thingee, as you call it?" Xena chuckled over the word she just used.
"If you wish it so, Xena." Gabrielle answered with an uncharacteristically flat voice.
Xena's gaze shot to Gabrielle's face. "Gabrielle, we are going to discuss this in a calm and rational fashion. We need to get past this fear of yours. It's not doing either of us any good right now. And if I'm going to do that I need you to bring me the whip."
Gabrielle sat up and studied Xena for few seconds as she debated her position. All she wanted was to cuddle with her beautiful mistress and forget about the whip. But Xena seemed to want it otherwise.
This was good actually, because she wanted to experience the whip, but didn't want Xena to know. She knew now that if Xena thought she wanted it too much, she wouldn't give it to her or worse she wouldn't play this role with her anymore. So she decided to act as if she had a moral objection to what she really wanted.
Xena smiled as Gabrielle moved to curl up next to her.
"Look before we get comfortable, I want you to bring the whip over here, Gabrielle." She tilted her head to get a better look at Gabrielle, who had suddenly grown very quiet and withdrawn.
"Yes, Xena." Gabrielle said quietly, her chin almost resting on her chest, she wouldn't look at Xena nor did she make a move to do as she was told.
Xena leaned over and gripped Gabrielle's lower arm. "Are you disobeying me deliberately? Again? Look at me when I am speaking to you."
Gabrielle lifted her head and looked boldly into Xena's eyes, "Yes, Xena, I am disobeying you. I won't bring you that . . . that thing."
"Fine if that's the way you want it, then all rules are back in force right now. You stay where you are. Don't move a muscle, understand?" Xena said firmly. She betrayed nothing of her disappointment in Gabrielle. But she had decided that they were going to get past this fear tonight or her name wasn't Xena. Gabrielle was going to learn to trust her completely and love the damn whip at the same time. In a matter of seconds, she retrieved the whip from the top of her saddlebags, and headed back to Gabrielle. When she reached her destination, she remained standing in front of her lover, slapping the whip gently against her thigh.
When Gabrielle dared finally, to venture a peek at Xena, she was sorry she had and instantly dropped her gaze back down. She was excited by Xena's new whip. It really suited her Mistress in a strange way, but she didn't want Xena to know yet how much she was looking forward to these next moments. She had to play it very carefully or Xena would figure it out and she didn't want that to happen.
Xena knelt beside her, holding her, petting her. "Relax Gabrielle. I am not going to punish you with the whip. But we need to talk about this not run from it. Whips are a part of the scene we are creating you know that."
Gabrielle leaned her cheek against Xena's shoulder trying not to smile. "I know Xena. It's just that it's so real. I'm not sure I can handle the pain it will give me."
Xena hugged Gabrielle close to her, reminding herself again that love meant trust. Gabrielle said she trusted her and she knew Gabrielle wanted this. Why then was she resisting the very thing that thrilled so much. The only thing she could figure was that the reality of the whip must be teasing her mind with its reputation alone. She knew Gabrielle had witnessed the extensive damage a whip was capable of when used as punishment by some warlords in the area. What Gabrielle didn't know was there was another side to whipping, a side she had never witnessed before. So it was up to her to prove her ability to handle the whip gently with great expertise or ruin Gabrielle forever and that she would never allow.
Gabrielle felt herself beginning to relax in spite of herself. She couldn't help but respond to Xena's warm attention, especially since Xena was favoring her with warm touches everywhere.
"How are you doing?" Xena asked softly, letting go of her.
"OK. I guess."
"Come over here with me." Xena beckoned, as she returned to her comfortable spot by the log.
Gabrielle wasted no time doing as she was told this time and took a kneeling position in front of Xena.
"Take off the rest of my armor and remove my leathers as well. I think I would be more comfortable with them off now. Besides, I want to feel your skin next to me as I hold you."
Gabrielle removed Xena's armor and leathers quickly then almost melted into Xena, as the warrior drew her into her arms again.
"Gabrielle?" She began, "I thought you trusted me?" Xena's right hand felt the whip lying beside her, as her other hand traced the fine line along Gabrielle's collarbone.
"You know I do." Gabrielle replied in an almost patronizing tone, as she reached up to kiss Xena's lips softly. "I don't know what you plan to do with the little whip, but I am willing to try whatever you desire. I think I need to show you just how much I do trust you."
"Do you know what you are saying Gabrielle?" Xena asked incredulously.
"I think so." Gabrielle replied seriously
"Right. Xena said. "Let's test this new resolve of yours shall we? You will not touch me again, unless I ask you. You will follow my orders exactly and speak only when spoken to. Understand?"
"Yes, Xena, I understand."
Xena rose giving a command. "On your knees, slave. NOW!" She cracked the small whip in the air above Gabrielle, as she waited. "I have been very lenient with you thus far, because you are new to this. But understand that this state of affairs cannot last. The very next time you refuse a direct command from me. You will be punished. Is that understood?" Xena warned, her manner giving every indication that she would enforce her directives without question.
"Yes, Xena." Gabrielle answered trying her best not to smile.
"And wipe that smirk off your face, right now." Xena said testily. After a moment of silence, her attitude changed to one of coy sweetness. "Tell me, my pretty, do I love you?" Xena asked as she ran the handle of her whip, under Gabrielle's chin and tilted her head, silently thanking the fates that the fire was providing good light. She always loved the way the fire light lent golden tones to Gabrielle's skin. She could also see that tiny flame of fear or was it excitement in Gabrielle's eyes again. It didn't matter by the time she was done. She might just have to instill a little healthy fear into Gabrielle. She wanted Gabrielle to be afraid of her, but not overly so.
"Close those eyes and answer me!" Xena demanded, withdrawing the whip from under Gabrielle's chin with a sharp upward stroke.
"Yes Xena." Gabrielle said meekly, her insides quivering with anticipation. The worst part about all this was keeping her eyes closed because she couldn't tell what Xena was doing or read her expressions. Talk about trust.
"Yes, what Gabrielle?" Xena asked churlishly, her patience wearing thin and it showed in the way, she tapped the whip against her leg.
"Yes. You love me, Xena."
"Correct. And If I love you, do you think I could ever harm you in anyway?" Xena asked softening her voice deliberately, as she circled Gabrielle. She ran the whip handle across Gabrielle's shoulders and down her arms gently, raising goose flesh everywhere it touched.
"No, Xena, you wouldn't harm me." Gabrielle said in an emotionless voice.
Xena stopped in front of her slave again. "Did I ever promise you there would be no pain?" She asked cupping Gabrielle's cheek and jawbone in the palm of her hand.
Gabrielle leaned into the offered hand and said, "Xena you told me there would be pain sometimes. But you also promised I would not suffer without reward and that's all that matters to me."
"Correct. Very good." Xena beamed, leaning in to kiss Gabrielle tenderly. "You see, my sweet slave, I can have many moods. You can know great tenderness from me, especially when you please me so easily, like you did just now. But I am also unpredictable. You never know from one minute to the next how I will react, do you?"
"No, Xena." Gabrielle answered eyes respectfully down cast.
"It's good that you are so polite to me too. That will win you favors with me, should I decide to grant you one. Right now though, I want you to stand up, so I can see your full beauty." Xena had the whip in front of her loosely playing with it, as she waited for Gabrielle to comply with her wishes.
As Gabrielle stood, she didn't know what to do with her hands so she held them together in front of her. She learned quickly that this was not the right thing to do.
Xena brought the whip handle down hard against the the juncture of Gabrielle's fold hands. "No! Keep those hands at your sides. Don't hide anything from my view. Ever." Xena instructed, while running the whip handle between Gabrielle's thighs, then tapping each leg with it she said, "Spread them for me." Again Gabrielle willingly complied. "That's my good girl."
Xena moved behind Gabrielle, and pushed Gabrielle's hair over to one side. Then she proceeded to run the whip handle down the full length of Gabrielle's spine and between her legs, while she kissed all along the top of Gabrielle's shoulders. She paused and ran the whip handle once more down the length of her back and between her legs. This time she added upward pressure as she slid the handle back and forth against Gabrielle's pleasure center.
Gabrielle arched and leaned her head back against Xena's shoulder. Her eyes squeezed shut, in pure enjoyment of the new experience. Xena took advantage of Gabrielle's surrender to run the black whip, loosely this time, across her stomach, breasts and face. Then she brought it back down to splay the leather tongs across Gabrielle's breasts, before turning the lash in a circular motion around each of Gabrielle's nipples. Again Gabrielle moaned and swayed softly. Xena could tell Gabrielle was obviously enjoying every second of her attention to her breasts. Now it was time to test Gabrielle's mettle.
Xena pulled Gabrielle's arms behind her and slipped her arm behind them at the elbows. She needed to restrain Gabrielle's arms so that Gabrielle wouldn't be unable to move away from her. Xena then applied a slight downward pressure to keep Gabrielle in the mild arch. Now Gabrielle's breasts were temptingly displayed and vulnerable to her desires.
"Gabrielle, listen to me. Keep your head against my shoulder and don't move away, no matter what happens. If you move, it will displease me very much and cost you a painful penalty. Do I make myself clear?"
"I won't move. You have my word." Gabrielle said shakily, knowing she had committed herself in complete trust to the warlord who now held her captive. This position made her nervous with anticipatory fear, for she realized that Xena was totally committed too. She knew because she could sense the change in Xena's energy, and she knew the darker side of her Mistress was emerging. It was this was the mistress of pain and pleasure that would claim her now. She felt a weakness come over her as the full implication of her position sunk in. She tried to brace herself for what was to come, but knew nothing could prepare her for what Xena had in mind.
Xena began by introducing Gabrielle to the softness of the tongued lash. She teased her with it everywhere she could reach. Xena began slapping it lightly across Gabrielle's pubic mound, her stomach, and letting it linger here and there . Then gingerly, teasingly she worked the whip around Gabrielle's nipples, which were at full attention now.
Again and again Xena flicked the lash across each breast, almost tickling Gabrielle with its feather light touch. Then she repeated the movements flicking each nipple with a tongued edge that lent a small bite to her systematically falling lash. Each stroke came down slightly harder then the last with each pass. Carefully planning each move, Xena brought the sensation of the lash to a mild stinging level, noting how Gabrielle was responding. She could tell that her slave was in a world of her own, arcing to meet the whip, which surprised her, because she didn't expect it to happen so soon. She also took pleasure in the color that was rising in Gabrielle's breasts, it was so erotic, she couldn't stop watching every stroke, as it happened. The whip fell again and again, as she continued to punish Gabrielle's breasts a bit longer then she originally intended, well to be honest they both were lost in the erotic adventure.
When she finally brought an end to it, they were both breathing heavily and Xena could easily imagine a day when Gabrielle would ask for a heavier hand with the whip and she understood that for Gabrielle it would still result in ultimate pleasure.
Xena let Gabrielle relax as she moved to the front of her to lavish attention on those lovely blushing breasts. As soon as her hands touched them, she felt their searing heat. She looked them over very carefully and found no welting at all, just even color that invited her lips to touch them. She resisted the temptation and asked instead, "Does my whip still scare you Gabrielle or do you want more?" Xena's voice was intoxicatingly low and sexy, and as she spoke, she let her whip caress Gabrielle's reddened breasts with butterfly touches that really teased Gabrielle's swollen breasts and hardened nipples with want and need.
Gabrielle swayed her hips into Xena moaning with pleasure,but unable to answer her Mistress.
"What was that? I didn't hear you." Xena teased seductively. "Come on Gabrielle, open your eyes, and focus on my face." Gabrielle complied with her request, but her eyes had that dreamy look to them. Finally when she had Gabrielle's full attention, she asked the question again. "Does my whip scare you?"
"No Xena."
"Do you want more?" Xena asked, again flicking the multi tongued whip softly against Gabrielle's skin.
"Oh . . . Yes . . ., please. . . . Just a little more, if you don't mind." Gabrielle said shyly, closing her eyes again. She leaned into Xena, her hot breasts seeking the coolness of her mistress's skin. Gabrielle's voice was husky with emotion when she spoke. "I've never felt so alive in my life. The feel of the lash against my skin excites me like nothing ever has before. Please can I have more?"
"Where Gabrielle? Tell me where you want to feel it most?" Xena asked, allowing Gabrielle's slight breech of the rules, because it pleasured her to do so.
"I need to feel it against my nipples, Xena. They ache with need now. You have made my breasts feel so hot and heavy with want I don't know what to do. But I do know I like the feel your whip against my nipples. It's like you are kissing me with stinging bites, like when you are crazy with want of me.
It's like that."
"Really? Well I can manage to zero in on those sweet nipples, Gabrielle, if you're sure that's what you really want?" Xena replied huskily, still rubbing the reddened fullness of Gabrielle's breasts, pinching and pulling the already hardened nipples, just to hear Gabrielle's moans some more. As she did this, Xena backed Gabrielle gently against the large tree directly behind them, and instructed her to stay there.
She rushed over to her saddlebag to retrieve her long whip and some leather strips they used to tie the bedrolls to Argo's saddle. Then she returned to Gabrielle.
Gabrielle's eyes got as big as saucers when she saw Xena return with her long whip in hand.
Xena quickly reassured her by saying, "Don't worry it's not for you that way." She cracked the whip once or twice to extend it to full length then wrapped it high around the tree, where Gabrielle was standing, some distance above her head. She tied the handle and whip end together and leaving two short ends dangling down the side of the tree. Then she took Gabrielle's wrists and tied a piece of leather around each of them, then tied ends of the leather to the whip ends.
"Hold on to the whip with your hands, Gabrielle. They will help with any tension you feel. OK?"
* * * *
Gabrielle did as Xena instructed, and found she liked the feel of the leather in her hands it gave her something tangible to feel and in a way it was very comforting. Xena hadn't tied her hands so high that she was uncomfortable, but that didn't mean she still didn't feel vulnerable to what lay ahead.
Trust now became paramount in her mind. Xena had all the control now and she had that element totally taken away. She was confused by her excited emotions, where fear was mixed with anticipatory delight. She knew this was the point where a proud will could be broken. The funny thing was she wanted it broken. She wanted Xena to overpower her. The idea of it thrilled her like nothing she had experienced before.
* * * *
"Now arc just a bit, so your breasts have no defense against the whip." Xena instructed her slave. "Can you do that?"
Gabrielle assumed the position Xena had asked of her, at least she thought she had, until Xena gently corrected her by saying. "A little more, my pet. Spread your legs as wide as you can and still be comfortable. Prove to me how much you want my whip to kiss you again."
Xena was very wet by this whole thing, as she watched Gabrielle aligning herself with the tree in the way she had asked. Right now she thought Gabrielle positively reeked with raw sexual power. She loved how she presented herself, so proud and wild in her submission to her. It was a heady combination that sent her senses reeling with a tremendous desire to ravish her slave until she couldn't walk straight anymore.
When Gabrielle was finally in position, her breasts seemed to fill her whole field of vision in a way that was simply astonishing. Xena grinned, delighted by the way this offering was so willingly made to her. It was perfect and so was Gabrielle. She deliberately teased Gabrielle with the whip, letting it slap against Gabrielle's skin with agonizingly soft volleys, she even dared to slap the tongs between Gabrielle's legs a few times to gage her reaction, again she was blessed with a rapt pleasure filled tension showing on Gabrielle's face. She continued to strike Gabrielle's pubic area until the mound was warmed to deep red color. She slipped her hand between Gabrielle's legs and discovered the final proof of how turned on Gabrielle truly was. This too was a very good sign. They were going to have a lot more fun like this in the future, she knew that now. Finally she concentrated her attention on those patiently waiting breasts. First she tickled them with the ends of the flail several times, before she took a half a step back to give herself room to work.
She laid seven graduating in intensity lashes against each breast, without a preamble, being sure to striking each nipple squarely on its tip. Gabrielle moaned loudly as each strike fell. Xena knew from those moans that Gabrielle was totally into this. Xena absolutely loved the way Gabrielle strained to be sure her nipples received the brunt of the fiery kisses she gave them. And Xena could've sworn Gabrielle's nipples elongated more then she had ever seen them before. It was as if they were reaching out to intercept the lash. Gabrielle face was a study in pure bliss.
Seeing Gabrielle's reaction inspired Xena to step up the force of the whipping and she laid seven more reddened stripes on each breast before she stopped. During all of this Xena never once struck hard enough to cause her captive any sort of damage to her skin, not even a bruise would appear to mar her beauty.
Xena nearly devoured those hot flaming nipples when she gathered Gabrielle into her arms after untying her and her whip from the tree.
They clung together for a minute then Xena asked knowingly, "You really like this, don't you?"
Gabrielle was still breathy when she answered "Oh Yes Xena. I really do. I am tingling all over and my breasts are on fire with need. I never knew it could be like this"
This had worked out far better than she had hoped. 'It had almost been like gentling a horse with a blanket,' Xena thought as she kissed her slave thoroughly.
* * * *
Gabrielle felt Xena's arm slip around her loosely as she kissed her, her cool fingers gently massaged her fiery flesh. It felt so good. She hadn't realized that she needed exactly what Xena was doing to her. Who would have thought, a person could even be touched after the discipline she had received. But the fact was she needed it and a whole lot more. Her hands savaged Xena's hair as her desire grew by leaps and bounds.
Part VI - Warlord
Xena shook her head, as they broke their kiss, her hair flowing like a molten midnight river over her shoulder in the firelight. She drew in a deep breath and steadied her emotions, and eased down to the blankets, pulling Gabrielle down beside her.
"Touch me, slave. I want to feel you touch me." The tone in Xena's voice left no room for argument. Xena was on fire, her blood rushing through her with such force that she knew only one thing, she wanted Gabrielle. Had to have her, had to conquer her, and devour her. But watching Gabrielle moving so slowly, when her need was so great, exasperated Xena, she all but shoved Gabrielle away from her, as she leapt to her feet. "When I tell you to move. Move! You seem to have a problem following my commands when they don't suit you, Gabrielle. We are going to remedy that problem right now. You will learn to be obedient. You will learn to comply with my requests quickly and without hesitation. You will learn to be completely submissive to me." Xena explained forcefully, her words implying a silent threat to mete out any discipline she saw fit.
* * * *
There was little Gabrielle could do but to wait on Xena's next move. She couldn't help wondering just how far Xena would take this now. She had never seen her quite like this before. The only other time she could remember seeing this was when she had in a furious battle against numerous foes and her blood was still rushing through her like a fever. It was very hard to deal with her demanding energy when she was like this, but it was also very thrilling. Lovemaking was so fierce, she felt like she was in a maelstrom of swirling hot energy that threatened to overwhelm her. This Xena became both her desire and her fear.
* * * *
Xena leaned over her slave, and pulled into a standing position by her hair. She spoke sternly to Gabrielle. "Since you insist on doing things your own way all the time, and never listen to what I tell you. I have no choice but to punish you. I want to help you remember what I'm teaching you. There is just one thing you have to do."
"What's that?" Gabrielle said in a deliberately sarcastic voice.
Xena swung the lash around Gabrielle's hips, to strike her defenseless buttocks. Then smiled when Gabrielle flinched in surprise. "Remember what I taught you about addressing me, slave. When you speak to me, say my name. Why is it you can never remember that?"
"Of course, Xena, it will be as you wish. I don't really have a choice here, you know." Gabrielle replied more sullenly then before.
That sulking comment got her another hard sting from Xena's whip across her hips. Gabrielle winced and drew her bottom lip up into her mouth, behind her upper teeth.
"Watch that sarcastic mouth of yours, Gabrielle. It's going to get you into some real trouble with me. Do I make myself clear to you?" Xena asked with another hard strike of the lash against Gabrielle's buttocks.
"Yes, Xena, yes." Gabrielle gasped, feeling the burning message the whip was sending all too well. "I do understand you quite clearly. I'll be more . . ."
Xena yanked Gabrielle's hair, again. "Enough. I don't need excuses from you. A simple yes would have sufficed. Now remain as you are while I slip back into my leathers. I don't feel right disciplining you in the nude like this. It lacks a certain form of control that I like to maintain with my subordinates." Xena knew her role well. She also knew that with her next order she would be spicing up this scene with a deliberately planned wait for Gabrielle to suffer through. "I promise I'll only be a minute," she informed Gabrielle blithely, slapping the inviting rump non too gently as she left. Knowing she was leaving Gabrielle to wonder about her predicament.
* * * *
Time moved slowly for Gabrielle as she waited half in dread of what Xena had in mind for her. The other half of her was totally captivated by the dark Warlord side of her lover. She was just beginning to wonder what was taking Xena so long, when she was startled by Xena's cool hand along her back.
* * * *
Xena trailed her hand back up Gabrielle's back before she leaned over to speak close to her slave's ear, "Gabrielle, I want you to lay over the log you're sitting on and make sure your stomach is completely over it and your hands are holding that small sapling in front of you."
She walked around to the other side of the tree as Gabrielle complied with her request, somewhat surprised to see that Gabrielle was not resisting her commands this time. It always amazed her how the mere threat of punishment could instantly instill such cooperation in a person. All of a sudden they were doing what they should have been doing all along. When Gabrielle had hold of the sapling, Xena moved to bind her hands to it, with same leather strips she used earlier. She pushed Gabrielle's hands down roughly to the ground, wrapping a small strip of leather around each wrist, and securing it to the tree. She knew with the sapling between Gabrielle's hands., Gabrielle would be able to grip the tree during the punishment phase. Next she pulled a bandaging cloth from between her breasts and moved to blindfold Gabrielle.
"Xe . . . is this necessary?" Gabrielle gasped.
"Shush. Don't talk or I'll be forced to gag you. Yes this is necessary. I know you'll be tempted to open your eyes during your discipline, and this blindfold will protect you from having to endure more punishment. Besides depriving you of sight enhances everything you will feel." Xena explained matter of factly.
Xena took her place on the other side of the log after instructing Gabrielle to hold on to the sapling whenever she felt a need to. When Xena looked down on that plump upturned bottom, she couldn't resist caressing it, letting the sensation of Gabrielle's skin and upcoming planned punishment excite her. She slipped her fingers in deeper, between Gabrielle's thighs to test her level of excitement. What she found there pleased her, Gabrielle was very wet. The reward came in the form of more teasing of Gabrielle's pleasure center until Gabrielle was moaning in pleasure. But she didn't allow Gabrielle any release from her spiraling emotions. Now was not the time for that. She had other pleasures to attend to first.
It had been a long time since she last chastised anyone with the lash for the sole pleasure of exciting them. She took a second to run over the specialized technique in her mind, just to be sure she remembered how do it correctly. Satisfied that she did, she took a dominant position beside the log near Gabrielle's hips and placed the flat of her hand lightly on the small of Gabrielle's back. Whip firmly in hand she let it fall in an even volley of hot, stinging bites all at once everywhere on Gabrielle's buttocks, then stopped suddenly. A slow smile of satisfaction traveled across her intense face at the sight of the deep red glow that formed immediately across Gabrielle's behind. The lashing had produced some soft light welting here and there, as well. It was so enticing, she had to touch the reddened cheeks, had to feel the heat of them beneath her hand. In the end, she couldn't resist raking her finger nails across the flesh gingerly. When she did that Gabrielle sent a pleasure filled groan into the stillness of the night. It was very satisfying to hear and pleased her to no end.
* * * *
Gabrielle moaned deeply under the bite of the lash. She was conscious of sweat dripping from her brow, and her hands reflexively gripped the sapling tightly. Xena had surprised her by how swiftly she had delivered the lashing. She had not given her any time to build up tolerance to what was a frightfully stinging lash. She wondered how could Xena tease her with all that wonderful excitement and then punish her like this in the next breath? It was as if sheer madness had taken over her lover and the only thing she could do was endure until Xena decided to stop, which thankfully she had. At least now she could breathe again. But now she was besieged by all these new feelings and emotions. She felt a strange heat fanning across her punished bottom, it tingled and ached in a way that it made her feel more vital and glowing. Xena's cool yet excited caresses had touched her heart and mind with humbleness, and that feeling was quite unexpected. It made her want to cry from the intensity of the feeling.
Gabrielle's inner turmoil was interrupted by her mistress's voice. She was taken aback with astonishment by Xena's words. It was like the woman knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling. It was so incredible that Gabrielle felt the heat of shame rushing to her face adding to her feelings of submissivness
* * * *
Xena sat on the log, next to Gabrielle, her hand trailing along Gabrielle's spine. "You want to cry, don't you?" She asked calmly, "I can tell you know. Don't do it. Don't let me see one tear, Gabrielle, not one."
With those words, Gabrielle's head fell between her outstretched arms, in total abdication.
Xena knew Gabrielle was learning that nothing escaped her attention. Not even those little silent wars that raged inside her captives during training. She was equally sure that this knowledge came as a total surprise to her new slave. She also guessed that Gabrielle would try harder in the future to hide her feelings. But she had ways around that too. It was called conditioning. Right now she was satisfied that Gabrielle was absorbing her new role quite well.
As soon as the redness on Gabrielle's tender bottom started fading to pink, Xena brought the lash down again to bring the color back up. Only this time, she did it slower, letting Gabrielle really appreciate the whip's true caress. Slowly, deliberately she brought the speed and force of the punishing lashing up. Actually leaving the point heightened stinging and moving onto a few moments of low level pain. It was all controlled by a flick of wrist and distance from the target. She knew all of the techniques and just when to apply them. When she stopped this time, Xena knelt on one knee beside her slave. She left her whip hand at the small of Gabrielle's back, with the thin tongues of the flail splashed across her slave's hips. She grabbed, more gently this time, another handful of hair and slowly lifted Gabrielle's head up so she could speak to her.
"Now promise you'll listen to my words from now on Gabrielle or do you need more lessons from my whip?"
Gabrielle's face was almost as red as her bottom and Xena could feel the sweat dampening her slave's hair. She was proud of how well Gabrielle had taken her first punishment. She could tell Gabrielle was fighting for composure. So she diffused the effort by pulling a little harder on her slave's hair, effectively stopping the thinking process and demanding an answer from her slave. "Well what's it to be Gabrielle?"
While Gabrielle struggled to answer, Xena flicked the whip impatiently against her backside, to remind her it was there. "Don't keep me waiting or I'll assume you want more."
Again and again she graced Gabrielle's hips with the whip with little stinging reminders not to keep her waiting.
I want you to stop, Xena, . . . please, . . . Stop. I will listen." It was all Gabrielle could manage to say, but it was enough.
"All right, Gabrielle, no more I promise. All you had to say at any time was to stop. I want you to know and to learn that I will always listen to you. We have to have limits. I pushed you to the limit so you would know you can stop at anytime. I do love you remember?"
Xena was quick to hop over the log -- now that Gabrielle had learned she was not to suffer needlessly in this new relationship -- to untie Gabrielle's hands. Then she helped Gabrielle to stand, knowing she might not want to sit at the moment. She took off the blindfold and looked deeply into Gabrielle's beautiful watery green eyes. "What's going on with you??"
Part VI - Full Reversal
Gabrielle leaned into Xena, letting her comfort her. "I feel so strange, Xena." She was still sweating and panting from her ordeal with the whip.
Xena reached for the water skin and offered her some water, which Gabrielle took gratefully.
After drinking deeply, and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Gabrielle finally answered Xena's questions. "I swear Xena. I will listen to you more carefully in the future. And yes, I'm ok." She buried her face in Xena's neck, not daring to say anymore, for tears threatened to disgrace her. This highly charged emotional state of hers was leaving her very shaky and very needy for something she couldn't voice. Gabrielle swayed against Xena trying hard not to rub her throbbing sex against Xena's very supportive thigh.
"It's OK, Gabrielle. You can cry if you want to." Xena advised softly, pouring some water on the bandaging cloth she had used to blindfold Gabrielle earlier. She proceeded to gently wash Gabrielle's flushed face with the cool wet cloth. It wasn't long before she dropped the cloth, to let her hands knead Gabrielle's hips. They still felt hot to the touch and that excited her. She knew that her desire for Gabrielle was going to drive her insane. But she also knew better then to rush things right now. She'd have to find a way to deal with her lust after she made sure Gabrielle's needs were met. She wasn't about to abandon Gabrielle emotionally and ruin their relationship, like she might have some ordinary slave in the past, just to show them who owned their lives.
"I'll put some aloe oil on this later, OK?" Xena asked.
Gabrielle nodded, still not verbalizing any thoughts or feelings.
Xena found this to be much too quiet for her liking. She began to wonder what Gabrielle wasn't telling her. So far all Gabrielle's answers had been stilted, weak, and almost nonexistent, she thought, rather she had hoped that Gabrielle would have been more animated and excited then she appeared to be now. Maybe she had pushed her too fast, and to far this first time. Maybe she had been too diligent with the whip, maybe . . . unless . . . It finally registered in her brain what Gabrielle was doing right now. She was so intent on nibbling Xena's neck that she didn't think Gabrielle was aware of how her hips rocked in a certain telling way across her thigh.
'So that's it,' Xena speculated her eyebrows shooting up in astonishment. Perhaps she did know what was going on with her lover, after all, if she had done her job well, it was the only answer. "I know what you need, my pet." She informed Gabrielle, with bemused snicker, her hand drifting up to push back the hair covering Gabrielle's face from her sight.
Gabrielle lifted her head to look bleary-eyed at Xena's face, puzzlement plainly visible in her face.
Xena arched her eyebrow at Gabrielle's confused look. Now she was more convinced then ever that she knew what was going on inside her little slave. Clearly though, Gabrielle hadn't figured this out for herself yet. But that didn't matter. She had to kiss that cute little up turned nose before she started laughing.
Gabrielle's hot searching mouth captured her own in a quick surprising move. Now thoroughly enjoying their locked lips, she let her fingers drift between Gabrielle's thighs and her own. She was not surprised to feel Gabrielle trying to move away from her inquisitive fingers. She quickly countered her move by possessively deepening their kiss, effectively weakening Gabrielle's defenses. In moments her questing hand found what it was seeking, and all her suspicions were confirmed tenfold.
Xena broke the kiss almost laughing out loud at Gabrielle's oh so serious face.
* * * *
That smirk upset Gabrielle. She could see the triumphant, almost gloating features of Xena's face. Those clear blue eyes of hers seemed to accuse her of enjoying her chastisement, making her feel like an apology was needed. "I am sorry, Xena, I know it was supposed to be punishment. Bu. . . . Bu. . . . But " Oh gods, now she was stammering.
As a way of saying I accept your apology, one of Xena's hands gave her bottom a loving swat, while the other continued to teased her mercilessly, making any thinking at all ten times harder then it already was. Words failed her as she got lost in the sensations Xena was igniting inside her.
* * * *
Xena whispered against Gabrielle's cheek, once she had them back down on crumpled blankets, "You liked it, Gabrielle. There is nothing wrong with that. You have ta understand that particular form of punishment was meant to arouse you not hurt you." Xena said huskily, chewing on Gabrielle's ear for a few seconds before sharing more of her thoughts. "I'm just happy to know I haven't lost my touch." She kissed Gabrielle's neck and shoulders endlessly, saying. "Gods, I want you so bad. I can't stand it. I have never felt you so wet, so hot. You make me want to ravage you until you are senseless."
"Do it Xena! I need it. I need you to love me."
Xena sat up over Gabrielle's hips and quickly stripped off her leathers, then she rolled with Gabrielle so they lay side by side facing each other. Xena took Gabrielle's hand and placed between her legs. "Feel what you do me, my love. Don't be afraid to touch me any way you want to, sweetie. We aren't playing Mistress and her slave now. I'm just me and I need you to touch me, to feel my desire for you." Xena said, while licking her lips in anticipation of what was to come.
Gabrielle wanted Xena so bad she could taste it. The warrior wasn't going to have her way this time. It was her turn. "Grrrrr!" She said in a low throaty growl, as she pushed Xena over on her back. Gabrielle lay on top Xena, ravaging her mouth with a brutal kiss. Gasping for air, Gabrielle pulled herself up, to straddle Xena hips. Her head flew back with such speed that her long hair fell behind her in a wild, tousled cascade of burnt gold.
Xena couldn't believe how feral and gorgeous Gabrielle looked when she made that move. Her wife was glowing with carnal excitement. She was a rare offering to Aphrodite's honor in that pose.
Gabrielle looked up at the starry canopy and took a deep breath, before looking down into Xena's burning eyes, her face framed by a mass of shimmering mass of highlights. Her voice proclaimed her superiority when she declared firmly, "You are mine, Warrior Princess. When I am done with you, you will beg for my mercy."
Xena smiled up at her lust crazed lover, enjoying every second of her fevered attack upon her, knowing that things were about to change. "Not yet, my wild filly, I've waited all night to have you like this and now I am going to do just that. After I'm done with you, you can pleasure me." Xena said with a note finality ringing in her voice that was enough to silence her lover's protests. She didn't waste time with any more talk, she simply rolled Gabrielle on her side again, protecting her tender backside, the best she could. She knew once Gabrielle's passion was rekindled, she would soon forget any soreness that might still linger there.
All of Xena's love poured into every caress, every kiss she gave Gabrielle. In moments, Gabrielle was moaning into her mouth. Xena's fingers drove Gabrielle to edge of a deep abyss in no time. Seconds later she entered the super heated wetness of her lover's core, and started the deep thrusting motions with her fingers that Gabrielle loved, knowing it would drive her over the edge. Gabrielle was so ready she knew it wouldn't take long to give her complete release.
Gabrielle felt Xena taking her hard and fast, she surrended her soul, as her hips matched Xena's tempo and they moved in a sensuous forbidden dance.
Xena's mouth found Gabrielle's breasts and proceed to ravish them without mercy until Gabrielle was writhing in insane pleasure beneath her.
Xena worked her way down Gabrielle's stomach stopping above the gyrating mound of wet pleasures. All she knew was that she had to taste Gabrielle's sweetness until she came in her mouth. She wanted to be apart of this wild passion ride that was about to be unleashed upon her. Xena leaned over Gabrielle's stomach and dove head first between Gabrielle's thighs. She grabbed the engorged protruding nub in her mouth and started sucking hard on it for a second, before licking it as hard and fast as she could.
Beneath her Gabrielle exploded. Her hips lifted them both off the ground. Xena felt the sting of Gabrielle's hand when she slapped her hard on the shoulder in the throes of wild ecstasy. Xena pulled Gabrielle's thighs wider apart and slid her arm down one leg, to lean further over Gabrielle's throbbing center. She wanted to push her tongue into the coral opening, to really taste her offering.
"Oh Gods, Xeeena! Don't stop. Please don't stop. I'm going to go again!" Gabrielle cried out in passion.
It was all Xena needed to hear. She sent three fingers plunging into Gabrielle this time, the heel of her hand driving hard against Gabrielle's swollen mount. After a few glorious moments Xena slowed her thrusts, knowing a gentle touch now, after all the fierceness she had unleashed on Gabrielle, would send her lover into high rapture. Her mouth latched once again on Gabrielle's hooded sentinental in a brutally sweet caress that utterly stilled in lover in an instant.
Then Gabrielle withdrew totally into herself, as if every sense was trained on what she was feeling. That when without warning she rose in a ramrod stiff half arc as the second orgasm crested inside her.
When Xena felt Gabrielle's inner walls clamping around her fingers, she knew they were close to going over the edge. The final edge came when Gabrielle's nub flexed, retreated, and then pulsed deeply against her tongue. The instant she felt the flex, Gabrielle gushed a sweet stream of liquid into her mouth, while her ears bore the brunt of Gabrielle's ecstasy when she rent the air with high pitched screaming moans that would have to go down in the history books as legendary. After a moment Gabrielle collapsed against the blankets groaning and still writhing in the aftermath, for all of a split second that is.
The next thing Xena knew she was flat on her back, for one very demanding bard had reflexively curled up straight up and down on her in one fell swoop, bent on delivering a one in a million passion filled, never to be forgotten kiss. Now it was the Warrior who was overpowered, lost in a sea of seething passion.
Gabrielle gasped, "I have to have you, Xena. Have to . . . now."
Gabrielle was all over her, from her head to her toes. She didn't know when or how, but somehow Gabrielle was laying flat on top of her, holding her arms over her head, and that was no easy feat for anyone to do in normal circumstances, but then this was not normal in any shape or form.
This was a side of Gabrielle she had never seen even though she knew it had to exist. Other then that she knew that she liked it, and there was no chance in hades she was going to do anything to stop the wild beauty that had pinned her so neatly. This was an ecstasy she had dreamed about, but never thought she would experience. Yet here she was being fully avished by her wife and loving every second of it. She didn't want to go anywhere but where this dynamo wanted her to be.
Gabrielle spoke to her captive, in a husky voice, "Now you will surrender to me Warrior Princess, I will make you beg me for mercy. And when you have begged long enough I will take you. You are mine to do with as I will."
Xena smiled into those demanding beautiful eyes, knowing full well she was a willing victim and her surrender was not an issue between them. Still, she had the presence of mind to tease her lover one last time, before she was swept away by Gabrielle's passion.
"What? Me, beg for mercy, Gabrielle? Never happen. Never. No one can take me down without killing me first. Got that? Not even you can take me. But I'd like to see you try."
Gabrielle's eyes narrowed and a strange gleam sparkled in her eyes. "Don't you ever underestimate me, Xena! I am your Dark Mistress now, and I will have your surrender and your soul to me this very night." Gabrielle said in savage earnest. Her hands twisted in Xena's hair, as she lifted Xena's head for another barbarous kiss.
Xena was surprised when she tasted her own blood from the force of Gabrielle's kiss. It had the power to set her blood on fire. She loved the fact that Gabrielle wasn't being gentle or letting her off the hook in any way. Gabrielle was being downright feral, demanding and fierce, one out of control Amazon Warrior Queen. There was no doubt she would surrender to Gabrielle's fire, for she was already helpless against it.
"Oh Gods, Gabrielle please, don't stop." Xena chanted the now familiar phrase
Gabrielle's triumphant smile went unseen by the warrior writhing beneath her. She leaned over to issue a smug reply that was also unheard by her lover. "Hah! I got you now, my beautiful Warrioress." Then noticing that Xena wasn't paying attention, Gabrielle leaned in even closer to Xena's face, as her fingers continued their wild assault on Xena's senses. "You will scream your surrender to me, Warrior Princess. Understand me now. I will not offer you release until you scream out my name to me."
Xena shook her head still trying desperately trying to deny her lover her final surrender.
"Oh, but you will." Gabrielle vowed, to her captive warrior.
* * * *
The ancient forest grew darker, filled with a primeval mist that cloaked the trees with stillness as the night wore on.
The Gods above were going about their mundane tasks or talking quietly amongst themselves. Some were playing games of chests, while others watched the human drama's play out on the earth plains below. When into that serenity came an unearthly shriek of passion that startled them all. The scream had shattered the perfect stillness of the night so deeply, it pierced the veil of the celestial realms, to shake the mighty pillars of Mount Olympus with a single undulating word.
* * * *
Zeus turned to his glowering son, Ares, to gloat with undisguised glee, "I think a certain Warrior Princess has finally surrendered to a force greater than herself."
"Don't rub it in Father, you know how I hate it when you do that!" Ares snapped childishly, then with a stomp of his foot for emphasis, he disappeared in a blaze of angry fire.
The thunder of Zeus's laughter rumbled mightily across the midnight sky, passing unheard over the exhausted lovers who slept so peacefully in their dream cloaks below. No they never knew of the jealous storm they spawned when their passion song was done.
The End