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View Full Version : Why do I struggle

10-26-2015, 04:41 AM
Hi everyone, I have written a long diary called Charlottes Diaries, The sexual content is all true, but the backround story has been artisticly changed to make the storys flow better (the addition of family and work info) and they are not in the order that they happened, but in an order that flowed better. I have written a few other stories too, one which is true and one that is totally made up and three that are fifty/fifty.

I have found that I really struggle to write about these things if they are not based on actual happenings. In the past I will admit to having been the male equivalent of a SLUT, especially when I was with the affore mentioned Charlotte. Having been married twice now my sex life has calmed down somewhat and the enjoyment that I got from writing about it has faded.

My question is; how do I continue to write, when the stories are fictional and don't give me as much of a buzz as the true ones please?
Any positive or negative comments welcomed as they may well jolt me into writing again. Thanks.

10-26-2015, 09:27 AM
Try to imagine the stories you write are real but about other people. You know like living your fantasy through another person... It works for me.

10-26-2015, 12:17 PM
Thanks Niteowluk2003, I will try.

04-10-2016, 07:31 PM
Start with a main character and then become that character. Put yourself inside their head, in their bodies and write the world as they would see it. You may not get it perfect every time but then it's your character so who knows what's goin on in their head other than you... What I do is pull pictures off google image and then I write up a character sketch for each one, joining the families and work relations together and jumbling them all up...then I write a short background for each of them before I pick out whose head I want to explore...