View Full Version : (The SlutMan) T'was The Night Before Christmas...

01-03-2016, 07:45 PM
T'was The Night Before Christmas...
by The SlutMan


Synopsis: Sweet little Sue stays up late to learn if Santa is real or not. She learns a great deal more than she bargained on.
Codes: Mf Mult fant 1st cons gang oral anal size


They came in a little too fast and made a hell of a racket during the landing. Kris sighed and shook his head. He could say something to them, but there was no point to it, they weren't going to listen. They didn't get nearly enough flight time during the rest of the year, so when the opportunity arose, they always went too fast.

He grabbed his sack and stepped out of the sleigh, sinking into the snow covering the roof and started for the chimney. He laid a finger along side of his nose, winked and swirled into a red and black cyclone that rose up over the lip of the chimney and vanished down the flue.


Sue's eyes popped open as she heard the noise on the roof, and she looked at the ceiling. She couldn't believe it. Either some dim bulb was trying to break into the house by coming down the chimney, where, incidentally, there was a gas stove insert installed, or her best girlfriend had been right all along.

Sue was fourteen years old, a brunette, five feet tall and slender. She's a pretty girl, with a bright smile that showed her even, white teeth and crinkled her nose. Her eyes were brown and her mouth was wide, with full, red lips. She played basketball and field hockey, and it showed. Her body was firm and muscular, with long, slim legs, trim hips, a taut, round little ass, a tiny waistline and teacup sized breasts. She was an adventurous girl, and not the least bit shy about going after whatever she wanted.

She watched through slitted eyes as the gas stove vanished and a small red and black tornado popped out of the fireplace, hovered over the hearthrug, and suddenly solidified into a very big fat man. He was dressed in a red suit trimmed with white fur, shining black boots, a wide black belt and black mittens. Behind him, a fire just... faded in, on a grate that hadn't been there in years. She could hear the wood popping and smell the fragrance of it as it merrily blazed away.

It couldn't be, but it was. Santa Claus!

She forgot that she was supposed to be asleep, and stared at him as he let an enormous sack drop to the floor from his shoulder, and then straightened up with a groan. The sack landed with a thud that seemed to shake the house, but Santa seemed blissfully unaware of the noise he was making. He found the plate of cookies that she had put out for him, and he wolfed them down. They vanished very quickly indeed, and so did the glass of milk.

He set the glass down and let go a thunderous belch, sighed in satisfaction and started to dig into the huge sack. Sue suddenly remembered why she was up at this time of night and picked up her daddy's digital camera, aimed it at the fat man and pressed the shutter button.

Nothing. No flash, no click of the shutter, no nothing. She turned the camera around to see what's wrong with it, and it went off, the flash blinding her for a moment and making her gasp in surprise. When she could see again, past the after-image of the explosion of light that had dazzled her, Santa was standing in front of her, a merry grin on his face, his eyes crinkled with laughter.

"Ho, ho, ho! What are you doing here, little Sue? You should be tucked away in your bed, dreaming sweet dreams of Christmas day." The chuckles rolled out of him and his belly shook with each one. His voice was deep and rich, and as soothing as a hot bath on a cold winter's day.

Sue rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the after-image of the camera flash, and then looked at him again, her jaw slack with disbelief. "I must be dreaming!" she said to herself. She pinched her thigh and winced, and forgot to rub the spot as she stared at the impossible sight before her again.

"Ho, Ho, Oh, you don't believe in me anymore!" He leaned over her and looked her in the eye. She could smell his breath, redolent with the smell of peppermint candy canes, sweet, dark chocolate and other Christmas goodies. His smiling eyes caught hers and held her spellbound as she gazed into their depths.

"Are you really..." She couldn't finish the question; suddenly she was afraid that he really was who he seemed to be.

"That's right, Susie. I'm Santa Claus, in the flesh." He straightened up, his eyes never leaving hers. "Ho, Ho, Oh, you're worried. You think that you're going to be on the bad girls list for waiting up for me, among other little sins." A huge grin split his snow-white beard and he laughed again. He turned and waved, his hand leaving a trail of sparkles hanging in the air, and a huge throne appeared next to the Christmas tree. He sat in it and patted his knee. "Come and sit on my knee, little Susie, and let's see if we can figure out if you've been naughty or nice."

Sue slowly got off the couch and approached him, stopping just out of reach. He leaned forward and she gasped as he scooped her up in his arms, even though she'd been a good five feet away from him. He sat her on his lap and smiled at her merrily, his hand patting her knee.

"You've nothing to fear from me, little Susie." he chuckled. He patted her knee again. "If this is a dream, like you think it is, well, nobody ever got hurt from a dream, did they?" Sue shivered as he rubbed her knee. His hand was warm, very warm in fact, and his mittens had vanished, even though she had not seen him take them off.

And then she blushed scarlet when she remembered that she hadn't dressed in her usual pajamas tonight. She was wearing a baby doll nightie set that she'd gotten for her birthday yesterday, the day before Christmas. It was a gauzy, see-through affair that wrapped around her torso just above her breasts, fastening there with a pretty ribbon and it hung to just below her butt. The bra was, well, skimpy would be a good word for it, and her panties too, come to think of it. The bra was just a half-cup, barely covering her nipples and it lifted her breasts and pushed them together, which made for a nice cleavage. The panties were T-backs, leaving her ripe little butt bare and only covered her little pussy with a tiny little triangle of material. It was an outfit that she had picked out for slumber parties with her girlfriends, but she couldn't resist wearing it tonight. She'd be wearing her robe the next morning when she opened her presents, sparing herself another one of those looks from her parents, who were vastly uncomfortable with their only daughter's blooming sexuality.

It was a real bummer, having her birthday on Christmas Eve, but there it was. She had really been born on Christmas Day, but she had raised such a fuss about it when she was old enough to realize that Christmas was all about presents, that her family had officially moved her birthday celebration to Christmas Eve. Now she got presents for two days in a row. How cool was that?

Her embarrassment faded as quickly as it had come when Santa beams down at her as she settled down on his lap. She could see now that his suit was a thick and luxurious velvet that felt fabulously soft against her bare bottom. She felt safe sitting in his lap; it was big enough for two and very comfortable.

"What are you dreaming of for Christmas, little Susie?" Santa asked, his eyes twinkling at her from above that long, thick, silky soft beard and moustache. Sue blushed again as she remembered her dream of five Justin Timberlakes and herself, stranded in the family's summer cabin up in Vermont, on the shores of Mallet's Bay on Lake Champlain.

"Ho, Ho, Oh, I bet I know what you'd like for Christmas!" he laughed, his eyes regarding her intently. He stood up and set her on her feet on the floor, his belly shaking as he chuckled. "Feel in my pockets and you'll find your Christmas present, sweet Sue."

Sue was convinced that she was indeed dreaming. He was the Santa Claus that she had always pictured in her mind, every detail matching up perfectly. She threw caution to the winds and snuggled up to the enormous fat man, her hand going into his pocket.

She couldn't help but think of the song 'Santa Baby', as sung by Madonna in that little contrived fuck-me voice that she used while recording the song. Sue had always pictured Madonna reclining on a beautiful bed, dressed in a scandalous nightie as Santa plied her with presents in order to have his way with her...

She gasped as her hand plunged into his pocket. There was no pocket. All she found was flesh. A lot of flesh. Soft, hot flesh that grew even as she held it.

She knew what it was. She'd messed around with Tommy just last week, teasing him until he pulled out his dick and showed it to her, the only one she had ever seen. She had kept her side of the bargain and showed him her tits, her nipples erecting into thick spikes as she watched his dick grow. She'd held it in her hand as he slobbered on her boobs, sucking her nipples, but she had dropped it and backed away when he begged her to jack him off. She wasn't willing to go that far, but she'd actually held a real, live dick, and she'd also seen it spit as Tommy jerked off while staring at her breasts.

But Tommy's dick hadn't felt like this. Nooo sir! His dick had been maybe five inches long and had fit comfortably in her hand. But this one, God, she couldn't even get her hand around it when it was soft! She and her girlfriends had talked about the moment that they saw their first dick, and they had laughed at the names that boys used when they talked about it. The girls all thought that calling it a 'dick' was strange. Calling it a 'penis' was too technical, and 'cock' made them giggle.

Sue had privately thought that cock was a great name for the penis, but it somehow made her think of a big one, not a small one like Tommy's. She decided that an average penis was a dick, but a big penis would be a cock.

And she knew now that what she was holding inside Santa's pants wasn't a dick. She has her hands on a cock! A great big, beautiful cock! And it was making her wet, between her legs.

"Go ahead, sweetie." Santa whispered, a slow grin growing on his face. "Unwrap it!"

And then, in an instant, he was on his back in front of the fire, lying on an immensely thick fur rug, his legs spread as she knelt between them, fumbling with his belt. She finally got it unbuckled and unbuttoned his pants, feeling the rigid flesh of his cock beneath her fingers. He lifted his great hips into the air as the last button popped through the buttonhole and she dragged them off of him. His boots were already gone, although she didn't remember him taking them off. She giggled nervously as she thought, 'I'm unwrapping Santa Claus!'

And then his cock was in her hands, the immense staff pulsing under her fingers, a thick drool of cream coming from the slit in the blood-red head. On an impulse, she ducked her head and dragged her tongue across it, the crimson cockhead tasting of cinnamon. Her tongue scooped up his pre-cum and it tasted of a delicious sweet cream flavor as she licked it from his cockhead.

She'd never sucked a cock in her life, she'd never even seen it done, but she stretched her jaws wide and took his cock into her mouth, moaning as the flavors and textures arrowed straight to her little cunny. Her nipples came up, spiking right through her bra and Santa chuckled again as his fingers found and tweaked them. She sucked his cock for a few moments and then lifted her mouth off of him, and licked her way down the enormous shaft to his warm, furry balls.

They tasted like warm candy as she laved them with her tongue, and Santa whispered, "And visions of Sugar Plums danced in her head." He chuckled again and she was enveloped by his aura, feeling safe and warm and happy, and very, very horny. He gathered her up in his arms and laid her on his broad, soft belly and then they kissed. His hands were hot on her bare ass, squeezing the firm flesh as she accepted his tongue in her mouth and sucked it, his saliva tasting like the syrup in Chocolate-covered Cherries.

They necked for what seems like hours to the fourteen year old, her body coming alive in the hands of a man for the first time, slow, gentle orgasms shaking her as he caressed her. Her panties were drenched, the thin material plastered to her mound by the honeyed oils of her arousal. His mighty cock was between her thighs, riding against her panty covered pussy and soaked with her juices too, the thick fur on his balls dripping with them.

And then her hips were clamped in his hands, and he lifted her up until she was sitting on his broad belly, her legs spread wide around the girth of him. His hands slid up from her hips and under her bra, popping her tits out of it. She moaned as the heat of his hands warmed her breasts, his thick fingers teasing her turgid nipples until they were immensely erect, bright red berries on the tips of her snowy breasts.

Hands came from behind her and unhooked the front catch of her bra and stripped it from her, and then untied the ribbon holding her negligee on. It was pulled from her sweaty body and vanished behind her too, and she turned her head to see who was stripping her. Santa's hands hadn't left her breasts, and hers were still behind her, wrapped around Santa's enormous cock.

An elf smiled at her as he neatly folded her clothing. He was maybe three feet tall, dressed in typical Christmas elf style, a green tunic, pointed hat, striped stockings and pointed slippers on his feet, complete with bells. He had a huge cock too, and it prodded the crack of her ass when he leaned forward and ripped off her panties. He straightened up, his cock smeared with her juices and her panties in his hands.

He smiled at her again as he took her panties, somehow still whole and undamaged, and stuffed the sodden crotch in his mouth. His eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned as he sucked on them, his big cock growing even more as he vacuumed her juices out of the fabric of the crotch. A few moments later, he took them out of his mouth and they were clean and dry. He smiled as he carefully folded them and put them with the rest of her clothing.

Sue closed her eyes, dismissing the impossible things that she was seeing from her mind, and turned back to Santa, wrapping his head in her arms when he sat up and sucked her nipple into his mouth. She moaned as his hot tongue lashed the rigid nub, her breast elongating as he sucked on it and pulled away. And then she was in his hands again, high above him and he was lowering her onto the gigantic spike of his cock.

Sue gasped aloud as the broad, blunt head of his cock touched her drooling cunny, and she moaned even louder as his cockhead split the tight lips guarding her virgin pussy. She felt no fear and no pain when his hands left her waist and went to her shoulders, pressing her down onto him, his huge cock tunneling into her virgin cunny, spreading her wider than she ever thought possible.

A radiant smile burst forth on his face and she was enveloped in the immense warmth of that smile. She smiled back in delight and laughed with sheer joy even as she worked to get all of that titanic cock into her cunt. And then it was done; her ass was pressed tightly against the warm expanse of his belly and she could feel his cock buried in her, the soft fur of his groin tickling her engorged clit.

"I've got it all!" she gasped in wonder, her hand tracing the outline of his huge cock as it bulged her taut belly.

"Oh, Ho, Ho! You certainly do!" Santa laughed, his belly jiggling and bouncing her on his deeply imbedded cock.

Her face changed and she leaned over his laughing smile. "Are we going to fuck now?" she asked, unable to stop a smile from spreading across her face. His smile and laugh were contagious and she giggled happily with him while impaled on a cock that, under normal circumstances, would have frightened the life out of her.

She didn't wait for an answer and started posting on him, fucking herself on his gigantic rod. His hand was on her breast again and she moaned as he teased the rigid nub of her nipple. His other hand went between her widespread thighs and she screamed as she came on his cock, her cunt clamping down on the impossibly thick shaft as he fingered her clit and set off her first orgasm with a man's cock inside her.

Sue bit her lip after the first scream, her eyes wide and staring as the liquid heat of her orgasm seared through her ripe young body. Her breath caught in her throat and she trembled wildly on him, her overstuffed cunt grabbing and massaging his cock, the slick walls of her vagina rippling along the impossible length and width of it.

And then she was wrapped in his arms again, and he rolled them over, and she was on her back on the soft, thick fur rug, her ankles next to his ears as he started to fuck her. She came with his first stroke, and really never stopped cumming, her orgasms varying between huge, blinding things that ravaged her brain to deep, slow ones that rolled through her as he made love to her.

"Ho, Ho, Ho!" Santa chuckled, looking down at her, "You ARE a good girl." he said, his great beard tickling the girl's swollen breasts. And then he began to fuck her hard and deep, and she stayed right with him, fucking him back with all of the native talent and love that she could muster, even as she orgasmed uncontrollably on his huge cock as it plunged into her belly.

He came in her whenever she orgasmed, his cock hosing down her cervix with his hot, thick syrup and driving her deeper into her climax every time. He increased the speed and depth of his strokes and Sue became delirious with joy, urging him onward to greater heights of passion with every dirty word she knew.

He rolled them over again and she was suddenly riding him, his hands on her hips, lifting and dropping her on the fantastic cock that he had impaled her with. And then she felt a warm body lean up against her back, and small hands on her swollen breasts, expertly teasing her nipples and driving her mad with raw sensation.

She fell forward, catching herself and leaning on Santa's broad chest as he kept bouncing her hips on him, fucking her nonstop. Sue was beyond words, reduced to explosive grunts every time he bottomed out in her belly. Her head came up and she let out a whispery, whistling scream as a long, thick cock was wedged between the hard cheeks of her butt and rammed up her asshole, the muscular ring of her anus painlessly flowering open to receive it.

She was buffeted between the two cocks plundering her virgin body and she climaxed almost constantly, her orgasms coming hard and fast. She had never known such ecstasy, had never known that her body was capable of such intense sensation. Her breasts were swollen, up another full cup size, and her nipples felt like they were going to explode under the elf's expert touch. Much to Sue's surprise, the cock in her asshole felt every bit as good as the one in her cunny.

And then, she felt the touch of yet another cock, this one on the side of her face. Santa laughed and nodded, and she turned her head to see a second elf hovering beside her, his huge cock drooling a thick cream as he smiled at her. She smiled back and leaned towards him, engulfing his cock and blissfully sucking it, not really wondering where the knowledge came from that allowed her to take all of his enormous cock deep into her throat.

And then two more elves appeared, and she took their cocks in her hands, expertly jacking them off, although she had never done such a thing before this night. The elf fucking her ass groaned in a high pitched voice and slammed his cock deep into her bowels and came, Sue gasping and cumming as his hot spend flooded her belly. She moaned in disappointment as he pulled his wilting cock out of her, and then sighed in pleasure as yet another elf took his place.

The elf she was blowing grabbed her ears and shoved his huge cock deep into her throat, moaning as he came, his sweet cream shooting into her stomach. And then he was gone and another elf took his place too. One of the elves that she was jerking off stiffened and came, shooting his wad on her face and breasts, and that set off the other one that was also getting a hand job from her. He hosed down her tits as well, and then both of them were replaced by new elves.

Sue's world shrank down to the cocks fucking her ripe little body, and the ones that she was jerking off, and she lost herself in orgasms as Santa and his elves gangbanged her far into the night.


Sue was lying on Santa's chest, wrapped in his arms. He was finally soft, and the elves had all disappeared. Her body was pleasantly aglow with the echoes of her massive orgasms and soaked with elf cum, her belly full of it, and she was a little tired. Surprisingly enough, she felt no pain at all, despite the monstrous size of the cocks she had serviced with her ass and her pussy and her mouth. 'Magic has its uses.' she thought to herself and giggled tiredly.

Santa pulled her up and kissed her tenderly and said, "Time for me to go, my sweet." She nodded, not trusting her voice. He rolled to his side and laid her gently on the thick fur of the rug, kissed her again and stood up. He flung his hands into the air and a rain of sparkles concealed him for a moment, and when they fell to the floor, he was impeccably dressed once more.

He looked at her, his eyes twinkling and said, "You are indeed a good girl, sweet Sue." His smile wrapped her in loving kindness. "Although I don't know whether you're naughty or nice!" He turned and strode to the fireplace and looked over his shoulder at her and said, "Merry Christmas, darling Sue, and a happy new year!" He winked and laid a finger along side of his nose, and a moment later, he was gone, his laugh echoing in her ears.

She was unsurprised to find herself in her bed, dressed in her pajamas and lovingly tucked in. She could see her Baby Doll nightie, neatly folded in the box it came in on her dresser. She snaked a hand down under her pajamas and felt her body. It was clean; the elf cum that had been dripping off of her was gone as if it had never been. But she could feel a liquid warmth deep inside her tight little pussy. She dipped a finger into herself and it came out with a thick, white cream coating it. She tasted it, and the flavor of chocolate covered cherries burst onto her tongue.

She fell asleep smiling, her finger in her mouth and the faint jingling of sleigh bells ringing in her ears.

Merry Christmas to all, from The SlutMan.


The End