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01-10-2016, 10:16 AM
Kayla had been bugging me to go on a vacation down to the Caribbean on a cruise ship for a couple years now. “I wasn’t crazy about the whole idea!! Sort of like to keep my feet on solid ground with land insight if you know what I mean!! But I gave in!! She books one for 7 days, off we go!!

Get down there in one piece!! Ship still floating, all is good!! Then she wants to take a tour on another smaller boat around some islands, I’m like getting fucking sea sick from all the bouncing around out there, “Then this fucking smoke starts coming up from out of the motor!! It stops!!

This is just fucking great!! I thought, as flames are now come up out of the floor of the boat, “Guy comes running with fire extinguisher!! Doesn’t work, he goes running back get another one!! It doesn’t work either, “Now I’m getting worried!! Kayla’s digging her long nails into my arm screaming that the boat is starting to sink!! Like she thought I didn’t fucking know that!!

Captain or whoever in the hell he was, throws out 3 inflatable life rafts!! Scream’s abandon ship!!! We jump in; swim out to the one raft, “I get in, pulled Kayla up!! Everyone else swim to the other two rafts, “Boat sinks!! We float off!! Hour later, nothing!! Two hours, nothing!! Three nothing!! What the fuck!! We should have been rescued by now!! I certainly thought, “Sky starts turning black, “Great!! Storm brewing up, Kayla’s freaking out!! Wind starts blowing, then it rains and blows like hell for two mother fucking days!! Were freezing, huddling together to keep warm, Kayla keeps apologizing for talking me into this, “I’m thinking if she apologizes one more fucking time I’m going to shoot myself!! “That is if I had a gun.”

On the 6 day we wake up, beached on this Island, “Yes!! There is hope, food and fresh water, the rain water we been drinking was about all, “We find some coconuts and bananas in the jungle, yum food!! Stand up, feel this sting in the back of my neck, reach around and grab this small dart, “Oh fuck!! Out I go!!

Wake up later!! Hands and feet tied to a bamboo pole with vines, being carried by these two big black dudes that looked like headhunters!! Look back and there’s like 12 other ones walking all in single file in back of them.

This whole scenario wasn’t looking to fucking Good to me at all!! Then thought “Kayla” Where in the Fuck!!!!! Is she at!! Looked back again, nope!! Tilt my head back towards my shoulders and there she was in front of me tied to a bamboo pole like me with her long brown hair just dragging the ground.

Ten minutes or so later we get to this village!! Everyone comes running out to see what these guys are carrying home for dinner I guess!! They carry us over and drop us on the ground, Kayla wakes up from being dropped, “Starts screaming her head off when she see’s them all stand around her looking down staring at her like a fresh piece of meat!!

We’re untied and thrown into these to bamboo cages like a pair of monkeys!! Everyone gather around looking at us, Kayla’s huddles in the corner in a ball shaking scared to death!!

This old women who had a bone through her nose with no teeth and these tits that were sagging down to damn near her waist with some kind of dead animal or possible human bones stuck through her nipples that were damn near stretched to over two inches long comes over and smiles at me!!

Wasn’t sure if she was just being friendly or she wanted to fucking eat me!!

Two big dudes start walking around looking at Kayla, then started pushing and shoving each other until this other big dude with a bamboo headband come over from out of a hut and mumbles something at them that sounded like “pulley see nollinga boo ha!!” Then they stopped and our cages were raised up in the air by vines.

Figured he must have been the big honcho of the village!!

Then the women went over and started poking at Kayla’s neon yellow bikini top and pulling on her white shorts that she had on over her yellow bikini bottoms, feeling her hair, checking out all her jewelry, watch, gold hooped earrings, pearls dangling down from her pierced navel ring, rings on her fingers and looking at her maroon colored finger and toe nails, which wasn’t impressing Kayla one fucking bit!!!!

Could kind of tell that by the way she was fucking Screaming!!!

looked over, see this one dude setting in front of his hut staring at me with a rock in his one hand that he was rubbing over the blade of a big long machete!! Sharpening it!! With these two monkey head sticking on bamboo sticks on each side of the entrance to his shack.

Then they all started making fires under there pots and I knew it was only a matter of time before they chopped my head off and threw me into one!!

Figured Kayla had a chance surviving since she was a pretty young white female with the right plumbing parts and all!!

It starts to get dark and they all started chanting Boo Ga, Boo Ga, Boo Ga, around the fires dancing and throwing sand, grass and other things that looked like small voodoo dolls up in the air until probably midnight, “Then they all went to sleep except for a couple big dudes who were keeping there eye close on Kayla!!

Kayla asked me what I thought they were going to do to us. “I didn’t really want to tell my 26 year old girlfriend what I really thought and upset her more then she already was!! I told her that I really didn’t know, but whatever happens that I loved her very much!! She told me that she love me too!! Didn’t sleep at all that night!!

In the morning Kayla’s cage was lowered to the ground.

I’m thinking oh shit!! Breakfast time, must think she tender!! Wishing they take me first, don’t really want to see my girl decapitated in front of me!! Feeling extremely sick over this!!!

Bunch of women come over, took her out kicking and screaming over to this bamboo table, stripped off her white shorts, yellow bikini and held her down on the table spread-eagle while two of them began giving her a sponge bath, while another one washed her hair, “When they finished this one older women who looked like a Witch Doctor came over and looked at Kayla’s face, opened her mouth and checked out her teeth.

I was thinking my god there going to pull her teeth out!! But she closed her mouth and pushed both of her eye lids open and held them while she stared in her eye’s, “Then she left her eye lids go and slid her hands down around her throat and started to squeeze it.

Thought she was going to choke her to death now, but left go!! Grabbed both of boobs and gave them a very good going over before her hands went sliding down Kayla’s stomach to her navel!! Her pearls and navel were closely examined, then her shaven pelvic area, right down to her pussy!!

Her legs were spread so far apart that her outer lips wasn’t hiding a thing! Kayla’s mouth flew open as she moved her little inner lips around!! Women shouted shacking her head, “Goody goo goody goo goody goo!! Hand went down her leg to her painted toe nails that seem to fascinate her, then back up her other leg to her pussy again!! This time she felt her clit and around it!! Kayla not looking at all impressed as she fooled around with her little inners lips for the second time and shouted goody goo goody goo goody goo again!!

Had no idea if she was excited about how Kayla’s pussy looked or all pissed off because she was totally shaved or something, but the way she said goody goo meant something!!

Then up and out her arm to her watch that she took off and put on herself, then stood admiring the gold reflecting in the sun light for a few second, before looking at Kayla’s hand, yanking her 4 grand diamond engagement ring off of her finger that Kayla tried desperately to keep her from taking!! Then placed it on her finger!!

Now I’m really fucking sick!! Start heaving, puke! Get the dry heaves, “couple dudes come walking over and start to checking out Kayla’s naked body all spread out on the table with the 7 women standing around holding her down!!

Uh-Oh not looking good!! Thinking she’s about to get raped by these two!!

Old women disappears somewhere with ring!! Kayla’s let up!! Grabs her shorts and bikini, puts it back on fast!! “Gets taken back and put in cage!! Hoisted up in air again, Kayla crying!!

Big guy comes over that was looking at her, young girl maybe 19 walks by carrying coconuts in a woven basket, “Grabs her, shouts!! Dodie do!! Pushes her down on her hands and knees!! Get in back of her, pulls her the little grass skirt up! She has scared look on face!! Whips his cock out!! Fucking thing was huge with some kind of bone through the head of it!! “He looked up at Kayla,” Stick it in her and started fucking this girl while he stares up at Kayla!! The girl face looked like she was in pain, but never mumbled at word, after a few minutes he yelled, Adie do do!! Then got up, girl picks up her basket and runs off!!

He comes to Kayla’s cage!! Grins!! Like to tell her she’s next!! Reaches in and starts touching her, “I yell let her fucking be!! He looks at me!! Come over flexes muscles, I flex mine.

He grins, Yells, wata do!! Don’t know what in the hell that meant, but two guys come running over, drop my cage, open door!!

Big honcho walks out of grass hut, looks pissed throws hands in air screams Kilkikar!!

Everyone in village gathers round us!!

Big dude looks like her wants to fight, picks up big piece of bamboo, throws me a little piece, “I break it over my knee and toss it back to him, “They all laughed!! He looks pissed about that!! Comes at me, swings!! I duct, He yells then swings again, misses!! Can tell he’s really pissed now!! Eyes are fucking huge and white!! “He winds up, swings!! Misses, hits a coconut tree, breaks his bamboo, stinging his hands bad!!

Everyone in village is laughing!! Then started chanting kilkikar, kilkikar again, “Now he’s smoking mad, give me this Hulk Hogan flex, “Screams and runs towards me!! “I kicked sand up in his eyes, tripped him on the way by!! He turned to get up, I kneed him under his chin, sent his teeth cracking together with the tip of his tongue falling in the sand, as he fell over backwards, I quickly grabbed his arm and put him in an arm bar, “He starts screaming as I pulled on it snapping it at his elbow, “Whole village goes quiet, two guys grab me with spears, put me back in cage, everyone walks away, He gets up, stumbles off into jungle, blood pouring from mouth, dripping down chin holding his dangling left arm!!

Having 4 years of mix martial arts training pays off every once in a while!!

Little while later old women comes out with a smoking voodoo doll, starts chanting woha woha woha while she danced all around are cages with a white monkey skin draped over her head with Kayla’s ring on her finger still, “Then four young girls brought us fruit from the jungle.

Didn’t feel much like eating, Kayla picked a little bit at a banana and told me how scared she was when the women took her out of the cage and stripped her!! Not like she was fully clothed but at least she had on shorts and a bikini, being naked and held down so she couldn’t move was more then terrifying to her!!

Sure didn’t like the wicked old bitch putting her hands all over me and stealing my watch and engagement ring off my finger either!! She said.

Told her I buy her another one bigger when we got out of here!! “Not that I thought that would ever happen!!”

She said. I just want to go home!! Never ask to go on another trip or anything else ever again in my life, promise!!

Think I would have had her wrote that down in writing, if I’d of had a piece of paper and a pen!! Just in case!!

The old women walked out of her hut and gave us the evil eye!!

I don’t think she likes me at all!! Kayla said.

Look at you and look at her, I said. You’re young, gorgeous and have one hell of a body!! She’s just jealous!! I saw how she was checking you out when they were holding you down on that table, she didn’t miss a thing!!

She had her grubby little fucking hands and fingers all over me that for sure!! Kayla said.

I like to know if she liked what she saw between you’re legs or not since she checked twice and yelled Goody Goo both times.

She seem interested in my little lippies, kept messing around with them, the last time even feeling my little thingy up there and all round it like she wanted to yank it off!! Was waiting to have her stick her fingers or something else up in me but she didn’t seem to be interested in that at all!!

Next night big honcho and old witch women set out side his hut powwowing about something, while four of the younger girls dug three small deep holes in a small triangle form then buried three bamboo poles that stuck up out of the ground about five feet high and tied this little bamboo table inside them with small thin vines.

Next morning Kayla’s cage was lowered, the women came and took her over to the table where she was bathe before, stripped her, held her down spread-eagle and started bathing her again, washing her several different times in between her legs, “After her bath her hair was put in back of her head in a bun, then a pretty flower leis was place down around her head.

Then taken over to the triangle table where her hands were tie together with vines and then to the single bamboo pole!! Two girls held her legs up along side each of the other two bamboo poles, while other girls tied them to the poles!! When they finished with her ankles they pulled her butt slightly out over the end of the bamboo table stretching her arms out tight!! They wrapped a vine multiple times just above her hip and around the table to hold her down from moving around!! When they finished with her she was laying there with her legs up and spread apart!! That wasn’t making me or her very happy at all!! She just kept screaming, “There going to fucking rape me!! There going to fucking rape me!!

Figured she was about right and was being prepared to be gang banged by every guy in the village, since she was like pretty fresh meat!!

Old women come out of her hut all dressed up in like her witch Doctor outfit, starts dancing all around Kayla chanting some other mumbo jumbo with the Goody goo goody goo while shaking these two animal skulls on little hand held sticks, “Big honcho comes out, set down in front of his hut to watch and several others guys gather around and women.

Old women took something out of this container that looked like water and starts sprinkling it all over Kayla, then opens another container, sticks her finger in and paints a red line down Kayla’s forehead, nose, lips and down her chin and two lines across both cheeks like Indian war paint, “Opened another container, filled in white under both her eyes and down on each side of all the red she put on, then chanted some more.

Took the lid off this woven basket, reached in and pulled out this big long snake, held it up over her head, Kayla started screaming her head off!! Scared to death of them and mice, not sure which one worse!! Laid it on her stomach with about two foot of it tail hanging down between her legs!! Brought the head up to around her neck with it body laid in between her boobs!! Kayla going nuts!! Screaming at the top of her lungs!!!!! Villagers smiling and laughing at her!!

More dancing and chanting while the snake did its thing!! Kayla crying and begging her to take it off!! Couple minutes she picks it up, kisses it, puts it back in basket!!

Opened another container, took out this big black ant, fucking thing with huge!! Like a 1 ½ long, had nasty looking jaws that opened to a ½ inch or bigger I bet!! She held it up to Kayla’s nipple; it clamped down, Kayla screams in pain!! Women pinched the ant’s body off letting the head clamped to her nipple, reaches back in, get another ant, holds it up to her other nipple, it clamps on, She screams!! Body pinched off.

I was kind of hoping that this discourages her now from getting her nipples pierced like she has been talking about doing for the last two years for 150 bucks. “Must have been a weak moment that I was having there I guess!!!?”

I saw enough!! Start kicking the cage door trying to get out!! About the 6th kick I have two dudes run over that are looking really pissed off at me!! Guess they didn’t like me interrupting there entertainment of watching the old women torture Kayla!! The way they seemed to be poking those big fucking sharp ass spears in through the cage at me!!

Witch women picked back up where she left off, picks up this white fluffy bird feather that had the quill formed in a circle like a fish hook!! She stick it right straight through Kayla’s nipple just under the ant head!!

I cringe!! Grit my teeth together!! Kayla screams!! Swears, you fucking old bitch!! With tears running down both her cheeks!! As she picked her head up to see her nipple better!! Old witch smiles!! Picks up another white fluffy feather!! Oh No!! Not again!! Kayla screamed as the old witch stuck it through her other nipple, Smiling!!!

Then starts dancing around Kayla!! Shaking those two monkey skulls on the sticks chanting and singing some more mumbo jumbo with Kayla’s engagement ring still on her finger!! Tiny bit of blood on each of her nipples, feathers blowing slightly in breeze!!

Had all kinds of shit going through my mind now!! Not like I didn’t since this whole nightmare began!! Wasn’t sure if Witch Women was transforming Kayla into one of them!! Prepping her to be sacrificed to the goody goo or tossed into an erupting volcano somewhere on the island like I seen on television once!!

Hell, maybe she was even getting her ready to be married to the big honcho or by the way the women have her all tied up!! Still fucked by every man in the village!! That wasn’t going to go over real well with me!! Guess that means I’ll be getting shish-kabob and roasted over a fire like that monkey was last night!! Wasn’t No fucking way I could ever set in this cage and watch that happen, I didn’t think!!

The old witch seemed to be getting tired of dancing around acting a fool!! Stopped between Kayla’s feet!! Through her hands up in the air!! Grabs the tops of the two bamboo poles her feet were tied to and shouted Goody Goo Locka Naw!! While staring down between Kayla’s legs!!

Big honcho and some of the other men smiled, like whatever she said was funny!! Several of the women lowered there heads, turned and walked back over to there grass huts while others eagerly watch on as she reached down and started moving around Kayla’s inner pussy lips!! Pulling them around and like stretching them open!!

That fucking hurts you old bitch!! Kayla screamed. As the old women let go and started feeling her clit and all around it!! Oh No!! I hope she’s not thinking about sticking anything through that!! Kayla screamed again.

She ran her finger down and nail around Kayla’s urethra or pee hole, then separated her inner lips apart again, then ran her finger all around the opening of her love canal!!

My god!! If you’re so interested in playing with a pussy you old bitch go fucking play with your own!! Kayla screamed. Pulling on the vines holding her ankles tight to the bamboo poles!!

Witch women brought the finger up that she was touching Kayla pussy with to in front of her mouth and just under nose!! Thought she was going to smell or taste it when Kayla yelled my pussy don’t fucking stink you old bitch!! She made this hissing sound like she wanted Kayla to shut the hell up!! Reach over and grabbed the container with the ants!!

Oh No Please!! No more ants!! Kayla screamed. As she reached into the container, carefully pulling one out so it didn’t bite her, then placing it up to her clit. Oh Fuck!! Kayla yelled as the ant clamped on to her clit and the body removed!! Then another below it!!

Then the Old Witch placed ten more, five on the ends of each of her inner lips that made Kayla cry!! Witch starts dancing around and chanting again!! Stops! Look’s over at big honcho!! He grins and nods!! Old witch picks up this birds foot that has this long hook shape talon that sharp!! Holds it up above her head!! Screams Goody Goo!!

I’m like fuck!! She’s going to kill Kayla now!! These guys have these spears poking in me!! They must have seen me getting restless!!

Now she lowers the bird’s foot!! I scream. No!!!!!!!!!!! Please!! Don’t kill her!!!! They all look at me!! Spears are getting tighter in my sides!!

Witch screams GOODY GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Reaches down grabs Kayla’s inner lip!! Stretches it out!! Lowers the bird’s foot with talon like she going to slice it off!! Fuck!! Goody goo must mean it has to go!! Read something one time in school about women in other countries and some African tribes doing circumcision on there women for some fucked up reason.

I fucking scream as loud as I could WATA DO!!! Looking and pointing at the Big Honcho, I flexing my muscles as much as I could with the spears poking me!! Hoping that makes her stop and pisses him off!!

Was scared to look!! Kayla wasn’t screaming yet!! So thought things must still be intact down there or she passed the hell out!! One of the two!!!

WATA DO KILKIKAR!!! I screamed again, “Must have got his attention that time!! He raises his hand!! I look over, “She still has her little lip stretched out with the talon on it!! Kayla’s eyes are shut and she trembling all over!! Honcho stands up, Yells WATA DO!! KILKIKAR!!!! Then lets out this big Fucking scream and beats on his chest like fucking Tarzan!! Must have really pissed him off that time!!

Witch looks over at him! Then reluctantly let’s go of Kayla’s lip!! Lays foot down on her stomach!! Guess she didn’t want Kayla to think that she was done with her yet.

I take one hell of a deep breath with spears still poking in sides!! Figuring I saved her for a few minutes, not sure if that was good or bad if she has to go through it all over again later!!

Look!! Wet spot in sand underneath her butt, Fuck!! It’s blood dripping!! No!! Wait she’s not bleeding, she must have had some uncontrollable nervous bladder problems going on when I wasn’t looking!! Understandable I thought, maybe I better check my shorts to see if I shit myself!! As Honcho comes walking over to my cage!

This mother fucker is looking a lot bigger to me the closer he gets then I thought he was to, I’m 180 and he looks like he’s 230 or 250 Staring up at me with a stone cold look!! He motions for the two dudes with the spears to lower the cage down and open the door.

I crawled out, tried to straighten up and was stiff as hell from being cramped up in that little cage, word must have gotten out all through the village and everyone had started to gather around, except for the Witch who was still standing by Kayla, staring down between her legs at the job she hadn’t finished yet!!

Honcho grabbed one of the dudes spears, raised it above his head and everyone cheered!! Lowered it, broke it across his knee and tossed it over to me!! They all laugh and start chanting Kilkikar, Kilkikar!!

Figured that meant he didn’t need a spear to kill me with!!

He walks over, stares in my face and grins, Kilkikar!! He said. With fucking breath that stunk like hell!! Grabbed me and it was on!! Took about 10 seconds before we were rolling around in the sand and about a minute before I got my arms around his fucking neck, got them lock in and rolled to the one side squeezing as hard as I could to put his ass to sleep, didn’t really care if I killed or not, I was squeezing this mother fucker until I felt him go limp; and was still going to keep squeezing afterwards, figured it was the only chance we had to get the fuck out of there in one piece!!

They stopped chanting kilkikar when they seen him begin to stop moving, “Don’t know how long I held him until I left go, probably close to two minutes, “Stood up screamed. Kilkikar and beat my chest like a fucking mad man!! I pointed my finger around at all of them screaming Kilkikar, Kilkikar, none of them seemed like they wanted fight! Walked over, the circle opened up like Mosses parting the red sea!! Went over to Kayla, grabbed her boobs, and then pulled the feathers!

She wasn’t too happy, but I told her to shut the fuck up!!

Kilkikar!! I screamed again pointing down at her and back around at all of them!! Walked down between her legs!! My women!! Kilkikar Mine!! Touching her pussy!! Mine!! I screamed beating my chest again and again!! Turned got between her legs and acted like I was fucking her, Screaming Mine, my Women!! Kilkikar!!

Grabbed the bird foot and cut the vines holding her hands and feet!! Kilkikar I kept screaming, My Women!! Kayla huddle behind me, Witch women was standing there, I grabbed her!! They all gasped like she was untouchable, held the talon up to her throat and pulled Kayla’s watch and ring off her finger, threw her to the ground, Kilkikar I screamed again pointing my finger at everyone.

Told Kayla to grab her clothes, then we were getting the fuck out of here!! While the getting was good, she grabbed them and put her bottoms on but her nipples were kind of tender, we got the fuck out of there and it took us the rest of the day to find the beach, that evening I had to remove all the ant heads.

Two days later a plane flying over spotted us and we were rescued, Kayla’s nipples and pussy was a little sore for a week or two but is extremely grateful that everything down there is still intact!! The only good thing about the whole fucking trip was she did get her nipples pierced really cheap!!

09-14-2016, 09:34 PM
ok... Interesting...