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03-16-2016, 12:06 PM
Miss Grande's Misery (Starring Ariana Grande) (edited)
By LazyNinjas
Codes: (MF, NC, Rape, Oral, Anal, Tort.)

http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/42037/5cc034420367423.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/5cc034420367423) http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/42037/fd385b420367430.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/fd385b420367430)

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This story has never happened and it never will happen.

No links to other sites allowed in posts.

“Wow. Someone abducted Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift? He must be one ballsy bastard.” I thought to myself as I watched the report of Demi and Taylor’s kidnapping on the TV. I couldn’t believe my luck.

As soon I as I plan to abduct one celebrity, another guy goes and kidnaps two. I tried to convince myself that it was too dangerous now, but I decided to go ahead with my plan. I am going to kidnap Ariana Grande.

I have been a huge Ariana Grande fan since she first started showing up in the music industry and having planning to abduct her for about six months now. I just had the idea to kidnap and rape her when I saw her most recent music video.

From that point on, I thought of a plan to kidnap and rape her. I mean just look at her. That sweet innocent face, those long smooth legs, and that adorable tight ass. I needed to know what it felt like insider her ass.

My plan to kidnap Ariana went something like this. I would dress myself up as a limousine driver, beat the shit out of her limousine driver, and take his place. I would use his badge to get into the restricted area of the arena.

I’d find Ariana and lead her to my limousine, where I would lean in and introduce her face to a rag of chloroform. Then I could make my getaway. So I started to plan out my kidnap attempt.

With the release of her newest album “My Everything”, I knew that she would go on tour to promote the album. While waiting for the announcement of where she would be performing, I spent my time building my basement into the ultimate sex dungeon. I made the room completely sound proof. I also placed all of my new “toys” in my new basement so Ariana could see what would be in store for her.

After placing the final touches on my new sex dungeon, Ariana’s tour stops were announced by her management team. I got online and looked for the closest concert. I found the nearest concert to my home was about two hours away.

That was fine, but the only thing I didn’t expect was the date. I expected it to be a couple of months away, but it was one week from now. Now I needed to hurry my plan up a bit. I quickly met with my drug guy, since I would need to keep her sedated a good amount of time.

“Shaw, I hope you appreciate my getting you these bottles of chloroform and sleeping pills on moment’s notice,” Sal, my dealer, told me as he handed me what I wanted.

I reach out to take the items from him, but he pulls them back and out of my reach.

“What’s the problem?” I ask.

“Since I got these nearly two months ahead of when you wanted them, I think I deserve some extra compensation,” he replied.

“How much more do you want then?” I told him as I pulled another band of bills out of my pocket.

“I don’t want any more money. You know what I want. I want a piece of that ass too. I want at least two sessions with her that I can videotape. That’s my first and final offer,” he replied.

I thought long and hard before I finally agreed to his deal. He handed me the chloroform and sleeping pills and I went back to my place.

A week later, the day had finally come. The day where I would make Ariana Grande my personal slut. I got into my costume, got into my limousine, and drove the two hour trip. During that two hour ride, I felt a rush of adrenaline got through as I fantasized about Ariana sucking my cock.

It took two hours, but I was finally at the arena. I drove around until I saw Ariana’s private limo in the back. I spot her limo driver and park my limousine in a really big alley. I got out and walked over to her limo. I knock on the window and he rolls down the window.

“Can I help you?” he asks me.

“Yeah. I’m a limo driver too. Mine broke down over there and I don’t know what’s wrong. Could you come take a look?” I ask.

He opens the door and we walk over to my limo and he starts looking at the front of the car. He wants to check the hood and bends down to open the hood of the limo. I grabbed his head and pushed it into the hood as hard as I could.

He was instantly knocked out as he fell to the ground. I go over to him and take his keys and access card, before I place his unconscious body near the dumpster.

I walk back to the arena. I approach the door and scan my access card. I hear a ding noise and the door unlocks, allowing my access to the building. I walk around until I find Ariana Grande’s dressing room. I knock on the door and ask if anyone’s in there. I hear the locks unlocking and the doors opens. I take in Ariana’s beauty as she is just standing there in her performing outfit.

“Hello there. Are you here to pick me up? Cause you’re not my usual driver,” she says as she packs her little bag.

“Yes, I’m here to pick you up. Your normal driver had an emergency, so I volunteered to fill in for him.” I answered.

She puts her hand out to shake mine.

“Okay. It’s very nice to meet you, umm… I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name.” she says before she realized she never got my name.

“My name is Shaw. Shaw Crawford.” I say to her as I put out my hand and shake hers.

“It’s very nice to meet you Shaw. I’m ready to go when you are,” She says grabs her bag and puts on her blue hoodie.

“Sounds great. The limousine is right out back Miss Grande.” I say as I grab her other bags and head out of her dressing room.

Ariana leads the way to the limousine while I’m walking right behind her. I watch as her barely covered ass jiggles with every step she takes in her silver high heels. It completely hypnotizes me as we make our way out to the limousine. I unlocked it so Ariana could get in the back. As I put her things in the trunk, I can’t believe how my plan has gone off without a hitch.

Putting the last of her things into the trunk. I grab the rag and completely douse it with chloroform. I walk over to Ariana’s door and open it. I quickly get in and shut the door. Before Ariana can even react, I force her head into the rag. She starts to try and fight back, but she quickly passes out from the chloroform. I placed her body on her seat so it looks like she’s sleeping before I exit the back of the limo. I get into the driver’s seat and start the two hour drive back to my place.

“What’s going on? Where am I?” Ariana says as she slowly regains consciousness.

Ariana slowly opens her eyes and is horrified by everything she sees. She’s laying on a cold black surface, almost like a weird torture device. Her hands and feet were tied so she could barely move. She also notices that her clothes were removed, leaving her completely uncovered. She looks across the room and sees various sex toys. There were various dildos, vibrators, and other dangerous looking sex toys everywhere.

“Oh, I see you’re finally awake,” I told her as I came down the stairs.

“Where am I?” Ariana asked as she started to tear up.

“Isn’t it obvious Ariana? This is my sex dungeon. You are going to spend a lot of time down here,” I said to her as approach her.

“No please don’t. I’ll give you whatever you want. Just please let me go,” she cries as get closer to her.

“I am getting what I want. The only thing I want is you Ariana,” I say as I pull out a large butcher’s knife.

“Now, if you ever want to use that lovely singing voice, I suggest you do everything that I say,” I told Ariana as I held the knife to her throat.

“Please just leave me alone.” Ariana begged as I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock.

“Open wide, slut!” I say as I forcefully insert my penis into her open mouth.

Ariana starts to choke on my cock as it enters her mouth. She coughs as I pull it back out only to thrust it back in again. I can feel the head of my penis touching the back of her throat. Her tongue licks my cock as she tries to clear room for her to breathe.

I push my cock in and out of her mouth harder and harder until I busted my load in her mouth. I put my hand on her mouth and command her to swallow it all. Tears are running down her faces as I watch her swallow all of my sperm.

After she’s done with the sperm in her mouth, I command her to clean off my cock. Ariana continues to cry as she licks my penis clean. I walk over to my clothes and put them on. I’m about to walk back upstairs before Ariana says something.

“Where are you going? You can’t just leave me here!” She cries out to me.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon, I just need to return a favor.” I tell her as I walk up the stairs. I go over to my phone and dial Sal.

“Sal, its Shaw. Come over to my place. I’m ready to fulfill my end of the bargain.”

“I’m just getting the equipment. I will be there in an hour or so,” Sal said.

“Ok. I’m just going to get her warmed up for you. See you when you get here,” I said before I hung up on my phone call with Sal.

I walked down the stairs and I just saw Ariana sitting there on the floor. Her makeup was smeared all over her face from her crying and constant sweating. I make sure to keep it nice and toasty down there, so she won’t want any clothes on. Ariana looked at me as she noticed I was there.

“What do you want?” Ariana asked in a disrespectful tone.

I back handed her across the face and said, “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again or else you won’t be able to use that pretty little voice of yours. Understand?”

Ariana nodded her head in agreement and said, “I’m sorry master. What is your desire?”

“I’ve got a friend coming over here to see you in a little bit. He wants me to warm you up for when he gets here.”

“No please,” Ariana begged. “I’ll do anything just please don’t let someone else fuck me.”

I back hand her across the face again and say, “What did I just tell you about respect. Now you’re going to get fucked by my friend. Got it?” Ariana nodded in agreement again.

I said, “Good. Now I’ll be right back with your toys.” I then left Ariana to go get her “warm up” toys. I finally came back with her warm up toys and Ariana’s eyes went wide. I had brought down nipple clamps that were attached to a wire that I could send various amounts of electricity into. I had also brought down a giant pink foot long dildo.

“Please don’t do this. Please let me go,” Ariana begged before I slapped her again and reminded her that she was mine from now on and she needed to learn a lesson.

I attached the nipple clamps onto Ariana’s naked body. I plug the battery into the wall and I set the shock to the lowest level to start out. I pressed the big yellow button and Ariana cried as the she felt the shock of the clamps.

“Do you want me to keep going?” I asked.

Ariana cried harder than she ever had and screamed, “No please not anymore. I’ll listen to you master. I’m a good obedient slave who wants to please her master!”

“Good answer,” I replied as I was grateful to not even use the dildo to get her to comply. I take off the nipple clamps for now and I go upstairs after hearing the doorbell ring.

I walked up to the door and opened it to see Sal with the video equipment.

“I’m here. You gonna let me in?” Sal said as he made his way into my home. “Now where is the little slut?”

“She’s downstairs in the sex chamber,” I replied. We both walked down the stairs where Sal saw Ariana, completely naked and chained to the wall.

“Shaw, I'm not going to lie to you, I thought you were bluffing when you said you kidnapped her,” Sal said.

“I never lie about my work,” I replied.

“I can see. Job well done. Now can you help me set up the cameras?” Sal asked before Ariana spoke.

“No. Please. Please don't film this,” Ariana begged before I walked up to her and smacked her across the face.

“So now you don't want to be on the spotlight? Well too bad bitch! You're about to make your nude debut,” I said to Ariana before I smacked her again.

“And don't talk back to me ever again,” I said as I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me in the eyes.

I let go of her face and go back to work on the cameras. Sal had started to strip down and take off his clothes. I almost felt kind of bad for Ariana, seeking that she was about to be fucked by a 300 pound Persian man. I readied the camera as Sal gave me a thumbs up to say he was ready. I press the record buttons on the multiple cameras as they begin to shoot Ariana’s rape.

Sal walked over to a chained Ariana and just inserted himself into Ariana’s unprepared pussy without any warning. Ariana let out a horrifying scream as Sal sunk his entire 12 inch cock into the tiny starlet. Sal started to pump his rather large cock into Ariana’s soft little pussy.

“Spread them bitch. I want you to really feel this, ” Sal taunted her as I started to zoom the camera in and out on her again, her eyes closing as she layed there, barely responding despite how hard Sal was fucking her sore, overworked pussy.

“You love this don't you bitch? You just love having your little pussy being spread open and fucked by anyone who wants it don't you bitch?” Sal said to the camera as his hands roughly grabbed Ariana’s tits.

His hands pinched and pulled at Ariana’ nipples until her nipples started to bruise. She wanted to scream in pain, but she knew she would suffer more if she did. Ariana hated herself as she felt like she was about to cum all over her rapist’s cock.

“No, please don’t,” Ariana moaned when she felt herself cum release from her vagina and start to ooze all over Sal’s dick. Sal continued to speed up the pace of his thrusts into her as she had just given up trying to fight off her rapist. Sal them flipped her on her stomach and spread her butt cheeks open, ramming his cock into her.

Ariana’s eyes almost popped out of her skull as the head of Sal’s cock rammed through the opening to her anus. Her screams were nothing more than horse screeches. Her fingers dug into the floor as the cock kept jamming into her ass. Sal’s cock was fully in her ass as he thrust in and out. Ariana had another orgasm, feeling shame and embarrassment in cumming for her rapist.

“Please let this be over soon…” she thought to herself as Sal raped her for the third time, her back arching in spite of the unwanted fuck she was receiving, causing her added humiliation as I felt her cunt walls stretch out for me. Sal took his cock out of her asshole and popped it right into Ariana’s mouth. She wanted to vomit as she could taste some fecal matter in her mouth.

“YEAH…you’ll suck it and you’ll enjoy it Ariana,” He hissed as she wrapped her hands around my dick and bobbed her head back and forth on it, her eyes pleading with me to just cum and get it over with.

“Keep sucking slut, you’ll know it’s over when I cum down that slutty little throat of yours,” Sal hissed at Ariana as he pulled on her hair and snaked his dick to the back of her throat, holding it there as Sal felt his cum rising up out of my balls.

“Take it all Ariana, it’s all yours,” Sal said as he came in her mouth. He removed his penis and forced her mouth shut, making her swallow his semen and some of her fecal matter. Sal threw her to the ground.

“Thanks for the gift, but what are you planning on doing to her now?” Sal said to me as I stopped the cameras.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I plan to keep Miss Grande in a state of misery for a very long time,” I said to Sal as he left. I go back downstairs and look at Ariana.

“Might as well make yourself comfortable. You’ll be here for a while,” I said before I walked back upstairs to have a beer.

The End

03-18-2016, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the new addition

03-19-2016, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the new addition

Thanks for having me. hope you enjoyed

04-28-2016, 06:33 PM
Any more on the way?

07-24-2016, 01:48 PM
nice ... Thanks for the Share

08-08-2016, 12:52 PM
glad u guys liked