View Full Version : Craving Sanity 01

08-17-2016, 01:53 AM
Craving sanity.
Copyright©2016 Niteowluk2003.

Chapter One. Lust by Chance or was it?

Sandra Green was just a normal London Girl; about to celebrate her 18th birthday, this blonde five foot four young slim lady was looking forward to her special day. For it is the day when by law she becomes an adult and her well to do parents; killed so tragically in an accidental aircraft incident, had arranged the release of the trust fund they set up for her. Co-incidentally it was also the day that the courts award of compensation for the loss of her parents, would be released to her. All in all on her 18th birthday, she was to receive £750,000 plus interest dating back to the day, eight years ago, when her parents were killed.

Now you may say that to say her parents were killed maybe a little misleading but the aircraft company had been charged with culpable homicide for failure to correctly maintain the aircraft to a safe standard and had been held responsible for the crash that caused the death of John Green and Elizabeth Green, Nee Short and 38 other innocent victims. In ten days’ time, Sandra was to come into her inheritance of over £1,000,000 and more over she was to lose the control of the trustee overseeing her upbringing and spending.

For at least the last three years though, Sandra had been experiencing weird erotic dreams; which often started with her being naked and dragged along by a heavy set chain around her neck; much like a head strong dog would be. Despite the horrific implications of the chains, she always noticed that her 36 D breasts tingled and her nipples were so stiff as to be almost painful. In her dreams she was then chained to a low beam causing her head to be below the level of her waist. So convincing were these dreams that next morning her thigh muscles actually ached and her hamstrings felt taut and sore. However Sandra never told anyone about these dreams, thinking that the bank trustees looking after her inheritance would seize any opportunity to declare her insane and unfit to take charge of her own finances.

But back to her dreams; once she was chained to the beam she heard an almost animalistic noise behind her but she could not see what was causing the noises. Then she felt a rough rasping tongue catching her inner thigh, cunt lips and her clitoris; Sandra jumped, not so much in fright, but more in pure lust, inside her head fireworks went off and her nerves tingled all over her body. She was ashamed to admit that this animalistic licking soon had her panting and heading fast for an orgasm. Frequently the orgasm was so intense that she would wake up sweating and still turned on. Even stranger was the fact that when she went back to sleep her erotic dream continued from where it left off as if it was real. I mean happening for real, always she went straight back to the point she had left her dream.

Soon she felt pressure against her cunt lips and felt an increasing weight on her back. The nightmare was so realistic she actually felt the heavy hot stink bad breathe of this animal as its cock ploughed into her tender cunt. She could not believe the feelings she was experiencing even down to her cunt feeling stretched and full of hot cock. Sandra swore blind that the cock in her cunt was so real, that we it came she could feel it suddenly swell and pour its red hot spunk all over her cunt walls. This caused her to orgasm even harder than before and not once had she used her hands to touch herself or facilitate this outcome. Even stranger for Sandra was that it was more or less the same dream each time and it always had the same outcome; yet two years ago she had visited a doctor who confirmed she was still a virgin. Her mind kept telling it was real and yet her logic kept telling that how could it be real when her hymen was still intact.

Once she ventured as far as to ask a female doctor if it was possible to have intense intercourse and yet not to break the hymen. The doctor looked at her astonished and said “of Course not” she said imagine your hymen as a puncture patch once you prick it; it breaks and disappears and as it does not grow back then once you have lost your virginity that’s it. She must have seen the confusion in Sandra’s eyes because she asked “why would you ask such a thing?”

Sandra hummed and argh’d but the doctor was adamant, so Sandra lied saying a good friend of hers was asking because she had allegedly had some night visitors who had made love to her and her friend described all the sensations of having sex but when she was checked by a family doctor she was found to still be a virgin. The doctor laughed and said “I suspect your friend is having you on!” and “maybe she had lost her virginity and did not want to admit that to you!”

With this Sandra brushed away the conversation by saying “maybe so!” but it made her all the more guarded and confused. So she reasoned in her own mind it was just that an over active imagination that was at the root cause of her night-time sweats.

Then an unusual thing happened to her; she had borrowed some books on dream evaluations and decided the dreams must be invading her night to tell her something; but what she was still unsure of! The unusual thing was; that night she began her dream as usual only this time she saw the thing that was about to fuck her and she almost fainted in her sleep. It was her own father that appeared to be bearing down on her young body and it was his cock that filled her cunt and just as she was about to call out for him to stop if he loved her; when her mother appeared and stuffed forcefully a thick rubber gag into Sandra’s mouth. Once she reached the point where she woke up she quickly wrote down everything that happen in hr dream and then much troubled she tried to go to sleep again.

Once more she returned to the dream where she had left off; chained to the bar and now with a ball gag in her mouth she watched as under her own mothers’ directions her father ravaging her cunt making her cum several times before erupting inside her. Then after the two visions left Sandra; jaw aching from the ball gag and muscles aching from being almost bent double attached to the bar; did something she had never dreamed of doing but she just had to find out the truth. She took a silver teaspoon and tried to push the end up her cunt to extract traces of any semen that may be up there; except she hit a solid object prevent her from inserting the bowl end of the spoon up her cunt. The restriction she hit was her own fully intact hymen.

Almost sobbing to herself that she must be going mad because her father had been the most loving dad anyone could wish for and she felt that he would never force himself upon anyone let alone his only daughter. Also her mother loved far too much to demand her father give it to the bitch hard like the figure in the dream had demanded.

One of the most disturbing parts of the dream as far as Sandra was concerned seemed to be the bondage. Sandra was not even sure where the bondage related to her normal life, you see, Sandra had never been exposed to even a single photograph of bondage let alone a video or real life items. If the truth be known Sandra had never even been curious enough to visit a sex shop let alone a bondage dungeon. Really the thing that disturbed her even more than where did these images come from was the fact that she was clearly turned on by being helpless and paraded around like some cruft winning champion bitch.

In her dream she was now dragged by her collar and chain to what can only be described as a lashing post; hands securely locked above her head and her feet anchored in ankle bracelets attached to the floor. Her feet were spread wide and her first thoughts rather than the pain which may follow, was the fact that her cunt was now exposed and vulnerable. She was grateful for the natural cover her pubic hair provided her. Suddenly as if out of fresh air she had the idea that she needed to shave her pubic area; it was not like a thought that maybe it would be fun to shave but more like her life depended on her shaving her cunt area.

As if knowing the seed had been sown and needed time to nurture, her dream faded into darkness and an uneasy sleep over took her. Just before everything went black she noticed the time on her bedside clock read 4.30 am and she had to be up a 6 am to get ready for an important appointment. Thank god she had a loud alarm clock for in what seemed seconds the damn thing suddenly broke the silence of the night telling her it was time to get up. Feeling as if she had managed to get no sleep at all she wearily threw back the covers and saw a wet stain where she had been lying. Not only had that become apparent but she now felt the wet panties and pyjama bottoms cling to her body.

Sandra wondered if she had simply wet the bed but the heady aroma of pure lust told her it was a wet dream which caused the patches. She worried herself that with the size of the stain on her bed and the soaking parts of her pyjamas, it must have been a very heavy wet dream. Deciding that the best course of action would be to let he bed air and for her to take a quick bath.

She ran the bath and as she did so she spotted the hairdryer on the vanity unit, taking this and plugging it in she began blow drying the wet patch of the bed; remarking to herself that tonight before going to bed she would have to put fresh linen on the bed. After drying the stain as best she could she hurried back to the bathroom just in time to catch the filling bath about the level she required. Then the most strange of ideas entered her head but not like should I do this but more like I must do this and now.

She grabbed her fathers’ old badger tail shaving brush and his shaving foam; quickly lathering up the brush as if before she had chance to change her mind. She was not sure if it was the ultra-soft hairs on the brush tickling her cunt lips or whether it was the fact her fathers’ face had been so close to the brush which now glided over her cunt lips and area but it turned her on like nothing she had experienced before. Taking his old wet razor she changed the blade for a new one and fifteen minutes later she looked down between her legs to see that old sight she recalled from her prepubescent time; a bald cunt.

However she was fully aware how sensitive her cunt now felt and just how turned on she was by the shaving brush that she washed the brush under flowing cold water and when she was sure there was not a trace of shaving foam remaining she repeated the actions of soaping her cunt area again. Whether it was the cold water having chilled the brush hairs or simply the softness of those hairs; she found herself aiming the bristles to lightly catch her clitoris and she was soon panting again but unlike before she just never managed to get over the edge. Frustrated but aware that the time was slipping by she slipped into the hot bath and closed her eyes for just a second. But the second became an hour as she drifted off to sleep in the warm surroundings of the water.

This time though no dreams disturbed her sleep and she awoke when the water temperature had cooled. Climbing out of the bath and wrapping the large bath-sheet around her 36D frame she walked into her bedroom believing she had only dozed for a few minutes. Suddenly seeing the bed side clock she realised she was going to be late for the appointment with the family solicitors who were preparing the last details of paperwork for her inheritance.

Now in a blur of activity she selected a crisp white blouse and a three quarter red skirt with almost matching shoes. The heels on the shoes though almost made her three inches taller and made her almost walk stiff backed which had the impression of her thrusting her breasts forward. Now she knew why her friend had called then fuck me shoes when they had bought them during a rare shopping spree. Beneath her skirt and blouse she wore a bright red bra and panty set; she almost changed her mind when she looked in the mirror for the bra was visible through the blouse although not sufficiently visible to expose everything.

Again a new boldness within her suddenly told her to leave things as they were and enjoy her new found sexual freedom. Her sensitive cunt seemed to tingle with every step she took and she thought to herself she had better walk with her feet slightly wider apart to ease the friction or she would be orgasming on the bus. Arriving some time later at the solicitors office she was asked to wait in the waiting area and she was suddenly self-conscious of the old Solicitors sneaking looks at the bra clearly visible beneath her blouse and exposed between the open flaps of her blazer type coat. Instead of being embarrassed she had an inner being telling her that maybe she should stand up and remove the jacket and let the world see her new sexuality. Not only that but her cunt was on fire, she had fleeting images of these men entering a room in which she was dressed only in the red bra and panties and the men were not allowed to touch her but the would play with herself in their favour if they put money on the desk to the side of her.

This confused Sandra; for she would have ordinarily have seen this as prostituting herself; by way of giving sexual favours for money. This dirty thought alone made her even hotter and if anything more daring. With this new inner strength coursing through her veins, she stood up and removed her jacket folding it neatly and making sure she kept her legs straight as she bent to put the jacket on the empty seat beside her. She was sure that the old biddy of a receptionist had looked straight up her skirt and was right now either cursing her under her breathe. Cursing her for being a harlot or was wishing she could come around the table push Sandra into a bent position and push her hand up her skirt before burying at least two fingers up her cunt. Now Sandra turned and demurely sat in the seat she had just vacated, but once she was sat her mind told her to open her legs until her thighs were touching the chair arms.

Just then a door to the right opened and a tall elderly gentlemen called her name and she rose from her seat watching closely the female receptionist and the turning her back on her she collected her coat. She collected her coat in the same manner that she had placed it there; straight legged bend from the waist. Now as she stood upright she glanced in the direction of the receptionist and saw her red faced, this confirmed to Sandra that the old woman had been looking and seen up under her skirt. This notched up Sandra’s feeling of being horny by two more notches and she walked across to the open door thinking she liked this thing called flashing.

Inside the office was a central desk with the solicitor’s chair behind it, but the client’s chairs were set back a good eighteen inches from the front edge of the desk. These two sumptuous leather arm chairs were set two feet apart and angled slightly towards each other. Once again Sandra stood with her back to the solicitor and bent straight legged to put her jacket and handbag in the vacant chair. She took her time making sure the coat was neatly folded in the chair making sure her skirt rode up enough to flash the hint of her panties but in truth she was less than a minute before turn round and sat open legged in the remaining vacant chair.

She was sure that the Solicitor was looking right between her legs, to be honest a lot of what he was talking about went in one ear and out the other as Sandra fought to keep her lust in check. Finally the solicitor told her he needed her signature but Sandra was away with the fairies at this point; imagining as she was being taken on the very desk in front of her and sending all those client folders flying as the old biddy outside hurried around collecting them as the old solicitor slammed his cock into her cunt.

Three times the solicitor repeated his request for a signature before in a firm stern voice he called her name. Suddenly Sandra was aware he was talking to her and she excused herself as not being well and this caused her to lose concentration rather easily. The solicitor smiled and asked her to sign the forms suggesting he call and make her a doctor’s appointment. Sandra said “Oh my doctor is really busy at the moment because I tried this morning to arrange an appointment!”

“My dear Girl, with your wealth you can certainly afford a private doctor now and I assure you he would have no waiting list for his private patients!” the solicitor informed her. Sandra had never thought about the changes to her life now she had her inheritance. She glanced down at the page she was about to sign and could not believe what she saw for her original figure of £750,000 was increased with ten years interest to £1.35 million and her parents trust fund of £125,000 with interest was now worth £375,000 and her father’s life insurance coupled with her mother’s life insurance added another £2.2 million. This was more money than Sandra had ever seen in her life; the solicitor had, without Sandra being aware, moved round to standing beside Sandra and he whispered into her ear that she was indeed worth £3.925,000 and if she wanted he could take her to the bank where her money was waiting for her.

Sandra found herself saying “Why should I want to go to see the money?” The reply she back was that usually most inheritors want to see what that sort of money looks like! The solicitor then asked what her instructions were for dealing with the money. Sandra had for the last three months pondered that self-same question and had finally decided that she would leave the money alone and live of her earnings and any monthly interest that was due on the lump sum of money.
The solicitor asked for her bank details then and told her that at the current interest rate she could look forward to a money top up of her earnings of £14,000 per month. Suddenly Sandra went weak at the knees and fell backwards. She woke up with the Solicitor unbuttoning the last button on her blouse and him leaning over her. “Augh, Miss Green, you are with us again.” He said, “I was just about to start CPR and I do apologise for undoing your blouse but I wanted to make sure there was nothing in the construction of your bra that could have injured you further if I had to do chest compressions!” he finished with.

Sitting up, Sandra immediately took over redoing her blouse buttons and thanked the solicitor for his thoughtfulness but assured him she was fine now and would not be needing him to fully undress her she said in a sarcastic way. The solicitor missing the irony of what she was saying and simply stood up and returned to the desk, picking up the telephone he told the receptionist outside the office to have the firms car brought around to the front to take Miss Green home.

08-20-2016, 07:58 PM
Another great start to a story. Looking forward to finding out where Sandra's dreams are coming from ;)

10-12-2016, 08:58 PM
most interesting ... is it going some where ...

05-14-2017, 08:54 PM
great start to the story hope there is more to cumm