View Full Version : At the beach again

06-26-2017, 10:23 PM
About 2 weeks after the last beach day Kasey rang me and asked if I wanted to go to the beach on Sunday. I jumped at the opportunity, I asked who was going, hoping she’d say her dad was taking us again. Her cousin Brian was taking us, I have met Brian before, he is gay, but you wouldn’t know it, he acts straight most of the time, his boyfriend Paul, he is and looks gay, lol, he is one of those that remind me of the movies with the gay interior decorator type, always comments me on my hair and touching it and asking what lotions I use on my skin, lol, so funny.
Anyway I said yes and on the day Brian drove over with his friend Paul in the front and Kasey in the back, Brian asked if it was ok that we go to the beach Kasey dad’s go to, I said sure, Kasey looked at him and said “ told you so”, Brian said “ just checking”. On the way Paul was asking us about school and what was happening and just kept talking all the way, but that was ok.
When we got to a nice spot, no one else near, we set up the shade cloth and got the esky and blanket out and set everything up, Paul was so excited about going for a swim he just stripped off and ran into the water, when he dropped his pants, wow, he had such a long cock on him, I couldn’t believe it, as he ran to the water you could see it swing from side to side, even thou he had his back to us. Brian laughed as he say him run and said wait for me, dropped his pants and ran after him, Brian’s cock was a normal size, uncut, but he had such a nice body, like he worked out a lot, where Paul was thin, but big, lol, Kasey and I stripped off and ran into the water then, we raced in and dived under the water and splashed each other and played. Kasey said, common, lets stand in a line close together and see you can swim between our legs, and each time we move further apart, till only one can make it all the way. I stood there first in line, legs apart, Brian was behind me and Paul last, Kasey swam though , then stood behind Paul, so I swam between the legs then, I got through Brian’s legs ok, as I went through Paul’s legs, he had his legs wide apart which made his cock hang lower, as I swam through my head brushed his cock, then I swam through Kasey’s legs, and stood up, Brian swam through next, Paul giggled as he went through and then Kasey and then me, I’m sure he looked up as he came close to me and looked at my pussy, then Paul’s turn, he swam through first Kasey who jumped a little as he went through, then me, and as he went through he bobbed his head up a little to brush my pussy, then to Brian who also jumped a bit. When he stood up he laughed, and said that’s for brushing me when you all went through, we laughed and said it was hard to avoid it, he replied, if you keep doing it , it will be hard bitch’s, lol.
We turned on him and called him a cheater and dunked him in the surf, he stood up ran to the shore and turned around, he had his cock and balls tucked between his legs, he stood there and yelled “ alright who stole it, give it back”, then opened his legs and it flung forward, with him saying “ found it”, I just couldn’t believe how big it was, I asked Kasey if she had seen it before, she said yes, last year at a BBQ they had at home and they went skinny dipping, I told her I have never seen one as big as that, Kasey told me to ask him if you can feel, he will let you, I said no way, I’m not asking him that.
When we walked back to the shade Kasey said to Paul, Melissa wants to feel your cock to see how heavy it is, I squealed and said, “ no I didn’t”, and looked at Kasey and said you bitch, she laughed and so did the boys, Paul walked up and said to me, go on feel how heavy it is, I don’t mind, I looked around, Kasey was nodding yes, Brian was laughing, so I slowly reached out and held it, wow, it felt so heavy, I ran my fingers over it a bit, I could feel the veins, I was so amazed. He looked at me and laughed, and said, you’d better let it go now, Brian will get jealous, I dropped it and said sorry, which made them laugh some more. As we turned and went to sit down, Brian put his hand on my lower back and rubbed it a bit, and asked if I was upset or anything with Paul been so forward, I told him no, I just couldn’t get over the size of it, he said yeah, makes me look real small doesn’t it, before I thought about what I said, I said, no, yours is a good size, I like it also, Brian laughed and I went red, lol.

more to come

06-28-2017, 06:00 AM
Sounds like a lot of fun!

06-28-2017, 06:43 PM
nice story, you know how to make the beach fun

06-29-2017, 05:00 PM
We all sat down and had some sandwich’s that we brought with us and fruit, we sat there laughing and talking about things, we sat crossed leg on the blanket, I still looked at Pauls cock and how it laid on the blanket, Brian caught me looking a couple of times and smiled, I blushed and looked away.
Paul started the talk on sexy stuff first, he asked if we wanted to hear about his first experience with been fondled , we said sure, expecting it to be with Brian or another boy, he said it was about 7 yrs ago when he was 13yrs old, he was having a sleep over at a friend’s place, there were 4 of them, all except a younger brother of his friend, who was about 7 yrs old, were about the same age, they had been playing outside, back yard footy, Mark, who lived there , his parents went out and a baby sitter was looking after us, she was about 50 yrs old, lived next door and was divorced, after the footy game she made us some hot dogs and we sat outside and ate, about 2 hours later, she said it’s time to clean up and get your PJ’s on, she ran a bath for the younger boy, and Mark, and told me and Tim we could have a shower, to save time, so like all boys we played up in the bathroom, splashing and throwing stuff around. The Lady came in and gave us a warning to behave, mark and his brother were sitting down in the bath and Tim and I in the shower when we heard her coming, she told Mark’s young brother to stand up and she washed his face and checked to see if he was clean, gave him the towel and said wait there, I’ll check your brother, I was peeking out of the shower curtain, and Mark stood up, she washed his face, and grabbed the sponge with soap on it and gave him a quick wipe over, on his back and down his front, soaping up his body, even washing across his penis, she told him to rinse off and get out, she then wiped them both down, towelling them all over, when she was finished she turned to us and said, who’s next, Tim and I were a little scared, she walked over, grabbed Tim’s hand and stood him beside the bath and gave him a wash all over, towelled him off, and told him to go, she walked over then and flung the curtain back and said, don’t be shy, your next, but when she saw what was hanging from me she stopped and made a little smile, took me to the bath, and washed my face, then instead of using a face washer to clean me, soaped her hands and started at my neck and cleaned me by using her hands, when she got to my cock, she held it, washed my balls, and along the shaft, and down my legs. Having someone touch me like that and been 13, I started to get hard, she was kneeling down, still cleaning my legs, she looked at it for a brief time, stood up and grabbed the towel and dried me, again taking time with my cock, by this time I was harder and embarrassed, she just smiled and told me to go and get dressed, nothing else happened after that.
I asked Brian what his first experience was, he went a little red, and looked at kasey and smiled, Kasey was looking down with a grin, I said “ no way”, hahahaha, common tell me what happened. He said when he was about 14yrs old, his family was camping with Kasey’s family, and the two of them went for a bush walk after lunch this day, everyone else was playing uno, so we went through the bush and came to the river, we sat on the shore and talked, and I took of my shoes and put my feet in the water, I told Kasey how warm the water was and put her feet in also, we splashed our feet a bit and laughed, I said let’s go for a swim, Kasey said we didn’t have our swimmers, I told her not to worry, no one will see us, I stood up stripped off and jumped in, I swam a bit, then urged Kasey to come in, after a little coaxing, she finally did, she swam around a bit and with the reeds touching her feet, she was worried it was snakes touching her, I grabbed her hand and took her out deeper away from the reeds, she was a little scared, Kasey said, more than a little scared, I was worried a snake would bite me or someone would come there, I held her close and said no one will see us, and there is no snakes here, that was the first time I had been close to a naked girl before, it made me feel strange and a little excited. I said excited ??, he said, I’am not full on gay, I keep my options open, lol, Paul laughed and said “ use too, lol”. Anyway after that we swam back to the shore and got dressed. I asked Kasey what she felt , she laughed and said, “ not his dick”, hahaha, but I did feel funny in my stomach, like butterfly’s. Kasey said that was her real first experience also.
Then they turned to me and asked about mine, I wasn’t sure what to say, I didn’t want to sound bad, but I told them how when I was about 11 or 12 yrs old, at a cousins house when we were on holiday’s, my 2 cousins were about the same age as me, her brother was 13 and she was nearly 11 and one night the parents were playing cards, I was in the bedroom with my cousin when her brother came in and we sat and talked, we were laughing and mucking around, when he showed me a small paint brush, and asked if I have ever been tickled with one, I said no, he said that he and his sister tickle each other all the time, do you want to try it, I was a little scared and unsure, she said, don’t worry, she locked the door, and then stripped off, told me to do the same, he took his clothes of also, we laid on the carpet, he ran the brush over us, so gently, it tickled, we giggled, down over my soon to be breasts, and between my legs, I giggled and turned on my side a bit because it tickled so much, he did the same to his sister, it felt so nice. He then said it was his go, so he laid down and we both grabbed a brush and tickled him, I went over his chest and stomach, she started to tickle his cock, as she did that, he started to get hardest, that was the first time I have ever seen that and was amazed, he stood up and told us to come close, and we all cuddled naked, he rubbed his penis on me and his sister, and we felt each other’s bum and back, his sister played with his penis and asked me to touch it also, but I was too scared, after that we got dressed and that said they do that sometimes when mum and dad are busy, we went down stairs then and watched TV.
Kasey, said wow, that beats my experience and Brian said the same thing, Paul, looked and said, maybe on par with mine, we laughed, and finished our lunch

More to come

08-16-2017, 06:59 PM
great start thanks for the addition...