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07-14-2017, 05:46 AM
Sharon’s Tale 01.
Copyright©2017 Niteowluk2003.

Chapter 1, Balmy nights and even balmier events.

Sharon a twenty-eight year old secretary was average build and not so stunning to look at that she would dominate a room upon entering but neither was she distasteful to look at. In fact she would easily pass as twenty one instead of her 28 years. The true story I am about to relate was told to me by Sharon and although names and places have been changed it is as she told me.

She was walking home on a balmy warm summers evening in July of 1990 and because it had been in the middle of a so called heat wave, she was wearing a light flowery dress which clung to her 38 C bust line which did not look out of place on her medium five foot five frame. As it was a Friday and she was not working now until Monday she took a fateful decision to go to her local pub for a drink, unaware as to where this would lead.

She entered the Queens Head public bar and pressed her way through the crowd towards the bar itself; although the bar was not overly full it just seemed everyone was congregating around the bar area. Eventually she pressed her stomach against the wooden bar and tried to attract the barmaid’s attention, suddenly she felt extra pressure behind her in fact she could have sworn that she felt a stiff prick pressing into the groove of her arse but surely that could not be so.

Eventually she managed to order her drink but the object pressing into her behind had begun to slide as if the person was fucking her from behind. She tried to twist around to see who this person was but no sooner did she manage to twist enough to see the culprit then the pressure was gone and it could have been anyone of three males all making out to attract the barmaids attention.

She decided not to make a scene; so she squeezed passed the crowd and made her way to a vacant table which seemed to be in a deserted area of the pub. Sitting there now she reflected upon what had just happened and found herself daydreaming with her eyes open as she replayed the events in her mind. Only in her mind both she and the male were naked. She found her cunt began to itch not in a bad way but more in an excited happy way. She wanted so much to slide her hand between her legs and attend to her cunt’s needs but instead she clamped her legs tightly together.

All too soon her drink was gone and she contemplated fighting her way to the bar when all of a sudden a man she did not know placed a full glass of her drink in front of her and simply said with my compliments. Now normally Sharon would have instantly refused the offer of a drink but as this one had been ordered and she assumed paid for it would simply be a waste, so she thanked the guy and took hold of the glass. As she raised the glass she went to say “cheers!” but the guy had disappeared back into the crowd. This set her mind wandering if it had been this man she had felt at the bar; if it was she was sorry to see him go for he looked kind and sort of semi handsome.

Looking at her watch, she realised that she was going to be late, not for some overly important meet but late to feed her precious cat, Garfield; named after the cartoon cat of that time, he was always fed at 7.00pm sharp and although her cat could not talk she knew by his arrogant actions he would not be pleased. He had a way of ignoring her after being fed late and making her sense his annoyance all night but come next morning if he was fed at 6.30 am as usual he would purr around her feet until she left for work or shopping at the weekend. Sharon now swigged down the drink in one go and walked calmly out of the public house. Immediately the air hit her like an atom bomb she seemed to lose all sense of balance and her head was spinning.

Suddenly she felt strong arms holding her up and a dreamy sounding voice asking if she was alright; she managed to stammer back that she was fine but the voice suddenly asked “have you been drinking?” and in an indignant manner she snapped back “what if I have it’s a free country!” She seemed to remember telling this dreamy voice her home address and then sudden blackness crowded out any further experiences.

Sometime later, she woke, feeling rather thirsty and tried to roll off the bed to get herself a drink but she couldn’t move; well that’s not strictly true she could twist her torso but her hands seemed fixed in their position and her legs refused to turn over. Suddenly panic set in and she thought for a second she was paralysed but then she looked down to her feet and saw they were fastened to her foot board of her bed; looking now at her left hand she found it too was tied similarly the right hand also was tied to the bed head. Then she sensed rather than saw she was as naked as a jaybird.

She racked her foggy mind about what had happened on the way home last night, she figured it was last night as the sun streamed through the window blind and it was almost dusk when she left work. Then the vivid images of her being felt up from behind by some guy’s oversized semi hard cock and she vague remembered receiving the free drink for a guy but no matter how hard she tried, she just could not get a clear image in her head of his face.

Now more worrying thoughts began to invade her mind, how had they found her address, she had no papers in her little clutch bag which contained her address. Then like a dark thunder cloud her mind recalled her telling a stranger in the street her home address. Finally fighting back the sheer terror of her situation she began to try to rationalise her circumstances, she remember hearing somewhere where the victims kidnapped like this unless a ransom was demanded, then usually the person is killed with the first four hours of their confinement. Clear this was next morning so she must have survived that four hour syndrome but who could they be demanding a ransom from; all the people she knew were working class with little or no savings or spare cash worthy of being a ransom.

Just then she heard footsteps and fearing causing any further need for them to kill her she closed her eyes and pretended to still be asleep, even in its confused state her mind functioned sufficiently to know that if she saw their face she would have to die rather that identify them to the police. The light shining on her eyelids even though they were closed suddenly went black and instinctively she opened her eyes to see nothing but blackness and suddenly the tightening sensation of a band around her head told her she was now blindfolded.

The same soft voice of the man (A) who brought her the drink suddenly said “Ah so you are awake at last!” The same voice continued, “Don’t try to move or you may hurt yourself unnecessarily! Oh and one more thing, it will be in your best interest to do exactly as you are told or I cannot guarantee your safety!” it said. Then the deafening silence returned and Sharon found herself imagining all sorts of nasty evil things, but no matter how much she told herself that she was just being silly the long silence caused her grave concern. She managed to cling to the hope that whatever they planned for her it must surely be over quickly.

Sharon jumped at the sound of a new voice, this one was definitely a woman’s (B) voice and remembering what she had already been told she planned to do exactly as she was told. She even began to hope of an escape without their dreaded intension for her as the female voice said “lie still whilst I untie you!” She felt the tension on her legs loosen and half hoped that soon her hands would feel the same freedom but this was dashed when the female voice told her to lift her arse up off the bed. Instead of feeling her arms free she felt the sensation of hands being slid down her legs. It was at this point Sharon panicked and tried to kick out but managed only to hit fresh air. However she felt a sudden twinge of pain in her left breast, it was almost like she had been shocked by a Taser except far less voltage. She was reprimanded by the woman (B) and severely warned that another futile attempt and she would really suffer, because what she had just felt was nothing compared to what they could do to her.

A tough sounding male (C) voice, different to the first male’s voice then told her to open her legs wide, and then she heard the woman’s voice discussing her pubic hair with the tough sounding man. The man C seemed to be saying use an electric razor to shave her cunt and the woman B seemed to be arguing that such a move would be painful for the woman and could cause bruising of the item lessening its value. Sharon’s heart sank to the bottom of her boots; they were planning to sell her probably into a life of a sex slave. She wondered how such a thing could happen in England in the 90’s.

Sharon was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she locked out everything else around her that was until a fearful buzzing sound permeated her senses; then she felt little tugs on her pubic hair and the cold steel of the electric clippers. She froze fearing that if she moved she would be cut rather badly in her groin area. After what seemed an eternity; ten minutes actually; the buzzing stopped and suddenly she felt a cold liquid applied to her pubic area, she reasoned it was shaving foam because it was thicker than water but not as pliable as Vaseline (KP Jelly). Then she trembled slightly as she felt the cold steel of the razor at first she feared it may be an open cut throat razor but the strokes now told her it was just a wet razor but still she feared every time it went near her femoral artery for she knew she would bleed to death before help could reach her.

Thankfully the shaving was soon completed and almost as a last surprise for her senses the woman applied aftershave to her freshly shaven cunt, causing Sharon to almost yell out in stinging agony, Sharon swore she would remember that woman’s laughing, as she exited the room, for the rest of her life.

Sharon suddenly realised too late that her legs had been left untied and she was trying to work her hands loose when the woman returned saying, “That was a narrow escape but obviously you are such a slut that you want what is about to happen to you or you would have escaped just now!” The woman quickly secured Sharon’s legs again and for good measure she slapped Sharon’s cunt very hard causing Sharon to jump and strain against her bindings.

How long she lie there she could not be exactly sure but in order to focus her mind away from what may happen to her she tried to remain calm and count her heart beats now pounding in her brain. She figured that her normal rate was 72 beats per minute and therefore if she divided the number she counted by that amount she could at least have an idea of how long she had been there. Every time she reached 72 she would touch her thumb to one of her fingers on her left hand and every 5 set she would press her right thumb to a finger on her right hand she figured that this way she could literally cover 30 minutes sections.

She tried so very hard to mark time but she forgot one simple thing because of her situation her heart was eating faster than normal. After what seemed like an age; she sensed the presence of someone beside her; not beside her on the bed but in very close proximity to her.

Man (c) spoke to her and ordered her to close her eyes very tight; suddenly the tightness around her head was gone but before she opened her eyes she felt a rubbery cover begin to slide over her head and suddenly panic really set in; she feared that this was a plastic or rubber bag and that she would be suffocated. But just then she felt a weird sensation almost like her head was being squeezed from all directions at once and her lips were being pushed out of the hood. The man adjusted the hood and Sharon found that her mouth was exposed by one hole and her ears by a further two holes but when she opened her eyes she saw nothing but blackness.

Then she heard two female voices; one she recognised as the woman (B) who had shaved her but the other woman sounded much older (Woman (A)). Sharon found that her hearing seemed more acute in the hood and her mouth kept going very dry on her. The second woman under the directions of the first began to apply a silky oil to Sharon’s skin. Both women seemed to delight in massaging it on to her breasts and frequently took their time pinching and twisting her nipples. Although at first this seemed really painful to Sharon she soon began to feel her cunt begin to twitch and she longed for the women to spend as much attention on her cunt as they seemed to be doing with her tits.

Now the women moved down to where Sharon’s pubes had been before the shaving and sure enough they pulled her cunt lips apart and exposed her semi erect clit, Sharon felt warm wafts of air flow over her sensitive bud and reasoned pretty accurately that one of the women was blowing her breath over her cunt area. Then Sharon felt the most intense pain she had ever experienced and that was around her clit. What Sharon gratefully could not see was the calliper’s nipping just behind the head of her clitoris, nor could she see the size and thickness of the needle attached to an empty syringe that woman (A) was guiding to just in front of the callipers. Suddenly Sharon screamed but very little sound came out but in Sharon’s head the scream seemed to bounce around her brain.

Woman (A) had pushed a hole through the base of Sharon’s clitoris and was even now as the pain began to subside she was pushing a large thick horseshoe shaped ring through that hole. When the two women had finished they cleaned up the blood from their insertion and then stood back to admire their handy work. The ring did its job preventing the clitoris to hide from sight and they also knew that when Sharon would be walking around in her panties her clit would be constantly excited by the friction from those panties. Both women now took the opportunity to show each other their similar adornments and to be honest in Sharon’s mind she began to form pictures of the two women based on the sounds she heard around her.

Sharon was not far from extremely accurate as she imagined the two women playing with each-others clits but to be honest she did not care what they did to each other as long as they left her rather sore and battered clit alone. Suddenly the sounds stopped and Sharon sensed they were now focussed on her again. She also heard a little chink and then felt her clitoris go extremely cold; she had heard of the pleasures of using ice cubes on a woman’s cunt but had never tried it, convinced that it would be painful rather than delightful.

Now however she had no choice; and yet after the initial cold sensation she began to feel sexually excited as the cold contact played around her clit; what she did not know though was that a small electrode was attached to the pieced ring and suddenly woman (B) touched the entrance to her arse with a cold metal probe and instantly Sharon jerked on the bed. An electric current had shot through her anal ring and buzzed at her clitoris which being wet and cold intensified the sensation. The two women laughed and systematically repeated the shocks when they thought Sharon would not be expecting the impending buzz.

Now the women massaged Sharon’s cunt until it was thick with intense orgasm juices but they did not let her cum; managing as they did to stop her just before falling over the edge into climatic oblivion. It seemed the more Sharon grew frustrated at not being allowed to cum the more the women delighted until the point where sensing that they would not be able to stop her climax this time they switched to fingering her anus. One finger became two until the slighter of the two women had her hand on the verge of slipping into Sharon’s anal opening; once more they stopped short of give her an orgasm.

By now Sharon was sobbing like an uncontrollable wreck; pleading on deaf ears to be allowed to cum; when into the room came someone clearly in authority as both women instantly fell silent. Still twitching and grunting Sharon was only aware of the sudden silence in the room and she jumped when the almost gravel voice barked out his orders that the women were only supposed to massage Sharon’s muscles after fitting the ring. For the next ten minutes Sharon had to listen to both women being punished and their cries reaching a fever pitch crescendo. She could only imagine what was causing the rising cries of anguish but her imagination almost proved too vivid as she still simmered on the edge of her desperately needed orgasm.

Eventually Sharon was untied from the bed and having had her hands tied behind her back and then her elbows strapped as close together as was possible she was led slowly by the two women towards her bedroom door. The effect of pulling her elbows back and together forced her to thrust out her 38C breasts and the nipples of the two beauties was already rock hard and pointing out in front.

She was guided some way into the living room before being made to kneel down, then after answering some questions about her name, age and statistics; her eyes suddenly ached from the brightness which flooded in as the eye protection rubber was peeled back. Once her eyes adjusted to the light he mind instinctively told her she now could not be allowed to live and surely soon she had to be killed. Then she became more attuned to the surrounds and activities which were taking place. Her coffee table was then placed in front of her and on it she saw a two page document which in effect stated that everything done or about to be done to her was at her own bequest and therefore no illegal activities had or were going to take part.

At first she refused to sign the document, then she felt herself being held down whilst crocodile clip type nipple clamps were not just put on her nipples, no it was more like snapped on to her right nipple causing her quite a lot of pain. As she saw the other nipple clamp going towards her left unclamped nipple she suddenly found herself agreeing to sign. Where this had come from she could not say because fundamentally she still wanted to resist but it seemed like her subconscious was ready to capitulate. Her hands and elbows were untied and she was given a pen, she tried to fake her signature by making it more of a scrawl but one man suddenly produced a letter which had her normal signature on it and after receiving a slap across her face she resigned the document in her normal handwriting.

No sooner had she done so, the document was snatched away for safe keeping and her hands were bound this time above her head. She thought to herself good now I can bring my arms down to prevent them doing anything else to her body but that was short lived as a wooden frame was pushed into position and her hands were tied to the top of this frame thus suspending her onto her tiptoes.
Nothing else happened to her for about an hour except that as her thighs and calves tired she found herself pulling on her arms and to add injury to insult she had to watch the two men having an orgy in front of her eyes in her own home. Eventually she was released but then held over her own coffee table as first one man climbed in between her legs and almost violently thrust his cock up her cunt; only a few thrusts later he changed angle slightly and began forcing his hard cock up against her anal ring. As he pushed he spoke, “Yes my lovely fight to keep me out as it makes my deflowering of your anal hole a better triumph for me.”

After an initial searing pain as her anal ring adapted to the girth of his cock she found a sudden period of no feelings what so ever and then despite her own mental resistance she found she began to enjoy being fucked up the arse. She then found herself grunting like a pig as she slammed back against his thrusts. One of the women then spoke, “Look the little whore likes bum fucking, I bet she would love double penetration just as much.”

The man still fucking Sharon said, “Well fucking bitch get down here and stick your chubby little digits into her honey pot and let’s see!”

The woman eagerly knelt by Sharon’s left side and slid her fingers slowly down against her stomach and Sharon knew where they were going and was powerless to stop them reaching their intended target, but instead of feeling fear she suddenly felt an upsurge of excitement almost willing the fingers to hurry on to their final destination and now her grunts were more like squeals of absolute pleasure.

Once Sharon felt the fat fingers pressing against her clit and entrance to her cunt she let herself go completely immersed as she was in this sheer love and sensations of pure lust. It took only a few more seconds before she was riding her way through her very best and most intense orgasm, so much so that her cunt began squirting and it was a mixture of piss and cunt juice which covered the woman’s hand and the legs of the anal fucking male.

Sharon suddenly lost control of her muscles and almost collapsed face first into the coffee table but the other two participants stopped this happening as they were pulling and twisting on her clamped nipples.
No sooner had the eruption happened in her cunt, than she felt the cock in her arse suddenly expand and she felt the hot spurts of his spunk as it coated her anal walls. No sooner had this man exited her anal ring, the woman also pulled out her fingers from Sharon’s clutching cunt; did the other man now step between Sharon’s legs and he plugged the still gape anal opening and the other woman began sucking hard on Sharon’s still exposed clit.

Suddenly Sharon was like a rag doll as her mind exploded into flashes of bright myriad colours and her senses seemed to go into overload. She really did not feel the second guy or the other woman who before she had finished forced her entire hand up Sharon’s cunt and seemed to be stroking the cock in her arse through the membrane between the two. At some point Sharon had passed out but her body still reacted to its stimulations as it shook almost violently as the second massive orgasm ripped through her body.

When Sharon finally awoke next morning she was on the floor in the living room untied but naked and the smells around her made the room smell like a bordello. She ached all over as she managed to rise and she had just about cleaned herself up from the leaking spunk from her arse and cunt; she breathed a sigh of relief thanking god that she had chosen to be sterilised and therefore could not have got pregnant; when suddenly the phone rang. “Hello!” she said as she answered the phone. “Hello to you too! Came back a familiar voice; suddenly Sharon began trembling as she recalled where she had heard that voice before. The voice continued, “I am calling to make sure you are alright after your exertions of last night!” She told the voice I must be alright I have answered the call have I not. “Just wanted to say if you want a repeat performance anytime I will call from time to time and you can tell me then!” the voice offered.

After the call Sharon checked the call back service but the number had not registered so she could not call them back or pass the number on to the police. “The police!” she found herself saying, “After the best action ever why would I want to involve the police, besides the document I signed would go against me!” she mused.

AS Sharon related this tale to me she found she could not help but get wet and friends this story is true I say the clit ring and can vouch for how horny it made Sharon and Sharon is always around if I want to fuck her, all I have to do is tell her that she is my slut for the night and she is always willing to be available.

08-04-2017, 04:42 PM
Most interesting and Very Hot... thanks for the Add

08-31-2017, 12:34 PM
Very hot and enjoyable, thank you!!