View Full Version : Mom & Uncle

10-15-2017, 09:20 AM
Mom & Uncle
This happened in the year 2010 when I was doing 2nd year of my graduation, we lived in chennai, Tamil nadu, we are three in our family, me, mom and dad. We got separated from my grand parents bcoz of my dad, actually he is the villain, he is a drunkard used to drink every day and night, and will fight with my grand parents so they got seperated from us and lived 3 kilometers away from us, he worked in a private company for very low salary and that too he won't give it to my mom, my grand parents took care of both my mom and me, they helped me a lot to complete my school education, my mom wiil say that dad started drinking before she married to him, actually my dad is a distant relative to my mom, my grandpa (mom's dad) know that my daddy is a drunkard, bcoz of poverty he married my mom to him.
read full story (http://goodsexstory.blogspot.com/2017/10/mom-uncle.html)

10-31-2017, 08:08 PM
Most interesting...