View Full Version : ...Meets The Fanboys

09-15-2019, 02:41 AM
So in order to make my life easier I will be posting all my "...Meets The Fanboys" stories in this single thread so I don't have to look through the entire forum to see which story I posted last. Pleased to enjoy.

This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share
it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know
what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All
characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t know
Sarah Michelle Gellar or Michelle Trachtenberg or have anything to do with them.
Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.

This is a series of loosely connected stories (they all share one character) about actors
promoting their projects at a Comic-Con. You don’t have to read any of the other stories to
understand any one story. Please to enjoy.

Story Code: Exhib, Voy, F/F

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Michelle Trachtenberg meets The Fanboys
By Muhabba

Mel peeked around the corner, his head close to the ground, peering around as he
held his briefcase tightly to his chest. He sneaked around the corner and crept down the
hall, his beady eyes frantically searching around as he made his way on tippy-toe to the
elevators. Keeping his back to the wall he hit the elevator call button and waited, beads of
nervous sweat rolling from his mostly bald head down his face and staining his white,
button-up, shabby shirt.

Nervously pulling at his tie, Mel waited until he heard the ting of the elevator doors
opening and then slipped backwards in. He hit the down button and as the doors closed he
began to relax, not realizing who was behind him.

"Hiya, Mel," a female voice chirped.

"Ahhh!" Mel screamed as he jumped and lost his briefcase, papers exploding out when
it hit the floor as he cowered in the corner.

"Hello, Mel," another female voice said through gritted teeth.

With his heart hammering in his chest Mel looked up and saw two of his former clients:
Michelle Trachtenberg and Sarah Michelle Gellar, both formerly of the historic show Buffy
the Vampire Slayer. "So... so good to, ah... so good to see you lovely ladies," he sputtered.

Sarah got down on her haunches and peered at the celebrity promoter on the floor
while Michelle glared down at him with her arms crossed under her small breasts. The
slender actress was wearing a wine colored, tight top with a flowing black skirt that went to
her ankles. Michelle had her brown hair down flat and was long enough to cover her
breasts. Sarah had her long, blonde hair styled in swirling waves and wore a simple white
blouse and tan slacks.

Sarah reached over and flicked Mel in the nose. "So how's tricks, Mel?" she asked
through a sneer.

"And where's those pictures of me?" Michelle practically growled.

"I... I... I..." Mel stuttered, "That wrap party was not my fault. There was no way I
could know that the caterers were going to spike the drinks. I'm just as much of a victim as

Michelle took a threatening step towards Mel with her hands balled into fist.
"There's a whole week I still can't remember," she said.

"And I woke up in Mexico three days after that party," Sarah added.

Mel gave an awkward smile and tried to come up with a plausible story. "Nobody
was more surprised than me after the Buffy season seven party, I looked for both of you for
days," he said as he tried to give his most sincere smile.

"You bastard, I woke up in Florida, naked in a back alley shack with camera equipment
everywhere," Michelle growled as she took another step forward towards the fearful

"Now, now, now," Sarah began as she gave Mel another flick on the nose before
standing up to block Michelle, "No use talking about the past just now. We have business
to discuss."

Mel peeked up at the mention of business. "You... you have a business proposal?" he

"Sure do," Sarah said as she turned back to the nervous celebrity promoter, "It's Buffy
the Vampire Slayer's anniversary and I had an idea for Comic-Con."


In the sunny, brightly lit convention center, Comic-Con was going in full swing. As
usual, arguments and fights broke out between comic fans and movie fans over which the
guests were most excited about but to Mel, that usually meant business would be good.
Comic fans would give nearly anything to see their favorite genre stars and the movie fans
were just as feverish. And each group would spend exorbitant amounts of money to
support their genre and Mel was more than happy to collect that money.

Taking one last look around the smaller conference room to make sure there was
plenty of room for everybody, Mel walked over to the door and threw it open. "Welcome,
Comic-Con attendees!" he shouted out merrily before standing off to the side to let his
guests in. Dozens of attendees entered the room dressed in as their favorite characters,
supporting their favorite genre, their favorite movies or the their favorite comics. They
came in all shapes and colors and the only thing this group had in common was a deep love
of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"Scatter around, scatter around," Mel said cheerfully, "Make a hole, make a hole."
He closed the door and locked it before positioning the group around to make a large circle
as he smiled warmly at them causing more than a few of them to unconsciously check to
make sure their wallets were still in their pockets. With everyone in position he stood in
the middle of the circle and held his arms out wide. "Let's have a big round of applause for
the anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" he said with a cheer coming from the crowd.
He let them quiet down on their own before he theatrically peered around suspiciously.
"Oh no, my friends, I don't think we're alone," he said in his creepiest voice which sounded a
great deal like his normal voice.

The guests looked around excitedly but when nothing happened they all turned
around and looked back at the promoter.

"I said, ‘I don't think we're alone’," Mel repeated a bit nervously. When nothing
continued to happen he broke out into a flop sweat.

"Stop that," Sarah hissed at Michelle in the back of the room with a friendly punch to
the shoulder.

"I can't help it," Michelle whispered back, "It's funny when he sweats." She gave
Sarah a wicked smile that her former co-star returned with a evil glare and shrugged her
slender shoulders before turning the lights down lower in the room.

With the lights low the two actors slipped through the crowd and jumped into the
middle of the circle. A few gasps escaped from the attendees as Mel pretended to cower in
fear as two cos-players jumped into the circle dressed as vampires. Considering the sheer
amount of cosplaying talent walking around at the Con, Mel had preferred to do the
make-up himself to save money so he had done the vampires up himself. When one of the
vampires had landed one of his pointy ears fell off but he hoped the lights were low enough
that nobody would notice.

"Oh no," Mel gasped in fake fear, "Somebody help me."

The two vampires began to slowly lurch towards the Con promoter, growling in fake
menace, signaling the two former co-stars. Sarah burst through the crowd first followed by
Michelle, both girls holding fake, rubber stakes that could be bought for $15.99 directly from
Mel, cash preferred. A cheer went up through the crowed as the two Buffy stars posed for
a moment, letting the group take a good, long look at them. As the crowd began quieting
down, the two vampires quickly spun around and faced the two beautiful women, one of the
vampire losing his bottom set of fake teeth. "Slayer," the other vampire hissed.

Sarah as Buffy the Vampire Slayer switched her pose as Mel scampered off into the
crowd. She had her blonde hair pulled up into a loose ponytail and was wearing a pair of
tight, light tan slacks that perfectly framed her heart-shaped ass. Her top was a light blue
spaghetti strap that left her shoulders and arms bare and accentuated her small, firm braless
tits. Michelle as Dawn Summers was wearing a tight, pink top with a fluffy white cloud
stretched tightly over her small breasts. She wore tight, denim pants and a pair of pink
sneakers with her long hair pulled back into pig-tails to help accentuate her youthful
appearance since she was supposed to be Buffy's younger sister. All in all, both beautiful
women were wearing outfits that they had worn on the show and were at least two sizes to
small for them now, showing off their slender bodies.

The first vampire with the one pointless ear took a wide swing at Sarah, missing her by
nearly a foot that she ducked under before popping back up, her tits jiggling beneath her top.
The vampire with the missing teeth kicked at Michelle and she spun around and posed with
her legs spread and her back arched thrusting out her slender chest and tight ass. The
vampires switched places with the toothless vampire kicking up at Sarah and the earless
vampire swinging towards Michelle. The former Buffy stars spun around back to back, now
each facing their original vampires as the two undead actors circled around them, growling
and the toothless vampire drooling slightly through his ill fitting top teeth.

The two actresses circled around until they were facing the opposite vampires than
they had started with and took a swing at them with their fake stakes. The vampires
grabbed both of their wrists and pretended to jerk the females forward and the actresses
spun around, the vampires' arms now wrapped around their lithe bodies. They all
pretended to struggle, the women trapped by the vampires, their firm, bra-less breasts
jiggling wildly beneath their tops. They had each iced their nipples, bringing them to full
hardness before entering the conference room so that they created twin peaks against the
thin material of their shirts as they continued to pretend to struggle.

The vampires’' hands began sliding up and down Sarah and Michelle's slender bodies
as they women began rubbing back against them. The former co-stars could feel the
vampire actors start to get hard in their pants and began rubbing up against them with their
asses, making the two fake vampires completely hard as they groaned in pleasure. The
former heroines began to play along with the male actors, groaning out themselves as the
vampires began to molest them. Sarah's actor held her by the hip with one hand as he
humped up against her ass, his other arm up around her chest and rubbing himself back and
forth across her breasts and hard nipples. Michelle's vampire was being much more
obvious, cupping both of her small tits as he dry humped against her.

Sarah began fake panting and moaning as she rubbed up against her vampire, his
hands wandering over her not really trapped body. She had to admit, an act or not, he was
pretty good with his hands. He lovingly caressed her firm breasts as he ran his thumbs over
her hard nipples and she rubbed herself back against him. She rolled her hips up and down,
rubbing her ass against the hard-on trapped in his pants and felt kind of bad about giving him
a woody knowing that he wasn't going to finish with her but, after all, she was paying him
more than enough for the inconvenience.

Michelle rolled her eyes as her vampire continued to dry-hump against her slender
body. She knew that she was supposed to act like she was enjoying it so she began
groaning out in fake pleasure. The vampire's hands kept going from her hips to her tits and
back again, not even pretending to be holding her captive. His hips rocked her back and
forth as he humped her, his hard-on sliding up and down the crease of her ass, her long hair
swinging back and forth as he pinched her already hard nipples.

Mel sneaked out of the packed conference room and made his way to the small room
he had set up as his office. He looked around to make sure no one was watching before
slipping in and closing the door behind him. He didn't turn the lights on, afraid that if an
employee passed by they would notice the light under the door and ask him why he was in a
unpaid for room. He sat down on the bed and clicked his laptop on to make sure it was
recording the inside of the conference room. The picture clicked on and he was excited to
see he had a crystal clear picture and that he was recording perfectly.

Despite herself, Sarah was kinda actually enjoying what her vampire was doing.
Despite no longer being considered an A List celebrity she took pride in maintaining her body
still and it was turning her on that her actor was enjoying it so much. She could feel his
prick throbbing in his pants as he dry humped her ass and gasped in pleasure in her ear. His
hands flowed over her body like water, caressing her every nook and cranny from her
heaving chest to her rocking hips. With one hand he squeezed one of her sensitive breasts
while his other hand slid between her thighs, cupping her through her slacks, his middle
finger pressed tightly against her heated pussy.

Using her long hair to hide the annoyance on her face, Michelle once again rolled her
eyes in frustration as her vampire continued to hump up against her ass. She hadn't met
anybody this bad at foreplay since she was a teenager. His hands fluttered across her body
like a blind butterfly, his hips never resting and she was actually afraid he was going to going
to rub the skin of her ass off. From the corner of her eye and through her flopping pigtails
she could see Sarah enjoying herself as her former co-star was molested. "The things I'll do
to get a part," she mumbled angrily under her breath. It had been years since she'd
enjoyed the celebrity status being on Buffy the Vampire Slayer had given her and for some
reason she just couldn't find the right parts to get her back into the limelight. At least Sarah
had her cooking she could take pride in. Looking around at the assembled fans she sighed
in defeat, surrendering to the publicity stunt Sarah had come up with.

Sarah fought to keep from giggling as her vampire began to feverishly hump her ass.
It turned her on to know how turned on her actor was as his hands crawled over her. He
slid his hand from between her legs up to her chest to cup her tit as his other hand slipped
down between her slender thighs again. He rubbed her pussy firmly over her slacks as his
other hand palmed her sensitive breast before pinching her hard nipple. She groaned out
in pleasure as he molested her, panting like a horny puppy in her ear and he ground himself
against her. She felt a quick blush of embarrassment at the thought of her husband
catching her but then that too turned her on and she groaned through gritted teeth as she
rubbed herself against her vampire's hard prick and then humped up against his hand.

Staring in fascination at the former Buffy star, Michelle momentarily forgot what she
was supposed to be doing. Sarah was obviously enjoying herself as the former "Buffy" star
was fondled by the ridiculously done up vampire, panting and moaning against him, rubbing
herself against his body. And if she didn't know any better, by the look on Sarah's face, she
was about to cum. Meanwhile, she was being attacked by a handsy vampire who, if she
had to guess, had never actually been with a woman.

Excitedly, Sarah groaned out in pleasure, her voice echoing through the room, the
crowd watching wide eyed as she soared closer and closer to a orgasm. She had never
thought of herself as a exhibitionist but now she didn't know. She had never really flaunted
her body during her career, preferring to be known for her acting rather than her body, but
the way the crowd was watching her now as she pleasured herself against a total stranger for
their viewing entertainment was turning her on more and more. Granted, her career
wasn't going as well as she hoped but she never would have guessed back then that she'd
never stoop to doing something as sexually bold as this now but a fan was a fan and she had
been shocked when she had realized how many fans followed her cooking just because she
had once been Buffy. Her chest heaved and her hips jerked as her orgasm rose up inside of
her and rolled through her body like a warm wave.

"Oh my God," Michelle muttered as she watched Sarah cum in the middle of a room
full of strangers. The blonde's body twitched and shuddered and she could hear her
co-star's vampire grunt from here as he came, holding himself against Sarah's round ass.
Jealousy rose up inside of her as she felt her own vampire cum pressed up against her,
squeezing her body against his, one hand on her hip and the other gripping her small tit
almost painfully.

Sarah's eyes fluttered as she rode out her orgasm and she chewed her bottom lip.
She could feel her vampire go limp behind her, his arms sliding to his sides, releasing her and
she remember exactly what it was she was supposed to be doing. Slaying vampires. She
spun around and poked him in the chest with her rubber stake and yelled out, "Ha!"

The fake vampire looked down at the stake poking him in the chest. After just having
dry-humped Sarah Michelle Gellar it took him a moment to remember what exactly he was
supposed to be doing. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a handful of sand
and threw it up into the air because vampires were supposed to turn to dust when they were
staked. "Argh!" he cried out before dropping to the ground and laying on his back.

"Finally," Michelle grumbled to herself. She spun around and poked her own vampire
in the chest and smirked at him, "Time's up." He looked down at the stake and then back
up at her, his face crest fallen as he began to pout.

"But I wasn't done," the vampire whined as he reached into his pocked and pulled out
a handful of sand. He threw it weakly into the air, his bottom lip stuck out pitifully as he got
down on the ground and laid on his back next to his fellow dead vampire.

Sarah struck a heroic pose and took a moment to look around, she had never seen so
many erections in her entire life. Not to mention the erect nipples poking out through the
tops of the female guests. It filled her with a strange sense of pride to know that she could
turn on so many people so easily all at once and a self-satisfied smile spread across her face.

Michelle looked around the room at all the people her little act had turned on and felt
a little blush of embarrassment at the looks of pure lust on the fans' faces. She turned
towards Sarah and saw her basking in the adoration and desire coming from all of the Buffy
fans. "Oh, Buffy," she called out in mock relief.

Turning towards Michelle, Sarah remembered what she was supposed to be doing.
"Are you okay, Dawnie?" she asked.

Making sure that her hair would billow out behind her in just the right was, Michelle
ran towards Sarah and they both embraced. They both pressed their slender bodies
together firmly, molding themselves against one another, chest to chest and hip to hip. "Oh,
Buffy, I was so worried," Michelle said.

"Me too, Dawnie," Sarah said as they hugged. As an actress she knew better than to
look towards the camera or the audience but her eyes kept being drawn to all her turned on

Michelle kept a firm hold on Sarah, rubbing herself slightly against her older, former
co-star just enough to tease but she heard an appreciative murmur go through the crowd
surrounding her. She could feel Sarah's hard nipples through the thin material of their tops
and had to suppress a knowing giggle. Who would have thought the slightly older Buffy
star was secretly an inhibited exhibitionist?

Sarah bit her lower lip to stop a moan from escaping past her lips as Michelle's small,
firm breasts rub against her own. "Are you okay?" she asked, trying to keep the strange
heat flowing through her body from escaping in her voice.

"I'm fine now," Michelle told Sarah. She slid her arms down the older star's graceful
back to just above her tight pants and then back up. She couldn't believe that she had
agreed to Sarah's little cosplay idea but now, for some strange reason, it seemed kind of
exciting. Like Sarah she had never been much of an exhibitionist but now, also like Sarah,
she was starting to get into it. She pulled her head back a little to stare deep into her
former costar's eyes and let a small smile spread across her lips. "Can I tell ask something,
Buffy?" she asked coyly.

"Of course, Dawn. You can ask me anything," Michelle said and placed her forehead
against her young costar's. If they had been true sisters it wouldn't have been that big of a
deal but since they were only pretending it seemed more of an intimate gesture. And since
they were pretending to be sisters it added a particular sense of taboo to the mock scenario
they were playing in.

Looking down to feign embarrassment, Michelle slowly looked back up into Sarah's
eyes. "Is it kind of strange that I kind of liked it?" she asked, her hands sliding down to her
costar's small waist.

Smiling knowingly, Sarah slid her arms around Michelle's waist, holding the younger
star close. "It's not strange. As the Slayer I've often enjoyed the excitement and danger,"
she said, "After I survived, that is."

Michelle giggled. "Not like that," she said, "I mean 'Like it' like it."

Sarah pretended to think it over for a moment before acting like she came to a
startling realization. "Oh. Like that, 'Like it'," she gasped, "I suppose not. There's
something to be said for an adrenaline high I guess."

"Mmmm, that's good," Michelle growled, "I'm so glad you feel the same way." She
tried hard to suppress a giggle at the gasps coming from the crowd. The embarrassment
had finally passed and she felt kind of empowered by how much control she had over the
crowd right now. A little faux lesbianism and she had them eating out of the palm of her

"Well I wouldn't put it like that..." Sarah started before suddenly being interrupted by
Michelle's tongue. She pretended to be shocked and her eyes shot wide open as her
younger costar kissed her deeply. Their tongues caressed and wrestled inside of their
mouths, their lips pressed wetly together as Michelle moaned into her mouth.

Michelle ran her hands down Sarah's graceful back and slid her hands of her
heart-shaped rear-end before snaking them back up. Both beautiful women rubbed
themselves together chest to chest as their kiss turned more passionately, nearly forgetting
they were in a small room surrounded by people. She peeked out of the corner of her eye
and saw several fans rubbing themselves lustfully and found it odd that it was turning her on.

Forgetting all about the crowd, Sarah slid one hand down to Michelle's taunt ass and
the other to her former co-star’s shoulders, holding her possessively to her body. She
forgot about the fans as she kissed Michelle, her tongue thoroughly exploring the younger
woman's mouth as her fingertips delved into the crack of her ass.

Groaning as Sarah's fingers dipped between her legs, Michelle began kissing down her
neck, nuzzling her as she licked down over her collar bones. She ran her hands down her
former co-star’s sides and slid her thumbs underneath the hem of her shirt before slowly
sliding her hands up again and bringing the bottom of Sarah's shirt up with them. Her
hands slid up over the older woman's soft but still flat stomach to her chest baring just the
under-swell of her breasts.

Sarah groaned into Michelle's mouth as the younger woman palmed her breasts and
her thumbs slid over her rigid nipples. Her own hands slid beneath the back of her former
co-star’s shirt before easing them up and baring her graceful back to the room. Michelle
slid Sarah's shirt up over her breasts while Sarah did the same to Michelle's, their firm
breasts pressed together and bulging slight out from their sides.

In his purloined room, Mel pulled his prick out and began masturbating to the two
Buffy stars and they made out in the middle of a horny pack of fans. He was a strict
professional and never tried to hit on his clients no matter how big of a fan of Buffy the
Vampire Slayer he was. But as far as sneaking into a empty room and masturbating
furiously to them was concerned what they didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Staying chest to chest as they rubbed their sensitive breasts together, Sarah led them
down to their knees as her hands gripped Michelle's tight little ass. Her hands slid around
between them and began unfastening the younger woman's tight pants and tugging them
down halfway over her ass. She ran her hands over the silky smooth flesh of the younger
woman's rear-end and made a mental note to ask her what sort of lotion she used as
Michelle began unfastening her pants as well.

As they continued to kiss, Michelle gasped out, “Oh, Buffy,” and Sarah moaned out,
“Oh, Dawnie.” Each of their tops were pulled up as far as they could go around their
shoulders and their pants were pulled down halfway around their asses. Pressed chest to
chest they were only exposing themselves from their shoulders down to their rear-ends. It
was a decidedly PG-13 sex show but that was what they had both decided on, to tease their
fans rather than just strip and fuck. They had each helped one another pick out their
clothes and had chosen to match their barely-there thongs to their tops, blue and pink
respectively. So all the crowd could see were their exposed, graceful backs and their thongs
sinking in between their ass-cheeks as they began rubbing and humping against one another
in the middle of the floor.

Sarah nuzzled against Michelle's neck before a wicked idea coursed through her brain
causing her to grin. She bent back up to kiss the younger woman before leaning back, their
chests nearly parting, nearly revealing their breasts. “Wanna give them a real show?” she
whispered before once again nuzzling Michelle.

“What? No,” Michelle quickly whispered back. She recognized the look in Sarah's
eyes and guessed what the older actress was going to do. “Don’t we have a safe word or
something?” she asked worriedly.

“Nope,” Sarah whispered back as she gripped Michelle ass tightly in one hand and slid
her other hand between their writhing bodies, “You're all mine.”

“I don't think that's how it works,” Michelle whispered a moment before Sarah slid her
deft fingers beneath the flimsy front of her thong.

“Oh, Dawnie, I love you so much,” Sarah called out loud enough for everybody to hear
as she cupped Michelle's heated sex. The younger woman's pussy was as wet as her own
so she knew that her former co-star was as horny as her. She had always loved the
attention she had received from her fans but to be so bold in front of them, so turned on,
was doing things to her she had never felt before. She was turned on like she had never
been before. As she came to the realization that she just might be an exhibitionist she slid
her middle finger between Michelle's dewy labia, splitting her pussy-lips and teasing the
entrance to her gooey cunt.

“F- f- f- f- fuck you… you, Sa… Sarah,” Michelle stuttered out as her horny friend began
fingering her in the middle of a room full of strangers. She groaned out as the older woman
slid her middle finger into her and began sawing it in and out up to just the second knuckle,
teasing her. The material of her thong and pants along with the closeness of their bodies
kept the fans from seeing exactly what was happening but it was pretty obvious what exactly
was happening. Her body couldn't help but respond to Sarah's teasing finger and she
began unconsciously rolling her hips up, humping against her former co-star’s hand as she
decided that two could play at this game.

Purposefully being less subtle than Sarah, Michelle plunged her hand between their
bodies and her hand into her co-star’s thong. She couldn't believe how wet the blonde
woman was as she shoved two fingers into Sarah's dripping cunt. The other Buffy star cried
out in shock and pleasure, her mouth gaping open as Michelle smirked mischievously at her.

“B… b… bitch…” Sarah groaned into her friend’s ear as Michelle fingered her fast and
deep. Her former co-star’s fingers were sawing relentlessly in and out her pussy and she
began unconsciously rocking herself back and forth, fucking the younger woman's hand.
Her entire body shivered as Michelle started using her thumb to stimulate her clit and Sarah
stuttered in sexual joy.

Michelle held Sarah's nearly exposed body possessively to her as she fingered her
friend. She didn't try hiding it when she looked around the room at the approval in the fans’
shocked faces. It may have been her friend's plan but currently an was owning it. She
even saw more than a few fans openly masturbating to them and her own body throbbed in
lust. Maybe Sarah's latent exhibitionism was infectious?

Sarah could see the look on Michelle's face. The younger woman look victorious.
But she wasn't going to let her win. She kept her own finger moving in and out of the dark
haired woman's drooling hole and wrapped her free arm around her slender waist, holding
her nearly naked body to her. She took a moment to run her sensitive breasts against
Michelle's, enjoying the sensation before shoving her hand down the back of her friend's
pants and thong.

Her eyes shot open with fear a moment before Michelle shoved a second finger up her
right pussy and a lone finger up her even tighter ass. “F- f- fuck- k- k!” she shouted as she
came in the middle of a room full of strangers. Her pussy and ass clamped down on the
invading fingers as her barely covered body shook in pleasure.

As Michelle came, Sarah held her right to her. Her former co-star’s fingers were still
buried deep inside of her and her muscle spasms sent them flailing around triggering her
own orgasm. She came a moment after Michelle, each one holding tightly to the other as
they rode out their orgasms, slowly sliding down to their knees. Their pants he slid halfway
down their supple thighs leaving their taunt, tight asses fully exposed but their hands
between one another's thighs kept their gushing pussies hidden as they came down from
their orgasms.

Knew to knew and chest to chest, both actresses gasped and panted as they each
struggled to get their breath back. Around them the room erupted in applause as their fans
stopped masturbating to them long enough to cheer.

Hiding their out thrust asses was a list cause by now but both Buffy actresses kept the
chests pressed together to hopefully kept some of the mystique of their bodies. “Thanks
for coming everybody,” Sarah called out to her fans with a warm smile and a wave, “I’ll be
signing autographs from 3:00 until 7:00 today and then 2:00 until 5:00 tomorrow.”

Michelle waved at the fans as well. “And I’ll be doing the same but I’ll be taking
pictures until 4:00 tomorrow,” she cheerfully called out.

“And don't forget to buy Buffy on Blu-ray,” Michelle added, “For sale starting now.”

Mel releases his straining cock and slammed his laptop shit hard enough to crack the
screen. “Shit! I forgot to order the Blu-rays!”

The End.

09-30-2019, 04:14 AM


Nice story btw

09-30-2019, 07:28 PM

Nice story btw

Glad you liked it. I haven't decided who will be next yet.

11-17-2019, 06:24 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t know Chloe Moretz or have anything to do with her. Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.

Story Code: M+/F+, Exhib, Teen, Orgy

…Meets The Fanboys: Chloe Moretz
By Muhabba

“Kid, you have to be nuts,” Mel said. He had asked the young actress twice what she had wanted and was amazed by the answer both times. “How old are you anyways?” he asked, completely flabbergasted by the young girl.

“13,” Chloe said boldly. She stared defiantly up at the way old promoter with her arms crossed across her slight chest.

Mel mopped his sweaty forehead with a napkin before tucking it back in to the pocket of his ill fitting suit. “I’m not planning a Meet & Greet for a thirteen year old girl,” he exclaimed. When the young up and coming actress Chloe Moretz had tracked him down to ask him to plan a Meet & Greet for her at Comic-Con he had placed his hands on the nearest wall and his feet shoulder length apart and waited in the hallway with his right to remain silent. When he hadn't been immediately tackled by the authorities he had asked her to repeat the request. Then it had taken another five minutes to sink in.

“You’re nuts,” he told her again, “Do you know the type of people we’ll have showing up for a Meet & Greet with a 13 year old girl?”

“Comic book fans,” Chloe said decisively.

“Pedos and FBI!” Mel said throwing his hands up in the air.

“I can handle it.”

Mel stared down in shock at the young girl. She was dressed casually with pink sneakers, faded denim, and a light purple button-up, and her strawberry blond hair up in a loose pony tail. And she was practically glaring at him in defiance with a cocky smirk on her plump lips. “You are entirely too confident for a kid your age,” he told her.


“It wasn't a compliment. Kid, I realize you got a movie coming out…”

“Kick Ass,” Chloe said in pride.

“I’m sure it will,” Mel said, “But I’m not planning a Meet & Greet for some kid. Now please, forget you ever saw me, go find your mother and enjoy the rest of this year's Comic-Con.” He patted the girl’s head before clutching his briefcase to his chest and then scurrying down the hall.

Chloe watched the plump, old guy turn a corner and disappear. She’d been thinking about coming to a Comic-Con for years and now that she was a real, honest to goodness actress she was intent on having her own Meet & Greet. Half the other actress’s she’d met had really liked their Meet and Greets and the other half had sworn terrible vengeance on Mel personally but she didn't care. Chloe Grace Moretz didn't do anything half-way and that meant, as an actress, she’d have awards wherever she went and fans following her whatever she did!

And years went by…

“Kid, you're still nuts!” Mel exclaimed.

“What?” Chloe asked, “I’m older now. What's the big deal?”

Mel rolled his eyes in frustration. “Are you even old enough to drive?” he asked in exasperation.

“I don't even need my parent in the car,” Chloe said proudly.

“Good. You can drive yourself home,” Mel told her.

“But I have to promote Kick Ass 2,” Chloe said. She had dressed in her most business like clothes, black slacks and matching vest over a starched white blouse and pumps. “It's in my contract,” she told him.

Mel huffed. “Your contract did not tell you to plan a Meet & Greet with me,” he told her.

“It was kinda nebulous on the how,” Chloe said sternly. She would not be turned away.

“Kid, come see me in two years,” Mel said as he turned his back to the teenage girl, “And if the hotel manager asks you if you’ve seen me tell him you haven't.”

With her hands defiantly on her hips, Chloe watched the shady promoter disappear around the hall corner. It was time for plan B. She gripped the front of her blouse and ripped it open like Superman to reveal a purple jumpsuit underneath.


With the upcoming release of Kick Ass 2, Chloe saw several Hit-Girl costumes around the convention so she fit right in. Technically she wasn’t supposed to have kept her superhero outfit from the movie but what the studio didn't know wouldn't hurt her. And with her purple wig, purple jumpsuit with purple school skirt, nobody at the con knew who she was.

Chloe had been plotting her own Meet & Greet since she had been thirteen and knew exactly how to go about making one even if Mel wouldn't help her. From out of her purple and black cape she pulled out a stack of specially made coupons that she was going to pass out. But only to the people in the crowd she thought were cute. There would be no random fans at her Meet & Greet, she wanted it to be perfect.

The first person she handed a coupon too was a handsome guy, maybe about six foot and dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans. The next coupon went to a Deadpool cosplayer who filled out his suit nicely. Immediately afterwards she found a Superman who was even more buff than Deadpool and excitedly gave him a coupon. Next she gave a coupon to a very attractive model dressed in a skin tight Black Widow costume. Chloe had never really thought about girls in that way before but she decided that she was getting older and was supposed to explore her options.

When she had finished giving out her coupons, Chloe hurried to the small conference room she had rented and then nervously waited for her fans. Her plan was simple: Carefully select the fans she wanted, pass out coupons advertising to meet Hit-Girl, get her selected fans together, and then select the fan she wanted to Meet & Greet the most. After years of planning it was all about to pay off!

The young actress didn't have to wait long before her fans showed up, all ready to have their pictures taken with who they thought would be just a model promoting the movie. Staying in character, she greeted each of the fans as they entered and handed her their coupons. She was practically giddy that absolutely nobody had failed to show up, all wanting to meet and get their pictures taken with “Hit-Girl”.

When she had collected the last coupon, Chloe closed and locked the door behind the last guest and then started mingling. One of the fans was a very tall, strapping young man and he easily became the front-runner to take upstairs to her suite to Meet & Greet her. But then again, one of the female fans was practically perfect for her to maybe experiment with. Chloe was a young, virile woman after all and that sort of thing was healthily.

Another of the fans she was considering was kind of on husky side and plain looking but she was sure that he’d try harder Meeting & Greeting her to make up for it. But then again there was a brother and sister there with backpacks filled to overflowing with various purchases that sent a shiver through the young star at the taboo of being with both of them, hopefully at the same time.

After the first round of meeting everyone, Chloe started a new round to narrow down the ranks. All the fans were eager to spend a couple a minutes with her paying sole attention with them and taking selfies with her. She began rubbing up against her fans to get a feel (giggle) of their bodies beneath their clothes while getting their pictures taken.

Some of the fans had soft bodies, some more firm, some in better shape than others and it soon became hard for the young actress to choose. If she chose Deadpool that meant leaving Black Widow behind. If she chose the fit guy it meant leaving the sweet, husky guy alone. If she chose the older one with experience she would miss out on the young, enthusiastic one. As their time wore on, Chloe realized that everybody had something to offer, something unique to each one. How could a young superhero chose? Or better yet, how could a young superhero chose just one?

Chloe decided that one more round through the crowd would help her choose so she slowly made her way around spending more time with each guest. She was more welcoming and warm with each one, there would be no “Hover-hands” with her fans. She welcomed each one to take her shoulder or her waist and pressed herself against each one ready for a hug and it wasn't long before they realized it. She was half-way through the crowd before realizing that the half she’d already visited with had missed their hugs so she decided to go through the group another time. Just to be fair to them.

The hugs were long and warm and not only did she press herself up against them, they were pressing themselves up against her. She slowly became comfortable entwined in the arms of the group, one after another. They all mattered to her. Short or tall, plump or skinny, boy or girl, they were all her fans.

The short superhero wasn't aware exactly when she decided it but her decision made sense. She was young and care-free, self assured and confident, her own woman. Why should she settle for social norms? She cared for all her fans and they cared for her so why not reward herself and them?

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Chloe addressed her fans. “How ‘bout we all go up to my room and get to know each other better?” she asked happily. Most of the crowd gave a half-hearted shrug while a few mumbled about not wanting to miss any more of the Con but she knew how to swing their votes back to her.

Chloe took her mask and wig off, revealing herself to her fans. “You won’t regret it,” she told them with a cheeky smile. It was one thing to turn down a Hit-Girl stand-in but nobody would turn down the chance to hang-out with the actual star who plays Hit-Girl! Everyone then happily agreed to follow Chloe Grace Moretz upstairs.

Not wanting to leave any of her fans alone waiting for a second elevator, Chloe insisted they all share the same one with her standing in the middle of their group. They all eagerly told her how excited that she was the real Hit-Girl and how they enjoyed her acting and how happy they were to go to her room. Meanwhile, Chloe was strangely excited to have so many adoring bodies pressed against her own.

As excited as she was, the young actress didn't even realize what her hands were doing before one of her fans did. The Black Widow’s head suddenly whipped around and looked down at her, surprising Chloe. It was then that Chloe realized her hand was firmly resting on the other woman's taunt ass. The Hit-Girl actress blushed deeply and then even deeper when the model gave her a knowing smirk. Then Chloe noticed her other hand was on the firm thigh of Superman who was looking between her and Black Widow. He smiled down at her which caused her face to burn with embarrassment even more but he didn’t try to move away.

Chloe knew it was a man standing behind her because she could feel the lump in his pants pressed against her lower back. With Superman and Black Widow staring down at her the teenage girl became emboldened and she began rubbing herself back against the bulge behind her, trying to prove how mature she was to her older fans. Two pairs of hands began sliding across her torso and since she was buried in the middle of over a dozen people it was impossible for her to know which ones were trying to chance a quick grope of her chest. The not knowing excited her.

It was Chloe's Meet & Greet which meant that she was in charge and she wanted all of her fans to know what they should expect. More hands began caressing her teenage body which meant that more people were catching on but she was still worried that not everybody knew. She looked up at Black Widow and then Superman. If she approached him first then maybe some of her fans would think she was singling him out over the rest of them but with Black Widow… Who didn't like watching girls kiss?

The nervous teenage girl slid her hand up Black Widow’s back and pulled the older woman down a bit while Chloe leaned up. She kissed the taller model, moaning loudly to get everyone's attention while she made a show of sliding her tongue into her mouth. Then the young actress broke the kiss and turned to Superman, repeating the show. The Hit-Girl actress looked around out of the corner of her eye to make sure she had everybody's attention and a strange sense of pride went through her when she saw that all eyes were on her.

Reminding herself that she was the actress and that meant that she was in charge, Chloe made sure that everything she was doing looked confident and bold. She didn't pay attention to who she grabbed next, she just wrapped her arm around someone's waist and pulled them close, kissing them deeply. When the elevator opened she grabbed two random guests by their wrists and pulled them out into the hall with her.

Chloe twirled around, giddy with excitement at the sight of all her fans following her. “Keep up, guys, I don't want anyone getting lost,” she laughed out happily at the smiles on her fans’ faces and the excited looks in their eyes. Leading her fans to her door, the small actress opened up her suite and waved her fans inside. When the last of them were in she gaily slipped in after them.

“Everybody get comfortable,” Chloe giggled as she made her way through the crowd to her bedroom. She kept her purple wig and Black mask on but flung her cape off letting it fall to the floor. She grabbed two of her fans and dragged them in with her as she called out, “There’s plenty of room for everybody.”

She kissed the girl she had dragged behind her and then kissed Deadpool that she hadn't realized was the second person she had dragged in. He kept his mask on but had pulled it up over his mouth so he could at least kiss her back. She looked back at the door and while Black Widow and Superman had eagerly followed her there were still a few people in the other room looking unsure about what was happening. She pushed Deadpool towards Black Widow and the girl towards Superman and said, “Let’s get started guys!”

For a teenage girl, Chloe easily took control of the situation. As an actress she was known for her confidence which led her to rolls that required her to act older than what apparent age was. And it was that confidence that led her to leading fans around her room. She got the stragglers into her bedroom and immediately began sorting them out. Clothes began to fall and people began to participate as she ordered them around.

Leaving her gloves on, Chloe's purple top joined the clothes spread around her bed. While filming as Hit-Girl, she normally wore a comfortable sports bra but for her Meet & Great she wore a dark purple bra with shiny lace decorating the cups. She kissed her way around the group making sure they all got a chance to pay attention to her small breasts, appreciating the time she had given to picking out her lingerie. She moaned out repeatedly as hands and fingers and lips slid across her cups, teasing her until her nipples felt like they were sizzling in pleasure.

Clothes continued raining onto the floor as Chloe left her boots on but took off her pants leaving her in her purple plaid skirt and a tiny thong matching her bra. She continued moving around the group, posing them, shuffling them around, caressing this, squeezing that, massaging whatever her gloves hands fell across. She had never made out with a girl before but she found herself kissing several on their lips and chests. She didn't really understand the big deal people had with gay people. Whether a man or woman, she found a sense of pride with making all of her fans feel good, one gender or another.

Chloe found her bra fluttering down to the floor as hands began caressing her small tits. She moaned out in lust and desire as her fans enjoyed her chest, squeezing her breasts and teasing her hard little nipples. The teenage actress was kissing one fan with her hand on his ass while her other hand explored the chest of a female fan. She moved from the lips of the male to the breasts of the other, sucking on the warm, silky flesh and then licking around the hard nipple.

Lips and tongues massaged the Hit-Girl actress’s tits as a hand found it’s way between her smooth thighs. She groaned out around the warm tit smothering her face before moving her head and kissing another fan. Her own hands began to slid down until she was squeezing a hard cock encased in the material of some cosplay while her other hand found the warm, wet juncture of a female fan.

As much as she was enjoying the attention, Chloe wasn't here just for herself. Sure, she had started out just thinking of Meeting & Greeting a single fan but now she had an entire group to look out for. The small teenage girl began making her way through the group again, kissing and fondling each one whether they were the handsome Superman, the sexy Black Widow, or the surprisingly hung Deadpool who, despite being otherwise completely naked, was still wearing his mask. She kissed and fondled the dumpy kid who had brought a backpack filled with swag, the shy girl who was still wearing her coke bottle glasses, not to mention the brother and sister duo.

Chloe had no idea when she had lost her panties. She still had her wig, mask, gloves, boots, and skirt but somewhere along the lines some one had stripped her of her purple thong. She found that making sure that all of her fans were being taken care of distracted her from the oddness of the situation she had created. She wanted to make sure everybody was enjoying themselves all at once rather than just waiting on a line for their shot at her. It just seemed creepy that way.

The small, young actress found herself kneeling on the floor at the foot of her bed along with Black Widow and the cute sister. She was jacking a prick in each hand while a third was sliding in and out of her mouth. Her pouty, pink lips were stretched right around the girth as it slid in and out of her mouth while she wiggled her tongue along the length as it slipped in just to the top of her throat. She had heard of girls being gagged during a blow-job but her fan was apparently taking care not to choke her. Chloe was appreciative of her fan taking care of her like that. She had never given a blow-job before and had been nervous during the build up of her Meet & Greet but just like she was taking care of them, her fans were taking care of her.

It was kind of odd, all things considered as far as Chloe was concerned. She had her fists wrapped around the two cocks but rather than her jerking them off, they were fucking her hands. And rather than sucking off the cock sliding past her lips and over her tongue, it was fucking her mouth leaving her to look around at her crowd of fans.

The pricks in Chloe's hands and mouth switched themselves around allowing new fans to take their places. It gave her a few moments to direct the crowd to make sure everybody got to enjoy everybody else. “Good job, people,” she congratulated them before returning her attention back to the fans in front of her and the other girls on their knees. Now she had a prick in her hand, a prick rubbing itself against her lips, and a woman holding her hand against her groin.

The woman's wet, heated pussy took Chloe by surprise at first. She had just been think about how easy it had been to jerk off a group of guys and now she had to figure out how to do it to a girl. She stroked the little bit of silky fur for a moment before parting the girl’s labia with her thumb causing her fan to jerk a bit which gave Chloe a idea.

Chloe slipped her thumb slowly into her female fan’s dripping pussy as the teenage actress continued stroking the fan’s pubic hair. Pressing her fingers against the other woman's mound while continuing to “pet” her, the Hit-Girl actress found herself an easy way to finger-bang her female fan just as easily as she jerked off a male fan. A sense of pride filled her at having found a way to please all of her fans all at once.

As her hands and mouth were fucked, Chloe occasionally spit the prick out long enough to give directions to her group. More fans began to shimmy behind Chloe, Black Widow, and the sister and then knelt behind them. Feeling two soft points pressed against her back, the teenager knew that it was a female behind her as the fan reached around her. The female fan lovingly stroked Chloe's breasts causing a shiver to go through her teenage body. She was spending so much time seeing to her fans’ needs that she had nearly completely forgotten to enjoy herself.

The group of Hit-Girl fans were moving around mostly on their own, each one enjoying the rest without simply pairing off and splitting up. Both dicks and clits presented themselves to Chloe and she saw to them both equally. It wasn't until a nearly trimmed cunt presented itself to her mouth that the young actress had to stop again and think about what to do. She knew about girls going down on each other in bed but she’d never thought about how a girl went down on a girl that was standing. Luckily the girl behind her stroking her breasts handled the situation.

The fan behind her pushed Chloe forward slightly while hooking the actress’s chin to lift her head back until the teenager was looking up at the ceiling. The other woman stepped forward until she was straddling the teenage girl’s head and then lowered herself down onto her face. With her hands both full of dick, Chloe stuck her tongue out as far as she could and let the other fan happily hump her mouth and face.

A male fan took the female fan’s place behind Chloe and the young actress felt his hands slide across her bare chest and his hard, sticky dick press against her lower back. One hand stroked her small tits while the other hand slid down her body and between her thighs. The teenage girl was surprised at how wet she was, once again forgetting her own pleasure while she saw to her group of fan’s need. As the male fan’s middle finger split her dewy pussy-lips, Chloe moaned in lust into the pussy humping her mouth. She immediately began humping the man’s hand excitedly, quickly rising to orgasm after having forgotten her own desire that had led them all her.

Chloe screamed in lust into the hot cunt clamped around her mouth as she came. The female can took a step back to allow the young actress to enjoy her orgasm before coming down. Chloe panted as she tried to collect her breath, her chest heaving up and down as her thighs quivered. As she came down, the young actress smiled stupidly as she looked around. Everyone that had been enjoying her teenage body had already moved on, everybody enjoying everybody else.

Deciding to keep on her wig, mask, gloves, skirt, and boots, Chloe stood up and made her way through the group. Cocks and cunts were everywhere. Pricks, fingers, and tongues filled every whole. And everybody had the widest smiles on their faces. No longer needing to give orders to get everyone enjoying everyone else, Chloe contented herself to walk around the room giving the occasional pointer. And then she noticed two fans enjoying everybody else but not each other: the brother and sister.

The brother and sister were on opposite sides of the room, the brother with the shy girl and the sister with the husky guy with the backpack. A throb of lust went through Chloe's nearly naked teenage body. “If you're gonna go, you go big,” she told herself with a wicked grin.

The horny teenage girl slid through the sea of skin to the brother and grabbed him by the wrist. “Come with me,” she ordered while she yanked off the shy girl’s thick glasses and then dragged the naked boy to her bed. “You're Clark Kent,” she told him as she placed the glasses on him and then rushed to the other side of the room.

In her way across her bedroom, Chloe grabbed the red haired wig off of the Black Widow cosplayer who was much to busy to notice it gone. Then the young actress plopped it down on the sister’s head and said, “You're Lana Lane.” She grabbed the young girl by the wrist and then dragged her over to the bed with the girl’s brother.

With the brother’s glasses disguising him, the sister didn't recognize him and with the sister’s wig the brother couldn't recognize her. Just like in the comics. She introduced the siblings as Clark Kent and Lana Lang who, also in the comics, had a love affair while living in Smallville in the Superman books. “Time for a company crossover,” she said excitedly before moving them into the middle of the bed.

Sitting between the two siblings, Chloe kissed the brother first, exploring his mouth with her tongue before turning to the sister and kissing her next. Then she invited them to kiss and nearly came at the sight of the brother and sister kissing so deeply. She let her hands start to wander over their bodies as they all took turns kissing and laying down on the bed. The bed itself had a half a dozen people in it already but the three of them managed to scoot and move people enough to make some room.

One of Chloe’s hands delved between the girl’s supple thighs while her other hand found the boy’s stuff prick. Then the Hit-Girl actress felt the girl’s hand between her own thighs while the boy reached across her to help Chloe finger his sister. The young actress moaned in lust as the siblings’ lips and tongues sought out her small breasts, sucking on her stiff, excited nipples.

“I want to watch,” Chloe gasped out as she pulled her hands out of the siblings laps. They smiled eagerly at her and then the boy slid across the teenage girl’s body, his stuff prick trailing pre-cum across her skin as he climbed between his sister's legs. The brother and sister both locked eyes with Chloe as the brother positioned his throbbing cock-head at the entrance to his sister's dripping cunt. Neither the teenage actress or the slightly older siblings noticing as all eyes turned to them.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Chloe moaned as the brother slowly slid his cock into his sister's dripping wet pussy. The room had become completely silent as everybody watched, all of them having seen Chloe's attempt at keeping the brother and sister from recognizing one another and now they all watched. With everybody silent the sister’s moans and the brother’s grunts nearly echoed through the room as he slid to the hilt inside of her.

Laying on her side to watch, Chloe slipped her hand between her legs and began masturbating as the brother slowly began fucking the sister. Everybody in the room repositioned themselves to be able to watch the two siblings while continuing the orgy. The brother began thrusting faster while Chloe moaned out lustfully, her fingers delving inside of her gushing cunt. One of the male fans shuffled up on his knees behind the Hit-Girl actress and pressed his soft cock-head against the entrance to her cunt. She raised her knee up and removed her fingers letting him slip into her sideways as she watched.

The male fan fucked Chloe as deep as he could in the odd angle as the small star played with her tits. Everyone in the room tried to find some space on the bed quickly turning it into a writhing pile of naked, sweaty flesh. The brother and sister were the main event at the orgy as cocks, fingers, and tongues struggled to fill every hole. The entire bed turned into one long daisy chain spiraling down to Chloe and the siblings. Cocks and cunts appeared and disappeared in front of the teenage girl’s face and as long as she could see the brother and sister she welcomed them all with her mouth. And as she stared wide-eyed at the siblings she accepted each dick, finger, and tongue that wiggled their way between her quivering thighs.

Chloe and her friends came over and over again, one after another and in various groups as they destroyed the bed. The entire group quickly became covered in thick white loads of hot cum from the men as the women's slick juices gushed continually. The young actress and the siblings continued being the belles of the ball, enjoying everything that was given and done to them until they were all a wet, quivering lump on the cum soaked mattress. Chloe finished on her back, one last male fan thrusting between her lewdly spread legs while a female fan rode her mouth. As they erupted with the last of the days hot loads they fell to their sides to reveal a panting, basking Chloe, her mask and purple wig askew and sticky with cum.

The young actress looked around the room with a sloppy grin on her face. “Bet Mel is gonna be sorry he missed this one,” she chuckled before slumping back into the bed.


Mel crept down the hall looking out for the hotel manager. So the event promoter was a couple of days late with his payment, it wasn't like he didn't always pay. Eventually. As long as he gave the hotel manager a couple of days to calm down everything should be okay. Suddenly a door opened down the hall and Mel looked for a open room to duck into.

With no one doors to save him, Mel watched a large crowd of Comic-Con fans spill out into the hall. Luckily they all appeared to be in good moods so he relaxed a bit as they moved down the hall towards him.

“Great Con,” one fan said. “Can’t believed she took all of us,” another fan said. “And so courteous,” a different fan said as they all passed Mel by. “Best Meet & Greet yet,” he heard as the last of the fans passed him.

Mel knew that he didn't have a Meet & Greet down this hall. He always left at least one wing of the hotel unbooked in case he had to make a unseen escape. He crept down the hall to the room that the group had exited and opened the door. The unmistakable smell of sex wafted over him and he waved it out from in front of his face as he entered the suite. Tip-towing through the room he poked his head into the bedroom.

The young actress, Chloe More-something-or-other was laying nearly naked in the middle of her bed with a dopy grin on her face. The bed, mattress, sheets, and blankets were nearly destroyed and the only thing the young girl was wearing was boots, gloves, a purple wig, and a mask. Not to mention what looked like a gallon of cum drenching her otherwise naked body.

Chloe heard somebody gasp and looked down the length of her sticky, body at the doorway to her bedroom. “Hey, Mel,” she giggled, “You missed a hell of a Meet & Greet.”

The End.

11-17-2019, 06:25 AM
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t know Chloe Moretz or have anything to do with her. Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.

Story Code: M+/F+, Exhib, Teen, Orgy

…Meets The Fanboys: Chloe Moretz
By Muhabba

“Kid, you have to be nuts,” Mel said. He had asked the young actress twice what she had wanted and was amazed by the answer both times. “How old are you anyways?” he asked, completely flabbergasted by the young girl.

“13,” Chloe said boldly. She stared defiantly up at the way old promoter with her arms crossed across her slight chest.

Mel mopped his sweaty forehead with a napkin before tucking it back in to the pocket of his ill fitting suit. “I’m not planning a Meet & Greet for a thirteen year old girl,” he exclaimed. When the young up and coming actress Chloe Moretz had tracked him down to ask him to plan a Meet & Greet for her at Comic-Con he had placed his hands on the nearest wall and his feet shoulder length apart and waited in the hallway with his right to remain silent. When he hadn't been immediately tackled by the authorities he had asked her to repeat the request. Then it had taken another five minutes to sink in.

“You’re nuts,” he told her again, “Do you know the type of people we’ll have showing up for a Meet & Greet with a 13 year old girl?”

“Comic book fans,” Chloe said decisively.

“Pedos and FBI!” Mel said throwing his hands up in the air.

“I can handle it.”

Mel stared down in shock at the young girl. She was dressed casually with pink sneakers, faded denim, and a light purple button-up, and her strawberry blond hair up in a loose pony tail. And she was practically glaring at him in defiance with a cocky smirk on her plump lips. “You are entirely too confident for a kid your age,” he told her.


“It wasn't a compliment. Kid, I realize you got a movie coming out…”

“Kick Ass,” Chloe said in pride.

“I’m sure it will,” Mel said, “But I’m not planning a Meet & Greet for some kid. Now please, forget you ever saw me, go find your mother and enjoy the rest of this year's Comic-Con.” He patted the girl’s head before clutching his briefcase to his chest and then scurrying down the hall.

Chloe watched the plump, old guy turn a corner and disappear. She’d been thinking about coming to a Comic-Con for years and now that she was a real, honest to goodness actress she was intent on having her own Meet & Greet. Half the other actress’s she’d met had really liked their Meet and Greets and the other half had sworn terrible vengeance on Mel personally but she didn't care. Chloe Grace Moretz didn't do anything half-way and that meant, as an actress, she’d have awards wherever she went and fans following her whatever she did!

And years went by…

“Kid, you're still nuts!” Mel exclaimed.

“What?” Chloe asked, “I’m older now. What's the big deal?”

Mel rolled his eyes in frustration. “Are you even old enough to drive?” he asked in exasperation.

“I don't even need my parent in the car,” Chloe said proudly.

“Good. You can drive yourself home,” Mel told her.

“But I have to promote Kick Ass 2,” Chloe said. She had dressed in her most business like clothes, black slacks and matching vest over a starched white blouse and pumps. “It's in my contract,” she told him.

Mel huffed. “Your contract did not tell you to plan a Meet & Greet with me,” he told her.

“It was kinda nebulous on the how,” Chloe said sternly. She would not be turned away.

“Kid, come see me in two years,” Mel said as he turned his back to the teenage girl, “And if the hotel manager asks you if you’ve seen me tell him you haven't.”

With her hands defiantly on her hips, Chloe watched the shady promoter disappear around the hall corner. It was time for plan B. She gripped the front of her blouse and ripped it open like Superman to reveal a purple jumpsuit underneath.


With the upcoming release of Kick Ass 2, Chloe saw several Hit-Girl costumes around the convention so she fit right in. Technically she wasn’t supposed to have kept her superhero outfit from the movie but what the studio didn't know wouldn't hurt her. And with her purple wig, purple jumpsuit with purple school skirt, nobody at the con knew who she was.

Chloe had been plotting her own Meet & Greet since she had been thirteen and knew exactly how to go about making one even if Mel wouldn't help her. From out of her purple and black cape she pulled out a stack of specially made coupons that she was going to pass out. But only to the people in the crowd she thought were cute. There would be no random fans at her Meet & Greet, she wanted it to be perfect.

The first person she handed a coupon too was a handsome guy, maybe about six foot and dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans. The next coupon went to a Deadpool cosplayer who filled out his suit nicely. Immediately afterwards she found a Superman who was even more buff than Deadpool and excitedly gave him a coupon. Next she gave a coupon to a very attractive model dressed in a skin tight Black Widow costume. Chloe had never really thought about girls in that way before but she decided that she was getting older and was supposed to explore her options.

When she had finished giving out her coupons, Chloe hurried to the small conference room she had rented and then nervously waited for her fans. Her plan was simple: Carefully select the fans she wanted, pass out coupons advertising to meet Hit-Girl, get her selected fans together, and then select the fan she wanted to Meet & Greet the most. After years of planning it was all about to pay off!

The young actress didn't have to wait long before her fans showed up, all ready to have their pictures taken with who they thought would be just a model promoting the movie. Staying in character, she greeted each of the fans as they entered and handed her their coupons. She was practically giddy that absolutely nobody had failed to show up, all wanting to meet and get their pictures taken with “Hit-Girl”.

When she had collected the last coupon, Chloe closed and locked the door behind the last guest and then started mingling. One of the fans was a very tall, strapping young man and he easily became the front-runner to take upstairs to her suite to Meet & Greet her. But then again, one of the female fans was practically perfect for her to maybe experiment with. Chloe was a young, virile woman after all and that sort of thing was healthily.

Another of the fans she was considering was kind of on husky side and plain looking but she was sure that he’d try harder Meeting & Greeting her to make up for it. But then again there was a brother and sister there with backpacks filled to overflowing with various purchases that sent a shiver through the young star at the taboo of being with both of them, hopefully at the same time.

After the first round of meeting everyone, Chloe started a new round to narrow down the ranks. All the fans were eager to spend a couple a minutes with her paying sole attention with them and taking selfies with her. She began rubbing up against her fans to get a feel (giggle) of their bodies beneath their clothes while getting their pictures taken.

Some of the fans had soft bodies, some more firm, some in better shape than others and it soon became hard for the young actress to choose. If she chose Deadpool that meant leaving Black Widow behind. If she chose the fit guy it meant leaving the sweet, husky guy alone. If she chose the older one with experience she would miss out on the young, enthusiastic one. As their time wore on, Chloe realized that everybody had something to offer, something unique to each one. How could a young superhero chose? Or better yet, how could a young superhero chose just one?

Chloe decided that one more round through the crowd would help her choose so she slowly made her way around spending more time with each guest. She was more welcoming and warm with each one, there would be no “Hover-hands” with her fans. She welcomed each one to take her shoulder or her waist and pressed herself against each one ready for a hug and it wasn't long before they realized it. She was half-way through the crowd before realizing that the half she’d already visited with had missed their hugs so she decided to go through the group another time. Just to be fair to them.

The hugs were long and warm and not only did she press herself up against them, they were pressing themselves up against her. She slowly became comfortable entwined in the arms of the group, one after another. They all mattered to her. Short or tall, plump or skinny, boy or girl, they were all her fans.

The short superhero wasn't aware exactly when she decided it but her decision made sense. She was young and care-free, self assured and confident, her own woman. Why should she settle for social norms? She cared for all her fans and they cared for her so why not reward herself and them?

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Chloe addressed her fans. “How ‘bout we all go up to my room and get to know each other better?” she asked happily. Most of the crowd gave a half-hearted shrug while a few mumbled about not wanting to miss any more of the Con but she knew how to swing their votes back to her.

Chloe took her mask and wig off, revealing herself to her fans. “You won’t regret it,” she told them with a cheeky smile. It was one thing to turn down a Hit-Girl stand-in but nobody would turn down the chance to hang-out with the actual star who plays Hit-Girl! Everyone then happily agreed to follow Chloe Grace Moretz upstairs.

Not wanting to leave any of her fans alone waiting for a second elevator, Chloe insisted they all share the same one with her standing in the middle of their group. They all eagerly told her how excited that she was the real Hit-Girl and how they enjoyed her acting and how happy they were to go to her room. Meanwhile, Chloe was strangely excited to have so many adoring bodies pressed against her own.

As excited as she was, the young actress didn't even realize what her hands were doing before one of her fans did. The Black Widow’s head suddenly whipped around and looked down at her, surprising Chloe. It was then that Chloe realized her hand was firmly resting on the other woman's taunt ass. The Hit-Girl actress blushed deeply and then even deeper when the model gave her a knowing smirk. Then Chloe noticed her other hand was on the firm thigh of Superman who was looking between her and Black Widow. He smiled down at her which caused her face to burn with embarrassment even more but he didn’t try to move away.

Chloe knew it was a man standing behind her because she could feel the lump in his pants pressed against her lower back. With Superman and Black Widow staring down at her the teenage girl became emboldened and she began rubbing herself back against the bulge behind her, trying to prove how mature she was to her older fans. Two pairs of hands began sliding across her torso and since she was buried in the middle of over a dozen people it was impossible for her to know which ones were trying to chance a quick grope of her chest. The not knowing excited her.

It was Chloe's Meet & Greet which meant that she was in charge and she wanted all of her fans to know what they should expect. More hands began caressing her teenage body which meant that more people were catching on but she was still worried that not everybody knew. She looked up at Black Widow and then Superman. If she approached him first then maybe some of her fans would think she was singling him out over the rest of them but with Black Widow… Who didn't like watching girls kiss?

The nervous teenage girl slid her hand up Black Widow’s back and pulled the older woman down a bit while Chloe leaned up. She kissed the taller model, moaning loudly to get everyone's attention while she made a show of sliding her tongue into her mouth. Then the young actress broke the kiss and turned to Superman, repeating the show. The Hit-Girl actress looked around out of the corner of her eye to make sure she had everybody's attention and a strange sense of pride went through her when she saw that all eyes were on her.

Reminding herself that she was the actress and that meant that she was in charge, Chloe made sure that everything she was doing looked confident and bold. She didn't pay attention to who she grabbed next, she just wrapped her arm around someone's waist and pulled them close, kissing them deeply. When the elevator opened she grabbed two random guests by their wrists and pulled them out into the hall with her.

Chloe twirled around, giddy with excitement at the sight of all her fans following her. “Keep up, guys, I don't want anyone getting lost,” she laughed out happily at the smiles on her fans’ faces and the excited looks in their eyes. Leading her fans to her door, the small actress opened up her suite and waved her fans inside. When the last of them were in she gaily slipped in after them.

“Everybody get comfortable,” Chloe giggled as she made her way through the crowd to her bedroom. She kept her purple wig and Black mask on but flung her cape off letting it fall to the floor. She grabbed two of her fans and dragged them in with her as she called out, “There’s plenty of room for everybody.”

She kissed the girl she had dragged behind her and then kissed Deadpool that she hadn't realized was the second person she had dragged in. He kept his mask on but had pulled it up over his mouth so he could at least kiss her back. She looked back at the door and while Black Widow and Superman had eagerly followed her there were still a few people in the other room looking unsure about what was happening. She pushed Deadpool towards Black Widow and the girl towards Superman and said, “Let’s get started guys!”

For a teenage girl, Chloe easily took control of the situation. As an actress she was known for her confidence which led her to rolls that required her to act older than what apparent age was. And it was that confidence that led her to leading fans around her room. She got the stragglers into her bedroom and immediately began sorting them out. Clothes began to fall and people began to participate as she ordered them around.

Leaving her gloves on, Chloe's purple top joined the clothes spread around her bed. While filming as Hit-Girl, she normally wore a comfortable sports bra but for her Meet & Great she wore a dark purple bra with shiny lace decorating the cups. She kissed her way around the group making sure they all got a chance to pay attention to her small breasts, appreciating the time she had given to picking out her lingerie. She moaned out repeatedly as hands and fingers and lips slid across her cups, teasing her until her nipples felt like they were sizzling in pleasure.

Clothes continued raining onto the floor as Chloe left her boots on but took off her pants leaving her in her purple plaid skirt and a tiny thong matching her bra. She continued moving around the group, posing them, shuffling them around, caressing this, squeezing that, massaging whatever her gloves hands fell across. She had never made out with a girl before but she found herself kissing several on their lips and chests. She didn't really understand the big deal people had with gay people. Whether a man or woman, she found a sense of pride with making all of her fans feel good, one gender or another.

Chloe found her bra fluttering down to the floor as hands began caressing her small tits. She moaned out in lust and desire as her fans enjoyed her chest, squeezing her breasts and teasing her hard little nipples. The teenage actress was kissing one fan with her hand on his ass while her other hand explored the chest of a female fan. She moved from the lips of the male to the breasts of the other, sucking on the warm, silky flesh and then licking around the hard nipple.

Lips and tongues massaged the Hit-Girl actress’s tits as a hand found it’s way between her smooth thighs. She groaned out around the warm tit smothering her face before moving her head and kissing another fan. Her own hands began to slid down until she was squeezing a hard cock encased in the material of some cosplay while her other hand found the warm, wet juncture of a female fan.

As much as she was enjoying the attention, Chloe wasn't here just for herself. Sure, she had started out just thinking of Meeting & Greeting a single fan but now she had an entire group to look out for. The small teenage girl began making her way through the group again, kissing and fondling each one whether they were the handsome Superman, the sexy Black Widow, or the surprisingly hung Deadpool who, despite being otherwise completely naked, was still wearing his mask. She kissed and fondled the dumpy kid who had brought a backpack filled with swag, the shy girl who was still wearing her coke bottle glasses, not to mention the brother and sister duo.

Chloe had no idea when she had lost her panties. She still had her wig, mask, gloves, boots, and skirt but somewhere along the lines some one had stripped her of her purple thong. She found that making sure that all of her fans were being taken care of distracted her from the oddness of the situation she had created. She wanted to make sure everybody was enjoying themselves all at once rather than just waiting on a line for their shot at her. It just seemed creepy that way.

The small, young actress found herself kneeling on the floor at the foot of her bed along with Black Widow and the cute sister. She was jacking a prick in each hand while a third was sliding in and out of her mouth. Her pouty, pink lips were stretched right around the girth as it slid in and out of her mouth while she wiggled her tongue along the length as it slipped in just to the top of her throat. She had heard of girls being gagged during a blow-job but her fan was apparently taking care not to choke her. Chloe was appreciative of her fan taking care of her like that. She had never given a blow-job before and had been nervous during the build up of her Meet & Greet but just like she was taking care of them, her fans were taking care of her.

It was kind of odd, all things considered as far as Chloe was concerned. She had her fists wrapped around the two cocks but rather than her jerking them off, they were fucking her hands. And rather than sucking off the cock sliding past her lips and over her tongue, it was fucking her mouth leaving her to look around at her crowd of fans.

The pricks in Chloe's hands and mouth switched themselves around allowing new fans to take their places. It gave her a few moments to direct the crowd to make sure everybody got to enjoy everybody else. “Good job, people,” she congratulated them before returning her attention back to the fans in front of her and the other girls on their knees. Now she had a prick in her hand, a prick rubbing itself against her lips, and a woman holding her hand against her groin.

The woman's wet, heated pussy took Chloe by surprise at first. She had just been think about how easy it had been to jerk off a group of guys and now she had to figure out how to do it to a girl. She stroked the little bit of silky fur for a moment before parting the girl’s labia with her thumb causing her fan to jerk a bit which gave Chloe a idea.

Chloe slipped her thumb slowly into her female fan’s dripping pussy as the teenage actress continued stroking the fan’s pubic hair. Pressing her fingers against the other woman's mound while continuing to “pet” her, the Hit-Girl actress found herself an easy way to finger-bang her female fan just as easily as she jerked off a male fan. A sense of pride filled her at having found a way to please all of her fans all at once.

As her hands and mouth were fucked, Chloe occasionally spit the prick out long enough to give directions to her group. More fans began to shimmy behind Chloe, Black Widow, and the sister and then knelt behind them. Feeling two soft points pressed against her back, the teenager knew that it was a female behind her as the fan reached around her. The female fan lovingly stroked Chloe's breasts causing a shiver to go through her teenage body. She was spending so much time seeing to her fans’ needs that she had nearly completely forgotten to enjoy herself.

The group of Hit-Girl fans were moving around mostly on their own, each one enjoying the rest without simply pairing off and splitting up. Both dicks and clits presented themselves to Chloe and she saw to them both equally. It wasn't until a nearly trimmed cunt presented itself to her mouth that the young actress had to stop again and think about what to do. She knew about girls going down on each other in bed but she’d never thought about how a girl went down on a girl that was standing. Luckily the girl behind her stroking her breasts handled the situation.

The fan behind her pushed Chloe forward slightly while hooking the actress’s chin to lift her head back until the teenager was looking up at the ceiling. The other woman stepped forward until she was straddling the teenage girl’s head and then lowered herself down onto her face. With her hands both full of dick, Chloe stuck her tongue out as far as she could and let the other fan happily hump her mouth and face.

A male fan took the female fan’s place behind Chloe and the young actress felt his hands slide across her bare chest and his hard, sticky dick press against her lower back. One hand stroked her small tits while the other hand slid down her body and between her thighs. The teenage girl was surprised at how wet she was, once again forgetting her own pleasure while she saw to her group of fan’s need. As the male fan’s middle finger split her dewy pussy-lips, Chloe moaned in lust into the pussy humping her mouth. She immediately began humping the man’s hand excitedly, quickly rising to orgasm after having forgotten her own desire that had led them all her.

Chloe screamed in lust into the hot cunt clamped around her mouth as she came. The female can took a step back to allow the young actress to enjoy her orgasm before coming down. Chloe panted as she tried to collect her breath, her chest heaving up and down as her thighs quivered. As she came down, the young actress smiled stupidly as she looked around. Everyone that had been enjoying her teenage body had already moved on, everybody enjoying everybody else.

Deciding to keep on her wig, mask, gloves, skirt, and boots, Chloe stood up and made her way through the group. Cocks and cunts were everywhere. Pricks, fingers, and tongues filled every whole. And everybody had the widest smiles on their faces. No longer needing to give orders to get everyone enjoying everyone else, Chloe contented herself to walk around the room giving the occasional pointer. And then she noticed two fans enjoying everybody else but not each other: the brother and sister.

The brother and sister were on opposite sides of the room, the brother with the shy girl and the sister with the husky guy with the backpack. A throb of lust went through Chloe's nearly naked teenage body. “If you're gonna go, you go big,” she told herself with a wicked grin.

The horny teenage girl slid through the sea of skin to the brother and grabbed him by the wrist. “Come with me,” she ordered while she yanked off the shy girl’s thick glasses and then dragged the naked boy to her bed. “You're Clark Kent,” she told him as she placed the glasses on him and then rushed to the other side of the room.

In her way across her bedroom, Chloe grabbed the red haired wig off of the Black Widow cosplayer who was much to busy to notice it gone. Then the young actress plopped it down on the sister’s head and said, “You're Lana Lane.” She grabbed the young girl by the wrist and then dragged her over to the bed with the girl’s brother.

With the brother’s glasses disguising him, the sister didn't recognize him and with the sister’s wig the brother couldn't recognize her. Just like in the comics. She introduced the siblings as Clark Kent and Lana Lang who, also in the comics, had a love affair while living in Smallville in the Superman books. “Time for a company crossover,” she said excitedly before moving them into the middle of the bed.

Sitting between the two siblings, Chloe kissed the brother first, exploring his mouth with her tongue before turning to the sister and kissing her next. Then she invited them to kiss and nearly came at the sight of the brother and sister kissing so deeply. She let her hands start to wander over their bodies as they all took turns kissing and laying down on the bed. The bed itself had a half a dozen people in it already but the three of them managed to scoot and move people enough to make some room.

One of Chloe’s hands delved between the girl’s supple thighs while her other hand found the boy’s stuff prick. Then the Hit-Girl actress felt the girl’s hand between her own thighs while the boy reached across her to help Chloe finger his sister. The young actress moaned in lust as the siblings’ lips and tongues sought out her small breasts, sucking on her stiff, excited nipples.

“I want to watch,” Chloe gasped out as she pulled her hands out of the siblings laps. They smiled eagerly at her and then the boy slid across the teenage girl’s body, his stuff prick trailing pre-cum across her skin as he climbed between his sister's legs. The brother and sister both locked eyes with Chloe as the brother positioned his throbbing cock-head at the entrance to his sister's dripping cunt. Neither the teenage actress or the slightly older siblings noticing as all eyes turned to them.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Chloe moaned as the brother slowly slid his cock into his sister's dripping wet pussy. The room had become completely silent as everybody watched, all of them having seen Chloe's attempt at keeping the brother and sister from recognizing one another and now they all watched. With everybody silent the sister’s moans and the brother’s grunts nearly echoed through the room as he slid to the hilt inside of her.

Laying on her side to watch, Chloe slipped her hand between her legs and began masturbating as the brother slowly began fucking the sister. Everybody in the room repositioned themselves to be able to watch the two siblings while continuing the orgy. The brother began thrusting faster while Chloe moaned out lustfully, her fingers delving inside of her gushing cunt. One of the male fans shuffled up on his knees behind the Hit-Girl actress and pressed his soft cock-head against the entrance to her cunt. She raised her knee up and removed her fingers letting him slip into her sideways as she watched.

The male fan fucked Chloe as deep as he could in the odd angle as the small star played with her tits. Everyone in the room tried to find some space on the bed quickly turning it into a writhing pile of naked, sweaty flesh. The brother and sister were the main event at the orgy as cocks, fingers, and tongues struggled to fill every hole. The entire bed turned into one long daisy chain spiraling down to Chloe and the siblings. Cocks and cunts appeared and disappeared in front of the teenage girl’s face and as long as she could see the brother and sister she welcomed them all with her mouth. And as she stared wide-eyed at the siblings she accepted each dick, finger, and tongue that wiggled their way between her quivering thighs.

Chloe and her friends came over and over again, one after another and in various groups as they destroyed the bed. The entire group quickly became covered in thick white loads of hot cum from the men as the women's slick juices gushed continually. The young actress and the siblings continued being the belles of the ball, enjoying everything that was given and done to them until they were all a wet, quivering lump on the cum soaked mattress. Chloe finished on her back, one last male fan thrusting between her lewdly spread legs while a female fan rode her mouth. As they erupted with the last of the days hot loads they fell to their sides to reveal a panting, basking Chloe, her mask and purple wig askew and sticky with cum.

The young actress looked around the room with a sloppy grin on her face. “Bet Mel is gonna be sorry he missed this one,” she chuckled before slumping back into the bed.


Mel crept down the hall looking out for the hotel manager. So the event promoter was a couple of days late with his payment, it wasn't like he didn't always pay. Eventually. As long as he gave the hotel manager a couple of days to calm down everything should be okay. Suddenly a door opened down the hall and Mel looked for a open room to duck into.

With no one doors to save him, Mel watched a large crowd of Comic-Con fans spill out into the hall. Luckily they all appeared to be in good moods so he relaxed a bit as they moved down the hall towards him.

“Great Con,” one fan said. “Can’t believed she took all of us,” another fan said. “And so courteous,” a different fan said as they all passed Mel by. “Best Meet & Greet yet,” he heard as the last of the fans passed him.

Mel knew that he didn't have a Meet & Greet down this hall. He always left at least one wing of the hotel unbooked in case he had to make a unseen escape. He crept down the hall to the room that the group had exited and opened the door. The unmistakable smell of sex wafted over him and he waved it out from in front of his face as he entered the suite. Tip-towing through the room he poked his head into the bedroom.

The young actress, Chloe More-something-or-other was laying nearly naked in the middle of her bed with a dopy grin on her face. The bed, mattress, sheets, and blankets were nearly destroyed and the only thing the young girl was wearing was boots, gloves, a purple wig, and a mask. Not to mention what looked like a gallon of cum drenching her otherwise naked body.

Chloe heard somebody gasp and looked down the length of her sticky, body at the doorway to her bedroom. “Hey, Mel,” she giggled, “You missed a hell of a Meet & Greet.”

The End.

06-01-2020, 11:06 AM
Very hot and enjoyable, Like the stories a lot!

06-01-2020, 04:30 PM
Happy you liked it. I enjoy trying to find different ways to do the Meet & Greets.

06-11-2020, 05:29 PM
Hot And Most Interesting … Thanks For The Add

06-12-2020, 07:51 PM
Happy you liked it. I'm still plugging away on this series too.