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07-04-2006, 11:13 PM
Glad to see these special threads...I'll probably have more post in this than the erotic thread. What ever I post...I hope you enjoy.

My heart you break with every word.
Stomping on my emotions like bugs.
Not caring what happens when you hurt me.
Not caring that you might be causing me pain.
Not caring for anything but your pride.
Content to break my heart.

Want to tell you how it hurts but not knowing how.
Knowing if I do you’ll just laugh at me.
Knowing that you don’t care about me even a little.
It’s my own stupidity that keeps me coming back,
My own stupidity that keeps me crying.

Wishing you cared just enough not to hurt me.
I even find myself wishing that I’d never met you at all.
But knowing that my life would be empty without you.
Your smile can brighten my life when nothing else can.
Remembering things you’ve said to me, my heart breaking anew.
Tears filling my eyes unbidden when no one sees.

To ashamed to admit that I love you when loves not returned.
The pain filling my heart until it pulls tight in my chest.
My body shakes with grief.
Knowing that the pain is my own fault.

Letting you get to me when I know you don’t care.
Knowing that you don’t like the fact that I like you.
You don’t even begin to realize how deep my feelings run.
I doubt you could imagine how much I love you.
How I long to touch your body, kiss your lips,
To get to know you even better then I already do.

Thinking of things I’ve said and done in the past,
Wishing I could forget or have never done them.
No ones got as far under my skin as you have.
No ones ever hurt me as much as you have.
No one makes me feel as low.

Yet again at times no one makes me fly as high.
If you ever gave me a chance I can guarantee you’d be happy.
No maybe not forever but as long as I could,
I’d try to make sure you were.
But no chance can I see now or ever

When I look at you I want to touch you.
When we talk one on one I want to reach out and touch your face.
To run my hands across your beautiful face.
If I get to touch you at all I always yearn for more.
Your laugh a thing I enjoy to hear.

At times I think we are too much alike.
At others to different to ever mesh.
I try to look at others but you keep pulling me back.
I don’t think you can ever begin to imagine how deep my feelings go.
To even scratch the surface is to cause a flood.

I think I could make you happy.
I think you’d be surprised at how far I’d go to keep you happy.
I can’t stand to see you frown even for a moment.
But you live to make me cry.
Even if you don’t get to see the tears fall.

To show you how deep my feelings go I’ve tried.
But between the lines you never read.
Dozens of feelings have I molded into rhyme.
But never do you acknowledge their meaning.
I can never tell if you know or if you’re just ignoring the fact.

Others may catch my eye but they’ve not got what you’ve got.
They can’t keep my attention for long..
But you I could sit and watch for hours at a time.
Watching you strut like a stallion.
Laughing at the silly things you do.

I keep wishing you’d just give me even a half a chance with you.
I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.
I’d treat you like a man not a boy.
But trust me I know you’re a man.
Full grown and handsome to see.

Anger - I can never stay mad at you for long.
Even as I sit and think about it, it disappears completely.
Only the pain it’s caused remains.

Never will I tell you how soft I really am.
Never will I tell you how badly it hurts.
As you break my heart time and time again.
Until the pieces no longer will mend.
Until there is nothing left of my heart except dust.

07-04-2006, 11:20 PM
WOW...that was fantastic...I love your stuff Freedom...thanks

07-04-2006, 11:22 PM
aaawwwww....sucks Davesmistress...you made me blush...thank you!

07-05-2006, 12:19 AM
wow that is awesome freedom
you have a true talent
I hope to read some more you have written

07-05-2006, 12:20 AM
Now that we have these threads...you most certainly will...thanks for the comment Leigh.

07-05-2006, 12:25 AM
I may have seen this one before, it looks familiar but
I'm not certain.

Regardless, it's one that I think again shows real
depth because it reveals a part of the writer.

If a writer puts themsleves into their work to
become a part of it or create as to how they
would experience things than you're right where
you should be. ;hmmmm;

People can't get into stories or poems unless they
feel through the writer's emotions and view through
their eyes as well. :clap

That's where the gift comes into play, that being
able to convey that and It stands out in work like this.

I think it's a superb piece and give it top marks!!!

07-05-2006, 12:28 AM
Thank you Jeff. I love to get your feedback on a poem...and yes you've seen it before on another site. Glad you like it though.