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chained rose
07-24-2006, 07:45 PM
Rose was seething; the party was execrable. The house itself was a monstrosity of steel, glass and chrome defacing a wooded hillside overlooking Lake Travis. Her host was a dull and pretentious technocraft, as were the other guests. Worst of all, the art collection, which was the raison d'etre for the party, looked like the term project of a high school metal shop and spot welding class. The only consolation was her late arrival -- well after one in the morning.

Seizing a glass of wine, thankfully neither Mad Dog nor Thunderbird, she stalked through the halls and tastelessly appointed rooms. Glaring at the alleged art, she shot down with her contemptuous expression any of the technogeeks who had the courage to try eye-fucking her. She was impeccable in a sheer black cocktail dress, high hemline and four inch heels displaying her slender but shapely legs; and backless.

By the time she noticed that she had been followed into a poorly lit room in the back of the house, it was too late. Rose turned to see a woman close the door, and then approach her. Although she was attractive-- short hair, athletic build and patrician features-- her eyes were as flat and without affect as nailheads. Rose thought of the eyes of venomous reptiles and she shivered involuntarily.

The intruder, very young and half a head taller than Rose, cut down the distance between them with the practiced grace of a boxer crossing the ring to reach a weaker opponent. As Rose attempted to slide along the wall to the door, the larger woman seized her neck just under the chin, pinning Rose to the wall with one hand and extended arm, the fingers of her right hand on one side of Rose's dainty throat and her thumb on the other.

Rose couldn't scream. The other woman, without apparent effort, was holding and choking her. Without changing expression, she said, " Don't make a fucking sound." With her free hand, she slapped Rose twice-- not on the face but above the ear so that there would be no mark . She spoke again, "Pull up your skirt, bitch." When Rose failed to comply, her tormentor struck her again and then casually grabbed her right nipple, seizing the nipple ring thru the fabric and twisting it just enough to cause excruciating pain. Rose was crying now and terrified; her imperious will broken like a green stick, she pulled up her skirt for the other woman, raising the hem to her waist. She stood there looking like a frightened little girl reciting for a strict teacher.

The other woman began caressing her cunt thru the thin fabric of Rose's black thong, caressing it was one might touch a lap dog. "Move your legs apart, baby .... " her captor whispered.

When Rose failed to comply, her tormentor raised her left hand as if to strike again, keeping her pinned to the wall with her right. Rose, green eyes huge with fear and her face convulsed with sobs silenced by the iron grip, moved her legs apart like a compliant child.

Her heart almost stopped when she saw the knife in the other woman's hand. She felt the momentary chill of the metal against her thigh and then heard, or imagined, the snick of her thong being cut away. The larger woman resumed caressing her, this time touching Rose's hairless vulva as though it were a ripe peach.

"You can call me Clothis. And you're Rose, right?" Rose nodded obediently (to the extent permitted by the fist gripping her throat). Clothis continued in a hoarse whisper, like gravel under a door: " Did you know, Rose, that Clothis is the Fate who actually cuts the thread of life?" When Rose was too terrified to respond, Clothis smiled: "That's okay, baby, you're going to learn a lot of things tonight."

Clothis slipped a finger smoothly into her now, and to her horror, Rose realized that she was wet-- very, very wet. "You're so pretty, Rose, so elegant...so.. sophisticated... and you like it rough, don't' you?". The raspy whisper was barely audible. Rose made no reply but the question had already been answered by her body's involuntary response.

Clothis continued whispering to Rose as she finger fucked her, telling her alternately how beautiful she was, what a hopeless slut she was, and describing the astonishing variety of things she was going to do to her. Despite her brutal strength, Clothis had a skilled and delicate touch. She had two, or was it three, fingers in Rose now, and the combination of fear, being dominated so thoroughly and her assailant's knowing hand was robbing Rose of her self control and her self respect. She moaned softly and rested her forehead against Clothis's muscular shoulder.

Clothis smoothly removed her fingers from Rose's cunt , replacing them with her thumb. Rose felt the middle finger of the same hand stroking and then entering her anus and she gasped "no" into the ear of her assailant. Rose felt the incredible sensation of the thumb and finger messaging the thin partition of delicate flesh which separated them. The sensation, one of being violated completely in every orifice, was driving Rose to the brink of a convulsive orgasm. The blond rapist began lifting Rose up with only the strength of the hand between Rose's legs, sliding Rose up the wall until her feet were off the ground. The surging thumb and finger inside her never stopped, clenching, relaxing, torturing every nerve. Her face was almost level with Clothis' now; Clothis started kissed her, invading and possessing her month with the same brutal arrogance as she had shown Rose's cunt and ass.
Rose began to stiffen, at the edge of a shuddering, apocalyptic orgasm. "Do you want me to stop, baby?" Clothis whispered, continuing to hold her, but no longer kissing her or moving the hand which had taken possession of Rose's cunt. Rose groaned and began to cry in frustration, "No," she said, her voice a high pitched mew like a kitten being tortured.

"Say please," Clothis whispered.

"Please, please" was Rose's immediate, choked response. The violent caress of the iron hand resumed and Rose came in a series of violent spasms which convulsed her limbs and emptied her lungs of air and her mind of thought or sensation except the searing intensity of the experience. Rose was limp. She clung to Clothis and sobbed silently with her head on the other woman's chest.

Clothis kissed her gently, held her for a long time, and then removed her hand. With the extraction of the hand, Rose felt as though she were being deflated like an inner tube with its valve core removed. She slid down the wall until she was sitting with her slender legs stretched straight in front of her.

Rose sat with one hand pressed to her forehead until she noticed something curious. Clothis was going thru the purse which Rose had dropped and forgotten about at the beginning of the encounter. Clothis was rapidly examining and discarding items in the Coach handbag. The discarded items-- money, credit cards, makeup-- she simply threw on the floor. But, when she found Rose's driver's license,she stuffed it into the front pocket of her jeans. "Wait" ,Rose bleated-- "you can't"...

"I can do whatever the fuck I want with you or anything you have," Cothis snarled in the menacing, hoarse whisper, having resumed her former brutal persona after the brief interlude of tenderness. She moved over to stand in front of the still seated Rose, forcing her to spread her legs. Clothis then placed the toe of her weathered Red Wing workboot against Rose's abused pussy and prodded the smaller woman painfully. "Isn't that right, little Pussy?"

Rose looked up fearfully but said nothing,terrified that anything she said would infuriate her assailant to additional violence. "Goddamn it, your cunt leaked on my boot," Clothis rasped, "clean it off." Without waiting for Rose to react, the Amazon tangled her fingers in her cowed victim's long, blusterous black hair, forcing her face onto the toe of the boot."Lick it off."

Rose risked only a momentary glance at the woman towering above her -- but in that glance, fear, revulsion and lust were all eloquently expressed. She crouched there at Clothis feet, face on the boot and ass in the air. Then she licked the toe of the boot like an obedient dog.

To be continued


07-25-2006, 09:47 AM
Wow --can hardly wait for part 2


07-25-2006, 10:15 AM
Wonderful story...also awaiting part 2.

07-25-2006, 12:31 PM
wow awesome I can hardly wait for part 2

chained rose
07-25-2006, 08:52 PM
Thank you all, i am working on it, you will get more

07-25-2006, 09:13 PM
Awesome story...can't wait to read more.

08-20-2006, 10:45 AM
Great story so far! I can't wait to see how it ends up. I even think I know the house you're story is set in, if this happens to be the Lake Travis north of Austin.

08-20-2006, 10:22 PM
Well done Rose. A true telling of inner desire and
passion brought to life through the written word.
These are always the best kind of tales to read
and makes them all the more enjoyable.

Great work Rose, you have plenty to say and
say it so very well!!! :clap

chained rose
08-21-2006, 12:15 PM
AAAWWWWWWWWW, don't make me blush. Part II is on the way, you don't think that Clothis is done with Rose yet, do you?

chained rose
10-05-2006, 01:46 PM
When we last left our intrepid heroine. . . .

Rose risked only a momentary glance at the woman towering above her-- but in that fleeting glance fear, revulsion and lust were all eloquently expressed. She crouched there at Clothis feet, face on the boot and ass in the air. Then she licked the toe of the boot like an obedient dog.


The rest of the party was a blur for Rose. Clothis was seldom farther than 3 feet from her. When she said her good-byes and went to her car, Clothis followed. Clothis pinned Rose to the car and possessed her mouth in a bruising kiss; all the while mauling her breasts with vicious fingers. Clothis' growl was low near Rose's ear, "Drive safe, baby. I'll be in touch."

Rose drove back to her hotel in a daze. When she got there, she fell onto the bed and was almost instantly in a sleep so deep that it more nearly a coma.


Rose awoke with a start, uncertain of where she was at first. Then she remembered, Austin, she was at a hotel in Austin. She had driven down from Dallas for a party. She shuddered at the the thought of the party. That woman, Clothis, had she really done those things? Rose blushed as she remembered; a small tear rolled down her cheek. Yes, Clothis had done those things. The tear, though, was because Rose remembered how strongly her body had responded -- more strongly than she had ever reacted to anything in her life.

The silence in the suite was shattered by the piercing ring of the phone. Rose fumbled for the receiver, more to stop the sound from stabbing further into her brain than out of desire to answer it. The low, rough voice assailed her ears, "How's my pretty little cunt this morning? Don't hang up. That would only piss me off, and you really don't want to do that, do you, little pussy?"

Rose's answer was only a series of small mewing sounds. They were the only expression she could make of her fear, anger, and disgust with the incontestable fact of her cunt getting wet at the first sound of that voice-- and the memories that it invoked.

"What's the matter, baby, cat got your tongue? That's OK. All you have to do is listen. I know you are going home to Dallas today. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be dropping by from time to time, to make sure you don't forget what you are and who you belong to. I may even bring a few friends, because slutty whores like you all have gang bang fantasies. In fact, my sweet little whore, on my first visit you are going to be on all fours with your tongue shoved up my asshole. Behind you there is going to be a line of guys -- the kind of guys a princess like you normally wouldn't give the time of day -- and they'll be waiting their turn to shove their cocks in that pussy or that ass -- one right after another. God, you are such a slut, you are fingering your wet cunt right now aren't you?"

Rose moaned into the phone as three fingers plunged in and out of her dripping hole.

"I knew you were. And after all those guys have fucked you, then you are going to suck them clean and get them nice and hard so they can fuck you again. On your back, this time. With me sitting on that pretty face."

A sound somewhere between a sob and a howl was ripped from Rose's throat; juices flooded the fingers that worked the dripping sore cunt. Her body convulsed on the hotel sheets. A part of Rose's mind was appalled that this woman's voice could make her shamelessly play with herself and cum with such intensity, but she was unable to stop herself.

Dimly she was aware of a harsh chuckle on the other end of the phone line, "My little slutty pussy likes the sound of that, I think. Drive safe, baby. I'll be seeing you, sooner than you think." The open line changed to a dial tone. In a confused fog, Rose carefully replaced the receiver and got up to get ready to check out.


The bathroom was filled with steam; Rose had rasped the rough sea sponge over her skin. She had thoroughly scrubbed her scalp, wincing when she probed the places just above her ear where Clothis had slapped last night. The hottest water she could stand pelted her skin in stinging needles. She sat in the corner of the shower with her knees drawn up to her chest, trembling arms wrapped around her legs; silent tears flowing down her cheeks. She stared into space. Her body was clean but she could not wash away the memories -- the shame of her instant, visceral and orgasmic reactions to the way she had been brutalized and terrorized. She whispered, over and over, "That is not who I am. It's not, it's not, it's not." She stayed there, repeating her agonized litany, until the water ran cold over her skin.


None of Rose's inner turmoil showed in her face or stance -- what the dark, oversized sunglasses hid in her eyes was no one's business but her own. Her long, wavy ebony mane, delicate frame and almost regal posture drew the eyes of most of the men and many of the women in the plush hotel lobby while she settled her bill. If a poll had been taken of her watchers, the consensus would have been "gorgeous, but a real ice queen."

Rose cut off the small talk of the desk clerk, "Just have my car brought around. I can handle my own bags." She slung the straps of her small duffel bag and the garment bag over her shoulder. The central Texas wind ruffled the tendrils of hair around her face; she released a sigh of relief when the valet drove up in her 57 T-Bird -- she was certain she would feel more herself in her car. She made a quick circuit around her powder blue baby before she took the keys from the valet and handed him a twenty. She unlocked the trunk and tossed her bags inside.

She slid into the white leather bucket seat and felt a sense of her old self returning-- until she glanced at the passenger seat and saw a cell phone and an envelope. She debated on just getting on the highway and tossing the whole thing out of the window. Rose knew precisely who had put these items in her car. She deliberately pushed them from her mind as she pulled out, determined to put Austin behind her as quickly as possible.

Once she had left behind the traffic of the city, she punched the play button on the CD changer. Strains of the Police filled the car.

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
Ill be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
Ill be watching you

Oh, cant you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
Ill be watching you

Rose tapped her fingers on the wheel to the driving beat until she realized that this was not one of the CD's she normally kept in the changer. She pushed the button to move to the next CD; the same song wafted through the speakers. Again, she tried; same song. Over and over through all six discs in the changer. Rose turned the player off. Forcing herself not to panic, she pulled over to the shoulder of the road.

Trembling hands reached over and took the heavy white envelope under the cell phone. She tore open the flap and a picture fell out -- a picture of Rose kneeling on the floor licking Clothis' boot clean. A memory of Clothis' fingers in her hair forcing her face down flashed in to her mind; Rose was horrified to notice that her thighs were rubbing together. She reached in and found her driver's license. With a strangled sob, she pulled the remaining sheet of paper from the envelope. Bold, spiky handwriting leapt from the page.

Little Pussy,

I have all the info i need from your license, so you can have it back. Can't have my whore landing in jail for driving without a license or failure to ID. Keep this cell phone with you at all times. Answer it every time it rings --before the third ring. Follow any instructions that you hear to the letter. Yes, it has a GPS unit in it. Don't do anything stupid. Remember, you really don't want to piss me off.


P.S.--hope you like the memento of out first date. Next time it will be the cum of at least a dozen strangers dripping out of your cunt and ass.

Rose's eyes grew wide and her tears rolled down her cheeks unheeded. Her shoulders shuddered with sobs. Her neat, well-ordered, safe world was crumbling around her. Her dark head fell to the steering wheel and she sobbed there for an unknown time. When she had cried herself out for the moment, she scolded herself, "OK, just get home safely. You can fall apart there. All this will make sense when you get home." Drawing a deep breath, Rose started the car and pulled back onto the highway. She drove toward her home, not sure if she would feel safe, even there.

10-05-2006, 02:13 PM
And to think that some people think that romance is only an
illusion. Hee Hee :bed

This is a story that really has true meat on its bones, that conveys
the emotion as well as the sexual nature of its characters.

I love the detail work on stories like this and the no holding
back flavor when it comes right down to our most primal
needs and desires.

There are those times for each of us when regardless of what
the mind may dictate, our bodies and hearts surrender themselves
to our most basic of needs and desires.

A submission if you will of the very essence of our human nature.
Is that wrong or ill suited for us as the human animal?

I suspect it's all in how we perceive things and what best suits
each of us and gives us happiness in mind and heart.


10-05-2006, 09:43 PM
very nice Chained Rose...excellent addition to part 1

10-06-2006, 06:41 AM
Normally I make these changes for story of the week on Sundays
but being that I'm out of town this weekend I wanted to get this
set up for all to enjoy.

For those who may not yet have read part one, it's well worth
going back to pick up this tale from the start.

Congratulations Chained rose on taking this coming weeks top
honors (although just a bit earlier) on story of the week.
Well deserved and a total turn on!!!

chained rose
10-06-2006, 02:03 PM
Thank you. Working on Part III already

10-10-2006, 05:26 PM
wow that is amazing! I am very impressed Rose!! need to read the previous one so I can follow along ^^

chained rose
10-10-2006, 09:23 PM
here is the linkers to the first part


guess i should have put that in the original post.

Thanks, FSU, i am really glad you enjoyed it.

chained rose
10-16-2006, 10:48 AM
When we last saw our intrepid heroine/victim/. . . . .

Drawing a deep breath, Rose started the car and pulled back onto the highway. She drove toward her home, not sure if she would feel safe, even there.

And the saga continues:

Rose released a huge, tremulous sigh as the garage door closed behind the T-Bird. She was home at last; maybe her mind would stop tumbling like a windmill in a gale. She retrieved her bags from the trunk and dropped them by the washer and dryer. When she reached the door that led from the garage to the house, she paled and stopped. Her blood ran cold; on the door was a sign lettered in what looked like her favorite lipstick -- "Smile for the camera, little pussy." Her trembling fingers had difficulty making the key work and she managed to get the alarm code punched in with only seconds to spare.

Her eyes scanned the kitchen and found two cameras. Rose walked straight to the freezer and took out the very chilled Grey Goose; she unscrewed the cap and took a large swallow straight from the bottle. She shuddered as the icy liquid burned its way down to her stomach. The warmth spread through her and made her feel a bit stronger.

Rose made a quick inspection tour of her home. Every room, including the bathrooms, had at least two cameras. There was literally no place that Clothis could not watch her. Was she watching right now?

The new cell phone that Clothis had given her blared its ring tone of Depeche Mode's "Master and Servant". Rose answered reluctantly, "Hello."

Clothis' rough snarling voice washed over her mind, sending tendrils of warmth throughout her body. "I see you made it home, and you answered the phone very quickly. Only one thing, when this phone rings you are always to answer it, 'Cunt rose speaking. How may i degrade myself for you today?' That is rule one. Rule two: you will only wear panties, thongs, pantyhose, a bra or any other undergarments with my express permission, whether you are at home or not. When you go out, you may wear a garter belt and stockings -- nothing else unless i say so. Rule three: while you are at home, you will not wear clothes of any kind. As soon as this call is over, you will strip. Rule four: you will continue your normal routine, unless otherwise instructed -- including your nightly masturbation. Rule five: you will address me as Mistress or Ma'am. Rule Six: you will tell no one of our 'special friendship.' The consequences for breaking any of these rules will be swift and severe. Are all these rules clear, cunt rose?"

Rose was gasping with silent sobs, but she choked out, "Yes, Mistress."

That raspy chuckle came through the phone, "I do need to teach you one more thing. The proper way to answer that question is, 'Yes, Mistress, cunt rose understands.' You'll learn all these things, baby. That is all I have for you now. I don't want to overwhelm you with too many rules at once. Because all you really want is to please me; you can fight that part of yourself if you like, but it's a losing battle. Be a good girl; you never know when I am watching." The connection was severed.

Without completely understanding why, Rose began to remove her clothes. Her mind was a whirling mass of fear, disgust with herself, and an overpowering arousal. She dumped her clothes in the hamper. She needed a shower; she had an appointment in an hour.

* * * * * *

Rose emerged from the master bath toweling her hair dry. She had to consciously remind herself not to slip on the plush terrycloth robe that hung on the bathroom door. Rose walked absentmindedly to her large walk-in closet. She looked around in confusion; a good portion of her clothes were gone. The only shoes that were left were her running shoes and those with heels over four inches high. She spied a note in the clip of one of her skirt hangers. It was written in the same bold spiky letters as the note left in her car.

cunt rose,
I have thinned out your wardrobe for you. You had quite a few things that were inappropriate to your new station in life. Don't worry. I donated them to the battered women's shelter. Any new clothes you buy will meet the guidelines you will receive via e-mail.
Mistress C

Rose began to rapidly flip through the clothes left in her closet. The longest remaining skirt was six inches above the knee; everything left in her closet was short, tight and provocative -- the clothes she bought to wear to the clubs. A dawning of horrified comprehension passed over her face -- she could wear no underwear under these. "She really can't expect me to go out dressed like this all the time, can she?"
With a sigh of resignation she chose the longest skirt left on the rack and matched it with a red sweater. The neckline on the sweater was not too revealing. Rose wondered idly if she could sneak a thong into her handbag and slip into it once she was away from the house. She decided not to risk it. She debated canceling the appointment with her lawyer; her hands trembled as she recalled Clothis telling her to continue with her normal routine. Rose reluctantly fastened her garter belt and began to clip her stockings to it, desperately trying to figure out how to get into and out of the car without flashing half the county.

10-16-2006, 11:39 AM
We find Rose in quite the predicament as this story evolves.

Great direction this one is heading in and another outstanding

Ahhhh, what a splendid feast for the mind you set with
these tales!!!
Bravo Rose.

chained rose
11-02-2006, 12:03 PM
Rose entered her house, exhausted to the core. She walked to her bedroom and took off her clothes. Her ivory skin tingled with the awareness of the multiple camera lenses on her. Was Clothis watching? Was anyone else watching?

Her lawyer had noticed and commented on her absentmindedness; the young paralegal, who brought in the papers for her to sign, shamelessly let his eyes roam up and down her silk-clad legs. Ruefully, she spoke to her reflection in the full length mirror, "Why shouldn't he look? You were sitting there dressed like a common whore -- right down to the come-fuck-me pumps. You might as well get used to it. Wonderful! Now I'm talking to myself."

She mentally gave herself a thorough shake and sat down at her computer to check the e-mails that must have piled up while she was out of town. While the machine powered up, Rose lit a cigarette. When her desktop finally appeared, the cigarette fell to the beige carpet. and smoldered there. Her numbed mind barely registered the foul smell of the burning carpet; her gaze was fixed on the new desktop wallpaper -- that fucking picture, again! She saw herself on the monitor -- head down, ass up -- licking her own juices off that damned boot.

Memories of the night came flooding back to her. Her skin flushed a deep crimson; she shook her head vigorously trying to deny the earth shaking orgasms that the brutal assault had given her. Her voice came out strangled and hoarse, "No, no, no." Despite her denials, her eyes were half-closing in pleasure. One hand toyed back and forth between her nipples; the other was already caressing her labia, spreading the rush of moisture to her suddenly throbbing clit. Heedless of the cameras, she plunged two fingers into her dripping gash. She was unaware of anything but the burning need for release deep in her cunt. Her thumb strummed at her clit rapidly; her hips rocked to meet the vicious thrusts of her fingers. A thin, strangled scream was ripped from her throat; her body jerked and convulsed. Juices sprayed out around her fingers, soaking her hand and the seat of her chair. Her body went limp as tears began to slowly trickle down her face.

She was disgusted with herself for what she had just done, but the pleasure of afterglow was stronger. She dried her hand on several tissues and pulled up her email. She quickly scanned the list and noted two with subject lines in all caps. One of the subject lines stated, "READ THIS FIRST." She held her breath and clicked on that one.

cunt rose,

you are doing very well. No major rule infractions, yet. So, I will add a few new ones.

1. Whenever you feel the slightest sexual urge at all, you are to stop whatever you are doing and masturbate to orgasm.

2. If you are doing this at home, you are to look directly into a camera while you play with yourself. If you are in bed and masturbating, you must not cover yourself with the sheet or blanket. That drippy cunt between your legs belongs to me; you are not allowed to hide it.

3. While you are out of the house, you will flash your nasty snatch to one perfect stranger per day. You will do this with direct eye contact and a smile, so they know it isn't an accident and that you like them looking at it.

End of additional rules. On to other business. You have an appointment tonight with an associate of mine. For this meeting you will wear the following:

Your white leather micromini with the side-slit up to the waist

Your matching purple fishnets, garter belt and tube top

Your 6 inch white heels with the chain and padlock ankle strap

Your hair must be down

Your lipstick must be bright red and your eyes heavily made up

No other clothing is to be worn. He will come for you promptly at 8 pm. He will use the codeword "FATE." You will do everything my associate tells you to do without question. If you are tardy or disobedient, it will be reported to me and our next date won't be nearly so pleasant as our first one was -- at least not for you.

Now, little pussy, read your new dress code and start getting tarted-up for your tryst this evening. Make me proud of my little whore. You may fight it a bit at first, but I know that you will secretly love it. You have kept your inner slut locked up for way too long.

Mistress C.

Rose sat with her mind numb and her mouth hanging open. Without even being aware of it she clicked the next button at the bottom of the email and her new dress code appeared.

cunt rose,

i suggest you print this out and place it in your closet. Even an inadvertent infraction of this will be punished severely.

cunt rose's dress code

Any skirt or dress will be no longer than 6 inches above the knee.

Your jogging clothes will be used for jogging only.

Other than running shoes, all shoes will have at least a 4 inch heel.

All stockings will be seamed up the back.

Loose fitting shirts, high necklines or long sleeves are not allowed.



You will continue to keep your cunt shaved smooth at all times.

These rules are to keep you mindful that you are my whore. A whore's cunt must be instantly accessible at all times, for me or anyone I designate. It is in your best interests to remember that. Reminders could be painful, and not in a good way. Besides, baby, you were born to be my whore. You know you love it.

Mistress C.

Rose's body went limp; she slid from her chair to the floor. She curled there in the fetal position while great gasping sobs shook her form.

The cigarette on the carpet eventually smoldered out, but the acrid smell of burning fibers hung in the air. Rose's sobs began to subside into a series of moans. A part of her mind recoiled in horror -- her fingers had strayed to her cunt again! That inner voice reviled her as a hopelessly shameless slut, even as her fingers probed, kneaded and tugged at her swollen folds and throbbing clit. Her slender hips humped greedily onto her hand; the burning need deep in her core drowning out the contemptuous voice. Her body and mind rocked with a climax that ripped through her like wildfire. A light sheen of sweat covered her pale skin; her muscles were rigid and quivering. She was lost in the powerful explosions that claimed her.

Only a few minutes after her breathing began to return to normal, her "C" phone began to ring. Taking only a moment to steady her mind, she answered breathlessly, "cunt rose speaking, how may i degrade myself for you today?"

The familiar, gravely chuckle filled Rose's ear; the raspy voice spoke, "Very good phone manners, baby. But when you play with my cunt aren't you supposed to be looking at a camera? That should be one point against you, but since you answered the phone so prettily I will let it pass, one time. Just know that it is the last freebie you get. Now, get that pretty little ass in gear and get dolled-up for you date tonight. Don't dare embarrass me in front of my associate. Be a good girl. Remember, you only want to please me." The connection was severed.

Rose gazed into space with unseeing eyes. She raised her hand to brush a strand of hair from her face and was assaulted with the scent of her own juices, "What in the fuck is happening to me?" She stood unsteadily and went to shower and dress for the next bizarre event in the chaotic exercise that had so quickly become her life.

At 7:53, Rose was pacing in the foyer. Her stiletto heels clicked on the tiles, every step revealing a length of thigh and hip clad only in a garter belt and fishnet stockings. Even with the white leather skirt riding low on her hips the cheeks of her ass would barely be covered when she bent over or sat down. Her wavy hair rippled like black silk further down her thighs than her skirt did. Her nipple rings were clearly visible through the tube top. The heavy makeup she was unaccustomed to felt like a mask. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror; she barely recognized herself. She muttered to her reflection, "At least there aren't very many places he can be taking me dressed like this. Little chance of running into anyone I know. "

The roar of a engine interrupted her thoughts; the yellow Ferrari pulled into the drive. Rose's brightly painted lips pursed in a low whistle. Sports cars were a weakness of hers; "At least this guy has good taste," she pondered. The car door swung open and the driver began to unfold himself from the low-slung car.

Rose's jaw dropped; the driver was at least 6'7" tall, and powerfully built. His suit was tailored to an almost inhuman degree of perfection. His movements had the throwaway elegance of a young Fred Astaire, with an undercurrent of controlled strength. "Holy cats, this guy could break me in half and never break a sweat." Sun-streaked blonde hair and tanned skin, chiseled features --"Damn, why does the surfer dude thing always fucking work? So obvious -- it deserves to be ignored by any intelligent woman. I'll bet he has the baby-blues to go with all of it, too." Rose thought as he approached the door. She realized that in any other circumstances, this guy was the type she could go for in a big way.

She opened the door almost before the doorbell rang. Her head craned upward -- yep, eyes the color of everyone's favorite, perfectly broke-in jeans. The tall stranger bowed, in the European style and took her hand and raised it to his lips. "Rose, I presume," he intoned in a sonorous voice that belonged on a Shakespearean stage, "You may call me Fate."

Rose opened her mouth to reply; he placed a finger over her lips. "Don't talk just yet, dear. Let me look at you first,"he said, in a voice that was impossible to disobey.

He traced a long finger over her cheekbones, then her jawbone. He walked around her and moved her hair to check the straightness of her spine. He rumbled with satisfaction as he paced around her and raked his eyes up and down her frame, "Clothis did say it was exquisite. Photographs don't do it justice. Lovely presentation. Excellent bone structure, keeps itself fit. Not much tits or ass, but that's all right if. . . . . yessssssss, lovely wasp waist, well turned legs. Oh yes, it will do. I'll have such fun with this little whore." He moved a finger up her inner thigh all the way up to trace her already damp slit; he murmured approvingly, "Bare under the skirt, shaved smooth as glass and wet -- definite signs of sluttiness and it obeys well, too. It would be a bargain at twice the price."

Rose's mind was reeling. Where had this guy seen her picture? Why was he inspecting her like a piece of livestock? Why was he talking about her as if she could not hear? Why was she standing here quietly for it, just as if he had the right? Why was she quivering? Price? What fucking price?

He tucked two fingers under her chin and raised her eyes to his, "I am having a small party tonight, a dozen or so close friends. You are to entertain and pleasure them, however they wish. Your lovely body, for tonight, is a public utility -- an amenity I am providing for my guests' amusement. The slightest sign of hesitation to obey anyone there will be reported to your Mistress. But don't worry, none of the guests will use your ass. I am saving that for myself after the guests have gone home. Let's be on our way." With a hand in the small of her back, he guided her out the door, pausing only to let her set the alarm. She had still not uttered a word.

chained rose
11-02-2006, 12:08 PM


In case you missed the first three parts.

11-02-2006, 05:34 PM
All I can say about this is you sure know the way
to a Dom's heart!!!

11-02-2006, 07:59 PM
aw!! I am iching for the next chapter! *claps*

11-02-2006, 09:25 PM
Good Golly Miss Molly....fantastic love it...

11-02-2006, 09:40 PM
Wow ... Looooove It!!,
(Patiently awaits the next chapter)

chained rose
11-02-2006, 09:54 PM
Thank you all so much. i am already working on the continuation.

11-11-2006, 01:31 AM
Wow Love these !!

11-11-2006, 02:21 AM
More more please!!
Incredibly hot so far, can't wait for the next chapter.

:pant ;thankyou;

chained rose
11-13-2006, 10:52 AM
When last we left poor little Rose. . . .

With a hand in the small of her back, he guided her out the door, pausing only to let her set the alarm. She had still not uttered a word.

and the tale continues. . . . .

Rose squirmed in embarrassment and discomfort, with her naked ass cheeks caressed by the black leather seat. It was a deadly combination for her -- the sound of a powerful engine, the scent of fine leather, and the sensation of effortless speed always made her wet. Her thighs were rubbing together involuntary. Fate noticed her state, "Aren't you supposed to masturbate whenever you feel those urges? Yes, pet, I know all your rules. Now spread those thighs and play with yourself properly. Maybe I can find us a tall truck or SUV to ride along beside, so they can watch you stroking your slutty gash."

She spread her legs, blushing a deep crimson, and began to flick a long fingernail over her burning clit. True to his word, Fate pulled along side a Hummer and sounded his horn. The startled driver glanced over and made eye contact with Rose. She smiled up at the stranger as two fingers slid into her greedy cunt. Her thumb stroked that burning nub of flesh; soft mewling sounds slipped from her throat. Her head rolled back onto the headrest and her eyes half-closed in pleasure. The seatbelt was pulled taut around her jerking, shuddering body. Fate reached over and pulled the purple tube top down to her waist, "Might as well give him a good show." Rose was barely aware of this newest exposure; she was lost in the waves of climax rippling through her. A strangled snarl was torn from her throat as a gush of juices flooded her hand. She went limp in the seat, savoring the aftershocks.

She was shaken from her reverie by a chuckle, "You do realize that you will have to lick up the juices your whorish snatch just spewed on my seat."

Rose writhed in shame as she realized where she was and what she had just done. She started pulling her skirt down and her top up.

Fate glanced over and shook his head at her modesty, "No need for all that, pet. Once we get to the house you'll be stripped to just your stockings, garter belt, and shoes. Although I do have a lovely necklace, a rope of black pearls alternating with hand-carved jade and amethyst beads, that will be magnificent looped between your nipple rings. If you perform well enough tonight, I might even make it a present to you."

A splinter of outrage shattered the trance-like state Rose had been in, "Fuck you! I'm not some trained seal that will do a clever trick to get a fish. I'm not doing this for 'presents'. I'm doing this bec. . . . . . ." Her voice trailed off.

His eyebrows shot upward, "Please, do go on, pet. Exactly why are you doing this?"

Rose only blinked and stared into space; she had no answer to that question, not even for herself.

Fate patted her stocking clad thigh, with equal parts of comfort and possessiveness, "Never mind, pet. You don't have to answer me. Eventually, though, you will have to answer yourself." He turned on the CD player and soft jazz dipped and swirled around them in the car. Rose drifted into an almost sleep where thoughts were banished by the music. Fate concentrated on navigating into the downtown area.

Her eyes fluttered open when the music stopped at the same time as the sensation of movement. She looked around her and noted they had stopped in front of one of the newest high-rise loft developments. The uniformed valet stepped out with a welcoming smile; Fate lowered the window on his side and spoke quickly, "I'll take it up to the garage myself, Paul. Just help the young lady out for now."

The slender red-haired valet ran around and opened her door and helped Rose out of the car. Fate spoke again, "Just one more thing, Paul. This whore made a mess on my seat: she has to lick it up. Give her a moment, won't you?"

Paul grinned, "Yes, Sir." He had been through this many times before. He knew what was coming.

Rose looked about in a daze; the valet, the concierge, the porter, even passers by on the street would be able to see what she was doing -- and that she was naked under the almost non-existent skirt.

That Shakespearean voice came from the car, "Are you hesitating, pet? Lick up your mess, so I can get the car parked."

She knelt, face glowing crimson and applied her tongue to her juices on the leather. Fate watched her with approval gleaming in his eyes; Paul the valet watched with a growing bulge in his uniform pants.

When the seat was quite clean, Rose looked questioningly at Fate. He smiled at her and stroked her cheek, "Very good, pet. Paul will look after you while I park the car."

The yellow Ferrari drove pulled out toward the garage. Paul cupped one hand around Rose's ass cheek, "C'mon, girl, you have cocks to suck while he parks." She almost stumbled when he grabbed her by the upper arm and quick-stepped her into the lobby and behind the concierge desk. The dark suited concierge already had his erect penis out. Paul forced Rose to her knees in front of the concierge and whispered, "Suck it, bitch."

The stranger was impatient; before Rose could begin, he grasped two handfuls of hair and forced his throbbing member into her mouth. His fingers bruised her scalp, working her mouth up and down his shaft. She was choking and drooling and struggling for air; his relentless cock plunged into her throat again and again. He used her mouth for his pleasure, until his seed exploded down her throat. Without ceremony, he pulled himself from her mouth and turned back to his work.

Paul the valet stepped in front of her, his cock erect and bobbing before her eyes, "My turn, bitch." Again, Rose's head was grasped roughly and her mouth was used as a cunt. Another load of semen was shot down her throat. While the valet's dick was still throbbing in her mouth, she heard Fate's low amused chuckle.

"Such a hungry little slut. Looks like I won't have to tip you tonight, eh, Paul? On your feet, pet. You have just enough time to repair your makeup before my guests arrive." Fate helped her to stand and guided her toward the elevator.

11-13-2006, 11:42 AM
haha I saw you posted this and clicked it immediately! cant wait for the next chapter!! what is in store for Miss Rose...?

11-13-2006, 12:04 PM
Rose..this story just keeps getting better and better
thanks so much for taking the time to post it
I eagerly await the next chapter

11-13-2006, 12:53 PM
Thank you Ever so much Rose!
I am an Avid Fan and Appreciate your work.
I await your Installments of the Fate of Rose with baited breath.
Thank you again for a most Excellent and Captivating Story.


chained rose
11-13-2006, 09:00 PM
Glad you all liked it. I will keep working, next scene is the party where Rose is just an amenity for the guests. Sounds yummy, huh?

11-14-2006, 12:14 AM
Absolutely delicious! This is just too hot. Thank you.:luxhello:

11-14-2006, 01:48 AM

04-09-2007, 12:06 PM
Although the master/slave scenario is really not my thing, I must say this story is superbly written and well told. It is stimulating both sexually and as a general story.


chained rose
04-09-2007, 05:47 PM
Thank you Ken, i am glad you liked it. life keeps getting in the way of me continuing the story. so i hope everyone can be patient.


04-10-2007, 09:49 AM
Ha ha, would it be a safe bet to say you were tied up at the moment, Rose.

chained rose
04-10-2007, 10:34 AM
Pretty wise place to put your money.

If you like fantasy/supernatural type stuff check out "Enchantments" in the BDSM section. It is sort of BDSM lite at this point in the tale.

Yes this is a shameless plug.

04-10-2007, 10:47 AM
Did you say plug? ooooh I love it when you talk dirty...

Thanks I will check it out.

chained rose
04-11-2007, 04:49 AM
Moi!?!?! Talk dirty?????


You must be confusing me with my evil twin. She is always getting me into trouble.

04-15-2007, 11:54 AM
Glad you all liked it. I will keep working, next scene is the party where Rose is just an amenity for the guests. Sounds yummy, huh?

(Tigrok Cries in Pain awaiting the next Chapter)
Seriously Rose how goes it? I believe I am having Withdrawals :-P

Hope all is well .... Ok done bugging you :icon205:

06-14-2009, 09:39 AM
help me when will we have more of this sparklng story to read:heel

01-02-2010, 05:24 AM
Iread the first part and liked it a lot. I have to continue later.

01-18-2010, 10:55 PM
Awesome story Rose! Can't wait to read the next chapters . . .

01-22-2010, 08:36 PM
Hey Rose,

Can't wait until the next chapters come out. This is a totally awesome story! Totally!

03-25-2010, 12:03 PM
Genius! Pure genius, amazing story cant wait for more.

Thank you so much!

04-07-2010, 11:27 PM
Wow totally amazing story
Can't wait for the next part!!!!

Thanks Rose

04-21-2010, 08:36 AM
Really good. Waiting