View Full Version : Living

09-15-2006, 06:50 PM

Day by day they suffer, Hot water only being sulfer.
Here nothing is ever suffice, it's no wonder they can still
stomach the putrid stentch of the neighbors fish.

Arguements about the domb and queer things that go about
it's no wonder sometimes we shout.

Food is an issue I just can't swallow, when there are those
who live in places so low and shallow.

Cries of the children, and of one unborn,
mouths to feed as we just seem to plant the seed,
surrounding me, are things i've seen many a times through out
my 18 dreadful years. I've lived with, and with out the graces of
running water and electricity, sure it was enough to set free the tears.

The unappreciate, and the appreciative combined in one is definitly
no less fun. It just makes you want to turn and run from all thats
there and waste it away on booze and pot, But getting stoned is not an antidote, for such nonsense as this. It's only the proof! of living in hell.

09-15-2006, 07:54 PM
Very Beautiful and quite moving.....thanks Mydaddysbox