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View Full Version : The Box

09-24-2006, 12:11 PM
This is my First real Contrubution to SSP,
Hope you enjoy it, Feedback Welcomed :sasmokin:

I set few rules for you,
But every time I return
You have Disobeyed.

Sometimes You Confess,
But Often It is you’re Actions,
You know what awaits

Tired, Dreary I Return,
Weeks have passed,
It has been moved!

You know you are not Permitted,
Such Release is for me to give,
You whimper.

Tied you offer no resistance,
The Cat lands fourteen times,
Once for each day you may have disobeyed.

I caress your back,
You arch meeting the Touch,
Slowly I enter you.

You rock back eagerly,
We breathe as one,
Once again joined.

Forgiveness is sweet,
Your body shudders,
Tis mine to give.

'Thank you master,
Such Lovely words,
You drift off to sleep.

Morning comes early,
You sleep soundly,
You are Beautiful.

I pack my Things,
I head for the front door,
I pause....

Should I hide the Box?
No, I will leave the Temptation,
Be Good, I smile wolfishly.

09-24-2006, 12:18 PM
Nice, what a little devil... temptation is so sweet

09-24-2006, 12:59 PM
Nice poem Tigrok. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe, she wants this... Have you considered?..

09-24-2006, 01:14 PM
Very Nice poem indeed....thanks for sharing that with us Tigrok....and nice to see you around a bit more.

09-24-2006, 02:35 PM
That is beautiful Tigrok.
Yes madhan, I think I would like that very much.


09-24-2006, 02:41 PM
Welcum to the board Jaylia. Please have fun... Plenty here to suit you guys taste...

09-24-2006, 04:17 PM
i like this one thanks.

12-18-2006, 11:25 PM
It's a hell of a good
first post Tigrok.:icon087: :icon087:

Eve always a sucker
for the apple. :biggrinbandit:

03-01-2009, 12:23 AM
Very well done, glad tp see ya here .write more soon

03-01-2009, 03:28 PM
Very good, the ending was great. Leaving everyone wanting more.

03-30-2011, 12:21 PM
ziemlich gut!
(rather good) <-- German :P

05-04-2011, 06:00 AM
very good