Search results for "tentacle"

A Monster Takes Patricia's Virginity at 40

sexysnippet on Supernatural Stories

The office was starting to get hot and stuffy, as it always did in the later part of the work day. She tugged open the top button of her tan park ranger uniform, wishing the stiff cloth were made of something thinner and more breathable. She lifted the next leaf of paper from the enormous basket of park passes she was processing-- Entering them into the database to store them electronically. The basket still looked just as full as it had been this morning. The writing on the paper blurred a little as she yawned widely. She needed coffee.

She pushed her chair back from the desk, getting slowly to her feet, eyes on the grainy, gray-green carpet. The familiar gray stain in a sloppy splotch greeted her from beneath her right boot. The ranger's office wasn't the nicest cabin in the woods, a

A Charmed Life

Sailbad on Supernatural Stories

Chapter 1 - The Capture

There are people of great merit and talent who live out their lives shunning their true potential. People with high intelligence or stunning beauty who actually hide their natural assets to embrace whatever benefits obscurity can afford them. Liz was one such person. Though adroit in intellect with a seemingly endless knowledge in a wide variety of subjects, she never chose to use her skill to advance herself professionally. Likewise, her very fit and curvaceous figure was obscured by a very drab and inconspicuous wardrobe while her elegantly chiseled face with lovely, wide blue eyes was hidden behind big, horned-rim glasses and loose strands of her thick reddish-brown hair. She was often chided by what little company she kept to step out from behind hersel