DRAGONCLAW75 Member Since October 19, 2009

Fantasy, Inc.

JackntheBox on Forced Stories


Early morning light snakes through a clear sky above a run-down apartment complex. A man kicks a child’s bicycle out of the sidewalk as he manhandles a pair of large cardboard boxes up a cracked cement walk to one of the apartment doors, huffing with the effort. The owner of the bike, a scrawny, ten-year old black boy sitting across the road on a trash-strewn stoop and eating cold cereal out of a crumpled yellow box, yells at him.

"Hey, motherfucker! That’s my bike. Leave it alone!"

The ma

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n mutters an oath. The boy jumps up, causing his baggy jeans to slide even further down around his skinny shanks.

"What? What’d you say, you spic motherfucker? Speak American, dammit!"

I should break your scrawny neck, boy.

"Ye-ah. That’s what I thought. Keep on walkin’. Pussy."

The man grunts, ignoring the child’s prattle. There was a time when he acted much the same way, and if the boy wasn’t so annoying, his bravado might almost be amusing.

"Hey!" The boy peers at the boxes, curious. "What’choo got there, man? Huh?"

Exasperating child. Go home.

A puff of steam escapes the man’s lips into the chill air. He compresses his lips into a tight, pale line, getting control of himself. He awkwardly balances the boxes on a raised knee and gropes for the heavy key ring that jangles from his belt. The man lists from side to side and bounces on the ball of his foot, struggling to keep his balance.

The boxes stay put, and he unlocks the door and kicks it open.

"Hey! You spic fuck! I asked you a question! Hey! Hey!"

The man tumbles inside and sets the boxes on the floor, then quickly shuts the flimsy wood door and locks the deadbolt, blocking out the boys’ vulgarity. He wipes his hands and stretches, then walks through the tiny, one-bedroom apartment and pulls down the window blinds before he switches on the kitchen light.

A spark shoots from the bare light bulb that dangles from the ceiling. The man squints as the light flickers and slowly illuminates the meager room. He rubs his stubby fingers over a thick, black mustache and the bristly stubble covering his chin and neck.

When his eyes adjust to the dim light, he unclips a folding knife from his belt and cuts through the packing tape. He puts away the knife, opens the flaps of the larger box, and digs around until he finds a small instruction manual.

The man pulls out the contents of each box and organizes the equipment on a cheap Formica dining table, setting up a desktop computer as he reads the manual. He disconnects a cheap phone and an answering machine and plugs a cord into the modem slot on the back of the computer. The man grins and shrugs out of his faded green fatigue jacket, and carefully places it on the back of a rickety old dinette chair. He takes a black plastic shopping bag from the counter, sets it next to him on the table, and sits down on the edge of the chair, pulling a ream of white printer paper from the bag. He inserts a bit into the top of a new printer, and watches the monitor screen, tapping his foot expectantly on the peeling vinyl floor, and waits.

Dark. No power.

The little man frowns and checks the manual again. He matches the diagrams in the manual to the buttons on each machine and pokes the on/off buttons for the hard drive and the monitor.


Puzzled, the man flips through the manual again, then stands and peers around in the boxes. He smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand and swears.

He pulls out two bundled power cords that were hidden away in the packing material. He plugs them into an electrical outlet on the baseboard, next to the phone line.

He pushes the power button again and his lined face breaks into a smile as the hard drive whines and rattles. The computer blinks on, booting up. The smile grows and he turns on the printer, then reaches behind him and takes several folded pieces of yellow legal paper from his jacket pocket. He smoothes them out on the table and moves the mouse around on its pad, getting a feel for it. He pulls a diskette from the bag, locates the drive it fits into, and clicks on one of the little pictures on the screen. He jumps a bit, then smiles happily as the modem blasts to life.

The man follows the directions written on the paper, pecking carefully away at the keyboard, and sets up an anonymous email account. When he finishes, he rubs his moist palms off on his pant legs and pulls a rumpled porno magazine from the bag, a locally published magazine that he’d purchased at a strip club the night before. He chews on his lip and flips to the back, searching the advertisements and ignoring the lewd pictures of the naked women and the naked men, until he finds the particular add he’s looking for.

The man grins again, reads more of his notes, and pecks away until a website appears in the monitor. He leans over the table and scans the magazine ad intently, comparing the print from the page to the picture the screen.

He mouths the words that are lushly scripted in black and gold against a field of satin pink.

Fantasies, Inc

A small framed photo sits on the counter next to him. The photo is a picture of a family of three, a father, a wife and a baby daughter, all smiling for the camera. Happy.

The man smiles sadly at the photo.

Soon, my brother. All will be made right.

He uses the mouse to click on the words, and the screen changes. He leans closer to the screen, reading.

Your fantasies, all fantasies, no matter how big or how small, brought to life

He clicks the mouse, scrolling down further.

We specialize in fulfilling the kinky and cute, the timid or the daring, the loving or the deranged; reward or revenge - whatever you desire, no matter how sweet or how perverted, can and will be yours with Fantasies, Inc.

The man sits back in his chair, rubbing his hands nervously. He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out his breath in a whoosh. He leans forward again.

This site is for adults only.

Fantasies, Inc. is not a porn site, an escort service, theater or any type of performance art.

We are a multi-billion dollar global organization, specializing in the ultimate in sex and revenge fantasy fulfillment. We exist to help realize all types of real-life sex fantasies for our clientele. We accept projects that range from the ordinary and mundane to the most criminal and unusual. Therefore, please be aware that certain types of our projects may be illegal in many parts of the world, and that real, ordinary people - adults and children, friends, family, business associates, etc. -

Fantasies, Inc. accepts no responsibility for any legal action resulting from any or all accepted projects. All scenarios submitted for development are considered strictly confidential and will be shared internally only, on a need-to-know basis.

Payment must be submitted as a cash transfer, half in advance with the balance due upon completion of each project. No other forms of payment will be accepted.

Once the submission has been accepted, the customer will be notified with a general time-line as to when the fantasy will begin. Once started, each customer will receive regular instructions and updates until the conclusion of the scenario. You may submit an original fantasy or choose from our large database of completely customizable options. For the perfect fantasy experience, please be as specific and detailed as possible when submitting your scenario for consideration.

The wait time for new fantasies to be evaluated is currently an approximate six months to a year from the current date. Projects begin immediately after acceptance.

Satisfaction is guaranteed, or your money back.

Would you like us to make your fantasy come true? Yes/no.

can and will be unknowingly incorporated into each, special project, as dictated by the project description.

The man decides and clicks on Yes. The screen changes again, showing more conditions and terms. Boilerplate. He reads it all, slowly and carefully, types a bit, then clicks on I Agree. The computer processes the information, and another page loads. This page is broken into sections.

Choose your fantasy.

Generate your own from our fully customizable database, provide a complete description of your own, intimate offering, or choose to experience someone else’s hidden desire from one of our many, most popular experiences

The man licks his lips, and clicks on Custom, then, Personal.

Now to decide: Sugar

or Spice, Naughty or Nice?

A cute-as-a-button girl in pig-tails and dressed in a tight Catholic school girl uniform sucks on an oversized lollipop, hovering above the sugar and the nice words, flirting shamelessly. The same girl, now dressed as a black-leather clad bondage queen and brandishing a bullwhip, spits and snarls above the spice and naughty words. There’s a little check box next to each word. The man considers his options and checks both the Spice and the Naughty boxes. The screen changes again.

Okay. Let’s begin


Sharon Chapman jumped in her leather chair when her cell phone rang, startled.

Oh, Jesus

Ten forty-five.

I completely lost track of time

She peered out her office window. A light frosting of snow had built up in the corners of the glass.

When did it start to snow

As she reached for her phone, she realized that she hadn’t heard the office phones ring at all that evening.


She thought Michelle had told her that they’d been fixed. But then again, she might not have noticed the phone ring anyway. Sharon knew that she had a tendency to let herself get wrapped up in her work, to the point that she’d tune out everyone and everything around her. And she’d been pretty focused on this new client’s case since she’d come into the office that afternoon.

But hadn’t she signed for the bill before everybody left? She was vaguely aware that Debbie asked her to sign some sort of paperwork.

God. Now the memory starts to go, too

Sharon was still trying to remember if she’d signed a work order or what, when she picked up her phone, pushed the on button, and cleared her throat.

"Hello? This is Sharon."

"Mom?" said a tinny voice. "Is that you? It’s Amy."


"Hi. Sorry to call this late."

Sharon thought her daughter sounded tired, but she didn’t say it. Instead, she slipped off her tiny, wire-rimmed bifocals, folded them neatly and set them on the papers she’d been reading. God, she hated those glasses. She knew they were necessary now; without them, she was pretty much blind as a bat. She hated turning fifty. Getting older completely pissed her off; it was a waste of her time.

Sharon leaned back in her chair, stretching. The soft leather creaked as she settled in. She pressed the phone back to her ear. "S’okay. How are you?"

"Good, Mom. Great." Pause. "You’re burning the midnight oil tonight."

A statement, not a question. Sharon nodded. "New client." Amy never failed to let her know when she thought Sharon was working too much. "This is a difficult one."


"Domestic violence. There are kids involved. Anne and I are trying to work out a settlement. We’ve got a court date scheduled right after the holidays."

"Oh." Pause. "How is Ms. Laird?" Cold.

"Annie’s fine, too."

Amy was quiet a moment. Even after all these years, she still had a tough time talking about Sharon’s work, and their past. When Amy was three, Sharon’s ex-husband, Mike, had left them, running away to the sunny beaches of Rio with another woman who was barely out of diapers. He withdrew all the money from their bank account, leaving Sharon completely broke and in massive debt. She’d taken Mike to court, trying to get some help; alimony or child support.

Something - anything to help.

But he never paid a dime. Sharon quickly ran out of her meager savings, and she had no other family to turn to for help. For the next few years, she scrimped and saved, working two jobs, scratching and clawing to make a better life for her daughter.

There were hard times, and worse times.

But Sharon managed to put herself through law school, swearing that if she could make it, she would do whatever it took to help other women who were stuck in the same sort of ugly situations. It was in law school that Sharon met Anne Laird, who would later become her partner and closest friend.

In a particularly bad moment, Amy had made it clear that she didn’t care for Anne, or her relationship with Sharon.

Sharon tried to change the subject. "So, anyway. Enough of that. What are you up to? How’s Jenny?"

"Jenny’s great. She asks about you all the time." Pause. "Sorry I’m calling so late. I tried to call you earlier, but the phones were out of service forever."

Sharon looked at the framed pictures on her desk, of her daughter and her beautiful granddaughter, Jennifer. Without her glasses, they were all blurry. She thought she’d been able to see them okay yesterday.

God, this is frustrating..

"It’s all right, babe. No need to apologize. We’ve been having a little trouble with our phone lines."

What the hell

was wrong with them? Sharon had no idea. Must’ve been pretty bad for those guys to be here all day. Michelle probably had a coronary over the cost. The thought of Michelle made Sharon smile. How did we manage this office without her?

"Mom, look, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I…uh, well, we were all wondering if you’d like to fly down for Christmas. Jenny hasn’t seen you in a while, and Jeff’s folks are going to be staying with us over the weekend. I thought maybe you’d want to come too…"

Amy sounded uncomfortable, like she was asking because she was supposed to. Sharon didn’t think they would really want her over for the holiday, much less have her stay for an entire three-day weekend. Well, except for Jenny. Certainly not Jeff.

They’d started off on a bad note when Amy introduced them on the night of their engagement party. Jeff had been drunkenly telling a horribly sexist joke, something about how many horny women it took to screw in a light bulb, when Sharon mentioned that she thought that men should be snipped and tied at puberty.

"I’d love to Sweetie, but this might not be the best time."


"I’ve got so much work right now…"

"But Jenny and I would really like for you to be here." Another short pause. "And Jeff wants you to come too."

Sharon tried not to snort at that last comment.

"Sweetie, your house is going to be packed full with Jeff’s parents staying there. I think…" Sharon rubbed at her eyes. "Listen. How about this: Jenny’s birthday’s in just a month. How about I come down then?"

"Really?" Amy sounded relieved.

"Sure. We can go do the theme parks."

Sharon smiled.

Jenny loved roller-coasters, and so did she. They reminded her of how life really worked: up one minute, down the next, then right back up again. Life was a series of highs and lows.

Sharon’s favorite picture of Jenny, one of the pictures she kept on her desk, was of Jenny and her mom that had been snapped during a roller coaster ride. The picture was taken as they went through a double loop-de-loop. Jenny was grinning like only a twelve year old can grin: a huge, ear-to-ear, this-is-the best thing ever kind of grin. Amy looked terrified.

"Uh, okay. Sounds…fun."

Maybe she wasn’t so relieved. Sharon chuckled.

They made small talk for a few more moments, and then Amy told Sharon that she should go home and get some sleep. Sharon wished her daughter a good night and told her to give Jenny a kiss and a hug for her, and they both hung up. The cell phone buzzed in Sharon’s hand, letting her know she had messages.

Wow. I must’ve been really out of it tonight. No idea I had other calls

She pressed the auto-dial and listened to the messages. A couple of the calls were about business, but could wait until next week, after the holidays. Jenny had called once and left a short, terse message. So had Annie, asking her to drop by for dinner if she felt like it. She said she was dying for a pizza, and she thought she’d be getting home about seven.

Slightly annoyed, Sharon half-listened while Annie droned on and on, like a tired mother tolerating a child. Inwardly, she winced at the pleading tone in Annie’s voice, and stared blankly at the work on her desk, distracted. Annie mumbled something Sharon didn’t catch, and asked Sharon to give her a call later.

Sharon looked at the clock again and turned off her phone.

Too late to call now

Afterwards, Sharon sat quietly and stared at the phone until she heard the soft chime that announced that someone was walking through the front door. A second later she heard a series of beeps, letting her know that the alarm system was being deactivated.

"Annie?" No answer. Sharon knew it probably wasn’t Annie; she never came to the office after work, unless it was an emergency. And she would never stop by without calling first, anyway. But, maybe… Sharon broke into a little smile. "Michelle? Is that you?

"Hallo?" answered a heavily accented voice from the foyer a moment later. "Who is it here?"

Sharon frowned for a second, slightly disappointed, but then shrugged. She slipped back on the high heels that she’d kicked off under her desk, and then stood and planted her fists in the small of her back, stretching until a series of loud pops ran along her spine. She stepped to her office door and pushed it open to find the custodian, Hector, at the alarm pad with his ever present bin of cleaning equipment.

"Hello, Hector," she said, and gave him a little friendly wave and a smile.

Hector jumped about a foot in the air, grabbed a mop handle and waved it in her direction. When he saw who it was, he grinned sheepishly.

"Ahh. Miz Chapman." He cleared his throat and put down the mop. "You scared me, a little." He waved at the alarm pad. "The lights were on, but the…the alarm, it was turned on, too. I din’ know if an’one was still here."

Sharon smiled at him and pulled her long, tan cashmere overcoat from the coat rack.

"I’m sorry Hector. I didn’t mean to startle you. Debbie armed the door when she left, so no one could sneak in."

"Oh. Ho-kay."

Sharon buttoned her coat and wrapped a light silk scarf around her neck. Annie had given her the scarf as a Christmas present a few years ago. Not much for the snow, but the weather forecast that morning had been for sunny skies with a warming trend, highs in the low 50’s. Sharon had dressed for her daily tennis match and brought a light business suit and a skirt to change into, after. She wondered how the hell she was going to manage to get to her car wearing her heels if there was snow or ice on the ground.

"I was just finishing up Hector. Everybody else has gone home for the night."

"Staying late again, heh?"

"You know me."

"Ehh, you say you always there for…for your people." Hector smiled at her. His English was getting much better.

"Yes. Exactly."

Sharon nodded at his grin and went back to her desk to shut off her laptop. She packed the computer away in her briefcase and tidied up; then locked her desk drawers and stepped out of the office with her briefcase in hand. She said good night to Hector, who was busy emptying the trash cans and filling them with new plastic bags. Sharon pulled on a pair of soft, brown leather gloves, and then searched her purse for her car keys.

"Hector, I’ll get out of your way. You’ll reset the alarm?" He nodded. "See you next week."

"’Night, Miz Chapman."

Sharon gave him another smile, and walked outside into the cold.


The snow was just starting to stick, the wet pavement was still relatively free of ice, and the air felt brisk and clean. Even so, Sharon stepped carefully around a few ice-crusted puddles so she wouldn’t slip and beeped the remote key pad to her new Beamer. The door locks ka-chunked and the car alarm de-activated from yards away. She stepped around a big, white utility van.

Hector must be doing pretty well for himself,

The van’s engine was still ticking, and steam evaporated from the hood. Sharon passed through a curtain of steam, then opened her car door and tossed her briefcase onto the passenger seat, pausing with her door open for a moment to enjoy the crisp winter air after being cooped up in her office for so long. She closed her eyes and let the snowflakes fall on her face. She looked up at the sky. The thick clouds were bright in the night sky, lit from behind by the moon, puffy like wispy balls of cotton.

Sharon stuck out her tongue, feeling like a child again. She giggled happily, like when she was a child making angels in the snow with her father. The snowflakes drifted into her open mouth, melted on her tongue.

She opened wide, and said, "Aaaahh."

Sharon looked back at her office. So much work, trying to help others.

She sighed, thinking of Amy and Jenny, and wondered where she’d gone wrong raising Amy. After all the crap the two of them had gone through together, how had Amy become exactly the kind of meek, abused woman Sharon had made her life’s work to try to help?

In Sharon’s mind, at some point Amy had become a victim. She was timid and withdrawn, co-dependent and clinging desperately to a cheating, drunken sham of a man who blatantly detested her. At least Jenny had spunk, thank God; she had a zest for life that Amy had never been able to muster. Sharon fervently hoped that Jenny could keep that spark safe so it could bloom and grow, and that life or her family wouldn’t pound it from her.

And me?

Sharon reminded herself again that this is what she’d wanted, all the effort spent, the sacrifice, the sweat and tears. This was her life, not just her work. She and Anne had found the offices years ago, right after they’d passed the bar exams. They had both been working for a large downtown law firm, and were both miserable. Anne found the office when she’d taken a business lunch with a client, a dentist who was retiring. The building was way out in the ‘burbs, in a low-income side of town, as far from the ritzy downtown firms as they could get.

It was perfect.

That afternoon, Anne had returned from lunch, breathless and talking a mile-a-minute. Sharon remembered grinning like a fool; charmed by Anne’s exuberance. They made an appointment and went back to see the building that night, right after they got off work. They’d bought the property the next week. The dentist gave them a great price and let them rent to own the property, otherwise they never could’ve afforded to buy it. As soon as the ink dried on the contract, the dentist high-tailed off to Florida with his wife and Sharon and Anne moved in and began the tedious business of cleaning up, taking care of most of the renovations and repairs themselves to save money.

They’d been there ever since.

Over the years they’d added a few employees here and there: Debbie Jones, their receptionist, who had been one of their first clients, Hector Aria, who had been with them now for the last several years and who took care of all the general building maintenance. And finally, Michelle, their sharp new junior partner, who had joined the firm only a year or so ago, right out of law school.

Sharon smiled again thinking of Michelle, and actually blushed as a warm, smoky wetness spread between her legs.

Then her stomach growled. She looked down, patted it, and said, "Guess the snow might not be quite enough, huh?" Another series of growls. Insistent.

Must be remembering Anne’s request for a pizza dinner


Laughing to herself, Sharon snuck a last look up, then got in her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She never noticed the van as it started up, turned on its lights, and followed, slipping into traffic behind her.


Sharon turned on her radio. Soft jazz filled the car, and she hummed along with the tunes. She eased to a stop at a red light, then turned north and drove for about a mile. The snow patted her windshield, creating little patterns, and then the wipers would flick the flakes away. She bobbed her head in time to the music, humming away, careful of the slick streets when she merged with the few other cars that were out, braving the weather.

A few minutes later, Sharon pulled into the slushy parking lot of a big, twenty-four hour grocery store. The lot was almost deserted, due to the hour or the snow, Sharon wasn’t sure. She pulled past some construction equipment that was blocking the first few rows of parking spots, sighed, and parked as close to the doors as she could, just next to an old, rusting Toyota. She shut off the lights and the wipers, turned off the ignition, and took her keys and her purse and stepped out into the cold. She beeped the alarm, locking her car, and walked inside, past a couple having a heated argument in another language.

The couple marched straight to the Toyota as the store’s automatic sliding doors smacked closed behind Sharon. They continued their argument, shouting at each other over the hood of the car, until the woman took an apple out of a shopping bag and threw it at the man’s face. The apple caromed off his forehead and bounced under the car. The man glowered at her with cold eyes, but unlocked the car doors. They got in the car and roared out of the lot, fishtailing out into the road with a spray of slush, leaving a puff of exhaust in their wake.

The lot was quiet again, except for a muffled buzz from a flickering streetlamp, until the white van pulled in a few moments later and parked in the newly vacant spot.

The driver killed the engine and shut off the headlights, and waited.


Inside the store, Sharon grabbed a red plastic shopping basket and looped the handles over her arm. She started her shopping in the produce aisle and grabbed a crisp head of green lettuce, a red onion, a couple ripe tomatoes and a small cucumber. She found some delicious honey-mustard dressing that was bottled by a local restaurant, and took two jars. Then she went to the back of the store to the meat section, winding her way around a few tired-looking employees and boxes and boxes of merchandise waiting to be restocked. She didn’t notice any other customers, and the employees ignored her.

At the freezers, Sharon picked up a package of fresh chicken breasts, then hummed a little tune on her way back to the coolers and found some coffee ice cream. She completed her circuit at a small rack of wines. Sharon read the labels and selected a nice Red, changed her mind for something a bit less expensive, then changed her mind again and headed to the checkout stands.

Out of about twenty stands there was only one with its light on. A small cow-bell sat on the edge of the conveyor belt. A note attached to the bell read: For cashier, please ring the bell once. Be nice - thanks, Management. Sharon emptied her basket onto the conveyor belt, stored the empty basket under the counter, and rang the bell, just once.

A skinny Asian woman with lank, greasy hair and a bad complexion peered over a rack of cereal boxes and gave Sharon a sour look.

She picked at her scalp and shouted, "You ready?"

Sharon nodded. "Yes, thank you."

The woman took her time, moseying over and wiping her grubby hands on a stained green apron tied over blue jeans and a black polo shirt. She scratched her head with the tip of a dirty finger, flicking at the top of her scalp. Dandruff drifted out of her hair onto her shirt, blending in with a light dusting already clinging to her shoulders. A white nametag pinned to her apron read, Hi. My name is Vang. Vang had a button pinned just below the nametag: This WGL store is proudly employee owned. A big smiley face wrapped completely around the slogan, letting everyone know that Vang was indeed, happy to own her own little part of WGL.

Sharon smiled and opened her purse. "Can I have paper instead of plastic?"

"You bag yourself."

Sharon blinked. She cocked her head and said, "Um. Excuse me?"

Vang glared at Sharon like she was and idiot and pointed down to a bunch of shopping bags at the end of the belts.

"You bag yourself," she repeated.

Vang stepped behind the cash register and typed an access code into the ten-key pad, then flipped the small, swinging flap that separated two conveyor belts. She started to swipe the items under the scanner, one-by-one, beep-beep-beep, and shoved them all onto the conveyor belt on her other side. The belt engaged and scooted everything down to the end of the aisle.

"Oh. Okay." I get it now. I get to bag everything myself. Swift on the uptake there, lawyer-girl. Sharon took out her wallet, slipped out her credit card and waited for the woman to finish.


Vang hit the total button on the register, put her hands on her hips. "Thirty-one dollars and ninety-seven cents."

"Okay." Sharon tried to swipe her card in the little machine hooked to the lip of the counter, but Vang shook her head.

"No, no, no. We don’t take no credit cards."

Sharon shook her head, confused. "What?" She pointed to the machine. "But this…"

Vang shook her head again. "That for the food stamp card. They don’ make the paper stamp anymore; they put the money on a card that look like that." She gestured at Sharon’s credit card and pointed to a large sign hung on the wall by the exit. "Credit company charge us lots of money to use, so the grocery too expensive. Cash or check only. No card."

Sharon couldn’t help rolling her eyes, but she put away her card and opened her wallet. Vang picked at her head and glared at Sharon suspiciously; as if a woman dressed nicely in a skirt and high heels (who’d already waited in line and rang a damn cowbell for help!) might suddenly freak out, grab the bottle of wine and make a run for it out into the ice and snow. Sharon pulled out a twenty dollar bill and a five, then dug around deep in her purse and a found a few crumpled singles and exactly ninety-seven cents in change buried at the bottom. She forked the money over.

Once the cash was in her hands, Vang dropped most of the coins and had to scrounge around on the floor. When she finally stood up again she counted the money twice before she grunted, opened her till drawer and handed Sharon her receipt.

"You five cents short, but I find later."

"Thanks," Sharon said, but Vang had already disappeared, no doubt anxious to sprinkle more of her dandruff all over the cereal boxes.

Sharon shook her head and quickly bagged her groceries, using paper instead of plastic. She slung her purse over her shoulder and hoisted the bag, then walked to the wide glass doors. They swooped open for her. A freezing gust of wind swirled her coat-tails around her calves. Sharon’s eyes watered and she blinked as the bitter cold settled over her like a frozen blanket.


The wind peppered Sharon with icy chunks of snow. She slipped on a slick spot on the pavement, turned her ankle, and fell on her ass.

"Whouff!" Sharon sat in the middle of the parking strip for a second, with her legs stuck out straight in front of her. She started laughing. "Shit."

Somehow, she’d managed to not drop her bag. Sharon set it down and carefully picked herself and brushed the snow off her butt. She bent over and retrieved her bag of food and trudged around the construction equipment to her car. Sharon hurried around a big white van that blocked the path to her car, her teeth chattering a mile-a-minute. She balanced her groceries on her knee while she searched her bottomless purse for her car keys. They weren’t there. Sharon swore under her breath, patted her coat, and found the keys in a pocket. She grumbled at herself and beeped the alarm.

"Thank God for automatic locks," she mumbled.

Sharon opened the trunk and put away her groceries. She shut the trunk and her foot slid out from under her, banging her shin painfully on the bumper. She swore.

"Owww…Dang it!"

That’s when someone grabbed her by the shoulder and said, "Hey lady? S’cuze me?"

Sharon jumped, dropping her purse. She turned and slipped again, catching herself on the hood of her car. Stupid heels. She wondered if she’d forgotten something inside the store. "Wh-what?"

A man stood in front of her, bundled up in a heavy parka, a furry hood pulled up over his head. Sharon couldn’t see his face. He didn’t look like an employee.

"Sorry, lady. Didn’t mean ta scare ya like that."

The guy just stood there with his hands up, empty, except for what looked like a three-by-five index card. Sharon tried to collect herself, thought of the mace in her purse. She wondered if she could reach it. She caught the purse strap with the heel of her shoe and inched the bag closer. The man didn’t move.

"What do you want?"

Sharon reached down slowly, watching him, and felt for the purse. She found the strap, picked up the purse, and started backing towards her car door, when he looked at the card in his hand, and asked:

"You Sharon Chapman?"

That stopped her. She looked at him quizzically.

"Yes? How…how do you know my name?"

He stepped closer. "And you live at five-oh-one-two Cherry Lane?"

"Yes, I… How…how do you know where I live? Who are you?"

"Oh, we know a lot about you. We know you have a daughter named Amy Cole who lives in California with her daughter, Jenny, who’s just about to turn thirteen. You don’t want to see them hurt, do you?"

Oh, God

"Stop. Please. I’ve got mace."

The man stopped. "Oh, yeah?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Sharon pulled out the canister and pointed it.

The man laughed.



Sharon dropped the lipstick and fumbled with her purse. The man took another step closer. He laughed again, a low rumble. Sharon shivered, not just from the cold.

"What do you want? How do you know about my family?"

"You’ve got a secret admirer."


"Welcome to his fantasy, bitch."

The man laughed again and reached for her as Sharon’s groping fingers finally wrapped around the mace. She yanked it out of the bag and dropped her purse, and had the nozzle halfway up when another man, huge and shaped like a mountain, stepped out of the passenger side of the van and wrapped a heavy, muscled arm around her shoulders.

"Gotcha, bitch."

Sharon let out a pitiful squeak as a dirty rag smashed over her face. A cloying, sweet smell filled her nose and her lungs as she took a breath, trying to scream for help, and then the world spun around her. Her vision blurred.

Sharon blinked back tears and thought, the snow’s in my eyes. I can’t see. I’m being kidnapped, and I can’t see. Please, someone help me.

The mace fell from her nerveless fingers and bounced under the van. Sharon was vaguely aware of the sound of a heavy door sliding open. She heard someone say, "Get her purse and the mace. Take the car back to her house and dump it there. Wipe it down before you leave."


"Do it right. You screw this shit up and you’re a dead motherfucker."


Silence. Sharon’s head began to swim. She was focused on the hand clamped around her mouth, the rag covering her nose. She remembered an old movie she’d seen once, where someone was kidnapped.


She kicked and tried to bite the hand covering her face, but just got another lungful of fumes for her trouble. More dark shapes - people? - gathered around her. Little bright spots started popping in front of her eyes. She heard the jangle of keys.

"Fuck, man. Don’t need to look at me like that. I got it."

"I’m serious. Do the shit right."

"I said, I got it, dude. No problem-o."

"Then move it before somebody sees us."

"Nobody gonna see us with all this snow." Another voice, grumbling.

"I said, move it, motherfucker! You fuck this up and I’ll kill you myself."

A car door slammed. Sharon heard an engine start, and felt the hot exhaust on her legs as her car was driven away.

Sharon panicked. She couldn’t breathe. She squirmed and twisted, frantically clawing and biting at the hand clamped around her mouth. The man holding her just squeezed her tighter, keeping her locked in place like she was a child. Vaguely, as she drifted on the edge of consciousness, Sharon realized someone was laughing; a deep, awful laugh.

"Fucking asswipe." The arms around her shifted again, and Sharon was turned around. "Help me get this coat off her."

Sharon’s arms were yanked out in front of her, and someone pulled at her sleeves.

"What about the gloves?"

She was shifted again, and the coat was ripped from her back. Sharon felt the cold bite into her body, enveloping her like a living thing.

They took my coat

. I want my coat back. It was expensive.

"Leave ‘em on ‘till we can tie her up. I don’t want her scratching me."

"Heh. Not yet, anyway, huh?" Grunt. "There. Got it. You want us to just drop it?"

"Toss it in the front seat. She won’t need it no more."


Through the haze of the chloroform, Sharon felt strong hands groping her. She tried to struggle, kicking feebly, but she was too weak to break free. Someone pulled at her skirt until it ripped up the back. A hand slid between her thighs and a finger poked at her crotch through the material of her nylons and panties, tearing a hole through, pulling and tearing at the material until her crotch was bare. Someone tore open her blouse and squeezed her breasts, painfully tweaking her nipples through her bra.

"You better be filming this shit. This is what he’s payin’ for."

"We’re on."

Oh God…

Sharon tried to scream, but only heard a weak, muffled groan escape her lips. She felt the man holding her getting excited, his cock digging into her ass. His breath was warm on her neck.

A low whistle. "Damn. She’s not bad for an old bitch, ain’t she?"

Sharon mumbled through the rag, "Mmmgrmph."

"Nice legs."

"Nice big titties, too." Pinch, pinch. "Holy crap!"

"Huh? S’matter?"

"These titties are real! Thought they’d be fakes, they so firm an’ perky."

"Hell, she got nice everything, man. ‘Specially for an old bitch." More hands roamed over her body. "Shit, I think I just came in my shorts."

The men around Sharon laughed, and the Mountain rubbed his crotch up against Sharon’s ass. It felt like he had a thick steel pole in his pants.

"The profile said she runs and plays tennis almost every morning. Athletic."

Profile? That struck a chord. They’ve been watching me.

Someone continued to play with her breasts, squeezing her tits like they were kneading bread.

Help me, please…

"Stop it man. Shit. You’ll have plenty o’ those big old white bitch titties soon enough. Ya’ll ready for this?"

"Hell yes."

"Let’s get the show on the road."

Sharon was lifted up. She felt like she was floating.

Please, someone, help me

Sharon was pulled into the van. She felt the van list to the side as another person got in, then another, and another. Someone rolled the door shut, pounded the wall of the van and yelled "Drive!" A muffled voice shouted a reply. The engine rumbled when it turned over, and Sharon started to cry as they pulled out of the parking lot. Her eyes burned and the hot tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

"Aww, look. She’s cryin’."

A dark face swum in front of her blurry eyes, wearing a black ski mask. The man in the parka. Maybe. Sharon couldn’t tell.

"Crying?" The Mountain whispered in her ear. He taunted her. "We gonna give you a lot more to cry ‘bout tonight, bitch. Bet on that."

The big hand clamped on her mouth finally let go. Sharon heard a zipper open, and The Mountain sat down, pulling her roughly onto his lap. He was so big, her head rolled on his chest. She blinked back tears and squirmed in his lap until she felt a huge, warm cock wedged under her ass, throbbing.

"P-please, don’t do this. Please let me go."

"Time to give her the pills."

"Got ‘em right here."

The van was freezing. Sharon took a huge breath, trying to calm herself, and let it out slowly; a fine, foggy mist. She took a mental inventory. Her head was pounding and the world around her was blurry and spinning. She felt slightly nauseous. Sharon tried to focus, thought that she might throw up. She glanced around, trying to figure out who had taken her, what their plan was.

"Please…what do you want from me?"

A chorus of laughter.

Sharon looked around, squinting to see in the gloom. The van was easily large enough for the men to stand up straight. Including the man holding her, she counted five…maybe six or seven more? She couldn’t tell. Two of them held compact video cameras pointed right at her, on and recording.

The interior of the van was grimy and smelled like vomit and stale cigar smoke. The small light mounted on the roof of the cab barely provided enough light to see. Thick rubber padding had been placed on all the walls and over the doors and ceiling. The floor was carpeted and covered with old cigarette burns. A long seat with torn vinyl covering stretched along the back wall. Strong metal bars spaced at even levels along the walls from the floor to the roof spanned the circumference of the van.

"Hold her arms and spread her legs," said the Mountain.

Two of the men grabbed Sharon by wrists and slapped handcuffs on her, locking them tight enough that she cried out. They locked the free ends of the cuffs to the piping, and then they grabbed her ankles and pulled until she was sitting spread-eagled in the Mountain’s lap.

"I…I can give you money. I don’t have a lot, but…"

"No cash?" Snort. "Saw the nice, new Beamer you was drivin’, bitch. And the new Jag your partner just bought? Damn if that didn’t set her back a fair chunk. Didn’t you hear me tell you we know all ‘bout you? We’ve seen your bank accounts. We know what kinda investments you got; everythin’. Don’t tell me you got no money."

"Please!" Sharon heard the whine in her voice, and felt ashamed. "I don’t…"

Someone slapped her, rocking her head back and to the side. She tasted blood. The men laughed, and another blurry, masked face joined the crowd in front of her. The man pried apart Sharon’s mouth, and her eyes popped open with fear as they stepped closer.


Sharon kicked and struggled as the parka man stuffed two light blue pills down her throat. He smashed her mouth shut, keeping her jaw locked tight and pinched her nose closed. He massaged her throat until Sharon choked and swallowed.

"Damn, bitch. Cut it out. Shit ain’t gonna hurt you."

The Mountain held her firmly as she futily kicked and twisted and thrashed. Fresh tears spilled down her face and snot ran down her nose as the men finally stepped back.

"Wh-what were those?" Sharon croaked. She tried to look over her shoulder at the Mountain. He smiled wickedly down at her through a panty-hose mask.

"Somethin’ to help make your night more…fun."

"Unnngh." A moan came from the front of the van.

"Sounds like your friends are finally waking up."

"My friends…" Sharon stared at the vague shapes covered with an old blanket, lying on the floor of the van. One of the men yanked the blanket away, and stepped back so she could see.

"Oh, my God." She gasped.

"Hand me that lube, yo’."

The mountain wrapped his hands around Sharon’s waist and lifted her up, shifting his hips underneath her. She felt his cock slip down along the crack of her ass.

"Hold her a sec."

Strong hands held Sharon suspended above the seat, her arms and legs spread wide. She heard the wet sound of liquid being squirted from a tube, and then slurping, like lotion being rubbed on someone’s hands.

"All right. I got her."

The Mountain wrapped slick hands around her waist again, staining her white, silk blouse.

"Let’s party."

The thick tip of his cock wedged between her butt cheeks. Sharon screamed and tried to fight, kicking and jerking. She bled as the handcuffs bit into her wrists, scraping the soft flesh from her arms. The men held her ankles tight as she screamed and thrashed around. The Mountain squeezed her waist, holding her hips securely in place, digging his powerful fingers into her belly until she could barely breathe.

"Get her feet up off the floor."

Sharon’s legs were pulled straight out and spread wide, exposing her pink cunt through the gaping hole in her torn nylons and panties. The men who weren’t holding her were quickly stripping off their clothes. They kept their masks on. The man who had been wearing the parka climbed up onto the seat next to Sharon, grabbed her by the hair and bent her head back. He shoved a small metal ring into her mouth and wedged it behind her teeth, propping her mouth wide open. He held her head bent towards him while he began to masturbate, rubbing his cock on her face, over her lips. Another man pushed between her trembling legs, his heavy, purple cock dangling almost halfway down his thighs. He ripped away the remains of her skirt, grabbed the bottle of lubricant and oiled up. Underneath her, the Mountain shifted his hips, pushing the tip of his penis further up into her asshole.

"The other bitches are waking up."

The Mountain laughed. "Good. Fuck them, too, and tape it all."

Sharon screamed again as he dropped her, when his huge dick punched into her clenched sphincter. Her screams were cut short as the other men took their cues, forcing their cocks into her open mouth and her unprotected pussy. Then the drugs kicked in, and it was all she could do to breathe as the men pummeled her body. Sharon barely noticed a new set of screams as the other men fell on the women lying on the floor of the truck.


Anne Laird’s day started badly, with a phone call from Michelle at the office at seven a.m. "I’m sleeping, goddamnit." she grumbled.

"Sorry to wake you, Anne, but we’ve got a problem with the phones and the computers again. I can’t reach Sharon, at home or on her cell. She’s probably at the fucking tennis courts. Can you come down here?"

"Shit." She curled deeper into her covers. "Just call someone and have it fixed."

"I already have somebody here, but I don’t know anything about this ancient, crappy phone system you two had installed. The repair guy needs to talk to one of you; and neither Debbie or I are authorized to sign off for the bill, anyway."

"Oh crap." Anne rolled over and rubbed her eyes. "Some partner."

Michelle laughed. "Your rules, not mine." She paused. "Anne, right now we can’t take any calls, and the computers won’t even boot up. It’s important, or I wouldn’t have called."

"I know. I know." Yawn. "Well, I’m up now. Let me grab a quick shower, and I’ll be there in half-an-hour. Can you get them started, at least? Show them where everything is?"


Anne rubbed her forehead, thinking. "You know what?"

"What’s that?"

"Remember, a while back, Sharon and I had some problems with our laptops, and you fixed them for us? Sharon told me that her phones at home were acting up, making weird sounds when she’d get calls. Mine have been weird now and then, too."

Anne paused, working up to her question, wondering if she was going to sound like the dumb, middle-aged, techno-ignorant bimbo she really was. Michelle was a whiz with all this electronic stuff. It was one of the reasons Sharon had hired her; on top of her outstanding school transcripts, a great interview and a few well-placed job references.

Anne and Sharon had brought Michelle into their little family for some new blood; to help kick-start the office, and drag the firm along into the new millennium. Anne didn’t know squat about computers; she could barely turn hers on. But she really didn’t want Michelle to know that.

Anne hated to admit it, but the woman intimidated her. She seemed to be able to do just about anything she put her mind to. At just shy of thirty, Michelle was already a better attorney than Anne could ever hope to be. Anne knew it, and she knew Michelle knew it too. Sometimes she wondered if Sharon noticed too. She hoped not, but lately Sharon had been so impatient and short-tempered around her, when she wasn’t just ignoring her…

"Do you think we’ve got a virus in the computer system, or something like that?"

"Um." Michelle paused. Anne heard a muffled male voice, and a rattling on the other end. "Anne, excuse me."

More muffled conversation, like Michelle had put her hand over the phone. In her mind, Anne pictured Michelle laughing at her, along with the receptionist, Debbie, and the repair guys. But when she came back on the line, her voice was calm.

"Sorry, the guy had a question." Michelle cleared her throat and said, "I don’t see how. I mean, maybe, maybe there’s a virus in the computers, but that shouldn’t affect the phones. Not at your houses, at least. Besides, that was months ago."

"Oh. Okay. Just a thought. But they’re hooked up together at the office, right?"

Silence. Anne could almost hear Michelle frowning over the phone. "Huh. Yeah. You’re right. I’ll ask the guy about it."

"Good. Be there in a bit." Wow. Maybe she wasn’t so dumb after all. Score one for the old broad. Anne almost broke the connection, but then, "Hey, Michelle?"


"How are you talking to me if the phones are down?"

"Um, I’m on my cell, Anne." This time there was no mistaking the laughter. "Go get some coffee on your way in. You sound a little groggy."

"Oh. Right. Called on your cell phone. Sure."


How the hell did you ever get out of law school?

She shivered and looked at her warm, rumpled covers with a kind of wistful longing that she didn’t even feel for sex or chocolate. She sighed.

"Later." She patted the mattress. "I’ll be back, and we can snuggle later. Okay?"

No one answered. The norm, as of late.

Why aren’t you here with me, Sharon? What did I do?

Anne stood and stretched, her old joints popping, and peeled off her silk nightie. She dropped the black nightgown onto the bed, sighed again, and padded naked into the bathroom to take a shower.


Exactly forty minutes and a hot mocha later, Anne pulled into the parking lot of their office building. She parked next to a large utility van that she figured belonged to the phone guys, grabbed her purse and locked her car. Anne looked at the sky, frowning. The guy on the radio said it was supposed to be sunny out and warming up. But it was getting colder, and overcast.

"Should have worn a suit." Anne mumbled. She sipped her mocha as she breezed into the office lobby, her light skirt twirling around her thighs.

"Hey everybody." Anne gave everyone her best, aren’t-you-impressed-by-me smile. The one that dazzled in court. "Everything fixed yet?"

Debbie was half-sitting, half-leaning on the edge of her desk, with her legs crossed and her hands folded demurely over her knee, twirling her shoe in a slow circle with the tips of her toes. Her tight pleated skirt was hiked up high enough to give a good view of the inside of her thighs, and her filmy white blouse was unbuttoned to the top of her bra, showing off her ample cleavage.

She was busy flirting with a cute young black guy in jeans and a sweatshirt, with a heavy tool belt slung around his hips. The guy was scribbling notes on a clipboard and sneaking glances down Debbie’s blouse.

Shameless hussy

Debbie winked, and Anne grinned at her boss as she stepped behind the desk. Another guy was hidden under Debbie’s desk, with his ass up in the air and his pants creeping down past his hairy butt-crack, mumbling something about the Goddamn phone cords. Michelle stepped out of Sharon’s office, beautiful and regal and perfect as always.

How does she do it?

Anne groaned inwardly. Not even a quarter to eight in the morning, and she looks like she just walked off the set of some photo shoot for hot, sexy young lawyers.

Michelle was followed by another, huge black man carrying another clipboard tucked under his armpit. A patch sewn on his work shirt read Malcolm. He tapped a pen on the side of the clipboard, and had to duck his head to get under the door frame. It sounded like they were discussing the computers.

Ever the good receptionist, Debbie cleared her throat and stated the obvious.

"Hey Michelle? Annie’s here."

"Oh. Finally." Michelle gestured for her. "Anne, this is going to take a while." She waved at the man with the clipboard, who walked over. "Guys, this is Anne Laird, one of the senior partners."

The big, big man smiled down at Anne.

"Mrs. Laird." He checked his clipboard then tucked it under his arm, taking the other clipboard from the man who’d been flirting with Debbie. "We’re gonna have to shut down all the equipment for a bit and run some diagnostics on your phone systems. We’ll get to the computers afterwards. Miss Roberts and Miss Jensen informed me that you can take care of most of your business today using your cell phones. Is that right?"

"Oh, um, Miss Laird, please." Anne’s smile faded. "Is it really going to take that long?"

"We’ll be as fast as we can." He shrugged. "But it takes as long as it takes. You know?"

"I suppose so."

"Cool." He handed her the pair of clipboards. "Sign here and here for me, and we’ll get started. We’ll need your signature again when we finish, too."

"Oh. Okay." Anne took his pen and signed where he pointed. "I’ve got a meeting at three this afternoon and I won’t be back in the office until Tuesday. What if you don’t finish by then?"

"I guess we can get your partner to sign for the bill."

"All right." Anna turned to Michelle. "Did you get in touch with Sharon, then? Will she be in?"

"Mm-hmm," Michelle nodded. "She was at the club, like always. She had her phone in her locker; she called back a little while ago. She’s meeting a new client this morning, but she’ll be in by one or so."

"Okay." Anne flashed the smile again and handed back the clipboard. "Well. I guess I’ll go get ready for my meeting. Let us know if you need anything."

"You got it. Can you show me where your phone lines enter the building?"

Anne and Michelle exchanged glances. Anne shrugged. She had no idea. "Right this way." Michelle said, and took the repairmen back into the storage room.


At noon, Michelle knocked on Anne’s office door. She was carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and a tiny pink envelope.

"Anne? These came for you."

She gave Anne a shit-eating grin and put the flowers on her desk. Anne stared at them.

"Omigosh! Who…" She looked at Michelle. "Who are they from?"

"I don’t know. Debbie just went to lunch, so I signed for them." Michelle passed her the card. "You tell me."

Flowers? For me? Anne took the envelope with shaking hands. She slit the seal open with her fingernail and pulled out a small, plain card. Anne dropped the envelope in her trashcan and opened the card. She broke into a wide, silly grin.

"What?" Michelle looked like she wanted to pop. "What does it say?"

Anne handed her the card. It was blank on the outside, but there were words printed under the fold: You have a secret admirer. Welcome to the fantasy.Michelle read the card and grinned at Anne.

"A secret admirer? You little devil, you." Then she turned it over and read it again. Michelle scowled. "What does welcome to the fantasy mean?"

"No idea." Anne shrugged and sniffed the flowers. They were beautiful.

Michelle handed her back the card and put her hands on her hips. "So?"

Anne grinned at her. "So what?"

Michelle nodded at the flowers. "Who is it?"

Sharon. A warm burst of joy flowered in Anne’s chest. My Sharon sent me flowers. But she replied, "No idea."

"Oh, c’mon Anne. Real guys don’t just send flowers out of the blue. That only happens in cheesy movies. Give it up. Who are you seeing, that you haven’t told any of us about?"

Anne blushed. "Nobody. Really. This is a huge surprise."

"Yeah. Sure it is. Come on, Annie. You can tell me."

"Seriously. Nobody."

Michelle studied her. "Ahh. I know. You wouldn’t be going to see this secret admirer at a ‘meeting’ this afternoon, would you?" Michelle made quotation marks in the air with her fingers when she said meeting.

Anne laughed. "Well, now that you’ve figured it out…yeah. I’ll fess up. You’re right. Little old Mr. Rodriguez is really my secret love."

"Yuck it up, babe."

Michelle grinned and stepped out into the hall, then turned on her heel and peeked back through the door.

"But I’ll be watching you like a hawk."

Michelle waggled her finger at Anne, and left. Anne took a long stemmed rose from the vase and sat down in her chair, grinning like a fool. She tickled her nose with the soft, red petals, enjoying the sweet fragrance of the flower.

My secret admirer. Sharon, you silly thing. Anne hummed a silly little tune under her breath. My secret admirer. Welcome to the fan-ta-see.Anne brushed the flower back and forth under her chin, crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair. On her desk, all the phone lines blinked on once, then went out completely. Lost in her own little fantasy, Anne never noticed.


A bit after two, Anne realized she’d been daydreaming for way to long, put the flowers on top of her file cabinet and decided to get back to work. Her meeting with the Rodriguez family was in about an hour, and she hadn’t prepped at all.

Dammit, Annie. Get a grip. You’re acting like you’re a kid.

She pried herself back to reality, packed up her notes and locked her briefcase. She looked at her computer, then remembered that the repair guys had everything turned off. They’d left for lunch an hour ago, and were still gone.


Anne picked up her flowers and the briefcase, and turned off the office lights. Sharon still hadn’t come in yet. Debbie was sitting at her desk, busy reading a woman’s magazine. On the cover, an attractive, fifty-ish woman, happy and barefoot and dressed in a turtleneck and rolled up khaki pants, cavorted alone on the beach. Good thing it’s been a slow day. Debbie smiled at the flowers and put down the magazine.

"Nice to see you’re earning your keep."

Debbie snorted. "Look at you, Lover Girl." She gave Anne the once-over. "You, swishin’ into the office in your little skirt, workin’ your bad self. I saw you smile at that little boy I was flirting with this morning." She sighed theatrically. "You hot, rich older women catch all the guys."

"Rii-ght. That’s me. Next, I’ll be posing for a girlie magazine."

"Jeez. Don’t let Sharon catch you saying that."

"Sharon the Man Hater, I know," giggled Anne. "It’s all an act."

"Annie, If she was any tighter, she’d pop."

"Seriously, Deb. You know Sharon would be the first one of us to rip off her clothes if some hunk asked her out."

"You think she wears baggy boxes under her business suits?" Debbie asked. They both laughed. Debbie wiped her eyes. "I’m not very nice, am I?"

"Evil as all get-out. Makes me wonder what the two of you say about me when I’m not around." Anne leaned further over the desk and lowered her voice. "And by the way, I did notice you flirting with that boy this morning."

Debbie made a ‘fsst’ sound. "I was not."

"Hon, you were showing so much cleavage, you were ready to pop out of that blouse." Anne grinned. "He was sweating so much, I’m surprised you didn’t need an umbrella."

Debbie blushed. "He was awfully cute."

"Mm-hmm," Anne agreed. "If he comes back, are you gonna sneak into the back room with him?"

"Annie! I wouldn’t!" Debbie faked a shocked look, then giggled. "Not during business hours, anyway."

They both laughed again, then Anne asked, "Hey, is Michelle gone for the afternoon?"

"I don’t think so, but she said she was going to run some errands."

"Are the repair guys coming back?"

"They said so."

"Will you make sure Sharon knows about all that’s going on, and that they need her to sign the invoice?"


"Okay." Anne smiled again and glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Well, I’ve got to go. Have a good holiday, Deb."

"You too, Annie. Thanks again for the card and the bonus."

"Anytime. See you in a week."

Annie picked up her stuff again. The young phone guy opened the door just as she was starting to leave. Debbie turned a bright shade of red, and grinned.

"Careful in the back room." She smiled at the man, then to Debbie, whispered, "Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do."


Debbie watched Annie walk out to her car. Annie gave the young hottie that big, toothy, thousand-megawatt smile of hers as she breezed past, and then Debbie watched him stare at Annie’s ass swooshing while he held the door for her. She gritted her teeth.

Damn tan, skinny, fake-boob, face-lifted bitch. Debbie undid another button on her blouse. Beat this, Annie, she thought, and tried her own smile.

"Hey," he said, buckling his tool belt back on.

"Hey yourself." Debbie leaned to her side, trying to look past him. "Where is everybody."

"Huh? Oh. They had, uh, another call. An emergency. I guess they thought I could handle everything here okay myself."

"I bet you can."

Debbie wiggled in her chair, bunching her boobs together. The guy smiled at her and walked right by her into the backroom. Debbie watched him go, open-mouthed. He’d just ignored her best shot. Annie’s voice came back to her. Are you going to sneak into the back room with him?

"Oh, hell."

Debbie stood and stepped quietly to the door. She peered through the front window and checked the parking lot. All clear except for the service van.

Annie, I wouldn’t! Not during business hours, anyway.

"Oh, hell. Something for the memoirs." Debbie took a deep breath, crossed herself, and stepped into the back.


The kid was holding what looked like a big, orange toy phone to his ear. He was at the phone box, poking at wires. The room was cold. Debbie grabbed a heavy porcelain coffee mug from the dish rack and poured herself a stiff cup of black coffee. She turned and lounged against the counter, watching him and sipping her drink. He finished with the toy phone and hung it back on his belt.

"Would you like a cup?" She offered.


Debbie nodded, and he shook his head.

"Oh, no. Thanks." He gave her a toothy grin. "I’ve got enough mocha on my outside without putting any more inside. If you know what I’m sayin’."

Debbie smiled. He went back to his box. She shuffled her feet, wondering what to say now.

"I, uh, I noticed you looking at my boss when she left."

The guy blinked at her. "She’s fine." He shrugged. "For an older bitch. Just couldn’t help m’self. You know?"

Debbie gasped. "You just called my boss a bitch!"

The kid shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "Well, y’know. Sorry."

He turned away, embarrassed, and the room grew quiet again. Debbie cleared her throat.

"You were staring at her butt." Oh, gawd. Did she just really say that?

The guy blinked again, but smiled.

"Yeah, well. She got a nice one. Not too big or round, you know, but juicy. Looked damn fine in that little skirt she was wearin’." He gave Debbie a weird look. "She got some perky titties and some nice legs on her, too."

"Really?" Debbie was dumbfounded. She was talking to this stranger about her boss’s ass. "You think so?"

"Yeah. Well, you know. Really, she’s kinda skinny for my taste." He waggled his eyebrows at Debbie and moved his gaze slowly over her body. "I like an ass that if you slap it, it’ll slap you right back. You know what I’m sayin’? Like yours."

Debbie gaped at him, her mouth in a wide ‘O’. "Like…mine?"

He smiled and stepped close enough that Debbie had to crane her neck back to see his face.

"Yeah." He took the mug out of her hands and set it on the counter, then put his hands on her hips. "Like yours."

"Oh." She said. Her whole body started to tingle when he touched her. "Oh. Okay."

They stood like that for a second, and then he cupped her ass and pulled her close to him. Debbie pressed her hands on his chest. She was having trouble breathing, and she felt a little dizzy.

"Um," she said, and he kissed her, gently pushing his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like mint. Debbie’s eyes shot open and she almost pushed him away.

Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do

Debbie heard a low growl come from deep within her throat. She threw her arms around his neck and began sucking desperately on his tongue. He pulled her closer, and she felt his cock dig into her belly. His hands squeezed her ass, then came up and pulled open her blouse, popping buttons all the way down to her waist. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them hard. Debbie backed up a bit, breathless, her chest heaving.

"Hey, we shouldn’t…"

"Shouldn’t what?"

"You…you know."

"No. What?"

Debbie didn’t know what to do. He had her pinned her up against the counter. Her skirt had rucked up around her thighs, and he’d pushed his hips between her slightly spread legs.

She was already wet.

"Baby, you been eyin’ me all day, bunchin’ your titties together, showin’ off your nice undies an’ shit. You know what I want right now?"

Debbie bit her lip and shook her head.

"Somethin’ creamy an’ wet, baby."

"I…I don’t even know your name. I…"

"I’m Willy." Willy pointed down at his crotch. "And this here is little Willy."

Debbie looked down, and stared at the huge bulge poking out of his pants.

"Oh." She said.

Willy followed her gaze, and smiled. "You like that? Here." He took her hand and guided it down, made her cup him. "Take it out, if you want to meet it. Go on."

She grinned weakly. "It’s, uh, not so little, is it?"

He put his hands on Debbie’s shoulders and pushed her down, until she was kneeling with her head level with his crotch. "Go on girl, it won’t bite ya."

She took a deep, long breath, and let it out with a whoosh. Oh God, she whispered to herself, and unzipped his pants. She licked her lips, then reached in and pulled him out.

"Oh. My."

Debbie held his penis in her hands and stared. It was enormous. She’d seen a horse’s cock once, when she was little. That was the only comparison she could make with the chunk of meat throbbing in her hand. ‘Little Willy’ was thick as her wrist, and easily as long as her forearm. It was a dark brown, with a pink underside were it had been circumcised.

"Oh, yeah, baby. Little Willy likes you old white ladies just fine." He cupped the back of her head. "Go on, girl. Give him a kiss." Willy laughed. "You do, he’ll love you forever."

Debbie swallowed hard. She looked up. Willy smiled down at her, stroking her hair.

Oh God. What am I doing?

Debbie squeezed her eyes shut, and opened her mouth wide.

"Oh, fuck yeah."

Willy pushed with his hips. The head of his cock slipped into her mouth, filling it completely. It was hot and pulsing, and she licked it. Willy used her ears as handles and pulled her face closer. Debbie gagged as he slid further in, pushing himself down her throat. Her jaw cracked loudly, and then Willy was talking to her.

"That’s a good white bitch. Suck the big, black, donkey dick. That’s right, baby." He worked himself slowly into her mouth, in-and-out, in-and-out. Ropes of spit oozed out of her mouth and dripped down her chin as he fucked her face. "Oh, yeah. You like it like that, baby? You like suckin’ that big, black cock?"

Debbie felt herself getting hot. Willy pushed himself all the way into her mouth and held her face against his pubes. She couldn’t breathe. He used her ears and wiggled her face against him. Debbie’s hands shoved at his hips, but he held her tightly in place.

"Oh, fuck. That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Hell, yes."

"Mmm-mmm-mmm!" Debbie started to jerk, trying to get air, and he eased up for a second, then started pumping her face, hard and fast. His balls smacked into her chin as he fucked her. "MMM-MMM-MMM!"

"C’mon bitch. I wanna see you play with yourself while I fuck your face." Slap-slap-slap. "Do it. Rub that pink fucking pussy. C’mon."

Debbie groped for the hem of her skirt, and pulled it up around her waist. She slipped her hand under the waistband of her pantyhose and into her panties, past her thatch of pubic hair, and found her pussy.

Slap-slap-slap. "Shove those fingers in your snatch, bitch."

Debbie did what she was told, first one finger, then two, then three. She shoved them inside herself in time with his thrusts.

"AwwHooo." Willy stopped suddenly, and pulled out of her mouth with a jerk. "Awright. Time to cum in the white bitch’s pussy."

Debbie was gasping for air. Willy picked Debbie up easily and bent her over the counter, pushing her head into the sink. He shoved her skirt back up over her ass, then unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. He grabbed a handful of Debbie’s nylons and panties, and ripped. She was getting scared.

"Oh shit, please...Willy, be careful…"

"Shut the hell up." He spanked her ass, leaving a red, hand-shaped mark on her butt-cheek. He smacked his dick on her butt, stuck the tip between her legs, and wiggled his hips in a circle until the head of his dick lodged in her pussy.

"Willy, please…"

"Here we go, bitch, ready or not!"

Willy rammed his cock into her as hard as he could, all the way in, smacking her ass with his belly as he pierced her; like a hot, thick needle punching into her cunt.

Debbie screamed.

And then she came.

Just like that.

Willy bent over her and wrapped his arms around her. His hands cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples through her bra. He pulled her blouse open all the way down to her waist and yanked on her hair while he fucked her. Her legs turned weak and wobbly. Debbie thought the only thing keeping her up was his dick shoved a foot deep in her cunt. He never stopped talking while he fucked her.

"That’s a good, tight snatch, white bitch."

"I’m gonna spooge right into your old pussy."

"After this, I’m fittin’ ta bust a nut in your fat ass, too, ya old bitch."

Debbie came again. Willy pulled out and forced himself into her ass, whispering awful, nasty things to her the whole time. He fingered her pussy and her clit.

Debbie screamed again as he punched into her rectum.

"Move, Goddammit!"

He smacked her butt, pushing and pulling her by ass, making her work. Debbie moaned and ground her rear end against him in a slow circle. Her ass muscles began to relax, letting him slip further inside.

"That’s right baby."


"Uh. Right there."


"Harder. C’mon, bitch. Faster."


And she came. Again.

And again.

It took Willy almost another half hour to ‘bust his nut.’

By then, he had Debbie on the floor with her face buried into the carpet, begging for him to cum inside her. He was grinding his dick painfully around in her ass, and when he finally came, he squeezed her breasts until they hurt. He let out a loud groan, jerked a few times, and then shoved her roughly off his cock and fell back against the counter.

They stayed like that, breathing hard, until they heard the office door open, and Sharon’s voice.

"Hello? Anyone here?"


Sharon was already heading down the hall to her office. She barely glanced over at Debbie. "That sounds fantastic. Will you bring me a cup?"

"Uh, sure. Okay, I...Eee-oowp!"

Debbie jumped. Willy was grinning up at her. He’d inched over to her and slid his hand back up her skirt. She smacked his hand away and whispered, "Knock it off!"

Sharon looked back from her door. "What?"

Debbie smiled. "Hmn? Oh, nothing."

Sharon nodded and stepped into her office. Debbie started to shake. Willy played with his cock, still slick with her juice.

"Oh, God. That was close." She poured a cup of coffee into Sharon’s favorite mug. "Will you put that thing away? My God. My boss is here."

"Why?" Willy stood up and let his cock hang. "Heh-heh. Maybe she’ll want a bite outta little Willy, too. I got more’n enough dark meat to split between two horny old white ‘ho’s."

Debbie stared at him for a second, and then shook her head. She smoothed out her rumpled skirt and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh. Oh, no."

She was a mess. Debbie groaned and tried to fix her hair again, then gave up and let it hang down to her shoulders. Her skirt was skewed, pulled halfway around her hips, She’d buttoned her blouse wrong, and a large patch of the material was damp from her saliva.

"Oh, shit."

Debbie ran some cold water on a towel and frantically patted her red, sweaty face, then re-buttoned her blouse and gave herself another once-over.


She looked at Willy, who had moved to a chair, lounging at the break table.

"Don’t forget to get her to okay the work." He flopped his dick at her. "Then why don’t you come back here for some sloppy seconds?"

"Don’t you know when to quit?" Exasperated.

"Don’t need no attitude from you, bitch. You don’t get her signature, I’ll just leave now."

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Oh, Jesus. Fine."

Debbie took the coffee and spun out of the room, grabbing the clipboard with all the paperwork as she stormed by her desk. She muttered to herself on the way down the hall, and found Sharon seated at her desk, scanning through a ream of legal documents.

Sharon had taken off her coat and hung it on the coat rack, and her purse was on the leather couch next to her desk. She’d turned on the heat in her office; hot air gushed into the room from the floor vents.

"Cold outside?"

Sharon didn’t answer. Debbie put on a smile, set the coffee on Sharon’s desk, and tried to ignore the warm air blowing up her skirt. The breeze tickled her crotch, making her uncomfortably wet. She wondered if Sharon could smell the sex on her.


"Mm?" Sharon didn’t look up.

"Uh, The service paperwork needs your signature."

Sharon nodded and uncapped a pen. Debbie handed her the clipboard. Sharon signed, handed it back, and never looked away from her work.



"Okay, then. Enjoy the coffee. I’ll let you get back to work."


Debbie backed out of the room. She knew this Sharon mood. She must be working on a new hardship case. Debbie had a feeling that Sharon would sit at her desk until the sun came up, unless there was an earthquake or she needed to pee. She doubted that the coffee would even get touched.

She carried the clipboard back to the break room. Willy was still in the chair, talking on his big orange phone, and his dick was still hanging out of his pants.

"Hey, hold on a sec, man. The bitch is back."

Debbie stared at him.

"Thought you were gonna bring me some dessert."

She shook her head and marched over, tossing the clipboard onto the table. Willy looked at it, shuffled through the papers. He put the phone back to his ear, wiggled his eyebrows at Debbie, and gestured to his cock. She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. He grinned.

"Hey, ‘yo. Signed and delivered, man." He listened. "Yep." Debbie turned to go, but he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards him. "Hey! We ain’t done yet."


Debbie tried to pull away, but Willy yanked her down to her knees and pulled her between his legs. His dick was already snaking up towards his belly.

"She’s right here. Yeah." He chuckled into the phone. "Yep. She sucks a mean dick, man." He put the phone on his shoulder and grabbed her by the hair again. "C’mon, bitch. I’m getting’ horny again. Open that sexy goddamn mouth and suck me off."

Debbie’s face turned a deep shade of red. He wants me to blow him while he’s talking about me to someone on the fucking phone.

"But, Sharon, my boss…" The tip of his dick hovered around at her lips, twitching. "She’s just in the other room. What…what if she comes in?"

"Shit. I said, if she wants some, there be plenty for her too." Willy cupped the back of her head with his free hand. "Now c’mon, bitch. I’m on the fuckin’ phone, and this shit’s important."

His penis twitched erect, and the tip of his cock brushed her face. Debbie wrapped her hands around the base of his cock and smiled. "My name’s Debbie."

"Yeah. Right. Debbie." He yanked her hair impatiently. "C’mon, Debbie."

Debbie swallowed him with a sigh, her pussy wet and waiting for him. When did I turn into such a slut? She wondered.

"About fuckin’ time. Shee-it."

Sharon never left her office, and didn’t bother them at all.


At half-past five, Debbie peeked back into Sharon’s office and cleared her throat.

"Hey. It’s closing time."

"Oh." Sharon looked at the clock, surprised, and leaned her chair back. "Okay. You go ahead. I’m going to stay late tonight. Lock up?"

"Sure. Anything else"

"Did everything get fixed okay?"

"Uh-huh. I guess so." Debbie grinned. "I’ve gotta go catch my bus. Drive careful on your way home. It’s supposed to get nasty tonight. It’s already really cold out."

"Okay. You have a good night."

"See you next week. Happy holidays."

Debbie left Sharon at her desk. She rubbed at her jaw as she walked back to the lobby. Her legs felt unsteady, and her crotch ached, but she was smiling like a fool. She couldn’t help it. Debbie put on her coat and grabbed her bag, then punched in her alarm code for the front doors, unlocked them and stepped outside. It was already dark out, and cold. Willy was there, smoking a tiny cigar and leaning against his work van. He grinned when he saw her.

"What are you still doing here?" She locked the doors behind her.

"Waitin’ for you."

"Jeez." Debbie dropped her keys in her bag. "Uh, look. Today was really…fun. But right now, I need to catch my bus." She shivered. "God. It’s freezing out here."

"Why don’t I give you a lift? I got the van right here, already warmed up and everything."

"Huh." Debbie crossed her arms and stared at him, tapping her toe on the pavement. A snowflake drifted past her nose, and she made her decision. "Oh. Fine."

"Don’t say thanks or nuthin’."

He held out his arm for her, and Debbie broke into a grin.

"Here, c’mon ‘round this side. We gotta get in through the sliding door."


Debbie smiled at Willy as they walked around the van.

"So, did you mean all that stuff you talked while we, uh, y’know…"

"You mean, the ‘bitch’ this, and ‘bitch’ that, ‘suck my fucking dick you old cunt’, all that sorta stuff?"

"Yeah. Is that just…I don’t know…kinky for you?" She looked at the ground, and another snowflake plopped on the tip of her nose. "I mean, it sorta turned me on. Well, it really turned me on. But…"

Willy stopped and unlatched the van door. He slid the door open. "Yeah, bitch." His eyes had gone cold and hard. "I did." He blew a puff of smoke into her face. Debbie coughed, and waved the smoke away.

She froze. "What…?"

Three big men wearing masks were in the van, waiting. One of the men had a video camera. Willy grinned down at her. "I meant every goddamn fucking word."

Someone grabbed her from behind, and a huge, powerful hand clamped around her face and pressed a smelly rag hard over her mouth and nose. Debbie got a big whiff of chemicals, and her eyes watered and her head swam. She was picked up and shoved into the waiting arms of the masked men, who threw her onto the vans dirty floor.

"Have fun, bitch."

Willy slammed the door, muffling Debbie’s screams as the men began ripping off her clothes.


Anne’s meeting ran later than she expected, and when she was finally able to sneak out of the courthouse, snow had started to fall. Her stomach rumbled. For dinner, Anne had only been able to scarf a handful of potato chips that she’d bought from a vending machine, and now she was absolutely starving.


Anne crossed the street at the light, then she jaywalked and cut diagonally through two lanes of backed-up traffic on the next street over to get to the parking structure where she’d left her car.

I’m breakin’ the law

Always the rebel. She dodged around a few more cars stuck in the rush hour sprawl, causing a more than a few angry drivers to honk their horns. One fat guy with a grubby baseball cap was moved enough to roll his window down and scream something really nasty about the female gender.

Sharon would’ve gone over to the truck and read the a-hole his rights.

Not Anne.

She sweetly flipped him off and took the elevator up to her car without a word. She shared the elevator with a bum who had passed out, snoring in a puddle of urine. A flood of vomit stained the front his t-shirt. Anne wasn’t all that sure that either the pee or the barf was his. Probably, but you never know. She wrinkled her nose at the smell, stared up at the floor numbers and ignored him, feeling guilty.

The smell followed her out of the elevator. When she got in her car, Anne opened all the windows as far as they’d go, turned the heater to fan and cranked it up high. She sat for a minute, then drove halfway home in the freezing cold before rolling the windows up. She could still smell the bum. Anne lifted her arm and sniffed the sleeve of her coat.

"Oh! Pee-heeuw! She made a face. "Gotta do my dry-cleaning." She rubbed her nose. The smell had absorbed into her clothes. "First thing Monday morning."

At home, Anne turned into the driveway she shared with her neighbors, the Laddingtons. The driveway split at the back of their houses and led to separate detached garages. A white van was parked in their side of the driveway, quiet.

Huh. That’s new.

She eased her car past the back corner of the van. It was a tight squeeze, and she tried to be extra careful not to scrape her side mirror. The security flood light mounted on the side of her house flared on, bathing her car in a bright yellow light. Anne used the light to find her remote and opened her garage door. She stuck the remote back in her console and drove into the garage, letting the door close automatically behind her.

Anne turned off the ignition, grabbed her keys, her briefcase and her bouquet, and let herself out of the garage through the side door. Across the driveway, the Laddingtons house was dark and empty, except for one light on in their living room.

Where did they go for Christmas this year?

Anne tried to remember as she unlocked her back door and let herself in. The Laddington’s had asked her to watch the house and feed their cats while they were gone, like always.

Was it

Anne flicked on the lights and stepped into her kitchen.

She carefully set the flowers down and dropped her briefcase on the counter. , she reminded herself to remind herself, and then immediately shrugged out of her coat, letting it drop in a pool on the floor. She sniffed her suit jacket and her blouse and squinched her nose at the sour smell that clung to her. She kicked off her shoes, and the rest of her outfit followed. Anne stood in her kitchen naked, shivering and wondering what to do next.

Gotta get these in some water

Dinner or shower? Hmm. Shower or Dinner?

Anne’s stomach growled, but the shower won out. No way could she eat if she still smelled like pee and puke. She turned the water in the shower on to hot and let it run, then she sat on the toilet and farted.

Anne giggled. Maybe that’s why you can’t get stay in a relationship, honey. You fart too much.

She wiped and flushed, then waited a second for the blast of cold water to pass through the pipes before she stepped into the shower. She turned the water as hot as it would go and let it blast down on her neck and shoulders, easing her cramped muscles.

Anne slowly relaxed and bathed, soaping and washing her hair twice. She even washed behind her ears.

For you mom

Anne rinsed and turned the water off, pulled a fresh, soft towel from the rack and patted herself dry, then wrapped her hair up in the towel. Her stomach growled again as she was brushing her teeth. She patted her belly and spit, talking to herself in the mirror.

"Right. Hold your horses."

She found her nightgown right on the bed where she’d left it. The bed was still empty. And now the sheets were cold, too.

She found that depressing.

Anne realized that she was upset. The flowers had been such a nice surprise that she hadn’t realized that she’d neither seen or spoken with Sharon all day long.

Dammit, she never called me back

At least she’d heard Sharon’s voice when she called to leave the message inviting her to dinner. She figured the flowers had been a sort of peace offering, Sharon’s way of apologizing after their last blowup. Annie was hoping she could return the sentiment.

Oh, Sharon. I’m so sorry. Please call.

Deep in her heart, Anne was sure that Sharon had turned to Michelle for comfort. She knew it instinctively; she felt the energy between them every day at the office.

It was killing her.


Hector unlocked the door to his dark apartment and pushed it open. He had spent the entire night washing the wall-to-wall carpeting in Sharon Chapman and Anne Laird’s office, and he was weary and ready for sleep. He kicked a small pile of mail that had been dropped through the mail slot, scattering bills and other junk across the threadbare carpet.

One package caught his eye, and his heart began hammering around in his chest. Hectors breath quickened, and he picked the package up. He ignored the rest of the mail. If this package was what he hoped, soon the bills and the squalor he lived in would no longer matter. Hector tossed his coat onto a chair and sat down at his table.

He was ready to finish this ugly business so he could finally return home. Hector missed his family, his real life; he hated this place, everything about it, and having to work like a slave.


His brother’s name echoed in his head like a litany. Hector had made a promise before he died, and he would not forsake his word.


Hector picked up the little photo from the counter. The pain of his brother’s death was still fresh; like an old wound that wouldn’t stop bleeding. It had been almost three years since his brother’s murder.

Three years since he had come to America to punish Sharon Chapman and Ann Laird.


Michelle asserted herself immediately after Sharon and Anne had hired her on as a partner. Months ago, Michelle had urged Sharon to accept a new abuse case. Anne was sure Michelle only wanted to take on the client only because they were wealthy. It would be great for the firm, and it looked extremely profitable, she said.

For the firm

Anne poured herself a glass of wine. To help herself relax. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Yeah. Sure. And if you believe that, I’ve got this bridge…

Anne had disagreed with the choice from the start. It was one of the very few times in their professional relationship that she and Sharon had been at odds with each other. Privately, they argued about it constantly, until finally, Sharon had stormed out of the house for good. Anne thought she’d moved back into her old place. Turned out that wasn’t the case. Michelle drove her to work the next day.

Things hadn’t been right between them since.

Sharon avoided Anne for months, playing tennis in the morning and scheduling her appointments early when Anne was in the office, then coming in to work during the afternoons when she knew Anne was in court. In the end, Anne had given in, but Sharon had already taken the client on.

Anne ground her teeth. Michelle. I think I hate her.

"Oh well." Anne brushed a wisp of hair out of her eyes. "There’s nothing that a nice glass of wine and a big bowl of ice cream won’t fix."

Anne unwound the towel from her damp hair and laid it over the back of the chair at her dressing table, and began to brush out her hair. She was just slipping on the nightgown when her doorbell rang.

"Who the hell could that be?"

She glanced at her alarm clock. Eight-thirty. Not too late. Maybe Sharon had left the office and snuck over with some pizza. Anne thought that sounded divine. They could split the rest of the wine and share the ice cream.

The doorbell rang again.

"Coming!" She shouted, excited now. "I’ll be right there!"

Visions of warm, cheesy pizza and gooey, melted chocolate dripping over vanilla bean ice cream filled her head. Anne was so thrilled, so sure it was Sharon that she didn’t bother to check the peephole in her door; she just threw the door open, leaned out, and then blinked in surprise at the man standing on her porch.

"Oh! What…what are you doing here?

A sharp gust of wind blew the hem of her light silk nightgown, making it billow up around her thighs. Her nipples puckered and poked out from under the thin material.

The man leered at her.

"Y’know, you should really lock your back door when you come in. It ain’t safe not to. Smile for the camera, bitch."

He was holding a video camera and pointing it right at her. Anne realized that he was filming her, standing in her doorway dressed only in her nightgown, and she blushed.

She shook her head a little, trying to shake off the cobwebs from the wine.


He laughed at her, and then an arm circled her waist and a hand clamped over her mouth with an iron grip. Anne tried to scream, and a sickly-sweet chemical smell filled her nostrils.

I didn’t lock the back door

Anne started to struggle, flailing her arms and legs wildly, but the man holding her simply tightened his grip and pulled her back into the dark living room. The man on the porch grinned and followed them inside, quietly shutting the door.

"Shit. That was easy."


Anne was dizzy, disoriented from the chemicals soaked into the rag. The man behind her dropped her, retching, onto the floor, and Anne wondered if they were going to rape her.

"Please…l-leave me a-alone…"

They both laughed.

The men her gagged her, stuffing the pair of dirty panties that she’d taken off earlier in the kitchen roughly into her mouth, and wound the leg of her nylons around her head, tying the feet together tightly behind the nape of her neck. They used some heavy plastic zip-ties to bind her hands behind her back. Then they lifted her as easily as if she were a child, and carried her through the house and out the back door to the van.

"C’mon. Hurry up."

The security light didn’t go on this time; the men’s shoes crunched through broken glass as they carried Anne outside, still kicking.

"Damn. She’s a feisty bitch."

"Fuck it. Hit her ‘till she stops."

They slapped her, knocking her face back and forth, until sparks of light went off behind her eyes. Anne groaned into the gag, and stopped kicking. Blood seeped from her nose and dripped down the front of her nightgown.

"Shit." The man with the camera shook his hand. "That hurt."


"Fuck you."

Anne was picked up again, and they carried her quickly down the driveway. The van’s side door rolled open and the engine started as soon as Anne was dropped inside.

"Here go, kids. Enjoy."

Several more men were waiting in the van. They wore ski masks, and masks made out of nylon stockings. The man with the video camera jumped into the van and slammed the door shut. The men surrounded Anne. One of them held a syringe up and gave the plunger an ominous squeeze, sending a squirt of pale liquid out of the needle.

Anne’s bloodshot eyes went wide with panic.

The men smiled behind their masks and pinned her to the floor of the vehicle. The needle was plunged deep in her arm.

The gag muffled Anne’s screams.

The large man plopped into the front with the driver, making the van lurch with his weight. Together, they turned to watch the struggle through a peephole cut into the cab.

In the back, the men held Anne down until she stopped screaming and jerking, then they unwound the pantyhose and removed the gag from her mouth.

"Here it comes."

The driver nodded at the observation.

Anne vomited, retched again, then passed out. She was dragged to the front of the van where an old blanket was draped over her limp body.

"Gotta love the first time somebody tries smack."


The large man wrinkled his nose with distaste, then turned to the driver and lit a cigar. "Almost finished now. Just one more, and then we can have some fun before we get paid."

In answer, the driver just smiled and started the van.



The real American Dream.

It’s what this country was founded on. A simple word, yet it means so much.



For all. Not just the few.

Generations of immigrants have braved countless hardships to travel to these shores. Searching for something so simple.

A new life.

A new beginning.


Seated at his table and lost in bitter memories, Hector wept quietly for his brother.


Hector had always been content with his life. He wanted for nothing: drugs, women, money; his needs were simple, and the political and military corruption in his country provided everything he ever wanted. When he came of age, Hector immersed himself in the violent life and took those things he wanted by force.

But not Arturo.

He hated the drugs and the rape, the killing and the corruption; what he called the murder of his soul. Arturo spent his nights dreaming of America and his days speaking of little else. The stories that were told of the Promised Land lured him like a sirens call.

When he turned seventeen, Arturo decided to chase his dreams. Hector could have sent him to America in comfort, like a prince. But Arturo wanted more, he needed to understand. He had to experience the hardship, the struggle of his people.

So he left his home and his family and began the long, dangerous trek across the border. Many strong men die attempting that voyage, even now in this day and age, or are caught and sent home, disgraced.

Somehow, after long weeks, Arturo made it.

He sent a constant stream of letters home, telling Hector and their family of America, the land of the free. He wrote that he had found a job working as a dishwasher in a small restaurant and a place to live. And he confided in Hector that he’d met a woman. Arturo’s English was very poor and at first, he struggled. But a waitress at the restaurant helped him. They fell in love, and a few months later, they had a baby girl.

They named the baby Emma.

Arturo said they were happy. For a while.

Months passed, and one day Arturo came home from work early. He’d been promoted to a line cook at the restaurant and the owners had given him a pay raise. He wanted to celebrate, and on his walk home he’d stopped and bought Isabella flowers. Arturo was whistling when he opened his door.

His life ended when he stepped inside.

Emma was lying naked on the floor of their little apartment, screaming, covered in her piss and feces, an empty bottle beside her on the floor. Isabelle was on her knees, kneeling against the couch; with a greasy, tattooed man fucking her from behind, like a she was a dog in heat.

They ignored Emma and her cries.

Isabelle’s eyes were vacant and unseeing. A used syringe was broken on the floor. A clear plastic pipe had fallen from Isabelle’s nerveless fingers, and lay on the floor next to Emma, still hot and smoking. Emma had tried to reach her bottle, but found the pipe instead, and red, puss-filled blisters had burst out on her poor, tiny fingers.

Arturo had seen crack before, both at home, when he and Hector were homeless children living in the street, and in the flop houses where he had slept when he first came to America. He knew the evils of the drug. He knew Isabelle was an addict. She told him after they met, when they began dating.

Arturo didn’t care. He loved her anyway. But when they learned that Isabelle was pregnant, Arturo asked her to stop. He begged her.

And she promised.

So when Arturo opened his door and found his wife and child, he flew into a mindless rage. He beat the man until he ran from the house, naked and bleeding. And then he turned his rage on Isabelle. He hit and kicked her until she cowered in a corner, then he took Emma, and he left, swearing to Isabelle that she would never see them again.

That was his mistake. He never should have left.

Neighbors called the police about a domestic disturbance. The police came and interviewed Isabelle a day later. She concocted her story, and the police decided Arturo had kidnapped his daughter, and was in danger of fleeing the country. On their advice, Isabelle hired the law firm of Sharon Chapman and Anne Laird to represent her in a custody suit. Chapman and Laird, the police told her, had established a reputation of taking on these types of domestic cases; incidents where a wife or a child had been abused or raped.

And Isabelle told more lies.

The police picked up Arturo and Emma at the restaurant, when he went in to pick up his paycheck. Arturo was arrested without a fight, processed and sent to jail to await trial.

Emma was taken into protective custody.

In court, Sharon Chapman convinced the judge and jury that Arturo had forced Isabelle to take drugs and prostitute herself, and who often raped his own child. She wove stories, describing to the court in grisly detail the atrocities that he had perpetrated on his family.

Again and again during the trial, Chapman directed the jury’s attention to Arturo, enforcing their suspicion that he was the monster she described. When she was called as a witness, under oath, Isabelle claimed that when he kidnapped Emma, Arturo intended on selling the baby for money, or God only knew what else.

They called him evil.

Arturo had no money. He barely spoke English. No real lawyer would represent him, and the women lawyers that represented Isabelle were very persuasive with their lies.

He had no chance.

A judge convicted him of all the heinous crimes he had been accused of, and sentenced him to more than twenty years in prison. And they made sure that he would never see his daughter again. Isabelle smiled as Arturo was led from the courtroom, and she celebrated, hugging her lawyers. Sharon Chapman herself handed Emma back into Isabelle’s needle-pricked arms.

Her wicked smile was the last thing Arturo saw before he was taken away.

In prison, Arturo wrote to Hector. He claimed that Isabella had been his one, true love, and his love had blinded him while she cut out his heart.

Isabelle had stolen everything; his daughter, his self-respect and pride. His honor.

Less than a month later, Arturo learned that both Isabelle and Emma had died in a fire. The fire had started in a drug house. The house was owned by the man Arturo had caught fucking his Isabelle, and beaten. The inhabitants had been too stoned to escape.

That day, Arturo lost what little was left of his soul.

The other inmates understood none of this. In prison, child molesters are reviled by the rest of the populace. Arturo was hurt badly, day after day, by men who had raped and killed. The irony was not lost on him, that Isabelle was still torturing him, even from beyond the grave. He tried to tell the truth of what had happened to anyone who he hoped would listen. He tried to fight back. It only made his life worse.

Arturo began to despair. He again wrote to Hector, begging him to come to America. Hector swore to his brother that he would help, that he would come and make the people who did this pay.

The next day, another inmate killed Arturo in his cell, stabbing him in the chest, over and over, with a homemade knife. The guards found Arturo much later, lying on the floor of his cell in a pool of blood. They called for a medic and watched him bleed.

No one would say who actually killed him.


It took Hector some time to arrange travel to the United States. When he finally arrived, he went directly to the prison to claim Arturo’s body. When he saw his brother’s corpse, Hector closed off his heart to the pain, until it was like a live thing trapped inside him, eating at him. He bottled up the rage. It would have to wait.

He wasn’t sure what he should do next. In his country, to resolve this matter would be simple. Hector would simply have had the people responsible for his brother’s death brought to him, then tortured and killed. But he couldn’t do that here. As powerful as he was at home, he had few friends here. He had to wait for an opportunity, to develop a plan.

So he claimed his brothers few possessions from the authorities, and he moved into the same small apartment where Arturo had lived with Isabelle and Emma. He had Arturo’s body returned home, away from this awful place. Just a few days later, Arturo’s attorney, a court-appointed lawyer, contacted Hector.

Hector went to meet him, and he was given a sealed manila envelope. When Hector asked what it was, the attorney just shrugged.

"Dunno. Open it and see."

Hector returned to the tiny apartment and opened the envelope. By the time he finished reading, he was smiling.

Before he died, Arturo had found a way to get his revenge.


Arturo didn’t want Susan Chapman or Anne Laird dead. That would have been a simple thing; Hector had killed before, men and women; it was the same to him. Easy.

No, Arturo wanted the lawyers, and anyone who had worked for them punished. He wanted them to be humiliated and ruined, raped and beaten, their lives destroyed, just as his had been. Somehow while he was in prison, Arturo had learned of the Fantasies, Inc. people, and their capabilities. It seemed that they would and could do almost anything. For a price.

Arturo laid his plans carefully. It would be expensive, he knew, and he did not have access to the funds he would need. But he found a way it might work.

First, somehow Hector had to get close to the lawyers, get them to trust him. So he swallowed his pride and gone to work for them as a janitor.

A fucking, piece of shit janitor

He’d worked his ass off for them, biding his time and learning where they lived, their habits, their secrets. He learned where they each kept their money, and where the accounts for the firm where. He worked and watched, and slowly and surely they began to confide in him. When he though he’d learned enough, he sent Arturo’s plan to the Fantasy website, and waited.

Nothing happened. Hector began to think he’d been scammed. But he held onto a small hope that he would not let go. Not until that arrogant bitch had been properly punished.

Hector hated slaving for the lawyer cunt and her partner. Hated them for what they had done to his brother and his family. His own honor had been disgraced, working like a common pig for the bitch. So, every day for the past six months he had come home from work and checked his email account, and every day he had been disappointed.

But now…

Hector turned the padded envelope over in his hands. His name and his address were neatly printed in the middle of the package. There was nothing else to find. No label or return address; nothing. He took a small pocket knife from his trousers and slit open the sealed flap. He shook the contents out onto the table.

He peeked inside the envelope to make sure it was empty, and tossed it away. On the table in front of him was a stack of silver computer disks and a plain envelope with the Fantasies, Inc. logo printed in gold in the middle. Each disk was sealed in a plastic case, and labeled with a woman’s first name, two disks each.

He picked up the envelope and tore it open.


At your earliest convenience please check your email for a complete set of instructions, as well as a link to your new, personal web site to monitor the progress of your fantasy. You have our absolute assurance that your website is totally private and completely secure.

You may be contacted with further updates. Please find included with this notification a bonus set of disks; our free gift to you.

We hope you enjoy your special gift.


Fantasies, Inc.

Hector read the note, and a second later he was on the internet, checking his email. He brought up his account, half expecting not to find anything.

But there it was. Just one message, but that was enough to send a current of excitement through his body. He clicked with the mouse and read his message, a short version of the note from the envelope, with a link attached. He clicked on the link, and waited.

The page loaded quickly. On the main page, another link in a fancy script read: Welcome to your fantasy. Underneath that, in smaller type, was a flashing: Click here.

Hector clicked.

The next page was divided and boxed into quarters; each box contained a separate link, the first name of a woman; the same first names were printed on each of the disks that were included in the package.

Hector knew those names. He briefly wondered why there were four. There was a message at the top of the page.

All flashing links are live feeds, filmed in real time. You can choose to save your favorite video feeds in your free, additional website space for later viewing. You can also edit your saved files using the software provided online, then download and save the files on your hard drive or other media for your continued enjoyment. Make your own movies, screen savers, and more!

Three of the links were flashing, with a steady red pulse.

Debbie. Michelle. Anne.

Hector chose a name at random, pointed the mouse, clicked, and the page changed again. He stared at his screen. Dozens of new links, divided and grouped under headings.

At home, In the car, At the office, Saved files, etc.

The At home link was flashing. Hector clicked.


And suddenly, live and in color, with sound that was clear as a bell, Hector was watching Debbie Jones, taking her morning shower. He watched as she lathered shampoo through her bleached-blonde hair, and listened to her hum quietly, as soapy, steaming hot water ran over her huge breasts, down her back and her belly, past her mound and down her legs.

Hector gasped in pleasure. He felt an erection trying to burst from his trousers. In his excitement, he knocked over his chair when he stood and dropped his pants.

He straightened the chair and sat back down with his pants bunched in a puddle around his ankles and his cock throbbing in his hand.

He jacked off while Debbie finished her shower and dried off. He watched her pat her pale skin dry with a fluffy white towel, then wrapped it in her hair, like a turban. She brushed her teeth and left the bathroom.

On his screen, a message popped up.

Camera auto-follow between rooms? Yes/No?He clicked on yes.

The camera view switched to a bedroom. Debbie had taken the towel off and tossed it on her bed, and was pulling on a tiny pair of lacy black panties. She had her back turned towards the camera, giving Hector a nice view of her plump ass. His dick throbbed, and then another message popped up.

Did you know? You can use your mouse to scroll between camera angles. Give it a try. Click the edge of the window to view a new frame.

Hector clicked the top of the screen, and suddenly Debbie’s tits filled the entire monitor, large as life, like he could just reach out and grab them.

Click and hold the right mouse button, then move the mouse to adjust and focus between different camera angles

He clicked and rolled the mouse back towards the edge of the table, until he could see Debbie’s whole room again.


He laughed when she lost her balance and fell on her ass. Debbie swore. She’d fallen with her legs up in the air and the panties dangling around one of her knees. Hector used the mouse to zoom in again, giving him a nice look at her snatch. Bushy.

Debbie grunted and struggled to her feet. He watched, spellbound, as she dressed for work, slipping on a bra and nylon stockings, then a nice skirt and blouse. The camera went black when she left the house, then switched to a shot of Debbie walking to her car. She unlocked the car, and another message popped up.

Continue filming? Yes/No


His cock was bored now. Time to try someone else. Hector backed out. The link he wanted was still dead, so instead he chose Michelle.


The screen refreshed. Hectors’ eyes popped open, and his cock perked right back up. Michelle, shot from above and behind, was leaning over her bathroom counter with her ass up in the air, putting on lipstick. Her jet-black hair was still wet from the shower, black and glistening with moisture. She was dressed in a lacy satin bra and a pair of matching panties.

Talking a mile a minute, another, older woman entered the bathroom and stepped into the shower. Hector used the mouse to zoom in on her face.


Hector jacked off as she bathed, and slumped back in his chair when he blew his load onto the linoleum. Sharon finished with her shower. Michelle dressed for work in a blue suit and a white silk blouse. She clipped on a pair of pearl earrings, smiled, and pressed her body tightly against Sharon’s.

A look of euphoria stole over Sharon’s face. She shut her eyes and smiled as Michelle lightly cupped her breasts and kissed the nape of her neck. She ran her hand through Michelle’s hair, and they clung to each other, swaying gently. Then Sharon turned and the women embraced, two lovers, kissing passionately.

His penis twitched again, and rose back to attention. I did not realize. But this is…this is very fine.

Hector spent the rest of the morning at his computer, happily exploring the feeds that had been collected over the past couple weeks and the disks that had been included with his package.


Lost in her drug-induced euphoria, Sharon had no idea how long they raped her. She barely remembered any of it after the drugs took effect, except that at some point her body betrayed her and she began responding to the sex. She remembered hearing a grunt of surprise from one of the men while he fucked her. She’d suddenly wrapped her legs around his back and started bucking uncontrollably underneath him and she came with a loud cry, sending a torrent of warm fluid squirting over his thighs. He backhanded her face and called her a horny cunt, then went back to fucking her.

Everything else was bits and pieces.

Once, she recognized Annie’s face, tight with pain, shoved against a muscular belly. She was stripped naked and gagging, with ropes of spit and vomit dangling from her chin, her cheeks and slim neck bulging from the thick cock that was slamming in and out of her mouth. Sharon noticed other, fuzzy shapes and voices, the wet, slurping sound of sex, men grunting and women gasping with pain and crying from shame. The sounds all seemed muffled and distorted, as if they were far away.

The men liked to fuck her two or three at a time. One man would fuck her and pull out, and then another would immediately take his place. The Mountain was the worst. He liked to rip into her ass with his enormous cock, fuck her, and then make her swallow him until he came, shooting his load while he was buried deep in her throat.

Sharon thought the ordeal would be over relatively quickly, but it seemed like it went on for hours. She realized there was no natural way the rapists could be that potent. The men must have taken some kind of drug not long before.

The van drove slowly, rarely slowing, and the motion of the vehicle was almost comforting. Every once in a while, Sharon felt them ease to a stop, probably for lights, and she even thought that she heard a police siren once, right next to them. She tried to scream then, but the men around her just laughed and a cock was pushed into her mouth. At some point the drugs they gave her began to wear off, and she felt the pain of her torn, battered body: the sharp pain running up her jaw and down her neck, her bruised breasts, the torn flesh of her rectum and vagina, the bites on her nipples and neck and shoulders. The men had taken her jewelry, but they never bothered to remove her clothes; now the material just hung from her in torn scraps.

Eventually the van slowed and came to a stop. Sharon was thrown onto her belly on the floor, facing the van door, and her arms were locked behind her back. Annie was beside her, staring vacantly into space. Next to her, Debbie was kneeling on all fours, still being fucked by two men. They came quickly and shoved her to the floor, handcuffing her while cum still glistened on their cocks.

Sharon glanced around, her drugged mind beginning to work again. Debbie. Annie. Someone was missing.


she thought. She’s not here. They didn’t get Michelle.

A tinge of hope ran through her as the men dressed. Then the Mountain pulled a cell phone from his coat.

"We’re ready."

The door to the van was unlocked and thrown open. The wind rushed inside, covering the three women with a light blanket of freezing snow and ice. Sharon shivered miserably.

"Here you go, buddy. They’re all yours."

The Mountain and the other men stepped over the women and jumped out of the van. Sharon looked up and gasped in surprise.

Hector stood in the doorway, his face twisted into a mask of hate and lust. His black eyes bored into Sharon’s, and she shivered again, but not from the cold.

The Mountain clapped him on the shoulder, and handed him two small video tapes. "These are on us, m’man, made last night and on the ride. They’ll be available on the net in an hour or two, soon as we get ‘em edited."

Hector nodded, his face changing into a demonic grin as he pocketed the tapes. Sharon looked past the men, trying to see a landmark, figure out were they were. All she could see were a few trees, barely visible behind a wall of white.

"The van’s all gassed up. You got a stash under the front seat, enough heroin to keep the two of ‘em nice and quiet ‘till you get past the border. There’s a map folded in the glove box. Follow the directions and take the marked route down through California. Be at the border at exactly eight o’clock in the morning two days from now. You need to be there on Christmas day. Our man will be there, waiting with a plane. He’ll get you to where you’re going without any problems. You’re on your own after that. Got it?"

Hector nodded. "I understand."

Sharon gasped again. Hector grinned at her. His accent had disappeared. He even seemed larger, taller; a commanding figure instead of the meek little custodian she knew. Out of the corner of her eye, Sharon saw Debbie staring at him too. Annie was still blank; the whites of her eyes showing and blood still oozing from her mashed nose. She seemed catatonic.

The Mountain nodded.

"Right. Now, ‘bout the cash."

Hector finally took his eyes off Sharon. "I thought you figured out how to get it?"

Another voice came from outside, away from Sharon’s point of view; soft, quiet and definitely female.

"We did."

Hector backed up a half-step, and almost bowed. The Mountain smiled, and said, "Hey, love."

Michelle peeked into the van and grinned merrily. She was snuggled into Sharon’s nice, warm cashmere coat. She smiled down at Sharon.

"Sharon! Look at you! You look so cute, tied up like that. Makes me want to eat you up, but..." She slowly licked her ruby lips, then nodded at Hector. "You don’t belong to me anymore."

Hector grinned. Michelle tossed him a set of keys.

"Oh, well. You know what they say. ‘Better to have loved and lost’ and all that garbage. Anyway, Hector, those are for you. Keys to their handcuffs and the van, too. I’ve been driving this big fucking thing around all night, and now it’s all yours."

Hector made the keys disappear into the same pocket as the video tapes.

Michelle wrapped her slim arms around the Mountain. "And pretty soon, I’ll be able to finish work and get back to my sweetie-pie." She looked up and drank in the dark eyes behind the mask. She eased the edge of the mask up past his lips, and they kissed passionately. "Baby, you’re so sweet. I love the coat."

"Thought you might."

The Mountain grinned and they kissed again. Sharon grunted angrily. Michelle finally turned back to the van.

"Well, well. Look at you, all wrapped up like presents under the tree. Merry Christmas, Hector. From all of us at Fantasies, Inc."

"Thank you."

"You like our work?"

"Yes. It was perfect. My brother’s spirit will be able to rest soon. And I…" The look he gave Sharon turned her blood to ice. "I will find my own pleasure." He turned back to the Mountain. "But I do not understand about the money?"

Michelle stepped closer to Sharon and stroked her hair. Sharon jerked her head away, and Michelle slapped her, smacking her face into the floorboard. She grabbed a knot of Sharon’s hair and twisted it in her fist.

"Now, now, now. Is that any way to behave? Hmmn?"

She jerked Sharon’s head back and stuck a finger into her mouth. Her long, painted fingernails dug into the soft roof of Sharon’s mouth as she worked the metal ring free.

"Well, Hector, you see, they couldn’t have done this the easy way. Oh, no. Even after everything I’ve done for the firm, all the money I’ve made for these lovely ladies, none of these cunts ever really trusted me with the passwords for the bank accounts. So…"

She pulled the ring out of Sharon’s mouth and tossed it in the air. The Mountain caught it with a grin. The ring disappeared into a pocket and, once again, the Mountain pulled out his cell phone. Sharon had thought having the ring out of her mouth would be a relief, but she sucked at the cold air, fighting the sudden urge to vomit and the sharp pain running down her jaw.

Hector looked confused. "What?"

"So tonight Sharon’s going to finally tell me what they are." Michelle opened the coat. She was naked underneath, her nipples hard from the cold. She pulled a gleaming blue pistol from an inside pocket and pointed it at Sharon’s head. "Aren’t you, baby?"

"You f-f-fucking b-b-bitch!"

Michelle feigned shocked. "Now, now. No need to get crude, sweet."

"I’m not telling you anything!" Sharon croaked.

"Oh, I think you will."

Michelle cocked back the slide and pressed the barrel of the gun to Sharon’s temple. Sharon lost control of her bladder; warm piss soaked the filthy carpet under her hips.

"Oh, God, please…"

Hector panicked and lunged at Michelle. "No! No! I’m not done with her! I…"

The Mountain caught him easily, and held him still. Michelle smiled gently.

"Sweet, sweet Sharon. He needs you. We can’t call this job finished if I kill you. That’s bad for my reputation. And my employers - my real employers, that is, well, they absolutely hate when a project doesn’t end on a positive note. Gotta keep the customers satisfied, you know what I’m saying? I think you do. And besides all that, we don’t get paid. So I guess I can’t shoot you, now can I?"

Sharon shivered uncontrollably. "Y-you’re in-in-insane."

Michelle dragged the gun hard across Sharon’s face, cutting a furrow along her cheeks. Sharon felt warm blood seep from the cuts as Michelle pointed the gun at Anne’s head. She looked over at Hector, who was staring at her, wide-eyed. Sharon thought he looked as panicked as she felt. Anne never blinked, her eyes still blank, unfocused.

"Hector?" Michelle inclined her head. "What about Anne? You need her too?"

Hector gulped, and nodded frantically. "Yes! Yes! Both of them! Both of those bitches killed my brother! You know I want them both alive!"

"Shit. That’s true. It was all there in your submission, wasn’t it? Very interesting story, by the way. So sad."

Michelle shook her head, feeling the pain. Then:

"Well, anyway. Okay. If you insist, I won’t shoot her. But I don’t think it would be much of a loss, personally."

Michelle made a snorting noise and looked down at Anne.

"Just a pretty face. Awful attorney. Hell, after we accepted this assignment, I barely studied for two weeks before I took the bar exams, and I’m a better lawyer than this twat is, even after what - twenty years?" She snorted again. "I think the old boys just tolerated her to get a piece of her pretty ass once in a while."

Michelle flipped her hair back over her shoulder, and grinned at Sharon.

"You know, she wasn’t even a good fuck. Nice for a quickie, I guess, but boring as all hell. She didn’t even like being tied up. No wonder you got tired of her."

Sharon squirmed, furious. "W-what?"

"Oh, didn’t you know?" Michelle pinched one of Anne’s nipples. "I seduced her just a few weeks ago. She came to my house one night, trying to win you back. I think you were out of town on work. I can’t really remember." Michelle looked off into the snow, remembering. She was jerking on Anne’s tit and letting it fall, then doing it over and over. "She was so drunk. I think she wanted to kill me, actually."

"Leave her alone!"

"If you insist."

Michelle stepped to the end of the door. She grinned at the terrified Debbie, and looked back at Hector.

"We’ve got one more option."

Hector stopped struggling. "Her?"


Hector thought about it for a moment.

"I don’t need her."

Michelle smiled. "Good."

Debbie tried to scream, but it was cut short. Michelle grabbed the pearl necklace still hanging between Debbie’s breasts, and gave it a vicious twist. Debbie’s eyes popped open. She choked and kicked as her air was cut off. Two of the masked men wrestled her out of the van, dumping her roughly onto the frozen ground. They pulled Debbie up into a kneeling position and held her in place as Michelle moved quickly behind her, grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed the gun against the back of her head.

The Mountain dialed a number on his cell phone. A second later he grunted and nodded at Michelle.

"Well, baby?"

Michelle smiled happily at Sharon.

"Would you like to tell me now? I want the passwords for both the corporate accounts, and for all of your personal accounts. I know you know them."

Her voice turned cold.

"Don’t fuck with me, baby, or you’ve got a dead, fat-ass cunt lying here for the police to find, and a coat that belongs to you covered in her blood. We’ll wipe the gun down and put it in your hand. Just for a second. When the police find the murder weapon hidden away, with your fingerprints on it, and then the coat…"

She shrugged.

"Well. I’m sure you’ve put people behind bars with less evidence. And don’t forget, this lovely state has the death penalty."

Michelle looked over at Hector, and smiled.

"A little improv on your scenario, I know. But it works, yes?"

He was completely composed again, and nodded curtly. "Yes."

Sharon finally understood why Michelle was naked under the coat. She could just wash the blood off. No other clothes to dispose of.

"Michelle, please…" She whispered. "Don’t..."

Michelle just smiled and licked her lips. Sharon remembered that face, from the first time she’d seen Michelle in criminal court, going after the jugular of a defending attorney. She only looked that way when she was having fun.

"Ba-bee. We’ve wasted enough time, and my tootsie’s are getting cold. So lets speed this up. I’m going to count to three, and then Fatty here’s dead. One, two…"

Debbie was turning blue. Her entire body was shaking. Sharon didn’t even think twice about telling them the passwords, just blurted out everything she could remember. The Mountain repeated everything into the cell phone, and they waited while Michelle slowly and happily choked Debbie to death.

"Good." The Mountain snapped the cell phone shut. "That’s it. ten-point-six million dollars, transferred to points unknown." He glared at Sharon. "No money, my black ass."

Michelle grinned and turned to Hector.

"Well. It’s been nice working with you, Hector. As a parting gift, you’ll find a bank book in the van with a small balance, thoughtfully contributed to your cause from the now defunct law firm of Chapman and Laird. Enjoy."

She nodded to the Mountain. He pulled two syringes from his pocket, uncapped one, squirted a bit of fluid into the air, found a vein in Anne’s arm and jabbed the needle in. He injected her quickly. Anne’s staring eyes rolled back into her head, exposing the whites. Her body convulsed once and relaxed. Then he turned to Sharon and uncapped the other syringe.

Sharon shook her head and screamed as he twisted her arm. "N-no…!"

She felt a strange warmth flood her arm, and she started to cry. The world around her quickly turned grey. The Mountain slammed the door shut with a clang, and Sharon’s last thought was that Michelle had never let Debbie go.

Then she heard two muffled pops from outside the van, like firecrackers going off, and Michelle’s low, throaty laughter.

Sharon vomited as the heroin hit her nervous system.

She heard a noise, coming closer. A helicopter?

The van’s engine rumbled as it started.

And Sharon’s world went black.



A fat, black fly buzzed incessantly around Sharon’s face, waking her from her stupor.

Sharon groaned and tried to swat at the fly, but her arm didn’t seem to want to move. Something clanked, like metal scraping metal, and she glanced around, blinking, groggy and unsure of her surroundings. Her eyes took a moment to focus. She licked dry, cracked lips, wanting to rub away the thick crust that had caked her eyes, and wondered again why her arm wouldn’t move.

She found herself in a large, green tent, handcuffed to the steel frame of a folding cot. Anne was lying naked and unconscious on an identical cot just next to her.

"A-Annie?" She croaked.

Two hard, stone-faced men in faded military fatigues guarded the entrance to the tent. One of them grunted and lifted the tent flap, letting in a brilliant ray of sunlight, and stepped outside. Sharon heard the sound of men and vehicles moving outside, and muted, as if farther away, the sound of animals. Dogs, barking. Other sounds, too, that she didn’t recognize.

"W-who are you? Where are we?"

The guard ignored her and the fly. He simply stared straight ahead, his dark eyes fixed on some point at the back of the tent.

Sharon gave up trying to speak and concentrated on taking stock of her situation. She too was stripped naked. She felt awful, like she’d suffered through a horrible illness. Her body was covered with just-healing bruises and welts, as was Annie’s. Both had their wrists handcuffed to the middle edges of the cots, and their feet were locked as well, in the same fashion.

A sharp jolt of pain shot down her spine when Sharon lifted her head, making the muscles in her belly clench and spasm. Her limbs trembled uncontrollably. Her body was slick with sweat and crusted with dried vomit; tiny, pin-prick scabs ran along the inside of her bruised forearms. The tent was sweltering hot. Sharon tried to speak again, to ask for a drink of water. It felt like she was swallowing razor blades. The guard didn’t bother to answer or move from his post; he just kept staring straight ahead, and Sharon didn’t have the strength to ask again.

Vague memories plagued her, floating in and out of her mind, just on the edge of her consciousness. Images of a van. Men she did not know. Annie and Debbie. Pain, and more pain. A plane. And over everything, a desperate craving that gnawed at the pit of her stomach.

Sharon let her head rest back on the cot. A tear bubbled over and ran down the side of her cheek, cutting a trail through the dirt and grime smeared on her face.

She remembered everything now. The abduction and the rapes. Michelle, dressed in nothing but Sharon’s coat, holding a gun to the back of Debbie’s head, smiling like she didn’t have a care in the world. And a moment later, after Sharon had given her what she wanted, everything she’d asked for, the two gunshots.

Sharon remembered being drugged and afterwards, a long drive, tied and gagged with Anne in the back of the kidnappers van. More drugs each time the van would stop. A final stop, and then a plane ride.

Withdrawal. Knots of nausea and intense pain, eating at her gut.

Sharon shook her head, trying to rid herself of the fear that was paralyzing her as surely as the binds holding her down.

She was still alive. That had to count for something. She and Anne could have been killed too, along with Debbie. But they were alive. And maybe she could somehow keep them that way.

Next to her, Anne began to stir, moaning. Outside the tent, Sharon heard precise, measured footsteps approaching.

Then voices.

One voice Sharon thought she recognized; hard and commanding. The tent flap was pulled back and two men entered, their dusty boots crunching on the soil floor. The flap fell back into place as they stepped inside.

Sharon sniffled and again raised her head, only to send another shock of pain through her skull. Her vision blurred and she choked back a cry, blinking away tears until she could see again.

"Awake. Finally."

Hector stood silently at the foot of her cot, appraising her with a cold glare. He turned to the guards and spoke a few, clipped words that Sharon couldn’t understand.

"Clean them up and let the men have their fun. Bring them to the pit at dusk."

The guards nodded, grinning wolfishly. Sharon remembered seeing that grin from other men, men who had hurt her, and not long ago.

"W-wait, p-please…you can let us go. We won’t tell anyone…"

Hector laughed. A short, loud bark. Then he stepped close and slapped Sharon across the face. He grabbed her, squeezing her bruised cheeks, and he spit in her eye. The spittle mixed with her tears and blurred her vision even more. Then, in English:

"I will not foul myself by taking my pleasure from you. I will leave you to the men, and then to the dogs."

Then he spun on his heel and marched out of the tent.


A sharp word was shouted outside the tent and the guards had men fetch several buckets of tepid water.

The water was brought quickly, and the tent began to fill with scarred, brutal-looking men, all of whom were armed and dressed in the same faded combat fatigues. The tent flap remained open, and more men peered in from outside. They laughed and joked, watching expectantly as the guards doused the women, still cuffed tightly to their cots, drenching them from head to foot with murky grey water. They scrubbed Sharon and Anne clean using thick cakes of rough soap and stiff brushes, until their skin was pink and raw. Then they were doused again, and again, until the dripping water made soapy pools of mud under the bedding.

Sharon heard Annie in the next cot, whispering "no no no no", over and over, as one of the men reached between her spread legs and began shoving his hand roughly into her vagina. Annie screamed, but the men just laughed with their comrade as he fingered her, jabbing his hand deep into her soft pussy.

Anne’s body jerked and heaved. The men unlocked Anne’s feet and flipped her over onto her stomach. Two of them spread her legs wide, holding her firmly in place by her ankles. The man who had been fist-fucking Anne unzipped his pants and pulled out a massive, uncircumcised cock. He slapped her ass and climbed up on the cot and wedged himself between Anne’s legs.

Sharon closed her eyes as the men gathered closely around them. A boy who could’ve been no more than fifteen leaned over Sharon and bit her nipple until she cried out. She began to weep silently as her ankles were unlocked, and she tried unsuccessfully to blot out her friend’s muffled screams.

A moment later, someone took care of the problem for her.


The rapes seemed to go on forever.

When the sun began to set, the guards pushed away the few remaining men and unlocked Anne and Sharon. They were then dragged out of the tent, naked, bloody and exhausted. Sharon tried to struggle and received a pair of vicious slaps. Anne let the men cuff her hands behind her back without a word. She whimpered when they touched her and kept her eyes fixed on the ground. All the fight seemed to have been drained out of her.

Sharon glanced around as she stumbled from the tent, past the men still milling about. They were being held in a small military camp, stationed in a deep jungle. Their tent was picketed a few yards away from the main camp.

Outside, another pair of armed guards stationed at the entrance to the tent fell into step as they were yanked away towards the outskirts of the camp. The women were led past a convoy of camouflaged jeeps and other vehicles to a small clearing, full of sweaty, drunken men, feasting next to a roaring bonfire. Sharon noticed women among the men, dressed in little more than rags, serving food and drink.

The men groped the women and laughed.

The gathering circled a shallow pit that had been scraped out of the forest floor. Six thick wooden stakes wrapped with supple leather thongs had been driven deep into the packed earth in the center of the pit.

Hector sat under a canopy in a camp chair at the far lip of the pit, flanked by a pair of armed guards. He appeared lost in thought.

Anne and Sharon were led down a slope cut like a tunnel that opened into the pit and forced to kneel by the stakes. Their captors saluted Hector, and the crowd of shouting men grew quiet, until the only sounds were the crackle of the fire, and the loud baying of dogs from somewhere beyond.

Hector acknowledged the salute with a grunt and a nod.

Anne and Sharon were held down, kneeling and spread-eagled, and strapped tightly to the stakes with their arms lashed to the ground straight out in front of them.

"Let them loose."

The men roared their approval. For the first time, Hector smiled. Sharon could hear Anne panting loudly.

She tried to comfort her friend. "Annie…?"


Anne shook her head frantically, staring at the crest of the slope, her eyes round and panicked. The barking grew louder, the sound suddenly noticeable over the cheers of the drunken men.

Sharon shouted to be heard. "Annie!"

Annie ignored her, and began screaming. Sharon turned to see the large, dark shapes as they appeared at the top of the pit, eyes red and gleaming in the firelight as they bounded swiftly down the incline towards them. Sharon’s mind froze, and for a moment, she truly wished she were dead. The realization of what was about to happen to them was sudden and crushing.

For the first time since her abduction, Sharon felt fear; and complete, total shame over what was to come.

"Oh God." Anne cried, thrashing in her bonds. "No…please…"

And then the dogs were in the pit, snarling and biting. Sharon screamed as the first hound touched her naked flank. And then some thing cold and wet was between her legs, sniffing. She looked up at the cheering men, at the smiling Hector, and shook her head frantically.


Claws raked Sharon’s buttocks and her back as the first hound scrambled at her flesh with its paws, climbing onto her back. It mounted her quickly from behind, sniffing at her hair, her face, its heavy body smashing her to the ground and knocking the breath from her lungs. The animal drooled on her back and jerked its hips against her, painfully gouging its swollen red member deep into her tender pussy.

Hector, along with his men and their dogs, caroused well into the night.


The jungle was dark and quiet when Sharon woke. She heard the sound of running water, felt a warm spattering of moisture on her face. She groaned and opened her eyes. Anne was sprawled in the dirt, still tied, her breathing ragged. Sharon coughed dirt and foul tasting liquid out of her mouth. She hurt everywhere.

Hector finished his piss, shook his cock and stuffed it back in his cargo pants.

"Good morning, Senorita."

Sharon jerked back as a heavy knife was thrust into the ground next to her hands. She found herself staring at a pair of black boots, and looked up. Hector squatted next to her, his hands resting on his knees, his pair of guards at attention behind him.

"F-fuck you." Sharon spat the words.

He smiled benignly and indicated the knife.

"This is for you, as are these."

Hector waved a large, calloused hand and the guards tossed a pair of canteens and two backpacks onto the ground.

"It is time that we are leaving this place, Senorita. I have been away for much too long. My men have waited patiently, and it is time for me to make my presence in my country felt once again."

Hector smoothed his mustache, and continued.

"Do you understand why this happened?"

Sharon glanced at Anne and then glared at him, trembling.


"Ah. No. You see, you have brought these last few weeks on yourself." He toyed with the hilt of the knife. "You killed my brother, you know?"

"I never hurt anyone."

"That is untrue."

Hector held up a finger, pointing at her. He unbuttoned his shirt pocket and removed the photo of Arturo and his family.

"Do you remember a man named Arturo Fernandez? No? Perhaps a woman called Isabelle, or a child named Emily?"

He brooded over the picture, his eyes smoldering, and then thrust the photo towards Sharon. He waited as recognition lit her eyes.

"You sent my brother to prison."

Sharon shook her head, defiant.

"He…he was scum…"

Hector hit Sharon hard enough that lights danced behind her eyes.

"Arturo was a boy."

He hit her again, knocking her head back and forth.

"A simple, loving boy, who forgave anyone their sins. A boy who wanted nothing more than to live in America, the land of hope and freedom. To live and love his family, yes? A dream he held dear, from when he was young; just a child, with me, living in the streets."

Hector rocked back on his heels, staring.

"He wrote me, you see. He knew Isabelle was hiding something. She had been a drug addict when they met. He tried to help. But that whore…she took Arturo’s dream and crushed it."

Hector jabbed at the picture with a blunt fingertip, his eyes narrowed.

"With your help."

"I didn’t…" Hector raised his hand again, but Sharon kept going. "He molested his child! The evidence… He abused his wife…"

The look Hector gave Sharon froze her blood.

"Lies. The child was molested, yes. But you had no forensic match, yes? None of the DNA? Where was your proof? You had no evidence, only the word of a crack whore. Who paid you and your friends to represent her? Hm? Can you answer that?"

Hector waited for her answer, grinding his teeth. When Sharon just shook her head, he continued.

"She was a simple waitress, yes? Who had no money, no family. Who? Who helped her? Do you know Isabelle and Emily died not a month after your lies sent my brother to prison? Did you bother to interview any of the employees at the restaurant, who all knew she was an addict? Did you?

Sharon continued shaking her head.

"Answer me, woman!"

"No! No…I…we believed her…"

Hector grabbed her face, forced her to look him in the eye.

"The man who paid for your fees is the same man who whored Isabelle and who raped her daughter. The same man who she and Emily were found dead with in flamed out drug house. The sick fuck who deluded you and your foolish partner into thinking that my brother…!"

Spittle foamed at the corners of Hectors mouth. One of the guards gently touched his shoulder. Hector rolled his neck and visibly brought himself back under control.

"I-I didn’t know…" Sharon stuttered. "I didn’t. Isabelle told me…"

"You believed her lies, and because of you, my brother was murdered in an American prison by a criminal who was trying to rape him."

He stared at her numbly, the corner of his lip twitching.

"You foolish woman. Now do you understand? Your casual ignorance is no excuse for what you have done."

Hector stood.

"You and that bitch took everything from him. His daughter. His life. That is the truth. The truth denied him because of your actions. Isabelle and the scum who caused this are beyond my grasp. But you are not. At the end, Arturo wanted you punished for your part in this. He wanted your lives and livelihoods destroyed, and your reputations ruined. That you suffer for your sins. But his last wish was that you understand."

He stepped around Sharon and kicked Anne in the side.

"I would have killed you, yes. But Arturo understood. You were fallible. You are a zealous woman, Sharon Chapman. You believed you were doing the correct thing. The Lord’s work, yes? Helping the poor, the down-trodden. He did not want for you to die."

He spit.

"So, I must see for myself. I work for you. Arturo’s assumption is correct. You are a fool, but a righteous fool."

He shook his head, grinned, and knelt again. When he touched Sharon’s face, he was almost gentle.

"Sharon Chapman. I leave you with a choice. To live, or to die. I leave you and your woman these packs and this knife. Inside the packs are clothes and enough supplies to see a strong, trained man through three, four days in the jungle. The knife is close enough for you to saw through your binds, after a time."

He pointed.

"There is an overgrown dirt road that heads directly north from this camp. If you follow the road, it winds through the hills and leads to a small village, many miles from here. By foot, a man might reach the town, perhaps after approximately eight days travel. Or…" The guards grinned. "You can take your friend and try your luck in the jungle. The knife has a compass. Cut your way through the bush, due north. You could save several days and your supplies would see you through, if you do not get lost. Fair warning: the jungle is dangerous. And even if you find your way through, either way, the people in the town are not fond Americans. They will not want to aid you. They may even kill you."

Hector spit again, for emphasis.

"But if you are resourceful and willing to pay with your, say, womanly treasures, you may find a man in the village with a small prop plane that may be coerced to fly you fairly close to the border. There you will find only more trials. The American authorities are currently searching for two women attorneys, lesbian lovers who embezzled several million dollars from their firm. It is very sensational and dramatic; the story is on all the news stations."

The guards actually chuckled at that; even Hector seemed pleased.

"The Americans believe that the firm’s junior partner was murdered to keep her quiet, and the body hidden. And they speculate that one of the employees, a receptionist named Debbie Jones, had somehow discovered what happening and confronted the pair herself, instead of notifying the police."

Hector bent his fingers into the shape of a pistol and pointed it at Sharon’s temple. Sharon flinched.

"They speculate that the women shot her in cold blood and then bolted from the country."

"Oh, God, Debbie…" Sharon whispered, horrified, remembering the two loud popping sounds outside the van when they were taken. "No…"

"The authorities are also searching for another person of some interest, who may have known what really happened; the company janitor, who seems to have disappeared. They assume that perhaps he was in the country illegally, discovered the body after it had been dumped in the lawyers’ office, and has fled the country. "

Hector stood and smoothed his mustache. He pulled his pistol from its holster and pointed it at Anne’s head.

No. Not again.

"No, no, no! God, please don’t shoot her…"

Hector pulled the trigger. The gun dry-fired. Empty. Anne whimpered, cringing.

"You bastard. You fucking bastard."

Hector laughed.

"It would be a mercy, you know, to kill her?"

He shrugged, appraising the battered women.

"You, Sharon, you are a strong woman. Strong both mentally and physically. You have proven this fact to me these last few weeks."

He kicked at Anne again.

"This one, however, she is not. But…" He shrugged. "She has survived this far. Perhaps she will surprise me. Yes?"

Hector smiled and ejected the magazine into his hand. He loaded two bullets and racked the slide, sending a casing into the chamber, clicked on the safety, bent and set the pistol on the ground, just inches away from Sharon’s numb fingers. He took a thin plastic card from his shirt pocket and tossed it to the ground as well.

"These are for you. The card is for a numbered bank account. The account contains the money that was given me by your original kidnappers. It is enough to hide both of you safely from the authorities for a considerable time. Enough, perhaps, to begin a new life. The man with the plane has been instructed to give you more information if you so choose."

He straightened, knees cracking.

"So, Sharon Chapman. Live or die. Those are your options."

He glanced at the tree tops, sunlight just peeking overhead.

"Be quick. It is cool now; but the sun will rise soon, and the pit is unbearable when the sun is directly overhead. In your condition, you and your woman could easily expire here if you do not escape from your bonds by noon. The jungle is not forgiving. The pistol can provide you a quick end, if that is what you decide. A cleaner way to die than you provided for my brother."

He turned to his men. "We are finished here. Come."

And with that, Hector and his guards turned and strode out of the pit, leaving the women to the rising sun.








Sharon screamed.

.. He grinned and got comfortable. Click.He smiled, enjoying himself. That’s better. .. Click. Shower. Click. Sharon’s name was there, too, a flat, lifeless blue in her section of the screen.

. ., she thought. Sharon hates that I always forget to lock the back door.

. . . . She giggled at herself, sputtering water. Rio? She couldn’t remember. Some good neighbor. . . Must eat food. She giggled. Zombie Annie.

, she sighed. A bit. . Debbie picked herself up off the floor and stumbled to the doorway, trying to button up her blouse and smooth back her hair. She peeked around the corner. "Uh, Hi. I’m back here, Sharon. Just, uh, I’m, umm, making some fresh coffee.".. .

. . Anne stuck the receiver back in its base and rolled out of bed, feeling like a fool. …? Sharon thought wildly. Oh, God. Please, no…

., thought Sharon. She opened her purse and stuffed her hand inside, trying desperately now to find the canister of mace. What is this? Who is this guy? Her fingers found and closed on a slim plastic cylinder. Yes! She thought. Thank you, God. Thank you..., Sharon thought. Now it’s windy too. ., Sharon decided. "Okay, okay. Let’s go get something to eat. Chicken salad sound all right?" She realized. Now I’ve no life for myself. The magical spell from a moment ago was suddenly broken.

Sharon mused. He used to carry his supplies around in a beat up old pickup. .. . I don’t feel that old. ? Sharon wasn’t sure. . , she thought, and glanced at the clock on her desk. ... .

Icy Hot

Fly4aWhiteGuy on Incest Stories

 I suppose this all started at 15 when I began to browse the internet. I began watching porn and looking at sex pictures on websites. Before this, all of my masturbation was based around fantasizing only. Over the course of a year I learned just about everything there is to know about sex and almost every fetish you can think of. At 16, something intrigued me though. I found myself enthralled at a website with pictures of brothers and sisters having sex. Although I knew they were fake, the idea kinda stuck with me because up until then I only thought of Sandy as a best friend and sister, not as a woman. A beautiful one at that. Sandy was a how shall I put it, "stage worthy." By that I mean, she was as hot as those famous teen singe
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rs like Brittany spears, Christina aguilera etc. Sandy hit puberty young so she was practically fully filled out by 15. She was 5'6" around 115lbs, B cup breasts, blond shoulder length hair and just the most athletic perfect body. I was just as hot (almost). I don't wish to brag, but I was a very handsome good-looking kid. I was almost 6 feet tall, around 160lbs and very fit from playing sports. I never had many girlfriends. I cant say why exactly, i'm not sure myself. I was confident and never really insecure, my manhood was of a decent size (slightly over 7in). My sister however, never had any boyfriends. She was to busy hanging with me or her friends and she never really got close to any one. She never seemed to care to start a relationship with a guy.
 For the next year, Sandy had a star role in many of my masturbation fantasies. Everytime I finished, I would feel guilty. Because we were best friends and I felt as though I was betraying her trust yet I could not help myself. I would make it a point to try and "accidentally" go into her room hoping to catch her changing. The door knobs in our house were opened easily with something thin. So I would act surprised and say the door wasn't locked when I barged in and caught her undressing. Unfortunately I never did catch her in the act. After several months of these acts, I gave up. I finally told myself it would never happen and that I need to stop it. It's wrong and all your going to do is hurt her trust in you. That is, until 3 months later.
 Three months had passed since I made my oath never to pursue this fantasy again. And everything beginning to get back to normal. Me and Sandy were hanging out a lot more often and would often hang out just the two of us together. This was a bit different because when we would go out together, we would always be accompanied by at least 1 friend. On many occasions someone would comment about us being boyfriend and girlfriend. We would just laugh and suck it up. But deep in the back of my mind, it felt erotic to think about it. Then one day, something happened that will live forever in my mind.
My parents had been gone for 3 days so far, and would be gone for another week and a half. They took a 2 week vacation for just the two of them. It wasn't uncommon for them to leave us home alone. For the most part we were pretty responsible. They stocked up on food for us and left $100 for emergencies. But because of there work schedules, the only time they could get vacation was for the winter time. So me and my sister were stuck inside a lot together during this time. Which I didn't mind. We would always find something to do. Then all of a sudden, the AC broke. I couldn't believe it. What shitty timing.
 In no time at all, the house was freezing. I took charge and called out an AC guy to see what was wrong. He told me that we needed a new unit. "FUCK!" I exclaimed to myself in my head. The $100 my parents left us would not buy a whole new unit. I grabbed the piece of paper off the fridge with my mothers cell phone number on it and called her.
"Hello?" My mother answered.
"Mom the AC is broken! Me and Sandy are freezing!" I said. "Yea mom, my nipples are getting hard!" Sandy shouted in the background trying to be humorous like she always does.
"Oh honey, i'm so sorry, but there is nothing I can do until I get back" she replied which sunk my heart.
She continued "Try and stay at friends during the night so you don't freeze to death, your going to have to tough it out before we get home."
"Sigh, alright mom, have fun" I said with regret because I wish they were as fucking cold as I was!
"Bye sweetie" she said as she hung up the phone.
 Sandy looked at me and with an obvious expression of anger on my face I told her they can't do anything until they get home so we are stuck. "Oh that sucks" she says in an aggravated voice.
  I figured it was too late tonight to sleep at a friends, so I grabbed a couple blankets from the closet and brought them to my room to watch some TV. I had a fairly decent TV in my room with cable and it was upstairs so it was slightly warmer. Sandy went to her room, I figured she was going to sleep. I began flipping through the channels for something to watch and ended up on some low budget action movie. The acting was horrible but I didn't really care. All I cared about was trying to keep warm and had wrapped myself like a cocoon. Towards the end of the movie Sandy walked into my room and jumped on the bed. She began tugging at the blankets I was thoroughly wrapped in saying "Let me in, i'm fucking freezing my ass off." It must have been around 50-60 degrees in the house by now. "Alright, give me a second" I said as I was trying to untangle myself. Finally free she jumped under the covers and squeezed against me as close as she could without actually merging into me. I started getting those feelings again. Her touch was so warm and felt so good. I hadn't been touched by another girl for awhile now and I could barely keep myself from getting a hard-on right then.
 She just lied there with her head against my chest as I was propped up against the backboard. Her arms were wrapped around my waist trying to get away from the cold and her body was pressed against my side. I could practically feel her nipples poking me. She was wearing sweatpants with a halter top. No wonder she was cold. Although I wasn't any better off. I was wearing a simple T-shirt and pajama pants. I got accustomed to wearing these because some nights I would have an urge to sleep in the nude and it was easy to slip off under the covers and back on if someone came in the room. By now, the movie was done rolling the credits and a new movie was about to come on. When I saw the title I almost freaked. It was a Skin-A-Max movie. A very erotic one at that. One of the few I would actually watch and masturbate to. This was not good. So I looked around for the remote.
 I didn't realize I left the remote on the TV stand. As I attempted to move to get it, Sandy pulls me back and grips hard around my waist. "Don't go" she says. "But you don't want to watch this do you?" I asked her. "I don't care, if you don't. Besides your keeping me warm" She said with a smile on her face. Although I wasn't surprised that she would watch a sexy movie like this with me, I was a bit confused. It would have only taken me a second to get the remote.
 The movie started off with a couple having sex. They didn't waste any time with the sex in this movie. Every 5 minutes someone was fucking someone else. About 20 minutes in I couldn't contain it anymore and started to become erect. I was scared my sis would see and freak out. But what could she say? She made me watch it! In my own nervous composure I didn't realize, Sandy was stroking my chest very slowly and very gently rubbing my right thigh with her other arm that was wrapped around my back. She was actually getting off on this, and much to my own pleasure, she was performing very sensual teases on me and she didn't even seem to realize it.  After 10 minutes of this, she totally shocked me.
 By now I was almost completely erect with maybe an inch or two to spare. She suddenly places her left hand on my stomach and slips the tip of her fingers under my waistband. I just stood stiff because I know this move. This move is to test and see if they will allow you access further. Once you penetrate this point, you will be rejected or accepted. And I didn't move. I didn't know what to do. So, After about 10 seconds, I believe she got the idea that I wasn't objected to letting her go further and she moved half her hand into my pubic area and began slightly "stroking" her fingers through my neatly trimmed nether region (hey I like to keep it small and nice, so sue me). I was still frozen in place, in a deep stare at the 2 people fucking on the TV afraid to look at my sister. Finally she broke the silence.
"John" she says while still looking at the screen, "Can I tell you a secret that I have been keeping from even you for a long time now?"
"Sure Sandy, you can tell me anything" I say as brotherly as possible like she doesn't have her hand down my pants.
"You know I've never had a boyfriend right?" she says as she turns her head to look me in the eyes.
"Yes, I know, but that's no secret" I reply back with as much clarity as I could.
"Well, I haven't had a boyfriend because." She says with a look of fear on her face.
"Because of what?" I say.
"Because....I...I..wanted you to be my...first" She says with an expression of lust and regret on her face.

 After about 3 or 4 seconds, I threw all morality out the window. I looked her straight in the eye and kissed her on the lips. As I did she removed her hand from my pants and grabbed me around the neck, kissing me passionately. Our tongues twisted in eachothers mouths as if we each held the cure for a disease. She got up and sat on my groin, pushing my manhood down with the crack of her ass. We didn't break our embrace for several minutes as we marinated in a completely hot passionate makeout session. Like we were lovers who had been apart for so long and for the first time in eternity finally got to be together. Finally she broke the kiss and looked at me with such a look I will never forget. I could see it in her eyes and the expression of her face. Passion, lust, love, and most of all, a look of total relief. As if she was burdened by this without being able to act on it. Sandy snaps me out of my gaze and says "I want you to teach me everything, I love you so much John." "I love you too Sandy, I have been wanting this for so long" I reply to her lustful gaze. At that remark she kisses me again for another 5 seconds then breaks away. She removes the covers and grabs at the waistband of my pants. I stand on my knees so they would be easier to remove. As she pulls back my elastic waistband my completely rigid cock springs forth for her to see. No sooner then this she releases the waistband and it snaps me in the stomach which stung quite bad. I suck in my gut at the pain as I see her with her hand over her mouth.
"OW! What did you do that for?" I say reveling in pain.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! It's just so big it surprised me" She said in a shocked tone.
"haha" I said in a giggling voice "it's not that big Sandy, some guys are much bigger, Haven't you ever seen one?"
"No, i'm a virgin remember. I can barely fit 2 fingers inside me, how are you going to be able to fit that in me"? she says still in shock.
"Trust me it will fit, I guess i'm just going to have to eat your pussy real good to get you nice and warmed up" I said with a large grin on my face.
"Oh John, You know exactly what I want!" She said in a little girlie innocent voice like she just got the biggest bag of candy.

 At that moment she gets up and strips her top and pants. She was a beautiful site. So perfect. She was my dream woman and I had permission to teach her everything I know. She had a thin small strip of pubic hair and that was it. Her pussy was that of an untouched shrine. I grab her and playfully throw her onto her back on the bed and in no time dive into her sweet nectar of the gods. I was shocked what her pussy smelled like. It smelled exactly like peaches. I thought this was an urban legend. Although I only had sex a few times, I performed oral sex on quite a few girls. And if they didn't smell bad, they were at best musky. Nothing bad, but it wasn't good either. Sandy however, did infact smell like peaches and it wasn't a covered scent. This was her womanhood in all its natural glory.
 I wasted no time lapping at her gorgeous pussy with everything I had. I made sure not to touch the clitoris at all until I wanted to make her cum and cum good. With every lick she moaned. She looked as though she was in paradise. She bucked her hips and grinned into my face. She grabbed the back of my head to prop herself against my face to make sure I didn't miss an inch of her cunt. After several minutes of lapping at her pussy and hearing her moan in pleasure, I decided to make her cum, and hard. I slowly inserted my middle finger into her pussy and just as I did, I began furiously sucking on her clit. "OH GOD!" she screamed out as I began finger fucking her and sucking her clit. I was making a "come here" motion with my finger, because I had heard this is how you stimulate the G-spot. I guess the rumors were true because in one big thrust she jammed her crotch into my face and splattered pussy juice all over my face. She was a gusher alright, and it didn't have much of any taste at all.
"OHHhhhhhhhhhhHHH" is all she said, over and over again as she spasmed like she was having a seizure. After about a minute I began to get worried because she was still having little spasms but she relieved me when she said " That..wasss...just..oh god."
"See Sandy, I told you I would get you nice and wet" I said with her pussy juice literally dripping off my face.
She looked at me, and then at the huge wet spot she made on her bed and said "Oh no..is that...pee?"
With a little giggle I said "no, you had a G-spot orgasm, feels good doesn't it?"
Without even responding to my question she says "Fuck me"......."Now." She looks me in the eye, gets up and slips her tongue in my mouth. Lapping up every bit of juice she could. She was even twice as horny it seemed now. She seemed to know exactly what she wanted. And that was to fuck me. She positions herself right on top of me and says "do it." So I position my, according to her, big cock at her pussy hole. The moment she feels the tip of my cock at her tight wetness, she sits down, shoving almost half my cock up her pussy, and deflowering her in the process. She didn't seem to mind the pain, but I loved it. Apparently it sent a shrill through her which caused her pussy to grip my cock like a vice. Her pussy was so hot and fucking tight! I am so glad she had to stop for a few seconds because had she kept going, I would have came right then and there.
 She begins to relax and starts moving very gently up and down on my cock. She leans down and says in my ear "I'm on the pill." I knew exactly what she meant. With slow and steady strokes, she began riding my shaft to its hilt. In no time at all we were fucking in unison. I was drilling into her like a bat out of hell. "FUCK ME JOHN" "GOD YOUR SO BIG" were the words escaping her mouth. She went from my sister, my best friend, to a total sex crazed animal in bed with me. Her pussy juice was flowing steadily, making squishing sounds as I mashed my manhood up her cunt, trying to feel as much of her as I could. I made one big thrust and on the tip of my dick, felt her cervix. "Oh your so big John, its so big it almost hurts" she says in ecstasy.
 She grabs me behind the neck and starts frantically humping me. "Sandy your going to fast, your going to make me cum" I said wanting to prolong my pleasure. She didn't listen and began to move even faster. Her juice was flowing down my legs onto my bed. The smell of sex filled the entire house. We were sweaty fucking animals right now. "John i'm gunna cum, cum with me" she said as she began fervorously pounding up and down on my cock. I could feel the swell of my cum fill my balls, and knew I was going to cum. With one last massive thrust I began to cum into my sister, as she came onto my rock hard cock.
"OHHHhhh goddddd" we both said simultaneously,
"II'm cummmmming John" my sister said as she shot gush after gush onto my pulsating staff.
"Me Toooo!" I said as I began to unload my cum into my sisters tight hot dripping pussy.
 We sat there, lying in eachothers arms for minutes as my sister had spasm after spasm. I could feel her legs shaking against mine. I doubt she could walk, and neither could I. Luckily our parents wouldn't be home for a long time. After a few moments my sister broke the silence, barely able to speak over our heavy breathing.
"John" she said out of breath.
"Yea Sandy?" I replied
"I lied" she said which sent a nervous chill down my spine. Did she lie about being on the pill? Oh fuck, she will probably get pregnant!
"Lied about what? Your not on the pill"? I said with anxiety.
"No no no, I'm on the pill" she said to my relief.
"Thank god...then what is it?" I said.
"I didn't just want to lose my virginity to you, I want you to be mine, all the time." She said with a smile on her face.
I smiled back and said "Sandy, somehow I don't think that will be a problem."
She said "good, cause I want you to teach me more tomorrow, and every day after that." With that, in a sweaty sexy mess, we fell asleep in eachothers arms.
To be continued?

Wife's Passion

plzhaves on Forced Stories

Hello guys . I am 38 years old, married for 20 years now. I have an 18-year-old daughter. My husband is a 44-year-old General manager in a private firm in a town in India. I too work in a bank as a clerk just to pass time, as I do not like to stay at home. Due to regular aerobics at the gym I have a good body. I have a 34C bust, a 28 waist and a perfectly round 36 ass. My husband says that men stare at my ass anywhere I go. It does make a big curve when viewed sideways. Also the biggest asset I have that distinguishes me from most Indian women is my height. I stand at 5.9". I have dark brown, long hair coming all the way up to my hips, which are always tied up in traditional Indian style. I have a very fair skin making make-up unnecessary for me, though I do put on som

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The incident I want to narrate happened about 4 years back. We had moved to the town only some 6 months back from the firm's Bombay office. We, being from Bombay, understood only a little of the local language, but could not speak it properly. Our house was a good 20-25 minutes from our offices. Being new in the city, my husband always used to send the car along with the driver to drop and receive me from my office. Being an inspection officer my husband used to travel a lot within the state. During those days I used to travel by auto-rickshaw (A 3- wheeler cab). My daughter who was 14 then, went to school with her friend in her car. It was Christmas Eve. My daughter, Kim, had gone to Bombay to my parents' place as her school was closed. My husband had to go to another town about 200 kilometers away for an inspection. So I had to travel by auto-rickshaw.

It was around closing time in the office when I got the news that the auto-rickshaw union had gone on a sudden strike. So I enquired about the bus number with a peon and went to the bus stop. Unfortunately for me the only friend I had in the office, Tina Patel was on a leave. So I had to travel alone to my house in a bus. Being used to the buses in Bombay I found the buses here too dirty and too bad to travel in. I had never traveled by a bus since moving to this town. As I waited for the bus, I had to leave 5 buses, as they were packed to the hilt. But due to that it was almost 5:30 and I was at the bus stop for more than an hour. It was getting dark and cold. So I decided to get into the next bus, no matter what the crowd was. As it turned out the next bus was really more crowded than a few I had left. There were men hanging off the door. I was the only one to get into the bus. Looking at me the men in the doorway got down to let me in. I saw a few of them checking me out. As I got into the bus with great difficulty I felt a few bodies brush against mine. I accidentally brushed against the crotch of an elderly man standing near the door. As I lost my balance slightly, my hand got caught a bit of his kurta also.

‘ What am I doing!' I said to myself, as I mumbled a sorry to the person.

As I walked ahead, I felt a few hands brush against my thighs and my ass. Luckily for me, a couple of ladies accommodated me between them in one of the rows of standees. The bus was really packed with two rows of standees. The bus was in a very bad condition. There were only a couple of lights at the two doors, and the bus was running at a snail's pace. The speed at which the bus was running, I knew the usual 20-minute journey would take me 30- 35 minutes at least. As I tried to look around in the bus, it seemed as if we were the only three women in the overcrowded bus. As I rested my hip on a seat handle to my right, I accidentally rested on a hand. So I stood upright again and looked down to apologize to the person. As it was getting dark I could not see his face clearly. But the person looked at me in the eye and grinned widely. It was clear that he enjoyed the feel of my ass. Even as I was looking at him, he nudged his partner and whispered something in his ears. The other person too looked at me and then both seemed to look at my breasts under the sari. I tried to turn away slightly, but could not do so as I was standing in one row between the two women and a boy who looked in his teens on my left in the other row. Just at that time, the woman standing behind me got down at the next stop. The lady in front was a young girl of about 20-22. The dress she wore indicated that she was from a lower middle class background. She was at least 5-6 inches shorter than me and very skinny. As I turned around to see who was now standing behind me, it was the same man whom I had brushed accidentally at the door.

As the bus ran slowly, I felt a hand on my ass. It was definitely the same guys' wrist on my ass.

‘I did it accidentally, so can he', I thought.

But as time passed, the wrist stayed there, and if anything pressed against my ass-cheek. I looked back with some difficulty at the same person. He looked back at me plainly as if nothing was going on.

‘ I'll have to bear this for some time', I said to myself.

But with no further resistance from me, the hand turned around and now his palms were on my ass. Staying that way for some time, the hand started moving slowly all over my asscheeks. I gripped the vertical bar firmly with my right hand as my left hand held my purse tightly. Soon the person had both his hands squeezing and massaging my rear. I looked around with the hope that someone would stop my harassment. But as I looked to my left, the kid standing in the adjacent row was looking the in the other direction. As I turned my head right, the two men were still staring at my exposed belly and blouse-covered boobsintently. Just then, the person started tracing my panty with his fingers. This made me close

my eyes, as I remembered my husband. This made the two sitting horny men looking at me

to see what was happening to me. The little hope I had disappeared when the two men

looked at the hands running along my panty-lines, and started giggling.

‘ God help me!' I screamed in my head.

But deep down I knew I was trapped. I knew most men in the bus would be the same as the

ones sitting beside me to my right. So I slowly nudged at the girl standing in front of me not

bothering to ask for help from the man next to me. She turned around with some difficulty. I

looked at her in the eyes. My eyes were moist looking at her. I turned my eyes pointing

towards the man behind me. She got the message I wanted her to know. But to my shock,

she turned around and even moved forward slightly, distancing herself from me. I knew she

did not want to get involved in this. As I was wearing a chiffon sari, the man could easily

grip my panty elastic over my ass cheeks with 3 fingers of each hand. I cursed myself for

wearing a bikini panty that day. Because of this, as he pulled my panty elastic upwards, it

caused the small fabric to bunch up in my ass-crack. Now I was as good as naked under my

petticoat for his hands. He frenetically massaged my bare ass for some time.

‘ Hey, what about the guy standing next to this bastard?", I thought.


turned my head and looked at the guy. As my luck turned out, it was a blind man. Just then

I gasped softly with shock as the man put his bare hands on my bare waist from both sides.

This drew the attention of the man standing beside me. His response was to smile and move

slightly in my direction, further cramping me for room between him and the guys sitting

beside me. My grip on the handle tightened as the palms started running over my flat belly.

Very soon he was circling my belly button. I kept as much a straight face as possible. My

heart skipped a beat when he ran his fingers along the waistline of my sari.

‘ Please don't do that, the whole sari would come off if he tries to enter my petticoat', I

pleaded silently.

Thankfully he too changed his mind. But soon I knew he was headed for the place every

Indian man dies for. Very soon his hands were palming my breasts. To make it worse, I felt

some twitching between my legs. I was definitely getting wet. My body was doing exactly

the opposite of what my mind was thinking. As the man squeezed and mauled my boobs, I

felt a third hand on my right thigh. I looked down. To my shock, it was the man sitting on

my right. He had his hand running up and down my thigh and the other hand seemed to be

moving rhythmically. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized it was his erect dick in

his hand. Indeed he and his partner were masturbating looking at me. I looked away from the

two men to see the man to my left watching intently. He seemed to be some kind of a


I felt a relief as the hands on my breasts moved down slightly. But they came back again

searching for my nipples over the blouse. As his thumb and first two fingers started pinching

my nipples, making them hard and taut. He pinched my nipples so hard that I had to bite my

lips to stop from screaming. Tears rolled on my cheeks due to the pain, and at the same time

I felt my juices flowing inside my vagina. The bastard tried to outrage me further by trying

to slip the sari off my shoulders. But thankfully, I had the sari pinned to my shoulder. At the

same time, the shagging man put his hand on my ankle and started to pull up my sari.

‘Why couldn't I wear a dress today' I cursed myself.

He pulled up my sari and the petticoat to expose my legs up to just above my knees. I

thanked my luck for he didn't go further. But my happiness was short lived, as I did not

realize that although he did not pull up my sari, his hands had different plans. The man

behind me grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. This made me lose my balance as I

lost the grip of the handle I was holding. As my entire weight fell on him, I felt his erection

on my ass. He seemed really hard. He was about the same height as me. He now smelled my

hair with deep breaths. He caught my long hair and swung it forward. By now the sitting

person had his hand under the sari on my bare inner thigh. His hand moved upwards,

reaching centimeters from my crotch. He stuck up his middle finger and brushed my slit over

the panty. This made me weak in my knees and I also lost my grip on my purse, making it

fall to the floor.

‘ He will know now that I am wet and will get encouraged further', I thought.

I looked in his direction sneakily. He definitely had felt my wetness, as he held my sari with

the other hand and brought the finger that had probed me to his nose. A wide grin appeared

on his face. He looked at me and blew me a kiss and said something to his partner, pointing

to his wet finger. And he then looked back to the man behind me and showed him the finger.

As some light fell on his finger, even I could see it glistening with my juices. Seeing what

this guy was showing him, the man behind me brought his face to my ears and whispered,

"So I see you like to be handled by strangers in public." I moved my head sideways

indicating a no. But I knew my body liked it. The man nudged the man sitting to my right

with his erect tool in one hand, and signaled something that I could not see. Then he did the

same to the kid standing on my left.

‘What the hell are these guys planning?' I thought.

I did not have to wait long. The two men on my sides started to lift up my sari from both

sides. Very quickly it was pulled up to my thighs. I could feel the cold wind on my wet

crotch. Next they tugged a couple of fingers in the thin elastic of my bikini panty and started

to tug it down. Soon it was around my ankles. The kid to my left kept holding my sari it it's

raised position and the guy sitting to my right nudged my leg to be raised. It was like my

heart was totally out of my control. I lifted each leg one by one, letting him pick up my

panty. I looked at the guy. He took it to his face and took a deep breath, and again started to

rub his tool. His partner then did the same and then gave it to the man standing behind me.

He had by now palmed my crotch over the sari with his left hand. He took my bikini panty

with his right hand.

"See how wet you are", he said, bringing my underwear to my face. It was soaking wet.

‘What is happening to me', I said to myself.


y now, the men to my sides had raised my sari almost up to my crotch. I couldn't believe

that nobody in the bus knew what was happening. I had lost track of time. I did not know

where the bus had reached. Very few people had got down. Everybody seemed to be going

to the last stop. The man behind me now took charge of holding up my sari. He loosened his

grip over my crotch, and then raised my sari all the way up to my waist. He then put his bare

hands on my lower abdomen just below where my petticoat was tied. I could feel the cold

wind hitting against my bare cunt. The kid standing to my left had started to caress my

thighs. At the same time, the man to my right brought his left hand to my pussy. He pulled

apart my cunt lips with two fingers and pushed in his middle finger. A gasp escaped my

mouth and my head fell back on the shoulder of the man behind me. To add to my

excitement and humiliation, the man behind me stretched out his middle finger of the hand

holding up my sari and started to nudge my clit.

‘I am going to cum this way, between these strangers', I thought.

As my pussy was being probed, the man to my left took my left hand and put it on his hardon

over his pants. Seeing this the man on my right hold of my right hand. So I looked to find

what he wanted from my hand. My fingers were now touching his swollen cock head. So it

was clear to me that he wanted me to shag him. He took my hand and placed it around his

throbbing member and then placed his own right hand over mine. He then started to

frantically shag it. Before I could realize what was happening, he released his load, which

trickled down on my wrists. The guy then took my hand and brought it ot my mouth. I

involuntarily stuck out my tongue and licked his cum off my wrist. By now I was very close

to an orgasm. The man behind me kept flicking my clit slowly nudging me closer and closer

to a climax. His other hand was now expertly opening my blouse hooks on the front. It did

not take him too much time to open all six hooks and open up my blouse fully. As the blouse

opened under the sari, the man ran his thumb along the edge of my bra-cup along my

cleavage. And this was followed by him tucking his thumb inside me left bra-cup and pull it

aside and bunch it on the side. Soon he exposed my other boob also. My nipples were hard. I

was being stripped naked in the middle of this crowded bus and I was hesitantly liking it.

"Time to get down babe", said the man behind me.


did not know where he wanted me to get down, but I didn't ask. I was got down with the

two men behind me. Surprisingly the two sitting men didn't follow us. When I got down

with my blouse still open and bra pushed aside. When I looked around I realized that I had

missed my stop by a couple of stops. I was at a stop in a lonely lane about 10 minutes from

my house. I remembered asking my husband once why this stop was placed here, as I had

never seen anyone getting down or getting into a bus at this stop. It was really cold and we

were the only three people in the lane. The road ran between some land owned by a private

owner and was under litigation. So both sides of the road had walled deserted land. The man

who stood behind me in the bus then pulled me by my hand and took me to an opening in the

wall on one side and the kid followed us eagerly. The area looked to be filled with

overgrown grass. The dew had made the grass wet. The man took me just about 10-15 feet

from the opening in the wall and stopped. He then turned around and faced me. This was the

first time that I got a look at his face. He had a rough shaved look and short hair. He looked

about 40-45 years old and was wearing a kurta pajama. There was a minute of silence, as we

stood there motionless. I turned my head and looked at the kid's face. He was no more than

18 years old. He was staring at my exposed boobs under the sari.

The silence was broken as the man put his hand on my waist and in a flash undid the knot of

the waistband of my petticoat. This made the petticoat and the sari tucked in it fall to the

floor. I was fully nude below my half open blouse. I felt the cold breeze hit my shaven and

wet cunt. The blouse had a part of the sari pinned on the shoulder. This made the thin

material of my sari partially cover my nakedness. I crossed my legs slightly as if it was

going to hide my nudity. Even as I was doing this, the man roughly pulled out the open

blouse off my arms. This made the sari covering my front also to fall to the ground. So now I

was totally in the buff except for my black bra pulled away from my boobs.

" Hey kid, why don't you help me instead of just staring. C'mon now open up her bra hook

and make this bitch fully bare" said the man.

The kid standing behind us touched my bare back with his coarse fingers before leading

them to my bra-strap. He fumbled for more than a minute, before giving up the attempt.

Seeing this the man put his hand inside his pocket and took out a knife, and before I realized

what he was about to do, he put the knife between my skin and my bra and ripped off the

bra-strap between my bra-cups. As the bra too fell to the wet grassy floor, I was left standing

between the two strangers wearing only my sandals, my wristwatch, my earrings and my

mangalsutra (the necklace which all married Indian women wear). The kid behind me started

to squeeze my fleshy butt as I stood with my eyes lowered. I looked in direction of the road

sheepishly. We were barely 10 feet from the road. Anyone passing by could have seen me

naked. So the man in front of me smiled and then started to pull me towards a hut in one

corner of the plot. As it turned out he was the watchman of the land and lived here in the hut.

He opened the hut and pulled me inside. The kid entered the hut and closed the door. The hut

was barely 10 by 15 feet. It had a typical Indian cot made out of coarse ropes, a small

washing area with a translucent curtain for a door, a small fireplace in one corner to cook

food and a cupboard. There was a single light bulb in the hut. The hut was surprisingly


The man sat on the floor drinking water as he said, " okay young man, you go first. She is all


These words really brought feelings of humiliation to me. I felt like a cheap whore. But I had

behaved like it allowing these men to strip me. As I was thinking these things, the kid

grabbed me firmly from behind. His hands quickly grabbed my breasts, mauling it wildly.

Just then his hand felt my mangalsutra. He looked down and for the first time realized that I

was married.

" Oh my god. She is married", he gasped. This seemed to turn him on. Almost immediately

his other hand turned around my head and smooched my lips. By now, the Indian wife inside

me had taken a backseat. I was now exactly what they thought of me, a married and cheap

whore. So I responded by opening up my mouth for the eager tongue of the kid. We were

groping at each other's mouths for like a long time. We finally broke our lips when we were

out of breath. He then made me lie down on the coarse bed on my back with my face

hanging down on the other end. I lifted up my head to see the kid removing his clothes. The

other man was watching intently. Very soon the kid was between my legs pushing his hard

dick in my wet and sloppy pussy. As he entered my deep hole, a deep moan escaped my

mouth. I let my head fall back. The kid was thrusting in me rhythmically and at the same

time, his mouth was licking my neck and face and his hands were caressing my breasts. We

would also smooch once in a while. Being so excited, both of us climaxed simultaneously

into a shuddering orgasm. Our bodies were covered in sweat in the warm hut as we

embraced on the cot, trying to recover from the wild session. My back hurt due to my body

being crushed between the weight above me and the coarse ropes of the cot below me.

The kid got up and started to get dressed. Just then, the man got up and came up to the cot

and stared down at my sweaty naked body. " Okay bitch now I'm going to take you in your

ass", he said bluntly. These words were enough to make me horny again. He then turned to

the now dressed kid and said, " I need your help to spread up her ass." He then made me to

fold up my legs and hold them with my knees crushed up against my breasts. This made my

ass and my pussy exposed fully for them. The two guys stood on their knees on either side of

the cot. The man dug his middle finger in my wet cunt and pulled out the wet finger

glistening with my juices. He ran the fingertip from my cunt to my ass-hole. He caressed my

soft back passage entrance, probing his finger inside it not more than half an inch. He again

dipped his finger in my wet cunt for lubrication and this time managed to insert more than

half his finger in my tight ass.

‘ My ass is so tight. If I cannot take his finger, how will I take his penis in my ass. I hope he

is not too long or thick', I thought to myself as I stole a glance at his erection in his pants.

Even as I was thinking this, a wave of current ran through my spine as his middle finger

entered me fully and moved around examining my soft insides. He looked at my face and

then looked at the kid and said; " Now you do the same and get your finger inside with mine

remaining inside". I clutched on to my legs firmly as the second finger violated my back

passage. The two fingers moved in opposite directions, pulling apart my ass-cheeks. My ass

seemed to be loosening up as the man took out his finger to dip two fingers in my cunt. This

time he rammed the two fingers in me. Soon there were six fingers inside my ass. As the two

men removed their fingers, I could see partially how loose my anal opening had become. I

was then made to get up and kneel down beside the cot and bend forward with my hands

holding on to the crisscrossing ropes of the cot and my legs spread. The man kneeled down

behind me and spread my ass cheeks wider. I could feel his hard dick head touching my asscrack.

He pushed his erection in to my pussy and moved it around. He then did the same

with his fingers and lubricated my butt-hole. Then in one big push he rammed his tool in my

rear. I could not believe how easily his tool pushed inside all the way.

‘ This isn't so bad. I can take it in my ass', I thought.

But what I had not realized was that he had some more to push inside me. Now my body

started to feel the pressure of his dick ripping my ass. I started to breathe heavily, clutching

on to the cot firmly. He remained inside my for some time, allowing me to calm down.

When he felt that I was all right, his thrusting started slowly and gathered momentum. His

hands were expertly fondling my breasts and at the same time rubbing my clit. As the first

orgasm rushed through my body, a loud moan escaped my mouth and juices flowed down

my thighs. He waited for my orgasm to subside and then again started the thrusting. " Oooh

yes I'm close", he whispered. Within seconds I felt his warm load filling up my ass. There

was no way that it could come out of my ass. It felt really odd to have his dick go limp while

inside me. He pulled out of me and got up. I remained in the same position drenched in

sweat and totally exhausted. But he was not done. He came to my face and put his limp dick

in my mouth and ordered me to clean it. I licked off the mixture of his semen & my juices

off his organ.

I didn't realize when I dozed off. When I got up I was sleeping naked on the floor. The

owner of the hut was sleeping on the cot, also naked and the kid was nowhere to be seen. I

looked at my watch. It was 5 in the morning. I got up quietly and decided to get out before

he could get up. I looked around for my clothes. Suddenly I realized that I was naked when I

entered the hut. So I sneaked out of the hut totally naked, with my sandals in my hand. It was

still dark outside. This made it difficult for me to search for my clothes. I kept searching for

my clothes for more than half an hour. At the end of it all I could find was my petticoat but

without its string. So I could not even tie it around the waist. I was now naked for more than

10 hours.

‘ That ass hole kid must have taken my clothes as a souvenir', I thought.


o I walked back to the hut and entered it quietly. Luckily I found a coat hanging by a nail. I

took the coat and again exited the hut. The woolen coat came up to my knees. But the bad

part was that it had no buttons to close it. So I wore my sandals and held the coat tightly

around my stomach. My house was more than 10 minutes away. I walked quickly all the

way to the house. As soon as I entered the house and slammed the door shut, I rushed to the

bathroom and turned on the shower. I stood under the shower cleaning all the sweat and the

cum on and in my body. I came out of the shower and started to wipe myself looking in the

mirror. I had red marks all over my back and arms due to the coarse ropes of the cot. Though

I had enjoyed it, I was happy that it was over. I got in to the bed and pulled over the

comforter. I took off my wristwatch and my earrings. Just then the horror struck. My

mangalsutra was missing. It was very very important to me. It was a very old piece of

jewellery passed from generation to generation in my husband's family.

And I had forgotten it at that man's house during my wild romp. I had to get it back at any

cost. Any cost?

My First Babysitter

Trap on Sex Stories


The other day some of my buddies and me were talking about old girlfriends and sex stories and that type thing when one friend asked me about my first time. I had thought of it often in the past many years and it inspired me to share my experience. I am only thirty years old as I write this story, but my first experience with the opposite sex was some eighteen years ago. It seems so long ago in one sense, but just yesterday in another.

I remember I was twelve years old, having just turned so only a few weeks earlier. I guess I was nieve for my age and was not very well versed in the ways of the world so to speak. I didn’t have many friends and, looking back, I was socially underdeveloped for my age. I didn’t know much about the birds and th

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e bees, and didn’t pay much attention to girls. I was more interested in football and riding bikes than spending time with silly girls.

It was about a week before Christmas and I had just gotten out of school for the holidays. My parents were extremely hard workers and cut loose only once or twice a year it seemed. One of those times was for my dad’s yearly Christmas party his company had. They would always get a babysitter for me on the night of the big party and would stay out until the wee hours of the morning. My babysitter was always one of my aunts or my grandma, but this year they were all busy. For the first time in my life, I was going to have to spend the evening with some stranger and I was not too happy about it.

"Why mom?! I’m twelve now and I think I’m old enough to stay by myself for a few hours."

Mom replied, "I don’t even think so young man. You are only twelve and you haven’t been exactly a perfect little boy these days you know. I don’t think I’m ready to let you stay by yourself."

She was commenting on an incident that happened about a week before. It started innocently enough, but I guess it was a bad idea. I had been shooting my BB gun in the back yard at some targets when I decided to shoot some birds out of the trees. I shot a bird out of my neighbor’s tree and the lady that lived there had seen me do it. I hadn’t payed attention, but she was in the yard hanging out some laundry to dry. She was none too happy because she loved birds. She had bird feeders out all over the place and always spread seeds and things out so they would fly into her yard. She saw me and yelled something over at me. It startled me and I knew she was angry, so I instinctively ran into the house, despite her requests to "come back here!" Anyway, she immediately came over to tell my mom and I was in some trouble to say the least.

"It was just a bird mom. I won’t do it anymore. I didn’t know it was that bad a thing to do."

"We have talked about this young man and I am through explaining it any further. If you would act like more of a responsible person, I might reconsider. But as it is, I am getting a babysitter and that is final!"

I knew I was beat and so I went to my room to sulk. I turn some music on my stereo and decided just to accept it and go on. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen. I figured she would get some mindless junior or senior in high school to come over and I would have to put up with her power trip for a few hours. I was working on a model car when my dad walked in. I didn’t realize he was even home. The time flew by while I was working on my car and it was now several hours later and they were getting ready for the party.

"Hey son, how are you doing?"

"Fine dad." I said, "Just working on my car and passing the time."

"Well," he said, "your mother and I are about ready to leave and I wanted to just pop in. We probably won’t be home until very late and you will be in bed. Hope you have fun with your babysitter."

"I’m sure I will dad." I was trying to sound really disappointed in a feeble hope for one last try at freedom. Little did I know at the time I was going to have a whole lot of fun.

Just then I heard the doorbell ring as dad said, "Oh, that must be her." I walked out of the room behind him as mom answered the door. I decided to stay in the hallway to hear what directions mom gave her before I came into the room.

I heard mom say, "Hello Debbie, it’s been awhile hasn’t it."

"Yes it has. I guess it must have been last fourth of July at the lake when I last saw you."

The babysitter, Debbie as mom called her, had a much more mature sound to her than I was expecting. I decided to go ahead and poke my head around the corner to get a look. Before, I was expecting some teenage, only a few years older than me, but now I was looking at a woman who must have been near the same age as my mom. She was short with dark brown hair and an average build, except for her breasts. She must have had the biggest breast I had ever seen and I felt a funny feeling creep into my stomach as I gazed at them. She had a pretty face but was very pale complected. She wore thick mascara and bright red lipstick. She was dressed in a skirt and long-sleeved blouse with high heel pumps and her hair was tied up in the back. She was very intimidating, but attractive at the same time. I had feelings welling up that I couldn’t understand at the time, and I had never felt up until now. I felt my penis start to stiffen and I became somewhat embarrassed as I heard mom call my name.

"Come here son, I want you to meet my old high school friend Debbie. She has just moved back to town and she will be watching you tonight."

I walked slowly into the living room with my hands at my side hoping that my hard little cock would not be noticed by anyone.

"Say hi to my friend Debbie," my mom said.

"Hi Debbie."

"Well hello there. You must be Jason. I’ve heard a lot about you," Debbie said. She sounded very adult in her manner of speaking. I still had trouble keeping my eyes off her breasts and I guess it was quite apparent because my mom told be to look at her eyes when she spoke to me. When I looked up, Debbie gave me a nice smile and nodded.

"I think Jason and I will be just fine. You two go and have a good time. We’ll just grab a little bite to eat and watch some TV." She seemed to like me instantly and I was really liking her, or at least looking at her.

Mom and dad were already running late, so they hurried out of the house with only a quick goodbye. Now I was alone with Debbie. I was very uncomfortable being alone with her and at the same time, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She was becoming more gorgeous to me by the second. I had never had a girl (or a woman in this case) affect me so much. She then said, "I’ll bet you’re hungry," and walked into the kitchen. I turned to admire her ass as she left the room. It was perfect in my estimation and I was mesmerized. When she returned, she said that she put a couple of TV dinners in the oven and we would be eating in just a few minutes. All I could do was nod in response. I sat on the sofa and she sat in the recliner. We quietly watched a rerun of "Friends" as we waited for the dinners to cook. After we ate, I suddenly became very sleepy. It had been a long day I guess, and so I fell asleep on the couch. I guess sometime during my nap, Debbie had decided to get a little more comfortable, because when I woke up she was wearing a tank top and the shortest pair of shorts I had ever seen. She must have thought I was still asleep as I watched her get up to go to the bathroom. Her tank top was very tight and her breasts looked like they might burst out at any minute. Her midriff showed a pierced bellybutton and her stomach was flat and tight. Her shorts were revealing to say the least, as I swear I could see the cheeks of her ass as she walked down the hall. After she closed the bathroom door, I quickly put my hand down my pants. I was actually horny and didn’t know how to react. I had never masturbated before, but now I had an instinctive urge to do it. I pulled on my pecker a few times before I heard the toilet flush. I quickly pulled my hand back out, and said hello as she entered the living room. She seemed a little startled at first.

"Oh, I didn’t know you were awake." I think she assumed I was out for the night and that’s probably why she changed into such revealing clothing. I swear she tried to cover herself a little as she quickly went back to the recliner.

She was older, you could tell, but her body looked fantastic. Better than any high school girl I had ever seen and I was going crazy. I suddenly had an incredible urge to touch her in anyway possible.

"Could I sit with you? I had a nightmare." I lied hoping she would take the bait. I was willing to do anything to get closer to her, even though I couldn’t understand what I was feeling. It was just animal instinct I guess. She was a female and I was a male in heat.

"I guess so," she said reluctantly. I could tell she was uncomfortable. "But why don’t I come over to the couch. I don’t think we would fit too well on this recliner." She cracked a smile, but I’m sure it was fake. I guarantee I was more nervous than she was but I couldn’t turn back now, even if I wanted to.

She then got up and came over to the couch. I raised up so she could sit down and then laid my head back down into her lap. Her legs were warm and smooth as I ran my cheek across her thighs as innocently as I could. She reacted by shifting a little in her seat and then placing one hand on my head. She stroked my hair a little as we watched TV and I was becoming more and more aroused. I had gotten hard-ons before, but never like this. It felt like it was going to explode, it was so hard. I decided to put my hands under my head on her lap. I wanted to feel her legs without making it too obvious that I was some kind of little pervert. She was so smooth and smelt very nicely and I think she was beginning to enjoy the touches we exchanged as much as I was. Her hand continued to stroke my hair as I felt her other hand suddenly on my stomach. I looked up at her when she did this and she smiled down at me.

"You sure are nice to sit with Jason." She said and I just smiled back.

"You too, Debbie. I’ve never been this comfortable before."

With that I felt her hand start to rub my stomach and then she slipped it under my shirt. It was probably an accident since my shirt had risen up during my nap, but her hand was now on my bare skin and that’s when something very embarrassing happened. I came.

I came right in my pants without so much as a warning. It was like having a wet dream while wide awake! You couldn’t believe my embarrassment as I lay as still as possible. I didn’t even know what had happened at the time, but I knew it felt really good.

"What’s the matter Jason? You suddenly feel very tense." I could only hope she wouldn’t find out.

"Nothing." I said very quickly, but somehow I don’t think she believed me.

My head was spinning from the orgasm and from trying to figure out what to do next when suddenly I felt her hand go very near my crotch. My cock was situated in my shorts so that it pointed up toward the waist and I felt her hand stop just short of the tip. Then she looked down at me with a puzzled look.

"You are wet Jason. Did you spill something on you?" As she spoke, I must have had a look of complete fear on my face, and I was petrified.

She continued, "What’s the matter?"

Even as she said it, I saw her face change expressions as she must have figured it out.

"I’m sorry Debbie. I didn’t mean to. I don’t even know for sure what happened."

Suddenly I saw a change in Debbie. She was no longer the pleasant person she had been all night. She became furious and I was shocked at what she would say and do next.

"Jason! Did you cum in your shorts?!"

"What? I don’t know what that means."

"You did didn’t you!" She was becoming madder by the second. "You came in your shorts while trying to feel me up didn’t you, you little pervert!"

"Debbie please! I didn’t mean it! You were just so warm and soft and smelt so nice! You’re just so pretty!" I was trying to hold back tears as her face took on a horrified look. She stood up and walked to the middle of the living room and turned facing me. Even at that intense moment, I couldn’t help but stare at her amazing body and she saw it in my face.

"You little bastard! Even now you are undressing me with your eyes! You can’t get enough can you!" Even before I could answer she started to pull her tank top over her head.

"Well, is this what you wanted to see so badly!" She stood now topless in the middle of the floor as she flung her top into the recliner. I was stunned. It was the first pair of bare breasts I had ever seen, even in magazines. Her breasts were big and round mounds on her chest. Her nipples pointed upward and her areolas were pink in contrast to her pale skin.

"I just had a boob job last summer and I guess they got your attention didn’t they?!" I couldn’t believe they were fake, but I didn’t care. They were titties and they were in my plain sight. They were spectacular and even to this day I have never seen a better pair. She was still fuming as she quickly pushed her shorts down revealing her pussy to me. To my surprise, she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Her pussy was trimmed neatly and her mound showed nicely.

"Well, there you go! I guess you wouldn’t be satisfied without the full view would you!" I was no longer shocked at what she was saying. Her naked body had my full attention and I listened only slightly at what she said. That is until she decided to punish me.

"Your mom and dad won’t like this a bit! I’d better punish you for this! Drop your shorts! I’m going to give you a spanking!"

I was scared now, but was not about to do anything to make her more mad. I stood up and dropped my shorts and underwear to the floor. My hard little cock poked up toward my stomach as the cum from my orgasm covered my pelvic area and had started to drip down on my ball sack. I have always cum a lot when I have an orgasm, even for my first time. She looked down at my cock as I awaited her next move. She came over and stood beside me. I still had a hard time looking away. She then put one hand on my shoulder and began to slap at my butt cheeks with her other hand. To my surprise, she was not hitting me very hard. She slapped me about five times and then something incredible happened.

"Well, I guess that’s a start." She said. "But I’m not through with your punishment."

I noticed a change in her tone. She was breathing harder and looking down at my penis as she spoke.

"I guess next thing is to clean you up. You look a mess."

I started to walk to the bathroom to get a towel or something to wipe myself down with when she stopped me.

"Where do you think you’re going young man?!" She seemed more upset again. I was confused and said I was going to the bathroom.

"No! I’m not letting you out of my sight any more tonight. I don’t want you to do anymore harm than you already have. You will probably go to your room and try to screw the bed or something!"

I was still scared and confused as she told me to come over to her. She sat on the couch facing me as I walked slowly toward her.

"I guess I’ll just have to clean you up myself. Don’t think for a minute that I like doing this!"

When I got close enough, she reached behind me and pulled me quickly toward her. Before I knew what happened, my hard virgin cock was in her mouth. She sucked on it for several seconds as I tried to figure out what was happening. I was paralyzed as I felt her tongue start to lick the underside of my cock. Then she pulled my cock out of her mouth and pushed it hard against my stomach. She looked up at me and mumbled something about how dirty I was and then started to lick and suck on my scrotum. I could already feel another orgasm coming on as she finished licking my balls and all around my pelvis. She had my cock in her mouth again as I came. She didn’t look nearly as surprised as I thought she would and looking back on it, I think she must have known what was coming. She simply continued to suck my cock until I had completely unloaded into her mouth. I felt her swallow and then she pulled her mouth away.

"Now unless you want me to tell your parents what you did, you will fuck me. I know you want to and you owe me one."

Her eyes were intensely serious as she sat back into the couch and spread her legs.

"I don’t know how," I said as I slowly inched my way closer. She grabbed me again and pulled me in toward her, more gently this time. I watched as she guided my cock to her pussy and when the head was at her entrance, she pulled me by the ass until my five-inch little cock was all the way inside. It felt warm and velvety as I instinctively tried to push deeper.

"Just pull part way out and push it back in." Her voice was more tender than before although she was still very demanding. I began to pull in and out of her pussy as best I could. She was trying to give me directions on how to do it and I was trying my best to oblige. She must have been frustrated with my efforts, because she suddenly pushed me away with a loud sigh.

"This isn’t working for me. Your little cock is just too damn small to satisfy me."

She then stood up and put her clothes back on. I thought she was actually leaving as she rushed out the door. I couldn’t believe she would leave me alone when she was supposed to be babysitting me. Suddenly, though, she came back into the house with something in her hand. To my amazement it looked like a man’s penis. It was long and thick and black. She quickly stripped again and began to suck on the penis intensely. She then came back to the couch in front of where I was still standing and kneeled down with her back to me. I watched as she reached around with the fake penis and pushed it hard into her pussy as she leaned over the sofa. It was very sexy to watch her pull it in and out of herself and I began to stroke my cock as she moaned. Then she looked back at me and spoke.

"Now put that worthless little cock into my asshole." I was stunned and shook my head at her.

"No! I can’t do that. That is where you poo from. I won’t!"


I still didn’t want to do it but I was convinced she would tell on me if I didn’t. I guess it didn’t dawn on me at the time that she could get in much more trouble than I could for what was happening. I was young and ignorant and a little scared, so I did what I was told. I put my cock at her asshole and pushed. It wouldn’t go in at first but she insisted I keep trying. When it finally did pierce her ass, it felt great and I was no longer feeling grossed out. I was feeling very horny again and push as hard as I could. I was fully inside her in seconds and I loved it. It wasn’t long before we had a good rhythm going and Debbie was moaning like crazy. She was fucking herself with the black penis while I pumped away at her tight ass. Because of the situation and the fact that I was so new at this, I felt my next orgasm building up strongly.

"Debbie, I think I’m about to do it again. What should I do?" I asked.

"Just cum in my ass," she shakily replied, very much to the point.

I did what I was told as she screamed loudly. The feeling was intense and I thought for a moment that I might collapse. My knees felt wobbly and my head was swimming as I emptied my balls into her ass. I could feel my thighs suddenly become very wet and this time I knew it wasn’t from me. My first thought was that she was peeing on my so I quickly pulled away as a string of my cum stretched from the tip of my cock to her ass. I watched as she continued to push her toy in and out of her pussy. There was clear liquid splashing all about as she was screaming. Finally she stopped and pulled it out. A gush of liquid escaped and hit the floor with a slight thud. She collapsed face down into the couch and gave out a throaty moan. I stood not sure what to do next when she turned to me and spoke. Her voice was very tender now, much like it had been before all this had started.

"Oh sugar, you did fine. Just fine." She was still quivering a little and her voice was shaky.

She then rose up, turned around, and walked over to me. I could see her juices running down her thighs and her entire body was glistening with sweat. Her hair was a mess also. She leaned down a little and gave me a big hug.

"I’m sorry I sounded so mean to you. I just get a little different when I am turned on. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course I didn’t at the time, but I shook my head up and down anyway.

"I really do like you Jason. I didn’t mean all those terrible things I said before. I wasn’t exactly myself there for a while. When I realized you had cum in your shorts, I just got so damn horny I lost my head." She was like her old self again, only still very much naked in front of me, and so was I for that matter.

"Why don’t we go get cleaned up and then we will tidy up the living room before your parents get back?" She looked at the clock and I did too.

It was getting very late and I was suddenly very nervous because my parents could possibly be home anytime now. I didn’t know for sure. My cock was limp for the first time in quite a while and I felt very satisfied. I knew I had just been with a woman. Not a girl, but a woman. And it was the most erotic thing I would ever experience. From that time on, I would always ask for Debbie when my parents went out. They were a little suspicious when I was still asking for her when I was seventeen. If they had only known how well my babysitter took care of me!

Girls Night

breastgirl34c on Teen Stories

There is this thing my sisters and I started this past year, we like to call it “Girls Night.” We recently had our second one, and let me tell you, it was really fun. Let me give you some background on it first.

Our first one we had a weekend while my parents were away picking up my sister from her first semester at college. My name is Susie, I just turned 18 years old, but at the time of my first party, I was 17. I have one older sister as I alluded to earlier, she is almost 19, and one younger sister who is 15. Our first Girls night was over a weekend when my parents were gone. They left on a Friday afternoon to get there on Saturday morning, then hoped to leave there Saturday afternoon getting back home on Sunday morning. So basically, they left my younger sister and I (w

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ho are both bi-sexual, but prefer girls) home alone. I knew about this in advance of course, so my sister and I were planning what we would do. We invited about 12 other girls over, all of us were between the ages of 18 and 14. We got one of the girls who was over 18 to go out and rent some movies for us. Getting down to the just of it, my house was full of naked teenage girls from Friday night to Saturday night. It was so much fun. We fucked by night, and slept by day. There was only two rules. The first one was that no clothes were to be worn at all unless for some special reason (like a show you would put on for us) and two, you had to be with every other girl there atleast once during the course of the 24 hours. Needless to say, that first girls night was a total hit. Everyone loved it.


Now, on to the point of the story, the second girls night. Well, this one took place only a few weeks after the first one. I was turning 18 and managed to convince my parents to let me go out for the weekend with my sisters. My sisters and I rounded up about 20 girls total to join us for the first girls night. It’s amazing how many girls were interested in it after they heard what went on at the first one. Even girls that were straight, but curious were asking me about it. So the 20 of us each paid about $15 and we rented out a giant suite at one of the hotels in the city. When I say big, I mean big, this thing was enormous. My sisters and I got there early to check in and see what the room was really like. We opened up the big double door to the room and we just stood there awe struck at it. There was a “small” hallway with closets off to the side then beyond that, two stairs that went down to a giant living room area with leather couches and chairs and a fireplace off to one side. Attached to this was a decent sized mini-kitchen, a porch, a bathroom, a bedroom, a master suite, with a big bedroom and private bath. The kitchen, each bathroom, and bedroom all had their own TV’s with VCR’s. We also found, hidden behind the paneling above the fireplace, a giant big screen TV. There was plenty of furniture all around. Plenty of room for all of us. This was perfect.

We then left and went shopping for the remainder of the afternoon. The party started at 5:30, with people arriving as early as 5. My sisters and I went to Victoria Secret first where we each got a new set of underwear and a new piece of lingerie. We also got a piece of lingerie and another complete set of very sexy underwear for prizes that night. After Victoria Secret’s, we went to the local porn shop, where my sister went in and bought various toys, some to use that night, and some for prizes, and bought 4 movies for us to watch and give away. After the porn shop, we went to a local linen store and bought two curtains so we could set them up as a serpentine wall in front of the door this was incase we had any visitors tonight, they wouldn’t see a room full of naked teenage girls. Our last stop for the afternoon was a local party store where we picked up some party stuff. Balloons, crep paper, streamers, party hats, soda, and other snacks. All these earins took us the majority of the afternoon, and we got back to the hotel about 4 p.m. We took that hour and decorated the place, set up our walls, and got ready for the guests to arrive. We changed into our lingerie and just sat around waiting for the other girls to come. We heard a knock at our door a little after 5 and just looked at each other and smiled. The fun was about to begin.

My older sister was stationed at the door, answering it since the room was checked out under her name. She wore regular clothes over her lingerie, but my younger sister and I stayed in just the lingerie. I was standing behind the first turn of the serpentine wall, and my younger sister was just going to roam around helping people and chatting with them until everyone arrived and we started. We let the first girl in. It was one of Katie’s (my younger sister) friends, she was at the first girls night and was a regular visitor to my house. As she snuck her way round the walls, I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. I planted my lips on her mouth and started kissing her. She was surprised at first but soon joined in. We stood there making out for about 30 seconds or so. I was sure to let my hands roam her body, especially over her tits. She loved that, it was something I had learned after having fucked her so many dozens of times. That was one girl who definitely loved her tits. They weren’t too badly sized either.

After she arrived, we waited a few more minutes and the rest of the girls started to arrive. They were all there by 5:30, even the new comers. I greeted each experienced and returning girl by making out with them and feeling them up as they came in, but the newcomers, I would hold by the waste and would kiss once on the lips and welcome in.

We all started the night with our clothes on because our first activity was going to be a strip show one by one for the rest of the girls. Each girl was told to wear a sexy set of underwear or a sexy piece of lingerie. My sisters and I had arranged the furniture so that they were all facing the TV/fireplace, but arranged them so that there was a big open space in the middle. After everyone we were expecting arrived, we locked the doors and called everyone’s attention. I thanked everyone for coming and explained to them that pizza was on the way and we would be able to eat after our first activity was over. I asked everyone to go around and introduce themselves, since we had about 5 new faces, I wanted everyone to know everyone elses names. After they did that, I explained to them that our first activity was going to be a solo stripping. My sisters and I would go first, followed by all experienced girls by age, then the newcomers, by age. The rules here were that you weren’t allowed to touch yourself if you weren’t performing and were only to take off your outer garments, leaving your underwear on underneath.

My older sister put on some very slow sexy music she had mixed especially for this and took center stage. I stood there watching her, she was definitely a specimine. A very hot body and she moved to the music like it was nothing. She started out by moving her hands down her body and over her D-cup breasts making sure they bounced. She then turned her back to us and put her hands in her ass pocket on her jeans and waved it at us. She somehow undid her jeans and started pulling them down her ass wiggling out of them all the way down. She then picked them up and threw them into the corner and stood facing us. She shook her chest, which of course make her tits bounce, and the fact that she was wearing lingerie and no bra made them bounce even more. She took off her shirt and swung it around her head a few times which concluded her show. We clapped as she moved off to the side and I took her spot. I looked around the room to see how people were reacting. Everyone seemed to be liking it, even the new girls, they were wide eyed just looking at my sister.

I was next. I started out by moving myself to the music. I grabbed my C-cup breasts and shoved them around. I then reached down and grabbed my shirt, and slowly brought it up over my head, all while moving to the music. I had on just a regular pair of pants, so I just slid them off as sexy as I could. It wasn’t as good as my sisters, but where I lack in the stripping, I make up in the fucking.

After I went, each girl took their turn stripping, and we all were throwing our clothes into one corner in one big heap. Katie stayed dressed for a while waiting to get the pizza, and also because she was the best stripper. The pizza came some time while the show was going on, I didn’t notice because I was too caught up in the show to notice. But I did notice she disappeared for a couple minutes. After the new girls went, which I have to admit, they did pretty good, they also seemed to be enjoying it, which was good because it meant that I would have five new partners tonight. After they were done, my sister and I prepared for Katie’s entrance. We turned down the lights a little, and put on some new music.

Katie came out of the bedroom in extremely tight jeans, and a really sexy top, neither of which I had seen before. Katie was a dancer, and therefore, had an extremely fit body and was extremely flexible, she was so fucking hot, it drove me crazy. Her high B-Cups were perfect for her body size, and her ass was delicious looking. She slowly and sexily walked from the bedroom to the floor and took the position to start her show. She started out like my older sister, that is by running her hands up and down her body, over and over her breasts. She slowly took off her shirt, which was so small, her tits got caught in it when it got up that far… that was sexy. She then took off her jeans in a way I had never seen before. Oh my god, it got me so hot I couldn’t stand it. I wanted to touch myself so bad, but I couldn’t, it was the rules. When she god her jeans off, we all gasped as we saw something stuck up her pussy. She moved the cloth for her lingerie aside and pulled a 4 inch vibrator out of her pussy and licked it off, then took a bow. We all just sat there dumbstruck over what we had just seen.

We all just sat there a minute staring at her. Even the newcomers who were only interested were shifting their weight around and it was obvious that they were turned on. She was enjoying it though. She just sat there licking her vibrator like a little girl with a lollypop. The aroma of the pizza was wafting into our nostrils, so I told the girls to get their pizza dinner and told them they could go anywhere in the suite, but had to meet back here in 45 minutes. I also told them they had to restrain from having sex, and that they would get plenty of it later.

So all the girls got their pizza and went off into their separate groups. There were 4 or 5 groups of girls. They separated themselves mainly by age, but I noticed that our newcomers all hung together, so I went and sat with them. They all smiled at me as I sat down. I listened to their conversation for a little while. Nothing interesting, just girl talk. I decided to break the ice with them and asked if they were enjoying themselves so far. They just looked around. It was obvious that no one wanted to be the first to talk, then finally the youngest one, one of Katie’s friends piped up.

“You know, I always have been kind’ve interested in girls, I guess I’ve just been scared to try to make the move because people would find out, but some of the people here I would’ve never guessed were bi or les. I think it’s great and I’m excited to have my first experience tonight.”

“Well, I’m glad your enjoying it,” I told her, “Can I ask you something else, cause you’ve obviously been thinking about this a while. What is your biggest fantasy of something you’d like to do with another girl.”

She sat there a minute thinking, then blushed as she said, “Well, I would really like my first experience to be with Katie, your sister. I’ve dreamt that the first time we did it, it would be slow and very sexy. Just me and her on this big bed, in a dimly lit room… that would be fun.”

“Well,” I said with a smile, “We’ll see what we can arrange.”

One of my friends then spoke up, “Na… see, I want my first time to be so rough and physical that I collapse afterward covered in sweat. Oh, and doing it in front of a group of people, that would be so kinky.”

“Would you like toys to be used?” I asked her.

“Defiantly” She said.

I talked with them a little bit longer and they each told me their perfect/ideal first fuck. I was surprised, they had that thing thought out down to the details. I then got up and went and found Katie. I told her what Erin, her friend, had told me about her fantasy for her first time. I suggested to Katie that she go get Erin and go into the back bedroom and full fill that for her. Katie liked her erotic sex, but she was also damn good at the slow stuff too. Katie thanked me for the insight and said she would. As I got everyone’s attention again, I saw Katie sneak up behind Erin, wrap her arms around her, nibble her neck, and whisper something in her ear. I saw Erin smile, and disappear with Katie into the back bedroom.

We cleared off one of the couches to use it as our stage for the night. I called up Jackie, the newcomer who said her ideal fuck would be hardcore with lots of toys. I pulled my backpack from off to the side and dumped its contents out on the floor.

“I think its time Jackie had her first experience with a girl,” I said, “ What do you think gals?”

The other girls cheered and Jackie looked at me with a crazed/happy look on her face. On the floor was a pile of various toys and other stuff. I looked around and picked two girls to come up and fuck her. One of them was my best friend and one was another one of Katie’s friends.

The two girls I picked stood there for a minute and whispered to each other what they would do. Jackie wore a bra and panties because she didn’t have any lingerie. Carol, my friend, and Jamie, Katie’s friend, commanded Jackie to get on all fours with her legs spread. She did as she was commanded. Carol then crawled underneath Jackie facing upwards. She scooted herself up until her head was even with Jackie’s chest. Jamie then undid the clasp of Carol’s lingerie that was under her pussy. She started to tease it with her fingers. She ran them around the inside, then would put them partway in. Meanwhile, while Carol was getting played with, she was also playing with Jackie’s tits. She had one in each hand and was just shaking them and moving them everywhere, all with her bra still on. Jackie had nice firm tits too. They were big enough that you could cup them in your hand, so they worked good for what Carol was doing. Jackie had her eyes closed and her mouth half open, which was telling me she was enjoying it. Carol then stopped playing with them and sat her head up. She stuck out her tongue and started to lick the exposed part of Jackie’s breasts. By this time, Jamie had dove in and was now fully licking Carol’s pussy. So there they were, Jamie’s face buried between Carol’s legs, and Carols tongue enjoying Jackie’s tits. Carol then stopped and asked Jackie if she would like to be eaten out. Of course she said yes, so Jamie stopped eating Carol and moved up to Jackie. She slowly took off Jackie’s panties and then did one slow lick across her pussy. Jackie gasped as Jamie’s tongue hit her virgin pussy. Carol reached up and pulled Jackie’s two tits, one by one, out of her bra. She took each tit in her mouth, then took off the bra and threw it in our pile. While Jackie was getting herself eaten out for the first time, it was becoming obvious that she wouldn’t last much longer. Carol meanwhile, climbed out from under Jackie and put on a strap on dildo we had sitting there. Jackie then screamed as she experienced her first climax and collapsed on the floor. Carol told her to flip over and face up. Jackie obeyed. Carol strattled Jackie’s chest and stuck her dildo in Jackie’s mouth and told her to suck, which she obeyed immediately. Jamie meanwhile also put on a strap on and sat behind Carol on Jamie’s stomach. She shoved her dildo into Carol’s ass and just held it there. Carols action pumping her strap on in and out of Jackie’s mouth as in turn making Jamie’s dildo go in and out of her ass. Jackie reached up and grapped Carols breasts, which are about 36c like mine, and started massaging them. She eventually managed to pull Carol’s lingerie off her tits so they were now hanging and moving freely with the action. All this while, Carol was smearing her pussy juice all over Jackie’s tits. This continued maybe another minute until Carol finally gave in and cummed all over Jackie. Carol fell to the side to catch her breath and Jamie took the opportunity and dove down on Jackie’s tits and licked off all of Carol’s juices. Jamie moved up to Jackie’s mouth and started to kiss her. It was obvious that they were using tongue, Jamie was sharing Carol’s cum with Jackie. Jackie did manage to get Jamie’s lingerie off her breasts and was massaging them as they made out. Jamie stopped kissing her and told her they were ready for the grand finale. Jamie got out the double sided dildo and stuck on end in herself (they were all nude now). She told Jackie to kneel on her knees. She obeyed. Carol positioned herself behind Jackie. Jamie went first and slowly stuck her dildo in Jamie’s pussy, Carol then moved in from behind. This beautiful girl, who was a total virgin 10 minutes ago was now kneeling there with a dildo in bother her pussy and ass. Jamie and Carol were thrusting together meaning they went in and out at the same time. They started slow then started moving faster and faster until they all screamed at the same time as they climaxed together and fell in a sweaty heap on the floor. The audience cheered and I looked at Jackie and asked her how that was. She smiled at me and said it was fantastic.

We cleared the stage for the next set of girls. Amy was next, she was another one of my friends who was new to the party. She told me her fantasy was to have me slowly strip for her, then strip her as she sat on the couch, kissing her body all the way down. She wanted me to then eat her out, and as she cummed, to catch it in my mouth and share it with her in a long kiss. Hey, what can I say, sounded like fun to me.

Amy sat on the couch as I stood in front of her, grabbed my tits, and played with them. I let a hand roam down to by pussy, where I got my juices on it. I then brought it back up to my mouth where I licked it off. With a finger still in my mouth, I slid the straps for my lingerie off my shoulders. I then peeled my lingerie down, and completely off. I moved slowly up to her, and then attacked her tits. They were really small, hardly even there, but I did the best I could to lick and play with them. I literally ripped her bra and panties off her body and dove into her pussy. I wasted no time and immediately started licking it. I could tell she liked it by the way she was moaning. I was sticking my tongue in and out and licking all around. She didn’t last long before she experienced her first orgasm. I lapped up all I could, then with my mouth full of her cum, I slowly ran my lips up her stomach to her tits, then up to her mouth where she joined me for a kiss. I let my hands roam to her chest and was playing with her tits as we laid there and made out. She let my tongue into her mouth and we frenched as she tasted her cum. There is nothing like the feeling of another girls body on yours as you make out.

We finished making out and as our audience applauded us, I saw Katie and Erin emerge out of the back bedroom. Katie looked at me, smiled and gave me a wink, as she went and joined the rest of the group with Erin.

We had one more girl who was a virgin with us. She was known for giving hand jobs and oral sex to any guy who asked, but still retained her virginity, and had never had full sex with either a guy or a girl. Her name was Marlena. She was really hot too. Long straight brown hair, breasts the size of oranges and fantastic legs. I had been wanting to fuck her for a real long time, and now that I had the chance, I was not about to let it go. I called her up, and she came up and sat on the couch in her matching black thong and push up bra, both not covering up much. I then went into the kitchen, where I got a brown paper bag. I had thought ahead about her, and went out and got some supplies to aid me. No one knew what was in the bag but me. I told my best friend to come up and help me with her. So, my best friend Natalie, whom I had known and lived next to (yes, we were both frequent visitors at each others houses) for all my life, as she came up I grabbed her and pulled her towards me and started kissing her. This was to get her a little turned on, and an excuse for me to get her lingerie off. After it was all off and she was excited, I asked her whether she wanted strawberry or chocolate, and with that, I pulled a thing of Hershey’s strawberry syrup, and a thing of Hershey’s chocolate syrup out of the bag. Katie looked at me like I was crazy. We had tried this once, and even us, who were experienced with other girls could not hold back our orgasm’s very long. We both orgasmed almost immediately. This was going to be a shower. Marlena had cummed before from masturbating she had said, but this was going to be the most and most powerful she had cummed ever in her life, and she didn’t know it, only Katie and I did.

Natalie selected the Strawberry syrup. I looked at her and said, “Let’s go have some fun.” With that, I held the bottle over one of Marlena’s breasts and let the chocolate syrup drip a little dab, a little bigger than a half dollar in size on the exposed part of her breast. She gasped when it hit. It was room temperature, so it wasn’t cold. I took two of my fingers and gently rubbed it around all over her breast. I then lowered my face to her breast and started licking the syrup off her breast. She was gasping for air. I was making long slow strokes with my tongue over her chest. Natalie then joined in with me and put a dab strawberry sauce on her other breast and proceeded to do what I was doing. I was getting chocolate sauce all over my face, as was Natalie and the strawberry on hers, but we didn’t care, this was fun. Once I had licked up all the syrup, I squirted more on her, but this time added some to her stomach. With two girls licking this syrup off of her, she was getting wet really fast. Her thong was now almost completely soaked through. Her bra was one that opened up in the front, so I took the liberty of finally taking it off. Marlena then shifted so I could take it the rest of the way off. I also slipped her thong off. Both Natalie and I then started putting the syrup directly on her tits and sucking it off. We were both having a lot of fun, and so was Marlena. This was the first time she cummed tonight, but it defanitly wasn’t the last. She had cummed hard, but we still continued. Natalie and I took turns on her breasts and down near her pussy. My the time we were finished, she had cummed hard three times and was covered in sticky chocolate and strawberry syrup. Natalie and I were also covered in sticky syrup. It was all over our faces and also our chests from rubbing up and down on her.

We told Marlena to go have a seat, that she would have a chance to clean up later, and then Natalie and I proceeded to clean each other off. She attacked my breasts first, squeezing one with her hand, and licking the other, then switching, and squeezing the clean one and licking the other. She then moved up and we started making out. It was very interesting making out with someone and having the chocolate and strawberry syrup in their mouths and tasting that at the same time. While we were there making out, she was fingering me. It didn’t take long, between us making out, her fingering me, and the feeling of her tits on mine to make me cum. After I cummed we flipped and I attacked her and returned the favor to her of what she had just done to me. I did everything the same. She lasted about the same amount of time I did before she cummed all over the place. I was now officially exausted, I had been with three girls consecutively now. It was time for me to sit back and enjoy some of this show.

My big sister went up next. She stood there in a very sexy piece of lingerie, it was one I had given her for her 18th birthday. She asked for two volunteers to join her. There were a handful of volunteers. She picked two, one of Katie’s friends, who had really small breasts, and one of my friends with medium size breasts, and her of course with large ones. They got up in front of us and my sister immediately went down on Katie’s friend’s pussy. She moved the girls panties to the side and proceeded to lick her. She girl just sat there with her legs spread moaning. My friend stood off to the side for a minute then climbed up over Katie’s friend and stuck her pussy in her face. So here this young girl was, being eaten out and eating out. As expected, she cummed pretty quickly. It was now my sisters turn to receive some pleasure. She laid down on the couch and the girls attacked her. They took off her lingerie, and while my friend tit fucked her face, Katie’s friend returned the favor of eating her out. It was a sight. They switched positions a few more times, and even incorporated in a few toys. It was one of the better shows I had seen. After they all climaxed and orgasmed at the same time, they fell in a panting heap on top of each other on the couch.

We all just sat there for a minute, then I got up and told the girls that it was free time, they had the next couple of hours to go fuck whomever they wanted, anywhere in the suite they wanted, except the bathroom and shower was reserved for Marlena and the single partner of her choosing, and the master bedroom was reserved for our special guests who were due to be here soon. The girls all looked at each other wondering who we had planned to come.

The girls then all got together in groups, and spread out around the apartment and started playing with each other. It was a sight. Marlena went up to one of my friends, and asked her to join her in the shower. Her invitation was happily received and I watched them head into the bathroom, close the door, and about 5 minutes later, the water start running. I smiled thinking to myself how much I would’ve liked it to watch her lick the remaining syrup off of Marlena’s body before they climbed into the shower.

The master bedroom had its own separate entrance, so we could sneak in our guests without all the girls seeing. We told them what time we wanted them to come, and at that time, we opened up the door to the outside just a crack, as we were still naked, and peaked outside. Sure enough, just as he had promised, the young man, maybe mid twenties that had checked us in earlier was standing there with one of his friends. He saw me look out the door and waved at me. I opened the door, stood behind it, and motioned for them to come in. My two sisters were at it on the bed, but our two young men didn’t see that until they were in the room. I shut the door and stood there, acting as if I was wearing clothes. They just stood there staring at my sisters, then at me when they realized that I was naked.

“You think that’s something?” I asked them motioning toward the bed, “that ain’t nothing, let me show you this.” With that I opened up the door from the master bedroom to the suite just enough for them to see out. What they saw was piles of naked teenage girls having sex with each other. I closed the door, and stood in front of John, the nice young man who checked us in and grabbed his crotch and his raging hard on, and kneaded it though his pants.

“I’m glad you could come.” I whispered to him. With that I brought my lips up to his and started kissing him. I felt his hands go to my waist, then slowly move up my body and start feeling my tits as we kissed. I undid his belt and pulled his pants down and exposed his enormous dick to the world. I stared at it for a moment, it had been such a long time since I had seen one that I forgot how big they were. I then moved down and took it into my mouth. It felt so wonderful to have a cock in my mouth again. I sucked on him for a little while, until I felt him start to get tense. I stopped, because I wanted to save him for later. I told my sisters to get off the bed and go entertain Jeff, his buddy.

Katie bounced off the bed, her breasts bouncing like a bouncy ball, and bounded over to Jeff and sat on his lap. Kelly, my older sister was slower about it. By the time she got over there, Katie had already gotten Jeff’s dick out of his pants and was feeling him up. I led John, who was now completely naked, over to the bed and he climbed on it with me. He laid down and I stratled his stomach, being sure to rub my wet pussy all over it. I then leaned down and tit fucked his face. As my breasts were smashed into his face, I felt his tongue all over the area he could reach. It felt wonderful. I held it there for a little while, then rolled over, laying on my back, with my legs spread, and told him to fuck my brains out. He didn’t need told twice. He was so hard, he was standing up perfectly straight as he laid there. He rolled over, got on all fours over me, and slowly guided himself in. I gasped as I felt him enter me. I had only had a cock in me one other time in my life, and it was a feeling I thought felt wonderful.

Meanwhile, as John laid there fucking me, I looked over and saw Katie giving her first blow job to a real dick. She had blown plenty of dildo’s, but this was the first time she did it to the real thing. She had been waiting for this all night. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and of course, so did Jeff. After all, what man wouldn’t enjoy being sucked off by a hot 14 year old? This continued for a little while longer. I was in heaven with John fucking me, but like all good things, this one couldn’t last forever. He asked me if he wanted him to cum in me. I told him no, and to pull out. He stayed in me as long as possible, then he pulled out of me quickly and cummed all over my stomach and breasts. He collapsed next to me on the bed as we both laid there catching our breath. I watched him deflate.

Kelly was being pretty nice to Jeff. I could tell by the look on his face that Kelly was doing a good job. He then too said he was going to cum. Kelly looked at me with a twinkle in here eye. She had been waiting for this for a long time, and now she was actually going to have someone cum on her. She was really excited. This added excitement that Jeff was near his climax caused her to suck even harder, which shortened the amount of time Jeff could hold it in. Kate, my older sister, and I watched as Jeff started cumming. Kelly caught a little of it in her mouth, but there was a point where it was too much and his dick came out of her mouth and continued spewing all over her chest. When he finished, he just sat there in the chair as he deflated. Kelly fell back and laid on her back on the floor just caught up in the moment of being covered in cum. She was slowly taking her fingers and rubbing it into her breasts.

Kate told the two guys to sit in the chairs on the side of the room, while the three of us cleaned each other off, even though Kate didn’t have a drop on her, she wanted to taste it. Jeff and John went and sat in the chairs as they recovered. The three of us climbed on the bed. I immediately went for Kelly and started licking the hot creamy cum off her tits. I had positioned myself so that she could lick the stuff off my breasts too. Kate positioned herself at Kelly’s pussy and was eating her out. Kelly didn’t last long with me at her tits and Kate at her pussy before she cummed all over the place. Kate just lapped it all up like a thirsty dog.

Meanwhile, this little show we had put on did more than enough to excite the two guys again. Kelly was absolutely dyeing to have that thing in her. She had already tasted Jeff, so she wanted John. Kate was also craving cock, so she took Jeff. The four of them got onto the bed. The two guys on the bottom laying on their backs, then the two girls went up and climbed over them and lowered themselves down on top of them. Kate and Kelly were laying there riding Jeff and John. It was quite a sight. Kate had been fucked plenty of times, so she was a veteran at this, but this was Kelly’s first time. It was obvious that she was enjoying it. Her breasts were bouncing around wildely as she rode him. She had her eyes closed, and just watching John’s cock go in and out of her was a great sight, one that I couldn’t resist masturbating to. I sat there on one of the chairs rubbing my pussy. The three of us all cummed around the same time. Both my sisters let them cum in them. As they all collapsed on the bed. Kate managed to get into 69 with Kelly, and they sucked the cum out of each others pussys.

We all laid there a minute to catch our breath and come back to the real world. It was now time to switch partners. Kate and Kelly went back out into the room to join the fun, and to send two more girls in. They sent in two of my friends. My friends came in the door not expecting what to expect. They gasped when they saw the two guys sitting naked in the chairs with fully erect dicks standing straight up. I told them the guys were here to serve them. They could do anything they wanted, but they only had time to do something with one of them. The two girls went off and started out by blowing them. The guys didn’t last long considering this was going to be their third cum in a very short amount of time. One of the girls saw it coming and managed to get it in her pussy before he came. The other one just got a mouthful of cum. I must say though, she was good at swallowing. The two girls thanked me, and went out to get two more.

The two more they had gotten were two of Kelly’s friends. One was the girl who was over all the time and a regular for us, and the second one was a fairly new girl. They were both shocked when they saw the two guys there. The guys were still limp from their last encounter. I suggested to the girls that they go on the bed, and entertain the manfolk to get them excited. They just smiled at each other and went onto the bed. They started out by making out. Let me tell you, it was one of the hottest make out sessions that I have ever seen. They were clearly using tongue, and their hands were all over each others bodies. Kelly’s friend, the regular, had a fantastic chest for her size, but the other one had a fairly small one. They were hot though, mainly because they were so young. This got the guys excited again. The girls whispered something to each other, then motioned for the guys to come join them. The more experienced of the girls was named Tashia. She told Jeff to come and fuck her pussy while the other girl sucked on her tits. She laid flat on the bed with her legs spread wide exposing her pussy to Jeff. Jeff didn’t need asking twice, he was up there pretty fast. She started fucking her. It was quite a sight. Watching her get hammered by Jeff’s huge cock, and then having her breasts sucked. She lasted longer than I would’ve guessed before she cummed, which caused him to cum too. She laid there a minute recovering from what just happened, then she told John to come up and fuck her friends pussy and then Jeff to fuck her mouth.

John came up and slowly inserted his dick into her. She was a virgin, so she screamed when her hymen broke. But then she started moaning as John started fucking her. Jeff meanwhile was recovering pretty quickly and strattled her and stuck his cock in her mouth. It was really fun watching this total virgin getting fucked with two cocks, I wish I had thought of that! Meanwhile Tashia had put her face down by her friends pussy and was licking all around where John’s dick was sliding in and out of her pussy. Her friend didn’t last long at all before she started cumming. I guess having a dick in your pussy and mouth, along with another hot girl licking your pussy and having her breasts on your stomach was a little too much for this young one. The two guys cummed about the same time. John started first in her pussy, this first time feeling was almost too much for her, so she started sucking really hard on Jeff’s dick, which caused him too to go over the edge.

After the guys cummed and pulled themselves out, she just laid there with cum coming out of her pussy and mouth. Tashia and I just looked at each other and smiled. We wanted to take full advantage of this situation, so as she attacked her pussy and started eating the cum out, I went and started kissing her and getting the cum. It was good.

The next two girls to come in were Marlena and one of her friends who she had chosen to take the shower with. Marlena and her partener Rose had been friends for years, but Marlena never knew Rose was bi and liked girls. Rose had wanted to be with Marlena for a long time because she was extremely hot, but never had the guts to make a move. Marlena, and Rose for that matter were both extremely good looking girls. Marlena had dark brown straight hair that was a little longer than her shoulders, she was around 5’10”, had fantastic legs, and wonderful breasts. They can probably be most compared to large oranges on her chest. They were really full, and perfectly shaped. Rose was also good looking. A 5’11” blond, she was nicely shaped too. Wonderful legs, and a low D cup filled her figure really well. Their hair was still wet from being in the shower together, and they informed me that they had just gotten out of it and were leaving the bathroom when Tashia caught them and told them to come in here.

They were both naked, and when they walked in the guys just stared at them not believing their eyes. They knew they would be having a wonderful night, but they never even believed that girls this beautiful even existed.

“Welcome,” I said after they stared at the guys who were staring at their bodies.

“You’re each allowed to get fucked once,” I said, “enjoy!”

The four of them just stood there staring at each other, before Rose got a smile on her face, and told Marlena to follow her. Rose walked over to John, who, I must admit was the better looking of the two guys, and climbed on his lap. She didn’t impale herself on him, but made sure his dick was flat underneath her ass. She kissed him then turned around to Marlena and told her to give him a blowjob. She turned back around and made her lips meet Johns. They started making out as Marlena prepared to give yet another blowjob.

Less than an hour ago, she was a virgin, now, in the course of an hour, she will have been with both girls and guys (both plural). She grabbed his dick in her hands. It was obvious that she was surprised at how big and hard it was. She started stroking him then slowly she put her mouth down to his dick, and took it in. It was obvious this wasn’t her first time giving a blow job, she went down on him like an expert. John was enjoying this way too much. He was starting to moan with himself being sucked off and kissed at the same time. He and Rose were really into it too. They were making out like two teenagers madly in love with each other. Their hands were up and down each others bodies, actually John’s spent most their time on Rose’s breasts and feeling them.

Meanwhile, Marlena was blowing John like she was a little whore. She would take it out and run up and down the length of it with her tongue. She would even go as far as licking Rose’s ass, which, along with making out with John, and his hands all over her breasts, was making her moan too. John started getting extremely hard, rock hard, every vein was visible in his dick. I knew it was not going to be long now until he cummed. I was right. Not too far in the future, he started spewing. He grabbed and squeezed Rose’s breasts really hard, that along with the feeling of his dick pulsating under her ass made her cum too. The two of them screamed out as they cummed.

Marlena, knew the signs of a guy about to cum, and was still in the process of licking his shaft when he started to blow. He shot his first squirt on his face, then his second all over her tits. She just held him there as he shot load after load on her face and breasts. Marlena fell backward onto the floor with the sensation of being covered in cum as she took her fingers and started rubbing it into her breasts. John and Rose sat there panting from their orgasms. Rose turned around and looked at Marlena laying on the ground. She climbed off of John and went over and laid beside her. She then took her hand and started helping Marlena rub the cum into her breasts. Rose started with her hand, then slowly, her mouth made its way down, before long, Rose was licking the cum off of Marlena’s breasts. Her breasts jiggled and shook under Rose’s tongue. Marlena stopped rubbing the cum around and just laid back and moaned as Rose pleased her. Marlena didn’t last long before she cummed. She told Rose to stop and to move on.

Rose and Marlena switched for Jeff. Marlena sat on his lap and started kissing him as Rose blew him. Since Marlena was still covered in John’s cum, Jeff was also getting it all over his face. Once his hands started moving up and massaging Marlena’s breasts, John’s cum served as a lubricant and made them really slippery and shiny looking.

Rose meanwhile was enjoying Jeff’s dick. She hadn’t been with too many guys, only blew one or two, but once again, she was a girl, and had the instincts that took over as soon as her mouth filled up with dick. Along with deep throating him, she also would lick the length of his shaft, she was also licking Marlena’s ass as she sat on Jeff’s lap. They lasted about as long as the group did the first time before they all cummed. Rose let some purposely go on her breasts, but then she stuck him in her mouth and caught the rest in her mouth. Jeff squeezed Marlena’s breasts hard when he cummed, which caused her to moan loudly and cum too. She then went down and returned the favor to Rose, and helped smear the cum all around her breasts. John was already hard again watching the group cum. The girls laid there on the floor pleasuring each other while they waited for Jeff to get hard again. They told both of them not to touch themselves, or they would leave then and there.

Once Jeff got hard again, Marlena went over to Jeff, and Rose went to John, the guys stayed sitting on their chairs as the girls climbed over them. They faced away from them as they strattled over them. They grabbed their dicks and held them straight up and down right under the entrance to their pussys. They looked at each other and smiled, then lowered themselves down. They both let out a moan of pure ecstasy as they felt those huge dicks inside them. They the started riding them in unison. Their breasts bounced all around before the guys grabbed them. They rode them quite a while before the guys cummed. They shot their load right up into the young girls’ pussies. The girls then collapsed in a heap on the floor while they waited to catch their breath.

I was enjoying myself way too much watching all these young girls get fucked by these men. I was amazed that the guys could keep doing it, that they still had some juice left fuck after fuck. John and Jeff looked at me with sad eyes and told me that they were spent, that they would need some time to get energized again. I sat there thinking for a moment. Only about half the guests had gotten the pleasure of having these guy’s big cocks in their young pussies, and the half that didn’t get the opportunity were begging to be next. I finally came up with an idea. We had two showers, one in the master bath, and one in the regular bath. I told them they should each go out into the suite, and pick up to two girls each they wanted, and then go take however long they needed to get energized again. The guys looked at me with shocked faces.

“You mean we can pick anyone?” Jeff asked.

“Yep, everyone here wants you, it can even be someone you’ve been with already.” I told them.

They looked at each other still surprised. I opened the door. “Gentlemen, your pool awaits you.”

They just stood there in awe as I opened the door. There were groups of naked girls everywhere. Some groups were just two girls, some were more, some were using toys, some were just playing with each other, but let me tell you, it was a sight. I yelled out to them all to stop. They stopped and looked up at the suite where I was standing with the two guys on either side of me.

“Alright, everyone get in a line” I announced, “our guests are going to pick two partners each to go take a shower with them, so everyone line up so they can pick.”

The girls just sat there a moment, then they all jumped up and formed themselves into a line. They stood there at attention, like an army. The guys left my side and went down to inspect their goods. John picked out my younger sister, and then her young friend, both who are very mature for their age. Then they went off into the regular bathroom. All the girls were nervous wanting to be picked by Jeff. He picked Marlena, and then turned to me, and told me he wanted me too. I was shocked. He wrapped his arm around Marlena as he made his way back to the bedroom where I was standing.

The three of us went into the bathroom. Once we got in there, Jeff told us how he thought we were the most good looking girls here, and he wanted us alone since he laid eyes on us. We just smiled at the compliment. He told us that he wasn’t quite energized yet, and he would like it very much if the two of us got in the shower and bathed each other while he watched. We just smiled at each other. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Marlena again, she was definitely a fine specimen. We climbed into the shower, started the water, and I planed my lips right on hers. We started out with a fairly long make out session. There was tongue, feeling each other up, it was definitely good stuff. I then got my hands all covered in soap and bubbles, and I started sliding my hands all over Marlena’s breasts. They just slid around and bounced around all covered in soap. When we finally finished this, Jeff was standing there, fully erect, playing with himself.

“That…” he told me, “was the hottest thing I have ever seen. Now I just want to fuck your brains out.”

I smiled at him, then said in a cocky, daring tone, “Let’s see what you’ve got!”

He smiled at me, then climbed into the shower. He pushed me against the wall perpendicular to the shower head, and started rubbing my body as he felt me up. He was all over my breasts, and fingering my pussy. We stopped kissing, then he guided his dick to the entrance of my pussy. He slowly pushed it in. I just threw my head back and moaned when he did it. It felt so good, his huge cock felt wonderful inside my pussy. Just when I thought he could go no further, he pushed in harder and got in further. I was in pure ecstasy at this point. I was totally impaled on his cock. He was as hard as an iron pipe, that fact, along with being so far in me, he held me up when my legs gave out from the feeling. I was now just being held up only by his cock inside my teenage pussy. I pulled them up and wrapped them around his waist as he continued to give me the best fucking I have ever received. I was screaming out each time he impaled me, we were shouting to each other. I was shouting to him to fuck my brains out, he was shouting to me I’m going to fuck your fucking brains out you little slut. It was really hot. Pounding me against the shower wall.

I am usually able to last a little while before I cum, but this was just too much for me, and I didn’t last long at all. With my breasts bouncing up and down with each thrust, and a huge cock impaling me against a wall, the feelings were just too much and overwhelmed me. I screamed out that I was cumming when I did. My body went limp after I cummed, but Jeff’s big cock continued to hold me up there against the wall as he continued to fuck me. I was imagining he was coming close to his climax too just because of the situation. I was right. Not too long after I climaxed, he screamed, “Fuck! I’m cuming.” And with that, I felt load after load of his cum shoot into my pussy. It just kept coming and coming and I didn’t think that it would ever stop. Having his cum fill up every available crevasse inside me, and starting to squirt out the sides of my pussy around his dick was too much for me and I cummed again. With this we both collapsed into the bottom of the shower. Marlena just stood there amazed and totally turned on by what she had just witnessed. She was standing there fingering herself watching the cum ooze out of my pussy.

She licked her lips, then dove in and started eating Jeff’s cum out of my pussy. I almost died I was in such heaven. A few orgasms later, by the time Marlena had her fill of eating me out, and after we laid there on the floor of the shower on top of each other making out and doing 69, he told Marlena it was her turn. She jumped up eagerly. She stood against the wall where I was and Jeff wasted no time in impaling his steel rod into her. She screamed out when it went in. He went through the same thing he did to me. He held her up against the wall with just the hardness of his cock. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. He fucked her brains out in the same manner he did to me. Marlena, still being new to the feeling of sexual gratification, orgasmed about 4 times before Jeff finally orgasmed. The drill was the same with me. He filled her up with so much cum that it was squirting out the sides of her pussy. As she collapsed on the floor after Jeff went limp from his orgasm, I dove to her pussy and ate her out. When I finished with her, the two of us just laid there on the floor of the shower face up recovering from the wonderful time we just had.

Meanwhile, Jeff stood over us, and was stroking his cock like there was no tomorrow. He started to shoot his cum all over us. It landed on our faces, our stomachs, our tits, everywhere. We just laid there totally taken back by the moment and unable to move.

We were then done, we dried ourselves off, being careful to leave the cum on our bodies, then we emerged back out into the suite. There was a pile of girls in the middle of the living room, and I recognized some new clothes thrown all around. Only when they moved did I see the biggest cock ever. It belonged to a medium weight black security guard who heard noises in the room and knocked on the door to investigate. The girls all grabbed him and forced him into the room and started tearing his clothes off. One girl had his cock in her mouth, two more were licking his balls, a few more were playing with his chest, and another one had her pussy buried on his face.

“Damn,” Jeff said when he saw it, “I knew I should’ve been a security guard.”

After he shot his load, he told the girls to line up, that he would fuck them all in an assembly line. The girls then lined up and one by one they stood over him and lowered themselves down on his cock, rode him for about 10 seconds, then he told them to get off for the next customer. His monster cock just stood straight up as girl after girl impaled herself on him and rode him. It was amazing, he didn’t seem to be having any trouble at all, just like a normal routine. I was totally awe struck. Each girl, one by one, riding this guy, their breasts, if they were big enough, bouncing as they rode him. I got at the end of the line, and Marlena went behind me. We each waited for our turn, and when it was finally my turn, it was a fantastic feeling to have him inside me. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen, let alone been fucked with. I could tell he wasn’t going to last much longer. He was tensing up and I was feeling a little jealous that Marlena would get his cum. I got off of him, and Marlena got on him, and after about two rides up and down, and watching her shiny breasts, from Jeff’s cum which was still on them, bounce up and down, our new friend exploded. Marlena literally screamed out as he started shooting his load. The force of it blew her off his cock, and we all watched as he shot load after load onto Marlena’s chest and face. He then went limp and laid back smiling.

Marlena meanwhile fell backwards on her back and just laid there. We all sat there amazed at what we just witnessed, then one of the girls made a move toward Marlena and started licking the cum off of her. The rest of the girls followed.