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LakotaWarrior Member Since October 19, 2009

A Night To Remember

LakotaWarrior on Lesbian Stories

The headlights of Kristina’s car cast strange shadows on the walls of the library as she shut the engine off. Once again, she would spend another evening at the computers; another evening of combating the emptiness she felt inside.

"Only a few more weeks," Kristina muttered to herself. "A few more weeks, and I'll have my own computer and won’t have to keep coming back to the library." Kristina could reluctantly admit to herself that she was a lonely girl, and if it were not for the occasional venture onto the Internet, she would not have much of a social life at all.

Kristina sighed, as she gathered her papers and locked the car door. Walki

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ng up the library steps, she wondered how long would it be before she would know the bliss of another's touch; a touch beyond the awkward guy groping and fumbling in the backseat of yet another, disappointing date. Kristina yearned for the touch of true desire from a lover with passion for her, and no one else. She had become disappointed to the point of bitterness, believing that God had denied her the pleasures that seemed to come so easily to others.

The stale scent of countless books and periodicals greeted Kristina as she walked past the librarian, who merely smiled and nodded to her, in a now routine and familiar manner. Kristina was a regular to the few computers her library had. One could always count on her to be sitting at the keyboard on Friday nights, catching up on her e-mail and chatting with folks, whom she was sure led far more exciting lives than hers. Most nights she would be alone. Other nights perhaps two or three girls her age, in their early twenties, would be sharing on various chat rooms or message boards.

Tonight was unusually crowded, as all computers were occupied, save one. Taking the last remaining seat, Kristina paid little attention to the lovely young woman with long chestnut brown hair seated at the computer next to hers, other than to notice she was quite beautiful. The girl’s perfume teased Kristina’s senses, and for the briefest of moments, she felt a flush of excitement waft over her. She smiled at the girl, and a warm and genuine smile was returned.

Kristina was mildly confused at her own feelings, but figured they were the result of being too tired, or due to the cravings anyone might have for the attentions of another, no mater who they might be. Craving the attentions of a friend and confidant with whom she could share the most the intimate passions and joys, had been an ongoing desire for Kristina for quite some time. However, she had become so use to the frustration of this unfulfilled desire. Kristina did not yet recognize the potential treasure sitting next to her.

As the evening wore on, Kristina typed up several friendly letters. Then, briefly chatted with some friends in far-off places. Occasionally being interrupted by the girl next to her, laughing and enjoying what was obviously a delightful chat room session. The girl with the long and shimmering chestnut brown hair was playful and self-assured. Kristina quickly decided that she liked this girl, realizing she could not help glancing over at her, at every opportunity. Since the girl was obviously very beautiful, with just the right amount of make-up, black slacks, and a dark-burgundy satin blouse, unbuttoned enough to show some modest cleavage and a hint of black-lace bra, Kristina wondered why she was in the library, and not out on a date.

Suddenly, Kristina felt a touch on her shoulder. It was the girl with a mischievous grin, made more alluring by a small mole just above her lip. "Hey, you want to see something funny?" the girl asked, as she winked at Kristina.

Kristina leaned over towards the girl’s computer and noticed she was in an adult chat room. "I've been chatting with a girl called ‘sexykitten4U,’ and we just started cybering,” the girl informed Kristina, as she flung her hair over her shoulder, exposing her neck and cleavage.

“She has no idea that I'm a girl too! Ironic, isn't it?” the girl asked.

“She says I've been teasing her in ways no man has ever teased her before!" she continued with a giggle. "No kidding, right? I mean, who else would know how to really please a woman, but another woman?” she said in a whisper. “I just don't have the heart to tell her."

The girl’s soft touch on Kristina’s shoulder became more of a caress, as the two laughed together. “By the way, my name is Yvonne,” the girl stated in a warm and friendly way.

“I’m Kristina,” came the enthusiastic reply.

Yvonne had a zest for life, and usually made friends easily. She knew what she wanted and was not ashamed to show the world. She craved pleasure the way others crave candy. Yvonne knew that life was short. She felt that if ecstasy could only come from another woman's touch, regardless of what some people thought, then so be it.

Yvonne’s deep-brown eyes carefully scanned her new friend’s strawberry blonde hair, which curled naturally and cascaded in rippled waves to the middle of her back. In seconds, she studied Kristina’s captivating green eyes, thin tangerine-colored lips, and her welcoming smile. Though Kristina was wearing a pullover sweatshirt, Yvonne could tell that she was well endowed and had an attractive figure.

Returning their attention to Yvonne’s computer, the two girls spent the rest of the evening playing with the unknowing cyber friend. They enjoyed each other’s company as if they had been friends for years. They laughed and giggled from the unintentional deception, and occasionally blushed from the sharing of intimate erotic thoughts as they came to mind.

Closing time came all too soon. Yvonne and Kristina gathered up their belongings and headed for the door. With Kristina walking in front of her, Yvonne smiled as she took notice of Kristina’s nicely rounded ass in her tight-fitting, faded jeans. At the bottom of the steps, Yvonne looked at her watch, and asked in a hopeful tone, "You know Hun, the night's still young. Feel like going out for a quick drink or two?"

Kristina knew she had no plans for the next day and readily agreed. After arriving at the small bar & grill just down the street, the two girls sat down at a small booth in a dimly lit corner. While sipping her second glass of White Zinfandel, Kristina was puzzled at the thoughts she was having. Yvonne had made her feel like no man had ever made her feel before. Kristina sensed that whatever her feelings were, the attraction between them felt like a storybook romance.

Yvonne knew this feeling very well and almost instinctively; she laid her hand on Kristina’s thigh. Yvonne smiled as she saw Kristina’s eyes close. Kristina returned her caress by placing her hand over Yvonne’s and sighed contentedly.

"It’s been so long since I've felt anything like that," Kristina whispered. Yvonne nodded in agreement, as their two hands explored each other’s fingertips.

Once again, while Yvonne and Kristina talked and shared and laughed, the time seemed to slip by way too fast. However, in only a few short hours, they were able to get to know each other quite well.

"Who would have guessed it would be another girl who could make me feel this way," Kristina declared with gladness as closing time neared.

Not wanting to be the last ones to leave, the two girls strolled to their cars, which were curiously parked side by side. They regretfully but enthusiastically embraced by the glow of the streetlight, and agreed to meet at the library the following Friday. Though she would not tell her any details, Yvonne advised Kristina to bring an overnight bag. Thrilled at the idea, Kristina drove home with child-like anticipation.

That night, Kristina lay in her bed and pondered the feelings she had encountered. "It's so different," she thought to herself. Kristina questioned whether her feelings were real or not. However, she knew the wetness she felt between her legs was real, as she slowly teased herself with erotic thoughts of Yvonne’s touch. Kristina brought herself to a delightfully pleasant orgasm much faster than anytime she could remember. Then, lifting her finger to her mouth, she was entranced by the flavor of her own juices. "Would another girl be as sweet?" she thought. Kristina was more eager than ever to explore the mysteries she had missed for so many years.

Thoughts of Yvonne clouded Kristina’s mind all the following week. Each night she let herself fall deeper and deeper into a state of passionate anticipation. Craving for her new friend’s sensual touch. Kristina often dreamt about what it would be like to run her tongue around another girl’s nipples. What it was like to have another girl, knowing all the intimate secrets that a woman knows, satisfy her completely. She dreamt what it was like, not to have to teach, coach, or guide her partner, as she had done with a number of guys she dated. Instead, Kristina envisioned being able to relax and enjoy a romantic and luxuriously erotic experience, which would stimulate her mind, her body, and her spirit.

On Friday, Kristina could barely contain her desires. During the coffee breaks at the office where she worked, she would slip away to the ladies room to keep herself wet and wanting for what was sure to be a night to remember. Kristina wondered if her co-workers noticed that she had pleasured herself when she would return to her desk a bit flushed while straightening her crinkled-cotton broomstick skirt and looking pleasantly fatigued.

Using all her willpower to keep from breaking the speed limit, Kristina drove to the library as soon as she got off work. She pulled into a parking space and noticed Yvonne standing by the curb. Kristina was amazed at how lovely she looked. Yvonne’s heels clicked softly on the pavement as she walked towards her. As she climbed in on the passenger side, Yvonne’s tiny erect nipples strained against the silky ice-blue fabric of her V-neck, wrap-around dress.

"No computer tonight Kristina!" Yvonne said with a smile. "Tonight is for us alone.”

Yvonne was trying as hard as she could not to stare at Kristina’s pale breasts, made visible by the plunging neckline on her embroidered peasant blouse. The sexy view was enhanced by a large single pearl suspended from a silver chain, which dangled tantalizingly in between Kristina’s narrow cleavage. Not knowing where they were going, but trusting Yvonne completely, Kristina drove off, enthusiastically heading out of town after being provided with some easy-to-follow directions. Within a short period of time, Yvonne pointed to an old, but well-kept, colonial style house. In the fading light, Kristina saw the small wooden sign saying "bed and breakfast," which betrayed its purpose.

"I’ve stayed here before and the rooms are fabulous!" Yvonne said as she touched Kristina’s thigh.

Her touch sent tiny shivers of ecstasy through them both, and Kristina knew there was no going back. She could never deny her true feelings again. Kristina wanted this girl and wanted her badly. The moment she parked the car, Kristina embraced Yvonne and kissed her long and deep before they got out. There was no shock or resistance in Yvonne. As their tongues merged together, each could feel their own rush of passion and vaginal secretions beginning to flow through their bodies.

Kristina wanted the kiss to last forever, but Yvonne soon whisper, "Come with me and I'll show you wonderful things.”

The girls walked inside and greeted the clerk cheerfully. Yvonne stated that she had made a reservation for two. While the clerk was finding their room key, Yvonne would tease Kristina by running her fingers along the top of her gathered-waist skirt, and trace a path to her belly button. This started Kristina giggling. The confused clerk wondered what was the matter, as the girls laughed and giggled whenever he turned his back.

Yvonne quickly signed the register slip and took the key from the clerk. The two smiled at the clerk and trotted upstairs. Kristina stared intently at the key as it slowly turned in the lock to their room. As if in slow motion, Yvonne opened the door. To Kristina, it was a symbolic opening as well. She felt as though it represented an opening of her passions and desires, an opening of a new beginning in her life.

Kristina walked in the room while Yvonne brought in the bags. Kristina could not help but remember childhood dreams as she looked at the antique canopied bed covered by a thick hand-made quilt. The fragrance of the room bore the faintest smells of lilacs. "Yes!" Kristina thought, "This is meant to be!"

Closing the door brought Kristina out of her trance, as she spun around to see Yvonne's mischievous grin. The two would-be lovers came towards each other and embraced as no two had embraced before. The years of Kristina’s pent-up passions were released in a single moment of trust and understanding. Continuing to embrace, Yvonne’s eyes welled-up with tears of joy. She reflected on the time spent yearning for a companion and lover to take the place of Pamela, who had left months earlier to pursue a career in broadcasting on the west coast. Now she felt whole again.

Kristina threw her head back and moaned sincerely as she felt Yvonne's tongue teasing her neck. There was no resistance left in either of them and their caresses flowed freely, believing that all love can be genuine. Kristina and Yvonne held each other, swaying in a silent dance, as if time stood still. It was a deep and profound comfort just to be together, but the thoughts of their most intimate desires to come, made their hearts race with excitement.

Yvonne led Kristina to the bed and motioned for her to sit. "Wait here sweetheart. I've got something special in mind," Yvonne said.

After pulling out a small player and putting in a CD of classical violin music by Antonio Vivaldi, Yvonne pulled a chilled bottle of champagne from her suitcase. Yvonne opened the bottle and poured some into two decorated champagne flutes she had also brought with her. Handing a glass to Kristina, she accepted the gift gracefully, and lay back on the bed; her head propped up on the pillows. Kristina smiled at Yvonne seductively. Yvonne then disappeared into the large bathroom with a small white box under her arm.

Meanwhile, Kristina sipped the champagne with eyes closed, letting the freedom of the evening take her mind to thoughts she had yet to explore. She dreamt about what she would do for her lover. Dreamt of how she would show her gratitude for saving her from a passionless romance with the first man to come along.

Soon Kristina could feel Yvonne's warm and naked body sliding up to hers. Kristina felt the soft fingers of her new lover teasing their way across her blouse, tracing the delicate embroidery. Then Kristina gasped in ecstasy as she felt rounded fingernails lightly pinching her nipples through her blouse. She was becoming very wet and knew the moment of truth was upon her.

Kristina opened her eyes and smiled at Yvonne, quickly assessing how beautiful she looked laying next to her. Kristina was transfixed at the sight of her new lover's naked and wanting body. Yvonne’s firm breasts and erect nipples begged for Kristina’s tongue.

Without hesitation, Kristina rose and stood next to the bed, then slowly removed her clothes and placed them on the antique rocking chair. Kristina stood motionless, silently letting Yvonne gaze upon her nakedness and letting the passion build from the stimulating visual treat. With Yvonne’s tender coaxing, Kristina slowly moved forward.

“You make my heart race,” Yvonne said, as she sat on the edge of the bed and gently caressed Kristina’s thighs.

Kristina was so filled with anticipation, she could not respond with anything more than a soft moan. Tilting her head back and closing her eyes once again, she fully focused on the moment, allowing the pleasurable sensations to stimulate her soul.

With her lips lightly kissing her abdomen and inhaling the intoxicating scent of pussy secretions mixed with sweet perfume, Yvonne pulled Kristina close. Not knowing what to do, but surrendering completely, Kristina straddled Yvonne’s legs, her thighs pressing tighter in a barely perceptible rhythm. Looking up at Kristina’s full and rounded breasts, decorated with flat pink areolas and topped with increasingly erect nipples, Yvonne’s hands slowly moved up Kristina’s waist. So filled with passion, she wanted to go wild on Kristina, but Yvonne instinctively knew she needed to take it slow. Yvonne smiled as she briefly recalled the gentle tenderness shown her, the first time she had a night of naked passion with another female when she was in college. Remembering how Tricia was slow and patient with her, Yvonne was determined to emulate her first wonderful experience.

Yvonne’s warm hands gently guided Kristina onto to bed. With Kristina comfortably positioned on her back, Yvonne climbed between Kristina’s legs to the sound of her soft coos. As she guided her tongue across the soft flesh of her lover’s abdomen, Yvonne could feel Kristina’s nails scratching at her back. She could feel Kristina’s hips pushing up into her breasts, as her moans became louder.

Moving slowly, Yvonne’s tongue found a nipple and sucked tenderly on the erect bud, as she glided her hand down to Kristina’s wetness. Yvonne was already very close to orgasm knowing that Kristina was fully enjoying her passionate touch. She licked hungrily at Kristina’s nipples, first one, then the other, as she slowly massaged Kristina’s clit. Kristina's hips were bucking into Yvonne's stomach, and she could feel the wet hairs of Kristina’s curly mound on each thrust. Kristina’s hips thrust faster and faster as Yvonne's fingers and tongue worked their magic upon her most sensitive regions. A loud long moan signaled the climax to Kristina’s pleasure, as her hips pressed hard against Yvonne.

The orgasm was powerful, and yet Yvonne did not stop. Her fingers continued to tease her lover’s flower, turning the flowing juices into a creamy froth of lust. She did not stop until she felt several more thrusts of Kristina's hips, and had her own powerful orgasm. Exhausted, the two lay together, embraced in the afterglow. Renewing their strength for what was to be a night of unending passions.

"Oh my God that was wonderful!" Kristina said, as she hugged Yvonne tightly.

They poured themselves several more glasses of champagne, and sat facing each other. Each entranced by the love of the other, neither wanting the moment to end. The touches were less sexual, rather expressing the love of reassurance and the thrill of exploration. They talked of life and past lusts, of friends and lovers to be, each sip of champagne bringing them a longing to continue. Each caress directed their thoughts further towards the passions of the other.

The bottle of champagne finished, Yvonne rose with a grin saying, "Come with me," and took Kristina by the hand.

Yvonne led her to the large bathroom, and a stronger scent of Lilacs greeted her, while they bathed in the glow of many candles. The mirrors on the walls gave the illusion of hundreds of candles, yet there was only enough to perfume the room and cast a romantic glow upon their naked forms. The large Jacuzzi made the warm water swirl and lap against the sides of the tub, suggesting similar sounds of contentment and lust.

"Time for some fun!" Yvonne chuckled as she closed the bathroom door.

Taking Kristina by the hand once more, Yvonne helped her into the enticing warm water. “Oh the bliss,” Kristina thought. She quickly embraced the ecstasy of the heat as it massaged every pore, driving away inhibitions and mundane thoughts, and leaving only serenity and a craving for her lover’s touch. Kristina felt Yvonne slide behind her and begin to slowly rub her shoulders. Yvonne’s kisses roamed the back of her neck; her fingers toyed down her arms, reaching around suddenly to take each soft and supple breast and massage them gently. Yvonne was enveloping her with tender touches, leaving no area unexplored, her caresses driving Kristina wild with passion.

Her eyes half open and head back, Kristina was barely aware of the candlelight dancing off the mirrors, feeling only her lover’s touch accentuated by the teasing massage of the warm water. Kristina only heard the whispers of her lover, blissfully unaware of her own cries of orgasmic pleasure, cut short by Yvonne’s tongue as their lips met.

The lovers then faced each other, their passion growing. Yvonne slid her lover back against the side of the tub, and bringing Kristina’s legs up, draped each leg over her shoulders, her lips just inches away from her lover’s delicate flower. As Yvonne’s tongue slowly moved closer, the musky scent of passion, locked in the orange curls of Kristina’s pussy hair, filled her nostrils. Their hands clasped together in anticipation, the sweetness of Kristina’s juices greeted Yvonne’s taste buds. As her tongue swirled slowly around the smooth wet petals of her lovers flower, it soon journeyed upwards to tease Kristina’s stiff clitoris. Kristina’s soft moans became stronger as she felt the ecstasy of Yvonne's lips encircle her most sensitive spot. Sucking softly, Yvonne’s tongue gave tiny flicks at each movement of Kristina’s pelvis.

Kristina’s juices became a torrent of passion as she felt Yvonne’s tongue swirl and tease. Driving her further and further away from the bounds of reason, and driving her mad with desire, Kristina’s hips bucked wildly as an intense orgasm flowed over her. She grabbed Yvonne’s head and pressed it into her, never wanting the moment to end. Blessing the moment with cries of joy such as she had never known.

As Kristina sank back into the warm waters, the two lovers kissed. Kristina tasted the same sweetness on her lover’s lips, which she had tasted several times before, during her most private moments alone. She caressed Yvonne’s hair, enjoying its silky touch while longing for the chance to show her lover that she too could provide pleasure with her tongue and taste her love juices. She would be everything her lover needed, Kristina thought. She was determined that Yvonne would not be disappointed.

Yvonne placed her legs over Kristina’s shoulders, and she looked down at her lover. The smile that came from her lips was as genuine as the reflection of the candles in Kristina’s eyes. Laying her head back and closing her eyes, Yvonne prepared herself for ecstasy. Knowing that Kristina’s tongue was inching its way closer to her wetness, Yvonne felt a flood of emotion, as anticipation of her personal pleasure mixed with the pride she felt for Kristina’s liberation into a world of feminine love.

Every candle flame flickered from the sigh that burst forth from Yvonne’s soul as Kristina’s hot tongue traced over her short clipped landing-strip, lightly grazed over her protruding clit, and entered her moist pussy. Kristina had never felt so empowered and was filled with higher levels of desire and passion, as this new sensation stimulated her in ways she could not have imagined.

Reaching up to tenderly pinch Yvonne’s small brown nipples and puffy areolas, caressing the smoothness of her firm breasts, Kristina continued to lick and flick her tongue at Yvonne’s quivering labia in the same way as was done for her moments before. Faster and faster she flicked her tongue. Yvonne began to squirm and her legs began to shake. Kristina knew she was about to cum. Kristina lifted her eyes and watched intently as she brought Yvonne closer and closer to the edge. Yvonne clutched and groped herself, lost in the ecstatic moment of pleasure. Finally with a few involuntary jerks, her body became tense as Yvonne had one orgasmic spasm after the other. With Kristina’s tongue lapping at the gush of sweet juices, Yvonne’s fingers rubbed her clit in a slow but firm circle, working her climax to its peak. At the same time, Kristina felt the warm passion in her own throbbing pussy, and with one hand, reached down and massaged her throbbing clit. Before she knew it, Kristina exploded with another orgasm as well.

The licking and stroking slowed as each of their climaxes began to subside. Yvonne relaxed her body and Kristina could see her chest heaving as she struggled to regain her breath. Moving up closer, Kristina kissed Yvonne with as much love and passion as she had ever felt. She was gloriously happy, and while the two lay in each other’s arms for a long while, secure, peaceful and serene, they projected thoughts of future days and nights spent in each other’s company.

The morning came all too soon, casting its warm rays upon the two lovers lying asleep under a tangle of sheets. Kristina opened her eyes and was comforted by the soft breathing of Yvonne as she slept. She snuggled up close to her body, gazing around the room from the security of the warm covers. She could barely see into the bathroom with its once tall candles now mere stubs that betrayed the pleasures enjoyed in the Jacuzzi. Seeing the empty champagne bottle reminded Kristina that they had forgotten all about eating supper, when suddenly she noticed the faintest smell of bacon wafting up from the kitchen below.

Yvonne rolled over in her sleep, her arm reaching across Kristina, and she felt the fingertips she had come to know so well. Even in sleep each touch from Yvonne felt like a gentle caress. Kristina took her hand and held it close. Inhaling the delicious aromas from the breakfast being prepared for them downstairs, Kristina fell back against her fluffy down pillow, content and secure in the knowledge that she was lonely no more.

The Lonely Office

LakotaWarrior on Sex Toy Stories

Cheryl worked in an office as a purchasing agent, and there was a large group of office workers that liked to get together after work for drinks, or sometimes dinner. One Friday night, the whole group was going to go to a local club right after work.

Unfortunately, Cheryl ended up being the last person in the office. But since her computer at home was down for repairs, she decided to use her computer at work to go online and order herself a new vibrator. No one would know, and she would only be a minute or two, she thought.

Cheryl found a sex superstore online and began browsing through the vibrators. There were small slender ones to fit into a purse, and smooth silver on

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es that looked like a large bullet. Cheryl continued looking, but when she arrived at the vibrators that were crafted to look like a real cock, she smiled and started to examine them carefully. She noticed that some would vibrate and others would twirl and rotate.

While trying to imagine what the different realistic looking vibrators might feel like, Cheryl could sense herself getting a little horny. After all, she hadn't had sex in a long time. She had broken up with her boyfriend about 6 months ago and hadn't started dating anyone new yet.

Knowing that she was the only one in the office, and everyone else was at the club, Cheryl decided to make herself cum before she met up with the others. Cheryl quickly unbuttoned her blouse and slid her hand up under her lavender, sheer lace bra. She began to squeeze her nipples, and they became firm immediately. She then made small circles with her fingertips around each areola. Cheryl’s pussy was already a little moist from looking at all the vibrators and sex toys, but as soon as she started massaging her plump breasts, she really started getting wet and horny.

Taking a quick look around, Cheryl stood up, stepped out of her skirt and sat down again, putting her feet up on her desk. Careful not to create a run, Cheryl gently pulled up each black stocking, thus relieving the tension on the garter belt they were attached to. She then looked down on the rest of her lingerie set, feeling very sexy while admiring it.

Cheryl slipped her hand beneath her lavender, sheer lace panties and began to rub her clit. Since her pussy was already very wet, she slid her fingers down between her swollen lips and into her wet pussy. Cheryl then pulled the wetness up and rubbed it around her protruding clit. She had her eyes closed and was envisioning a gorgeous guy, with a nice big cock. She envisioned him rubbing the head of his cock around her clit and teasing her with it.

All of a sudden, Cheryl heard a man's voice say "Can I help you with that?" Completely mortified, she jumped up from her desk and there stood Rob, a guy from her office that she always thought was pretty cute.

"Oh my God! I'm so embarrassed," Cheryl said.

Advancing slowly toward her, Rob replied, "Please don't be, you looked so hot playing with yourself. I've got such a hard on, you wouldn’t believe it."

Rob then came around Cheryl’s desk and started kissing her. She was shocked, but too horny to refuse. He slowly pressed his hand down to Cheryl’s orange pubic hair, and slid his middle finger into her hot, wet pussy. While he continued to kiss her, Rob’s finger rotated and pressed her G-spot, deep within her quivering love tunnel. Cheryl moaned as she had the first vaginal orgasm.

Standing up, Rob then pulled off Cheryl’s blouse and bra, picked her up, and laid her out on the desk. Rob bent down to lick and suck Cheryl’s pussy with wild abandon. Within minutes, Cheryl was cumming in what seemed like the longest orgasm she had ever had.

Rob had pulled his cock out of his pants while he was licking Cheryl’s clit. She could see that it was nice and big. She thought to herself, “I don't think it can get any harder; it’s simply bulging to the max.”

Cheryl reached down and pulled Rob's pants off, throwing them aside, and immediately took his big cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head, and then engulfed his swollen dick all the way down the shaft, as far as she could get. He moaned with pleasure and ran his fingers through her flame red hair, as she worshipped his throbbing cock. After only a short time, Rob said, "I can't wait any longer. I have to be inside you. Now!"

Cheryl got back on the desk and Rob pulled her to the edge and held her legs up as he slowly entered her. Cheryl’s pussy was having involuntary spasms as it was grabbing hold of his cock. From the look on his face, Cheryl thought he might lose it before he even got all the way inside her.

Then Rob began to slide slowly in and out, while making a circling motion that really stimulated Cheryl’s clit. She was squeezing her nipples and watching him pump her. Then Cheryl reached down and started stroking her own clit. Rob then said, "Yeah, I like to see that."

Rubbing her clit, and having his cock inside her, made Cheryl’s pussy contract like crazy. Even though she wanted it to last longer, she couldn't hold off anymore. Cheryl twitched and convulsed as a massive vaginal and clitoral orgasm rippled through her body, and she soaked his swollen cock with her warm juices.

Cheryl’s orgasm then pushed Rob over the edge. He pulled his cock out and began stroking it, using her creamy cum as lubrication. Soon he was shooting a huge amount of his hot cum all over her stomach. Afterwards, he dipped his still hard cock back into her still pulsing pussy, for a few mini strokes.

Rob then said, "We should probably get dressed and get going. But I'm sure am glad that I was the one picked to come over and see what was taking you so long.”

"Yeah, me too" Cheryl replied with a smile, as they got dressed and headed for the club.

Cheryl and Rob ended up having several repeat performances in Cheryl’s office, whenever they got the chance. But because office romances were frowned upon, from then on, they had to sneak around and be very careful, which added to their excitement.

Teasing Toward Ecstasy

LakotaWarrior on Sex Stories

Derek and Janet had just come back from a party with their friends. Janet had spent the night being shy, sticking close to Derek—ever the reserved lady. She made polite, demure conversation in her little black, not-too-revealing dress, trying not to let her obvious youth of only twenty years, show too much. Derek’s friends were impressed. Overall, he was pleased with her performance, and as they left the party, he was thinking that he wanted to let her know that.

They walked into the entrance of Derek’s townhouse, and he took Janet’s shoulders and turned her around, pressing her back up against the door. Derek leaned in close to her, letting his lips touch hers, but not satisfyin

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g her with a kiss, while he moved to turn the lock on the door.

Janet rubbed up against Derek slightly, her lips ready for his, begging to be kissed deeply. Derek instead teased her, holding her back against the smooth wooden door. Janet could feel herself getting wet in her red silk panties almost instantly, as his lips lightly brushed against her red glossy lips.

An errant hand ran down Janet’s body, lingering ever-so-briefly on her smooth thigh, just under the hem of her skirt, before pulling away. Janet pouted a little, wanting to feel Derek’s lips, his skin against hers. He smiled as his hand returned and wandered up her thigh. Her legs parted almost instinctively, letting him slip a few fingers in between her silk panties and her skin.

The moment Derek’s fingers touched Janet’s shaved smooth pussy, her lips curled and let out an "ooooh", as she was becoming very aroused. Janet moved forward, pressing Derek’s fingers closer to her. "Ooooh..." Derek mimicked, "Baby's wet that for me?" with a playful edge in his voice. Janet nodded, unable to speak.

Derek started to rub a single fingertip very slowly and softly along Janet’s pussy lips, as his other hand had moved down to her hip, holding her still against the door, stopping her from pressing forward into him. Seemingly without warning, Derek pulled his finger away saying softly, "I asked you a question that for me?," as he rested his finger, moist with her juices, on her parted lips. Janet nodded and Derek pressed his finger to her mouth to give her a taste of her own arousal. It was almost too much for Janet to stand. The hint of his touch; the denied kisses; the scent of her own juices on her mouth. Janet’s legs felt weak against the door. She wanted Derek already….and badly.

Derek let Janet go and she reached out for him. She could see and feel his cock against her leg through his pants, already hot, hard and throbbing with deep desire. Derek shook his head, "No, no, no....patience baby...patience." He gently took hold of her wrists and brought her into his place, and led her to his bed.

"Strip for me baby..." Derek said with confidence as he sat down on the bed with Janet displayed in front of him. Slowly, she complied. The straps of her dress fell off her shoulders and the little black dress poured onto the floor in one fluid, seemingly liquid puddle. She stood before him in her red silk panties and nothing else. Derek took a moment to sit back and appraise Janet. She was nearly naked for his viewing pleasure and very aroused, waiting for his command.

Derek could see the wet spot peeking through the crotch of Janet’s panties. He gave an approving murmur. "Mmmm... Baby" softly escaped his lips, as he looked her up and down, gesturing for her to step closer to him. Janet had goose bumps, being exposed to the cool air in the townhouse. Her nipples were erect and Derek brushed them lightly with the palms of his hands, running from heel to fingertip and back. Again, he teased her lips by pulling her in for a kiss, then giving her just a gentle nibble.

Janet’s eyes closed and she moaned with frustrated desire. Derek smiled coyly as Janet leaned into him, trying to get him to kiss her; touch her harder; longer; to rub her near naked body.

Derek then pulled Janet forward by the hips and put his mouth on the front of her panties, inhaling her scent and rubbing the smooth silk against her quivering pussy lips. Through the moist silk she could feel his hot breath. Janet squirmed, unable to stay still. Derek pulled back, again aborting Janet’s growing moans.

"Take those off," Derek commanded, pointing to Janet’s panties. She complied without question, bending over completely and touching the ground in front of him as she removed the little piece of red silk. "Mmmm," Derek uttered as he looked over Janet’s bare and now swollen pussy lips, again approving, but now desiring more.

Janet knelt down without prompting and started to unbutton Derek’s dress shirt. He shook his head saying "no," and she stopped. Janet’s hand then wandered to the crotch of Derek’s slacks. She I could feel his hardness and the beat of his blood pulsing through his erection. Derek wanted Janet as much as she wanted him.

"No, we're not doing that tonight baby..." Derek said politely as he stopped Janet from unbuckling his belt as she was preparing to pull out his cock and take it in her mouth. Janet gave a little pout and a whimper. Derek laughed softly but compassionately as he ran a hand from Janet’s breast to her hip. Derek was pleased that Janet was so eager to have him in her mouth, but he had other plans for her.

Derek commanded Janet to show him her pussy. Feeling only slightly foolish, but quickly losing all self-consciousness in the heightened state of arousal, Janet stood up straight, moved over to the bed and lay on her back, exposing herself to him. Derek made a "turn around" motion with his fingers, and like a good girl, Janet obeyed, flipping from her back to all fours. Derek took a moment to appraise her, pussy high up in the air, totally vulnerable, already glistening slightly with the product of her arousal. Janet was waiting for him, wanting; craving; needing his touch. The transformation had become complete. Janet had given herself to Derek in body, mind and spirit.

Janet could feel cool air on her moist pussy, while waiting for his touch. The anticipation of not knowing what was to come, a tongue; lips; fingers or cock stirred Janet into a deep, mindless arousal. She felt his tongue make one long stroke over her pussy and then quickly flick her clit, and she was gone. Janet started bouncing around in time and memory, trying to grind into Derek whenever he touched her. She had become such a “bad girl.”

Janet thought to herself, “You have turned me into a silly, simpering slut with but one thought on my mind: ‘Please, please, please fuck me!’ You work me into such a lathered frenzy of excitement that I'll do anything—say anything—for you. I'm your little panting slut, begging for release. Normally I'm such a shy, reserved girl, but I just can't help but be a wanton whore in your arms. I would feel ridiculous doing and saying what you're making me do and say, but I'm too turned on to care. I have no shame.”

While Janet was still bent over on all fours, spreading for Derek while he licked her with flickering, quick strokes, she rocked back and forth on her hands and knees, pressing into his mouth. Derek’s tongue moved from her clit, up to her labia, and lingered on her pussy. Janet gasped, not expecting the quick flicker of his tongue as he spread her with his fingers.

Janet squirmed up to her knees, and Derek grabbed her hips, holding her from behind. Still kneeing, Janet’s legs spread wide apart. One of Derek’s hands presses Janet’s belly, drawing her into him tightly, making her unable to squirm away—even in the height of pleasure. Derek then runs his fingers lightly along Janet’s pussy lips, now so very slick and wet with her arousal.

Janet can't move, as Derek is holding her in position. Whispering in her ear, Derek says, "Tell me you like that," as his fingers sliding up and down over her clit, teasing her pussy mercilessly.

"I love it," Janet pants breathlessly, willing him to do more.

"Tell me you loved it when I licked you." Derek says softly. Janet complies quickly, wholly, saying everything he tells her to say. When he tells her to say that, “I loved it when you spread me open” she does so, without question. Derek strokes her into a frenzy of wet, hot anticipation. Janet moans to have him inside her, any part of him; a finger or his cock, so obviously erect at her excitement.

"Do you want me?" Derek asks.

Janet cannot help but want Derek more than anything now. She tells him as much, gasping and wiggling for release. Derek’s hand slides back down her pussy. Her love juices leave a slick trail on his fingers, and she can feel the very tip of his thumb pressing against the entrance to her vagina. She’s so ready for him. Janet wants him so badly she throbs and aches deep within her love tunnel.

Without asking or waiting, Janet presses back onto Derek’s thumb, thrusting his thumb deep inside of her in one stroke. She could not take it anymore. Derek tolerates her impatience by sliding his thumb in deep thrusts into Janet’s hot wet pussy, in steady and slow motions. Derek’s fingers spread and fiddle with Janet’s pussy lips as his thumb works her over. She quivers with anticipated release. It only takes a few of his strokes and she’s at the edge of an orgasm, and Janet feels about to let go within seconds. She whimpers, begging for release, and utters soft moans of a helpless girl in Derek’s arms.

Derek pulls her deeper into him and he thrust his thumb with more ferocity. Pounding away at her pussy, giving her exactly what she wants. Janet bounces along with him, urging his penetration deeper and harder.

Her back arches, and Janet can feel her climax coming on.

"That's right baby, that's right...come on baby... cum for me baby," Derek urges in a tender but commanding tone, as he coaxes the orgasm from Janet’s body. Just then, it ripples through her stomach and her pussy contracts on his thumb, still sliding back and forth—in and out. She holds her breath and gasps, shuddering into him. Derek holds Janet upright and steady with his arm just below her full breasts. His other hand is soaked with her juices.

Abruptly, Derek slips his thumb out of Janet as she moans with pleasure, desire and frustration. “I want more,” Janet whimpers. She pouts, putting on her best, innocent but sultry, look. Derek knows this look, as he’s seen it before. Janet wants more.

Derek is indulgent and aroused. Ready to give Janet much more. He moves his hand to Janet’s cheek and turns her to kiss him deeply, passionately. She returns the kind of wet; penetrating kiss one can only have after being thoroughly satisfied. As Derek gently pushes Janet down on her stomach, she lay in anticipation, quivering, not knowing where he’ll touch her next. He finishes undressing, thus displaying his now-very-hard cock.

Janet is still giddy from her orgasmic pleasure, as Derek flips her over on her back. He raises her legs, pinning them almost to her chest. The motion is effortless and persistent. There is no need for delicacy as her joints and muscles are limber, sweaty, hot, relaxed and pliant from pleasure. Janet’s wet and still throbbing pussy is completely exposed to Derek. He gives an experimental rub with length of his cock, stimulating her and making her already-moist pussy even wetter. Janet lets out an involuntary whine and firmly states, “I want you inside of me.”

"My poor want this?" Derek taunts Janet.

Janet nods vigorously, pouting. With very little hesitation, Derek slips the head of his manhood into her pussy, teasing her once more. "God, you're tight," Derek remarks, a bit breathless himself.

Then Janet lets out another whimper and a moan. "Tell me what you'd like," Derek commands.

"I want your cock," Janet quickly replies. She’s at the mercy of his passion, wanting him with complete abandon.

"You want my cock?" Derek teases as he inches into Janet’s pussy just a little deeper.

"Yes! Please!" she gasps and pleads, getting frustrated at the pause.

"Okay baby, you can have it." Derek responds as he inches his stiff pole inside her just a little more, then a little more. Janet is throbbing and swollen from her previous climax so Derek’s cock is a very tight fit. Slowly, ever slowly, he pushes his cock into her, filling her completely as he goes. Janet can't help but start to tremble with each little push forward. She already knows she’s going to come again, so very soon.

Derek narrates as he slowly pushes forward, "That's right baby, take it. Take it all.....take it baby...that's right...take it." Every time he tells her to "take it", he pushes a little deeper. He smiles down at Janet as her red glossed lips open in arousal, and her breathing becomes short again. Every time Derek talks to her. Every time he says anything, commanding, encouraging, wonderful, Janet is taken to another level of arousal.

Derek’s repeated command, "Take it" sends Janet over the edge at the very end of his deep thrust. He hasn’t pulled back once yet, and Janet’s pussy is contracting on his cock, climaxing, bathing it in her own fluids. Lubricating it and marinating it, preparing it for harder, faster thrusts. But Derek’s in no hurry. As Janet shudders and trembles in an ecstatic release, he brings her in close, deeply thrusting and moving only slightly to the rhythms of her panting. Derek leans forward and smiles at Janet in a mischievous grin. He strokes her hair very softly saying, "That's my baby...feel good? You want more?"

"Oh, please..." escapes from Janet’s lips.

"Oh please what?" Derek asked her, taunting her yet again. He wants her to say exactly what she wants.

Janet thinks to herself, “I'm a slut in your arms, I can't help it.” Then the words flow from her, before she even has a chance to think of how dirty, how completely reckless they are. "I want you to fuck me. Please, please, please fuck me. Hard. Please...." The last "please" is a whine and a whimper with all kinds of begging tones. Janet wants him so badly.

Derek then pulls back, his cock head at the very lips of Janet’s pussy, still wet and tight. " wants to be fucked," he parodies and mimics her pleading look with a gleam in his eye and a slight smirk.

"Yes!" she says emphatically. There's no doubt about Janet’s desire. There's no subtlety now, no averted eyes and shy glances. "Yes, please fuck me." She pleads again.

"And how would you like me to fuck you?" Derek coaxes her, as he plays with her, his cock moving ever so slightly in and out of the very entrance of her pussy.

"Hard, please." Janet closes her eyes and whispers, enjoying the sensations rippling through her body, caused by those shallow, small thrusts.

"What was that baby?" Derek tease more, wanting Janet to let go completely again.

"I want you to fuck me hard…now…please....please!" Janet says in a commanding tone as she rocks her hips forward into Derek. He pulls back a bit, not letting her get her way, tormenting her with anticipation.

"Are you ready baby?" Derek mockingly questions as he shifts forward just a bit.

"Yes! Please!" Janet begs. She’s breathless and barely gets her last plead out of her lips when Derek buries his love pole all the way into her throbbing pussy in one deep thrust. Janet lets out a yelp and a gasp of pleasure and surprise. Her eyes roll back as she thinks, “It feels so damn good.”

Again Derek pulls out and thrusts hard into Janet’s hot pussy, as he bends down this time to kiss her. His lips engulf her and he pins her legs to her chest, thrusting with deep, increasingly quick strokes. Derek continues to kiss her passionately as he pounds his stiff pole harder and harder into her pussy.

Janet can't speak, she can't think. Her satisfied moans are muffled in Derek’s mouth. She can feel the heightened sensation of his breath on her lips, his tongue in her mouth, and his cock deep inside her pussy. With Janet’s arms around Derek, pulling him into her, wanting him closer and deeper than humanly possible, it's impossible to tell where one part of Derek ends and a part of Janet begins. His strokes are so smooth, so insistent. Slowly, Janet is being lathered into another level of arousal, climbing to the peak of her climax. She’s dizzy and flustered, moving her hips in time with Derek’s thrust, her moans getting louder in his mouth. She bites his lip and he breaks the kiss to blurt out, “Come on baby...give it to me....come on....cum for me!"

Derek senses Janet’s impending release and he starts whispering, right next to her ear, coaxing her toward climax. Janet knows that Derek is close to the edge also. His thrusts have intensified. She feels his cock become even harder, indicating that momentary increase in stiffness before his own orgasm. Derek goes deep...deep into Janet…as deep as he can, and it's enough to send Janet over the edge.

"Yes baby, that's it...that's a good girl...come for me..." Derek encourages Janet, even as his own orgasm begins.

"Oh fuck...fuck!" Janet calls out, not acting like such the perfect little lady right now. She can feel the increase in her wetness, as she shakes and quivers in complete and perfect ecstasy. She watches Derek’s face in pleasure as he cums inside of her.

"Oh feel so feel like heaven." Derek decrees as his thrusts become smooth and long, relaxed and unhurried. He has not lost any hardness with his climax and he thrusts through the pulses of Janet’s contractions of orgasm, and his own.

Derek rolls Janet to the side. She’s weak and spent—completely satisfied. He takes her face in one hand, and strokes her hair with the other. He’s all gentleness and sleepy smiles as Derek says, "There you go baby...that's a good girl."

Janet is left breathless and content. Derek’s cock is still hard as he continues rocking back and forth, very slowly, inside of her. He pulls out momentarily for the short break. They’ve soaked the sheets with their love juices, mingled together, sopping wet…and Janet knows in a few minutes, after touching, stroking, relaxing and making each other laugh just a little, Derek will be inside her again, and she can hardly wait.