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Ruofku Member Since October 19, 2009

Lord of the Rings "Dragon Piss"

Seppard on Celebrity Stories

 This is NOT one of my Stories I take NO credit for it. I found it on a web stie that was shut down.


Lord of the Rings "Dragon Piss"
This might  be fresher since the movie came out. />
Part  One "Dragon Piss"
The raucous shouts of hundreds of orcs echoed  through the
rough-hewn  cavern as the guards hauled Celebrain  across the
floor towards the throne. At  the foot of the dais  she tripped on
shreds of green cloth that were the  remnants  of her dress.
Cursing, one of the uruks grabbed a handful of  her  silver
tresses, dragg

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ed her up the steps, and dropped her  painfully to
the  ground.

"Well, what have we here," growled  a voice above her.

Celebrian tried to  muster up the strength  to speak, but before
she could do so one of the guards  spoke  up.

"We snared this elf-bitch traveling through our pass, o  truly
tremendous  one," he replied. "There were ten others with  her,
but we did for 'em, the  filth."

"Hmmmmm... good work,  Bagdush. So, slut, what do you have to
say for  yourself? Speak  up!" The guard twisted Celebrian's arm
behind her and used  the  leverage to force her up onto her knees.
Her vision filled with  the sight  of a large, muscular orc
staring down at her from  the throne, a jagged iron  crown on his
"I am Celebrian,  wife of Elrond of Rivendell," she replied,
trying to  sound  imperious and confident, "and he will deal
harshly with you if  I am  harmed."

"Har! Har! Harharhar!" The goblin king raised  his gruff voice
for the  hearing of his assembled court. "You  hear that, boys?
Aren't we scared?  Aren't we quakin' in our  boots?" The orcs
roared with laughter. "Well, since  we don't  want to get in
trouble with.. Lord Elrond," he said with mock  reverence, "I
suppose we'd better be nice to his dear lady."  He glanced  over
at one of the guards and nodded meaningfully;  the guard scurried
off.  "Yep, we'd better treat her real affectionate-like."  The
goblin king reached  around his waist and loosened the furs
wrapped  around him. Then he fished out  his erection. Celebrian's
eyes  widened in terror and disgust as she viewed  the thing; it
easily  measured a foot long, thick as a spear,  its
brownish-green  skin dotted here and there with hairy warts. The
king  hefted  it proudly, leering down at his captive. "I'll bet
yer husband  aint'  got one this big. Bet you're dyin' for a taste
of it."  It took Celebrian a  moment to realize what he was
referring  to. She shook her head, trying to  back away.

"No, please,  not that!" She had never dabbled in what was
commonly called  "the Elvish Art," and the prospect of taking an
orc's penis  into her mouth  horrified her.

The goblin king laughed again.  "Eh? Too bad, I've heard lots
o' stories  'bout how talented  you elf girls are." The guard who
had left a minute or so  ago  returned, bearing a flask gingerly.
He handed it to the king,  who rolled  it idly in his free hand.
Letting go of his penis  he unstoppered it and  gestured to the
guards. "Bring her forward!"

Celebrian  struggled as the guards pushed her into a kneeling
position at  the very foot of the throne. He nodded, and one of
the guards  pried her mouth  open. Then she felt the flask forced
past her  teeth, and a burning, sour  liquid poured into her
mouth. The  flask was removed, and the guards pinched  her nose
and held  her mouth shut to force her to swallow. When she  did
they dropped  her to the floor again. She felt a sensation like
fire  coursing  through her limbs. Her mouth was dry, but she felt
dampness growing  between her legs. Trembling, she pushed herself
up with her  hands. "What have  you done to me?" she gasped,
looking up at  the orc.

"The shamans call it 'dragon piss', 'cause it puts  bitches
into heat,"  replied the king, grinning. "Makes 'em  real fun to
be with, makes 'em do all  sorts of things they  wouldn't do
before." Against her will Celebrian's eyes  were  drawn to the
orc's erection, and she stifled an urge to lick  her lips.

"No, please, make it stop!" she pleaded. "Don't make  me..

The orc guffawed. "Hey, I'm not doin' anything.  You can do
whatever you  want to." Fighting herself and losing,  she moved
her head towards the orc's  lap, saliva drooling out  of her open
mouth. Tears ran hot down her cheeks as  she thought  of Elrond
and how she was about to pleasure an orc in a way that  she had
never done for her husband. She tried to close her  eyes, but
they  remained stubbornly open as her tongue flicked  out to lick
the tip of the  orc's penis. The rank orc smell  filled her
nostrils as she pressed her lips  against his glans  and began to
work the huge, scabby thing into her mouth.

Above  her the goblin-king groaned, obviously enjoying her
attentions.  Celebrian felt his claws dig into her scalp as he
grabbed her  head and  started to force it downwards. The glans
drove into  her mouth, and the orc  pressed her head down further,
burying  her nose in his smelly pubic hair and  ramming his cock
down  her throat. She reached down between his legs and  cradled
his  balls in her delicate hand while inside her mouth her  tongue
washed  all around the shaft of his penis. She began to bob  her
head,  her lips pressed tightly around the orc shaft sliding
between  them. Her sucking grew more insistent as the penis moved
in  and out of her  mouth. The orc's fingers tangled in her hair;
from  the ragged sounds of his  breath Celebrian realized that he
was  nearing climax; the tears streamed from  her eyes as she
considered  the loathsome prospect of the brutish  goblin
ejaculating into  her mouth. She tried even harder to pull away,
but  to no avail.  She continued sucking, sucking, sucking...

The goblin-king threw  back his head and growled, and his penis
jerked in  her mouth  as his seed squirted out. It was thick
and warm, with a bitter,  salty taste; Celebrian felt it wash
over her tongue and fill  her mouth before  she swallowed, gulping
down the vile stuff.  More orc-semen flooded in. She  tried to
spit it out, but instead  she drank it down like it was  miruvor.

Suddenly, she felt her  head pushed back from the  still-spasming
cock. It hovered in  front of her for just a moment, staring  like
a one-eyed serpent.  Then it jerked again and cum splattered
against  her face, striking  her in the chin. More semen, white
with tinges of yellow  and  green, sprayed her cheek and lips.
Slowly the flow abated, until  it was just a lazy dribble of
sperm  trickling onto the stone  tiles. Still unable to control
herself, she extended  her tongue  to catch the falling drops. She
took the softening penis her  mouth  and cleaned off the last of
the semen, meanwhile fearing  that she would never  be rid of the
taste of the stuff. She  leaned over and spat out some of  it.

Realizing that somehow  she now had control of herself she spat
again  and again, wiping  the slimy cum from her face with the
back of her hand.

The  king laughed again, and his assembled followers did
likewise.  "Can't  quite make up her mind, can she?"

Celebrian looked  up at him, trembling and sobbing. "What are
you going to  do  to me?"

"I'll let you find out for yourself," he answered. The  goblin-
king turned  towards one of the more fearsome orcs near  his
throne. "Uzgash! Bring the  wargs!"

Part Two "The Wargs"

A  sharp pang of fear shot through Celebrian at  the mention of
the  evil wargs, wolves of great size, intelligence, and  malice.

No  doubt the orcs intended to watch her torn apart by the  savage
beasts.  But a small part of her felt relief that it would soon
be  over;  after what she had just been through, death seemed an
almost  pleasant  prospect. She did not resist when the guards
pulled  her towards the center of  the cave. She felt the cold
metal  of a shackle clamped around her ankle. She  moved her leg;
looking  down, she saw that she was chained to an iron  spike
driven  into the rock. Then the guards withdrew, look fearfully
at  something  behind her. She turned, slowly, following their

There  were at least four dozen wargs, each the size of a pony,
stalking  towards her out of the mouth of one of the tunnels. The
beasts  walked with a  slow, easy grace, glancing from time to
time  at the orcs, but mostly eying  her hungrily. At the head of
the  pack, leading them, walked one larger than  the rest, a grey-
furred  wolf with an aura of majestic evil. Celebrian heard  the
sound  of something being set down behind her, but kept her eyes
on  the  advancing wargs. The wolf-chieftain stopped just in front
of  her, examining  her with glinting amber eyes. He licked his
chops,  and it seemed almost that  he was grinning. Then his body
tensed  as he prepared to spring. She breathed  a whispered prayer
to  Elbereth that he would be quick.

The wolf leapt up soundlessly;  Celbrian gave way before it and
tripped on  something, falling  backwards before the beast. But
instead of hitting the  stone  floor she landed on wooden boards.
The wolf's forepaws pressed  down on  her shoulders while its hind-
paws rested on the ground  between her feet; the  snout was inches
from her face, the white  razor-sharp teeth gleaming as it  looked
down at her. Was it  toying with her? And why had the orcs  placed
what felt like  a table behind her? For the wolves' "feast"?  The
wolf turned  his head to one side and barked and snarled to one of
his  underlings  in what almost sounded like language; he repeated
his orders  to  several other wolves. Celebrian felt them tugging
at her  dress, tearing the  cloth off from several directions. She
glanced  to her left and saw one wolf  shredding the sleeve off of
her  arm; on her right another was doing the same.  Down between
her  legs she saw...

Her gaze locked on the huge red penis protruding  from the
warg-chief's  grey-furred sheath. Suddenly realizing  what was
about to happen, she  struggled to get up, but the  wolf bore his
weight down on her and bared his  fangs, snarling  viciously less
than an inch from her face. She did not dare  move  as he grabbed
the front of her dress in his jaws and tore it  away,  exposing
her firm breasts. Tauntingly he licked and nuzzled  at them,  his
wet pink tongue lapping at her nipples and cleavage.  She
squirmed,  feeling the wolf's hot breath on her neck before  he
lapped at her chin, then  began licking her face. She started  to
move her head aside but stopped when  the wolf snarled again.  It
moved back down to her breasts, slurping loudly as  he washed  his
tongue all over her nipples. Celebrian squirmed again, in  fear,
and in shame, because despite her terror and disgust  she could
feel  her nipples stiffening from the wolf's savage  foreplay.

She felt the last of her dress torn away from her  lower body,
and also the  wolf fur brushing against the inside  of her thighs.
She felt the tip of the  wolf's penis pressed  against the
entrance to her sex, and she knew there was  nothing  she could do
to stop him. The wolf looked down at her, staring  straight into
her eyes as he drove his enormous cock into her  with a  single
powerful thrust. Celebrian gasped in spite of  herself. So big!

It  felt so... so... "No!" she told herself.  "It's horrible! I'm
being raped by  an animal, a wolf... evil!  I must fight it,
must..." She gasped again as the  wolf began  pumping his cock in
and out of her, and she struggled not to  acknowledge the
pleasure it was giving her. She tried to ignore  the  exquisite
pain of the wolf's penis stretching her with  each thrust,  the
tickling of the fur rubbing the inside of  her legs, the sticky
wetness  spreading around her sex, the  rough wet tongue licking
at her rigid nipples.  She could feel  her climax building inside
her, and each time the wolf's cock  slid in and out of her
sopping pussy it pushed her closer.  Her mind recoiled  from the
idea of being brought to orgasm  by an animal -- worse, a  servant
of darkness -- but her body  did not care. She tried to block  it
out by thinking of her  husband -- surely he must be on his way
to  rescue her! But  then all she could think of was what would
Elrond think when  he saw her lying there being taken by a wolf.

And the fact  that the wolf had  a larger penis. She squinted her
eyes and  moaned as the enormous lupine cock  plunged into her
again,  intensely aware of every inch. Yes, at least twice  as
big.  She could no longer deny the pleasure it was giving her;
with  each  stroke her sex burned like fire. But it was not just
the  sheer size of the  penis that aroused Celebrian, nor the
steady,  powerful, unrelenting thrusts  with which the
warg-chieftain  rammed its organ into her. The feelings of  fear
and helplessness  had merged into a weird sensual thrill, and  she
gasped passionately  as the grey-furred beast ravaged her like
sexual  prey, the  wolf using her body to satisfy its lust with
the same ferocity  that  it might devour a deer to satisfy it’s
hunger. But still,  she fought against  showing it. She struggled
to remain still  and silent while the tension of her  body wound
tighter and  tighter. She would not give her orcish captors  the
benefit  of seeing a lady of the Noldor beg an animal to fuck  her
harder.  She would not provide them the sight of the wife of
Elrond Halfelven screaming in orgasmic bliss, impaled on a
wolf's cock. Cock!  So big... so deep... so... good... no,
mustn't!... must stop!  so good! must  fight it!... so.... big...
so... "Ohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!"  Celebrian wrapped her legs around the
wolf's  hindquarters as  she threw back her head and screamed with
pleasure.  "Ohh!Oh!Oh!Yes!Oh!Yes!"  She ground her crotch against
the warg's, trying to  drive the  beast's penis deeper into her
spasming sex.  "YES!Oh!oh!oh!ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!..."  Soft
murmurings continued to escape  her throat as her climax  wound
down and she lay there, rolling with the force  of the  wolf's
thrusts. As she savored those thrusts she became aware  that  they
were quickening in pace. She also heard a low growl  rising in
the  wolf's throat. The growling grew louder, and  the louder it
got the faster and  harder the penis drove in  and out of
Celebrian's drenched sex, each time  eliciting an  appreciative
gasp, until the growl became a fangs-bared snarl,  the thrusts
became rapid, savage hammer-blows, and Celebrian's  voice rose  in
a delirious lust-crazed wail punctuated by the  shriller cries of
her  climaxes. Finally Celebrian felt the  cock slide all the way
into her and hold  there. A second later  she felt it pulse,
followed by the sensation of hot  warmth  filling her, wolf-semen
streaming against the walls of her womb  in  forceful spurts.

Celebrian's scream announced her orgasm  as she arched her  body
against her grey-furred captor. Above  her the warg raised its
head  and howled. The whole pack took  up their chief's call as he
reveled in his  conquest, asserting  his dominance over her with a
flood of semen.

The wolf slipped  his cock out quickly and slid off of her.
Mustering some  of  her returning strength, Celebrian sat up and
watched as the warg-chief  walked through his pack. The other
wolves crowded around him,  pushing aside  the others with snarls
and barks. Whenever the  chief glanced towards one or  the other
it fawned on him, as  if seeking a favor of some kind.  Celebrian
watched, curious.  Suddenly the wolf-chief stopped and looked  at
one of the larger  members of the pack, then uttered a sharp
half-bark,  half-growl.  The other wolf rubbed appreciatively
against the chief and  howled,  then turned. The rest of the pack
made way as the recipient of  the  leader's favor trotted, head
and tail held high, towards  Celebrian. Her eyes  went wide when
she saw the erect penis  dangling beneath him and grasped  the

"Elbereth,  be merciful," she whispered. "There are almost
*fifty* of  them!"  She slid down off of the wooden platform where
the warg-chief  had  raped her; his semen trickled out of her
pussy and dripped  down her legs.  Watching the approach of her
new bestial paramour,  she sank submissively to a  hands and knees
posture. She pushed  her ass into the air in invitation,  waiting
anxiously. She  felt the wolf climb up top mount her. She  tensed,
legs spread  slightly, eagerly awaiting the first brutal thrust.

The wolf  did not disappoint her. Soon Celebrian's body rocked
under the  savagely-fucking beast, her breasts quivering with
every stroke.  As her  orgasm began to erupt within her, she
thought of her  expected rescuers, and  she whispered another
prayer to Elbereth:  "Please, don't let them find me too  soon!"

Houeswife & teen girls

gngster69 on Forced Stories



Our story opens up with Helga going to a hypnotist show. She gets picked to be in the show and is give a special word when spoken and goes under and can be told to do anything until another special word is spoken. Helga doesn’t believe it but goes up to the stage anyway. She is given her word like the others. In the audience is three teen girls ages 13, 14 and 14. They went to the show and saw Helga on stage and remembered her from the neighborhood and the girls always thought she was hot and knew that she home alone for the weekend. So shortly after Helga is given her word the power goes out and there is much confusion. In the dark the girls go over to Helga and say let’s go and tell her to take them home
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to her house and get into Helga’s car and go back to Helga’s house. The girls call their parents and tell them they are sleeping over at one of the girl’s family vacation cabins in the woods in the next county for the weekend. So now their plan is set and in motion. When they get to Helga’s house, Helga is still under. They tell her lets go inside. So when they get inside they tell her to sit down and sleep for now. The girls have to think of some rules for Helga to follow this weekend. Here are some that they came up with for the weekend:



1.     to wear either pantyhose or thigh highs until they say otherwise.

2.     She has to wear high heels the entire time and no exceptions.
3.     She has She has to wear a thong until otherwise told.
4.     She has to be topless at all times.
5.     Whenever she has to use the bathroom the door must remain open.
6.     She will do whatever they ask whenever they ask without question.
7.     She will cater to their every whim.

8.     She will also go about her regular duties except for leaving the house unless they tell her to do something and that overrides what she is doing at the time.

Here’s where are real story begins. After the girls agree on the rules and inform Helga. It’s about 10:00pm Friday night and they ask Helga to get them something to drink and ice cream and serve them in the living room. So she does what they ask but, when she is done the older girl tells Helga to put on a show of all her thongs and to bring them all down and undress in front ofthem. Helga does, she brings down all her thongs and shows them. They comment on which ones they like and how hairy Helga’s pussy is. They also comment on her body to each other. When they are done with their drinks and bowls the tell her to put them away and come back into the living room. The oldest girl tells Helga to remove all their tops. So she does, then she tells Helga for her to remove all their pants, so she does. So they sit down and tell Helga to go to the middle of the living room and turn some music and dance for them. After awhile they tell her to remove her panties and continue to dance but start to dance sexy and gently rub her entire body and with her nipples being totally erect and Helga getting a little horny. They decide to stop. They have Helga remove all their under garments. Then they tell her to smell each of the panties she removes from each girl smells and the licks the crotch area. So Helga takes off the oldest girl’s bra and panty. She licks her panty crotch and comments how good it tastes. The girls smile and get real excited. Helga moves on to the middle girl. Removes her bra and notices how big her tits are and then removes her panties and notices that so far none of the girls have hair. She moves on to the youngest girl and removes her bra notices her budding tits and nipples and after removing her bra, Helga caresses her young tits a bit. Then she removes the youngest girl’s panties and smells them and licks them and comments how great they smell and how great they taste. After Helga takes off the last garment they say let’s get ready for bed and we all sleep in the living room. They tell Helga to put their garments in the corner with the other clothes. At this time Helga says she has to go to the bathroom. So they say ok and follow her over to the bathroom watch her pee and wipe as they stand nude in the doorway. When Helga is done they say they all have to go now. They tell Helga the stay and watch them.  The younger one goes first and the older one says” Helga wipe everybody when they are done.” So after the younger one is done she stands up and Helga comes over and wipes her. The middle one is next when she is done Helga goes over and wipes her. The older one goes last and when done she stands up Helga walks over and starts to wipe her and the older one takes Helga’s hand has Helga rubs her pussy a few times having her gently rub her pussy. After they are done they go back into the living room and tell Helga to get the living room ready for bedtime. 

They all sleep nude till the next morning. Where the youngest one wakes up first and gets up and goes over to Helga and decides to take a closer look at Helga and her body. She goes over to Helga lifts up her covers and pulls them down. Helga remains asleep as she just stands there. She goes over to Helga’s pussy and stands there in amazement. She leans over and puts her face right next to her pussy and smells her. The youngest one stands up and wakes up the middle girl and says look at Helga. So she gets up and she also is in total amazement of Helga’s body. The youngest one tells the middle one to go over and smell Helga’s pussy, so she does and says” wow! That smells good” and the youngest one says” I know”. The middle one says” you smelled it too?” Just at that time the oldest one wakes up wondering what all the commotion was about and says “shush!! Helga is sleeping;” “we were just looking at her beautiful body and we both smelled her pussy and it smelled great “the middle and youngest girl says. So the older one whispered in Helga’s ear to wake up and spread her pussy apart for them. Then they asked Helga if they could taste her pussy and she said sure. But Helga said that is not fair though I don’t get to taste anybody’s. At that point the older one took charge and said for the younger one to start eating and licking Helga. Then she told the middle one to start sucking and licking and playing with Helga’s tits and nipples. But stand close enough to Helga. Just then the older one mounted Helga’s mouth with her pussy and told Helga to start eating her. The middle one reach over and grabbed Helga’s hand put it in her crotch area and told her to play with her pussy and feel how wet she is.

    The youngest one is going town on Helga’s pussy and can’t believe how great her pussy tastes but complains about her pussy hair. Helga is moaning every time the youngest one reaches her clit. So the youngest one figures it out and starts to work on her clit. And juices start to come out of Helga, the youngest one didn’t know what to make of it so she asked the oldest one” what should I do she’s leaking?” and the oldest one replied “lick every drop up don’t waste any and try it you will like it at that moment Helga came and juices flowed all over the youngest one face and Helga bellowed out a moan like you wouldn’t believe. The oldest one said to the youngest one” good job you made her cum. How was it?” the youngest one replied” it was the best. Can I do it again?” the oldest says” no give somebody else a chance”. With the middle one still on Helga’s tits and Helga with a finger in the middle ones pussy she asks” Helga how does my pussy feel?” Helga replies back” feels so wet”. The middle one asks Helga” can you lick me now?” Helga says” sure” but she finishes eating the oldest ones pussy makes her cum and moan. Helga’s face is filled with the oldest ones cum. They had never seen the oldest one move and sound like that before. When she was done with the oldest one, the oldest one said” ok everybody switch”. By this time and hour had gone by. The oldest one went right for Helga’s pussy, where the middle one mounted Helga’s mouth and said” eat me bitch”. That left the youngest one out but the oldest one said to the youngest one to work on her tits. She said” no that’s ok; I will just back and just watch you guys. Would it be ok if I played with myself while I do?” the oldest replied back” sure, when you are done just sit there and we have Helga lick you clean.”

So the oldest one works on Helga’s pussy like there’s no tomorrow. Makes Helga cums in 10 minutes and doesn’t stop she continues to eat her. Meanwhile the middle one is still telling Helga to eat her” eat me bitch, come lick it, make me cum” The oldest one is shocked to hear the middle one get so bossy and demanding. So after about 20 minutes the middle cums and says” ohhhhh yes bitch I am cumming, keep it up with your tongue. You are the best!!!”  The oldest one continues to eat Helga till she cums again but this time Helga squirts pussy juice all over the oldest one face, where she proceeds to get what she can off her face with her tongue. The middle gets off Helga’s face and comes over and kisses the oldest one and tastes Helga’s pussy juice. At that moment the youngest who is sitting on the chair playing with her pussy, starting to moan a little. So the oldest one tells Helga to go over start to lick her and wait for her to cum and lick her clean. So Helga goes over the chair on her hands and knees and starts to lick her as she moans. The oldest one pulls out a strap on and puts it on and says” watch this!” the girls both look in amazement in the size of the dick on the strap on. “It must be 9inches or so” the middle takes a spot on the couch to watch and starts to play with her pussy. The oldest one takes the big strap on pushes it in Helga’s tight pussy. She has a hard time sticking it in because it’s so tight. Just as the oldest one sticks it in the youngest one cums and Helga licks her clean. The youngest one is tired out and falls asleep. The oldest says to Helga’ you are so tight” Helga says yes it is and it feels great. Come on, fuck me, fuck me. Ram it in deep.” As the oldest one is fucking Helga, the middle one cums once again and she also passes out on the couch from being very tired. The oldest one continues to fuck Helga, and every thrust in Helga moans” oh god!!”  After awhile the four of them all pass out and wake up later on. They all get up take showers and get cleaned up except for Helga, she cleans up the living room where are the fun was. And she decides to take a shower but the oldest ones says” wait, you will take a shower but we will wash you.” So they all go up the bathroom and start the shower. Helga removes what little items she has left on her. Helga steps in the shower where the girls watch the water running off Helga’s tits and from her pussy. The girls start to wash her entire body while Helga just stands there. Then they inform her that they will be shaving her pussy clean of hair. Each girl got a turn at shaving her. She is smooth now with no hair. They dry her off and tell her to wear a skirt, thigh highs, and hooker shoes with no panties on and topless. They go about their day, until about 3:00pm or so where the oldest says for Helga to come to the living room. All three girls are standing in the living room where they tell Helga that will be putting a sleep mask on her. The oldest one tells Helga” Helga you will now eat all of us one at a time and tell us which one has the best tasting pussy, the oldest one puts a sleep mask over Helga’s eyes so she couldn’t tell who’s is who. So Helga gets down on her hands and knees and starts to eat the oldest one first. After 15 minutes she moves on to the middle one next. After about 15 minutes she stops moves on to the youngest the last one. After 15 minutes Helga stops and stands up they tell her to keep on the mask. The girls get off the couch and change positions and the oldest one says ok Helga remove your mask. They all sit down on the couch while Helga thinks on it and Helga says” it is hard to choose but I would have to say the last one is my favorite and the best tasting. The girls all yell and moan after the news. But Helga asks” so which one of you is it?” The oldest one says “we can’t tell right now, maybe tomorrow” Helga says she has to go pee, the oldest one says” wait lets go in the backyard on the patio.” So they all go to the patio and tell Helga ok to pee. The girls want to see Helga pee and to see the pee coming out of her pussy. Helga squats down the girl’s squat to view her. And as the pee is coming out they are in total amazement. She finishes and last drop comes out and they all clap and say “awesome”. They move into the living room and the oldest says for the middle one to get the double-ended dildoe. She comes back right away with it and it is pink and about 16 inches long. The oldest one says ok Helga get down on the floor and so the oldest one goes first. Inserts it in Helga then herself the other girls just sit and watch as Helga and the older one ride the dildoe pushing it in each other each of them moaning. The other two girls start to get really hot and horny over watching them go at it. So they start to play with themselves and waiting and thinking of their turn with Helga and the dildoe. After about 20 minutes or so both cum and juices are everywhere. The oldest one gets up and says” who’s next?” both girls say’ me, me, me!!” the oldest one replies for the middle one to go next and have the youngest go last so they can watch and enjoy her getting off with Helga. So the middle one steps up next to Helga on the floor and inserts the dildoe in Helga then in herself. The middle one has a feeling come over her, she has never felt before with the dildoe inside her and the two of them pushing on the dildoe. The middle one starts to cum and moves around uncontrollably and moans very loudly and pushes hard on into Helga so Helga can push hard into her deeper. The two of them wiggle around for only about 10 minutes or so but it is the hottest 10 minutes ever. The middle one finishes up and gets up and collapses on the couch. The older one says” ok youngest one you’re next”. The youngest one asks the older one” will I cum like that too?” the older one says” maybe we will see”. So the youngest one gets down on the floor and the oldest one says for Helga help insert the dildoe into the youngest one. So Helga takes some of her own pussy juice and rubs on the dildoe on the youngest one end and also gently rubs the youngest one pussy with her with Helga’s own juices to get her pussy wet for entry. So as Helga inserts into the youngest ones pussy the youngest one moans and says”Oh god, wow! Boy does that feel good, what a feeling. Wow!” Then Helga inserts into her own pussy at that time the older one is masturbating like crazy watching them get started also after a short nap the middle one wakes and sees what’s going on and sits down on the couch to watch them with her legs spread wide. Helga gets a great view of the middle ones pussy and starts to get turned on. The older one who has been playing with herself for a bit gets an idea for the middle one and her to rub each other while they watch. The middle one says” sure lets go, let’s see who can get the other one off first?” At that time Helga and the youngest one start to go at it with the dildoe, the youngest one is moaning and moving around so much and is saying” come on Helga fuck me, fuck me Helga!” The two other girls are totally amazed at the younger one and how hard she’s pushing on the dildoe and forcing it deep into Helga’s pussy. The other girls rubbing each stop for a moment to watch the youngest one and how far the dildoe is going in her. They can’t even see the dildoe and the youngest one and Helga and now are slapping pussies against each other with the dildoe inside of them both. The older one says” be careful now’ the youngest one says to the older one” Mind your own business and let Helga and I fuck each other” At that point the older gets a little mad and gets up and walks over to the youngest one and says”Ok, eat me you little bitch you” and puts her pussy in the youngest one face and says”now eat!!”. The middle one gets an idea too and walks over to Helga and says,”Now you can eat me and it better be good.” Both of the girls smile at each other and start to moan. Meanwhile the youngest one is still riding the dildoe and starting to moan very loudly, the two other girls stop and get up decide to watch the youngest one. The youngest one starts to move around like crazy and so does Helga. All of a sudden the youngest one lets out a scream and juices gush from her pussy all over Helga and herself and the floor. The two other girls are totally in shock and amazed and turned on by the youngest one. They can’t help start to rub themselves. After the youngest one came, Helga gets up and pulls out the dildoe from her pussy and the youngest one and does something that amazed the girls, She takes the dildoe and proceeds to suck on the dildoe and deep throat it almost 9inches of it. And proceeds to lick and get off every last drop of pussy juice off of the dildoe. Then Helga gets almost possessed and tells the other two fuck each other with the dildoe now! And the oldest one and the middle one jump and go to town on each other with the double-sided dildoe. Helga tells the youngest one” to sit up and sit back and I am going to eat you till you cum again and again.”  Then Helga says to all of them” when I am done eating the youngest girls pussy, all of you will pleasure me till I cum at least twice.” As Helga devours the youngest girl’s pussy and says” this is by far the best tasting pussy ever.” Just at that point the youngest girl cums and oozes white cum all over the place then she squirts Helga right in the face with her pussy juice. Helga tries to get every drop and Helga is so turned at this point that she says to the other two girls” Stop what you are doing come over here you two and eat my pussy now!!” So now Helga goes back to finishing licking the youngest girl clean from cum when the other two girls start to eat Helga’s pussy ,she moans and gets even more hornier than before and starts to work on the youngest girls pussy once again. Helga is pure heaven at this point. The more the girls work on Helga the more turned on Helga gets till she yells” Fuck me you bitches, Fuck me, Fuck me” so the oldest girl and the middle girl go and get the two strap-on dicks, one is 9 inches and the other is 8 inches. The two of them walk over to Helga and kind of stand there for a minute or two. Helga says” What are you waiting for cunts, Fuck me already!” the two girls get a little mad and say” ok! Lets see how you like this!” the middle one steps up with the 8” dick and proceeds to ram it home in Helga’s pussy every time thrusting it deeper and deeper into Helga’s pussy. Helga moans every time she goes deeper and deeper. Helga says” is that all you got bitch?” the middle girl pulls out exhausted.  Meanwhile while all this was going on the oldest girl changed strap-on to a 11inch dick. And stepped up proceed to insert it when Helga says” Who’s next? Oh its you, you fucking pussy you aren’t women enough to fuck me!” at that point the oldest girl sticks the 11” long and very thick dick into hard and very deep and at that point Helga screams” Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! GOD!!!! Yessssssssss! Shitttttt!” The oldest one pulls it out and slams in deep once again. Helga moans and screams very loudly every time. After about four times the middle girl and the youngest talk and decide to help the oldest out. The middle one goes behind the oldest one and the youngest goes over by Helga; the youngest hold down Helga and keeps her from moving. The middle one tells the oldest one to start fucking Helga again and when she does the middle one pushes on the oldest ones ass to push the dick in deeper. The oldest one is a little startled but turns around and sees what’s happening and a big smile comes over her and says” push me harder, harder” with every push Helga lets out the loudest moan they have ever heard. After about 10 minutes of this everybody is very tired and it becomes late and they all decide to crash for the night ( in separate rooms).

   On Sunday the girls decide to change it up a little. They don’t have that much time so they decide to make Helga masturbate the rest of the time, whenever they wanted her too. They wake up go into Helga’s room and tell her to masturbate. So she does and cums in about 10 minutes. Also Helga is told that she has to wipe the girls whenever they pee and make sure they are clean. If not to their satisfaction, Helga has to clean them with her tongue. So after Helga masturbates they all go into the bathroom and go pee one at a time. Helga gets up and wipes them one at a time clean. After wiping the youngest one and the youngest one decided to make Helga lick her clean anyway, even though she wiped her clean.  What she had did was when Helga walked out of the bathroom she quickly squatted down a peed just a little bit more, to make Helga taste her pee.  So Helga comes back in and squats down and the youngest one spreads her pussy lips apart and say” clean me” So Helga goes up to her pussy and starts to lick her clean with her tongue but notices a funny taste that she has never tasted before. And the youngest girl was trying to make Helga do something she wouldn’t want to or like to do but it turned out completely the opposite. Helga ended up loving the taste and said” wow this does taste good, what did you this time?” the youngest girl replies back” its my pee” Helga licks her completely clean and asks her next time she goes that she will clean her pussy with her tongue if that’s ok with her. The youngest one says” sure if you want to?”  “Oh yes” Helga replied.
     The girls all go downstairs to watch TV while Helga makes breakfast. At the breakfast table everyone is wearing pajamas except for Helga, which she is nude. As Helga walks around the kitchen serving them, they slap her ass, grab her tits, make her stick her finger in her pussy and lick it. After she is done serving them Helga sits down finally and the girls say to Helga” now masturbate” so she does and cums while the girls are eating there breakfast. Helga finishes her breakfast and starts to clean up, the girls get up go into the living room where they decide to plan their next move. Helga finishes up cleaning the kitchen when the girls Tell Helga to go out to the backyard patio and masturbate and face the neighbors yard. Right before this the girls went outside and saw next door that 5 or 6 boys were playing football in their yard. The girls told them in about 5 minutes to look over into their backyard. The boys were ages 12 – 14. They didn’t ask why, the said “ok”. So when Helga went outside in the backyard patio the boys were already looking, then they saw Helga walk out totally nude and boys went nuts and said” she’s hot. Look at those tits. One of the boys went in to get a camera to record the moment. So Helga walks out pulls a chair over faces the boys and sits down and starts to masturbate. The boys can’t believe it. One of the boys calls one his buddies from down the street and says” you have to come over her now! You won’t believe it Mrs. Smith is outside nude playing herself and tell the other guys too.” So they all come over and now the crowd has built up to about 20 boys ranging in ages from 7 – 17. The girls at this time are watching from the window where nobody can see them watching and are laughing and having a good time with this. Helga by this time is rubbing and playing with her pussy, sticking 3 fingers in. She cums after about 20 minutes or so and gets up and walks in like nothing happened and leaves the chair completely wet and soaked. After Helga goes inside, one of the boys jumps over the fence and takes the chair and brings it back to their house where they all smell it. A few of the boys share their pictures and video from their camera phones. The boys never forget it and from then on always smiling at Helga and waving hi to her.
    After Helga gets back inside the girls all go back to the living room and play video games and watch TV until lunchtime, where they look at the clock and know that they have to leave in a couple of hours. At 12:00pm the girls say” lunch time”. The girls all go to the bathroom once again and Helga waits to wipe them all clean. Once again the youngest is last and waits for the two other girls to leave. She pees and when done and stands up with pee dripping from her pussy and Helga wastes no time and is right there to lick her clean. The other girls yell back at the youngest one”come on let’s go, what’s taking you so long” Helga quickly finishes up and the two of them leave the bathroom. Once again while sitting at the kitchen table they begin the groping of Helga while she walks around and fix lunch for the girls. This time after Helga is done fixing lunch they tell Helga to get on the kitchen table and begin to masturbate while they eat their lunch. The girls decide to move down to the end of the table so they all can get a good look at Helga. They decide at this time to bring out their camera phones and record it and take pictures of it. The girls finish their lunches and Helga finishes too. So the girls decide to get things ready and gather their stuff up at about 2:00pm or so the girls get ready to leave and say their good byes to Helga. When the youngest says she has to go to the bathroom, so Helga follows her in the bathroom and closes the door. The youngest one starts to pee when Helga asks her to stand up a little so she can lick her while she’s peeing. The youngest girl says” sure” stands up a little, Helga leans over and starts to lick her and pee starts to come out while she licking her and Helga gets a face full but continues to lick her pussy clean from pee and getting every last drop. The girls outside bang on the door and say” lets go” and so Helga slowly pulls up the youngest girls panties and smells the crotch area while doing so. Then pulls up the youngest girls pants and patting her on the ass on the way out the bathroom door, They all stand at the door when the older one looks at the other two girls and says” After I say the magic word you will go up stairs lie down and take a nap and not remember a thing that happened this weekend, but every time you see us your pussy will tingle and you will get the urge to play with yourself. The girls say the magic word and close the door. A week later in the shopping mall Helga sees the three girls and begins to twitch and move around and starts to get very horny and begins to rub her pussy very discreetly till the girls are out of site. The girls notice Helga and wave to her and laugh and begin to talk about the good time they had that weekend. And Helga seems to notice that all the boys in the neighborhood and very friendly toward her and always smile and wave. To this day she wonders why?
                                                             The End




The Thrill Of Taboo part 6 on Taboo Stories

The Thrill of Taboo (part 6)
by Britney
(The story, characters, and my personal beliefs, are a work of fiction.)

It was later in the evening now. Megan and I were in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Kevin and Katy were in the living room and they were supposed to be doing their homework. I pulled the chicken out of the oven and seasoned it. I placed it on a towel next to the stove to let it cool. I washed my hands as Megan was working on the salad. I dried my hands off, and turned around. Megan had her back to me and she was working on a head of lettuce on a cutting board. I walked up behind her and reached my arms around her waist, and ran my hands up her tight stomach all the way to her tits. I rested my chin on her shoulder. Sh
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e looked at me and smiled as she kissed my mouth.

"I'm glad your home." I whispered to her as i moved my tongue in her mouth.
"I am really happy to be home. What a nice surprise that was to come home too. Thank you so much for all your work with my kids." she said
"I was more then happy to do it. We can fill you in on all that you missed while you were gone during dinner." I said
"Tell me now." she said "I am curious about how it all started."
"Its kind of a long story, but I just started talking to them about sex. Katy told me how she fooled around with her boyfriend a little, and I just suggested that she could practice on her brother. I mainly just showed her how to suck his cock. Then later that night It was just me and her, and I showed her how to masturbate. Kevin wanted to fuck her, and I told him no. Then he wanted to fuck me and I told him that he needed to wait." I said
"Why did he need to wait?" She asked
"Well I didn't want him to fuck Katy obviously because we can't have her getting pregnant. And I didn't let him fuck me because I wanted his first time to be with his mother." I said
"Thank you for making him wait, I'm glad that I was his first." she said

We made out for a few more minutes in silence. Megan's hand worked down my pants and she playing with my clit.

"Will you go tell them that its time to eat?" she asked
"Yea I'll go tell them... After dinner do you mind if I have sex with your son?" I asked

She pulled her finger out of my pussy and moaned as she brought it up to her mouth.
"You can fuck my son anytime you feel like it Britney." she said

I smiled as i turned around and headed down the hall way towards the living room. I heard Kevin and Katy's voice as I got closer. I stood quiet so I could listen.

"Stop moving around so much. That makes me choke when you force it in my mouth like that." I heard Katy say.
"But it makes it feel good when it's moving faster. Try to use your hand more as you suck it." Kevin said
"I will if you just sit still." she said

I peeked around the corner. Kevin was sitting on the couch naked. Katy was on her knees in front of him. She was wearing a pair of really cute red pajama's. I could see the back of her head moving up and down on her brother's cock. Her ass was arched out and she had her left hand down her pajamas playing with herself. Kevin kept trying to put his hand on her head, and she slapped it away every time. I enjoyed the scene for a minute, then walked in.

"You guys are supposed to be doing your home work." I said

Katy's head popped up and she turned around and wiped her mouth as she looked up at me. The two just giggled for a second, before Katy turned around and went back to work on her brothers cock. I walked over and sat on the couch next to Kevin, and watched Katy.

"You are getting really good at that Katy." I said

She looked at me and smiled with her eyes. She was getting good at it too. Her right hand was circling the base of his penis as her head moved up and down, just like I taught her. She turned her head to the side momentarily and Kevin's dick bulged out of her right cheek.

"I wish I had a brother that I could of done this too when I was thirteen. I didn't have sex for the first time until I was nearly seventeen." I said

The two just ignored me. Kevin's eyes were glued to his cock going in and out of his sisters mouth. They both looked like they were having fun, and I didn't want to stop them. I got off the couch and looked at them.

"It's time for dinner guys, your mom is waiting for us in the kitchen." I said "So Kevin as soon as you cum, come to the kitchen so we can eat."

Kevin just nodded his head not really listening to me. Katy pulled her head up and looked at Kevin.

"Can we go eat now, I'm really hungry and my mouth is getting sore." she said
"No just a little bit longer, I'm almost there." Kevin cried

I felt excitement shoot through my body. The muscles in my pussy tightened like they do when I get really horny. I had jeans on and I could feel my juices start to leak down my thigh. I got on my knees and crawled up behind Katy.

"Take a break Katy I'll finish up here." I said

She moved out of the way and I crawled up to Kevin. He gave me a cute exited smile, as I quickly pulled off my shirt and bra. I looked at his sexy young body. He was around one hundred and thirty pounds, and had a very thin petite male body. His chest was smooth, with no hair. His skin was soft and smooth. He had a really nice cock for a thirteen year old. It wasn't fully developed yet. It was thin and maybe five inches long. His scrotum and balls were smooth and silky with thin blonde pubic hair.

I kissed his leg and lightly ran my tongue up his thigh until I reached his balls. I sucked on the skin of his scrotum before i ran my tongue up his young shaft. I kissed the head of his dick and stuck my tongue up the hole of his penis before taking his cock all the way to the back of my throat. His eyes closed and I watched the pleasure in his face as I sucked him. I took him out of my mouth, and ran my tongue back down his penis to his balls. Kevin giggled nervously, and his body tightened as my tongue ran across his asshole. I grabbed his dick and stroked it with my right hand, as I pushed my face deeper in his ass. He relaxed slowly as he got used to my tongue licking out his asshole. I stopped and looked up at him. His eyes opened and he had a far away intoxicated look.

I kept eye contact, and I licked his cock, as I massaged his asshole with my left middle finger. I pushed very gently and felt his rectum hug my finger as it slid in. I opened my mouth and sucked his penis slowly as I waited for his asshole to relax. His cock twitched in my mouth as I started finger fucking his tight hole.

"Do you like this Kevin?" I asked
"Yes it feels really good." he said

I glanced over my right shoulder and saw Katy. She was standing their watching with her hand between her legs masturbating over her pajama's.

"Katy go ask your mother if she wants to come watch." I told her.

She quickly ran towards the hall way and stopped.


Kevin jacked off while I worked off my jeans and panties. I started kissing his stomach around his belly button. I moved slowly licking and kissing up his stomach and chest, until I reached his mouth. I kissed him softly and moved my tongue around his lips.

"Will you do what you were doing with your finger some more." he whispered nervously.
"You don't have to be shy Kevin." I said "Tell me what you want."
"I just want you to put your finger in there again." he said
"Ok, but I want you to fuck me now. I have been dying for you to slide your dick in my cunt. I am going to sit on the couch, and I want you to roll on top of me. I want you to stick your cock in me, and I will play with your asshole until you cum." I said still kissing him.

I heard Megan's footsteps come down the hall. I crawled up on the couch, and helped Kevin roll on top of me. With a few more movements I felt his teenage dick slide into me. I could feel the pulses in his penis race as he fucked me like a rabbit. I rubbed his asshole for a moment, before i slid my finger in it.

I finger fingered his asshole, at the same pace that he fucked me. Katy and Megan stood and watched his young balls bounced as he rammed his cock in me. I felt his rectum flexing and tightening around my finger. He let out a squeaky moan as I felt his cum move up his shaft and release against the upper wall of my cunt.

Twenty minutes later the four of us were dressed and sitting at the dinner table. I sat next to Megan. Kevin and Katy were sitting across the table.

"Kevin slow down, this is not a race." Megan demanded.

I looked across the table and laughed. Kevin's cheeks were full like a hamster. Katy was the opposite of her brother in that sense. She sat very proper with her napkin on her lap. She took very small bites and chewed her food a long time before swallowing. It was fun to watch them. They were so much a like yet so much different.

"Have you both finished your homework?" Megan said in her mother authority tone.

"I have, but Kevin hasn't even started." Katy said
"Mine is not due for two more days, I'll finish it tomorrow during lunch." Kevin said
"No you will finish it tonight, when you are done eating." Megan said sternly.

Kevin dropped his head disappointedly. I looked at Megan and she had a stern look on her face as she continued eating. I thought she was being kind of ruff about it. This was a big night for us, and I was looking forward to us all playing together after dinner. Megan is their mother after all, and I don't want to get in the way of what she thinks best.

We all sat and ate our dinner in silence. A few minutes went buy and Megan excused herself to the bathroom. As she left the room Kevin and Katy both looked at me.

"I'll go talk to her, and maybe I can get you out of your home work tonight Kevin." I said

Kevin smiled, as I got up and went down the hall. I got to the bathroom and the door was cracked. I could hear the sound of Megan's pee splashing in the water. I walked in and Megan was on the toilet. She looked up at me.

"Haven't you ever heard of a thing called privacy?" she said laughing
"I don't think we need privacy in this house anymore." I said "At least when I am here."

I straddled her legs and sat on her lap facing her. I kissed her on the lips softly.

"What would you say if Kevin finished up his homework tomorrow night, and we all have some fun tonight?" I asked

She looked at the wall, and thought about it for a moment.

"I just don't want this to start bad habits is all." she said. "I don't want them to be like me and drop out of high school and get pregnant and tied up. I want them to learn from my mistakes, and get good grades and go to college."

I stood up off of her lap as i heard the last few drops of urine trickle. I unrolled a few tissues of toilet paper.

"How about we go back to dinner and we make a few rules." I said as I wiped her pussy.
"What kind of rules?" she asked

"We will say every night they have to get their homework done when they first get home from school, before there is any kind of sex." I said
"That would work I suppose. I'm not so much worried about Katy, but Kevin is a huge slacker, and I see all this as just more of a distraction for him." she said pulling up her pants.
"We could tell him that you, me, or Katy will not suck his dick, or let him fuck us until his home work is done, and you have checked it over." I said

"Now that is a good idea." Megan said laughing. "Your making me horny too."
"Why don't we go tell them all the rules then." I said kissing her.

We walked back down the hall, and sat at the dinner table.

"Ok Kevin, you don't have to do your homework tonight." she said
"Yessss!" Kevin shouted

"But just tonight." Megan demanded. "Britney and I just discussed it, and starting tomorrow there will be no fucking, blow jobs, or any other sexual activity until you guys both have your homework done and laid out for my inspection. Is that understood."

"Yes." they both said at the same time.

"And Katy you and me are going down to the clinic tomorrow so we can get you on the pill." Megan said
The expression on Katy's face changed from exited to worried.

"What do I have to do?" she asked nervously.

"Its not bad at all Katy." I said "You just go in a room and the doctor will come in, and put his fingers in your cunt. Then he will give you prescription. And you will need to take it every morning."

"Why do i need to do this again?" she asked
"Because once you have been taking the pills for about a week then you will be able to fuck your brother any time you want. Then when Tom gets home he can fuck you too." I said
"Will I be able to fuck some boys at school too?" she asked
"Yea you can fuck any boy....."
"No! you are not allowed to have sex with any boys outside of this house." Megan demanded

I looked at Megan and smiled.

"So I will be able to fuck Katy anytime I want." Kevin blurted
"Yes, as long as your homework is done, and it's ok with Katy." Megan said
"I will let you anytime, just as long as your nice to me." Katy said
"I'll be really nice to you for no on ok." Kevin told her.

Katy's face lit up. All she ever wanted was her brother to be nice to her. He wasn't really mean to her, just your usual brother sister stuff.

"I wish we could have sex tonight." Katy told him
"You too can have anal sex." Megan said chewing her food.
"No I don't want to do that." Katy said shaking her head
"It feels really good Katy if its done right." I said
"Yea I think you should give it a try. I'll help you guys. Your brothers cock isn't that big so it will be nice to start on." I said
"Ok as long as you are there. I like it when Britney helps it makes it a lot more fun." Katy said.
"Lets do it right now!" Kevin insisted
"You can as soon as you help me with the dishes." Megan said
"Katy, lets let Kevin and mom do the dishes, because we need to go have a little girl time before your brother fucks you in your asshole." I said
"ok" she smiled
"Is that ok with you mom?" I asked Megan
"That is fine." she said "Kevin start gathering the plates and bring them over to the sink so I can rinse them."

I stood up and walked around the table to Katy. We smiled at each other as I approached. I reached out my hand to her.

"Come with me little lady." I said

She grabbed my hand and stood up as we walked out of the kitchen I saw Kevin watching her ass as she walked. I blew a kiss to him as we left the room.

"Where are we going?" she asked
"We are going to the bathroom to freshen up." I said

We stopped in Megan's room and I grabbed the bag of toys that were in her closet, before we reached the bathroom. Katy walked in first and I closed the door and locked it behind me. I didn't want Kevin coming down and disturbing us. And I knew that is something that he would do. I put the bag on the vanity. I opened the cabinet and found some of Megan's razors, and a bottle of shaving cream.

"Whats that for?" she asked
"it's to shave our pussy's." I said "Have you ever done it?"
"I tried once and it left a bunch of red bumps, and then it got really itchy." she said
"You have to do it right." I said "Lets get in the shower and I'll show you how i do it."

Katy walked over to her mom's jacuzzi tub. She started the water, as I opened the closet to get some towels. I grabbed the bag of toys and walked over next to Katy and sat them next to the tub.

"Is it going to hurt when Kevin does that tonight?" she asked
"No it won't hurt, that's why I want to show you how to do it." I said "Are you nervous about it?"
"No i guess not." she said shrugging her shoulders.

I smiled, the lid on the toilet seat was down and I sat on it and reached my hand in the tub to check the water temperature. I am 5'7 and Katy is about 4'9. We were just about the same hight when I was sitting and she was standing.

"You have such pretty boobs." she said as she poked my right breast over my blue tank top.
"Thank you sweet heart." I said
"I wish I even had boobs." she said
"You will they just take a while to develop." I said
"But there are girls at school my age that already have big boobs, I don't like the locker room because I'm ashamed of them." she said
"Katy you are a beautiful girl, don't ever judge yourself about what other girls look like or say. I bet they would die to have your gorgeous blue eyes, and your pretty blonde hair. I know I would. You just have to be happy with what you got, everyone has flaws. It took me a long time to realize that. When I was your age, I never thought I was pretty enough. If I would of just accepted myself for who I was, my days at school would of been much more enjoyable." I said

Katy nodded her head and she looked down to the floor. The water was perfect now and I dried my hand on the towel. I could tell something was troubling Katy by the worried look on her face.

"Is there something wrong honey?" I asked
"Its just at the dinner table you said Tom is going to fuck me." she said

I looked at her face and I felt really bad. I know how much Tom would love to do that. And I know how turned on I would be watching Tom put his gorgeous cock in her. But I don't want to push her if she isn't comfortable.

"Katy you don't have to do anything you don't want to do ok. If you are uncomfortable with anything please tell me." I said
"It's not that I don't want to, I have a huge crush on Tom. I'm just nervous about it." she said "Will you be there when he does it?"
"Of course I'll be there. But you don't have to do it if you don't want too." I said
"Would if he don't want too?" she asked
"Believe me thats not going to be a problem, he talks about it all the time." I said
"Really what does he say?" she asked
"Well lets put it this way." I said "Sometimes when he is fucking me, I am not turning him on enough so he pretends that I am you. And I have to role play and pretend that I am you, and he calls me Katy while he's fucking me. So you see, I'm the one that should be jealous of you."

She smiled and moved closer to me, and kissed my lips softly. She ran her fingers through my hair and I opened my mouth, inviting her tongue. I was a little surprised about how aggressive she was with her kiss. She moved her hand up my shirt and worked her fingers underneath my bra. I put my arms around her back and ran my hands across her soft flannel pajamas. She broke her kiss and kissed my cheek, and worked her mouth down to my neck. I closed my eyes and felt her soft warm mouth kissing and sucking my neck and ears. I felt her finger work down my jeans and panties, and I nearly came as I felt her finger penetrate my cunt. I leaned back against the toilet seat and closed my eyes as she fingered me with one hand and rubbed my body with the other. She unbottoned my pants and I lifted my butt up so she could pull my jeans and panties off. My heart was beating fast and the muscles in my pussy twitched. I felt her tongue flick against my clit, before she moved her tongue inside my snatch. I opened my eyes and all I could see was her beautiful blonde hair covering my crotch. i put my hand on top of her head and took a deep breath and pushed her head between my legs. I felt all the muscles in my body weaken, and without thinking I wrapped my legs around her shoulders. I took a deep and grunted as every muscle and nerve in my body locked. I could feel my juices releasing in my pussy against Katy's tongue as my orgasm reached its peek. I finally exhaled and I pulled Katy's head up and kissed her strongly tasting my juices on her mouth.

Our Kiss softened as I came to, until it finally broke. I gazed in her beautiful blue greenish eyes, as I felt my body come back to it normal state. I squirted cum on her face and it was trickling off her nose and her chin.

"Lets do this all the time ok." I finally said, still breathing hard.

Katy laughed, and I stood up. I undid her robe and pulled it off of her. She was wearing green cotton panties, and I fell to my knees behind her and admired her cute sexy ass, as I slowly slid them down watching her crack appear. She stepped out of them and we climbed in the shower.

I started by washing her hair, and we rubbed soap on each others bodies. Katy was in the stream, and I stood behind her running my fingers through her hair, and watching the shampoo run off her body. She reached around and put her hand between her butt cheeks, and started to wash.

"Hold on Katy, I wanting to do that." I said
"Do what?" she asked in a loud tone to overshadow the running water.
"I was going to show you how I wash my asshole before I do anal sex." I said in an equally loud tone.
"Oh okay, I didn't know there was a special way to do it." she said
"Yea there is a little trick." I said "We need to wash our assholes and shave our pussy's. Which one do you want to do first?"
"Lets shave our pussy's first, I want to see how you do that." she said

I reached my hand outside of the shower curtain and grabbed the razor and shaving cream. I held the can of shaving cream up to her so she could see it.

"This is Aveeno's shaving cream. It's very moisturizing and it doesn't leave bumps, or ingrown hairs or anything like that." I said "have your mom buy you some."

I had Katy sit on the edge of the tub, and she watched as I squirted the shaving cream in my hand and rubbed it on her light blonde pubic hairs. I told her to always use a new razor, and how to hold the lips of her vagina when she shaves it. When I was done she was as smooth as a baby, and I was confident enough to let her shave me. She was an extremely fast learner, because my cunt felt like silk when she was done.

"Ok, Katy let me show you what I usually do before i let a guys stick his cock up my asshole." I said looking at the blush on her cute face.
"What do you want me to do?" she asked
"Just lay on your stomach and arch your back up a little." I told her.

She got on her knees, and I grabbed some of Megan's shower pillows. She got on her stomach and I put the pillows under her knees, and another pillow under her pussy so her butt was propped up. She had the side of her face rested on the floor of the tub with a slight smile. I rubbed her soft butt cheeks a little, while i started playing with my clit. I grabbed a bottle of soap and held it a few inches from her ass and watched the soap come out of the bottle like molasses. It landed between the crack of her soft butt, and slowly ran down to her asshole. I rubbed the soap on her ass for a few minutes, then very gently worked my middle finger in her tight rectum. Her asshole immediately retracted and pushed my finger out.

"Are you ok Katy?" I asked
"It feels really weird." she said
"Let your muscles relax and try to not push ok." I said, as she closed her eyes and nodded her head.

I slowly pushed my finger in again. Her asshole tightened again but was a little more relaxed then before. I very slowly pushed in until her sphincter hugged my knuckle. Katy lost her concentration, and her asshole pushed on my finger again. I held it in feeling the walls squeeze my finger over and over until the muscles finally relaxed. Her eyes were closed tight, and I rubbed her lower back with my other hand trying to relax her. i slowly started moving my finger in circles massaging the walls of her asshole.

I took my other hand off her lower back and reached over the tub. I grabbed the enema that Megan and I used on our assholes before Tom would fuck us. Katy opened her eyes and watched as I filled it with water.

"Whats that for?" she asked
"Its called an enema. It squirts water in there to make it nice and clean." I said

I loosened the muscles in my finger, and her butt hole pushed it out. I spread her right cheek to the side, and i used my right hand to place the nozzle of the enema on her asshole. She grimaced again as i slowly inserted the plastic nozzle in her tight rectum.

"This is going to feel a little weird ok." I said as she nodded with her eyes closed.

I squeezed the tube, and Katy giggled and squirmed until almost all the water in the tube was gone. I pulled the tube out and sat on the bottom of the tub and watched her asshole tightened up again. She climbed to her knees and looked at me.

"Whats it feel like?" I asked her.
"It feels like I have to go to the bathroom really bad." she said
"Just push it out, it feels kind of good sometimes when you do it." I said

II rubbed her lower back as she pushed. She peed at the same time while the water squirted out of her asshole. I refilled the bottle and I let her give me an enema. We took turns doing it three more times before we finally got out of the shower.

We dried each other off, and Katy got on her hands and knees on the rug of the bathroom floor. I took out a a bottle of lubricant from the bag of toys. I got on my knees next to her legs, and looked at her small, cute, little hole that was hidden between the crack of her ass.

I started by pulling her ass apart with both hands and running my tongue around her asshole. I lifted my head and massaged it with my middle finger, as I grabbed the bottle of lube. I held the bottle about two inches above her ass, and squeezed it until the the clear thick water based solution dripped on her rectum. I worked the lube in with my thumb, as I moved my pointer finger in her cunt, and pinched together the tissue between her asshole and pussy. I rubbed her back softly with my other hand, as I began fucking both of her holes with my thumb and finger.

A few minutes went by, before Katy started moaning in her soft cute voice. The muscles in her body tightened and I could feel her pussy start to vibrate. I fingered her until she reached the peak of her climax. I pulled my finger out fast, and a stream of juice shot out of her pussy.

I was amazed on how fast I could make her cum. She was really horny now, and It was time to go back in the living room, so Megan and I can watch Kevin fuck his sister up the ass.

We both stood up and I held her hand as we left the bathroom. As we started down the hall I could hear moaning coming from the living room. As Katy and I reached the corner, we saw Megan and Kevin in the sixty nine position on the couch. Megan was on her back, with her head on the arm rest. She looked across the room and waved at us with her sons cock in her mouth, and her finger in his asshole.

Katy and I walked up to them. I bent over and pulled Kevin's dick out of her mouth and kissed her. I aimed it back in her mouth and rubbed his balls as she continued to suck it. I looked at Kevin's body. He looked so cute with his butt sticking in the air. His face was buried in his mothers snatch, and his little balls were twitching as Megan sucked his cock. I loved his little asshole. It was adorable. I have a huge asshole fetish. I love to lick them and put my fingers in them. I love to lick a guys asshole while he jacks off and feel his prostate pulsate while he's cumming. I like girls assholes too. they are usually prettier, and cleaner, and they are fun to lick too.

I was working my tongue into Kevin's tight asshole, while i watched his young cock fucking his mothers mouth. It was great that i am finally able to lick a young boys asshole. The thought of doing it, didn't really cross my mind until I was about seventeen, when a boyfriend I had asked me to lick his ass. I wish someone would of showed me when I was younger. I could of been the little girl on the playground that sucked all the boys cocks and licked their assholes. Maybe I'll have a little boy someday and I can lick his asshole and suck his cock every night before bed like a good mom.

I had Katy get on her knees and I squeezed some more lube on her asshole, and worked it in with my finger.

"Kevin come here its time to get lubed up." I said

Kevin rolled off the couch, and smiled at me as he wiped his mouth. He stood up to me and I fell to my knees in front of him. I took his dick in my mouth and looked up at him.

"Put some of that on your cock Kevin so it goes in your sisters ass easy." I said

I held his cock for him while he poured the lube. I jacked him off and spread it all over his dick and balls. I stood up and held his penis as I guided him over to Katy, who was still on her hands and knees. Kevin fell to his knees and his erection was pointing at his sisters asshole.

"Now Kevin you are not to move until I say you can. Is that understood!" I demanded

He nodded his head. I guided his cock to where the tip of his penis was touching Katy's asshole.

"Katy you need to relax like I showed you. I can see your asshole flinching, and I can tell that you are not relaxed." I said
"I can't help it I'm scared." she cried
"There is nothing to be scared about, your in control. Kevin is just going to keep still and when you are ready just back up on it. You can go as slow as you want." I said

I held Kevin's hard dick in place with my thumb and pointer finger. Katy arched her back a little and pressed her asshole against the tip of her brothers cock. I was starting to get impatient because Katy didn't push any more. I rubbed her back softly to comfort her.

"Just push a little more Katy I promise It won't hurt if you go slow." I said

She took a deep breath and pushed her butt more towards Kevin. Kevin's cock was shiny from all the lube, and her asshole slowly started opening up to the head of his penis. Very Very slowly I watched his young prick start to disappear inside Katy's tight ass. Kevin's eyes were closed and he moaned softly, as he felt his sisters asshole squeeze his cock. Kevin stood still like I told him.

"How does it feel Katy?" I asked
"It felt really weird at first, but it is starting to feel ok." she said
"When you are ready try fucking it." I said

Her eyes were closed and her forehead was against the carpet. She slowly started moving her hips. I watched her rectum massage the base of his dick.

"It's starting to feel really good." she said moaning.

I reached under her stomach and began rubbing her clit with my middle finger. The lube was dripping off of Kevin's balls. I spooned some up a little with my middle finger of my left hand. I reached around and stuck my finger in Kevin's ass. Kevin was watching his sisters asshole as it massaged his cock.

"Can i start now?" He cried
"Can Kevin start fucking you now Katy?" I asked
"mmm hmm." she moaned

Kevin put two hands on her hips and started thrusting his cock up her ass. I watched with with my right hand finger in Katy's cunt, and my left finger in Kevin's asshole. Kevin was fucking her hard and I listened to Katy moan as their skin slapped together over and over again. Megan was still sitting on the couch naked and she was fingering herself watching.

"Kevin slow down you need to enjoy it. If you cum too fast its not as fun." I said

Kevin slowed down, and I pulled my finger out of his ass and crawled over to Katy's face. I kissed her softly on the lips, and then looked in her eyes. Her mouth was open and light beads of sweat were coming through the pours of her forehead.

"Do you like this Katy?" I asked
"Yes this is wonderful." she said
"It feels good doesn't it. I told you it would." I said looking at the pleasure in her eyes as her head bounced.
"I want to do this all the time." she moaned
"Are you going to let Tom fuck you up the ass when he gets back?" I asked
"Oh yes, I can't wait for that." she said

I kissed her again, and she circled her tongue in my mouth at a fast pace.

"You turn me on so much." I said. "Will you lick my pussy for me?"
"Yes please let me do that." she moaned.

I sat on my butt in front of her, and spread my legs. I gently touched the top of her head and guided her face between my legs. She was really exited and horny, and she ate my cunt really fast, circling her tongue around my pussy lips. I looked up at Kevin, and he looked like he was rather enjoying fucking his sister up the asshole. He looked at me.

"Will you come back here and put your finger in my ass again. That felt really good." he said
"I'm kind of busy here Kevin." I said "Megan why don't you come help your son out!"

Megan smiled and lifted herself off the couch. She walked up behind Kevin. Kevin was still on his knees ass fucking Katy. She leaned over and but her arms around him. She rubbed up and down his stomach and chest, and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Do you want me to stick my finger in it, or do you want me to lick it.?" she asked
"Can you do both?" he moaned
"How about I'll lick it for now, and when you are getting ready to cum I'll finger it." she said

Megan got on her hands and knees behind Kevin. She spread his butt cheeks apart with both hands and began licking and sucking her son's asshole.

The juices of my cunt were starting to run down my thighs. Katy's warm tongue felt wonderful in the folds of my vagina. I felt like masturbating and I lifted my legs up in the air. I was hoping that Katy would get the hint that I wanted her to lick my asshole. She did like I wanted and I slid two fingers in my twat, as Katy's soft lips moved down to the crack of my ass, and started eating my asshole.

I looked up and I could see Megan still behind Kevin, licking his ass while his dick pumped his sisters butt hole. Katy was moaning and looking at me with her pretty greenish blue eyes. She was rubbing her cunt as her brother fucked her asshole.

"I think I'm going to cum." Katy moaned softly
"She's going to cum Kevin fuck her as hard as you can now!" I shouted

Megan's head popped up from behind Kevin. She reached both hands around Kevin and grabbed her daughters hips and helped her fuck his cock. She kept doing it and pushed her face back in her sons ass. Katy started to scream, and she lifted her head, and grabbed my legs. Her body stiffened and she dug her nails into my skin. Megan must of knew that her son was about to cum too, by the movement of his asshole as she licked it. She lifted her face and stuck her finger up his ass, and moved to the side of Kevin. She used her other arm, and wrapped it around the front of Katy's legs.

I fingered myself as I watched Megan help her kids fuck, and have orgasm's at the same time. Katy continued to scream at the top of her lungs, as her brother squirted cum in her asshole for the first time. She fell to her stomach and beads of semen shot up her back as his cock popped out of her asshole like a spring. Megan spread her cheeks apart so we could see her gaping asshole. Kevin and Katy giggled together at the sound of the air coming out of her ass. I sucked his cum out of her asshole, but I explained to Kevin, that for now on when he cums in a girls ass that he needs to suck it out.

So we are making progress here. Kevin is getting more comfortable. When I first met him he seemed like such a shy cute boy. But in my experience anyone who is shy, is usually really horny and kinky but just too afraid to let it out.

As for Katy, well she is like her mom. I always knew that she was going to be a nymphomaniac. It just takes time to get comfortable with everything is all. I did talk to Tom the other day, and he is going to be home in about a week. He said he is behaving himself but I'm sure he has found someone to fuck during his travels. Who ever it is, isn't going to compare with what he's got waiting for him when he gets home. Its going to work out perfect for his birthday. I still have a week to decide how I am going to present Katy to him. She has taken huge steps in the last few days. I know she is starting to enjoy everything we have been doing. Megan is going to take her to the clinic tomorrow so she can get on birth control. It takes about a week of taking the pill before it is safe to take a guys load up your cunt. Mean while her and Kevin can still have anal sex. We have a lot of work to do though, before she will be able to take Tom's huge cock up her ass. I think Megan and I need to go to the toy store, and buy several size dildo's for here so she can work her way up to it.

As for me, well I'm doing just great. I have always been thrived on sex. It's what fuels me. If I had to do it again I wouldn't of got married. At the same time it turns me on even more that I have a secret. It always turns me on when Tom fucks me, in my husband's bed when he's gone. But now I am fucking Tom and a young boy. At some point I think it would be fun to bring Kevin over to my house. I could talk to my husband on the phone while I'm licking Kevin's cute asshole and sucking his cock. Maybe he could invite some of his friends from school to come over to my house and fuck me up the ass. I don't mean to be such a whore but I guess thats just who I am.

to be continued..................

Sarah and her son

Carolina3777 on Incest Stories

Hi there.  This story is a fantasy of my son and I in a few years time...

A few years had passed since I first became involved with my brother, and although we remained close I married the father of my son and lived with  him for awhile.  However, when my son was 11 we began to have trouble with our marriage.  He was far from faithful and I couldn't put up with some of his habits anymore.  During that year we had more and more trouble and fights until finally we decided that a divorce was the answer.  We agreed on most of the condit

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ions, and custody of our son Brandon was never an issue.  Although his father loved him, he had never really been around for him and wans't eager to take on the responsability.  I on the other hand was only too happy to be the sole parent of our son.  I had done the majority of the raising and Brandon had come to see me as a mother, mentor, and best friend. 

At the age of 12 he was still in the beginning of puberty.  He was 4'10" and weighed only 95 lbs.  He had shaggy brown hair like his father, but had my blue eyes and grin.  He was shy around most strangers and I got the feeling that he wasn't very outgoing at the private school he attended.  Around me however, he would talk for hours about anything and everything. 

At 36, my body had already begun to sag slightly which made me constantly worry if I would be able to find another man in the near future.  My 36C breasts had begun to hang lower than a few years ago and my butt, which was usually my most prominent feature had lost some of it's firmness.  I went to the tanning bed when I could get the chance and kept a light brown tan.  I now wear my hair in a curly pony tail most of the time.

A few weeks had passed since the divorce when my company was bought out by another and I was "unfortunately" laid off.  So I was a single mother without a job.  I called my sister in Washington and thankfully she was able to get me a job at her office.  Brandon and I loaded all of our belongings into my Chevy Trailblazer and U-Haul trailer and headed off for a new start in Washington.  Brandon never said it, but I could sense that he was ready for a fresh beginning as well.

We took a scenic route through the southern US, I wanted Brandon to have a chance to see as much as possible on our way.  We talked and listened to the radio and talked some more on our way.  We made it to Arizona before I realized that not only was it already 10:30 at night, but we were also in a pretty deserted part of the state.  I continued on until we came to an exit with a small motel, a couple of fast food restaurants and two gas stations.  I filled up our tank and then drove over to check into the front desk.  Although the woman behind the counter was a little strange, she adored Brandon when he came in after me.  She offered me a $20 discount off the room if we used one of the queen bed rooms, she said they rarely got used and were needing to repair the double beds.  Brandon didn't mind the idea of sleeping in the same bed as me so we paid the fee and went to our room.  It wasn't really nice, but it was pretty clean and everything seemed to work.  We dropped our luggage and I started a shower. 

I smiled at Brandon as I pulled out a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt that I wore as pajamas, "Do you need a shower hun, or are you going to bed?"

He laid back on the bed, "I think I'm just going to go to sleep mom."

"Ok baby, but you have to take one tomorrow."

He groaned, "Mom, I know, I'm not a kid."

I smiled, "Your my kid, hun."  I took the shorts and t-shirt and closed the bathroom door.  I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the hot shower, enjoying the feel as it rinsed my body clean.  I finished and stepped out, looking in the mirror I stared at my body.  It was in pretty good shape considering.  I kept my pussy trimmed to a neat, yet full, bush.  I sighed as I looked myself over, I hadn't had sex with a man or woman in over 4 months and I couldn't help but feel that I was past the chance.  I dried my hair and pulled it back into a pony tail, then put on the small white t-shirt that was thick enough to hide my nipples when they were soft, as well as the black cotton athletic shorts that game down to my mid-thigh.

I walked outside to find Brandon in a pair of his old school's PE shorts that came down to just above his knees and a Atlanta Braves t-shirt that he loved.  He was propped up on a pillow watching TV.

I smiled, "That doesn't look like sleeping to me."

He laughed, "I was just wondering what was on mom."

I walked over and turned off the TV.  "Well it's time to go to bed now."

He sighed, "Ok ok...if you say so."

I walked over to the bed and pulled back the sheets to get in. "I do say so, so good night hun."

I climbed into bed and was about to turn off the light when Brandon spoke.  "Mom....I have a question to ask, and I know it's going to sound weird."

I hesitated for a moment.  "What is it baby?"

He looked away for a second, "Well, could you tell me.....or show me how to have sex witha girl?"

For a second I couldn't believe what I had heard.  Had he really just asked me that.  "Exucse me Brandon?"

Brandon stuttered, "W-w-well, the guys at school....they said you would have sex with anybody who asked, and I just knew that I would need to be good at it before I went to the new school, otherwise the girls there will laugh at me too a-."

"What did you just say?" I asked.  "About me."

He seemed sheepish, "Well the guys at my school, they said that you had sex with the principal when I failed my 4th grade year so that I could go ahead to the next grade...and they said you have sex with alot of guys."

I was speechless.  I had in-fact done that, but I hadn't thought anyone had known, and now my own son knew!

I looked at him in shock as it all computed, "Brandon...I am so, so, sorry.  I...I didn't mean for that to ever get out sweetheart....I don't know what to say."  Then the rest of it registered, "But what makes you think you need to know about sex yet?  Your not even a teenager."

He looked over at me, "I know, but everyone is already talking about it.  They know so much more than me and they laugh when I don't know what their talking about....and I couldn't even kiss Lisa Andrews when I had the chance, then everyone found out about it."  he seemed like he was on the brink of tears just remembering it.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I know it doens't make it feel better but I can't help you with that.  I'm your mom baby, I just don't think you should know these things yet.  I think it will be alot better at your new school this year though."

He pulled back the sheets and got out of bed, "I-I'm sorry mom, I didn't meant to.....I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.  I'm such an idiot.  I....I've got to go to the bathroom...." He closed the door to the bathroom before I could say another word. 

I sat in the bed, wondering how all of this had happened so fast.  I couldn't believe that he knew about the people I had slept with, I couldn't believe he even knew about sex already, and I absolutely couldn't believe that he wanted my help.  But as I sat there and the minutes went by I couldn't help but think that my little brother had only been 14 when I first sucked his cock.  As I thought more about it, the more appealing it sounded.  Finally I stood up and walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Brandon, are you ok?"

I heard him shuffle inside, "I'm fine....I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that."

"Come out here baby, I'm not mad, I just want to talk to you."

There was silence for a moment before the door opened, he looked up at me. "Your not freaked out?"

I smiled, "No baby, I was just surprised, I didn't know you knew that about me.  Come on, let's talk about this."

He followed me back to the bed where I sat on the edge.  He sat next to me, I took a deep breath then turned to look at him.

"I guess I should ask what you already know about sex, and what you do already, sexually."

He looked down, obviously embarassed, "Well I know that a guy puts his penis in a woman's vagina to have a baby.  And that's sex.  And...I guess that's about all.  Um, I....I masturbate sometimes, but that's about all."

I realized I was shocked that he masturbated already, and my curisoity wouldn't let it go. "What do you usually masturbate about?  Like what thoughts?"

He seemed hesitant, "Umm, just girls usually."

I nodded, "Ok, any specific girls, or a type of girl, like age or race?"

He looked away, "Yeah, umm, well....." He looked back at me.  "I'm really sorry mom, but....I usually masturbate and think about you.  I....I have a picture of you in a bikini at the beach."

I gasped as he said it.  I stared at him, then, without hesitation I leaned down and pressed my lips to his.  He wasn't sure what to do, and he seemed to shocked to do nearly anything, so I began to kiss him softly, then as his lips began to move with mine, I put a hand on his back and kissed him deeper; completely lost in the moment.  That my son was masturbating while looking at me unleashed every incestuous thought I had had over the past few years, at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to have sex with my son.

He slowly began to pick up on what to do.  Soon he was kissing me back with a small amount of skill mixed with a great deal of passion.  Slowly I broke off the kiss.  Both of us were breathing hard and I pulled him tightly to me in a hug, "I love you so much baby."

He held me tightly, "I love you too mommy, thank you so much!"

I gently pulled him back and looked at my son in the eyes, "You can't tell a soul about this, ok?"

He nodded eagerly, "I swear mom."  I smiled, "Ok baby, now, lean back."

He nodded and laid back on the bed so that his whole body was on it.  I climbed onto the bed and took his shirt by the waist and pulled it up around his chest so that it stayed there, revealing his smooth bare torso.  Then, with a reassuring smile, I took the waist band of his PE shorts and pulled them down to his ankles.  I stared down at his completely hairless balls and cock.  His balls were about the size of walnuts and his flacid penis was 3 inches long and laying limp across his left thigh.  I leaned over his body and took his smooth dick in my mouth.  He moaned as my warm mouth enveloped his cock and began to suck.  I continued to suck on it, sliding my mouth up and down on the shaft, as it began to grow to 6 inches and hard.  He was moaning so loudly as I sucked him that I was grateful I hadn't seen anyone staying in the rooms next to us.

"Mommy that feels so good!" He moaned out.

I felt his cock begin to pulse and was surprised when I felt a salty liquid spray into my mouth.  After only three minutes of a blowjob my son had came in my mouth.  I continued to suck, and soon his cock had sprayed all of it's cum into my mouth.  It wasn't much, but I savored the taste of my son's cum as I took my mouth off of his cock and looked at him. 

He had an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry mom, I didn't think I would do that."

I shook my head, then swallowed his cum.  He looked at me in disbelief and I smiled, "It's ok baby, you just came in my mouth, that's all.  And I will always swallow a load of cum."

He leaned up and wrapped me in a hug.  "Thank you mommy!  I love you so much."

I hugged him back, "I love you too Brandon."

He leaned back, "So what do we do now?"

I smiled, "Well, let's give you penis a break.  If a man uses his mouth on a woman's body she absolutely loves it."

He looked eager, "So what do I do?"

I grinned, "Lick me wherever I tell you to.  I'll be back in a second."  I stood up and walked to the bathroom.  I stripped off my clothes and brushed my teeth before giving myself another glance over.  Pleased with what I saw I opened the door and walked outside.  Brandon's jaw nearly dropped as I walked to him nude.  He was sitting on the edge of the bed nude as I walked to him.  I pushed him gently onto his back and climbed onto the bed, straddling his face, I hesitated for a moment, then lowered my pussy to his face. 

"Lick it baby, lick it all over."

Without hesitation he did exactly as I told him.  Although he had no skill, he made up for it in sheer passion and determination.  He licked and sucked at my pussy as if it were the most delicious thing in the world.

"Ohhh baby yessss, lick your mommy's pussy baby....mmmm yesss lick it so good for mommy."  Soon I was soaking wet as I felt his tongue sliding inside my slit and licking my pussy lips.  Soon I could feel an orgasm building inside me and I knew that I would cum so hard.  I wasn't sure if I should cum on his face or not, but as he slid his tongue inside me again and moaned into my pussy, I made my decision. 

"Mmm baby yesss.  Ok baby, close your eyes and open your mouth wide, ok baby?"

"Like this?" He said as he did as I told him.

"Yes baby, just like that."  I reached down and began to rub my clit as my orgasm got closer and closer.  Soon I felt it break over me and a gush of juices sprayed out of my pussy and all over his waiting face.  His mouth was soon full of my juices and as I watched he closed his mouth and drank my cum, just as I had drank his. 

I collapsed onto the bed next to him, out of breath and beginning to sweat.  He looked over and smiled at me, his face and hair soaked in my cum.  I smiled and rolled over on top of him.  Leaning down I began to lick my juices off of his face.  He smiled and pressed his lips to mine as I tasted my juices on his mouth. As I leaned back I felt his hard cock press against my thigh, glancing back, I saw the 6 inch hard penis standing straight up. 

Brandon smiled, "Mom, that was amazing!"

I grinned, "You were wonderful baby."  I motioned back towards his hard cock, "Do you think your ready to have sex for the first time?"

He looked up at me, "Please mommy, can I?"

I smiled and took his hand, bringing him up into a sitting position.  Holding him tightly in a hug against my breasts, I lowered myself down until I felt his cock pressing against my slit.  He moaned into my boobs and began to suck on them as I lowered myself down and took my son's penis into my pussy for the first time ever.  I began to ride slowly on his cock, then faster as he hungrily moaned into my breasts as he pulled my nipples and sucked and licked on them.

I moaned out as I felt his hard throbbing cock sliding in and out of my tight pussy, "Mmmm, yessss baby your so hard inside me."

He looked up at me, "Mommy, you feel so good, I love this so much!"

I held him tightly to me as I began to ride him faster and harder, taking his cock inside my eager pussy again and again.  Soon I moaned out in pleasure and ecstasy as another orgasm rocked my body and I gushed all over his lap and the bed that we would sleep in.

My convulsing pussy pushed him over the edge, soon he groaned out, "Mommy, it's about to happen again, where should I do it?"

I had remained on birth control and tonight I was thankful I had.  I whispered in his ear, "Cum in my pussy baby."

He looked up at me, and as our eyes met I saw his face contort in ecstasy as his cock unleashed his cum inside me.  His body tensed as it came, and then, like a switch, collapsed against the bed.  I fell next to him, spent from our fun.  We fell asleep laying in my puddle of cum but neither of us cared, we just held eachother tightly all night.

THE END>>>>>>

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