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pop5on22 Member Since January 16, 2016

Wolf Nights- Game on ( part 1 )

pop5on22 on Sex Stories

We enter the shared dorm room of Maxwell Spade a gray and white young freshman wolf and Kurt Warner a green and yellow sophomore wolf. It's 11 pm and the two wolves are engaged in extreme combat, video game combat. Sitting on opposite sides of the room in their beds wearing nothing but their underwear, the two boys go head to head. Starring intensely at the flat screen on the wall in front of them in the middle of their room the boys steadily get louder with each passing match adding more fire to tournament.

Max- you can't get a fucking x-ray move that fast, how the hell is that fair
Kurt- hey bro if the game let's it happen it fair
Max- ok it's ok because I still win , I got combos like a dollar menu over here
Kurt- that's a lot of talk for someone who lost the last 2 roun