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Sophiabrendasniece Member Since September 22, 2010

The Boys Raped Me

Sophiabrendasniece on Forced Stories

Hey everyone, Hope you are all well. I have something that happened a couple weeks ago and it at first was something I was not going to tell but I have decided I will. I went to the Georgia Square Mall near where I live shopping one day. There were not a lot of people there which is really what I like. I ate at the food court and began walking towards he Victoria Secrets store. I stopped for a mo

Vickie's Mother Catches Us, and After

Sophiabrendasniece on Incest Stories

Well, Millie and Vickie and I began making love almost all day and night after that first time. She needed a litle wine but then was really hot and did not want to stop at only 3 or 4 orgasms. A little over a week later I got a cal from my brother Mason and he said he would be back a litle early. I told him what had happened and he almost shit. "Are you serious? The three of you?" he said and I t

Vickie's Mother Catches Us In Bed

Sophiabrendasniece on Incest Stories

I went to see my brother and his wife again one weekend when I was working close by. It was totally diferent now that we had made Vickie how great it was to be naked and make love with anyone that you wanted to have. She greeted me at the door wearing a towel saying she had gotten out of the shower. I came in and we kissed and then she tok off my clothes and we were in bed that quick. She had a f

Visiting My Brother And His Wife Pt. 2

Sophiabrendasniece on Incest Stories

I was laughing with the wine on my night shirt and the fact that it had come over my tummy to expose the fact that I had no panties on at all made my brother stare at it as if he was starving. I looked up at Vickie and smiled, "She ever let you eat her pussy? I said. He looked at me and as he did I spread my legs apart. "She hardly ever does and when she lets me she will not kiss me and I am not

Visiting My Brother and His Wife

Sophiabrendasniece on Incest Stories

A few months ago before coming to Georgia to stay with Aunt Brenda I was driving around and stopped in to see my brother Mason and his wife Vickie. They are in Iowa and I took the northern roads from California and visiting several girlfriends there and so I phoned and they said to some on and visit. Now Mason, being one year older than me has always been my hero and I have always looked up to h

Aunt Brenda, Mom and I and a New Friend Get Hypnotised

Sophiabrendasniece on Mind Control Stories

Well, this is a few years ago, I was just 19 and Aunt Brenda came to see Mom and I and stayed a couple weeks. We liked going out for drinks and then coming back to play together, nothing crazy, just three women naked in bed and taking our time giving each other pleasure. There was a friend that was in town of Brenda's and she came over to visit. We all sat and talked and soon she seemed to realiz

Seducing Married Women Pt. 4

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

The girls (they never did tell me their names) and I went to the bedroom. My nipples stil had a little trickle of blood from each one but one or other of the girls always licked it if there was more than just a little and wneh they did I felt myself getting hotter. They pushed me onto the bed and then walked around it. As they did they took off their clothes. Both were very slinder and had almost

Seducing Married Women Pt. 3

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

I went shopping one day all on my own with no intention of playing with anyone but that just shows you that there are some things that find you even if you are not looking for them. I wore a peasant dress that was down to the mid-calf and sandals and a floral desing thing and no bra. I hate bas and so if I think about it I let them stay in the drawer at home. Well, Anyway, I was at the mall, wind

Seducing Married Women Pt. 2

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

Well, I told you about the first part of my lesson with Aunt Brenda and then she said a few days later, "Do you wanna go back to the mall and show me what you have learned?" We had been talking about it and she asked suddenly. "Sure" I told her and we got up and dressed. I wore a tank top and low cut jeans and Brenda wore a wrap dress which are her favorites especially when she "goes out for lunc

Meeting and Seducing Married Women Pt. 1

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

I have seen a lot of stuff here while reading other stories that really do make me hot but I wanted to write about something my Aunt Brenda taught me a few years ago. I was here in Georgia and we had been in bed for hours and finally fell asleep. We woke up the next day (Thursday) and got up and decided to go eat at IHOP for breakfast then Brenda said she had something that she wanted to show me

My Job At The Massage Parlour

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

Hey everyone, hope you are all doing great! I am still in Georgia at my Aunt's apartment while she is in Europe with a client and having a nice time with Darlene. Jana moved out so it is just Darlene and I and very nice and quiet unless we want it different.

I was looking at some old pics I have and found a couple when I was working in a massage parlor up north. I really had a great time there

They Would Not Believe Me

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

I had a really difficult time during my crossing over to preferring girls instead of guys. I know there are all kinds of ideas about these things but this is what happened with me. I have already writen how my first time was and I really get off on thinking of that time when I am alone sometimes. But let me tell you about the time that I very literally "came out" to everyone so that there was no

Babysitting Job After and Beyond

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

Well, Felisha, Donna's Mom called one day after the first session I had all night with her daughter. "Think you are ready to come over for a little visit?" she said. I looked at Mom and she said that she had no plans for me that afternoon. "Sure, when do you want me there?" I said and she said "Now would be good." and so I put on a nice pull over blouse, no bra and a skirt and no panties since I

Babysitting Turned Out Great

Sophiabrendasniece on Teen Stories

Hey Everyone,

I am never sure how to title and categorize theses things sometimes. This is totally true and it is lesbian, teen and involves a dog so you can guess.

I was 17 and it is after Mom and Aunt Brenda have introduced me to both lesbian, doggie and horse fun so I was ready for what happened.

I was babysitting a young girl named Donna. She was really cute and was just getting breasts,

I Love Asian Women

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

Well, hey, it is raining in Georgia and I am all alone at he apartment. Brenda will not be home for hours so thought I could entertain myself and you a little.

A week ago I was in St. Louis and was between customers. I had a day and evening to myself and so treated myself to some great Japanese food at a resturant I have heard about from a customer. She even thought that maybe one of the girls t

Aunt Brenda Took Me To The Farm

Sophiabrendasniece on Animal Stories

Hey Guys,

Hope all of you are doing great! I have been having a blast visiting my Aunt Brenda but wanted to share the first time we went to the farm. We had a nice Fall afternoon and were drinking a lot of wine. I was very wasted. Brenda and I were siting around naked, kind of teasting each other and she said, "Come on, put on a long t shirt, I wanna take you somewhere." so I pulled on he shirt

Aunt Brenda and Mom and Me

Sophiabrendasniece on Animal Stories

I was 17 and had been playing with Mom and Aunt Brenda a lot since I found them in heat, LOL. They both enjoyed me between them and all over for that matter. We were driving one afternoon and Brenda looked at us and said, "I have a surprise for the both of you today." and we asked what and bugged the Hell out of her but she would not say what it was. We pulled into a driveway and then up to a hou

My First Time with Another Woman

Sophiabrendasniece on Lesbian Stories

Hello everyone,

Well, first off, I am the niece of Brenda Gordon, the one that you guys seem to like so much in her stories. I am Sophie but I like Sophia best. The pic is in the profile so that is all you get for now. I just got to Athens to visit Aunt Brenda. She is so fucking hot and I guess you all know that.

Anyway, I am totally and without any question a lesbian, of the lipstick variety