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longjim89 Member Since July 25, 2010

My First Real Escort Job, Aunt Maggie Got Me Into The Business

bbwbrenda75 on Lesbian Stories

Aunt Maggie and I used to talk about me branching out sexually and since I found that I could make money enjoying myself I was very curious and I must say that the idea of being paid even got me a little hot too. One afternoon Maggie came to the pool and said, "So you really are serious about being an escort?" I looked at her and sat up not covering anything. She was looking at me and I knew we w

New School, Same Shit Pt 2

bbwbrenda75 on Teen Stories

Well, it was nice to now have some guys I could play with anytime I wanted to but I was also needing some female friends that I could have fun with too. I was in the hall between classes one day and a couple gils were there with me and we walked along and there was a woman in he door of one class. Ms. James, (not her real name) was standing there and after we got past her one girl said, "She give

My Girls Chapter 3

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

After I cried myself out, I began to think about what I had seen, and what it meant. I now knew why poor little Cindi had been acting so strange. She did not want me to touch her - I could not blame her for shying away from all men, even though it hurt to be classed with those animals. But maybe I should be, after enjoying what I had seen. Let me be perfectly clear on this point - I was not turned on at all by the fact that she was forced and raped. I was glad that still horrified me - I do not know that I could have lived with myself if I had been turned on by that. No, it was just the sight of her pretty little body, and the response of her body as she came, seeing her for the first time as a female, that turned me on.

I thought I also could see why she was fighting with Amy. Un

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fair as it may be, she was blaming Amy for many of the things that had happened to her. She had to suck cock, and swallow cum to protect Amy. She had to rub balls, when she would rather have died than do all those things, to protect Amy from being raped. In her upset state of mind, she did not realize that a) she would have been raped anyway. They just would have raped Amy also, or if that was a bluff, just forced Cindi to do it anyway. I suspect threatening to take Amy was a bluff - they just were turned on by making her give in and do it of her "own free will". b) She made the choice to protect Amy. I will always have a special love for Cindi for protecting my little Amy like that, but it was not Amy's fault. She had nothing to do with it.

My problem now was what to do about the whole situation. Obviously, I felt we should go to the boys' parents and the police, but I felt that had to wait, since my wife was out of town (again!). God, there were times I hated her job, whatever it was! However, this had happened at least two weeks before, so another day or two was not going to matter. A bigger problem was how to go to the police about it and how to talk to Cindi about it without using the tape. She was traumatized enough - I really did not want her to know that her rape had been videotaped and god knows who had seen it. Even worse, her daddy had seen it. I could not do that to her, if I could possibly find another way. I suspected it had not been widely viewed by the boys at school, or some of her friends would have known. Some of those girls knew everything that happened - it was uncanny. However, someone other than the original boys had obviously seen it - it was unlikely they had delivered the tape to me. In addition, was this the original, or a copy? As good as the quality was, I suspected it was the original, but I did not know. I had to do something about that - I could not stand the thought of my baby finding out through some sick locker room gossip that her rape had been recorded

As often is the case when there seems to be no clear way to go, an opportunity presented itself the same day to deal with the situation with Cindi. That evening, Cindi and Amy had another fight. This one was bad enough that it finally even got to sweet, gentle Amy, who never got upset about anything. I heard the whole thing, and again it was Cindi that started it. That made sense to me now. Amy got so mad, she stomped out of the room, yelled, "Go to hell, bitch!", and slammed the door. I thought poor Amy was going to die when she stomped into the living room and saw me sitting there looking at her. What you have to understand about Amy is that she is the original goody two shoes. Except with her, it is all genuine. Until that day, I had never heard Amy say a bad word, even "damn" or "hell". I didn't even know she knew such words, much less "bitch". I doubt her mouth was capable of saying, "fuck", if she even knew the word. She stopped dead in her tracks, with a look of horror on her face, turned bright red, mumbled "I'm sorry, Daddy", and then announced she'd had enough and she was going over to Rebecca's house, three doors down. Then she very quietly walked out of the house, closing the door softly behind her.

I waited about 10 minutes for things to calm down, and then I called Cindi into the room to talk to her. She walked in belligerent, angry, snotty, with a chip on her shoulder, and said "WHAT?!?" She knew she was in trouble, as she was just as shocked by Amy's outburst as I had been. At first, I was mad, that she would act that way to me, but immediately I was sorry for that reaction, and my heart just melted for this poor little girl and what she had gone through. I called her over to me, and when she stomped close enough to me, I reached over, grabbed her hand, and pulled her onto my lap, wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her. I first saw the surprise in her eyes, as she was sure she was going to be chewed out, not hugged. Then she tried to pull out of my arms, but I would not let her go. She looked at me with moist eyes and said, "Please let go of me, Dad". I thought I would stop breathing when she said that, but I held on to her and asked her "What's wrong, Cindi?"

"Nothing", she replied. "Why do you think something is wrong?"

"Well", I replied, "it could be that you have been a total bitch to Amy tonight. It could be that you have been that way for about two weeks now, or it could be that you will not even let your daddy touch you, who loves you more than he can even tell you. Which one do you want to pick?"

"Dad (Oh god, when did I become dad instead of daddy?), Amy is such a snot, I am so tired of..."

"Cindi", I interrupted, "Cut the bullshit. I heard the whole thing tonight, as well as several over the last two weeks. You have started every one. Now, are you going to tell me what is going on?"

She gave me a glare that would have put me in the grave if looks could kill, and said nothing. I shrugged my shoulders, smiled, and said, "You know, Cindi, I haven't gotten to cuddle with you for two weeks, and I've really missed it. If you want to sit here on my lap all night, that is fine with me. I'm rather enjoying holding you, but I am not letting you go until you talk to me".

Suddenly, the dam broke. She laid her head on my shoulder, and cried, sobbing her little heart out. I held her, stroked her hair, and told her how much I loved her. I did not tell her it was going to be ok, because I knew it might never be ok for my little girl again. She sobbed her heart out for 15 minutes or so, not seeming to be able to stop. Finally, she wiped her tears on my shirt, looked at me, and wailed "Oh, god, daddy, I don't want to be a slut, I don't want to be a whore!" She started to cry again.

When she stopped crying again, I asked her what was wrong. What did she mean by what she said? She said, "Oh daddy, I'm so ashamed", and then, haltingly, began to tell me what had happened to her two weeks ago. I played ignorant, not letting on I knew all about it. That might seem cruel, making her relive it when I could have saved her the time, but I felt it was important to get her to talk. I still could not let her know I had seen her "shame". I might have lost her forever if I let her know that. She told it straight down the line, even about how she could not stop the orgasms. She cried as she told me how hard she had tried to keep her body from responding, but she just could not help it. As she talked, I began to realize that she thought she was a slut and a whore because her body had responded.

I explained very carefully how it was possible for a male who knew what they were doing to make a female have an orgasm whether she wanted to or not. I told her that did not make her a slut. I told her that she had been raped, and that nothing her body did after she said no changed that. I spent a lot of time holding her, letting her know she was loved, that not all men were like that, and that it was not her fault. After quite awhile, she began to believe me. Then I started to work on the other problem.

"Cindi, you need to stop blaming Amy for what happened to you".

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are, honey. I am so proud of you for protecting her, and I will always love you in a special way for what you sacrificed to protect her, but she had nothing to do with it and it was not her fault. You have been being mean to her because they used threatening her to get you to cooperate, and you blame her for that. It's not fair". Her eyes got very big, and she said, "Am I really doing that?" We talked it out for a while, and then we just cuddled for quite awhile, with her on my lap, her head on my shoulder, and our arms around each other. I thought she had gone to sleep; she was so relaxed in my arms.

When the front door opened, Cindi immediately sat up as Amy walked in. I saw Amy's eyes open wide as she saw Cindi sitting in my lap, so obviously the opposite from the way she had been lately. Then Cindi jumped up, ran over to Amy, threw her arms around her in a tight hug, and started crying.

"Oh, god, Amy, I'm so sorry, I've been so mean to you, I love you so much, please forgive me, I know it wasn't your fault, I'm sorry". She kept asking her to forgive her and saying she was sorry. Amy looked at me over Cindi's shoulder, confusion in her eyes, and mouthed to me "what??" I mouthed back "just go with it", and she shrugged her shoulders and hugged Cindi back, telling her it was ok, she loved her too. Then they went into the other room together, and I slumped back down on the couch, breathing a big sigh of relief, totally exhausted. I knew we, and Cindi, were not out of the woods yet. One hour or two of talking was not going to solve all of Cindi's problems, but at least, for the first time since I saw that movie, I was beginning to have hope.

My Girls Chapter 6

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 6

When Cindi sucked my cock into her mouth, my brain just exploded into nothingness. I could not think, talk, move; it was as if I was electrocuted, as sparks exploded throughout my body. Victoria and I have always had a great sex life, and she was great at oral sex, but I had never felt anything like this. Maybe it was because this was forbidden sex, I don't know, but it was different. I tried one more time to stop this, putting my hands on her head to push it away, and whispering, "No, Cindi, we can't!" She refused to move her head, and just softly stroked my hands and arms. Soon, I was stroking her hair instead of pushing her away. When she looked up at me, I could see the gentle smile in her eyes, as she knew she had won.

If no

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thing else, Cindi's rape had certainly taught her how to suck cock. She sucked softly on the head, stroking the shaft and massaging my balls, then ran her hot little tongue around the head in little circles. Then she took the shaft into her mouth, as far as she could, licking the underneath with her tongue while sucking. She alternated between fast and slow, driving me crazy. It did not take me long until I was ready to fill her mouth, but just as I was about to cum, she stopped and lay down on top of me, kissing my neck and lips. When I opened my eyes, she was looking at me with her cute little impish smile, and asked me if I enjoyed that. I could only grunt in frustration. She laughed and said since this was the only time she would get to do this, she was going to make it last. I just hoped I would survive!

Then she started jacking me off, slowly and gently, stroking my whole shaft while again rubbing my balls. Once more, I was ready to come, but she stopped again. She kissed me, long and deep, playing with my tongue, while slowly rubbing and stroking my stomach and chest. Then she asked me if I wanted her to quit. I swatted her butt and told her she was mean. She giggled, then moved down and swallowed my cock again. I thought I was going to die.

After teasing me this way for about an hour, she asked me if I wanted to cum in her mouth. I was so far gone by this time I begged her to let me. She grinned at me sweetly, and said "Anything for my Daddy!" Then she started sucking me slowly, very softly, I could barely feel her mouth. She did not stop this time, as I exploded into her mouth, but she kept moving very slowly. I must have passed out for a second as I came, because the next thing I knew, Cindi had lowered herself down onto my still hard cock and had taken me up inside of her.

I panicked. A blowjob was bad enough, but I could not have intercourse with my little girl! I moaned "No, Cindi, please don't" and tried to push her off, but she lie down on top of me and put her arms around me to hold on. She started moving up and down slowly, driving me farther up inside her, until I was buried all the way inside. Then she just held me, whispering softly to me.

"It's ok, it's alright, you're not molesting me; I want this so bad. Make love to me, Daddy. Show me what it can be like. I love you Daddy. Love your little girl."

She kept whispering to me as she staring moving again. I finally stopped fighting her and started moving with her. I could not have stopped then even if I wanted to. I kept whispering repeatedly how much I loved her; she said, "I know, Daddy".

Since I had already cum once, she was farther along than I was. I watched as my little girl had her first consensual orgasm on my cock. She held me, and cried out softly as her whole body shook. I held her tight and kept pushing up into her as her movements became too spastic for her to keep a rhythm. I kept it up until she came again, and this time I came with her. We fell asleep with my cock still inside her.

When I woke up, Cindi was laying on top of me, her beautiful hair scattered all over the place. As I became aware of my surroundings, I remembered what we had done. I was afraid my greatest fear was going to happen - there was no way I could limit this to just once. I saw her looking at me, smiling, but with a worried look on her face. I started to speak, but she put her finger across my lips to silence me.

"No, I will not let you be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for, I love you Daddy and that was so wonderful and if this is our only time together I am not going to let you waste it on nonsense, now kiss me!" How could I resist an offer like that? I kissed her, and then I started tickling her.

She shrieked and squealed, laughing hysterically. I pushed her over on her back and with no warning, put my head between her legs and sucked her clit into my mouth, while putting my other hand over her mouth. She was so surprised she screamed into my hand. I figured we had to keep the noise down a little, as Amy was sleeping in her room. Fortunately, nothing except thunderstorms wakes her up. As I kept sucking and licking her, she screamed "Oh God, Daddy!" and exploded into another orgasm. I continued to suck and lick her, driving her to two more orgasms before she begged me to stop.

I moved up on top of her, spreading her legs apart and kissed her deeply, playing with her tongue, then I slowly slid my cock all the way into her pussy as I reached down and sucked her nipple into my mouth. She was so wet it was tight but easy to get into. It helped also that I am only 6 inches, just the right size for little teenage girls. I felt her jerk and tremble, and her arms flew around my neck and she whispered "Oh Daddy, again?" I slowly moved in and out of her, and soon she wrapped her legs around me, holding me tight and whispering my name repeatedly. We made slow and gentle love for a long time, and when we finally came together, it was more like a gentle rainstorm than an explosion. My girls have always been cuddly, but this last time seemed to have turned on the cuddle gene big time for Cindi. She just kept kissing my face, neck, shoulders, rubbing her hands down my body, whimpering nonstop. Finally, I turned over and let her lay on top of me again. That was how we were still laying when the alarm went off.

Amy was a little worried about us the next day. She told me Cindi had fallen asleep twice in class, and then Cindi and I both fell asleep on the couch watching a move, Cindi on one side of me and Amy on the other. I woke up to find that Cindi had gone to bed, and Amy was sitting on my lap, arms around my neck, kissing my cheek.

"Daddy, are you ok? You never fall asleep during movies".

"I'm just tired, honey. I didn't sleep well last night."

She giggled. "Yeah, Cindi can be hard to sleep with sometimes. Both of you falling asleep? What were you guys doing last night?" she smirked. Fortunately, she was not looking at me when she said that, as I am sure my face was a remarkable sight. She apparently was just joking, as she continued to prattle on about Amy nonsense for a few more minutes while I got my heart under control. I sincerely hoped she did not figure this one out. Right. What were the chances? Certifiable genius.

After a few more minutes, she got up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up from the couch.

"C'mon, Daddy, time to go to bed". I groaned - I was so tired I did not think I could walk into the bedroom and asked her to just let me sleep on the couch. Nope - she refused - Amy always knows best, don't you know? She walked me into the bedroom, sat me down on the bed, and started unbuttoning my shirt, taking it off for me. When she started on my pants, I decided I did not think I was ready for her to do this for me, after last night with Cindi, but she just slapped my hands away and told me to stay out of the way. She undressed me to my underwear, pushed me down into the bed, and covered me up. Then she walked over to the other side of the bed, crawled under the sheet, and snuggled up to me.

"Good night, Daddy" she whispered as she spooned up to me, holding me close. As she moved her hand away from me to pull the sheet over her, her hand accidentally brushed against my, now, hard cock. I was mortified - what was wrong with me? Please, do not let me start with Amy too. Not little sweet, innocent Amy. She did not seem to react, and I thought for a moment that she did not realize what had happened, or she was choosing to ignore it. Right. As if Amy would ever pass up an opportunity to tease. What planet do you live on?

As she cuddled up again, she kissed my ear softly, whispered, "Missing Mom a lot, are you?", and giggled. Was there no end to the supply of giggles for a teenage girl?

"I'm sorry, Amy. I couldn't help it."

She suddenly got serious. "I'm sorry for teasing you, I know you miss Mom and I know I remind you of her a lot. It's ok; I think it's a compliment that you react that way". She hesitated for a minute. "You know, Daddy, we love you a lot, we always will, no matter what. There is nothing you could do to make that change. You take care of us and make us so happy, and we would do anything to make you happy too. Whatever it is that is worrying you, Daddy, its ok. Really." Then she kissed me. Oh, please, do not let her have figured it out already. Please let this little genius have at least one blind spot!

"Besides," she whispered, "I think it's kind of neat that you get hard around me thinking about Mom. Don't worry; I won't take advantage of you!" She giggled hysterically, then snuggled up and went to sleep. Later, when I woke up, she was gone, back in her own bed.

Cindi did not come into my bed that night, nor did she for the next 10 days. Maybe her idea had worked, as she seemed much happier, cuddly again. I realized to my astonishment that I rather missed her in my bed. She was such a sweetheart, so pretty, and I loved her a lot. Cuddling was the thing I missed most about Victoria's absences.

The next 10 days were uneventful. Cindi seemed to be almost deliriously happy, laughing and, yes, giggling incessantly. She teased Amy a lot, and even played a couple of practical jokes on her; things she rarely did. Cindi was usually much too serious for that. After one particularly funny practical joke, that cracked us all up, Amy looked at me and gave me her famous "what?!?" look. I shrugged my shoulders. I figured I knew what it was due to, but I was not going to tell Amy that! When Amy and I were alone for a few minutes, she whispered, "What's up with Cindi?" I whispered back, "I don't know, but I like it better than the other way!"

On the tenth day after our liaison, Cindi seemed kind of quiet and withdrawn that evening. Amy and I looked at each other with the same expression - uh oh. Cindi was nice, not bitchy, just quiet and subdued. Later that night, as I was about to fall asleep, I felt someone crawl into bed with me. I wondered who it was - when Cindi had stopped sleeping with me, Amy had snuggled up to me a couple of nights. I didn't know if she was jealous, or just sensed that I missed the snuggling I had been getting before. It could be both - it was almost uncanny how Amy could often read people's emotions. I waited for whomever it was to snuggle up to my back, but they didn't. When I turned around to look, Cindi was laying there, big sad eyes wet with unshed tears, hands clasped to each other across her chest, trembling like a leaf.

My Girls Chapter 7

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 7

I was alarmed. I had not seen Cindi this upset since the big talk weeks ago. I scooted over and wrapped her up in my arms, and kissed her forehead. I could feel her shaking all over.

"What's wrong, Cindi? Has someone scared you or hurt you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me, sweetie".

"Oh, God, Daddy, you are going to hate me so much, I'm such a baby, I tried so hard, I just can't do it, I'm so sorry..." She started crying.

"Cindi, stop. Take a deep breath, slow down, and tell me what you are taking about."

"Well, remember when I wanted you to make love to me and you said no and I tricked you and made you do it anyway and I think you were a little mad but I could tell you really enjoy

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ed it cause you came really good and so did I and it was really nice and I was so happy after we spent all night... um... you know... doing it... and I said I would never touch you again if you didn't want..." I put my hand over her mouth.

"Cindi, take a breath, you're turning blue. You can start a new sentence every now and then, you know".

"Oh, Daddy, you're teasing me! (No, I wasn't - she was turning blue!). Anyway, I really tried to stay away from you but I just miss you and cuddling with you and doing other things so much that I just can't stand it I'm such a baby and Amy saw I was so unhappy today and I hadn't cuddled with you for a long time and she told me to come see you tonight..."

Uh oh! "Amy told you to come see me?"

"Yeah, she said whenever she is down she cuddles with you and that cheers her up, Course, I think she was just lying to cheer me up cause Amy's never down".

"Cindi, I think you are misremembering what was said. You never said you would never touch me again - you said we would never do what we did again if I didn't want to."

"I know, but I just don't think I can just cuddle with you and not want to do more. And I want to cuddle so badly!"

What a mess! I did not know what to do. All I knew was I loved this little girl, and she had gotten such a rotten deal. I could not stand to see her unhappy. She had really seemed happy the last week or so and if making her happy meant breaking a rule now and then, which I had already broken once, maybe I should. If anyone ever found out, would it really matter how many times we had done it? All I knew was I could not leave her this way. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I kissed her. Long. Hard. And passionately. I teased her lips open, and played with her tongue. I kissed her for probably five minutes, and when we finally broke the kiss, we were both breathing so hard we could hardly talk.

"Daddy? What was that for?"

"It means that I release you from your promise, Cindi. I will be there for you anytime you need me".

Suddenly I had 90 lbs of squirming, deliriously happy, incredibly soft and smooth Cindi-flesh in my arms, kissing me everywhere and gushing enthusiastically.

"Oh, thank you Daddy, thank you, you are so sweet and I love you so much and I promise I'll act normal and never tell anyone and I'll make you feel so good and you make me feel so good and I promise I'll get better..."

I did the only thing I could think of to shut her up and keep her from hyperventilating - I kissed her. Her hand started to head south on my body. She looked at me quizzically when I stopped her. I rolled her over on her back.

"It's your turn, Cindi. Tonight is just for you," I said, as I kissed her again, and stroked her hair.

"Oh, goody! Poor me!"

That night I showed Cindi what it really was like to make love. I took it nice and slow, and gentle with her, no matter how much she begged me to hurry up. I wanted her to know how good it felt to be truly loved. I kissed her, stroked her hair, kissed her neck, nibbled and sucked on her ears lobes, sticking my tongue in her ear. I know this will shock you, it is so unexpected from Cindi, but - that made her giggle! Imagine that! By the time I started to kiss down her chest, heading for her nipples, she was already squirming all over the place and asking me to go inside her.

"Calm down, girl. We've got a long ways to go yet before I'm inside you".

"Why are you being so mean to me?" she whimpered, but I could tell she was teasing and was really enjoying my attentions.

"Mean, huh? I'll show you mean!" I said, as I sucked her nipple into my mouth and bit it gently. She squeaked, then held my head close to her, closing her eyes and stroking my hair as she tried to remember how to breathe.

I spent a lot of time sucking, licking and playing with her breasts. Apparently, she had sensitive breasts. I was not surprised - Victoria has sensitive breasts also (I wonder if Amy's... stop it!) Cindi had a small orgasm just from me working on her breasts.

I started sliding my hand slowly down her stomach, following closely behind with my mouth, kissing her pretty little belly. I could feel her stomach trembling with each touch, her breathing getting heavier and more ragged. She gasped and cried out softly as my hand roamed through her sparse pubic hair.

"I don't know how much more I can take," she gasped.

Then I really was mean to her. I started running my hands slowly up and down the insides of her legs, purposely avoiding the most important place as I moved from one leg to the other. I did the same thing as I kissed and licked up and down the insides of her legs, always avoiding where she really wanted me to touch and kiss and lick. When I sucked her big toe into my mouth, licking and biting it, I thought she would go crazy. She was giggling and laughing hysterically, trying to pull her foot away from me, but I held her leg firmly, sucking all five toes into my mouth at the same time, sucking them and licking the bottoms of her toes.

"That tickles! Stop! Please stop! I'm going to pee my panties!"

"No you're not. You don't have any panties on, remember," I said as I kept sucking.

Then I reached up and rubbed her pussy and clit softly with my fingers. She cried out, and then stopped moving and struggling, lying perfectly still. She seemed to stop breathing, and then her whole body stiffened up as she gave a little cry and she shook all over. Then she collapsed and seemed to pass out, or at least she stopped responding to everything. Since she was not resisting, I kept sucking and licking her toes until she started to move slightly again. Then I moved up and took her into my arms, holding her.

Finally, I felt her hand moving ever so slightly, gently playing with my hair, as if the effort was almost too much. She opened her eyes lazily, and looked at me with a reproachful look in her eyes.

"That was really mean, doing that to my toes when I couldn't do anything about it. I will get you for that!"

"Poor little thing. Are you ready for round two?"

"What? Yes... no... maybe... I don't know!

Since she was too weak to resist at all, I moved down, licked her pussy, and sucked her clit into my mouth, sucking and licking. She trembled all over as she held my head tight against her, and then screeched as she came again. As she was recovering, I moved up on top of her and slowing pushed my cock up into her. I slowly made love to her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close, whispering how much I loved her as I stroked her hair. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, panting and crying out softly every time I moved inside her. I kept it slow and easy even when we came together, never speeding up or stopping until we both turned into boneless piles of flesh. She whispered softly that she loved me so much, and then she started crying.

The crying worried me. She had cried after we made love last time too. I know Cindi cried about everything, but still, it worried me.

"What's wrong, Cindi? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done this, I'm taking advantage of you, I'm sorry..."

"No, you're not! I'm fine. I am just so happy. I cry over everything, you know that. It's ok, Daddy".

I rolled us over, and she lay against me, her head on my shoulder, one hand on my chest, one leg lying across me, eyes closed. She sighed contentedly, and whispered "Good night, Daddy. I love you". We fell asleep in that position.

And that is the same position Victoria found us in when she walked into the bedroom to tell me she was home.

Family Reunion Pt 2

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Hey All,

I was looking for the part one but could not find it but this is part two a couple days later. Jill called me at my real Mom's house and asked if I could come over and "maybe finish what we started at the lake with no one around to bother us. My mom is gone the rest of the day and I so wanna be with you." she said. "Okay, Be over in a little." and I asked if I could go and got direction

Seducing Married Women Pt. 2

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Well, I told you about the first part of my lesson with Aunt Brenda and then she said a few days later, "Do you wanna go back to the mall and show me what you have learned?" We had been talking about it and she asked suddenly. "Sure" I told her and we got up and dressed. I wore a tank top and low cut jeans and Brenda wore a wrap dress which are her favorites especially when she "goes out for lunc

Sleep Over

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I had several friends one summer and they were guys and girls and I had them over a few times, sometimes when adults were there and sometimes not. It never did really matter since Eugene and Maggie let us do what we liked and of course at that age (as at most ages) sex is what we liked. Bonnie and I were spending the weekend at my house and so we had lots of time on our hands. I had shown Bonnie

Shoplifting, Caught On Purpose

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Hey Gang,

I hope everyone is doin' good. I was just thinking of telling this one or not but since there is nothing pending as far as charges go I guess I can tell it. I go shopping a lot and love to go out either with a girlfriend and tease men and women or sometimes I dress very casual and go out alone with the intention of picking up someone for some fun.

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My Daughter Gives Birth to a Horse!

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"My Daughter Gives Birth to a Horse", by Carolyn Matthews

About a year ago, I was having breakfast with my daughter "Amy", and decided to ask her about why she has gained so much weight in a short period of time. She is about five feet five inches tall and normally weighs under one hundred pounds, but I would guess that she has put on about twenty pounds in in the last month.

When I asked h

What are friend's for? Continued.

itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

As I was writing the start, an unexpected nosey visitor appeared at an inapropiate hour! So making the start shorter than planned...

Curiosity was driving me to despair. "Ann,tell me more,do I know him,where did he do it and how?" - I'd reached a point where I was suspecting she was just playing me along as a joke or something - Now Ann was a slim large breasted girl,when I say large... her

New School, Same Shit

bbwbrenda75 on Diary Stories

I changed schools a few times while in Middle School cause Aunt Maggie and Uncle eugene moved with jobs and so every time we moved I had to scope out he new school. Things like who to trust and not trust, bi or les girlfriends and guys hat I may want to have to play with and teachers that could be bribed sexually, all were things I thought of on the way to school. The new school shared the phys e

My first Dog Sex

SexDemoness666 on Animal Stories

My name is Rachel, by all accounts I'm attractive, I'm tall, I have long black hair and 36D breasts. Before you go hiting on me, I'm also a lesbian, but I do make an exception for one thing, I enjoy sex with animals. This is the story of my first time with a Dog.

I was horny that day, my girlfriend was on vacation, so I had to please myself, thats when I came across stories and pictures pretaining to beastiality. At first I didn't know what to think of it, seeing women being fucked by dogs or horses or whatever, but it began to turn me on. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to try it myself.

We have a dog at my house of course, a Golden Retriever named Dylan, my parents where gone for the day, and I wanted to give it a try.

"Dylan, come here boy!" I called for him afte
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r opening my door, and he comes bounding in. I wasn't sure how to start, and was more focused on that when I suddenly feel something cold at my pussy, Dylan had stuck his nose right there, and licks at my pussy tenaively, as I let out a moan, I fall back, that had felt better than I had imagined.

Spreading my legs out, I moan louder as Dylan runs his tongue along my slit, the feeling coming from my pussy is incredible. I had been licked before by my girlfriend, but this might actually be better. I let him lick me for a few minutes, but I didn't know how long it would be before my parents returned, so I pushed him away and got up, moving on to all fours.

"Come on Dylan, fuck me, I'm your bitch for today!" I say, grinning a little, I can see his cock start to poke out a little. Thats when he mounts me, wrapping his forelegs around me as he wildly humps at me. I reach back, and help guide his growing cock to the entrance of my pussy, and he thrusts into my tight pussy.

I let out a moan as he manages to thrust his entire cock inside me, feeling his balls slap against me as he thrusts as hard as he can into me. "Oh yes Dylan, thats it, fuck me, fuck this bitch!" I shouted, then I feel something new growing in his cock. Realizing is his knot, and that it will cause me pain if it enters me, I start to try and wiggle free, maybe this was a bad idea after all, but then he bites my shoulder, not enough to break the skin, but just enough to get me to stop as his knot locks into place.

I don't struggle, and there is only a brief pain, then I feel it as pleasure as he thrusts faster and faster into me. I feel my pussy clenching on his cock, I was truely enjoying being fucked by a male for the first time. Between his licks from earlier and his thrusing, I cum several times, though it is held in by his knot. I let out a final moan as he thrusts into me and cums.

I cringe as Dylan tries to pull out of me, but his knot keeps us tied together. After awhile, he finally is able to pull out of me, and I turn around and give him a kiss on the head. "Good boy Dylan," I say, and he licks my face, I knew that I would have to try that again, and again.

mother and daughter

LOIS on Short Sex Stories

My mother Helen ask me to come over to her place, she had a new friend an wanted to no what I thought of him since we are very close more like sister, i told her OK and would be over in about an hour when i arrived i knock on the door and us ally walk right in knock again no answer I went around the back of the house an herd moaning i look threw the gate and saw my mother bent over hand up again

Big Sister Helps Out

Doherty on Incest Stories

It was a hot night as Anna pulled into the drive of her parents house in her ratty old Karmann Ghia, turning off the car she opened the door stretching her long legs out in front of her. It had been a long drive, nearly 5 hours and she was so tired, looking at her watch it showed the time 2.37, all she wanted to do was go to bed. Reaching onto the back seat she grabbed her bag and headed into the house locking her car behind herself. Quietly she let herself into the house, it was silent, the only sign of life was the blue light of the muted Television in the front room, strolling in she saw her 12-year-old sister, Maria fast asleep on the couch, switching off the television Anna gently woke up her snoozing sibling. Maria's eyes slowly opened gazing up at her sister a s

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mile suddenly spread across her face, it had been 3 months since she had last seen Anna and she had missed her so much. Not saying a word Maria sat up sharply and wrapped her arms around her slim sister making Anna giggle.

'C'mon you, you should be in bed!'

'I was waiting for you, I wanna know everything, its been aaaaages' Maria retorted.

'In the morning sweetie, i've been driving most of the night, I just want my bed!'

'Pfft, can't even be bothered to talk to your sister!' Maria said putting on a mock face of annoyance.

'Bed! Now!' Anna smiled.

'Alrrrriiight' Maria said rolling her eyes.

Jumping up off the sofa, Maria gave Anna a kiss on the cheek and wandered off upstairs. Anna walked into the kitchen and poured herself a drink, she had noticed that Maria had changed, she was beginning to look like their Mexican mother, her dark skin had become darker and she already had curves in all the right places. Anna on the other hand took after their Sweedish father, tall, blond and skinny with very few curves, her aim in life was to become a catwalk model and during her time away her dreams were beginning to become a reality. She had moved down to London from her native Yorkshire, a move her parents hadn't particually approved of at the time due to her only being 17 when she made the big step, but now after 4 months and a birthday later they were finally accepting she could look after herself.

Anna finished her drink and followed her sister upstairs, peaking into Maria's room she saw her baby sister already tucked up and fast asleep, she smiled and headed off to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and automatically turned round to look into the full length mirror which had become a feature in their house. She liked what she saw, for the first time in her life she was pleased with who looked back at her. Turning around she began to undress only turning around again once she was completely naked, staring into the looking glass she unconcioussly annalyzed herself, first she looked at her face, her promanent cheek bones being her best feature the down to her small breast topped off with her permantely errect brownish nipples, then down past her toned stomach and to her completely shaved pussy. She sighed with a grin on her face, turning the light off she scuttled across to her bedroom flinging her clothes on the floor and climbed into bed, her eyes tightly shut before her head hit the pillow.

Anna awoke to the feel of someone climbing into bed with her, glancing across she saw it was Maria, tears streaming down her face.

'Whats the matter?' A worried Anna said.

'Nightmare!' Maria simply put snuggling up to her naked sister.

Anna knew exactly what she was going through, she herself had suffered with bad dreams throughout her childhood so she let her sister stay, looking at her bedside clock she was shocked to see that it was only an hour after she'd got in, too tired to ask Maria any more questions she drifted off back to sleep.

Anna woke up to the sound of her mum vacuuming downstairs, she certainly hadn't missed that whilst she was away, all of a sudden she became aware of something or someone sliding up and down her muscular leg. Quickly remembering who she was sharing her bed with she suddenly became very confused, was Maria doing what she thought she was doing, just then a little moan came from under the covers and Anna felt a stream of liquid run down her thigh. It seemed her suspisions were correct, her sister was dry humping her leg. She felt her sister move away, Anna lay there confused, not confused at what her sister was doing but confused at why it had turned on so much. Her own pussy was beginning to get wet and before she knew what she was doing, she rolled over so that she was on top of her younger sister.

'I'm sorry Anna!' An embarrassed Maria whispered.

'What were you doing?' Anna asked.

'Errm... nothing'

'Tell me.'

'Trying to relieve myself.' Maria said looking ashamed.

'Did it work?' Anna asked calmly.

Maria shook her head, Anna smiled back at her kissing her on the forehead, slowly she moved her hand down her little sisters body until she felt a damp patch over her panties, still looking into Maria's eyes she slipped her hand inside and began rubbing her finger up and down her sister hairy slit. Maria's breathing started to become deeper as she closed her eyes, Anna began focussing on Maria's wet clit rubbing it in a circular motion.

'Put your fingers inside...' Maria whispered.

Anna obeyed her sister and gently slid her middle finger inside the tight hole but suprisingly found no resistance, slowly she began finger fucking her 12-year-old sister whilst her palm rested on her erect clit. Maria's hips began thrusting foward as Anna's finger moved in out freely, taking Maria's hand she placed it against her own breast and Maria began instinctivly squeezing and carressing, Maria's hip movements suddenly started to become faster as her breathing became more irractic, she finally thrusted foward bring her arse up off the bed and letting out a huge moan as her juices ran down her crack and her sisters arm. Maria wrapped her arms around Anna as she continued her assault on her sisters pussy adding another finger this time, she began fucking her faster.

'Oh God... it's coming again!' Maria whimpered.

This time Maria's orgasm was strong, her arse bouncing up off the bed wildly with one final moan Maria's pee-hole launched her juices up in the air covering herself and her sister. Anna retracted her fingers and held her baby sister tight as she went through the final stages of her orgasm.

'WOW' Anna laughed! 'I've never known anyone squirt like that.'

'Is that a bad thing?' Maria asked looking worried.

'No, not at all, infact it makes you very special'

'Can we do this again one day?' Maria asked hopefully.

'Oh i'm sure i can fit you in sometime!' Anna winked.


Aunt Brenda and Mom and Me

Sophiabrendasniece on Animal Stories

I was 17 and had been playing with Mom and Aunt Brenda a lot since I found them in heat, LOL. They both enjoyed me between them and all over for that matter. We were driving one afternoon and Brenda looked at us and said, "I have a surprise for the both of you today." and we asked what and bugged the Hell out of her but she would not say what it was. We pulled into a driveway and then up to a hou


Peephole on Lesbian Stories

    Jen and Chelsey had been friends since the 5th grade. Now, they were both seniors in high school and had turned into hot 17 year olds. Jen, who was 5'8" and 110 pounds, had long blonde hair, a very cute face, perfect C boobs, and a nearly perfect hourglass body. Chelsey looked just as hot, but was 5'5", 95 pounds, had mid-length brown hair, B size boobs, and had eyes that turned heads. Neither of them were the most popular kids in school, but they had a good amount of friends. They were both virgins, however, even though they could have probably gotten any man they desired.

     One friday after school, Chelsey went to Jen's house to hang out. They wanted to see if there was anything going on tha

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t night, like a house party or something. Jen called everyone she could think of, and everyone already had plans. It was getting later in the evening, and around 10 PM, Jen finally decided to have a sleepover at her house, just her and Chelsey.

     They were talking way late into the evening in Jen's room, and they got on the subject of sex and their bodies, and they were both getting a little horny from all the talk.

     "I dont think anyone will notice me with my small boobs" Chelsey said. "I mean it could be worse, but i want bigger boobs." For some reason, Jen found herself feeling very horny that night, and the talk of Chelsey's boobs, coupled with the fact that Chelsey was only wearing a nightie and a thong made Jen wet. "Let me see them. i bet you're just self-conscious" said Jen. So with that, Chelsey stood up, took off her nightie, so she was only wearing her thong, her small but perky breasts exposed. This sent a jolt through Jen's pussy, and she felt her nipples starting to get hard underneath her t-shirt. "Come over here, sit down. Okay, now let me feel them, they look great to me". Chelsey was a little confused, but she went with it and sat down on Jen's bed. Jen started to feel up her friend. "Yeah! youre breasts are fine, and if i may say so, they're actuall really nice!" Jen said, as she started to slowly work her hand down Chelsey's body, and eventually reached her upper thigh. Jen worked her hand in between Chelsey's legs.

     Chelsey was skeptical at first about all this, but she felt a great sense of lust all of a sudden, and started breathing heavier. her nipples got hard, and Jen noticed. "Are you liking this? I hope so, im so hot for you babe." "Yeah Jen, im so hot right now, i dont even know what to think, this happened so fast, but i love it! Please dont stop!" said Chelsey. "Then stand up for a second if you want me to keep going" Jen replied. Chelsey got off the bed, stood up with her rock hard nipples protruding from her perky boobs. Jen stood up, took off her t-shirt, and gave Chelsey a passionate french kiss. She then got on her knees. She pulled down Chelsey's thong, which revealed her dripping wet shaved pussy. Jen was overcome with some kind of primal instinct, and immediately started licking and rubbing Chelsey's clit, which soon got it very swollen. Chelsey was getting really into it, and she laid down on the bed. Jen started to finger Chelsey's clit with one finger at first, then she managed to squeeze in 2 and then 3. By this time Chelsey was moaning, and she was about to cum. She knew she had to keep it down, but she couldnt help it. "Oh my god! Don't stop babe! make me cum better than i ever have before!" was all that Chelsey could manage to put into words. Soon after that, her whole body began to convulse and a wave of pleasure shot through her, and she had a great orgasm.

     Jen continued to play with Chelsey's pussy, and soon she said "Well now i think its time for you to return the favor!" She got up, went in her top dresser drawer, and took out a big blue vibrator. "Chelsey, i want you to fuck me with this thing until I cum all over you and the bed."

     Jen gave her the vibrator, and stripped off her pants, revealing her pussy because she wasnt wearing any underwear. Jen also had a shaved pussy that was dripping with anticipation. Chelsey got up off the bed, started making out with Jen, and shoved her finger inside Jen's pussy. After a minute or two, Chelsey shoved Jen down on the bed, and got to business. Jen spread her legs as Chelsey turned on the vibrator, and she started teasing Jen's cunt with it. Jen was loving it, as she started rubbing her own clit. Chelsey went at this for a while, then moved Jen's hand, and shoved the vibrator up Jen's pussy, rapidly going in and out with it. She also started to lick Jen's clit ferociously. Jen couldnt even make words, the only sounds she made were moans that sounded almost like gasps for air. Soon enough, Jen had a great orgasm of her own, squirting her pussy juices all over Chelsey's face and her own bed.

     Chelsey then wiped off her face, got on top of Jen, and started passionately making out with her. They started fingering each other's pussy's, now knowing how to make the other hot as hell. They eventually fell asleep because they were so tired, but they knew that this was only the start of their sexual encounters between best friends.


If you have comments/feedback on this story, email me at peephole13@gmail.com. Thanks.


A Late Night Visit To The Store

bbwbrenda75 on Lesbian Stories

Well, who has not had to go to the store late at night? And it is one of those convience stores that is just getting ready to close. I was looking in the cabinets for something to snack on being by myself for a week and girlfriend not coming home till next Monday (yes, this happened last night) and so, I pulled on a tank top and shorts and went to the car and drove to the store near us, well, abo

Helping Daddy Pay

bbwbrenda75 on True Stories

Good morning everyone,

Hope we are all fine. I was just looking through my diaries and found a old one that brought back some very nice memories with my uncle and my daddy. I wrote how Uncle Eugene and Aunt Maggie let mom and Dad know that I was having sex with them and how I had sex with Mom and Dad too and after that the doors were wide open.

Well, Daddy and I were driving to South Georgia

Always The Teacher's Pet

bbwbrenda75 on True Stories

No matter what gread I was in or what school it was I loved being the teacher's pet. Of course, when I was the teacher's pet there were all kinds of extra benifits that went with it. No matter what though I was teacher's pet every year in school and yes even in elementary school but that is a little young and we will not talk about that here even though it was great.

I was staying with Aunt M

MOther and Daughter Shopping Trip Pt. 2

bbwbrenda75 on Lesbian Stories

Jill was laying on her back with my Mom over her face and Mom had her face between Jill's legs and I must admit that they both seemed to actually be really eating each other with all the moaning and sometimes shouting going on. Tonya and I were sitting in a love seat watching our mothers playing with each other. We were also kissing and caressing each other as we watched and we both were soaking

Boys, Men, Girls and Women

bbwbrenda75 on True Stories

I was in my Senior year of high school and found that I enjoyed the attention of the boys and men and the other girls as well as women that I knew and I had no problems finding relief for any needs I had and they seemed to really be going crazy in my Senior year. I was in class one day and Jack passed a note to me and I read it. He asked if I could meet him and Ron at the back of the gym after sc

When I Was Young

bbwbrenda75 on True Stories

I Will not put the age that this happened but I will say that my chest was only a 34B cup at the time. I now have very natural 40EE so that will tell you that I blossomed at an early age. I was staying with my Aunt Maggie (as she was called, and that is her real name) on the other side of the state for the Summer. I had brought a nice 2 piece bathing suit with me and expected to have a great Summ

Dreams of Holly Part 1

Epicureus on Lesbian Stories

I had been going through it for over six months, when I decided I couldn't take it any more.

When I first started college, it was an overwhelming and frightening experience to leave everything I knew behind. OK, so it's a great opportunity to meet new people, do different things, "experiment", whatever, but none of that was any comfort to me at the beginning. It was only gradually that I was able to form a circle of people that I could trust and rely on, and slip out of my shell a little bit more. I still think I found it harder than most to adjust to college life, even in the long run.

But I got on best of all with Holly. I first met her when I knocked into her in a corridor and sent masses of her work sprawling over the floor, so as she always used to laugh after

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wards, things could only get better from there. After that awkward introduction, we simply clicked - it wasn't hard to tell, because not only did we enjoy each other's company when we were both in a good mood, but also when one of us was going through a low point, which tended to happen now and then when you're living so close to each other in a crowded dorm. We shared a good sense of humour, and could also respond to each other's problems and talk seriously when we had to.

She was very attractive, that was obvious to me - and a few of the guys in the dorm as well, of course. She was tall and angular, her blonde hair flowed down to her shoulders, and she certainly wasn't lacking anything in her figure, although to be perfectly honest, that was something that barely occupied my thoughts to begin with. There was a strength and determination in her face, some quality behind those mesmerising green eyes, that captivated me, and I suppose that was where the roots of my infatuation lay. It was something I would have dismissed as absurd if I had been conscious of it for a long time, right up until the moment when it hit me.

I don't want to give the impression that I trailed around star-struck after her, desperately trying to be noticed and appreciated; I had other friends whom I could hang out with from time to time, but I always preferred to be with her if I could, and it's safe to say she was in a different league to me socially. She couldn't help but be the centre of attention at parties, not that she minded, and I always envied her ability to converse and flirt with the men around her while fending off their clumsy advances and making quite clear that at the end of the day, she was in charge. I knew I couldn't be that sort of person, and I accepted that. I can be sociable up to a point, but I'm not the life and soul of the party; some people just aren't.

When the time came to try and find a place off campus, we looked to each other right away, and before long we had found somewhere for just the two of us. I was really excited at the thought of being closer to Holly, which should have told me something, but the move didn't interrupt her social life much. There was a steady stream of friends arriving to meet her and head off somewhere else, and also her regular boyfriend. I felt like my routine was pretty pedestrian in comparison to hers. And yet in those moments we had together, whether we were both relaxing or mutually panicking over assignments and papers, I could feel myself becoming more attracted to her, watching her face intently as she spoke, hanging on her every word. It was a major-league crush, but of course I wouldn't admit that to myself at the time.

Sharing a room with her didn’t make things any easier. If I ever struggled to get to sleep at night, and it happened plenty of times, I ended up lying awake watching her in the bed a few feet away from me. Just watching her breathe gently, her chest rising and falling as her face remained calm and serene. Even then I didn’t really connect my fixation - my obsession - with any overtly sexual thoughts. It wasn’t as simple as that.

But then one morning, when she had gotten up nice and early and I had lounged in bed for as long as possible, I reluctantly hauled myself up and staggered down the hallway to the kitchen in my pyjamas. As I was trudging along, the bathroom door opened and Holly came flying out with only a towel held loosely over her dripping wet body. That certainly woke me up.

"Oh, Laura, sorry! Geez, I… uh…" She clasped the towel tighter around herself, and blushed visibly. I must have looked just as embarrassed, I certainly felt it. It was the surprise more than anything else, because honestly, I couldn’t really see anything.

"Um… I’m just going to have some breakfast," I said wryly, pointing down the hallway. "You’ll be dressed by the time I come back, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," she said hurriedly, shooting me an apologetic smile as she turned to head back to the bedroom. "Sorry." And I stood and watched her walk away, my eyes focused on the damp fronds of her hair and the droplets of water trickling down her legs, and thought to myself: please, don’t be sorry on my account. Outwardly I shrugged it off when I saw her again, and she forgot about it; I didn’t. In fact, for the rest of the day all I could do was fantasise about what was under that towel. I hadn’t realised I could have such a one-track mind.

It was only when Holly was unexpectedly dumped by her boyfriend - and maybe I was biased, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me why any guy would dump her - that the full extent of my feelings for her dawned on me. I was her shoulder to cry on that evening, quite literally, and the longer we were in physical contact the more uncomfortably aware I became of her warmth, the smell of her hair, the curve of her body. Uncomfortable, because I couldn’t do anything except sit there and pretend that I didn’t feel that way. My hands stayed still, hugging her close to me, for what seemed like hours; I don’t know how I managed it. The urge was simply overpowering… and at that moment, I knew.

I was a different person from then on. Holly was lodged permanently in my brain, during my most mundane daily activities and my most, uh, intimate ones too. If I’m in the mood then I can be turned on by quite a few images and scenarios when I’m masturbating, but now they all ended up with me and her together. I didn’t bother to resist those thoughts for very long; instead I embraced them, and my clit thanked me for it afterwards. But no matter how hard I managed to climax, when I came down from that euphoric high the very next thing that hit me was the knowledge that they were just thoughts. Nothing more.

Of course, Holly didn’t sense for a moment that I had crossed the line from being a best friend into something more serious, and I couldn’t blame her for that. I was so afraid of making some clumsy move that would end our friendship for good that if anything I was more distant when I was around her. She must have realised that I was acting strangely, but couldn’t find a reason for it. And so it went on. I don’t think I would ever have had the courage to tell her how I felt, if it hadn’t accidentally been forced out of me instead.

One evening I was struggling to get to sleep in sticky, oppressive heat that seemed to hang around me in the room, despite the best efforts of the air conditioning. I was sprawled on my mattress dressed only in a T-shirt that came down to my thighs, and even that felt like too much in these conditions. It didn’t take long for my mind to settle on a familiar subject, sleeping quite heavily a few feet away from me. After some tossing and turning, I decided that if I couldn’t get off one way, I was going to get off another.

My eyes fixed on Holly’s immobile form, I eased my right hand down between my legs and began to finger myself. I was already caked in sweat down there, very soon I had added some more bodily secretions to the mixture. I could feel my heart beginning to beat faster, blood coursing through me, as I geared up for the exertion I would need. As I shut my eyes, my head was filled with an image of Holly, kneeling in front of me, her arms wrapped tightly around her naked body and her legs pulled up to her chest. Seeming so defensive, but then gradually uncurling herself as I watched… her face breaking into a smile as she revealed herself to me completely. Her hands running over her torso, caressing her breasts, before finally wending their way down to her pussy. She spread her lips open, revealing an expanse of pink, moist flesh, and then beckoned me forward with a single finger. Already, as I shuffled closer and took in the sight before me, I could almost taste her scent on the tip of my tongue…

I gasped suddenly as I pressed too sharply on my achingly sensitive clit, feeling a jolt of energy run through my body. With a nervous glance over at Holly, who had not stirred, I slowly began to massage it, carefully rationing the incredible sensations that I got from it. By now my crotch and my hands were absolutely soaked in my own juices, but I just felt like wallowing in the mess and adding to it a little more. Eventually however, as I really got to work on my pussy with three frantically thrusting fingers, I started to emit groans that were too loud to carry on without waking my roommate up; so I rolled over onto my stomach and buried my face in my hot pillow, trying to muffle my voice as I humped my clenched, oozing fist against the mattress with desperate intensity.

It felt dirty, almost sordid, to be getting these pleasures in such a sneaky, covert way, but it turned me on even more and before long I was ready to erupt. Raising my hips off the bed slightly, I squealed into the pillow as the orgasm ripped through me, then exhaled, softly, at length and slumped down onto the sheets, trying to recover my composure. The heat I had generated in my body only added to the warm climate I was lying in, and it took some time for both body and brain to cool off and for me to finally slip into the sleep that I needed for the next day.

When I woke up the next morning, I glanced over at the other bed and realised that Holly was already up. I wondered briefly whether she could have heard me during the night, but dismissed the suggestion and quickly began to prepare for a busy day ahead. I got dressed and had breakfast with Holly; she greeted me as usual and we chatted quite mindlessly as we always did at this time of day. Nothing seemed at all amiss, and it was only when I went back into the bedroom to collect my bag, and she followed me in to sit on her bed, that she broke the bombshell.

"So, did it feel as good as it sounded last night?" she asked breezily as I packed my things, my back turned to her.

I froze mid-action, knowing instinctively what she meant, but unwilling to expose myself to the embarrassment. "I don't know what you mean."

"Come on Laura, I know what it is you were up to. You put on quite a show for a while." God, was I really that bad at hiding it? I turned back to face her, and she obviously saw in an instant how embarrassed I felt - but she didn't know the half of it. "It's no big deal, it's not like I've never done the same myself." My heart skipped a beat at that.

I sank down onto my bed, trying to avoid eye contact with her. "I... I was trying to be quiet, I didn't mean to keep you awake or anything," I murmured.

"Hey, you don't need to apologise to me! When you're all worked up, there's no sense in holding back for someone else's sake." She paused for a moment, and then asked teasingly, "So, what was it that got you hot under the collar then, Laura? What were you thinking about when you were doing it?"

The inquiry sent a cold wave of fear through me as I sat staring vacantly at the carpet. Oh God Holly, don't ask me that question, please don't ask me, because you really don't want to hear the answer, I thought to myself. "It doesn't matter... I don't really want to talk about it," I said unconvincingly, praying that she would let the whole thing drop. She didn't.

"I'm just curious, that's all. I can keep a secret, you know me - what was it? Or who was it, should I say."

My throat was as dry as sandpaper, my palms sweating, but in the midst of this fear it suddenly occurred to me, with bizarre clarity, that I would never have a better opportunity than this to at least tell her how I felt. "I..." With a faint sense of unreality, as though my mind was divorced from my body, I looked up, met Holly's enquiring gaze, and told her frankly, "I was thinking about how much I wanted to put my mouth in your pussy."

That certainly stopped her from asking any more questions. She froze, the movement in her eyes minimal as she stared back at me in disbelief. Before she had the chance to offer any sort of reply, I stood up, slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room. I somehow sensed her turning in my direction as I left, perhaps thinking of calling me back, but I heard no sound as I walked calmly out of the apartment door and made my way downstairs to the exterior of the building. And it was there that I stopped, collapsed against the wall and began to wonder what the hell I had just done.

I couldn't go in there again and face her, but equally I didn't feel like going blithely to my classes as if nothing important had happened. So I just started walking aimlessly around the town streets, my brain churning with the terrible consequences of my actions. I had just wrecked a wonderful friendship, destroyed it forever most likely, and on a more practical level, there was the definite possibility that I would have to find somewhere else to live if Holly didn't entirely fancy sharing a place with someone who had the hots for her.

The thing I kept kicking myself mentally for was what I had actually said. “I want to put my mouth in your pussy.” Huh? Not I love you, not I’m crazy about you, not I’ve been thinking about you for so long… nope, “I want to put my mouth in your pussy.” How romantic. But really, it seemed like the only appropriate response. She hadn’t asked me how I felt about her. She knew exactly what I had been doing the night before; and so therefore, she wanted to know exactly what I was thinking about when I had my fingers jammed between my legs frantically pleasuring myself. And I had told her the truth. It was a spur of the moment thing, and on reflection I don't think it was anatomically correct.... but damn it, it was how I felt.

I had my cellphone with me, and made a conscious decision to keep it switched on; Holly and I normally called each other a couple of times a day, and I think I was hoping that she would make the first step to try and resolve the situation without me having to do it instead. It didn't ring once all day.

The town was actually quite a nice place to spend an afternoon wandering around, but eventually I realised that I would have to go back to the apartment at some stage. A decent meal beforehand probably made me feel better, even though I was still dreading the prospect of seeing Holly again. It was with hesitance that I arrived back at the building in the early evening and found my way to the apartment. The door was unlocked, and as I carefully slipped inside, I looked around furtively in the hope that she wasn't there and I could sneak back to my room unnoticed. Like most of my assumptions that day, I was wrong.

She had obviously heard the door open, and her demeanour as she came out of the kitchen into the living room was of someone perplexed and confused, who wanted answers. "Laura, wait," she said to me as I headed towards the bedroom.

"There's nothing I can say to you," I replied dismissively, which was an incredibly dumb thing to declare in the circumstances. I wasn't thinking clearly at all.

"Well, there's something I can say to you," she added in a softer voice. "Please…"

"There isn't much point, is there, if I have to move out soon."

"What? What gave you that idea? Look, just sit down with me. Please!" I gazed at her properly for the first time since that morning, and saw the imploring look in her eyes. Reluctantly, my skin crawling with the awkwardness of it all, I sat down at one end of the nearby couch. She perched at the far end, still clearly at a loss for words. When you've recently told someone that you want to eat them out, it's understandably difficult to strike up a normal conversation afterwards.

"What you told me this morning," she eventually began nervously, "that wasn't... you were being serious, right? It wasn't a joke?" She caught my expression and immediately said, "Nope, nope, of course not. Stupid question." Another long pause. "Look, Laura... maybe... maybe we've just gotten a little too close in the last few months, you know? It's not surprising, with us living together, that you'd start to be attracted to me... God, that sounds arrogant."

I could see her trying to rationalise it in her mind, to make sense of it all, but she clearly wasn't ready to accept the idea that I was in love with her - and I wasn't exactly ready to tell her that either, so we weren't really getting anywhere. "I mean, I… I never knew that you were…"

"Neither did I," I said flatly. "I still don’t know whether I am or not. It’s not as simple as that. The only thing I’m certain about…" I looked up at her, and choked on my words.

"How long have you felt like this?" she asked quietly, apparently accepting at least that I was attracted to her.

"I don't know for sure, it just... developed, I guess. That's the way these things happen, isn't it? But I mean, if you want a date, then I suppose it was when you broke up with Steve and you were upset about it that evening. When I was sitting there on the couch holding you… I can’t tell you what I wanted to do to you at that moment."

Holly sat there and took all this in, staring into the middle distance as she absorbed this new information.

"I’m just afraid of spoiling what we have," she eventually said nervously. "I mean, we’ve had such a great time together as friends, I feel like I can tell you anything, and you can tell me anything… and damnit, I should be able to cope with this. It‘s my fault."

I was starting to dissolve into tears. "No, it’s not. You didn’t do anything except be there. I’m the one who burdened you with this, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry." By now I was staring down numbly at the floor in front of me. "I ruined everything just for the sake of some stupid dream…"

My verbal flow was suddenly halted as I felt a hand gently clasp my chin and turn my head to the left. I was abruptly silenced as Holly leant forward and planted a long, lingering, wet kiss squarely on my lips. I was in heaven as I felt her warm tongue touch mine and her fingers run through my light brown, curly hair, even as the air in my lungs ran out and I found myself fighting for breath. When we finally parted, she was breathing just as heavily as me, and in her eyes I could see reflected all the desire that I had carried for her for so long.

"You don't have to dream any more," she breathed softly, sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine.

My Girls Chapter 4

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 4

It was a Tuesday when I had my talk with Cindi and she and Amy had their big hug fest. Victoria came home very late Wednesday night, actually in the wee hours of Thursday morning, so I did not have a chance to talk to her until Thursday night. I made some excuse to send Amy over to Rebecca's house Thursday night; as far as I knew, she knew nothing about all of this and I was trying to shield her from it all. I was hoping she bought the excuse - yeah, right. The girl is a certifiable genius. I knew it was likely I was the only one that was fooled.

I told Victoria what had happened, omitting the information about the movie. We called Cindi into the room, and Victoria talked to her about what had happened. Although Victoria has always

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been very calm and laid back at all times, I was a little surprised at how calmly she took all of this. Then she turned to look at me during the conversation, and I saw her eyes, and I got goose bumps all over - I was scared. Before I started my career in the medical profession, I had been trained and worked as a law enforcement officer in a very specialized branch of work that received some very specialized training. I do not scare easily. Victoria normally has very expressive eyes. When she smiles, she lights up the whole room, and when she is just acting normal, without smiling, her eyes only light up half the room. When she looked at me, her eyes were flat and devoid of all expression. I had seen that look in her eyes once before, a year earlier, when three men had tried to hurt Amy. I will never forget that look, nor what she did to those men while I removed Amy to safety and before I could get back to help. The thought suddenly popped into my head that I was sure glad I was not one of those boys

I had figured we would go to the police on Friday, but Victoria announced that she had to be out of town Friday and the weekend. I am ashamed to say that was one of the few times I have ever been really irritated with her. I asked her couldn't someone else do it and was even crass enough to imply that her family ought to be more important than anything else is. She looked like I had slapped her in the face, and then looked at me with big sad eyes.

"Don't you think I want to be there for Cindi"? She looked like she was going to cry and Victoria never cries. My heart melted; I loved this woman so much, how could I even think of implying what I did?

"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean that, I don't know why I said it. Please forgive me; I know you love the girls as much as I do. I'm sorry - it has just been a very trying last couple of days". The smile she gave me was forgiveness enough.

The other reason I had been so short with her was that I had to be out of town for my job for the weekend. I really did not want Cindi to be alone over the weekend. She seemed the sanest of all of us, though, and just announced that she and Amy would stay at their grandparents for the weekend. She insisted it was ok - after all, she had been alone for two weeks anyway because she was avoiding or fighting with everyone. It would not hurt her to be with her grandparents for two days

When Amy came home a little while later from Rebecca's house, she walked in, and as she walked by me, she asked in a quiet voice that no one else could hear "Did you get it all straightened out"? Damn! Like I said, certifiable genius. I do not know why I even try to fool her. She never did ask what it was all about, though.

Victoria was not getting back into town until very late Monday night. Since I was getting back Sunday, I told her parents to drop the kids off at the house about two hours before I got back, as they had a scheduling conflict for those two hours. When I walked into the house Sunday afternoon, I knew immediately that something was wrong. Cindi was locked in her room, crying, and Amy was almost beside herself, as close to panic as I had ever seen her. When I asked her what was wrong, she had trouble speaking coherently, but finally managed to say that Cindi had read something in the paper, ran into her room crying, and refused to open the door. I told Amy to go to her room and wait there for me until I called her. She rolled her eyes at me as if I was just the biggest dork in the world, stamped her foot in frustration and stomped into her room. Amy does not get upset often, but when she does, she makes sure you know all about it. And when she gives you that eye roll, you feel about 2 inches tall...

I finally got Cindi to open the door, and sat down next to her on the bed. She immediately hugged me tightly.

"Cindi, honey, what's wrong? Amy is almost out of her mind with worry".

"It's them, Daddy". And she handed me the paper. The front-page story was of a SUV with three teenage boys in it traveling at a high rate of speed that ran off the road late Saturday night on a deserted stretch of highway. All three boys were killed instantly. I recognized the pictures of all three from the movie I had seen, although I did not let on that I knew who they were. The paper mentioned that the investigation was still ongoing, as there was some suspicion that their car might have been forced off the road. I felt chills go up and down my body. After that look in Victoria's eyes on Thursday night, and the sudden unscheduled trip out of town, I sincerely hoped that the sudden thought I had was not true.

Things seemed to return pretty much to normal over the next two weeks. Cindi and Amy were best friends again, Cindi seemed much happier, although she had occasional moody periods, and Victoria was back to out of town much of the time. Like I said, back to normal. I have never been able to figure out how all of us can love her so much, and the whole family gets along so well and functions so well, when she is seldom around. Just shows how truly special she is.

There was one thing that occurred during those two weeks, however, that was a change that ended up being very significant, although I did not realize its significance until later. Monday night, we all went to bed as usual. Victoria was not getting into town until late Monday night. About two hours after I went to sleep, I suddenly woke up. Something was different. Then I realized that someone was in bed with me, snuggled up. At first, I thought Victoria had gotten home early, but I realized that was probably not it, as she always wakes me up. Usually in a very delightful way. We usually stay in bed for the first day or two she is home, making up for lost time. The girls walk around the house going "EWWWW!" and making gagging noises, but they really think it's "cute" and usually keep us in food until we rejoin the living. They do blush a lot, and seem to forget how to talk when they bring the food into the room, though. They are so pretty when they blush! I also realized that it was too small to be Victoria, so I figured it was Amy. She has always been terrified of thunderstorms, and jumps in bed with us every time we have one. However, I had not heard any thunder. Then I realized it was Cindi. I was on my back, and she was snuggled up close, with her head on my shoulder and her hand on my chest, sound asleep. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep. Poor little thing. When Victoria got home, she found us asleep together, in the same position. I started to move Cindi back into her own bed, but Victoria said let her stay, she feels safe, and besides, it looked so darned cute. In the morning, before the alarms went off, I woke her up (quite a feat in itself - these girls HATE to get up in the morning), kicked her out of bed, swatted her butt and told her to hit the shower. She looked at me with this fake hurt look, but she giggled on the way to the shower.

The same thing happened the next night, too. And every night during the next two weeks. Cindi would go to bed in her own bed, and then sneak into my room after I was asleep. On the days when Victoria was home, she would crawl in between us and cuddle up to one or the other of us. For some reason, it was important to me to get her out of my bed before Amy woke up. I do not know if it was because I was afraid Amy would be jealous, or if I was just uncomfortable with the situation, knowing my reaction when I saw the movie. It did not bother me that Cindi was in the bed - it just bothered me that Amy would know.

The fourth night it happened, Amy got up to go to the bathroom before the alarms went off and saw me booting Cindi out of bed. I must have looked embarrassed and must have stumbled around trying to explain, because Amy gave me one of her famous eye rolls and said, "Geez, Dad, chill out will you? It's not like I don't know Cindi's been sleeping with you every night". Then she got an impish little smile on her face.

"There isn't something going on between the two of you that I should know about, is there"? She whispered theatrically.

"AMY! That isn't funny!" I said as she practically rolled on the floor laughing - SHE sure thought it was funny! "You are just too easy," she choked out between laughs.

"Cindi's just been going through a hard time lately and needs some extra love and attention", I explained.

"Oh. You mean because of the rape?" She was serious now, whispering.

I swear, my heart stopped beating. Certifiable genius. God I love her!

"How did you know about that"? I gasped, panic setting in.

Eye roll. "Geez, Dad, I'm not stupid. I heard about it at school."

Dad. That meant I was being a dork again. Now I was really panicking.

"Oh, God, Amy, we have to stop that from getting around! We cannot let Cindi hear about it! She'll just die if she finds out people know"

Then I got scared again. Amy gave me a cold little smile, and her eyes had that same flat, expressionless look as Victoria's had last Thursday when she found out about the rape. Where did my sweet little baby with the sweet smile and twinkling, expressive eyes go?

"Don't worry, Daddy, I took care of it. No one will ever mention it again".

"Amy... what... did you do?"

Her eyes were back to normal, and she had that cute, impish little grin again.

"Remember Robert, the football player that you think it is so cute that he has a crush on me? Well, he really has a crush on Cindi - he just hangs around me because he is too shy to talk to Cindi and that way he can be around her. I haven't told Cindi yet just because I think it is so funny to watch the two of them dance around each other. God, my sister can be such a dork sometimes. When I heard the rumor about the rape, I told him. I have never seen somebody so mad before. He only had to break one nose before he knew that there was only one copy of the movie, it had disappeared, and only one guy, besides the three involved, the one whose nose he broke, had seen it. He has assured me that no one will ever mention it again," she giggled.

"Amy, Cindi must never know there was a movie." I said. Then I realized what I had said. Oops. No question about what movie, no surprise. Smart. Damn. Maybe she would miss it.

Certifiable genius. Her eyes widened briefly, and then she looked at me for a couple of seconds. Then she got a sad look on her face.

"How was the movie? It was hard for you to watch it, wasn't it? So, did you run those guys off the road, or was it Mommy?" she asked quietly. Something in my face must have told her something, as she reached up, put her arms around me in a big hug and kissed my cheek. Then she walked away. I was desperately hoping she would never figure out the other reason I was upset about watching it. In addition, I knew I had not run those kids off the road. I wish I could be sure Victoria had nothing to do with it. I was worried, though. I already knew from experience you do not mess with her babies.

One night, about two weeks after Cindi had started to sneak in bed with me, I was sound asleep, having a wonderful dream. Victoria had come home early, and was in bed with me, playing with me. She was very passionately kissing me, rubbing my chest with one hand, and had her other hand inside my underwear, softly, gently rubbing my cock and balls. As I slowly began to wake up, I began to realize that this was not a dream. Victoria really had come home early, and was really playing with me. I was thrilled! I reached out my hand to rub her breast, and suddenly felt cold all over. Victoria has small breasts, but not that small. Her body was not that small either. Trying not to panic and scar somebody for life about sex, I slowly opened my eyes and looked into the nervous, tentative smile of my daughter Cindi.

My Girls Chapter 5

unknown1000u2 on Taboo Stories

Chapter 5

To say I was shocked would have been the understatement of the year. Hell, the century. Here I was laying front to front with one of the two cutest 13 year old girls in the whole world, and one I had seen completely naked involved in about every sex act you could imagine, albeit forced. She was kissing me, tongue in my mouth, softly rubbing my chest, as she softly, gently, slowly rubbed my raging hard on and very sensitive balls. I guess I should feel lucky - at least she wasn't sucking me. Oh, and did I forget to mention one other small detail - SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER?!? Oh, and did I mention that she was NAKED?!? Completely?

I slowly broke the kiss, trying to be nonchalant. I knew I had to get her hand out of my underwear, and ver

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y soon, or I was going to be in big trouble. It just felt way too good, raging guilt or not. The problem was, this poor girl had been majorly traumatized by the gang rape she had gone through. If I followed my first instincts and asked her what the FUCK she thought she was doing, she might never recover to lead a normal sex life again.

I reached down slowly, and gently pulled her hand out of my underwear, bringing it slowly up to my mouth, and kissed her fingertips. I knew kissing her fingertips might give her the impression I wanted to go farther (Oh god, did I?), but on the other hand, it would get her hand out of there without embarrassing or upsetting her. Hah! Sometimes we mere mortal adults win out over the brilliant teenagers; she smiled sweetly and did not seem too upset or embarrassed.

She had a nervous little smile on her face, though. She was not sure that she was not in big trouble, and I do not think she knew what she wanted to say next. She obviously had a plan, but I did not know what the hell it was!

Still keeping with the concept of not traumatizing the poor little girl any more than necessary, but also trying not to become the close, intimate friend of a large inmate named Bubba, I looked at Cindi and said:

"Hi." I can be downright wordy and eloquent when I want to be!

"Hi" she said back. Well, she is my daughter and I taught her well about effective, high level communicating!

"So, what's up?" I asked. Oh God! Brilliant! Please do not let her be the smart ass that I just know Amy would not resist being in these circumstances.

Her eyes only twinkled briefly before she had mercy on me, and said, "I couldn't sleep." Giggle.

"Great! Now I can't either".

"I'm sorry," she giggled nervously, sounding anything but.

"No, you're not. So, what's on your mind, honey?"

"Well, Daddy, remember when we talked and you said that a guy who... um... knew what he was... um... doing could make a girl... um... feel... um... things that she didn't want to, and she couldn't stop it and it wasn't her fault and it didn't mean that she was a slut or anything like that cause she really couldn't help it and she really, really tried to stop it but she just couldn't so it really didn't mean anything? Remember?"

I reached over and tickled her sides, making her squeal. "Wow! And you said all that in one breath? Yes, I remember".

"Well, I understood what you said, and I even agreed with it, but it just doesn't feel that way. I still feel dirty and awful. But I figured out why and what to do about it" she said proudly as her face brightened.

God, I hate it when these girls figure something out. It is never good news for me.

"See, it's because I had such a bad experience for my first time, which shouldn't have even happened yet, and I felt so guilty and it was just terrible and it's all I have to remember and I have nothing to compare it to and every time I remember it is just so icky and I just think EWWWW, and so I decided I just need to do it again with someone sweet and wonderful and who will be gentle and make me feel good and make it all right again and who loves me, and then I can just forget about icky and EWWW and just remember wonderful." She just looked at me brightly, nodding her head in agreement, as if she had just discovered the secrets of the universe and it was just so obvious. God, I loved that girl!

I was getting a headache. My only excuse for the next bit of stupidity was that I was still half-asleep and still in shock from feeling my 13-year-old daughter's hand on my cock.

"Cindi, dear, you know I feel that you are too young to be having sex. Just because it was forced on you the first time, doesn't mean you should continue down that road." I could see the sadness starting to take over. "But, on the other hand, I really can't watch over you 24 hours a day, and if you are determined to do this, I guess I can't really stop you." Here comes the aforementioned stupidity. "So, who's the lucky guy you have in mind?"

Hell, do not ask me what I was thinking or where my brain was. Here she is in bed with me, naked, had been kissing me, rubbing my chest, fondling and stroking my balls and cock until I stopped her and she says she wants to have sex with someone who loves her, and I brilliantly ask who she has in mind. Then I am shocked when she says, "It's you, Daddy." At least she did not roll her eyes at me as if I was the biggest dork in the world and say "duh"! There are some things Cindi will pass on that Amy would never be able to resist.

I am not sure how I kept from having a heart attack right there. Running in circles, screaming and shouting in panic sounded good right about then, too. But I kept my cool. This was my little girl's psyche we were dealing with here, and I had to be careful. I smiled sweetly at her, although I am sure the shock must have shown on my face. She DID have my undivided attention now.

"Cindi, that is just so sweet of you to say that, and believe me, I am so touched that you thought of me. But I cannot do that, honey. You are my daughter, not to mention 13 years old. I could never take advantage of you like that. I'm sorry."

Her eyes were instantly tear filled. "Don't you love me enough to do that? Am I not pretty enough? I know I'm not as pretty as Amy, but..."

"Cindi," I interrupted, "This has nothing to do with loving you or how pretty you are or Amy. You know you and Amy and your Mom are the most important things in life to me - I love you more than life itself. In addition, you and Amy are the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. However, it would not be right. In addition, I could get in a lot of trouble. You might think it would help, but it would just hurt you in the end. This isn't the answer, sweetie."

"I knew you would say that" she said sadly. "But it isn't taking advantage of me if I want it and am asking you for it and I promise I would never tell anyone, Daddy, not even Amy, I promise, honest, and we could just do it this one time, just to remove my bad memories, and I promise I would never ask you to do it again if you didn't want to, just this once, and you could even just lay there and I would do all the work so that you wouldn't have to feel guilty, it would be all me and I wouldn't tell anyone not ever, I promise Daddy, I just know this would make me feel so much better and help me so much."

Irrationally, in the middle of this crisis, my first thought was that someone really needed to teach this girl about sentence structure and run-on sentences. How had she ever gotten straight A's in English?

She looked at me with those big, sad, incredible blue eyes. I have never been able to resist that look, and she knew it, but I just had to this time - I could not do this.

"Cindi, I'm sorry, I just can't do this. Please, just drop it and go back to sleep."

"Ok. I love you, Daddy" She smiled shyly, "Can I still sleep here tonight?"

"Yes, you can, but you have to promise me you won't do anything more like you woke me up with. And put your tee shirt and panties back on!"

"Spoilsport", she giggled, as she got dressed, then cuddled up close, laid her head on my shoulder, closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. "Good night, Daddy" she whispered.

Too bad I did not notice at the time what you have undoubtedly already noticed; she did not promise!

About two hours later, I woke up, again to some incredible feelings. Cindi, naked again, was kneeling between my legs. My underwear had somehow been removed. She was softly, gently, slowly rubbing my cock and balls again. She looked up into my eyes with an innocent little smile, looking so happy and proud of herself, and said "Hi, Daddy!"

"Cindi! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't do that any more?!?"

"You agreed, Daddy, I didn't. I didn't promise," she giggled.


She reached up and put her finger across my lips. "Oh, Daddy, shut up," she said sweetly.

Then she sucked my cock into her lovely, warm, moist mouth, and I was lost forever.

Continued in chapter 6

Double Dogged

LovelyR0se on Animal Stories

The night was pooring when I pulled up to my home. I got out of my car and stormed into the house and closed the door. I was greeted by my two new pets: Blackie and Brownie.

They were both gorgeous, big dogs. Blackie was a black lab and Brownie a brown lab.

My boyfriend had moved out of state and I've felt so lonely, so I decided to get two dogs. It didn't quite fill the void, but I didn't mind. I've always loved animals, especially dogs. They're the most loyal pets you could ask for.

I'm about 6 feet tall and a lean, press on figure. I have a big, round, Cuban ass and legs that go on for miles.

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I have medium brown hair with golden highlights and golden ends. My breasts are C cup, pretty decent for my age. I'm 19-going on 20 soon. My boyfriend had never pushed me to do anything and we never had gone far.

Anyways, I went to greet the dogs and petted each of them, moving quick before they jumped on her suit and ruined it. I went upstairs rapid, then into my room, grabbing some clothes and hoping into the shower. I showered quick and went into my bedroom to go straight to bed.

"Aw man. It's steaming tonight." She sighed while saying that.

I left my door open and stripped down, plopping onto the bed, falling asleep nearly instantly, glad it was Friday.

In the middle of the night, I felt something odd. A tongue running across my slit, no, two tongues. I sat up fast and saw that Blackie and Brownie were licking me. I pushed them away fast.

"No! Bad Dogs!" I crawled up further onto the bed and sighed softly. I fell back asleep, but not before feeling something heavy onto of me. I had fallen asleep on my stomach and Blackie was behind me, trying to find my entrace. "Oh hell no! Get off!" I tried to push him off, but he was too heavy.

I felt his hard, big length poking at my entrance, taking in a deep breath. I wasn't about to be ripped of my virginity by a dog. I struggled under him, but he bit into my shoulder, growling. I stayed calm and he forced his dog cock into my virgin hole. I screamed at the pain while he pounded away my innocent hole.

The pain soon subsided though and it felt amazing. My body involuntarily orgasming, my body shuddering. I knew he was enjoying it because he pounded away helplessly at me.

My screams soon faded into moans, while grabbing the sheets, enjoying myself up to the dreaded moment, where I felt his knot entering me. It hurt so badly, but he managed to get it into my womb, pounding helplessly at me again. I knew I was going to cum again, no doubt about it, but he came before me.. Coming straight into my womb, overflowing me, then pulling out and moving off of me. I was lying there, panting heavily.

Then I felt another heavy-weight on me. It was Brownie and he looked harder and bigger than Blackie. Unlike Blackie, it only took Brownie one shot to push into me, screaming at how big he was. He was way bigger than Blackie and thicker.

He bit into my neck to keep me still and had his way with my cum stuffed cunt. It felt so good, I hated to admit, so I spreaded my legs and let him have his way with my needy pussy. I came soon again, pushing back some to take more of his length in and that just made him pound me harder.

I started to feel is knot, but I tried my best to ignore the pain. I took in a deep breath and let his knot enter my womb again, my pussy getting swollen, close to coming again. Then, I felt his release in my womb, while I came with him. He pulled out before finishing and moaned into my pillow, lying there like a taken slut.

From here on, I knew this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

The Toronto Run

britneyh80@yahoo.com on Lesbian Stories

This story is fiction.  Emails are all welcome.  britneyh80@yahoo.com

The Toronto Run

I am a flight attendant, and I was on a trip to Toronto. I had a two
day layover there and I was not looking forward to two lonely days in a
hotel room. The passengers were loaded and I gave my safety briefing. We
were at the runway and the pilots made the announcement that we were number
one for departure and flight attendant please be seated.

We took off and in the first row was a girl. She looked to be about
twenty two, she had a gothic look with jet black hair, pail skin and bright
blue eyes. She had her legs crossed with tight blue jeans that were ripped
at the knees. She had a tight black tank top on, her tits we
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re small and
firm. Her Bra strap showed, and her nipples were slightly visible in her
shirt. She was looking out the window as we climbed up to our cruising
altitude. I took the opportunity to steal a glance at her sexy body. She
looked at me quickly and smiled. I shyly smiled back feeling embarrassed.

We leveled off and it was time for me to run the cart up the isle. I
started from the back of the plane as usual and worked my way to the front.
The flight was about half full and she was sitting in the front row by
herself. I finally reached the front of the plane, she had her headsets on
with her eyes closed. I looked down at her, and almost gave up, thinking
she was sleeping, when her eyes opened and she looked up at me.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked in a friendly tone. She
hit the stop button on her MP3 player, and pulled her headsets out of her

"What did you say?" she asked. She had a sexy Canadian accent and her
bright blue eyes looked into mine. I felt slightly intimidated by her.
Her face and the tone of her voice displayed complete confidence.

"Would u like something to drink?" I asked in a nervous voice.

"Give me a sprite." She said I grabbed the soda can out of the bottom
drawer on the cart and I poured it in a plastic cup full of ice. I handed
it to her and she took it slowly. She ran her soft fingers on my hand as
she took the glass.

"Would you like anything to eat?" I asked hoping she would say no so I
could go sit down. She looked at me and paused. I fidgeted nervously as I
waited for her answer.

"I want to eat you." She said in a quite voice. I looked at her and my
mouth opened slightly in shock. The blood started leaving my head and my
heart rate increased.

"Excuse me?" I questioned. She smiled and she ran her hand through her
hair. She remained poised, and she put the ear buds back in.

"I'm not hungry thank you." She said I placed the cart under the table
where it belonged, and I sat in my seat. I kept my eyes on the floor. I
was nervous and I tried to not make eye contact with her, without it
looking unnatural. A man towards the middle of the plane got up and walked
toward the back lab facility. I glanced up to make sure he wasn't doing
anything abnormal. In the corner of my eye I saw the girl look at me. I
looked at her and she smiled at me. I lowered my head and gave her a half

The eta was two hours, and I did not want to spend the next few hours
looking at the floor. I looked up at her again. Her music was still on
and she glared out the window. She looked over at me, and pulled her
headsets off.

"So do you live in Toronto?" She asked. I shook my head and looked away
again. I felt like a bitch, I did not mean to be rude to her but I was
really shy. A moment passed and I forced myself out of my seat and I
walked up to her.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked. She looked at me and pulled her
bag off the seat next to her.

"Not at all." She said. I sat down next to her and looked at her sexy
legs that were covered by her tight blue jeans. She had a small tattoo of
a butterfly on her ankle.

"I live in Chicago." I said "Do you live in Toronto?"

"Yes I do." She said. I nodded my head and fidgeted with my fingers. I
tried to think of something else to say to make conversation. "I'm
Samantha." She said "Britney." I responded shaking her hand.

"You have really pretty hair, and a nice smile." She said. I felt
really uncomfortable, I have never been hit on by another girl.

"Thank you, I like your hair too." I said in a nervous voice. I looked
at her, and her eyes moved around my face, studying my lips and teeth.

"Do you like girls?" She asked. "I'm not that kind of girl." I said

She smiled at me, I was trying to hide being nervous but my hands and
legs were shaking. I'm a shy girl and was not good at looking confident.
"I have to run the cart up the isle again." I said. She looked at me with
a slightly disappointed look on her face.

I ran the cart again, and I stayed busy until the pilot announced the
decent over the PA. I sat in my chair facing the cabin. Samantha had her
head on the window with her eyes closed. I studied her body, her legs were
spread a little and I looked at her crotch. Her shirt was short enough to
show a little skin around her waist. I could barely make out the black
waist line of her panties. Her face has the potential to be beautiful, but
that was not the look she went for. Her black mascara gave her a dark sexy
look. Her body was thin and petite. Her hair was long and she colored it
black. Her natural hair might have been light brown, or even blonde. My
panties absorbed my pussy juices as I stared at her.

The plane landed and I got on the PA and told the passengers to remain
seated. We pulled in the gate and I opened the door to the cabin. I stood
by the door and Samantha got up and grabbed her carry on. She walked up to
me and I looked at her nervously. She reached her hand out, and I shook
her hand, as she passed a note to me. "It was nice to meet you Britney."
She said

I held the note in my hand and I said goodbye to the passengers as they
got off. When the plane was empty I went to the back of the airplane to
start clean up. I sat in one of the seats and read the letter. "If you
change your mind call me." The note said with her phone number at the

The van picked the two pilots and I up and brought us to the hotel. I
walked in my room and sat on my bed. I turned on the television and
flipped through all eighty channels and did not find one thing that I
wanted to watch. I have only been in the room for five minutes and I was
already bored and lonely. I pulled the note out of my pocket, and stared
at it. I grabbed my cell phone, and I felt my heart rate increase. I
couldn't believe I was actually thinking of calling her. I have never even
thought about being with another women. I watched my fingers type the
number in, and I pushed send without a thought in my head.


"Hi is this Samantha?" I asked

"Hi Britney, I didn't think you were going to call." She said

"I am here for a few days, and I just bought a bottle of wine if you
would like to come help me drink it." I said

I gave her the hotel and the room number that I was staying at. I hung
up the phone and I began pacing nervously around the hotel room. I got in
my suitcase and I put on some jean shorts and a white conservative shirt. I
walked in the bathroom and I worked on my hair. I looked at my eyes in the
mirror. It wasn't seeking in what I was thinking of doing tonight. I
zoned out and I continued glaring in the mirror. I came to, when I heard a
knock on the door. My heart pounded and I walked to the door. I cleared
my throat as I turned the door handle.

"Hi." I said "come in." She walked in and I poured her a glass of wine.
We sat at the table and we started talking. I was nervous and I was
guzzling the wine like water. I told her about life as a flight attendant,
and she told me about growing up in Toronto. She was very cool and easy
going. I was attracted to her personality as well as her body. I felt a
warm buzz in my head and I started feeling relaxed. We walked over to the
counter to the wine bottle. She had her glass in the air and I refilled it
for her. We looked at each other for a moment.

"I like the way you do your hair, and make up. It's kind of a gothic
but it looks really nice on you." I said. She moved closer to me and I
felt nervous again as her face moved close to mine.

"Thank you, I think you are beautiful." She said. God her accent was
sexy. I closed my eyes and felt her soft lips touch mine. She opened her
mouth slightly inviting my tongue. She ran her soft hands on my face and
pulled my hair back. I felt my pussy moisten and swell up as I tasted her
mouth. I never thought that I would be standing their making out with a
girl. It felt so sexy, yet taboo. Her lips were soft and smooth, and her
kiss was gentle unlike a man. She broke the kiss and she pulled my shirt
off. She pushed me softly and I walked backwards till I fell on the bed. I
watched her as she took her shirt and bra off. Her ass looked perfect in
her tight blue jeans. She grabbed her purse and pulled out a strap on
dildo, and she threw it on the bed next to me. She unbuttoned her jeans
and pulled them down. She turned around and I looked at her beautiful ass.
She had on black g string panties and she bent over and stepped out of
them. She turned around and I admired her perfect body as she walked over
to me.

I pulled my bra off, and I grabbed my shorts by the waistline. She
stood up on her knees and she watched as I put my legs in the air and
pulled my shorts off taking my panties with them. She smiled as she looked
at my shaved twat. She climbed on top of me and I grabbed the back of her
head pulling her mouth on mine. Her skin was so soft and sexy as it rubbed
against my naked body. We continued kissing and she rubbed her soft cunt
against mine. I felt her warm pussy juice run down my inner thigh. I
started moaning as her snatch rubbed up and down my clit. She moved her
head down slowly and she licked and sucked on my nipples. My eyes were
closed and pleasure was building in my body as she slowly kissed down my

She finally came to my waist and she teased me as she kissed and licked
my shaved pubic area. She ran her tongue down to my inner thigh and teased
me not letting her tongue touch my wet pussy.

I started feeling frustrated and I desperately wanted to feel her tongue
on my cunt and I started loosing hope. I felt the urge to grab the back of
her head and force it between my legs. I moaned loud trying to urge her,
and when I least expected it, I felt her soft warm tongue gently move
between the folds of my pussy.

"Aghhhh that feels so nice." I said softly. She licked my pussy up and
down and the pleasure was amazing every time her tongue rubbed against my
clit. My eyes were closed and I was getting close to orgasm when she
lifted her head. I looked down and she started to reposition herself and
turned around and straddled my waist and scooted her bottom close to my
face. We were in the sixty nine position, and I felt her tongue on my
pussy again. I looked at her pussy and asshole as it lowered closer to my

I didn't want to do it, but how was I going to tell her that now. I
stared nervously at her butt hole and her twat. I could smell the aroma of
her pussy, and I didn't want to lick it, and if I did lick it my nose would
be against her asshole. What have I got myself into I thought. Her tongue
felt wonderful on my snatch, and I could not be selfish. I had to give it
back to her.

I looked at her pussy and held my breath so I couldn't smell it. Don't
get me wrong she was not unclean or dirty, its just that the smell of a
vagina was not something I have ever been attracted too. I didn't even
like the smell of my own. I stuck my tongue out and closed my eyes until
it touched the center of her pussy. I moved my tongue up and down a few
times, and to my surprise it didn't taste bad. It tasted really sexy
actually. I continued licking and I couldn't hold my breath any longer. I
let out my air, and I was growing incredibly horny as I licked and smelled
her cunt. She worked a finger in my pussy as she circled my clit with her

I was completely aroused, and licking her pussy was not feeling dirty
enough. I pushed my tongue up her pussy as far as I could so my nose would
touch her asshole. I breathed in and her asshole was clean. It smelled as
sweet as her cunt. I brought my tongue out and ran it from the bottom of
her pussy all the way through her slit, past her clit, and up to her sweet
asshole. She moaned in approval. I knew she was surprised, having me be
so shy and timid up to that point. I brought my hand up to her pussy and
rubbed her clit with two fingers in a circular motion. I stiffened my
tongue and pushed hard on her asshole until I felt it slowly penetrate. I
stuck my tongue as far as it would go up her asshole and I rubbed her clit
faster and faster. Her moan turned into a scream and I felt her body
tighten up and I rubbed her cunt as hard as I could. Pussy juices started
gushing out of her snatch and ran down my forearm, and her asshole muscles
tried to shit my tongue out. I flexed my tongue and it out powered the
muscles in her sphincter, keeping my tongue up her ass. Her body relaxed
and I lowered my hand off her twat. I relaxed my tongue and she squeezed
her asshole again making it pop out.

She got up quickly with a big smile on her face. She grabbed the strap
on and quickly pulled it up to her waist. She grabbed me by the hair and
got into my face.

"You dirty bitch." She said. "That was incredible."

"Did you like that?" I asked

"Oh my god that felt good." She said "Are you ready for me to fuck you?"

"Yes I want you to fuck me." I said. "I want you to lick my ass, and
then fuck me up the cunt."

She bit her lip and she grabbed both of my legs with a lot of force.
She pushed them over my head and my lower back came off the bed. My ass
was staring her in the face and she spit on my asshole and licked her
saliva off. Her finger slowly penetrated my asshole. She pumped her
finger up my ass, and I started moving my pelvis fucking her finger. She
licked my cunt and stared at me.

"Can I stick this up your ass?" She asked.

"Yes, fuck me up the ass, and when I tell you pull it out and put it in
my pussy." I said

She brought her artificial cock up to my ass and replaced it with her
finger. I rubbed my twat as she rammed it up my shit hole. I gritted my
teeth and looked at her aggressively. "Fuck it harder bitch." I yelled

She grabbed tightly on my hips and thrust her cock up my ass as hard as
she could. I screamed and rubbed my cunt furiously. The pleasure built
through my legs slowly, and I felt my muscles lock up. "Put it in my
pussy." I yelled. I shitted the dildo out of my asshole and she rammed it
up my cunt. She fucked me hard for a moment and I screamed at the top of
my lungs as my pussy erupted. My cum squirted all over her plastic cock
and ran down my stomach. She stopped her thrust and I relaxed. She laid
on top of me and we both laughed at each other as I caught my breath.

"Are you sure you have never been with a girl before?" she asked

"Yea, I'm sure I would tell you." I said

"You are really good at it." She said

"I am officially bisexual now thanks to you." I said. "The smell and
taste of your pussy was incredible."

"I loved licking your cunt too." She said in her sexy French Canadian

"Are you into guys too?" I asked

"I am into everything, I am a freak." She said "I know some cute guys I
can introduce you too tomorrow if you like."

I smiled and nodded my head. Samantha and I stayed naked and cuddled on
the bed. She held me as I slept and we woke up several times throughout
the night and we licked each others cunts and assholes.

To be continued......