Published Sex Stories / anal-stories

My sexy neighbor Cara Part 1

mit9319 on Anal Stories

My name is Dan, I'm 25 and my neighbor, Caroline, is 1_

She's a beutiful girl, pale skin, long blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, 28AA and a the cutest little butt you've ever seen. She's a swimmer and thanks to god, I have a pool.

She usually comes over after school to swim a bit, I don't mind. But this time... this time was so different. She got here around 16:00 with her school bag and headed directly to the bathroom to get changed... but this time she left the door open. I'm not a perv, I didn't peek... But I couldn't help but see her, naked in my bathroom getting into her bikini. I knew she could see me looking at her and I could see her blushing and smiling.

Anyway, she went outside and jumped in the pool, I was in my office finishing some work when I had the urge to pee.

A straight guy gets his anal cherry taken by his Boss

Chunkypete on Anal Stories

It had been a few weeks since my boss Nate had made his "offer"

i knew he was itching for a reply but business had called him away, it was a Saturday night and i was out with mates in the centre of town.

More than a few drinks and some recreational drugs later i glanced at my phone and saw a notification of a text from a number i didn't recognize, i opened it and struggled to focus on the words.



My heart skipped, he was in town!? i replied quickly to find out where so we could talk

he replied almost instantly with the address and before i even knew it i was strolling past the reception like i owned the joint, i exited the lift and stumbled along the corridor checking the room numbers looki

Visiting Hours

davesmistress on Anal Stories

Visiting Hours
by brwneyedwitch70

It had been a busy day at work, I didn't get a chance to call you so I decided to stop by your hospital room to say hello. Your surgery had been a simple procedure, but you were still required to stay a few days to make sure that your knee was better. I was surprised to hear that you would be out in two days. Being away from you had been difficult at first, but knowing that I'd have you all to myself again soon was enough to keep me horny.

As I was driving toward the hospital, I noticed a costume shop. "Why not stop in." I thought to myself. We were always talking about dressing up and doing some role-playing games. Why not go in to see if something catches my eye. As I walked in to the store, I noticed there was much more than just costumes---this

bottle stretching

looseness19 on Anal Stories

Im a 19 year old male slim straight but love pushing my anus to its limits whether its enema/masturbation/sex/
Recently though ive been wanting to go bigger but beeing that im not openly gay enough to buy myself a large dildo and dont wana fuck a horse lol I had to find something and after plenty of nights of stretching my hole with watever I could find I came across a full water bottle just wh

Teri pimps out her lover Janey

janey1113 on Anal Stories

Teri pimps out her lover Janey


My lover and friend Janey is a submissive slut for hire. That's her profession, and she does it very well. Janey is 36, with mouthwatering curves and mounds and a taste for kinky sex that comes from experience. Men and women pay her for what they can't get at home, and they always come back for more.

Best Friend's Sister

Pantyluver on Anal Stories

This happened a few years ago right after my high school graduation. My best friend "Jon"s family invited me to their cabin on the lake for the summer. I couldn't wait, it was even better when I found out that Jon's sister "Jane" was going with! Jane was 2 years older than me and VERY SEXY!! I couldn't help myself but to stare at her 34D boobs, and her size 5 ass, I know I used to sneak a peak at

Ass Afficionado

Fyre on Anal Stories

Ass Afficionado , by Fyre

I heard a report the other day, on that entertainer feature network, that when Marilyn Monroe died, she had a full enema inside her body. The reporter said that either Marilyn or an unknown murderer filled an enema bag, added barbiturates, put it inside of her bowels, and she held it there. The skin inside absorbed all the chemicals and it killed her. An overdose. Now the freak in me wanted to know all sorts of things that the G-rated network would never disclose. I wanted to know whether Marilyn (Norma Jean) was a regular enema user. I wanted to know if she cleaned out her colon before Jack Kennedy or Frank Sinatra came to fuck her, and if they swabbed her sanitized pink, puckered asshole with their tongues. I wanted to know if she inserted the en

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ema and didn’t realize the amount of drugs her body would absorb before she expelled the liquid. I wanted to know if Marilyn was so effective at holding the water in that she accidentally killed herself, or if she truly intended to kill herself with her intestines full of the hazardous water. I wanted to know if Marilyn expelled the water after she took her last breath and all her body’s muscles relaxed, or if there was a plug in her ass, holding it in. Was the liquid actually still inside her body when the police found her? How? I wanted to write to that police drama "Cold Case" to see if they’d reinvestigate the details.

Now I am curious about all of these things because I have become an ass afficionado. I wasn’t one until recently, when I met my new man and learned that he was fascinated by porn. I asked him to show me one of his movies, and when he did, I just looked at him and said, "Oh YOU want some anal sex, don’t you?" He hung his head, and looked rather fishy and boyish.

"I’ll give it a try" I shrugged and pointed at the screen, "but let me work on it. I know she’s acting like it’s about the same as fucking her pussy, but you and I know that’s not the way it works. That hole is an exit."

I didn’t want to disappoint him. I wanted to grin and act all gung ho, but I worried that it was going to hurt like hell. I knew from looking at the length of the scene in the movie, he hoped to spend some quality time in my tight little ass, gripping the pale skin of my hips as he rode me hard. I knew that he really wanted to slam it to me. What had I promised to do?

We watched the rest of the movie and one young woman was so enthusiastic about her ass-fucking that she screamed and gyrated, trying to take in more. "Deeper! Deeper!" She screamed and panted. Another male actor was delighted to stick his dick in her too, so there she was, all over the big screen, taking in not just one dick, but two. Holy shit! These little sluts in these movies had no idea how high expectations are raised when our men see these shameless fuck sessions. Shit oh dear. And on the big screen, it was suddenly wall to wall asshole stretched out by two marvelous huge cocks. Complete with the surround sound shrieking "Oh yes, oooh yes, oh Baby Baby Baby."

My own man pulled out his 9-inch dick and started stroking, holding his hand loose and massaging the ridge at the base like he was about to start a fire. I loved to watch him masturbate, but I quickly took advantage of the situation to get my own pussy pumped. I leaned over a chair and he stood behind me, fucking my pussy doggy style, watching the actress call out. She ultimately took the cocks that had just been deep inside her ass, swallowed them down her throat, and exclaimed that they tasted great. Oh my goodness! My man pulled out and squirted his jizz all over my ass.

I was more than a little uncomfortable. My man was into sodomy. A small-dick boy had poked me in the ass once or twice, but after watching the video, I knew this was going to be different. I thought about how hard my man got, and how he would be sure to fill me to capacity. I was sure that it was going to feel like he was skewering me up to my neck. I had an image of myself on a rotisserie, his dick shoved up my ass, spinning over a bed of hot coals. I was skeptical that I would be able to show the same level of enthusiasm as the actress in the movie. I didn’t even think anyone could pay me enough to show the same level of enthusiasm as the actress in the movie. (How much do these girls make anyway?)

My one experience with ass-fucking had been confusing. The boy who had tried it was sort of grossed out, thinking "Ew! Is it going to smell like shit?" Once inside, he came quick and sloppy, with loud exclamation, like he’d just slammed his dick into an electric pencil sharpener, then pulled it out all pointed and done. My man now wouldn’t do me like that. His dick was fat! With my previous experience, there was an embarrassing time after the initial penetration of running to the toilet, making gassy noises, and feeling like I was going to ultimately mess all over the floor. Not acceptable.

I was going to have to teach myself to take it up the ass, and take it hard. I was going to have to learn to clean it thoroughly so I could be confident there wasn’t going to be an awful mess. I was going to have to be convincing or my man was going to be terribly disappointed and I was going to feel like a loser.

I began researching enemas. My goal was to be able to fuck my man like the girl in his movie fucked that hard dick, able to suck it off after the fact. I tried the small, cold enemas from the drug store shelf. I stood there in line, anxious and self-conscious, trying to make sure the woman behind the counter wasn’t the same gal who’d sold me one the week before. (I’d lied that I was using them to prepare myself for surgery.) I wasn’t impressed that the liquid was filled with diarrhetics and that the amount of liquid was probably about a cup and a half. What good was that going to do?

I checked their effectiveness by slamming myself in the ass with my smallest dildo until the muscles in my ass contracted and I expelled the last of the liquid. I found these enemas short-lived, and only marginally effective. And I wasn’t sure I was making any progress. This dildo was much smaller than my man, I used lots of lube, but it was still piercing and invasive. How did the movie girls do it? How did they keep going at it for most of an hour (my man says filming those scenes can take ten hours a day) and how in the hell did they learn to enjoy it?

What was I, a fucking wimp?

I went on the internet. Before long, I found several gay sites with plenty of instruction and a brown, unobtrusive box arrived in the mail. I opened the carton in the privacy of the bathroom on a quiet morning when my man had to work. I took out the bag, the clips to hold it up, and the long tube. At the end of the tube I screwed on an attachment like a narrow straw. I undressed, leaving my clothes in a pile by the door, and filled the bag with warm water. I quickly learned that the water had to be pretty much body temperature. Those skin surfaces inside were not used to touching anything cooler or warmer. Enemas, even as warm as bath water burned like a son of a bitch and I suspected they seared off a layer of skin. I soaped up the nozzle so that it was slippery enough to insert into my tight ass. (Oh shit how would I ever get his goddamn dick inside?) I pushed the water in from the bottle and then pushed it out. Lather, rinse, repeat. Another side effect was that the water didn’t all expel. A lot of it was absorbed by my body and some of it just slurped around. After about an hour, I really had to pee.

But I thought I was making progress. Before long I could put over a pint of water inside. Some of the articles on the internet said that true enema fanatics could take almost a gallon of water at a time, until their bellies expanded. They really got off on how long they could hold it inside. Some of them made mixtures of water and coffee or water and wine, counting on the absorbing properties of the colon to make them either jittery or drunk. Absolutely perverse! I wondered if they knew about Marilyn Monroe and her barbiturates. The article that suggested these methods did warn that you had little control over how much of the extra chemical your body was going to absorb inside your bowels. No shit!

I listened to an interview with porn star Jenna Haze. She was on Playboy Radio talking to Tiffany Granath. She disclosed that what she did to prepare for an anal sex scene was a combination of fasting and enemas. She said she’d never had an embarrassing experience on a set. I got a pad of paper and took notes.

Nervously, I decided I’d be ready. I called my man I’d be ready for a round of sex on Friday night. Thursday, at noon, I ate a salad, then after that, I cut off the solid foods. Yogurt for dinner. I did one of the box enemas that evening, and the diarrhetic went right through me. I evacuated most of what I had inside, then went to bed. I wanted to masturbate, then thought I’d better save it. Let the tension build.

Friday noon, I did another enema, water only, using a hot water bottle system that I purchased at Wal-Mart. I filled the pink bladder with tepid water. I attached the hoses and a nozzle that inserted into my ass. It sprayed water in several directions. Naked, I leaned over in the bathtub, the bladder of water under my knees and pushed on the bladder. The water started flowing through the tubes and filling up my bowels.

The feeling was intense. I’d already gotten most of the debris out the night before, so now it was more a "final rinse." The first water was a little cool and I could distinctively feel the water spread into my colon. Awesome! I knelt on the bladder and pushed a little more water in. I started to feel a little full, and I wanted to distract myself from the feeling so I could push more water inside after a minute.

I put my hand down and started diddling on my clit. Good distraction! I clenched the muscles of my anus to hold the water in, and rubbed my cliterous. I held the water, held the water, held the water. I rubbed my clit, rubbed my clit, rubbed my clit. I pushed on the bladder and forced a little more water inside. I rubbed my clit some more. I folded the rubber bladder in half to push the last bit of water inside. I thought I was holding about a quart! I felt so—so stretched. It was nice and cool inside. Water dripped a little from the nozzle, rolling cool water over my hand while I messed with my clit so I could hold it as long as possible.

Then it felt sudden that I needed to expel the water. I stood, stepped out of the bathtub and perched on the toilet. I pushed some of the water out, then clenched my ass shut. The longer I could hold the water, the better a rinse it would be. On the toilet, I played with my clit a little more. I felt all electrified and in tune with my body. I got the hair clippers and spread my thighs so I could trim my pubic hairs. I challenged myself to hold the water that little while longer. I felt the delicious vibration of the clippers as I trimmed my bush to about an eighth an inch. After I finished, I rolled my clit between my forefinger and thumb. I felt the fullness of the water in my ass.

I pushed the water out, as much as I could.

Oh dear! I wasn’t counting on liking the enema so much. I filled the enema bag again, this time with slightly warmer water. I inserted the nozzle in my asshole, and started pushing on the bag with my knee and forearm. The water squirted out, a jet flying off to the left and hitting the side of the tub. I pushed the nozzle inside a little deeper, then the water started filling me to capacity. I put my right hand between my thighs and I kept masturbating. The intensity against my clit was so effective at taking my mind off the filling feeling in my butt. I got one of my man’s razors and shaved the line of hairs that grew inside my pussy lips. I held the water in, held the water in. I arched my back as much as I could and pushed on the bladder of water to force every drop of water inside. Oh, I was such a good girl to take all this water! I reached back between my legs and tentatively shaved the circle of fine hairs from around my anus.

Oh fuck! I was so, so full! My rectum was all full of water and I could feel the water push up into my lower intestine, farther than a dick could probably reach. I pushed on the bladder of water some more, and I could even feel the water push more inside and my tummy started to distend. Oh fuck. This was about as full as I was going to get. I stood to cross the bathroom, clenching my ass closed. Oh! Oh! The water splashed out behind me, all over the bathtub.

I squatted and released the water. Oh it felt great. It really felt great. There was a little white pasty mucus from my bung hole coming out with the water, but other than that, I was spotlessly clean. After I was sure I had expressed all of the water, I walked naked into my bedroom and got a dildo from the drawer in the nightstand.

I went back into the bathtub. I soaped up the dildo and then I squatted down onto it, pushing it right into my butt. Oh my god. Oh fuck. It felt great! I had a squeaky clean ass, and the dildo slid in. I started rocking it in and out. Oh there was a little to push out. I got up, the dildo plugging my ass and went to the toilet. I pushed. Nothing much. More clear mucus. I went back to the bathtub, rinsed the hot water bag out and filled it a quarter way with warm water. I pushed the dildo back into my asshole and started riding it. Oh, oh oh yes!!! I think I’m gonna like this!

I got done with my little session in the tub and I laid on the bed. Oh my god. I was wonderfully exhausted. The enema was so thorough, and expelling it was it’s own little reward. I felt deliciously scoured clean. After a brief rest on the bed, I felt energized, and ready to take on the world.

I could hardly wait for my man to get home from work. I was fasting all day, so I sipped at my Diet Coke and chewed ice. In the middle of the afternoon, I peed and made sure I didn’t have anything else inside my colon by pushing the dildo back inside and working it some more. I came, and it was a different sort of cum. I wanted to experiment some more, but I decided to hold out and wait for my man.

He arrived with a bottle of white wine. I drank a glass. It went right through me, since I hadn’t eaten for almost 28 hours. My man was going to get the fuck of his life, but he didn’t know it, he didn’t have any idea. I drank another glass of wine, and I was feeling a buzz.

Of course I had already flashed out the credit card at Victoria’s Secret, so I had quite the show for him that night. I stripped down to a pale pink teddy that laced up the front. I took my time unlacing it, flashing my perfect 36C breasts. He took my ruddy nipples into his mouth and sucked, long and hard. Electricity shot right through me. I was ready to cum right then! I wasn’t surprised. Doing the enema had made me so aroused, and I’d carried that with me all afternoon. The idea of his big cock ramming in and out of me the same way that the girl had taken it in the video, well that was a huge turn-on for me too. Still wearing the teddy, I took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

I turned on the lights. He looked at me funny. "No way you’re going to miss a second of this." Men are always so much more visual than women, but I’ll admit that I wanted to see that big thick dick of his slipping in and out of my ass. He stripped off his clothes. He already had a boner stretching out, as big as the state of Florida.

"You sure you’re ready."

I remembered the several bags of water I’d deliriously flushed through my system. "Oh I’m ready. Yes baby, I’m ready."

The wine was going through me too. He’d brought my glass into the bedroom, so I took another sip. Then he picked me up and put me down on the bed, on my back. He carefully unlaced the rest of the teddy, and unsnapped the crotch of my teddy. "Take that thing off, will you?"

I pressed my breasts together and offered him a good shot of my cleavage, my nipples jutting out, then I pulled the teddy off over my head. I tossed it in the corner. I laid back on the bed, ready for him to do his thing.

He started by trailing fingers softly across my skin. He was picking up the natural electrical currents inside of me and swirled them all together. He teased me by circling his thumb around my nipples, then he sucked on each one in turn. I could fell that my pussy was already soaked. I wanted him so bad.

He took me vaginally at first. He put it in, and pushed my left leg up high, so that when he went inside me missionary style, he had my leg to hold. It went up over his shoulder, my ankle by his ear and it enabled us to both see the penetration of his cock into my love canal. He slid it in slowly, and then with one leg up and the other down, he could come at me from an angle. He "stirred" my juices with his beautiful cock. I could see him roll his hips in a circle as he directed his dick to hit the walls of my cunt, all the way around. Oh it felt wonderful! Then with my legs spread so, he put his hand on my clit, right above where he was grinding it, and he started to trace tiny circles around that little head as he stroked his dick in and out. Oh! Oh! Oh!

I don’t have any trouble cumming over and over, but it was rare for a man to take the time to find out how many times I could cum. My man was as patient as they made them. He could stroke me with my ankle up by his ear and stroke, stroke, stroke, sliding it in and out so slo-o-owly that we both were gasping with pleasure. Then he shifted around and pushed the other ankle up, so that his hips were mashing into my pussy and I was on fire. He fucked and fucked like a madman.

"Hey, you, I want some of that in my ass." I told him.

"You do? Oh shit." He kept pumping away, now invigorated by visions of asshole plums dancing in his head. "Shit Girl, well let me take some of the edge off first."

He flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees. He stood by the side of the bed and entered me doggy style. Oh! Oh! This was my favorite position, and he was still inside my cunt. I was so wet, I made slurp, slurp, slurpy sounds as he glided in and out. I knelt with my ass up, leaning against my forearms on the bed. I gripped the bedspread to hold my position. He was jamming at me so hard, he physically moved me forward on the mattress. I didn’t want to slam my head against the headboard.

He was hitting all the perfect spots and as hot as I was, I started to cum. I clenched his dick hard with my vaginal muscles as I clenched the blankets with my hands. I felt my body force out more fluids–I was cumming and dripping all over the place. My body had absorbed a lot of water from those enemas. I was saturated. It felt fabulous. Who needs to drink eight glasses of water a day when you can push three or four into your asshole and hold them in and take the liquid that way? I felt like I had a new lease on life.

My man pulled his twitching dick out of my vagina and he started jacking it. "I’m going to cum!" he announced, his hand sliding back and forth in the pattern he always used. His palm brushed past the head, and I saw it bulge and cum started spurting out. I stuck my tongue out and he aimed at my mouth, and jets of cum flew onto the bed, some of them hitting my mouth. I took my forefinger and scraped the white cream off my cheek and tasted it. God, I loved eating cum!

Then my man positioned my ass up, doggy style again. "I’m going to start teasing you a little, okay Baby?"

I nodded. I was still recovering from that great climax, but it would only take a moment for me to be ready again. He wanted me kneeling doggy style with my ass over the edge of the bed. He stood behind me, his own dick still pulsing out beads of cum. He was softer, but not completely soft. I knew that he would be rigid in no time. My man slicked his hands up with lubricant. We kept a pump bottle on the nightstand. He leaned down and studied my spotless asshole. He put his thumb on it, and slowly started tracing a circle around it. I leaned into his hand, enjoying feeling the trace around that tight hole. Then he inserted a finger. I would have normally recoiled against the sudden invasion into a hole designed as an exit, but after all my preparations, I was ready. It was like he was coming home. I wanted more.

"Come on, Baby! I’m ready. None of this sissy stuff."

Then two fingers. He inserted them like he was picking up a bowling ball. Two in my asshole, one in my cunt. Oh it felt good! The ridges of his knuckles pressed against the sphincter muscle, and I put my hands on my ass cheeks and held my asshole open to him. "Ahaa!" He said, excited, and he quickly expanded the opening, this time using two fingers from his left hand, and two fingers from his right. I was going to be able to take this, I thought. So far, everything felt great.

He kept inserting lubricated fingers inside my gaping asshole. I was bucking against him, wanting more. I looked down to check on him. His dick was standing at attention again. "Fuck that ass!" I told him. "Fuck me in my ass."

I didn’t need to tell him again. He dashed a squirt of lube across his dick and another on my asshole. He used his hand to spread the lube across his dick. I knew that the second erection would last and last. His glistening hard dick was just inches from my asshole. He was ready to plunge it in.

And Ooh I was so ready! I’m not going to tell you that it was anything like a good pussy fucking, because it’s not. It’s incredibly different. There’s a whole layer of skin blocking that dick from my cunt, but all the wires are still there. And having everything clean and a little wine in my system....ooooh, I could take it all night! My Baby stuck it in and Yes, it felt uncomfortable for maybe ten seconds, but he just held it there stiff as a pole and let my body adjust to the size. Then when I started rocking against it–the lightening started sizzling and rockets went off. If it started to feel a little intense, I just did what I did in the tub, I diddled my clit, letting the fireworks there distract me momentarily from his sheer size.

For a little while, I just felt slammed. Yes, it felt good, but I was at his mercy, you know what I mean? I couldn’t move much, I couldn’t react. I just crouched there on the edge of the bed, my ass over the side, his dick slamming into my asshole. It felt like almost too much. Then oh shit, it started to feel glorious. He reached around me and started jamming on my clit with his hand. I arched my back and I felt like the girl in the movie, "Deeper, Baby, deeper!"

He grabbed onto my hips and started slamming harder and faster. He pushed my lower back down, and I think he could feel the tip of his penis pushing to bust out, he could feel the motion through my flesh. The idea of that big ole dick of his just ramming my asshole, well it was such a turn-on. I looked at him through my legs, my ass high, trying to see what it looked like, his pink shaft disappearing inside of me, over and over. I couldn’t see him directly, not from that position, but I could see the reflection of him in the mirror on the inside of the door. He stood directly behind me, his hard dick lined up, pistoning in and out. Oh my god, it felt so good!

I couldn’t get enough! I clenched my sphincter around his dick and heard him catch his breath. Oooh that must have felt so tight! I clenched and clenched, gripping his dick with my tight, pink ass... "Give it to me!"

Oh sweet mother of god. The orgasm was so fucking insane! I felt it build and build, the clenching was starting to set it off. I could feel his dick hitting my G-spot, but it was coming at it from the wrong angle, and a layer of skin blocked it off. It felt exotic, like fucking my pussy through a layer of cloth. And from all the prepping I’d done with the enema a few hours before, my body was ready to explode! I felt the sensations build, higher and higher, and then there wasn’t much I could do. I clung to the layers of blanket on the bedspread, my man fucking and fucking from behind, the mattress slipping off the side from perpetual motion. I was completely absorbed by the intensity of having his dick in my ass.

The orgasm started washing through me, and I was its victim. It came over me like a wave, overpowering all my senses. There was a slight trickle of sweat rolling down my face. I closed my eyes, flooded with sensations. All I could feel was pushing and resisting, my body caught in a tug of war. I was about to bust! I was overwhelmed by the slam of his hard dick and my muscles clenching as hard as they could. I had no control. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" My fingers balled into fists. I started spasming against the soft cotton of my quilt. I wanted to push, push, push against him and he resisted by gripping the flesh of my ass like a pillow and jamming away. Phenomenal. I was crying out, yelling from the intensity, not wanting him to stop. I was pushing so hard, pushing, pushing, pushing. Cum started flying out, like jets of clear piss. My man saw the fluids flying. I could feel his dick tighten. "Shit Baby, shit! I’m gonna cum!" He gripped my hips, thrust his rod as deep as it would go and blew his load. I was still writhing and pulsing from my own orgasm and he more or less fell over me. We collapsed in a tussle of panting and heaving breasts. I couldn’t move. Muscles in my legs started twitching involuntarily. The flutter in my tummy didn’t quit for almost an hour.

On the Road Again

_Brent_123 on Anal Stories

On the Road Again    

Brent was happy to finally get the chance to be away for a few days.  His wife had certainly changed over the last few
years.  She used to be sexually adventurous but no more.... Straight 'slam bam thank you ma'am' and that was even
more and more rare lately.  He missed the pure sexual passion he enjoyed with a woman when he was single or even
newly married.  He had decided that he would risk an affair if the opportunity presented itself in the next few days. If
he resided in a bigger center he probably already would have.  Living as he did in a town of 1500 people didn't really
offer the opportunity for secret liaisons.  Everyone knew everything about everyone.  He even had to take special

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>precautions when he went online to play with women on the internet.  People where he lived are prone to just show up
at other people's homes unannounced. It would appear 'curious' if Brent answered the door all flushed with a major
hard on.....  Today though, was a chance to get away alone for 3 days. 

He was going to a city about 200 miles away to take some training for work, with any luck one of the women he had
been playing online with would get a chance to come to his hotel room...he had brought his laptop to chat when he got
there....there were three women who had offered to come and visit when he asked, surely one of them would come
through, they all seemed to be as horny as he was.  The only concern was the weather, it was the worst part of the
winter, he hoped that he wouldn't get snowed in - alone that is.

Nothing it seemed could take the joy out of Brent's heart or the excitement out of his loins. He was due into the city at
about 5:30pm.  He'd have a shower and go online and see who was willing to come and play for real.  He was excited
and had a difficult time keeping speed down, staying just over the speed limit when 'BANG' a horrible sound came out
of the engine.  His car drifted to a stop with steam pouring out from under the hood.

Brent's heart sank. "Damn, I can't believe it." He muttered.

His first thought was not of the car but the time he was going to miss in the city.  He wasn't even going to try to see
what he could do about the car.  It was still under warranty so he pulled out his cell phone and called AMA right away. 
He told them approximately where he was and reminded them that where he was would be about 50 miles from
nowhere, and that it was very cold out.  They appreciated his predicament but informed him the closest tow truck was
over an hour away.  He said that he would do his best to stay warm while he waited.

Brent put on his coat and settled in for a long cold wait.  Almost no traffic was out on this secondary road today,
probably because of the cold.  A few cars went by but nobody even slowed down when they went sailing by him,
rocking his car with the wash as they whined by. 

He had been there only about 15 minutes when he started to feel the temperature.  His feet were the first to get cold,
and his toes were already starting to ache.  He knew he'd be completely frozen in the hour plus that he was told it
would take the tow truck to get to him.  He decided that he'd have to get a passing vehicle to stop and wait with him or
give him a ride to the city.

Brent zipped his coat up tighter, opened the door and stepped out into the frigid air.  He opened his hood  -  the
universal trouble signal and stood beside his car waiting for someone to come down the road.  It was less than five
minutes later that he saw a semi truck coming down the road.  He raised both his hands as a signal and as the truck
went by he saw the brake lights on as the truck moved to the side of the road.  It took about 60 yards for the truck to
stop.  Brent ran up to it stepped up to the passenger door and opened it.

 The warmth of the cab was welcome as he quickly climbed in to the heat.  He then took his first look at the driver of
the truck.  He was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a woman.  A beautiful woman at that.  She was wearing a
loose fitting button up shirt, jeans and running shoes.  Her long hair fell down her back in a shower. 

She smiled at him, "Trouble?"

"Yes, damn cold out there I'll tell you.  My car died about 45 minutes ago and I'm about numb."

"I would think so"

"I've called for a tow truck and it won't be here for at least a half hour.  Can I get a ride to the city, or have you got
time to wait until the tuck gets here?"

"Well I do have a schedule to keep.  I can give you a lift though.  Do you know where they are taking your car?"

"Yeah, they told me the dealership it was going to"

"Ok good, let's roll then", she replied as she slipped the truck into gear and started to move ahead.  She was soon up to
highway speed.

Once she had finished shifting gears, she turned to Brent, reached out her hand and said, "I'm Kris by the way."

Brent took her hand, and answered, "Nice to meet you Kris, I'm Brent."

"Oh, you're hands are freezing!" she said. "I've got the heat turned as high as it will go in this thing; I hope you're
warming up."

"Yes, it's great, thanks.  I thought I was going to freeze to death. I'm ok now except my hands and feet."

"Well take your shoes off, the heat will get to them sooner."

"Ok, thanks" Brent replied as he slipped of his shoes and slid his feet into the heat from the blower.

"No problem, make yourself comfortable, we have about an hour and a half to get to the city."  Kris responded.   To be
honest it's nice to have some company for a change.  I haven't had anyone to talk to except waitresses for six days. 
I've never picked up a hitchhiker before actually.  I've been warned against it, there's lots of freaks out there.  You're
not a serial killer or pervert are you?" she giggled.

"Not a serial killer for sure......define pervert" Brent answered with a chuckle.

"Ha ha..... I see", she smiled to herself.  "So Brent the pervert is it?"

"Not lately", Brent answered.  For some reason he felt comfortable with this easygoing friendly woman. As they
chatted he proceeded to tell her all about his passionless marriage and that this trip was to provide the opportunity for
him to experience passion again.  She in turn told him about her present lack of involvement due to her work.  She
spent twenty five days a month away from home.  Most nights were spent in her rig, which she explained was her 'true'

"Well it looks comfortable," Brent noted as he turned to look into the sleeper behind them. 

"It is...go ahead and take a look if you want."

"Ok"  Brent replied as he slipped out of his seat and through the entrance of the sleeper.  He felt a real transition as he
moved from the mechanical cab with all its buttons and dials, into this space which was defiantly a woman's bedroom. 
The blankets were a soft pink and the pictures fastened to the walls were defiantly feminine.  There was a small
TV/VCR built into the storage rack at the foot of the bed that he imagined she watched chick flicks on.  He saw a
woman's magazine laying on the nightstand, and then was slightly intrigued when he saw a pair of panties carelessly
tossed on the floor.  A strange woman's panties would interest any man.  Wait, they weren't panties but on closer
inspection - a thong.  He immediately imagined this beautiful woman in a thong...the thought aroused him.

"So, what do you think?' Kris asked.

"Very nice, you must be quite comfortable in there.  TV and everything." Brent said as he sat back down in the
passenger seat.

"Yep, and there's beer in the little fridge - party central", she laughed.

"What is going on up there?" Brent asked looking ahead on the road.

Kris started to gear down as they approached traffic stopped on the road ahead. "Don't know, accident maybe."

They came to a stop in the line of cars and trucks.  Kris switched on her CB and keyed the mic.  She asked if anyone
knew what was stopping traffic.  The response came back that it was an avalanche on the road ahead about 2 miles. 
The best estimate was 4-5 hours before the road would be open again. 

"Great", Kris moaned.

They happened to be only a couple of hundred yards from the entrance to a rest area.  Kris slipped the truck into gear
and maneuvered her way to the entrance and was able to find a spot to park alongside the other trucks.

"Well," Kris sighed, "Looks like we're here for a while."
"I guess so. So much for my wild night in the city" he replied with a frown.

Kris felt a pang of sympathy for Brent. "Well we aren't in the city, but this is 'Party Central' she responded with a
smile.  "I'll grab us a beer."

Kris slipped out of her seat and climbed through the opening into the sleeper.  Brent turned to watch her pass and as she
bent over the bed to reach into the little fridge he stared at her tight little ass.  It was gorgeous.  And, he noticed, no
panty line. She must be wearing another thong he surmised, because her jeans were so tight on her that had she been
wearing panties he surely would have seen the tell tale lines. 

"Here you go" Kris stated as she handed Brent a beer and sitting facing him on the side of her seat.

"Thank-you, and thanks again for picking me up out there.  I wish the damn car hadn't broken down though - I would
have likely made it past where the avalanche is."

"Hmmm maybe so.....but then I would have been stuck here on my own.  It's nice to have some company - although
you are an admitted pervert..." she laughed.

"Ahhhh like I said though, it's been a while since I've been a pervert - not by choice however.  Besides, you never did
define pervert" he added.

"Hmmm true...I suppose 'pervert' is subjective.  What some might consider perverted, others consider a turn on."

"Exactly.  My wife considers all but straight 'man on top' sex a perversion."

"Really!?  Well that's perverted in its own way", Shelly stated then took a long drink of her beer.

"My sentiments exactly", Brent answered then took a drink and added, "So what do you consider perverted?  You
know, just to have another woman's perspective", he smiled.

Kris seemed reflective, carefully phrasing her answer.  She was a very attractive woman; her not too slender body filled
her blouse and jeans to perfection.  The topic of conversation, her attractiveness and her close proximity was defiantly a
turn on for him now.

"Well, it depends on my mood actually.  Sometimes, when things are know..... involved, less things seem
perverted", Kris answered with a shy smirk.

"Ha ha...", Brent responded with a smile, "Well put....even if it was evasive."

"Well a lady needs a few secrets", Kris grinned.

"Hmmmm, I suppose.  Hey are you finding it getting colder in here?"

"Yes actually, but I'm not surprised, when this rig idles it doesn't give lots of heat.  I'll put on the electric back in the
bunk - should help"

"Ok. Boy you're set up with about everything.  Question though, what about a washroom?"

"Nope sorry.  There is one over there though", she pointed at a building on the edge of the rest stop."

"Ok, I better go out then.  This beer is going right through me."

"Ok, I'll try to warm this place up while you are gone".

Brent slipped out of the cab and into the cold.  He raced across the parking lot to the washroom.  He did his business
and was back to the truck in a few minutes.

He climbed into the passenger seat, and closed the door.  Kris was no longer in the driver's seat.  He turned and saw her
in the bunk, again reaching into the fridge.  "Another beer?"


"I turned on the electric heater back here.  C'mon back."

Brent could defiantly not refuse that offer, she was sitting up on the bed with her pink comforter tucked up to her chin. 
She was obviously cold as well.
He climbed onto the bed and sat up beside her, there was no other option, thankfully.  Brent took the beer Kris offered.
"Thanks.  And it is quite a bit warmer back here." He added removing his coat. 

"Want to watch a movie or something?" Kris asked.

"Ummm define 'Something'", Brent grinned.

"Oh, you're bad! ....  Oh that's right you ARE a pervert." She laughed, "Pick a movie!" she stated in pretend authority.

"Ok, ok....geez.... Where do you keep them?"

"Under the TV in the cupboard"

Brent opened the cupboard and reviewed the titles.  He really didn't care what they watched; he just wanted to get back
onto the bed with Kris.   He grabbed one that sounded interesting and slipped it into the VCR.  He turned back and
climbed along the bed back to sit/lay beside Kris. 

"You warm enough now? Kris asked.

"Yeah it's warm enough in here, but I can't shake this chill."

"Here, c'mon", Kris said as she lifted the blanket for him to climb under with her."

"MMmmmm nice" Brent sighed as he snuggled under the blanket with Kris.  He could feel the heat radiating from her
body.  He was so close to this gorgeous woman, but there had been no real contact between them yet. He was no fool
though; no woman would let a man lay with her on a bed without there being a good chance that she would have sex
with him.  There was still a need to play his cards correctly though.  Until they were getting very intimate, there was
still the chance that she would call it off. He felt that he needed be forward, but not forceful.

Brent was watching but not paying any attention to the movie, he was getting hornier by the minute as he considered
his situation.  He couldn't resist any longer and subtly moved his arm under the blanket as he took a drink of his beer. 
His arm gently lay against Kris's, which she didn't move away.  Taking this as a positive sign, Brent reached out his
hand and laid it on hers.

"This is very nice", he told her.

"Mmmmm. It is." She replied, "You know what?"


"I'm starting to get the 'things seeming less perverted' feeling", she said with a smile, turning her face toward him.

Brent leaned toward Kris and met her lips with his.  They held a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other's
mouths.  Brent lightly sucked on Kris's tongue, she fully turned toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and
pulling him toward her. 

She gently broke her kiss and leaning toward his ear whispered, "How much of a hurry are you to get to the city?  If
you want, we could stay here all night..... would that fulfill some of your 'passionate desires'?"

"Mmmmm, I'd love to, but I have quite a few desires....... Are you wanting to fulfill them?", he responded.

"If you are willing to fulfill mine.....", she whispered as she nibbled on his ear.

"I'd love to." He whispered in response, "Name a desire, and I'll gladly fulfill it." 

"Hmmmm......probably a lot like yours." She continued to nibble his ear and lick his neck.  "You say you miss
passion?  You're tired of 'wham bam thank-you ma'am'?  The most passionate thing to me is foreplay. I like to build
and build first...."

"MMMmmmmmmm, I love that", Brent responded and then whispered in her ear, "I want to make you so hot you are
begging to cum.  I want to tease and tease you....nibble you, caress you, lick you, ....  I want to excite you to the most
extreme height of passion you can imagine.....  I want to excite you mentally, visually, every way..."

Brent's hands roamed over Kris's back pulling her to him, his hands gently massaged her shoulders under her long
flowing hair, and down her back to the gentle swell of her hips.  He leaned down kissing and lightly licking her neck
and throat. 

"Mmmmm", she moaned and ran her fingers through Brent's hair, "That feels so good."

Brent continued his kissing, nibbling and licking down Kris's throat to the top of her chest.  With one hand on her back
he uses his free hand to start on the buttons of her shirt.  As he loosens the first button his lips touch her chest with soft
gentle kisses. Releasing the next button he kisses the tops of her breasts, still constricted by her lacy white bra.  As he
kisses Kris's chest and partially exposed breasts he feels her heart racing and her breath shortening.... She is beginning
to show her excitement.  He can feel his own excitement too.  His quickly rising member is struggling to grow in his

Kris slides down on the bed and Brent follows her continuing to nibble on her chest and now exposed tummy.   Brent
nibbles and licks on her tummy as she starts to writhe under him.  Her shirt is now fully open and her breasts are simply
covered by her bra.  Brent continues down her tummy with kisses. Upon reaching the waistline of her pants, he reaches
up and unfastens the button. 

Brent loves to undress women, it is one of the sexiest things in the world to him.   With one hand holding her
waistband, he gently pulls down her zipper very slowly.  He follows the opening  zipper and as the tender sexy flesh of
her abdomen is exposed he nuzzles and licks it to her panty line.  
Kris is now growing in more excitement.  She almost savagely gropes at Brent's pants, feverishly unfastening his belt,
button and zipper.  She wants his cock - now.  Brent feels the relief on his member as she loosens his pants.  As soon as
she has his zipper down he feels his cock, now released, growing to it's full length.  
Kris reaches up, takes Brent's pants and slides them down his thighs he raises one knee then the other as Kris slides
Brent's pants over his feet and off of him.  She raises her hips as she removes Brent's pants as an invitation to him to
remove hers.  He hooks his thumbs on her waistband and pushes down. The pants slip over her tight sexy bottom and
then down her legs.  As her flesh is exposed he again follows with his tongue and lips kissing and nibbling her hips, her
tender thighs, and down until he pushes the pants over her feet. 

Her socks are next, he slips them off , then taking each toe in turn he slips his lips over them, draws them into his
mouth and gently sucks on them.  Kris immediately goes wild.

"MMmmmmhmm...mmmmMMMMmmMMmm"  she moans as he sucks her toes and licks her feet.

She leans up and pulls her arms out of her shirt as Brent licks and nibbles back up her ankles and calves.  Brent reaches
for his own shirt, raises himself up to his knees as he pulls it up and over his head.  He throws it on the growing pile of
clothes on the floor.  Kris reaches out for him, "Come here", she says with a smile taking Brent's arm.

Brent lays down beside Kris and looks into her face.  "It's getting warm in here now", he grins. 

"mmmhmmm, almost too warm. If you keep teasing me like that I won't be able to help myself - remember, we have
all night...."

They had each expressed their desire to prolong the excitement, and here they were after only fifteen minutes down to
their underwear, both hearts racing and excitement growing rapidly in them both.

"I know', he said , "I love to tease though", he said as he gave her a light kiss. 

"So it seems", she replied smiling broadly as he nibbled her neck.

"You know what I'd like right now?", Kris asked.

"Whatever it is..... Yes."

"Hehe... ya nut....Seriously, I'd love a backrub.  Sensual but ...... it'd let me cool down a bit sexually"

"Sure.... I'd love to....roll over gorgeous."
Kris immediately rolled onto her tummy.  'Mmmmm' Brent thought 'I knew she had on a thong. Gorgeous gorgeous

Brent's hands found the small of Kris's back and he started to gently knead and rub.  Slowly he worked his way up her
back to her shoulders, then back down.  This time as he passed the strap of her bra he deftly squeezed the clasp and it
released.  As the strap fell away from her back Brent focused a gently rubbing of Kris's skin where the bra strap had
been.  He continued to run his hands down her back to the top strap of her thong.  Slipping over it he continued down to
her tailbone.  Kris was quietly moaning in appreciation to Brent's massage and the moans became subtly higher in pitch
as he ran his hands over the perfect mounds of her bum. 

Brent was an 'ass' man and massaging Kris's bum was, despite her obvious pleasure, more of a turn on for him than
her.  He was mesmerized by the sexy swell of her ass and the firm and soft feel of her flesh.  If his cock was hard
before it was supremely hard now.  He leaned down and gave Kris's ass a light kiss and a gentle nibble, first one cheek
then the other.  Then tracing the string of her thong, he first kissed then slid the tip of his tongue from her tailbone
down to the cleavage of her cheeks.  Slightly separating them while he massaged, he continued down to lick between
the cheeks of her bum.

Kris was thoroughly enjoying this attention and raised her hips presenting her ass to him.  Taking the strings of the
thong from her hips, he slipped it down her legs, then as she raised each knee in turn  he slipped the thong off of her.  
This was the sexiest sight he could remember, Kris was laid out on the bed, now completely naked with her ass up and
inviting him. 

Brent knelt behind her again and as he resumed his backrub on the swell of her hips he lowered his face to her sexy
bum.  He licked and sucked down the line of her ass almost to the tightly puckered hole.  Then, with a deliberate pause
of 3-4 seconds, he slid his hot wet tongue over her rosebud. Kris jumped and whined in pleasure as he licked then
tickled deliberately tickled her sphincter with the tip of her tongue.  She pushed her ass back against his tongue and he
slipped just the tip of it through the tight ring of her bum.

"Ahhhhhh MMMMMMmmmmm ah ah AH!", she moaned as Brent touched ever so little into her tight little bum with
his tongue.

Kris reached back and placing her hands on his, spread her ass farther inviting him to slip more of his tongue into her
ass.  With a final long wet lick across her ass, Brent gently backed away from her gorgeous bum and proceeded to
massage up her back again.

  With a whimper. Kris lowered her bum and relaxed again as Brent massaged up to her shoulders and neck.  He
nibbled on her neck and then lowered himself down onto her back.  His cock, fully engorged, but still restricted in his
underwear, laid neatly between the cheeks of Kris's ass. 

He nibbled up her neck to her ear and whispered, "Told you I was a pervert."

"Mmmmm, you are.....and I love it." She whispered back, squeezing his cock with her ass cheeks.  "Nobody has ever
licked my ass's fantastic.   Do it some more? Please?"

"Later..... I promise.  Someone was getting way too excited......", Brent teased.

"Mmmm, I was wasn't I?.......And", she made a deliberate squeeze with her cheeks on his cock, "so was someone else."

"mmmmm, that's right.... Your bum is a serious turn on for me." Brent responded. "I'll love sliding my tongue way
inside it...MMmmmm", he added with a slight press of his hips sliding his cock along her ass.

"MmmmmMMM.  I can't wait." She purred.  "Do you like anal sex?" she asked.
"I'm sure I would If I ever get to do it.   I'm obsessed with the prospect.  A few women have let me try, but I've never
been able to get it in." he admitted as he raised off of her to lay beside her.

"Really?", she said turning to face him, "I've done it, a long time ago....I liked it.  But my last boyfriend thought it was
"sick - only for queers', so I haven't done it for a long time."

Smiling at Brent she added, "I'd love to let you tonight.  The trick is lots of lube and a willing partner.... And baby
you've got me willing."

A coy smile spread across Kris's face, she winked and reached into a bedside closet, "And, in so far as 'lubricant', there
should be some in here", she giggled as she handed Brent a shoebox.

Brent looked inside and realized that this was Kris's 'toy box'.    He grinned at Kris, who giggled with a look on her
face of excitement with a slight blush of embarrassment. 

Brent excitedly rummaged through the box.  He loved toys, but his wife had not allowed them at home for years, much
to his displeasure.

"Yep there's some lubricant in here", Brent stated with a grin  as he withdrew a large tube of flavoured oil from the
box. He noticed that about a third of the lubricant was gone.  "And some other 'interesting' things."

"Well.....", Kris grinned as she blushed, " .....a girl has needs, you know."

"I know.........I noticed", he replied with a smile.  "Let's just leave this handy - we might have use for these

"Well we don't have use for 'these' things", Kris replied as she tugged on Brent's underwear.  He was on his knees and
as Kris lowered his shorts his penis flopped free against her breasts.  She leaned forward to slide them down further,
and as she slipped them over each knee she deftly opened her mouth and inhaled his half erect prick. 

As Kris supported herself on her hands and knees in front of him, Brent reached down and took her hanging breasts in
his hands.  Brent's cock was rapidly growing as Kris kept it all in her mouth, manipulating it with her tongue.

"Ahhhhhh mmmMMmm", Brent groaned as Kris kept her lips locked on the root of Brent's cock. 

As she manipulated it with her tongue, she allowed it to grow inch by inch down her throat. 

Kris raised one hand from the bed and cupped Brent's balls.  With gentle squeezes and kneading of his scrotum, she
expertly sucked and licked on Brent's now fully erect cock.  She now began to slide her lips slowly up and down
Brent's cock.  With the lubrication of ample saliva, Kris's lips and tongue were like liquid velvet on Brent's throbbing

Moving his hands from Kris's breasts to her sides he indicated to Kris that he wanted her to lay down. As she lay down
she reluctantly released his cock from her mouth.

As Kris laid on her back, Brent, staying on his knees, leaned down and kissed his way down her tummy.  His cock was
hanging in Kris's face and she resumed her manipulations.  Brent continued nibbling and licking his way down her
tummy to her pubic swell, lightly covered with will trimmed hair.  As he continued lower with his lips and tongue Kris
spread her legs to allow him access to her pussy.  Brent licked down her inner thighs teasing her with his proximity to
her itching pussy.  The aroma of her womanhood aroused Brent and unable to delay any longer he slipped his tongue
into Kris's slippery pussy.

"MMMMMMmmmmm", Kris groaned as she thrust her pussy out to him. 

Her guttural moan on his cock was very exciting to Brent.  He could feel her starting to hump against his face as he
licked along her slit, then alternately slid his tongue deep inside and tickled her clit with his tongue.

She was sucking very hard on his cock and humping against him very strongly after only a few minutes of his licking
and sucking her pussy.  He raised his hips to remove his cock from her mouth, while slowing his action on her slit. 

"Now, now.......We're not getting too excited again, are we?" he teased.

"Oh, God - Yes!!"

"Well don't we want to 'build and build'.....?"

"It sounded good then......Now, I want to cum!!", she whined as she thrust her pussy against him deliberately.

"Well, I love to tease, so I think I'll hold you off for a bit yet......You haven't begged enough yet..." he replied.

Reaching beside him, he fumbled in the 'toy box' and withdrew something that had interested him.  It had a battery
pack with two cords coming out of it.  On the end of each cord was a little bullet shaped vibrator about as big around as
his thumb, and half it's length.

Sliding his elbows into the crook of Kris's knees, he eased her legs back and as he continued to maintain Kris's
excitement with little licks and sucks her puckered little asshole was exposed to him.  

"Mmmmm" Kris moaned in anticipation knowing Brent would lick her ass now too, as well as her pussy.

Taking slightly longer licks now, Brent slipped his tongue again over her pussy moving closer to her fully exposed

Kris squealed in ecstasy as he took long licks from her clit right down to, and over, her asshole.

Kris was instantly moaning and bucking against Brent's tongue.  He allowed her only a few licks before he backed off
yet again, against Kris's obvious objections.  

Brent then took one of the little bullets and squeezed some of the lubricant onto it.  He then took the lubricant and
squeezed some onto Kris's puckered little asshole, to her obvious appreciation.

He lowered his cock to Kris's eager mouth again and she swallowed it completely.  As Kris sucked on his cock, Brent
rested the little bullet against her slippery little hole.  Brent took Kris's clit between his lips and as he sucked on it she
again began to moan.  Sensing her growing anticipation, he started the tip of the toy into her ass, then with a hardsuck
on her clit, slipped the little toy in.  It slid into her easily, only the little string of a cord showed out of her tight little

Brent now eased Kris's excitement by moving from her sensitive clit and began to lightly lick her pussy. 

While he playfully ran his tongue along her very wet slit he realized that Kris was following his lead with the toy. 

He felt her fingers gently slide over his tight hole as she took long deep sucks on his rigid cock.  Her fingers were slick
and cool with lubricant as she erotically smeared it over his anus.  He felt her finger move away from his excited tight
ring, soon replaced by what he knew was the other little bullet.

 He instinctively pressed back against it and Kris, with a light scrape of his cock with her teeth dragged her mouth off
of his twitching cock, then, with a pause, she swallowed it again as she slipped the toy into his ass. 

He could barely feel the little toy in his ass, but the eroticism of it was extremely exciting to him - he began hump his
cock eagerly between Kris's hungry lips.  Kris too began to hump her pussy against Brent's now very eager licking and
sucking, matching Brent's humping his cock into her mouth.    They were both getting more and more aroused, the
foreplay was going to have to end - they were too eager now to hold back any longer.  They were both desperate to

With a last long deep lick along Kris's pussy, Brent raised himself up from Kris, simultaneously drawing his cock from
between her eager lips as she lowered her legs from behind his.  Brent turned and laid beside Kris, and with the passion
he almost forgot he had, drew her close to him as they kissed in supreme arousal. 

Kris, eager to feel Brent's cock inside her, rolled over and climbed onto of him.  Holding their kiss, Kris maneuvered
her pussy down his tummy until she felt the tip of his cock touch the sensitive skin of her pussy lips.  She sucked his
tongue into her mouth as she simultaneously sat down hard on his cock. 

A deep moan escaped both of them as Kris's pussy swallowed Brent's hard cock.  She gyrated on it for a few seconds as
they tagged their tongues in each other's mouth,  then Kris began to rhythmically ride up and down on Brent's cock
with long, sure, movements. 

 Brent reached for Kris's ass, and as she rode him with increasing tempo his hands found her cheeks and with eager
squeezes and firm pulling assisted her in riding her slick pussy along his twitching cock.

Kris, now nearly oblivious to anything except the sexual pleasure and tension building in her loins, raised herself to her
hands and knees, almost savagely driving her pussy down onto Brent's cock with frantic thrusts of her hips.

Brent sensed her nearing release and fumbled on the bed for the control for the toys that were in his and Kris's ass. 

Finding the control, he made it ready in his hand as he thrust his cock hard and deep into Kris as she met his strokes
with her own.  Brent sensed Kris getting closer and closer to orgasm - her breath was getting quick and was punctuated
with sharp squeals of  excitement.  He knew he was too nearing orgasm. 

Brent was almost at the point of no return, the physical pleasure that Kris's pussy was exerting on his cock was nearly
matched by the eye candy that she presented. Her face was drawn into the tension of sexual pleasure and her breasts
bounced in rhythm with her now frantic gyrations.

Brent knew this was the time. 

He flicked the switch on the control of the toys.  Instantly he felt the warm buzzing in his ass.  Instantly too, Kris
groaned in pleasure.

"AHHhhhh, uh uh uhhhhhhh", escaped her as she ground her ass down on Brent.

Kris felt the vibration of the toy in her ass, coupled with the same vibration of Brent's cock in her now dripping wet
pussy. That was it, her orgasm arrived with a furry.

"I' M cuumMMMMING!!!" she squealed as she humped less frantically and more deliberately on Brent's cock. With
hard sure thrusts, her wet twitching pussy swallowed his cock again and again.

"Cum for me, cover me with your juices" Brent managed to say just as his own orgasm hit. 

"I'm gonna CUM!" he moaned.

"Yyyesss" cum in me, cu-um in me...I wa-ant to feel your cum", Kris whispered in broken response.
"MMMmmmm, YESSssss," she continued, "I can feel your cock squirting inside me - fill my pussy with your cum..."

Waves of pleasure rolled over Kris as spurt after spurt of cum spewed into her from Brent's cock. 

She squeezed her pussy down on him as her orgasm rolled on and on...relishing the sensation of Brent's twitching
vibrating cock in her as her ass was gently warmed by the vibrator in her.

Slowly the sensations subsided to warmth in their loins.  Brent still clutching the control slowed down vibration of the
toys, then turned them off.

"That was fantastic", he managed to say as Kris lay back down on him, the skin of her breasts damp with sweat from
exertion and excitement.

"Mmmmmm, I came so HARD!", she told him as she laid her head on his chest.

"I know... It put me over the top.....You cum good.... And you look so sexy when you cum...."

"Hehe...really? ...

"Mmmhmm...... , very", Brent replied and then kissed the top of her head, in response she turned her head and gave
Brent a light kiss on his chest.

They laid quietly in the afterglow, regaining their breath and composure for a few long moments. 

Kris, gently stirring, broke the silence,  "I think it's my turn to head over to the bathroom" she commented as she
gently rose off of Brent. 
"I'll be right back.....", she smiled as she stood.  "Hehe....I guess I won't need this", she giggled as she reached back
and taking firm hold of its cord, slipped the little bullet out of her bum.

She quickly slipped into a pair of jogging pants and shoes then threw a coat around her.  She zipped the coat up to her
chin and slipped out of the cab.

As the cold air from the open door hit Brent naked on the bed, the urge his him as well.  He too stood and slipped the
toy out of his ass.  Throwing on his clothes, he too slipped out and headed to the washroom.

After racing to and from the washroom, Brent returned to the truck, quickly opened the passenger door, and slipped
through it to get out of the cold.  He quickly shed his clothes and slipped under the covers of the still warm bed.  

Kris was not far behind him and as she came through the door of the truck, she promptly got undressed and joined
Brent under the covers.

"Man its so cold out there....Warm me up" she said as she snuggled into Brent.

"I know, .... Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."  Brent replied, pulling Kris close.

"Well," she grinned, "It seems that you're not a monkey, not a brass one anyway" she giggled as she reached out and
began to fondle Brent's privates.

"MMMmmm, nope....guess not" he replied.  "But keeping with the animal analogies - Wanna fuck like bunnies?"

"MMmmHmmm, lets....." she agreed, already feeling Brent's cock starting to grow in her hand. 

Having Brent becoming aroused in her hand relights the passion that is residing within her. She begins to subtly rub her
pubic mound against Brent's leg in rhythm with her stroking of his swelling cock. His cock is growing quickly, a
reflection of Kris's skill at stroking his cock.  She too is showing physical signs of her arousal.  Brent can feel the
wetness of her juices on his leg as she humps firmly against it.

"When was the last time you masturbated?" she asks bluntly.

"Oh, a few days ago", he answers, surprised at the question.  "You?"

"The day before yesterday", she replies.  "Does your wife know you jerk off"

"No, and she wouldn't like it"

"The she probably wouldn't like me jerking you off then either...." She giggles.

"No, probably not.  Do you use your toys most of the time when you play?"


"I'd love to see you play.  Would you let me watch for a bit?" he asks, feeling his cock twitch at the prospect. 
Watching a woman play with herself is one of Brent's favorite sexual turn-ons.

"Hmmm.....would you like that?"

"mmmhmmm, I'd love to watch you use your toys"

"Well...ok, if you'd like to watch." Kris responds as she flips the covers off, and moves to the side of the bed. 

Taking a long pink toy from the box she smiles at Brent and proceeds to give him the show he desires. Kris turns her
back to him and keeping herself propped on her knees, lowers her head and shoulders onto the bed.  She is presenting
her ass and pussy to Brent from only 2 feet away.  He can smell the musky fragrance of her sex, and it is a huge turn on
for him. 

She plays at teasing him.  Her sexy ass raised in the air, she wiggles it seductively and slides her fingers over her
glistening slit.  Kris can feel Brent's eyes riveted on her ass and she hears his excited breathing as she slides the toy
slowly over her clit and lips....then as a special treat for Brent she teases the little brown rosebud of her ass with the tip
of the toy. 

Brent is overcome with the pure eroticism of her play and can't help but to take his cock in his hand.  His stroking is
almost an unconscious reflex as he is riveted on Kris's play.  He watches in pure sexual excitement as Kris turns the
base of the vibrator causing it to emit a slight buzz then slides the tip of it slowly along the lips of her pussy. 

Up and down her pussy she runs the tip of the vibrator, then she maneuvers the toy so the tip is spreading her lips.  She
pauses, then, with a sure practiced stroke slips the toy deep into her wet pussy.

"mmmMMmm" escapes her lips as the vibrator slips into her.  She begins to ride the toy in her hand and Brent can hear
the wet sexy sounds of Kris's play over the light buzz of the toy and her light moans.

Brent has a fantastic view and is becoming very aroused.  He reaches for the lubricant and squeezes some onto his
hand.  Again taking his cock in his hand he begins to stroke it again.  His hand, now covered in lubricant feels even
better on his now raging cock as he strokes totally enthralled by Kris's show. 

Kris, while continuing to slide the toy in and out of her pussy with one hand, has found the lubricant with the other.  As
Brent watches, mesmerized, she raises the tube of lubricant over her ass and squeezes out a long stream between her
cheeks.  Now dropping the tube on the bed, she runs her fingers through it over the tight ring of her asshole. 

Kris turns little circles inside her pussy with the toy with one hand, the fingers of the other continue to caress her bum. 
She wiggles the tip of a finger on her puckered hole, and then deliberately slides the finger into her ass.

"MMmmmm" they both moan, Kris from the sensation, Brent from the view.

This, happening only inches from Brent's stare excites him greatly, and Kris knows it.  She can hear his excited
breathing and the increased 'slap slap' of his hand on his cock.

She is aroused by her own actions and by knowing how aroused she is making Brent, she has the desire to feel his cock
and her toy inside her at the same time.

She starts to slide her finger in and out of her bum and looks over her shoulder at Brent.

She urges him, "Come fuck my ass".

Brent has thoroughly enjoyed the show, but is thrilled to have this opportunity.

"MMmmmm, Gladly."

He squeezes a bit more lube onto his cock and then places himself behind Kris on his knees. 

Taking his cock in his hand he slides the tip of it down the crack of her bum, until he feels it touch the little pucker of
Kris's asshole.

 He holds his cock there as Kris ever so slightly wiggles her ass against him. 

Kris, leaving the toy buzzing inside her pussy, reaches back and taking a cheek in each hand spreads her ass, and starts
to push her ass back on Brent's cock.

Brent can feel the pressure of Kris's well lubricated ass against his also slippery cock.  He feels the tightness of her ass
start to open up for him.  He can feel the tight ring as it dilates allowing the first half of his cockhead inside her.  Kris
steadily and slowly continues to push back. Brent feels the tight ring of her ass slowly, surely, accepting the head of his
cock.  Then, with a quick sure push from Kris, they feel the head of his cock slip past her sphincter muscle - into her

Kris pauses for a moment, to get accustomed to the feeling of Brent's cock in her bum, then with a sure steady motion
pushes back and swallows the full length of Brent's cock inside her.

Brent is in ecstasy.  As Kris's tight ass snuggly grips his entire cock he feels the toy, still buried in her pussy, erotically
buzzing along the length of his excited hard cock. Kris holds her ass still growing accustomed to Brent's cock.

She takes the toy in her hand again, and as she holds his cock tightly in her ass, she begins to stroke the toy in and out
and out of her quivering pussy.

After only a few moments of Kris's play with her toy, Brent feels her begin to relax and her grip on his throbbing cock
softens.  He has resisted the urge to withdraw and thrust into her ass over and over as long as he can stand. 

As she becomes more involved with her toy he slowly starts to slide his cock, inch by inch, out of her ass.  He stops
with just the head of his throbbing member inside her and then begins to stroke his lubricated tool back inside Kris's
tight ass.  He feels her tense up from the pressure of his hard thick cock slipping into her ass again, but he also feels her
begin to push back against him - welcoming the sensation of having both her holes filled.

"Ahhhh", she moans in pain and pleasure as he fills her ass with his hard cock.  The pain, although real, is not a totally 
unpleasant sensation.  She feels it slowly give way to the pleasure deep inside her, and as Brent now thrusts more
forcefully into her, she bucks harder against him - matching his thrusts with her own.

She presses the toy deep inside herself now, as deep as Brent's cock is thrusting into her ass.  Taking one of the pillows
from the bed above her head, she places it under her hips and lowers herself unto it.   She has relinquished all control of
the situation and begins to relish the feeling of Brent now strongly pounding his cock over and over into her ass.  She is
a willing if less active participant and as Brent's balls slap against her on each stroke, she turns small circles with the
toy inside her excited pussy. 

Kris hears Brent's excited breathing behind her.  She senses from his excited quickening humping of her ass, that he is
near cumming.  She raises her ass slightly and presses back.  Brent's hands take her ass and spread her cheeks,
providing incredible, deep, penetration. 

"Cu-um for me", she urges as his excited fucking of her ass breaks her speech, "Cum dee-eep in my a-ass".

"Aa-ahhh.... I'm gunna cum....cum in your ass", he manages to say between clenched teeth. 

With a deep thrust, he slams his cock deep into Kris's ass and releases a strong spurt of cum up inside her.  She feels
Brent abruptly stop his movements and then the pulse of his cock as it releases wad after wad of cum inside her ass. 

The pure sexual eroticism of it sends her over the top, and she feels her own orgasm come crashing down on her. 
Waves of pleasure and release wash over her. 

"AHhhhhHHH, ughhh, uh uh"  she squeals.

The twitching squeezes of her orgasm on Brent's cock is the most fantastic sensation he has ever experienced, and as
Kris moans in pleasure he holds his cock deep deep inside her as she continues to rock against her toy and his cock. 

Completely spent from their climaxes, they crash onto the bed in a tangle of arms, legs, sweat and cum. 
Not a word escapes either one of them for several minutes as they regain their breath and lay exhausted in the

Never say Never - my GF first anal sex experience

buckminster on Anal Stories

Well, I always swore I'd never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never" is very true. On Tuesday nite, Buck gave me a great back massage with warm sesame seed oil. (I just love the way that kind of oil feels - so smooth and silky.) He rubbed my back for a long time like he always does and then put some of the warm oil on my butt cheeks and thighs. He massaged the oil into my legs and butt cheeks then poured some of the warm oil into the crack of my butt. That felt so good back there. When he slid a finger into my asshole, it was sooo wicked and nasty. I felt relaxed, very excited and was looking forward to what I knew would happen next.
Buck got up on his knees, sat across the back of my thighs and started rubbing his

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cock up and down the crack of my ass. He'd rub it extra against my other hole and added more warm oil. He moved further forward on his knees and pushed harder against my ass.The head of his dick felt so huge. At this point, Buck stopped pressing and just held perfectly still while I wiggled my ass against his dick. We kept this up until I felt the head of his cock pop into my ass. My asshole burned for a second when that happened but then it felt so good with his cock in there. Buck continued to hold still in this position while I kept moving my ass and pushing more of his cock in there. I played with my clit when Buck began moving his hips. I never felt so full back there before.
Buck began to rock on his knees and started sliding his dick back and forth in my ass, getting harder and deeper. I laid there, face down on the pillow, my tummy on top of another pillow, with my ass up in air. As Buck began to ream out my ass, I reached back and grabbed Buck by the hair. I pulled his face down next to mine and I screamed:
"Fuck me! Fuck me harder, asshole!!".

Buck slid his cock in and out, almost pulling it all way out, then all the way back into my ass until his ball sack was up against my ass. I rubbed my pussy and my clity as he fucked me in the ass harder and harder.
Buck's behemoth of a dick didn't hurt like I thought it would and I began to cum now from rubbing my fuck button. I felt Buck's cock get bigger in my ass and knew he was ready to pop his load in me. He moved forward and mounted my ass higher. He pinned me down to the bed as he humped me harder than ever. As I felt the hot steamy goo when he started squirting deep in my ass, I came, too, And not from rubbing my clit. I felt a spasm and came again as Buck unloaded another squirt of cum pumped deep in my ass. Two more strokes filled my ass with so much of his love juice, I was overflowing. After that, Buck just sat still on top of my legs. We both just held still as our bodies twitched for a minute. He started moving his cock again. Buck was still firm and pulled his cock all the way out of my butthole, then suddenly shoved it back in hard, plowing deep into my ass, this time without any resistance. After only a few of those cock strokes so nice and deep in my ass, I came hard again!! I think Buck did, too.
Buck moved to get off me but I clamped my asshole down hard around his cock so he couldn't get away from me. I wanted more of his cock and cum but he was totally spent. He got softer and I let him pull his dick out of my ass. I can't ever remember seeing Buck so completely wasted after fucking me. He was moaning, breathing hard and kept mumbling about how he had never cum so hard in his life. Eventually Buck got up to get a warm, wet towel and wiped our fuck juices from my ass, my back and my legs. I just laid there, with my ass twitching, loving how Buck's hot cum felt in my well used ass and recalling how that third orgasm was so incredibly wonderful.
So that's how I lost my virgin ass cherry.... OMG, I never imagined I would ever let someone fuck me in the ass let alone cum so hard that way... An anal gangbang would be sooo wicked and naughty - have Buck and maybe two or three other guys fuck me in the ass and my pussy at the same time. I guess this means I'm really an anal cum slut now..LOL 

You know what they say -- "Never say Never", right? ...

How I lost my anal v-card (u wont believe who/what it was to)

eshore on Anal Stories

I was taking my shower n thinking of my dog. I had just gotten him. a perfect big golden retriever n i called him duke. when i was rubbing soap on my legs i had a thought. i wondered what it would feel like if i stuck a finger up my ass. i slowly started to finger my ass with my pinky. i didnt feel much since i had small hands when i was 11. i moved up to putting 2 fingers in; my thumb n index finger. it felt soo good. i started to moan n jack off at the same time. i allmost came right then n there when my mom came in n told me that i was using to much water n to hurry the fuck up. so i finished rinsing n turned the water off.

as i heard the final drops from the shower head hit the bottom of the tub, i heard panting outside the bathroom door. i knew it was duke but i didnt know

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what he was waiting for. i pulled the towel off the rack n started to dry off. i spent some extra time drying my dick too. (hehehe).

when i came out of the bathroom, duke instantly jumped off the ground n started trying to climb up my leg. i swatted him away n went into my room. little did i know that the door didnt latch when i shut it.

i heard the creak of the door opening...but i didnt think anything of it. then all of a sudden, my dog hops up on my back n starts shoving his huge cock up my tight ass as hard as he can. i screamed in pain n fell forward on my belly. he continued thrusting for about 3 minutes i guess. i dont really remember. i could feel his balls tapping on mine with every thrust. 

when he finally took his dick out of my ass...i looked down n saw his dick dripping of cum. i squeesed the cum he pumped in my ass out n dipped my finger in it. it tasted better than my cum. it was sweeter than mine. mine was a little salty.

n every day since then, i fuck my dog duke every chance i get. hes very nice n rough. plus he's got nice soft fur. thnx for reading my story. i hope u liked it even tough its a little short.

KELLI!!!! (aka. master aka. mommi) I <3 U!!!!

buckskin89 on Anal Stories

To get the basic descriptions out of the way, I am 5'6" with short blonde hair, green-blue-grey eyes, DD breasts and an average/athletic build. My boyfriend is 5'11" with short brown hair, honey brown eyes, and an average/athletic build. 

I was seventeen and my boyfriend came over to my parents house when I was home for the weekend. It was late at night, we had just finished watching a horror movie, and I was feeling horny. My boyfriend was tired from one of our earlier encounters and was refusing to help me out. So I started playing with my breasts and rubbing my clit. He was trying to ignore me until I c

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limbed on top of him and put his and on my breast and moved it down my body to my pussy, over top of my pants.

This is all happening in the family room of my house, just three open rooms away from my parents' bedroom. Neither of us cared very much though. I roll back off of him but still hold onto his hand. I'm begging him to make me cum with his hand and he still wouldn't give in. So I put his hand in my pants and forced one of his fingers into my pussy. He still isn't helping me until I begged him one last time to make me cum. Then he rammed two of his fingers into me and fingered me until I came.

As I was coming down from my erotic high, he put a finger in my ass and still had two in my pussy. I had told him before that I didn't like anything to do with anal but right then, it felt pretty good and I told him so. Then he put two fingers in and asked me if he could fuck me in the ass. I was so turned on right then that I told him he could and I wanted him to. So we climbed up onto the couch, him behind me, on our sides. He lubed up his dick and slowly put the tip in and asked me if I wanted more. After I told him I wanted him to fuck me like that, he put the rest of his dick in and we took our time fucking. My parents and little brother never woke up during our fuck session and I couldn't wait to see my boyfriend again three weeks later.  

Road Trip

_Brent_123 on Anal Stories

Road Trip


Brent was happy to finally get the chance to be away for a few days.  His wife had certainly changed over the last few years.  She used to be sexually adventurous but no more.... Straight 'slam bam thank you ma'am' and that was even more and more rare lately.  He missed the pure sexual passion he enjoyed with a woman when he was single or even newly married.  He had decided that he would risk an affair if the opportunity presented itself in the nex

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t few days. If he resided in a bigger center he probably already would have, but living as he did in a town of 1500 people didn't really offer the opportunity for secret liaisons - everyone knew everything about everyone.  He even had to take special precautions when he went online to play with women on the internet.  People where he lived are prone to just show up at other people's homes unannounced. It would appear 'curious' if Brent answered the door all flushed with a major hard on.....  Today though, was a chance to get away alone for 3 days. 

He was going to a city about 200 miles away to take some training for work, with any luck one of the women he had been playing online with would get a chance to come to his hotel room...he had brought his laptop to chat when he got there.....  His only concern now was the weather, it was the worst part of the winter, and he hoped that he wouldn't get snowed in without even making it to the city.

Nothing it seemed could take the joy out of Brent's heart or the excitement out of his loins. He was due into the city at about 5:30pm.  He'd have a shower and go online and see who was willing to come and play for real.  He was excited and had a difficult time keeping speed down, staying just over the speed limit when 'BANG' a horrible sound came out of the engine.  His car drifted to a stop with steam pouring out from under the hood.

Brent's heart sank. "Damn, I can't believe it." He muttered.

His first thought was not of the car but the time he was going to miss in the city.  He wasn't even going to try to see what he could do about the car.  It was still under warranty so he pulled out his cell phone and called AMA right away.  He told them approximately where he was and reminded them it was 50 miles from nowhere, and that it was very cold out.  They appreciated his predicament but informed him the closest tow truck was over an hour away.  He would have to do his best to stay warm while he waited. Brent put on his coat and settled in for a long cold wait.  Almost no traffic was out on this secondary road today, probably because of the cold.  A few cars went by but nobody even slowed down when they went sailing by him, rocking his car with the wash as they whined by. 

He had been there only about 15 minutes when he started to feel the temperature.  His feet were the first to get cold, and his toes were already starting to ache.  He knew he'd be completely frozen in the hour that he was told it would take the tow truck to get to him.  He decided that he'd have to get a passing vehicle to stop and wait with him or give him a ride to the city.

Brent zipped his coat up tighter, opened the door and stepped out into the frigid air.  Raising the car's hood  -  the universal trouble signal, he stood beside his car waiting for someone to come down the road.  It was less than five minutes later that he saw a semi truck approaching.  He raised both his hands as a signal and as the truck went by he saw brake lights and the truck moved to the side of the road.  It took about 60 yards for the truck to stop.  Brent ran up to it stepped up to the passenger door and opened it.

 The warmth of the cab was welcome as he quickly climbed in to the heat.  He took his first look at the driver of the truck.  He was pleasantly surprised to see that it was a woman.  A beautiful woman at that.  She was wearing a loose fitting button up shirt, jeans and running shoes.  Her long hair fell down her back in a shower. 

She smiled at him, "Trouble?"

"Yes, damn cold out there I'll tell you.  My car died about 45 minutes ago and I'm about numb."

"I would think so"

"I've called for a tow truck and it won't be here for at least a half hour.  Can I get a ride to the city, or have you got time to wait until the tuck gets here?"

"Well I do have a schedule to keep.  I can give you a lift though.  Do you know where they are taking your car?"

"Yeah, they told me the dealership it was going to"

"Ok good, let's roll then", she replied as she slipped the truck into gear and started to move ahead.  She was soon up to highway speed.

Once she had finished shifting gears, she turned to Brent, reached out her hand and said, "I'm Kris by the way."

Brent took her hand, and answered, "Nice to meet you Kris, I'm Brent."

"Oh, you're hands are freezing!" she said. "I've got the heat turned as high as it will go in this thing; I hope you're warming up."

"Yes, it's great, thanks.  I thought I was going to freeze to death. I'm ok now except my hands and feet."

"Well take your shoes off, the heat will get to them sooner."

"Ok, thanks." Brent replied as he slipped of his shoes and slid his feet into the heat from the blower.

"No problem, make yourself comfortable, we have about an hour and a half to get to the city."  Kris responded.   To be honest it's nice to have some company for a change.  I haven't had anyone to talk to except waitresses for six days."

"I've never picked up a hitchhiker before actually," she continued glancing at Brent, " I've been warned against it, there's lots of freaks out there.  You're not a serial killer or pervert are you?" she giggled.

"Not a serial killer for sure......define pervert" Brent answered with a chuckle.

"Ha ha..... I see", she smiled to herself.  "So Brent the pervert is it?"

"Not lately", Brent answered.  They slipped easily into a conversation of their home lives, each of them disappointing. Brent proceeded to tell her all about his passionless marriage and that this trip was to provide the opportunity for him to experience passion again.  She in turn told him about her present lack of involvement due to her work.  He discovered that she spent twenty five days a month away from home.  Most nights were spent in her rig, which she explained was her 'true' home.

"Well it looks comfortable," Brent noted as he turned to look into the sleeper behind them. 

"It is...go ahead and take a look if you want."

"Ok"  Brent replied as he slipped out of his seat and through the entrance of the sleeper.  He felt a distinct transition as he moved from the mechanical cab with all its buttons and dials, into this space which was defiantly a woman's bedroom.  The blankets were a soft pink and the pictures fastened to the walls were defiantly feminine.  There was a small TV/VCR built into the storage rack at the foot of the bed that he imagined she watched chick flicks on.  He noticed a woman's magazine laying on the nightstand, and then was slightly intrigued when he saw a pair of panties carelessly tossed on the floor.  A strange woman's panties would interest any man.  Wait, they weren't panties but on closer inspection - a thong.  He immediately imagined this beautiful woman in a thong...the thought aroused him.

"So, what do you think?' Kris asked.

"Very nice, you must be quite comfortable in there - TV and everything." Brent said as he sat back down in the passenger seat.

"Yep, and there's beer in the little fridge - party central", she laughed.

Looking ahead down the road Brent noticed brake lights and cars pulled over "What is going on up there?" Brent asked.

Kris started to gear down as they approached the traffic stopped on the road. "Don't know, accident maybe."

They came to a stop in the line of cars and trucks.  Kris switched on her CB and keyed the mic.  She asked if anyone knew what was stopping traffic.  The response came back that there was an avalanche on the road ahead about 2 miles.  The best estimate was 4-5 hours before the road would be open again. 

"Great", Kris moaned.

They happened to be only a couple of hundred yards from a rest area, so Kris slipped the truck into gear and maneuvered her way to the entrance and was able to find a spot to park alongside the other trucks.

"Well," Kris sighed, "Looks like we're here for a while."
"I guess so. So much for my wild night in the city" he replied with a frown.

Kris felt a pang of sympathy for Brent. "Well we aren't in the city, but remember -This IS 'Party Central' she responded with a smile.  "I'll grab us a beer."

Kris slipped out of her seat and climbed through the opening into the sleeper.  Brent turned to watch her pass and as she bent over the bed to reach into the little fridge he stared at her tight little ass.  It was gorgeous.  And, he noticed, no panty line. She must be wearing another thong he surmised - her jeans were so tight that had she been wearing panties, he surely would have seen the tell tale lines.

"Here you go" Kris stated as she handed Brent a beer and sitting facing him on the side of her seat.

"Thank-you, and thanks again for picking me up out there.  I wish the damn car hadn't broken down though - I would have likely made it past where the avalanche is."

"Hmmm maybe so.....but then I would have been stuck here on my own.  It's nice to have some company - although you are an admitted pervert..." she laughed.

"Ahhhh like I said though, it's been a while since I've been able to practice - not by choice however.  Besides, you never did define pervert" he added.

"Hmmm true..." she said as her eyes drifted to the ceiling in as she considered his question.  "Not an easy question to answer really......  I suppose 'pervert' is subjective.  What some might consider perverted, others consider a turn on."

"Exactly.  My wife considers all but straight 'man on top' sex a perversion."

"Really!?  Well that's perverted in its own way", Kris stated then took a long drink of her beer.

"My sentiments exactly", Brent answered then took a drink and added, "So what do you consider perverted?  ..... You know....... just to have another woman's perspective", he smiled.

Kris seemed reflective, carefully phrasing her answer.  "Well, it depends on my mood actually.  Sometimes, when in the heat of the moment know....when things are getting.....'involved' .......things seem less perverted"  Kris answered with a shy smirk.

"Ha ha...", Brent responded with a smile, "Well put....even if it was evasive."

"Well a lady needs a few secrets", Kris grinned.

"Hmmmm, I suppose.  Hey are you finding it getting colder in here?"

"Yes actually, but I'm not surprised, when this rig idles it doesn't give lots of heat.  I'll put on the electric heater back in the bunk - should help"

"Ok. Boy you're set up with about everything.  Question though - what about a washroom?"

"Nope - sorry.  There is one over there though", she pointed at a building on the edge of the rest stop."

"Ok, I better go out then.  This beer is going right through me."

"Ok, I'll try to warm this place up while you are gone".

Brent slipped out of the cab and into the cold.  He raced across the parking lot to the washroom.  He was back to the truck in a few minutes.

He climbed into the passenger seat, and closed the door.  Kris was no longer in the driver's seat.  He turned and saw her in the bunk, again reaching into the fridge.  "Another beer?"


"I turned on the electric heater back here.  C'mon back."

Brent could definitely not refuse that offer. Kris was sitting up on the bed with her pink comforter tucked up to her chin.  She was obviously cold as well. He climbed onto the bed and sat up beside her, there was no other option - thankfully.  Brent took the beer Kris offered.

"Thanks.  And it is quite a bit warmer back here." He added removing his coat. 

"Want to watch a movie or something?" Kris asked.

"Ummm define 'Something'", Brent grinned.

"Oh, you're bad! ....  Oh that's right you ARE a pervert." She laughed, "Pick a movie!" she stated in pretend authority.

"Ok, ok....geez.... Where do you keep them?"

"Under the TV in the cupboard"

Brent opened the cupboard and reviewed the titles.  He really didn't care what they watched; he just wanted to get back onto the bed with Kris.   He grabbed one that sounded interesting and slipped it into the VCR.  He turned back and climbed along the bed back to sit/lay beside Kris. 

"You warm enough now? Kris asked.

"Yeah it's warm enough in here, but I can't shake this chill."

"Here, c'mon", Kris said as she lifted the blanket for him to climb under with her."

"MMmmmm nice" Brent sighed as he snuggled under the blanket with Kris.  He could feel the heat radiating from her body.  He was so close to this gorgeous woman, but there had been no real contact between them yet. He was no fool though; no woman would let a man lay on a bed with her without there being a good chance that she would have sex with him. However, until they were being very intimate there was still the chance that she would call it off. He felt that he needed be forward, but not forceful.

Brent was watching, but not paying any attention to the movie, he was getting hornier by the minute as he considered his situation.  He couldn't resist any longer and subtly moved his arm under the blanket as he took a drink of his beer.  His arm gently lay against Kris's, which she didn't move away.  Taking this as a positive sign, Brent reached out his hand and laid it on hers.

"This is very nice", he told her.

"Mmmmm. It is." She replied, "You know what?"


"I'm starting to get the 'things seeming less perverted' feeling", she said with a smile, turning her face toward him.

Brent leaned toward Kris and met her lips with his.  They held a passionate kiss, their tongues probing each other's mouths.  Brent lightly sucked on Kris's tongue, she fully turned toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him toward her. 

She gently broke her kiss and leaning toward his ear whispered, "How much of a hurry are you to get to the city?  If you want, we could stay here all night..... would that fulfill some of your 'passionate desires'?"

"Mmmmm, I'd love to, but I have quite a few desires....... Are you wanting to fulfill them?", he responded.

"If you are willing to fulfill mine.....", she whispered as she nibbled on his ear.

"I'd love to." He whispered in response, "Name a desire, and I'll gladly fulfill it." 

"Hmmmm......probably a lot like yours." She continued to nibble his ear and lick his neck.  "You say you miss passion?  You're tired of 'wham bam thank-you ma'am'?  The most passionate thing to me is foreplay. I like to build and build first...."

"MMMmmmmmmm, I love that", Brent responded and then whispered in her ear, "I want to make you so hot you are begging to cum.  I want to tease and tease you....nibble you, caress you, lick you, ....  I want to excite you to the most extreme height of passion you can imagine.....  I want to excite you mentally, visually, every way..."

Brent's hands roamed over Kris's back pulling her to him, his hands gently massaged her shoulders under her long flowing hair, and down her back to the gentle swell of her hips.  He leaned down kissing and lightly licking her neck and throat. 

"Mmmmm", she moaned and ran her fingers through Brent's hair, "That feels so good."

Brent continued kissing, nibbling and licking down Kris's throat to the top of her chest.  With one hand on her back he used his free hand to start on the buttons of her shirt.  Loosening the first button, his lips touched her chest with soft gentle kisses. Releasing the next button he kissed the top of her breasts, which were still constricted by her lacy white bra.  As he kissed Kris's chest and partially exposed breasts he felt her heart racing and her breath shortening.... beginning to show her excitement.  He felt his own excitement too.  His quickly rising member struggled to grow in his jeans.

Kris slid down on the bed and Brent followed her - continuing to nibble on her chest and now exposed tummy.   Brent nibbled and licked on her tummy as she started to writhe under him.  Her shirt was now fully open and her breasts were covered only by her bra.  Brent continued down her tummy with kisses. Upon reaching the waistline of her pants, he reached up and unfastened the button. 

Brent loves to undress women, it is one of the sexiest things in the world to him - the joy of exposing more and more soft private flesh with each movement always aroused him. With one hand holding her waistband, he pulled down her zipper very slowly.  Following the opening of the zipper with kisses, he nuzzled the tender flesh of her abdomen and continued down to touch his tongue to her panty line.  
Kris was steadily growing in excitement.  She almost savagely groped at Brent's pants, feverishly unfastening his belt, button and zipper.  She wanted his cock - now.  Brent felt the relief on his member as she loosened his pants.  As soon as she had his zipper down he feels his cock, now released, growing to its full length.  
Kris reached up, taking Brent's pants and slides them down his thighs.  He raises one knee, then the other, as Kris slid Brent's pants over his feet and off of him.  She raised her hips as she removed Brent's pants as an invitation to him to remove her own.  Hooking his thumbs in her waistband he pushed down. The pants slip over her tight sexy bottom and down her legs.  As her flesh is exposed he again followed with his tongue and lips - kissing and nibbling her hips, her tender thighs, and down until he pushed the pants over her feet. 

Her socks are next.  He slipped them off , then taking each toe in turn he slipped his lips over them, drew them into his mouth and gently sucked on them.  Kris immediately went wild.

"MMmmmmhmm...mmmmMMMMmmMMmm"  she moaned as he sucked her toes and licked her feet.

Leaning up, she pulled her arms out of her shirt as Brent licked and nibbled back up her ankles and calves.  Brent reaches for his own shirt, raises himself up to his knees as he pulls it up and over his head.  He threw it on the growing pile of clothes on the floor.  Kris reached out for him, "Come here", she says with a smile taking Brent's arm. She pulled him to the bed beside her - both of them now naked except for their underwear. His fingers traced along her exposed thighs and he feels Kris's excited response as she unconsciously separated her legs as his fingers proceed up her inner thighs.

"It's getting warm in here now", he grinned. 

"mmmhmmm, almost too warm. If you keep teasing me like that I won't be able to help myself - remember, we have all night...."

They had each expressed their desire to prolong the excitement, and here they were after only fifteen minutes down to their underwear, both hearts racing and excitement growing rapidly in them both.

"I know", he said , "I love to tease though", he said as he gave her a light kiss. 

"So it seems", she replied smiling broadly as he nibbled her neck. "Do you know what I'd like right now?", Kris asked.

"I can't imagine"...he smiled......"But whatever it is..... Yes."

"Hehe... ya nut....Seriously, I'd love a backrub.  Sensual ........but it'd let me cool down a bit sexually"

"Sure.... I'd love to....roll over gorgeous." Brent answered sitting up.
Kris immediately rolled onto her tummy.  'Mmmmm' Brent thought 'I knew she had on a thong. Gorgeous ass.....mmmMMmm’.

Brent's hands found the small of Kris's back and he started to gently knead and rub.  Slowly he worked his way up her back to her shoulders, then back down.  This time as he passed the strap of her bra he deftly squeezed the clasp and it released.  As the strap fell away from her back Brent focused a gently rubbing of Kris's skin where the bra strap had been.  He continued to run his hands down her back to the top strap of her thong.  Slipping over it he continued down to her tailbone.  Kris was quietly moaning in appreciation to Brent's massage and the moans became subtly higher in pitch
as he ran his hands over the perfect mounds of her bum. 

Brent was an 'ass' man and massaging Kris's bum was, despite her obvious pleasure, more of a turn on for him than her.  He was mesmerized by the sexy swell of her ass and the firm and soft feel of her flesh.  If his cock was hard before it was supremely hard now.  He leaned down and gave Kris's ass a light kiss and a gentle nibble, first one cheek, then the other.  Then tracing the string of her thong, he first kissed then slid the tip of his tongue from her tailbone down to the cleavage of her cheeks.  Slightly separating them while he massaged, he continued down to lick between the cheeks of her bum.

Kris was thoroughly enjoying this attention and raised her hips presenting her ass to him.  Taking the strings of the thong from her hips, he slipped it down her legs, then as she raised each knee in turn  he slipped the thong off of her.   This was the sexiest sight he could remember, Kris was laid out on the bed, now completely naked with her ass up and inviting him. 

Brent knelt behind her again and as he resumed his backrub on the swell of her hips he lowered his face to her sexy bum.  He licked and sucked down the line of her ass almost to the tightly puckered hole.  Then, after a deliberate pause of 3-4 seconds, he slid his hot wet tongue over her rosebud. Kris jumped and whined in pleasure as he licked then deliberately tickled her sphincter with the tip of his tongue.  She pushed her ass back against his tongue and he slipped just the tip of it through the tight ring of her bum.

"Ahhhhhh MMMMMMmmmmm ah ah AH!", she moaned as Brent touched ever so little into her tight little bum with his tongue.

Kris reached back and placing her hands on his, spread her ass farther inviting him to slip more of his tongue into her ass.  With a final long wet lick across her ass, Brent gently backed away from her gorgeous bum and proceeded to massage up her back again.

 With a whimper, Kris lowered her bum and relaxed again as Brent massaged up to her shoulders and neck.  He nibbled on her neck and then lowered himself down onto her back.  His cock, fully engorged but still restricted in his underwear, laid neatly between the cheeks of Kris's ass. 

He nibbled up her neck to her ear and whispered, "Told you I was a pervert."

"Mmmmm, you are.....and I love it." She whispered back, squeezing his cock with her ass cheeks.  "Nobody has ever licked my ass's fantastic.   Do it some more? Please?"

"Later..... I promise.  Someone was getting way too excited......", Brent teased.

"Mmmm, I was wasn't I?.......And....", she made a deliberate squeeze with her cheeks on his cock, "so was someone else."

"Mmmmm, that's right.... Your bum is a serious turn on for me." Brent responded. "I'll love sliding my tongue way inside it...MMmmmm", he added with a slight press of his hips sliding his cock along her ass.

"MmmmmMMM.  I can't wait." She purred.  "Do you like anal sex?" she asked.
"I'm sure I would If I ever get to do it.   I'm obsessed with the prospect.  A few women have let me try, but I've never been able to get it in." he admitted as he rose off of her to lay beside her.

"Really?", she said turning to face him, "I've done it, a long time ago....I liked it.  But my last boyfriend thought it was "sick - only for queers', so I haven't done it for a long time."

Smiling at Brent she added, "I'd love to let you tonight." She winked at him, " The trick is lots of lube and a willing partner.... And baby you've got me willing."

A coy smile spread across Kris's face, and reached into a bedside closet, "And, in so far as 'lubricant', there should be some in here", she giggled as she handed Brent a shoebox.

Brent looked inside and realized that this was Kris's 'toy box'.    He grinned at Kris, who giggled with a look of excitement with a slight blush of embarrassment. 

Brent excitedly rummaged through the box.  He loved toys, but his wife had not allowed them at home for years, much to his displeasure.

"Yep there's some lubricant in here", Brent stated with a grin as he withdrew a large tube of flavoured oil from the box. He noticed that about a third of the lubricant was gone.  "And some other 'interesting' things."

"Well.....", Kris grinned as she blushed, " .....a girl has needs, you know."

"I know.........I noticed", he replied with a smile.  "Let's just leave this handy - we might want to use these things......"

"Well we don't have use for 'these' things", Kris replied as she tugged on Brent's underwear.  He was on his knees and as Kris lowered his shorts his penis flopped free against her breasts.  She leaned forward to slide his underwear down further, and as she slipped them his knees she deftly opened her mouth and inhaled his half erect prick. 

As Kris supported herself on her hands and knees in front of him, Brent reached down and took her hanging breasts in his hands.  Brent's cock was rapidly growing as Kris kept it all in her mouth, manipulating it with her tongue.

"Ahhhhhh mmmMMmm", Brent groaned as Kris kept her lips locked on the root of Brent's cock. 

As she tickled it with her tongue, she allowed it to grow inch by inch down her throat. 

Kris raised one hand from the bed and cupped Brent's balls.  With gentle squeezes and kneading of his scrotum, she expertly sucked and licked on Brent's now fully erect cock.  She began to slide her lips slowly up and down Brent's throbbing cock.  With the lubrication of ample saliva, Kris's lips and tongue were like liquid velvet on Brent's excited cock.

Moving his hands from Kris's breasts to her sides he indicated to Kris that he wanted her to lay down. As she lay down she reluctantly released his cock from her mouth.

Kris was laying on her back, Brent, staying on his knees, leaned down and kissed his way down her tummy.  His cock was hanging in Kris's face and she resumed her manipulations.  Brent continued nibbling and licking his way down her tummy to her pubic swell, lightly covered with will trimmed hair.  As he continued lower with his lips and tongue Kris spread her legs to allow him access to her pussy.  Brent licked down her inner thighs teasing her with his proximity to her itching pussy.  The aroma of her womanhood aroused Brent and unable to delay any longer he slipped his tongue into Kris's slippery pussy.

"MMMMMMmmmmm", Kris groaned as she thrust her pussy out to him. 

Her guttural moan on his cock was very exciting to Brent.  He could feel her starting to hump her mound against his face as he licked along her slit, then alternately slid his tongue deep inside and tickled her clit with his tongue.

She was now sucking very hard on his cock and humping against him passionately after only a few minutes of his licking and sucking her pussy.  He raised his hips to remove his cock from her mouth, while slowing his action on her slit. 

"Now, now...." he scolded   "......We're not getting too excited again, are we?" he teased.

"Oh, Gawd! - Yes!!"

"Don't we want to 'build and build'.....?"

"It sounded good then....I'm so hot now...... I need to cum!!", she whined as she thrust her pussy against him deliberately.

"Well, I love to tease, so I think I'll hold you off for a bit yet......You haven't begged enough yet..." he replied

Reaching beside him, he fumbled in the 'toy box' and withdrew something that had interested him.  It had a battery pack with two cords coming out of it.  On the end of each cord was a little bullet shaped vibrator about as big around as his thumb, and half it's length.

He was still on top of her in the '69' postion and he slid his elbows into the crook of Kris's knees, he eased her legs back. Her ass was gently raised from the bed, and as he continued to tease her little pussy with light licks, her asshole was exposed to him.

"Mmmmm" Kris moaned in anticipation knowing Brent would lick her ass now too, as well as her pussy.

Taking slightly longer licks now, Brent slipped his tongue again over her pussy moving closer to her fully exposed

Kris squealed in ecstasy as he finally took a long lick from her clit right down to, and over, her asshole.

Kris was instantly moaning and bucking against Brent's tongue.  He allowed her only a few licks before he backed off yet again, against Kris's obvious objections.

Brent took one of the little bullets and squeezed some of the lubricant onto it.  He also squeezed some onto Kris's puckered little asshole and massaged it, to her vocal appreciation.

Lowering his cock to Kris's eager mouth again and she swallowed it completely.  As Kris sucked on his cock, Brent rested the little bullet against her slippery little hole.  Taking Kris's clit between his lips he sucked and she again began to moan.  Sensing her growing anticipation, he started the tip of the toy into her ass, then with a hard suck on her clit, slipped the little toy in.  It slid in easily, only the little string of a cord showed out of her tight little bum.  

Brent now eased Kris's excitement by moving from her sensitive clit and began to lightly lick her pussy. 

While he playfully ran his tongue along her very wet slit he realized that Kris was following his lead with the toy. 

He felt her fingers gently slide over his tight hole as she took long deep sucks on his rigid cock.  Her fingers were slick and cool with lubricant as she erotically smeared it over his anus.  He felt her finger move away from his excited tight ring, soon replaced by what he knew was the other little bullet.

 He instinctively pressed back against it and Kris, with a light scrape with her teeth, dragged her mouth off of his twitching cock, then, with a pause, she swallowed it again as she slipped the toy into his ass. 

He could barely feel the little toy in his ass, but the eroticism of it was extremely exciting to him - he began hump his cock eagerly between Kris's hungry lips.  Kris too began to hump her pussy against Brent's now very eager tongue, matching his thrusting into her mouth.  They were both getting more and more aroused and the foreplay was going to have to end - they were too eager now to hold back any longer.  They were both desperate to fuck.

With a last long deep lick along Kris's pussy, Brent raised himself up from Kris, simultaneously drawing his cock from between her eager lips as she lowered her legs from behind his arms.  Brent turned and laid beside Kris, and with the passion he almost forgot he had, drew her close to him as they kissed in supreme arousal. 

Kris, eager to feel Brent's cock inside her, rolled over and climbed onto of him.  Holding their kiss, Kris maneuvered her pussy down his tummy until she felt the tip of his cock touch the sensitive skin of her pussy lips.  She sucked his tongue into her mouth as she simultaneously lifted up and back - sitting down forcefully on his cock. 

A deep moan escaped both of them as Kris's pussy swallowed Brent's hard cock.  She gyrated on it for a few seconds as they tagged their tongues in each other's mouth,  then Kris began to rhythmically ride up and down on Brent's cock with long sure movements. 

Brent reached for Kris's ass, and as she rode him with increasing tempo his hands found her cheeks. With eager squeezes and firm clutches, he assisted her in riding her slick pussy along his twitching cock.

Kris, now nearly oblivious to anything except the sexual pleasure and tension building in her loins, raised herself to her hands and knees, almost savagely driving her pussy down onto Brent's cock with frantic thrusts of her hips - a sporadic and steady groaning escaped her throat as she drove herself desperately toward orgasm.

Brent sensed her nearing release and fumbled on the bed for the control for the toys that were in his and Kris's ass. 

Clutching the control, he made it ready in his hand as he thrust his cock hard and deep into Kris as she met his strokes with her own.  Brent sensed Kris getting closer and closer to orgasm - her breath was getting quick and was punctuated with sharp squeals of  excitement.  He knew he was too nearing orgasm. He lifted his ass off the bed to give them both the utmost pleasure and penetration - Kris screamed in excitement as she felt the tip of Brent's cock thrust hard against her womb. 

Brent was almost at the point of no return, the physical pleasure that Kris's pussy was exerting on his cock was nearly matched by the erotic view that Kris presented. Her eyes were closed in pleasure and concentration and her face was drawn into the tension of sexual pleasure - her breasts bounced in rhythm with her now frantic gyrations.

Brent knew this was the time. 

He flicked the switch on the control of the toys.  Instantly he felt the warm buzzing in his ass.  Instantly too, Kris gasped in pleasure.

"AHHhhhh, uh uh uhhhhhhh", escaped her as she ground her ass down on Brent.

Kris felt the vibration of the toy in her ass, coupled with the same vibration of Brent's cock in her now dripping wet pussy. That was it!!!! Her orgasm arrived with a furry.

"I' M cuumMMMMING!!!" she squealed as she humped less frantically and more deliberately on Brent's cock. With hard sure thrusts, her wet twitching pussy swallowed his cock again and again.

"Cum for me, cover me with your juices" Brent managed to say just as his own orgasm hit. 

"I'm gonna CUM!" he moaned.

"Yyyesss" cum in me, cu-um in me...I wa-ant to feel your cum", Kris whispered in broken response.
"MMMmmmm, YESSssss," she continued, "I can feel your cock squirting inside me - fill my pussy with your cum..."

Waves of pleasure rolled over Kris as spurt after spurt of cum gushed into her from Brent's twitching cock. 

She squeezed her pussy down on him as her orgasm rolled on and on...relishing the sensation of Brent's pulsing vibrating cock in her as her ass was gently warmed by the vibrator.

Slowly the sensations subsided to warmth in their loins.  Brent still clutching the control slowed down vibration of the toys, then turned them off.


"That was fantastic!", he managed to say after Kris lay back down on him, the skin of her breasts damp with sweat from exertion and excitement.

"Mmmmmm, I came so HARD!", she told him as she laid her head on his chest.

"I know... It put me over the top.....You cum good!.... And you look so sexy when you cum...."

"Hehe...really? ...

"Mmmhmm...... , very", Brent replied and then kissed the top of her head, in response she turned her head and gave Brent a light kiss on his chest.

They laid quietly in the afterglow, regaining their breath and composure for a few long moments. 

Kris, gently stirring, broke the silence,  "I think it's my turn to head over to the bathroom" she commented as she gently rose off of Brent. 
"I'll be right back.....", she smiled as she stood.  "Hehe....I guess I won't need this", she giggled as she reached back and taking firm hold of its cord, slipped the little bullet out of her bum.

She quickly slipped into a pair of jogging pants and shoes then threw a coat around her.  She zipped the coat up to her chin and slipped out of the cab.

As the cold air from the open door hit Brent naked on the bed, the urge his him as well.  He too stood and slipped the toy out of his ass.  Throwing on his clothes, he also slipped out and headed to the washroom.

After racing to and from the washroom, Brent returned to the truck, quickly opened the passenger door, and slipped through it to get out of the cold.  He shed his clothes and slipped under the covers of the still warm bed.  

Kris was not far behind him and as she came through the door of the truck, she promptly got undressed and joined Brent under the covers.

"Man its so cold out there....Warm me up" she said as she snuggled into Brent.

"I know, .... Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."  Brent replied, pulling Kris close.

"Well," she grinned, "It seems that you're not a monkey, not a brass one anyway" she giggled as she reached out and began to fondle Brent's privates.

"MMMmmm, nope....guess not" he replied.  "But keeping with the animal analogies - Wanna fuck like bunnies?"

"MMmmHmmm, lets....." she agreed, already feeling Brent's cock starting to grow in her hand. 

Having Brent becoming aroused in her hand relights the passion that is residing within her. She begins to subtly rub her pubic mound against Brent's leg in rhythm with her stroking of his swelling cock. His cock is growing quickly, a reflection of Kris's skill at stroking his cock.  She too is showing physical signs of her arousal.  Brent can feel the wetness of her juices on his leg as she humps firmly against it.

"When was the last time you masturbated?" she asks bluntly.

"Ummmm..........a few days ago", he answers, surprised at the question.  "You?"

"The day before yesterday", she replies.  "Does your wife know you jerk off"

"No, and she wouldn't like it"

"The she probably wouldn't like me jerking you off then either...." She giggles.

"No, probably not.  Do you use your toys most of the time when you play?"

"Mmmhmmm...... "

"I'd love to see you play.  Would you let me watch for a bit?" he asks, feeling his cock twitch at the prospect.  Watching a woman play with herself is one of Brent's favorite sexual turn-ons.

"Hmmm.....would you like that?"

"mmmhmmm, I'd love to watch you use your toys"

"Well...ok, if you'd like to watch." Kris responds as she flips the covers off, and moves to the side of the bed. 

Taking a long pink toy from the box she smiles at Brent and proceeds to give him the show he desires. Kris turns her back to him and keeping herself propped on her knees, lowers her head and shoulders onto the bed.  She is presenting her ass and pussy to Brent from only 2 feet away.  He can smell the musky fragrance of her sex, and it is a huge turn on for him. 

She plays at teasing him.  Her sexy ass raised in the air, she wiggles it seductively and slides her fingers over her glistening slit.  Kris can feel Brent's eyes riveted on her ass and she hears his excited breathing as she slides the toy slowly over her clit and lips....then as a special treat for Brent she teases the little brown rosebud of her ass with the tip of the toy. 

Brent is overcome with the pure eroticism of her play and can't help but to take his cock in his hand.  His stroking is almost an unconscious reflex as he is riveted on Kris's play.  He watches in pure sexual excitement as Kris turns the base of the vibrator causing it to emit a slight buzz then slides the tip of it slowly along the lips of her pussy. 

Up and down her pussy she runs the tip of the vibrator, then she maneuvers the toy so the tip is spreading her lips.  She pauses, then, with a sure practiced stroke slips the toy deep into her wet pussy.

"mmmMMmm" escapes her lips as the vibrator slips into her.  She begins to ride the toy in her hand and Brent can hear the wet sexy sounds of Kris's play over the light buzz of the toy and her light moans.

Brent has a fantastic view and is becoming very aroused.  He reaches for the lubricant and squeezes some onto his hand.  Again taking his cock in his hand he begins to stroke it again.  His hand, now covered in lubricant feels even better on his now raging cock as he strokes totally enthralled by Kris's show. 

Kris, while continuing to slide the toy in and out of her pussy with one hand, has found the lubricant with the other.  As Brent watches, mesmerized, she raises the tube of lubricant over her ass and squeezes out a long stream between her cheeks.  Now dropping the tube on the bed, she runs her fingers through it over the tight ring of her asshole. 

Kris turns little circles inside her pussy with the toy with one hand, the fingers of the other continue to caress her bum.  She wiggles the tip of a finger on her puckered hole, and then deliberately slides the finger into her ass.

"MMmmmm" they both moan, Kris from the sensation, Brent from the view.

This, happening only inches from Brent's stare excites him greatly, and Kris knows it.  She can hear his excited breathing and the increased 'slap slap' of his hand on his cock.

She is aroused by her own actions and by knowing how aroused she is making Brent, she has the desire to feel his cock and her toy inside her at the same time.

She starts to slide her finger in and out of her bum and looks over her shoulder at Brent. She urges him, "Come fuck my ass".

"MMmmmm, Gladly."

He squeezes a bit more lube onto his cock and then places himself behind Kris on his knees. 

Taking his cock in his hand he slides the tip of it down the crack of her bum, until he feels it touch the little pucker of Kris's asshole.

 He holds his cock there as Kris ever so slightly wiggles her ass against him. 

Kris, leaving the toy buzzing inside her pussy, reaches back and taking a cheek in each hand spreads her ass, and starts to push her ass back on Brent's cock.

Brent can feel the pressure of Kris's well lubricated ass against his also slippery cock.  He feels the tightness of her ass start to open up for him.  He can feel the tight ring as it dilates allowing the first half of his cockhead inside her.  Kris steadily and slowly continues to push back. Brent feels the tight ring of her ass slowly, surely, accepting the head of his cock.  Then, with a quick sure push from Kris, they feel the head of his cock slip past her sphincter muscle - into her ass.

Kris pauses for a moment, to get accustomed to the feeling of Brent's cock in her bum, then with a sure steady motion pushes back and swallows the full length of Brent's cock inside her.

Brent is in ecstasy.  As Kris's tight ass snuggly grips his entire cock he feels the toy, still buried in her pussy, erotically buzzing along the length of his excited hard cock. Kris holds her ass still growing accustomed to Brent's cock.

She takes the toy in her hand again, and as she holds his cock tightly in her ass, she begins to stroke the toy in and out and out of her quivering pussy.

After only a few moments of Kris's play with her toy, Brent feels her begin to relax and her grip on his throbbing cock softens.  He has resisted the urge to withdraw and thrust into her ass over and over as long as he can stand. 

As she becomes more involved with her toy he slowly starts to slide his cock, inch by inch, out of her ass.  He stops with just the head of his throbbing member inside her and then begins to stroke his lubricated tool back inside Kris's tight ass.  He feels her tense up from the pressure of his hard thick cock slipping into her ass again, but he also feels her begin to push back against him - welcoming the sensation of having both her holes filled.

"Ahhhh", she moans in pain and pleasure as he fills her ass with his hard cock.  The pain, although real, is not a totally unpleasant sensation.  She feels it slowly give way to the pleasure deep inside her, and as Brent now thrusts more forcefully into her, she bucks harder against him - matching his thrusts with her own.

She presses the toy deep inside herself now, as deep as Brent's cock is thrusting into her ass.  Taking one of the pillows from the bed above her head, she places it under her hips and lowers herself unto it.   She has relinquished all control of the situation and begins to relish the feeling of Brent now strongly pounding his cock over and over into her ass.  She is a willing if less active participant and as Brent's balls slap against her on each stroke, she turns small circles with the toy inside her excited pussy. 

Kris hears Brent's excited breathing behind her.  She senses from his excited quickening humping of her ass, that he is near cumming.  She raises her ass slightly and presses back.  Brent's hands take her ass and spread her cheeks, providing incredible, deep, penetration. 

"Cu-um for me", she urges as his excited fucking of her ass breaks her speech, "Cum dee-eep in my a-ass".

"Aa-ahhh.... I'm gunna cum....cum in your ass", he manages to say between clenched teeth. 

With a deep thrust, he slams his cock deep into Kris's ass and releases a strong spurt of cum up inside her.  She feels Brent abruptly stop his movements and then the pulse of his cock as it releases wad after wad of cum inside her ass. 

The pure sexual eroticism of it sends her over the top, and she feels her own orgasm come crashing down on her.  Waves of pleasure and release wash over her. 

"AHhhhhHHH, ughhh, uh uh"  she squeals.

The twitching squeezes of her orgasm on Brent's cock is the most fantastic sensation he has ever experienced, and as Kris moans in pleasure he holds his cock deep deep inside her as she continues to rock against her toy and his cock. 

Completely spent from their climaxes, they crash onto the bed in a tangle of arms, legs, sweat and cum.  Not a word escapes either one of them for several minutes as they regain their breath and lay exhausted in the afterglow.ÂÂ