Search results for "mila kunis"

Mila Kunis Meets The Fanboys

Muhabba1 on Celebrity Stories

This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t know Mila Kunis or have anything to do with her. Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.

This is the first in a series of loosely connected stories (they all share one character) about actors promoting their projects at a ComiCon. You don’t have to read any of the other stories (after I write them, this is just the first one) to understand any one story. Please to enjoy.

Story Code: M+/F,